The Straits Times, 21 March 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 264 1 >Troops May Enforce Money Cuts JAKARTA, Monday. fHK Indonesian Government today threatened to use troops and police, if necessary, to force acceptance of its new devalued currency. There was complete chaos in city trading today, following: the order devaluing Indonesian currency by half. The Government ordered
    Reuter  -  264 words
  • Article, Illustration
    68 1 KING PHUMIPHON Aduldet of Siam. is seen shaking hands with Mr. R. C. B. Wiltshire, Assistant Commissioner of Police. Special Branch, on his arrival in Singapore yesterday in the Selandia on his way to Bangkok. Left, the Officer Administering the Government. Sir Patrick McKerron, centre, Mr.R. E. Foulger. Commissioner of
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  • 66 1 Co.i-aien'ing on the devaluation, Mr. D. T. Assomuil, chairn m at ihe Textile Section of th» Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce, told rhe Straits Times. "Tin* is quite a practical m".h:>n taken !>y the Indonesian Government to flghl inflation, and if li:)'\riled %ell. should bring ?ood
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  • 429 1 i DIARY revealing the existence of a Red under- ground organisation carrying out illegal activities in Singapore is now in the hands of the Special Branch of the Singapore C.I.D. The diary, captured by 35- HONG KON<i. Mod. MR. Aw Boon Haw, the "Tiger Balm
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  • 40 1 HONG KONG. Mon- The University of Hong Kong will have a new mace soon. A Chinese businessman has contributed HK$lO,OOO. Thp original mace was purchased from England in 1916 and was stolen in 1945.— A.P
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  • 30 1 BANGKOK. Mon. The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation has received approval from the I Slampse Cabinet to hold a conference here from May 1 to 12. -A.P.
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  • 26 1 FRANKFURT. Mon.—Western Germany yesterday opened a spring fair that pointedly avoided the political trappings of the Soviet zone's recent Leipzig Fair.— A.P.
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  • 32 1 BERLIN. Mon. -Allied and German sources charged today that the Reds were dumping East marks into the Western sectors of Berlin in an effort to disrupt Western Berlin economy.— Reuter.
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  • 173 1 HONG KONG, Monday. 4 NEW army was on the march i n China today civilians fleeing from famine-stricken areas in which live between a third and a half of the coun- UVS |lU|lUldllUll, The Chinese press here quoted a Communist admission that "large numbers of
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  • 68 1 PLAN BY FILM MEN NEW YORK, Mon.— Fifty independent distributors and representatives of foreign films have formed an organisation in America. The organisation, unnamed as yet. is designed basically to help its members earn more American dollars. Those in the business said It was logical step since U.S. imports of
    AP  -  68 words
  • 145 1 T*HE first formation of the Lincoln bomber squadron which is to strengthen the R.A.F.'s antl-bandlt effort in the Federation arrived in Singapore y-sterday afternoon from Ceylon. Office worker* returning n rw -lopped to the atreets as th a four black bombers flew low la perfect formation
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  • 257 1 THE first payments under the Malayan war damage A scheme were received yesterday. These were the first of the initial $350 payments, and many more of these cheques will be sent out this week. First payments of $350 will be made on about 70,000 claims,
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  • 93 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. ALL books of accounts and records in the Federation will in future have to be kept either in English or romanised Malay. This is the intent behind a Bill to be introduced at the next meeting of the Federal Legislative Council
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  • 412 1 AMERICAN-BORN 22-year-old King Phumiphon Aduldet of Siam and his attractive, darkeyed 17-year-old fiancee, Princess Sirikit Kitiyakara, daughter of the Siamese Ambassador in London, Prince Nakkhatra Mangala Kitiyakara, and Princess Nakkhatra, were welcomed to Singapore yesterday by the booming of a 21 -gun salute
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  • 247 1 Police Arrest Saigon Lawyer PARIS, Mon. polh-e hare arrested a Vietnam lawyer lor alle^diy' fomenting yesterdays Saigon riots in which four people were killed and 41 injured, an Agenee France Press import *a:d today The arrt-st was mad. under an ordpr issue rj b y the Vw>namese Prime Minis'^nii<ht About
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 14 1 TOKIO. Mon Japans population increased by 1.773.296 last year.—U.P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 61 1 TERMITE tVVIiiH \nl) EXPERTS P f AYIOR LTD. tit tmimt House. Barter* Road Tei« ***** INDUSTRIAL «Hi| UGH T I HlC^M^g Nsi =*^C\ MAD£ |N ENCLAND Tht efficient lighting of industrial interiors .1 e-.tenttal (or economi*! production. C E C. ngmacrs prcpir* plant for industrial and all other formi ol
      61 words
    • 40 1 1 Now Available CARL ZiISS BINOCULARS I Light weight Coa'Ti lens MM j 7x50 10x50 I 1 LYON PHOTO CO. North HridKt Krt Phone: 7332; S«n|»|>»r« WOOD PRESERVATIVE Invaluable for economical protection of all wooden buildings, floor joists, fences n
      40 words

  • 167 2 Burmese Cabinet Minister RANGOON, Mon. ARMED guards stood at the entrance of the City Hall in Rangoon while Inside- AngloBurmese employees of the Burma Secretariat yesterday feted Mr. Archibald Rivers, their representative In Parliament, on his Cabinet appointment. Earlier, the Anglo-Burman Union, which claims absolute representation of
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 26 2 PRAGUE, Mon. Special evening hours have been established at Prague hospitals to allow workers to donate blood after their working day A.P.
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  • 65 2 'ONE KING, THEN 3 BELGIUMS BRUSSELS, Mon. gELGIUM'S French-speak- ing Walloons today declared they would call for a new plebiscite this time on splitting the country into three states if exiled King Leopold tried to retake the throne. They would demand that the country be split into three federal autonomous
    Reuter; AP  -  65 words
  • 136 2 LONDON, Mon. 'TiHE average Londoner takes 42 minutes to get to work. Of every 100 workers, 58 travel by bus, rail or underground railway, 17 walk, 14 bicycle, four use cars and two go by "other means" including motor-bikes Five work at home London Transport
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 2 THIS GROUP of screen stars are seen enjoying themselves at the Hollywood party honouring Charles Coburn's 60 years in show business. They are (left to right) Jane Wyman, Ann Sheridan and Alexis Smith,-— A.P. picture.
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  • 169 2 Cable Flashes Owner Claims Flying Hat After 100,000 Miles BRISBANE, Monday. THE "wandering hat" that has covered more than 100,000 miles in the luggage rack of a X.L.M. aircraft has been claimed by a Brisbane radio announcer Mr. J. Plumb, who believes it is the hat he left in a
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  • 270 2 KASHMIR GOVT. TO STAND FIRM, SAYS PREMIER NEW DELHI, Monday. gHEIKH Mohammed Abdullah, Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, told a Press conference yesterday that the Security Council's appointment of a mediator on the Kashmir issue would not change the attitude of the Kashmir Government. The Government of India had
    Reuter; UP  -  270 words
  • 80 2 CANBERRA. Mon. THE Australian Minister of Supply and Development, Mr. Richard Casey, told the Australian people in a broadcast yesterday that "if we do not double our population in the shortest possible time, our ability to remain iri undisputed possession oi Australia is likely to tie I
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 2 SECRETARY OF STATE for War, Mr. John Strain*. v, whose appointment caused an uproar in the British Press. His Communistic sympathies were criticised. AP. Picture.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 608 2 .c/ncES LICENCE I MOURTOUJAR B. MOHAMMAD SALEM, Manager of Islamic 6: ore No. 33 Kuala Brang, Ulu Tr-ngganu. hereby five notice thai I wish to apply for a transport licence for a lorry with 3 tf i'*cl capaclf to be operated within the State of Trenggasiu and bftwc.n KnU Bharu,
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    • 809 2 NOTICES NOTICE In Hi- Matter BATU PAHAT RUBBER i COMPANY, LIMITED l (In Voluntary Liquidation) At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the above-named Company duly convened aad held at No. 33 Jalan Shahbandar, Batu Pahat on Thursday, the 2nd day of March 1950. the following Special Resolution
      809 words
    • 313 2 NOTICES ROBINSON COMPANY. LIMITED (Incorporated In the Colony of Singapore) Interim Dividends for the Year Ending SOth Jane 1950 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Directors have declared an Interim Dividend of 10% on the Ordinary Shares and Stock of the Company, less 30% Income Tax, payable to respective holders
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    • 448 2 NOTICES In the matters of the Companies Ordinance 1940 and in the matter SIN TECK HONG OIL MILLS, LIMITED Notice is hereby given that the creditors of the abovenamed company, which is being wound up voluntarily are required on or before the 15th day of April 1950 to send in
      448 words
    • 175 2 4 f v IT^n^B^B^Ssl&^n^HKil SsHin^n^nii^^ jj jgj; i^ -:^;y^-aii^g%, laiaim«-~.'. ijilliciWi*' "--"ninti v US I mmmmm »iiw»ii» < iriVi',^j:'* ilt ;*»fc»«t jgs&: ■VnaSuß^' ijC ""WWW! JW^^^^^H '< ■'•Ke^K^Mmnmn^ I h juub9P&'' .9Ltffe~«P jj&jE K-'kvL awi |ffpiysw i jji>* > '*y^nßWBiE3ii.''^ afr- A^^^^Bn^H n^n^n^naL^Hk^n^n^n^nvK&l vl^^a^n^n^n^nMfl J^^K^W^By^Win^^^^^B^B L^Lw^^^xU* ■9HnV MYM Y f
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  • 464 3 Asian Need For Help May Sway American Action From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Monday. UNCERTAINTY regarding future political developments in South-East Asia will, in the view of some delegates, largely influence the attitude of certain delegations, particularly the United States of America, at today's Tin Study
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  • Article, Illustration
    65 3 THF. BRITISH submarine Truculent lies beached on rii-ne.v Spit, off Sheemess. England. She is still held f-M in thr multiple nihr-in <h hawsers of the lifting Craft Fnpraie and Au*daner which heaved her from the b'd of «hr Thames Kstnary where she lay for two Munths after she wait ramntrd
    AP  -  65 words
  • 162 3 HOM. KONG, Monday. I>Ki'OKTS from Shanghai say that the Chinese are urging the British to agree to re-negotiate the present Sino-Brltish treaties not later than 1952. Presumably this would mean trade treaties and treaties covering Hong Kong territories o n the mainland. The British Charge
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  • 134 3 Nationalists Active On Mainland HONG KONG. Sun. 'THE Nationalist! are taking 1 Initiative in China's civil a at at'.pr a lull for the past tew months. ins hM been made in Chekiang, while other units have tried lo recapture. Namoa Isiani. less than 10 miles east oi S*atow. with guerilla
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 99 3 PEARL HARBOUR, Mon. THE captain of the military transport General A.W Brewster radioed regrets yesterday for missing distress signals from the fire-ravaged navy tender Elder. The Elder's 40 men wer« rescued on Friday night, foui days after the Brewster passed them in mid
    AP  -  99 words
  • 54 3 MANILA. Mon. Health authorities today said sij polio cases, including one death, had been reported, aL of them American children. A spokesman for the Citj I Health department, discountI ing reports that the polic i outbreak had assumed epidemic proportions, warned the city's American population however, to
    AP  -  54 words
  • 263 3 HONG KONG, Monday. VL r HILE the Chinese Nationalists are hunting the British ship, Empire Dirk, with at least U553,000,000 worth of aeroplane equipment aboard, the British ship, Tsinan. of Butterfield and Swire, sailed from Hong Kong for Red China last night with another
    AP  -  263 words
  • 112 3 LONDON, Mon. A RETIRED Army officer, Mr. J.H Milnes, has invented an electric gadget to show whether all the seats on the top of a doubledecker bus are occupied or not. Weary of climbing the stairs of a double-decker and finding no seats available, Mr Milnes set
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 169 3 CAIRO, Mon. t gQYPT'S recent purchase of 1 1 gold and US. Treasury j i bonds in New York does not j I mean the Nile kingdom is I deserting the sterling area < for the dollar bloc, according i to n fi-ispris'is of
    AP  -  169 words
  • 281 3 MELBOURNE, Mon. "THE Federal Government will set up a special authority to investigate claims for payments to former prisoners of war similar to the dollar-a-day recently approved for American PoWs. The U.S. Consul General, Mr. O. R. Neilsen, said Australian servicemen and civilians who were
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  • 149 3 ROME, Monday. A HEAVY charge of dynamite today wrecked and blew the roof off the headquarters of the Italian New Fascist Party in Foligno, 130 miles north-east of Rome. The olast occurred as a series of Communist-led unofficial strikes broke out in Italy in protest
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  • 49 3 SI AM SPRAYS DDT BANGKOK, Mon. The Siam Public Health Ministry and the World Health Organization have launched a mosquito-killing D.D.T campaign in the northern Chien- gmai area to cat down malai ria The rainy season starts i in May and the spraying will be completed by then.— A.P.
    AP  -  49 words
  • 39 3 AKRON, Mon. The Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co.. has extended to white collar employees the same pension and welfare benefits won by Its CIO United Rubber Union workers. Company financed pensions are at Jeast US$lOO a month.—A.P.
    AP  -  39 words
  • 51 3 ADMIRALTY workmen inspect the splintered bows of the submarine Truculent a s she lies beached on Cheney Spit. When she was lifted the damage was found to be greater than expected. Truculent will now be pumped out and, if possible, towed to a navy dockyard for repair. A.P.
    AP  -  51 words
  • 217 3 I FAKIS, Monday. 'PHK strike wave in France showed no sign of j receding yesterday although the Renault workers gave power to their strike committee to decide on a possible end of the walk-out in the big State-owned car plant. I The decision depended on I
    Reuter; AP  -  217 words
  • 28 3 TOKYO, Mon.— Ten hand mirrors claimed to be 3,000 j years old were discovered in a tomb at Ikkisan village, in j Fukuoka Prefecture yesterday Reuter.
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  • 65 3 DOCTOR AGAIN WITHKING LONDON, Mon. <pHE King, suffering from a slight cold and confined to his room at Buckingham Palace, was visited again yesterday by his doctor. Sir John Weir. The King's indisposition was not believed serious. No bulletins on his condition are being issued. He was not able to
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  • 281 3 TOKIO, Mon. riNE hundred and ni. teen Tokio police and more than 200 Korean were injured in a clash at dawn today in Tokio i "Coney Island" suburb of Asakusa. The Koreans were supporters of the 'north Korea Communist regime Two thousand police yes were
    Reuter  -  281 words
  • 21 3 HONG KONG Mon i Chinese Communist Ci> ment has banned operation ciilna or all foreign r»r! transmitters. -U.P
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  • 78 3 'SELLING DEMOCRACY TO GERMANY WASHINGTON M«nd.-.. THE State Department plans to bring about 3.0t»0 Germans to the United States in 1051 as part of j. campaign to "sell democracy in West Germany."Congress i s being asked to usr *****.000.000 tor Ihii out of the USS3e.OOO.OOO budget for American occupation expenses
    AP  -  78 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 83 3 1/AdfcNl 1 1 CAR TRACTOR BATTERIES Sold by all leading Motor dealers. 1 Mif. «.-(>■ c .eiltatives: T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINGAPORE K.LUMPUR PENANG ijov <vmc/ do ietttr tin* take. z*flD \towtrrs mmc/p powkr 1') wa'^rr up refreshed and P?*pDG ready for the days work «fnd re fc^"^» creation
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  • 313 4 Wanted Men Got By Screening A nd Road Blocks From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. TEN Chinese bandits surrendered to the police in the Jerantut area of Pahang on Friday bringing the total number of surrenders to 356. A battle between Chinese bandits armed with stens,
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  • 37 4 ASSISTANT Superintendent of Police Inche Natt bin Haji Mohamed Yusoff. welfare officer at the Federation Police Depot, Kuala Lumpur, who is one of the two Asian officers selected for higher police training in England.
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  • 137 4 Miss Foss Denies Thai She Said It From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. MISS Josephine Foss, who is expected to return to Malaya next month, has cabled to the Chief Federal Social Welfare Officer that the statement attributed to her in the Sunday Pictorial in London is "a complete
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  • 20 4 BENTONG, Mon. Huisain bin Mat Shah, aged 23, was acquitted of threatening a woman, Wan Wok binte Wan Omar.
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  • 96 4 —'Breach Of Good Faith 9 MANY members of the Singapore Municipal Services Union feel that "it is a breach of good faith" on the part <-' the Municipal Commissioners not to exempt officers of advanced age and long service from examinations under the revised salary scheme, says the union's
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  • 52 4 GRACE LIM, agefi 14, who will dance at the Wesley Church Hall on March 31. The concert will be given by the 6th Company of the Girls* Life Brigade. Singapore, in aid of their building fund. Grace is a junior assistant at the Taylor
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  • 85 4 Prom Oar Own Correspondent KAJANG. Mon. I/AJANG and Ipoh were the two hottest spots in Malaya during January, both recording temperatures of 94 degrees on different days, the monthly me -eorological survey reveals. Heaviest rainfail for any one d«iy was at Teluk Anson. which had 4.6 inches
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  • 81 4 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Mon. RAJA Abdul Rashid ibni Sultan Itiris, the Raja Bendahara of Perak, was at a ceremony this morning proclaimed Regent of Perak awing the absence in England of the Sultan. The proclamation was made at a special meeting of the Executive Council
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 4 MEN of the 4th Battalion Malay Regiment are hard at work training for their future role to destroy »»andits. This squad is listening to their weapon training instructor tell them their range firing score.— Army PJL picture.
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  • 173 4 TO TRY NEW FOOD SCHEME A THREE-MONTH ex- perimentai food scheme is to be tried out from Apr. 1 at the Tan Tock Seng Hostel of the University of Malaya, states the Malayan Undergrad, the Un/versity newspaper. Under the scnenie new menus have been drawn up to include pork, chicken
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  • 24 4 fram Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT. Mon.—Mr. M. P. Kumaran has been appointed an additional member of the j Licensing Board for Segamat District
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  • 172 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. T<HE Yang di-Fertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan, A Tv'dcu Abdul Rahman, in a broadcast tonight said that cash rewards would be paid out to those who gave useful information to the authorities during Anti-Bandit Month. The informers would nave the
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  • 39 4 Freot Our SUIT Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Mon.— Fourteen Indian labourers, i seven of them women were fined $3 each In the police court today for not notifying their change of address and have their identity cards alteied.
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  • 246 4 Penang Men On $72,000 Bank Charge From Our SUIT Corresponu»-is PENANG, Mon. IN what the prosecution described as "a fraud impossible to have been committed without the assistancp of some one in the bank," a Penang merchant, Lim Kirn Cheng, was today jointly charged with three others vith conspiring to
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  • 32 4 From Oar Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU Mon Mr. T. Rajan. Indian Interpreter, Supreme Court, Seremban. has arrived in Johore Bahru to take up the appointment of Assistant Registrar Supreme Court.
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  • 338 4 MALAYANTEA BLISTER BLIGHT THE Director of Agricul- ture in the Federation writes to the Straits Times as follows: With reference to the report In the Straits Times of March 15, on the subject of blister blight In tea, I should like to state that tbe headline which was printed above
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 242 4 proved V £§4lG^*^ remedy '"""Y botile X^-^yltt always 'Z^.^~~—~~ home r— lt%^ 'or WoOGKSfeCOU* lake MAGTRIZ *L^ LGESTIVI TABLETS HSsE^g iHi HOOiRM «HI»CID X t"^ji^!7 p.. -.v»n. m Mta .-i»'rrr* No Wjtt. Iwrt V <£. i* Ho ti» fowder (o*^w| f NAINA MOHAMfD 4 SONS LTD.. -ipor* t enanf Kuala
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  • 384 5 'Continued Neglect' Of Penang By Government Criticised TRAGIC FAILURE' TO DEVELOP PORT From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Monday. CTRONG criticism of Government's "continued neglect" of the port of Penang was voiced by Mr. Ng Sui Cam (Chinese unofficial) at this afternoon's meeting of the Settlement Council. Citing several instances of
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  • 203 5 FED. MAN AT PARIS TALKS Prom Our SUB CorreNpondent KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. ONE of the 10 delegates who sat round a table today in Paris trying to find a single international system ot writing Braille, was Major D R. Bridges the Welfare Officer of the Blind in the D?partment of
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 5 REP PLAY SCENE "WHAT YOU NEED is a little more champagne n Barbara Knox-Marshe and Phil Guard pictured during a first act scene in "Murder Without Crime," which is being presented at the Victoria Theatre this week hy the Singapore Repertory Compa ny. Straits Times picture.
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  • 200 5 KIAN PENG NO SETTLEMENT YET 'THE question whether the Netherlands Government A or the Indonesian Government should pay for the sinking by Dutch planes of the Chinese-owned Singapore-registered ship, Kian Peng, at Pakan Baroe, almost 18 months ago, is still undecided. iac man rciig, wmui was employed for trading purposes
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  • 52 5 From Oar Own Correspondent j KUALA KANGSAR, Mon. A 62-YEAR-OLD fortuneteller, Choonc Yit ivieng, was unable to teil his own fortune when asked in the Kuala Kan<sar Court how much he would be fined for setting up a stall without a licence. The answer
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  • 53 5 Radio Feature On The MNF A feature programme recorded at sea with the Malayan Naval Force, Port Swet:enham, by a team from Radio Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, will be broadcast from Singapore it 9 p.m. on Thursday. All stations will relay the programme. It is the first radio programme about the
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  • 149 5 TTOE Singapore Alsatian branch of the Malayan Kennel Association will be holding an Alsatian Show at the Happy World on May 14. Proceeds will go to the St. John Ambulance Association and to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals The show is
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  • 68 5 FO men, one with a pistol and the other with a knife, boarded a tongkang in Kalians River early yesterday morning. After holding up the Indian sailor on board, they took away $200 worth of canvas and $30 in cash. A Eurasian girl said she was waylaid
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  • 64 5 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. Ahmed Din, a local textile dealer, was convicted In the police court today on a charge of attempting evasion of I customs duty on 1,366 yards of cloth by under-valuing the goods. i I He was fined $794. or
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  • 415 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. ■JHE trade union conference in Kuala Lumpur this week-end will be the biggest meeting of trade unionists ever held in Malaya. No fewer than 104 of the 165 employees' unions in the country have already informed the
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  • 154 5 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, ordinary meeting, Viotorii Memorial Sail. 10 am. Y.W.C.A., S, Raffles Quay, dressnaking, 10 ajn.. Mandarin, 11 un., rugmaklng. 3 ?V.., First Aid lecture, 4 p.m. CHORAL SOCIETY, reiiirsal, Raffles Institution Hall, 5 p.m. TEA PABTY, in honour of Mr. 9. D. Kalelkar and Mr. D. M.
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  • 110 5 LIM Say Han stood up in the dock waiting to hear the result of his appeal against conviction. Mr. Justice Spencer Wilkinson in Kuala Lumpur's Supreme Court, dismissed the. appeal.. Lim broke down and wept. His wife could not stand it. She broke down and cried
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  • 230 5 'WORKING MAN'S VARSITY' FE value of evening classes is stressed by the Singapore Association of Engineers in its annual report, which will be presented at its annual general meeting next Monday. The meeting will take place at 6 p.m. at 11 Raffles Quay. The report says: "Many younjj local men
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  • 41 5 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. Although Kempas railway station was burned down by bandits on Friday night, trains are still stopping at the station to pick up passengers. Tickets are sold on board the train.
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  • 52 5 Mil. W.-A. Spradbrow arrived in Singapore yesterday from Kedah to take up the post of actIng Deputy Government Printer, Singapore. Mr. A.G. Banfleld leaves Sin- gapore on Thursday to become acting Deputy Government Prini ter. Federation of Malaya, In place of Mr. G.A. Smith, who Is going
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  • 104 5 »THE Singapore Commlssion- er for Labour, Mr. R. P. Bingham, expects to b" informed shortly of the names of nine men and one woman who have been selected to be labour inspectors by a special selection, board. The, 10 persons were chosen from 371
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 89 5 O W a I BB Most Up-to-date Hairdresslng Saloon— Malson Marcelle, 11. Battery Rd. (Maynard Bldg.) lid Floor With Mr. J. Kooy Sr. (of Malson Marcelle Pre-war) and Mr. J. J. D. Kooy, Jr., of i Holland. Belgium ana Germany, Schools of Hairdresslng, your requirements in the latest types of
      89 words
    • 370 5 I'I'MYI j I 3=J Cive yo^r friends the best -^-^J^t^c^^^J serve "EMU" Brandy. It is a compliment to them '^TT •-°"""^i^' II Sole Importers: THE EASTERN ACENCIES (1949) LTD. SINGAPORE. WJI Reproduction I j§ More and more homes are installing Ambassador Receivers. You can find m Et^J them in the
      370 words

  • The Straits Times Singapore, Tues., Mar. 21, 1950.
    • 557 6 After so long a period of controversy and uncertainty, it is gratifying to know that the Malayan War Damage Commission has started payments at last, but it is even more gratifying to know that the scheme has been launched in such a way as to give special
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    • 529 6 Today's meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council does not find the Government facing the crisis with which some members had threatened H. Timely compliance, as Fielding once pointed out, has its advantages, and undoubtedly the decision to yield to the demand for the end of petrol
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    • 18 6 AMSTERDAM. Mon Prince Bernbard of the Netherlands returned to Amstei> dam yesterday from a 12-
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  • 1009 6 A Singapore Businessman On— fIIERE has been a great tendency in Malaya during the last few years, particularly since the introduction of increased Governmental controls coincidental with the war, towards blaming the authorities for everything that goes wrong with people's daily lives, and expecting the Government to
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 269 6 The Lim- Wicks Issue: "An Important Test" DEW subjects have been discussed in your readers' i 1 columns at such length as the Lim-Wicks issue on the appointment of a Deputy Water Engineer for Singapore —undoubtedly an important test case from every angle. The debate has unmistakably revealed that many
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    • 184 6 ROAD BLOCKS IN KEDAH \f R B. Homer's letter iTI published in your issue w«> ia *v,~ Mar. 14, on the use of A.B.M. volunteers in Kedah and Perils, neither clarifies nor contradicts the points raised by "A^J^Z^lo be the p HwngTV' Horror kpfoned how the road block ro6t€rs were
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    • 82 6 lIAVING studied the news of the past two months n very carefully, I have come to the following conclusions am convinced that World War 111 will start this year. I am convinced that World War 111 will not start this year. I am convinced that civilisation will be
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    • 261 6 WITH reference to the report published in your issue of March 16 j undor the heading "Family Planning Drive Among Chinese', and the cinema slide reproduced with that report, it would appear that the persons responsible for such a couise of actt m have had no occasion to
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    • 80 6 JT was recently suggested in the papers that there would be a reduction of rents in the Singapore Improvement Trust flats. Up to now action has not been taken. A lot of people are waiting anxiously to get a flat but the rents are much too high.
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  • 365 6 On The Margin A Kelanlan Story 4 REMARKABLE story of modern pioneering by Malays was told by Utusan Melayu on March 17. In 1917 a man named Nik Mahmood bin Nik was given permission by the Kelantan Government lo open up jungle in the Bachok area for padi planting.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 830 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. PRINCI: To Irene, wife Of J. t Prince, a son at Morett»h«mp»tesi<l, Devon. UWEX— To Peck Lan. wife <rf <;»ee T*ong Hot, at Salmon's Maternity Home, on 19.3.50. a »<»• Ft'ILER at Kandang Kerbau I4i<splijtl on Sunday, l»th March. ISM. to Naomi and Walter, iluiifhtrr Ollllan Moira. THE
      830 words
    • 36 6 EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. I offering Services essential to Eye Comfort Visual Efficiency. (1) VISUAL ANALYSIS .^BfttfdM^^^^Ba^B^SsHaaaaaE (2) VISUAL TRAINING §aß^ 3 fIE^I«CK (3) GLASSES, IF REQUIRED C. S. CHONG, OPT. D. 19, CHULIA ST., SPORE. ■—-1,
      36 words
    • 136 6 m m mm oam/bri(tdeL^ "a new development Jfe £|Z By electrically spacing congested short p waveband*, "iandspreadwf make* 9 »M«ing of shortwave stations JS V^ -%B r V «a»y as tuning the home service. A I Here is development that \/^^J W^ I will found on sfl <^V^^ \^<\>^ I
      136 words

  • 493 7 Technical Aid Mission Sees Gurney, Gray From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. THE head of the U.S. Technical Aid Mission to South-East Asia, Mr. R. A. Griffin, said in Kuala Lumpur today that several suggestions had been made to him of a non-military aid
    493 words
  • 49 7 M.C.A. and police officials are seen assisting squatters detraining at the Chinese Resettlement ares at *he 3K milestone Seremban-Port Dlckson Road recently- They were moved from the Din Temiang and Sikamat areas of Seremban In Feb. 1949 and kept at Kluanjr Detention Camp.— Photo by Ken I
    Ken  -  49 words
  • 249 7 WAGES CONTROL COUNCIL URGED ESTABLISHMENT Of wage control machinery in Singapore to prevent any wage reduction below a satisfactorjf minimum is advocated by the former Commissioner of Labour, Mr R P Bingham, who will leave for Penang today to take up the post o1 acting Resident Com-j;"-<inner Such machinery would
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  • 17 7 The- Singapore Choral So-c-iiiy will hold a rehearsal at R;-.fn>s Institution hall at 5 p.m. today.
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  • 98 7 THE first of six lectures under the auspices of the People's Education Association in Singapore, will take place tomorrow at the British Council Hall in Stamford Road. The Director of Education, M A. W. Trlsby, will speak on Community Development at 5.15 p.m. Other lectures will be:
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  • 24 7 An eye-witness account of the arrival of the King of Slam in Singapore will be ?iven over Radio Malaya at 8.30 tonight.
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  • 22 7 A Radio Malaya observer will report on today's Singapore Legislative Council meeting at 9.45 tonight over the Blue Network.
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  • 174 7 A GOD SPOKE TO HIM... TAN LIU, an 80-year-olc Chinese, told Mr. H. E Kingdon, Singapore Flrsi District Judge, yesterdaj that owing to "a certalr god talking to me anc throwing me about. I threw away my identity card,' when charged with faillnf to have an identity card. He was
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  • 60 7 THE chairman of the Singapore Improvement Trust Mr. J. M Fraser, will open a weekly series of talks on Town Planning at 7.12 p.m tomorrow over the Blue Netvcrk of Radio Malaya. The series will tell of what tewn planning means to tin man In the
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  • 213 7 T*HE Singapore Co-operative Stores Society will 1 open a new branch at Joo Chiat on April 2, it was announced yesterday by Mr. John Eber, chairman of the Stores Society I Mr. Eber was addressing merrbers of Singapore Mercantile Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society,
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  • 6 7 Singapore, on Sunday.
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  • 174 7 No Big Openings For Girls Yet' \f lss Rhona Connery. of Radio Malaya, yesterday told the Y.W.C.A. International Fortnightly Club that there were "no terrific openings in radio for girls at present." But, bhe added women could Join as secretaries, disc players. typists script writers or record librarians -and work
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  • 436 7 SAT IN DOCK WITH 12 OTHERS, THEN— From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHKI Monday. A FTER sitting in the dock for several days with 12 1 other men, Lim Boon Seng, one of the accused charged with consorting with armed bandits at Kangar Senegar, Batu
    436 words
  • 112 7 LEAVE TO APPEAL GRANTED rpHE Privy Council ha s granJL ted special leave for E. H. Battat to appeal in the 'case in which the Singapore Court of Appeal recently dismissed his appeal against convictions of offences under i the Colony's Financial Refutations. j Announcing this in the Singapore Court
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  • 21 7 A Communist poster was found on the wall of a shop i at Lorong 15. Geylang, Slngaipore. yesterday afternoon.
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  • 20 7 DanaraJ, a 14-year-old Singapore schoolboy fell off hla bicycle in Qeylang Road yesterday and wai taken to hospital.
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  • 106 7 ONQ Eng Cheong alias An* Ngor. a painter, was at the Singapore Bixth Polio* Court yesterday committed for tr.'al at the next Assizes en a charge of robbery and c i using hurt. It was alleged that Ong in the company of another man robbed Lum lion
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  • 37 7 I The Youth for Christ Team from New Zealand, now conducting evangelistic meetings in Singapore, will end its stay with a farewell meeting at Katong Bethesda Church, 17. Penefalher Road, tonight .1 at 8 o'clock.
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  • 186 7 SEE VICE WORKERS: REPORT OUT THIS WEEK npHE need for negotiating machinery for civilian A employees of the Services is stressed by all six members of the commission of inquiry which spent a month in Malaya last year. The report of the commission, headed by Mr. W J. Neden of
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  • 125 7 AT the Y.W.C.A. lnl?mational Fortnightly Club, Singapore yesterday, Mrs. K. M. R. Menon. on behalf of the club, presented an evening bag made of Malayan silver to Mrs. S. M. Barnwell. who leaves in the Canton on Friday. Mrs. Barnwell way formerly President of the
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  • 39 7 Paraman. an Indian day watchman of the Havelock Road Municipal labour lines was fined $50 in the First District Court, Singapore, yesterday for voluntarily causing grievous hurt to Kannamma, a woman, on Oct. 27.
    39 words
  • 74 7 ANLY a tingle appeal w;;s v in the list for Ihe Maiih session of the Singapc;e Court of Criminal Appeal at th« Supreme Court yesterday. It was the case of L;:m Poh San. one of the thirc people who had b< ci convicted of an armed ohberv
    74 words
  • 18 7 The Singapore Police Band will perform at the Botanic Gardens from 5.45 to 6.45 p.m today;
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  • 30 7 The Inter-Religioiis Organisation will hold a public meeting at 5 p.m. on Thursday at Raffles Institution. The theme of the meeting will be "Religion In our daily lives."
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 231 7 1899-1949 50 yearsjof cable development *e< SMMSI 7 C.MA The IMA ftjrfe mark tablet it r«»» tymbol of quality. We arc proud of »vi product amd mark it. Princ'Pait M«.«y*n Reprei«"t»tiv«t pntish lnso.*f»a Cti:tndtr I C»t>l*S LTO United Enfinecrt Ltd. Th« Borneo Co.. Ltd Crompton P»-kin4on. Ltd (Derby Cibti The
      231 words
    • 149 7 MECCANO WORLD-FAMOUS TOYS jEpx J tr^Mr MINIATURE 1/ Meccano it a system of .nterJP changeable parts strips plates £x gears, wheels nuts and bolts, etc with which any boy can build hundreds of magnificent models *^B that work just like the "real thing" M PjS MECCANO H OUTFITS are available
      149 words

  • 2206 8  -  DR. W. LINEHAN By Director of Museums, Federation of Malaya IF crumbling ruins could speak, what a history the old fort at the mouth of the Kedah river would reveal! Yet, we are lucky in that historical records provide us with, at least, an outline
    2,206 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 140 8 flj lifcffljfo' fa Everyone knows the best Virginia cigarettes are made in Vjfgfflfl I s r\ London; but, fortunately, they do not all stay there The famous Ifi^fn \gn\ Benson Hedges red tin is a familiar sight in almost every /T^jf Vl& countr y of the world. You will find
      140 words
    • 234 8 Cooper Louvres are suitable for almost any housing installation. They are ideal for converting open verandah* into attractive rooms giving unobstructed view, light and air, yet constant protection from wind and rain. AGENTS: THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD /k^^^m\ 1 %J5« i i A pleasa n 1 1 y^«iߣ^"^ flavoured
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 336 8 SINGAPORE Classics; 8.30 Talk of the Town; Half-Hour; 8. "The Composer 9 Variety Band box 9.30 AS: Performs;" 8.15 Thai; 8.45 Dutch; 10 a.m. News from K.L.; 10.05 S'pore; 10 Blue Danube; 10.30 9. Kuoyu; 8.30 Burmese; 9.45 CIom; 10.50 Schools; 13 Malay; "Those were the Days"; 11 Cose. Interlude
      336 words

  • 238 9 THE children's theatre movement is flourishing In Australia. At the Minerva Theatre, Sydney, two talented New Zealand girls, Joan and B ttj Rayner, recently opened a special season for children, presenting folk dramas, dances and songs in their own inimitable way. The Raynrrs, who base their style
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  • 625 9  -  NURSE BRIDGET Mothercraft in Malaya by "INQUIRER" wants to know when his son should cut his teeth and how to treat him should he seem ill at this time. Some babies cut their teeth much earlier than others The age at which teeth are cut tends to be
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  • 389 9 Never a dull moment From an estate bungalow OUR chier humorist among the S.Cs. is always laughIng about something and it certainly is hard to be dull with him around! In fact to hear them all enjoying a joke is definitely good. We also have among our guardian band a
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  • 455 9 JOAN HERBERT tells you how to make a "miniature fairyland" YOU may not be a keen gardener in the true sense of the word, yet you would probably be intrigued and delighted with an indoor garden that would grow quickly under your very eyes. This particular kind
    455 words
  • 150 9 •pHE other day I saw a garment that for sheer magnificence would put Dior or anyone else you care to mention In that line In the shade. It was a Chinese Mandarin's coat. Made of crimson satin embroidered with butterflies and flowers, it had gold buttons and a lining
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 202 9 Malayan homes fashions r VHREE little maids from school are we" could be the theme song of these young Malays in their I costume of white baju and bright blue sarong. They »crt much admired by Felix Topolski, the artist nho was in Singapore recently. tired by the camera, for
      202 words
    • 108 9 In sandwiches, for cooking, or tor a salad lunch— Kraft's the first favourite. Buy it in the 12 ox. tin Sole agents in Malaya and Singapore for Kraft Walker products. COLD STORAGE Singapore Cold Storage Co.. Ltd. WM^Wm^^ Specially Recommended iHT/ (***** j^^KNH?flifl[XnH for Sweetening the ijPlp^^M^ Breath and Hgainst
      108 words

    • 815 10  -  ALLINGTON KENNARD Reviewed by UNBREAKABLE CHINA by Hsia Zohtsunjr (Published by G. H. Kiat. $5.50). "WHAT did you say TT in 1919?" an irate Australian legislator once demanded of exPremier Billy Hughes "It's not what I said then that matters", repliad the Imperturbable Bi'iy "It's what
      815 words
    • 314 10 AN excellent paraphrase for bridge players to bear in mind is: "Beware the pnemy bearing gifts!" West could have profited from this advice in today's deal. North, dealer Both sides vulnerable wee < The bidding: North East South Wrst no-trump Paso :< no-trump •'ass 1 club Pass
      314 words
    • 350 10  - Month for D. H. Lawrence addicts HORACE THOROGOOD a yHIS is going to be A a D. H. Lawrence month. Before it ends, nearly a million copies of his books will be on sale in the shops. Ten titles are being added to the Penguin series; Helnemann are reprinting a
      350 words
    • 283 10 rE folowing new books and reprints will be added to Raffles Library within the next few days: "The Science of Flight", O. Q Sutton. "Restoration Comedy 1680-1720" Bonamy Dobree. "The Ein&tein Theory of Relativity". Lillian R. Ueber. "Not without Honour: The Life and Writings of Olive Schreiner."
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 361 10 IAST jl Jfijk*ma 11-1.45-4 C*-^a3av«P Paaaaal DAY W >tft 6.30 A 9.30 Th* b,u,ng Sy of Unumm^ Won And a Smvagm WlMw—»! V^LaaiaaL Saa^aalaaaW. SXkT a^F i I fill I^aaaßT~* ji '■>• »»4»*i»<i *?o> 1,,, '"^■^Wrif)j|]F| r^^^aaaiaaafl i STARTS TOMORROW 11. 1.45. 4. and MJ p.m. Columbia's 75kvo <Joe IS
      361 words
    • 156 10 PAI KONG ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR (HINKSK STARS. IN A POWERFUL b SOUL-STIRRIN<> ROI.K J h St range fiA v YVall fttf/TJlJtyMm Slarrlnt Picture. WflMfiSimW P K(> Mandarin m BOOKING PLANS NOW OPEN FOR PREMIERE ON THURSDAY! 1 "^a^Laaaaaaaaaar You Will Live Every Intimate Moment Of This Great Motion
      156 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 291 10 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD u *0 Or trv to be colloquially rRftSCWfkDn V« t Q 1 No jtgn of courage from cheerful <5>. l/KUSSW UKU IXO. 18 bird (3, 5. 7). Jl. They arc found tn Jruit i I I. I I 'I- I I. I i, i i i 8
      291 words

  • 186 11 THE Singapore rubber mar- ket eased yesterday In anticipation of selling from Indonesia, whose currency has been devalued. Prices opened at nearly a cent per lb. below Saturday's levels but steadied slightly on some short-covering. Thereafter the market became quiet and somewhat uncertain. Closing; prices yesterday were: No.
    186 words
  • 84 11 From A Market Correspondent TNDONESIAN currency devaluation caused uncertainty in the Singapore produce market yesterday. There was hardly anything doing in coffee, buyers for Palembang 15% quoting $129 and sellers $134. Yesterday's prices (per oleuo were: Gambler $220 (round). $55 (Java cube). $55 (Hamburg cube). Pepper $865;
    84 words
  • 39 11 BRUSSELS, Mon. A TWO-YEAR agreement between the United States Government and Belgian Congo tin producers, for stock-piling, has been reported. The price has not been disclosed but Is believed to be slightly under market levels.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 135 11 SHIPS alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns in brackets) were: Main Wharf: Maron (31-32) Alclnous (33-341, Sllvana (36) Frlesland (38-39K Darvel (40) Oewang (41). Tarifa (42-43). Weat Wharf: Selandla (1-2). Glengarry (4-s>. Torrens (6-7), Benvannoch (8-9). Aeneas (11). Khyber (13-14). Orestes (15-18). I
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  • 396 11 From Our Own Correspondent LONDOxNf Monday. 'THE need for International action regarding tin is 1 urgent, in the view of a correspondent of The Financial Times. He discusses the prospects of the Tin Study Group reaching agreement at its meeting, which opens in Paris today
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  • 28 11 SINGAPORE, Mon., Mar. 20.— 5293.25 (op $0.75.) LONDON, Mon.. Mar. 20. Spot: £599|— £609;. Forward: £599f— £600; Settlement. £5991. Turnover, morning 140 tons; afternoon, 85 tons.
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  • 120 11 MALAY AN SHARES From Our Market Corres- pondent THE Malayan snare mar1 ket opened very quietly yesterday, though all sections were steady. Encouraging announcements were made of Tin share dividends. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association yesterday were: Bayer Bangrlo 14'Batu Selangox 74 Hong Fatt 90 Jei»pang 18/S
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  • 42 11 EVATT &c Co. announce tljese February rubber crops, in lbs.: Brunei Utd. Plant. 24,000 Changkat Serdang Est. 28.500 I Chermang Development 130,000; i Haytor Est. 13,281 Indragirt 52,000 Lunas JBst. 51,400 Nyalas Est. 49,000 Rivervlew Est. 138,000 iTapah Est. 70,995
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  • 271 11 BROOKLANDS SELANGOR IN his annual statement as chairman of BrookUands Selangor Rubber, Mr E. D. Money says that lUtMics showing the quantity of foam rubber produced in Malaya and elsewhere ao not seem to be available. "There is still a good deal of secrecy in regard to
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  • 118 11 From Oar Own Correspondent MELBOURNE, Monday. /^OODYEAR Tire and Rubber Company (Australia) anVT nounces a record net profit of £(A) 364,716 after providing £215,000 for income tax and £129,837 for depreciation. Issued capital is £1,050,00*. The company announces a record dividend of 25.3 per
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1246 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Irncorooratad in Wngaporef < BLUB FUNNEL LINE Carrier's option ta proceed via other ports te lead and discharge cargo. SAILINCS t. LIVERPOOL, CLASCOW, LONDON b CONTINENTAL PORTS: Due Sails P Sham Penana. A.n*js ror Liverpool Dublin 6 Clasgow C 11 Mar. 22 Mar. 23/24 Mar 25/26 Mar.n
      1,246 words
    • 371 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON. INDIA, EGYPT AND MEDITERRANEAN PORTS i'ooh P Sham Penana. Mount Davit 21/23 Mar. Mount MantfieM 28 Mar./l Apr. 2/3 Apr. 4/6 Apr Pros Monroe 13/17 Apr. 11/20 Apr Pres. Buchanan 25/29 Apr. 30 Apr /I May 2/4 May fO U.S
      371 words
    • 488 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS TO CONTINENT/ SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/U.K./ SCANDINAVIA CONTINENT Loading at Singapore. PoM Sw«tt«nham m/% "Sclmdia" Godownt 1/2 6 Penang for Bangkok. Hong Kong Saigon m/ rfi »br. Mar. 26 tor Colombo Ad«n. |«xJdah, Port m/% "Nordfar.r" due abt. Mar. 24 *J' d P«ma«utla), Malta Cenca m/t uTtE
      488 words
    • 1049 11 IfliU McAUSTER <Sc CO., LTD. < .f I t t J In^orpotaf** »V Sir^tpW t Telephone No. 59O6 KLAVENESS LIMB «MAK BUCKMALL te$ AMCfl|J $AN FRANtisc( LONDON, HAVRL ANTWERP, PORTLANO SEATUI ft VANCOUVII ROTTERDAM ft HAMBURC Accepting cargo for Central Soul CITT O» POONA American Port* lt/5fiSr j^ST^r 0U6 VIL
      1,049 words

  • 454 12  - TUDOR PRIDE HAS IMPROVED SINCE K.L. EPSOM JEEP May End Man O 'War 9 s Victories By /IAI.LOPING/ 1 Al. LOPING wide out on the second track, Tudor Pride (J. Donnelly) reeled off three furlongs in 40 seconds in his winding-up gallop at Bukit Timah yesterday. This four-year-old bay by
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  • 493 12 JAZZ Princess and Twelfth of August, two promising youngsters in the van Breukelens' stables, have trained on splendidly and it will not be long before they make their presence felt. Jazz Princess 'E. Donnelly) I thought went better than Twelfth of August iJ. Don- 1
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  • 226 12 QH.Q. TANGLIN defeated a strong Indian Assn. team by four wickets at Tanglin on Sunday in which two near-centuries were made. Indians' Ibrahim Isa carried his bat for 92 in a total of 181 which G.H.Q. passed with tour wickets in hand thanks mainly to Sweet
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  • 19 12 VIENNA, Mon.— Austria and Switzerland drew three goals each in a soccer international here yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 12 IKI MANTLK <J»nea) has ouly half a length to spare whet he comrs home first in the fifth race at Bukit Tlmah on Saturday/ Second In Sfirrr Star with Father's Pride third- Straits Timrs picture.
    35 words
  • 215 12 V.M.C.A. TENNIS THE Young Men's Christian 1 Association's first postwar invitation tennis tournament got under way yesterday when eight ties in the singles were played off. AU the matches were decided in straight sets with the exception of the tie between P. C. Laßrooy and
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  • 43 12 NEW DELHI. Mon— The Indian Polo Association team scored an easy victory over the Argentine team "La Conception" in the second of the series of exhibition matches In New Delhi on March 18. India won by ten goals to five.
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  • 64 12 The semi-finals of the Island Club championship played off on Saturday resulted as follows: S. I. M. Ibrahim beat P. Lee 5 and 4; D. A. T. Carson beat C. A. R. Bateman 2 and 1. The first round of the final will be played
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  • 186 12 RA.F. iTengahi thoroughly routed the Postal and Telegraph soccer team by nine goals to one in a Junior A2 league soccer game at Oeylang stadium yesterday. Had It not been for Thevarajan's courageous goalkeeping, the score would have been heavier. Early in the game rough tactics
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  • 104 12 CEYLON LOSE: BY INNS KARACHI, Mon. rpHE Ceylonese cricketers today lost their first match in Pakistan by an innings and 63 runs to a combined Sind and Karachi side. Forced to follow on with a deficit of 211 runs, they were aU out for 148 in their second innIngs a
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  • 144 12 It's Gussie Ribbon Now ALEXANDRIA, Mon. QERTRUDE (Gorgeous Gussie) Moran, a green ribbon flying from her blonde tresses, and veteran Adrian Quist of Australia won their opening round mixed doubles match yesterday in the Alexandria international tennis championships. Miss Moran and Quist, veteran Davis Cup player had little trouble beating
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  • 261 12 JOHANNESBURG, Monday. T<HE Australian cricket team maintained its un- beaten record since the war when the tour of South Africa ended today with a win over a South African XI by an innings an^ 8X runs. The South Afr'cans. all out for 49 in
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • 104 12 DUNEDIN, Mon. New Zealand narrowly averted an innings defeat by Australia on the last day of the unofficial Test hers, the match ending In a draw. Replying to New Zealand's first innings total of 231. Australia, who batted with extreme caution on Saturday, opened their shoulders
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 72 12 SYDNEY, Mon.— Dave Sands, Empire middleweight champion, having his first fight since returning from England, outpointed Carl Otaon In a 12-round contest here tonight. It was a close decision with both men showing signs of fatigue in the last few rounds. Spectators hooted and some
    Reuter-AAP  -  72 words
  • 54 12 KATONG Sajarah Sports Club beat the Indonesian "B," team seven-nil in a Junior 8.2 league soccer game on the 8.0.D. ground yesterday. It was a one-sided affair with the Katong team always on top. The scorers were Jalil (3) Aswan (2) and Ibrahim and Awi one
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  • 439 12 R.E 3; Ind. Recs 1. IJAD IT NOT been for an unfortunate accident to the Indian Recreation Club's goalkeeper, Narayanan, who had to leave the field for five minutes with a slight injury, yesterdays game at Jalan Besar between the Royal Engineers and the Indians
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  • 44 12 SOCCER: Snr. Lge: Rovers T Chinese Casuals. Jalan Besar; Jnr. A.1.: RNAS Sembawanj v OHQ Royal Signal* at CYMA ground; Business Hse. Gotnp: Stanvac v Straits Times at Geylang; Friendly: Tiong Bahru Rangers v Malayan Ariways, Fairer Park. TENNIS: V.M.C.A. champion ships.
    44 words
  • 25 12 TODAY: 12.25 a.m. (Bft. 6in) and 12.40 p.m. (,Bft. 9in>. TOMORROW: 12.45 a.m. i Sit. 7in i and 1.11 p.m. (Bft. sim. i
    25 words
  • 39 12 The Tiong Bahru Rangers wilj hold their second universal dinner at the Diamond Rest.uirant. Great World on Salurdav April 1 at 8.00 p.m. Members are asked to coolacl Mr. Hum Chun Hoong or Mr Tang Shee Wah.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 745 12 n.ANSIUKI) AI)S. t „imiiiie«i (i mi page e> Nirr\no\ vacant W^NTEIi «[ip:-ntir« nursc-dl»-■••ns*r in private clinir. Chines* ''ilrrts »"d S'd. VTT essential -»l"rv arror.ling !<■> qualification Bo\ Nc A9300. S.T. CTROPBAM Company requires (fivirrs of- i!» First clas» iviie Mrnographer (2) Asiatic ountant preferrably with nnwled*e of rubber and producp.
      745 words
    • 436 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. 'Continued from Pl*T, Col.t FOR SALE i GOLME7 COLOR KING PEN rrltaa in 3 colours but only one :[en $9 50 Chart Co. (P O Bo* 123- 3Q Robinson Rd Spore 100.000 WELL OROWN rj.l tional seedling stumps now 6 I month? old also 30.000— 16"x8" conical planting
      436 words
    • 75 12 I; ASK LIHDETEVES <«"«• LTD. j CONCERNING ALL YOUR TECHNICAL t T I PENANG £Jfe^ K. LUMPUR I IPOH ifEEp SINMPOR£ t J \~\WUntWBGW ~^Siq&^_J F CALIFORNIA "season trading co. 57 NiCH tTIEIT. SINOAPOM PHONE ***** R. I. REDS AUSTRALORPS «fe -W. LEGHORNS CHICKS Mt-ML. arrived from Australia by air
      75 words