The Straits Times, 25 March 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 389 1 STARVING CHINA SENDS FOOD TO RUSSIA Famine Sweeps Half Country HONG KONG, Friday. WHILE famine stalks through half of China, including the most densely populated areas, train-loads of cereals have been seen passing Nanking for the north-eastern provinces, presumably in exchange for railroad equipment and other machinery from Russia. Peking
    Reuter  -  389 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 1 MR. M. P. RAJAGOPAL, president of the Malayan Trades Union delegates conirrence which is to be held m Kuala Lumpur today. Report m Page 4. Straits Times picture.
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  • 123 1 JAKARTA, Friday. THE 300,000-strong Indonesian Seamen's Union is backing a new national shipping company named Jakarta Lloyd which has been set up in Jakarta to compete with the Dutch shipping line KPM. Mr. Darvis Djamm, exofficer of the Indonesian Navy now managing the new
    Reuter; AP  -  123 words
  • 75 1 HONG KONG. Fri. DAIRY farm workers who had petitioned the management for an increase of $90 monthly in living allowance have been awarded $30 by arbitration, according to an announcement this inHOC R. Robertson, a jitrator in the award, said ha was satisfied on the
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 114 1 HONG KONG. Fri. PORTUGUESE troops clash1 ed with the Chinese Communists earlier this week, killed four Reds and brought I Peking rury down on the i tiny colony of Macao. A Macao report said five i launches of Red soldiers tried to reach
    AP  -  114 words
  • 30 1 PEACE RESTORED PEACE RESTORED ROME, Fri. Army and police action restored peace in Italy today after five days of Communist-led disorders which cost three lives and I injured 600.— U.P.
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  • 326 1 AFTER LEAVING CHINA From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. A MERICAN missionaries and teachers who have rk evacuated China may come to Malaya to alleviate the shortage of Chinese-speaking European schoolmasters in the Federation, if a suggestion made to the U.S. technical aid
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  • 67 1 JOHANNESBURG Fri Three members of the staff of the Johannesburg newspaper, the Sunday Express, were found guilty In a magistrate's court here today of Inciting hostility between Europeans and Africans. They were fined £50 each. The prosecution said the men published a cartoon depleting a
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 44 1 JAKARTA. Fri.— President Soekarno's visit to East Indonesia, originally scheduled to take place in May. has now been set for late April due to the visit to Indonesia in May of the Indian Premier Pandit Nehru, according to Aneta news agency.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 91 1 CANBERRA. M.— The i Australian Mission in Tokyo is to issue an entry visa to Australia for two months to Bishop Michael Yashiro oi Kobe, Japan, the Australian Immigration Minister, Mr. Harold Holt, announced here yeserday. Mr. Holt said his entry was sought by the Anglican
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 46 1 THE Benh.mi Report on Singapore Government salaries will b e ready "before the enJ of next month," it was officially stated last night. The Federation report, however, "will take some time longer" because their larger departments 'impose a heavier task than Singapore."
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  • 99 1 BRUSSELS. Fri. RIOTING mobs or students roamed Brussels today and wrecked an estimated 200 streetcarts as more than half a million workers unleashed a 24-hour strike against the proposed return of King Leopold in Six groups of students with about 200 in each swarmed through the capital.
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  • 22 1 ATHENS, Fri. Sophocles Venlzelos, head of the^ Liberal Party, was sworn in last night as the new Greek Premier.— A.P.
    AP  -  22 words
  • 119 1 BANGKOK. Fri. CIAM'S Foreign Minister, Vorakarn Bacha, said yesterday that his country plans to attend the forthcoming Commonwealth consulative conference in Australia, which Is aimed at helping South-East Asia economically. He said Siam will participate because "It has declared before the world that she is
    Reuter-AAP  -  119 words
  • 262 1 I Will Do My Best,' Says Briggs From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Friday. rpHE new director of anti-bandit operations in A Malaya, Lt.-Gen. Sir Harold Briggs, has arrived in London for briefing. (It was announced at Kuala Lumpur that he will leave next Friday). The 55-year-old veteran
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  • 125 1 Govt. Holds Up Malaya Debate From Our Own respondent LONDON, Fri. MR. Herbert Morrison, Lord Privy Seal, told Mr. Walter Fletcher (Conservative) in the House of Commons today there would be no time for a debate on Malaya before Easter. Mr. Fletcher, making the request, said the situation in Malaya
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  • 477 1 Siamese Greet New King From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Fri. AFTER an absence of more than three years, King Phumiphon Aduldet of Siam arrived back in his country today and was given most enthusiastic welcome by his subjects. The return of the 22-year-old monarch was an occasion of extreme jubilation
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 7 1 WWff IW trfX {orislerq KING OF BEERS
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    • 138 1 Writ* for FREE details or. books which show you clearly how to make more money, win aucccas. financial security an d tappiiKU. BUPREME BOOK STORE. P.O. Boi 34. Simc.por*. Like so many of the world's leading athletes, Chew Cboo Soot is Arm believer in "Ovaltine". He write* "During my physical
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 311 2 RANGOON, Friday. SEARCH is being: made in Rangoon's Chinatown for General Lee Nee, former acting Governor of Yunnan and commander of the Eighth Division of the Chinese Nationalist Army. The authorities says that they have no knowledge of any Chinese Nationalist general illegally entering Burma.
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 2 I MR. FRANCIS P. Matthews. U.S. Secretary of the Navy, may be appointed Ambassador to the Irish Republic. Renter photo.
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 77 2 LONDON, Fri A number of British mayoi> gave the cold shouldei yesterday to the nationwide fund-raising campaign lo thank the Commonwealth and the United States for the gifts of food parcels. The campaign to rale £2.000.000 for a huge London residential centre for Commonwealth and
    AP  -  77 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1620 2 NOTICES NATURALISATION NOTICE U hereby given that OEN KHENO SAN also spelt as OON KHENO SAN of No. 128-B Cairnhill Road. Singapore, Dentist is applying to the Governor for naturalisation, snd that any per- j son who tcno'VS any reason why, naturalisation should not be granted should send a wrKten
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    • 659 2 NOTICES <i MALAYAN CHINESE ASSOCIATION Ind CnHMiterf gweep Far MEMBCKS »»lj Drawing at Kuala Lumpur, on Sunday. 16th April. Uakt It a Bigfw SucceM and Help a Good Cauat. TlcktU now obtainable from: All Branches and Sub- Branches. NOTICE THE UNITED CHINESE BANK LIMITED SINGAPORE NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN that
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    • 377 2 THE MOTOR EHICLES (COMMERCIAL USfc) REGULATIONS Nofic*. of Application far a per mil U authorise Uu i hacknrv Carriage. I. KBWEL BIN SAMIJAN o? No. a, Jalan Pasar. Kluang, Johore. hereby give notice of intention to apply for a hicknty carriage permit for Hp.knfv Cv nage (Motor Car hirei, two
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    • 162 2 I THIS IS IT! The picture yra've heard about, read about ami waited for is due soon al the CAPITOL. The Place STROMBOL! The Star BERGMAN lender the inspired direction of ROSSELLINI I i I Supporting this picture is a special film of the "FESTIVAL OF CHINESE FASHION" Filmed by
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  • 326 3 fHK United States Secretary of State, Mr. Dean Acheson, and his leading advisers began an intensive study of U.S. aid measures for Sonth-Rast Asia in Washington yesterday as news was published in London that Russia had i^ooH direct orders to "hand-picked trade
    Reuter  -  326 words
  • 24 3 ATHENS, Fri— A new Or^ck Government under the Creole Liberal leader, M. Soohocles Venizelo.-- was sworn in by .King Paw! yesterday.—Reuter
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 3 STUDENTS of Brussels University marched through the city recently carrying oosters and banners bearing anti-monarchist slogans. Many demonstrations ocenrred m Belgian protests against the return of King Leopold to the throne. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  36 words
  • 170 3 £500,000 LOAN FOR BURMA LONDON, Fri. THE House ol Commons yesterday agreed to a British Government "rice" loan of £500,000 to Burma for use by the Burmese SUie Agricultural Board. An Opposition motion formally opposing the loan— a Parliamentary method of eliciting information was withdrawn after Mr. Ernest Davies, Under
    AP  -  170 words
  • 266 3 BRISBANE, Friday. 4 THOUSAND workers, whose strikes have par- alysed Brisbane, today decided to continue their strikes, despite the risk of prison sentences under the Crimes Act. The Australian Government, which invoked the Crimes Act yesterday, has decided, according to a report from Canberra, to prosecute
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  • 209 3 PARIS, Friday. npHE International Tin Study Group yesterday L debated ways of stabilising the world tin market after America finishes stockpiling the metal as a strategic material. The 14-nation group met in a series of committee sessions to discuss ways of controlling tin
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  • 40 3 VATICAN CITY. Fri. -Cardinal Piazza greeted representatives from some 20 nations for the 12th international congress of the Apostolate of the See. which devotes itself to religious assistance to sailors. Countries represented include India and Pakistan.— A P.
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  • 82 3 BRUSSELS, Fri. f HE International Confederation of Free Trade Unions executive committee announced today that it is sending; a delegation to study the situation in South-East Asian territories including Malaya, in a bid to reinforce free trade union movements in this area. The I.C.F.T.U. is
    AP  -  82 words
  • 29 3 LONDON, Fri Britain's budget day is to be on Tues day. Apr. 18, Mr. Herbert Morrison, leader of the House of Commons, announced yesterday.— Reuter.
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  • 146 3 BERLIN, Fri. AN official spokesman of the East German Government yesterday flatly rejected the west German Government's proposal that all four Occupation powers should get together and arrange to hold general elections for the whole of Germany. The West German government made this proposa* on Wednesday.
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  • 106 3 LONDON, Friday. CERETSE KHAMA left LonJ don last night to return to Africa and his white queen. Ruth. The African chief, flghtinn to keep his chieftainship after his marriage to a former London typist, motored to Southampton to spend the night. He leaves England by
    UP  -  106 words
  • 191 3 French Troops Stop Ho's Big Push SAIGON, Fri. FRENCH control posts sent out reinforcements on Wednesday and forced Vietminh insurgents to retire after they had launched violent attacks in the first round of what is believed to be Ho Chi Minh's long-pro-mised counter-offensive to "drive the French to the sea."
    Reuter; AP  -  191 words
  • 66 3 GENEVA, Fri. JJNITED Nations TrustecU ship Council yesterday commended Britain for progress made in the Cameroons, but urged "immediate steps to overcome the inadequacy of medical and educational facilities. The Council recommended Britain to consider increasing the number of Africans employed by the Cameroons Development Corporation "to
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 227 3 CALCUTTA, Friday. \1 R. Jayaprakash Narain, Indian Socialist leader, suggested here yesterday that Prime Minister Pandit Nehru, should immediately convene a conference of representative Indians "to evolve a national policy to deal with*the situation created by disturbances in East Bengal Mr. Naraln, who is
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 99 3 THE CEARLESS CYCLE OUTBOARD MOTOR < Made in England 1 3 H.P.-240 MILES PER GALLON Simplicity is the outstanding feature of the Mini-Motor, and any cyclist can learn to drive it in 5 minutes. I EASILY FITTFO TO YOUR BICYCLE *-a. tory Representatives: t\ T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINGAPORE
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    • 175 3 MENU VARIATIONS I It is easy to get into the haDit of ordering the same cuts of meat and having the same things on your menus regularly, and to help you make some variations we are giving a series of suggestions. CORNED ROLLED BRISKET 80c a Ib Today's suggestion is
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  • 316 4 MALAYAN UNIONS MAKE HISTORY Govt. and T. U. C. Send Messages From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. CPECIAL messages from the Federation Government, community leaders, the British Trades Union Congress and the International Confederation of Free Trades Unions will highlight the opening session of tomorrow's historic Malayan Trade Union
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  • 199 4 FOUGHT BANDITS THOUGH WOUNDED From Our Staff ('orresmndent KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. rpHOUGH wounded ser- iovisly. Special Constable YOOR I'iew Hoon. one ol a 10-man police Jungi* sQuad ambushed in 4(1 bandits near Bahau in Nejin Sembilan on 8 last year, fought the bandits with his Bten mm munition he took
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  • 55 4 From Our Staff Correspondent MALACCA. Fri —Three holders of public house licences were granted retail licences while two applications for public house licences and one application for a retail lic- < nee were refused at the first session of the Malacca (Central' Licensing Board <Exdscl yesterday Mr. F.
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  • 60 4 From Our SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Fri. AT the Station Hotel tomorrow evening. 200 labourers and others attending the Malayan Trade L'nion Conference as delegates will sit down to tea with the Hieh Commissioner. Sir Henry Gurney. I hi- unionists and Sir Henry will be
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  • 40 4 From Oor Own Correspondent SEGAMAT. Fri. Because the principal witness for the prosecution could not i be traced, police withdrew the I charge against 25-year-old I Paul Charles Felix Jaubert, 1 charged at Segamat with inconsiderate driving.
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  • 51 4 From Our Own Correspondent MUAR. Fri.— A woman, Choo Kirn Eng, and a man. Gan Kiam Hai, were charged at Muar with possession of two tins of benzine suspected to have been fraudulently obtained. They were allowed bail of $50 each and the case was postponed to March
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  • 77 4 COLLEGE DEFICIT PAID OFF THE Singapore Legislative Council has approved the payment of $155,326 towards the expenses of Raffles College in 1949. In t»>» 1949 draft estimates of expenditure for Raffles College, the r—^rnments of Sin<>"->'-e and the Federation agreed to accept an estimated deficit of $460,226 as an ultimate
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  • 42 4 AFTER THE CRASH THE WRECKAGE of a commercial van after collision with a private car on the Setul Road. Seremban on Wednesd iv night The collision occurred a short distance form the State Fire Station. No one was injured. -Ken t pho<o.
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  • 55 4 Front Our Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Fri. Boy scouts in the Negri Sembilan Children's Home will assist "Federation Scout Week" by restringing the rotan seats of chairs to raise funds. Their charge for repairing an ordinary office chair is $1.50 and for an arm chair $2.00 or
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  • 43 4 From Our Own Correspondent PARIT BUNTAR, Frl.— Holding that there WM insufficient evidence against both the accus?d. lnche Abdul Wahab bin Abdullah. Circuit Magistrate, acquitted two Indians. Sappani and Kuppusamy, in the Bagan Serai Court of a charge cf theft of coconuts.
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  • 26 4 SEGAMAT. Pri.— BeCPUM he allowed his goats to stray into the manager's garden on Sungei Senarut Estate. 40-year-old Pachiamuthu wa« fined $6 at Segamat.
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  • 193 4 "NEW RENT RULE WILL ENCOURAGE CORRUPTION" From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. jyjK. T. Rajendra, presiding at the annual general meeting of the Selangor Property Owners' and Ratepayers' Association here today, described the recent amendment to the Control of Rent Ordinance as a "regimentation of the people's lives which
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  • 213 4 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Friday. WITH the arrival of an officer from England to serve as its adjutant, the proposed Penang fighter squadron of the Malayan Auxiliary Air Force is expected to be established shortly. The squadron's base has not been definitely selected, but
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  • 43 4 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA KANGSAR Fri Dato Stia Bijaya di-RaJa, Perak, Inche Mohamed Hashim bin Jerangan Abdul Shukor, Territorial Chief of Kuala Kangsar District, is suffering from high blood pressure and is at the General Hospital at Ipoh.
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  • 113 4 'Gave All His Papers Away' From Our staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Fri.— Ali bin Al-Ganish, who said he was an inmate of the Arab Destitute's Home, Singapore, stated m the Johore Bahru Sessions Court, when charged with failing to register and have an identity card, that on his return from
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  • 29 4 From Our Own Correspondent MUAR. Fri Keo Koon Ec, found hawking cigarettes In a prohibited area, was fined $11. or five days' hard labour, by the Muar Magistrate.
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  • 147 4 SINGAPORE Municipal Commissioners propose to amend the assessment section of the Municipal Ordinance so that properties used f»r welfare purposes, and not conducted on a profit sharing basis, will be exempt from assessment When this provision, yet to be drawn up, becomes law. Institutions
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  • 41 4 $50 FOR SCRAP From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Frl. Caught with 70 lb of scrap rubber suspected to be stolen on Labis Bahru Estate, 43-year-old Mah Teck Chiang, was fined $50 or 41 days in gaol, by the Segamat Circuit Magistrate.
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  • 49 4 pONVICTED for the second time lor not having an Identity card, 54->ear-old Tan Yong was sentenced yesterday to one month's rigorous imprisonment by the Singapore First District Judge, Mr. H. E. Kingdon. Tan served five days' imprisonment on hV first con- viction a few mouths ago.
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  • 112 4 Prayer At Airport For Sultan From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Fii QOVERNMENT servai iv. community ieader.<\ ami Malay schoolchildren will be at the Ipoh airport tomorrow to bid farewell to the Sulhin of Perak. who is leaving on six-month visit to the United Kingdom. Police will form a guard of
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  • 28 4 IPOH. Frl.— The annual general meeting of the Ipoh YMCA will te held at 5.30 p.m. I tomorrow a-, the association's i premises m Horley Street
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  • 94 4 From Oar SUIT Correspondent PENANG, Friday. BIRDS and other live animals will be liberated m Penang's observance of Wrsak Day the birthday of Buddha on May 1, which from last year has been recognised as a public holiday. Special secvices will be held
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 79 4 I onc -distance power on the highway— JLj flashing getaway in traffic smooth performance under all driving conditions that's what to expect that's what you get with Flying Horsepower! Feel the power of a clean engine clean out the carbon and tludge use Mobiloil for free flowing, cleansing, s s^
      79 words
    • 68 4 startlT W TODAY! M d|3l W^ Bk "SILKY" ■Ml II gets rHE FOR A DOUBLE cross! Shelley Winters) M B y J^ r OVER 'RICK" f 'V*H?"j Wk John P 5 PAYNE Jt ■%<*■* mmT^J- I DURYEA ifr^sfi Shelley ■Ki. WINTERS TIfADACHES W !i^A £U RALOiM Eaten like a sweet—
      68 words

  • 393 5 FINANCE REGULATIONS CRITICISED Memorandum On Powers Given THE general right given under the Finance Regulations to the Controller of Foreign Exchange to inspect ledger accounts of a bank's customers, or the periodic returns in respect of these accounts, is criticised in a memorandum sent by the Singapore Association to the
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 5 MRS. GOn KOK KEE, who was installed chairman of the Singapore Family Planning Association on Thursday, just before the departure of the former president, Mrs. S. M. Barn well.
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  • 122 5 4 SEAMEN START JOURNEY HOME AFTER weeks of repeated attempts to get passages home, four of the 32 British seamen stranded in Singapore left on Thursday by the Aeneas. The rest have been told by the Shipping Master that they will be repatriated towards the end of this month. Among
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  • 238 5 By Our Woman Correspondent IyOMEN are not allowed to mix with men in the mosques for moral reasons, said Inche Ahmad Ibrahim, vice-president of the Singapore Muslim Advisory Board. "Our attention may be distracted," he added. "Instead of praying men might be watching the
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  • 281 5 THE early part of the week m the Singapore rubber f market was ofershadowed by the Indonesian situation, and traders were cautious m their operations, says Lewis and Peat's weekly report. It Is now known that fairly heavy offerings have been made during the last few
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  • 52 5 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA KANGSAR, Fri. The oldest Government building m Perak. the State Council Hall at Kuala Kangsar, has been demolished. Yang Mulia Raja Amir, aide-de-camp to the Sultan of Perak, has completed a model of It, which will be presented to the Perak Museum
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  • 37 5 Fr«m Our Own Corr.SDondput KUALA KANGSAR, Fri Mr. T.B. Spence. of SungpJ Kruda Estate, has been appointed a Registrar of Hindu Marriages for the di3tr*ct of Kuala Kangsar m place of Mr. J. M. Ross
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  • 43 5 SEGAMAT, Fri.— Two European motorists of Paya Lang Estate. Phillip Hartnell Baker and Gordon Ross Barn^ f were fined $10 each by the Segamat Magistrate for failing to stop at a police road block at Batu Anam
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  • 39 5 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Frl.— Charged with inconsiderate driving it; the Segamat Court, 27-year-old taxi driver cuong Hock Sang blamed his defective brakes. He was alleged to have crashed into the rear of a stationary dim.
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  • 36 5 RAUB, Fri.— Mr. Cho Nyit Yew. Health Inspector at Fraser's Hill, has been promoted to Senior Health Inspector. Mr. R. E. Ruck, Superintendent at Fraser's Hill, has Kone to the United Kingdom on leave.
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  • 187 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fii. THE short month and the 1 Chinese New Year holidays resulted In an 11.735ton reduction Jn rubber production during February. The month's total output from estates and smallholdings was ***** tons, of which estates produced 27,297 tons, rhe January
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  • 55 5 From Our SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— The manager of the Kajang Rice Mill, Ping Kar Chor. was charged before the Kuala Lumpur First Magistrate with criminal breach of trust of monry and rlce totalling Ping claimed trial and was allowed bail of $50,000. The case
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  • 42 5 DENTAL CLINIC OPENS IN K.K. From Our Own Correspondent KUALA KANGSAR, Fri. Due to the shortage of buildings in Kuala Kangsar the Kuala Kangsar Dental Clinic has been opened In the Women's Hospital, with Dental Officer. Mr. Ten Yen Hooi, In charge.
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  • 47 5 From Oar Own Correspondent KUALA KANGSAR Fri. Mr. M. Campbell has succeeded Mr. F. H Jone.i as Acting Principal, Clifford School, Kuala Kangsar. The farmer comes from the Sultan Idrts Training College, Tanjont Malim, the latter Is goinp on leave to the United Kingdom.
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  • 120 5 ST. HILDA'S CHURCH. Katcng women's fellowship, b pan. TAMIL M.YJ, 1, Short Street, devotional meeting. 6 p.m. Mr. James Hanam will speak. OUTBAM CHURCH YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. Rev. R. If. Greer on The Alms of the P.Y?,' 212. Outram Road, 7.30 pjn. SINGAPORE CHINESE HIGH SCHOOL, gymnastic display,
    120 words
  • 160 5 Accounts In English Bill Opposed From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. THE Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce, at an emergency meeting this afternoon, opposed the proposed Bill requiring all business accounts m future to be kept either m English or romanised Malay. The Chamber Is to request the two
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 263 5 (jailing ALL J Business Men BRITISH INDUSTRIES FAIR LONDON and BIRMINGHAM Bth to 19th MAY, 1950 Leaving Singapore by air about May Ist. and arrive London about May 3rd Stay at Hotel May 4th to 7th sightseeing with guide m London and outskirts May Bth to 19th visit BRITISH INDUSTRIES
      263 words
    • 104 5 AJt NOINED tis mam it sV MsV 4t» i-^ f^ mt&^J^^ P VW/I ECONOMICAL WAY pH""""" I r O HONC KONC $321.42* TO BANGKOK $166.07 FOR INrijiiMA 11ON BOOKINGS' AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AIRWAYS MY.. LTD. If/ Prinre St.. Singapore. Tel. 2436. THINK OF OYSTERS THINK OF PRINCES A DOZEN PLATE MAN
      104 words

  • 25 6 MH Ai MRP ALBERT EZKK'FT wi-h lo tlmnk all friends -(l rrlativpj- for ihfir useful gifts h^O vtrd w.shrit on the occasion i iDjirriaare.
    25 words
  • 614 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat., Mar. 25, 1950. Stalin And Stalemate In suggesting a meeting ot the Foreign Ministers of Security Council Powers, Mr. Trygve Lie spoke for a growing number of humble men who fear war. The dangers of an indefinite continuation of the cold war in this age
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  • 243 6 Most of the confusion in Pariament's debate on the proposed British rice loan to Burma seems to have arisen from the Government's failire to separate this £500,000 oan to the Burmese State Agricultural Board from the nuch larger measure of Com•nonwealth aid to Burma. They
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  • 242 6 Fifty Years Ago. SMALLPOX BY RICKSHA (From the Straits Times Ales of March 24-29. 1900). SMALL-POX is evidently on the increase in Singapore. Fresh cases are reported every day A correspondent pointed out recently that a European had been attacked by smallpox owing to riding in a ricksha in which
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 6 Photograph by Hedda Morrison A KAYAN GIRL This picture was taken on the Tubau River, above Bintulu. m Sarawak. Note the heavy earrings suspended from the pierced and stretched lobes of the ears.
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  • 1122 6  -  J.P. HANNAH By GREAT deal has been written, and people have spoken at length, about this emergency, which is supposed to have started in June 1948. I personally do not think it started in June 1948 or any other June I think it started in
    1,122 words
  • 724 6 As I was saying. ]i|R. John Dugdale's I "final reinforcement" gaffe m his statement on Malaya m Parliament last week has been discussed from every angle except one, and that the most interesting of all. How did he come to make it He was briefed, of course, by a permanent
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 780 6 <l. A SSI RED ADS. TO El RIE JANE MCKENZIE. <f Capt. McKenzie, RASC, hrr Ronald James Walker. l-Miv At Mary 23rd. fRCH 25TH 1925. at St. Gerrie'i Church Ptnang, by the Vf\ Krppel Gamier. William Bmmm Coomb?* U> Lilian May Prr ent Address: Taiping. ItF.Ql'lEM HIGH MASS A
      780 words
    • 78 6 TOP IN PRECISION! > World Renowned, German y I CIT T Bx3o Lcl I L binuxit BINOCULARS i t Distinctive Features: (1) Unrivalled for Resolution of Details. > (2) No Colour Distortion, < Higher Light Transmission and All Lens-surfaces j Anti-glare coated (3) Highly built by the same Skilful Craftsmen
      78 words
    • 11 6 aiiiiiiii|fiig TKe Famous Household I Remedy \m\\\\illl I////////J// Bskfi them all
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  • 326 7 "OVER-30 SPEEDERS CLAIMED 27 LIVES" Govt. Defends Speed Traps THE Singapore Government yesterday issued a spirited defence of speed traps in reply to some of the criticism of the 30 mile-an-hour limit now enforced. Speeds in excess of 30 m.p.h. caused 27 deaths last year and also a large number
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  • 145 7 OAG Says Farewell r VHE Officer Administer- ing the Government, Sir Patrick McKerron, yesterday told 250 men of the Malayan RJf.V.R. at an inspection of Telok Ayer Basin that "it is our duty to guard our own doors." It was Sir Patrick's farewell visit
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  • 171 7 TO WRITE ON AIR WAR IN JUNGLE PEOPLE in Britain did not have a clear idea of the niiti bandit campaign in Malaya Mr Ronald Walker. air correspondent of the j London News Chronicle, told the Straits Times yesterday. Mr Walker who arrived in ,di>re yestt-rday by air, from Britain.
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  • 107 7 AT the end of a preliminary Inquiry In the Singapore Sixth Police Court yesterday. the magistrate, Mr. C. F. Beston, committed a 35-year-old man, Yeo Song 800. for trial at the next Assizes on a charge of causing mischief by •-Hling fire to a dwelling house in
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  • 466 7 T»HE Memorial Hall was Ailed last night with an expectant and eager audience of music lovers whose appetites had been whetted five months ago p by the Bata vians. They were not disappointed. Mr. Gordon Van Hien, one of the ablest musicians jthe Singapore Musical
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  • 54 7 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Fri.— Boy Scouts in Johore will contribute to the fund being raised for a Federation training camp by offering to do odd jobs. Work suggested Is gardening, chopping wood, burning rubbish, cleaning brass or shoes, floor scrubbing, shopping errands, whitewashing
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  • 202 7 From Our Staff Correspondent A BANK of China employ m the Sessions Court t year, he received only $B,< a Chinese "carrying a c i PENANG, Friday, yee, Wong King Poh, said today that on July 15 last ,000 and not $80,000 from
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  • 47 7 Malay students at the Muslim University of Aligarh, India, have formed a Malay Students' Union, the Utusan Melayu reports. The purpose of the Union it to provide a periodical social platform at a convenient central place In India for Malay students from Malaya.
    47 words
  • 147 7 THE Straits Steamship Company's $1,000,000 building project for its floating staffs," comprising four blocks of modern flats on a 13-acre piece of ground between Tyersail Camp and Farrer Road, will be ready for occupation next week. Mr. W. W. Jenkins, a director of
    147 words
  • 298 7 /\NCE a month the Bedok Rural District Committee in Singapore meets to discuss welfare, health, lighting and transport matters, and these meetings are attended by officers from the Land, Health and Police departments. As a result of the committee's efforts, the Malay Settlement m Changi was
    298 words
  • 167 7 ■pHREE drivers of the Singapore Johore Express Co. were acquitted without the defence being called yesterday by the Singapore First Traffic Magistrate, Mr. E. V. A. Peers. They were charged with failing to carry first-aid equipment and jacks on the buses. Mr. N. L. Macassey, for
    167 words
  • 66 7 Inconsiderate Fined $60 From Our SUIT Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Fri— V Chellam was convicted m the Johore Bahru Police Court yesterday of driving without reasonable consideration for others, as a result of which he collided with another car opposite the Police Depot. He was fined $30 on this charge, $10
    66 words
  • 189 7 Raid On Detainees' Camp, 4 Held From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Fri. ABOUT 1.500 detainees Am the Pulau Jerejak detention camp, near Penang, together with squatters on the island were screened this morning for about 3J hours by police, troops and AntiBandit Month volunteers. Four detainees were taken from the
    189 words
  • 118 7 Lincoln Men Get Used To Malaya A IR and ground crews of 57 Squadron. the R.A.F. Lincoln bomber squadron that was sent to Malaya m a hurry to give added punch to the anti-bandit effort, are working hard while becoming acclimatized. A Straits Times reporter who visited Tengah yesterday found
    118 words
  • 75 7 THE St. John Ambulance Association of Sbtgapore is appealing to women, who have taken courses m first aid and home finning, to join its Nursing Division. Those who wish to Jon should ring the AssoclaUd headquarters (telephone 3547: or write to the Lady District Superintendent. H.Q., St
    75 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 216 7 9(ofo£ dt JtSssAsp® ffif YOUR SATURDAY RENDEZVOUS for a genuine Java Rijr.ttafel Kathleen Seth at the piano. f\ 6&7 Oxley Rise. Phone 3848 Take Care of Your m Are you lure tfiar your prospects and happi- B",^* "^^3D ness are not being hindered by the defective t-V J 'iSu vision.
      216 words
    • 37 7 Hx^Mßta I F nli Polyph«i« J-phat« 1-wirt Ferrarrti $1091* Ph«t I SOLE D'STRIBUTORS jj^ 'SIME, DARBY Co. Ltd. =.'l||lllt3IIIIIIIIIIIIC]IIIIIMIi:ilC]IIIIIIIIIIIIC3IIIIIIIIIIIIC]IIIIMIIIIIIC3IIIMIIINIIC3l1!!llll'^ M. FLINTER S. GRINBERG Diamonds and Jewellery Telephone 7923 67. STAMFORD RD., Eu Court Bldgi SPORE i iiiiiuiiiu)iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiii!iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiu!iiiiiiiaiic;!iiiiiiiiiiic:iiiiir
      37 words

  • 336 8 Beware of the flirt \IY uncle was a ladies man. He used to maKe eyes at all the girls, and their hearts wo'iM flutter when he vnkPri at them. I m a young girl then, 1 ran still remember how t v uj-ed to biush and sim- when he l(H)ked
    336 words
  • 61 8 Cool and brilliant cottons made a first appearance in London recently at a dress show of summer clothing. Pictured here: 1, Strapless beach dress in striped cotton; 2, The same outfit without the skirt; 3, Day dress in washnble jersey; 5, Part of
    61 words
  • 659 8 KAY NORTON, now in London, writes- LONDON: HOME in London from Singapore my iirst concern, after washing off the unaccustomed grime, (I'd forgotten London dirt), was to buy a hat. And that's when the fun began. There were plenty to choose from,
    659 words
  • 481 8 rvNE of the most striking, and at the same time most simple, frocks shown m the recently staged Festival of Chinese Fashion m Singapore was modelled by the designer, Mrs. Rosalind Foo. herself. It was described, casually, by Mrs. Foo as "For The Working Girl".
    481 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 84 8 <^™^ > Enjoy the World's Greatest Music MJWBeaßHe^Sa^a^aß^Sa^SSlW ■X- 99 ff^^^^^^^ S!^^S?^^^'^V- j^wr»..^ssssssssßf TWffy^^^^waSßgMSWßygßSßasTj sssaßßac 400 1 Less 10% for cash. PHILIPS i m c— e e— ■♦-•c—ce c ce a a THE TAVERN (European tfetidentia) Hotel) (Open re Nor Resident* ALI ROOMS ARf CONNICTIO WITH ffl iXCHANCt Our CoiHrui
      84 words
    • 227 8 X/ t9"o*.'-*t 9 "o*.'-* A. Jo Fresh and \JK soothing... V c as a Jm\ C) breeze Like a gentle bi.-atn ol evening breeze, Vinolia Talcum Powder is so r«!r»sliing and cooling. You will love its delightful fra^rati< and velvety softness on your skin. Use it at any time and
      227 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 137 8 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD h- unBwtainBdi. CROSSWORD No. 21 No ttcobol in****, b* z txt9mta cut* doo m. i i fragila (T). H nn tn them In 898* I MM 4 RH §St9* E^K' ISBB* la Unaeccptabl« «H»rn«UVW a JJ^ScripUixti th« B^ BbW WP PW< WW 11. One after tbm oiber
      137 words

    • 370 9 AN EMPLOYEE TO A COLONY EMPLOYER "17' hoi .so huppened in the ages of the world that tome have laboured and others have without labour enjoyed a very large portion of the fruit. Th>s is wrong and should not continue." ABRAHAM LINCOLN. We are now reduced to such a point
      370 words
    • 188 9 •i-pEEYEELS" letter published on Mar. 22, under the heading "Report From Indonesia," is one of a series which have appeared in "Man-tn-Uie-S tree t." all written by Chinese living In Indonesia Not one of these letters has had anything but bad to say about the Indonesians. One
      188 words
    • 84 9 liHE reference^ to Bidadari in Wednesday's "On The Marifin" are very interesting, especially as regards the meaning of the word. But it is not the oniy cemetery in the world with a name like that. In Inverness. Scotland, the showpiece of the town is the Tomnahurich Cemetery,
      84 words
    • 331 9 Puzzled By Mr. Tans Politics f AM one of those, with*out any previous experience of politics, who have been trying during the past three or four years to gain some knowledge about our affairs, our problems, and the best way to tackle them. I have read many reports of speeches
      331 words
    • 260 9 NOT only owners and trainers but all members o the Penang Turf Club are grateful to you anc your Penang representative for having drawr attention to the very strong feeling prevailing ir racing circles against the proposed introduction oi dances at the Turf Club pavilion. No-one wishes to
      260 words
    • 126 9 WAS it necessary for you to add a footnote saying "From an Asian Reader" to the letter which appeared under the heading "Its Grossly Unfair 1 on Wednesday? Perhaps you wanted to convince your Asian readers that your correspondent "Keyan" was an Asian who was proWicks.
      126 words
    • 102 9 A GREAT deal has been said by various people, in connection with the Singapore Municipal Commissioners' debates on the LimWicks case, about "playing to the gallery." The fact is that the democratic way of life favours "playing to the gallery," The t)nly reason why ordinary men
      102 words
    • 116 9 J WAS surprised to s*e In your issue of Wednesday, Mar. 22, that Mr. John Laycock had been ruled out of order in the Singapore Legislative Council when he asked for an inquiry into the difference >3tween the sentence on Westerling for illegal entry into
      116 words
    • 272 9 PENALISING THE SMALL FAMILIES T FULLY agree with "Common Sense", who said in last Saturday's Forum that "if my registered number were 100, I would certafnly question how an applicant whose registration number was 1.000 could manage to get a flat while I was still on the waiting list." But
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    • 100 9 JFTFR reading Wednesday mornings Singapore Legislative Council reports in your paper, it seemed to me that only two elected members had attended the meetinn —Messrs J. haycock and C. C. Tan— and that they were actually running the Government. I distinctly remember having voted for
      100 words
    • 212 9 THE "BATTLE" OUTSIDE K. LUMPUR yOUR lead story of Thursday morning, under the heading "200 Men in Battle Outside K.L.". must have induced some very strong feelings amonn readers. When I read the first paragraph In it, 1 concluded that a printing error had occurred, and that, instead of "two
      212 words
    • 221 9 MACHINE-GUNS FOR POLICE jytUCH has been wri I mi about the Government's inability to supp v remote Malayan pol'ce stations with rad o transmitters for S.O.S. purposes in case of b-m-dit attack. In my opinion, a transmitter in such a olare would te able at best to reaou bow many
      221 words
    • 104 9 THE CASUALTY FIGURES A COMPARISON of the A latest figures I have seen published of bandit and anti-bandit casualties If as follows: Bandits killed 1,086- civilians and police killed (excluding military personnel i. 1.052. Bandits wounded, captured or escaped. 938: civilians and police wounded or missing (excluding military > 996.
      104 words
    • 45 9 IN other countries, when the hour is late, radio stations often broadcast appeals to listeners to tone down the volume of their receivers in order not to be a nuisance to iheir neighbours. Can't Radio Malaya do the same? UiSLiCSTED SIT DENTS. Singapore.
      45 words
    • 86 9 I must protest strongly i the publication of theDKture printed on the front pa:--, of the Straits Times nf Ma23 (showing the body of ,i dead bandit being carried troops >. Whatever crimes this bami t may have committed, there is no justification for tie gloating
      86 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 68 9 Perception Iv) Ml M%jj the faculty of perceiving U j: ■JKal the quality of excellence LW- 1 Al as cxampled by those critical smokers for Y\\\\ whom none but Rothmans De Luxe 111 1 Virginia's excellence is good enough. I 11 I jlj Aj In attractttt pack- I'll JL "W
      68 words

  • 375 10 LONDON, Frl. rE London Stock Exchange was colourless yesterday. After the morning routine there was hardly a vesUge of interest in any section. Price movement* were small but generally to higher levels. Some buying of British Government Nationalisation stocks helped prices in the Gilt-edged section, and there were
    375 words
  • 970 10 From Our Market Correspodent IDLE conditions prevailed m the Malayan Tin share market yesterday except for a few issues. Prices, however were inclined to harden slightly where business was done. Industrials remained steady. Rubbers also kept steady with the declaration of dividends from a few companies
    970 words
  • 29 10 SINGAPORE, Fri, Mar. 24— 5299.37 Vi «OWH W.81V,) LONDON, FrL, Mar. 24. Spot: €6«2J— £602*. Forward: £6?2}— £6#4i. Settlement. £6021. Turnover, morning, 79 tons; afternoon. 105 tons.
    29 words
  • 185 10 rIE Singapore rubber market was a shade steadier yesterday with little business passing. Prices showed a slight improvement on Thursday's. Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 R.B.S. spot loose buyer* 55', cento, seUera 65% cents: No. 1 R.SJS. f.o.b. In bales, buyers 54 cents, sellers 54 centa; No.
    185 words
  • 78 10 From A Market Corn-ipondrnt /^OCONUT oil In new drums yesterday passed at $64 Vi for early April shipment, with further sellers and no buyers. Copra was quiet and there was hardly anything doing in coHee. Prices (per picul) were: QaoiDlei S22ii (round). $5& (Java cube). $55 (Hamburg
    78 words
  • 99 10 SHIPS alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns in brackets) were: Main Wharf: Steel Executive (31-S2L Alcinous (33-34>. Benlawers (38). Tarifa (42-43). West Wharf: Glenearry '4-5), Lancashire (6-7). Khyber (11). Empire Dock: Sirdhana (17-18) Buloh (21-22). Maria L. <23-24). Anting (25-26). Boheme (27-28). Sheers Wharf: Empire
    99 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1231 10 MANSFIELD 6c CO.. LTD. i Incorporated m Singapore) BLOB rOMMBL UNI earner's option to ptoceea- eta ether ports te toad ana discharge cargo VA.IINCJ reUVIRPOOI CLASCOW IONOON fr CONTINENTAL PoItS Jvj. Sails P >ham Panang A T"a%o L r. OO DuW n Mar. 25 Mar. 26 31^4 Mar. 25 Mar.
      1,231 words
    • 404 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NEW YORK ANO BOSTON VIA CfYLON INDIA CCVD ANO MEOITFRRANfAK PORTS brjoi* P Sham Penang Mount MansfieM 30 Mar/2 Apr. 3 Apr. 4/6 Apr. Pres Mourn H'l7 Apr. 18'*C Apr Prcs Bactianan 25J9 Aor 10 Apr /I May 1" M*« Prn. Harding 9/UMar 14/1$ May 14/
      404 words
    • 439 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS TO CONTINENT/ SAILINCS FROM SCANOINAVIA/U.K./ SCANDINAVIA CONTINENT Loading at Sineaooie Port Swettenhann m/t "Nordfarer- Codownt 23/24 Panang toT^oV Ml JI >o?°£'ombo "Acer Po!t d" to- Bvntcok. Beyrouth. Cenoa. Antwerp Rotm/t "Kambodla" due abt. Apr. 4 terdam Hamburg. Oslo Cothenfor Manila Hong Kong. Kobe 6 £vr R
      439 words
    • 1068 10 McALISTER tfc CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) T«l«pbon« Mo. 5906 KLAVENESS LINK ELLSftMAM BOCKMALL M kM >AN ,KANtIiCO., KANtliCO LONDON, HAVRE. ANTWERP PORTLAND SEAI ILI 6 VANCOOVIR ROTTEROAM b HAMBURG Accepting cargo for i_er lie. o South CITK O» fOONA American Ports Spore P. Sham Panang BOUCAINVIILt 19/2rA.r 17/18 Ap.
      1,068 words

  • 445 11 Final Trial For State Aspirants pRICKET IN Singapore ffets Into full swing tomorv row with the start of the Singapore Cricket Association tournament matches. A Junior division is being inaugurated this year and the experiment will naturally be keenly watched. This means that for 14 Sundays
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  • 234 11 Boxing Finals Thrill Good Crowd rE CROWD of more than 1.000 who turned up at the Happy World Stadium last night to see the finals of the Singapore Intermediate Boxing Championships were treated to a programme of keenly contested fights, which Included a knock out and a technical knock out.
    234 words
  • 207 11 YM.C.A. tennis ties for todav and Monday are: TODAY Junior Boys' Single* (4 p.m.*: Chan Leong Chye v Gordon Llm: James Loh v Tan Boon Suan; Peter Tai v Joseph Chong; John Chong v Tommy Kwik; Alfred Lee v T. S. Tay; Seow Check Chua v
    207 words
  • 54 11 From Our Own- Correspondent BRISBANE. Fri— Chal Sitphol (115% lb.) t.k.o.d Australian flyweight champion Mickey Hill (116% lb.) In the eleventh round at Brisbane Stadium tonight. The referee stopped the bout after Hill was down a few Mries In the 11th round. Sitphol was ahead on points
    54 words
  • 36 11 KUALA LUMPUR *"rl.— Entries for the Sultans' Gold Cup soccer competition this year will close on Friday, March 31. The draw will be held at the poundl meeting on April 9 at Kuala Lumpur.
    36 words
  • 401 11 CA. 5; R.E.M.E g A BEAUTIFUL shot-but into his own net— by the J Services right back, Snelson, started R.E.M.E on the downward path t o defeat at the beginning of the second half of their S.A.F.A. Senior League match against
    401 words
  • 33 11 *pHE B.B.C. commtnUry on 1 the Grand National will be broadcast over the Blue Network of Radio Malaya at 10.15 tonight. A diagram of the Aintree course appears in Page 12.
    33 words
  • 85 11 1*HB Rocldites defeated Aston 1 A.C. by two goals to one In a Junior B2 league soccer game at Geylang ground yesterday. Soon after the start. Prout opened accounts for Rocklites from a movement which started from the right. There was no further scoring In the
    85 words
  • 26 11 rUDAY: 1 5« a.m. ft. 4 in "i md 3.00 p.m. (6 ft. 8 In.). TOMORROW: 225 a.m. (8 ft.) md 3.56 pm. ft.).
    26 words
  • 404 11 By MERV WILLIAMS MELBOURNE, Friday. r\AVE SANDS, middleweight champion of the l British Empire, is almost certain to go to Singapore to fight Boy Brooks for the latter's "Orient" middleweight title as Carl Olson, whom he beat at Sydney Stadium on Monday night,
    404 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 11 DAVE SANDS surveys the damage after dropping Olson with a right to the chin in the first round. Olson was up on his feet before th.c referee started counting.
    29 words
  • 187 11 TODAY CRICKET: Ceylon S.C. "A" t S.C.C. "A" on pa<Un Indtan Asm. "A" t S.C.C. -A" at Khalsa ground. RACING: Laat Day S.T.C. March MnHk TENNIS: T.M.C.A. charapionsfalps. BADMINTON: Malay championship!. Clerical Union 2 and 7 pjn. GOLF: Idand Club final Ist round 2.15 p.m. SOCCER: Jnr. B.I:
    187 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 311 11 TO HAY— lUra 145 4'4 U'UM 6. 30 9. 30 p. m. V4s WHO MADE INGRID M feo BERGMAN FAMOUS W? II ADAM HAD FOUR "^^^H SONS NOW <jm INTRODUCES *f 1 IP> WASP-WAISTED AI >O THfc LATEST S STOOGES COMEDY Sprci^: Morning Show» at t ■■18. loda. "WISTFUL WIDOW
      311 words
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 202 11 with the Stars; 10.30 Grand Na- B -C K B SINGAPORE Oonal Commentary <BBC): 11 Rhythm on Records; 11.30 Close. 44a p m From the London 10 a.m. News from K.L.: 10.03 1 itmpu» Editorials; 4.56 Dvorak; B.15 World Close; 12 Malay; 1 pjn. Dance ***mrvm Affairs; 5.30 "Banns ol
      202 words

  • 438 12  -  EPSOM JEEP Final Day Of Singapore T. C. March Meeting By DERSIAN LORD won in runaway style in his third start in the country on Wednesday, second day of the Singapore Turf Club's March meeting. So convincing was his victory that I select him,
    438 words
  • 1173 12 BRIGHT HOUSE, a gallant second o n Wednesday, stands out as the best bet at Bukit Timah today. Badly placed at the top of the straight, Bright House made a great effort in the last furlong and all but caught Beauchamps in a desperate finish. Bright
    1,173 words
  • 1065 12 BELOW is today's card of events at Bukit Timah. The lr double tote Is on Races 6 and 9; Big Sweep Race 8. Race 1—2.O0: Class 2, Dlv. 4— 6F. 19 Yds. 002 Kanda Ellery 9.00 "Wlnmore Stable" Daniels 004 Knight Gallant McPherson 8.13 "K. C. Stable"
    1,065 words
  • 147 12 rE draw of the Singapore Hockey Association's sweepstake on the Grand National, being run today, resulted as follows: Oarde Tol 3853. Rotmond 4572. Klazton 3149. Freebooter 3057. Cloncarrlg 2155. Shagreen 3044. Wot No Sun 289? Rowland 3577, Cavallero 3640. Russian Hero 2712, Cromwell 4S16. Ardnaccai 2818
    147 words
  • 166 12 EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER RACE 1 SO" KANDA Kind Regard. Pennyworth ELEGANT ART Caracalla Pennyworth CARACALLA Pennyworth Kanda RACE S.M t BATTLESHIP Royal Link fadiow Glen CADZOW GLEN Royal Link Battleship ROYAL LINK Battleship Cadsow Glen RACE S S.M S. OF SARAWAK Noble Light Stymie GRAND
    166 words
  • 369 12 FACTS and FANCIES fiy Epsom Jeep H "PORKY" DONNELLY will not ride at Bukit v Timah today. He has left for Ipoh to exercise the van Breukelens* powerful team for the forthcoming: Perak Easter Meeting. Jackie Tait, who did not ride on Wednesday, will
    369 words
  • 141 12 KOTA RAJA "A" defeated BODCA "A" by one goal to nil in a Junior A2 league soccer fixture played on the BODCA ground yesterday. The Kota Raja forwards \-<ie always on the move and had a not been for Osman Angulia in the BOD goal
    141 words
  • 38 12 MANILA, Frl.— The double mrun event in which Chinese-Indone-sian fighter Bobby Njoo rl.isbpt with Little Paras and Ailnllun welterweight Alfle Sands Menu Clever Clano has been postponed from March 25 to Apr. I.— UP
    UP  -  38 words
  • Article, Illustration
    11 12 THE AINTREE COURSE. Liverpool, where today's Grand National is beinr run.
    11 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 426 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. Continued Ironi Page 6) TUITION BEGINNERS. April: Gregg. Pitmans Typing B'keeping Acrty. English. Latin. French Running: Selnor, Matrlc, Presenlor. Inter Adv. Acctj. (8 MUM dli stages, LCC» Bng. ri I VIII. Speed Classes, morn eve. both places. 60 '120, D'manehtp. Radio. French. Bcon. Latin Hindi. S.I.C 75 Middle
      426 words
      132 words