The Straits Times, 18 May 1949

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 1078 1 'Rubber Stamp For Whitehall' Complaint UNOFFICIAL members of the Singapore Legislative Council yesterday told the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, that they resented directives from Whitehall as contained in the new war compensation proposals received from the Secretary of State for the Colonies. They said, however, that
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 1 ON TRIAL: Two young Vietnam if Iris seen hein< escorted to a French Court Martial in Salmon, IndoChina, there they were charged with terrorism.— A.P. picture.
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  • 207 1 NEW DELHI, Tuesday. TIU. Indian Constituent Assembly today approved Pandit Nehru's motion asking for ratification of the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference decision, enabling India to remain within the Commonwealth as a Republic. Of the two Congress amendments proposed yester- day. the first, seeking postnonement of
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  • 230 1 From Our Stan Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. WHE Federation Police Department had nothing to 1 report in its round-up of emergency news tonight. The evening round-up normally reports several Incidents. For the first time since the emergency there were no bandit incidents or arrests In SelanKor
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  • 127 1 Selangor Royalty In Crash From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. TWO members of the Se--1 langor Royal Family were in an accident In whict? a Sikh was killed and three persons were injured late last night. The accident occurred at the 13th mile Kuala Lumpur to Klang Road. Tengku
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  • 44 1 The Dutch liner, WUlem Ruys, which Is bringing Queen Rambhai of Slam and the ashes of King Prajadhlpok, will berth in Singapore at 10.15 a.m today. The public will not be allowed to board the ship till 11 15 a.m
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  • 70 1 THE Secretary for 1 .onomic Affairs, Singapore, Mr. Andrew Gilmour, is leaving for the t'nittd Kingdom this week "to make a personal report on the Colony's trade position." Announcing this at yesterday's meeting of the Legislative Council, Mr. Gilmour *aid: "I shall be in readiness to associate
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  • 58 1 'NO POLITICS' HE SAYS Mr. G. M. K. Sabai, an unsuccessful Labour candidate in thp Municipal elections, sent his resignation yesterday to the Indo-Malayan Association because its committee authorised its president. Mr. V. Paklrlsamy, to stand as a Progressive candidate. Mr. Sabal said the association, being a communal body, ought
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  • 248 1 'GO EASY WITH BIG STICK' THE case of ihe 14-year old 1 boy who was arrested when he went to get his identity card renewed was raised In the Singapore Legislative Council yesterday by Mr. Tan Chin Tuan, Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Tan, in an adjournment speech, claimed" that
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  • 61 1 CANBERRA, Tues. MR. J. B. Chifley, Australia's Prime Minister, said here yesterday that he was prepared to risk political unpopularity to ensure a flow of immigrants into Australia. He told a conference of state immigration ministers that, with the world population rising by 60.001 a day,
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  • 71 1 LONDON, Tues.— Frederick Sidney Cotton, chairman of the Aeronautical and Industrial Research Corporation, of London, was fined £200 here today on a charge of "gun running" to Hyderabad last year. He was further ordered to pay £300 costs. The Corporation was also fined £200 with £300 costs
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  • 188 1 THE Governor, Sir Franklin 1 Oimson, in the Legislative Council yesterday refuted statement made In the London Sunday Times by its correspondent, Mr. J. H. Horrocks, who called on him recently. Mr. Horrocks claimed that Singapore was not prepared for any emergency and that bandits were making
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 1 LOW BOW for Prim-ess Elisabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh when they arrived at Stechford Station, Birmingham, to tour the Castle Bromwich section of the British Industries Pal r. Reuter picture.
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  • 141 1 COPRA IN DEMAND AT S'PORE INHERE is in urgent demand X for copra in Singapore following the Russian offer, to buy 10,000 tons of Malayan coconut oil. Singapore and i Penang coconut oil millers are now matdng bids for copra from Indonesia, Ceylon and the Philippines. As a result of
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  • 292 1 Success Against Reds' SHANGHAI BATTLE HONG KONG, Tues. (CHINESE Nationalists today claimed their "greatest success" of the Shanghai battle with the complete rout of the Communist armies trying to close the city's last escape route by storming Woosung at the mouth of the Whangpoo River. A garrlwn rranr 'itiqwi said
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 76 1 ELEGANT JEWELLERY P. H. HENDRY JEWELLER with an Established Malaya-wlde Reputation 78, North Bridge Rd., Spore. duality thai Counts Hlb \^M^?^^ iMrf Quail iv Is more import a/u tn tobacco manufacture than li most products. Experts grow the leaf, experts ehoost and cure It. it 111 more experts process It.
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    • 37 1 In Other Pages U.K. Aid To Malaya Page 4 Loan To S.I.T Page 5 Spore Entrepot Trade Page 7 Moratorium Talks Page 7 McKerron On Spore Regt Page 7 Aid For Air Training Page 7 GOVT. ASKED:
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    • 131 1 BRIGHT RADIO C« m tmcHMmo »oao. wwo/m-pm cV^ 1 invites YOU \\l\ 1 I UDm rhymti or doggerel \\\\l IAV V commencing with any letter of /'Xllv' f\\\ j ••ph»be» associated with L y^sL^S, I F- &N. Drmks You CJn get I i^v9r^"v 1 1 >t B cner *l from
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  • 174 2 EISLER TO STAY IN PRISON LONDON, Tues. A BRITISH court yesterday refused ball for Oerhart Elsler and sent the American Communist back to prison. He will spend at least eight days in a cell awaiting a heating on whether he will be returned U) the United States as a fugitive.
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  • 86 2 TOKYO, Tues.— A former Japanese army officer, who was saved from death as a war criminal at the hands of the Chinese by the intercession of the late President Manuel Roxas, has been tentatively named adviser to the Philippine diplomatic mission In Tokyo. The
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  • 54 2 TOKYO, Tues— The Japanese House of Representatives yesterday called upon the Government to strengthen and Improve the country's police force In order to combat the highest crime rate In Japanese history. Police figures list 10.000 felonious crime cases In 1946 and 12.332 In 1497, compared with only
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  • 68 2 LONDON, Tues. SIX-MONTH-OLD Prince Charles of Edinburgh may learn his alphabet from a typewriter with golden keys. Princess Elizabeth was given the typewriter during a tour of the British Industries Fair. An official told her: "Prince Charles might begin to learn his alphabet from the keyboard."
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  • 43 2 NEW DELHI, Tues.— "Local government" is working well in Meerut District Oanl, United Province. The 1,200 inmates have elected aa "Assembly" of 72. A "Cabinet" of five hold portfolios of law and order, food, clothing, labour and snnt f atlon Reuter.
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  • 41 2 KEESONDS, Dutch barge dogs with a political tradition, were a feature of the Keesond Club Championship show at London recently, bjt judging from the appeallnjr expression on this Keesond's face, he seems to have broken with tradition.— Reuter picture.
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  • 46 2 "ABLE MABEL" is the name riven by the U.S. Navy to this carrier-based type of warplane Martin AM l Mauler. The two shown here carry armament varying from «.200-lb torpedoes and 2,0©0-lb. bombs to 20-mm. cannon and five-inch rockets. A.P. picture.
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  • 84 2 BUENOS AIRES, Tuef. A MEETING arranged for laat night between Sir John Balfour, British Ambassador, and Dr. Juan Bramuglia, Argentine Foreign Minister, was postponed at tht last minute. A final decision on whether Argentina would continue to send meat to Britain had been expected at the
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  • 306 2 "Poland Offered To Supply Air Engines To Spain" Charge NEW YORK, Tuesday. gRITAIN yesterday accused Poland, in the United Nations General Assembly, of contracting to .supply Spain with 500 bomber engines last year. The charge was made by Mr. Hector McNeil, Minister of State, during a debate on relations with
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 2 KAVON EYEBROWS—Latest use for the material seen bring worn by model Barbara Goalen at the British Broadcasting Corporation's television studio in London. Renter photo.
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  • 181 2 MONTREAL, Tuesday. A GREAT grain boat armada today left Montreal harbour, bound for Britain with wheat. After the first ship sailed, a dozen more were preparing to follow carrying more than 3,000,000 bushels. At least a score of British ships are to dock within
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  • 156 2 'ARM NOW' TO TAKE N. IRELAND LONDON. Tues. FE British Home Secretary, Mr. Chuter Ede, last night cited posters shown in Dublin saying "Arm now to take the North" as confirming the British Government's view that Northern Ireland should not be asked to leave the United Kingdom without the consent
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  • 34 2 WASHINGTON, Tue». i State Department officials in Washington state that coni trols on the export of arms to India and Pakistan have been loosened because of the ceasefire order In Kashmir— Reuter
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 351 2 PRESIDENT TRLMAN has forecast a 30-percent. reduction in the dollar shortage of Europe's Marshall Plan countries by the middle of this year. He made the prediction in a report to Congress on the work of the Economic Co-operation Administration in the last quarter of
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  • 159 2 U.K. GOVT. APPEALS TO ARABS LONDON, Tues. jT was learned in London yesterday that the British Government is appealing to Tripolitanian Arabs to cease rioting and concentrate on negotiating for their future political rights. British authorities in Tripolltania, in their appeal to moderation, are making the following points to the
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  • 62 2 LONDON. Tues— Frederick L. Clarke, 26, appealing at Caernarvon, Wales, against a six-month sentence for assault, saU his girl friend had bitten an Inch off his tongue in love-making. He had been speechless for nine days, in hospital for over a fortnight. H? admitted having retaliated by severely
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  • 41 2 HONQ KONQ, Tues. Mr T. V. Soong former Premier of China, left Hong Kong yesterday by air for Paris. He said he was going to Europe for medical treatment and would remain there till he recovered hi* health— A.P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 816 2 NOTICES SALE BY AUCTION Previously advertised aa postponed from 10th to 17th May, 1949 will now take place on Thursday. 19th May. 1949. PreTious catalogue cancelled. The NAAFI Disposals Committee. Singapore, have authorised Messrs. Nasslm Co. Ltd. Auctioneers, Singapore, to auction at the NAAFI Warehouar, 6*4 Mis Bukit Tlmah Road,
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    • 307 2 NOTICES NASSIM I CO., LIMITED will sell by Public Auction at No. 86. See, Avenue, Katong, on SATURDAY, list MAT, 1949, commencing at 3.80 a.m. Well-made Teak Household Furniture comprising: Bedroom. Sitting Room and Dining Room Suites; "Kelvlnator" Refrigerator: "K. B." Radio; "Alrmec" Radio; etc; On view day of sale.
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    • 218 2 OPENING TO 1)1' I Show*— 3, 8.15 *».1» p.m. Exciting Cornedy Drama! George Sand«t» In United ArtUU' "A SCANDAL IN PARIS" with Slgne Oaeeo Carole landis GftEAT WORLD GLOBE 7— "ROAD TO ZANZIBMT Tomorrow: "G-MEN VS. BLACK-DRAGON" Whole Serial (A RFPrBI.IC SERIAL) NEW WORLD LIDO 1 7-» 18 "DOWN ARGENTINE
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  • 303 3 GERMAN REDS CLAIM VICTORY "E.Zone Voters Back Russia BERLIN, Tuesday. J] ASTERN zone Communistg last night claimed they would poll 10,000,000 votes for an "all German" government which would back Russia in the four-power conference at Paris next week. Tht Russian-licensed Berlin radio predicted that 90 per cent, of those
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 3 LENDING A HAND: Mrs, Williams cheerfully shoulders kit-bag and rifle so that her husband, Bandsman Williams, can carry their year-old son near Leicester where, with other members of the Ist Battalion the Leicestershire Regiment. Bandsman Williams started on the long Journey to Hong Kong, whose defences the Government has decided
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  • 183 3 LONDON, Tuesday. T»HE British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ernest Bevln, 1 yesterday declined what he termed a "startling" suggestion by Mr. William Teeling, Conservative, that he should reconsider the position of Formosa under the Cairo Agreement so that the surplus population and industries of Hong Kong might
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  • 108 3 PLEA FOR AN ASIAN QUOTA BRISBANE, Tues. •THE entry of a yearly quota of 120 Asians was advocated recently by the Moder-ator-General of the Presbyterian Church, the Rt. Rev. J. R. Blanchard. "We must drop the phrase White Australia, and we must drop the word Asiatic?," he said. Necessity "Siamese,
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  • 53 3 LAKE SUCCESS, Tues. THE United Nations an--1 nounced yesterday that the Security Council would meet tomorrow on the Hyderabad question at the request of Pakistan's ForelrnMinister, Sir M. Zafruilah Khan. The Hyderabad, question as placet before the Council last September when Indian troops weae taking over the
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  • 106 3 WASHINGTON, Tue». /THOUGH Pyung Ok. Korean Vj Republic representative to the United Nations, yesterday asked the American people for greater aid against "Communist forces seeking to overthrow my government." In a Press statement, hit said South Korea looked to the United States for more arms and
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  • 121 3 NEW DELHI, Tues. T\n B. V. Keskar, India's Deputy Minister for External Affairs, said in New Delhi that there wai a "big difference" In the attitude of South-East Asian countries towards Indians since India attained independence. Dr. Keskar, who recently toured South-East Asia, found
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  • 52 3 from Our Own Corrrapandcnt PARIT BUNTAR, Tues. -Two Punjabis, Abdul Wahid ari HaJtammullah, admitted having punched the manager of the Grand Talkies, Parti Buntar, a because they could not get tickets to see a film. The Circuit Magistrate, Inch* Abdul Wahab, convicted thenof disorderly conduct and
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  • 186 3 RANGOON, Tuesday. A NOTHER Karen ambush took place near Wakema f* In South Burma, according; to a communique. More than 200 rebels attacked Government troops on their way to the rice distribution centre. The retools fled after Government reinforcements arrived Fiercest fighting
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  • 200 3 REFUGEES SEEK U.S. AID WASHINGTON, Tues A GROUP of anti-Commu-nist European exile leaders yesterday asked the United States to provide aid for refugees who had escaped from Iron Curtain countries In the last two years. In a memorandum to the U.S. Assistant Secretary o» State. Mr. Dean flush, they said
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 396 3 TOY-TOISE He leads and you fo'^ow. Toddles along without winding. Any child can work and steer it. a MERRY-GO-ROUND <&f /J^Kh Safe, thrilling and •t3^ W SELF-PROPELLING. k^w^«Qi The del ight of "*^^S^ kiddies. TOYS (S -V aV. 7A TL mMm* Th, mm ts, (arm of couaKi. caMl saaij
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  • 160 4 A STRONG appeal to Singapore Chinese to take part in the forthcoming registration of voters beginning on June 1 was made by Mr. Ng Aik Huan, a committee member of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, at a meeting of the Chinese Chamber. He said
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  • 84 4 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Tues. IN the House of Commons recently. Mr. Walter Fletcher asked the Secretary for the Colonies what steps had been taken or were contemplated to counter Communist propaganda among colonial students and other colonial visitors to this country. Mr. Rees-WUliams said the
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  • 227 4 BRITAIN'S AID TO MALAY A: $263,000,000 Leads Colonial Empire -McKERRON THE British Government had offered and given more financial aid to Malaya than to any other part of the Colonial Empire since the end of the war, said the Colonial Secretary, Mr. P.A.B. McKerron, at yesterday's meeting of the Singapore
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 4 A DIRECTOR of the Kuomintang in Singapore, Mr. Lee Sze Tuen, who received guests at a cocktail party given at Bin Chan House in Singapore on Monday to mark the second anniversary of the Kuomintang sponsored Chinese newspaper Chung Shlng Jit Poh. The parly was attended by 700 people. —Straits
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 4 THE DIRECTOR of the South-Seas Office of the Kuumintanf, Mr. Tan Kok Chor, pictured beside the Kuomlntang emblem at a cocktail party given to mark the second anniversary of the Kuomintang-sponsored Singapore Chinese newspaper Chung Shlng Jit Poh. Straits Tim.s picture
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  • 26 4 JOHORE BAHRU. Tues Tan Chong Wee, a woman, who pleaded guilty to a charge of hawking in a prohibited area was fined $10 today.
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  • 138 4 Cadets Get Commissions /GOVERNOR'S Commissions v were presented to 19 Cadet Officers of the Singapore Cadet Corps yesterday by the Director of Education, Mr. A W. Frisby at the Raffles Institution. Raffles institution, St. Joseph's Institution, St. Patrick's Scnool and Victoria School have cadet corps. The following officers received honorary
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  • 35 4 Miss Stella Atkinson, of Birmingham, and Miss Gladys Williams, of Trysybwl, South Wales, have been appointed nursing sisters in Malaya. They were both trained at St. James' Hospital. B;«.'ham. and Orlmbsy Maternity Horn?.
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  • 51 4 A court of inquiry to investigate the collision between the British freighter. Richmond Hill, and the American vessel, William Tilghman, will sit In the Singapore Marine Court on May 23 before Mr. E. P. Shanks. The vessels collided 20 miles from Singapore, on April 19. Both ships were
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  • 152 4 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Tues. IN the House of Lords recent- ly Viscount Ellbank asked the Minister of State for Colonial Affairs, Lord Llstowel. whether the Government was considering the reduction of air mall rates to Malaya, which he said, were extremely Utah. Lord
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  • 383 4 By Our Woman Correspondent EIGHTEEN year-old Hovita Anciano, eldest of the eight children of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Anciano, of Singapore, plans to return home from London in August to give a series of piano recitals that will help to finance not
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 310 4 A. W. A. RADIOLA BANDSPREAO 6 Volt Vibrator Battery Model 1004 7 Wave Bands, R. F. Stage, Operates 2 weeks on one charge of Battery $275.00 lets 10% cash. A.C. D/C 230 V 6 Valve BANDSPREAD Model with R.F. STACE. $275. I>M 10/% cash THE FINES! TROPIC RADIO PRODUCED HP
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    • 259 4 a T||| mp^ JossS propell iNc mm. Designed like a piece of personal jewellery. engineered as a fine precision instrument, the KEEFER "Coldtone is mounted with thrice immersed 9-carat gold collar and propelling point on a micro smooth, balanced streamlined shaft. In appearance, the most tastefully designed pencil ever offered
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 117 4 TODAY Theosophical Society, lunchhour talk for members and friends. Rev. H. B. Amstutz on "Spiritual Life for the Man tn the World.' Little's Cafe. 1 p.m. Y.W.C.A., conversational Mandarin claas, S, Raffles Quay, 5.30 p.m. O.Y.M.A. (Regional), group discussion on "Th« End Does Not Justify The Means," 96, Bru Basah
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  • 78 5 Frwrtl Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. AGREEING with both the assessors, Mr. Justice Spenser Wilkinson in the Supreme Court today found a 50-year-old rubber tapper, Yong Choy guilty of carrying a revolver, and sentenced him to death. The prosecution alleged that Yong carried a revolver
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  • 320 5 Council Approves $5,000,000 Loan For Housing In Singapore THE Singapore Legislative Council yesterday approved a second loan of $5,000,000 to the Improvement Trust for housing. The Chairman of the Trust, Mr. W. L. Blythe, said the 1949 housing programme included the construction of 372 flats, 312 workmen's flats, 202 artisans'
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  • 230 5 A BRITISH journalist, who spent seven months in China "tryinj to find a battle," returned to Singapore yesterday a very disappointed man. He Is Bernard Hickley, Far Eastern correspondent of the Dally Telegraph, who arrived In the Oartnage with his Journalist wife, Kathleen
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  • 127 5 AID FOR POOR IN COLONY THE annual report of the Musllmln Trust Fund As- so elation, Singapore, reveals that It contributed towards the burial of 66 poor Muslims, cared for 30 destitute boys and provided medical assistance for 14,740 patients during the year ending December 31, 1948. The association received
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  • 83 5 A galley hand. R. Read, told the Marine Court yesterday that he deserted his ship Narlca because three accidents had occurred on board through lack of precaution. He was sentenced to a week's simple Imprisonment from the date of hfs arrest on Friday. According to the prosecution.
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  • 96 5 Air and sea travel at reduced rates for Malayan Catholics who wish to make the Holy Year pilgrimage to Italy next year, have been announced by the local Holy Year Committee. Air travel by Skymaster for a party of 40 persons will cost $2,145. This includes return
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  • 47 5 A ship's master, Mohamed Arsat bin Lantok, who did not report when his vessel struck an obstruction in the Singapore Inner roads, was fined $500 and ordered to pay the costs of summons, by the Marine Court magistrate, Mr C. J. Hlndley, yesterday.
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  • 101 5 A POLICE raid on an attap house In Lorong 25. Oeylang. waa described In the Singapore Assize Court yesterday, when two men, Mok Kum Wah and Ow Lin Hoi, were charged with possession of Implements for counterfeiting 50 cents Malayan currency notes. It was alleged that about six
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  • 243 5 'Selfish Claims Of Padi Land Criticised From Our Own Correspondent KUCHING/ Tuesday. r[E Officer Administering the Government of Sarawak, Mr. C. W. Dawson, opening the Council Negri in Kuching yesterday, criticised "selfish claims of potential padi land by certain people" which were hampering the drive to grow more rice in
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  • 73 5 From Our Own Correspomicot KUCHING, Tues. MKMBERS of the Sarawak Council Negrl, meeting yesterday, were assured by the Officer Administering the Government, Mr. C. W. Dawson, that the time would eventually come when the population would be able to elect its own representatives to the Council. The Council
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  • 47 5 The Singapore Youth Council discussion group arranged for today has been postponed to Wednesday next at the British Council Hall. Stamford Road, beginning at 5.30 p.m. The subject for discussion will be "Young Delinquent- Mr. C. Salisbury cf the British Council will lead in the discussion.
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  • 155 5 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Tues. nESCRIBINQ the offence as "a case of long continued and deliberate fraud," Mr. Justice Thomson today dismissed the appeal of Lim Khoon Aik, ex-clerk and cashier of Messrs. Whiteaway Laidla v and Company's Taipi.ig branch, against a total prison sentence of
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  • 31 5 A patrol of police and 1/10 Gurkhas engaged 30 armed bandits neai Bukit Gintang, Yong Peng, in the Kluang area of Johore yesterday. Two Gurkhas were slightly wounded.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 505 5 long-famous m<* for i'^-^'iL loveliness i j (^^^^j Long famous "Hazeline ll r\^^STi Snow" the established cream U of beauty. Cool and refresh- W ing, it protects against sun- f Jrli burn and gives a fashionably V^-jJjJH/j matt' foundation for powder. Y\azeline§now v <a^ -KAZEUNE" CREAM *•<• ***»> I- Malaya*
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  • 1182 6 The Straits Times. Singapore, Wed., May 18, 1949 COUNCIL AND THE GIFT There was a notable coolness In the reception given by the Singapore Legislative Council yesterday to the Sec- retary of State's paper on the War Damage Compensation Scheme. There were speeches by four Unofficials, and all were critical
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  • Mid -Week Forum
    • 229 6 I NOTE that Mr. B. A. 1 Mallal has made an open challenge In your issue of May 14, calling for any legal argument to justify India's stand In th*» Ganapathy case. There is precedent in the particular branch of the law now under consideration.
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    • 88 6 To Policewomen T*HE Commissioner of Police, Singapore, Is to be congratulated on having Introduced policewomen Into his force. I hope that one day one of these women will become the first woman police Inspector in the force. WELL-WISHER. Teluk Anson. To "Davendra" I WOULD like to con--1 gratulate
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    • 146 6 I READ almost every day of India's protest about Ganapathy who was executed only after he was found guilty by the Supreme Court of the Federation of Malaya. If others confuted of similar offences were executed, why should Ganapathy be an ex- ception? Has the Government •f
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    • 141 6 A Question Of Free Postage I LIKED your editorial recently on Indian discourtesy. You say that the information department of the Representative of the Government of India is circulating In this country propaganda circulars. But you omitted to add that these circulars, if posted, are transmitted free of charge to
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    • 111 6 I WISH to bring the present helpless position of local 1 unemployed seamen to the notice of the authorities concerned. Recently 1 have come into contact with several seamen whose hopeless struggle for ea-going Jobs gets them neither help nor sympathy from officialdom. The formation of the Seamen's
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    • 411 6 A GREAT deal has been published In the Straits Times recently on the subject of tuberculosis, but the medical authorities appear to have been reticent over one aspect in the solution of this vast problem. It Is a sober fact that this disease chiefly afflicts the
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    • 800 6 I READ with interest in the Straits Times of May 6 about the inauguration of a new round-the-world air service. When I read the calling points Seattle, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Calcutta, Middle East, London, New York, I was left with a sense of dismay
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    • 194 6 DATO ONN: CALL TO REASON THE motion which Dato Onn bin Ja'afar is to lay before this week's meeting of the Federal Legislative Council that "the burden of the emergency should be borne by the British Government," is absurd and not in keeping with his acclaimed statesmanship. Being the "Architect
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    • 34 6 PERHAPS the next time the CommissionerGeneral given us a report on the state cf the world he will explain what he means by "democratic imperialism." I confess to being puzzled. CURIOUS. Singapore.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 850 6 CLASSIFIED ADB. WATTS. At Batu Oajah on 11th May 1949, to June, wife of John, a son, Peter. SMITH. At Batu Oajah Hospital on 16th May to Marjorle Elisabeth (Peggy), wife of Bull O. Smith, a daughter, Zoe Philippe, sister to Diana and Christopher. HO: To Quek Chye Hong, Wife
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    • 80 6 present AL JOLSON S76R April Showers, MM >Mi When you were sweet 16, Golden Gate. 4017 U It true what thay say about Dixie? Down among th» sheltering palms. 4141 All my Love, Keep smiling at trouble, 4141 Carolina In the morning, Lisa. 4144 There's a rainbow "round my shoulder,
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    • 12 6 1 >^^| Jv^^l^ 3 C O Kf ~""™^SiK==: •I J ttvc f*tf i
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  • 574 7 Gilmour f s Advice To Preserve Entrepot Trade SINGAPORE must look to the future of her entrepot trade and prove to the world that there "still exists concrete advantages in shopping through established emporia, where both produce and manufactured goods are available in guaranteed qualities
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 7 MX. DAVID MACDOUGALL, the retiring Colonial Secretary of Hong Kong, who arrived in Singapore yesterday on bis way to the IK. Straits Times picture. (Story below)
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  • 384 7 THERE has been no formal agreement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands regarding trade between Indonesia and Singapore, the Government said yesterday in the Legislative Council in a written reply to Mr. A. McLellan (Singapore Chamber of Commerce). The reply ..said, however, that I .X. -Netherlands
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  • 70 7 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Tues The State Government last year voted $5,000 for putting up school buildings and quarl ters for teachers at Pulau Aur and Pulau Pemanggll, off the Merslng coast, but owing to the monsoon, work on the construction of these buildings had
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  • 191 7 acsu Petition ON the adjournment of the 1 Singapore Legislative Council meeting yesterday, Mr. Lim Yew Hock asked the Government to use its influence with the Services authorities to urge the latter to consider tae petition of their civilian employees for a revl- sion of
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  • 112 7 One of the most popular Government officials in Hong Kong, Mr. David Mercer MacDougall, the retiring Colonial Secretary, arrived in Singapore yesterday in the Carthage on his way to the United Kingdom, after being connected with the Colony since 1928. The extent of public regret at his
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  • 148 7 Inspectors' Pay rnHE new salary scale for I 1 British police inspectors Is the same as the new scale for inspectors of any other race, says an official reply to a question asked by Mr. A. McLellan. Singapore Chamber of Commerce representative In the Legislative Council.
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  • 121 7 MR. Justice Cox Evans, yesterday in the Singapore Assizes, passed sentence of death on an Indian Muslim butcher, Abdul Majld, for the murder of a compatriot, Oopal, In Dunlop Street, on Nov. 22, last year. No motive was given for the crime. It was said that the
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 7 BALLET FOR SINGAPORE* Hwang Li-Er (15) and Serene Lim (UV4) who will take the part of the Spinning Tops In the ballet The Toy Shop to be presented by the younger pup Us of the Taylor Dance Studio at the Victoria Theatre. Singapore, on July 1 and 1
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  • 75 7 For possession of half a pound of opium, Wong Hock Long, aged 46, was sentenced to nine months' rigorous imprisonment by the Becond District Judge, Mr. E. V. A. Peers, yesterday. Wong arrived from Swatow on April 6. He was arrested when the opium was found
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  • 262 7 gMILING shyly, a Singapore father, who gave a feast to over 300 guests ii. honour of the birth of twin sons, told Mr. Justice Gordon-Smith, In the High Court yesterday, that he expected shortly to become thr father of another set of twins. The whole
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 7 MR. A. W. FRISIJY. Director of Education, Singapore, inspecting officers of the Singapore Cadet Corps at Raffles Institution yesterday when he presented the Governor's commission to 1 9 cadet officers. Accompanying Mr. Frisby is Capt. C. V. J. Reutens, of St. Joseph's Institution, who commanded yesterday's parade. Straits Times picture.
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  • 162 7 A SELECT committee of five, with the AttorneyGeneral as chairman, was appointed by the Singapore Legislative Council yesterday to deliberate, with a similar Federation committee, on the four Moratorium Bills, which came up for second reading. The Bills referred to thei select committee are the Moratorium
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  • 175 7 He Fought Nazi Bomber Beam AIR Vice-Marshal R. 8. Blucke, who has been appointed Air Officer in Charge of Administration at headquarters. Air Command Far East, will arrive in Singapore today on the Wlllem Ruys. Air Vice Marshal Blucke has been Air Officer In charge of Administration at Technical Training
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  • 93 7 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues A HERMIT, Narayanan Nalr. who said that his actions were "guided by the will of God," was, for the second time In two months, sent to prison for failing: to register for an Identity <-ard. Passing sentence of
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  • 25 7 I JOHORr BAHRU. Tues Haji Abu Bakar bin Ahmad has been appointed an additional member of the local Hospital Board for the current
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  • 206 7 McKERRON ON FORMATION OF SPORE REGT. *JpHE prospects of taking immediate action on a Singapore regiment depend on the Colony's present and future commitments, said the Colonial Secretary, Mr. P. A. B. McKerron, in the Singapore Legislative Council yesterday. The Financial Secretary Mr. J. D. M. Smith, who had undertaken
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  • 52 7 A young trishaw rider, Chua Gek Kiang, who said that he was unable to register for an identity card because he had had a quarrel with his wife some months ago and had left the house, was sentenced to two months' rigorous Imprisonment In the First District
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  • 186 7 THE Colonial Secretary, Mr. P. A. B. McKerron, speaking on the Malayan All Training Corps Bill, which was adopted by the Singapore Legislative Council yesterday, said that such a corps would be the "younger brother" of any voluntary and auxiliary forces that might be established
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  • 142 7 AMONG Bills, which came ud for first reading at yesterday's Council meeting. were the Pawnbrokers Proclamation (Repeal) Bill: the Courts (Restriction of Civil Jurisdiction) (Repeal) Bill; the Food Control Bill: the British Cinematograph Films Bill; the Wills (Amendment) Bill; and the Registration of Criminals Bill. The Penal
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 192 8 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Tuesday. DV a large majority vote, the Penang Chamber of Commerce today elected Mr. H. V. Van Praagh its representative on both the Federal Legislative Council and the Municipal Commission. Mr. Van Praagh defeated Mr. J. P.
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  • 133 8 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG. Tues. mHE Penang Chinese ChamX ber of Commerce, through the Associated Chinese Chambers, has nominated Mr. Llm Huck Alk its representative on the Federal Legislative Council. Mr., who attends his first Council meeting on Thursday, will be acting for
    133 words
  • 114 8 From Oar Own Correspundtnt TAIPING, fues. rr\EE Talping Coroner reX corded a verdict of Justifiable homicide at the conclusion of an Inquest into the death of 22-year-old Llm Boon Choon who was found with a gunshot wound at Selamat Estate, Trong. on April 8. Evidence revealed
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  • 36 8 From Our Own Corrr«por.drnt GEMAS, Tues. The 32nd Singapore Railway Rover Scouts and Girl Guides were entertained by the Ist Gemas Rover Crew at a Campflre at the Railway Institute Padang on Sunday night.
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  • 55 8 From Our Stall correspondent PENANO, Tues— A toddy tapper with a previous conviction was described by the prosecution today as "undoubtedly a dealer .in black market toddy.'' The accused, Alamboo, was fined $1,000 or in default will serve one year's imprisonment. He was convicted of issession
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  • 56 8 Imm Our Own Correspondi lit MUAR. Tues.— Fined $15 at Muar for defacing her identity card a Chinese woman, Llm Lav Eng, blamed her three-year-old child for doing She said she left the card, on a table and in her absence the child stamped several] times
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  • 50 8 From Our S.aff Coriespondent MALACCA, Tues. "All owners of bicycles within the Municipal limits who have not re-registered their bicycles and obtained a red 1949 registration plate are now liable to prosecution," warns the Municipal Secretary In an official statement. The last day permitted for re-registration was April 15.
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  • 48 8 t.O MALAYAN nursing si Biers, Christina N't; Yew Peck, of Singapore (left), and Chan Peng Chin, of Kuala Lumpur, with a young patient at the Royal Alexandria Hospital for Children, Sydney. The two girls are there on a post-gradua le nursing course. A.P.
    AP  -  48 words
  • 97 8 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANO, Tues. AMOVE to secure uniform holidays throughout the Federation has been started by the Penang Clerical and Administrative Stall Union. It's president, Mr. N. Ponnudurai. told the Straits Times today that the Union would be urging Its sister body in Selangor
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  • 51 8 From Our Own Corretpousent PARIT BUNTAR, Tues. An Indian, Abdul Rahman, was charged at Parit Buntar with pretending to be a police detective taking away a silver belt from a compatriot. He claimec trial and the case was postponed to May 23. bail of $150 being
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  • 45 8 From Our Own Correspondent MUAR. Tues.— Tan Gek. a Chinese, was sentenced in the Muar Sessions Court to six months' gaol for possession of chandu and a complete smoking outfit. He pleaded guilty. He had had a previous conviction for a similar offence
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  • 240 8 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE, Tuesday. nOI Soh Im and Alice Chia. two A.I.F. Malayan Scholarship nurses who were to leave Sydney for Singapore aboard the Kafiristan on Saturday, are now puzzled to know when or how they will leave Australia. Fire broke out
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  • 122 8 From Oar Staff Correspondent PENANG, Tuesday. /)WING to the high cost of living. Government yj servants still find it difficult to balance their monthly budgets, states the 1948 report of the Penang Government Servants Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society. The report, to be presented
    122 words
  • 46 8 MRS. A. V. ASTON presenting to Dr. Lim Chwee Leong one of the several first priies which he won at the Penan* Gardening Society's flower show on Sunday. Mr. Aston, the Resident Commissioner, also won a first prixe.— T. K. Llat picture.
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  • 323 8 Islam As The Chinese Follow It Muslim Notti I From Our Muslim Correspondent OFF and on one hears of Muslims taking part in the civil war now going on in China. Little appears to be generally known of China's Muslim millions in Malaya They bave long been .solat d from
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  • 85 8 Frinn Our Own I HtaapasMcSSl 1 BITIAWAN Turs. The Youths' Sec ioi of the Dindinps Ccylonese ion gave a fareweil tea party recently to Mr P. Samy. t'ne son of Dr S Parampilatn, J.P., and a leading apoftsm n in the district, who is shortly
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  • 53 8 From Our Stall <'orrrs|»indrnt JOHORE BAHRU. Tues.— Mrs. Louise Mary Cameron Gray was yesterday fined $10 in the Pallce Court on pleading guilty to a charge of falling to produce her identity card to a police officer at the Causeway She said she left her card
    53 words
  • 30 8 From Our Own Corrrspondert PARIT BUNTAR, Tues. Chan Boon Kang, aged Id, and Tan Choon Chin, 40, were each fined $10 at Parit Buntar for using unlicensed sampans.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 314 8 TWOFOLD BEAUTY ROUTINE ffn*(P^* |tf To keep >' our skin smooth and fair, you need two creams onr for I cleaniing, and one for protection. For night use, a finely-blended JcC^U KiPF oily cream to clean** thr ikin Pond'i Cold Cream. For tht day, a cool, light cream to help
      314 words

  • Economic Sportlight On The News
    • 88 9 /CHEVIOT Rubbers profit and V loss account for the year to Dec. 31. 1948, shows estate expenditure, production and marketing costs 187. 553, London administration expenditure £4,343. replanting provision £9,537. depreciation of buildings and machinery £5,046, balance carried down £59.193; Total taxation £35,991; Proposed ilivi.lind of 12.,
      88 words
    • 1284 9  -  RICHARD DENMAN Of The By Economist LONDON, May 11. gVEN with all the reservations about not looking a gift horse in the mouth, the British authorities have been unable to conceal their dismay at the recent decision in Washington to cease making Marshall dollars available for purchases
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 250 9 i\\m a j r» l V/J) V$ A word on Packaging Imjjl Most people will agree that Rothmans \\l 'i De Luxe are very fine cigarettes Indeed. lIJISI It b natural, therefore, that palna should be taken to ensure that their protection I llj it maintained during their long journey
      250 words
    • 221 9 CEILING FANS MADE IN' ENGLAND M K ctfitiencj j MJVI. OF THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. LTD.. OP BNOLANI) SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG HOME DELIVERY SERVICE The finest Malayan Highlands Tea sent direct from the Estate to: CREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND 21b tin 5 Ib chest 10 Ib chest $5.50
      221 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 594 9 North and Couth In today's t. oidding had been particu- I v»re not to ue congrct'tlatea laily unrevealing, and stnn ly f) the contr°ft Mn reirhed! criticised the tluee-r.o-tnn:i.) caJL North, den' South, he said, should have n his excellent diamond fit nd Implied his great strength by a
      594 words

  • 500 10 PROSPECTING:PLEA FOR NEW AREAS Mr W. Warren's Warning From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. YEW areas must be made available for prospecting if Malaya was to retain its position as the world's largest producer of tin, declared the vice-president of the Miners' Association of Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang,
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  • 56 10 After the oppressive heat of Monday when 37 degrees were recorded by the Kallang weather experts. Singaporeans had to cover ud with blankets early yesterday morning when the temperature dropped to 75 degrees during a torrential shower. Weather experts said that 75 degrees was not
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  • 64 10 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Mr. H. C. V. B. Barnes, Deputy Director of Audit, Federation of Malaya, and Mrs. Barnes were guests of honour at a farewell tea party given by members of his department. Mr. R. Mac Donald, Director of Audit,. Malaya, presided Mr.
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  • 101 10 RAJA MUDA OFF TO U.K. rpHE Raja Muda of Perak K. leaves Singapore by air today on his first visit to Europe. In London, where he will spend several months before touring the Continent, the Raja Muda hopes to study administration at the Colonial Office. He expects to De away
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  • 48 10 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANO, Tues. A 13--year-old boy, Lai Ka Seng, who arrived from Sungei Patanl. fainted in the Registration Office here today while waiting to have his address altered In his Identity card. Special constables on duty nearby rendered first aid.
    48 words
  • Article, Illustration
    82 10 THREE FLAYS: The Singapore Stage Club's contribution to the St. Andrew's Mission Hospital Week will take the form of three one -act plays produced by Murray and Beppy de Vries. They are Dark Brown, Jenny in the Orchard and Five to Five-Thirty. Picture shows the producers, Kna Murray, left,
    82 words
  • 172 10 is a written reply to Inche Sardon bin Haji Jubir 1 (Rural East) in the Legislative Council yesterday, the Singapore Government said it was not considering the early introduction of election of members to the Rural Board. Efforts are being made, said the Government, to
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 45 10 From Our Own Correspondent TAIPINO, Tues.— Found In possession of 36 bakau poles in the Pasirltam mangrove swamp, royalty on which had not been paid, Koay Huck Tor and Llm Toa Chow were today fined $20 each by the Talplng magistrate.
    45 words
  • 49 10 From Our Own Correspondent TELUK ANSQH. Tu«s. A meeting of friends and parents of children will be held at the Anglo -Chinest School Hall, Teluk Anson, at 5.30 p.m. on Thursday to consider th*> expansion of the school for the benefit of the public of Lower Perak.
    49 words
  • 302 10 A WRECK in Singapore waters which Li dangerous to navigation will cost $130,000 to cut away, a Finance Committee report tabled at yesterday's Legislative Council stated. The report explained the need for additional expenditure on the work. The committee says that a provision of $50,000 was made
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  • 131 10 From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. THE Government's recent 1 notification on World War II medals for Malayan military and passive defence services is expected to produce a spate of aopllcationi from ex-servicemen. The Federation Volunteer Central Records Office has. therefore, cyclostyled thousands of letters to
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  • 84 10 From Our Stall Correspondent IPOH, Tues.— The annual general meeting of the St John's Ambulance Association, Perak. has been fixed for June 23 at 4 p.m. at the St. Michael's Institution Hall At a recent committee meeting of the d J.A.A.. the formation of branches at Taiping
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  • 42 10 From Our Own Correspondent SITIAWAN. Tues. The mall from Ipoh now arrives at Sltiawan at 10 a.m., thanks mainly to the efforts of the Controller of Posts, and the mall to Ipoh leaves SltUwan at 2 30 p.m.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 206 10 •SSBL. DAILY 5 TIMES presents 11.00—1.45—4.00 6.30 and 9.30 THE ADVENTURER jW -%>^ OF THEM ALL! "^Sfc| FIGHTING l^K O'FLYNN" JtM RECKLESS ROGUE! mfo^mKi HELENA CARTER Ms:sBs* f^ RICHARD GREENE *%r~ kyVMR^' Preceded h> i k «_-^bV I T w masters ffjFy *»^JWf A Decade of Band fjfsf BL ltx
      206 words
    • 306 10 While^ Hie foitgpidn w*its. W quirt ft EVANS... Kb^S s^r hunted H^B by the dS H escape new kind of love! She took the Violence from hi heart and tilled It with Love! JOHN GAIL WAYNE RUSSELL srictiirc b^b^bHHb^VVihL^ r Showing Now/™! 11 a.m.; 1.45; 4.15; 6.15 9.30 p.m. 78°
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 308 10 7.30 Swing Seuion; 8.00 You Too 8.30, 10 and il); 1.00 Recorctt SINCAPOHK (^j 3^ j^ Actoc g w Mvafc) Hewxl; 7.10 8.8 C. Pro--10 00 Newi from Kuala, Lumpur: through tit* Alphabet: 9.4S Svm» duoUon; 8.00 On the U«rch: 10 ob (approV) Olow; lOi *«J 10 00 Film Album;
      308 words

  • 350 11 LONDON. Tues. yiCKERS' announcement of I a 100 per cent, bonus issue to Ordinary stockholders (the largest ot Its kind slnie repeal of the bonus issues duty) brought the price of the irsue up Is. 3d. to 355. 6d. on the London Stock Exchange yesterday. It eased later
    350 words
  • 145 11 From A Market Corresiioi.a'.it DUYING Interest for copra was, D very evident m the Slng&pore produce n»rk^ts yesterday, but mdlnu was quiet arid only forward deals were transacted. Conditions *ere unchanged In most sections, iltVv;ugh there were few changes In quotations. Yesterdays prices per plcul were: Prpper:
    145 words
  • 824 11 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Tuesday. INQUIRIES for Industrials in the Malayan share market were sustained today and prices again showed small improvements. Tin shares still failed to respond but there was a little selective buying. Prices quoted by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: INDUSTRIALS
    824 words
  • 185 11 OWING to lack of Interest the Singapore* rubber market was inclined to be slightly easier yesterday with little business passing. Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 sheet (.on. (June) buyers 35* cents, sellers 35V4 ceafo; spot loose buyers 35 V* cents, sellers 35 cenU per lb. The Singapore
    185 words
  • 107 11 SHIPS in port alongside ttK' Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns in brackets) were: Main Wharf: Frlesland (31-32). Calchaj (33-34). Hoegh SUverc-est (38-39). Dondin Narsano (40-41), Carthage (42-43). West Wharf: Bhanurangsl (4), Korea (6-7). President van Buren (8-9). Rajula (11-12). Antenor (15-16). F.mpire Dock: Mantin (19-20). Selandia
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  • 27 11 fHE Russian freighter Klldin. I carrying a cargo of 975 tons of sugar from Odessa to Vladivostok, called at Singapore to take bunkers.
    27 words
  • 70 11 KAMASAN RUBBER COMPANY showed a profit of 6tt per cent, for 1948. and a dividend of three per cent, is recommended (the same as last year). Net liquid assets In balance shest work out at 31.1 cente per share. All-in cat worked out at 29 8 cents per
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  • 23 11 May 13. May 16. Industrials 114.82 175.76 Rails 47.58 48.10 Bonds 98.37 98 44 Utilities 35.85 36.14 6traits Times Service*.
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  • 30 11 MO 3% Rehab 97.25 98.25 FMS War 1940 101.00 102.00 B.S. 3% 1936 96.25 97.25 SS War 1940 101.00 102.00 8S War 1941 101.50 102.50 Spore 3% Rehab 97.25 38.50
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1189 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) BLUB FUNNEL LIKE iTRAITS STEAMSHIP C 0.,! farrlar't option to pro cud via other LTD. fort, to load and dluh.rg. cargo wfJ7 COA|T MALAy* SAILINGS FROM U.K. UJ.A. M.rMmau tor Muar May 21 .m Ratanf for Malacca May It Anchltm from UK./Cont. Mar 2}
      1,189 words
      445 words
    • 978 11 McALISTER <Sc CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) ELLCRMAN ek BUCKMAU. KLAVENESS LINE LONDON. HAVRI. ROTTERDAM ft CANADIAN MCIMC PORTS. HAMBuRC Accepting cargo for Central South •C.TV Of YOKOHAMA Spore P S-ham Penang FRANCISVILLI 19 |une 11-13 lune 21-22 lane Spore P. Sham Penang 20 lune SO May S jane 6
      978 words

  • 911 12 Hoi Meng 's Star Turn Decisive C.A 4 R.A.F. (Seletar) 1 SOCCER fans who rolled up in their thousands. at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday saw one of the hardest and most thrilling games of the season when Chinese Athletes strengtened their hand in the S.A.F.A.
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  • 699 12  -  HALLIDON By T»HIS week 1 shall deal with Law 10, a most imx portant law which must be studied carefully. The object of any game of football is to score goals; consequently, the Law governing the method of scoring should be carefully understood. The
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  • 373 12  -  TUMMY LAW TON Lawton Lessons. ..No 10 Hy rpODAY'S lesson is mainly for forwards, particularly inside m*n, and it also, indirectly, concerns goalkeepers. It is on the rather tricky question of hitting or diverting a pass goal-wards while travelling at speed. All the inside forwards
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  • 32 12 Johore Bahru. Tues:~ Prisons Department consolidated their position at the head of the Sorrer League table by defeating the PARELF Training Centre today by five goals to one.
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  • 63 12 ST. Patrick's School annual sports will be held on May 27 at 3 p.m. on the school ground. Parents, weil wlshrri and old boys are cordially Uw ied to "t'-end There will tx. an Old Boys' >ace (880 yards) .t 1 30 p m. Those wishing to
    63 words
  • 107 12 FERE was no play in the Singapore lawn tennis championships on the Singapore Cricket Club Courts yesteriay. Revised ties for today are:MeiT* Singles: Ci In Kee Onn v. P.-Svath?: I A Alsagoff v. Y. P. Wee. Men's Doubles: N. S. Wise and P. Clerc v. W. Tan
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  • 21 12 DAFFLES liutitrJon will play against the Proepcrous Badminton Party at the Happy Wu'd stadium tonight *t 7 p m.
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  • 390 12 LONDON, Tues. RAIN-AFFECTED llckttl brought quicks decisions In three County cricket championship games to-day, final day of the current series of g«mes. At the Oval Hampshire were caught on a sticky wicket and were quickly out for 59, Jim Laker taking five wickets for 19.
    Reuter  -  390 words
  • 133 12 inmrr. lues. "DLENTY yum sen« Singapore tonicnt" wu Die text of a significant cable sent to two Singapore Chinese racehorse owners from Sydney recently. The occasion was when :hnhorse. Great World, won th fixed weight ma den handicap at Sydney. The cable »ai sent
    Reuter; AP  -  133 words
  • 88 12 •THE Bournemouth Badminton 1 Party beat the Setia Badminton Party by five games to nil over the week-end to annex the Junior inter-pirly championship of the Singapore Maln> Badminton Tournament. Results of other ties played over the weekend were: Open Inter-Parties (Semi-final) Muhibbah B.P. lost to Gentle
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  • 22 12 The Commercial High School first and second teanu drew with the Tong Moiig 08. A. in friendly soccer matches yesterday.
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  • 526 12 WEIGHTS FOR 12 RACES IN PENAING From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Tuesday. WEIGHTS for 12 races in Penang, eight for Saturday, the first day of the Penang Turf Club's meeting, and four for Wednesday, May 25, the second day, are given below. hts f Weights for Saturday are: CLASS S.
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  • 109 12 LONDON, Tues. LEICESTER had scored 207 for one wicket in their second innings today when rain stopped play at 3 p.m. and the game was abandoned. Rain had delayed the start until just before 2 p.m. Prank Prentice, who hit 11 fours In one of
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 77 12 A FRIEND.',* game of gclf played yesterday at the Island Club between Singapore's Motion Picture Exhibitors and Distributors ended in a win lor the Exhibitors. A dinner was held at the Majestic Hotel last night to marie the occasion at which all those who participated in the golf
    77 words
  • 181 12 IN a Junioi B. Group 2. league soccer match played at the Geylang Stadium ysuvrl u\ the unbeaten Comos trounced C V M.A. (PM) by fix* goals to nil. iwo cf Cosmos goals came through penalties. Cosmos had the gax.e w 11 In hand throughout, and
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  • 68 12 JOHORE ISAHRU hH Johore Bahru District Badminton A* ocl-' t lo-i 'ia>e invitd the Malayan Thomas Cup rnayi'i.s to stag- in >x':il;i Mom ma'ch in Johore Bahru in aid of Welfare week. Johore specially wnts to welcome Won* Pe:ig Soon who fin-t won his buditiiiit
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 806 12 (Continued trow uagt S) ACCOMMODATION VACAN1 i AUOfc furn room, suit two bachelors, modern home, own bath, Katong. Apply Box No. A6378. S.T. f.EONIE House. 25 Orange Rd 2 vacancies occur. Apply 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. onl' Mrs. T H. Payne TeL S0102. COSMOS: 17 ScotU Road. At. one
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 122 12 Did You Know The Answer? I AST week's problem set in no way lessened. 1 by Ha Hid on was: The referee may car In the event of mis- tion or send off the Field conduct taking place of play the player or when the ball is out of player*
      122 words
    • 40 12 TODAY LEAGUE SOCCER: Snr. Div Rovers v. Royal Signals— .Ul>n Besar; Jnr. A. Grp. 1. BODCA v. Spare Chinese In* Kxat.— BOD. rrnd; St. George's Rd; Chinese S I T. ft T.C Geylang. TENNIS: S L r lies— S CC.
      40 words
    • 23 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: HW. 1.31 m. IMb I Ma), 3.45 p.m. < 6ft 9ir> TOMORROW: HW. 2.21 am. (Bft. Oln), 4.51 p.m. (6ft. Tin
      23 words