The Straits Times, 16 May 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 274 1 SIX DIE IN SIAM BORDER AMBUSH Bandits Wore BananaLeaves From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. A BOUT 100 bandits, some with banana leaves round their bodies for camouflage, crept round a 30-man frontier police force patrol iust over the border in Siam on Saturday afternoon and killed six policemen
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  • Article, Illustration
    67 1 THE RAILROAD BRIDGE at left, partly bidden by the swinging gate the British have erected across the tracks, marks the boundar y between the New Territories, part of the Colony of Hong Kong on the Chinese mainland, and Communist China itself. This picture, taken a day before the Colony imposed
    AP  -  67 words
  • 239 1 IN a letter to the Singapore Hawker Inquiry Commission, Mr. P. E. Sofeldt, of Mansfield Co., states that from what he has seen police raids on hawkers "were all carried out according to what I thought were the proprietary pattern of the Nazi-Russo-Kempeitai I Three )r
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  • 54 1 ShKOWT.. Mon. Ruth Khama. white wife of exiled Bamangwato tribal chief Seretse Khama. Rave birth to a daughter at the Sent we Hospital today. LONDON, Mon.— The Deputy Premier. Mr. Herbert Morrison, announced today that Parliament would adjourn on May 21 for the Whitsun recess and resume work
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  • 64 1 AN official announcement in Kuala Lumpur last night confirmed the appointment, reported in yesterday's Straits Times, of Sir William Jenkin as adviser to the Criminal Investigation Department of the Federation Police. Sir William Jenkin. one of the outstanding men in the police world, Is expected
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  • 50 1 TURKISH GOVT. LOSES AT POLLS ANKARA. Mon.— The oppo.sition Democrats scored a stunning landslide victory in yesterday's Turkish general elections, defeating at least nine Cabinet Ministers, including the Premier, Mr. S. Gunartay. Unofficial return- Indicated today that even President Ismet Inonu was defeated for his Ankara seat In Parliament.— U.P.
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  • 94 1 TOKYO, Mon. INDONESIAN and Japanese 1 officials sat down together for the first time since the war today to write a new trade agreement between the young Republic and occupied Japan. They were drafting a pact to replace the US$BO,OOO,OOO trade arrangement written !n Dec. 1948
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  • 39 1 LONDON, Mon.— Tenants of council houses at Corby must take out bee-sting insurance if they keep bees. The council has ruled that each beekeeper must have a £1,000 policy to pay passersby who got stung.— -A.P.
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  • 20 1 JAKARTA. Mon. The Indonesian authorities today attacked the Dutch Government for failing; to control its East Indian troops
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  • 125 1 Chinese gamblers fought among themselves to escape when a dozen Singapore policemen surprised them in an attap shed in a lane off New I Market Road last night. The police party eight vol- unteer constables in plain clothes and three uniformed men— was led
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  • 38 1 LONDON, Mon.— The Burmese Prime Minister. Thakin Nu, said in London that there was no need to be nervous about the Interior situation in Burma. The Government was confident that it could control the country.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 106 1 from Our Own Correspondent HONG KONG Mon. DEALERS in Hong Kong have been allowed to cancel piecegoods contracts totalling $20,000,000. because of Increasing stocks and the virtual stoppage of sales to China Stores in Hong f<>nßf <>nR and various "erchair issociations to apt h the
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  • 77 1 MANILA, Mon. Department of Foreign Affairs and Department of National Defence officials may soon discuss the possibility of Philippine acquisition of the little Spratley Islands, in the South China Sea, between French Indo-China and Palawan. The Philippines Herald in a recent editorial advocated the taking over of
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  • 75 1 LONDON, Mon. URITAIN'S public ex- ecutioners "must conduct themselves discreetly before, during and after an execution," the Lord Chancellor Viscount Jowitt, told Parliament. Britain now has two offi~ cial hangmen, he told questioners in the House of Lords and lour assistant hangmen. The assistants are naid
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  • Article, Illustration
    65 1 DR. ASSAAT, ACTING PRESIDENT of the Indonesian Republic, places a ring on the finger of his bride at the wedding in Jakarta recently at which Eastern and Western customs mingled. The bride wean a rich sarong woven from gold thread on .the island of Sumatra, while Dr.
    AP  -  65 words
  • 175 1 LONDON, Monday. ABOUR today claimed an overall net gain of 85 seats in last week's nationwide local Government contests, most results of which are now to hand. Conservatives said that in 378 provincial boroughs the had 317 gains, including a net gain of 97 seats from
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 45 1 NEW YORK, Mon.— A New Jersey woman, who accused her husband of practising voodooism by sticking pins into a doll was refused a divorce because she had not proves that it had a bad effect on her mind or body. A.P.
    AP  -  45 words
  • 49 1 JOHANNESBURG, Mon.— A Zulu tribesman has been awarded the equivalent of US$4B3 damages- against fellow-villagers who burnt his hut while his wife was Inside. He said he had paid 10 head of cattle for his wife and had been deprived of her work in the fields.— AP.
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  • 94 1 Suitcase Had A False Bottom— Notes Found CUSTOMS officers at Kalians Airport, Singapore, made one of their biggest currency hauls on Sunday when they found 34,600 Indonesian guilders in the false bottom of a suitcase belonging to a Singapore passenger returning by air from Jakarta. A customs officer doing a
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  • 32 1 OTTAWA, Mon.— Sir Basil Brooke. Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, plans to finish his Canadian tour alone after his wife went to hospital for an emergency appendlcltU operation.— U.P.
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  • 39 1 PARIS, Mon.— French troops killed 31 insurgents and captured 40 when they drove off besieging Vietminh soldiers around a French post 55 miles south of Hanoi. The French captured a large quantity of arms.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 164 1 HONG KONG, Monday. TWO American naval fliers, William C. Smith and 1 Elmer C. Bender, arrived at Hong Kong today aboard the British merchantman Hunan after 19 months' detention by Chinese Communists. The fliers were transferred from the Hunan to the United States Seventh
    Reuter-AAP  -  164 words
  • 119 1 LONDON. A*on.— Mr. Anthony Brooke, ex-Raja Muda of Sarawak, today sent a letter to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, for permission to enter Sarawak to prosecute a libel action. He repeated the undertaking given in a previous request that the visit would be restricted solely
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 20 1 TOKYO, Mon.— Japan intends to Import 200,000 to 300,000 tons of scrap-iroa from East Asia dursg 199t. Reuter.
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  • 124 1 'FLEE NOW FLOOD WARNING WINNIPEG, Manitoba. lion. A IX persons not actively fighting floods were urged last night to flee Winnipeg and the neighbouring town of St. Boniface within 48 hours, before the full force of the Red River in spate hits the stricken city. In Winnipeg pastors and army
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  • 309 1 Warning Starts Aid Asia Talks SYDNEY Mon. NOTE of warning against any aggression no matter in wh«t new guise it may appear. Which attempted to take advantage of the new forces ol nationalism and their accomuanying changes in the South East Asia region," wsis given today by Australia's Minister for
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  309 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 49 1 21 CHULIA STREET SINGAPORE <?Ue6535 Q \A^ Tb« no»e impertinent only re»pect« PYRAMID Tt»i» Mark HAN D.KBRGH I E-F S la white and coloured for men and women A TOOTAL PRODUCT m TIT* E««rd& MIBi iootai muM FVBAMI > Malayaa lUprrscntat i vos William Jacks St Co. (M) l.t J
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  • 166 2 'REDS WIN FAR EAST COLD WAR' WASHIGTON, Mon. MR John Foscer Dulles, a special State Department consultant, asserted today that the United States U los tag the cold war to Russia and has been dolivg so for four or five ysars. "As for the Far East, the Communists have used
    UP  -  166 words
  • 72 2 TOKYO, Mon. I*he Norwegian motor veboel Talis•nan arrived in Shimizu yesterday towed by the United States naval tanker Sh^wnee Trail. Fire is still raging in the ship's engine room and two holds. No casualty is reported among the 45 crew and one passenger. Crew members,
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 42 2 Tenders are Invited for th* supply and preparation of food for approximately one hundred students in the Technical College Hostel. Maxwell Road. Kuala Lumpur. Full particulars can be obtained from the Principal, Technical College. High Street, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 282 2 HOLLYWOOD, Monday. FRANK Sinatra's wife spent Mother's Day alone with her three children yesterday while the crooner was in Spain with the actress, Ava Gardner. Frienfls of Mrs. Sinatra said that she did not even get a Mothers' Day present from her wandering husband who
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  • 148 2 INDIA'S OFFER TO MUSLIMS NEW DELHI, Mon. INDIA is prepared to receive x back ail Muslims who left the. country for Western Pakistan on or after March 1 and to restore their properties on their return. This official offer, which will remain open until Dec. 31, Is the first major
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  • 36 2 NCfTTINGHAM, Mon.—Lord Hyndley, Chairman of the National Coal Board, warned Britain's miners yesterday that the industry was In danger of being unable to fulfil Its home and overseas commitments during the next few months'.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 61 2 LONDON, Monday. SIR William Haley, Director-General of the 8.8.C., has asked the Director of Public Prosecutions to probe allegations of bribery and corruption over a radio show. The show "Opportunity Knocks," was taken off the air last autumn. A Socialist Member of Parliament, Wing Commander
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 572 2 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT WAR D£PAP T MENT tfORKS SERVICES SINGAPORE Application* are invited .01 the uni appointments In the War Department. Thes* appointments •re open to Male or Female candidates. ARCHITKCT Applicant* should have bad considerable experience of design and construction of all type* of buildmr*. together with a sound knowledge
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    • 892 2 NOTICES UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG ARCHITECTURE Courses leading to a degree in Architecture will be offered from the Academic Year beginning September. 1950. Detailed syllabuses of the first year's study will be Available at the beginning of the courses. B. MELLOR Registrar «th May. 1950 ESTATE OF DENNIS HOME MORRISON
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    • 411 2 NOTICE This U to Inform the General Public that Mr. A. 8. Sultan Abdul Kadlr Is no longer employed by us and he has no authority to act on our behalf In any way. THE BALI CATTLE TRADING COMPANY, 102 Crow Street, Singapore. AUCTION SALE OF Lot 1. Valuable freehold
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    • 480 2 TENDER NOTICE TENDERS are Invited for the supply of 1,500 yds Khaki Drill for Officers, and must reach the Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore, by 23rd May, 1950. Further details may be obtained from Police HQ., Singapore. P.W.D. TENDER NOTICE Tenders will be received from P.W.D. Contractors of Class "A" at
      480 words
    • 365 2 I IS KUMnuks I I cocikiesf delicio-tfS fl \J say* ELSIE th« BORDEN cow [I Ess**'- If your recipe calls for milk— be 1/ r sure you use KLIM. It ados extra TAXI WATII, nourishment to delicious cream ABB gun, t Til soups; makes richer, smoother I AN* TOIMVI P""
      365 words

  • 446 3 But Allied Troops To Remain For Defence LONDON, Monday. BRITAIN, America and France will keep their troops in Germany and refuse to write a peace treaty as long as Russian policy divides the country, the three Western Foreign Ministers announced last night. The role
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  446 words
  • 153 3 LONDON, Mon. »THL chairman ol the US Chiefs-of-Staff, Gen. Omar Bradley, may supersede Fiela Marshal Lord Monteomery as supreme head of Western European armies according to '\vo newspaueis here Hit American, British ana Fnnch Foreign Ministers, who have lust HKu.iuded a tl rre-day conference here on
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  • 133 3 CAMP McGILL. Japan, Mon. UNITED States troops in the Far East -started a three months' intensive programme of manoeuvres today. The manoeuvres are the most important held in this area since the Occupation began. Picked men ol General MacArthur's army and air iorce units opened exercises at
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  • 74 3 EASTBOURNE. England, Mon. A BRITISH expert admitted yesterday that Britain had "the coldest, draughtiest and dampest homes of any civilised nation." Mr. Donald V. U. smith. a heating expert, owned up to what many foreign visitors have been saying for a long time but he
    AP  -  74 words
  • 112 3 HONG KONG, Monday. TViE Chinese Communists are expected to make an 1 issue with the British Government over the impounding of 70 CNAC and CATC planes in Hong Kong, holding up still further the current Peking negotiations for the establishment of diplomatic relations. Since
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  • 26 3 JAKARTA, Mon.— The Sec-retary-General of the U.S.I. Foreign Ministry, Mr. Icksan, left for Singapore today to Inspect the work of the Indonesian Legation there—Rea-ter-AAP.
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 3 DATO E. E. C. THLRAISINGHAM, of Kuala Lumpur, with Sir Syd;i-7 and Lady Palmer, formerly of the Federation, at a cocktail party given in Brussels by the American delegation to other delegate* to the International Rubber Study Group which met there earlier this month.
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  • 153 3 HONG KONG, Monday. r FHE Hong Kong police yesterday uncovered a cached arsenal containing five Mauser pistols, one automatic pistol, one revolver and one handgrenade buried in the New Territories. Nineteen men were arrested in connection with the arms haul. Another 12 men wero
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  • 172 3 U.K. PLAN TO AID REFUGEES HONG KONG, Mon. THE Kowloon Chinese Chamber of Commerce has drawn up a scheme to resettle more than 25,000 Chinese destitutes in the colony and on the Kowloon mainland on Lantao island, almost twice the size of Hong Kong and very sparsely populated. The extreme
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  172 words
  • 96 3 BERLIN, Mon.— The COmmunist Party, in a new attack on Christianity, has called for a t "protest movement," which churchmen said was an order to the Communists to form secret cells in German churches. The Party's political bureau accused Catholic and Protestant Church leaders of assailing
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  • 37 3 TOKYO, Mon.— Japan is believed to have made an unofficial application to the International Monetary Fund for membership. Japanese officials have conferred with the managing director of the fund and with other officials. Reuter-AAP.
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  • 132 3 LONDON. Mon. HALF the workers in Poland's Communist Party are "untrustworthy" and their training in true Communist tactics is the foremost task of the Party today. Poland's Communist President, Boleslaw Bierut. who said this in a speech to the Communist Politburo, added that the Party was
    Reuter; UP  -  132 words
  • 66 3 TOKYO, Mon.— Four of America's best gymnasts headed by Mr. Roy E. Moore, vice-president of the International Gymnastic Federation, arrived in Tokyo today to aid Japan in its efforts to be re-admitted to the International Amateur Gymnastic Federation." The gymnastic team came on the initiative of
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 207 3 Jap P.-o-W .'s Fight For Chinese Reds HONG KONG, Monday. (CHINESE reports from Canton say that Japanese troops attached to General Lin Piao's Army, who took part in the invasion of Hainan Island, passed through Canton recently on their wav to an und'sclosed destination in Fukien. Known as the "Steel
    Reuter  -  207 words
  • 36 3 ON THE backswing from the off-the-shoulder trend, this white cotton model features a single strap. The severe, plainly cut bodice emphasises the skirt gathered in ruffles. The belt Is of velvet silk.— A.P. picture.
    AP  -  36 words
  • 228 3 WAR TALK DOES NOT "WORRY" LIAQUAT SAM FRANCISCO, Mon. MR. Liaquat AH Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, reached the West Coast yesterday on his goodwill tour of the United States. He told a Press conference that he had been particularly impressed with the progress America had made through free enterprise.
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  • 93 3 SYDNEY, Mon. THIRTY-YEAR-OLD Crown Prince Tung of the Tonga Islands, a Sydney University graduate in law and arts, said in a broadcast here today he had "every sympathy" with the "White Australia" policy. The Prince added: "Australia must retain her own nature as a homogeneous race.
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 56 3 HONG KONO, Mon. Mr. S. K. Pa til, Mayor of Bombay who arrived here vestcrday afternoon, told Pressmen that Communist acclvltle? in Bombay were limited, and he did not believe Communism will succeed in the long run, because it seeks to enslave the individual a I
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 42 3 SYDNEY, Australia, Mon. The Most Reverend Michael Yashiro, Roman Catholic Bishop of Kobe, Japan, arrived in Auckland, New New Zealand yesterday. He said the number of Christian! In Japan has doubled since the end of the war. AP.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 162 3 I^^^J Fill -K^Sidwv '-mJEi^- '^U*- Jl y--^. '^f LUXURY TRAVEL at 100 miles per hour I One of the world 1 outstanding cars, and the most thrilling to drive. At speeds in excess of 1 mile* per minute it holds the road like a limpet and pro v ides all
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  • 376 4 IN about two weeks time, 98 undergraduates will sit for their final examinations for the degrees of 8.A., B.A. (Hons.), BJSc, BSc. (Hons), M.8.8.5., and 8.D.5., to be awarded by the University of Malaya for the first time. Successful students will receive their
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  • 68 4 From On Own Correspondent KEMAMAN, lion. *THE crocodile that aitack- ed two Malays in the Kemaman River a week ago again tried to drag a Chinese from Kuala Kemaman while he was takinp a bath in the evening. •The man fought the crocodile and escaped. Ha
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  • 53 4 PENANG. Mon. WHEN a 20-year-old coldsmith. Chop Hoot Leng, rented a room in a Chulla Street lodging bouse, he told the hotelkeeper to •'come back later for the rent." The proprietor «lid so and found Choo dead. A letter was found in his pocket.
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 4 INCHE MOHAMED Sallch bin Hakim (right i accepts his warrant as a Justice of the Peace from the Sultan of Selangor at a recent parade on the Kuala Lumpur pa dans Straits Times picture.
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  • 295 4 MALACCA ASSAULT CASE From Our Staff Correspondent MALACCA, Monday. "1 HAVE no objection to an adjournment with a view to a settlement outside court, but it surprises me that an adjournment is being asked for at this stage when all alone I have been
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  • 33 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Ng Ah Lim. a car driver, was fined $20 at Johore Bahru for carrying goods without a haulage permit and $10 for not having a goods vehicle licence.
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  • 147 4 POUR senior members of the British Medical Association in Great Britain and Canada will be entertained in Singapore by members ef the British Medical Association on May 19 and 20. The visitors 'ronv Great Britain will be Dr. A. Gregg, chairman of tho
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  • 42 4 From Our Own Corrcsnondent KOTA BAHRU, Mon. Haji Nik Mobamed Salleh a religious teacher of Kelantan, was charged in the Magistrate's Court on several counts of cheating involving total of $15,000. He claimed' trial and wu allowed $29,000 bail.
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  • 287 4 TYPHUS DUE TO LAND NEGLECT r|R. J R. Audy, MedicaJ Officer of the Scrub Typhus Research Unit, told the Straits Times yesterday that bad utilisation of land accounted streatly for the increase In the incidence of scrub typhus in Malaya since the war. Clearings made throughout Malaya during ihe Japanese
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  • 137 4 From Oat SU9 Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. THE Malayan Hallway has announced "temporary and unavoidable alterations" in the running of passenger trains south of Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday and Thursday while repairs are made between iemas and Tampin. WEDNESDAY: The 7.50 am. stopping train from
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  • 83 4 From On Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. LOW POH MUN, a 32-year-old Chinese, today appeared before Mr. D. K. K. Grant in the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court charged with criminal breach of trust of $34,365.78 worth of jewellery. It was alleged that Low misappropriated the Jewellery while
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 185 4 W£€Bm jk Ft Good mornings begin with Gillette the sharpest edge In the worljf Vri«* BnqalrUt to: B»rlo« C». Lid. Xoaapor* Braoekw I A~-i HENLEY DISTRIBUTORS;— SINGAPORE:— Swce Hin Co.. 11. Ha*clock Ro»d. K'JA'.A t'JM?UR: South Auto Company.. 341, Batu Road, Tal Tong b Co.. 302. Bafu Road -XtL^dtoi^djr^fr*^K^^r^?<^^S nns
      185 words
    • 110 4 'ii SMEDLEY S FRESH PICKED GARDEN PEAS will bring new enjoyment to your table. Ask to see the other vegetables and fruits in the large SMEDLEY range. Sole Agents: SINGAPORE KUALA lUMPUR PENANG FOR THfIT IRRITfITING THROfIT/ !tpsip: Specially Recommended ■Ifcyolaflßfty llJßfifP B reft th aR d against W^ftjw v
      110 words

  • 284 5 Give Better Food To Schoolchildren More Evidence A t Hawker Inquiry pARENTS should be encouraged to give their children nourishing food during school recess time, the Singapore Hawker Inquiry Commission was told yesterday by Mrs. Mary Barker, teacher at St. Anthony's Girls' School, Singapore. Parents should
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  • 96 5 rE Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, has reported to the Singapore Hawker Inquiry Commission meeting yesterday the case of an unlicensed woman hawker who, unable to pay her fines, took caustic soda and died last week. It was reported that she had been arrested
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  • 136 5 From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. /GOVERNMENT and police Aj officials in Kuala Lumpur today said they had not received a letter reported by the Utusan Melayu to have been written by 200 Pahang Ma.iay bandits asking about the fate of their ieader, Wahi Annuar. The
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  • 70 5 INTER-SCHOOL ART EXHIBITION, British Council Hall, Slamlord Road, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Y.W.C.A., 5, Raffles Quay, Wayfarers' meeting, 3 pjn. cooking class, 5 p.m.. ballroom dancing 5.30 p.m CHINESE Y.M.C.A., chess club, 5 p.m., weightliftlng, 5.30 p.m. badrrfinton, 5.30 p.m. Y.M.C.A., Orchard Road, firstaid class, 6 p.m.,
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  • 202 5 A SACRED Trust to administer Mecca and Medina the Muslim holy places was advocated by the Singapore Muslim Welfare Association at its annual general meeting on Sunday. The meeting decided to ask King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia to set up the Trust
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  • 93 5 From Our SUff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. AriB debating the matter for several days, the Johore Bahru division of UMNO has accepted in principle, the proposals of the Communities Liaison Committee on Federal citizenship. However, certain amendments and recommendations will be tabled at the extraordinary meeting of
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  • 58 5 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH. Mon.— A 6«-year old Singapore man, O. A. Kadar Mohideen, was today charged before the Ipoh Magistrate, Inche Bahaudin bin Yacob, with using a forged promissory note for a sum of $6,000 at Ipoh on Mar. 10 last year. Kader Mohideen was
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  • 89 5 From Ow Staff Corr«»pon4«nt ALOR STAR Mon. A SINGLE shot flred by a police dog »boot«r killed a dog and a 10-year-old Tamil girl on the Jeniang Road at Goran this morning. The girl, sister of a detective constable at Gurua, ww sitting on
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  • 85 5 rpHE Society of Yorkshire- men In Malaya was formally re-constituted yesterday at a meeting of Yorkshlremen and women at the United Engineers Building. The society's object Is to promote intercourse, cordiality and good-fellowship among Yorksnlremen and women and further their Interests. To boost the society's membership, the
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  • 91 5 From Oar Staff Correspondent PENANO, Mon. THE Sultan of Kedah yesterday afternoon saw a man rescued from the sea in front of "Kedah House" his Penanjr residence in Northam Road. While on guard duty in the Sultan's house, Constable Abdullah bin Mat Isa heard a shout
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  • 10 5 RACE AGAINST TIME THE DUTCH tor, Noordzee. now In Singapore.
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  • 204 5 A FTEK winning a race against time to save the lift of one of her crew, the 330-ton Dutch tug, Noordzee has arrived in Singapore on the last lap of her journey to Melbourne. The tug diverted her course to Sabang to land the
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  • 117 5 From Our SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A KUALA LUMPUR Chinese businessman has given a piece of seaside land to the Malayan Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, thus ending a two-year search by the Association for a suitable site for a sanatorium. The donor
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  • 65 5 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Sun When the case against Chin Son Moo was called in the Johore Bahru Police Court today, Tan Kwong Pun told the Court that Chin had left the country. The charge was for not renewing a car licence and Tan said the
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  • 61 5 Three persons accused in the Singapore Second Police Court this week-end with being members of an unlawful assembly at the Naval Base and causing hurt to two men, were Tamil Muslims and not Pakistanis as earlier reported. The case against the three Tamil Muslims was postponed until May
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  • 280 5 Call For 'Industrial Democracy' In Malaya MR. P. P. Narayanan, Prestsident of the Malayan Trades Union Council, in an interview with the Straits Times yesterday, called for the establishment or Industrial democracy in Malaya. Democracy within, industry. he said, was one sore way cf promoting industrial effeciency and better labourmanagement
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  • 144 5 A VETERAN of the Boer War who helped build some of Singapore's largest roads was buried at Bidadarl Cemetery yesterday evening. He was Mr. Spencer Augustus Miller, who died at the Singapore General Hospital at the age of 71 yesterday morning after a long illness.
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  • 197 5 At the recent annual meeting of the Hua Bian Association, Mr. Soon Cheng Slong was elected president for the coming year. Others elected were: vice-pre-sidents, Messrs. Tan Kuan Sai, Ong Siong Bee, Tan Lip Seng, Ang Cheng Guan, Ang Toon Tlong, Ooh Chin Bee, Lim Eng Koon,
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  • 41 5 From Our SUV Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. Lee Cheok, the owner of a house in Senal, who let a room In it to Chan Boon for the consumption of chandu, was fined $50 in the Johore Bahru Police Court.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 345 5 He didn't forget to kiss you Honey I Poor foolish wife to trust ju\t a bath, instead of capping it otf with dependable Mum. Your bath washes away past perspiration but it can't safeguard you against the risk of future underarm odour. lake just 30 seconds to smooth on Mum
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    • 112 5 lIIILSZKgj IM JY ft\ OIL-BOUND WASHABLE jfc^St Dittrrbutort: A. CLOUET CO., LTD. BORNEO SUMATRA TRADING CO. (Malaya) LTD. to A tore throat may be a warning that a cold* coming on— heed it! Gargling Listerine at the very first sign of throat irritation may localize the Infection and help prevent
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  • 69 6 MR. ft MRS. SAM ALEXANDER thank all friends and reteflvw who attended their wedding and for their gifts and congratulatory imeaagas. MR. P. R. O'FLYNN to moat deeply grateful to the many kind friends and well wishers who aympathkt with him In his recnt bereavement and hope* they will
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  • 875 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues., May 16, 1950. USIS And Raffles The cartoon in this page today ii not published because it is thought to be a fair commentary on library facilities in Singapore other than those provided by the free public library which has been opened in Raffles Place
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  • 271 6 the risk of repetition. I would gladly recall your readers' attention to a memorable oratorio performed In Singapore last Friday ana Sunday. It seems worth while to remind the public of the Colony that they have in their mid; t a musical organisation which Is important Judged
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  • 304 6 IT seems that at the pre1 sent time there are technical assistants, clerks, and other Government servants aggressively shaking a nst and crying In frenzied agitation: "There Is this man and there is that man earning more than I am earning, and there is another
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 293 6 nrciE Communities Liaison Committee has recomA mended that Malays should widen the citizenship clauses of the Federation Agreement to admit more Chinese, and that the Chinese on their part should take Malay capital and labour Into their businesses, at the same time assisting the Malays
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    • 163 6 HAVING seen the good news, in th e Sunday Times of May 7, that General Briggs was now ready for battle, I felt driven to write a few lines suggesting some rather important points which I have observed on operations, os a liaison officer with
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    • 47 6 LHAVE never been able to understand why it should be considered reasonable for a person who has lived even the full span of three score yean ana ten to claim the right for his dead square feet of the earth's surface in perpetuiU RAxiDNAL. Sinf*pore.
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    • 194 6 "CKMt a week the newsr papers of Singapore Invited ms to a Rally on the Padang. We were shown pictures of a gentleman dressed up as Raffles and others of a direct descendant of the Sultan of Singapore We were asked to go and see
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    • 98 6 YOU published recently announcements by the Custodian of Property that be hZs a collection of silverware for exhibit to approved parties. A considerable amount of this collection was, I understand, found In Talplng, and Is the property of residents In Perak. May I ask why this should have
      98 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 6 THE LITTLE OMM "The United State* Inform* tlon Service library In Raffles Place enrolled 1,508 memben yesterday. The library was so crowded that addition al tables had to be moved in. A USIS official told the Straits Times: I have never seen anything like if."— Straits Times. May 5.
    49 words
  • 656 6  -  By M. AROKIASAMY The secretary of the standing; committee of the Pan-Malayan G.C 8. Delefates' conference replies to wrenl letters pablfihed recently In the Straits Time* on the subject of the salary scale* recommended for the General Clerical Service by the Benham Committee. PANTRY Into
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  • 515 6 On The Margin The Living Past WONDER how many of the Singaporeans who saw the pageant on the Padang hq Saturday know that there are still living links with the history that was made near that spot one hundred and thirtyone years ago. Raffles landed for the first time on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 706 6 Straits rimes k Free Preu Is* Reef, H—Msri CeM ttoeaje Oresiard Read, win reeavva iml etfvernseMents mm enewsrs to t*a ■■■»>n CLASSIFIED ADS. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED Experienced Stenoprapher by Legal flnn. Reply Box No. ASB3O. S.T. WANTED by European Import Firm, efficient Invoicing clerk/ typist for permanent employment Tleply Box
      706 words
    • 86 6 GLASSES Allf NOT A COMMODITY \hmf art not only wiHioat valwa Htay arc harmful wiritont pr»fe»i«*al ability and intagrltf in Hi* out prescribing thmm They ar« totally without valiM •xcept m th«y ambody Hrn answer to a tpecifie visiul probltm. This answer can only be determined by painstaking, thorough visual
      86 words
    • 84 6 Canvbridde^t s£l a new development PVjH By electrically spacing congested >. short wavebands, "Bandspreading" ~^W^^l s v_^b4B^bibb! makes tuning of shortwave sti- V tio«s as May aa tuning Hie A. \W^^\ home service. Her* it a \i C\ development that will be V^ found on all receivers /■^^^.J^^.VV' v V
      84 words

  • 182 7 Varsity Union Council Election riUR of the tight constituencies of the University of Malaya Students Union have nominated the s a n* e number of candidates as they have seats in the Council. This means that 16 out or the 28 Councillors have been automatically elected Into the Council. These
    182 words
  • 86 7 Baii of $5,000 in two sureties was allowed to three men in the Singapore Second District Court yesterday when they appeared on a charge of possessing 313 pounds of dutiable tobacco. It was alleged that the! mf n, Toe Tian Wee, 22, Ong Chooi Hong.
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  • 43 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. Over 200 members of the Johore Bahru division of UMNO met at UMNO Hall last night to mark the "asra" of the Prophet, a religious celebration held a month before the start of Ramadan, the fasting month.
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  • 238 7 ARSON THOUGHT TO BE WORK OF COMMUNISTS ARMED GUARD AT CUSTOMS STATION ARMED police were on duty at the Tampenis Customs Department sub-station in Singapore yesterday following: the throwing of lighted torches on the roof of the Customs officers' quarters on Sunday night Crudfely-made torches were used In the attack.
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 7 CAPT. HARRY A'COURT, of Malayan Airways, and bis bride, Miss Margaret Stowe, after their wedding at the Singapore Registry last Saturday. Mobile Foto picture.
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  • 242 7 A 45-YEAR-OLD deaf and dumb Russian woman stood in the dock of the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday and pleaded guilty to a charge of begging. She was assisted by a sign language interpreter, Mrs. S. CottereiL The woman, Elenatranaref Sovastrauova Lentz, who was neatly dressed
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  • 54 7 rpHE Singapore Fire BrijX ade was called out yesterday on three false alarms. The first call came from Lavender Street at 2 p.m. At the same time there was another call from Middle Road. At I p.m. there was a false alarm from the eighth
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  • 51 7 On the death of a person, his or her Identity card should be returned to the Registration Office within seven days, said a Singapore Government statement yesterday. The statement said that particulars in an identify card which have become incorrect should be immediately reported to the Registration
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  • 202 7 OWNERS of rubber land between the H and 11th milestones, Yio Chu Kang Road, Singapore, yesterday met the Collector of Land Revenue (Mr. S. G. Burloch) preparatory to the military taking over this land for defence purposes. The talks will be continued today. I The land comprises
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 7 MR. WILLIAM CONSTABLE, the Australian theatrical designer, who arrived in Singapore yesterday by Qantas Constellation. He is on his way to London and Paris where he will study the latest developments In the mechanics of the stage and theatre.— Straits Times picWr*.
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  • 42 7 A 41-year-old employee of the Singapore Municipality has become the first Asian to be promoted to the post of Assistant Sanitary Engineer in the Senior Officer's Salary Scheme. He is Mr. Herbert Louis Pereira, former Senior Sanitary Engineering Inspector.
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  • 128 7 MR. Justice Evans reserved judgment in the Singapore Supreme Court yesterday in the mortgage claim /or $66,000 brought by Mrs. Diana Ellis against Mad;m Khoo Ek Neo and Madame Tham Khiam Chew. Madam' Khoo mortgaged a house in Telok Ayer Street to Mrs. Ellis for $38,000 before
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  • 21 7 Education Week will be an annual event in Singapore, the Director of Education, Mr. A. W. Frisky, said yesterday.
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  • 141 7 THE Malayan Film Censor, Mr. Jack Brans, has banned Columbia's "Knock On Any Door," starring Humphrey Bogart. nili follows the banning last week of four other film*. Mr. Nonee S*n, chief Singapore repre*entetlj% Of Columbia fllmat, ton tti» Straits Time* yeetera&y tnJit Mr. Evans had viewed
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  • 188 7 FISHING SURVEY IN AUGUST CJINGAPORE'S $74,000 O survey of the fishing Industry will be started early In August, Mr. T. W. Burdon. Offlcer-ln-Charge of the Fisheries Department, told the Strait* Times yesterday. The survey which will Investigate all aspects of the fishing trade and search for new fishing grounds, will
    188 words
  • 80 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A EUROPEAN Assistant Controller of Supplies in Kedah and Perils* S. A. Young today appeared before Mr. D. M. K. Grant in the Ktuda Lumpur Sessions Court charged with corruption. It is alleged that Young, in his capacity of a public servant, accepted $1,500 without
    80 words
  • 65 7 From Oar SUIT Correspondent IPOH, Mon. AFTER binding a Chinese squatter to the door post of his house in the Ipoh area early yesterday, bandits abducted his wife. The woman's body with the hands tied behind sad stab wounds in the neck, was found later near the
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  • 152 7 SIXTY pictures drawn by Australian school children and elected by the education departments -of five Australian States are among the 1.000 displayed at the ninth annual Singapore interschool art exhibition which re-opened At the British Council Hall yesterday. This exhibition was held at the Victoria Memorial
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  • 54 7 'Rep' Goes North With 'Sweet Semp'.... THE SINGAPORE REPERTORY COMPANY left Singapore by Malayan Airways to begin their Federation tour in Penan*. They took with them their mascot, "Sweet Semp." From left are Derek West. Dorina Brown, John ForbesSempili. the company's actor manager, Vivienne Busbridge (holding the mascot) and Phil
    54 words
  • 288 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. rft) Malay policenjen and two special constables have been killed and three nollcemen wounded in clashes with bandits. Two spsclal constables were killed and two wounded in ambushes In the Tapah area last night. When four specials
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  • 48 7 Malaya Imported 31,111 tons of rubber ip April Of this, 26,995 tons were imported into Singapore and the balance int« the Federation. The total Imports for the first four months of the year were 94,405 tons against 80,007 tons for the corresponding period last year.
    48 words
  • 75 7 TiHE daily attendance at the JL treatment centres of the Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association has increased from 116 last month to an average of 180 this month, the Radiologist and Administrator of S-A.T.A. Dr. Q. H. Garlick, told the Straits Times yesterday. Two trained nurses have been engaged
    75 words
  • 102 7 TWENTY-one-year-old Phi- lip Tan, of Race Course Road, Singapore, was charged In the Second Police Court yesterday on two counts of cheating which involved 25 $3 admission Uckets to last week's boxing. The prosecution ail. "cl that Tan had cheated Hu Chee Ngee, of Hill Street, and
    102 words
  • 40 7 Mr. O. Gronemann, 2'Jold Dane, employed Dy the engineering branch of East Asiatic Co Ltd. at Singapore, was killed in a u> car accident on afternoon. Mr. Gronemann was d; i\ ing a jeep from Penans i» Taiping.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 62 7 ■N Grr'J,A UKS KZ3 In Out/et MODERN -j SANITATION 'SUBJECT TO MUNICIPAL j APPROVAL IN t> ZU .SINGAPORE) AT LOW COST IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES EX. WORKS ENQUIRIES INVITED HUME INDUSTRIES (Far East) LTD. Singapore Kuala Lumpur Prai CALOREX tinted gla.s Sunlight without discomfort Heat Excluding Light Transmitting Stocks now available \S«nta
      62 words
    • 76 7 Tailoring h a Difference that is our Motto Here our European Cutter «ill cut fit jour requirements with (he Traditional English care 19 _^»*»«|S3k spy _*->^ •i i\ii mM WEAR FLANNELS *S W Vlfy INSURE &1 FINE WOOLLENS IJ k\ WORSTEDS FOR SPECIAL IV OCCASIONS [m PALMBEACH X **^iM m
      76 words

    • 565 8  -  by*^ NURSE BRIDGET I THINK that most mothers todav i valise the importance of breast feeding, but not all know how to overcome the difficulties which do arise from time to time and too many mothers give up trying to breast feed and so put baby on
      565 words
    • 169 8 COLOURED metallic rinses are new for hair. Some film stars ana scarlets seen at first night* have adopted tlte sfiort hair style. Lots of L i<em lavour curls on top o1 the head as well as notnrjtng bobs, shoulder-l-r,«th. Elaborate jeicelled or nearled necklaces
      169 words
    • 206 8 Capes make a comeback PARIS. CAPES are making a comeback this year. The brief flared variety which were popular back in the early '30s are now being used to cover up the bare backs of halter-necked sun dresses. French designer Marcel Rochas adds an extra fillip to them by designing
      AP  -  206 words
    • 121 8 Malayan Homes Fashions HIRE if Hi* Malayan version j of »h« tailored suit, England's mett tucceisful com- j tribution to fashion. It is the uniform worn by I Malayan Airways' attractive hostesses and in sky blue with a white blouse and pill-box hat no on* could deny its smartness, though
      121 words
    • 671 8 *+~FROM AN^ ESTATE j| BUNGALOW <: >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ »T ROOKIE received one of his rare letters from India and informed me that he was homesick in fact he had a good cry. At. he has not been home for such a long time it is natural
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  • 298 8 PRACTI CALLY _i m»\ every girl of 14 •or less can prove to her own satisfaction, from argument with her mother, that there is no reason in the world why she shouldn't be allowed tn iioo linen,!, to use lipstick. Whether she can prove this to her
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 94 8 aY f w\ <^^^ mr fMn. ■Mm aikw Hlk w wwfl^^ *L^9^t ttSl 1 lA^ aai Ski Mttlki^f BPv^)J^ "*by Linay Kirkby It's LACTOGEN that hat made m« popular fj/ around here! Th« neighbours soy they've 19 mi m never seen a finer boby and isn't mother proud? fl LACTOGEN
      94 words
    • 152 8 Breakfast's ready and they're ready for breakfast when It's Gammon Rashers Tender and tasty, this dish is the perfect beginning to the day. Poor appetites quickly respond to the delicious flavour of Cold Storage gammon rashers. Order some for tomorrow and have a really good breakfast! COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold
      152 words

    • 1183 9  -  From BOB GILMORE MELBOURNE, May 10. ALTHOUGH in theory the Svriney (Conference rou Id devise measures which would buy Australia time and buy Australia peace of mind, the public is sceptical and uneasy. Sceptical because of conspicuous British disinterest and uneasy because of daily
      1,183 words
    • 206 9 NEW YORK.* THEODORE Donay, 511 »,00,. nu n«™,on k™. year-old German-born American, has disappeared from his home in California Anrf a mysteriorsubmarine* which has been lying Off the Callfornian coast, has gone, too. The only clue to Donay's disappearance is an empty 18ft. motor-boat which
      206 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 129 9 !V ~^K Everyone knows the best Virginia cigarettes are made in \V I London; but, fortunately, they do not all stay there The famous [y \"&tfi Bensor Hedges red tin is a familiar sight in almost every \wk country of the world. You will find these cigarettes in the hands
      129 words
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 236 9 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD ac««»« 2$ ExlortlonaU charge tar* mO^WftRn V« KH 1. Regal dress (aflag.) U«* <«-<)., l-IMJOO WiJ-tlJ 1NO. 5O No ihootin* at thu cock M. Dreadful <7>. |"J""| ij in |4 I l» I H§M« I' I '*>■ U. It was a* because *f lit 10 Tipples decoratlvely
      236 words

  • 11 10 Worn Copyright. arranormtnt with Daily Herald
    11 words
  • 1282 10  - Marshall Plan For Asia Richard Denman of The Economist YESTERDAY a conference opened in Sydney which may ultimately do for Asia what the Paris meeting of the 16 countries, which answered General Marshall's invitation in the summer of 1947, did for Europe. The Paris meeting was the first step in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 81 10 SINGAPORE 10 a.m. News from K.L.; 10.05 Close: 10.50 Schools: 12 Malay; 1 pjn. Light Music; 1.30 News; 1.45 The Charioteers; 3 Close; 0 Listeners' Choice: 7 News, Share Market, Interlude; 7.30 "Paul Temple and the Madison Mystery"; 8 "Music Shop"; 8.30 Talk of the Town; 9 London Studio Melodies;
      81 words
    • 88 10 S'pore; 7.12 Tango and Samba Time; 7.30 David Ng and his Hot Five; 7.45 Radio Doctor. 8 Popular Classics: Dellbes. Handel, Ip-politov-Ivanov; 8.30 As 8'pore; 9 Variety Bandbox; 9.30 News; 9.45 Dance Music; 10 Blue Danube; 10.30 Old Time Dances; 11 Close. PENANC 1-2 p.m. As S'pore; 6 Children; 6.30
      88 words
    • 79 10 I Dance Music: 11 Close B V. B. B. S. 4.45 From th* London Editorials; 4.56 "Composer of th« Week" (John Ireland) 6.15 Commonwealth Survey; 5.30 "Whose Body?'' 6 Indonesian; 6.30 Cantonese; 6.45 Music from the Screen; 7.15 French; 7.30 English Half-. Hour; 8 "The Soloist Performs"; 8.15 Thai; 8.45
      79 words

  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 366 11 Gammon (Malaya) Projects rjAMMON (Malaya), for the year to Jan. 81, 1950. showed a balance In the profit and loss account of $805,420. The directors propose a 30 per cent, dividend, less tax, to absorb $336,000. In his statement to be presented at the annual general meeting In Singapore on
      366 words
    • 26 11 SINGAPORE, Mon, May 15—5296 (op *.12tt). LONDON, Mon., May 15.— Spot: £5921—£593; Forward, £5931— £594; Settlement, £592}. Turnover: morning-, 55 tons; afternoon, 105 tons.
      26 words
    • 159 11 EXCHANGE quotations, as announced by the Malayan Exchange Banks Association, are: Free Market Currencies SeOiac r.T./OJ» London 2a. 1/lOd. Australia 2s. lid. New Zealand 2s 4 l/32dIndia, Banna, Ceylon 159% Pakistan 108H Hong Kong 53% Bayts« T.T. OJ>. London 2s 4 3/lto it 4 7/320. Aust. 2s ll%d
      159 words
    • 31 11 rE following April rubber estate crops are announced, In lbs.: Alor Oajah Est 17,000 Ayer Panas Est. 80,000 Olenealy Plant. 89,000THnang 57.000 Pfcjam 144,500 Tambalak Est. 24,082 Talisman 37,300
      31 words
    • 355 11 From Our Market Correspondent A REASONABLY good turn-over of business was recorded In all sections of the Malayan share market yesterday. The market opened the week strongly in all sections. Buyers were still unsatisfied at the close. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers* Association yesterday
      355 words
    • 175 11 S\N some trade buying, the V Singapore rubber market yesterday opened rather steadier than at Saturday's close, but later In the day fairly strong selling from upcountry brought prices to about the week-end levels. The market was easier at the close. Closing prices yesterday were, per lb:
      175 words
    • 57 11 From A Market Correspondent pOPRA was quiet In the Singapore produce market yesterday, with buyers quoting $38 Mi and sellers $39 for May-June shipment. Prices (per plcul) yesterday for other commodities were: Gambler $210 (round); $82 (Java cube); Pepper $850: Muntolc white $845: Sarawak white $540; Lampong (black);
      57 words
    • 98 11 SHIPPING yesterday in the Singapore Outer and Inner Roads, and ''alongside Harbour Board, godowns, was situated as follows: Outer Roads: Hal Hsuan. Oeorgios Potamianos, Ulysses, Palaopo Ting Yuan, La Colarada. Inner Reads: Taluei. Senai, Taype, Relau, Toboall, Nang Suang Nawa, Kotanica, Tung Song, Darvel. Sneers Wharf: Dolma.
      98 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1131 11 MAIfSFUUP miCO-r LTDU i Incoroorated r> Smgeoore) slub *nnmsL lime Carrier's eprtMi to inilrt via other pert* te lead aad discharge cargo SAILING* to LIVERPOOL CLASCOW LONDON b CONTINENTAL PORTS. Oue Sails P. Sham Penana; Ctoaca* tor P Sudan/Tun*/ Holland/London Cll May IT Aatetycaa tor Tangier. Ctrfanca. Livirpooi 6 Casgow
      1,131 words
    • 363 11 PRESIDENT UNER SAILINGS TO NEW YORK ANO BOSTON VIA CEYLON, INDIA, ECYPT and MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. Sontc P. S'ham fmtnt Pr« H«*n« 16/lt May Prci Via 30 May/2 Ima 3/4 Ian. S/6 lam Prat leftertm 6/10 m 11/12 lane 13/15 ion* fw Crant 11/17 lunt IS/1* tan* 20/22 tan* rO USA
      363 words
    • 395 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAIUNCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/U.K./ CONTINENT m/t -N^dv^" C*downs 35/36 SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/ for Saigon Bangkok. SCANDINAVIA m/t "Dansborg" due abt. May 27 tor Saigon Bangkok, m/s "Nordhval" dae abt. lane 1 1 for Bangkok Loading at Singapore, Port Swettenham m/s "India' dae abt. |ane 16 Penang. for Bangkok,
      395 words
    • 1033 11 *«J McAIJSTER «*XO., Llt.i. W? 1 (Incorporataa in Singapore) Telephone Mo. s>e>o6 KLAVENESS LIME ■IrlfEftMAP BOCatMAU. tos AN ciLU, SAN fRANCISCO, CONDON, HAVM, ANTWM» KWTLANO UaVtLI V/.NCOOVIH. ROTTIIOAM b HAMBURC Accenting cargo tor Centra: South CITI OF CHESTER We 1 PO U Spore P. Sham Penan* fRANCISVILLI 20/16 May It/it
      1,033 words

  • 683 12  - REVE DE GLOIRE GOVERNOR'S CUP PROSPECT Great Race Is In Store By EPSOM JEEP DOME of the finest stayers and sprinters in training on the Malayan Turf have been entered for the Singapore Turf Club's Summer meeting at Bukit Timah. Indian Heather, runaway winner of the Perak Derby last month,
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 12 MOVIE (Landsdown), winner of the Kedah Cup ovrr %\<t furlongs at Penang on Saturday being led in by Trainer Spencer. l'hoto by Scoops Service.
    Scoops Service  -  24 words
  • 416 12  - Tara Street, Raj Mahal To Bid For Sprint Prizes By Epsom Jeep TTWO smart tour-year olds who will fte bidding for top class sprint honours at Bukit Timah this meeting are Tara Street and Raj Mahal, both winners at Penang. Tara Street lias improved beyond all recognition. He tackled speedy
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  • 636 12 WEIGHTS for all eight race* at Buklt Timah on Saturday, first day of the Singapore Turf Club's Summer (Governor's Cup) meeting, and four on the second day, Wednesday, May 24, are given below. SATURDAY Cl. 1, Div. I—l m. 6 yds. Indian T -ather
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  • 196 12 LONDON, Mon. A GREAT bowling spell by T. E. Bailey who took seven wickets for 15 saw Essex complete *n Innings win over Glamorgan at Brentwood today. Leslie Ames made his second century when Kent batted' a second time facing a large deficit against Gloucester's
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  • 91 12 MANILA, Mon. Hong Kong's Sing Tao Tigers football team last night beat an all-Manila team four-nil for the fifth straight win of their current tour. The Tigers' stay here may be extended. Three more games have been proposed Tan Yee-kit, playing centreforward, scored two Sing
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  • 258 12 A VERY successful regatta ww held at RAP. Base, 8etetar on Sunday. Admiral Faulkner Air Marshal and Mrs. Fogarty, Air Commodore Proud, Base Commander, and Mrs. Proud were among the spectators. The weather was fine throughout and there was a light breeze at the beginning
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  • 71 12 NEIL FRANKLIN, Eng- land centre-half and his Stoke City clubmate, George Mountford, made impressive debuts for Sante Fe in the Colombian Premier Division yesterday. Sante Fe beat Medellin three-two, Mountford making the openings for his side's first two goals and scoring the winner himself Franklin was
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 153 12 Dave Leaves Today With Souvenirs WHEN Dave Sands the. British Empire middleweight boxing champion, and his manager, Tom Maguire Snr, board the plane today for Australia and home, they will be dressed in Malay national costume sarong, baju and songkok and they will disembark similarly clad. Dave Sands told this
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  • 72 12 •THE Singapore Chinese Football 1 Association team to meet the Sing Tao Football Club of Hong Kong on Sunday at Jalan Besar stadium will be selected from: Chee Seng and Yew Chang; Chan Yew Heng, Patrick Yee, Tan Kai Sow; Slew Tong, Hln Weng, Chwee Leng,
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  • 53 12 SOCCER: Snr. lge: Indonesian Lge. v. S.R.C. at Jalan Besar; Business Hse. semi-final: Sime Darby v. Borneo Motors at Thomson Road; Jnr. A2: BODCA 'A' v. Posts Telegraphs at BOD ground; Jnr. Bl: C.V.M.A. v. O. Dog Unit FARELF at CYMA. Friendly: Tlong Bahru Rangers v. Rover* S.C
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  • 152 12 AFTER leading by a goal in the first half, Indian Recreation Club defeated RAF Changi by the odd goal in five in the SAFA Senior League game at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The game was evenly contested throughout, and Changi were unlucky to lose,
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  • 618 12 F.& N. WIN 2 NIL TWO goals by Awang Gaboa 1 put Fraser and Neave into the final of the SAFA Business Houses knock-out competition after a tough struggle with Tiger Standard 3.C. at Thomson Road yesterday. For most of the first half F
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 12 THE Fraser and Neave Soccer team: Back row (left to right) Soon San, Choon Lye, Im Peng; middle row, Yassim, Hoon Leong, Awang Chit; front row, Kassim. Awan Gabos, Samad, Kirn San and Ali D. Straits Times picture.
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  • 505 12 Left- Winger No. 5 To Be Tried Out Straits Times Soccer Reporter WHILE the Singapore team are playing th e best football produced by a; civilian side since the war, the problem of a left-winger still remains un- solved. The selectors have so far tried four left wingers and after
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  • 176 12 LONDON Mon SURREY finished the second day's play against the West Indians at the Oval today, having lost three wickets for 102, with arrears of 435 to wipe off with seven wickets still intact. The weather was dull and cold today at the Oval in marked
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 423 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued rrom page 6) VEHICLES FOR SALE WOLSELEY 10, new .*pt.. 48. Perfect condition. 8,000 miles only Owner going U.K. Nearest off r «3.5O0 Box No. A9834. 8.T. 1941 FORD MERCURY'. In good running condition. Recently r -sprayed and upholstered. M.500 or nearest offer. Telephone No 82««i i
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous