The Straits Times, 8 April 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 1370 1 Bandit Incidents Increased To 50- 60 A Week DuringV~ Month, Says Griff iths\ LONDON, Friday. THE Colonial Secretary, Mr. James Griffiths, hinted in the House of Common* yesterday that Britain might ask help from other Commonwealth countries in the "hot" war in Malaya. Replying to
    Reuter  -  1,370 words
  • 174 1 16.000 TROOPS IN MALAYAN WAR SAYS GRIFFITHS LONDON. Fri. rpllE Secretary of State for 1 the Colonies. Mr. James <iriftiths, told the House of Co union* that Britain now has 11.000 troops operating aijainst the bandits, as well a> ;:.."tOO men of the Malay Raiment Now that the 26th Gurkha
    AP  -  174 words
  • 84 1 NEW YORK. Fri -Mr. John Dulles accepted the post of foreign policy adviser to the Secretary of State, Mr. Dean Acheson, with a statement that Soviet Russia has posed a threat to the United States "as grave as any we have ever faced in a shooting war.'
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  • 46 1 LONDON, Fri jyURING yesterday's debate in the House of Commons on Malaya, police removed a man who had been distributing "Stop the Malaya War" leaflets to people waiting to go into the public galleries— Reuter. I 1 I i I i I
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 206 1 CALL ON U.S. TO ASSIST MALAYA NEW YORK, Fri. A N immediate revision of America's stockpiling programme to assist Malaya in her present struggles was urged vesterday by the New Yoru Times in a leading article which called for prompt U.S. aid in South-East Asia. "Some changes in our stockpiling
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  • 13 1 TAIPEI. Fri.— Ten Communist spies were executed yesterday on Hainan. A.P.
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  • 50 1 ITS going to be a showery Easter, said Singapore's weatherman yesterday, warning people who intend picnicking during the holidays to be prepared for rain. On the bright side, there will be some fair periods, particularly in the afternoons, but mainly it will be cloudy with light rain.
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  • 158 1 JAKARTA, Friday. r[E Federal Government tonight gave 48 hours' grace to Capt. Andi Abdul Azis, rebel leader in control of Macassar, East Indonesian capital, to come to Jakarta and account for his revolt. An official communique announcing this also stated that at least 300
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 45 1 LONDON. Frl.— The Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ernest Bevin may soon be compelled to resign because of his chronic and Increasingly serious bad health, political quarters report. Mr. Bevin has had several heart attacks In the last few weeks. His is 69.— U.P.
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  • 32 1 TOKYO. Fri*. Seven Japanese war criminals were hanged in Sugamo prison early on Good Friday for participation in torture and decapitation of three American flyers shot down off Okinawa. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 142 1 LONDON, Frl. ROMANCE clashed with the income tax collector in Britain this spring— and the result was a falling off in Easter weddings caused by the income tax .collector's victory Said the vicar of one' parish: "In IS years I have never known so few
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 54 1 TOKYO, Fri. Japanese workmen today found a 500pound bomb in a block of Oen. Mac Arthur's headquarters in the heart of Tokyo. The bomb, apparently dropped by American planes during the war, had lain for five years 50 leet from one of the busiest crossroads
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 22 1 NEW YORK, Fri.—American students at Providence, Rhode Island, will fast till tomorrow to create sympathy for the famine-stricken Chinese.— AJP.
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  • 411 1 f|NE Chinese was killed and three others injured a Singapore footballer- going to Ipoh with the Singapore Chinese Football Association team when the night north-bound mail train was attacked on Thursday between Senai and Kulai in Johore. This was the third attack on
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  • 57 1 The Communities Liaison Committee met in Johore Bahru on Thursday and Friday, and completed their consideration of the immediate problem of relations between Malays and nonMalays in the Federation, in both the economic and poiitical fields Their conclusions are now being drafted in a document
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  • 58 1 LAKE SUCCESS. Frl. A special United Nations conference hag approved the creation of an "International Bureau for the Declaration of Death" to clear up the chaotic situation of millions missing after the war and now believed dead. The bureau would issue internationally acceptable death
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  • 149 1 LEGHORN. Fri. THOUSANDS of Leghorn j A citizens, fleeing from earthquake shocks which have rocked the port for the past six days, are spending Easter in tents in the open fields. Twenty shocks, of varying intensity, set church bells ringing, brought houses crashing down in ruins
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 19 1 HONG KONG, Fri.—Communist China and Poland have signed a trade agreement after two months of negotiations.—UP.
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  • 549 1 Rubber Up Ten Cents In A Week Straits Times Market Correspondent OUB3ER rose to the highest level since 1928 on Thursday, when prices in the Singapore market improved between 5i to six cents a pound to 67 J cents. Some ousiness for the first was done as high 4S 67j
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 154 1 We stock latest American Business Books for business executives, directors, managers, secretaries, accountants and salesmen. Write for FREE details mentioning the subject you are interested. We are the Ovaltineys \J *^r V3Hr V j^^L x i^ T* A*'* j^ Jp t P. 740* W wm^m < U n could bt
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  • ImM!«hmmrmHMml^^^mmm9l •
    • 331 2 EDINBURGH, Friday. "pWELVE weary and baffled navy divers have begun a race against time here to wrest from the Atlantic the secrets of an ancient hulk relieved to be the long sought £30,000,000 Spanish treasure gallon, Duque de Florencia. Working off the Isle of Mull
      UP  -  331 words
    • 194 2 TOKYO, Frl. A LLIED businessmen who are members of the 18man International Tax Committee representing American, British, Dutch and French interests in Japan, yesterday found themalvis in a position of begging favours from the Japanese Prime Minister. They object to the proposed abnormally high taxes and
      UP  -  194 words
    • 47 2 RANGOON, Fri. T*HE Burmese Government soon will open negotiations to invite the surrender of Karen tribesmen, official sources confirmed yes terday. A party of Government leaders is to fly to Toungoo, former capital of the rebel Karen Government, to offer surrender terms. —A.P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 275 2 (opy for Display advertisements should reach the Straits 1 imps office by noon three days before publication of the issue in which they arr required to appear. It will normally be impossible to publish advertisements on a specified d.i> unless copy is received. Br A C /A ▼iTII 1I7Q»1 TODAY
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    • 953 2 NOTICES .NOTICE PURSUANT TO SECTION 89 OF THE TRUSTEES ORDINANCE (CAP. 59) IN THE ESTATE OF VONCi YEW SAI otherwise known us WONT. PAK KAN and also known as WONG VIM WING i Deed. i Notice is hereby given that i Creditors and any other persons j having claims against
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    • 188 2 NOTICES NOTICE THE BRITISH NATIONALITY ACT, 1»48 NOTICE is hereby given that DR. GREGORY HU CHEE ING of No. 15 Da Silva Lane, Singapore, Medical Practitioner, is applying to the Governor for naturalization and that any person who knows any reason why naturalisation should not be granted should send a
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    • 656 2 NOTICES NOTICE Owing to unforeseen circumstances, the Malayan Dental Association regret that the annual dinner which was arranged to be held on Saturday 8th. April, 1950. at Hotel Majestic has to be cancelled. NATURALISATION NOTICE is hereby given that WONG KWEE WAN of No. 40 Middle Road, Singapore, Mercha t
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    • 325 2 NOTICES MALAYAN CHINESE ASSOCIATION 2nd Unlimited $1/- Sweep For MEMBERS only Drawing at Kuala Lumpur, on Sunday, 16th April. Make it a Bigger Success and Help a Good Cause. rickets now obtainable from: All Blanches and Sub- Branches. SINGAPORE BOXING ASSOCIATION The Annual General Meeting of he Singapore Boxing Association
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    • 317 2 NOTICES WANTED IMMEDIATELY! Second hand weighbridge in good condition maximum capacity between 10 and 16 tons, minimum platform size 16' x 8' preferably Avery, Pooley or other British manufacture. Offers should indicate where the weighbridge Is at present sited and the price required, either in situ or ready for removal.
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  • 375 3 RED PLOT TO KIDNAP CHIANG Big Formosa Spy Ring Report HONG KONG, Friday. fHE Chinese Press reported today that a Communist plot to capture Generalissimo Chiang. Kai-shek and top-ranking Nationalist officials in Taipeh in co-ordination with landings along various strategic- points on Formosa island has been unearthed with the smashing
    Reuter; Agencies; UP  -  375 words
  • Article, Illustration
    51 3 INDIA LEAGUE DINNER: Present at a dinner giren by the India League of America in New York's Waldorf Astoria Hotel in honour of Dr. Ali Sastroamidjojo, first Indonesian Ambassador to the U.S. are (left to right): Mrs. Vija.valak.shmi Pandit, Indian Ambassador to the U.S., Dr. Sastroamidjojo and Mrs. Sastroamidjojo. A.P.
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  • 217 3 HOLLYWOOD, Friday. lI7II.LIAM Grant Sherry, burly ex-wrestler, said yesterday that he played "housewife" to Bette Davis but she was "too tired" to give him any affection when she got home from work. As a result, Mr. Sherry said, he would contest his wife's
    UP  -  217 words
  • 203 3 SERETSE 'S TRIBES 'RESTIVE' SEROWE, Friday. RESTIVE Bamangwato tribesmen have told their white queen, Ruth Khama, they will "invade" Ixibatsi unless their elected cnief. Seretse Khama, comes home soon. Seretse, whom Britain banished item his rionvlatid for five years, is nnw ar Lobatsi, less than 300 miles south of here.
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  • 39 3 Z VC !AS CITY Fri.— Mr. Charles ou.-sbio, Democratic political organiser, and his associate. Charles Gargotta, were shot to death in the Binaggio political clubrooms. Police say it was a case of j double murder.— U.P.
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  • 69 3 BELFAST, Frr.-The Northern Ireland Government last night imposed emergency regulations as a result of four bomb-throwing incidents last month. An official statement said "the Government hoped it will not be necessary to revive the powers of internment that were previously in force and the regulations now made
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  • 42 3 IOWA CITY, Fri— Robert Bednasek. aged 'A, was found innocent of strangling h'.s co-ed sweetheart at a forbidden rendezvous by candlelight. He was accused of strangling Margaret Jackson, aged 20, because her love for him had cooled.— U.P.
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  • 95 3 PARIS, Fri. FRENCH Right Wing newspapers have started a campaign for the dismissal oi Professor Frederick Joliet-Curie, a Communist, from his post as France's atomic energy research head. Professor Joliet-Curie told the French Communist Party's national Congress that he would not contribute any of
    AP  -  95 words
  • 211 3 NEW DELHI, Fri. RELATIONS between India and Pakistan reached a new high in friendliness yesterday as the Premiers ol the two countries reached agreement on measures to protect the minorities against bloodshed and to negoUate an end to the months-old "economic war." Mr. Liaquat All
    Reuter; UP  -  211 words
  • 46 3 TOKYO, Fri.— BCON, the British Commonwealth forces paper in Japan, went to press for the last time yesterday. It began publication on April 9, 1946. The Japan News, an Eng-lish-language paper for Commonwealth troops in Japan, begns publication on Monday. A.R
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  • 28 3 HONG KONG, Fri. -Claire. Chennault's civil airline is shortly starting a Far East service between Tokyo and Singapore connecting Okinawa, Hong Kong, Taipeh and Bangkok.— UP.
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  • 166 3 WASHINGTON, Friday. MR. Owen Lattimore swore under oath yesterday that he was not and never had been a Russian spy or a Communist. Mr. Lattimore said that Senator Joseph McCarthy was a "willing tool" of the Chinese Nationalist "lobby* Mr. Lattimore made a. point
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  • 84 3 WASHINGTON, Fri. fHE United States has proposed a new plan to Communist China for evacuating Americans and other foreigners from Shanghai, the UJS. Secretary of State, Mr. Dean Acheson, said yesterday. A Communist decision on the evacuation is now awaited. He said that arrangements have
    AP  -  84 words
  • 197 3 LAKE SUCCESS, Frl. THE United Nations Secre-tary-General, Mr. Trygve Lie, is reported to have discussed with the U.S. State Department the question of UJ5. permission for Red China delegates to come to the United Nations Headquarters. There were indications that nothing had come of Mr.
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  • 127 3 OKEECHOBEE, Flo.ida, Fri. "DANGEROUS and heaviby armed" Georgia mountaineer was accused on Thursday by the mother of three children of twee kidnapping her and tailing her on love jaunts. Police have launched a statewide netted for him. Mrs. Alma Douglas identified the •peculiar" Georgian
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  • 53 3 GLASCOW, Fri— One of the few remaining bastions of Communist strength in the British trade union movement has been destroyed New officials of the Glasgow Trades Council, who began their term of office yesterday, are all non-Commu-nists. There are only four Communists among the 20 new
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 37 3 PRAGUE, Fri. The United States Government yesterday flatly rejected a Czechoslovak demand for the extradition of eight Czechoslovak airmen who escaped to Western Germany on Mar. 24 in three Czechoslovak airline planes. Reuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 191 3 JijMiiSiir l5^5"~ made in cncland Stocked by all Motor Dealer* Factory Representatives:— T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG "I THOROt'GHI.Y RECOMMEND THIS WELL- DIRECTED AM) EXTREMELY EXCITING PICTURE" (Straits Times 6.4.50) VODAY FOUR SHOWS «j| AW |>|f||^* 2. 4.15. ti.150 9.30 p.m. 1 8™ Hs-f V_* 1
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    • 368 3 CHICKEN As a star dish for special occasions like Easter it's chicken for choice. But remember that poultry can be quite an economical everyday dish if you buy a big plump bird from Cold Storage and try some of the many other ways of cooking poultry as well as roasting.
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  • 326 4 FIRST SPEED TRAP' CASE pIRST case of a motorist pleading not gflfilty to a speeding charge since the speed traps j were begun, opened in the Singapore Second Traffic Court on Thursday when Amad bin AH, a Malay syce employed
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  • 54 4 A REPORT lrom Bagdad says that Iraq has decided to open a '•onsulate in SingaDore and that El-Syer| Ibrahim bin Omar Alsagoff will be the Consul-General Mr. S. I. O. Alsagoif a Singapore Municipal Com- missioner, is at present in either Mecca or Cairo. He Js
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  • 65 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Friday. rpHE Government of Pakistan is awarding an engineerX ing: scholarship to a Muslim student from Malaya to begin in Oct. 1950. The minimum acceptable qualification for this scholarship will be the equivalent of second class honours in the Pakistan intermediate
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  • 57 4 ON HOLIDAY: Twelve-year-old Sian Hughes, daughter of the acting Secretary for Social Welfare, Singapore, Mr. T. Eames Hughes, greets her 18- month -old brother, Maxen, at Kalians airport. Sian, who travelled alone by BOAC-Qantas Constellation from London, will spend her summer holidays in S'nerapore and return
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  • 37 4 Fron Our Own Correspondent TAIPING, Fri.— A voice recorder has proved invaluable in teaching spoken English in the King Edward VII School, Taiping. Voices are recorded and then amplified for class discussion and criticism.
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  • 460 4 THE water rationing scheme as approved by the Singapore Municipal Commissioners last week will not come into immediate effect. Rationing will be imposed only as a last measure, the Municipal Water Engineer, Mr. F. G. Hill, told the Straits Times yesterday. Mr. Hill said
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  • 369 4 "SMELT OF LIQUOR" SAYS WITNESS JVIURPHY smelt of ITI liquor and walked 'with a slight stagger" after the car which he was driving was involved in *n accident, said Inspector Jacob Matthews •.n the First Traffic Court last Thursday. The Inspector wa s giving evidence In the case of a
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  • 89 4 LONDON^ Fri. 'pHE Colonial Secretary, Mr. James Griffiths, declined in the House of Commons on Wednesday to reconsider the Government's decision not to allow Mr. Anthony Brooke, nephew of the last White Rajah of Sarawak, to return to Sarawak. Mr. Griffiths said the original grounds for excluding
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 150 4 The following are results of the second religious examination of the Buddhist Youths Dhama Class of the Singapore Buddhist Association,, held at Victoria School. Jalan Besar, on Nov. 6 by the Y.M.B.A. Colombo, Ceylon. Stage 3, Wee Yam Khoon (With Distnt A. Bennett: Stage 2, A. W.
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  • 194 4 'TiHE use of rubber in other fields than the making of motor car tyres has Increased from between 30 and 35 per cent. In the past 10 years, according to a member of one of America's "Big Four" rubber companies, with the biggest gain coming from
    UP  -  194 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 209 4 L:nlies* Silver Brush Set 4 puces Usmmi Price $110 SALE PRICE $8a EASTEE SALE! 15°oto 50° 0 Discounts on ALL ARTICLES Ironi 1s! April to 21st April PLase Come Early THE NOVELTY STORE SS North Bridge Road Singapore. Thone 3123 Men's Leather Fitted Case 1 I sua I Price $45
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    • 97 4 TENNIS SEE THE AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIONS GEOFF BROWN i and I BILLY SIDWELL and prominent Malayan Players at the I HAPPY WORLD STADIUM 1 On Saturday, April Bth 1 at 8 p.m. (Tonight!) $3 [Reserved Seats) $2 [Unreserved H sOcts. School Children BOOK AT THE HAPPY WORLD! 2lsa /Give me Castrol
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  • 567 5 T>HE Students' Union of although not yet a yea the initial training groi administrators, said the bruggen, speaking to 250 first annual dinner of the "It will be but a short while before the Students' Union will take its place as a major organisation Influencing the
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  • 161 5 V.W.C.A. All Malaya Easter Sports, 8, Fort Canning Road, 8 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. MALAYAN CHESS CONGRESS, V.M.C.A.. Orchard Road, 9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. TAMIL M.Y.F., Easter service, 1, Short Street, 6.30 p.m. BOON YEW ASSOCIATION, anniversary dinner, 51-A, Club Street, 7 p.m.
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  • 265 5 COLONY CAN DECIDE ON 'TURKO' USI Told Repeat Extradition Plea BRITAIN has advised Indonesia to apply again for extradition of the West Java rebel leader, Capt. "Turko" Westerling, now detained in Singapore, this time invoking the AngloNetherlands extradition treaty, a Foreign Office spokesman told Reuter. The request must be addressed
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 5 A GENERAL VIEW of the exhibition of new medical preparations and surgical instruments put on by Singapore's leading pharmaceutical firms for the annual meeting of the British Medical Association at the University of Malaya yesterday. The exhibition will continue today. Straits Times picture.
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  • 137 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. RICE merchants in Kuala Lumpur were restrained In their comments on the Government's decision to allow imports of certain grades of Siamese rice. Most traders said they would wait for about a month before they started importing.
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  • 272 5 'VUK British Medical Association (Malayan Branch) held its annual meeting yesterday World Health Day at the medical college of the University of Malaya in Singapore. A new feature was anexhlbition of new medical preparations and .surgical instruments arranged by pharmaceutical firms. Officials were elected as
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  • 74 5 From Oar SUIT Correspondent MALACCA, Fri. 'TWO sharks were seen in x broad daylight 20 yards away from the shore of the Tanjong Bruas detention camp recently. There were many bathers near the spot at the time. Mr. A. A. Warman, the camp superintendent, shot one
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 272 5 BECINNERS April Cregg, Pitman*, Acefy, Latin. French. English RUNNING Senior Prescnior, Matric fir Com Subs for April and November L.C.C Sessions, Morning, and Evening at both places. Ind. Tutions. S.I.C 75. Middle Road. 10 Collyer Quay. Tel. ***** and *****. ftzjL^AJL^y IMC NOW ON SALE SOU OItTMUIOU. RAJ OOPAt ITD
      272 words

  • 73 6 THK HON BI.E Mr. R. Jum»fchcy and Mrs. Jumabhov wish lo thank Ml friends for their very MM I'lepram* and letters of conpi »l illation received here and at Bombay on the occusion of the nuirimge of (heir *on, Mr. Ameer•ll R. Jumabhoy, BSc. to Miss Anitas* Dharmasey B.A.
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  • 819 6 Wm Straits £imrs Singapore, Sat., April 8, 1950. A Matter Of Minutes At the annual meeting of the Automobile Association of Malay* in Singapore on Wednesday the acting chairman, Mr. Sandy Pillay. added his voice to those motorists who have been saying, in our own columns and elsewhere, that the
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  • 391 6 Fifty Years Ago A VERY VICTORIAN SWIMSUIT (From the Straits Times of April 7. 1900.) I IT was on Sunday last that 1 I saw the prettiest bath-ing-dress that I have seen since I was at the famous bathing place of Monterey 1 in California. And at Monterey, where I
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  • 1068 6  -  By HUGH LAMING Reuter's Special Correspondent SAIGON. yy iT h 700,000 Chinese Communist regular troops completing concentrations within one day's mechanised march of Annam's northern frontier. French forces may at any time be suddenly called on to fight the first great delaying' action in the
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  • 698 6 'PHERE was more plain speaking on Malaya in Parliaments Thursday debate before the Easter holidays than in all the several occasions since the emergency on which our troubles have attracted Westminster's attention. The debate in the House of Commons was also more informative than usual. The Secretary of State gave
    The Times  -  698 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 740 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. TRAP To Oreetje. wife of Moljcpr Trap, at Surllnghun Nur«ii'V Home a sinter to Jan, 7.4.80. TUPNKIX: At Penanf. on 4 4 M>, to Eliubeth. wife of R. ft. Tufnell. Malayan Customs, 1 Mr THE ENGAGEMENT is anbftwe*n Mr. Le* He* Bess, yoimirPAi son of Mrs. Un lat«
      740 words
    • 72 6 TOP IH PRECISION World Renowned, German I PIT 7 Bx3o LEI I JL binuxit BINOCULARS Distinctive Features: (1) Unrivalled for Resolution of Details (2) No Colour Distortion, Higher Light Transmission and All Lens-surfacet Anti-glare coated (3) Highly built by tie same Skilful Craftsmen and with the same Special Durable Material
      72 words
    • 38 6 ■■■lilMgf T1!T 1 C LJ lit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ***** 1 1 1 11 1 1 Ihe ramous nousenold \\\\\\Ui fjfplilin •liL *4 i& juns tois. itt) R S KJn! jEip) them all zY
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  • 149 7 A 1<«- YEAR-OLD Singapore .schoolboy is among tin entrants to the SingaI*>re Teachers Union's playw lit ing competition. lie is David Tan of the i terian Boys' School. David wrote a one-act play. ••Kinjiapore Gaol. when he in Standard VII two ago He
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  • 106 7 "Til I lernju Female." a one- :mi comedy, will be Mageri bj Hi' Elfve'nth Singapore C!*il Guides at 7.30 p.m. Wedmsdav in the British Council H:ill Stamford Road. Ill*- plhv will be the main i'em ii variety tfl consisting of musical and dance numbers, skit* fmi
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  • 33 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. Tutlve Indonesian labourers of Kong Kong 'Estate. Masai. wen charged in the Johore fcahiu Police Court yesterday wiili gaming In a kongsi on i\r and lined $8 each.
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  • 341 7 Reinforcements From Hong Kong TWO companies of the Cameronians and 900 troops of the 26th Gurkha Brigade, arrived in Singapore yesterday in the trooper Lancashire from Hong Kong, for combat duty in Malaya. A further 2,000 officers ana men of the 26th Gurkha Brigade will
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  • 33 7 From Our Staff Corre»pi>ndcnt JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. Harun bin Haji Mohd Rashid. i special constable of Batu 3ajah. Perak. was formerly charged in the Johore Bahru Police Court yesterday with icserting
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  • 82 7 i SENTENCE of two yearsrigorous imprisonment land 12 strokes of the rotan was Imposed on 22-year-old Chua Chwee Or in the SinI gapore First District Court on Thursday for attemping to extort $10.80. i According to the prosecuti ing officer, Mr. M. Boyle. jA.S.P., Chua is
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  • 126 7 From Our Staff Corresu-iixlcnl KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. ASSOCIATED Chinese Jt\ Chambers of Commerce of Malaya, in their petition to the Government asking for tile proposed bill requiring all business and trade accounts |to be kept either in English or Romanised Malay to be withdrawn, describe the bill as
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  • 63 7 Tweniy-five-year-old Ching Kirn Tong was sentenced In the Singapore Second Disi Lrict Court on Thursday to 10 months' rigorous imprison-. ment for possession of 37 tahlls of opium. Pleading guilty, Ching said he acted as a carrier because he was hard pressed for money. Ching
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  • 110 7 RESIDENTS in Nassim Road who contribute to the upkeep of a private road leadino to their homes, exercised their right to close the road to public traffic yesterday. The road leads from Nassim Road to houses numbers 32. 32A, 328, and 32C. It was closed from
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  • 67 7 CAR HIT BOY -DIDN'T STOP A 14-year-old Chinese I schoolboy was admitted to hospital with head injuries after being knocked down by a motor-car near the Junction of Queen Street and Ophir Road on Thursday. The car drove on after the accident. The Traffic Police are appealine for Information which
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  • 46 7 RUBBER CHARGE j From Our Slaff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, FrL— Urn Chin Say. of Senai. was charged at Johore Bahru with being unable to satisfy the Police how he came to be in possession of 45 katis of scrap rubber. Lim was allowed bail pending trial.
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  • 81 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. SPONTANEOUS commtinal co-operation was demonstrated at the recent outbreak of fire in Baling: when eleven shop houses were burnt to the ground. As the fire was burning fiercely about 50 Malays and Chinese helped to re- move the belongings of the fire victims
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  • 179 7 THE Select Committee ap- pointed by ttie SingaPOTC Legislative Council last month to investigate granite quarrying in the central "i area of the Island, and to i make proposals for its perI manent preservation from 1 exploitation, Is nov inviting the views of any associaI tion or
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  • 61 7 From Oar Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Fri. Mong Kah Joo, who was arrested behind Majeclie Barracks after a British hand grenade was found in the ceiling of his hut, was produced in the police court yesterday. The prosecution asked for the case to be transferred
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  • 229 7 GOOD Friday services were held in most churches in Singapore. Additional .seating arrangements were made and in spite of this many had to stand. I 1 At St. Andrew's Cathedral. extra seats had to be install- I ed but stifl many stood throughout the three-hour Devotional
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  • 101 7 From Oar Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Fri. Convicted on a charge vi committing criminal trespass by entering the house oi Bidah binte Mohamed with intent to disturb her daughter. a young Malay named Abdul Hamid bin Mohd. was bound over for three months In the
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  • 159 7 v IN C W uVL Officers Six members of the Singapore Volunteer Corps who took part in the Corps' first officers' training course have been promoted second lieutenant from the rank* They are Mr. E. E. Ebert. an official in the Lands Office, who topped the course, Mr. O. O.
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  • 135 7 k NEWLY-married Chinese girl was robbed of most of her wedding gifts when six men, three rmed with pistols, entered her home on Thursday -j night. Two men first entered the louse— a lonely attap hut off the 55 3 4 m.s. Buklt Timah Road
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  • 74 7 New Borneo Co.Director A FORMER Singaporean Mr. Kenneth HomfraySimpson has been appointed a Director of the Borneo Company in London. He was i the Company's Far Eastern General Manager in Singapore up to 1948. I Mr. Simpson has been general manager of the Company in London fcr the past two
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  • 156 7 'Accept Union 's Demands Call To War Office VOI'HlNd short of an unequivocal acceptance of the Union's demands will meet with our approval", Mr. V. K. Nair, president of the Singapore Army Civil Service Union, said yesterday. He was commenting on the House of Commons" statement by the War Minister,
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  • 195 7 Holiday Exodus By Thousands To Beaches Hills jy|ORK than l.(KK) people left Singapore by train for a week-end holiday in the Federation on Thursday and Friday, many travelled by car, and others by augmented Malayan Airways services. For several hours yesterday between 50 and 60 cars a minute crossed thp
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  • 45 7 The Union of the P.W.D. Technical Services (Mi, Juhore Branch, will nold its annual general meeting next Thursday and Friday at Johore Bahru. The memoers attending the annual .^e.«sion will go on a picnic to Singapore Naval Base and Kallang Airport on Thursday.
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  • Article, Illustration
    64 7 MR. 11l I. MAN IHKIM.V a New York Times correspondent, arrived in Singapore by K.1. ..V1. plane on Thursday from Siam. where Inhad coverrd tlie cremation ceremony of the Siamese King for his paper. Mr. Durdin. who will >penrt sometime in Malaya to report is no stranger to
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  • 84 7 THE Singapore Education Department aniionnc'*'i lasl night that the London University Matriculation Examination will be discontinued in Malaya after June 1951. The lasl complete London Matriculation exam In ition will be held in Janti in the Federation and Slnm pore. A further examlnat be held ir.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 105 7 Model T23AT 6 VALVES I Model T23DAI 110-230 Volt rf STAGE 110-230 *'olr AC. Main, BAND-SPREAD AC/DC Main $260.00 tuninc i 5265.00 LESS 10% FOR CASH. INSTALMENT PAYMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED. 12 Months Guarantee. Sole Agents: KEE HUAT Radio CO 122-124, Orchard Road. Singapore Phone: 4561 24, Beach Street. P«
      105 words
    • 39 7 EVERITE ASBESTOS-CEMENT wJ^^TjT FROM *SB^V DO NOT -^s^e=>v UPWARDS^\i instai.ifi) jKk g£BY ANY PRESSURE PIPES SOII w«w»ro« S»ME, DARBY •.MiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiicjiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiMiitiHiiiiiiiiHCjiiiniimiicr'"" M. FLINTER S. GRINBERG Diamonds and j Jewellery Telephone 7923 I 67. STAMFORD RD, Eu Court BMg.S'POhE J ...,iiiJiiiiiiiiimMiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiimiiiicjiiimi»iiitJiiiiiiiiiiiirjiiiiiiiiiii;uii,
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  • 326 8 Ragging? 'Varsity girls love it By Our Woman Correspondent IJNIVERSITY girls l n Malaya are bejng ravced. And they like it! This was what I found when I spoke to a number of girls studying at the University of Malaya. They told me that they were definitely Une<i up and
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  • 414 8 KUAN YlN's Saturday Story I BELIEVE in the good 1 old-fashioned virtues, and Yee Koo was the personification of them all. She was known throughout the length and breadth of her home town for she was a midwife of exceedingly good repute. Having practised for 30
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  • 670 8  -  Eileen Ascroft The Saturday woman's page has a preview of Paris and London fashions and news of By v LONDON A NEW kind of collapsible playpen A teaches babies how to walk and gives them plenty of exercise without tiring them. It should please Dr. John Gibbens,
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  • 380 8 Ribraryfor young readers is flourishing A SURPRISING number of very young children have joined the Raffles Junior Library in Singapore. There, among the shelves which are stacked with books which have been carefully and specially selected for them, these youngsters develop an increasing passion for books. The youngsters are making
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 77 8 OpH -with £D B HONG KONG (Tuesdays or Fridays) M $321.42 BANGKOK Tuesdays or Fridays) M $166 07 IN *.(SSIN£O SPEED AND COmPORTT Connackions at (Hnfikol lor Rangoon, at MongVonf (or Indo-China, Manila and Britith Borneo inFOßa\atiOn -BOOKINGS AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AIRWAYS PTY LTD. i, Princa S». Singapor* 7*l. 243 6
      77 words
    • 256 8 /tit/ yi^^ The popular Lord Calvcrt Whisky has now returned to M.ilaya Men of distinction the world :^j^^a^^aw. over, know Lord Calvert jg& i^^kwV Canadian Whisky at a whisky of superb quality with a delightfully different taste of B *Jenc *^nayn ay i&i? r LORD CALVERT CANADIAN WHISKY Sole Agents:
      256 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 302 8 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD *> H tf M «ute i« an CROSSWORD No. 30 4. Choice mort than EnglUh county (8). fit for a king (6). S'" 1 1 1 but mostl area H il $H i M* M 7M 7 A negotiator befln. to M U J l Z>
      302 words

  • Untitled
    • 342 9 MUSING ON THE EMERGENCY IN TRENGGANU rHE people of Maiaya have no will. I have come to this painful conclusion after having closely vu.lrhed events since the Japanese occupation. Before the war. it was a life of leisure. We did not bother aboui what the Government did or did n<
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    • 158 9 I AM not one of the unfortunate fellows whose I education was interrupted by the war. but I feel cross injustice is being 1 done by the ruling i wh;or? requires that th >se who failed in the 1949 School Certificate examination should wait till 1951 to attempt
      158 words
    • 78 9 THE cost per cup of plain coffee or tea has been increased from 10 cents to 12 cents, and that for coffee or tea with milk from 15' cents to 17 cents, respec-! tively as from Apr. 1, as per notices exhibited at all; Chinese coffee shops
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    • 1065 9 Special attention is* invited to this letter, which presents some thoughtful and well-informed observations on Government strategy, in dealing with the emergency, from a Chinese point of view. The writer lives in a Perak town, but does not want his address to
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    • 234 9 SHOULD THE TEACHER INVESTIGATE? IT seems to me that 1 Inche Rashid Ismai] of Taiping, whose letter on 'The Boy Who Begged For School Fees" appeared on Apr. 1, misunderstood the facts of the ?ase. Didn't the Sunday Times correspondent state In his report that "his teachei first learned of
      234 words
    • 130 9 OfHEN will Singapore employers, both civil ano Government, realise that the present working da\ is the most unsuitable possible from everybody's point of view' A Danish research medico, quoted recently in the Colony, seid that even in a temperate climate a sleep during the heat
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    • 99 9 ACS.", in his letter of Apr. 3 headed "Col. Hannah and a Perak Planter." has asked a question which I feel sure the public would like answered—what has happened to the 320 bandits captured but still unhung? We should like to know further what punishment is meted out
      99 words
    • 781 9 A SINGAPORE WIFE TO AN ESTATE WIFE T AM sure, "Planter's Wife", that you muvi nave jeen very depressed after the lukewarm reception accorded to you* suggestion tl»al the teachuig of kindness to animals should bo included t tr»e Malayan school curlculum. Surely such instruction could be added to the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 293 9 BENE MERENTI (In view of the increased public interest recently shown in the Malayan timber trade, a Forest Officer has suggested that it may be timely to reprint these verses which appeared in the Malayan Forester, the magaxine of the Forest Department, before the war. So here they are.) The
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    • 7 9 $1.35 PER TI N i OF sOs
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  • 207 10 LONDON. Fri. RUBBER share Duying was encouraged yesterday on the London Stock Exchange by the rocketing price of the commodity. Share prices, however, closed under best on account of profit- taking. On thp whole, bright markets ushered in ihe Easter holiday period. Changes in the closing prices of
    207 words
  • 96 10 ANGLO-ORIENTAL 'Malaya) announces the following March outputs of tin concentrates, in piculs: Ampat Dredging 1.220 i Batu Caves dredge closed down 16 days for repairs). Batu Selangor Dredging 243 Berjuntai Dredging 834 Jelapang Dredging 694 Kamunting Dredging (including Siam) 4.835 Klang River Dredging 289 (Closed down 21
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  • 38 10 JTARRISONS Si Crosfleid (Malaya) announce the following March estate rubber crops, in lbs.: Allenby 35,000 Benta Est. 87,500 Jeram Kuantan Est. 57.000 Kundong Est. 30.000 Mentakab 100.600 Sungei Bagan 105.000 Sandycroft 13,000 Tanjong Pau Est. 49.000
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  • 522 10 TINS RUBBERS IMPROVE From Our Market Correspondent \M ORE buyers came to the surface for Malayan Tin iT1 and Rubber shares on Thursday, and prices hardened primarily because of the better prices of both commodities Industrials were quietly steady. Prices quoted by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: INDCSTS1ALS B»mi seller
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  • 424 10 TIN PRICES SINGAPORE. Thurs. Apr. Sungei Bioor 28/- 39/- zd Sungei Way 1.70 1.80 juuitei Kirn* 14/9 15 8 Taiplng Consoi. 2.00 2.10 rhulouK Tin 7/6 8/rhabawleik SI/- 227I'akuapa Va.ley 16/- 18 ralam 2 30 2 35 xd I'ekka 8/6 I>kka Talpini 18/8 14- Teluk Krulo 1.6& 1.7S lemun 13.3
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  • 232 10 6-Ct. Leap In Rubber Prices LONDON and New York reaction on Thursday brought prices in the Singapore rubber market leaping up by between 5i and six cents per lb. over the previous day's quotations. Despite the rise, traders were cautious, and comparatively little business was transacted. Business ror the first
    232 words
  • 80 10 AUSTRAL Malay Tin announces the following March output figures. Kampong KamuiitiDg Tin Dr edging- -t)'J6 hour.; run, 153,00<i cubic yards dug, 432 oiculs of ore recovered. Thabflwleik Tin Dredging— 636 hours. 166.C00 cubic yards, 1,100 piouls. Pungah Tin Dredging— 6ol hours. 238.000 cubic yards, 647 piculs.
    80 words
  • 87 10 From A Market Correspondent QUIET candidates prevailed in I all sections of the Singapore produce market on Thursday. Copra was quoted at $37' i buyers with sellers asking for $38. Cooonut oil had buyers at $61 with sellers at $62. i Prices per picul were: Copra $37Va
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1242 10 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. i incorporates m Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Cattiei option to proceed «ie eth.i port! to load and discharge care. SAIUNC) to lIVIBPOOL CLASCOW LONDON b CONTINENTAL PORTS: Ou» Sails P Sham Penang A»'<.~««.i> io" -c «a Mseiiies i ,v.-rpool Glasgow Apr. «/7 Apr. S P*ivahcm»s to<
      1,242 words
    • 379 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON, INDIA, ECVPT and MEDITERRANEAN PORTS I •»>» i» S ham feriang Prei. Monte* 13/17 Apr I8/2U Api Pro. Buchanan 25/29 Apr 30 Apr./I May 2/4 May Pr«s Hardin* 9/11 May 14 'IS May 16/1* M» Prci. Van Burcn 23/27 May
      379 words
    • 420 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK./ SAILING! 10 CONtlNfNT/ CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA Loading it imeaDOi.. r>o/i iwettenham ml LaUnwa dut abt. Apr. 22 Panano for Saigon to Bangkok «»«n«n«. m/s M.onia" diM abt. Apr. 13 m/s "Annam" dut .bt Apr 21 s d Genoa. London' (pa'sengers ror Kangoon oolvt Antwerp, Rotterdam.
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    • 1008 10 McALISTER tft CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore i Telephone No. 5906 (CLAVBNBSB LIMB BLLERMAN 6c BUCKNALL LOJ ANCUti iAN MA NCISCO LONDON, MAVRi, ANTWERP PORTLAND SEATTLE b VANCOUVfR. ROTTERDAM HAMBURG Accenting cargo toi (.eniia. b South CITY Of POONA American Ports Spore P Sham Penanß SUNNYVIiLI 19/24 Apr. 17/18 Apr.
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  • 764 11  - DAI REES McEWAN BEATEN I "PUTTER" Bain, Isherwood In Good Form By rVO of Singapore's leading amateur golfers, Dr. M. C. Bain and R. J. Isherwood, beat Dai Rees, the British professional champion and Douglas MrEwan, the club professional, one-up in the exhibition match played at the Royal Singapore Golf
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  • 298 11 rpHE qualifying round of the Malayan golf championship will be held today at the Royal Singapore O.C. Eighteen holes will be held In the morning starting at 8.30. The 30 entrants will go off in pairs at five minute Intervals and they will continue their second
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  • 117 11 TODAY CRICKET: RAF SeleUr v REME at SeleUr; RAF SeleUr v Wanderers at SeleUr; RAF Changi v Khalsa Assn. at Changi: Ceylonese v TMCA at Bales tier; Indians v Customs at Khalsa. GOLF: Malayan tourney (eont.) at RSGC. CHESS: Malayan tourney (<tont.) at YMCA. RIFLE SHOOT: Malayan shoot at ranfe.
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  • 650 11 OOL, immaculate, thoroughly orthodox and firstclass that was Bill Sid well the Australian Davis Cup player who with his partner for Wimbledon, Geoff Brown, were the stars of Thursday's tennis exhibition held at the Singapore Cricket Club courts. Sidwell beat Brown by 7—5, 6—2. on
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  • 155 11 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Pri TAKING the field a little more than half an hour after their arrival, the Singapore Chinese Football Federation scored a fourone victory over the Perak Chinese Football Federation on the Assembly Hall Ground today Singapore took time to settle
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  • 176 11 LONDON, Fri —Today's league soccer results are: KNGUH LEAGIE— DIV. 1 Hurnlrv (t Liverpool 2 h.irii.iD I A>lon Villa 4 InKii 1 Bolton 1 Derbj I W. Hromwich 1 Everlon 1 Blackpool U Mum-hr-trr V. 0 Birmingham Newcastle Huddersfield 0 Portsmouth I Fulhani 0 Sumlrrlund t MidiUrsbrouch
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  • 256 11 L. H ROBINSON (9>, with a score 'of 68, won the -A' division medal tournament of the Malayan Golf Association annual championships held at the Royal Singapore Oolf Club yesterday. He went round in 77. In the "B" division medal, W. R. James (15) went round the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 320 11 fiS=E« 11. US, 4, «Jt*»J«pjB. FS^libc TODAY! A WINNER. ..WILL APPEAL TO BOTH WESTERN M SAND EASTERN M Kawna BOOTY Roomai NOR 8 &PRAMLEE >•* A^ Presented by W** I k$i Malay Film *.< Productions Ltd. W\ Released and gL r* I Distributed by I > Wm Shaw Bros. Ltd.
      320 words
    • 143 11 PHONG 5139 TODAY :11 1*45 -4 6.30 9.30 RECKLESS ADVENTURES SABRE DEATH DUELS A UNIVERSAL -INTERNATIONAL PICT' RE Jkmm (Pad Vmttti; O'HARA CHRISTIAN PRICE Easter Holidays' Morning Shows 9 a.m. TODAY: "Black Swan" Technicolor Tomorrow: Jane Wynan "Johnny Belinda Monday: "Do you Love Me" Technicolor TONIGHT WINTERS •F \J (That
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 126 11 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: 1.35 a.m. (8ft. 9in.) and 3.07 p.m. (lit. 21n.). TOMORROW: 2.11 a.m. (8ft. Sin.) and 4.30 p.m. (6ft. Sin,). TODAY'S RADIO 9 a.m. Dance Music; 9.30 David Oranville Ensemble; 10 News from K.L.; 10.05 Reg. Dlxon at the Organ; 10.30 Popular Trios; 11 London Studio Melodies; 11.30
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  • 667 12  -  Byron, Back At His Best, Will Be The Danger By EPSOM JEEP IPOH, Friday. T^O REGRETS' magnificent performance over the straight course last Saturday proves what all along has been the opinion of many keen judges —this five-year-old is undoubtedly the best
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  • 141 12 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER 2 30 1 DEAR Rustle Smiling Through LLEGANT ART Ascot Yale Dear SMILING THRO" Elegant Art Den RACE t 3.00 COLONY Father Ryan Sir Tristram ROYAL LINK Sir Tristram Colony BLUE PRINT Royal Link Colony RACE S 3 30 BABA Trousers Pennyworth BABA Congo Pennyworth
    141 words
  • 1148 12 JHREE horses stand out as extra good bets at Ipoh tomorrow Baba, Cadzow Glen and Persian Lord. Baba, an inexpensive ex-Penang griffin, may never be spectacularly brilliant, but it is my opinion that he has developed into a really hone st performer. He is right
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  • 244 12  -  By EPSOM JEEP IPOH, Friday. A LL is set for Monday's Ferak Derby at Ipoh and, as form unwinds itself for the big- race, it is in-coming more and more apparent that it will be a match between two stable mates—Millwall and Indian Heather. Indian
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  • 965 12 BELOW is the card of events for today's races at Ipoh. Double totes will be on races three and four, six'and seven. The Bi>r Sweep will be drawn on race eight. Race 1—2.30: Class 2, Div. 6—6 Furs. 010 Smiling Through Charles 8.10 "Quartette Kongsi" Hobbs 300 Elegant Art Tulloh
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  • 66 12 DILL Sidwell and Geoff Brown, the Australian tennis stars, will appear in further exhibition matches at the Happy World stadium tonight at 8.45 p.m. Admission will be $3, $2 50 cents. Tickets can be obtained today at King and Co., 23—1 Raffles Place (tel. 2009). Sidwell and
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  • 352 12 World Badminin ton Title Meet For S 'pore Mooted YIALAYA will be able to hold a world badminton iTI championship in Singapore as soon as the proposed badminton hall is built Mr. Lim Chuan Geok, President of the Singapore Badminton Association, said this at a dinner and dance held on
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  • 15 12 SJR.C.'s cricket match against Johore on the pa dang today, is cancelled.
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  • 249 12 rE second Malayan chess Championship tournamenu got under way yesterday at the Singapore Y.M.C.A when 13 competitors rntered for the Tiger Balm Trophy, and eight played for first class prizes. Feature of the games was the splendid showing bv Charlie Lim. 1949 Singapore boy champion, who defeated the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 810 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. mo rtMP imge 8) A'TOMMODATION VACANT 'SMOS. 17 Srotts Road, avall■M immediately. one single runm. full board. OI.ENEAOLES. I, Napier Rd. Tclf 2775. Double accommodation i) iMilnsr v.icant April 22. I rtOOM without board avall- i)i.- In Chinese family. Prefer tvirhelor. Apply Box No. Af>4i7. S.T. SEW FLOKAVILLE.
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      201 words