The Straits Times, 29 January 1949

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 652 1 Infant Mortality Also Dropped In 1948, Commissioners Told THE death rate of the population of the Singapore Municipality in 1948 was the lowest ever recorded 18.45 per 1,000 people compared with 14.30 per 1,000 in 1947— the Deputy President (Mr. W. L. Blythe) told in
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  • 156 1 COLONY UNION "FROZEN" II i powers conferred on him by the Emergency ialions. the Registrar of Trade Unions < Mr. Sng Choon has ordered the freezing (<f the funds of the Singapore itubber Workers' Union. Mr. Sng told the Straits Times last night that he lssu-i-d the order because all
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  • 122 1 LONDON, Fri— The Minister of Pensions (Mr. H. A. NUrquand' and a number of M inbers of Parliament visited the Ministry of Pensions emergency limb centre in London yesterday and saw on* of the latest experimental rubber-padded hands d -mon.strated by 27-year-old R A. Dai.-h. sheet
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  • 75 1 WHEN REDS FALL OUT.. BERLIN. Fri. The head of the Ru&sian Military Poli-tl.-il Division in Berlin ICOI. Semei Tulpanov has aDPlied for a transfer following a quarrel with Mr. V. S. Semeonov. Political Adviser to the Soviet Military Goverii)' (Marshal SokOiOvskyK a reliable source said yesterday. For a long time,
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  • 72 1 CANBERRA. Fri.— Mr. Chifley. Prime Minister of Australia, today announced that Australia had decided to accord full recognition to the Government of Israel. "It is clear that the new state has come to stay," Mr. Chifley said. The Government of Au:|ralla believed, he said, "the new nation of Israel
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  • 216 1 IN the report published in yesterday's issue of the Straits Times of the above trial, the following paragraphs appeared "However, no documents were issued by the Singapore Police for the importation of i arms either to Johnson or the West East Trading Co." said Mr. Minns. 'The reason
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  • 46 1 WASHINGTON, Fri.— The Senate yesterday confirmed the nomination of James Webb, budget bureau director, is the new Under-Secretary of State succeeding Mr. Robert A. Lovett. He will go to work at once and will concentrate on plans to reorganize the State Department.—U.P.
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 1 DUTCH PREMIER IN BAT A VIA: The Dutch Premiei (Dr. Willem Drees), right, sharing a Joke with the Premier of the State of East Indonesia (Anak Agung) after a conference in Batavia with Indonesian executives from Dutch -sponsored Federal States in the East Indies. A.P. picture.
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  • 191 1 WASHINGTON Fri. THE Russian Ambassador to 1 the United States (Mr., Alexander Panyushkln) yesterday accused the U.S. of by-passing the 11-nation Far Eastern Commission in ordering new measures for building ud JaDanese economy. Mr. Panyushkin said that I recovery measures were "In I direct
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  • 231 1 SHANGHAI, Friday 4 BOUT 1500 people are believed to have been drowned when two ships collided and sunk last night in the Chusan archipelago, about 80 miles south-east of Shanghai. Thirty-five survivors were landed this afternoon by H.M.A.S. Warramunga. The ships, which are believed
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  • 126 1 NANKING, Fri. YNFORMED quarters in 1 Nanking said today that Li Tsung-jen, acting-Presi-dent of China, had informed the Communist leader, Mao Tse-tung, that the Government accepted the original eight Communist demands of Jan. 14 as a basis for peace discussions. Li was said to havr sent
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  • 31 1 Singapore firemen and am- bulance attendants had one of their busiest days on record yesterday and last night when they attended in all some 24 incidents—including 11 fires.
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  • 284 1 "Nehru 's Leadership Was Outstanding LONDON, Friday. DANDIT Nehru's leadership at the recent Asian conference was an outstanding diplomatic feat, the Economist said today. The article said Mr. Nehru would have to "think hard" to find a basis for a new and satisfactory Asian grouping which would be not merely
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  • 105 1 IN a recent speech In the House of Commons, Mr. Winston Churchill sounded i a note of warning. "I hope you will give careful consideration to my words," he said. "I have not always been wrong." Few men of Mr. Churchill's i generation have been so cor- rect
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  • 1044 1 Maj. Gen. Boucher From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. THE remedy against bandits lay not so much in the provision of more troops as in the adoption of a more resolute attitude by the people of Malaya, declared the 6.0.C. Malaya District (Major-Gen. C. H.
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  • 152 1 Mother And 8 Children Must Go From Our Own l'orr<-,pni>d<nl MELBOURNE, Fri. rE Melbourne Herald revealed today that in the week Australia was sponsoring the Indonesian cause at Delhi and Lake Succem, she was also decreeing the deportation of a mother and her eight children because they are Indonesian. "Mr.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 99 1 \W .W I// M/a%V# f f Otf It ant an mi/ a|« we dvt in for young or old. An >{< of clamour, hurry md ctniion. in a{« of feni 1 "•wrs ftnd ntrvti, UllllH'&l%flLI I It (I not I blind coincidence that million! of paopl* B*f IWI w\ Ut
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    • 165 1 MAHtfMtrtitmi Jimtutlt **M v */ldd these Vitamins to U Improve Babyfe Feed W JL SIMPLE. Out very effective way to increase the A \W nutritive valueofoabyafeed tstomtt Vimaltol' rf) V with a little of the milk, then add to the feeder. IK //t Vimaltol is a delicious vitamin food, and
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  • 190 2 Israel Armistice Near Collapse RHODES, Fri. AN ATMOSPHERE of deepest pessimism has settled over the IsraeliEgyptian armistice talks on the Eastern Mediter- ranean island of Rhodes. Observers yesterday thought the talks were on the point of collapse. United Nations officials, headed by the Palestine Mediator (Dr. Bunche), wonder which side
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  • 43 2 FOLK DANCERS from Peru who have been playing to packed nouses in the Spanish towns of Santander and Bilbao. Dressed in national costumes and hats, they form part of an artistic mission to Spain from the South American Republic— A.P. picture
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  • 28 2 SYDNEY, rrt.— A first consignment of £50,000 worth of new film equipment allotted by Ealing Studios to Australia will arrive soon for local film production.— Reuter.
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  • 188 2 CAPE TOWN, Friday. IN a maiden speech, Mr. Sam Kahn, one of three white representatives of Africans in the Assembly and the first Communist in the Union Parliament, said today that th e Government's attempt to solve the racial question without consulting peoples con- cerned was
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  • 60 2 LONDON. Fri. I rpHE report of the Lynskey 1 Tribunal, which investigated allegations of cor- I ruption in Government circles will be debated in the House of Commons next Thursday, it was announced yesterday. The Lord President of the Council (Mr. Herbert Morrison) will move a
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  • 353 2 r iTVir«m»-n-| LONDON, Friday. THE squires of England looked sadly ahead today to a future in which the fox might be able to wander insolently immune from the hunting pack. The hunting horn may be stilled. And "yoicks and "tally ho" may be relegated
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  • 46 2 WASHINGTON, Frl. Jilt) Army Secretary (Mr. Kenneth Royall) told .he House Armed Services Committee that war was nt imminent but was "at least a possibility.*' He explained that there was little chance that international tension would ease for a number of years.—U.P.
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  • 125 2 NEW YORK, Fri THE Chinese representative to the United Nations claimed diplomatic immunity yesterday In a .motion filed in the New York State Supreme Court to dismiss his wife's action for separation. Through his counsel, Tingfu F. Tslang, permanent representative of China to the United
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  • 222 2 MALAYAN DELEGATES FOR PACIFIC SCIENCE TALKS AUCKLAND, Friday. MALAYA will be represented when *he first Pacific Science Congress in 10 years opens at Auckland on Feb. 2. About 230 New Zealanders and 120 scientists from other countries will attend the meetings. The war delayed the Congress, which usually meets once
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  • 117 2 Insurgents Make Peace Proposal LONDON. Fri. FE "Free Greek" radio of General Markos's guerillas has broadcast proposals of peace. The broadcast heard in London, was addressed to the Greek people, to soldiers and "to all honest, political factors in the country." Troops Advance Government troops have advanced in the Typhrlstos.
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  • 88 2 Superfort Missing From Dakar LONDON. Fri. FE U.B. Air Force headquarters in London announced last night that, a B-29 Superfortress with 15 men on board was missing on a flight from Dakar. French West Africa, to England. The B-29 left Dakar on Wednesday night and has not been heard of
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  • 30 2 LONDON. Fri.— The Royal Aero Club has awarded the Britannia Trophy for 1948 to Group Captain John Cunningham for establishing an aeroplane altitude record for Great Britain.— Reutsr
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  • 31 2 WASHINGTON. Frl.— The Labour Secretary (Mr. Maurice Tobin) said yesterday American industry would aim at a goal of a minimum wage of $1 an hour for all UJ».
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  • 53 2 MANILA, Fri.— Konstantine Kluge, leacVr of 492 stateless Russians evacuated from Shanghai by the International Refugee Organisation, will be returned to China for j clashing with a Philippine I Presidential assistant. The President's office announced ;.hat the 64-year-old Cossack colonel "deliberately Ignored" instructions on landing in
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  • 62 2 ISTANBUL, Friday. A RCHBISIIOP Athenagoras I was enthroned as Patriacb A of the Greek Orthodox Church in Istanbul today. He became the first American citizen ever to do so. In an address the Archbishop declared: "I speak with hope and faith tor a better future. I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 341 2 NOTICES Re ALOYSIUS DE MELLO, Deceased All persons having any claims against the estate of the abovenamed deceased, late Advocate and Solicitors of No. 7. Bonham Building, Bonham Street, Singapore, who died on the Ist day of October, 1948, are required to send particulars of their claims In writing to
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    • 207 2 NOTICES sTngapore "municipality CLAIMS FOR REFUND OF ASSESSMENT ON VACANT HOUSES Notice Is hereby given that claims for refund of assessment on vacant houses within Municipal Limits for the period from 1 July to 31 December 1948 must be submitted on or before 31 January net. Applications for refunds should
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    • 89 2 sV/wLJI3 iaMSTreT Jr &s» MINOR The Wortds Supreme ShuUC Car Designeo on Big Car Lines providing riding comfort Fine Appearanceelbow room to an extent unparalleled Superlatively efficient braking in the small car field. Independent front wheel springing. Powerful new engine for high Come and see how this car gives you
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  • 391 3 Few Celebrate In Nanking NANKING, Friday. PHINA'S Year of the Rat slid into the Year of the Ox at midnight with little of the traditional celebration with which the nation normally greeted the New Year. The people of this half-abandoned capital were too concerned by the
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  • 137 3 BANGKOK, Friday. Y3URMESE gangs crossed the Siamese border on Wednesday and attacked a Siamese wolfram mine, killing the manager and 10 workers. Delayed reports reaching I the Ministry of the Interior yesterday said that 200 Burmese, including Karen guerillas, took part in the raid
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  • 39 3 Citizens Duties i PRAGUE, Fri.— For failure i to provide receptacles ordered I by the Government for waste food and other refuse, eight householders; were criticised i in the Prague Press for "not' fulfilling their common citizens' duties AJ>
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  • 101 3 t RANGOON, Fri. REINFORCEMENTS have been sent to' Toungoo to help repel a strong Karen rebel force which attacked the Important railway centre yesterday. An Associated Press report said that fighting was in progress at mid-day today. Toungoo is 180 miles north of the
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  • 83 3 LAKE SUCCESS, Fri. THE Fon of Bikon has assur1 ed the United Nations that his 110 wives can go home to their mothers and stay there, for all he cares. The 80-year-old African tribal headman says he is bored with marriage anyway. He rules over about
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  • 34 3 LONDON, Fri.— Mr. F. W Roe, Geologist, Federation of Malaya, has been appointed Chief Geologist, Borneo, Mr J. D. Dorrity, Administrative Officer, Kenya, has been transferred to Sarawak hi a similar capclty.
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  • 77 3 DUBLIN, Fri. \i EIRE party leaders yester- i day decided collections should be made in every J parish in Eire next Sunday for a fund to provide money for anti-partition candidates in the coming Northern Ireland General Election. A conference called by the i Prime Minister
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  • 431 3 m oniBttjAjie cnurcnes tomorrow are as follows: CHURCH OF ENGLAND: St Andrew's Cathedral 7 am. and 8 a.m., 10.30 a.m., matins; 5.30 pjn, St. George's Garrison Church Tanglin (open to civilian^ 7 1» ajn., 9.30 a.m., 10.15 a.m 5 p.m. St. Hilda's Church (Katong) 8 a.m. 5.30 pjn.
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  • 55 3 WASHINGTON, Prl. 1*HE Director of the Economic Co-operation Administration's China programme (Mr. Harlan Cleveland) said last night that American aid to China, valued at about US$50,000,000, would continue ''until further notice." He said that shipments would consist of so-called "emergency commodities" such as rice, cotton, fertilisers,
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  • 191 3 "U.K. U.S. Co-operating A Iready For Backward" TNEW YORK, Friday. HE New York Times said yesterday that Mr. Bevin, In his speech on Wednesday, pledged the British to help hi President Truman's pleas for the {development of backward areas. "But this is already being done," it said. The writer of
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  • 42 3 MELBOURNE, Fri. William Brown, aged 67, of Lethbridge, near Melbourne, was admitted to hospital for treatment to an injury caused by a platypus. His injury was first reported as a bite. Later it /as called a scratch.— AJ».
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  • 43 3 M ILA. Frl.— The Philip- Court of Appeals ruled that a wife could not be compelled to live with her mother-in-law. It ordered a man who would not leave his mother to give his wife US$75 monthly for separate support. AJ».
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 391 3 k Craftsmanship j)^ has iven Bk the motoring m% world the SILENT iW/vl 1 1 1 shi r c P r o d v c t of m I\\\/A^a real dlstinc Safe-Silent Made hi rnjiand The Qualify Tyre Distributor*: Chinese Trading Co., Singapore Guan Hoe Co. Ltd., Ipoh. Scvamat Store
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    • 217 3 KITCHEN HOLIDAY? :<W M IB S :JM V 1 wHt^^mw 9- fit > Ij^Bl^^^C ♦Br m^mmmmmmmmmmii^mT .3 -nH CONSULT YOUR COLD STORAGE DELICATESSAN DEPT. f^-^ brand of oil within reach, what oil do the engineer! u*e in their own cars? M W§ Seven out of ten use "W 0/ In
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  • 313 4 Live In Friendship, Says Chinese Consul From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH. Thurs. FAN Hajl T. Y. Ma. Chinese Consul. Perak, Trengßanu and Kelantan, gives the following New Year message to his countrymen:— "The most appropriate message that I may convoy through the Press is k> k members of my community
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  • 36 4 PASSING-OUT CEREMONY: MaJ-Gen. D. Dunlop. G.O.C. Singapore District, inspecting L.E.P.S at their passing-out ceremony at Blakan Mati yesterday. The recruits will now be posted to the various branches of the Services. Straits Times picture.
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  • 189 4 "WHY WAS VILLAGE BURNED?" LONDON, *n. MR. Philip Piratin, Communist Member of Parliament, asked in the House of Commons whether the Col- I onial Secretary would make a statement concerning the i "burning by order of the Bri- ritisn authorities of the village of Kachau, Semlnyeh i District, Malaya, on
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  • 181 4 RAILWAY TO HAVE WHITLEY COUNCIL From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Frl rrHE most complete 1 machinery for negotiation In any Government Department in Malaya was agreed to today when the general manager of railways and officials of the All-Malayan Railway Workers' Union signed a memorandum introducing Whitley councils. The
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  • 83 4 NEW POLICE CADETS From Oar Own Correspondent LONDON, Frl. Appointment of Messrs. W. K. Batcfcelor, A. M. Fidler, T. H. H. Hurst, S. Hutchinson, and R. D. P. Robertson as Police Cadets in the Federation of Malaya is announced by the Colonial Office. Mr. F. R. Brothers, A.S.P., Sierra Leone,
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  • 139 4 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Frl.— lt was because life was easier in the jungle that Pek Lam Seng, became a bandit. He was sentenced to death yesterday for being in unlawful possession of a Sten gun and ammunition. Sgt. Henderson of the Inniskilling Fusiliers
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  • 47 4 The proprietor of a coffee shop at Lorong 3, Oeylang, Singapore, held up and robbed by two armed men, gave chase after the men had left his shop. He overpowered a man who was later handed over to the Dolice.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 243 4 wi.hirm All Our Chlneae Patron< A Happy New Tear QUEENS THEATRE Today At 11.0(1 A.M. -NORTHWKST MOI'NTED POLICE" (In Technicolor) 50 Cento To All SeaU Today Daily: 4 Shows— If S.I.V fi.SU 9 15 p.m. Johnny Wflnsmuller In ••TAR/AN A THE MERMAIDS" Barbaric Ritualx! Savaf'e Thrills! Pagan Splendour! Inmcht A
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    • 39 4 Buku Merah ENTRIES CLOSING The last date for receiving copy for STRAITS TIMES DIRECTORY OF SINUAPOBE AND MALAYA is Feb. 15. Will those companies who have not yet returned forms please do so now? Straits Times Phone 5471 Sitfaport
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    • 265 4 MAKE WAY FOR ITS MNITE TOMORROW! a HrWttAM Wills jfefiHg" WU. UTIfW. IWjU» TIAMI ■rtaatt'fr |A Di-aknc in rrs action- Bm jfiuflf THI NDERINC IN ITS ORAXa jC%* sruki.Nc in the swnr or m l^^fe MACNIFtfENT PtOOIMTION g§| M 25 YEUS ON|Y TMEf... I Mgb WA^S|^^^^ "COVERED WAGON gS J^^jj^jjjj«J2
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  • 365 5 SUMATRA BADLY NEEDSMORE GOODS FOR REBUILDING A RECENT survey trip to Sumatra made by the Trade Commissioner for Indonesia in Singapore, (Mr. C. den Hollander) reveals that imports for reconstruction are badly needed. They include roofing, iron, cement, nails, window panes, iron wire and rubber coagulants. Batavlp authorities stress that.
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  • 157 5 Malay News Selangor Missionary Society From Our Malay Correspondent ASELANGOR Muslim Missionary Society was formed at a meeting held at Kuala Lumpur Mosque on Tuesday. Maalana Abdul Aleem Slddiqul the Muslim divine, presided. The following were elected officers Inche Yahya bin Shaikh Ahmad (president). Inche Mohamed Din Bacha, Sirajuddln and
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  • 202 5 rvIKECT shipments of raw materials such a s rubber, sago, coconut, and timber mostly from Indonesia to consumers are depriving Singapore mills of raw materials. To stay In business, some Singapore industrialists are contemplating building factories in the areas from which they used to obtain
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  • 179 5 ROTA MAY AVERT SACKINGS MORE than 150 Chinese labourers of the Ho Hong oil and soap factory were told yesterday of a cut in their cost -of -living allowance and of he pending dismissal of about 40 of them. They were told this after a meeting yesterday between the management
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  • 197 5 DUBBER prices were maln- talned early In the week by covering for Russian shipments, but when this demand appeared satisfied for the time being a decline set In, says Lewis Is Peat's weekly market report. This setback however was sharply checked by the news from America
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  • 74 5 The first Malayans to study postal work In Britain, Mr. C. D. Clunles Ross and Mr. M. Bala Subrahmanian arrived In London on Monday. They leave next week for Cardiff to attend a one-year course on provincial postal system. Both are officials of the Malayan postal service.
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  • 80 5 Y. M. C. A., Orchard Road, Singapore Chess Club, 3 p.m. Paya Lebai Methodtat Youth Fellowship, Chinese New Year Social, 7, Boundary Road, 7 p.m. Outram Church Youth Fellowship, social gathering, Outram Road Church, 7. 50 p.m. Mahatma Gandhi Meetings, i padang in front of Block 43, ■Naval
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  • 138 5 MALAYA last year produced 45.257 lon* tons of palm oil and 8.471 long tons of palm oil kernel compared with the 1947 figures of 39.115 and 5,355 long tons respectively. Total exports of palm oil for the year were 48,176 tons, and kernel.
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  • 134 5 TWE qualities that go to make a good soldier are 1 precisely those required to make a good citizen, 160 Locally-Enlisted Personnel were told yesterday at Blakan Mat! by th e G.O.C. Singapore District (Maj.-Gen. D. Dunlop) at their passing-out parade. "The eyes
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  • 107 5 S.I.T. Is Exempted ALL premises belonging to the Singapore Improvement Trust are exempted from the provisions of Control of Rent Ordinance, under a Government Gazette notification published yesterday. The exemption provides that no proceedings shall be commenced or brought hi any court for the recovery of possession of any of
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  • 72 5 Nearly 100,000 schoolchildren are today listeningin to weekly school broadcasts, the Department of Broadcasting announced. It is estimated that there are now 300 schools in Malaya tuning in to these broadcasts, including a Chinese school in Sumatra. The number of Chinese schools listening-in Is rapidly equalling
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 217 5 China's Foremost Actress <f3& IMPERIAL CONCUBINE iJlSK^^^r HISTORICAL fe^ DRAMA OF fcX<:n 19th CENTURY At The Air-ionditioned K^fl 5 SHOWS DAILY I (KINDLY NOTE TIMES) 11 a.m.. 1.36. 4.60. 6.30 915 p.m. VINO HWA FILM INDUS J LTD.. Presents "SORROWS of the FORBIDDEN CITY" In MANDARIN With ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS REX
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    • 194 5 PROVING THE SUPERIORITY Of MOTOR CYCLES MR. E. E. MONTEIRO Riding a Velocette WON THE Ist PLACE in the 350 c.c. Class HALF MILE SPRINT At Lim Chu Kang Road, on 23rd January 1949 MORE VELOCETTE MACHINES ARE COMING SHORTLY Sole Agents /jot Color Photbs f US* Don't you like
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  • 29 6 Mr ana Mrs. a. v. i»yior thank all friends relations for their kind attendance and useful gifts, etc., on the occasion of their Silver Wedding on 26th Jan. 1940
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  • The Straits Times Singapore, Sat., Jan. 29, 1949.
    • 618 6 There is point to Major General Boucher's remark that resolute public support of the campaign against the terrorists would make a bigger contribution to the suppression of banditry than anything else. But this does not invalidate the suggestion that perhaps more troops are needed. Public support, that
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    • 304 6 In a letter on another page, a correspondent takes the Commissioner General to task for several of the statements which Mr. Mac Donald made in his last broadcast. Whether the broadcast was unlngpiring those who heard it may judge for themselves, but it was not an unfair
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    • 238 6 It is a common resort of the politician and speaker, when caught up in the web of events, to blame the press for misquoting him. Sometimes the press hits back. It simply records what really was said. 'Time," which plays so many tricks, has done just that to
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  • 16 6 rf —Photograph by C. A. Gibson-HM. HI/KIT BESAR FROM ACROSS THE KUALA, KUALA TRENGGANU.
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  • 902 6 THE Chinese New Year's Day is also the first day of Spring, and, in China, the rites of Spring are performed on this day. A procession headed by the Governor or Prefect goes to the east gate of the city, and there sacrifices are
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  • 201 6 The Trials Of A Druggist f\N Sunday Jan. 9, Mr. Chong Kirn Fatt, the President of the Malayan Pharmaceutical Association, warned the Government of the danger of untrained people dispensing medicine which often contains poisons. Pharmacy he said, had become a complicated thing and the Government, like the rest of
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  • 138 6 I REFER to the photo1 graph published on page 5 of the Siraits Times of Jan. 28, under the heading "ARMOURI ED TRUCK PIERCED BY BULLETS." The photograph is extremely misleading since the armour plating steel was not pierced by bullets and in order to allay
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  • 568 6  -  PETER HILL -By MORE Singapore boys are to be enticed off the roads this year. The wild bands of urchins who roam the streets of Chinatown, frequent coffee shops ana eventually become thugs, gangsters and secret society members, are to be turned into useful citizens. At least
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 729 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. COTTRKLL. To Ruth, wife of Peter, on 27th Jan. 1949 (at Kandang Kerbau Hospital) a son —Keith Roy. CHUA-LEE: The Engagement Is announced between Boon Ye#, third son of Mr. Mrs. Chua Cheng Llat of Singapore, and Alice Slew Kheng. eldest daughter Of Mr. I-ee Pang Soo of
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    • 65 6 HAVE YOU ffVfff THOUGHT THAT Y JU* HEADACHE IS DUt TO EYES? UiicoirecKso oi improperly corrected defective vision causte headaches, eye-strain. n*rvoua tension, wasted •nerirv and other harmful effects Keep youi Eyes from Fatiguing Strain Have them examined. Our rechniqut Procedure in Visual Analysis with th« most complete post-war equipment
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    • 12 6 fffl Hz 81 'inn wrt ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE famous fot flavour
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  • 487 7 Singapore City Fathers Deplore "Legal Quibbles" THEIR meeting yesterday, the Singapore Municipal Commissioners deplored the delay caused by "legal quibbles" in the building of workmen's dwellings from the Princess Elizabeth Wedding Celebrations Fund. A resolution containing the words "Commissioners express very strong disapproval of the delay
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  • 227 7 1 rum Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. THERE is no evidence that action by the Security Forces against squatters is affecting the economic life of Malaya, stated the Chief Secretary (Sir Alec Newboult) at this morning's Press conference. He said that the report of committee
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  • 45 7 Mr. W. F. Mayor has been appointed deputy to the Comptroller of Customs, Singapore. Mr. J. 8. A. Lewis. Assistant Comptroller of Customs, Malayan Customs Service has been appointed Assistant Comptroller of Customs, Preventive Branch, Singapore, in place of Mr. R. S. TufneU.
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  • 42 7 About 40 Singapore business men attended a farewell party yesterday given by Messrs Indersons and Company for Mr. D. Labh Singh proprk\or of the International Store, High Street, who is going to India on holiday after 13 years in Singapore.
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  • 178 7 Municipal Jobs Board Decision BY a majority, Singapore Municipal Commissioners yesterday passed a resolution by Mr. Blythe that the Establishments Board should not in future concern Itself with the recruitment of permanent staff whose salary did not exceed $80 a month, or the recruitment of temporary staff whose salary was
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  • 75 7 TWO Indians were taken to hospital last night after a brawl between Malay soldiers and Indian civilians in a lane near Alexandra Terrace, Paslr Pan] ang. About 10 people who were involved in the fight quickly dispersed when the police, who had been keeping special watch
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  • 155 7 ar *r. ew officers of the Ek lv Club Patrons. Messrs. Llm Chens Kway, Lim Kirn Lee Urn Thl"i Chee, Chua T*i Tien, Mak Gek S On £u Ten Kft m president £Lfr heW Mfh Van; ylce-pWiS v™ zr, Tan Tlan Ch0 Chan £^L NCO Kay Ben
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  • 438 7 From Our Staff Correspondent at ?F ALA LUMPUR, Friday. AT this morning's Press conference, the G.0.C.. District (Maj.-Gen. D. Dunlop), said in a statement read on his behalf that, more than Johcr Was necessar y on the alert in "in spite of the
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  • 149 7 LONDON, Fri.-The promotion of seven Nursing Sisters in Malaya to the rank of Matron, Grade II is announced by the Colonial Office. The New Matrons are: Misses M. Ackers, I. Battle, E. M. Francis, E. A. Henderson A. M. Pape, A. Rossler, and M. C. F. Williams.
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  • 94 7 Trishamen Must Not Smoke, Ring ATRISHA rider who smokes or spits while carrying a "fare" may have his licence suspended under the Singapore Municipal Trisha Bylaws, which were gazetted yesterday. Under the code, a trisha driver must not: Sleep in his trisha when it is stationed on any public stand,
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  • 74 7 The curfew in the Straits of Johore will not apply to anyone ordinarily resident in, or on, any fishing stake so long as the person is in the area of the stake, said a Government Gazette announcement yesterday. All other people are banned from the Straits between
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  • 32 7 Tenders are being invited by Government for work on the proposed Malay Vernacular School for boys and girls at Kampong Jagoh and for repairs to the substructure of Clifford Pier.
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  • 127 7 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG. Fri. THAT the British Government can be well informed on the Penanj? secession issue, a full report of the forthcominc motion at. the Settlement Council meeting un Feb. 10 will be sent, to London. The secretary of the Penang Secession Committee
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  • 289 7 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Friday. THE bravery of a soldier of the Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry In creeping up a rock to grapple with an armed Kedah bandit resulted in the bandit being killed and another wounded yesterday evening. 1 The soldier
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  • 75 7 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. EVEN the terrorists provide revenue for the government. Money found on dead terrorists is treated as intestate property, snd roes into Government revenue, it was stated at this morning's press conference. Cash and property belonging to captured terrorists is
    75 words
  • 39 7 Rear-Admiral Clifford Caslon, Flag Officer, Malaya, left Singapore on Tuesday in H.M.S. Alert to pay an official visit to North Borneo, Borneo, Brunei and Sarawak. He will be returning to Singapore on Feb. 10.
    39 words
  • 692 7 Another House Requisitioned By The Army From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. A T today's Press conference, the G.O.C. (Major* <• Gen. C. H. Boucher) disclosed that besides Mr Yap s house the Army had requisitioned under the Emergency Regulations a house in Cameron Highlands owned by a European.
    692 words
  • 21 7 Mr. A. W. F'risby, Director of Education, Singapore, has been appointed a temporary member of the Legislative Council.
    21 words
  • 59 7 The death occurred sudj denly yesterday of Mr. D P. i Abhayeratne at his house No. 1 41, Lorong 27-A, Geylang, Sinj gapore. Mr Abhayeratne was a retired Malayan Railway's employee and had lived In Malaya for 35 years. The cortege will leave the i house
    59 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 32 7 P| Welcome the ill NEW YEAR MUMM fc^H>|ii«3 CORDON ROUGE THE FINEST Hnjß "CHAMPAGNE BRUT M. FLINTER S. GRINBERG Diamonds and Jewellery TELEPHONE 7923 67, STAMFORD RD M <Ei Court Bldg) STORE
      32 words
    • 24 7 PHILCO Advanced Design PORTABLE MR-CONDITIONERS Capacities to suit every room r'''^^^"""" > «s^^2>r fc^?2s£ -s 3Et/ v j Trnfff* distributors: SIM E. DARBY CO.. LTD.
      24 words

  • 1002 8 "FEMINA WRITES 0N... MALAYANS in all ITI walks of life were delighted to hear of the inclusion in the New Year Honours of a knighthood for Sydney B. Palmer, one of Malaya's foremost personalities, prominent in planting and racing circles, and widely known for
    1,002 words
  • 283 8 OOUTH China cabbages (both long and round) were found in abundance in all the markets and In spite of the heavy demand for the Chinese New Year celebrations prices of this vegetable showed a marked decline. Yesterday's average price of China cabbage was between 30 to
    283 words
  • 159 8 STRAW IN THE WIND A NOTED milliner predicted recently that smartly-dressed woman this spring will wear a wide brimmed picture hat with rough, inchlong pieces of straw sticking up all over it. Sucrh a hat is part of the "country girl" collection of straws that Mr. Fred of John-Fredericks. Inc.,
    159 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 314 8 ACRAWATTE A PERFECT BLENDED TEA from The Acrawattk Estatk Ceylon AGENTt— Singapore kuala lumpur pen an g ~-^*^l^bV9^^L P**ltl ifftTftf ALLOT CA# t*IT 4, flßf o^^ World's most wanted pen Tectid and proved in every climat* and ton di lion, treasured \tf millioni, the Parker" sl" is the most coveted
      314 words
      217 words

  • The Straits Times SATURDAY FORUM
    • 614 9 An Old Malayan On The C.G.'s Speech QURING the great slump of the early thirties there arose a body of men planters miners, merchants, lawyers (many of them unfortunately now dead) who during those years were jealous for Malaya and who were fearless and vigilant in speaking and writing on
      614 words
    • 238 9 Rotan For An Alarm Clock pEW will deny that the 1 rotan is a cruel and humiliating punishment. Few will deny that a nation's advance towards true civilisation can Often be meausured by its humane treatment of criminals. And yet in these days of the "re-awakened Asia" one reads in
      238 words
    • 55 9 DO not believe that 1 "Nerveworn" in his letter headed, "TORN NERVES AT TANGLIN", Is a dog-lover. May I add a note in verse i for his benefit: Dogs are born to bark. And ears are made to hear; t But ichy not shoot the dogs, you don't like
      55 words
    • 73 9 I RECENTLY visited the Registrar of Marriages in Fuller-ton Building to witness a wedding, and could not help but notice the unsuitability of the room for such an important undertaking. Can't Government spare some money to decorate this room? Government should do away with its present
      73 words
    • 215 9 THOUGH one of your correspondents wrote lately in a somewhat superficial comment on Singapore that he does not think very much of Raffles' town, I must admit that I consider Singapore a beautiful city and a marvellous place to live in. The certain something about it has
      215 words
    • 566 9 THE recently announced intentions of the police in respect of traffic, namely, the importation of a speed limit in built-up areas and a ban on the use of motor-horns, are likely to cause grave concern in the mind of the average motorist unless they are speedily
      566 words
    • 237 9 An Englishwoman Writes On.;j, I AM sure many women" besides myself are con* cerned about the fate of the women, children and old men from squatter villages who are being returned to war-ravaged China. Who is Roinf? to receive and look after them there? Can they make their
      237 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 9 THE PENANG ESPLANADE This photograph, by Tan Seng Aun of Penang, was chosen /or exhibition at the London Salon of Photography's 39th annual International Exhibition.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 213 9 M*h HEW FOOD TONIC H>- WITH UIIIQUE features ffilp m aw£ 3^ las high vitamin content m/j 'S JP MM^mMW^^sz>^ Jr IB MM MM MX Wk MM JMM led on or lived Ki(h cereals, fruit Cft I j I disliCß. ice rr.aiug, <lc, and on ■S 9A I■■ I W\
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 392 9 yffMffagi«Mifi A very ticklish problem was presented to the declarer In t<v day's deal, but he solved It beautifully. South, dealer. Both sides vulnerable. NORTH 4 A J 8 4 K J968 AQS2 WEST EA ST ♦A 10 84 4QJ96 Q 10 7 10 4 Q 1 5 *KJ 10
      392 words
    • 206 9 i cided to draw two rounds of trumps, but he received the very disturbing news that East had two tricks and stoppers In the suit. After thinking matters over carefully, South led his singleton club and finessed the queen, but he did not then make the mistake of cashing the
      206 words

  • 348 10 LONDON, PrL miTh the exception of Ar- gentine UtUltiea and South African Gold Minings, which showed useful gains on buying demand, the London Stock Exchange was idle yesterday with prices remaining steady, says Reuter's financial correspondent. Rubbers were unchanged and Tins irregularly lower. Buyers of Argentine Utilities appeared
    348 words
  • 121 10 From A Market Correspondent xiOLIDAY feeling affected practically all sections or the Singapore produce markets yesterday. Except for a small volume of SL^^JlV^a.S are closed for the Chinese New Year holiday. Yesterday's prices were: „?^r J No.-,i > W5: „o !n $39 50; 4, $29; 5, $38.50;
    121 words
  • 813 10 Prom Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Friday. THE Malayan share market closed the week on a steady note with little interest shown. The market will re-open on Tuesday morning. an Sharebrokera' Association were: INDUSTBIAL* Buyer Seller AtlM fee 14 00 15.00 xd Alex Bricks Pref. 2.85
    813 words
  • 21 10 BOTH the Malayan share market and the Sin*a- port rubber market will be officially closed today and on Monday.
    21 words
  • 55 10 LONDON, Fri. •THE British Ministry of 1 Supply announce* that the Combined Tin Committee has made farther interim allocations for the flsrt half of this year totalling 2,685 long; tons. Brazil receives 815, Ceylon IS, CiechosloTakia 675, Hong Kong 110, Hungary 225, Ireland 35, Poland 800, Rumania
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 165 10 rt Singapore rubber market waa quiet throughout yesterday, with prices at approximately the same levels as Thursday's. There were moderate demands from the Continent. The market closed at 1. p.m. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's noon prices yesterday (Jan. 28) were. In cents per lb.: New
    165 words
  • 104 10 SHIPS in port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns in brackets) were: Main Wharf: FrancUville (3132), Aeneas (33-34). West Wharf: Medon (4-5), Memnon (8-9), BennevU (13-14), Padana (16-16). Empire Dock: Gorgon (17*18), Ohaksang (19-20), Rengam (31), Benarty (23-24), Oluf Maersk (2526). Coal Plant: St. Bernard.
    104 words
  • 66 10 NBW YORK. Prl. CTEELS featured yesterday afternoon on the New York Stock Exchange, most of this group advancing on the day. United States Steel was one point higher at 78^. The stifle nine spread slowly to Chemicals. Oils, Mt"'ngg and Motor* enabling a reduction or erasure of numerous
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1235 10 MANSFIELD tfi CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) ■LOR rUMNBL UWR STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO.. Carrier's eetiea te are see* via ether LTD. D.rtt te lead esMj dtachare). earga SAILINCS FROM U.K. UJA. WOT COAST MALAYA •M.nmen' trom Ui>- C. 8/9 t "»»H. ia T An on -Meaen" trom U.K C. 4/5
      1,235 words
    • 241 10 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON, INDIA. ICYPT AND MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Singapore P Sham Penang Mann.. Snappci Feb. 10/14 Feb. 15/16 Pres Polk Feb. 16/21 Feb. 22/23 Feb. 24/26 Mount Oavft Peb. 24/ Mar 3 Mar. 4/5 Mar. 6/9 Mount Mansfield Mar. 13/19 Mar. 20/21 Mar.
      241 words
    • 318 10 FA-5T ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS ro CONTINENT/ SAILINGS FROM »tANDIN4VIA-u X SCAMDINAVIA. Loading at Singapore. Port Swettennam m -Mongolia" dv. abt. Feb. 4 S Pen n for Manila. H'Konn. Shanghai ai-i "Flonia Codowm 40/41 Kobe. Yokohama for Aden. Port Sudan. Port •j "" dv. abt. Feb. 5 *•>* Bf^^h. Canoa. Ant-
      318 words
    • 829 10 McALISTER CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore* •UItNAII^VC^U eUUeWUM. U** HAY.I, lONOOH. WTTIRDAM ft HAMBURC. Accepting cargo for Central ft South CITY OP DURHAM. American Port*. FRANCISVILLI S-por. Ps ,T«m Parujng s Slwn p •16 Ma. <l Mar. 19-20 Mar Codowni3l/J2 1 Fob. 4 FtK 7 m., Sails I Peb felepbon*
      829 words

    • 52 11 rIS Is how the teams wUI line op tomorrow (kick-off at 5.1* p.m.): SOUTH NORTH Carry Chandler Roprr Leviseur PenaeU Harrison Waterkyn Borrie Sandenop Mclver Jones Bennett Taylor Pestana Fox Tyrell Gibson Wangh Carpenter FanRoualle Farrer Baker Brett Tucker Noble Newton Layers Wildman Mac Donald Referee: Mr. K.
      52 words
    • 1333 11 By Our Rugby Reporter THODAY S North-South Rugby classic at Jalan Besar Stadium will be the 15th in the series, North having won eight times against Souths six. Kick-off will be at 5.10 pan. Last year South won, and all the odds point to
      1,333 words
    • 58 11 THE following are the result, of 1 the 14 punes played in (he series: 1928: 1929: 193«: 1931: 1932: 1933: 1934: 1935: 193«: 1937: 1938: 193!): 1947: 1948: North South North North South South North North North North South South North South 21—14 6—3 11—3 13—8 8—0 11—
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    • 341 11 A TOTAL of 2,962 lbs. of brawn and muscle will go into the two strums in today's North South gave at Jalan Besar Stadium. South, whose pack weigh 1.505 lbs. will have an advantage of 48 lbs. over North, whose total is 1,457 lbs. Individual
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  • 507 11  -  E. D. MEYER By UEVEKAL amendments to the existing rules of the Negri Sembilan Football Association though not revolutionary in nature, wer c amended and passed on Wednesday night at the annual general meeting of the N.S.F.A. which was held at the Negri Sembilan club
    507 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 398 11 IT'S HERE THE SUPER-DUPER SHOW FOR CHINESE NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS! TODAY FOUR SHOWS ©A\J3§ H/fiiß PHONF fiQftt t«««e<J^ro. J9 h»rO»o<}teflctufßj.lnc. Mr«l«f by Fttlrm N,,0.M ftaaatftai Special Morning Shows 10.45 A.M. Today "IRISH EYES ARE SMILING" Tomorrow Yvonne de Carlo In "BLACK BART" j HEAP ENG MOH 8.8. CO, LTD. 4
      398 words
    • 201 11 I. DON JUAN Is Our Wa> Of Saying 1B 1 A A HAPPY NEW YEAR J^ To All A jA Our Chinese Patrons Wm vow showing tjm SIMULTANEOUSLY W Strand ji Capitol NEW YORK SINGAPORE WARNER BROS! BIG NEW TRIUMPH OF ***** r ERRot IV ADVENTURES OF NEW "'YORK" 5
      201 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 83 11 4TPORE 9.00 Dance Music; 9 3o Ballad* Cowboy Songs; 10.00 Jazz Soloist: 10.15 Hawaiian Music: 10.45 Recorded Variety; 11.15 Chinese New Year Concert; 12.00 Close; 1.00 Dance Music; 1.30 News; 1.50 Light Music; 3.10 Commentaries on the Selangor Races with interval music from the studio: 6.15 Dance Music; ft 30
      83 words
    • 83 11 B.B.C. 1.00 As S'pore; 3.00-5.00 As Sngapore (on 249 metres); 3. IS -6 30 Selangor Races (on 299 49 metres); 8 30 Light Music; 7.00 News; 7.30 YAPI; 8.30 'Whose Body" by Dorothy L. Sayers: 9.00 Battle of tne Discs; 9.30 News; 9.45 These You Seldom Hear; 10.00 Night Hub;
      83 words
    • 82 11 8.45 Light Entertainment Show; 9.20 Waltt Time; 10.00 Australi«n News; 10 30 British Star Dance Band; 11.00 Australian News; 11 30 Australian Artists Perform; 11.45 Close. BF.E.B.8 Including BBC Relays ">.3O This 6 London; 6 00 Ligh' ,*iusic; 6.15 World Affairs; 6.30 News; 8T45 Indonesian; 7.15 English; 7.45 Siamese; 8.30
      82 words

  • 584 12  - BYRON DANGER TO ECLIPTIC IN CUP RACE EPSOM JEEP Finn I uny (Jf K.L. Meeting By KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. BYRON will walk the Cup race if he as much as shows a glimpse of his English form." Thi s is iow an acknowledgeable expert with racing xperience in England sums
    584 words
  • 48 12 "pHE team to represent the Indian Association in a hockey match against the Malayan Railway Union hockey team at St. George's Rd. tomorrow, will be selected from the following. Authony. M^nsoor Khan, Siva Solakhan, Mohinder. Gupta, Soin; Sari jit, Daas, Swaran, Rattan; Jerome. Isa, Ver*ppan
    48 words
  • 28 12 ALL Indians in Singapore interested In badminton are requested to attend a meeting at 4, Klang Lane, today at 3.30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.
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  • 37 12 •THE Malayan* Rugby Union will 1 hold their annual ball at Raffles Hotel tonight. There will be an extension until 1 a.m. Tickets are priced at $2. All proceeds will go to M.R.U. funds.
    37 words
  • 143 12 Cpmm 1-9 Can B-y Miter »*<•• t IDIII. CI.YNOR CLYNC t Clynor D B ■■Hl«fcH SIR v.K\ Ml AD BBONZE rXASH j EGYPTIAN a I Ql EEN i M Egyptian Queen Egyptian Queen Sir C.alahad lldy Hinptoa L^T HMipton I^dy Htmpton R»r. T~ OVATION OVATION SKYSTBEAK l.lrlrn
    143 words
  • 643 12  -  By EPSOM JEEP KUALA Liunruii, rriaay. »R.B stands out as the best bet on the card at Kuala Lumpur tomorrow, the last day of the Selaiigor Turf Club meeting. I would have given the grey a strong outside •hance in the Gold Cup had he
    643 words
  • 77 12 From EPSOM JEEP KUALA KIMPIR, Frl. A LUCKY person somewhere In Malaya will receive a $95,900 "red packet" from the Selanjor Turf dab on Chinese New Year day tomorrow if his or her ticket draws the first prize in the unlimited sweep. Sales for the last day's
    77 words
  • 136 12 THE Police beat the Singapore Harbour Board by 10 points i two 'goals) to nine points <• penalty goal and two tries* in game of rugger at Thomson Road yesterday The Police played with 13 nu-n. and the S.H.B. scored a penalty goal and a try
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  • 47 12 VAVAL Stores XI will meet Zam Zam's XI at soccer at Parrer Park on Feb. 1 at 5.15 p.m. Zam Zam's XI will be chosen from O. Angullia, A. Rahim, Seng Gee. Samad. Aziz, Aloy,~ Chwee Leng, Balen, Zam Zam, Ramlan, D. Angullla, Krishna Samy.
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  • 24 12 Police Training School beat the Police Divisions by seven goals to one in a game of soccer at Thomson Road yesterday.
    24 words
  • 218 12 THE Royal Singapore w Leask (11) v w. m. McLeod Golf Club and Selan- fl2): J B Heaton (12) v M A. anQ el »n- Co i umWne a3); F H King a7 gor Golf Club are playing v. c. a. whitchurch (16): c. r. an
    218 words
  • 76 12 jy|AKINO their debut in hockey yesterday. Kota Raja beat an B.R.C. XI by two goals to nil in a match olayed on the Padang. Mohamed Noor was respon- j siblp for scoring both coals for Kota Raja. He netted the! first in the first half
    76 words
  • 85 12 HtfCKEY: Malacca t. Permk S. 4 p.m.; Singapore v. Nefri Sembllan 8.C.C., 5 p.m.; C B.C. t. A.C.B. O. B.A. Oldham Hall (md; C.S.C. v. Malayan Rlys, R.I. I p.m. RUGBY: North v. South— J. Besar stadium; R A.F. Bembawanr v. R A.F. Changi Senibawang: R.A.F. Tengah v.
    85 words
  • 1062 12 BELOW are the acceptances for today's races at Kuala Lumpur. The Double Totes will be on races three and five, eight and nine. The Big Sweep will be drawn on race nine. Rac 1—2.15: Uiass 1, uiv. a—v run. 821 DRB Spencer 9.00 Capt. Lindsay Vears Breukelen
    1,062 words
  • 237 12 JOHORE BAHRU, Friday. rpHE money needed for laying out a ground and A building a sports stadium has already been guaranteed, announced Mr. F. C. Cooke, who presided at a meeting at the Johore Civil Service Association y TThe^meeting was called to appoint provisional secretaries
    237 words
  • 228 12 MADRAS, Friday. THE West Indies, after losing two wickets for the addition of only four runs to the overnight score, were all out for 582 yesterday, the second day of the fourth Test against India here. In the second over of the day Jeff
    Reuter  -  228 words
  • 66 12 PHE Ceylonese Sports Cliii) horkey learn to pay the via la \an RattwTys i Fedi-iation of Ualaya't at Raffles Inatltutlon ;oday <tt 5 p.m. will be: V. Ra« nallngam: A. Ponnampalam S. Naglah: V. John. S. Vellupi .ii. K. C. Shegarnn; S. K. Siindraiii, 5. Kulaslnshatn. A.
    66 words
  • 25 12 T<HE ARMY wster polo team will play the Singapore Brimming Club at the Club peol tomorrow at 10.30 a.m.
    25 words
  • 21 12 Today: High Wmer. 10.50 m. (9ft. 51n>. Tomorrow: High Water 12 it a.m. (Bft. 81n>. 11.29 p.m. 9ft. 7m.
    21 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 101 12 Wishing all (*<■■ frlrnd* and Patrons A H\PPV NKW YKAR! root mowi daily: Noon. S. 6.15 9 15 pm. Rita M <il"»" HWWORTII T- KORD •n <'olii">*>ia's •THE LOVES OF CARMEN" —In Technicolor _TO-NTn at Min-MTE— < lumbia's •10U1 NKiHTS" n Tf»-hnieolur r PRESTCOLD th. first English sealed- unit refrigerator
      101 words
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