The Straits Times, 8 March 1950

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 499 1 'Reform Demand By Churchill LONDON, Tuesday. 'J'HK Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Winston Churchill, speaking in the House of Commons today, demanded that a select committee be formed to examine the whole question of electoral reform. Mr. Churchill pointed to what he called the "electoral injustice" which gave the Liberals
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  • 64 1 ('APT. TCRKO" Westerling will appear in the Singapore District Court this morning and two charges will be preferred against him. This MM stated in a Singapore (Government announcement issued last nkht. Westerttac was detained in Singapore on the morning of Feb. 2tt. He i s
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  • 120 1 ATHENS. Tues. I ATE vote returns today j j gave the Conservative Populist i ßoyalist i Party a' rirrow lead in the Greek I parliamentary election. The Populists, headed by j th Deputy Premier and I Rorelgo Minister. Mr Const \ntin Tsaldarls. hid expecton an
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  • 171 1 Army Fire Destroys Laboratory CIRE destroyed a War De- partment laboratory at the 4U mile Pasir Panjang Road, Singapore, last night. The cause of the fire is presumed to be an electrical short circuit. The extent of the damage, according to an Army officer, is "a couple of thousand pounds."
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  • 44 1 JAPS MAY BE PAROLED TOKYO. Tues. Japanese i mln u als sent enced In Japan will be eligible for parole alt^r completing one-third of th«ir sentences. Creation of the parole system completes Gen. MacArthurs programme of cleRe c ut° y t0 War rlmi nals—
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  • 70 1 BIRMINGHAM. Tues.— The Rover Motor Company of Blrniingham said last night that it would demonstrate In a few days what is believed to be the world's first gas turbine motor car. Since the end of the war the company's engineers, closely associated with deve!?,P me nt
    AP  -  70 words
  • 31 1 CANBERRA. Tues The Army Minister, Mr. J. Francis said today that the Australian trials of Japanese on war crime charges should begin on Manus Island in midApril.— A.P.
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  • 38 1 MADISONVILLE. Texas Tues.— The Madison Sidewalk Cattlemen Association is tryin? to find "the world's happiest taxpayer" so they can fly him to Madisonvllle as guest of honour at the Annual Barbecue on June 1 —A.P.
    AP  -  38 words
  • 29 1 LONDON. Tues. Hyderabad state will be represented in the Central Indian Parliament as soon as the necessary laws have been promulgated. New Delhi Radio said today Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 265 1 PARIS, Tuesday. PHE possibility of a "Big Four" meeting including Russia will be discussed by the three Western foreign ministers when they meet .in London on April 12, an authoritative French source said yesterday. The French Foreign Minister. M. Robert Schuman. said the
    Reuter; AP  -  265 words
  • 38 1 LONDON, Tues. pKI.NCESS Margaret has 1 been taken ill with influenza, it was announced from Buckingnam Palace today. She will be unable to attend today's ceremonies in connection with the French President's visit.— Reuter.
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  • 23 1 VIENNA. Tues.— Fifty Italians from the province of South Tyrol arrived In Vienna today from prisoner-of-war camps In Russia.— A.P.
    AP  -  23 words
  • 181 1 THE Commissioner-General. 1 Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald yesterday paid tribute to the .services of Sir Alec Newboult the retiring Chief Secretary 'o the Government of the Federation of Malaya, who leaves Kuala Lumpur with Lady Newboult today. "As cnp of your puplJs I should like
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  • 19 1 NEW YORK, Tues.— Daniel Frlsch, 52, President of the Zionist organisation of America, died today.— U.P.
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  • 117 1 PERTH, W.A., Tues. THE Singapore smuggling racket was getting to the stage" of an industry In Western Australia, it was stated in Merredin police court by Mr. P. Connaughton, counsel for the Customs Department. Two men involved In the largest single haul yet made 29 Swiss
    AP  -  117 words
  • 72 1 BANGKOK, Tues. There |-were reports here that King Phumlphon Interrupted hi.s homeward 1 voyage because of his mother's illness and decided to return to Lausanne. If true, they mean that the coronation and marriage, as well as offlciation at the cremation of his brother. King Ananda.
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  • 59 1 BANGKOK. Tues.— Prince Wan Waithayakorn in a cable to the Siamese government is seeking to relinquish his post as Siamese ambassador in Wellington. Prince Wan's reason for wanting to relinquish his post is that "he has reached the retirement age limit. It is expected that he
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  • 110 1 PARIS, Tuesday. T»HE French President, Mr. Vincent Auriol, left p aris today for a three-day state visit to London He was accompanied by his wife and an entourage which included the French Foreign Minister. M. Robert Schuman. M. Aunol took cases of best vintage French
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  • 357 1 PRO-CHIANG NEWSPAPER ATTACKED THE Singapore Police are today looking for a "pale, x thin, shaggy-haired" Chinese, aged about 20, who yesterday walked into a Chinese newspaper oflice in Robinson Road and hurled a hand-grenade up the stairs. The hand-grenade did not explode and a 16-year-old compositor
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  • 29 1 COLOMBO, Tues— The former Governor-General of India. Shrl Chakravartl Rajagopalachari, is expected to open a carnival at the Jaffna Hindu College, North Ceylon, early next month.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 157 1 PAPER HAD TEN WARNINGS THE Singapore newspaper, Chung Shinß Jit Pao haj received 10 "warning letters' this year and 20 last year. Mr. tan Kok Chor. a director said yasterday. Mr. Tan said the letters had asked the newspaper to stop their antl-Communisfe policy. Mr. Tan who was ioraierly chief
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  • 73 1 SANTA MONICA. California. Tues.— Film sta r Errol Flynn's ex-wife filed a suit for full custody of their two children today and asked tor an increase in her allowance for the care of the children. She obtained legal custody of both children when sh« and Flynn
    AP  -  73 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 22 1 Vfp <fA]L 1 Tb> >i Df|H-i:u ■>> rime- fcwpei j P. H. HENDRY, ItWHIIK > 1% N«rth Bridre Rd., S'pora MAOt IH (NClAttt F!6
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    • 37 1 It s wise £>3 jJ tird that CJUWJI settles on a fly^ tOLI AGENTS tO*. »USM KAOIO BRIGHT RADIO Co. *0l ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE ■J \f\ It .ill vrJO <*""^t ir'^k. ~~*j A/ ways at* your service
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  • 230 2 ECA Stops "Money For UK Oil Plans WASHINGTON, Tues. ECONOMIC Co-opera-Administration officials yesterday told the U.S. Congress that "pending the hoped-for successful outcome" of Anglo-American oil negotiations, E.C.A. was withholding further financing of refinery expansion ■plans of British oil companies. Dr. O. C. Bransky, chief of E.CA.'s petroleum branch, told
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • 54 2 RACIAL QUESTION TO. BE STUDIED GENEVA, Tues.— The World Council of Churches is to send an on-the-spot investigator to report on the South African racial question. When the Council Central Committee meets in Toronto in July it will discuss proeress reports on racial relations In South Africa, Palestine, China, Malaya,
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 51 2 FOUR ROVER SCOUTS seen at the Boy Scouts' Association headquarters in London ready to start their hike around the world. They expect It will take them about fire years. They plan to work their passage across the Channel and then find odd jobs to pay their
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  • 170 2 LONDON, Tuesday. SERETSE KHAMA said in London last night that he had been "double-crossed" in his struggle with the British Government for recognition as chief of the Bamangwatos after marrying a former London typist, Rath Williams. He said the Government, which summoned him to London for "consultations",
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 54 2 ASMARA. Toes. THE United Nations commission sounding out public opinion on the future of the former Italian Colony of Eritrea today said that hearings would be suspended if unruly demonstrations were not stopped. The warning came after a crowd of women interrupted the commission's hearings with
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  • 38 2 CAIRO, Tues. U. S. diplomats from Washington and nine Middle East countries began arriving in Cairo yesterday for a "working level" conference on the implementation of U.S. Middle East policy. About 50 are expected altogether. A.P.
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  • 250 2 BRUSSELS, Tuesday. RIGHTING was reported from widely scattered parts of Belgium yesterday as campaigning for and against the return of King Leopold to the throne entered the final stages. Most fights started when the supporters and opponents of Uie King were caught smearing or tearing
    Reuter  -  250 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 2 RE GIN A POWISKEISA, plump 24-year-old Russian woman, was arrested by U.S. Army authorities in Frankfurt, Germany, as a suspected Russian agent. She was described as a confusion agent suspected of stealing secret documents. A.P. picture. <
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  • 85 2 KHARTOUM, Tues. OWEEPING reforms were outlined at the opening of the Sudan Legislature yesterday by the GoTernorGeneral, Sir Robert Howe, including measures for greater participation of the Sudanese people in the Government and more direct elections. The Legislative Assembly will be asked to enable members of
    AP  -  85 words
  • 240 2 BRITAIN IS ACCUSED OF TRUST BREACH LAKE SUCCESS, Tues. MR. Victorio D. Carpio, the Philippines delegate to the United Nations Trusteeship Council, charged Great Britain on Monday with a breach pf faith in connection with the British administration of the trust territory of the Cameroons. "We find," Mr. Carpio said,
    AP  -  240 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 890 2 COLONY OF NORTH BORNEO Electricity Sopply NOTICE. Th» Government of North Borneo is prepared to consider the Krant of an exclusive licence to a suitable operator for the supply of e'ectrtcal energy for domestic and commercial use to the towns of jesselton. Labuan, Beaufort. Lahad Datu. Tawau, Kudat and Papar.
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    • 238 2 GOVERNMENT OF NORTH BORNEO NOTICE OF SALE THREE BFFRIGEKATING UNITS 1. Tenders will be received by the Government Tenders Board. Jesselton, North Borneo, for the purchase of three refrigerating unit*, at present situated at Victoria, Labuan. in the Colony of North Borneo 2. The units are constructed by Messrs. R.
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    • 248 2 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY TENDERS (For particulars see Tender Keen, Ground Floor, Municipal OlDee) ELECTRICITY DEPA RTMENT Supply of:— (a) 2—7602 760 kVA Transformers B—soo kVA Transformers S— 3oo kVA Transformers s—loo5 100 kVA Transformers Ratio: *****/440 Volts. (b) 5—1,000 kVA Transformers Ratio: *****/440 Volts. Specifications and forms from Electrical Engineer's Office
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    • 215 2 MB 4^bW Glowing with health! Yes, both of them are She his taken) the strain of motherhood success-] fully and he is really a "bouncing; boy" because they have both been,] taking SevenScaS for quite a long' time now. Cod Liver Oil, and SevcnSeaS is Cod Liver Oil at it»,
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  • 341 3 CALCUTTA, Tuesday. ROMBS were reported to have been thrown in a predominantly Muslim section of Calcutta last night as the Indian Prime Minister, Pandit Nehru, conferred at Government House on the troubled Bengal situation. Police declined to disclose details of the reported incident—
    Reuter  -  341 words
  • 193 3 PARIS. Tiks ALL Paris undi-rground railway lines were opetoday dMpttc a Couim unlit-called transport the Ministry >t Public \v jrks and Transport said. liattic was slow and only ab >at 55 per rent o: normal. r. for not all available I wore running. About
    Reuter; AP  -  193 words
  • 105 3 LONDON. Tues ONE-TWELFTH of Britain's 1950-51 defence budget of f780.820,000 will go to the Ministry of Supply, which lponsors atomic research, it Was officially announced lerday. The nation will cut Service manpower in the coming year but overall defence costs wii; be nearly £21.000.000 higher
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  • 18 3 MADRID. Tues. Three thousand Spanish prisoners have been freed under a partial amnesty for Holy Year.-A.P.
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  • 131 3 'U.S. DELA Y IS AIDING REDS' THE United States has lost too much time In Asia By neglecting her decision to give effective aid to democracy, she is helping the advance of Communism. Thin view was expressed to the Straits Times on Monday by M. Jules Haag. managing editor of
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  • 156 3 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. DI'KMA has asked for economic and military assistance from the United States, and the State Department said today that it was reviewing the question of both military and economic aid to Burma, Siam, and Inrio-China. State Department officials recently
    Reuter; AP  -  156 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 3 RUSSIAN MILITARY personnel pay homage to the Russian soldiers killed during the war In East Germany and during the siege of Berlin at the 60-foot high memorial of bronze and marble in the beautiful Treptower Park in the Russian sector of Berlin. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 178 3 v\n«i)N. Tuesday. IN American mission to survey the economic needs of South-East Asia arrived yesterday in the middle of a controversy over whether aid to Vietnam should be channelled through the French or given directly. I The newspaper Ewor Viet- I namien editorially
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  • 27 3 WASHINGTON, Tues. -The United States Senate Judiciary Committee has approved a Bill to make registration of American Communists and officers of Communist front organisations compulsory.—
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  • 31 3 ISTANBUL, Tues.—Fourteen people were dead and 50 000 homeless today in the El Eskisehiv valley where severe flooding of the Porsuk River crumbled thousands of houses.— Reuter.
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  • 95 3 LONDON, Tues. r rHE Prime Minister, Mr. 1 Clement Attlee. said yesterday that the atomic scientist. Dr. Klaus Fuchs, convicted last week as a Russian spy, was employed in Britain's supersecret atomic plant because Nazi charges that he was a Communist had appeared to be unfounded.
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  • 53 3 MOIRA SHEARER, 23-year-old red-haired ballerina of "The Red Shoes" film and Sadler Wells BaUet, was married to Mr. l.udovic Kennedy, a young writer. The marriage took place in the Royal Chapel at Hampton Court Palace, Middlesex. Her gown has tight sleeve*, a"V neck and a high "Snow
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  • 104 3 LAKE SUCCESS, Tues.— Russia, Poland and Czechoslovakia yesterday walked out of a meeting of the International Children's Emergency Fund In protest at the presence of the Chinese Nationalist representative. The board had refused a Soviet motion to unseat the Chinese Nationalist delegate and postpone further meetings until
    Reuter; AP  -  104 words
  • 29 3 WASHINGTON, Tues. THE U.S. House of Representatives yesterday tentatively approved a bill granting statehood to Hawaii. A final vote will be taken today. A.P.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 175 3 Watenstedt-Salzoitter, (British Zone), Tues. DRITISH tanks and in- f antry arrived today at the Hermann Goering steelworks here, where 1,000 rioting workers prevented dismantling operations yesterday. The strength of the tank formations was not disclosed. The infantry numbered between 100 and 150. The worKi management
    Reuter; AP  -  175 words
  • 80 3 MANCHESTER, New Hampshire, Tues. Dr. Hermann Sander said yesterday: "I never had any Intention of killing Mrs. Borroto." Sander, wlio Is being tried ior allegedly murdering the cancer-ridden woman, said he called for a syringe on Dec 4 after he had looked at the oatient and
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  • 69 3 WASHINGTON. Tues-Bri-tain, France, the Netherlands, and the United States yesterday agreed on a plan designed to raise the standard of Hying in their Caribbean territories. The agreement calls lor development of tourist trade, establishment of improvements in a hurricane-warn-ing system, keeping trad' barriers' to a minimum,
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 235 3 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Tuesday. 'THE next move of importance affecting the rubber x market is expected to come from Indonesia, according to the Daily Telegraph today. Something will shortly have to be done both to strengthen the currency and Induce release of those accumulations
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  • 34 3 NEW DELHI. Tues. India voted in favour of Pakistan's admission to the International Monetary Fund, the Finance Minister, Dr. John Matthai, disclosed today replying to a question In the Indian Parliament. Reuter.
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  • 16 3 TOKYO, Tues.— Mr. K. K. Chettur, India's new Minister In Japan, arrived today.— Reuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 47 3 < RUBEROID I REELIAf BITUMINOUS ROOFING FELTS L AND DAMPCOURSES L- -J I arc available in jrffijfJM various weights ;^«K^f| I and qualities to I suit every 1 requirement, tir 1 V'y.. P PLEASE CONSULT US ON YOUR ROOFING PROBLEMS We also undertake the laying of this roofing.
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    • 235 3 SEND THEM A SCHOOL TUCK BOX Why not send a tuck box food parcel to your children at school? We give just one suggestion below Ask for others in our shops, or choosa your own. SPECIMEN PARCEL: 14 oz Milkmaid Condensed Milk 16 oz Keiller's Lemon Curd 16 oz Parkinson's
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  • 252 4 'Smallholders Do Wonderful Job* SMALLHOLDERS and estate owners in Malaya are doing a wonderful job not only in trotting production under way after the Japanese occupation, but in going ahead with research to produce an even better quality of rubber. This is the impression of Mr.
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 4 MRS. LORNA EGMONT HARE, daughter of Dr. Ansley Young, of Klang, who left Port Swettenham on the Agapenor yesterday for Britain. C.F. Larm picture.
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  • 54 4 Trom Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues.— S. K. Badra was this mornbig produced before Ungku Ismail i» the Police Court and charged with dishonestly retaining 14 stolen boxes •of DDT. powder, the property of the Johore General Hospital. Badra claimed trial and was remanded in Police
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  • 41 4 From Our Own Correspoadrnt JOHORE BAHRU. Tues.— Fcv allowing his house at Kulai to be used as a common gaming house, 68 year old Guan Sui Koon. was fined $60 or one month in the Police Court today.
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  • 72 4 From Oar Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Tnesday. WHEN Sukimi bin Haji Hassan, a 75-year-old Javanese, was found missing from his home, his relatives went out in search of him and found him dead under a coconut tree. F.vidence was given before the Coroner at Batu
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  • 191 4 Straits Times Woman Correspondent THE Y.W.C.A. hopes, with funds which are now being collected, to proceed with its Delta Road project— a centre for under privileged girls whose parents are employed in tndgtry. dudes an evening school and a club and It
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  • 144 4 New Force For Sakai Districts From O«r Staff C«iti»w*ai IPOH, Tues. AN organization called the Perak Aboriginal Areas Constabulary is to be formed in Perak co Police the remote areas in the State inhabited by Sakals. ThU body will be separated from the police force. The Perak Aboriginal Areas Constabulary
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  • 34 4 Frew O«r Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues.— Akbar Ahmad and Mokiar were fined $2 each today when they pleaded guilty to a charge of selling ginger water in a prohibited area
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  • 185 4 MR. LIM: DECISION IN TWO WEEKS A GENERAL committee meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners will be held on March 22, to consider and decide upon the appointment of a Deputy Water Engineer. After a two-and-a-half hour heated debate, the Commissioners at their last meeting on Feb. 28 decided by
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  • 44 4 From Our SUV Corresoontfeai KUALA LUMPUR,— Tues. On the eve of his retirement after 30 years service, Mr. U. Chelliah, Chief Clerk of the Malayan Railway Construction Department, was entertained by his office colleagues at a dinner at Knala Lumpur.
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  • 30 4 From Onr Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Mon.— Bail it $150 was allowed 30-year-old Arunasalam when he was charged in the Segamat Court with assaulting another Indian with a knife.
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  • 47 4 ON WAY TO HONG KONG BRIGADIER I. 8. JEHU, Editor of the Times of India, and Mrs. Jena, who arrived in Singapore yesterday In the Canton on their way to Hong Kong. Mr. Jehu is retiring from the newspaper shortly after 18 years service.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 111 4 IN the first two months of 1950 Malayan rubber exports amounted to 146,124 tons, of which 70,774 tons were shipped last month. Singapore exports of rubber in February were 38,426 tons. The Federation shipped 32,348 tons. February shipments Included 48.314 tons of ribbed smoked sheet 1.476
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  • 22 4 "THE Sarawak Government has donated $50,000 to the University of Malaya Endowment Fund. Yesterday the Fund totalled $2,514,328.
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  • 15 4 The Singapore Police Band will perform at Kulim Place at 5.45 p.m. today.
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  • 95 4 from Ov Staff Correspondent MALACCA, Tues. UEN who were arrested by the Kempeltai or imprisoned with ttoe late Rev. Father Francisco Manuel Massano will carry the coffin when the priest's remains are reinterred at Malacca tomorrow. He" died in Outram Road prison, Singapore,
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  • 271 4 'Couples Spending Night In Park 9 MR. V. Pakirisamy, a Singapore Municipal Commissioner for North Ward, has complained to the Municipal authorities that King George V Park, at the junction of Clemenceau Avenue and River Valley Road, Singapore, is being used "for clandestine purposes." He asked whether anything could be
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  • 179 5 Sir Patrick Is Pleased With Progress SIT. HOUSING rpHE speed and efficiency with which the Singapore Improvement Trust Is providing housing Impressed the Officer Administering the Government, Sir Patrick McKerron, when he visited S.LT. housing estates yesterday. He told the manager of the Trust Mr. J. M Fraser. that he
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  • 124 5 •THE increasing demands for accommodation by stud- < seeking English education have caused the Tung Vn° School in Katong to discontinue its Chinese sessions, according to its principal. Mr. Tp Hiong Eng. P •»i^'-ntion of the school as a Chinese school has been k' --""lf^d at his
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  • 69 5 Krom Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues DUE to appear last week on charges of violation of traffic regulations. Tan Boon Chong was absent when the case was called. Yesterday, he explained that he was iway in Kuala Lumpur and had forgotten about the case. Warning
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  • 75 5 From Our Staff Correspondent MALACCA, Tues.— New officers of the Ceylonese Association, Malacca, are: President Dr. S. Thambypillai. vicePresident, Dr. R K. Ponniah secretary; Mr. J. A. Vanniasingham, treasurer, Mr S A Richards, committee; Dr t' A. Venar, Messrs. E. Gulasekaram, J.A. Pillay, U. Thuraiappa. M. Nevaratnam
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  • 150 5 r.W.C.A, Katong Group's meeting St. Hilda's School. 4 p.m ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION, unveiling of memorial plaque by Countess Monntbatten HQS. St\mford Roid. 4.45 p m' lI MOR SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, rehearsal, Vi-ioria Memorial Hall. 5 p.m. CHINESE V.M.C.A.. 107. Selegle Foad. weight-lifting, 5.30 p.m.; rhess club: 7 p.m.,
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  • 62 5 r.n' S: Slr Patrick drops ln at Mrs s Ga»»tans flat (top) ln Fairer Park, during his tour of SIT housing estates yesterday. ABOVE: The O.A.G visits a coffee shop in Albert Street. The shop occupies the ground floor of a S.I.T. house. Accompanying Sir Patrick
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  • 272 5 Blind Children 's Home Planned From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. IT is hoped to build, in the immediate future a home for blind children in Johore with the Princess Elizabeth Dollar Fund, the former president, Lady Newboult, says in her annual review of the activities of the Central
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  • 84 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. THE Town Planning and Building; Committee of the Kuala Lumpur Municipality today proposed a bylaw to restrict the use of corrugated aluminium sheets on buildings visible from any street unless treated to remove glare The Municipal architect Mr. C.
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  • 348 5 POLICE TIGHTEN CURFEW IN S'GOR Clamp On Three Southern Areas rrom uur oiau correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE Federation Police today clamped a 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew over three entire police districts in south Selangor, Sungei Besi, Kajang and Kuala Langat. This is in addition to the curfews
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  • 124 5 I\R. W. J. Vickers, Directoi of Medical Services. Singapore, will study hospital facilities in the U.K. where he will spend part of his six months leave He will make this study in connection with development of the Colony's 10-year medical plan Dr. Vickers. who will be
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  • 81 5 An RAF. recruiting team will visit Province Wellesley, Selangor and Negri Sembilan between Mar. 15 and 24 to enlist 90 Malay recruits for th« RAP Regiment (Malaya) Enlistment is open to Malays between the ages of 18 and 30. The recruiting team will be &i Butterworth on
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  • 43 5 The Government of India has suspended the export of groundnuts. Sardar Jogindra Singh, the Indian Trade Commissioner In Singapore, said yesterday that the suspension was due to the increase In Internal consumption. The position. however, would be constantly
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  • 199 5 Rovers Take Over Orderly Duties From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A NTI-Bandlt Month vo**lunteers—Rover Scouts and men with first aid training took over orderly duties in Kinrara Military Hospital in Kuala Lumpur today. They relieved seven British orderlies who have gone to the Field Ambulance, who in turn
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  • 68 5 1 NAVAL Base constable, 2 21-year-old Chemat bin xiajl Ason was bound over for six months In the Second Police Court yesterday for trying to cheat an S.TC bus conductor of 15 cents fare. When asked for the fare Chemat said he had a "pass"
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  • 60 5 The first Malayans to go to VVestem Australia for training as student nurses, two Penan* girls. Miss Irene Oh (above) and Miss Joan Taylor (below), sail for Perth today on board the Maetsyuker. They were enrolled last year by the Royal Perth Hospital, and enter the
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  • 339 5 Corruption Trial Adjourned THE case In the Singapore 1 First Pistrict Court against Chief Police Inspector Mohamed bin Sidln, charged on three count* of corruption, was yesterday adjourned until today. The adjournment was granted midway through the hearing at the request of the prosecuting officer, Mr. A. V Wmslow, D.PP.
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  • 106 5 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. THE annual Ching Oay procession will take place tomorrow when the gods from the Chinese temple In Jalan Trus will be carried through the principal streets of the town during the day. After the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 213 5 MALAYAN AIRWAYS* DJAKARTA TWO SERVICES WEEKLY ON TUESDAYS FRIDAYS. FARE $155/66 lbs. Baggage carried free MANAGERS: MANSFIELD COMPANY LTD. TELEPHONE 5021 TELEGRAMS "TERBANB" P— 1 GOOD NEWS I INDIAN CARPETS j The Board of Trade, London places the import of carpets under OGL from 20.2-50 YOU CAN NOW SEND HOME
      213 words

  • 42 6 WE ALL TRIED It today anci «d understand why you rave Jver it AMM-I-DENT is now the (i mily toothpaste. YES Jane my car is fashionable and looks years younger since I up and fitted mv car IRESTONK white ftded km.
    42 words
  • The Straits Times Singapore. Wed.. Mar. 8, 1950
    • 614 6 The King's Speech opening the new session of Parliament has thrown rather less light on the political prospects in Britain than had been expected. It is true that the Speech announced "a limited programme of legislation.'' and that there is in this the intimation that controversial legislation
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    • 406 6 An article in this page today reviews Sir Alec Newboult's career in the Malayan Civil Service. It will be seen that in the years between the wars that career followed the normal course of an M.C.S. officer from juiior to higher posts, but the years since
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    • 64 6 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA KANGSAR, Tues. Malay scouts in north Malaya will train at the Hertslet Camp for the Wood Badge (Cub) from March 27 to April 1. Mr. E. H. SCott will conduct the course. Another course in preliminary training for Junior scouters in fcr»M will
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  • 433 6  -  HARRY MILLER By J^EARLY 30 years of work for Malaya will be behind Sir Alec Newboult, Chief Secretary of the Federation of Malaya, when he leaves "Carcosa" this afternoon with Lady Newboult for Cornwall and retirement. Thirty years is a long time to give to any country,
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  • Man in-the Street
    • 350 6 ONE hates to embarrass the authorities at a time like this, but there have been so many strange events recently that the ordinary man-in-the-street cannot fail to be disturbed; and to keep public confidence our authorities must be more alive to the realities
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    • 169 6 ON Monday, Feb. 27, my house and the adjoining five houses in Temiang Road, Seremban, caught fire at 1 a.m. I rang up the Fire Brigade and was shocked to learn that nothing could be done because our area was outside the Town Board limit. The houses
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    • 85 6 (~)N reading the comments In "On The Margin" today (Mar. 6), we should like to endorse the writer's comments with reference to the war cemetery at Kranji. However, the boys who died that we might live have not been forgotten entirely, and each year the Australia and
      85 words
    • 452 6 watched the final quick fall of Malaya to the Japanese, and with the end of the war In Java and the closing of South-West Pacific Command, his association with Gen. Wavell came to a» •nd. It was Inevitable that the Colonial Office should soon find an administrative post
      452 words
    • 256 6 AFTER having seen the creations exhibited by the Chinese Ladies' Association in Raffles Hotel, Singapore. I wonder why the title "Festival of Chinese Fashions" was used. The only thing Chinese about some of the models was the mannequins. I think it would have been more appropriate to call it
      256 words
  • 353 6 Two Old Houses ■THERE are not many IMMMM of the old colonial type left In Singapore, and it is pleasing to learn that at U.!st two of them have been savnl trom the usual fate of conversion into boarding-lun-.MS t>y becoming the official residences of members of
    353 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 649 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. MR- AMD MM- ARTHUR NEWARK II v. "Ruys" »th March. P.P.C. POSTUCTHWAITB-CANTRHJ Th' er*a««inent is •nnounrn hrlwwn Barry Vinci-nt, y^wnf** 1 «M of Mr. A Mrs. R N. ,ite of Beckenham. K^-nl »nd GlllUn O«rtrude. dn-iKIUM- of th« late M Cantrell and Mrs. Canti-Hl of SJnuapor*. IXJXDALF-BADENOCH At
      649 words
    • 135 6 CHARLIE KUNZ PilM Reetrds. »n»5 CHARMK KUNZ PIANO MEDLET No. D.S3 Intro. I don't fee me In your eyes any more; The Wedding of Lillt Marlene; Careless Hands; A. you're adorable; The Harry Ume Theme. »2»5 CHARLIE KUNZ PIANO MEDLEY No. D.91 Intro; The Echo told me a lie; Forever
      135 words
      80 words
  • 91 6 IRS YEE FOOK LOY Alias han Ah Teng. 7« years mother of Yee Cheok Wan, passed •way al the Oeneral Hospital j4sh m. 7.3.50 Funeral 9.3.50 ft p m. to Sacred Heart Church Bidadarl Cemetery. Honfrkonß. J^rdermion »nd Sarawak papers P I,EF. C CHECK CHAN, Managing of Mesers. Heng Lee
    91 words

  • 487 7 Govt. DailyPaid Men To Meet In K.L. From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. REPRESENTATIVES of the Federation's 50,000 daily-paid Government workers will meet in Kuala Lumpur next month to decide what action is to be taken to re-open negotiations with Government on a $2.30
    487 words
  • 120 7 From Our Stall Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. jUO one was deported from the Federation during January, but during February approval was given to deport 188 aliens and 10 British subjects under the Emergency Regulations. This brings the total deportations during the Emergency to 6.082 aliens and
    120 words
  • 26 7 Mr. D. W. Le Mare, Director of Fisheries, will talk over Radio Malaya frc/n Singapore at 10 o'clock tonight on fishing methods in Malaya.
    26 words
  • 96 7 fpHE two-week Singapore Blood Tranfusion Service drive which ended on Monday doubled the number of donors. A Government statement yesterday said that the campaign had again indicated the lack of sufficient response from the Chinese section of the population. The Director of Medical Services. Dr. W.
    96 words
  • 106 7 -His 7th Day As Driver N days after he had i l^ obtained a driving 11eence Koh Kirn Cheng tried < ut his car at 60 miles per )>. r "fi Keppel Road on Dec! Yesterday he was convicted Hi the Singapore Traffic Court and fined $100 and
    106 words
  • 43 7 Job unless he was 18. Teo Seng 16. altered the figure on his identity card to II He got the job. ■day. in the Singapore >istrict Court, he was fined $5 f6r making the j Mi -ation.
    43 words
  • 82 7 OFFICERS of the Canton, which arrived in Singapore, yesterday, say they had worse weather in the Bay of Biscay than they have experienced for many years. A woman passenger was thrown against her cabin door and lost two teeth. There were two other minor casualties which
    82 words
  • 87 7 MOHD Said bin Wahid, a driver attached to the 75th Motor Transport Company of the R.AJS.C. was charged in the Singapore First Traffic Court yesterday with having caused grievous hurt to a Chinese cyclist. Koh Yong Tee, when he drove his truck negligently and collided with Koh
    87 words
  • 84 7 THE Singapore Sixth Police Cuurt Magistrate, Mr. C. F. Seston, yesterday committed for trial at the next Assizes, a 10-year-old Indian girl. Tanamanl Perumalyi, on a charge o! murdering the 20-day-old baby daughter of her foster mother. It was alleged that Tanamani had thrown the baby
    84 words
  • 59 7 r VHE first pineapple packing factory financed and up crated by pine growers in Johore and Singapore has just been set tip at Scudai, Johore. With a capttat of half a. million dollars, the earn party Is equipped with the latest canning machinery and draws its
    59 words
  • 66 7 COUNTESS MOUNTBATTE N OF BURMA, bead of the St. John Ambulance Associ ation. pictnred vith the R*e Officer Malayan Area, Rear Admiral H. W. Faulkner. on her arriyal at Tengah a irfteid, Singapore, from Ceylon yesterday. Rear Admiral Faalkner is a personal friend of Earl
    66 words
  • Article, Illustration
    43 7 COUNTESS MOrNTBATTEN talking to Gunner Lon* bin Madin of the First Singapore Artillery Regiment in toe British Military Hospital a few hours after her arrival. Miss Stewart. Ward Sister, and Col. Chambers, Commandant of 8.M.H.. are also In the picture Straits Times picture.
    43 words
  • 194 7 'THE Singapore Municipal Commissioners have j decided to suggest to Government it takes steps to remedy the present serious fire risk situation in the Harbour Board area where there is no fire boat to tackle harbour fir*«s. This decision was taken when a committee
    194 words
  • 24 7 A British soldier recovered 10 machine guns from the compound of Bola Camp at Alexandra yesterday. The guns were rusty and unserviceable.
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  • 310 7 A STORMY debate arose at the election of officebearers of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce yesterday. Trade guilds representatives suggested that the general election should be open and not confined to voting from elected members of the General Committee. They were referred to the
    310 words
  • Article, Illustration
    18 7 MR. TAN LABK SYK. new president of. the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Straits Times pictore.
    18 words
  • 98 7 THIRD-year normal class student teachers saw the film "A Double Life." starring Ronald Culman. at Shaw's preview theatre in Robinson Road yesterday afternoon. The show was arranged at the request of the Singapore Inspector of Schools, Mr. P. S. Dempsey. and was made possible through the courtesy
    98 words
  • 61 7 Members of the St J< tin Ambulance Brigade. Singapore, will entertain the Lr<iy Superintendent-In-Chief of the St John Ambulance Eiigade. Countess MountbaMen of Burma, at a tea pa> afternoon at 5 o'clock in the Municipal Board Room. Tomorrow, members ol the Overseas League will boM ft
    61 words
  • 31 7 A meeting and a eonci it at the May fair Musical Dramatic A.ssociation today will mark Chinese Wouwn'i Day celebrations in Singapore. The meeting will start ;it 8 p.m
    31 words
  • 115 7 MR. Claude Massev, Australian Commissioner for Malaya, left Singapore yesterday for Kuala Lumpur. He will sail from Penang on Friday for Egypt where he is to be Australian Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. Mr. Maxsey said yesterday that he leaves Malaya with great regret.
    115 words
  • 205 7 Countess Mountbatten Arrives By Air POUNTESS Mountbat ten of Burma, Chief of the St. John Ambulance Association, arrived in Singapore yesterday o tour Service hospit: If and nursin? units in Malaya. She was met at airfield by the Flag Orfn r Malayan Area. Rear Arl H. W. Faulkner the Co',
    205 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 84 7 j re»t r^A Out Jet j) MODERN D SANITATION <atIBJECT TO MUNICIPAL APPROVAL IN V ~1 fciNGAPOREi AT LOW COST IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES EX. WORKS ENQUIRIES INVITED HUME INDUSTRIES (Far East) LTD. Singapore Kuahi Lumpur Pnu Our Most Experienced tuner m±Wßrzsm is always thorough in his service and gives B^* 1
      84 words
    • 70 7 Yaava a ROYAL DOULTON DINNER TEA SET 40 PIECE Usual Price 45.00 SALE PRICE $35.00 K.L. 535 00 DECORATED BONE CHSNA TEA SL. 21 PIECE Usual Price 25.00 I SALE PRICE $18.50 I.L SlB 50 MEAKINS DINNER SETS 32 PIECE Usual Price 29.50 I SALE PRICE $29.50 K. L 529
      70 words

  • 2314 8  -  WINSTON S. CHURCHILL By 'fllE eight days' voyage [to the United States in December, 1941] with its enforced reduction of current business, with no Cabinet meetings to :ittcnd or people to receive, enabled me to T>:inn in review the whole war as I
    2,314 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 138 8 STRAINS SPRAINS^C Hir LINIMENT XjjtS If! A touch af o>iu*zT» LJnune&t Motfe»S take* the ache and pain out V^^TWXbJl'l of itninrd muscle*. <^ond |^-> -^SS^nfflS far rbcuuutic pain. too. Lk^^T^' \W/ J^^^ Quick Relief troni SSm CHEST SORENESS R Y"^sj^ Bronchial Colds irWlMi?^^! OTt chcsl lhow !he P r<:scnce ot
      138 words
    • 220 8 FLY^ PAN AMERICAN TO Enjoy the finest in air travel at no extra cost! Luxurious Constellation Clippers* speed you to Calcutta, Istanbul and Brussels with coiwenient connections to all Europe. You fly in pressurized comfort high up above the weather. You relax in a comfortable reclining seat enjoy supeib food
      220 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 142 8 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD acrom 20. Sht U »n untldj Gemao CROSSWORD No. 9 L Out of bound, for psCIW m«retnar» Hi. tgwu I- 1 I 1, I I. I I. I 1, I I, 'I "*m 11 ssir oi ."-tow* ~i~i~i~ii~iiir y necemnr 14. Mimlt Hi 4 Ooei round UM
      142 words

  • 1911 9 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. February 28. JT is very hard to say what people here think ;«l)ont the quandary in which we have been lit t by the unatisfactory result of our general election. On Friday night, when all but the very
    1,911 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 66 9 /f^^ ■■^r^ k. 4^l W >9 .^Lbk -Cbp J| ■'•.■...™"^J ■<m pi .^B na 118 B ZZm m r a^Ls^L^^ y/ The Department of Social y< Welfare, Singapore, now has a jf fleet of eleven Commer'i Two 3 jf ton trucks and nine 25 cwt. vans. Models In Stock Now
      66 words
    • 366 9 P. 29 For^^yUz^taultless action choose MVTAC **KlM*y rotiiin* wana <n ill itiftt o» production ThtU ire <S« accepted M tfce freatest Mtooca iwmti deti|n ol recent "MUTAC"- SilTnt A.C. l C/?/° SWITCHES Dy (K&.L ADVT. OF THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO LTD OF ENGLAND SINGAPORE MALACCA KUALA LUMPUR PENANG PRESTGOLD W
      366 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 162 9 K. UniFUl torlals; *M 81be«u»; S.19 Report SINbAFOBI 9 55 a m U|]aie 10 Ncwa 10 10 tram Britain; 3.30 "Bandstand"; 10 a.m. News from Kl.; 10.05 £Se "LSS?^ t**"**^- Cantons; Close; 10.80 Schools; 12 Malay; John Hendrick; 7 43 Reginald 45 TH"* Masks"; T.U r ?i»Kf I iS* rf
      162 words

  • 574 10 Joint Committee Helps Restore Confidence In S. Kedah Village 3 KILLED, ONE HURT IN INCIDENTS From Our Staff Correspondent ALOR STAR, Tuesday. FOLLOWING two incidents in which three Chinese were killed and a young woman seriously wounded near Sungei Bunti village, 15 miles from Kulim, a joint Sino-Malay committee has
    574 words
  • 204 10 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. 4 PERSON who has filed a claim for denial, demo- A lition or seizure under the War Damage Ordinance, 1949, can now elect to withdraw his claim and apply for compensation under the Emergency or Defence Regulations,
    204 words
  • 168 10 GAVE 'TEA MONEY' TO SERGEANT From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. TONVICTED of offering $3.50 to a British police ser- geant as "tea-money" for UM release of her daugh'er who had been arrested for I possession of illicit samsu, a 44-year-old Chinese woman Pang Tan, a vegetable gardener, was
    168 words
  • 65 10 BOOKINGS open today at Robinson's for two symphony concerts to be given by the Singapore Musical Society on Friday, Mar. 24, and Sunday, Mar. 26, at the Victoria Memorial Hall, at 9.15 p.m. The programme includes Grieg's Pianoforte Concerto and Haydn's "Surprise Symphony." Soloist in the Concerto will
    65 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 10 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Tues:— Matron Beatty of Singapore, has succeeoed Miss E. A. Henderson as Matron of the Genera! Hospital, Johore Bahru. Miss Henderson has gone to England on leave. 4n artist's imyrwton of the new building.
    42 words
  • 37 10 Forty-year-ola Wee Ah CHeng, of Bain Street, pleaded guilty in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday to theft of five yards of cloth from a shop in Arab Street. Sentence was postponed to March 13.
    37 words
  • 52 10 From Our Own Coiresii- nU«r SEGAMAT, Tues.— Without calling for his defence, the Segamat Circuuit Magistrate acquitted and discharged Tan Cheng Swee, of Labis, charged with allowing; gaming Sn his house. Police stated that 13 were arrested in Tan' s house in a surprise raid Tan was however, not
    52 words
  • 53 10 MUAR. Tues.— Arrested at Parit Jawa for usiiig his car for hire, Quek Han Sim told the Muar Magistrate that the Chinese in his car was his friend while the four Malay women were his kampong neighbours who had borrowed the car. Quek was fined $25 or five
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  • 55 10 Foreign exports of Malayan tin and tin ore last month amounied to 4,419 tons against 6,370 tons in the preceding month according to official statistics. Last month's exports included 2,365 tons to U.S.A. 1,125 tons to UK.. 611 tons to Europe, 296 tons to the British Possessions and
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  • 156 10 Work Starts On SevenStoried K.L. Building From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. SEVERAL floors of a new building in Kuaia Lumpur, the foundations of which are not yet laid, have already been booked by "office hungry" firms. The building, to be sevenstoried and 80-feet high. Is to be erected
    156 words
  • 69 10 From Our Staff <Joi re.Hixindent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. ALLEGED to have declar- ed before a Kuala Lumpur Magistrate that his child was a male instead of a female, a 44-year-old Chinese, Chin Hoy Thotc, today appeared before Inche Maarof bin Sheik Ahmad in the Second
    69 words
  • 307 10 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Tues. PIECE of armour plating, a burst tyre and a twisted rim were some of the exhibits produced in the Regains* Court yesterday at the trial of 26-year-old Gerard Jean Noury, a Frenchman, charged wiih causing the death cf 18-year-old Mohamed
    307 words
  • 69 10 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Tues Chua Peng Hong was charged before the Kuala Lumpur First Magistrate with assisting in disposing of 22 cases of vinegar and 58 cases of margarine alleged to be stolen. The hearing was postponed one month when Chief Inspector Raja
    69 words
  • 54 10 PENANG LECTURE From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Tues.— The Rev. Fa Fong, Buddhist preacher from Ceylon now on a short visit here, will speak on "Buddhism In China" at 6.30 p.m. on Saturday at the Penang Euddhist Institute. This lecture will be followed by "The Teachings of Lord Buddha" by
    54 words
  • 46 10 From Our Own Correspondent MUAR Tues.— Lim Teck Chye, a motor cyclist, was fined $20 or 10 days' hard labour and $25 or a further 12 days' gaol on charges of riding his motor-cycle without a licence and riding it In a negligent manner.
    46 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 230 10 11 a.m.: II.V 4.15: 6.45 930 p.m. TOMORROW! 9m **s*^ ■r THE MOST PRAISED PICTURE OF THE YEAR! Selected as Picture Of the it a Month by Seventeen .Magazine. i i ||i Look Mag a 1 1 nf Esquire Maearinr and many morr 9) A Pirture with su< h humour
      230 words
    • 201 10 LAUGHS APLENTY! TODAY i iffil I 111 1M.45-4 DAILY f TK*" 6.30-9 30 Com* and join tht Merry Throng What a bride Cary makes and Ann is torn* groom! It's specially mad* for laughs aiTK*! JU v y jm IS, J|| Jy^ > Jm%L GRAND OPENING TODAY 11 a.m., 1.45,
      201 words

  • 335 11 LONDON, Tues. REACTION to the King's Speech in Parliament was little in the London I Stock Exchange yesterday. Absence of any reference to nationalisation brought quiet steadiness to Iron and Steel shares and gains of a tew pence to others scheduled for Government takeover. OUt-edged stocks were uncertain
    335 words
  • 717 11 From Oar Market Correspondent THOUGH London showed slightly more interest, A Malayan Tin shares remained quietly steady and unimpressed yesterday. Industrials were again firm. Fees quoted by the Mai Sharebrokers' '-s.«ociayesterday were: INDUSTRIALS Buyer Seller AUa» Ice 11 90 U 25lD«O •Jex. Bricks Pref 3. 40 t.N
    717 words
  • 30 11 TIN PRICES SIN'GAPOrtE, Tiies., Mar. 7-4290 (down $0.50). LONDON. Tues. Mar. 7. Spot: £599 i— £600. Forward: <£588 i £588 i Settlement: £599}. Turnover: Morning: 40 tons, afternoon 50 tons.
    30 words
  • 209 11 Singapore Rubber IN sympathy with New York rubber prices In Singapore showed an improvement of about three eighths of a cent per lb. yesterday. A fair amount of business was done on a quiet market. There was also a fair amount of consumer demand. Closing prices yesterday <\ere No. 1
    209 words
  • 98 11 From A Market Correspondent SMALL business was done In coffee yesterday at 1138 per picul for Rio 5 with further sellers. Copra was steady with buyers at «38 per picul and sellers at $38 V Coconut oil buyers quoted K9% and sellers »6l per picul. Yesterday's uric*
    98 words
  • 23 11 ■pEBRUART tta-ore output figures of companies under the management of AngloOriental (Malaya) will be found among the notices in page a.
    23 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1316 11 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. i mcdrVxaved *i Singtjpote) BLUS FUNNEL LINE CaniOT •#•»>« to pratoia «ia oMe« ttetts to mm and discharge cam SAILINCS to LIVERPOOL CLASCOW. LONDON ft CONTINENT AI POUTS: Due Sails P Sham Panang Ag*p«r«M tor w«noa M settles Liverpool Clasgow Mar. 7/8 Mar. 9/10 Medon for
      1,316 words
    • 361 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NIW VOW *^»O|TON A Y^ NCN CE i n.ON. ,NO,A ICYPT ANO S'oora Sham Penang «> OS A.. PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC POtTJ Pree. l«*nnon 2* Mar/2 Apr 27 /2J Mat AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD. ONION •UILDINO Ta 1821 Part Swettenham ft Penang Agenh: Sime, Oarby ft
      361 words
    • 469 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE BAILINGS TO CONTINENT/ SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK./ SCANDINAVIA. CONTININT. Loadinf at Sineapore. Port Swettanham Penang »a/t "Nordtarer- d.c abt. Mar. 19 -Fahtria dy. abt. Mar. 25 for Colombo, Aden, leddah. Port m/s Meonla" do. abt. Mar. 20 Said. Cenoa. Marseilles. London for B*ngfc£k. (passengers only). Antwerp, Rotterdam Hamburg.
      469 words
    • 910 11 McALISTER (Incorporate* Telephone ELLERMAN «t BUCKNKLL LONDON. HAVRt. ROTTIROAM HAMBURC CITY OF POONA S'pora P. Sham Penang 11/UApr. 7/10 Apr. 19/20 Apr. 17 Apr. CITY OP LILLE y May. P. S ham: Harrisons a Crosheld <M| Ltd P«nang: McAkster ft Co., Ltd. BOUSTEAD < Lloyd /> Ticket Agents for CLEN
      910 words

  • 1043 12 FOUNTAIN LADY BEST BET FOR TODAY Batti II, Bonnie Grey Fancied By EPSOM JEEP PENANG, Tuesday. f\NE OF THE most consistent Class 5 horses, Fountain Lady is my best bet at Penan* tomorrow, the second day of the Penang Turf Club Spring Meeting She has finished out of the first
    1,043 words
  • 211 12 F arelf Boxing Semi-finals \K ORE than 400 people witnessed the eight semi-nnal bouts in the F.A R.E.L.F. boxing championships at Tanglin Gymnasium ' nigh i More semi-finals will be decided tonight and on Friday night th* final- will be staged at the Happy World. Results last night were: Flyweight:
    AP  -  211 words
  • 42 12 T*HE University of Malaya Beat the Johore College by four goals to one in a game of soccer played at Bukit Timah yesterday The scorers for the University were: Ton Yon. Thiagarajah (2i and McCoy: for College Arm.
    42 words
  • 36 12 Singapore Cricket Club soccer team to meet 223 BODCA second eleven on the padang today at 5.15 p.m. will be:— Lloyd. Chatwin, McLelsh. Sirange. Hamilton. Harris. Hill. Bromham, E. Taylor, Mathot. O. Taylor.
    36 words
  • 122 12 BEST BET EPSOM JEEP CALL BOY POINTER RACE 1: 3.SI MISS I.INOR New Era Baroness NEW ERA Baroness Spotlight BARONESS Rainbow New Era RACK <: «.M MUSKETEER Bright Mengsenr Te Takl B. MENGSENO Te Takl Lena Dear TE TAKI Bright Menfttnf Muskrteer RACE 1: IM FOUNTAIN LADY Sheffield Plate Alpha
    122 words
  • 84 12 The Singapore Amateur Boxing Association's Intermediate Boxing tournament will be held in the Happy World Stadium on March 22. i 23 and 24. This tournament Is run for| amateurs of all weights who 1 have not won an "open" box- ing event. The entries close on March
    84 words
  • 411 12 LONDON. Tuesday. MANCHESTER UNITED, eliminated from the Cup competition, can now concentrate their efforts on winning the Football League championship, which they at present head with a better goal j average than Liverpool. j They are faced with a stern k task on Saturday when
    Reuter  -  411 words
  • 161 12 R.A.F. Tengah were held to a two-all draw by Cosmos Sports Club In a Junior B 2 league soccer match on the C.V.M.A. ground yesterday. The result was no lndlcatio i of the run of play as RAF. were always attacking, but missed their chances
    161 words
  • 673 12 BIG SWEEP: Race Six. Race 1—3.30: Cl. 5, Div. 2—6 Furs. 000 Eastern Girl Flannery 8.12 Mr. Cheok Eng Joo Daniels 030 Mis« Linor Ayres 8.11 "Coronation Stable" Yong 400 Rainb«w Wahab 8.11 'Green Kongsi 1 Yong 040 Royal Ea«le J. Donnelly 8.06 Mr. Wong A Mdm.
    673 words
  • 191 12 pIFTY-ONE hockey players from Malaya and Hong Kong Districts will arrive in Singapore this morning' and tomorrow respectively to compete in two FARELF competitions starting this evening. One of the traingular competitions Is between teams representing the Hong Kong. Malaya and Singapore Districts for
    191 words
  • 76 12 SOCCER: Senior league: Tiger S.A. v Royal Engineers. Jalan Besar stadium; Jnr. BS: Spore Medical W.l', t 4th Supply Re D (RASC), Geylang; jnr. Al: RNAS Sembawang v 30 Bn. RAOC, I'VMA ground; Friendly: B.C.C. v BODCA, |>adanc; 'dJt.C. 'A* v Jollilads on S.R.C. padang. MONTGOMERY. ALABAMA. Tues—
    AP  -  76 words
  • 22 12 TODAY: I.OS a.m. (9ft. lln.) and 1.28 p.m. (9ft. 6in.). TOMORROW: 136 a.m. <»Ic. lin.) and 1.14 p.m. (Bft. »tn.).
    22 words
  • 445 12 Indian RC 1; Rovers 0. IN ONE of the best Singapore Amateur Football Association Senior League games played this season, Rovers who included four Colony men in their team and had great hopes of winning were upset by Indian Recreation Club at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday.
    445 words
  • 110 12 THE Social Athletic Party, after holding the Cheerful Lacjs in the first half to a one-nil margin, crumbled after the interval to lose by five goals to one in a Junior B 1 league game played at Geylang stadium yesterday. Cheerful Lads' only goal of
    110 words
  • 222 12 LONDON COMMENT A SPECIAL correspondent of the Lor don Sunday Times, reporting on Won* Peng Boon's victory over Poul Holm in the men's singles final of the All-Eng-land badminton championships at the Empress Hal!. London, on Saturday, comments: "Wong Peng Soon, in beating the
    222 words
  • 219 12 The Royal Singapore Goli Cvi > Men's March Medal romp 111 n (Stableiord) was played at Btlkil Tlmah on Saturday Sunday and resulted in a win for F. L. Lane ;:i ■A Division with a store of 37 and a win for N. de C.
    219 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 467 12 claJhikiuj ads. nu?d (rom page 8) Al OMMODATtON VACANT i o IXT: r>'p Wmk of 4 it 6 iproximate 2.400 Apply Box No. A9141. S.T. ILY FURNISHED house In ixl Road to let (or 6 month* from the M June. No children. reply Box No. A9158. S.T. BEACH HOLIDAYS: "Sunshine
      467 words
      34 words