The Straits Times, 4 July 1949

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Article, Illustration
    286 1 Reds Blamed For London Dock Chaos LONDON, Sunday. A CALL for secret service units to track down Communists encouraging the crippling London dock strike was made today by Mr. Robert Mellish, Labour M.P. for the dockland area of Rotherhithe. Mr. Mellish said this after an on-the-spot investigation, with three fellow
    Reuter; AP  -  286 words
  • 172 1 Canberra, Sunday. "ft IK. J. B. Chifley, Australian Prime Minister, said today that his country's whole economic life was approaching complete disruption and unemployment was widespread because of the week-old .coal strike. Almost 500,000 workers have been thrown out of work by the strike of 23,000 miners
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 119 1 BERLIN, Sun. A GROWING anti-Russian underground movement In the Soviet zone of Germany was reported yesterday by a West Berlin newspaper. A Leipzig dispatch to the British-licensed Sozial Demokrat said 473 people were arrested by the Soviet secret police for underground activity in the Soviet
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  • 43 1 SHANGHAI. Sun.— No less than 46 Nationalist divisions or a total of 424,000 officers and men were put out of action by the People's "Liberation" Army in offensives during May and June, according to a communique Issued In Peking today.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 138 1 Japan An Anti-Red Bulwark' TOKIO, Sun. /COMMUNISM was branded \j as "national and International outlawry" by General Mac Arthur today. He asked whether Communists should any longer have the Drotectlon of the laws of the democratic nations they seek to destroy. His statement, i#sued on the 'ye of the American
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  • 73 1 WASHINGTON. Sun. rpHE Reconstruction FinX ance Corporation (RFC) is to close two Gov-ernment-owned syntbetio rubber plants in California. They are a butadniene plant, operated by Standard Oil of California, and a copoler plant operated by Goodyear. The RFC chairman, Mr. Harley Ilise. said the use of
    AP  -  73 words
  • 183 1 SHANGHAI, Sun. /CHINESE Nationalist oomb1 ers struck Hum imes at Shanghai today in a determined bid to isolate the city from the outside world by wiping out the Chenju wireless station in a north-west suburb. They failed to put the station out of action though about
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 113 1 rM BELGRADE, Sunday. I ml r g atta< on Russia's policy of "dictation," told«S%!r the Vu oslav Politburo yesterday Jt Yugoslav people that they were sufficiently communists In the Yugoslav Army, the Deputy Minister of nc Col Gpn v »n Goshnjak. said the Comlnform's economic
    UP  -  113 words
  • 158 1 WASHINGTON, Sun. A LEADING U.S. Senator last night warned administration leaders to ease their demands for early action on inns for Europe or risk j •serious trouble" for the I North Atlantic defence pact. The Senate opens its debate on the 12-natiun antlnggresslon trt ty
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 1 Ltf. GEN. F. W. FESTING who has arrived m Hong Kong from Britain to assume his new appointment as General Officer Com-manding-in-Chief m the Colony. General Festing travelled by way of Singa pore, where he had consultations with Gen. Sir Neil Ritchie, Commander-in-Chief, Far East Land Forces.
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  • 43 1 LONDON, Sun.— Forty Salvation Army commissioners from all parts of the world completed a two-week conference yesterday at which a "world strategy" was evolved. They decided that work in non-Christian countries of the East and Africa must be enlarged.— AJ.
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 1 THE NEW FKiAllsi-S of the uon£itong and £>nanghai bank in Orchard Road, Singapore, which were opened on Saturday by the Commission er-Generr.l, Mr. Malcolm MacOonald. Str alts Times picture.
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  • 333 1 Special Area in Selangor N.S. From Our Staff Corresponden L KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. WITHIN 24 hours of clamping down a curfew on 18 towns in a 3,000 square mile area covering districts in Negri Sembilan and Pahang, the Federal Government decreed today that parts of Selangor and Negri Sembilan adjacent
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  • 44 1 LONDON Sun.— The Board of Trade has decided not to Issue any more import licenses for Japanese grey cotton and rayon cloth until the dollar situation has been clarified by a new sterling area-Japan arrangement with the Allied authorities in Japan. Reuter.
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  • 34 1 NSW DELHI. Sun.— The South African Indian leader, Dr. Y. M Dadoo, said today that the fate which overtook the Jews in Hitlerite Germany awaited the Indians In South Africa.— Reuter.
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  • 66 1 LONDON, Sun.— Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, India's Health Minister, spent this weekend as guest of honour at the 50th anniversary celebrations of Sherborne School for Girls, where she was educated. '-h flew over from the International Health Conference at Rome to fulfil a promise made to the
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 220 1 British Govt. Stocks Rise LONDON, Sun. AS the British Chancellor, Sir Stafford Cripps, returned from his "victory" at the Paris conference, British Government stocks showed a small rise. But misgivings remain and are freely voiced. Government stocks remain well below th« level of a week ago. The financial editor of
    Reuter; UP  -  220 words
  • 41 1 B ATA VIA, Sun.— The Sultan of Jogjakarta, today asked diplomatic corps representatives and the United Nations Commissior for Indonesia to attend the return of the President Di. Soekarno and the Prime Minister Dr. Hatta on Wednesday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 43 1 If "ff'ff Jirsf Choice Only the very finest birds are sold by Cold Storage. Our suppliers in Australia grade poultry according to size and quality and only TOP GRADE bird* are sent to us. DitoJc Chicken, an 43n^ SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD.
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    • 6 1 I [U.S. Aid Plan: Page S]
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    • 49 1 DISTINCTIVE JEWELLERY By European Craftsmen m H. SEN A LTD. Penang. Bangkok A SHuap"t« Are tfcu award *jl that the Tiger Brewery^ V^^ifev^W ty giving employment 'c^jTSJ' fj^r^ 1 Malayans and by V I J M supporting Malayan xSk J Industries, contributes greatly to the prosperity -w of Malaya.
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 316 2 WASHINGTON, Sunday. gPY investigators for the Un-American Adtivities Committee say that the entire American Communist Party is set to go underground if its leaders now on trial in New York are convicted. One member says that the Communist Party began planning for secret operations
      AP  -  316 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 2 MX. BRIAN, V. RHODES, President of the Negri Sembilan Sessions Court, and president of the Negri Sembilan Cricket Association, who is going on home leave shortly. Happy Studio picture.
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 2 THE EVIL Mat is waiu-d off in a Seremban Indian vegetable garden by this black earthenware pot painted with white spots. This is one of the various devices employed by Indians and Ceylonese in Malaya to preserve their households from evil. Another is the paintIns; of black dots on a
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  • 212 2 CALL FOR HEAVY BOMBERS CHICAGO, Sun. rE U.S. Air Force Chlef-of-Staff. Gen. Havt Vandenberg. yesterday told American airmen In their biggest reunion since the war that the U.S. must have heavy long-range bombers ready for action In the first stages of any conflict. Gen. Vandenberg said: "In order to win
    AP; UP  -  212 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 197 2 PW D. TENDER NOTICE lenders will be received at the Office of the State Engineer, P.W.0.. Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, up to 13 noon of the 12th July. 1949, for the:— CONSTRUCTION OF (30) TWENTY MARRIED BARRACKS AT BIRCH ROAD. KUALA LUMPUR. Plans and Specification may be •fen and all particulars
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    • 1012 2 NOTICES UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG NOTICE Completed Applications (or Admission In September, 1949, Into the Faculties of Medicine and Engineering of the University of Hong Kong, must be In the hands of the Registrar by July 30, 1949, at the latest. B. MELLOR Registrar. H.M. DOCKYARD, SINGAPORE SALE BY TENDER
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    • 365 2 NOTICE? INSURE AND BE SECURE Consult RUBY GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY. LTD. Phones: 5983, 5984 A ***** (Manager's residence) Patrons kindly note CHANGE 0< TELEPHONE NUMBERS. NOTICE Please note that as from Ist July, 1949. our Paper Salesman, Mr. Blm Joo Lee, has left our service and he Is not authorised
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    • 684 2 NOTICES "~NOTICE~ TENDERS an Invited by the War Department for Bcnv?nglng Services for the Military Unite In Singapore for period Ist August 1949 to 31st Mar-h 1950. Forms of Tender and conditions of contract may be obtained on application from ADST HQ SINGAPORE DISTRICT, Fort Canning Singapore from Oth July
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    • 156 2 SHIPPING NOTICE HOLLAND EAST ASIA LINE S.S. "MEERKERK" due MflgWlTi! pbOvU 15th July. 1949. loading cargo alongside S.H.B. wharves for: Aden/Port Sald/Alexandria/Genoa /Marseilles Tangier /Barcelona/ Antwerp /flotterdam /Amsterdam/ Hamburg For cargo and particulars please apply to: NEDERLAND LINE ROYAL DUTCH MAIL Agents: Holland East Asia Line. 41, Robinson Road. Tel:
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    • 68 2 WHERE YOU REGISTER FOR A VOTE 1. General Post Office 2. Victoria School, Jalan Besar 3. Rangoon Road School 4. Ceylang English School 5. Outram School 6. Old Government Trade School, Scotts Road 7. Serangoon English School 8. Kampong Melayu School, jalan Eunos 9. Government Welfare Clinic, Changi Village 10.
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    • 188 2 THE HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation has pleasure in announcing that a new office ef the Bank, known as "Mac Donald House," Orchard Road, Singapore, will be opened for business as from Monday, 4th |uly, 1949. ALL TYPES OF BANKINC BUSINESS TRANSACTED. PUBLIC SAFE
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  • 201 3 WASHINGTON, Sunday. A GROUP of U.S. Senators planned yesterday to challenge the State Department's China policy with a multi-million dollar programme of military and economic aid for Chinese Nationalist armies. Senator William F. Knowland told a reporter that a "large number" of Senators—
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 3 MEMBERS of the Johore Postal Employees' Trade Union photographed at Kluang during the onion's inaugural meeting.
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  • 281 3 IMPUDENT, SAYS MR SINGAM I i>-n Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. lUic Drcsiri'-nt nl the Selangor Regional Indian C mgress. Mr. N. T. R. Sin gam said yesterday tnat he WU "shocked at the impudence" of some Indians who w.inted to participate In the p ilitical life of Malaya
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  • 71 3 HAMBURG, Sun. A violtnt campaign has begun in Hamburg press against t^e dismantling of the Blohm a:.d Voss shipyards, where imny of Germany's warshios and liners were built. rhe dismantling has been kg on for a long time but 1 ur of Hamburg five newsp pers have
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 64 3 SKINAGAR, Sun. The United Nations Kashmir Commission is understood to have taken a final decision on the next step to settle the Kashmir question at a twohour session here today. A special United Nations plane carrying two sealed envelopes intimating the commission's decision to the
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 60 3 SHANGHAI, Sun— A demand for an early peace treaty with Japan was issued today by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party It called for the establishment o' a joint front by the Chinese and Japanese people to oppose the long occupation of Japan by
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  • 67 3 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, .Sun— Mr. J. S. Cunnyngham Brown has been appointed Commissioner, Lands and Mines, Johore. He relieves Dato Wan Idrls who will thus be enabled to devote all his time to his position as Deputy Mentrl Besar, Johore. Mr. Cunnyngham Brown was
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  • 145 3 I TODAY PHILLIPINES INDEPENDENCE DAY, third anniversary celebrations, Thanksgiving High Mass, Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, 8 a.m.; luncheon party. Prince 1 1 p.m.; dance, Adelphi Roof Gard-n, 8.30 p.m. T'N'T Monday Morning Market, Presbyterian Church Hall, Orchard Road. 8.30 a.m. to noon. Y. W. C. A. INTERNATIONAL
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  • 140 3 U.S. Editor's Apology To China Staff SHANGHAI, bun. SHANGHAI'S most discussed labour squabble took a fresh turn today when Mr. Randall Gould editor of the American-owned Shanghai Post and Mercury, oo'iiplled with orders of Communist 0.-icials »-'d f or injuring lour workers who besieged his apartment. He stated in notices
    AP  -  140 words
  • 80 3 NANKING. Sun.— rhe Nanking Peoples Court. ;n one of Its first major decrees ruled that the practice of Chinese parents selling their daughters into prostitution was "absolutely illegal." The court told jwners of brothels that they have no right to demand payment of loans
    AP  -  80 words
  • 42 3 From Our Own Correspondent BENTONG, Sun.— For managing a house used as a common gaming bouse, Tee Chor (37) and Chin Hon (51) were convicted and fined $50 each with the ootion of one month's hard labour each.
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  • 194 3 MR. C. Tharmalingam, senior trade union officer, has returned to Malaya from Britain after a six-months' intensive bourse in trade union principles. The first senior officer In the Trade Union Adviser's Department, Federation, to go on such a course, Mr. Tharmallngam said he was given
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  • 52 3 RANGOON, Sun. Ara.ianese insurgents near eastern Pakistan have occupied the' imnnrtant river towns of Ponnagyun and Myohaung, 16 and 40 miles respectively from Akyab port. Mingin, 70 miles from the Assam border, fell to the antiGovernment "White Band" People's Volunteer Organisation after a three-day
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 152 3 PRAGUE. Sun /"iHURCH and diplomatic sources said today that peasants armed with pitchforks and clubs \rdlng Roman Uatho5 to shield them from Communist police. i Newly Imposed diplomatic travel restrictions prevented cmPrmatlon of these reports from the intensely Catholic i eastern province The best possible sources
    AP  -  152 words
  • 171 3 U.S. MAY RESUME AID TO INDIES THE HAGUE, Sunday. DR. Alan Valentine, retiring head of the Marshall' Aid mission to Holland, said yesterday resumption of dollar aid to Indonesia stopped last Decem- ber when the Dutch "police action" began there— was under discussion. Economic help was badly needed in Indonesia,
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  • 69 3 ROME, Sun. The World Health Organisation's second assembly ended today with the adoption of a U.S. 1 $18,000,000 programme to combat disease and its causes throughout the world in 1950. Malaria, tuberculosis, and for the first time mental health, are high among priorities on the
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 78 3 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Sun.— Three Chinese recipients cl King's Birthday honours are being entertained ia> dinne? by the members of the Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce and representatives of the various guilds anc associations in Ipoh at tht Chamber premises or Wednesday. "he
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  • 212 3 Turf Club Sweeps For Welfare From O:r St.'fT r CO ndtnl KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. SPECIAL sweepstakes run by turf clubs are likely to be a feature of the Federation's Welfare Week to tw» organised by the Central Welfare Committee next month. The Selangor Turf Club has already agreed to make
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  • 76 3 From Our Own Correspondent BENTONG, Sun. Special constables of Peng Ann Estate, Bentong, under Sgt. R. W. Jennings were presented with a shield lor general efficiency at a ceremony in Bentong. After the C.P.O. Pahang, Mr. J G H. Brett, had addressed the special constables, the C
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  • 268 3 Policy To Neglect Malacca -Acton From Our Staff Correspondent I MALACCA, Sun. 1 MR. C. Acton, Settlement Councillor and retiring president of the 1 Ma'acca Chamber of j Commerce, said last night: "It seems to be Government's policy to neglect and by-pass Malacca." Mr. Ac lon was speaking at he
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  • 84 3 WITH the arrival of more aircraft for the Royal Singapore Flying Club, it is now planned that each we?'cend an aircraft will be flown from Singapore to Kluang for the use of the club's 16 branch members there. The club captain, Mr. H. G. Grant-Watson, said yesterday
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  • 22 3 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Sun.— Bail was granted to a 17-year-old Indian, Vemboo, charged with defacing his Identity card.
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  • 142 3 PENANG, Sunday. AMERICA has stopped buying tin ore from Siam A since June according to a leading Penang miner with extensive interests in Siam. He told the Straits Times today that the Reconstruction Finance Corporation which had been purchasing Siamese ore for the Texas
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  • 67 3 From Our Own Correspondent KLUANO, Sun.— An Indian, K. R. Suppiah, was fined $5 by the Circuit Magistrate, Inche Axmar bin Hajl Abdul Hamld, for talcing the wrong roa-1 at the one-way traffic junction at Jalan Ismail and Jalan Merslng. He was acquitted and
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  • 33 3 From Our Own Correspondent TELUK AHBON, Sun.— For causing obstruction at the five- foot way in front of their shoos in Denison Road, five shop-keepers were fined IS each at Teluk Anson.
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  • 23 3 'IK. A. 3. GARDENER, a former consul-general in New York, who has been appointed ambassador to Afghanistan. Reuter picture.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 182 3 tyj IL Coats of tbe newest style In flne qualities Russian gm Grey Squirrel Marmette ML Snow Leopard Mink Mar tnette Seals etc.. etc fj IP** Genuine j|iX3p Bokhara Palace jfm ||p^ 5, Stamford Road. Singapore P» Phone 7563 Lovely Vision Lovely To Look At Highest Quality Glass With The
      182 words

  • 15 4 AYTON at Ipoh on 3rd. July, 1»49. Rene beloved rife of W. O. Ayton.
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  • 15 4 JOHN SHARPE-ELLIOT. In lovlnc memory of my darltng husband who died during Internment.
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  • 701 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Mon., July 4, 1949. RED PATTERN IN INDIA The Indian Government's success in dissuading the railwaymen from the nation-wide strike they planned a few weeks ago has been generally accepted outside that country as a victory which has marked the beginning of Communist retreat from India.
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  • 392 4 Ten Storeys In Orchard Road The pleasant name of Orchard Road goes back to the earliest days of Singapore aa a settlement of the East India Company, when an experimental plantation was established on the lower slopes of what* was then known as Government Hill and Is now called Port
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  • 28 4 Antonio Pallente, a young Italian, was sentenced to 13 years and 10 months in gaol for attempting to murder the Italian Communist leader, Palmixu Togllattl.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 1331 4  - After Jogjakarta: Problems of reborn Republic NOEL BUCKLEY By Reuters Correspondent The Republic of Indonesia was re-established last week when 2,000 guerilla fighters marched into the city of Jogjakarta in an orderly change-over from Dutch control, but many problems remain to be solved before an independent Indonesia can be evolved.
    Reuter  -  1,331 words
    • 698 4 AS a citizen who feels his responsibility towards his country, I must congratulate you on your leader, "THE SULTANS AND UMNO," in your paper of last Thursday. What a contrast it presented with "Zainul's" letter which appeared in the same issue of
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    • 319 4 WE FORGOT THE AIR AGE IN BORNEO i WHILE I found the leading article in last Friday's issue of the Straits Times not only interesting but a clear statement of difficulties in the progress of the Colonies of Sarawak and North Borneo, I was most surprised to find no reference
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 784 4 l,A>StKIED ADS. TO CORRY. wife of D. R«yneker, a daughter, Karen Evelien. at Kundar* Kerbau Hospital Bn'h well. PRATT, on 2nd July 1M9 to D?.phn*. wife of A R Pratt— a »on (Bnlllle Alexander Oammack) both wll SITUATIONS VACANI WANTED experienced Bookkeeper. State qualifications and •alary renulred. Apply Box No.
      784 words
    • 16 4 New ARRIVALS Chromium gent's watches from $22.waterproof, stalnleac from $38.Ladies' chromium watchas from $3.(OUHI QU>y MWCAPOm
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    • 114 4 A New.. Collection Of Race moat is Fashioned With Meticulous Simtolcity I p ffl*^ OPTICIDN Fallow Institute Ophthalmic Opticians (tngi Fellow Worshipful Co. of Spectacle- Makers (Eng) Freeman of the City of London By Appointment to R.M Forces Sotdh East Asta 6 Raffles Place Singapore Phone ***** _.jdjs§£'j SO PLEASANT
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  • 310 5 Biggest Bandit Hideout In N.S. Pounded By RAF From Our Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Sunday. A FTER a heavy air strike by five planes, security forces in the Pantai area about six miles from Seremban yesterday found the largest bandit camp ever discovered in Negri Sembilan. It
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 5 WHILE THF GROWN IPS were playing or watching baseball at yesterday's American Independence -Day celebrations, these youngsters Charles Esp*y, Jill Daly and Tommy Peterson, enjoyed themselves on the chut*. Straits Times picture.
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  • 178 5 MEMBERS of the American Association of Malaya, w campanied by their wives and children, yesterday celebrated American Independence Day in Singapore with baseball between two picked sides at the Thomson Road polo ground. While tht women watched i thi nil nli. lk compete in a
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  • 30 5 One hundred guests attended a cocktail party held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Anciano yesterday evening !n celebration of the third anniversary of Philippine Independence.
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  • 220 5 OWNERS of new houses using modern cooking appliances may, on aDPlicatlon to the Municipal Architectobtain a waiver of the normal building by-law requirements to provide an aoprcvea flue and ohtiiney. The Municipal Commissioners at their last meeting authorised the President to I approve applications for waiver. The
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  • 90 5 From Our SUff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The vice-president of the Malayan Association, Mr. Y. j C. Kang, wants Governmentto train all Malaya's 24 780 auxiliary policemen. He is' himself an "auxiliary". In an nterview with the Straits Times, Mr. Kang— who at the last meeting of
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  • 284 5 Dr. Chelliah Retiring This Week AFTER 38 years teaching In Malaya, Dr. D. D. Chelliah, acting Principal of St. Andrew's Scnool, and senior canon of St. Andrew's Cathedral, Is retiring from teaching profession this week. Twice acting principal of St. Andrew's since the liberation, be was first recruited in India
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  • 93 5 From Our Staff Correspondent MALACCA, Sun. "We are entering upon a great spiritual movement in MalaI ya." Mr. W. 8. Relnoehl. chairman of the Advance for Christ and his Church Committee, told Methodist ministers and workers when he opened the last crusaders' conference to be held In the
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 5 MR. AND MRS. M.K. PILLAI after their marriage recently at Johore Bahru
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  • 236 5 SINGAPORE'S deputy Municipal Engineer, Mr. C. C. Collom yesterday criticised certain property owners who are reluctant to instal modern sanitation. "It is useless for us to provide sewers if they are not going to be used" he added. The number of people living in houses with
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  • 69 5 The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Malaya. Dr. G. V. Allen, yesterday opened a Chinese art exhibition at the Singapore Chinese Y.M.C.A. Selegie Road, which promises to give 20 per cent of its proceeds to the University Endowment Fund. The artist is Mr. Feng TzuKai. The opening
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  • 56 5 From Oar Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. dun.A clerk employed by the B.O.D., Singapore, while crossing the Causeway yesterday saw a body floating In the Johore Straits. Police went out In a launch and recovered the body, tnat of a Chinese woman named Ng Slew. Her list known
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  • 76 5 rE curtain rang down not to rise again for five months in the Victoria Theatre, Singapore, on Saturday. If the audience which watched the Taylor Dance Studio pupils that evening- had returned yesterday they would have seen a transformation. AH the seating accommodation had been stripped
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  • 160 5 Promoting Trade With India A PERMANENT exhibition of Indian manufactures would be set up In Singapore, the Indian Trade Commissioner, Mr. Jogindra Singh, told the Straits Times last night. Mr. Jogindra Singh, a se- nior officer of Indian Foreign Service, Is the first Indian Trade Commissioner In Malaya. On his
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  • 46 5 From Oar Own Correspondent MUAR, Sun. Lee Chang Foh appeared before the President of the Muar Sessions Court charged with theft of cash and jewellery valued at $349.20 belonging to another Chinese. Lee was allowed bail in $500 and the case was postponed.
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  • 285 5 rARDEN-LOVERS in Malaya will welcome a new series of little booklets which Is to be published by the Botanic Gardens, Singapore, at 50 cents each, under the title "Malayan Garden Plants." The first of these booklets was published last week and deals with ten flowering shrubs
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  • 180 5 $140,700 Vote For Municipal Road 'Fleet' THE Municipal Commissioners have voted $140,700 to modernise their fleet of municipal vehicles, some of which are described by the Municipal Engineer as "unsuitable and uneconomic." On the outbreak of war, there was a fleet of 218 vehicles, including two ambulances and 23 steamrollers.
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  • 67 5 A fancy dress ball, sponsored by the Singapore Habonlm, was held on the Adelphl Roof garden on Saturday. About 200 attended and nearly 40 were in fancy dress. Fancy dress winners were Mrs. Hickermann (Victorian period). Mr. Seedu Zakoo (Javanese prince), Mr. Giffard (Red Indian). The President
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  • 207 5 Evidence Against Son-in-Law From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Sun. A MALAY widow, Katijah, today told in the Johore Bahru Assizes before Mr. Justice Laville how she fainted when she came across the almost decapitated body of her 15-year-old daughter on a rubber estate at Parit Sekum. On trial for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 83 5 giilllllllllllllllllll!l!l[IIIIIIIIIIM^ Good Scotch Whisky JOHNNIE WALKER I BORN 1820i y^^r\a W H n |ohn Walker Sons. Ltd bcotch vVh sky D stillers, Kilmarnock. Scotland itllllllllllllllllllllllillHlllllllllN 153 We are proud to present you Q AIR CONDITIONED < YA Modern Equipment -fQS \a B S 10{ b^V* Moderate price IA S\> Hair
      83 words
    • 90 5 AUSTIN REED |1sk1b:b1IB ■J^haf^^H^hanVß v^rl agents in Singapore Hp^*^ B^ and Kuala Lumpur \ggoof^^^^ for Austin Reed's of Recent Street, London, the world-famous man's shop. You can therefore be sure, whenever you call in, of finding a comprehensive selection of the newest styles for men. direct from the West End
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  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 242 6 Penang Move To Check Quality Of Rubber Shipped From Malaya From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sunday. IN order "to save the food name of Malaya and 1 promote better understanding with American buyers," the Penang Rubber Exchange yesterday proposed formation of a Malayan Federation of Rubber Packers and Exporters and
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    • 327 6 LONDON, Sun. i^AUTION and hesitancy v* were again uppermost in the London Stock Exchange at the week-end, says Reuter's financial correspondent. I Idle conditions prevailed for the greater part of the session. IVc* I were slightly easier where changed. I Fractional losses were shown by Gilt-edgeds. Selling, however,
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    • 27 6 June 30 July 1 Industrial* 167.43 1 68. f 8 Rails 42.67 43.23 Domestic Bonds 97.43 97.49 Utilities 34.41 34 66 —Straits Times Service.
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    • 131 6 Negri 'Model Estate I From Our Own Correspondent' LONDON. Sun. S9 Eric Macfadyen, in his' statement as cnairman of Lanadron Rubber etatts. refers to the company'! plans for accommodating labourers employed on its Sungel Sabaling estate at Bahau Negrl Sembllan. Ine district, iM says, is siioit o( labour but grow*
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    • 160 6 WE&K-END rubber commodity prices Included the following: The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's noon prices on Saturday (July 2;, In cents per Ib London Rubber R.S.S o. 1. 1. European basis I ports In pence closing: New York Rubber In U.S cents closing aominai: June 30 July
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    • 52 6 TAKUAPA Valley •Tin Dredging announces that In June the No. 1 dredge worked 662 hours, covered 155,000 cubic yards and won 411 piculs of ore. The No. 2 dredge workod 619 hours, covered 155,000 cubic yards and won 109 piruls of ore. No. i dredge was
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    • 674 6 From A Market Correspondent WITH the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation's entry into occupation of its new premises in Singapore on Saturday, the largest Eastern banking Institution has expressed its view of the future of Malaya MacDonald House stands as a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1101 6 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. ilncorporatedi Incorporated m Singapore! BLUE rUNNftI LIME MAITi ■TBAM4WIT CO., Carrier's .priori te proceed via ether LTD. Mantin for Muar luly 4 Tantalus from UK In Port. Ayf.lytu. from UK July 12 Vessel for Malacca luly 7 Clytweus trom U.K./Cont. uly 24 Mentakab for Port Dickson
      1,101 words
    • 297 6 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NIW TORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON INDIA EGYPT AND MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Vpore X i ham Henans Pr Polk Cod«wns6>7 |uly 3/4 |uly 5/7 Mount Davis luly "V 10 luly 11/12 luly 13/15 Mount MjnstieM to* 17/23 iuly 24/25 July 26/29 Pres Monroe Au« 5/11 Omit Aug
      297 words
    • 387 6 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK./ SAILINCS fO CONTINENT/ CONTINENT. SCANDINAVIA m.« "Mongolia" due abt. iuly 1 1 Loading at Sinsaooie Port Swettenham for Bangkok, Manila, H'Kong, A Pecans Shanghai'?). Kobe Yokohama m.s "Fionia" due abt. July 5 it. "Tranquebar due *bt luly 22 for Colombo. Aden Port S*id for
      387 words
    • 986 6 McALISTER tfc CO., LTD. iincoiuoiatea in Singapore) KLLERM aN «Jc BUCKN4LL j KLAVENESS UMB LONDON. HAVRE. ANTWERP Of b CANADIAN PACIFIC 'ORTS. HAMBURC Acceotmg cargo tor C_en!i.l South tell* OF StONIt American Ports Vpore f >ham fman, CASTLIVILLI 7-9 luly Sport P Sham t'enang 10-1S luly 16 lulv 1719 luly
      986 words

  • 998 7 Titanic Struggle v Mrs Du Pont WIMBLEDON, Sunday. IN the most exciting women's singles final seen at Wimbledon In post-war years, Miss Louise Brough of Beverley Hills, California, yesterday retained the title, beating her friend and doubles partner, Mrs. Margaret Osborne Du Pont of Wilmington,
    Reuter  -  998 words
  • 146 7 RESULTS of all the Wimbledon finals were: Men's Singles: Ted Scbroeder (U.S.) beat Jaroslav Drobny (Czech) S-6. 6-0. 6-3. 4-6. 6-4. Women's Singles: Miss Louise Brough (U.S.) holder, beat Mrs. Margaret Osborne Du Font (US) 10-8. 1-6 10-8. Men's doubles: Richard Gonzales and Frank Parker (US) beat Ted
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 48 7 SPRINGS. Eastern Trans., Sun. —Eastern Transvaal beat the NewZealand All-Blacks here yesterday by six points to five. New Zealand led by five points, Scott converting Allen's try, at half-time, but two penalty ;oals from Grobler In the second half snatched victory for the home team.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 540 7 LONDON, Sunday. /CAMBRIDGE, helped by the generosity of Oxford, who failed to approach their usual fielding standard, scored 339 for eight wickets in the University match at Lord's yesterday. Oxford, the only team to beat the New Zealanders so far and favourites to win, may
    Reuter  -  540 words
  • 355 7 Wilson Stops Gloucester Rout v NZ LONDON. Sun. AFTER losing half their wickets for only 95 runs. Gloucestershire put together a total of 232 against the New Zealanders yesterday, the opening day of their three-day match at Bristol and when stumps were drawn the touring team had scored 73 for
    355 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 283 7 Ml Mil I \l^ Poromounl prtMntt CROSBY- FLEMING- BENDIX mt PKj!^ HAROWICKE 'fIS W^. aflr^av mWWFj^m^ '1 Tot o<Tlw Moon L^v a.m.; Mf' JIDUQ£ Of COm f OUT > r" IT'S OUTSTANDING IN LAVISH TECHNICOLOUR C?A V I L I Q X\ LAST FOUR SHOWS r phone bqO3 p.m. J.
      283 words
    • 227 7 LAST DAY! ms -4.00-6.30—9.30 PHONE flrj^iyi Ml I 9150 TOMORROW! FORBIDDEN TO LOVE... HE PLANNED TO MURDER! Distributed by SHAW BROTHERS LIMITED IALHAMBRAi (Air-Conditioned Tel. 690')). Admission Bates:—; $2.00; $1.50 Sl.OO irAZTS TOMORROW /■MOMfIBB J MC-ro GOiDYiWMAIU MUAU BACK SOON! Allied Artists' "PANHANDLE KhftV NOw JflJC*^ SHOWING DAILY ONLY
      227 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 261 7 Programme (A* Singapore; 1.00- dlo News Reel; 10.15 TLondon »wttArau 2.00 English Programme (Aa Studio Ooncerta"; 10.45 Generally Spore); 2.00 Close; 6.00 Pro- Speaking'; 11.00 Music; 11.15 10.00 News from Kuala Luna- gramme Summary: 6.02 Gipsy 'Commonwealth Empire'; 11.30 pur; 10.05 (approx.) close; 10.55 caravan; 6.30 Hawaiian Melo- News; 11.45
      261 words

  • 1352 8 SCC COME CLOSEST TO FULL POINTS Needed 9 Runs With 10 Wickets SINGAPORE Recreation Club, Singapore Cricket Club and Ceylon Sports Club, first three teams in the Singapore Cricket Association tournament, all scored first innings victories in the second batch of second round games played yesterday, while Indians, beating Changi
    1,352 words
  • 388 8 WEIGHTS for mil eight iace* on Wednesday, second day of the Singapore Turf Club July meeting, awl three races on Saturday, the final day, are riven below: WEDNESDAY 01. 4. D. t-Akt. 6 t I TBIK.U OAT Weights for three ci. i. v iah c
    388 words
  • 298 8  - Plan For 14 AirConditioned Stalls EPSOM JEEP By npKAINER Jack Spencer has placed before the Singapore Turf Club Committee for approval a scheme to build a block of 14 air-conditioned stalls in the Bukit Timah stables. It will cost him a big sum but he thinks it will be worth
    298 words
  • 124 8 Krom Our StaU Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun TH£ Council of the Malayai. Football Association today reiterated their decision u> lold the annual competition for the Malayan Chinese v Hong Kong Chinese Inter-port trophy in October this year with Hong Kong as the venue. At a meeting
    124 words
  • 250 8 CT, ANDREW'S School won their cricket match against the V.M.C.A. at Woodsvule yesterday. The V's were dismissed for 72. D. Keyt taking six wickets for 19. The Schoolboys pa-sed this score with 7 wickets In hand and continuing to bat till stumps had 118 for six
    250 words
  • 164 8 LONDON, Sun. rE po6ltioru In the County cricket championships table, including matches which ended on Friday, are: PW L D Middle* x 13 8 0 7 Yorkshire 12 8 1 8 Worcester 11 0 S 2 Glamorgan 12 5 1 5 Qlouce ter 12 S 3 S
    164 words
  • 259 8 BAM. TITLE MEET STARTS ON JULY 30 rE Eighth Malayan Badminton Championships are to be held from July 30 to August 1 at the Victoria Institution Hall, Kuala Lumpur. There will be seven -vents, the men's and women's singles and doubles, the mixed doubles, and the veterans' singles and doubles.
    259 words
  • 292 8 M'Cyclist Does Record Mile From Our Staff Correspondent I KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. SENSATIONAL motor-cycle riding by 21-year-old Reggie Trevor, Eurasian rubber planter of Ipoh, was the feature of today's Lornie Mile speed trial held here. Trevor, on a Triumph speed twin, swept round ,the one-mile course with its three difficult
    292 words
  • 27 8 SOCCER: Community Leagne, Eurasian, r. Nary, JaUn Besar Stadium; Junior B, Op. 1 Social A. P. T. JoliiladA. 8.0.D. ground; C.V.M.A. v. Borneo Motors, GeyUng.
    27 words
  • 292 8 I LMOST ideal conditions preA vailed for the Seletar Naval Base Sailing Club regatta held yesterday In Johore Straits. Eighty-five boats took part in the programme of six events. The entries in each race were 16, 35. 15. 13 and 6, respectively, excluding the All-Comers' race
    292 words
  • 116 8 LONDON, Sun. Sweltering under a blazing sun record crowds lined the banks of the River Thames here yesterday to watch the finals of Henley's world famous Royal Regatta. Jack Kelly of Philadelphia easily won the Diamond Sculls to repeat his victory of 1947, for he
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 84 8 From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Sun. A RECORD score was registered In club cricket today in Kuala Lumpur in the Stonor Shield competition when the Tamilian Physical Culture Association put up 410 runs for seven wickets against the Colonials C.C. P. T. Samanther and
    84 words
  • 394 8 Chinese Athletic 1; R.E. Spore Nil. A SOLITARY goal scored in the tenth minute of play by Hoi Meng gave the Chinese Athletic a narrow win over the Royal Engineers in a Senior Division league game at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. By this victory,
    394 words
  • 184 8 Khalsa Win By 8 Wkts The Khalsa Association beat the Singapore Cricket Club at cricket yesterday by eight wickets <>n tht Association ground. Scores are: S.C.C. A. E. Sowray b Soin 7, O. P. Darke b P. Singh 2, N. McKeo b Soin 4, Harris b Ourdlal Singh 17, V.
    184 words
  • 84 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. FE Perak Chinese held he Selangor Chinese to a jo-reless draw In a M.C.P.A. cup soccer tie played at Princes Road today. Play we.; listless for most ol *.he time, but brightened during tbe extra ten minutes of play.
    84 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 752 8 AfXXIMMODATION vAt ANT ROCHDALE. 4. Rochall* Drive. One double room with Urge terardah and bathroom attached Full board. Yhone *****. NSW FLORA VILLB. 130 Orange Road Charming double room, lounge, verandah, mod. bath, orlv. •nt. full board. Tel. 4229. PRIVATE HOME— two bedroom* with bathroom and sitting room, fully furnished,
      752 words
    • 97 8 Why do his teeth _*&y white? I Jii 1 V *^_M_* /Jo He cleans them safely with (£(MS Dentifrice/ Save your teeth from damage by using Gibbs Dentifrice always. It makes teeth ___r __^~s_»_. Ast >ecausc tt dczn* thoroughly ___Pw^9 safely. It saves money, coo, NOW in the new coloured
      97 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous