The Straits Times, 17 March 1949

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 299 1 British Move —Hope Of U.S. Support LONDON, Wednesday. THE British Commonwealth is trying to set up 1 a stop-gap barrier against Communism in the Far East, and hopes later for U.S. support of a Pacific defence pact, diplomatic sources said yesterday. Preliminary talks have been held
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 1 MADAM I. YE ENG HONG receiving a certificate from the (;.O.( Singapore UiMrict, Major-Gen. D. Dunlop. In recognition of her late husband's "generosity and complete unselfishness m easing the burden of a nuin-b-r of British prisoners during the Japanese occupation." Story m Page Four— Straits Times picture.
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  • 209 1 SINGAPORE-BASED aircraft have been evacuating British nationals from the outstations in the trouble spots in Burma, it was revealed last night. All the aircraft have now returned to Singapore, said an official spokesman. The same aircraft were used to drop supplies on the British Mission
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  • 74 1 Bevin Wants Indies Chiefs Released LONDON. Wed. THE Dutch Foreign Minister, Dr. Stikker. and the British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Bevin. conferred on the Indonesian situation here, reliable sources said yesterciources believed Mr. Bevin told Dr. Stikker that the Dutch decision to transfer >vereignty to the Republicans by May 1 was
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  • 39 1 LONDON W»vl A eommitf of women has objected to the proposal to put double- i k^r 'buses into service in K-ndal. Westmorland, becauae they fear it will enable ptssengers to peep Into their b droom windows.— U.P.
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  • 140 1 CANBERRA DEFENCE HINT CANBERRA, Wed. POLITICAL observers here I thought today that a statement on Australia's defence position in relation with other countries would be made soon. They based this view on a statement by the Prime Minister. Mr. Chifley, in the House of Representatives to- day, in reply to
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  • 102 1 TOKYO. Wed— SCAP and officials 'from the British teriltorles, lncluddng Malaya, will meet here tomorrow to eview a reciprocal basis (JBSSSO.OOO.OOO trade plan drafted last summer. The one-year plan, which became effective last July, calls for exchange of Japanese goods for those from the British Commonwealth
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  • 63 1 LONDON. Wed.— The King was today reported to be con'inulng his satisfactory recovery from an operation to improve blood circulation n his right leg. The King's doctors made Ihflr usual call at Buckingham Palace this morning, but for the first time since Saturday s operation, no further bulletin
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 184 1 I From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. rE Public Service Comndttee has submitted to the Government a report on I setting up a public service commission for the Federation. A similar Council motion by Mr. E. E. C. Thuraisingham was adjourned last Mirch aftor the Mentrl
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  • 96 1 LONDON, Wed. THE situation in Malaya has taken a much more hopeful turn and public morale is certainly better than a few months ago, the Under Secretary for Colonial Affairs, Mr. David Bees-Williams, told the House of Commons today. He cautioned, however, that the position was
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 1 MR. ANTHONY EDEN with the Sultan of Perak at a tea party at the Istana Iskandariah. Kuala Kangsar, on Tuesday evening. Straits Times picture.
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  • 144 1 BUITENZORG Wed. AGANQ of 100 men yesterday attacked a rubber estate In TJIogreg, four miles south-east of Buitenzorg, West Java, reports Aneta. the Dutch news auency. The gang, armed with 60 i fle s and three bren guns, killed the European commander of the estatf guard
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  • 379 1 Former Singapore Doctor's 0.8. E. LONDON, Wednesday. THE award of the 0.8. E. (Officer of th e Order of the British Empire) to Dr. Hugh Mclntyre, osteopath and radiologist formerly of Singapore, announced in the London Gazette last night was for "public service of the
    Reuter  -  379 words
  • 45 1 BOMBAY, Wed.— The private plane carrying the Maharajah of Cooch Bihar made a forced landing at Ambhikapur, It was officially stated In Bombay tonight. The plane had been reported missing yesterday. The Maharajah, two other passengers, and the pilot were reported safe. U.P.
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  • 25 1 Mr. Anthony Eden who returns to Singapore tomorrow from the Federation, will broadcast over the Blue Network of Radio Malaya at 8.00 p.m.
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  • 51 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. ONE of the six minarets on the Kuala Lumpur railway station was struck by lightning this evening and crashed to the ground. It topped the roof above No. 5 platform and its masonry fell on the road outside the station. No one was
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  • 31 1 Uter being struck by a bus in Tanjong Pagar Road last night an Indian peon, Murasamy. aged 51, died In the ambulance on the way to the General Hospital.
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  • 181 1 Pridi Reward Out In Bangkok From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK. Wed. THE Siamese Police Chiet. Luang Chart, Traken Koson has offered a reward for information leading to the whereabouts of the former Premier, Pridl Phanomyong who, with, close colleagues, is believed to have planned the recent disturbances. There arc sign*
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  • 58 1 LONDON, Wed.— The complete merger of British oouih American Airways and th* British Overseas Airways Corporation, two of Britain's three nationalised airlines, was announced yesterday. Lord Pakenham, Mini., er of Civil Aviation, told the House of Lords that the OoyI eminent had recommended it >
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 Sports SILVER E.P.N.S. CUPS SILVER MEDALS U. S. de SUVA Jeweller 1M ORCHARD ROAD Tel: Z««C NORTHERN NEWS Here's a new fish dish you haven't tried before and one that will make Friday the day ol the week. ICELAND PLAICE FILLET SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. Thm World at your
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    • 56 1 Calendognaf 4e^kH£*2^B^V I'fc. *vV v<? c "fii^^^S-^L^ "UllL Available at all Leadino Stores Worthington-Simpson MONOBLOC PUMPS Unit construction electrically driven Centrifugal Pumpt, Motors for 400 volt three phase supply. Deliveries from Stock Sizes Ik inch and 2 inch Heads from 30 to 130 feet Outputs up to 160 gallons per
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 342 2 David Niven at "BONNIE PRINCE CHARLIE" A LONDON FILMS PRODUCTION IN TECHNICOLOUR Co- Starring MARGARET LEIGHTON SOON! High Blood Pressure Dangerous to Heart I nuu.l* nu» vl iiitrn and wuincn put far* th* dangers ot heart trouble and paralyma because of Hlirh Blood Pressurt High Wood Pressure U a ■nysterloua
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    • 794 2 NOTICES "HOTJCE OF REMOVAL We herewith notify that from 16th March. 1949. our office address U 31/33. Nunes Building. Malacca Street, Singapore. BLOCKS A CO. LTD. NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that Tan Seok Geok. of 238 Tembeling Road. Singapore, no longer recognises Rung Hye Pah as her husband, as
      794 words
    • 481 2 NOTICES TAILORING INSTRUCTOR •JUNIOR TECHNICAL (TRADE) SCHOOL, JOHORE BAHRU There U a vacancy for this post on a salary scale of ($130 p.m. xA$10-150/Bar/180xA10-300) with C.O.L A. at current rates. Applicants must state their ages, places of birth, qualifications, scholastic records and experience. Address applications to Superintendent of Education, Johore,
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    • 723 2 NOTICES SOUTHERN TRONOH TIN DREDGING LIMITED (Incorporated In England) Shareholders are Informed that cabled advice has been received to the effect that the resolutions set out In the circular to Shareholders dated 11th February, 1949, were carried at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on Bth March, 1949. J. GORDON. General
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    • 669 2 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 6% DEBENTURE BTOCK 1901/5* SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL A%% DEBENTURE STOCK 1909/35 SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 4% DEBENTURE S T OCK 1913/63 B SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 4% DEBENTURE STOCK 1939/59 NOTICE Is hereby given that the Transfer Books of the above Stock will be closed from 17th March to 31st March, 1949.
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    • 352 2 "A Murder Has Been Arranged" (Emlyn Williams) at THE LITTLE THEATRE, Armenian Street on March 19th 21st to 26th at 8.35 P.M. Book at Robinson or Tel: 5091 Ext 181 Little Theatre Players When Grandma Wat A Little Girl For over three generations Baby's Own Tablets have been used by
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    • 102 2 OVERSEAS UNION BANKLto (Incorporated In the Colony ot Singapore) RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. Our WAREHOUSE facilities are now available to all Merchants and Trading Firms having transactions with our Loan Department. REMEMBER: Safety Convenience Reasonable Rates Prompt and Efficient Service Your enquiries will receive our best attention at all times Managing
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  • 231 3 "TITO'S OVERTHROW IS NEAR" Forces Massing On Frontier ISTANBUL, Wednesday. DIPLOMATIC and intelligence quarters in Istanbul said last night: "Keep your eyes on Yugoslavia." One source said he expected the imminent overthrow of Marshal Tito, the Yugoslav dictator. Refugees arriving in Istanbul recently from Yugoslavia said the Cominf orm was
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 3 THE NIZAM of Hyderabad (left) seen on his return visit to the Deputy Prime Minister of India, Sardar Patel.— A.P. picture.
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  • 223 3 India— 'Natural Leader Of Asia' NEW YORK, Wednesday. THE United States wa s reminded twice today of the growing influence of India. The retiring Indian Ambassador, Sir Senegal Rama Rau, said, "India is beginning to be regarded as a natural leader of Asian countries," and the president of the India
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  • 126 3 FRANKFURT, Wed. BRITISH and American officials yesterday rejected a Dutch protest against the ban on commercial traffic entering the Soviet zone of Germany The British and American Military Governments imposl pd the ban as a counter measure to the Soviet blockade of Berlin. The Dutch protested
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  • 106 3 PARIS, Wed.— The French Chamber of Deputies yesterday rejected by 380 votes to 228 a motion of censure against the Government because of its refusal to reopen a full dress debate on IndoChina. The Assembly then discussed the date for a hearing of another motion of
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  • 44 3 CANTON, Wed. Joseph Rychtera is languishing, in Canton gaol charged with illegally entering China from French Indo-China. He says the gaol is "good, next to the Foreign Legion" from which he escaped in October while on duty in Indo-China. A.P.
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  • 40 3 LONDON, Wed. Britain, anxious to stock the world's flocks with British sheep, has prepared a book In several languages dealing with 30 different breeds. British breeders are visiting several countries In Europe to stimulate export In sheep.— Reuter.
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  • 113 3 WASHINGTON, Wed. THE Far Eastern Commission ruled yesterday that there would be no more trials of Japanese suspected of plotting an aggressive war. The decision, in effect, gave the approval of the F.E.C. to the outcome of the war crimes trials before the
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  • 323 3 TWO American soldiers, held in Prague since Dec. 9, are to be tried before a Czech court, charged with espionage. m American authorities have been refused permission to visit the two men, who were arrested in Czechoslovakia after walking across the frontier from the
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  • 71 3 MUNICH, Wed. A CZECH Army officer who wooed women Into spying was named at the trial of a German housewife. She said that Captain Ivan Jenda had helped her cross the border six times on visits to her sister in Czechoslovakia. An American officer said
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  • 47 3 LONDON, Wed.— Gratitude to the Governments of India and Pakistan for their assurances that British cemeteries would be protected was expressed In the House ot Lords yesterday by Lord Addlson, leader of the House. More than 1,350 cemeteries were concerned, he said Reuter.
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  • 137 3 NO LEASES OF GREEK ISLANDS BUCHAREST, Wed. UNIVERSUL, the Bucharest Government dally, says that Turkey has asked Oreece for long-term leases of the Greek islands of Lesbos or Chics and Castelorizzo, in return for Turkish armed intervention In Greek western Thrace against the partisans. The Greek War Minister, Mr. Kanellopoulos,
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  • 48 3 NEW YORK, Tues.—Valentine Gubltchev, 32-year-old Russian engineer accused of espionage, said the charges against him were "started for certain dirty political purposes to fire the feelings of this country against my country." He refused in the Federal Court to be represented by counsel.— UP.
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  • 40 3 LONDON, Wed. British women went to town by the thousands yesterday on a great spending spree to celebrate the first day of rationfree clothing for eight years. Shops reported a rush for underclothes, sheets, tablecloths and towels. Reuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 400 3 MONEY IN SEARCH OF MENs|^^7=r2 Let y°ur Power to Speak "^BJSSJIfcSS^ C} To-d*y. (oM«n opport untie* W^ present thenwelvei more and m°M frequently. Are you »ur» you %x% prepar»d to sell* ih« chance of success In life? Haw you erer noticed how H^ S^TnJSS nd Qualification* two your .ncome. j
      400 words
    • 129 3 100K/ MORE SPACE FOR EVERYTHING! NEW! giant 401 b. frozen food chest. NEW! 'moist told" fruit freshtntr. 94MsJbvmM*.CM.-£c*Jm. A COMPLETELY NEW KIND OF REFRIGERATOR! BRINKMANNS LIMITED SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR IPOH PENAN G 3K5 OfIOVHANDHATI... Hw—lOfi—H, CATHAY LOOMED ABOVE THREE LIVES I f *J most impoKtenf those essential item of Toiletry
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  • 303 4 6 'Fundamentally Wrong Design" HR. Andrew J. Morland, British" tuberculosis specialist, told Singapore doctors and medical students at a meeting in the Great Hall of the King Edward VII College of Medicine last night, "If you got a skilful architect and asked him to design a
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  • 94 4 LONDON, Wed. BRITAIN is now beginning to put Into effect the first stage of her programme for Increasing the front-line strength of her bomber striking force, the Air Minister, Mr. Arthur Henderson, told the House of Commons yesterday. The latest types of Meteor and Vampire jet
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  • 60 4 Tan Khal Tjhlang, 27, was charged In the First District Court yesterday with having attempted to export 96 bags of rice, 121 bags of sugar 20 bags of oats, 30 bags of wheat and 10 bags of onions, without a permit. Tan wa s allowed bail in three
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  • 286 4 AFTER month s of hard work Irvine to re-educate ffirls saved from Sin^™,,™ i I XT e aucaie «nH lZ«n *i. 2? Singapore Streets by book- work ana lessons, the Singapore Welfare authorities have discovered that th e best wav they can rehahiiitat*
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  • 159 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed UR. V. M. N. Menon, Chairman of the Labour Group of Federal Legislative Councillors, told the Straits Times today that he was making a second attempt to obtain the Legislative Council's approval of a resolution favouring social security.
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  • 375 4 FIFTEEN civilians who aided British prisoners and internees during the Occupation went to an investiture at Draycot House yesterday and heard these words in a message from the Commissioner General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald: "Our gratitude to these brave and generous people can never fade
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  • 235 4 MR. Tan Chin Tuan in the Singapore Legislative Council on Tuesday suggested that the Government should fix different price for different grades of rice sold to retailers, as had been done when the rice business wag in private hands. The matter, he said, had been brought
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  • 49 4 People must not write changes of address in their identity cards, the C.IJD. chief, Mr. E. V. Fowler said yesterday. "They must present their cards for alteration to the Commissioner's office in Beach Road," he said. "People are absolutely forbidden I to Interfere with their cards."
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  • 56 4 LONDON, Wed. TWO baby bears from Malaya, a present from the Sultan of Johore to the London Zoological Gardens have arrived in London by air from Singapore. They are now in the Zoo's private sanatorium settling Into their new home and getting acclimatised before joining four
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 262 4 16-in.mOTOR mOWER BALL BEARING THROUGHOUT GUARANTEED EVERY PART MADE IN ENGLAND Spurr l' t nts Alw.iys £W^ Wf^^^ Leaflet THI WORLDS LARGEST OUTPUT OVER TWO MILLION SATISFIED USERS THE Q'JAICAST Motor Mower, midt In ont iij«— by jeneril consent tti* most popular represent! the finest »»lue obtainable m soundty constructed
      262 words
    • 203 4 M I f fc %L ■■>. ''■^MWIIVI^ abroad, fly XI M \^^LuW'%. ii v \\jiFk thirly thousand W^L\\l^Km^Mi^^^ miles or efficient Ume- lUt^^g^H^^^^ v saving air routes to: NEI PAKISTAN USA SIAM IRAQ SOUTH AMERICA INDIA EUROPE SOUTH AFRICA Faxes and particulars on application: TOWN OFFICE: 1 FinUjson Green Phone
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  • 250 5 INDEPENDENCE OF THE JUDICIARY New System In The Federation From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE Federation's new judicial organisation of a single Supreme Court with direct control over all subordinate courts, except religious courts, is an "emancipation, appropriate and necessary," for the general development of Malaya, states the
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  • 176 5 OEHLERS LEAVES THEBENCH THE Singapore Third Police Court Magistrate, Mr. F. Bernard Oehlers one of the Colony's three local-born magistrates has resigned. His resignation has been accepted by the Colonial Secretary, Mr. P. A. B. McKerron. Mr. Oehlers told the Straits Times that dissatisfaction with rates of pay over a
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  • 30 5 Singapore police yesterday deported a Taiwanese, Lee Slew Swan, alias Lee Hong Peng, who -surrendered himself to the Special Branch of the C.1.D., and was placed under emergency arrest.
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  • 99 5 No. 1 R.A.F. Regional Band, under the direction of Warrant Officer H. E. Wheeler, has returned to the RJLF. Maintenance Base (Far East), Seletar. afteT a four.-week visit to Hong Kong. Next week, the band will visit R.A.F. stations in the Federation and Singapore, and on April
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  • 110 5 Singa pore Diary TODAY Y.W.C.A., dressmaking class, 5, Raffles Quay, 10 a.m. V.M.C.A., Orchard Road, gymnastics, 6.30 p.m., male voice choir practice, 8 p.m. Theosophlcal Society, Mrs. F. Harvey on "How Theosophy Began," 8, Caimh.ll Road, 6.30 p.m. East West Society, annual general meeting, British Council Hall, Stamford Road, 8.30
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 5 RLOOD UOVORS The boys from the Victoria Boys School who yesterday went to the Blood Transfusion a ervice to donate their blood after consent had been obtained from their parent s. Straits Times picture.
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  • 168 5 RAWANG SHOOTING EVIDENCE From Our SUIT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A PROSECUTION witness In a murder Inquiry here today denied a defence allegation that he was giving evidence against the accused because the latter, a police corporal, had arrested a woman friend of the witness. Yap Cheng, a detective, was
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  • 194 5 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. THE new port regulation forbidding vessels without recognised Free Board certificates to enter Penang may paralyse the Settlement's rubber trade with Sumatra, according to a spokesman of the Penang Rubber Exchange More than 20 coastal trading vessels, it is
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  • 104 5 THE Indonesian Republic has protested to the British Government against implementation by the Malayan Governments of the new Indonesian Government trading and shipping regulation introduced by the Dutch this year after their occupation of Republican ports in Sumatra. The occupied ports particularly referred to are Djambi, Telok Betong
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 5 TUAtt SHEIKH AHMAD. J.P., who will attend the coming International Rubber Study Group meeting m London. He will leave Seremban tomorrow
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  • 147 5 MR. EDEN FLIES TO K.L. From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. MR. Anthony Eden arrived In Kuala Lumpur this afternoon. He flew from Bidor, where he had visited the 2nd Coldstream Guards, in an Auster aircraft with the Officer Commanding Second Guards Brigade, Brig. M. D. Erskine. Commander A.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 246 5 hNCLISH hLECTRIC COOKERS MODEL 2004 V. 6KW.2PUTE f, t 2006 V. 7.5 KW. 3,, ALSO 2007 V. 7.5 KW. 3 CABINET MODEL (at illustrated) "Ritemp" Thermoitatic Oven "Simmerstat" Hotplate Control fX. STOCK, FOR 230 V. AX. SUPPLY HARRISONS LISTER ENGINEERING Ltd. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG LADIES' DUPONT NYLONS (\ot merely
      246 words
    • 179 5 (T CHOCO LATE S till i■itlli• i i i i -SIME,.OAHSY Vl/ g Keep them full of energy healthy and wffl- &t^[k sturdy— t>y giving Kepler' regularly. It's w^ »-3K an esiabhslied family favourite Cod Liver Oil with Malt Extract, rich in the nourishing, strengthening elements that growing I children
      179 words

  • 767 6 Singapore, Thur., Mar. 17, 1949 THE BEGINNING OF SECURITY Premature, impractical and unrealistic were the adjectives used by critics of a resolution which sought the appointment by the Federation Government of a committee to recommend the lines of action to be followed In the implementation of the Government's declared policy
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  • 334 6 The jibe which Mr. Churchill flung at the Government on behalf of the Conservative candidate last month still stands. The British eat one meal in four on the Marshall i Plan. Yet Sir Stafford Cripps' new economic survey, published yesterday, has surprised even the most optimistic. Britain is
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  • 905 6  -  By Sir Miles Thomas THE full significance A of the proposed Federation of the Central African territories is economic, not political. That is important. Southern and Northern Rhodesia have now arrived at a stage in their industrial and agronomic development when they must either combine commercially
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  • 38 6 Sir Miles Thomas, Chair-man-Designate of B.O.A.C., has for some time been Chairman of the Commission which has been advising the Southern Rhodesian Government on industrial development. He presided over the conference at Victoria Falls to which he refers.
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  • 465 6 MAN-EN-THE-STREET SOME time ago the Food Controller asked shipping companies to insist on would-be passengers producing ration card deletion m e m o s Defore tickets could be issued. Such an arrangement was obviously administratively convenient, since the Government were thus saved the task of ensuring
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  • 169 6 SATURDAY'S Straits •3 Times reported that Mis s Laycock, a Municipal Commission candidate, stood up to give a speech in response to a challenge by a member of the audience at an electioneering meeting. Surely the Progressives do not think the public is so gullible! Fancy the
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  • 700 6  - Don' t trust the Russian bear KARL MARX WARNED US By A. MARSHALL DISTON ANYONE who ima- gines that li»« Kremlin re shuffle foreshadows a new departure in policy knows little of Russia. Men change In Moscow. Tactics may change with them. But the broad lines of strategy are unaltered.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 826 6 I i. \.">SIFIED ADS. IN Ml MORI AM SMITH. John Kenneth. SergtK.A.F., son of Lt. Col. W O. Smith, ED.. Public •rment, Singapore. In 1 1 ensured memories of my eldest *„n JOHN killed when his glider trashed at Hamminklen, Orrmanv March 25th, 1945, on this his birthday— Dad. -KNfWLEDGMENTS
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    • 66 6 JLife's Cjreated Cjift "Vision is life's most precious gift." Only those without vision know to the uttermost the truth of these words, for only when a thing Is Irremediably gone from us forever do we realize the magnitude of our loss. So we shouldn't neglect the care of our eyes.
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    • 49 6 /i:i»iikoi; TBAOI MARA B*^ OPANO syrup ONLY THE CREAM of the v> ry je?T from the leading magazines And current tookr selected and condensed by mor*> ttan seventy editors goes Into THE READER'S DIGEST ORIGINAL AMERH'W EDITION SOLD EVERYWHERE. Sole Agents RAJ GOPAL *2, Winchester House. Phone 7244 Spore.
      49 words

  • 780 7 So Much Taken Away From. Him Counsel "MAJOR General Sir Ibrahim, Sultan of IVI Johore has had so much taken away from him that he is left today with scraps and tatters.' He is threadbare of sovereignty* contended Mr. John Laycock, in Singapore Supreme Court yesterday. It
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  • 198 7 PARANG SLASHER SHOT BY POLICE From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A CHINESE who slashed at a member of a Police party with a parang in the Taiping" area yesterday was shot by another policeman and died while being taken to hospital. The man was inside a EQuatters house
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  • 104 7 The St. George's Day dinner and dance of the Singapore branch of the Royal Society of St. George has been provisionally fixed to take place at Raffles Hotel on Friday, May 6. This was announced at the society's annual general meetIng in thf Singapore Cricket Club yesterday.
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  • 267 7 VI SURPRISE, SAY PHONE GIRLS From Our Woman Correspondent TWO very happy women in Singapore yesterday were Dorothy Jacobs (Mrs. R. Rodrigues) and Mrs. Regina Capel, two telephone operators who have been awarded the King's Commendation for brave conduct during the war. The two operators, who stuck to their posts
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  • 57 7 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wed. A BACKFIRE from a cat led to two special constables firing a volley of rifle shots in Mac Alii ler Road last night They were on duty near the residence of Puisne Judge. Mr. Justice Bostock Hill. Armed police patrolling the area arrived,
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  • 34 7 Latest donors to the Singapore Anti-T.B. Association fund are: Mr. C. W. Cox $10, Mr. Foo Meng Ngee $25. Cameron Highlands sundry collection, $35, Mrs. Moir, $5. Mrs. R. Tan, $20.
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  • 103 7 REQUISITIONING of empty houses, provision of funds for co-operative building societies, municipal ownership of the Singapore Traction Co. and establishment of technical evening classes for adult workers will be advocated at the first election meeting of the Singapore Labour Party at 6 p.m. today at Rangoon Road
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  • 34 7 It is learnt that Mr. J. K. Wainwright, of Guthrle and Co. Ltd., Singapore, recently underwent a major operation successfully at St. Peter's Hospital, London, and Is now doing well.
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  • 147 7 riOUR BOR's were charged in the Singapore Assize Court yesterday with robbing a taxi driver. Wee Choon Yang, and causing hurt to him at Chatsworth Road on I the night of July 30, last year. They were Walter Arroll, Harry Rogerson. Ernest War- 1 ing
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  • 55 7 Joseph Tan Kim Sye was yesterday committed for trial at the next Assizes by the Fourth Police Court Magistrate, Mr. M. H. MacDougal, on a charge of armed robbery. He was alleged to have robbed Lim Eng Hock, a taxidriver of $20 at the point of a
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 7 LUXURY TACHT LAUNCHED: Mrs. Tan Soo Hock smashes a bottle of champagne to launch the luxury yacht Seaspray in Kallang Basin. Her husband Dr. Tan, owner of the yacht, is just behind, giving; her a helping hand. Straits Times picture.
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  • 185 7 Many A Slip Launching Yacht SEASPRAY, Dr. Tan Soo Hock's luxury yacht, would gladden the heart of any sailor, but the manner of Its launching at Kallang Basin, Singapore, yesterday would sadden it. First it slid down the slipway too fast, nearly taking the bottle of champagne with It. Mrs.
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  • 46 7 The names of the 11 persons released from detention in Johcre and Malacca are given by Public Relations as follows: N. Ragappan, Mutupaliam Thaeva, M. Kirrupiah, N. Nagappan, Annamalai, Suppiaii. Ramasamy PUlal. Nagappa Chettiar, c. T. Manikam. Kulanthayan Chettlar, Ooh Tiow Huat.
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  • 37 7 Singapore Municipal Commissioners have decided that occupiers of temporary shops along North Bridge Road near Elgin Bridge will have to quit their sites by the end of June. The land is owned by the Municipality.
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  • 296 7 roiK people mentioned trict Court, Singapore, have disappeared. They were stated to have been connected with a case in which Llm Boon Pin of Tan Jong Katong Road is charged with criminal conspiracy with Clifford Mudd in cheating the military of 25,000 feet of
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  • 169 7 National Anthem SINGAPORE Legislative Councillor, Mr. P. F. de Souza, who at Tuesday's meeting of the Council urged that cinema audiences be trained to respect the National Anthem yesterday suggested that cinemas should flash slides across the screen in Chinese, Malay and Tamil asking
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  • 38 7 The promotion of Mr. E. V. Fowler, from the post of Assistant Commissioner, Malayan Police Service, to that of Deputy Commissioner of Police, Singapore, has been approved by the Secretary of State for the Colonies.
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  • 25 7 The Muslim divine, Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddique, will preach a sermon and conduct congregational prayers at the Sultan Mosque tomorrow at 1 p.m.
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  • 29 7 from uur own correspondent LONDON, Wed: Mr. William Thomas Chapman of Hendon who was Secretary of Chinese Affairs F.M.S. when he retired in 1927 ha« died.
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  • 39 7 Two members of the Municipal Health Department, Singapore, have been granted permission to work as St. John Ambulance dressers at race meetings. They are Messrs. vv e o Swee Chiow and Wee Lye Seng.
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  • 159 7 Own Homes For Wage-earners T»HE Singapore Rotary Club is forming a building trust with the object of encouraging workers to buy their own houses. A sub-committee on housing, which has already been formed, has received six applications for houses. Although Rotarlans only were eligible to buy debentures
    159 words
  • 125 7 The Inquest into the shooting of Mr. J. N. Becker in a Robinson Road office on Aug. 24 was adjourned by the Singapore Coroner yesterday to And whether the police had teceived a report three hours oefore about the behaviour of the man alleged to be responsible.
    125 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 45 7 Yvlßp QuthmeGp MORE OF WHAT YOU WANT A fe> Aft IR i S SS S Sv \jl\tiA I fc,t\ Mj^wVm! \j! PROTECTION V ax \Jf~X£I t kJ 1 TWm MORE NON-SKID S*\FETY firtstoni FIRESTONE TIRE Ut'Util.K CO. (S.S.) LID S2, GEYLANO RD.. SINOAi>OUE. TELEPHONE 3021
      45 words
    • 29 7 VEST&PANTEES in Light weight pure wool, Cream only. Round neck, no Sleeves Sizes W. O. S. VEST Price $3.95 $4.50 PANTEE to match $3.50 $3.95 ROBINSONS RAFFLES PLACE S'PORF
      29 words

  • 733 8 E VENING GO WNS FROM SARONGS £HE Embak has been weaving sarongs in Johore for 27 years, but only a few people have heard of her miniature factory and that she is willing to make special lengths for European style dresses. Four hand looms, run continuously,
    733 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 104 8 f jaagjTJj World's ;i ;gl Greatest Lighter ,/^Sj Vfou cannot buy a finer Lighter. Flawless and mechanically perfect, the Ronson patented one-finger action never fails. Millions of satisfied users are your guarantee, Chrome-plated and engine-turned models at nil good Jewellers, Store* and Tobacconists. 1^ fc. I 4* fc. Beware of
      104 words
    • 282 8 MARDENS has m/ f\A&™ W See m f^k> You II Marvel! If It's Great! J[ r—^pl M **<' !ai*\ r"^^^MZ^^f\\ The new Lron rd \«lPl**° Pi A %r~Tll erammrH v. ith XZ*«** lj=fcSl fi i ra p,ov«n,enu «HC» I \ir== }L Jll f you've llwayi 2«L\ \»W wi.l,,d for! Typi-
      282 words

  • 799 9  -  CIANO'S DIPLOMATIC PAPERS By ALLINGTON KENNARD CIANO'S DIPLOMATIC PAPERS, Edited by Malcolm Muggeridge. (Odhams, 17s. 6d.). /\F all the Axis states V men, Ciano was perhaps the easiest co understand. He was flamboyant, utterly unprincipled, courageous —and while two of t n e s e
    799 words
  • 532 9 EISENHOWER WAS MY BOSS. By Kay Summersby. (Werner Laurie, 11s. 6d). TiHIS is an exasperating 1 book, written by an Irish woman who was successively General Eisenhower's chauffeur, secretary and aide. Kay Summcrsby exasperates because of. the maudlin sentiment, heroworship and general knowall attitude
    532 words
  • 97 9 'THE following new books will be added to Raffles Library, Singapore, within the next few days:— FICTION A Puzzle In Pearls (Gordon Ashe), The Transient Hour (Marcel Ayme), Make the Man Pay (Hall Bennett), Aissa Saved (Joyce Cary), The Moonstone and The Woman In White (Wllkie Collins), On
    97 words
  • 365 9 It U not bad bridge to bid a alam and go down because the one key card happens to lie wrong, but v.hen the slam could have been made at a better denomination, there is cause for weeping and wailing. Let's look at a striking case. North,
    365 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      111 words
    • 278 9 For this MALAYAN climate A BEAUTY TREATMENT with a MEDICAL basis A clear, fresh skin i- al«.i\- utirai t i but, in the difficult climate of Malaga where ordinary make-up lends to clo?, it ia not always eaßy to keep it beavti* full But have you tried l.a<t<>-(!alain. a —the
      278 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 302 9 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD «c««u 26. Not quit* relation— out PROQGWfYRn V*» 1 C\r> ft. Odd that il'i like a cur to a nuisance V>MU»&VYUKLI IMP. IQ3 pay back at the begin- 88. You «cc it in portraits J, I 'I. 1 I. I I. kjWiJ. I I. I I. I
      302 words

  • 1999 10  -  By, The Rt. Hon. WINSTON S. CHURCHILL AN the evening -of U August 3, 1940, I sent my general approval from Cheauers to a proposal for landing Free French f orves in West Africa. Gen. de Gaulle, MaJ.Gen. Spears and MaJ. Morton had evolved a plan
    1,999 words
  • 294 10 SINGAPORE 10.55 Schools' Broadcast; 12.00 Close; 1.00 Radio Orchestra; 1.30 News; 1.43 Dance Music; 3.00 Close; 6.00 Children's Programme; 6.20 Calling All Hospitals; 1.00 News: 7.10 Indian Pakistan Newsletter; 7.15 Interlude; 7.20 Hawaiian Music; 7.30 Swing Club: 8.00 Forum of the Air; 8.30 St. Pa trick's Day
    294 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 147 10 fB r^s^i IN BERGMAN'S FIRST £M I) (m^ NEW PICTURE SINCE 1^ j %41 "NOTORIOUS"! M* HI <tm, 1 ihe Magnificent J >SO' Puturization of Erich lj\. Maria Remarque's j r^*=i a //Am j impassioned love J ffl PHONED I <£ I U FOR RESERVATION 950f1¥ A TREAT Hyg'g/ ~<*
      147 words
      281 words

  • 337 11 HUME INDUSTRIES (F.E.): 3-YEAR JOB IN MUNICIPALITY CONTRACT HUME Industries (Far East) have obtained a very large contract for steel pipes from the Singapore Municipality. The contract wiU keep the works profitably employed for at least the next three years, according to th c directors' report for the year to
    337 words
  • 211 11 LONDON, Wed. YESTERDAY, the last day of the account, was marked by generally easier conditions on the London Stock Exchange. Rubbers, however, showed firmness as speculative support continued. Tina also advanced, says Reuter. Changes in the closing middle prices of selected stocks, as supplied to the Straits Times
    211 words
  • 85 11 LONDON, Wed. SIR Thomas Strangman, chairman of the Eastern Bank, referring in his annual statement to business conditions in Malaya* says while there is still a demand for capital goods, foodstuffs and essential replacements, the market for other consumer goods would appear to be stocked for
    85 words
  • 97 11 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE. Wed. 'PHE Goodyear Tyre and Rubber 1 Company (Australia) earnrd a record profit of CA323.138 for the year to last Dec. 31. against £A300,683 in 1947 and £214 367 In 1946. Turn-over ato was a record. Desplt" the better year, the Ordinary dividend
    97 words
  • 116 11 Stuns in port alongside thr Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns in brackets) were Main Wharf: Talangakar (33- j34), Titan (J5-36), Steel Admiral I (38-39), Maetsuycker (40), Cha- rjn (40-41), Bidor (43>. West Wharf: Seroei (3), Idomeneus (4-5), Empire Halladale 1 (6—7), Bencleuch (8-9). Bencruachan
    116 words
  • 51 11 NEW P. 0. SHIP FOR MALAYA r VSE P. O.s new 9000-ton cargo liner Shlllong will sail from London for Malaya, China and Japan on Mar. 31. With three other new cargo liners recently commissioned, th« company will be able to run a monthly express service on the Par Eastern
    51 words
  • 165 11 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Wed. OWING to the lightness of offerings from London In Malayan Tin shares today, this section of the market continued very steady. Industrials also showed strength. There was some slight Interest In Rubbers at current levels. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers'
    165 words
  • 183 11 From Our Own Correspondent. LONDON, Wed. SIR John Hay, in his annual statement as chairman of Linggi Plantations, discusses the problem of estate staffing and remuneration, especially with reference to the emergency. Although European and Asian staffs are paid much more thar before the
    183 words
  • 71 11 From A Market Correspondent pXTRTHER rises In pepper quotaf tions featured In an otherwise quiet day's trading In the Singapore produce markets yesterday. A number of other quotations were marked down. Yesterday's price changes were: Pepper: Muntok white $259; Sarawak white $258; Lampong black $215. Sago flour: Lingga
    71 words
  • 174 11 THE Singapore rubber market remained steady throughout yesterday at Tuesday's levels. Closing price? yesterday were: No. 1 sheet fob. buyers 37 V4 cents, sellers 37% cents; spot loose buyers 37 4 cents, sellers 37 H cents per lb. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's neon prices yesterday
    174 words
  • 54 11 FNGKAH Compound In February dredged for 456 hours, treated 93,865 cubic yards and produced 952 piculs of tin-ore. •TONGKAH Compound No. 2 1 worked 551 hours, treated 125,152 cubic yards and produced 453 piculs of ore. rALA LUMPUR Tin worked 574 hours, treated 145.429 cubic yards and produced
    54 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1222 11 MANSFIELD «5c CO., LTD. I Incorporated m Singapore) bLUB FUNNEL Uhl STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., Ciri#t t option te preceed via ettier LTD •ort> te lead end discharge targe SAIUNCS MOM UK b UI A WMT COAJT MALAYA TtndareM from UK Mar." M *rli«ay" tor Muar Mar 28 3**W— UjC'Cont Mar
      1,222 words
    • 239 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NEW YORR ANO BOSTON VIA CEYLON. INDIA. ECYPI AND MEDITERRANEAN PORTS iingapuie P b ham Henang i Mount Mansfield Mar. 18/22 Mar. 23/24 Mar. 25/27 President Monroe Mar 10/ Apr. 4 Apr. 5/8 ••II Buchanan Apr 11/16 Apr 17/18 Apt. 19/22 Pre> Van Buren May 8/14
      239 words
    • 274 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAIUNCS FROM SCANDINAVIA U X./ SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/ CONTINENT. SCANDINAVIA m.s "Meonia" due abt Aor tor Saigon <> Bangkok Loading at Singapore. Port Swettenham ms "Kaaibodia- due abt. Apr. 12 6 Penang for Manila. H'Kong. Shanghai, Kobe b Yokohama m d -e ab, Mar 26 m.s. "Selandia"
      274 words
    • 904 11 McALISTER <Sc CO.. L llncoipoialed m CLLKRMAK BUCKf>>U M.,v.fl M CINE LONDON^HAVRE^R^OTTEROAM CANA3IAN rAcmc CITY OF DURHAM b cargo tor Central b South Spore f S'nam Periacig American Ports. 9)4 Mar 16 18 Mar tt 27 Mar 25 Mar douOainvilll Also calls Cadli S pore P Sham Henang CITt Or
      904 words

  • 1355 12  - RODGERS MAKES IT EIGHT IN TWO DAYS By EPSOM JEEP Longchamps II Romps Home PENANG, Wednesday. IT was Rodgers' stable again in Penang today, the second day of the Penang Turf Club Spring meeting. The youthful trainer made clean sweep, saddling four winners and one third in a card of
    1,355 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 12 KOVAI. Signals' goalkeeper goes up for a spectacular save m yesterday's Senior League soccer match at Jalan Besar Stadium m which Pulau Brani beat Signals sixone. Straits Times picture.
    29 words
  • 788 12 THE first of several trial 1 Civilian team for this j tition will be played at Jal; day when the Royal Navy tion. The Singapore side following 18 players: O Angullia (8.0.D. Civilians). Arshad <K. Raja). Salleh (K. Raja). Chin Lye (C. A.". Lawther
    788 words
  • 37 12 i In a S.A.FA. Junior "A-" Group 2. fixture at St. George's Road I yesterday. Indonesia beat the LEPTC (BM) eight-nil. Scorers for the Indonesians were i Khamis 3, Hamid 1, Buorrg 3, jAwang 1.
    37 words
  • 76 12 TODAY SOCCER: S.A.FA. Snr. Div. I R.A.F. Selelar v. S.C.C.— J. Besar; Jnr. B. Grp. 1, Borneo Motors S.C. iv. Paya Lebar Bus S.C— Gey la rig; FRIENDLY SOCCER: St. An1 thony's School t. Johore En* College— J.I. m d; St. Patricks (School Past v. Present— S.P.S. rirnd.
    76 words
  • 541 12 THK following are the detailed results of the golf match at Bukit Timah on Sunday in which the R.S.G.C. beat the Island Club by 23 points to five (Island players first >: F. Jones (4) J. Hodgklason <Scr.) 0. R. Cralk (Scr.) Se D. McEwan (Scr.) I
    541 words
  • 66 12 From EPSOM JEEP PENANG, Wed. IN order to make up eight races for the last day, Saturday, the Penang Turf Club committee have decided to provide a fivefurlong consolation race for all class five horses handicapped in the 5<> furlong races yesterday. Winners at the meeting
    66 words
  • 169 12 LONDON. W^d. PROBABLE runners and jockeys for the Lincolnshire handicap, to be run over one mile at Lincoln on Saturday, are: Royal Tara M Beary, SignaJman J. Marshall, Drakkar— W. Johnstone. Patchouly J. Royasbere. Caldwallader— K. Gethin, Goldsborough S. Clayton, Minister Lovell T. Burn, Speciality D. L. I
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • 141 12 QIVINO an improved display, the Singapore Chinese Engineering Association, wooden spoonUts of last year's third division soccer, scored a five-nil victory over the Pulau Bukom S.C. In a S.A.P.A. Junior A, Group 1, fixture at Oeylang yesterday. Pressing throughout, the Chinese were three goals up at halftime.
    141 words
  • 61 12 HPHE following have been invited to play cricket for NonBenders Cricket Club against Chinese Recreation Club at 2.15 p.m. on Saturday at Honjt Urn Green:— T. Leijssius captain. H.B. Noon H.N. Balhatchet, A.R. Bromley Davenport. WJI.M. Haxworth. A. Baker. D.K. Daniels. N. Bradbury, P.W. Holt, F.
    61 words
  • 45 12 THE first sports meeting of the St. Joseph's Continuation School primary classes will b? held on Saturday at 2 p.m. Parents of pupils and wellwishers are mvited. The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Olcomendy. Bishop of Malacca, has kindly consented to give away the prizes.
    45 words
  • 48 12 THE following have been selected to play cricket for the V.M.C A. against the Indian Association at St. George's Road on Saturday at 2 p.m.: Lyne (capt.), Holloway, Surratta, V. N. Pillai, Yogorajah, Delikan. Tan Huck Chuan, Swyny Hooper, Goonesagaran, E. Fung Reserves: Scharenguivel, Tung
    48 words
  • 37 12 THE SC.C. team to meet R.A.F. Seletar In a S.A.F.A. Senior League game at Jalan Besar today will be: Bell, Balnbridge, Burton- Mathot. Mitchell, Murphy; Clifton, Hagon, McCulloch, Murray, Guldemond. R*"s. Ten Duls, Fletcher.
    37 words
  • 18 12 EAbT Punjab beat West Bengal two-nil in the Indian hockey final played at New Delhi yesterday.
    18 words
  • 25 12 TODAY: High Water, 12.25 a.m. (9ft. 01B), 12.36 p.m (10ft. Oin). TOMORROW: High Water, 12.54 a.m. (9ft. Oln), 1.20 p.m. (9ft 6 In).
    25 words
  • 292 12 Pulau Brani United... 6 Spore Royal Signals... l OINGAPORE Royal Signals fell easy victims to Pulau Brani United, who beat them by six goals to one in a S.A.F.A. Senior League fixture at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Spectators who saw Signals in action against Singapore Recreation
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  • 47 12 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed.— Two goals scored by Atkinsort. the centre forward, enabled the 221 Vehicle Coy to beat the Casuals in a league soccer match played yesterday on the Medics' padairg. This was the first outing of both team* In tho league competition this season.
    47 words
  • 125 12 Victorians R.I. Draw A BIG crowd witnessed tit- tlr.s* and second teams matched bet worn Victoria School uid Radios In tltution played at tha Vimria School ground r«at*rday afternoon. Both gani<°s wer« drawn, three-ail in the nist mi one all in the sreond. Starting well, the V.I. scored ilv-ir first
    125 words
  • 81 12 Banka-Billilon S.C 3. CTMA 1 A SPLENDID forward line *ai mainly responsible for Bank*Billiton gaining their second !,»mgue soccer victory when they bent the C.V.M.A. three-one at St. George's yesterday. The game was a Junior "A." Group 2, fixture. Banka-Billiton scored their first, goal through Pak
    81 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 783 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from page Si OFFICE SPACE V\CANT <TENTRALLY situated otnee, sult- m'chant profnal firm— sso s'l :> nartlv furnd. with 'phone. Tl 3084 morngx or P.O. Box 765. IO LET- suitable spaces on v. >'md and first floor amounting t 12.000 square feet for offices or Mi in
      783 words
    • 30 12 16 Colly er Quay i "For the rest of your Htm" 9 LATEX FOAM MATTRESSES I sy7 Jp c j THE DUNLOP RUBBER CO (MALAYA) LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR. PENAN';
      30 words