The Straits Times, 17 May 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 485 1 Opposition Expected At UMNO Talks From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. CONSIDERABLE opposition Is expected to the proposals for Malayan citizenship made by the Communities Liaison Committee, when they are discussed at a special Tneeting of the United Malays National Organisation in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday.
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 1 THE QUEEN ADMIRES silver exhibits at the Malayan >:;tnd at the British Industries Fair L.N.A. picture.
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  • 140 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Tuesday. ]\|K. George Earle, chairman of Associated Portland A Cement Manufacturers* today announced the formation of a company in Malaya. While we realise there are definite risks in investing i money in Malaya." he said, "we feel justified in doing this
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  • 30 1 JAKARTA, Tues.— An Australian pilot, John Boderick, who was shot by an Indone.m m soldier at Jakarta last Thursday died in hospital oday.— Reuter- AAP.
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  30 words
  • 71 1 LONDON, Tues. Tin War Minister. Mr. John Strachey. was told in the Commons by Mr. S. S. Awbery today that he is fostering Communism in Malaya by refusing; salary increases to the Singapore Army Civil Service. Mr. Strachey said: "It has hern decided that the claim for salary
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  • 76 1 HONG KONG, Tues. MAJ.-Gen. Claire Chennault, president of the American-owned Civil Air Transport Incorporated, has decided to appeal to the Privy Council against the Hong Kong Supreme Court's decision refusing his application to appoint a receiver for the disputed assets of the Chinese airlines' China
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  • 70 1 CALCUTTA, Tues. rE first General Election under the new Republican Constitution will be held in India by April or May of next year. Sikumar Sen. Chief Election Commissioner, who is touring the States, said that about 170.000.000 people are expected to vote. The Constitution grants universal adult
    AP  -  70 words
  • 20 1 SUEZ. Tues.— The troopship Athos II has arrived at Suez from Marseilles en route to Saigon with 1,449 reinforcements.—A.P.
    AP  -  20 words
  • 78 1 Before the General Assembly of UMNO on Saturday will be the recommendation of UMNO's own Executive Committee of acceptance of the principle to pass legislation creatlne subjects of a Ruler of a Malay State. Capt. Hussein bin Onn actIng Secretary-General of UMNO, says In a letter to
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  • 28 1 HONG KONG. Tues.—Peking Government trade agents In Hong Kong are seeking to purchase river vessels to restore navigation on the Yangtze and Pearl Rivera. Reuter.
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 1 ONLY the framework of this has remained after it was set on flre by two Chinese in Singapore early yesterday morning. (Below) G. Kathirasan, the driver of the bus. Straits Times pictures. Story in P. 7.
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  • 152 1 (GENERAL Carlos P. Romulo, President of the United Nations General Assembly and the Philippines Foreign Secretary, arrives in Singapore tbday for a 24-hour visit. He will land at Kallang Airport at 6 a.m. In a KLM Constellation from Jakarta where he has been making a
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  • 60 1 Formation of a women's section of the Malayan Air Training Corps has been suggested to Government, said the corps commandant, squad-ron-Leader John Behague. last night. If approved, the new section will wear uniform similar to the cadets, will be able to atterd kcturei and will
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  • 121 1 AN ARMED guard of Singapore policemen ended an all-night vigil at Kallang airport, Singapore, yesterday morning on a KLM Skymaster which contained a fortune in Indonesian guilders. The plane, a freighter on charter to the Indonesian Government, carried 20,000 lbs weight ol guilder notes from Amsterdam
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  • 107 1 GERMANY TO PAY LESS MOSCOW, Tues. RUSSIA has decided to cut reparations due to her from East Oermany by half and extend the time given for payment, it was announced in an exchange of letters between Stalin and the Prime Minister of Eastern Germany. Herr Otto Grotewohl. The new figure
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  • 33 1 MADRAS Tues.— Mr. Chakravarti Rajagopalachari, Britain's last Governor-General of India, who has been invited to join the Indian Cabinet, la bedridden here with fever and congestion of the right lung. Reuter.
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  • 514 1 GIRL, 19, LURED MEN TO COMMUNISM A3RAIL, bespectacled 19-year-old school-girl, who, according to the prosecution, used her wil.-s to win men over to the Communist Party, smiled cynically in the dock of th e Singapore First District Court yesterday, after she na d received a
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  • 78 1 SYDNEY, TuesT A BOUT 50 demonstrators, A believed to be Communisii. tried to gatecrash the Lord Mayor's reception to Commonwealth conference delegates at Sydney Town Hall. They carried banners bearing the words "Hands off Malaya" and shouted slogans at any delegates within range. Police said they
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 218 1 Crisis Threat At Sydney SYDNEY, Tiles. rVHE British Common A wealth conference on aid to South and SouthEast Asia which opened her e yesterday, has come up against differences of views which threaten to develop into a crisis, it was learned authoritatively today. Commonwealth spokesmen charged Britain today with stalling
    Reuter; UP  -  218 words
  • 25 1 Five Chinese men, found in possession of knives and wooden pistols at Lorong 101, Geylang, yesterday evening were arrested by officers Singapore C.I.D.
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  • 18 1 MELBOURNE. Tues. -Australia hopes to make a profit of £8.000.000 on ie 195« Olympic Games. A.P.
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  • 212 2 U.S. TO SHOW ITS POWER IN GERMANY FRANKFURT, Tuesday. THE U.S. armed forces announced yesterday that they will stage a "spectacular" show of power in Berlin and West Germany on May 20 just eight days before the big Communist youth rally in Berlin. There will be parades man cities with
    Reuter; AP  -  212 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 2 PRINCESS Elizabeth's smile betrays her Joy at her return to Britain as the arrives at London Airport from Malta in a Viking aircraft of the King's Flight A.P. picture.
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  • 73 2 TEL AVIV, Tues. A Jew and an Arab were found guilty of spying by the Tel Aviv District Court yesterday after a trial in camera. The sentence on the two, Isaac Shamal, aged 30, and Mohammed El Kader Matari, aged 65. will be passed later. Shamal
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  • 36 2 LA PAZ, Tues.— The Bolivian Teachers' Union called a general strike yesterday and teachers stayed away from schools because i the Government had refused salary Increases following devaluation of the paso last April. A.P.
    AP  -  36 words
  • 133 2 NAIROBI, Tues. ITENYA police yesterday raided the offices of the Communist dominated East African Trade Union Congress and remeved all documents and arrested the president and general secretary. They charged the Indian general secretary, Makan Singh, and the African president, Fred Kubai, with being officers of
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • Cable Flashes
    • 230 2 SAN FRANCISCO. Tuesday. NINETEEN -year-old Princess Fathia of Egypt is considering making a personal plea by longdistance telephone to her brother, King Farouk, in the hope of persuading him to approve her marriage to a Christian commoner, Riad Ghali. The couple were married
      AP  -  230 words
  • 64 2 NEW YORK, Tuesday. .^WO car., v..^.hed head on, killing the driver of one 1 and injuring three occupants of the other at ogloa. An ambulance driver broke down and could not drive when he saw that the injured were his wife, mwther and son. In hospital the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1166 2 NOTICES UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG ABCHITBCTUBB Courses leading to a degree in Architecture will be offered from the Academic Tear beginning September. 1950. Detailed syllabuses of the first year's study will be available at the beginning of the courses. B. MELLOR Registrar Bth May. 1960 MALAYAN CHINESE ASSOCIATION SRD UNLIMITED
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    • 732 2 NOTICES NATURALISATION Notice to hereby given that WAH HINO NO of 1», Amber Mansions, Orchard Road, Singapore, 9. it applying to the Governor for naturalisation, and that any person who knows any reason why naturalisation should not be granted should send a written and signed statement of the facts to
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    • 212 2 Ounlop, the first If /-rrroduce a tread rm t with teeth, has extended this woruder- r^g^f^Ttr^i ful road holding principle in the design #^jfi|| of the new Dunlop Fort. More teeth\ /T2~/t f JW 2 more bite giving a grip to defy /"JL"// f ~V^fi|3 P^^^l skidding on the most
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  • 205 3 JAKARTA, Tuesday. j>KPOKTS of a fresh outbreak of fighting in Macassar, scene of the recent revolt against the Republican Government by Captain Abdul Aziz, were today confirmed by an Indonesian Defence Ministry spokesman. He said seven soldiers of the Netherlands Indonesian Army, three Indonesian
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  • 109 3 Soviet Fears U.S. Oil Men Near Border LONDON, Tue«. RUSSIA has warned Persia that reported plans for oil surveys in areas of northern Persia bordering the Soviet Union "are incompatible with good neighbourly relations" laid down in the 1921 treaty Moscow Radio said that Russia has accused Persia of using
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  • 58 3 MADRID Tues— The Spanish P.otestant Church appealed to General Franco for guara.i'ees that the Church could '"celorate its cult, print Protestant Bibles and hymnals, and open Protestant s'cl.oois." It also called {or guarantees for conducting Protestant marriages and burials and the right of Protestant soldiers to, receive
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  • 27 3 DAMASCUS, Tues. A big explosion occurred In the Jewish quarter on Sunday night. Several houses were destroyed but nobody was hurt.— A P.
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  • 37 3 ASMARA, Eritrea, Tues.— The headquarters of the Unionist Party which favours union with Ethiopia was shaken by a heavy -xplosion yesterday. The main entrance and all doors were damaged but there were no casualties. UJ*.
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  • 105 3 ATLANTIC CITY, Tues. SENATOR Joseph McCarthy (Republican, Wisconsin) yesterday asked PreI sident Truman to dismiss the I Secretary of State, Mr. Dean Acheson, whom he accused of betraying the United States in Asia. He charged that Communists had infiltrated the State Department. In the speech be also
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 210 3 LONDON, Tuesday. \|R. James Griffiths, the Colonial Secretary, said l yesterday that against the background of tremendous events of world significance that had taken place in China, the British Government had made clear their intention to maintain their position in Hong Kong. Though developments
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 67 3 LONDON, Tues. The Yugoslav Trade Unions Central Committee yesterday decided to withdraw from the Communist-led World Federation of Trade Unions. Belgrade radio reported. In March, the W.F.T.U. announced it had decided to break off all relations with Yugoslav trade unions as their leaders were "traitors to the workers."
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  • Article, Illustration
    67 3 PRINCESS FATIMA OF PERSIA, slater of the Shah, receives a rlnc from the Aga Khan after the ceremony by which the was married according to Muslim law to Vincent Lee HiHyer in the Persian Embassy in Paris. Th« pair married in a civil ceremony in Italy some weeks
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  • 158 3 MOSCOW. Tuesday. rpHE United Nations Secretary -General, Mr. Trygve -L Lie. completed his talks with top leaders of both sides in the cold war with a 90-minute conference with Premier Stalin in the Kremlin on Monday night. Mr. Lie hopes to bring East and West
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 37 3 HONG KONG, Tues.—Officials of Caltex Ltd.. the U.S. oil firm, said yesterday that Chinese Communists had appropriated seven of the Company's oil tanks In a Nanking suburb. The company had made no protest.— A.P.
    AP  -  37 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 3 THAKIN NU. Prime Minister of Burma, photographed at 1«, Downing Street, London, when he recently called on the British Premier, Mr. Attlee. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  28 words
  • 57 3 SYDNEY, Tues. A WOMAN who obtained a decree nisi against her deaf and dumb husband told the Divorce Court he nagged her continually In sign language. She said he started to gamble heavily at the races and when she remonstrated with him, all he did
    Reuter-AAP  -  57 words
  • 197 3 LONDON, Tuesday. TWE man who wrestled with the controls of a British A Viking airliner shattered by a mysterious explosion and saved 27 passengers from certain death has been awarded the George Medal, one of Britain's highest civilian decorations 'nr valiant™ The plane was flying from
    Reuter  -  197 words
  • 74 3 THE HAGUE, Tues. The Internationa] Court of Justice today began hearings on the future of South- West Africa— the former German colony which the League of Nations put under the mandate of South Africa. The status of the territory has been debated in the United Nations
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 30 3 LONDON, Tues. Britain yesterday ordered Czechoslovakia to close down the Czechoslovak Institute in London and to direct its embassy to cease its distribution of Czech Information lmmedlately.-U.P.
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  • 16 3 LONDON, Tues.—The Burraese Premier. Thakin No. left London today by air tor Edinburgh.—Reuter.
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  • 236 3 With Bevin Attlee LONDON. Tues. AMR. Dean Acheson. lfl United States Secretary of State, met the British Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee, and his Foreign Secretary. Mr. Ernest Bevin, for private consultations this morning. Also present was Mr. Lester B. Pearson. Canadian External Affairs Minister. After their meeting with Mr.
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 24 3 RANGOON, Tues.—The Aga Khan has donated Rs. 5.000 to the Antl-Fasclst People's Freedom League, backbone of Burma's "caretaker" government—A; P I____^_^____1
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  • 22 3 MANILA. Tues.—An earthquake lasting 35 seconds was felt early today at Catbalogan. capital of Samar Island. There was no damage.—AJ\
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  • 183 3 ISTANBUL, Tues. I MCELAL Bayar, 63-year- old banker, whose Democratic Party won yesterday's elections, will not be Turkey's new Prime Minister, nor will he take a Cabinet seat, a well-informed Democratic source stated today. He will concentrate on leading his party, which was in opposition
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 59 3 If you like j MUSIC to thrill you ROMANCE to excite you REALISM to enthrall you then watch out for "The Glass Mountain" j I COLORCRETE 9 Coloured Portland Cement I SNOWCRETE. White Portland Cement Ideal Base tor 0 TERRAZZO-WORK o ARTIFICIAL STONE EXTERNAL RENDERING WALL FLOOR Tiles j t^
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    • 163 3 WE KEEP YOUR KITCHEN GARDEN IN COLD STORAGE BIRDS EYE FROSTED FOODS Plucked at their moment of perfection and quick-frozen to keep their natural juices and vitamins. Birds Ey« fruits and vegetables are fresh as th« thrush's song. Taste their natural flavour, their garden-to-table freshness Peas, broad beans, black currants,
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  • 469 4 A 16- YEAR-OLD Chinese girl yesterday told the Singapore Fourth Police Court how two women lured her away from her home for immoral purposes. In the dock, two women, Chan Boo Liat (34) and Chua Giat Chiaw (40) were charged
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  • 141 4 ELECTION CHANGES SOUGHT THE Progressive Party will shortly propose amendments to the elections law In Singapore to prohibit canvassing for votes outside polling: stations. Steps are being taken to draft an amending Bill i though it will not be in time for presentation to the next, meeting of the Legislative
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  • 61 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— A delegation from the Malayan Indian Congress is to raise the subject of Indian labour in Malaya when It meets Mr. James Griffiths, Secretary of State for the Colonies, In Kuala Lumpur. The delegation will discuss other matters
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  • 65 4 From Our Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Tues. The present high price of rubber has increased the number of smallholdings beln e tapped in Negri Sembilan says Dr. W. N. Scott, the State Agricultural Officer, N.S. In Kuala Pilah and Seremban districts, small areas of jungle were felled
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  • 34 4 MISS KHONG SWIT LANE, voted the "best dressed lady" at the Perak Recreation Club's dance at Ipoh recently, receives a silver cup from Mrs. Hanley. F. S. Lee picture.
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  • 120 4 UONQ KONG manufacturer* plan to send a trade investigation mission to Siam shortly to study market conditions there as the first step to prevent economic depression in the Colony. Two directors of Chinese companies strongly favour the dispatch of such mission. Before the war,
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 4 "THE SULTAN OF MALACCA and bis court in the good old days" one of the items in the Fancy Dress Parade held by the students of the French Convent, Malacca, at the recent May Festival. K. S. Kong picture.
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  • 189 4 From Our Staft Correspondent MALACCA, Tuesday. FHE stabilising influence in a time of crisis of good 1 relations between employers and workers was referred to by the chairman of the Malacca Estate Staff Union. Mr. S. V. Raman, at the annual meeting at the week-end. 1
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  • 53 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. Mam Sip Loke, aged 56, of Swee Lam Estate, Kulal, was charged in the Johore Bahru Police Court today with having voluntarily caused hurt to Chia Nong Sam, with a Darang. Niam claimed trial, saying he was attached first. Ball in $200 was
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  • 250 4 Afraid Of Reprisals, Says Woman rit of reprisals was given as the reason why a Singapore woman accepted Ja'panese currency for a prewar mortgage during the occupation in a claim in the Singapore Supreme Court yesterday. The woman, Constance Quaker alias Quek Gim Choo. said in 1941 she loaned $1,000
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  • 58 4 From Oar BUB Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. For not having a road tax licence for the lorry he wai driving, Chan Kim Swee, of Singapore, was fined $12 in the Johore Bahru Police Court today and Tan Ah Piau, also of Singapore, was fined $5 for not displaying
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  • 54 4 From Our Stall Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues.— S. K. Bhadra, a local businessman, who Is charged with being in fraudulent possession of 14 cases of D.D.T. powder, appeared before the Johore Bahru Police Court today when he was Informed that his case would be heard on June 5.
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  • 35 4 From Onr SUIT Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues.— Mr. Yap Kim Hock, President of the Johore Bahru Chinese Reading: Circle, has resigned to go to England, where h» intends qualifying; as an engineer.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 204 4 Your grandfather has such bright and perfect teeth, my son, because he has alway^ used Gibbs Dentifrice. You know how good it tastes, too, and it costs me so little. Dentifrice *^^|p) People »ho love fine things You tcveal impeccable taste wh«n you USE THE WORLD'S choose Ronson lighters. These
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    • 206 4 FLY ft PAN AMERICAN TO Enjoy the finest in air travel at no extra cost! Luxurious Constellation Clipper** speed you to Calcutta, Istanbul and Brussels with convenient connections to all Europe. You fly In pressurized comfort high up above the weather. You relax in a comfortable reclining seat enjoy superb
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  • 494 5 $700,000 Award: Owner Asks Court For More PASIR PANJANG ACQUISITION A VALUATION by the Collector of Land Revenue on three blocks of land, with a house, in the Pasir Panjang district, formed the subject of an appeal by the owner of the property before Mr. Justice Thorogood and two assessors
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  • 99 5 Prom Our 8 US Correspondent IPOH, Tues. A CHARITY dance fair and two stage productions "The Importance of Being Earnest" and "See How They Run" are being planned for the Ipoh Welfare Fund drive. The plans were discussed at a meeting of the Ipoh Welfare Committee
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  • 64 5 From Oar Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues Tai Kok Cheong, Chan Sin Chan, Tong Yam and Tang See Kiow were charged In the Johore Bahru Police Court today with being out during curfew hours at the 15th mile Pontian Road. Accused said they had attended a friend's
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  • 95 5 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. A SOLDIER was killed and., another seriously injured in a motor 'cycle crash near the police* defcot toh thfe KAta Tlnggi road yesterday afternoon. The dead man was Phillip Simon Saunderson of REME Base, Singapore, and the injured
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  • 49 5 THE SULTAN of Perak (with glasses) and the Sultan of Pahang watch packing operations a* a British cigarette manufacturer's stand at the British Industries Fair in London's Olympia on May 10 (Below) the Sultan of Pahang tests the aroma of a handful of tocacco. AJ*. picture.
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  • 191 5 Man With Gold Fined $8,000— And $1 A 36-YEAR-OLD Chinese from Sibu, Sarawak, Wong Hie Seng, was yesterday found guilty in the Singapore Second Court on a charge of attempting to export gold out of Malaya, and was sentenced to a fine of $8,000, or four months' rigorous imprisonment. On
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  • 89 5 Che Marhamah binte Zain and Tengku Jamllah binte Tengku A. Nadir, two Singapore Malay Guides, have been selected to go to a Guide Camp in Australia for two months. They are expected to leave Singapore on July 17. Singapore Malay Guides are raising funds to meet
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  • 111 5 INTER-SCHOOL ART EXHIBITION, British Council Hall, Stamford Road. 9 ajn. to 6 p.m. CHINESE Y.M.C.A., Selegle Road, staff meeting, 9 ajn., chest club, 5 p.m. weightlifting, 5.30 p.m., badminton, 5.30 pjn. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE, Katong Division, re-ewunt-tlon by Dr. C. J. Paglar. Geylang English School, I p.m.
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  • 55 5 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Toes. LEPER, Oh Kee, did not appear in the Johore Bahru Magistrate's Court today when charged because a doctor refused permission for him to be out in public. The prosecution withdrew the charge of stealing nine fowls, and Oh Kee
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  • 153 5 Ceylonese Fellowship Praised From Ow SUff Correspondent SEREMBAN. Tues. PRAISE for the "great degree of comradeship" which exists among the Ceylonese In Malaya, and the positions of trust and responsibility which many of them held in the country was paid here last night by Dr. A. Kandiah, Professor of Chemistry.
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  • 49 5 From Oar Own Correspondent TAIPINO, Tues. Mr. R. Wilson has arrived in Taiping to take up duties as Chief Surveyor, Perak, in place of Mr. John H.C. Read, who Is shortly leaving Malaya on retirement. Mr. C. H. Jackson is the new Deputy Chief Surveyor.
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  • 61 5 MALACCA, Tues. The Malayan Chinese Association, Jasin, held a dinner in honour of Messrs. Soon Cheng Hor, W. Sta Maria, and J. Chaplin, the new Asst. District Officer, Chief Clerk, District Officer, and O.C.P.D. respectively, over the week-end. The occasion was also a farewell function to Mr. Choo
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  • 232 5 MUNICIPAL LABOURERS r pHE Municipal Special Labour Committee, set up in 1 February to deal with wages and working conditions of Municipal daily-paid workers, is now considering a compromise wage-rate between what the workers are now getting and what their unions are demanding, the Straits
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  • 118 5 C.L.C. Plan For Malays Approved From Ov Staff Correspondent PENANQ, Tues. rnHE Penang and' Province A branch of the United Malays National Orgarisatlon, at a meeting last Sunday approved the Committee's recommendation that oractical steps should be taken by the Government to improve the social and economic welJbeing of the
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  • 183 5 More Dyaks Fly To Malaya From Our Staff Correspondent K. LUMPUR Tues. Tv\O plane-loads of 1 Dyak trackers landed in Kuala Lumpur from Sarawak this evening, ready for six months' operation in the Malayan lun^les Two more batches will arrive here during the next few days, making a total of
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  • 63 5 SEGAMAT, Tues.— "1 am not well and suffer from gastritis and a Chinese medicine man advised me to taKe opium as a cure," said a 14year- old logging labourei Khong Hock, when charged in the Segamat Sessions Cour. with oosscssion of 30 packets of
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  • 26 5 SEGAMAT. Tues. Three Chinese and a Malay were fined total of $14 at Segai mat for allowing thPir coats i to stray at Labis.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 475 5 CTRATOCKUtSEK SKEOMMX This modern ,Spe«n>inl Fleet provides, swift sow services to all l^-..^.-^ SjLs> 6 continents. argonaut speedbinm SOLENT SPEEDMMX 175,000 nuiei of 8.0.A.C. routa to 6fty-ooe eountriei oa at six continent* can i»ve you hours, days, tometiinei even week* of valuable travelling time. You fly without dday in the
      475 words
    • 67 5 A Suife Which Combines Harmoniously With Garden Beauty GARDEN SUITE ot 4 FOLDING CHAIRS with Canvas seat and back. 1 TABLE with 29" dia. top. SUNSHADE of waterproofed cloth, mounted on a solid steel framed and fitted with high angle tilt, allowing easy adjustment to any angle. PRICES $145/-
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  • 34 6 MX TAN SIEW GIAP of Malacca, aged 65, paased away p«..(f fully at the Singapore General Hospital, on 14th May, 1950 Funeral on Saturday, 20th M;iv 1950 at Bukit Bahru at \2 noon.
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  • 617 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., May 17, 1950. The Small Man Again Advice to the smallholder to improve the quality of his rubber, and printed instiuctions for carrying out this advice, is evidence that the Federal Government has not altogether forgotten the iiltle man. But something mor? than good advice
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  • 487 6 Expanding The C.I.D. Time and again better police intelligence has been emphasized as among the essentials if a quicker end is to be made of Communist terrorism. The report of the United Kingdom Police Mission did not fail to stress it, and in its comments on the Criminal Investigation Department
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  • 62 6 This Is The Hawker Problem.. THIS photograph of Trengganu Street, Singapore, was taken by Kok Ah Chong, Straits Times staff photographer, a few days ago. It was taken in the morning, with the street completely blocked to traffic by street hawkers and the buying public. A Singapore Hawker Inquiry Commission
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 373 6 ME are grateful to an active Press for telling the picture-goers of this country of the apparent fate of some of the great pictures to which many of us have been looking forward. We appreciate that the last word rests with the j Appeal Committee on
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    • 255 6 ENJOYED your cdi- torial. "An American Library", in the Straits Times of last Saturday. It was a little incongruous, feel, for you to decry the setting up of this USIS li3rary, suggesting that it is especially for the purpose }f indoctrinating Malayans with American ideas. I do
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    • 184 6 IT is over seven months 1 since I wrote a letter, which was published in the Straits Times, on street hawkers in Trengganu Street, Singapore. •Readers will remember the impressive but heartsickening picture of that street, infested with non-civic-conscious hawkers. The situation has gone from bad to
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    • 96 6 itfOT only I but the politi-cal-minded citizens of Singapore have been surprised by Mr. S. S. Many am 's resignation from the Colony Labour Party to Join the Progressives, as reported by you on May 13. From Mr. Manyam, a pioneer and ex-president of the 6,000-strong Army
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  • 392 6 On The Margin R.S.Y.C. Todak writing in a tone ot appropriate modern scepticism about the Invasion ot ancient Singapura by the Ikan Todak, and how thes« fish got their spear-like nosea stuck in a stockade of banana stems I have been astonished to receive a letter from a man who
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 818 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. BALL: To Jean, wile of W. A Ball, on May 15th. at Kandang Kerbau, a son. Martin Falshaw. KKHESTED: A son, to Veronica, wife of Knud Gyldtiutierne Bfhesttd, on May 16th. at Bungsar Hospital. GTJLLICK: At Bungsar. on 16th May, to Pamela (nee Whit If y), wife of
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    • 72 6 ♦♦♦»♦♦+♦♦-»■»♦-»•♦"»< DUJ^W The Finest TOY PROJECTOR ever marketed Note these Features: rrecUioa Clockwork motor, Safety non-inflammable filmstrips— l7 different titles available, 1 Each strip, of Film rives complete show of 5-mlnnte duration, Standard Torchlight Battery used (60 cte. each), "DUX-CINE" Miniature Toy Projector, complete with Battery and one Fllm-Strip, ready
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  • 310 7 'Passengers Turned Out To Be Arsonists pARLY yesterday morning two Chinese youths with knives held up a bus at the junction of Thomson Road and Lornie Road, Singapore, forced the conductor and the two passengers out, and set fire to the bus. The
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  • 100 7 CROWD CHASES MAN WITH KNIFE A CHINESE, with a knife in his hand, was chased by a crowd through Singapore streets last night after he had stabbed two men in a house in Amoy Street. He managed to elude Ms pursuers, however, and escaped In the direction of Ang Siang
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  • 92 7 MR.' B. L. DUNSFORD, 40-year-old officer In charge of several sections of the Singapore Social Welfare Department, has been selected by the Establishments Board of the Municipality to fill the post of Assistant Secretary < Welfare i vacated by Mr. E V. Benjafleld. who resigned. The Board
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  • 56 7 River traffic will only be permitted to pass under Victoria Bridge, Rochore Canal, between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. from Monday according to a circular issued by the Master Attendant yesterday. This order, the Straits Times understands, Is to enable repairs to be carried out on gas
    56 words
  • 88 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. AFTER a party of about S* 15 bandits ambushed their car, Mr. D. T. Kidd, assistant manager of Craiggielea Estate, Muar, and two special constables fought back until one of the specials was seriously wounded. Mr. Kidd
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  • 95 7 Gang Raids Estate, Takes Cards From Our SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tucs. BANDITS yesterday raided Waterfall Estate in the RAWANG area of Selangor and stole identity cards from the labour force and set fire to the pump house and curing shed. On Friday a 19-year-old Chinese was abducted from a
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  • 145 7 He Chased Bandits, Wins Medal example of the offensive spirit of the Gurkha soldiers fighting the bandits in Malaya was revealed yesterday with the award of the Distinguished Conduct Medal to Lance Corporal Sherbahadur Ral of the 1/10 Gurkha Rifles. On Mar. 1, L/Cpl. Sherbahadur Rai was in a train
    145 words
  • 102 7 THE small village of Tanjong Kling, at the southern end of Bakit Timah. was p" fete on SumHv when "Civic Day" celebrations We.d QTktmtSGd O.f true Ahmad bin Yunoh, neadmaster of its Government Malay School. Koleh races. In which 18 fishing boats participated, a school art
    102 words
  • 41 7 The Secretary General of the Indonesian Foreign Ministry, Dr. Ichsam, has arrived in 'Singapore, on a visit of inspection to the office of the Indonesian Representative, Dr. Oetoyo. Dr. Ichsam Is expected to be in Singapore for a week.
    41 words
  • 35 7 ■Nineteen Chinese pleaded guilty In the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday to iaking part in a chap jl kee lottery In the open space off New Market Road, and were fined $35 each.
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  • 63 7 ONE OF THE THREE KANGAROOS which arrived in Singapore from the Taronga Zoological Park, Sydney, for Mr. A. Elizar. There were originally four of them, but one died during the trip. Mr. Elizar is starting a zoo in Singapore. The site of the zoo which will be
    63 words
  • 205 7 T*HE Singapore Federation of Government Em- ployees Unions' 12-man delegation will see the acting Colonial Secretary, Mr. J. D. M. Smith, today to voice their dissatisfaction over the Benham Report. I The result of the meeting will determine what step the Federation will tak,e next,
    205 words
  • 349 7 CHURCH LEADERS RESIGN OVER LOTTERIES From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Tuesday. T»HREE Christian church leaders, including the acting Archdeacon of Penang, resigned from the local Welfare Committee last night after the committee had voted by a majority of nine to three in favour of "accepting money raised by lotteries They
    349 words
  • Article, Illustration
    56 7 THE NETHERLANDS High Commissioner in Indonesia. Dr. H. M. Hirschfeld, who passed through Singapore by X.L.M. Constellation yesterday on his way to Jakarta after talks in Holland. Commenting on a news agency message from Jaarta that said he would be resigning soon, he told the Straits Times: "No date has
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  • 71 7 ft A BDUL SAM AT and Syed Omar were acquitted yesterday by Mr. S. E. Teh in tne Singapore Second Police Court on charges of looking over a wall at a woman la her bathroom in Lorong 25, Geylanf. As there were discrepancies In
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  • 185 7 FIREMAN MAY GET $50,000 A $50,000 compensation award for disablement is recommended by a Singapore Municipal committee for one of its Fire Brigade officers who has been invalided out of service as a result of injuries while on duty. He is Mr. F. H. Stone, sub-officer of the brigade who
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  • 385 7 THE Cinematograph Exhibitors 1 Association in Singapore is concerned at the shortage of films likely to arise this year. a position, which they say will be greatly aggravated if box office successes in other parts of the world are to be banned in Malaya. "If ten
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  • 62 7 The annual general meeting of the Christian Brothers' ;Old Boys' (Singapore) Association will take place this 'evening at S.15 at St. Joseph's Institution. Mr. F. C. James will propose and Mr. T. W. Prins will I second a motion that a working committee be formed
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  • 67 7 From On SUIT Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues Chan Lok, a 66-year-old Chinese living at the 10th mile, Scudai Road, was charged in the Johore Bahru Police Court today with the theft of eight katis of scrap rubber from Llndep Estate. Chan pleaded guilty to the charge
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  • 193 7 -BUT MR. EVANS IS ADAMANT FE Malayan Film Censor Mr. Jack Evans, Is adamant. "The assassination scene in 'All the King's Men makes it impossible for me to pass it, despite its merits as a film," he said yesterday. "II someone were assassinated when the nlm was running, would feel
    193 words
  • 33 7 Twenty-six Chinese women were arrested In a house at Jalan Besar, Singapore yesterday evening. In a gambling raid by a party of police led by Mr. J. K. Kerr, A.3.P.
    33 words
  • 216 7 Hot May Lives Up To Its Name MAY is living up to its M reputation as the hottest month of the year and the sweltering heat in Singapore in the last few days has been made more unbearable by the absence of rain and high humidity. An official of the
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  • 51 7 Messrs. Nasslm Co. sold by auction yesterday four out of seven lots of vacant land in Singapore. The plots sold are, land near St. Michael's Road No. 2. I Walton Road, No. 7-H. Fifth Avenue, and No. 10. Gilsead Road, for $18,812, $37,000: $45,000: and $40,005 rr<-r)
    51 words
  • 48 7 The Board of Directors of the Chung Shing Jit Pao a local Chinese newspaper, entertained nearly 400 guests at a cocktail party to celebrate the third anniversary of th. j I paper, yesterday. _Among the guests were representatives of British and Chinese firms
    48 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 67 7 FOR IMMEDIATE ENERGY] H [jj A CONTAINS pfltlftn CALCIUM Mffif PHOSPHORUS VErlfm million «u»r AND AMCMOWMMM VITAMIN.D. l:jj=sgl il| AVAILABLE FROM ALL LEADING PROVISION STORES PHARMACIES. Agents: I JACKSON CO.. LTD. Ist Shipment— Very Limited Supply— Just Arrived 2nd Shipment Arriving In A Fortnight's Time the Latest Model "ADLER-STUTTGART" Gorman
      67 words
    • 178 7 i AUSTIN REED /A of RECEKT STREET I SPORTS COATS, in Scotch tweeds and soft Saxonies, with smart over checks: from $85.00 WORSTED SLACKS, with self 1 supporter waist band, in shades of grey and fawn: from $42.50 j KUALA LUMPUR PENANQ 1 1 HC 3 1 1 1 1
      178 words

  • 286 8 PROF. SILCOCK TO ACT AS HEAD OF VARSITY 1)K. T. H. Silcuck,- Professor of Economics, has been appointed to act as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Malaya when Dr. G. V. Allen goes on leave at the end of August. Before going on leave, Dr Allen will attend the executive
    286 words
  • 197 8 HOUSING TRUST FOR FED. From our Stall 1 arrespondenl KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. A HOUSING, Trust Is to be set up In the Federation in accordance with the recommendations of a Select Committee appointed by the Federal Legislative Council The trust will have wide powers to acquire, develop and dispose of
    197 words
  • 27 8 MUAR. Tues.— Two Chinese. I Cf)ua Chan Hua and Quek Hlan Wee. were each fined $5 I at Muar for obstructing footpaths with baskets of fish.
    27 words
  • 128 8 'Rep And Mascot Arrive In Penang I rom Our Stall Correspondent PENANG. Tues. CARRYING their mascot. V "sweet semp." five more members of the Singapore Repertory Company arrived in Penang yesterday evening ior the presentation of the L. >nsdale play "On Approval" at the Chinese Town Hall Cms week-end. Led
    128 words
  • 46 8 A GROUP PHOTOGRAPH taken at a dinner jiven by the staff of Soon Lee EsUt c, Baffin Serai, to Mr. and Mrs. Milner Moore, who have been transferred to Sitiawan, and to Mr. Brace, who has succeeded Mr. Moore. Hup Ha at pic tare.
    46 words
  • 133 8 CHINESE SCHOOLS Govt. To Be Asked For More Help WHE Singapore Chinese AdJL vlsory Board will shortly forward recommendations to Government for Increase*] grants to Chinese schools in the Colony, Mr. E. C. S. Adtins, Secretary for Chinese Affairs told the Stratfe Tfltes yesterday. This decision followed a petition sent
    133 words
  • 206 8 A FEW hours before the Nieuw Holland arrived in Singapore yesterday, a memorial service was held in the Banka Straits and a laurel wreath lowered on to the water at the spot where Australian Army nurses lost their lives during the evacuation from Singapore in
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  • 22 8 From Ow Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Tues.—Karupanan was fined $10 for having one bottle of toddy at Nilai railway station.
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  • 95 8 Electoral Rolls To Open Again ELECTORAL rolls for the Singapore Legislative Council and Municipal elections will open for two weeks revision from June 1. This is the third revision of the rolls for the Legislative Council elections and the second for the Municipal elections. During the last revision of the
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  • 81 8 Work on an 80-foot wide reserve road connecting Changi Road and East Coast Road is being carried out by the Credit Foncier in Singapore. Plans for the new road were recently approved by the Singapore Improvement Trust, and it Is expected to open up the
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  • 61 8 Owing to the short notice unavoidably given of the British Medical Association functions in Singapore on May 19 and 20 in honour of the four senior members from Great Brlttin and Canada who will be passing through, members are asked to notify the secretary by telephone
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  • 456 8 rpHE University of Malaya Endowment Fund has received $36,527.64 from the sale of Endowment Bricks. $100 Bricks raised $1,600 from schools and $6,000 from the public. $1 Bricks have raised $18,406.10 in schools and $10,521.54 from the public. Oan Eng Seng School $100, Victoria School (Moraine)
    456 words
  • 471 8 'Financial Deal' in China Bank Case From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG. Tues. r\NG Teong Eng, a tobacco salesman, today told the Sessions Court of a "financial deal" in which a cashier, Yeap Bean Hong, showed him how to "pay in money Into a bank and draw out more money from
    471 words
  • 62 8 Pakistan is to open a Trade Commissioner's office in Singapore shortly. A fiigh Pakistani official is expected to come froji Karachi to *ppr >ye the plans. It is underst;>cd that the Fajistan Government is considering the appointment of a Singapore man on* a seclion of the Pakistani
    62 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 168 8 SbBV^JI JLb IK^ I HE Commer and Karrier Range of f^ J^ special equipment for city cleansing. sani-» tailon and general municipal duties is' municipal an© school second to none. There 1$ a vehicle for> BUS SERVICES Commir "Commjndo" "Avenger" every purpose, and close study of muni* cipal needs has
      168 words
    • 327 8 .g, NON-STOP TO ft/ BANGKOK 6q ike "eusmss man's SP£Ct4L" EVERY MONDAY AT 12.30 HRS OR BY THE TOKYO SERVICE EVERT THURSDAY AT 12.30 HOURS. with direct connections to Hongkong, Manila, Taipeh and to Europe and U.K. by BRAATHENS S. A. F. E. LATEST AMENITY: Hot Meals by Cold Storage
      327 words

  • 1515 9 The London Letter The coldest Spring in generations LONDON, MayS. EJVEN in Malaya, J I used to find, there were sometimes chilly and dank evenings when it was comforting to |fet into a hot hath with a light headed novel or a whodunit and soak for li.ilf an-hour. turning on
    1,515 words
  • 480 9 HERE AND THERE IN BRITAIN AND so our little world in these islands rolls on. Obsessed with our day-to-day domestic controversies, changes or other excitements, we read in our papers warnings that the experts believe Russia will be ready for war by 1953 and we turn our eyes hurriedly on
    480 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 164 9 •^iaaaSft^fc^ONir HOURS AWAY BY AIR Australia jf%/ HAS EVERYTHINGI^^ *V\*V^!/ A mere 17 hours away by swift I I four-cngined "Constellation" aircraft, Australia offers J unsurpassed variety. Glorious temperate climate, S/\. 1 magnificent surf beaches, horse racing, N^^^_^^^ right life, big-game fishing even winter snow iJB sports on the Australian
      164 words
    • 139 9 —^M^— TEXROPE j .V. ROPE DRIVE V^^ Maximum length of life. Minimum temperature increase. Minimum stretch. Sole Agents:SINGAPORE V 2fb k < r B^ Now, yv> Si^^^^ scientific t p^ treatment IfeaiB of work by euimeui cciruiKU Ird to thr discovery of Tineafaz H innlrwi H nd min-imiating to the
      139 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 203 9 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD 20 Debated an athletif eveot PRnCl^WrtRn V rt 61*7 ii'i bitter in a D tKUSSWUKU IN P. 57 cp«n bo»i 10 tee your 21. Why the barometer It bjtBU i I a i^SSJn > I a i die (C. Fox-Smith) <9). low T (6. 8). tM j
      203 words

    • 852 10 Moscow Mission 194«-lt4f. ty L*yt. C«n«rd W«H«r ted«ll SmiHi. (HeiiMmann. 15s.) By Sir Maurice Peterson British Ambassador in Moscow, 1944-194* HHHS United States A Gov eminent, *hich at the time of tfie first world war was accustomed to reinforce the numerically inadequate strength of its diplomatic service by
      852 words
    • 294 10 "C VGINO VALLEY" by Crichten Portemu (Michael Joseph. London, 12s. 6d A SECLUDED vale in th« English county of Derbyshire is opened to us in this work, the latest of several by Crichton Porteous. The book is in three acts, as it were until the coming
      294 words
    • 381 10 M. MA t ROW MAST, "Mr ifriiwi Journal" (Falcon Press lls. M.) U M. Andre Maurois' diary for the rear IMSHk rlilt to the United States wheve he went to lecture at tht University in Kansas City, occupies only the first half of his book; then following an Interlude
      381 words
    • 215 10 THE following new books 1 and reprints will b* added to Rafltas Library within the next few days: Victory in my Hands, Harold RusselL Elementary Astronomy, Ernest A. Beet. The Heiress: A play, and How the other man llvss, Ruth ww Augustus Ooete. Happy TOO: FUty-flve
      215 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 146 10 MORE LAUGHS. GAGS. FUNNY ANTICS RIDICULOUS SITUATIONS THAN 10 OF THEIR FORMER FILMS PUT TOGETHER! Si M>l WIK V^k* I (s^^ff6^| 11—1.45 I 6M 9M season from wo*E\F4e4i TODAY OSCAR WILDE'S "LABY WINDERMERE'S FAN" I I a^W m I KhWat^B fl^sYWjtsVlaß J J I 4 i;,— 6.30— 9.30 p.m. Phone
      146 words
    • 339 10 —CAT [HAYI TOO AIT 1 1 a.m. 1 45, 4.15, 6.45 A 9.30 pmYou'll LAUGH through EVERY MOMtHT of this MERRY MAD MIX-UP. r^- Mrtrtti* htoriow #mt\*' fa \1 d*J 9 I I'J 'I Mt^tw s^sV *mi NtXT CHANCS Thm TRUE LOVE-STORY of a girl who Jfca^, inspired a man
      339 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 112 10 SINGAPORE 10 a.m. News from K.L.; io.OS Oast; 10.50 Schools; 12 Malay; I p.m. Dane* Music (Jimmy Dorsey Orch.); 1.10 News; lT« Light Music; 2 Close; 6 Children' 0.20 Light Music; 7 News Stare Market; 7.13 Radio Scientist: ".Rocket Trip to the Moon;" 7 JO Rhythm Parade; 8 Radio Doctor:
      112 words
    • 100 10 Palms;" by William Fallcaer; 9 New Recording*; 9.30 New*; 9.45 "On th« Sentiment*! fids;" it Movl* Magazine; 10.90 Dane* Music; 11 Close. PftMANC 10.50 a.m.— 3 p.m. A* S'pore; 8 Listener* Calling; T As Spore; 7.30 "Blu« Danube;" 8 As 6'pore; 8.10 David- Ng, pianist; 8.30 Wednesday Symphony (Wagner, Haydn,
      100 words
    • 103 10 Music;" 7.16 French; 7.30 English Half-Hour; a "Strictly Instrumental;" 8.15 Thai: 8.46 Dutch; t Kuoyu; ».3O Bunn*e; 9.45 Interlude: 10 Radio Kewi Bad; 10. IS Classical Records; 10.45 "Meet the Common wealth 11.15 "Stock-Taking;" 11. Jo News and News Analysis; 11.45 Evening Serenade: 12 dote. AUSTRALIA 5.30 p.m. -Forces Favourites;
      103 words

  • 319 11 LONDON, Tues. r pECHNICAL adjustments brought slightly lower levels In most sections of the London Stock Exchange yesterday. Rubbers generally lost a few pence. British Ooremment funda remained very firm despite slackening- demand. Long-dated laroee closed one-eighth higher on the day. Closing middle) price* at •elected stock*, v
    319 words
  • 798 11 From Our Market Correspondent "THE Malayan share market quietened down slightly A yesterday after the recent spate of business. Some Industrials again showed small improvements. Prices quoted by the Ma--layan Sharebrokers' Association yesterday were: INOCBTBIALB A.ei Brick* Pret 1.2* 4.35 Ord. 2.15 3.39 AtM Ice
    798 words
  • 27 11 SINGAPORE, Toes, May 16—5299 (up $3.) LONDON. Toes., May 16. —Spot: £5951— £596; Forward, 596 i—ss97; Settlement, £59«. Turnover: morning. 125 tons; afternoon, 30 tons.
    27 words
  • 235 11 rpHE Singapore rubber market closed erratic yesterday with prices about two cents per below Monday's closing prices. Monday's Singapore market price fall brought both London and New York quotations down yesterday. The local market yesterday morning opened at about one cent per lb. below Monday's closing
    235 words
  • 70 11 From Our Stall Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR,. Tues. RUBBER Imported "into Malaya rv In April totalled -31,111 tons, the highest figure since April 1947. Imports In March 1950 were 27,203 tons. The cumulative total for the first four months of 1950 Is 94,405 tons (80,007 In the
    70 words
  • 73 11 From A Market Correspondent pOPRA In the Singapore produce market yesterday was quoted at $38 M. buyers and $38% sellers. Coconut oil had sellers at (62^. Cloves opened firmer with business passing at $984, but later they slipped to $J»Vi. Prices (per plcul) yesterday for other commodities were:
    73 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1129 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. SLOB fUNNEX UMI Cwntc'i es>ti.n t» irimi vie (Him Mrtt to lead *M discharge ear|o. tAILINCS te LIVERPOOL CLASCOW LONDON CONTINENTAL PORTS. Oue Sails P. S'ham Penang Aatatveat tor langiei. Cbtanca, Liverpool f, Casgow C 11/14 May II MnHi *ot I pool Avoomotrth Havre C 27/2B May
      1,129 words
    • 352 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NfW VOtK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON, INDIA. ECYPT Hd MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. N'oore P. S'ham l»anant Prei. Harding IT May Prat. Van Burnt 10 May/2 |m« 3/4 lana 5/6 |«M Pres Ictfenon «/10 las* 11/12 hike 1*715 (afi* Nh Crant 13/17 l.n« 18/19 lama iO/22 l«n# rO
      352 words
    • 388 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAIL!N«S FROM SCANDINAVIAN K./ CONT1NINT SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/ m/i "Dansborg' due abt. May 27 SCANDINAVIA for Saigon b Bangkok. m/t "Nordhval" due abt. lunt 11 for Bangkok iw/i "India" due abt. lune 16 Loading at Singapore. Port Swettenham for Bangkok, Saigon, Manila, Hong Kong. Takubar, Kobe Yokohama.
      388 words
    • 1020 11 MeAUSTER «t CO.. LTD. (Incorporates m Singapore) TflA*e*ft«M*s Ha oloMsA KLAVENBSS LIME HXBBMAM BOCBWAU. M ANCttiv FtANCISCOi «^»*»O?I. MAVti, ANTWIUP WWTLANO VANCOOVI*. ROTTWOAM HAMBURC Vceotlna cargo for Lantia 6 Sooth American Ports CITT O» CHtSTER Spore P. Sham Penang Rancisvilll 20/2* May 18/lf May U/10 May Spor. P. Sham Penang
      1,020 words

  • 431 12 SAFA ASKS FOR MORE POLICE BARBED WIRE Precautions For Sing Tao Visit Straits Times Soccer Reporter VUITH VIVID memories of the huge crowds that V thronged to see the Sing Tao Football Club of Hong Kong play in Singapore in 1947. Singapore Amateur Football Association h taking steps to see
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 12 ROLANDO DEL BELLO, one of Italy's stars in the Davis Cup match against British played at Eastbourne last week. Italy won the tie by beating Britain three-two after Tony Mottram had defeated Del BeHo to level scores at two-all. Picture shows Del Bello going back to a lob by Mottram.
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  • 562 12  - Pat's Fancy To Miss Cup Race pAT'8 Fancy, one of the van 1 Breukelen stable's brightest Cup hopes this season, will not fulfil her engagements at Buklt Timah. 8he has had to be taken off work for a few days owing to a boll on the hindquarters, and Trainer M.
    562 words
  • 318 12 an 3f In 42. Watch Shmoo over rf. Trußne clocked 30 4/5 for 3f. lustl< and Elegant Art went 3f. In WH easily Billy Carol (Lansdown) md Cabaret kept together over 3f. n 40ft. Inky Bill, a newcomer In the ieddle stable, vu tried out
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  • 246 12 TEE BONG SOO and S. S. Hamid (3 S/D). and Andrew Tan (HQ Tfc) and Lim Khoon Hian (5 S/D) qualified to meet in the men's doubles final of the BODCA badminton championships when they beat Ismail Ahmad and Isnln Alwi (1 S/D) and Teo Boon
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  • 219 12 LONDON, Tues. IDDLESEX, Joint county crlcket champions last year, scored their first victory of the season today by beating Somerset by eight wickets. Scores In games ending today are given below. At Oxford, Oxford V. beat Warwickshire by eight wickets. Warwick 89 and 335 (Gardiner
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 31 12 The Singapore Amateur Athletic Association's annual general meeting will be held at the S.R.C on Tuesday. May 23 at 5 p.m. and not on May 24 as previously announced.
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  • 39 12 Intending players are reminded that entries for the Singapore Lawn Tennis Assn. championships close by the first post of Saturday, May 20. No late entries will be accepted. The draw will take place on Monday, May 22.
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  • 125 12 LONDON, Tues.— The Aga Khan's pair. Eclat and Khorassan, along with French challenger Telegram, one of whclh seems sure to be the mount of Gordon Richards In the Derby, all received quotations at the call-over on the Epsom clastic at Victoria Club, London, last night.
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 123 12 TN a return match between Plight B.P. and Blue Flash B.P. played last Saturday at the Flight B.P. court. Flight beat the Blue Flash by six games to one. Detailed scores (Flight players first): Singles: Tan Kay Juay beat Billy Quek 15-4, 15-5; Lim Wei Lon lost
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  • 259 12 Surrey Hold W. Indies: Fishlock 110 LONDON, Tues. rpHE West Indies cricket tourists were held to a draw by Surrey at the Oval today. Following on 344 runs behind yesterday Surrey, who were 102 for three at close of play, today took their total to 391. West Indies had scored
    Reuter  -  259 words
  • 83 12 ■DOY BROOKS, triple champion of the Orient who lost both his fights In Singapore against Dave Sands, the British Empire middleweight champion, will be returning to Manila by air tomorrow. Brooks said he will return to Singapore next Wednesday and will start training. "Mr. Abdul Rasak,
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  • 42 12 SOCCEB: Snr. lge: Koto Raja t. S.C.C. at Jalan B«sar; Jnr. AS: Cosmos S.C. T. KoU Raja 'A' at Geylang; Jnr. A2: P.. N. Keppel Barrack* T. SHB Aux. Police at CYMA BADMINTON: BODCA flnaU at S p.m., Clerical Union.
    42 words
  • 285 12 A MEASURE of over-confidence and a whole lot of very poor finishing cost Singapore Recreation Club their SAFA Senior League game at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Indonesians, taking their chances, won two-one to make their league tally four points out of eight games. All the
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  • 50 12 NEAR THING FOR GOALKEEPER CAUGHT In a mid-air due! at yesterday's Business House soccer semifinal between Sime Darby and Borneo Motors at Thomson Road, are Bell (striped jersey), Sime Darby's centre-forward and Hong Lim, Borneo Motors' goalkeeper. Bell's header was just deflected by Hong Lim's outstretched hand. Straits Times picture.
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  • 144 12 rpHE Singapore Table-Tennis A Association's Junior interclub competition started on Monday at the Great World. Thirty-one associations are participating In this year's competition. Monday's three ties resulted in a convincing seven-two win for Shin Wah S. A. (Yellow) over City .Bank Club. Slong Boo A. A. beat
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  • 71 12 The S.A.F.A. Junior B-l league tie between, the C.Y.M.A. and Guard Dog Unit FARELJ resulted In a two-one win for Guard Dog Unit yesterday. Shortly after the Interval. Charlton opened accounts for Guard Dog Unit after a hurried scramble In front of the C.Y.M.A. goalmouth. C.Y.M.A.
    71 words
  • 399 12 A FTER trailing by two goals to nil, Sime Darby made a spirited recovery yesterday a t the Police Depot ground to snatch a narrow three-two victory in their semi-final Business House soccer fixture against Borneo Motors after one of the scrappiest but liveliest
    399 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 628 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from pact •>• OFFICE SPACfc WANTttD EUROPEAN FIRM WtehM to rent office /godown accommodation approx 6/6,000 w).ft. Ord. an*. Full particulars locality, availability and term* to Box No A»ftl8 S T 1LITION LEARN TO DRIVE. European Itiv cive» driving lessons. Box Ha A3842. 8 T VEHICLES FOR
      628 words
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous