The Straits Times, 30 March 1950

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • 287 1 Hopes To Arrange Trip This Summer THE Prime Minister. Mr. Clement Attlee, told the House of Commons yesterday that he hoped the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. James Griffiths, would be able to visit Malaya this summer. He had been asked by Mr.
    Reuter  -  287 words
  • 165 1 l JAPANESE soldier, who said he had been brought across the Straits of Johore by three Chinese, surrendered to the Singapore police last night. He gave his name as HLcta Nishimura. aged 31, and he told the police that he had been hiding in
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  • 44 1 D ARTS. Wed The International Tin Study Group held Its final meeting today. Delegates are scheduled to me^t reporters later today to report on their discussions. None rif them would comment, meanwhile on any measures adopteii In the ten-day meetIns -A.P
    AP  -  44 words
  • 18 1 HONG KONG Wed.-Fifty-e'sht Chinese banks in SMnehai have filed petitions with the authorities to wind
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  • 464 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. ELEVATION of the Federal Executive Council into a form of "Cabinet" and the replacement of ex-ofilcio members of the Federal Legislative Council by non-Government members, who would be given departmental responsibility, are among proposals now being studied in Whitehall.
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  • 45 1 JAKARTA, Wed. pLAIN-clothes policemen pounced on 400 bales -of coffee and 200 bales of pepper ready to be smuggled to Singapore from an outlying place west of Jakarta yesterday. The consignment was worth 750,000 guilders in blackmarket value. Reuter, A.AP.
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  45 words
  • 95 1 U.K. Trade Pact With Indonesia LONDON, Wed. BRITAIN is to import nearly 12.000.000 worth of goods from Indonesia during' 1950, the Board of Trade an- nounced today. Quotas will be available for Indonesia to import over £7,000.000 worth of British goods but her Imports will he| limited owin? to balance
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 32 1 TOKYO. Wed.— A Japanese Government report disclosed that only about 10 barter deals with Communist China have been concluded since last Sept. The contracts totalled several million dollars.— A.P.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 40 1 MOSCOW. Wed.— The official government newspaper Izbestla declared today the U.S. sponsored plan for international control of atomic energy "puts all nations of the world on hunger rations of atomic energy for peaceful purposes."— A.P.
    AP  -  40 words
  • 38 1 LONDON. Wed. British coal production for the first 12 weeks of 1950 is reported to be 743,600 tons more than the corresponding period last year, the Ministry of Fuel and Power said today.— A.P.
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  • 22 1 WASHINGTON, Wed.—Senator Edwin C. Johnson, Coloroda Democrat, says that narcotics are being smuggled Into Hollywood from Communist China.— A.P.
    AP  -  22 words
  • 446 1 T\ATO Onn bin Ja'afar, President of UMNO, yesterday welcomed the reaffirmation by the British Prime Minister, Mr. Attlee, that Britain's policy towards Malaya is one of "steady democratic progress towards self-government." Mr. Attlee, replying to a question from Mr. L. D. Gam- mlns (Cons.)
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  • 367 1  -  AMANDUS GOTTSCHE, By Straits Times Correspondent BANGKOK, Wednesday. npHE entire Siamese population went into mournA ing today for one day for their former monarch, King Ananda Mahidol, whose cremation took place this afternoon with traditional pomp and splendour. Filled with colourful pageantry, the solemn ceremonies
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  • 56 1 JgUBBER in Singapore yesterday reached a price which set a new record In over 20 years' trading. First-grade smoked sheet, soot, loose, was quoted at 57% cents per Ib. by buyers at the close. Demand for higher grades continued keen for near shipment; sellers were
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  • 159 1 From Our SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. iMR. E. D. Shearn, president t! of the Malayan Associalon, today warned against tie danger of unemployment hould Malaya adopt a tin estriction scheme. He said a restriction scheme rhlch permitted the transfer f quota from on* miner to
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  • 150 1 Aw Boon Haw Employees Held HONG KONG, Wednesday. THE Chinese authorities are applying pressure on ten British, American and French business establishments to take up their allocation oi HKS2, 000,000 worth of Communist Victory Bonds. The companies concerned are reported to be the Caltex Oil Company,
    Reuter-AAP  -  150 words
  • 116 1 A PARTY of ten Malays from Pulau Tekong, an island off Changi, attended the third annual meeting of the Progressive Party last night to see bow a political organisation was run. Inche Hassan, who ied the party, addressed the tmeeting in Malay saying the Malays ou
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  • 208 1 Reds Plan To Clear S'hai HONG KONG, Wed. lifß. George L. Killion, ITI President of the American President Lines said today that his company had received a report that the Chinese Peoples Republic agreed yesterday to a new plan for evacuating the 1,600 foreign nationals from Shanghai But in Tbkio,
    AP  -  208 words
  • 61 1 HOLLYWOOD. Wed. Attorneys for Ingrid Bergman and Dr. Peter Lindstrom may meet again today in an effort to negotiate out of 'he court a settlement of the legal difficulties between che couple: Lindstrom has. until April 15 to answer Miss Bergman's suit for the custody of her
    UP  -  61 words
  • 32 1 HONG KONG, Wed. Hsu Suang-pao, described as a high Communist military official was captured in north western Hainan, and publicly executed after being paraded I through the street of Hoihow.—A.P.
    AP  -  32 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 74 1 ■QUALITY GIFTS "n Cold or SUvmr j; i U.S. de SUVA Manufacturing. Jeweller I; 106, ORCHARD ROAD. MENU VARIATIONS II This week's suggestion to vary your menus is VEAL. Break away from the usual roast veal and try one of these: Veal Pot Roast with Tomatoes Curried Veal Ragout of
      74 words
    • 61 1 >♦♦♦♦»»♦*♦♦♦+♦♦■»♦♦♦♦♦♦»< THE PEKING CO. CURIOS I PEKINCi CAftPKTS IVORY, JADE CARVIKGS LARGE SELECTIONS EMBROIDERKD LINKS J STRAW MATTING RTC. ETC. 81, HIGH ST., SPORE, t Ui *i*mi in'W 1'!1 i i Right from the ground up, these new Frigidaire compact models have been redesigned, restyled, reengineered to give you better
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  • 296 2 Eden Urges Oil Pact With Arabs, Egypt LONDON, Wed. THE Deputy Conservative leader in the House of Commons, Mr. Anthony Eden, called last night for a settlement with Arab States and Egypt on finding a way to ship Middle East crude oils to the Britishowned refinery at Haifa, in Israel.
    Reuter; AP  -  296 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 2 ON THE BOTTLE GENE, this tiny three- months-old hybrid hear cub seen drinking milk from a bottle, has surprised geneticists who did not expect him to survive. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 80 2 WASHINGTON, Wed.— The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation announced yesterday that it has called a meeting on timber standardisation for Asia and the Far East at Dalat, Vietnam, from Apr. 3 to 8. The announcement said: "In holding the Dalat meeting the FAO hopes to promote
    AP  -  80 words
  • 72 2 BOMBAY, Wed. DR. Rajendra Prasad, the Indian President, has granted the Maharajah of Indore's request that his daughter succeed him instead of his son, born of an American wife. It is unprecedented for a Hindu ruler to be succeeded by a daughter when a son
    AP  -  72 words
  • Cable Flashes Margaret 'Lights Up' At Mayor's Function
    • 217 2 Margaret 'Lights Up' At Mayor's Function WASHINGTON, (England), Wednesday. PRINCESS Margaret smoked an after-luncheon cigarette yesterday antf set a new precedent. The occasion was a reception by the Mayor of Warrington at the Town Hall It was the first time the lively 19-year-old Princess had lighted up at an official
      AP  -  217 words
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    21 2 AJA VIZANOVA, I^-year-old Czech world figureskating champion, has decided to remain in Britain instead of returning to Communist-dominated Czechoslovakia.—A.P.
    AP  -  21 words
  • 31 2 LONDON, Wed. Britain's nationalised air services will receive reduced grants of £6,500,000 from the Government to meet expected deficits in the coming year, it was disclosed yesterday.— Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 533 2 S Show? Daily— S, 615 A 9.15 p.m Shaw Bro's Latest Malay Hit! 1 "RACHUN DUNIA** i with An All Star Cast c •-Sun Apr. 2nd at 11 a.m.— < United Artist's "COPACABANA" f Music Comrdy -Romance! I REX JOHORE BAHRU Toda>: 3 15— 6 45— 9.15 "RA< HIN MIMA"
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    • 637 2 NOTICES NOTICE TO IMPORTERS Applications to Import the lollrrwing meat and meat products From soft currency, Including Sterling countries, outside the miscellaneous meats quotas, may now be submitted to the A. P. Branch r>f the Imports Exports Control Department, Singapore: Cookrd meat and meat products, an tinned: Brawn of any
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    • 119 2 NOTICES THE MALAY REGIMENT Tender for Supply of Vef. Tinned and Milk Tinned I (Evap.) tenders are lnvlte< j for the rt foUowlng foodstuffs MALAY Regiment. J 1. Veg. Tinned Quantity t 36.000 lbs. 1 Milk Tinned (Evap.) Quantity 34.500 lbs. Tender forms may be obtained On application to Regimental
      119 words
    • 714 2 NOTICES NATURALISATION NOTICE la hereby given that TOH CHWEE HUP of No. 11-C, Balmoral Road, Singapore, Is applying to the Governor for naibrallxation. and that any person who knows any reason why naturalisation should not be granted should send a written and signed statement of the facts to the Colonial
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    • 197 2 BY ORDER OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER, GHQ., FARELF TENDER NO. DIS/ENGRS/46 Tenders are invited for the purchase of 1 LOT TOOLS StC. which may be viewed at and Tender Forms obtained from F.S.B.D., Alexandra Road, during normal working hours before 5th April. 1980. P. W. D. TENDER NOTICE Tenders close
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    • 188 2 SHIPPING NOTICE BEN LINE STEAMERS LIMITED Mb "BENLEDI" Consignees of cargo loaded on the above vessel are hereby notified that all cargo in Holds Nos. 2, 2A, 3. 4 and 5 is expected to be a total loss! and that cargo In Hold No. 1 Is expected to be lost,
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    • 51 2 'TRUST TEK TO V KEEP YOUR 1 TEETH CLEAN J Tek TOOTHBRUSHES FIRM WITH TEETH -RIND TO GUMS. Tek JUNIOR 1 L Mjrtr foots Setter. .4 sca/p fee/s Setter. titien you c/>ec& b*^s SsSsb^H luiik MALAYAN RAJtMY AT YOUR SERVICE m 1^ l| ESSENCE Illffll STRENGTH |Bp BRANDS ESSENCE OF
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  • 415 3 Big Three: May B— Canberra: May 15 Bevin Answers Call By Churchill In Debate On Britain's Foreign Policy LONDON, Wednesday. THE British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ernest Bevin, answered Mr. Winston Churchill's call for atom talks with Moscow during the foreign affairs debate in the House of
    Reuter  -  415 words
  • 113 3 WASHINGTON, Wed. FTHE United States yester- day accepted an invitation from the British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Bevin, to a Big Three foreign ministers conference and a North Atlantic Council meeting in London in May. It was stated here authoritatively that the British, French and United
    Reuter; AP  -  113 words
  • 82 3 BELGRADE Wrd. T ATEST Yugoslav general election returns today showed mounting ippo3ition to Marshal Tito's government In country towns Itj parts of Croatia. Many of the people there are strong Roman Catholics. Highest number of 'blind" votes so far counted were in Jastrebarsky, South of
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 170 3 A MASTER PLAN FOR EUROPE THE HAGUE, Wed. T<HE Chlefs-of-Staff of 12 Atlantic Pact powers have approved a master plan for their common defence. An official communique said they had assigned the zones of responsibility to meet any possible attack. The plan, which will be submitted to a Defence Ministers'
    UP  -  170 words
  • 214 3 (CHINESE Nationalists blockade of Commun allow relief to reach Chin TAIPEH, Wednesday. are offering to lift the list Government ports to la's famine areas. Generalissimo Chiang Kaishek is trying to organise relief for the millions In famine areas on the mainland and plans
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  214 words
  • 31 3 HONG KONG, Wed.—Customs officials today seized 3,800 tahils of opium worth Ii U. 5.5175.000 from bunkers of the British ship, Shansl, which arrived from London via Bangkok.— AP.
    AP  -  31 words
  • 39 3 THE AIR MINISTER, Mr. Arthur Henderson, addressing crews v the first four American Superfortress bombers were handed over to the R.A.F. at Marham (Norfolk) aerodrome. In the background is one of the B.29s.— Reuter picture.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 218 3 LONDON, Wednesday. 11 IK. Malcolm Mac Donald, British CommissioneriTX General for South-East Asia, will be in the British delegation attending the Commonwealth economic affairs conference in Canberra on May 15, it was announced yesterday. Lord Mac Donald, British Paymaster General, will head the British delegation.
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  • 73 3 HONG KONG, Wed. AN application by MajorGen. Claire Cbennault for an injunction to prevent pro-Communist employees of two former Nationalist government airlines from moving 71 planes from Hong Kong to Communist China was dismissed yesterday by Hong Kong Supreme Court. It previously refused to
    AP  -  73 words
  • 58 3 PARIS, Wed.— The Council of the Republic (French Upper House) yesterday voted a bill whereby the four French Indian establishments Pondicherry, Yannon, Mahe and Karikal— will vote by referendum on their future status. M. Jean Letourneau, Minister for Overseas France, said the referendum could not be
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • Article, Illustration
    20 3 THIS enormous cartwheel hat, six feet In diameter, was a feature of a London television show. Reuter picture.
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  • 137 3 RED GOVT. SET UP IN BURMA RANGOON, Wed. r>URMESE Communist rebels have set up a rival government at Prome, 160 miles north of Rangoon, under the premiership of Thakin Than Tun, secretary-general of the Burmese Communist Party, local newspapers reported yesterday. The reports stated the Communists, aided by army deserters,
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 130 3 TOKIO, Wednesday. JAPANESE sources said today that shipping interJestsJ ests are planning to establish a regular fortnightly freight service between Japan and Siam. Approval of SCAP officials has not yet been obtained, but two companies are reported to have made tentative plans for operation
    AP  -  130 words
  • 79 3 BANGKOK. Wed. The Siamese Deputy Minister of Commerce, Mr. Thep Jotlnuchlt. said today that Nationalist China may purchase 100.000 tons of Siamese rice while part of an additional 100.000 tons might go to Communist China. Approximately 1,000,000 tons available for export were being contracted for
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  • 48 3 LONDON, Wed.— The War Minister, Mr. John Strachey, rejected a suggestion In the House of Commons yesterday that Britain should have a foreign legion. Mr. Julian Amery (Conservative) urged this In view of the continued difficulty of recruiting men for the regular army. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 23 3 VATICAN CITY, Wed. A series of Holy Year coins issued by the Vatican were put into circulation early this week.—
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  • 143 3 LONDON, Wed. rE Labour Government last night won Its biggest support since re-election on its decision to ban Seretse Khama and his white wife from the chieftainship of the African tribe of Bamangwatos. Despite the fact some Labourites opposed the govern- 118 votes on the government's
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  • 227 3 ENVOY WOULD NOT QUIT DEATH PLANE OTTAWA, Wednesday. RASTER Sergeant G. A. Long, seriously injured sole survivor of the crash of a United States Embassy plane near Ottawa, told last night how he pleaded with Mr. Laurence Steinhardt, U.S. ambassador to Ottawa, to parachute from the blazing aircraft. Fifty-seven year
    UP  -  227 words
  • 156 3 Conditions At Howrah Improve NEW DELHI, Wed. rE Indian Prime Minister, Pandit Nehru, told the Indian Parliament today mat there had been an immediate improvement in the situation at Howrah. Calcutta, as a result of "new arrangements" under which very large powers were given to the military. He said that
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 67 3 WASHINGTON, Wed. The United Stales House of Representatives yesterday voted $2,700,000,000 fo' the European Recovery Programme and refused to earmark $1,000,000,000 ot the funds for buying surplus United States farm oroducts. President Truman had requested $2,950,000,000. The Democrats had eartiPi defeated a republican move to cut
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 62 3 EASTER SALE commencing from 31st March to 15th April. A wide range of selections of CHESRO MODEL Dresses, Morning Frocks, Evening Gowns and American Dressing Gowns. QUEEN'S 181, Orchard Road Singapore. HENRY WAUGH Co., Ltd. BRANCHES IN SINGAPORE, PENANC. KUALA LUMPUR ioah BANGKOK, KUCHINC AKAN. MANCHESTER. LONDON HO YTS ANTI
      62 words
    • 146 3 (fry T^ Jjigflt CAR PETS RUGS JfcV ~^--~=r~~rir 'Take a lot of beating' BMK Carpets are extra resilient and springy because they are made from the wool of Scotch Blackfaced sheep blended with other specially chosen wools. Working with these fine wools, the famous Kilmarnock weavers use the most modern
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 695 4 (9ok£ rtsXss tkls ok^Moe-i|oiA. \o\\l«£MeK te a~>U to b*u| at "Avcse (yilces (^mw^u^f TOMORROW Ttuyte A^e bA^^vUvs yOl% v_f\. ■■^■■^■■EfIHHHHBH A9H_^ ifiS Ha RAYON ANT) _<p^ a wma gw y w*y Wte^ coxxoii \W ia__^ Hl^aV^Jfl S_ flu! Ha n^l e socks with elastic tops. j^-Mjf Striped Tr °p ical
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  • 254 5 FOLLOWING requests by some elected Singapore Municipal Commissioners for the immediate lighting of certain dark streets- in their electorates, many parts of the town are likely to be lit ahead of the original five-year street lighting programme. In addition to the high power
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  • 154 5 I rum Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE. BAHRU. Wed. SENTENCE of death wai passed by Mr. Justlc( S'orr in the Supreme Cour at Johore Bahru today or loh Yeun for carrying a .31 revolver and ammunition a H'ir> Song Estate Labis. Evidence was given thai laid
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 5 STUDENTS of the Penang Nurses' and Hospital Assistants' Training School seen leaving: by plane to take up posts at Kota Bahru and Kuala Trengannu. Straits
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  • 145 5 LONDON, Wednesday. A SKED in the House of Commons yesterday whether he was satisfied that the number of surgeons serving in Malaya and Singapore was sufficient, Mr. John Strachey, Minister for War, said that there were seven regular Army surgeons there, available to fly to
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  • 105 5 THE Singapore Municipality is looking for a woman assistant welfare officer to help look after the welfare of Municipal labourers. Applications are now being invited for the post, which Is classified In the $250— 5400 scale. The commencing salary depends on age. qualifications and experience.
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  • 28 5 MUAR, Wed. -A lorry driver, Low Teng Koon, who overloaded his true* with foodstuffs was fined $135 in default 50 days' hard labour by the Muar Magistrate.
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  • 40 5 From Oar Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. Wong Ah Keng, of the South Johore Bus Co., was fined $25 in the Johore Bahru Police Court for carrying three excess passengers in his bus along the Scudal Road.
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  • 43 5 THE CHAN WING building in Mountbatten Road, Kuala Lumpur, is now almost at its full height with framing for the seventh floor being erected. When completed next year it will be the highest building in Kuala Lumpur. Straits Times picture.
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  • 148 5 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANQ, Wed. i^AUGHT by the police In the \J act of distributing Communist pamphlets calling on the public to boycott the Anti-Bandit Month campaign. 23-year-old Lee Lean Hock, a labourer, was today sentenced to one year's rigorous imprisonment for having 34
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  • 160 5 Requisition But Denied Payment T I ABILITY to pay compenLi sation under the War Damage Scheme should not be denied even when evidence of a written order of requisition Is lacking, urges the Singapore Association in a letter to the Colonial Secretary. "It must be within the knowledge of the
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  • 22 5 T A P A H, Wed. -Mr. V. Kanagaratnam, Tamil interpreter at Kampar. is going to Ceylon on leave.
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  • 180 5 From Our Staff Correspondent ™TTSTATinv PENANG, Wednesday. Ql TSTATION owners may not send their horses to race in Penan* if the local turf club keeps to its recent decision to build a dance floor at it* pavilion for the use of th» International Club.
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  • 182 5 300 Homeless In Kedah Gale From Our Staff Correspondent ]Y|ORE than 300 kami" 1 pong dwellers were rendered homeless when a storm swept across three mukims near Alor Star and destroyed 78 attap houses. There were no casualties. The extent of the damage has not been ascertained, but It is
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  • 109 5 From Our Own Correspondent KAJANO. Wed. UR. K. J. Ellis, 23-year-old forest engineer attached to Sungei Lallang sawmill at Kachau. was killed this evening when a tree fell across his car on the main trunk road four miles south of Kajang. A few minutes later and
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  • 79 5 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Wed.— A Sikh woman was killed and her husband and two others injured in a motor accident outside Fungei Siput when their car collided with a stationary lorry. The dead woman was Mis. Thakar Rln^h. wif-? ol Mr. Thakar Singh of
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  • 53 5 JOHORE Bahru, Wed. Convicted on a charge of dri-' ving a Jeep without a driving licence. Lee Eng Liong was fined $15 in the Police Court today. Mohamed bin A. Kadir, Jaffar bin Mohd Said and E. W. Jones, who were also charged with driving without licences, were
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  • 23 5 MUAR, Wed.— lbrahim and Tahir. who caused hurt to another Malay Abdullah, at Jalan Dauri were each fined $5 at Muar.
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  • 173 5 From Our Staff Correspondent ROTA BAHRU, Wednesday. RELIEVING forces recovering the bodies of Malay t% Regiment troops and police killed in Sunday's battle near Gua Musang in Ulu Kelantan found a young Malay private lying wounded among his dead companions. The private. Wahab
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  • 63 5 From Oar Stiff Correspondent PENANG, Wed. riOUND guilty of counter- felting coins, a former Taiping bazaar stall holder, Ong Slew Hock, received a total sentence at Penang of eight years on two charges, while his 22-year-old fiancee, Loo Tek Choo, was sentenced to one year's gaol.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 31 5 W\\\evf /ys |y wi love lhe\ tfyf'A^J^S \rt}T ■ilenburvs Mai! >"^l^^^_ y^" and prev<nt Ma BB^b\m[?!PM| Hp^-^ MolnM4^ mttmn BARLOW 6 C 9 LTD. OCEAN •UKOIIIG SiNSAPORf I y»u^ Tfce A
      31 words
    • 151 5 CLEARANCE SALE PAR MAN AND S The Biggest Thrill of 1950. CLEARANCE BAKC.M.NS Original Now Oiiginnl Now i Prtd. Hair cord $1.50 $0.95 Panama Suiting 8.50 s.!>n Voil $2.80 $1.90 Worsted Suiting $12 50 $.7.99 Linen $2.50 $1.40 Grey Flannel $10.50 7.50 Lambskin $3.50 $2.10 Blark Diamond $17 50 $l2.r>«
      151 words

  • 53 6 MAJOR-GENERAL L. B. NICHOLLB. C.8.. C.8.E.. hn Is to succeed Mr. John lnnrs as managing director of Cable and Wireless Ltd. when Mr. Innex retires on Mmrch 11. (General Nkholls h:«s been a director of Table and VftretCM since leaving the Signals branch of thr
    53 words
  • 96 6 f rum Our Stall Correspondent SEREMBAN. Wed— About 1.000 people attended the celebration of ihe 10th anniversary of the Arabic School nt Ulu Gadong. a village about 1> 4 miles from the main road at rCota Renibau. ''■if Y;mg cii-Pertuan Besar <>i Negri Sembilan and
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  • 47 6 i MASKED GANG of Chinese early yesterday mornJ\ me hoarded a Chinese -owned motor boat moored Crawford Street. Singapore, and stole a wrist-watch -m d v">00 worth of engine parts. Two of the robbers, armed with knives, held the rr« at bay.
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  • 249 6 ANTI-BOMB NET GOES UP IN S'PORE Offices, Homes Protected SINGAPORE police announced yesterday that all 30 police stations in the Colony, including those in remote rural areas, have now been protected with anti-grenade meshing. Government and Municipal installations, including radio stations, electrical power plants, sub-stations and telephone exchanges have been
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  • 99 6 Miss Foss: Penang Kaum Ibu Move From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG. Wed. A RESOLUTION that Miss A Josephine Foss should not be allowed to return to Malaya unless she publicly withdraws or denies her recent reported interview in the London Sunday Pictorial has been adopted by the Penang Kaum Ibu
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  • 50 6 From Our Own Correspondent MUAR, Wed. The Shieh Chih Chinese Night School at Muar staged a very successful two-night concert at the Victory Theatre Hall to raise funds for the school. The famous Chinese spy story "Clouds over Mukden was acted by teachers anci students of the school.
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  • 52 6 From Our Own Correspondent MUAR. Wed.—ln the Muar Sessions Court. Oan Cheng Pin and Nair were jolnrly oharged with extortion by putting Loy Say Ngap in fear of arrest for selling beer without a licence. Gun was sentancec to J5 months' hard labour and Nair
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 6 THE THREE-LEGGED rac« in progress at the interMalay girls school sports at the Geylang Malay School, in Singapore yrsterday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 130 6 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. NEGOTIATIONS between the Malayan Planting Industries Employers' Association and representatives of Federation estate staffs unions on pay and service conditions will be held in Kuala Lumpur tomorrow. The negotiations will be based on a memorandum submitted
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  • 28 6 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. Inche Ja'affar bin Taha, District Officer. Mersing, seconded to the juiicial branch of the Service, is going to Koia Bahru, Kelantan, as Magistrate.
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  • 55 6 TWO further appeals (10 were allowed last week) by Singapore Traction Company bus conductors, convicted on charges of breach of trust of bus fares were allowed by the Chief Justice. Mr. Justice \lurray-Ayns-ley. in the Singapore Supreme Court yesterday. The men were Tay Kin Koo
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  • 75 6 ILL, HE TRIED SUICIDE CHIA Jit Seng drank caustic soda in an attempt to kill himself because he had spent all his money In a vain attempt to cure himself of tuberculosis. When he drank the caustic soda Chla ran into the Joo Chiat police station. He was rushed to
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  • 39 6 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. A 15-year-old boy charged in the Johore Bahru Police Court with stealing four katis of scrap rubber from Senai Estate, was sent to the Juvenile Court for trial.
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  • 115 6 From Our SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR Wed. FEDERATION bakeries are F unlikely to reduce the one pound loaf of bread now selling at the controlled price of 25 cents, say the managers of Kuala Lumpur's principal bakeries. They say that as flour is
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  • 286 6 Chamber Tie On 'Stop Cable To Gen. Chiang UQUAL voting has prevented the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce from adopting a proposal to cable General Chiang Kai-shek, requesting immediate stopping of indiscriminate bombing of civilians in Red China. At the first monthly general committee meeting of the newly elected officers
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  • 165 6 COCONUT MEN WANT U.S. TRADE SINGAPORE coconut of] traders want to know if the United States will buy Malaya's coconut oil Thi s follows a Colombo report that the U.S Government is interested in a gov-ernment.-to-government transaction to purchase Ceylon's coconut oil up to June 30 next year A spokesman
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  • 39 6 MUAR. Wed.—TWO wait mw, Munah Lin:e rtotaa mcd and Ara btntc F-iar who abused facn ether »1» 1 ar amusement, park, were ><ud fined $3 at Sfuar for erly conduct, A.a fined $7 for riek'diß identity card.
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  • 657 7 Govt. Urged 'Overhaul Anti-Bandit Campaign' 8-POINT PLAN BY SHEARN campaign against terrorism i readjustment of ideas previously held, dec •resident of the Malayan Association, at thi the association today. Terrorism had, and c value and could never but the nuisance had coi loss of valuable life and From Our Staff
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  • 121 7 Talks On Drivers Insurance affecting car drivers, such as Increased premiums' nnci restricted cover of postwar insurance oolicies, are .still beine; decided by the Automobile Association of Malaya and members of the Motor Insurance Association of Malaya. The annual report for 1949 of the Singapore Branch of the A A.M.
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  • 57 7 From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. SIXTY of 63 passengers in a Singapore junk, intercepted yesterday by a naval patrol ship near Pulau Aur, off the east coast of Johore had no Malayan identity cards. The junk came from Hainan. It is now
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  • 49 7 FREE LIFT NOT 'BLACK' TAXI From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Wed. The Segamat Magistrate acquitted and discharged 21-year-old Kek Kirn Far who was charged for plying his private car as a "black taxi." Passengers called as witnesses said: "He is our friend, and was giving us a free lift."
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  • 70 7 SQUADRON LEADER R. E. WOLLEY, Senior Medical Officer of Seletar R.A.F. station (left) and Flight Lieutenant W. B. Kennedy, another Seletar medical officer, who have received awards for courage, skill and devotion to duty during rescue work at the Sunderland flying boat crash in Johore Straits in
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  • 242 7 From Our Staff Correspondent irOH, Wednesday. 4 MALAY extra police constable, the driver of a three-ton truck carrying 14 members of a police jungle squad, was killed when 13 armed bandits ambushed the truck on the Batu Arang road in the Taiping area yesterday. Two
    242 words
  • 152 7 Acquitted Of Negligent Driving IN plaster and using crutches from Injuries received last October, two men gave evidence in the Singapore First District Court yesterday when Denis Murphy a lawyer, was acquitted of negligent driving. Murphy, driving: a car. was Involved in a head-on collision with a motor cycle In
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  • 275 7 $72,000 CHEATING CHARGE From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. A BANK of China employee, Ho Hsiang:, told the Sessions Court today that on July 15 last year the day he took over as Chief Accountant the Bank was reported to have been cheated of $72,000. "As
    275 words
  • 73 7 A CHINESE living at the Bth mile Jalan Mawai, Kota Tinggi, Johore, recently set a (rap to tiUh wild boar which had been destroying his crops. The next day he found that instead he had trapped a tiger measuring seven and a half feet long,
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  • 26 7 From Our Own Correspondent MUAR, Wed.— A taxi driver. K. Manikarr. was fined a tytal of $17 at Muar for carrying three extra pas-
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  • 269 7 VARSITY'S FIRST DEGREES IN JULY THE first degrees to be won at the University of Malaya will be presented at the first convocation in July. The Chancellor of the University Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, will preside over the ceremony. There are 645 students in the various faculties in the first year
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  • 86 7 THE following donations to the University of Malaya Endowment Fund are acknowledged in the list issved in Singapore on Mar. 28: Staff of the Government English School, Port Dlckson. $29; staff of the Government English School, Tampln, »37: Pahang Union of Teachers »102.50; Teck Bee Co_
    86 words
  • 81 7 I From Oar Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Wed.— I Mr. Justice Storr who sat on i the bench of the Supreme I Court, Johore, yesterday for the first time since his appointment, was welcomed, on behalf of the Attorney-Gen-eral, Federation of Malaya. by Mr. D. B.
    81 words
  • 79 7 LONDON, Wed— Mr. Tan Chin Tuan, managing director of the Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation in Singapore, arrived in London last night from Rome. He is on a fhree-weeks European tour and expects to spend a fortnight In Britain. Mr. Tan said: "This is mainly a holiday, but,
    UP  -  79 words
  • 28 7 GEM A S, Wed.— Pleading guilty to bribing a police officer Tan Pee was fined $200, in default two months' rigorous imprisonment, at Rembau Court.
    28 words
  • 78 7 BOOK EXHIBITION, British Council Hall, Stamford Road. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. I'.W.C.A. 5, Raffles Quay, dressmaking, 10 a.m., embroidery class, 1.30 p.m. Bible study, 5 p.m. POLICE BAND. Kulim Place, 5.45 p.m. to 6.45 p.m. THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, discussion, 8, Catrnhill Road, 6.30 pjn. MALAYAN VEGETARIAN SOCIETY, Mr.
    78 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 116 7 ilmrislTn J The picture you 'ye v <i read about, heard about and impatiently waited for! PHONE 5159 Far-East Premiere TODAY 11.00 1.45 4.00 6.30 9.30 Vpfl if Sl^VI IK 1 1 reL* 3 Z j X STROMBOLI stars Ingrid Bergman under the inspired direction of ROSSELLINI and released by
      116 words

  • 644 8 In view of misunderstanding abroad of the processes of British jurisprudence the facts of the Hai Hsuan case deserve emphasis. This Chinese ship is one of about forty which were delivered to the Chinese Nationalist Government by
    644 words
  • 436 8 Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan s statement to the Pakistani Parliament that he will meet Pandit Nehru in Delhi shortly to find "a speedy solution' to the riots in Bengal is hopeful news. It will be more hopeful still if knowledge of the coming meeting will dissuade
    436 words
  • Man- In-The- Street
    • 303 8 A Woman To F.P.A. Critics I FEEL that I must— as a woman and, so far a mother of one reply to the letter from "A Worker" published on Mar. 27 on the subject of Family Planning Association slides in Chinese cinemas. There have been altogether too few views expressed
      303 words
    • 263 8 WHILE I too dream of j H world such as Mr. A. Hinton would have (as implied in his letter published in the Saturday Forum under the heading "Slung On A Pole). I beg of him not to let sentiment overrule his better judgment on
      263 words
    • 466 8 Why The Apathy? |T seems a remarkable iact that, while we have I seen the Singapore market price of rubber rise steadily from a monthly average of 32 cents per lb. last June to approximately 52 cents (which it looks like averaging for March, with forward positions
      466 words
    • 122 8 I SHOULD be much obliged if you er your readers could let me know, through the columns of your newspaper, If it to an offence to have ones Identity card in one's purse, or to have one s money in one's identity card. I am told that any
      122 words
    • 63 8 byHOTATBENG Do you remember, That December, How the monsoon blew? You, In the doorway, (You haven't forgotten, surely), Stood, watching, too. You crossed to where I sat, and waited We waited till the storm abated The winds abated not their temper. That evening you were peevish, I recall: You
      63 words
    • 271 8 published by you on j Vlar. 25 under the head- "More Troops Notj rhe Answers", is one i which warrants the 111 1 attention of the emer- gency authorities. He seems to have hit the j nail right on the head. Mr. Hannah can, with
      271 words
    • 236 8 AS a result of the ill- < judged and ill-timed 1 decision of the Singapore < Legislative Council, the Bukit Timah quarries are to be closed down shortly. This will throw out of regular employment hundreds of specialised workers, and also abnormally increase the price of granite
      236 words
    • 212 8 Reactions In Sungei Patani RECENTLY there appeared in the Straits Times a letter from "Justice" under the heading "Corruption In Kedah Offices." It is very pleasing to note the effect It has had on the people concerned— the clerks who previously were In the habit of putting off the poor
      212 words
    • 199 8 I HAVE been pleased but a little surprised to read In your columns that Singapore is "no longer a cultural desert". Dr. Allen says so; and since he is the Vice-Chancellor of the University it must be so! The reason he gives is stated to
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  • 427 8 On The Margin The Court Of Siam IF you have not already read that remarkable book "Anna And The King Of Siam," I would like to recommend it strongly. It was first published during the late war, I believe, but I did not come across it until a few weeks
    427 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 815 8 LLASMri CAJ ALK3. i \(.m;emi:nt CHAI-WONG: The engagement announced between Chal Hon ("he<- eldest son of Mr. A Mrs. I i Ah Nam of Ipoh and Wong Mai third daughter of Mr. Wong Yew of Seremban. SITCATIONS VACANT VENTED Clerk Typist by BrlM In-uiance Company. Apply Box No A9377. ST.
      815 words
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      15 words

  • 298 9 New Ruling Adopted At Party 's Annual Meeting ALIENS can now join Progressive Party of Singapore as associate members, elected for life or any fixed period, but they will not be entitled to vote or hold office. This was decided at the Party"s third annual
    298 words
  • 166 9 MOTHER KILLED, BABY SAFE AFTER returning a verdict ol death by misadventure at an inquest on a 34-year-old Chinese woman, the Sinsapor*' Coroner. Mr. W. G. Port^rrfernmmended that the Traffic Police take action a young taxi-driver lor ;-llrerd negligent driving. The woman Eat Hon Eng. was carrying here nine-month-old'
    166 words
  • 82 9 two Men To and Trial Rinese. Ong Tee Bah, nd Siong Soo Thong were committed for c next assizes in the Sixth Police Court for armed robbery no jewellery valued uuO from Ong Siong \c-e of Blair Road on Jan. 15 it *< a:; alleged that Ong and Siong. armed
    82 words
  • 104 9 PROGRESSIVE Party officers for the current year, elected at its annual meeting yesterday, are: President. Mr. C. C. Tan (re-elected): vice-presi-dents Mr. John Laycock. Mr. Thio Chan Bee. Mr. Tan Soon Kirn f re-elected) and Mr. A. P. Rajah; committee Mr. D. Robertson. Mr D. S. Marshall.
    104 words
  • 52 9 From Our SUIT Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. Abubakar bin Aziz, an employee of the West Coast Transport Co., was produced in the Sessions Court today charged with the theft of five cases of batteries valued at $65! He pleaded guilty. Sentence was deferred pending arrival of
    52 words
  • 155 9 A 20-YEAR-OLD Singapore Harbour Board labourer, Soh Ah Kuen, was sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment yesterday by the Second District Court judge, Mr. Tan Ah Tah, for attempting to extort $40 from a middle-aged Chinese woman. The woman. 1. -a Ni- Kun said that on the
    155 words
  • 49 9 I Two masked Chinese youths theld up another Chinese at |7/2 mile Serangoon Road last night and robbed him of $18. (One of the robbers had a dagger and the other carried an instrument which looked like a pistol, the victim told I the police.
    49 words
  • 165 9 pINES imposed on people found guilty of cruelty to animals in Singapore should be handed over to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, it was suggested at the Society's annual general meeting yesterday. Mr. F. B. Oehlers. the president, said that
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  • 44 9 TWO girls were reported missing in Singapore yesterday. Twenty-two year old Lee Ah Cbee disappeared from her home at Java Road at 10 a.m. on Tuesday. The other girl. 12-year-old Doreen Tan, living at Brooke Road, has been missing since yesterday morning.
    44 words
  • 23 9 Thirty-one taxi drivers appeared in the Second Traffic court yesterdny on a charge of loitering and disorderly behaviour by sounding their
    23 words
  • 290 9 THE president of the Singapore Progressive Party, Mr. C. C. Tan, at last night's third annual meeting of the Party, said the way was now open for the recruitment of "not one or two, but tens, and in due course, hundreds of
    290 words
  • 38 9 The members of the Board of Trustees of the Singapore Improvement Trust are: Mr. Thio Chan Bee. Mr. R. Renton Mr E Galistan. Mr. A. P Rajah. Mr. P. J. Johnson and Mr. Chin Chye Fong.
    38 words
  • 28 9 Mr. R. Middleton-Smith has been appointed Assistant Commissioner for Labour, Singapore, and Mr. A. G. W. Coleman has been appointed acting Secretary to the War Damage Commission.
    28 words
  • 338 9 'We're Not A One-Class Party Tan THE Progressive Party president, Mr. C. C. Tan, said yesterday that during the year, great efforts had been made by the Labour Party to discredit the Progressives by labelling them as the party of the wealthy. Mr. Tan said that he questioned the sincerity
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  • 118 9 Tiong Bahru To Get A New Market MUNICIPAL committee has recommended the building of a $175,000 market in Tiong Bahru. This recommendation will come up for confirmation bj the Singapore Municipal Commissioners on Friday. The Commissioners wil also be asked \o confirm th< appointment of a temporary resident engineer for
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  • 53 9 Twenty three year old Choo Hock Tian, of Serangoon Road, was sentenced in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday to two months' rigorous imprisonment for "lifting" a watch valued at $225 .iom the showcase of a Jeweller's store in High Street on Mar. 4. Choo admitted
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  • 22 9 The Singapore Teachers' Union will hold Its annual generaj meeting at the G.H. Cafe at 3 p.m. on April 1.
    22 words
  • 82 9 BECAUSE of her pet dog's jealousy for a stray cat, Mrs. Laura Ker Cooper, honorary secretary of the Singapore Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, attended yester^ day's meeting of the Society with her right hand in a sling. Mrs. Cooper told the meetina
    82 words
  • 170 9 A PLEA by Mr. Pat Johnson that suspension of a 11- cence for a traffic offence ought to apply only to a j licence for the particular kind j of vehicle being driven when the offence was committed, j was rejected by the Chief Justice Mr.
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  • 36 9 JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. Llxn Ah Chin, a pork seller was fined $10 in the 'oiice Court today, convicted on a charge of gaming in the pork market. Three cithers evaded arrest by running away.
    36 words
  • 44 9 JL gaporr Municipality. Mr. T. P. F. McNeice, has sent a cable of greetings to the Nairobi City Council. Nairobi, the capital of aented by the Duke and Duches* of Gloucester. Mr. McNeice's message saya that the Singapore Municipality looks forward
    44 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 9 CONCENTRATING very hard on sucking a lemon is this Malay girl, one of the competitors in the obstacle race at the inter-Malay girls schools sports in Singapore yesterday. Straits Times picture.
    33 words
  • 135 9 CASE NOT TO BE REVIEWED MR. Justice Evans yesterday I dismissed an application i for review of a traffic case on the ground that the magistrate who had tried it was also the head of the department which investigated the case. The application was made by Mr. D. K. Walters,
    135 words
  • 220 9 38 SEEK ENTRY TO INDIA VARSITIES SCHOLARSHIPS npHIRTY-EIGHT applic- ations were received from students in Singapore and the Federation for the six Government of India scholarships for higher education in Indian universities. Twelve of those candidates have been recommended by the Representative of the Government of India in Singapore to
    220 words
  • 84 9 Society for the tY. \<-ntion of Cruelty to Animals an President. Mr. F. B. Oeblers; J I secretary, Mrs. L. S. X r Cooper, treasurer, Mrs. \V. A VTcNel; committee. Mr«. H. S. Clotm-nt' 1 Mr. T. H. Allen. Mr. R. V Wrifrhi 5 I Mr. G. H.
    84 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      61 words
    • 44 9 DAI REES British Open Match Play Champion always wears LOTUS ANGLESPIKE GOLF SHOES Sole Distributors: jfM Robinson Cf Co.. Ltd. m Hi m Exhibition mh Mm Thursday April 61 h ft 1950 TICKETS I O7V H SALE 11 AT BW RAFFLES PLACF ■L SINGAPORE
      44 words

  • 1203 10  -  NEW DELHI: ALTHOUGH most of India's leaders me in their sixties and seventies, they imiilit well he called "dead-end kids" heivmse Ihev are thrashing around in hlind allcv from which they sevmingly cannot ex- i( ate themselves. T his cul-de-sac is a
    1,203 words
  • 667 10  - "G"— SIGN OF SAFETY IN THE AIR Wing-Cmdr. Paul Richey By WHY DO PLANES CRASH? The critical moments in a plane's flight are not when it is hign in the sky, but when it is taking off or landing. Then it is travelling at only slightly faster than its minimum
    667 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      178 words
    • 187 10 1 /r" S^. Nescafe^Ml^ J Whatever the occasion, there's [A J*y Jo I J always joy to be had from a l\ A// I/ I/ fl really good cup of coffee-freshly jSt^rSjK^ If I made. Such |oy Is now within m^<J your grasp, thanks to NESCAFE? i Yes. every spoonful
      187 words

  • 274 11 White winged visitors fVHE first part of the Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Rnyal Asiatic Society for li^O was published on Monday. It is a misrp'laneous number contfttninc six papers by tv" different authors. one of them, tjy Dr. C A. Oihson-Hill. d-a's with Ihe Indonesian trading boats
    274 words
  • 584 11  -  Grace Raymond AT first the lads gossip- ing around the Police Station seemed all alike, differing only in race or rank. As the weeks slipped past I began to distinguish the characters There was a tall, thin beardless Sikh, very earnest, smoothly dapper: a sharpfeatured Malay who
    584 words
  • 385 11 Street Characters....No. 6 DO you know that, during the Japanese occupation of J Singapore, Change Alley changed little? J S 'Mari! Mari! Mari!" cry the sellers of hybrid goods v < in the alleyway between Raffles Place and Collyer Quay all day long, from 9 a.m.
    Norman Cotterell  -  385 words
  • Article, Illustration
    604 11  -  Kebun "Kebun" will be pleased to answer any questions on gardening sent in by readers. f\ Could you please tell x me what kind of potting soil I should use for orchids? I have a number of Dendrobiums. Oncidiums and Arachnis. Should I keep them in the
    604 words
  • 154 11 WASHINGTON, ißy Air MaiM. WOMEN the world over are still being paid less than the men who work next to them on the same job. The injustice has been recognised, internationally since JJ*!J when the International labour Office iILOi first called attention to it. Now the
    154 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 324 11 k /^ilH^^ THE TWOFOID WAY T0 A wt2^tnM \\\~T^ j A lovfl cr fairrr $kin can > ours> if you AjflßUW^^^K^^V. 1 yr^S\ follow famous tuofold beauty care, JK» i^flßs^V VvTj ./^""^^V using Pond's Two Creams. /l^^igv|f^\ kmSVJ l^^i'f'S^ Every skin needs two creams one for^: vi M Jid^W^ cleansing,
      324 words
    • 62 11 HOMES CLUBS OFfICtS •ALS HOTELS FACTORIES DUCO fi«S DULUX pOULUAIBORNEO p B^"-" 1 <? !l^omfa>y imiitd •^tajßflnXßM SINGAPORE, MALACCA KUALA LUMPUR. IPOH. PENANG (U&HOWf %A^ You'll do well "to remember*... A Sad Coucfh needs Pc WITT'S COUCH s^. syrup mW with GUAIACOL Jpr^ I! CREOSOTE Igg i^r Children under 5
      62 words

  • 1048 12 Britain's best-knows Court correspondent, Mrs. Helen Cathcart^ tke Moxy of the inair \s\ur may marry Princess Margaret the Marquis of Blandford 'j"MK Marquis or Bianaiora. "Princess Margaret's most KMlfl follower." spen in i Guard uniform in i I. mdon. d that the
    1,048 words
  • 536 12  -  MAXWELL O'CONNELL on exhibition in London By J^T the end of the 19th century animal photography was invented. It was at iirst the province of the complete specialist, who came to be regarded with awe by his fellow naturalists, and with a certain amount of benign ridicule
    some of the pioneer hidespecialists such as the late  -  536 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 27 12 Jni^ w 1 1 -JUST ANffTHEZ SH/PMBW OF HIUMAN MINX J Distributors: Represented by XStftiGP UNIVERSAL CARS LTD. w Orchard Road. Singapore. WEARNE BROS., LTD. Serembar, Malacca
      27 words
    • 138 12 LIMITID STEEL CUPBOARDS Ideal for general storage purposes. Internally fitted hinges, full length channel •r.inforcements, lever handles and adjustable shelves olive-green or grey enamelled finish. Other equipment in the sankey-sheldon range includes Lockers, Filing Cabinets, Desks, Partitioning, Shelving, Storage Bins— all in Steel. *fl HARPER GILFILLAN CO., LTD. Sole Agents
      138 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 327 12 •ncAPABt Forum of the Air: 8.30 Thursday "Strictly Vocal"; 8.15 Thai'; 8.45 sinKArunt. Symphony; 8.55 As Spore; 030 Dutch; 9. Kuoyu; 9..30 Burmese; 10 ajn. Newi from KJL; 10.05 New 945 pi no Playhouse; 10 9.45 Interlude; 10 Radio News Close; 10.50 Schools; 12 Malay; HaPPy Anniversary; 11 Close. Reel;
      327 words

  • 5 13
    5 words
  • 491 13 B) Our Woman Correspondent TWKNTY -EIGHT little children In Singapore. are going to lose one of their "fairy godmothers" very soon. She is Mrs. H. K. R'tdgers, who visits them in the Children's Aid Society's Home nearly every day, and who is leaving Singapore for
    491 words
  • 528 13  - NEW SHAPES SIZES IN HATS EILEEN ASCROFT By LONDON: UATS are tilting forwards, growing larger and becoming uncrushable, so that you can roll them up in your pocket or pack them in a suit-case without harming their shape. Chief significance of this forward movement is that hair will start to
    528 words
  • 488 13 CAN you look fresh and unruffled when the temperature soars, or does your make-up wilt and your spirit flag? If they do, you must learn the golden rule in the tropics of always allowing enough time in which to do everything so that you never need to rush.
    488 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 89 13 VQ Ta«q-r»ay.C«oo«4CavH4. Gordons Stands Sup\&tn& 'm EASTER 1950 M I SEA VIEW HOTEL j SATURDAY, Bth April EXTENSION to la. m. a 111 1 "OLD VIENNA f| I WALTZING TO |ULI AN FOORMAN S BAND and th« immortal melodic* or STRAUSS KALMAN FRANZ LEHAR special continental menu $4. aj Bookings
      89 words
    • 171 13 TIMB-IBSTKit in IH« VKOPICS- Q ■fas\ Women know I it ensures 4 4^"" J a lovely skin Si protect* tb» «kln rroca tot X M J^T .Dd"«initiao j cool* Uj. tkl> tmmedUtel> I If M It b «ppli«l rrfreahing I JoJp toflmn* and pwfomea taw «k^ F^ JL. pr^nt, th.l
      171 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 242 13 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD Above but ma, CROSSWORD No. 2f be below (5). 25. Quivering fflect In the I I 3 I fHU 4 I sl' I* I I 7I 7 I 8 4. Objectionable pricllce Of tinging voice (7). psSS II I I a conjurer T (9). jg. Am disposed
      242 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1206 14 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. i incorporatao <n Slngapora) BLOB rONNBL LINE C*rr.»f't option to proceed via ether porta to toad and discharge carga. SAIUNCS to UVfRPOOI CLASCOW. LONDON b CONTININTAI PORTS) Dua s»<l« •>. Sham Panane Aicmoui toi oanoa. Msama*. I'pool Avonmouth Holland Mat. 29/10 Mat. 11/ Apr 1 Aii
      1,206 words
    • 686 14 London Stocks LONDON, Wed. THE London Stock Exchange yesterday ended the tradIng period quietly and generally without major price alterations. The commodity's strong tone gave firmness to Rubber shares. Closing middle prices ol selected stocks, as supplied to the Straiu Times by special arrangement with The Financial Times, follow Union
      686 words
    • 1024 14 TINS EASE WITH METAL PRICE From Our Market Correspondent VjyiTH the fresh fall In the price of tin yesterday, TT Malayan Tin shares were again subdued and quotations were Inclined to ease further. Industrials weakened in sympathy. Price changes announced by T"vr,O g^i x the Malayan Sharehrokers' |jf |\lt\tl Association
      1,024 words
    • 365 14 Singapore Rubber: A New Peak HRHE price ol rubber in X Singapore reached new heights yesterday. The dosing quotation for No. 1 R.SJ3. spot loose was 57| cents per lb. the highest for more than 20 years. The local market was very steady, with sellers reserved except for the lower
      365 words
    • 1086 14 McALISTER t* CO., LTD. (incorporatea in Singapore) Telephone ll*. 9«06 KLAVKNKBS LINK ELLEBMAN tit BUCKMALL mumm BVVMAUi toj ANCtLES *AN rRANCISCO, LONDON, HAVRi. ANTWERP. PORTLAND SEATTLE ft VANCOUVER ROTTERDAM •HAMBURC Accenting cargo tot Lentiai 6 South CITt Of POONA Amerlean Ports Spore P. Sham Penang BOUCAINVILLI l»/2rAp.. "/"JJJ. 2«/27Apr. punarn
      1,086 words

  • 442 15 C.A. NOT IMPRESSIVE IN 5-1 WIN Chong Kum Only Player Of Merit C.A. 5; Indonesians 1. /CHINESE ATHLETES maintained their unbeaten record when they defeated Indonesian League by five goals to one in Singapore A.F.A. Senior League fixture at Jalan Besa r yesterday, but it was not an impressive victory
    442 words
  • 233 15 SPORTS LETTER Appeal To School Sportsmen WILL you kindly give publicity to the following appeal to all school footballers, athletes, and participants in other games and sports. I feel that it Is timely, and I speak with some experience of running school, inter-school and combined schools athletics and games. The
    233 words
  • 89 15 PHILADELPHIA, Wed. RICHARD Pancho Gonzales on Monday beat his chief professional rival. Jack Kramer, to win the Philadelphia $10,000 world professional indoor tennis championship in straight sets by 7-5, 6-4. The brilliant. powerful Gonzales played suj>erb tennis to upset .<ra*ner, who has beaten Pancho 71 times in
    89 words
  • 205 15 LAHORE, Wed. PAKISTAN yesterday won I the first Test against Ceylon at Lahore by an innings and 45 runs. Ceylon replied with 166 to Pakistan's first innings of 362 and, following on, were skittled out for 151. Fourteen Ceylonese wickets, including four of the first innings
    Reuter  -  205 words
  • 259 15 The following are ties for to1 morrow and Saturday in the V.M.C.A. tennis championships: TOMORROW Open Mixed Doubles: Mrs. A. Greenhill Ong Chew Bee v. 1 Mr. Si Mrs. W. S. M. \Vard?n; Mrs. J. E. Pearcey Liltn Bong Soo v. Mrs. A. G. Sheares Chan Ah
    259 words
  • Article, Illustration
    59 15 THE ARSENAL GOALKEEPER Swlndln won this tussle with a dive to relieve a dangerous position against Chelsea in the F.A. Cap semi-final replay between the teams at White Hart Lane ground on Mar. 22. Arsenal won I—o1 0 after extra time. In picture next to Swindin are Cht 'sea's outside
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 15 AN ARSENAL SUPPORTER wears a mortar mounted with a model gun as he queues up at White Hart Lane, London, for the semi-final replay between Arsenal and Chelsea on Mar. 22 which Arsenal won I—o1 0 after extra time.
    39 words
  • 273 15 The following are S.C.C. teams for week-end matches: Saturday v. RAJ 1 Tengah at Tengah: Bromham, Claryr, Cresswell, Hayes, Hlckley, Lloyds, Pierce, Toplis, Ward tCapO, Wills P. E., Wood. Saturday v. Indian Association on the Padang:— Court, Fiber, Gore. Hyslop, Hunt, McVicar, Margrave, Milton, Rees, Sowray (Capt.),
    273 words
  • 187 15 AFTER being one goal down in the first chukka, the Services staged a splendid rally to run out winners by three goals to one against Civilians in the first annual post war polo match between these two teams played at the Singapore polo ground yesterday
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  • 64 15 WELLINGTON, Wed. Alan Davidson, New South Wales leftarm fast-medium bowler, today claimed all 110 wickets for 29 runs in helping the Australian touring team In New Zealand to dismiss Walrarapa for 70. Davidson, woo took the wickets in 13 oven, went on to sscore 7C
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
      155 words
    • 154 15 "PALEFACE" HOPE ISN'T "SORROWFUL" ANYMORE... HE'S HAPPIER FUNNIER THAN EVER/ crt his ra#t /J^^mbi fcjiwPs B MEN Jn^nW"fl I of nis n##ls everywhere I Irjp^k m jP^^' ROLAND ROLAND RICHARD GARY >4^7) YOUNG- CULVER-LYON. GRAY J\£rJ) Product by EDMUND BELOIN W'^^ *>y ALEXANDER HALL YOUR EVENING OFF WITH*^ a ikoit
      154 words

  • 294 16 Millwall Heads List With 9.0 IPOH, Wednesday. LHH'R top-class stayers, Friar's Last, The Grand Abbot, Grand Prix II and Madasari have failed to quality for the $10,000 Perak Derby over -miles to be run on the last day of the Perak Turf Club's Easter
    294 words
  • 248 16 7-FURLONG STRAIGHT BY OCT. From Oar Staff Correspondent IPOH, Wed. ARDINARY members of the u Perak Turf Club have voted by a majority their approval of the committee's proposal to add a two-fur-long leg to the straight course. This was announced at the annual general meeting of Perak Turf Club
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  • 481 16 IPOH, Wednesday. THE Daniels' stable has a powerful hand to play with the Perak Turf Club's Easter meeting, and the Bukit Timah trainer should not have any difficulty in placing form horses like Nessus, Bonnie Prince, Gaucho, Happy Traveller, Empire Rose, i unit, "iiuinu,
    481 words
  • 420 16  - SPOTTING THE WINNERS EPSOM JEEP By My ten horses to follow at the Ipoh Easter meeting are: No Regrets: Undoubtedly one of the finest sprinters in trainIng. Left no doubt about his ability to shoulder weight when he put up two splendid performances at Kuala Lumpur in February when fourth
    420 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 16 ARSENAL'S INSIDE-LEFT Lewis *ets np to hlfh one in the F.A. Cop semi-final played on Mar. 28 at White Hart Lane, bat it was Chelsea's goalkeeper Medhorst who got to the ball while defender Armstrong looks tensely on. Arsenal won i— after extra time. -Reuter phpoto.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 311 16 FACTS and FANCIES by Epsom Jeep IPOH, Wednesday. npRAINER Hobbs has a promising newcomer entered 1 for the Perak Turf Club's Easter meeting. He is Rob Roy, the first Scottish Union to race in Malaya. Scottish Union won th c St. Legcr in
    311 words
  • 33 16 The Ceylone Sports Club have given the use of their ground at Baliester Raod to Sinhalese Assn. for net pratlce on Mondays and Fridays. Pratlce will start tomorrow from 5.30 p.m.
    33 words
  • 21 16 TODAT: 7.35 a.m. (7ft.) and 9.55 p.m. (7ft. lln). TOMORROW: 8.41 ajn. (7ft. 6in.) and 10.17 pan. (7ft. Sin).
    21 words
  • 517 16 Chew Bee Exceeded Expectations PADANG TENNIS ONG Chew Bee, Singapore's! runner-up last year, elec- trifled the crowd at the S.C.C. yesterday when his turn came to play Geoff Brown after the Australian had disposed ol the Singapore champion ageing H. K. Yadl, 6-0 in ap exhibition that had not called
    517 words
  • 476 16 Geoff Brown 's Style Intrigued The Crowd A GOOD crowd of tennis lovers who turned up at the Singapore Cricket Club yesterday to watt h Geoff Brown play had the added good fortune to see one of the three local stars, Ong Chew Bee, playing at top form and almost
    476 words
  • 48 16 SOCCER: Snr. Lge: Tul.-u Brani v. R.EJM.E. at Jal hi Besar; Jnr. A2: P T v. P. Keppel Barracks at Gevlans Jnr. B 2: Town Rangers v. Spore Med. W.U. at C.V.M A Friendly: Tionr Bahru Ranees v. Customs at Farrer v «rl. TENNIS: V.M.C.A. rlumpionshlps.
    48 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 595 16 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Coot from Paga I) OFFICE SPACE VACANT WOULD European business man •are share a bright modern Euro-tH-itn'i office central locality? 3 desk spares available 9 months. Telephone and service. Immediate entry. Box No. A9385. S.T. OFFICE SPACE WANTED WANTED office premises In good business locality preferably In Raffles
      595 words
    • 88 16 >jfa Ladies' ViaHb-s j^^^A Chromium from W S-3 18ct R/O 4 J v*ii ",> Tropical models 45 f3SB~I-^F" I High grade steel 75 /t^/J^^ 1 18ct gold 200./y»\'"" Ml stone se f rhod. 150.Cents' Watches l/^^lj^«^ Chronometers 390.16 ER QUAY SINGAPORE B. P. dt' SILVA LTD. i INCORPORATED IN,, CtVtON
      88 words