The Straits Times, 10 May 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 355 1 RUSSIA'S WALKOUT IN BANGKOK 'Reactionary Chinese Delegation 9 BANGKOK, Tuesday. |MR. Sergei Nemtchina, Russian Minister to Siam and leader of the Russian delegation to the conference here of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East staged a walkout today on the issue of the representation of Nationalist China.
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 1 M.I. LO3O PRABHU. who is in Singapore to see the Co nmissioner-Grnrral during a world fact-finding tour lonsored by the Indian <iovornment. Straits Times picture.
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  • 156 1 LONDON, Tues. fllE Prime Minister, Mr. Attlee. voiced "cautious optimism" about Britain's trade recovery when speaking in connection with the opening of the British Industries Fair. "We have expanded our exports to well over 50 per cent above pre-war level at competitive prices," he told a
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  • 28 1 LONDON, Tues.— Europe's fiist passenger heiicopter service began today Unking the two sections of the British Industries Fair at Olympia, London, and Castle Bromwirh. Birmingham. Reuter.
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  • 164 1 LAKE SUCCESS, Tues. WEARING feathers and beaded buckskin clothes, six Red Indian chiefs. 'Invaded' the United Nations today to make demands on the United States and Canada. They were Ir.oquois Indians and they produced treaties burned on deerskin scrolls. The biggest of the big chiefs told Dr.
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  • 27 1 TOKYO, Tues. Between 1945 and April 1949, 289 cases of slavery were discovered In Japan, according to a survey made by the Labour Ministry.— Reuter.
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  • 102 1 New Interest In Rubber Share Market From A Market Correspondent MEW interest was shown In the rubber share section of the Singapore market yesterday. According to some brokers, the volume turned over was as large, if not larger, than on any day since the war. Operators came into this section
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  • 88 1 TOKYO, Tues. AT least 29 Japanese, includln four ex-service men, are hiding out in a tiny volcanic Island in the Mariana group and refuse to surrender in spite of appeals by the American forces in the area, it was officially revealed today. The Japanese Government, which
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  • 319 1 ACHESON -BEVEN TALKS ON MALAYA LONDON, Tuet. T*Hl Times said In an. A editorial today that Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ernest Bevln. and the United States Secretary of State, Mr. Dean Acheson, would examine the recent "turn for the worse" in Malaya before the t h r e e-power discussions begin
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  • 20 1 JAKARTA. Tues.— The first group of 50 Dutch ex-Service-men to migrate to Australia left Jakarta this morning. AJP.
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  • 183 1 "HIROSHIMA BOMB WAS UNNECESSARY" NEW YORK, Tuesday. TWE U.S. wartime Deputy Director of Naval Intelll1 gence said today that the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima was unnecessary because Japan would soon have surrendered without it "if only we had given her the chance." In an article published
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  • 54 1 AUCKLAND, (New Zealand >, Tues.— The Auckland Watersiders Union today resolved to refuse to loan any arms or troops to any war area 'as the first step toward world peace," Mr. A. Drennan, the Union president, said. The resolution applied not only to Malaya but to the
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 119 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. T»HE Executive Committee of the United Malays A National Organisation decided to accept in principle the citizenship recommendations of the Communities Liaison Committee at a special meeting in Kuala Lumpur during the week end. The Straits Times learned
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  • 43 1 TOKYO, Tues.— The fourpower Allied Council for Japan tomorrow will dlscuis again an issue now common to Japan and Germany—Russia's refusal to return or to explain why she is not returning hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war. A.P.
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  • 72 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. T lIX method of releasing news on the emergency is to I be revised. A special department of Lleut.-General Sir Harold Briggs' headquarters Is being set np to "coordinate" information tot the Press. Mr. Alex Josey, -news editor of
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  • 390 1 ASLEEP IN THE MOONLIGHT From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. OECURITY forces had another big success against the Kajang gang in Selangoi when in the early hours of this morning they made a moonlight rah on a unit of the gang and killed three
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  • 86 1 MORE than a dosen officers and men of the Royal Marines, in jungle green battle order, arrived at Kalians; Airport, Singapore yesterday afternoon by BOAC Argonaut from Hong Kong. They were the advance party of the 3rd Royal Marine Commando Brigade, which is being moved
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  • 97 1 10,000 LOSE HOMES IN FLOODS WINNIPEG. Tues. EVERY available man was thrown Into the fight to strengthen the sagging dykes yesterday as more violent rainstorms were predicted in this flooded Canadian city. It was estimated that 10.000 persons were homeless in southern Manitoba. In taxis, army trucks and private cars,
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  • 76 1 CANBERRA, Tues. The Australian Opposition leader. Mr. J. B. Chlfley. told the Labour Party's Federal Executive today that the Goverment's anti-Communist Bill could "just as effectively be used to crush the Labour Party as the Communist Party." "The Labour Party Is determined to press Tor amendments In
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  • 70 1 VALETTA, (Malta), Tues.— Princess Elizabeth left here today for England In an aircraft of the King's Flight. The fleet fired a 21-gun Royal salute as the Viking flew over Grand Harbour. Princess Elizabeth, who Is expecting a second child this summer, flew to Malta at the end
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  • 179 1 From Our Staff Correspondent K LUMPUR, lues. CIX men, one a European oollce sergeant, are mussing after a boat accident on the Sungei .-.lauiaii in Fahang today. Police are dragging a stretch of the river tomorrow In an attempt to find the bodies of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 54 1 V The Man Oependabh i .me- SS iV keepers P. H. HENDRY, g IS. North Bridge Rd fl'porc W nether a be CMppendaU. \^^m//^S3§§ Mi Corot or a Churchman. E. V^"i ■^•j^v the pleasure ts the same \f/ jj^ StJlffO^LMS pleasure that comet from the instinctive recognition. hJ IH^M mM
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    • 16 1 X 0 MAY 1950 There's always T I M E FOR A TIGER pints and quarts
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    • 23 1 It'f A Wis« j) tirJ tKat \%sjLlH. "ttu, on RUSH «OLI AGfNTt COR iuiM X NMI BRIGHT RADIO Co. 101 ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE
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  • 299 2 SWEEPING MEASURES TO REHABILITATE JAP ECONOMY Exchange Control Transfer Completed I TOKYO, Tuesday. transactions in Japan will be placed on a yen basis and internal business activities involving foreign exchange will become subject to Japanese Government control after July 1, Gen. Mac Arthur announced yesterday in a further sweeping move
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  • 60 2 AN ESTIMATED 50,000 saw Queen Elizabeth launch the 36.800-ton Ark Royal, Britain 1 newest and largest aircraft carrier, at Birkenhead (England) early this month. The new ship replaces its famed namesake sank by a U-boat in the last war. Picture shows {he riant carrier sliding down
    AP  -  60 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 2 THIS COCKTAIL frock in beige taffeta with crossover bodice and spiral skirt gathered on the left hip is among the latest collection of the Paris designer Pierre Balmaln. A.P. picture.
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  • 157 2 Siam King To Testify At Trial From Onr Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Tues. IT ING Phumiphon Aduldet will testify at the trial of three defendants alleged to be Involved in the assassination of his elder brother, the late King Anandha Mahidol who was found dead vith a bullet wound in his
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  • 60 2 LONDON, Tues. A 556mile pipeline from the oilfields near Kirkuk In Iraq to the small Syrian port of Banias will be built by the Iraq Petroleum Co. The port will have to be expanded and oil installations erected there The 30-inch line will be
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  • 125 2 JOHANNESBURG, Tuesday. "THE Transvaal Indian Congress, has demanded that a national convention of all democratic organisations In South Africa should devise' elective opposition to the Government's unlawful organisations bill. 8 Under the bill, Communist and other organisations may be declared unlawful by proclamation
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 73 2 CATANIA, Italy, Tues Three persons were injured yesterday when police broke up a funeral procession of 11 men killed in a munitions explosion last week. The procession was banned at the last moment as the authorities feared It would be used as a Left Wing
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  • 144 2 OTTAWA, Tuesday. EXTRAORDINARY precau- tions were taken last night to protect Sir Basil Brooke from any ciemonstrations by supporters of Southern Ireland. The United Kingdom High Commissioner's Office, which Is handling Sir Basil's Canadian tour, refused to announce the times his party would arrive
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 244 2 PARIS, Tuesday. ME Phong Tan, widow of a rich Indo-Chinese iTI rice merchant shot dead in his Paris suburban villa last month by another Indo-Chinese, collapsed before a magistrate today and was unable to describe what happened. She was wounded when her husband was
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  • 73 2 LONDON, Tues. AN English vicar gays moral standards in the entertainment industry are too low and wants his congregation to boycott movies and theatres. The Rev. Charles A. Roach of West Dulwieh has complained In bis parish magazine that stage and screen stars' private lives
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  • 143 2 Pakistan -US Pact Talks NEW YORK. Tues THE Pakistan Prime x Minister, Mr. Liaquat All Khan, on a threeweek tow of the United States and Canada, told the non-offlclal Foreign Policy Association here last ni»ht that his Government was consulting with the United States for a treaty of friendship and
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 112 2 FRANKFURT,* lues. SIX officials and employees of the Polish Consulate walked out of their Jobs yesterday and requested the West German government to give them asy'un as political refugees. Asylum was also asked for two dependants of one employee. The Ffclish Consulate at first said that
    UP  -  112 words
  • 43 2 HONOLULU, Tues The Commercial Pacific Cable Company reported yesterday that its Guam office had been abandoned and employees had taken shelter In caves from an approaching typhoon. Winds then exc°«d-d 75 miles an hour with heavy rain.— A.P.
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  • 27 2 BUDAPEST, Tues.—Hungary's Parliament has anproved the appointment of Mr. Sandor Ronai as President of the Presidential Council, and head of the Hungarian People's Republic— A.P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 760 2 PUBLIC APPOINTMENT Application* are invited by the Chief Engineer. HQ Malaya District the following posU:— 1 Special Orade Draughtsman A Technical Asst Civil rrlng Applicant* must be British Subjects male, and over 35 years of age Salary scale $320x10-1165 per month plat C.O.L.A. 80% of basic salary with a maximum
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    • 816 2 NOTICES e GOVERNMENT OF NORTH BORNEO NOTICE OP SALE SALE OP SUftTLCI VEHICLES if Tenders are Invited for the 5 purchase of surplus vehicle* from c the Public Works Department f Workshops at Jesselton, Labuan and Sandakan in the Colony of North Borneo. 1 3. Full particulars and forms r
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    • 490 2 NOTICES TENDER NOTICE TENDERS win to received »t the Colonial Secretary's Office. Singapore, until noon, 25th May. I*9o. for the following articles: (I) 10.490 yards Khaki Drill (no cample). (II) 930 yards White Drill (no. sample). For full particulars, apply to Assistant Secretary (KO)B. Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore. MALACCA MUNICIPALITY
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    • 166 2 The Austin C64DST4Z ■31 P!jl fej NKW 2 AND 5 TON TRUCKS FOR 1950 IV' KH CAB| Roomy, modern design Pull 3-seatcr (adjustable I iarsi H drmns seat Built-in concealed mounting steps Sound-insulated \im A^^M doors fitted with locks Dust aiJ draught proof Rear corner \lm m ■^T^^l windows Provision
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  • 499 3 ACHESON BEVIN MEET FOR CRUCIAL TALKS A New Truman Doctrine LONDON, Tuesday. THE United States Secretary of State, Mr. Dean Acheson, havin extended the Truman Doctrine to Indo-( hina, faced British demam today to include all of South-East Asia in the new. project for stoppin Soviet imperialism. Mr. Acheson. his
    UP  -  499 words
  • 127 3 Reds Send Arms To Ho Chi Minh HONG KONG, Tues. THE Chinese Communist* are shipping lage quantities of materials to Ho Chi Minh's rebel forces in Indo-China, t lip independent Slngtao Dally said today. Tiie newspaper said that its Information came from rellab.p sources in Canton. The report could not
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  • 47 3 BERLIN. Tues. German Communists thanked the Soviet Union yesterday for defeating the Germans in World War II and shouted for American troops to go home. Rod party leaders hailed the Russians as "liberators", who freed them from the Nazis five years aj?o.— U.P.
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  • 22 3 VIENNA, Tues.— Mr. Charles Lamerton, a British businessman "arrested by Hungarian police on April 1, has been exoeiled from Hungary. AJ*
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  • 102 3 'The late Viscount Norlhcliffe founder of the London Daily Mail, once told his staff thai if a dog bit a man it was not news, but if a man ever bit a dog, that would be news WASH! M TON. Two*. WASHINGTON police yesterday received
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  • 166 3 Menzies Welcomes A.O.C's Visit CANBERRA, Tuesday. T»HE PRIME Minister, Mr. Robert Meniies, today said that he would be "delighted" to get some first-hand information on Malaya, "not only from Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, but any experts he has got with him." Mr. Menzies was commenting
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  • 140 3 MELBOURNE, Tues. tN an editorial headed Malaya Smokescreen," the Melbourne Argus said that some Australian politicians and some sections of the Australian press have been vociferously demand Ing Australian aid for British Malaya, notwithstanding the fact that Britain had not asked for 'it, nor given any
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  • 45 3 MOSCOW. Tues.— The Indonesian delegation, headed by Mr. L. N. Palar, completed its mission yesterday and will leave by air today for Jakarta via Prague and Amsterdam. The mission had been here since April 30* discussing the establishment of diplomatic relations.— UP.
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  • 169 3 HONG KONG. Tuesday. THHE violence of the Chinese Civil War between prox and anti-Communist factions extended into the foreign colony of Macao today. Shooting between the two f opposing sections In the tiny Portuguese colony on the Kwangtung coast has started, and there
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  • 44 3 LONDON, Tues.— The Maharajah of Blkaner, who had a heart attack shortly after arriving hjr plane at London airport yesterday, was stated today to be "much better." The Maharajah had flown from Karachi to consult a London heart specialist Reuter
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  • 30 3 NEW YORK, Tues.— Signor Salvatori Rebecchlni, Mayor of Rome, told reporters that Communist activity is declining In Italy. The Improvement it due to betterment In economic conditions.— A.P.
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  • 25 3 MISS K. JASPAL wears double-decker pagoda-like ear-rings as she leaves India House, London, tor a reception at Buckingham Palace recently.— A.P. pie- tnre.
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  • 47 3 A MOUNTED POLICEMAN disperses natives during the disturbances in the Johannesburg area i South Africa) recently. The police were forced to fire at a number of places and twelve Africans were killed, scores injured and a small number of police hurt. A.P. victure.
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  • 108 3 GENEVA, Tues. THE United Nations Pales- tine Conciliatory Commission announcec. yesterday that Israel had unconditionally accepted "a procedural compromise suggested by the Commission on March 29. The Commission proposed that the Jewish-Arab peace talks under its auspices held up lor over a year should be
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  • 138 3 'ATTACKS ON U.S. IN NEXT WAR' ABOARD THE TRbMAN TRAIN, Tues. PRESIDENT Truman told a crowd of 10,000 at the railroad station at Galesburg, Illinois, yesterday that if there is another war, our cities will he attacked and damaged." Mr. Truman who i» on a lour of 16 states assailed
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  • 29 3 ROME, Tues.— A European tobacco conference will be held -here in September to bring together representatives of governments and. organisations Interested in the Continental tobacco trade. A.P.
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  • 128 3 BERLIN, Tuesday. RUSSIA agreed last night to city-wide elections in Berlin but coupled her proposal with a list of conditions designed to give every advantage to East German Communists, i- Among the Russian terms was one which would require the withdrawal of the occupation troops
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  • 49 3 GENEVA, Tues— Raj kumari Ami-it Kafir, Indian woman Minister of Health, was today unanimously elected President of the World Health Organisation for the comtfig year. She mounted the rostrum and took the chair vacated by the outgoing President, Dr. Karl Evang of Norway. Reuter.
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  • 27 3 NEW DELHI, Tues.— Pandit Nehru is leaving on Saturday for Srlnagar for two days discussions on the Kashmir problem with Kashmir's Prime Minister, Sheikh Abdulllah.—A.P.
    AP  -  27 words
  • 98 3 EUROPE'S LACK MAY BE PERMANENT WASHINGTON, Tues. TWE Economic Co-operation Administration said In a report to Congres v day that West Europe may never earn enough dollars to be Independent of United States aid unless the United States takes "extraordinary action." The report s*ld that Marshall Plan nations trying to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 166 3 COOL FOOD FOR HOT DAYS KRAFT FISH SUPREME KRAFT MAYONNAISE When the heat seems to sizzle and eating is an effort, have a cool salad, with Kraft Fish Supreme for nourishment and Kraft Mayonnaise for added flavour. A meal you'll enjoy. Sola Agents In Malaya and Singapore for Kraft Walker
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  • 437 4 Described As 'Unrealistic From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Tuesday. LONDON comment on the Robber Study Group's communique centres mainly on the optimistic forecast of Indonesian output— an estimate of 520,000 tons, which is described in some quarters as "completely unrealistic". One view is that estimates
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  • 370 4 GENEROUS OUTPUT ESTIMATE fyJALAYAN rubber producers and dealers are surprised at the generous estimates of production of natural rubber made by the Internationa' Rubber Study Group. They say that estimates of production prepared by the group have usually been too high. They feel that the estimate Jt 520,000 tons for
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  • 42 4 From On Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— Plans for welfare week at Kuala Lumpur this month are going ahead and the Inner Wheel of the Rotary Club is organising a ball at the Chinese Assembly Hall on May 27.
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  • 77 4 Fr»m O«r Own Correspondent TAIPINQ, Tues.— Pleading guilty to criminal breach or trust In respect of a shirt a pair of trousers and a wrist watch, Yew Keng Tlang. aged 26. was sentenced by the Talping Magistrate to three months' rigorous Imprisonment On a second charge of
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  • 65 4 From Oar Staff Correspondent MALACCA, Tues. -The Malacca Resident Commissioner. Mr. G. E. C Wisdom, has presented commendation letters for good work done during Anti-bandit Month to Messrs. M. Brunton, S. R. Knight, Soon* Ting Ping, A. D. Stevenson^ Koh Yong Cheng, A. NadaraJan, P. R. Lewis,
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  • Article, Illustration
    57 4 A HAPPX SCIIHC ABOARD the Jbelmn, flagship ot the Royal Pakistan Navy, at Sunday's cocktail party given by the Conunander-ir-Cbie f. Bear Admiral J. E. Jeff oru, to prominent Penang citizens. Picture shows (from left to right) Rear Adin Jefford, Lient Commander Iff. Harris, Mrs. Jefford and Commander S. If.
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  • 333 4 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Tuesday. IN VIEW of the acute shortage of rubber in all producing countries, it was but right that Malayan estates should enjoy their present spell of prosperity, said Mr. Heah Joo Seang, chairman of the Penang Rubber Exchange, at the annual
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  • 39 4 CORPORAL Sheikh Moha, mcd Shafi, of Klang Road, Knala Lamjpar, formerly of the Immigration Department, and now Security Officer, EMM. Co., Dongun, Trenggano, who has been awarded the efficiency medal by the High Commissioner, Sir Henry Gwney.
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  • 131 4 WASHINGTON, Tuea, {JNITED STATES officials said yesterday the preliminary report of the International Rubber Study Group conference at Brussels was being studied in Washington by Government departments. Nothing' in. the report suggested that the United States had requested any action be taken to
    UP  -  131 words
  • 59 4 MELBOURNE, Tnes. gEER production In Australia last year was equal to 18',i gallons for each man, woman and child, according to the Chamber of Manufacturers' magazine. Production totall147,4«MM gallons. In addition 5,©O0,M0 gallons of bottled beer were imported from Britain to make up for
    Reuter-AAP  -  59 words
  • 47 4 LICENCES are being issued in the province of Bombay for the manufacture and sale of beer containing not mare then two per cent alcofto^ which is considered, nonalcoholic under. the Bombay Prohibition Act. Bomoay province was declared totally "dry" from April l.—Reuter.
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  • 148 4 C-G Attends 'Elijah' Rehearsal FE Commissioner General, Mr. Malcolm MacDoaald, was an appreciative listener at the Singapore Musical Society's final rehearsal of Mendelssohn's "Elijah" at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Monday night. Mr. MacDonald. who Is the society's president, arrived promptly at 5.30 p.m. and stayed for the full rehearsal,
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  • 80 4 r'O fly-overs roads raised to bridge another road are Included in the Singapore Traffic Advisory Committee's suggestions for easing Singapore's traffic congestion. Plans have been drawn up for one at Stamford Road and another at North Boat Quay. In the case of Stamford Road the committee's report
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  • 32 4 IPOH, Tues.— A LS-year-old Malay boy was bitten In the stomach by a wild pig at Tasek, four miles north of ipoh. He was taken to the General hospital. >
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 411 4 MEYER MILLS LTD., BOMBAY. Wellknown for Quality Grey Goods 3800, 4043, 3530, 5430 C, CCC, *****, ***** BANSIDHAR GOPALDAS CO. (ESTABLISHED I860) 22, BONHAM BUILDING, SINGAPORE. Also at: BOMBAY, GHENT, LONDON ft NEW YORK. SPECIALLY DESIGNED... vest pockti^^^^ s<m^ 1 1^£0^^ dainty handbag bmicitc is slim and elegant in appearance,
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 5 MR. S. I. O. ALSAGOFF Muslim dignitaries were at Kallang to meet him.
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  • 179 5 'JEKYLL HYDE MAN' GAOLED From Our Staff Correspondent ALOR STAR, Tuesday. INSCRIBED by the prosecution as "a Jekyll and XJ Hyde, working for Government by day and aga'nst it by night," 49-year-old M. A. Victor, technical assistant in the Perils Drainage and Irrigation Department was today sentenced to one year's
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  • 67 5 Thirty taxi operators whose vehicles were put off the road last year have been refused new licences from the batch of 400 now being issued by the Registrar of Vehicles. Details of complaints from these owners will be recorded at a special meeting of the Singapore Hire
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  • 31 5 A wayang musician, Ong Kirn, was fined $10 in the Singapore Third District Court yesterday for being found In possession of chap Jt kee slips at Kirn 3eng Road.
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  • 85 5 PROTESTS by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce against the arrest of 30 Chinese In Indonesia for alleged foreign exchange violations have now been forwarded to the Indonesian Government at Jakarta. It has been made on behalf of 14 Singapore firms to whose Indonesian branches the
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  • 167 5 EDUCATION WEEK: Combined schools art and craft exhibition, Victoria Memorial Hall, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; combined Malay schools art and crft exhibition, Kota Raja Malay School, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; free film show, Cathay, 8.30 a.m. CHINESE Y. M. C. A., Srlegie Road, staff meeting, 9
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  • 163 5 A RRIVALS at Singapore's Kallang airA port by BOAC-QANTAS aircraft yesterday included three members of the Indian delegation to the Commonweal t h economic conference, a boot polish "king" and a Municipal Commissioner, back after a six-week visit to the Middle-East. THE INDIAN DELEGATION which arrived yesterday comprises
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  • 304 5 Welfare Officer's FivePoint Plan STOP LICENSING NEW HAWKERS To Commission fHE recommendation that the number of hawker licences should not be reduced at present, but that no fresh licences be issued is made in a memorandum to the Singapore Hawker Inquiry Commission by the Personnel and Welfare Manager, Mr. T.
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  • 30 5 Slew Ah Choo, a 19-year-old youth was yesterday sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment in the Singapore Third Police Court for stealing a motor cycle worth $650.
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  • 58 5 IF Chinese had been written in romanised characters 2,000 years ago. it would now be a universal language. Professor Jou Bienming of the University of Amoy told a meeting in the Singapore YMCA hall on Monday uight. "English Is a very sensible language and will
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  • 30 5 From Our Own Correspondent RAUB— Tues.— The staff of Abdullah School, Kuantan, and of Sulaiman School, Bentong, have contributed $122 to the University of Malaya Endowment Fund.
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  • 201 5 China Relief Job For T.K.K. 1MR. Tan Kah Kee. iT1 Singapore business man and chairman of the Nan Chiau Jit Pao, confirmed to the Straits Times yesterday that he has been appointed a member of the China Relief Committee. He has not received any official notification of the appointment, and
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  • 42 5 From Our Own Correspondent GEMAS, Tues.— The case against Doraisamy, who was charged with failing to register was withdrawn by the prosecution at Gemas. J f was stated that his card had been taken away by bandits.
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  • 49 5 From Oar SUIT Correspondent PENANG, Tues. Officers of the Penang Rotary Club for 1950-51 will be:— Dr. 00l Kee Wan, president; Mr. J. P. Blackledge, vicepresident; Mr. Tan Klar Llew, hon. secretary; Mr. Herbert Ho, hon. treasurer, Messrs On Huck Llm, A. E. QJodesfln A. V. Hitch.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 360 5 WHICHAAILMENTS DO JW SUFFER? tftfCCL a. y^B ft m Your doctor will tell you that ofttn thes* tre warning •Igns of MINERAL A VITAMIN DEFICIENCY "—warning! that/ou'ra not getting enough Minerals and Vitamins which Nature demandt you to have The cooked-out foods you eat aren't giving you enough for your
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    • 171 5 111 Continental Modes e» GOODWOOD PARK HOTEI ROOM No. 1 PHONC 3975 EXT. No. 1. SCOTTS RD., SPORE. Always to treat f'J^A a cola 1l > «fl INHALER A K>« HANOSAC Oft POCKET Meal for uu during the *saf. unobtruilv*. conve- L -J nlent- tlmply pull off th* ftSi cap.
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  • 681 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., May 10, 1950. America In Asia American decision on a programme of military aid to South-East Asia is welcome as an earnest of American policy in this area, but It is easy to exaggerate its importance. To Indo-China the American Government will send arms and
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  • 391 6 A former Singapore resident now living in Sydney contributed letter to this page on Monday in which he warned Malaya of the need to combat the ignorance and misunderstanding about the anti-ban-dit war that still exist in Australia, more especially in Labour and Socialist circles, where
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  • 324 6 ANY of us felt that our iT1 quiet week-end had been rudely disturbed by in alarming heading in the Sunday Times: "Teachers to Ballot on Strike." Hie teachers' unions, as trade onions, may be within their rights if they call a strike. Bat the public
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  • 327 6 I READ with disgust that the teachers are talking of going on strike and are also proposing to enlist the aid of the pupils. It U high time for the teachers to realise that they axe among the best paid In Government service. This is acknowledged by
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  • 6 6
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 580 6 TT is with some reluctance that I venture to comment on the criticisms levelled against the Benham Report. But as the leaders of the Government workers have gone out of their way to accuse the committee of "bias", etc., I am forced to add
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    • 220 6 'THE Benham Report x has received severe all-round criticism except from the senior ranks. Of the various committees which have sat in judgment over o\n- salaries for the past four years, the Benham Committee surpasses ail others in adding to the anomalies which it set
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    • 138 6 WITH reference to your cartoon (depicting a planter carrying the baby) of the present emergency, what do the civilians of this country expect? They live like lords, entertain on the same scale, have a police guard allotted them, travel in comfortable cars what right have they to
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  • 385 6 On The Margin Bangkok Brahmins •nPHE coronation ceremoniea in Bangkok last week called attention to what is per-* haps the only living link with ancient Indian colonisation In South-East Asia outside the island of Bali— namely the Court Brahmins. There is an account or these Bangkok priests In Dr. Quaritch
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 799 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. DONOUOB. To Enid, wttt of Victor Q. Donoufh, at K.K. H-^lil, ob May ima, Harold John. of Q. A. TM illflllii at K. K. Hotpiui a* May. t at 8 p.m. a daughter, Denyae Bernadette. DICKENS. To Jean, wife of C. O. Dickens, at K.K. Hospital en the
      799 words
    • 79 6 ♦•♦♦♦♦•♦>»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦ rAVMNUn WALTZES BY: Int*rn»tlona. Concert Orchestra. CON Din«te Wave*— Walts. Our tbe Wava»— W. C 1563 Blue Danube— Walts, Wedding Dance— wmtta. C 1917 OoM 3t Sitw— WalU, Emperor Waits. ClBB2 Sari Walts, Walls Dream. Walts. Marek Weber and His Orchestra: C3MI WaldteitM Waltaet. (Potpourri). CW4B Oeeplnf Beauty, Walts
      79 words
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  • 416 7 'FIGHT SUBVERSION IN SCHOOL'— GIMSON Call For Close Co-opera tion From Parents gINGAPORE must fight the evil influence of many subversive elements prepared to use education for their own ends, tht Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, told 1,500 people when he opened the combined schools* art and craft exhibition in the
    416 words
  • 238 7 EMGHT elephants were taken last night to the wild J animals transit camp at East Coast Road. Chained al! day to the railings at Collyer Quay, they were lifted by a crane, and edged carefully into the wait1 ing vehicles. Captured by Mr. W. N.
    238 words
  • 164 7 YA.nU Sin Lian, aged 21, went into a shop in Bussorah Road, Singapore to buy some sweets. He pointed out to the salesmen what he wanted with his left hand and, meanwhile, helped himself to cigarettes with the other hand. The salesman spotted him
    164 words
  • 15 7 The police band will play at the Botanic Garden at 545 p.m. today.
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  • 66 7 The President of the Singapore Regional Indian Congress, Mr. O. Sarangapany, has written to the Municipal President urging a civic reception for Pandit Nehru when he visits the Colony for a day on his way back to India from Indonesia next month. Mr. Sarangapany has promised
    66 words
  • 75 7 AS the Colony's 114.000 z\school-chlldren observed Education Week, it was announced last night that four new schools are expected to be seady by Jane 1. They are at Monk's Hill Road for boys, Ciemenceaa Avenue School at Anthony Road for girls, the Duchess
    75 words
  • 86 7 Handwork By Malay Children By Our Woman Correspondent WHILE crowds thronged the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday to see the schoolchildren's exhibition, few went to the Kota Raja Boys' School to see the handwork of the Malay school children. Besides lace-work, embroidery, selendang network, leather work and pottery, crepe paper flowers
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  • 90 7 rTHE Singapore police took no chances at the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday when the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, opened the schools' exhibition. When a Chinese youth carrying a kttbag over his shoulder, suddenly appeared and started walking down the outside passageway towards the platform entrance,
    90 words
  • 58 7 Singapore's school children are showing great enthusiasm in the Teachers Union Youth Drama Festival to be presented in the Victoria Theatre on May 22 said Mrs J. Martin, the stage manager, last night. Yesterday four schools— Fairfleid Girts*, Pearl's HIU Dean's and St. HUda"s—rehearsed their plays at
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  • 44 7 Mr. S K. Patll, Mayor pf Bombay, is expected to arrive In Singapore on Thursday and will stay here for a few days. The Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce will give a reception on Friday at the Cathay Restaurant.
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  • 112 7 THE former president of the Malay Society in Britain, Mr. Abdul Kazak, returned to Malaya yesterday after an absence of nearly three years. He has studied law at Lincoln's Inn and colonial administration at London University. Mr. Razak was met at Kal- lang Airport,
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  • 72 7 The Singapore Government has agreed In principle to the taking over, by a new boys' club, of the land and premises now occupied by the Singapore Chinese Recreation Club when the club quits Hong Llm Green. The handing over of the premises will be subject
    72 words
  • 36 7 The following have been elected to the Singapore Bar Committee: Messrs J 0. Coobett, C. H. Bmlth, J. K. •Gale W. Munro; X; T. 001, N. N. Leicester, T. B. Atkinson and K. Gould.
    36 words
  • 30 7 MB. T. F. FLTNN A.8.P., with two Volunteer Special Constables of the Pasir Pan jan X police station at yesterday's inspection parade.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 163 7 pASIR Panjang Village Committee is proud of its "own" police foree 31 volunteer special constables attached to the village police station— and yesterday invited the Staff Officer, Special Constabulary, Mr. T. F. Flynn, to inspect the men. Mr. Flynn left the parade much impressed
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  • 55 7 A claim for $2,860 by Tan Chong Slan, the administrator of the estate of a Chinese, Ong Beh Tee, as money due from a coffee shop partnership in Cecil Street was allowed by the Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Murray-Aynsley, in the Supreme Court yesterday. Mr. C. F. j.
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  • 19 7 The Muslim Welfare Association, Singapore, will hold its annual meeting on Sunday at 139, Rangoon Road, Singapore.
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  • 162 7 He Cheated Firm Of Beer— Gaol IN the Singapore Second District Court yesterday, 56-year-old Cyril Wilfcins Frerichs was sentenced to five months' rigorous imprisonment on three charges of cheating Fraser and Neave of 20 dosen quarts of beer valued at $247. Frerichs admitted 10 previous convictions, over the past SO
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  • 92 7 'THE Singapore Traffic Adx vlsory Committee has drawn up a acheme to charge plicate vehicles parking at public places. The scheme haa been submitted to the Automobile Association (Malaya) for their The Advisory Committee dealt with a*vera] complaints from th« public and from the A.A. (M) regarding the
    92 words
  • 153 7 TRACTION CO. IS BLAMED Traffic Plans CINGAPORE Traction Com- pany is holding up traffic improvements in the Colony, says the Tmfflc /dvlsory Committee In its third annual review released yesterday. The Committee said that it was Impracticable to continue Indefinitely to loandon or modify important traffic improvements in deference to
    153 words
  • 225 7 Illegal Entry: Gaol For 78 CEVKNTY-NINE Chin <r, e and Indonesians, 20 of them women, woo were passengers on the Reimdyjk en route from Medan to Jakarta, pleaded with Singapore's First District Court Judge yesterday, Mr. H. E. Kingdon, for leniency after, they had been arrested for entering the Colony,
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  • 39 7 Mr. Kenneth P. Landon, officer in charge of Siamese, Malay and Indo-Chinese affairs in the State Department's Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, arrived in Singapore yesterday from Bangkok on a survey trip throughout South-East Asia— USIS.
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  • 37 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues Convicted of driving a lorry without reasonable care Komlng bin Najim, of Baiu Pahat, was fined $18, in the Johore Bahru Police Court today. Komlng ran into the rear of another lorry.
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  • 25 7 A Communist flag was found han g 1 n g from telephone wires at Boon Teck Road, off Thomson Road, Singapore, last night.
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  • 16 7 Singapore Rural Board m?et at 10 a.m. on May 18 In the Land Office
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 65 7 iok r* k<^ LORDCALVERT jOK CANADIAN WHISKY Sole Agents: Btl^B^^iW^ MacLaine Watson A Co., (M) Ltd. W ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦t ♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦»♦.> Swiss Finishing School j Colombitr A private and select Finishing School for the Study of Languages (French and German), Continental Culture, deportment and domestic science. II I For prospectus apply to:
      65 words
    • 31 7 X tmrt WHIAT-STIAM COOKID 1 fi%& l^\{ P *3**»"B[l»io c«'«p CF 7 WHOLESALE PRICES ON APPLICATION. SOUS AGENTS:gi Ml II H I1 I 111 1* E»^gt :j«y ■■> SINGAPORS KUALA IUMPUR PENANG
      31 words

  • 172 8 DAMAGE CLAIMS PAYMENT PLAN From Our Staff Correspondent K. LUMPUR. Tues. rpo ease the growing 1 bottle-neck in the issue of the $350 cheques representing initial payments on war damage claims, the Claims Commission, it is understood, has decided that priority in payments will henceforth be on the basis of
    172 words
  • 61 8 Fouf charges of criminal I) each of trust of four bicycl i between Apr. 4 and 19 ■a tv mad* against 18 -yearold Chew Yuen Thlam in the Singapore Second Police C'oirt yesterday. Chew pleaded guilty to all four charges and was sentencmi to three months'
    61 words
  • 33 8 Sio'y Ah Cbow, a tricycier, was sentenced yesterday In the Singapore Third Distrtct Court to two months' rl iirous imprisonment for d shon»stly retaining a motor- belonging to Wong Fook
    33 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 8 THE TRISHA rider escaped unhurt In this lunch-hour accident in Singapore yesterday. The trlsha was sandwiched between the two cars during a change of the traffic lljhts at the Junction of Fullerton Road and Battery Road.— Straits Times picture.
    42 words
  • 168 8 rE chairman of the Society lor the Prevention at Cruelty to Animals. Mrs. R. S demons, said yesterday that the Society has started a drive to obtain money for Its many new enterprises. Working separately from the Municipality, the S.P.C.A. is now covering the rural areas which
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  • 28 8 From Our Own Correspondent MUAR, Tues.— Heng Kok Teng was lined $50 or one month's hard labour at Muar for using a private car for lire.
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  • 136 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. r.E Selangor Government announced today that the "'supporters of the country" of Selangor met in the State Council Chamber last Saturday and appointed the Tengku Laxamana, eldest son of the Sultan, to be Raja Muda. I The meeting of
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  • 51 8 X A J A NG, Tues.— The Geographical and Scientific Society of Kajang High School have under the Science Master, Mr. Dennison, visited Cheras Government Agricultural Experimental Station, four miles north of Kajang. The boys, were shown how budgrafting is done and th» best method of 'housing'
    51 words
  • 100 8 Sino-Malay Association Planned From Our SUIT Correspondent IPOH, Tues. pORMATION of a SinoMalay Association where members of the two communities could meet was agreed to in principle at an Ipoh meeting recently of Malay and Chinese leaders of Perak with the Datoh PangUma Bukit Oantang in the chair. The Committee
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  • 560 8 THOUSANDS AT INTER-SCHOOL ART SHOW More Exhibits, Better Work CINGAPORE'S ninth Inter-School Arts and! Crafts Exhibition, which was opened yester-| day by the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, is by far the largest yet held in the Colony and the general standard of the work surpasses that seen in any previous
    560 words
  • 36 8 From Our SU.f Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. Q. Ourusamy. a tailor of Seletar. was fined $3 In the Johore Bahru Police court today for being drunk and incapable at the Capitol Theatre, Johore Bahru.
    36 words
  • 353 8 npHE 50 certificates of merit I were awarded to the following. Sewlnj and embroidery (under II yean): Khe Chin Kew, Radln Mas Boys School. Jallani bin Abu Bakar. Pasir Panjang Boys School. Phay Bleu Hwa, Methodist Girls School From 11 to 13 years: Dorothy Ting. Methodist
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  • 87 8 From Our SUIT Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. A verdict of suicide was recorded by the Magistrate, Johore Bahru, on Ong Chiew Kirn aged 38, a bicycle repairer of Benal, who died from drinking acetic and sul phuric acids. Ong, it was stated, was depressed following the
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  • 27 8 INCHE HARON BIN BUTAN, of the Singapore Harbour Board, and Che Rokiah blnte Hannah who were married in Muar recently.— Queens Photo Studio picture.
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  • 76 8 ANE of the reasons why It is difficult for Christians in Singapore to keep "straight" is because there are too many cinemas in the Colony, said Rev. Father Porflrio Campos. Vicar- Qeneral of the Dili diocese in Timor. Father Campos who has been on holiday
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  • 168 8 Trip To Mecca To Cost $1,500 From Oar SUIT Correspondent K. LUMPUR, Tues. THREE sailings are planned for Malayan pilgrims to Mecca this year. Arrangements will be the same as for last year but will be directed from Kuala Lumpur instead of from Singapore. The cost will be at leasj
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  • 134 8 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. ABU Kasslm bin Ab. Mutalib, an outdoor Customs officer at Johoro Bahru, today success lully appealed against his conviction in the Magistrate's Court, where he was sentenced to p-y a fine of $100 on a :harge of being
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  • 35 8 HAD NO LIGHT ON CYCLE $4 from Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Tues.— Because he rode a bicycle at night without a light, Yer Sit Cheng, aged 19 was fined $4 by the Segamat Magistrate yesterday.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 88 8 IhaM Ewl VIV nml^l !BUife»«<jft'TO»> i '»;M''VVVg«||Sj Bft^k^LV H sK^s^Pvl I^SS3 1 I ihJ^^^L^L^Wnl i BLV 1 Hsfl H^^nl sWa|HH^L^B^= Mi^L^Lm aY Sat I i#f; '*%^BiBBaS9B ajpßWsl b9H' Bk Every Commer truck is specially designed for its job and built with the precision engineering that has made the name COMMER
      88 words
    • 75 8 Ma Bk -J&^ '•™iß|t™ a JL mM -ruE Rich, fine j&ji fkk, tobacco andthe cork-tip lW.(ctJ^- or c eaner tondon. 150 lean if at'on f°' ATTENTION TRAVELLERS!! FOR YOUR ENTIRE COMFORT STAY AT THE TAVERN < European Retidenrial Hotel I (Open to Non Resident*) Cloie To Th« Lo»«ly Botanical Garden
      75 words

  • 1754 9 Contrasts differences in Britain The London Letter LONDON, May 1. 'pHIS is a small country but one oj surprisingly bitt contrasts and differences. A day or two ago I visited a former Malayan friend who lives in a sheltered nook near Carblj Bay in Cornwall and was shown sweet pcMJ
    1,754 words
  • 427 9 rE papers have announced a new deve- lopment in the fight against crime: where a criminal Is suspected of! a grave offence and is on the run his photograph will be televised, so that hundreds of thousands of viewers throughout Britain will be able to help in
    427 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 38 9 Stop a cold before it gats started. *^J Urn Hudson's "Eum«nthol" Jujub*s 4aily. "Eumcnthol", contained only ia Hudson's, U a fast, safe germicide^ which brings you speedy relief. always use Hudson's U^^/vJ ZAaZ doc 4 uaur avod'f* WStoRYSACK
      38 words
    • 383 9 -W6GER NOURISHMENT VALUE i/i V > HI Ta^ J. 4* r.' .iv^W w waSw iif^Sr I -m JW^B^ft Youngsters con growStrongerondToller with o QUAKER OATS Children enjoy real health benefits when you give them nourishing Quaker Oats for breakfast every morning! Because it's such an ideal source of essential food
      383 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 170 9 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD •lotMui luh* «nd ny° €9 U Strttt ***ly Ml M|J lMr*Tllg* gj" HH Wh" 11 Confined to a prUon la —i-^SLmii Ksmim ■Kb «nyt s*t\ I 1 prinCO regain i dvcarm I i Sin In merrlmtnt <I>. •finiLthm I H*! 1J "It. h«rl- until <© l 'L
      170 words

  • 250 10 LONDON, Tues. RUBBERS and Teas »er? quietly steady yesterday on a London Stock Exchange whose main characteristics were caution and hesitancy. Closing middle price* oj •••e^ ed stock! M lupplted to tae StralU nmM dj special arrange ment with The Financial lm follow Unless otherwise •*•«<> are of
    250 words
  • 62 10 From A Market Correspondent ALL sections of the Singapore produce market were quiet yesterday. Copra was quoted at $39 buyers and $39 sellers, while coconut oil remainad unchanged at $63 buyers. business In Zanzibar clove* was done at $96 s i. but the price eased to $96 buyers
    62 words
  • 871 10 From Our Market Correspondent rIE Rubber section of the Malayan share market provided the feature yesterday, small improve.ments being recorded throughout the list. The market remained steady for a few Industrials, with Tin shares showing little change. Prices quoted by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association yesterday were: INDUSTRIALS
    871 words
  • 28 10 SINGAPORE. Toes., May 9— 1295J55 (U» $1.25). LONDON, Tues., Way 9.— Spot: «592i— £592*. Forward: £595J— £594. Settlement: £5921. Turnover morning, 55 tons; afternoon, 45 tons.
    28 words
  • 222 10 PUJBBER prices in Singapore y reached a new peak at the opening of the market yes terday Business was transacted at 80} cents per lb. ior irst-grai May shipment. However, the market eased on profit-taking and. with buyers satisfied, quotations declined to 78V4 cenU
    222 words
  • 63 10 From Our SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tups. RUBBER shipments from Malaya In April totalled 88,059 tons (compared with 89.429 In March) bringing the total for the first four months of 1950 to 30J.t>12 tons (326.981 In the corresponding period of 1949.) Of the AprU shipm«>n\s 27.956 tons went
    63 words
  • 50 10 SHIPS alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns In brackets) were: Main Wharf: Mul Ann (44). Wast Wharf: Serangan (6-7). Qlaucus (10-11). Empir* Dock: American Robin (29-30). Today's Wharf Departures: Slberoet (3); Benwvvts (10-11): Hln Sang (15-16): Star Arcturus (2526 i: Olenbank (29-30); T 'or->i (3839).
    50 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1094 10 MANSFIELD 6c CO.. LTD. UOCaHPO'ated >" Singapore.! BLUB rUMNBL LIHE "rno'^r* 000 'o^* Ho?^ o ;u P o^r /T May .4 A»telyc«M feng'et. C Wanca. Liverpool Clasgow May 11 M»T IT M.nte. fo. I pool Avonmouth M y PoLTfor Si, B Kay May 26/27 May iIMM fw food Avonmouth 9/10
      1,094 words
      293 words
    • 396 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA /0.X./ CONTININT SAILINGS ro CONTINENT/ m/t "Kerea" Codewns 18/19 SCANDINAVIA tat Manila Hone Konf Koba ft Yokohama Loading at Singapore. Port Swettenherr. m/% "Nerdvest" abt. Mat 14 D for Saigon 6 Bangkok Penan. m/» "Dansborg" d«« abt M«v 27 for Sai«on ft Bangkok m/%
      396 words
    • 942 10 MoALISTER tfc CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore* Ttliphon* Ho sooo KLAVENESS UNI ELLERMAM BOCKMALL LOi ANC |lu, »an rRANUiCO, LONDON, rU.V«V ANTWERP. "RTLAND SEA,TL. ROTTERDAM HAMBURC Accepting ca'Bo foi Cantta. South n American Ports CITY Of CHESTER Spore P. Sham Penan* MANCISVILL* 17/22 May 15/lt M.» J4/25 May vpois. P
      942 words

  • 1129 11  -  EPSOM JEEP By Caracalla For Maiden Win PENANG, Tuesday. "TAKING line through Asad's splendid win on Saturday Pilgrim's Way looks a solid each-way wager in the Class 4, Div. 1, 5$ f. sprint (Race Six) at Penang tomorrow, second day of the Penan* Turf Club
    1,129 words
  • 266 11 NEW YOBK, Tues. MEIL FRANKIJN, Stoke City and England centre-half, and George Mountford, Stoke City rlght-vinger. left New York by air last night fjr Bogota (Colombia! on their way to the Independiente Santa Pc Club, to take up a coaching appointment. The players arrived in
    Reuter  -  266 words
  • 108 11 EPSOM JK». CALL BOT POINTER RACE 1 S.M CARACALLA ArabtaH GlUan CARACALLA Arafcinl Red Hackle CARACALLA Arabcnt Glllan RACE 2 4.00 BOW LEGS Ballrnnin II Father Ryan BALLYMUN n Bow Lega Father Ryan I BALLYMUN II Bow Leta Coeklaw RACE S 4. SO FAIR COURT Bonnie Grey
    108 words
  • 405 11 DELOW Is the card for today, second day of the t Penan* Turf Club Summer meeting. The Big Sweep wttl be drawn on race six. There will be no Double Tote. > Race 1—3.30:1 3.30: Class 2, Div. 4—64 6 Furs. i 304 Caracalla Lansdown 9.00 "Belmont
    405 words
  • 291 11 SQUADRON won the Inter-squadron cup with 41. points at the annual sports of Equipment Wing of KAF Seletar held at Seletar on Saturday. Runners-lip were "C" squadron with 36 points. By winning the relays "C" squadron came close to annexing the championship. Outstanding athlete
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 147 11 MOVIE «E»S May 1950 UtM 01 SUE ToHOHMW Opens M D Opens TODAY jjjjlif TO-DAY fORWNES IPFIVE SNOWS at U a.m., 1.45, 4.00, 6.30 G 9.30 &*pitU TtieaVie m^T I '^M jG* JKtFF Starring. /m/m hayward K. with PATRICIA p^ MEDINA ENTIRELY NEW! IAE MIGHTY EXPLOITS OF FREE BOOTERS PRIVATEERS
      147 words
    • 224 11 MIL!* ABOVI HanvTMIN6 SLSE J'^S^sSSb 6*456 45 and 930 p OPENING TOMORROW! Dashing, Dueling D'Artagnan makes a request repeat APPEARANCE.... MB F IS nßST Ttti£i 111 HWI 111 I M Dfl ITkT COMPLETE M v VPMbUUUL^BpW mmancci ■L_KLZ— 9 ipp*^ r novtii LA*** OEN( j UN f VAN ANCOA [TURNER
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 218 11 SINGAPORE 7 30 P-m- Ai S'pore: 7.30 Juast 10 "The Old Wives' Tale"; 10.30 10 a.m. News from KX.; 10.08 Byorllng; 7.45 Junes Bell or- T>tJice Music; 11 apse. f^fiS/BSE /i'SlSi 1.45 Light Music; a Close- 6 "Murder In the Red Barn"; 8.45 4.45 p.m. From the London Children; 6.20
      218 words

  • 727 12 A. BAKAR SCORES ANOTHER TRIUMPH COOPER HAD HIS HANDS FULL Sino-Maluys Win Grand Game Sino-Malays 2; Hong Kong Army 1. IN A GAME of grand attacking football at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday, Sino-Malays beat Hong Kong Army by two goals to one, after being a goal down at the interval.
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  • 159 12 A PENALTY goal one minute before the end gave Borneo Motors a three— two lead, but not victory in their Business Houses knock-out competition replay against Malayan Airways yesterday on the Padang. What happened was that from the resulting kick off, the airmen rushed down
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  • 131 12 May Medal 'A To Holloway THE Royal Singapore Golf Club's May Medal (Bogey) was played on Saturday and Sunday and resulted in a win for Q. T. Holloway In "A" Division with a score of 1 down and a tie In "B" Division between J. M. King, G.A.P. Sutherland and
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  • 249 12 Four Goals Shared At Changi LEADING by a solitary goal until 20 minutes from the end, up to which time they had much the better of the exchanges, R.E.M.E. cracked up and let Royal Air Force (Changl) share four goals with them In a S.A.F.A. Senior League match played on
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  • 23 12 A meeting of the Indian Association football council will be held at 6, Race Course Lane, on Saturday at 3 p.m.
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  • 54 12 SOCCER: Snr. lge: Indonesian Lge. v- Tamil B.A. at Jalan Besar; Jnr. At: Spore Chinese Eng. Assn. v. Jollilads at GeyUng; Jnr. Bl: Bine Rovers Spore Medical W.U. at CYMA. Friendly: Kiwi League v. Oversea Chinese Bank at Farrer Park. CRICKET: Raffles Insl. Staff v. Boys at 11
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  • 394 12 -TRIBUTE to the standard of football played in Singapore and the Federation and the sportsmanship of the players was paid by Captain Alexander Woods, captain of the Hong Kong Services, after the visitors had played the final game of their tour against Sino-Malays at Jalan
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  • 67 12 PHILADELPHIA. Tues. IT WH reported her* today that the National Boxing AMOclatton would be a*ed to recognkc the winner of the aght between Kay Robinson, world welterweight champion, and Robert Viliemaln of France In Philadelphia on June IS a* the world middleweight champion. According to the
    67 words
  • 160 12 LONDON, Tues. SUSSEX beat Somerset by an innings In the series of county cricket championship matches ending today. Scores were: At Cambridge, Cambridge Unlj. v. Yorkshire. Match abandoned, wicket saturated. At Tannton, Sussex beat Somerset by an inning* and 124 runs. Sussex 446 for seven dccl.
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 33 12 BOSTON. Tues.— World middleweight champion Jake La Motta of New York today signed for a ten round bout with Joe Rlndone of Boston on May 22 at Boston Garden.—U.P.
    UP  -  33 words
  • 211 12 rpHE PAST YEAR had not seen any notable achieve1 ment in the number of athletes reaching championship class despite the Malayan championships and the British Empire Games states the annual report of the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association to be presented at the Annual General meeting
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  • 52 12 rpHE Anglo-Chines* School, A Singapore, will hold 1U 36th annual sports on Saturday, May 37 at the Jalan Besar stadium. Event* for old boys will be the Inter- OB A. relay for the Wu Paak Shlng Cup, half-mile walk and 100 yards. Old boys, parents and guardian, are
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 12 GOALKEEPER Cooper was on the alert for this effort by Awang Bakar— a hurried shot from an unexpected pass by Boon Scon» In yesterday's soccer at Jalan Besar Stadinm.—Strait* Time* ptctw*.
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  • 357 12 A spokesman of Winston's said yesterday: "Dave Sands and Boy Brooks have consented to a postponement should the necessity arise, but we are hoping against hope that all will work out well so that Singapore fans may yet see a battle royal on Friday night
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  • 126 12 Penang Board Asks Sands To Explain From Oar Staff Correspondent PENANG Tues. DAVE Sands, British Empire middleweight boxing champion, and his brothers George and Alfle have been asked by the Penang Boxing Board of Control to explain their non-appearance In Penang on April 23 when they were billed to fight
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  • 391 12 S.C.A. TOURNEY A MEETING of the General Committee ot the Singapore Cricket Association yesterday decided to let stand the result of the Singapore Recreation Club v. Indian Association match played on the S.R.C. padang on April 23. In this match. Indians won outright after
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  • 66 12 SINGAPORE Recreation Club intend to hold an athletic meeting if sufficient entries are received. Date set for the meeting is June 24 and entries close June 9. Entrance fee will be 50 cents or $2 for any number of events. Heats will be held on
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 615 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. < Continued tiom page It) VEHICLES FQR SALE WILLYS BTATION WAGON almost new $5200. Phone *****. RENAULT 1946 overhauled Insured Feb 1951. Tel. ***** CHEVROLET, late 1947. Exc ileM condition. M.200. owner Inning -ountry Also excellent t;*nmow« $2o i»:ephone ***** OEPOTO CAR— perfect running rendition Prlca $1500 or
      615 words
    • 46 12 More and more factories, godowns, workshop* •te. throughout Malaya are improving their lighting by the simple and economical use of corrugated PERSPEX sheers. Sheets are available to match standard asbestos or metal roofing materials Enquiries to: M CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES (MALAYA) LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUB PENANS fcg»
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous