The Straits Times, 27 March 1949

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 30 1 LARGEST NFTT SA^KS IN NAIAT4 t THE SUNDAY TIMES Sunday Edition ol me Straits Tim«s A Singapore r re« Prmss No. 713 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1949. PRICE 10 CENTS
    30 words
  • 392 1 Department to test for atom values Sunday Times Staff Reporter IPOH, Saturday. MALAYA may soon be the scene of a "uranium rush." Crude mineral with a uranium content was found 21 years ago at Gunong Bakau, nettr Fraser's Hill, by Dr. F. T. Ingam and prospectors
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  • 195 1 Sunday Times Staff Reporter kJADAM Tan Ah Ooh, widow of a hero of the Japanese occupation, was presented yesterday morning with a special award from the Services, in recognition of her hu<J>and s aid to Allied prisoners during the occupation, atm ceremony at Fort Canning. The
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  • 231 1 Sunday Times Staff Reporter VJR Tan Chong Chew's Alsatian Templefie'ds Raffles of Roymaz. won the Pencot challenge cup for the besr exhibit at 'he Singapore Dog Show held at the Happy World stadium yesterday. A huge crowd saw Mr. E. V. Smith's ***** win the
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  • 148 1 CAIRO, Saturday. DRINCESS Fawzia, King Farouk's sister, whose divorce from the Shah of Persia was announced last November, has become engaged to 31 -year-old Cambridge graduate Ismail Cherime Bey, a high Egyptian official. The wedding is expected to take place at the Abdin Palace here
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 38 1 CAIRO. Sat. A .lew Anglo Egyptian sterling agreement will be signed here on Tuesday. Talks for a renewal of the agreement which expired last December have been proceeding for the past three months.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 85 1 LONDON, Sat— A Royal Air Force Vampire has arrived at Khartoum after a 6.000 mile flight from Singapore for three months "sun exposure tests", the British Air Ministry announced today. The plane recently completed tropicalisation tests and a goodwill demonstration tour in the Far East. The flight
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 61 1 BATAVIA. Sun— The United Nations Indonesia Commission today informed the Security Council that there was no serious damage to the city of Jogjakarta which would interfere in any way with the re-establishment of the Republican government in Jogjakarta. The commission urged the Netherlands authorities to furnish
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  • 37 1 BANDOENG. Sat. -Guerillas numbering 300 attacked a rubber estate near Tjibadak halfway between Batavia and Bandoeng in West Java and burned down several buildings. Estate guards and em- j ployees saved the factories.— U.P.
    UP  -  37 words
  • 78 1 IN ipring a young mani fancy may lightly turn to thoughts o» love but Tokyo* policemen don't want such thoughts combined with anything smacking of the illegal. They announced yesterday that between now and Apr. 16 they will stage periodic raids on cabarets, cafes, cinemas, dance
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  • 144 1 NEW YORK. t. THE nearly nude body of a wealthy mining engineer's wife was found in hrr richly-furnished Park Avenue apartment yesterday Where I her killer had strannl d her with a black necktie. The victim was Mrs. lr>n K-lnberg, 50, who livea the
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  • 38 1 RUSSIAN Hero won the Grand National, with Roimond second and Royal Mount third. Cambridge won the Boat Race. F.A. Cup semi-finals: Portsmouth 1 Leicester 3: Wolverhampton Wanderers 1 Manchester United 1. (Details in page ten)
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  • 111 1 50 still trapped in ship CANTON. Sat. AT least 50 bodies, are still trapped Inside Miss Orient, the luxury ship which was sunk last night at Elliot Passage, six miles east of Canton. Many passengers who were on deck are reported safe, but more than 100 were killed or seriously
    AP  -  111 words
  • 42 1 PRAGUE. Sat.—Czechoslovakia today accused Captain Philip Wildash, permit officer on the British Consular Staff here, who was expelled from the country on Mar. 23, of having plotted to create an antl state underground movement in Czechoslovakia. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 100 1 AUSTRALIA THE DAM Sunday Times Correspondent MELBOURNE, Sat. THE Melbourne Sun today publishes a leading article on the threat of Australia's Immigration Minister, Mr. Arthur Calwell, to amend the Immigration Act to more effectively bar Asians from Australia. The paper expresses th" hope that in framing the amendments, Mr. Calwcll
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  • 80 1 MARSEILLES. Sat.— Huge crowds swarmed the beach along the Corniche sea front today to pick up British pound notes washed up from the sea First reports said around £6.000 worth of currency had been salvaged but the authorities said the figure was closer to .€6OO
    UP  -  80 words
  • 197 1 Sunday Times Staff Reporter QNLY 100 tons of 700 tons of disposals auctioned on v behalf of the 223 8.0.D. at Jurong last week found buyers. Bids for the 600 tons were not to the reserve placed on it by the Army, an officer
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  • 163 1 Reds attack Anking NANKING, Sat COMMUNIST troops attacking Anking die still between six and seven miles from the centre of the city, about half way between Nanking and Hankow on the north bank of the Yangtse river, according to latest reports received in the capital Messages from Wuhu hair way
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 118 1 Sunda> linn's i.i ii-n|,iiii MELBOURNE. Sat AUSTRALIA'S "Whose Baby V case, in which two m>thers are fighting for a ba'ov girl alleged to have been accidentally exchanged with another baby in a maternity home, may "be tak' n to il; Privy Council. A solicitor for
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 107 1 *l! I tr men swir. WHEREVER YOU MAY t>£, J\l| "HOHNER" ''^K£>^YOUR BEST COMPANION HSB4, Vamp<r $4.00 Echo, Vamper $4.00 HSBI, Tremolo 7.00 Echo, 28-reed 4.50 lISB2. Organ 7.00 Echo. 32-reed 6.50 HSB3, Alto 7 00 Preclosa. 40-reed 7.00 •CHROMONICA." 10-hole. 40-reed. Chromatic $15.00 •SUPER CIIKOMONK A 12-hr Me. J«
      107 words
    • 61 1 TAILORING OF .^iJvSkr DISTINCT! OK C^Sj l|| 7,815 miles Wj That is a very long distance /Xl I llm for a cigarette to travel But J*|L Rothmans De Luxe do come \U\ that distance all the way from London where they have been l\ made for nearly 60 years for
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  • Article, Illustration
    363 2  -  KEBUN by THE common name for Stenolobium stans is Yellow Bells, and very appropriately it i s named too. Its clusters of large bell-like flowers are borne profusely, from time to time, but especially after a dry spell. Yellow Bells is a tall growing shrub, occasionally attaining
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  • 859 2 FIRED AT BY HIS OWN GUN OLD TIMER was once fHE white ants are getting the better of me at the moment. They are on my coconut trees, rambutans and other trees. Rain has washed ofl the sticky crude oil from the trunks and the termites are making trails up
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  • Article, Illustration
    502 2 PHOTO NOTES ACCORDINO to the most recent surveys of why people take pictures, special events such as family gatherings, holidays, birthdays, etc., lead all other reasons for picturetaking. Everybody, It seenii, feels Justified in swinging that old camera into action whenever a celebration takes place. And let's not
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 275 2 ■Mjrft Y& No matter whether you J^~^ tide up-country or on IF I city streets, every mile h pleasure on jg^kJßtm i^j» Phillip* it's to /r fvWi tf^^*^ Bnootb-raaaiog to I/\ A\\\ JaAWk'^^V effortless to nde. Only ik i\ I\\ l\\ iJm' the mtteriab go Ipfc^L HM& J^7V uo OHWmctioo
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    • 153 2 Beware of Imitations Inferior watches with Rolex dials* are In Malaya. Be cautious. Better purchase direct from the Sole Agents. Q i| if Q fwVjßt Offi^tvSjpfifE/ i W T o I t K 18 Collyr Quay SINGAPORE thanks to the penetrating Bj •^idi^Bi^' _*^t^. <^Sk?^ oErv fS^H <,-- I E&
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  • 404 3 Negri starts special class for seniors Sunday Times Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Saturday. NEGRI Sembilan has started to prepare school boys for the University of Malaya when it is established. Ther* is a post-School Certificate class with students from Seremban, Kuala Pilah, Kuala Lipis and Malacca. This
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  • 65 3 Sunday Times Correspondent PENANG, Sat.— A widow wept today when the Coroner, Mr. J. P. Blackledge, extended to her the court's sympathy on the death of her husband. The woman, Phang Ah Poo, said that her husband fell from the first floor of their house
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  • 45 3 Sunday Times Correspondent BUTTERWORTH. Bat. A young Malay. Ahamad bin Yahaya, was today granted $1 000 ball on eight charges of extortion. He was alleged to nave Impersonated a forest ranger and victimised four Chinese. The case was postaoned a week.
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  • 162 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter THE Dutch Bank in Singapore (Nederlandsche HandelMaatschappiji, N.V.) will celebrate its 125 th anniversary next Tuesday. Among the 350 guests expected to attend a reception in the bank hall at 1 1 30 a.m., are high Government officials and
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  • 154 3 Sunday Tim*s Correspondent PEOPLE retiring from Malaya to Australia will now be able to take a car in without payment of customs duty subject to certain conditions. The car must have been in possession of the person taking it to Australia for a period of at least
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  • 37 3 Sunday Times Correspondent SEOAMAT, Sat. Found with an excess of 22 cwts on his vehicle, 41-year-old Yong Kiew Kong, lorry driver, was fined $06, with the option of 33 days' gaol, by the Segamat Magistrate.
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  • 153 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter THE crew of the Shamsher, an anti-submarine frigate belonging to the Pakistan Navy, was feted yesterday at the Seletar Naval Base by the Pakistan members of the Singapore Royal Naval Police. The Shamsher arrived here two weeks ago from Karachi to undergo
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  • 43 3 Sunday Times Correspondent SUNOEI LEMBINO, Sat.— Samsuddln bin Mohamed. a special constable In Sungel Lemblng, was acquitted and, discharged in the Sessions Court on a charge of theft of a pair of shoes. He was not called upon for his defence
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  • 27 3 Sunday Times Correspondent PARIT BUNTAR, Sat.— Subrayan was ned $15 for possession of luiclt toddy by Mr. E. M. Smallwood in the Nlbong Tibal court.
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 3 MODEL v-^tt were raced ia a long regatta at Meninf last Friday. Picture Am rh« |ockcys preparing the piloileis vessel* for bunching. A club li being formed with a view to holding a regatta once a mon Hi.
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  • 238 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter A NEW hotel it to be opened in Singapore about Easter. rm It is to be called the Country Hotel and wWin the first instance accommodate about 18 residents. The hotel is in Bartley Road, at its junction with Serangoon Road,
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  • 57 3 Sunday Times Correspondent KUANTAN. Sat.— The marriage took place of Mr. Lee Boon Sow and Miss Yong Chaw Lin at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. The bride Is the fourth daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Yong See of Kuala Lumpur, and the groom is the eldest son of
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  • 75 3 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's noon prices on Saturday (Mar. 20) were. Id cento per lb.: Bayer Seller No. 1 R.8.S. Spot loose nominal 29\ 36tt FOB In bale* Apr. No. 1 R.S.S. 36 Vi 36 H No. 3 R.3.3. 34H 34'* No. 3 R S 8.
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  • 110 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter rDIA has a sardine mystery. The oil sardine which used to appear In enormous shoals off the Malabar coast and gave rise to a flourishing Industry has disappeared. In Its place has come another species which gives less oil and is less esteemed
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  • 87 3 want new members Sunday Times Correspondent MALACCA. Sat.— The annual general meeting of the M >laca branch of the Ex-Ser-vices Asoclatlon of Malaya wa s held at the High School yesterday. Mr. D. J Rodman wa s elected chairman. The retiring chairman Mr. C. A Scott, appealed for
    87 words
  • 59 3 Sunday Times Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— A branch office of the Income Tax Department Is to be opened in Penang on Monday. The office will be >n the former education office in the Ban Hin Lee Bank building. Besides Penang taxpayers, the office will
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 148 3 From Suigapurc, England and Australia arc now m easy to reach by Constellation on the "Kangaroo" Service. Traditionally good service, air-conditioned cabins and delicious food. For full informatioo regarding fares and sir-cargo rates, consult yoar TnivH Agent, or Q £A and 80-Af QANIAi tMPIRt A/ft WAS l» parallel wit It
      148 words
    • 242 3 felt as weak as a kitten THB SLIGHTEST exercise used to exhaust me. I was in a wntched state from Piles. Then I heard of Boots H.P. Ointment, and it acted like a charm. No more of that frantic irritation now." Sufferers from Haemorrhoids ot Piles can rely upon quick
      242 words

  • 711 4  - HAZE OVER ASIA TALKS Bob Gilmore By MELBOURNE, Mar. 20. THE almost un- heralded arrival in Canberra of Britain's bespectacled little Colonial Minister, Lord Listowel Nehru's sudden revival of republic talk; Evatt's participation in the Delhi postmortem on the Bur smese Republic, &nd Defence Minister Dtdman's guarded hints of a
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  • 590 4 AMONG THE NEW BOOKS "MORE Canvas", iTJ bawls Captain Swing as the R.N. Sloop begins to overhaul the "Nero" (holds a-clank with manacled negro slaves), "Still more •canvas!" And more than once I felt that Norman Collins, author of BLACK IVORY paced the deck beside his slaver skipper,
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  • 292 4 VOICES of Spring" by Johjnn Straun it a very famous waits and hat been recorded many timei, mainly a* orchestral recordings. A New record now brings us Lily Pont singing, together with the accompaniment played by Andre Kostelanets (her husband) and orchestra. This is a very
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  • Article, Illustration
    73 4 A CHILD'S pavsmenr icoorer, equipped with a little engine dasigned for model aircraft can now give the rider a new thrill. The engine, weighing only 13 ounces and developing 1.3 horse-power, was built in California. Civen a slight push, the scooter travels along at a brisk eight miles an hour,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 417 4 High Pay and W security! High Pay and Security" Is yours for th* ■i f asking. It is the finest and most complete handbook on successful Commercial Car* jj-E eers vpr compiled. This book should be m the hands of everyone Interested la IZf -jCil C Commerce. H vsffiE The
      417 words
    • 581 4 s m*g^. _v- R Er^Zl B^bTJ Saß R I*^ Saß m r 9*n Jllsal I S lx^ I AT ALL WATCH DEALERS WHOLESALE ONLY MONTOR LTD. H» Arcade Phone: 5«9i S«*» s I°/ 0 THANKS TO 'KEPLER* Thane's man goodness to die spoonful in «>" Kepler the world-famous Cod Liver
      581 words

  • 222 5 Exhibition of work by children Sunday Times Staff Reporter SCHOOLCHILDREN and their teachers were amongst the early spectators at the Handwork Exhibition of the Singapore Social Welfare Department's 17 children's social centres at the British Council Hall yesterday morning. The exhibition was organised to help raise $20,000
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  • 167 5 Hotel bedsstill scarce Sunday Times Staff Correspondent SINGAPORE hotels are still experiencing the post-war boom ana a survey this week indicates that the demand for accommodation Is as great as It was In 1946. One manager said that the main difference between now and the immediate post-war period was that
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  • 67 5 Mr. P. De Souaz, a Barrack Warden with the Army Service Corps, who was decorated with the B.E.M. medal by the Governor of Singapore (Sir Franklin Gimson) at a ceremony in Government House yesterday, ga a party to his friends at th> Cathay
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  • 39 5 About 200 people attended the annual dinner and ball of the Oxford and Cambridge Society at Adelphi last night. The Society departed from its pre-war practice and allowed Liembers to bring in guesU for this year's function.
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  • 228 5 ROCHORE WARD Sunday Times Staff Reporter CIVE Labour Party candidates, at an election meeting at Rowel! Road yesterday afternoon, criticised the Singapore Progressive Party's stand and the Municipality's attitude towards the housing situation. Introducing Mr. C. M. K. Sabai, Labour candidate for the Rochore
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  • Article, Illustration
    67 5 MISS Chiu Swee Licw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chua Cheng List, of Singapore, and Dr. George Reginald Widiworth, son of Mr. snd Mrs. B. Wad s worth of Liverpool, who were married at St. Andrew's Csthedrsl yesterday afternoon. The groom is a medical practitioner snd a part-time lecfurer in
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  • 125 5 SCOHEAR MAIDEN SPEECH NORTH WARD From Our Staff Correspondent FIVE hundred people, mostly Indians, were at Farrer Park yesterday to listen to the first election address of Mr. P. V. Krlshnan who is an Independent standing for the north ward. Another Independent candidate for the South Ward, Mr. Cheah Kirn
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  • 270 5 Sunday Times Staff Reporter PRIZES at the dog show F held at the Happy World yesterday were distributed by Mrs. Q. J. Scott, secretary of the Malayan Kennel Association, a*, follows: Best conditioned dog: Mr Sect Teck Tuan's Andra of Langesk; Scottish terrier: Mrs. James Armstrong's Armscott
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  • 300 5 EAST WARD Sunday Times Staff Reporter kJORE than 200 persons attended the election meeting IVI of Mr. C. H. Kiat, Independent candidate for East Ward, in the Municipal election next Saturday, at Yock Eng School, Tanjong Katong Road, yesterday. Inche Sardon bin Haji
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 161 5 SevenSeaS PURE COD S LIVER OIL XL for health at every stage ot lift) From babyhood through youth to maturity* Nature's best "extra" food SevenSetS.^ Doctors have recommended Cod liver Qit for a hundred years. It builds up strong bones and teeth in babies and children. It gives stamina and
      161 words
    • 255 5 Everybody told me Fynnon Salt would be good for my RHEUMATISM A pleasant experience is always ir^^^L\ worth talking about. What has fT been of benefit to others may be >j -gi f9\^ good news for you. Fynnon Salt has v been good news for thousands. C^^W People are talking
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 314 5 cwi^adabb Dance Mualo; 9.90 News; P.4J BI.IBS. SMCArom Evening Star; 10.00 Sunday Sert--9.00 Morning; 9.30 Latin Ota.. MSfffVoSSe.^Ch.K! America; 10.00 Newa from Kuala n.i, and Verse; 6.15 Music for the Ift n m tt,»— -1..H.- hi it Dance; §.30 News; 8.45 Indoneo oo Marninff umif a vi ijitin f
      314 words

  • 33 6 Mrs. Ngol Shang Ton and family wish to thank all relations and friends who attended the funeral of the lit© Mr. Ngol Shang Ton and those who sent wreaths and paid visits.
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  • 271 6 SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1949. ELECTION ISSUES ON Saturday of this week the 8,686 registered voters in Singapore will go to the polls to elect two-thirds of the members of the Singapore Municipal Commission. They will vote for 28 candidates— l 6 Progressives, five Labour and seven Independents who seek election
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  • 270 6 THE decision of the Singa- pore Municipal Commissioners to cease licensing taxis of pre-1945 vintage confers a compulsory benefit on the taxi drivers and owners and will be very welcome to the general public. Those who make any extensive use of taxis know the discomfort of being compelled
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  • 1576 6  -  DR.E.H.G DOBBY THEY TRAVELLED TO MALAYA— III By adventurer calling himself "John Smith" might seem a little suspicious in 1949. In 1602 there was really such an Englishman in Malaya. He began life ambiguously. His mothei was a wandering actress, his father a Cornish parson, about
    1,576 words
  • Article, Illustration
    56 6 THE Spanish dancer Mariemma, now appear, ng in London. Ma >.n» is hailed as i. > Hie great Spanish dancer Argentinita, who died a few years ago. Her magnificent costumes are, *in fact, those worn by her great predecessor, who left instructions in her will that they be given to
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  • Article, Illustration
    420 6 yiENNA may soon T be the scene of an international conference to restore harmony to the world in the purlely musical sense of the word. Dr. Hermann Zeissl ha*asked the United Nation* Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation to call such a conference to establish a standard "A" pitch
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  • 180 6 I LIKE this story told to me the other day by a great lover of l<e ancient, heavily-costumed Chinese opera. The "general" doffed his great black beard as n» came in from a scene. Minutes fleeted by and the man at the drum hammered his signals with
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 584 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. The Marriage between Mr. Tng Kee Hock and Miss Anne Choo Slang Nco takes place today. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED European Lady with knowledge of business. Apply Box No. A 157. Sun. Times. SENIOR Clerk required to handle the purchase, Issue and control of household furniture. Applicants should have
      584 words
    • 12 6 for better tea-time* F inert Broken Orange Pekoe Price $2.00 per Ib
      12 words
    • 11 6 -AW Lt &izeo... _^^^B^BW^B^B^Bm I W ""^V Pmtd Quarto OBTAINABLE .ja^EVERYWHERE
      11 words

  • 377 7 Grenade trap during raid near Ipoh Sunday Times Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. "f WO British police sergeants, both Yorkshiremen, were killed in a combined police and military operation yesterday scarcely three miles north of Ipoh. They were Sgt. W. Wells, who was killed on
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  • 84 7 Sunday Time* Start Reporter PENANG, Sat. SCARCELY half an hour after putting out a blaze on a tree in front of the MacAlister Road Telegraph Office, firemen rushed to another fire in front of the General Hospital yesterday. In their wake came two truckloads of police and a
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  • 187 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter A JUSTICE of the Peace and a lawyer came forward as sureties when the question of bail arose In the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday against Frederick Bernard Oehlers. Oehlers (45) is alleged to have caused Al Rivers, former welter-weight boxing
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  • 71 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter BANDSMEN of the Happy World Cabaret, union representatives and the management yesterday reached a settlement of the wage dispute, over which the bandsmen had threatened to strike on March 30. Bandsmen of the Great World and New World cabarets have already come to
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  • 32 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter TAIPING, Sat.— While out hunting with friends yesterday in Kampong Dew, Hassan bin Man received firearm 'njuries on both his legs He was taken to hospital.
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  • 43 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter THE christening took place yesterday afternoon, at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, of Wendy Mary, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Mathieu of Singapore. God-parents were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Lucas of Batu Pahat.
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  • 86 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. '•you refused to pay one dollar for your photographs and to get yourself registered. Now you pay $10," said Inche Mohamad bin Baba, the Kuala Lumpur First Magistrate, when he convicted and fined Arumugam, an elderly Indian, for failing
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  • 53 7 From Our SUIT Correspondent Sunday Time* Staff Reporter SEGAMAT, Sat.— Charged with failing to carry an attendant in his vehicle, a 33--year-old lorry driver, Ben Kirn Mm, told the Sega:nat Magistrate that the attendant was present but was crouching down because of the weather. He
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  • 153 7 JOHORE CO-OP BRANCH Sunday Time* Staff Reporter JOHORE BAHRU. Sat. A BRANCH of the CoOperatlve Department has been opened In Johore Bahru, the offices being located" In the main Government Offices, Bukit Tlmbalan. The branch has been established as the result of numerous demands made for the extension of the
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  • 73 7 Sunday Times Correspondent SEGAMAT, Sat.— l went to Batu Anam town on my bicycle and while returning I had a puncture and could not get back to the lines in time." That Is how 30-year-old Mariappan explained his being out of doors during curfew hours on
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  • 41 7 Sunday Times Ci -espondent MUAR, Sat. A genera) meeting of Indians In Muar resolved that the plan for a Gandhi memorial building at a cost of $15,000 be proceeded with immediately. The building will be on Indian Association land.
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  • 136 7 Sunday Tim-* Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. ANEW chapter in the history of the Scout Movement In Malaya began today when Sir Henry Gurney, the High Commissioner, officially opened the first Federation Scout Council, which 46 representatives from all parts of the country, except T^rengganu, attended Sir
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  • 283 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter THE Chief of Staff, Far East Land Forces, Major-Cert. 1 M. Kirkman, yesterday received two awards from the Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Cimson, for exceptionally meritorious services during the war and in Palestine. He was one of 12 members
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  • 234 7 Sunday Times Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. THREE camps for guiders and guides arc to be held in the Federation in August this year. They will be in Taiping for guiders and guides of North Malaya; in Malacca for girls from Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan,
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  • 121 7 Sunday Times Correspondent PENANG. Sat. A 14-year-old girl, U Mcl Ho, today told the Coroner, Mr. J. P. Blackledge that she shouted for help when she saw blood- flowing from the bathroom behind her house in Church Street. LI was testifying at an inquest on her
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  • 41 7 Sunday Times Correspondent MALACCA, Sat. Malacca Library had 497 members in 1948 compared with 350 the year before, says the management committee's annual report. Subscriptions totalled $2,--439. Works of fiction, particularly detective stories, were In popular demand.
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  • 134 7 Stabbed man gets to police Sunday Times Correspondent SEREMBAN, Sat. \X/I FH stab wounds in his chest, a Kuala Lumpur businessman yesterday staggered into Rembau Police Station, 16 miles from Seremban. He was in a state of collapse. He is now in Seremban hospital in a critical condition A Malay
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  • 69 7 Sunday limes Staff Reporter IEAN Margaret Morison, 27, J wife of a security officer of the 223 Base Ordnance Depot, Singapore, was fined $50 yesterday in the Second District Court for failing to take out an identity card within 14 days of her arrival in Singapore.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 125 7 ii V.ilve Receiver i!v.?r!^ P^^P, multi-purpose valves ■H This model is a good receiver for I general purposes. Spertal attention pV has been given to make Short Wave Price $255 j EASY TERMS FREE HOME TRIAL 1^ I*' '^l ORCHARD RD. SINGAPORE. MUSIC WHEREVER YOU GO Be The Proud Poisesser
      125 words
    • 108 7 #*J SLIPOVERS Mfcj|SFpf PRICES FROVI II $11.50 TO $25.00 ROBINSONS RAFFLES PLACE SPORE "Afpro" Tablets jre S^HH^ N^^»^ «e*led leparately ii^ A I )^v moitture-proof, hygienic* DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART ASPRO is the SAFE remedy for Adults and Children People of all Nations rely on "Aspro" to stop pain
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 522 8 BOOKS Of TODAY Ape and Essence by Aldous Huxley 4.90 The Life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by John Dirkson Carr 10 80 The Tales of D. H Lawrence 12.60 TMe Hindu View of Life by Sir 8. Radtu'-rlsh-nan 3.80 Shakrcpeare— His Mind Art by Edward Dowripn 7.60 Th Law
      522 words
    • 172 8 YOU'LL BE PROUD TO CARRY THIS SMART NEW •BROWNIE' BROWNIE REFLEX You'll be proud, too, of the snaps it takes 12 pictures on KodaV 127 film Fixed-focus lens Robust plastic body The bijj view-finder gives you a preview of the snapshot, actual size, as you take it. Now Available AT
      172 words
    • 306 8 1903 *4 A n 1949 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. from handkerchiefs and shirts to shoes and raincoats is^ssH ssß si .1 IB ssß ftiasH ssW Iwm 1 iIH s KB Rl itß -KOBcaiifcHyJiiyfl,,,, You Just set and forget the Smiths 'S etne Auiocai No wmuing or dally resetlngl It
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 902 8 THIS W£EK FOR YOU -What the Stars ForetellABIES (Mar. 22- Apr. 2«): CANCKB (June 23-July LIBBA (Sept 23-Oct. 23): CAPBICOBN (Dec. 23- —AU those whose work 1* 23):— A miscalculation due —Be sure of your values be- Jan. 2»):— You can make with liquids ap^arfav- to poor judgment could fore
      902 words
    • 200 8 Sunday Times Crossword Z7 I I ~~i.HkWAS""" """"^~rßHLajk~* I i I s^sH^^ i ACROSS: 1. Crimson pig- DOWN: 1. Miniu (4); 3. Clusment (4); 4. Seed (I); 7. Pace ler (4); 3. Take food (S); 4 (4); 10. Boat-shaped (9); 11. Marauder (8); 5. Coated with Track of a deer
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    • 450 8 IN our HfawiMimi of tree bids, we hay» seen that a "free" bid over s> double does not require as much strength as other free bids, since it may be the one and only chance the responding player has to show his suit. However, there should be some purpose in
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  • 762 9  -  Mary Heathcott By LONDON, Mar. 10. TAN you £"3e!i? Was spelni£ a teribul tryal and tribulayshun to you u\ skool? If it was perhaps you wiii be in sympathy with Dr. Mont Follick's recent attempt to get a spellin g reform bill through Parliament. Dr. Mont
    762 words
  • 354 9 NEW colours for spring cot- i tons include cherry pink i and Shetland blue, chosen by the I Queen and Princess Margaret for i the Australian tour Seersucker, old-fashioned material which needs no Ironing, is being used for summer evening dresses Sackcloth was a fancy headline fabric
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  • 229 9 ANE of the leading women anglers of tht United States, Mrs. Kip Farrington, thinks Australia Is a paradise for big game fishers. Slim, attractive Mr». Farrlngton, who holds five world's records for big fishing, visited Australia in February with her famous angler husband. She landed four
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  • 363 9 My husband has suddenly made a lot of money and has met new people and made a new set of friends, a fast-living, hard-drinking set Do I stick to our ola friends, whom my husband now claims don't move with the times, or join his set. as ht
    363 words
  • Article, Illustration
    313 9 LIERE ar c som e sug--11 gestions for afterdinner savouries or, if larger quantities are used, for a light snack. Windsor Toast DREPARE the rounds of 1 toast, butter lightly and spread with ham or chicken and ham paste, then cover with grilled mushrooms. Rice Toast PEEL and
    313 words
  • 104 9 ACROSS: 1, Lake. 4, Pip 7, Btep. 10, Navlcular. n slot. 13, Red. 14. Dl«c. 16, Set. 17. Caddy. 18, Mat. 21, Finite. 23, Exodus. 25 Aye. 26, Nor 27, Steles. 29. Squeal. SO. Dab. 32, H*vuc. 34, Mew 36, Anon 38, Lit. 39 Wade. 40. Roadstead. 41,
    104 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 252 9 6 c Careful in Ai'jiiiig unground Sunglasses, wturb may cause your eves to bp dpfeettve BAUSCH 10MB /I P^ I SUN GLASSES Poi Sale Comfortable Vision go to Data Sin and see the modern frames fitted with Onulne Ray-Ban Olasses. DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE I'HONE 6204 525, North Bridre Rd.,
      252 words
    • 251 9 THME'S ONLY ONI LOOK Mr /a^ff^IBBBBBV. Miss Ardcn's rcprcs«nNfiv«, J w MISS CEORCI J*J Treatments. Consultations are given without charge at MAYNARD CO, LTD. 11 Battery Road Phone 6115 (©-Vp||§ Bow very lovely iwMfcYlfi^''^v«\ Here's tnexcit ing idr* for you I Delight wd stank everyyd lifts? \M M Wlth B
      251 words

  • 72 10 Water polo victories for C.S.C. rZ Chinese Swimming Club beat Singapore District (Army) In two water poio matchtm played at GUlman Swimming Pool yesterday. The Chinese won the first team game by four reals 'o three. Scoren for the C.S.C were Ho Plan Chlao (2), Oh Chwee Hoc* and Ho
    72 words
  • 213 10 LIVERPOOL, Sat. A GREAT local triumph was gained when William Williamson's nine-year-old gelding, Russian Hero, startIng 66-1, won today's Grand National by eight lengths from Lord Blcester's Rolmond with Mrs. May Harvey's heavily backed Royal Mount one length further away third. Rolmond started at 22-1 and
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 81 10 1 LONDON, Sat.— Rugby results. Club Matches: Bramley 9, Hull Kingston Rovers 12; Dewsbury 20, i York 7; Featherstone Rovers 17, Rochdale Hornets 0; Halifax 4, Wlgan 10; Hull 12. Leeds 10; Hunslet 9. Huddersfield 15; Liverpool Stanley S, Workington Town ,33; Oldham 7, Kelghley 6; Swinton 17.
    81 words
  • 605 10 United, Wolves to meet again LONDON, Saturday. PORTSMOUTH, favourites to bring off the League and F.A. Cup double, were beaten by Leicester City in the semi-final of the Cup today. Manchester United, holders of the Cup, were held to a draw by Wolverhampton, each side
    Reuter  -  605 words
  • Article, Illustration
    43 10 THE WINNER: Fair Judgement (Eph Smith up) beinj led in after winning the Lincolnshire Handicap at Lincoln on March 19. Mr. C. W. Cordon, the owner, netted £2,986 in prise money, the biggest purse in the history of the event. A. P. photo.
    43 words
  • 29 10 EMPLOYING long passing tactics to. good advantage, the C.V.M.A. beat T. Mong 0.8.A. four nil hi a Junior B, Group 1, fixture at Oeylang Stadium yesterday.
    29 words
  • 92 10 St. Patrick's School beat Victoria School by two goals to one in a thrilling game between the first teams on the V. S. ground yesterday. !The Victorians opened the scoring through Leyman, but before half-time Lee Klat Jlan had put St. Patrick's on level terms. In
    92 words
  • 55 10 LONDON, Sat Swansea 15, Leicester 12; Torquay Ath. 30, Bridge water and 'Albion 10; United Services, Portsmouth 11, Richmond 34; Waterloo 32, Notts 3: Glasgow Academicals 6, Collegians Belfast 10; I Glasgow High School Former Pupils 0. Watsonians 9; Stewarts Former Pupils 0, Herlots Former Pupils 0; Saracens
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 55 10 THE following will represent the 1 Ceylon Military Police against the Johore Military Police In a game of foccer at Johore Bahru tomorrow: Cpl. Noor; Capt. Sally (capt.) Col Le Mercler: Capt. Harvle, L/C Haniffa. Sgt. Hird; Cpl. Dlas, Cpl Dhannawansa, L/C Branudeen. L/C. Buultjens. L/C. Silva.
    55 words
  • 27 10 PARIS, Sat.— Prance defeated Wales by five points to three here to-day in a rugby international. Wales led three points to sero at half-time Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 531 10 LONDON, Saturday. CAMBRIDGE beat Oxford by quarter of a length in the boat race today, in the time of 18 mm. 57 sec. W.r.i warm sunshine and hardly a ripple on the water no finer conditions ever prevailed for the holding of today's 95th annual boat
    531 words
  • 407 10 I S. B. A. IS OUT TO RAISE JUNIOR STANDARD Badminton Notes.... FEATHER AT the 14th annual general meeting of the Singapore Badminton Association the following resolution was unanimously approved "That Junior prise-winners in the Singapore tournament* be promoted only hi the event In which they have won, i.e.
    407 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 407 10 Irained Men v* HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS The sound practical knowledge that countless I.C.S. students have acquired through a convenient course of Home Study has p..ved the way for many a successful career. I.C.S. trained men know the answers In their trade or profr ion, and their applications for the
      407 words
    • 246 10 It it fact that the average buropeau male gruws approximately 25,000 hairs on his face. To obtain a satisfactory shave, each of these thousands of individual hair* /^2«fsg^ss^. must be cut closely and cleanly /fc==|^W^X' /««^b every day. Wise men know fhai sn^^S^CSsfi/f^l the daily shave can be accom- JMl^/
      246 words

  • 293 11 Malayan RAF beat French XI A MAGNIFICENT display of goalkeeping by Boudaille of the French Air Force (Saigon) was mainly responsible for keeping the score down in their match against the Royal Air Force (Malaya) at Changi yesterday. Durd:n. the RAF. star forward was never In the picture and had
    293 words
  • 564 11 Pulau Brani beaten 3-1 Royal Engineers Singapore 3 Pvlau Brani United 1 DOYAL Engineers struck good form at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday to beat Pulau Brani United by three goals to one in a S.A.F.A. Senior League fixture. Pjlau Bram's goal was a gift, Douglas driving
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  • 229 11 Suratta scores 75 NO. THANKS to a grand un- beaten 75 by I. B. Suratta, which included the winning hit, a fine four to leg, the V.M.C.A. beat the Police on Thomson Road ground yesterday. After the Police had declared with 132 for six shoi\ly alter 4.30. it was a
    229 words
  • 292 11 DOSSESSINC a faster, more persistent forward line, ably led by Wheeler, G.H.Q. FARELF emerged champions in the hockey final of the Singapore District Cup when they beat R.E.M.E. Base Workshops by three goals to one at Tanglin yesterday. It was a close of season fixture
    292 words
  • 38 11 Sunday Times Kuala Lnmpur Sports Correspondent DORKY Donnelly, who was injured in a car smash in Johore a fortnight ago, is up .nd about and hopes to ride at the next race meeting at Ipoh.
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  • 41 11 TIONO BAHRU RANGERS beat Changl Prisons by two goals to one In a friendly game of socrer it the Outram Road School ground yesterday. Yap Thean Teck and Boon Yuen Chong scored for the winners and Dutton for Cliangl.
    41 words
  • 78 11 Son of Kong wu disqualified ln the third round of his fight with King Kong at Oreat World wrestling last night. The other results were: Bill Verna drew with Prince Bhupinder, one fall each over six rounds. Tiger Dass knocked out M°ng Jalk ln the third round.
    78 words
  • 306 11 Old Boys and S.R.C. in drawn game I THE Singapore Recreation Club and the St. Andrew's Old Boys' Association drew in a game of cricket played on the club padang yesterday. Batting first, the 5.A.0.8-A. declared with 175 for seven wickets. C. Schubert contributed 39 runs with J. Duclos second
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  • 100 11 I*HE Singapore Chess Champion--1 ships fourth round results were as follows: Chow Wai Nam (1), J. Matthews (0); Llm Kok Ann (1), M. Yassln (0); Man Beng Ouan (1), E. Khaw (0); Tay Kheng Hong (l). Khiong Chin Eng (0); B. R. Vakil (1), Llm Kee Seng (0);
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  • 86 11 THE first team game between St. Andrew's School and Anglo-Chinese School at Woodsvine- yesterday ended ln a scoreless draw. There were no dull momenta as the teams fought hard for goals, which always looked to be on the way. That none was scored was due to
    86 words
  • 108 11 IN a friendly table tennis match yesterday, the Nestanglo S. C. defeated Fraser and Neave by five g;> mes to two. Results (Nestanglo players mentioned first) were: SINGLES: Chan Chin Khiam lost to Thomas Ang o—3;0 3; A. Dawcjd beat W. C. McKean 3--0; All bin
    108 words
  • 257 11 Sunday Times Segamat Sports Correspondent THE inter-diatrict lawn tennis competition for the Cl.cah Cup in Johore starts next month with Muar, Segamat, Kluang, Johore Bahru and Batu Pahat taking part. The trophy was donated by Mr. Cheah Koon Hwee, before the war for annual competition
    257 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 166 11 IN COLOR BY ffeCHNICOLOR "BONNIE PRINCE CHARLIE "J| SPECTACLE lp ,U Starring PAGEANTRY g tit NIVFN "BBJißpiy^ LEIGHTON PRODUCTION! JJB of Thousands SEE IT TODAY! 11 a.m., 1.45. 4.00, 6.30 and 9.30 p.m. Capitol C \l<^E3C/ s Z m Conditioned &72 "ATLANTIS Jts3l THE LOST JfJl CON MT W MARIA
      166 words
    • 339 11 End Rheumatisir While You Sleep If you suffer shai y#vl/^ st.i pains, I /iijlfe\ J"irits are ewollt: 1 1* ViKr*H Bhowa y<Jiir bin' Is poisoned throut-' A-' .'''^ni*W faulty kidney actlo 1 JLy.y TjW^y Other symptoms < l 'l Kidney Disordei are Backaeh« Aching Joints and Limbs, Sciatic Neuritis,
      339 words
    • 213 11 MEET "CYNTHIA"! SHE'S DELIGHTFUL! SHE'S DELICIOUS VOU'XL LOVE HER Opens Tttfay Four SbowB ts?AMll ifif^|S&j PHONF fiPO.^ IaH"2IBVl aH "2lBV WHAT EVERY Gttt SHOULD KNOW I Ma ABOUT Ha fBST OATS her f jmft\ HRST LOVB *<■ WT OKI f-4 IAL» 1T A «Lr BWIETHIART I -National vttvtf' daninci^^^ Cynthia
      213 words

  • 2285 12  -  EPSOM JEEP Good dividends at K.L. races By lOCKEY Pat Clennon was in fine riding form at Kuala Lumpur yesterday when he landed three winners 'ower Chief, Karman and Kimbolton for jimmy Martin's stable. Power Chif.f, an ex-Singapore griffin, and Kimbolton Mete comfortable winners, but
    2,285 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 12 FAIR lUDCEMENI winning rhe Lincolnshire handicap by two lengths from Coldsboroiigh and Yellow Idol (nearest rails) at Lincoln on March 19. A. P. photo.
    24 words
  • 43 12 Total Pool: Si 10 son. Hist: *****8. Second: *****7 Third: *****1. Starter*: No* i;» 7; U3462. [*****4; *****5; *****6; *****3; *****5: *****5; *****7: 1?6956. DOUBLE TOTES First Double: Two ticket* ($5ll ttckl. Second Double: Four 'i. k~t» (376 each). I
    43 words
  • 205 12 rpHE Summer Cup and Go- i 1 vernor's Cup races, each with $3,000 in stakes, will be run at the Singapore Turf Club Summer Meeting to be held on April 30. May 4. 7. 11 and 14 There will be two runs for arh division of
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  • 38 12 Giving an improved disDlay, the P.W.D. Sports Club forced a scoreless draw against the Segamat English School in a friendly soccer match on the school padang. The schoolboys were awarded a penalty which Navaretnam saved brilliantly
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  • 269 12 THE Singapore Chinese Recreation Club scored an easy victory over Public Works Department in a cricket match at Hong Lim Green yesterday. The home team passed their opponents total of 86 runs with eight wickets in hand and continuing to bat scored 125 for flvt. Wee
    269 words
  • 70 12 TALAN Besar Stadium is the venue today of a second Cup trUl lor tht Singapore "Side who meet Singapore Dbtrict 1 Army trial team. In the first trial last Sunday, Singapore beat Royal N*vy by seven- nil Tht first half was evenly contested, and it was
    70 words
  • 30 12 Sunday Times Sitiawan Sports Correspondent The Sitiawan Police defeated tht Chung Hua Club by three goals to one In a friendly game of soccer on the Town Padang.
    30 words
  • 360 12 Sunday Times Kuala Lumpur Sports Correspondent OUTMANOEUVRING their opponents in positional play and attack, the Methodist Boys School Old Boys defeated the Victoria Institution Old Boys by three goals to two in the final of he Thompson Cup competition played at Princes Road, Kuala
    360 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 104 12 To-day at 11 a.m. !50th Ccntnrr IW* "CIENTENIAL SI'MMEK" in Technicolor To-day at 3. B.IS 9.15 p.m. Warner Brot' LIFE WITH FATHER" in Technicolor OPENING TO-MORROW United ArtUU' "WHISTLE STOP" (.Hi \r WORLD GLOBE 3 9. IS lIIRKr MISKKTEERS" NEW WORLD Lido 3—7—9 15 TAMAN AND THE MER.MAIDS" i: >\
      104 words
      258 words