The Straits Times, 7 May 1950

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES Sunday Edition Of Tit* Strait* Times Singapore Fm 9rmmm No. 771. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, MAT 7, 1930. PEICt TEN CENTS.
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  • 404 1 BRIGGS READY FOR BATTLE Control *over remote areas Sunday Times Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUK, Saturday. JHI Director of Anti-Bandit Operations, Lieut-Gen. Sir Harold Briggs. has sot In motion a long-term plan for bringing closer the end of the Emergency. One or its most important provisions will bring under active administration
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 1 SAM BUftMISTf R, 245-lb wrestler, spins hapless Curly Connors around his head during their bout at the Hippy World last night, before sending him hurtling to the floor. See story below in Col. I. Sunday Times picture.
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 1 RANGOON recently held its first beauty contest eiU chose Mies Idwinyj McDonald ac "Miss Bum,, of 1950." Mies McDonald. who is 17 year* old and an Anglo-Bmaiese, poses in front of one of Rangoon's lakes. A.P. picture.
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  • 297 1 Sunday Times Special Correspondent FEDERATION of Malaya authorities have asked the British Government to consider urgently the possibility of raising a volunteer special force for action in Malaya, the Sunday Times understands. The men wanted are those with wartime experience of jungle fighting. It is
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  • 88 1 Sunday Time* SUIT Reporter BURLY Sam Burmister. Jewish all-in wrestler, went on his violent way last night when he knocked out. Curly Connors, Australian heavyweight, at the Happy World Stadium last night. Connors was taken unconsciuus to the General Hospital by ambulance after receiving treatment
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  • 113 1 Malay star falls on kris in belt Sunday Times Staff Reporter THI Malay film star Otman Gumanri wn seriously wounded during Hie making of a new Shaw Bros film yesterday when he slipped and a kris he was wearing pierced his chest. At the Ceneral Hospital late last night he
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  • 46 1 Portsmouth became champions of the English League when they beat Aston Villa s—l5 1 yesterday. In the Second Division, Sheffield Wednesday held Tottenham to a~ goal-less draw and co into the First Division by a fractional ad-va-itagc on coal average. Kcsults in Pace 15.
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  • 21 1 JAKARTA. Sat.— The Indonesian Government has imposed a provisional blockade against the new self-pro-claimed "Republic of South Moluccas." Reuter.
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  • 78 1 SAIGON, Sat. A FRENCH police inspector and seven other persons were wounded here early today, when a grenade was tossed from a speeding car into a crowded street. Police stated that the grenade was thrown by followers of Ho Chl-mlnh, Communist leader of the Vletmlnh
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  • 110 1 LONDON. Sat BRITAIN has agreed. It Is reported. that United States Federal Bureau of Investigation agents shall be allowed to interview Dr. Klaus Fuchs, now serving a 14-year- sentence for violating the official Secrets Act. It is believed this Is the first time representatives of
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  • 26 1 LONDON. Sat— Field Marshal Earl Wavell, who underwent an abdominal operation on his 67th birthday yesterday, waa reported In good condition today U.P.
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  • 123 1 CAPT. HUSSEIN IS NEW UMNO SECRETARY Sunday Time* Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. T)ATO Zalnal Abldin, Deputy Chief Social Welfare Officer for the Federation, has resigned from the office of Secretary-General of UMNO. His successor Is Capt. Hussnin bin Onn. eldest son of .Uato Onn bin Ja'afar, founefcr of the
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  • 93 1 CHICAGO, Sat. WINDS of hurricane strength roared into their third day of destruction today, leaving seven dead, more than 100 injured, and ajiore than a million dollars worth of damage to property behind them, as they roared on into Canada. The weather bureau said that the winds
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  • 81 1 CANNES, Sat.— Prince Aly Khan denied emphatically today a report printed In an Italian newspaper that he and Rita Hayworlh are thinking about getting a divorce. "Just because I go to London to look at my horse* or my wife goes to Paris to
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  • 120 1 NEW YORK. Saturday. rE health authorities today held In quarantine an American airliner from London— warned by radio as "a smallpox suspect"— but had released all bat two of Its 11 passenger*. They quarantined the plane, a Pan-American Airways Constellation, when It arrived at Idlewlld
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  • 162 1 NIW DILHI, Saturday. A CAY celebration in New fteMii's Hotel Imperial U* night brought «n unexpected bath to Argentina's ambassador, Mr. Oscar Taseheret. As His parry heightened, guasts sporting souvenir berets and scarves Mow merrily on t4irifl police whliHes. Nont were louder than the
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  • 198 1 CHINESE IMMIGRATION HONG KONC, Saturday. THI Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Alexander Granrham, today strongly defended in a public speech th« government's recent clam* down on Chinese immigration to the colony, in the face of growing Chinese dissatisfaction. The powerful Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Hong
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  • 53 1 REVE DE GLOIRE ("gift from the handieapper") did win at Penang yesterday, but hi* backers lost SI on each win ticket. Here de Gtoire, who wa* a hot favourite, deadheated with Raj Mahal, and paid $4 for a win and W for a place. (Report
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  • 284 1 Extra pages, new stories UERE is good news tor •very reader. Next week the Sunday Times is expanding into a 24-page paper 24 pages packed with new, vigorous, appealing articles of interest to all Malayans, as well as the usual features. Among the new features is a picture story from
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 235 1 ChiK64£ nyfi^WlT j*"^^BP^^^ f SINGAPOtt 5429-5420 3 rUJALA LUMPUR 70?59 _y FAMOUS EEmJa OVERTURES.! IPjMIMt smwmt OVERTURE. (Brahm.), London Symphony Orchestra, (C. Krauas) KI72H CARNAVAL ROMAIN-Overtur. (Berlloe) London Phllh. Orch. (Victor de Sabnta) K1552 > ORIOLAN OVERTURE (Beethoven) London Phllh. Orch. (Carl Schurloht) K2079 1811 OVERTURE (Tschalkowsky), Natirna, Sym. Orch.
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    • 26 1 111 I^L^l Mil lill^h II 1 /l 2 1 rWP^I r" i '*#'b36M $1.35 Pi R TIN 1 OF SOs I FEDERATION .HMff^d m HMvPH
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  • 2071 2 INSIDE MOSCOW fear silences the friendly tongue The second of a series of articles on the personalities and people of Stalin's Russia By BRITAIN'S EX-AMBASSADOR TO MOSCOW Sir Maurice Peterson, G. C. M. G. CO VIET citizens must perforce see the West
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  • 954 2 am a young husband, very much in love with my wife. On marriage we decided not to have children for four years. I am in a job with an assured future but at present earn very little. With my wife working too we manage an.i are very happy.
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    • 154 2 because Kolynos foam dcansS^^ol^^ It's between the teeth that danger lies. That's where baueria multiply and go to work producing the acids that cause decay. Kolynos foam penetrates straight to the danger spots. Kolynos alone contains special ingredients that neutralise the acids, destroy bacteria. Expert laboratory tests have proved that
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  • 406 3 Malaya assists New Guinea Sunday Times Staff Reporter THE possibility of reciprocal visits by young officers of the New Guinea and Federation Departments of Agriculture is foreseen by Mr. W. Cottrell-Dcrmer, Director of Agriculture, Stock and Fisheries in New Guinea, who will leave Singapore tomorrow after
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  • 153 3 Sunday limes SUIT Reporter A LOCAL cameraman who took the place of Mr. P. Catford. of the Crown Film Unit, who was injured in an ambush two days after arriving in Malaya, -eturned yesterday after a l«-day trip to Hong Kong. He was Penan,; -born
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  • 54 3 Sunday Time* Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Sat. The Jo'nore Police Court Magistrate today directed that a warrant of irrest be issued for Chua Kong Pao, who was due to appear in Court to answer a charge of voluntarily causing hurt to Tai Kirn Tiam, his wife. She is
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  • 20 3 Singapore Hawkers Inquiry Commission will sit at 215 p.m. tomorrow in the Board Room of the Chinese Secretariat.
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  • 132 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter INCREASED consumption of electricity by Hi* Singapore public was given yesterday by the Municipal Electrical Engineer, Mr. C. C. Payne, as one of the chief reasons for the recent series of "black-outs." Increasing demands hare been made by consumers during peak
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  • 49 3 Sunday Times Staff ReporUr Five youths were each fined $10 In the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday for gambling on 'he five foot way in Joo Chiat Road. A sum of 20 cents seized from the players was committed to the Magistrates Poor Box.
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  • 48 3 Mr. N. Nadarajan will speak on "Man and his Body" in the Discussion Oroup Meeting of the Cultural Section of Singapore Kerala Samajam at 6, Race Course Lane at 5.30 p.m. today. Mr. N. G. Nalr, 8.A., BX. will preside. All are cordially Invited.
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  • 24 3 Sanday Time* Staff Repartee Family remittances to China for April amounted to $349,268 from Singapore and $130,144 from the Federation of Malaya.
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  • 58 3 Snnda> Times Correspondent TELUK ANSON. Sat. A NET sum of $1,523 was collected for the University of Malaya Endowment Fund by the Kuam Ibu. Teluk Anson, recently, when they screened the film, "Singapore Night" at the Royal Theatre. The cinema show was the first function
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  • 55 3 Sunday Times SUIT Reporter Loh Poh Mun, a 34-year-old former employee In a Kuala Lumpur goldsmith's shop, appeared In the Singa£>re Fourth Police Court yesrday, charged with criminal breach of trust of $30,000 worth of jewellery belonging to the shop. He was ordered to
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  • 238 3 Sunday Time* Staff Reporter A REFUCEE from the Communists, 83-year-old Mrs. Anna Pietkiewics was in Singapore last night en rout* to Australia, htr dreamland. A Qantas doctor and a car were at Kallang Airport runway to meet her. The old lady was so
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  • 31 3 Sunday Times Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Sat.— Mr. J. 8. Smith, on his return from leave, has been appointed District Forest Officer, Johore South, with headquarters In Johore Bahru.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 169 3 STRENGTH after illness^^^W When vitality is lowered and the body 2Sgur|^| Deeds belp ie regaining its strength, lli# Kepler provides the answer. This (|9&g} bighly nutritious preparation of Cod .Wv^p Ljvcr o|] and Ma)t Extiact i, a valuable g^fflj*. source of the precious vitamins A and D. aSf*^ II P
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    • 193 3 Experience has proved, tkere is no Finer Cigarette than j SINGAPORE $1.35 j FEDERATION $1.50 l Ta!W*WeSk~ CLEARANCE SALE" Exciting Bargain* on all our slocks Several Mow Arrivals on Display Hay Your First Choice NOW Washing Silk 29" »t.95 Panama HnlUnff 1 English Ptd Halrrord .M 5 colours M" 79*
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 271 3 LJJ xajLll 10.30 Nocturne: 10.60 Epilogue; Claaito; U J» "Soutto America, SINGAPORE xi Close. ->~~» Takt It Away": 1-7.U p.m. a-m. Dane* Music; 9.30 Much- LUMPUH 7 s!^ N ß^^v; U U kus*c Blndlng-In-The-Marsh; 10 News 9 a.m. Da?ld Qrenvllle Ensemble; in Jttnlature; ~TJo J< #w 1 i ,f*s fr«Kl.:
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  • 2797 4 I oui vlolum/ REPORTING IVING proof that 4at 31 one can have a family of four and still look young. slim and glamorous is Mrs. Winnie Lewis, wife of an Assistant Superintendent in the Singapore Police. Petite, with honeyblonde hair and big browi, eyes, lt Is quite
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    • 5 4 Www w%^r Brewery Cq.,(l94o Ud.Sifiqopore.
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  • 630 5 LARGE Incomes do not necessarily mean smart wardrobes. They do make f a s h 1 o n-followlng easier, but women who can afford to pay £150 for a couturier outfit all too often spoil the perfect suit with the wrong accessories The real fashion
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  • 881 5  - Hobbies, happiness and health JANE BLUNT I by ADJUSTMENT to climate in Malaya is obvious, although its Implications are not always appreciated, but the re-organisatlon of daily habits is a more subtle process. It should r»e easier in the towns, where there are not only doctors readily available, but various
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  • 311 5 NECKLACES teem to b* the mo«t important fashion accessory at th* moment. In Paris. th*y have given up wearing pearli. I ant told, for rhineitona and jewelled affairs. But here in London we stick to pearls for daytim*. in chokers, tingle strand*, plait*, bibs, but thera ■M
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  • 638 5  -  MARY HEATHCOTT j by QNCE upon a time the glamour girls used to be debutantes. By glamour I mean they possessed that indefinable something, that newsworthy significance which got their pictures into the newspapers Quite soon at the beginning of The Season, we discovered who was
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  • 474 5 THE coconut might al--1 mast be called the national fruit of Malaya. No curry Ls complete, or to the local cooks, even possible, without It. Many of us have coconut? growing in our own gardens, if we are able to run faster than our servants, we can occasionally
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 190 5 PYORRHEA is the Natural Enemy of Beautiful; Healthy Teeth BmttVfck__.a^Bmnßßl k 1 M 4 Out Of 5 May Be Victimsl If gums bleed even a little) when you brush your teetli take heed! Tender, bleeding gums are often the first warning signal of dread Pyorrhea, enemy of sound, attractive teeth.
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    • 281 5 WHY ASPRO IS SO SUCCESSFUL for RHEUMATISM WggMm Aumo/itms say JBE^ft? 1 _^V «|amtt the pain of rheumatism Th«re it FtLVv jdAaateV dnaw r u >*>■• which can be icen from the f'^x Jnar following itlltmrnl b|i Goodmin and Gilnun lh b l1 Th Pharmacological nsar work highly regarded among
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  • 864 6 SHAHRIR'S BROTHER INPENANG Sunday Times Staff Reporter ROY FERROA meets a QUIET, softspoken Indonesian checked in at one of Penang's seaside hotels last week, signed the register, then went Into his room. The name given in the register was "Mahroezar". and as far as the people of Penang were concerned
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  • 811 6  - .I heard a woman crying in the night COLM BROCAN by IN Britain there are 750,000 people forced to live alone. Some of them also die alone. This is not surprising, for they don't go out much and they aren't quickly missed. But. some day. a neighbour notices that there
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 781 6 Stop cold before it gets itmrted. Use Hudton't M Eumenth©r Ju|ubM doify. "Eumenthol", contained only la Hudson's. If a fart, «afe germicide, which bring* you speedy relief. always use.Jujubes y^sTxb rt«Z <&** ye* foo^f* \ltiU^A j I RIDMNCB 70 If^^^BH jV W El lEC IMITUC JUST ARRIVUT New Contax lla
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    • 194 6 Not only at Christmas time There are many other ways of using Mincemeat, than mince pies. Dutch Apple Tart, for instance: mix some Keiller's Mincemeat with the apple and taste how good it is. Here are other uses: in the cored centre of baked apples; mixed with Magnolia Ice Cream;
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  • 687 7 Spore home of lost hopes Sunday Times Staff Reporter A FEW hundred yards from the business offices of millionaires, and right beside some of the loveliest homes in Singapore, are to be seen the poorest people, the most pitiable sights, of this teeming, wealthy, almost unheeding
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  • 150 7 ARMY MAN ON CHURCH COUNCIL .■Mind ay Times SUB I orresponaeni JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. THE Church Council have elected Captain Auld, Adjutant, 221 Vehicle Battalion, as Its official Army representative because St. Christopher's Church, Johore Bahru, is regarded as the garrison church says the Rev. Holthy, Army Chaplain of Nee
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  • 114 7 RUBBER prices in Singapore rose appreciably yesterday in sympathy with London and New York, business being transacted at 77 cents per lb. for buyers of the first grade May shipment. However, traders were still cautious and dealings continued on a restricted scale. Singapore Chamber ol Commerce
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  • 20 7 SINGAPORE, Sat.. May 6. 5293.62', Down 25 cts. LONDON, Friday, May 5. Spot: £591. Three months buyers £591.
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  • 27 7 The Bethesda (Katong) Church will hold an open-air service at Marine Parade today 5.45 p.m. Mr. A. J. Turner will preach. All are welcome.
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  • 42 7 Koo Joo Chin appeared in the Singapore Fourth Police rourt yesterday charged with cruelty to five ducks by placing them, feet tied, In a small basket. He pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined $20.
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 7 MR. and Mrs. A. R. Jumabhoy of Singapore have arrived i» Penang on Hie Corfu after their recent wedding at Bombay. Sundjy Times picture.
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  • 171 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter kJ RS. Tay Seiw Chuan was sitting in her room in Merchant Street last December when another Chinese woman, Chow Quee Huay, 35, rushed in with a parang in her hand and, without saying a word, sprang at Tay and struck
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  • 115 7 EDUCATION week at St. Joseph's Institution will open with the school exhibition of work tomorrow at 10 a.m. Mrs. A. W. F.isby, wife of the Director of Education, will open the exhibition. Other highlights will be the School Drama Festival; a combined school drill display; the St.
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  • 89 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. ANEW fish market is to be provided for Johore Bahru to relieve congestion in the general market. Fish is at present sold in a side shed which has outgrown present day requirements so much oo that large quantities of fish have daily
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  • 65 7 A dance, organised by the 'drive for funds' Committee of the Kiwi Members' League will be held at the St. Andrew's School Hall at Woodsville, Upper Ssrangcon Road, on June 3, from 7.30 p.m. to midnight. The Sambodlans Band will be in attendance. Tickets
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  • 97 7 Sunday Times Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday. M EARLY $200,000 was realised by the Malayan Chinese Association in the last two sweeps drawn in Kuala Lumpur. An M.C.A. official said a large portion of the money had already been spent on squatter relief. He said applications
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  • 35 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. Chun Hoong Chuan, a portrait painter of Kulal, was sentenced In the Johore Bahru Police Court today to four months' Imprisonment for outraging the modesty of a girl of five.
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  • 66 7 Sunday Times Correspondent MUAR. Sat. A woman. Choo Kirn Eng, 27. and Gan Klan Hal. 19. were charged in the Muar Magistrate's Court today with possession of two tins of benzine, suspected to have been fraudulently obtained. The case against the woman was withdrawn
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  • 34 7 Sunday Times Correspondent GEMAS. Sat.— The death occurred at Segamat Hospital this week of Mrs. Ponnudural, wife of Mr. K. Ponnudural, senior master of the Tungku Abdul Rahmin English School, Oemas.
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  • 100 7 Snndav Times Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. tne conclusion of the resumed hearing of a charge of conveying 48 wrLst watches on which duty had not been paid agalnit La* KuekPeoWj^^^Slngapore ted In the Police Court here today and fined $750. The 48 watches were
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 338 7 -VRAM- Not only cleans Bpaiß^ but deaeidifims V N and reconditions. 'WmFr^ Mark 1 Unit. 9^ Mjp This unit will pan 1 00 M, i W tJr~ M filloni per hour of Mk HflC S.A.I. 30 Oil at 60 "JR. Sfcll Fahrenheit. ■to* Powered by HP. electPo**^S IC motor; driving
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    • 482 7 The Gift o *jr-/ffl—*—~**^^ the year^^^fe \joP^£Sy\ l he new W PARKER NEW KATURn /yw P Jf NEW pmcwon /Zy/ the onl) pen with the ff/dr\ /7m m Him 1 Ntwi about th« world's most r* Or^W »««>ted »ifl pen The new Parket "Jl" has /rJjr ren> r tio e
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  • 30 8 MR. LEE TECK BONG Si Mr. Lee Teck Hock sisters thank nil friends Si relatives who sent ureatks who attended the funpral of their late mother en 5.5 50.
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    • 390 8 FIGURES of emergency expenditure given In Kuala Lumpur on Friday by the acting Chief Secretary of the Federation provide yet more ammunition for those who are demanding drastic all-out measures to bring a speedy end to Malaya's bandit war During this year the Federation Is to spend
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    • 175 8 IN the strongest language which diplomatic usage permits, the United States Government has accused Russia of conducting herself In a manner dangerous to peace. Russian actions, says Washington, show complete disregard for the law, custom and opinion of mankind. The American protest concerns the Baltic tragedy, in
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  • 1472 8  -  HARRY MILLER by MfHERE do Malayan elephants go to die? Is ther e a common dying ground in the depths of the Jungles containing a fabulous hoard of ivory? Charles Edward Jackson ("Peter" to his friends) does not think so— and he should know.
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  • 1043 8  -  CHIA KAY SEE by JULY this year will see in Gree n Lane, Penang, the first six bungalows of a housing scheme which may change the landscape of some 100 acres of semi-rural area into a thriving little suburban town in a decade. Spurred by
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  • 309 9 TEACHERS TO BALLOT ON STRIKE We will fight Benham Report* Sunday Times Staff Reporter A SECRET ballot will be conducted by the Singapore Teachers Union "to discover whether members will consider a strike if other conciliation methods fail" in their fight against the recommendations made by the Benham Committee. This
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 9 A ROYAL AIR FORCE officer was slightly injured when his car became involved in collision with a truck in Changi Road yesterday. Sunday Times picture.
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    30 9 CMILINC happily. Mrs. Irene Hughes, a Singapore girl. Him week returned to Malaya oh the Corfu after three y»tt in Bj rigor. Wale*, She disembarked in Penang. Sunday Time* picture.
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  • 126 9 Sunday Times Staff Correspondent IPOH, Sat. THE first convocation for the conferring of degrees on the successful candidates of the University of Malaya will be held on July 8 and it is expected that both Sir Alexander Carr Saunders. the "father" of the University, and
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  • 98 9 Sunday Times Staff Correspondent PENANO, Sat. pENANG Police this moming screened the hilly areas in the extreme southeast of Penang island and picked up one suspect at Batu Muang village, near Bayan Lepas. From 5 a.m. the hills of Kampong Tempoyak Besar and Kampong Tempoyak Kechil
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  • 28 9 Mr. O. M. K. Sabal, secretary of Singapore Hindu Association, yesterday sent a telegram of congratulations to the King of Siam on his accession as Rama IX.
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  • 70 9 THE Singapore Musical Society will present Mendelssohn's oratorio "Elijah" at the Victoria Memorial Hall next Friday and again next Sunday. Soloists are Evelyn de Souza (soprano), Paul Abisheganaden < tenor > Julie Pope »alto) and Paterson Hutton (bass i. Mr. Gordon Van Hlen will conduct chorus
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  • 43 9 Sunday Times Correspondent PARIT BUNTAR. Sat. Three Chinese. Khor Ah Ong. Ah Luck. Hong Yew. and a Malay. Idrls. were each fined $20 in the Bagan Serai Court for gaming at Sungel Gedong. The Informer gets $20 of the fines.
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  • 260 9 Sunday Times Staff Reporter THE latest addition to Malaya's own fighting forces the Malayan Auxiliary Air Foree will shortly have the fulltime services of Royal Air Force instructors and aircraft, now being assembled at Seletar. In addition, the new air force will have full use
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  • 68 9 Sunday Time* SUIT Reporter A beauty competition to select "Miss University," is being suggested for the Batu Pahat District Appeal Committee University month to be held in August. It is proposed that a "Fun I and Frolic" fair should be held on the Batu Pahat town padang.
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  • 43 9 Sunday Times Correspondent SEQAMAT. 3at.— For assaulting his wife. 20-year-old Llm Seng Kern was today fined $20 by the Segamat Magistrate and ordered to pay her $25 compensation. The wife appeared in court with a black eye.
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  • 168 9 Sunday Times Staff Reporter A CHINESE dentist from Kuala Lumpur made a special plane trip to Singapore with his two young children last week so that they could be vaccinated against tuberculosis at the SATA Clinic. Commenting on this yesterday, the Director of the
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  • 66 9 Sunday Times Correspondent MUAR. Sat.— Llew Yin, 58. a woman labourer in the Johore Labis estate, has been awarded $1,459.50 compensation by the Commissioner for Workmen's Compensation, North Johore: It was stated that Utw sustained a compound fracture of her forearm as a result of a
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  • 85 9 Sunday Times Staff Correspond! m PENANO Sat. yiSITORS attending the cocktail party given yesterday by the Penang consul, Mr. Nal Chal Suwannathat, on the occasion of the coronation of King Phumlphon Aduldet signed their names in a beautiful silken visitors' book. This book will be flown
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  • 26 9 Sunday Times Staff Correspondent TELUK ANSON, Sat. For failing to obey a "stop, look and go" traffic signal, Aliman bin Durinidi was fined $5.
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  • 48 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.Ibrahlm bin Alwl, a 20-year-old Malay policeman who, while on guard duty at the house of Mr. Justice Taylor stole two tablecloths, was today sentenced to one day's hard labour by Mr. D. M. K. Grant, the President of the Kuala Lumpur Sessions
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  • 69 9 CINOAPORE had 622 road v accidents last month. Six persons were killed and 199 were injured 55 of them seriously^lntheseaceldenta^^ yesterday said that 383 motor cars, 181 motor lorries. 139 pedal cycles, 108 taxis, 86 buses and 83 service vehicles were lnvolrtd. Moat common cause
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  • 189 9 Sunday Times Staff Reporter CORMER British prisoners of war who toiled on the Siam-Burma "Death Railway 1 have presented a farm tractor to a Siamese, Boon Pong, who risked torture and death at Japanese hands when he helped the prisoners during their captivity. The tractor has
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  • 303 9 Dying officer shoots dead bandit sentry Sunday Times Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. A YOUNC European police officer crept within a few yards of a bandit sentry in a camp in the Kulim area of Kedah last evening in an attempt to kill him without a sound and so get
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  • 97 9 Sunday Times Staff Reporter SIXTY Jobs are available for young men of Johore Bahru. The jobs ar? with the Royal Army Service Corps and the Oener-U Service Corps. Major J. Frost, Chief Recruiting Officer. Federation of Malaya and Singapore, will be at the Johore
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  • 88 9 Sunday Times Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. The Muar branch of the UMNO Is shortly to have a permanent home of its own. Through the efforts of Tuan Sheikh Abu Bakar, the divisional president, Inche Abdul Shukor, and Che Fatimah, wife of the District Officer,
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  • 27 9 Sunday Times SUff Correspondent OEM AS. Sat. Sub-Inspec-tor Bachan Singh of Seremban has been transferred to Gemas as District Assistant Officer of the Police.
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  • 69 9 S"M-!.< Ties Staff Repori.T SEGAMAT, San. "The charges are all ia!se ana I am not guilty, declared 29--year-old car driver Tan Kee Yam, of Labis, t n 'he Seg;.mat Circuit Court today. He was alleged io iuve failed to produce his identity card, to have abused
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 106 9 X' M A IDA 16mm. SOUND ON FILM EQUIPMENT When you own a Rex Maxda, you're holding superlative enjoyment in your hands; for the Rex 16 millimeter sound on film equipment combines fine materials with precision workmanship. Distributors: S. P. SHOT AM CO., LTD. ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE Have you seen
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    • 56 9 Lovely to look at FERGUSON PRINTED *£1 RAYON lasting in wear, u^ \^v Ferguson Printed iE.^\wF^ Rayons are for women ffii^JPi who appreciate the mfrW^^i economy of superfine $fstfj|l^^ quality. Ideal for wSX^^ Afternoon Dresses in Sfife#sfO^ the latest designs njh&lmlMmA and colours. iMrTWJwv^ 86" WIDE *^Ws<~~ %p *J YD*
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  • 753 10  -  NAT. GUBBINS By "Our aim is to create a happy country So let us go forward together with courage and resolution towards that happy country Sir Stafford Crlppss Budget broadcast. MAYBE a hundred years from now A happy day will dawn When men will ask "What's income
    753 words
  • 581 10 You can help to choose your cinema fare IF you Singapore cinemagoers really want to have your range of entertainment extended then the chance is coming but, say the exhibitors, 'it's up to you. If you back our enterprise then it will go on. 1 The enterprise Is the bringing
    581 words
  • 107 10 THE 11 -minute documentary film on life in Singapore schools, produced by Shaw Brothers, will probably bo shown to the Colonial Office by the Director of Education, Mr. W. A. Frisby. The film has been screening for the past few days at the Shaw cinemas as
    107 words
  • 785 10  -  Listener RADIO HIGHLIGHTS.... By A KUALA Lumpur reader makes a complaint which I am surprised has not been made before. Why, he asks, cannot the news bulletins and some of the top flight programmes, such as Tuesday's, b e put on landlines to Kuala Lumpur and relayed,
    785 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 204 10 /f/«" jotrpl-iike VT beauty ,1L Like s jewel this l| smart polish enhances Wm the beaury of your hands, p Progy Sage is the tris- i KKM of nail polishes. S|a Smonrh flowing... long p lasnng and its many THE SMART NAII POIISH |s /F !*S«O»*SB»»^i»^^BSSBSBJBSJBBJp vitality with iti MALT
      204 words
    • 259 10 Gaberdine MjSI txH/ GOES OAY jWBQp^ £m£*jW K*fl<**i Jtu>ulje\ jus \sv H iPIs fm '4B-1 4sw \quascutum 1 FROM $145.00 SOLE AGENTS SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG ECZEMA Maddening irritation goes. Sores^ L~ j dry up. You enjoy Messed relief! si It Now there Is new bop* for ywo wbo •utter
      259 words

  • 1338 11 'I am sick of the sight of guns' SOS. FROM A PLANTER'S WIFE rPHE anti-bandit campaign in Malaya makct 1 little progress. Her* we publish an "in-rhe-thick-of-it" letter from a planter's wife in Kedah whose name is withheld for security reasons. It it one of the few first-hand accoundt of
    1,338 words
  • 546 11 Donald moure TALKING OF BOOKS IT Is as well. I think, from time to time to forget about the latest novel, biography and travel book, and to remember that most of what is good on a bookseller's shelves was not necessarily published this year. A book which I spent a
    546 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 355 11 Good mornings begin with jfmjft Gillett^ the sharpest edge in the world I Trad* Ba«alrlaa Barlow Co. Lid, Jlci.por. A IrticM In the world-famous Oe Witf» Pills you hsve a medicine rraJe specislly to restore tired and sluggish kidneys to their Li normal healthy activities. Speedily the kidneys are soothed.
      355 words
    • 149 11 Fi 1 ">'" '3mS^'^^^lSff^^^JP' fc* ■jffijjftfi^^^B BB»^»flF^^Mfflsy^K "a^B V*^ 'Jr W'- sK \Your grandfather has such bright and perfect teeth, my son, because he has always wsed Gibbi Dentifrice. You know how 'good it tastes, too, and it costs me so little Dentifrice lllll'B W OHM LTD.. lONDOV I M.I
      149 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 102 12 bbbbbbV •H&f^ Lbbbb r TO YOUR FINGERTIPS t./trtrV* tnatticttted toiim CUTEX Yout hands can be tnort beautiful with magic-wcat CUTEX. the polish that lisrs ,md lasts. CUTEX gives sparkle to *ouf costume applies t.iMly resists peeling ami chipping. pn.nise CUTIiX is SO tntf\iunsive you can afford to keep several shades
      102 words
    • 443 12 Rheumatism and Backache Gone in 1 Week Flush Kidneys With Cyitei and Youll Fssl Fins Cystex the prescription or a famous doctor— ends all troublea due tc faulty Itidnej action In double quick time. au. If you suffer from Rhouma tiam. Sciatica, Neuritis. Lumbago Backache. Nervousness, PainsDizzlness. Circles under
      443 words
    • 18 12 people MY D tucious 20 c SOTTKD UNDE« AUTHO'ITV OF THI COCA-COLA COHPANY SY ItON llfwTfO JINGAPOM fjasja
      18 words
    • 373 12 Teday at 11 a.m.— Universal* -MEXICAN HAYRIDE" Today at J. SIS a. SIS P SS. LAST S SHOWS HI MPHKEY BOGABT In Columbia's TOKYO JOB Opening Tomorrow R.K.O s "THKT LIVE BT NIGHT* REX JOHORE MKRO Today's Manias; Shew 11.30 a.m. "DEATH VALLEY' In Color Today t Shows: 3 00
      373 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 864 12 P 1/7/70 i THIS WEEK r THIS WEEK POR YOU CANCER (Jan. 21-Jul. 2») o rwn *vw Something fixed up in FOR AJUJL CAPRICORN (Dec. 21— next few days that is likely Jan. 19)— Settle all yon can to bring substantial profits TODAY: This could be a by letter this
      864 words
    • 363 12 BOUNCING BALL f WONDER what makes 1 the ball bounce." said Tommy. "That's elasticity," BlUie replied pr mptly. "When rubber hits a hard surface It flies back with the same force." "But It only goes back part of the way/' Tommy corrected. "That's because of che resistance of the air,"
      363 words
    • 465 12 ITERE is another example ot How could North tell that us n Mr. Blackwood's clever me- partner's four club hid was a cuethod of avoiding slams where bid and not a real suttf Because then Is a "duplication of va- having recleved a skip-raise In lota." spades, South would have
      465 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1210 13 'SHARPSHOOTER' takes yon inside spo VIY sporting col--ITJ leagues have been pretty well unanimous that Singapore's soccer eleven has not been very impressive so far this season, despite their /ictories. That Is my view too. But now Mr. R. B. I. Pates, who coaches the team, confounds
    Reuter  -  1,210 words
  • 56 13 ENTRIES are now open for the Singapore lawn tennis championships, which will start at the S.C.C. courts on June 5. Entries from affiliated clubs are to be sent to Mr. C. K. Pang, hon. secretary, Singapore Lawn Tennis Association, IS, Change Alley. Entries will close by
    56 words
  • 63 13 Sunday Times Koala Kangtar Sports Correspondent FZ annual athletic sports of Malay College. Kuala Kangsar, will be held on Saturday, May 20, at 4.30 p.m. on the College ground. The Sultan of Kedah has contented to give away the prizes. All Old Boys, parents and friends
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  • 38 13 PAHANG Football Association has agreed to a request by Penang for a postponement of their Malaya Cup fixture on June 3 at Raub. Pahar.g s next match will be against Selangor at Raub on June 10.
    38 words
  • 243 13 DEAR-ADMIRAL W. H. Faulkner, who has shown "'much interst in the sport of archery, has given great encouragement to the founders by accepting their invitation to be the honorary president of the Naval Base Bowmen's Club. This Club was formed recently at a meeting
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 397 13 Announcement FEE FEE PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE OF 160. CROSS ST. SPORE desire to have a further 10,000 amateur photographers as Regular Customers. The Registration Period is open between May and |uly. 1950. Please come early to register yourself and thereby enjoying the following privileges: 1) Dealers' discount will be given to
      397 words
    • 267 13 r Proudly Presents the V New Y^^A Table Lighter, 1 p^^^^ ~\\\g. fiflfitffj- tlut QiJrttd Tbe lovely, gleaariog- Je»itf a of tkis ramaxltaltle, i I B«w A*S*R Light** torn taU* or dcilt capture* tit* «7«. FinickaJ in plmtinnm group rdoJinm. ctay* brifjtt always. V optni mttj LIGHTS in on* «wi(t,
      267 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 105 13 CROSSWORD SOLUTION Across: 1. Paces. 4. Nettled. 10. Cheer. 11, Ire. 12, Caper. 14, Erasers. 16, Tees. 18, Imp. 19, Tcilet. 30, Ache. 31, Nap. 34. Onager. 25. Dahlia 36. Bag 37. Seem. 30, Infuse 33, Ado 14. Sail. 35. Emanate. 39. Tease 40, Set. 41. Maybe. 43. Steeple 43.
      105 words

  • 856 14 Mitchell loses open title TWO of the three attempts, made on the existing 1 Singapore Amateur Swimming Association records, during yesterday's No. lof the Singapore Swimming Club, held at the Club pool proved successful. The record breakers were Misses Joyce van Tright and Jan
    856 words
  • 254 14 Sunday Times Ipoh Sports Correspondent SELANGOR Rained a lead of 42 runs on the first innings over Perak on the first day of their State cricket match on the Ipoh nadang yesterday. By close of play Selanfor had been dismissed for 83 In their
    254 words
  • 75 14 A NOVEL feature of the annual R.A.O.C. athletic meeting held at St George's ground yesterday wa» the use of walkie-talkie sets to report the results o« severs! concurrent events. The cup for the outstanding athlete in the meeting was won by Maj. Chapman of 443 BAD.
    75 words
  • 58 14 H. M. Dockyard beat Customs s—o In a Junior A-l league game at the Oeylang Stadium yesterday. Dockyard got their first goal through Obad. Ten minutes later R. Nell scored the second goal and then went on to score the third. In the second half. Nell scored again.
    58 words
  • 41 14 TiTI Serong Malay School. Parlt Buntar. champions of the Inter-Malay school soccer competition, scored a two-nil win over the Nlbong Tebal Malay School, champions ot Province Wellealey, In a friendly match played on the Station Padang on Friday.
    41 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 505 14 MAOE IN ENGLAND w D H. O WILLS BRISTOL LONDON Coughing Strangling Asthma, Bronchitis Curbed in 3 Minutes Canada had lorn «a Ik*, avfltrcd wr*. Ing. choking aad strangling rrery ntftat. couldn't alrep. rxpecwd to (U*. Mwnfeaa •topped AaUuaa apanu flnt night and la* ha* bad aoa* alnc* ta ever
      505 words
    • 310 14 -^^^fPW ff^K C&»waEfa-Jgwl LwawT^ y"V TBgr^t AVSwawL^awC Lw^^lir f. awl» bwuJ^'' T^t« i •|]ESL»* .^''^r^yrS^^iaei^a^awawK^W t^l^r^'L' b > lJl^y'"aa^^»MaV^ay^«MN J JawawawßawawawawrßawaV™ VAUXHALL Ensure that your next long leave in U.K. is absolutely perfect by having a Vauxhall with you. You 'II find Borneo Motors Ltd. only too happy to help
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • 99 15 Sunday Times Johore bahru Sport* Correspondent •yuE English College defeated th» 1 Johore Bahru youngsters by 29 runs at cricket on the Johor* Cricket Club ground yesterday "Mr. Extras" contributed a useful 23 towards the College total R. Jayaalngam who skippered thr Youngsters, top-scored
    99 words
  • 682 15 A. BAKAR HERO OF S'PORE WIN Johore go down 3-1 in Cup tie Sunday Times Muar Sports Correspondent AS expected, Singapore beat Johore fn their Malaya Cup soccer match on the Muar Club padan* yesterday, the margin being three goals to one. A brilliant display by the Singapore forwards, particularly
    682 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 15 SAM BURMISTER, the singing Jewish heavyweight wrestler, at the studios of Radio Malaya yesterday, when he made a recording of several songs. Burmister trill be heard on the Talk Of The Town programme over the blue network next Tuesday. Sunday Hires picture.
    42 words
  • 438 15 Sunday Times Kua'a Lumpur Sports Correspondent AFTER MISSING four goals for every one they scored, Selangor beat Perak by four goals to one in a Malaya Cup soccer tie at Rifle Range Road yesterday. Selangor were the superior side all the way through, but every goal
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  • 136 15 INDONESIANS SCORE FIRST LEAGUE WIN THE Indonesians scored their first S.A.F.A. Senior League victory at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, when they beat the Chinese Casuals by four goals to two. The Indonesians played clean, fast and clever soccer and their victory was well deserved. Casuals opened the score In the
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  • 238 15 Sultans' Cup Sunday Times Kancar Sports Correspondent OLAYING brilliant football. Kedah Malays beat Perils Malays by four goals lo one In their Sultans' Gold cup fixture at Kangar, Perils, on Friday. Kedah were a much superior team, strong In both attack and defence. They gave Perils
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  • 184 15 LONDON, Sat ijiOLLOWINQ are yesterday's J3K aoccer results, last day of the season. Champions In the four divisions are: Tlrst Division— Portsmouth. Second Division Tottenham Hotspurs. Third Division (South) n ta County. Third Division (North) Don caster Roys. SNGMSH I. AGUE— Dl>. I D«rk7 Er.rton r<Uta
    184 words
  • 259 15 Sunday Times Malacca Sports Correspondent INTENSE EXCITEMENT marked the end of a scoreless game between Malacca and the RAF. in a Malaya Cup fixture played at the Malacca stadium, used for the first time yesterday. As Bakar Jaalim, Malacca's centre-forward raced across the field to
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  • 96 15 Sunday Time* Johore Bahrn Sports Reporter THE Special Constabulary triangular rifle shooting competition held at Muar during the past three days resulted In a win for Johore and the elimination of Malacca and Negrl SembUan from the Federation championship. This Is the Inaugural year of the competition
    96 words
  • 25 15 TT U proposed to bold the annual Johore Bahru District tennU championship In Johore Bahru on May 18. 19, 38 and 18.
    25 words
  • 49 15 AJANSEN scorea a fine 101 not out for the Wanderers In their cricket match against the V.M.C.A. yesterday, whom they beat by seven wicket*. Scores were: V.M.C.A 80: (MacDonald M; Makesan fly* for If). Wanderera. 177 (for 3 dad.): (A. Jansen 101 no., a. Perera 28).
    49 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 150 15 r—^ri^^^^\ -^■fe-ra TODAY I*o*l 55 9 6.30-9.30 IIICE Wilt Ik i J^V Plus! Locally Filmed Short Feature "SINGAPORE'S SCHOOLS ft SCHOLARS' Produced for the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION by Shaw Brothers Limited Special Morning Show TODAY 9 a.m. "CHAMPION" "SJGN UP" FOR THE MOST EXCITING VOYAGE EVER... TODAY 11 A.M. -1.45-4.15-6
      150 words
    • 251 15 Wrofe Mr. VICTOR STAINES in the STRAITS TIMES on APRIL 28th: "IF ANYONE COULD PLAY ANNA in COLUMBIA'S production of "Anna Lucasta" hip swinging, tantalising Paulette Goddard is that person. YOU CAN NEVER have any doubt about the part she plays and you can never doubt her sincerity when she
      251 words

  • 49 16 Total Pool: $287, 3 M First prise: No. *****9 ($74,698). Second prize: No. 15G463 ($37,349). Third prise: No. *****8 ($18,674). Starters ($4,66g each): Nos: *****1. *****1, *****2, ******). *****5, *****7, *****9, *****3. Consolation priies ($1,867 each): Nos. *****5. *****6, *****0. *****7, *****8, *****4, *****0, *****3, *****0, *****1.
    49 words
  • 2014 16 Reve de Gloire pays $4 for win From EPSOM JEEP JJIGHLIGHT of the day's racing at Penang yesterday was a dead-heat the first to be recorded by the "magic eye" camera on the Penang course between Reve de Gloire (E. Donnelly) and Raj Mahal (Dunwoodie) in
    2,014 words
  • 59 16 YOUNG Lucius, by scoring his fifth win in a row at Penan? yesterday, equalled a Malayan turf record. No horse has done this in Malaya since the liberation. No Regrets, Kia Ora, Constance. Skiltals, Empire Rose and Kaiserine won four times in succession. Fre-war only Cooltipt,
    59 words
  • 202 16 Sunday Times Seremban Sports Reporter pOR the second year in succession the Malacca 1 Combined Schools defeated the Negri Sembilan Combined Schools, this time by 23 runs, in their annual cricket match at Seremban yesterday. The fame was decided on the first innings. The
    202 words
  • Article, Illustration
    103 16 SINGAPORE Cold Storace Sports Club (Koala Lumpur) ha* done vet? well since Its formation eight months a«o. It has made good progress In soccer, badminton and table tennis. Picture shows this year's committee. Seated, from left to right: Mr. Wong Kum Pak (football captain), Mr. Khoo 800 Chnan (badminton vire-raptaln),
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 238 16 W '~z^2^Bw3 Sn^W fFrf ff f^ 3ifrV Park Crtwf C*ien**dt Piccadilly No. 1 J^jS^Sß^----factory-fresh from /^V^S^^^Sc^ London's famous House of Carreras. Jib These exceptional f /v//!/ -^^MBk \&<z/ii4m6ek One g L^gtfnowc ko*c i^v^\ v \^^*!ir'f\ SINGAPORE r&\ TO SAiGON /'JUS*. \y^~^ Connection* lor M >& partl o< '"do-China ~v Arriv
      238 words