The Straits Times, 27 December 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 320 1 Tommy Gun Watch On Worshippers LONDON, Sunday. pLANES, believed to be Egyptian, flew over Nazareth at midnight on Christmas Day, their drone and the shriek of the air raid sirens mingling with the chimes of the Church of the Annunciation ringing out their Christmas
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  • 75 1 LONDON, Sun. FMK YEAK-01.0 Susan (iood, elder sister of the Biittol quads born last June Ifiii? up five stocking* bef>rr she went to bed on Christmas Eve. There was a large one for h-i>»-lf and four smaller pnes for her sisters. Bridget, Fiances, and J-nciifer. On
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  • 242 1 SINGAPORE spent its quietest Christmas artav the liberation. In th^ rainy weather, many people preferred to celeat home. :stmas Day was practloally crime free. iy began the day by gota* to church a*nd more than 1.000 people packed the C*Hi<*dral of the Good Shepherd tor Midnight
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  • 370 1 r x HE staff of a Johore rub-, ber estate broadcast from j Radio Malaya on Christmas afternoon and the broadcast wu included by the British Broadcasting Corporation m Its round-the-world programme before the King's speech. The manager of the estate emphasised the good fellow- ship existing
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  • 80 1 RANGOON. Sun.- The Bur-! mese Premier (Thakin Nu> &ald today that Indians m Burma who preferred to maintain political connection j with the mother country would not be entitled to the I privileges due to Burmese citizens. Addressing the second annual session of the All-Burma India Congress,
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  • 22 1 WASHINGTON Frl. The second monthly decline m 1 food costs In the 'Jnited s:at?s as reported for November. A.P
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 1 i.iE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT m London. Above: Childisl: wonderment at the circus. Kljht: Norway's Christmas present to London a giant Christmas tree which stands In Trafalgar Square— Renter A.P. picture.
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  • 233 1 $8,000,000 Jap Malaya Trade "TRADE between Japan and the Governments of Malaya is to be permitted to the extent of S8,000,000 (Straits). Approximately $8,000,000 worth of A.P.'s (Import lncencn) on Japan have been substantiated by letters of credits. The Governments of Singapore and the Federation originally approved A.P.s worth $18,000,000
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  • 51 1 A 5.'!-year-old Malay wo man pedestrian. Slti binU Hashim died shortly after oe;ng knocked down by a lorry tr> Jalan Eunos yesterday. She refused to go to hospital and died In a taxi while on the way to make a report a t Geylang Police
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  • 59 1 LONDON. Sun.— The Un '■e6 Kingdom received A8.000.000 Christmas 'rom Australia on Ftlday, announced yesterday. The Prime Minister (Mr. Joseph Chifley) cabled to Brl tain's Prime Minister (Mr. Attlee): "Please regard this contri bution as a symbol of Australian association with the United Kingdom m the task
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  • 205 1 Stutchbury Flying To Japan \|R. A. D. Stutchbury is goiVl ing to Japan to watch Malayan Interests In >he future operation of the recent trade agreement. He told the Straits Times last night: "I feel very confident. I feel sure when I return the position will be clarified, and I
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 1 COCO AND THE 111 H< 11 11 is Coco, a clown iv the Bertram Mills circus at Olympia. London pays his respects m characteristic manner to Mr. and Mrs. Winston Churchill.— A.P. picture.
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  • 128 1 MANILA. Sun. CANNED pineapple [g likely to recapture its pre-war role as one of the leading exports of the Philippines, the Bureau of Commerce reports. Foreign trade data shows that pineapple shipments are surpassing the other princpal exports like embrolderes, rope, lumber and timber. Although postwar exportation
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  • 218 1 NETHERLANDS troops, it was announced m Batavia yesterday, had arrested three Malayan Communists m Republican Sumatra. Two of them were identified m Kuala Lumpur last night as being M.P.A.B.A. lead,ers. They were Wong ior Wang) Ching, MPABA chief m West Pahang. and Pa Tze Mok,
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  • 141 1 PEKING, Sunday. pEKING awoke after a quiet Christmas night tq find the citv quilted with snow. On the warfronl around the city not a shot disturbed the silence* There were, however, further reports of Communist troop movements from Hopei to the Central China front. Throughout
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  • 87 1 Malayan In China Govt. IN the new Chinese Cabinet approved on Friday is Singa-pore-born Dr. Robert Llm, son of Dr. Llm Boon Keng. He becomes Minister of Healih He is 51. last visited Singapore In 1937. He was educated m Britain and obtained high medical degrees m Edinburgh. When he
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Cable Flashes
    • 114 2 LONDON, Sunday. T>RITISH hat manufacturers say that their experts have discovered that eight out of ten young women prefer their men to wear hats. So they are going to spend £50,000 in an advertising campaign to convince the four out of five bareheaded young men
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    • 63 2 LONDON. Sun.— A verdict oi accidental death from coal gas poisoning was returned by the East Devon coroner on Sir Harry Lamb, 91. who was found dead In bed at Sidmouth. The evidence Indicated that he got up at night and stumbled against the tap to the gas
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    • 52 2 PARIS, Sun.— A Christmas "truce" Is being observed in Nice, French Riviera, between traffic policemen and motorists. The Nice police have tacitly consented to refrain from flnini car drivers between now and the New Year. Motortets are drawing up In front of traffic policemen and giving them Christmas
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    • 68 2 LONDON, Sun. PROVISIONAL operating figures for Britain's three nationalised airways corporations show a loss of l £3,991,000 (U5515,964,000) for the six months from April to September of this year. This was an Improvement over the same period last year when a deficit of U5518,760,000 was reported. British
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    • 32 2 NEW HAVEN (Conn.). Sun. —Mr. J. Arthur Rank, British i film magnate, has made a gift of £45,000 to the Huai chung University, Hunan Pro- vince, for a library.—A.P.
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    • 142 2 TLMfOKAKY APPOINTMENTS I FOR EXTENSION WORKS STAFF I Applications are lnvltea foi the following Temporary appointments on a three rears' agreement. All appointments are connected with the construction work on 1 extension*, to the Water 9upply:— Monthly Salary between 1 Details including required qualifications and experience
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    • 149 2 I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Asia Insurance Company Limited of Nos. 66/72 Chulia Street, Singapore intends; to apply to Tho Accountant- 1 General of the Colony of Singapore for the return of the securities m the form of 3% Singapore Rehabilitation Bonds to
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    • 32 2 RANGOON, Sun.—The English language newspaper Nation said yesterday that headhunters from the State <A Was. armed with bows and arrows, had revolted against the Burmese Government.— i A.P. 1
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    • 55 2 LONDON, Sun. THE Communist Daily Worker says that Lord Louis Mountbatten, last Viceroy of India, "is being tipped »s the new Minister of Defence in the reshuffled Cabinet expected to be announced by Prime Minister Clement Attlee in the New Year. The present Minister of Defence is
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    • 73 2 SYDNEY. Sun. Reports reaching here from New Britain say that giant snails Drought by the Japanese Invasion forces to the Pacific Islands to supplement their meagre diet, are multiplying rapidly and are doing much damage The snails are not the usual garden variety, but are hornshaped and
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    • 60 2 NEW YORK, Sun— Enough underground oil Is in prospect to supply the world for another 250 years at the present tate of use, says Dr. E. V. Murphree, Preddent of the Standard Oil Development Company. His prediction contrasts with forecasts a year ago that the United
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    • 46 2 LONDON, Sun.— Yorkshire had an unexpected Christmas visitor when a whale was washed up on the beach In the Scarborough area. The whale is lo leet long, believed to weigh a ton, and ;s thought to have been struck by a ship's propeller. -Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 165 2 mA H m m i if™ DUNLOP build the best tyre for every purpose n<i oyNto* iuiui co. lijM «•**»*>£ I*».,.IWCA««M. KUALA LUMPUR PENANQ. Wolf Precision Valve *ttt|M|lj JS REFACER c^P P§B[*^ 41 j. Valve Headi up to f V P9 to 90' >SSB| VALVE SEAT /jj^Jj^ SERVICING KIT Arf
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    • 848 2 NOTICES I MALAYAN EXCHANGE BANKS ASSOCIATION ALL members of the above Association in the Colony of Singapore will be closed for business on Friday the 31st December, 1948 which has been declared a "Bank j Holiday" and on Saturday the 1st January, 1949, being "New Year's i Day 1 NOTICE
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    • 538 2 NOTICES NANYANG CHINESE ICE FACTORY LTD. (Incorporated m Singapore) Notice U hereby given that Messrs. Chui Chee Seng and Tan Kang Hwee Hong have been appointed Managers of the Company m place of Mr. Tay Khoon Tiong and that from date hereof Messrs Chul Chee Seng and Tan Kang Hwee
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    • 252 2 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD SINGAPORE PROPERTIES To be held at The saleroom of Messrs. Cheorig Koon Seng Co.. Ltd., No. JO Chulia Street On Wednesday, 29th Dec.. 948. at 2.30 P.M. ESTATE OF TEO HOO LYE, DECEASED Lot 1 (a) Freehold land situate m 61ms Avenue, area 5.259 sq.ft.
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    • 242 2 uetfufrtf/te* fab a Jcifcu4 CAtlitmaa I and a fuceetfaJ 1 tyeu/ I{ea/i fr aft I v fame tfe '£f*^\ JHPf I m "*Mrr CHIN HO I CO. if 1 J*rm ■^fflKs?"' > *^>V THB HERCULES CYCIt I mm mfJWAB motor company ltd. II SM jm// 11 >X BIRMINGHAM. ENGLAND Th.
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  • 901 3 King 's Message Tc Commonwealth LONDON, Sunday. "f^UR Commonwealth is stronger, not weakei as it fulfils its ancient mission of widenin the bounds of freedom whenever our peo, live" declared the King in his Christmas Da message to his subjects all over the world. The broadcast was
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 3 S£&EMBAN WEUDINti: Mr. and Mrs. \Vong Foo Wan seen at their wedding m Seremban. The bride wa* Miss NXN K Yuet Kuen, daunhter of Mr. and Mrs. Ng Kan. I The bridegroom is the son of i Madam Chan Swee Yin.
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 3 THE RESIDENT COMMIS SIONER, Malacca (Mr. John Falconer) seen at the Malacca Infant Welfare Clinic Christmas party, when 500 babies with their mothers received towels, blankets and "bajus." The blankets and "bajus" were made by the clnic staff— Far East photo.
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  • 258 3 NEW YORK, Sunday. SOME of the secrets of Bikini deadly radioactivity on the ships' decks, in their rigging, in the water, in the rocks, on the sand, in the air and even trampled about by men's boots have been told by Dr. David Bradley, one of
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  • 173 3 ROME, dan. •riiE tragic death of a 22- year-old servant girl has turned a harsh and questioning searehUslu on Italy's prisons. The wave of criticism set off by Desdemona Palonibi, a servant girl suspected of having stolen a ring. She was detained by police, questioned
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  • 33 3 TO-DAY International Artists Association, life cla*. College of Medicine, p.m. to 8.30 p.m. The First Singapore Company of i th» Boys' Brigade, Ohrbtma* (fancy drew) Social, 77, Prinaep Street. 7.30 p.m.
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  • 79 3 LONDON. Thurs. A WINE cellar used by King Henry VIII 500 I years ago on the site of < modern Whitehall, is being moved bodily inch by inch, m an unprecedented engi- j neering feat, to make room i for London's largest government building, now under
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  • 140 3 LONDON RIM. VuUTH organisations of 45 United Nations count ties have been invited to send de- legates to a provisional >x>vnI cil for a rrw inferna'i-mji youth asspmblv next February. Thp foniTMl will 'vi»-t at Brrkhamsted, England. The assembly wa* ic.n i at an
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 306 3 f~W» MlltM P UK tA»AM HlBXliiar WtlT IUtUUfA' 3,500 leading travel agencies throughout the world make no charge for expert advice, detailed information or bookings by 8.0.A.C. Speedbird services to five continents and forty-two countries* T'fl A SMALL WORLD BY SPIEDBIRD If AtA t BRITAIN TO tUROH tSAA BRITAIN TO
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    • 188 3 %Jf Th s x r °y V may be yours Only an X-ray will confirm the extent of iny' abnormal condition beneath the gums and only your Deniljt it qualified to render professional services in cases of disejse or infection D^ily Dental Care with /pah a develops healthy Teeth and
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 137 3 WHAT'S ON IN K.L. TODAY i PAVILION M^ nea of X iniaon. REX: Melody Tim-. MADRAS: The »'a Hound. (\THAY: Enjoy While Young. CENTRAL: Demon Land. EMPIRE: Captain Pury. COLISEUM: Tho Son of Robt.) Hood HINDUSTAN: Swarga Beam. iron RL'BY: Night And Day OOKON: Presenting Ulv f...u>. SIN: The Emperor
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  • 29 4 KUOK-On 25th. December. IS4B, Kuok Kcng Kang. S.M.J. of Johore Bahru. E*:ply regretted, funeral takes place Today. J7th D cember, 1948, from No. 10. Jalun Mahmudlah. Johore Bahru.
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  • 1049 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Mon., Dec. 27, 1948. LABOUR IN THE FEDERATION There have been such considerable changes m the labour picture m the last twelve months that the annual report just published by the Commissioner for Labour, Mr. R. Q. D. Houghton, already is intolerably out of date. It
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  • 61 4 NfcA-. delhi. Sun.— A new micro spinning technique suitable for Indian cottons and which makes it possib'e to spin and estimate with reasonable accuracy the spinning quality of even small quantities of lint, Is one of experiments carried out satisfactorily In India during the oast year, according
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  • 1101 4  -  LORD VANSITTART By T SERVED all sorts of Government for nearly 40 years and I came to the conclusion that they all at times take leave of their senses. The time may be very short; the leave may be modest and curtailed, but they
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    • 343 4 r rHE Batang Kali incident has invoked much comment, which unfortunately has not been confined to those capable of unbiased reasoning. The result of this is a police enquiry into the matter i and pending the publication i ioi the findings of the
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    • 59 4 IN one of the registration centres m Selangor the Malay equivalent of labourer was "kuli," hospital assistant was "tukan obat," chief or senior hospital assistant was "kepala tukan obat," and so on. If these are appropriate, the clerks should be "tukan tulis," surveyors, "tukan kera," etc. Are there
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    • 191 4 CONGRESS AND THE ELEC TION THE public is aware by now that there is a strong feeling among Indians themselves against the decision of the Singapore Regional Indian Congress to participate m the coming Municipal elections. The matter was first put to the vote In a general meeting m which
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  • 792 4  - THE TAIPANS STAY ON IN SHANGHAI WALLACE JOHNSTON By A MERICAN business- men m Shanghai, though on the whole accepting the inevitability of Communist occupation, are almost to a man determined to remain m China and keep trade moving between the United States and China no matter what the complexion
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 676 4 LI.ASSII IEI) AIIS. SITUATIONS VArANI EUROPEAN Engineering coaatrn requires, the services of »n efficient stenographer. Applications IS Ron No A4951, S.T. WANTED urgently by large agency boost, first class typist. Apply .vi'li references to Box No A2 i B T Kualf. Lumpur. WANTED- A good radio rep.nicr with chargeman certificate
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    • 12 4 Specialists for tropical watches Established 39 years ii^,o sP^S^B^l lo Collyer Quay
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    • 63 4 Extends Hearty Greetings to Her Clients Friends stesssfssC R.V.|II€|IO IfI^VoPtICIRN Fellow Institute Ophthalmic Opticians (Eng) Fellow Worshipful Co. of Spectacle-Makers (Eng) Freeman of the City of London By Appointment to HM Forces, South East Asia 6 Raffles Place Singapore Phone ***** H. B. WINTER MERCHANT TAILOR SHIRTMAKFR Wishes his Clientele
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  • 732 5 A m bushed Troops Fight Back From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Sunday. pOUR Gurkhas were killed and 13 wounded in a Christmas Eve ambush in thick jungle north-east of Ipoh by a large force of bandits. Heavy casualties are believed to have been inflicted on
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  • 127 5 T>LANS have been ap- proved for holding the Malayan Fair of Trade and Industries of a 10acre site at the Junction of Changi Road and Joo Chiat Road, Singapore. Building of semi-permanent structures for some 200 stalls and exhibition halls will begin A >ari from local
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  • 120 5 I r.» n Our Own Correspondent SERtMBAN. Sun.-- Some of uberculosia patients in he Seremban General Hospita] require aid from the State Welfare Department in 'he fonn of free education lor thnr children. 60 .says a report submitted 10 1 he committee of the Negri Sembilan branch
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  • 40 5 I r<im Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday. Motor transport vehicles m the Federation territories vhich In 1940 totalled 29.516. increased to 32.388 at the end >>r last year. At the end of che war there were 6.995.
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  • 58 5 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN. Sun.— A total fine of $565, or m default six months' rigorous imprisonment, vas imposed on Chay Hong, an elderly man, when he pleaded guilty to three charges of possessing complete still, mashed rice pnd samsu at the fifth and
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  • 36 5 TAIPING, Sunday. This year's Christmas whs celebrated here m ideal weather. All entertainment centres were crowded to capacity and Christmas Eve a carol party from the Methodist Church visited homes m traditional fashion.
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 5 ANNIVERSARY: Members of the Mayfair Musical and Dramatic Association seen receiving; medals and colours at the 14th anniver- sary celebrations m Singapore yesterday. One of the Association's patrons, Mr. Lim Soo Ban is making the presentation. Straits Times picture.
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  • 194 5 THE weather has affected the attendance at the Singapore AntiTuberculosis Association Clinic during the past week, the radiologist and administrator (Dr. G. H. Garlick) told the Straits I Times. The attendance has dropped from between 70 and 80 a day to between 30 and
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  • 49 5 from Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN. Sun. Raja Amman blntd Raja Kamalara.zaman. 18-year-old Malay girl, was m court yesterday charged with kidnapping two-and-a-half-years-old Peter Roberts from the guardianship of Mrs. Roberts at Rat's ang on Dec. 10. She was allowed bail :n S5OO In two sureties.
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  • 81 5 The annual general meeting of the Overseas Pakistani League m Singapore yesterday elected Mr. B. A. Mallal Patron and Legal Adviser. The management committee of the League had ruled that Mr. Mallal should not be elected President without first ascertaining whether he would accept office. He
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  • 38 5 A tender of $2,400 for the j printing of 10,000 trishaw re- j glsters, to be retailed to trishaw owners by the Registrar c Vehicles, has been approved by a committee of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners.
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  • 102 5 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sun. QUESTIONS on equitable salaries, unemployment Insurance and working conditions of bank employees and mining clerical staff were brought up today at the panMalayan Clerical Unions' conference here. Fifty delegates, representing Singapore, Malacca, Selangor, Perak and Penang met under the chairmanship of
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  • 328 5 SINGAPORE Education Department's 10-year plan is aimed at closer supervision of all schools m the Colony, but Government will not take over all schools lock, stock and barrel. i This was said by the Director of Education (Mr. A. W. Frisby) m a Straits Times
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  • 55 5 Singapore Commissioners at their meeting on Friday will be asked to approve an expenditure of $31,775 on Jalan Besar Stadium. This is made up as follows: $18,250 for the erection and completion of an open shed over the gallery at the stadium; $7,625 for connected expenditure
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  • 49 5 The Singapore Commissioners meeting on Friday will be asked to approve an amendment to the by-laws to enable posters "or any contrivance whatsoever" by the authorities and candidates at Government, Municipal "and Rural" elections to be placed on buildings m areas where at present advertlsements are banned.
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  • 36 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— There being Insufficient member!) present to form a quorum, the annual meeting of the Malayan Kennel Association which was to have been held on Thurs. Dec. IS, was postponed for one week.
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  • 102 5 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Sun. pEPRESENTATIVES from IVPenang, Butterworth, Taiping, Ipoh and possibly Kuala Lumpur will attend a youth fellowship conference and i holiday camp m Penang between Dec. 29 and Jan. 2. The programme includes swimming and picnics and badminton contests. Group discussions and
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  • 72 5 A shot was fired In the air by three armed Chinese while they were fleeing from a house m Yio Chu Kang Road, Singapore, which they had unsuccessfully attempted to rob on Saturday night. Masked and armed with pistols they interrupted a midnight religious ceremony which
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  • 55 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— The Federation had 289 re- gistered trade unions at the end of last year, with a total membership of 198,717. The largest single union was the Negrl Sembilan Rubber Estate Workers' Union, with a membership of 12,072, jwith the All-Malayan RailI way Workers' Union
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  • 55 5 It will cost the Singapore Municipal Commissioners the j following sums each month to 1 keep their office machinery serviced during 1949: Typewriters 90 cents each, I hand-operated adding ma- chines and calculators $1.25 each, electrically-operated adding machines and calculators $1.50 each, and accounting machines, hand
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  • 100 5 Continued from Page 1 quieter on Christmas Day. Raffles Hotel reported 150 guests and most other hotels reported that the number of people dining and dancing on Christmas night was up to expectation. All hotels, clubs and restaurants were gaily decorated for the festive season. Three hundred
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  • Malayan Round-up
    • 91 5 INDIAN seamen have sent a petition to the Colonial Secretary, Singapore, requesting a "true and proper inquiry as to the discriminatory policy adopted by the Government Seamen's Registration Bureau." The Bureau was set up in April following representations from seamen's unions about the malpractices of
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    • 26 5 K LUANG, Sun.— Parmlna bin Haji Salleh and Kunchi Mohamed bin Mohd of Shnpen Rengani. were each fin*d S5 for ftehting in public.
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    • 23 5 BUTTERWORTH, Su.i Mr and Mrs. R. W. McCr»ath, prominent Province residents, have celebrated their silver wedding at their residence here.
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    • 46 5 MALACCA, Sun. L. C. Beaty European assistant manager of Bukit Asahan Estate, pleaded guilty to charges of causing hurt by negligent driving and assaulting a special constable. He was fined 1260. or two months' hard labour. His licence was suspended for three months
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    • 54 5 SEREMBAN, Sun The question of traffic nuisance created by wandering trlshas In the town was raised by Lt.-Col. W. A Gutsell, an unofficial, at the Town Board meeting. Inche Bahaman bin Samsudln, who presided, said that new traffic rule-s would soon be gazetted, and It might be possible
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    • 37 5 pARIT BUNTAR, Sun. Awang I bin Man, a 16-year-old boy, was ordered to be given five strokes of the light rotan when he pleaded guilty to a charge of theft of 15 coconuts.
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    • 44 5 SEGAMAT, Sun.— Ball In WOO was offered 45-year-old Choong Ha, of Jementah, when he was charged in the Segamat Court with using a ration card that did not belong to him for the purpose of national registration. A week's postponement was allowed.
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    • 33 5 SEOAMAT, Sun. A labourer who was found on Melville Estate, at Labis, waa fined $20 for wilful trespass. Accused waa 35-year-old Oan Hup who aaid his home was in Kota Tlnggl.
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  • 29 5 From Our Staff Correspondent MALACCA, Sun. Thr question of sucession discussed by the Malacca Chamber of Commerce last week. No derision was ar rived at.
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  • 190 5 BASED on the novel oy Prosper Merimec. The Loves of Carmen" which open. 1 ;it the Capitol Theatre thlis week, is full bloodi rt fare, enhanced by r ent technicolour. There are no half measun > about this film; It gets to action from tbv word
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  • 41 5 From Our Own Correspondent TAIPING, Sun— A Christmas charity fair will be held on Monday In aid of the St. Loui's Orphanages at St. George's Institution. A large, illuminated Christmas tree has been erected m the school hall.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 46 5 %\+&> TOHEIPWUBPAUY PROBLEMS p- j-^ Don't hbW BUY UNWISELY Come to NORTH BRIDGE RD. SAVE YOUR MONEY All the latest selections of LADIES AND CENTS' MATERIALS await you at J. T. CHANRAI the oldest and most relial-lc establishment m town. •0-62. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD SINCAPORE Phone 7238
      46 words
    • 42 5 ROYAL d^^k Warrant holders Wf g\ ,8V *PPOINTMF.NT TO P|*^l^ MIS MAJESTY f-'^+l^^. KING CEORGE v Vj B I^B\ Sole Igents For All Delicti' of Vtubn 1 Consult: 'M.*EZEKIEL &.SONS g|L OUALIFICD OPTICAL PHACTITIONk«» *C^H t& •ATTCRV HOAO— WNOAPOMI FOB AF^OtNTH—NT— PKOH* >•»
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  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 777 6 Markets Affected By Eve Of Christinas Slump By A Market Correspondent DUSINESS was at a low ebb even before the Christmas feeling affected the market and the total of transactions written was meagre. Dollar Tins had buyers at the lower levels, to which, however, few sellers would reduce. Pctalings were
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    • 120 6 Sungei Best Sales Were £185,000 SUNOEI Besl Mines' sales of tin or* to March 31 amount to £185.109 (£32,909 the previous year). plus tribut* £4,225 (£1.492), Interest and divldands £1,089 (£658), fees £43 (£45), making £190,466 (£35,104); Less mining costs, including 10,000 provision for dredge replacements. £104,325 (£20,607), expenditure In
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    • 152 6 gLAMESE Tin Syndicate directors 1 hope that one of their dredges will be In operation almo6t lm- mediately at Kota Bahru. Th* company has a large, new:y-ac-quired area for exploration there. Tn his statement at the annual > meeting the chairman (Mr. Ken-] neth O. Hunter)
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    • 154 6 JOHN DICKINSON CO. (CANADA) JOHN Dickinson and Company, paper makers ard manufacturng stationers of 30 34 New Bridge Street, London. EC. 4. announce that agreement has balm reached for the purchase of the assets and goodwill of Consolidated Special-! •i>-s. Hamilton, Ontario. The effect \e date of operation U Jan.
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    • 265 6 U.S. Summary BUSINESS SLACK NEW YORK. Sun. BUSINESS and industry closed out Christmas week with a little slack evident in some line*. A late sprint In retail sales that apparently carrried De-cf-mber volume over the top '.< a new record was a feature on the brighter side of the picture.
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    • 118 6 Molek Rubber Shows Profit Of $36,000 Molek Rubber Company* profit for the year to Oct. 31. 1948, amounted to $36,201. With the balance orought for- ward from the last account $93,367, this makes a total of $129,568 from which is deducted rehabilitation expenditure of $15,789. leaving $113,779 available. The directors
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    • 333 6 gOUTHERN Malayan Tin Dredg- j ng's annual meeting approved the duectors' recommendation of a 20 per cent, final dMdend. With the 30 per cent.— already paid this made 5o pei c«nt. for the year, estimated to represent 17 'j per cent, on capital inveai- ed, including profUs
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1042 6 MANSFIELD «t CO., LTD. (Incorporated ki ungapor*) BLUE FUNNEL LINE STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., Carrier's option to proceed via oth.i LTD. parts t* load and discharge cargo. iAUINCS FROM UK. b USA. W£ST COAJT MALAYA -A.n«a. from UK C. ,1,12 "^JJ" P Sham T A iOn :^.-'di7^K v K coni fStt^w-H^v:
      1,042 words
    • 230 6 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON. INDIA. ECVPT AND MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Vngapore P S ham .-'enang Willamette Victory Cdn. 44/45 Dee. 31/3 |an. -<>t. 27/30 Pras. lefterson |an 10/16 |an 17/18 |an 19/21 Marina Snapper Feb. 9/15 Fab 16/17 Feb H/20 Pres. Polk Feb. 16/21 Feb.
      230 words
    • 286 6 EAST ASIATIC LINE SA.LINCS FROM SCAND.NAV.A/U.K./ "'^N^aTa'" 1 1 CONTINENT. Loading at Singapore. Port Swettenham Malacca" -c abt. Oec. 2. 1 for Bangkok. Saigon. Manila. Colombo, Cochm. Bombay, HKong. Shanghai Kob*. Karachi. Aden. Port Said, Genoa. Marseilles. Antwerp, m s 'Fionia" dv* abt. Dec. 29 Rotterdam. Hamburg, Os'o, tor Bangkok.
      286 words
    • 1025 6 MeALISTER «c CO., LTD. (Irtcorporstaa m >ir>g«cx>r*l ELLERMAN tfc BUCKN \M KLAVENESS LINE HAVRE. LONDON, ROTTERDAM. US CANAOIAN PACIFIC PORTS HAMBURG b MIDOLESBROUCH Accepting cargo tor U i North Atlantic Accepting ivz-i tor lenln. b Ports Canada At Colombo Amariran CITY OF LUCKNOW Vu ai)Oie Spore P Sham Penan* FRANCIiVILLI
      1,025 words

  • 687 7 BirminghamBeat Newcastle 2-0 LONDON, Sunday. AFTER one week at the top of the First Division table, Newcastle United have been deposed. Their defeat yesterday at Birmingham cost them their place and allowed Portsmouth to regain the leadership for the first time since October. Portsmouth were
    Reuter  -  687 words
  • 22 7 ISTANBUL Sunaay. -The \i trla Meow team def a.ed the T^anbul BeshikUrh Club 4-2 before a capacity-filled stadium here yestrrday.
    22 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 7 Members of the M.C.F.A. Council at their meeting yesterday. In the picture are Messrs. T. W. Ong, (ho Kwai Low, Kwok (hong Fook and Lee Kong Chiang. Straits Times picture.
    30 words
  • 314 7 LONDON, Sunday. YESTERDAY'S Football X League result*, were: fust division Arsenal 3 Derby C. Birmlnfham C. Newca.tle I'. 0 Blackpool Hoddersfleld T. I) Burnlrr 1 Stoke C. 3 Cbarlton A. Preston 0 I hrU'i 1 Portsmouth 2 Evrrton 0 Manchester U. 0 Manchester L. Liverpool Sheffield 1
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • 107 7 LONDON. Sun. Rugby Union and Rugby League results yesterday were RL'GBY UNION Llanelly 17. Universities Athlete Union 6; Swansea 15 Watsonlans 9; Neath 24, London Welsh 5; Sunderland 6. Northern 18 Edinburgh Academicals 3. London Scottish 5: Maesteb 6. Aberavon 9; Sale 17. Broughton Park 10 RUGBY LEAGUE
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 781 7  -  JIM CHAMBERS ENGLISH CRICKET IN 1948 By LONDON, Sunday. ENGLISH cricket m 1948 took its biggest beating since the Mother Country began playing international games against its Commonwealth offspring. The first cricket Test match was played against Australia m 1876. In the English
    AP  -  781 words
  • 34 7 PARIS. Sunday.— The Australlan Rugby League tourlro opened their tour of France yester- day by defeating a Pyrenees Dla- i trlct selected side at Toulouse by 43 poinu to three.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 149 7 CONQUERING SINGAPORE WITH ITS GREATNESS! ilftVlTVo. and a cast of th<> usands 7th DAY TODAY* II 1.45 4.1 S 6.45 9.20 Rita Hay worth's Carmen is her best performance w .M-dSfa* BS it tfu^^H^Ki 1' ','AJ ■ft m*. 4^B^^k^^sk IB *fzcHNicoioß, &n»er> NEXT CHANGE CAPITOL XMAS MATINEE I AT 11
      149 words
    • 288 7 IDEAL FOS ALL! J. ARTM-'R RANK prrsents Oliver I Charles Dirker.j wVISI Ea K le-Lion Jl Distribution. Starring Robert Newton Alec Guinness John Howard Davies I NOW SHOWING 11 a.m.; 1.45; 4.15; fi.45 9.30 p.m. Jj I "COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON lv ALL" COME AND RELAX IN COMFORT AND ENJOY
      288 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 152 7 R ■»*>!*> MALAYA SINGAPORE 9 00 Dnice Music: 9.30 Light orctmtm; 10.00 •i.t.m.a. 1 10.30 Male Vole* Chorus; 11 00 Close; 1. Ofi Radio Orchestra: 1.30 News; 1.45 Swing Time; 2.00 Popular .Ballads: 2.30 Thr Bands Entertain: 3.30 Classical Controversy; 4.30 Viva America; 5.00 Eallads: 6.30 Children's Corner. 6.00 Close:
      152 words
    • 135 7 Panic aivof- Atladtn and his wonderful Lamp; 9.30 News; 9.45 Malayan Round-up; 10.30 Music Hall; 11.00 Dance Music from the "Griffin"; 11.30 The Radio Player* Presents "The Strange Case of Monsieur Valdemar". 12.00 Close BBC OVERSEAS 6.00 The Kentucky Mi.Usirels; 6 30 The News; 6.45 Christmas Bandstand; 7.16 Joyce OrenteJl;
      135 words
    • 157 7 RADIO AUSTRALIA 5.30 Invitation to Music: 5.50 Agricultural Bulletin; 6.00 ComDoser of the Week: 6.30 World News; 7. CO Music to Charm 1 30 Starlight; 8.00 Singers and Their Songs; 8.30 News; 9.00 Pacific Mall Bag; 9.30 Everyman's Music; 10.00 Australian News; 10.30 Music for Millions; 11.00 News; 11.30 Talk;
      157 words

  • 877 8  - BRIGHT EYES BEST BET FOR TODAY EPSOM JEEP Eddy Fraser For Maiden Victory j By PENANG, Sunday. gRIGHT EYES, Eddy Fraser and Batti II are my three best bets in a rather difficult card in Penang tomorrow, the second day of the Penang Turf Club's Xmas-New Year meeting. Bright Eyes,
    877 words
  • 1244 8 Bi.LOVV is the card of events for today's races m Penang. Cowley, Aloma, Lena Dear and Sister (ill have been scratched from all engagements. The Big Sweep will be drawn on race nine. Race 1—2.00: CI. 4, Div. s— s* Furs. 003 Technique Poshni 9.04 Mr. M.
    1,244 words
  • 106 8 ADELAIDE. Sun QUKKNBLAND had scored 230 for four wickets when .stumps were drawn yesterday In their Sheffield Shield match against South A j lia. whose first innlnus was finished oft for 346. South Australia's i maitiIng two wickets last morning put nn 25
    Reuter-AAP  -  106 words
  • 65 8 First Woman Scorer In Test Match CAPE TOWN. Sun. \|ISS Ray Hubner was offilTl tially advised yesterday that she wIU be one of the scorers In the third Test cricket match between South Africa and England on tht Xewlands ground starting here on Jan. 1. She will be the first
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 149 8 From Our Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Sunday THE commencement of a knockout cricket competition for a trophy by Dr. J. Strahan. a former president qj the Nescri Sembilan Cricket Association, for the first time this year and the introduction of th« Rhode- Memorial Cup for
    149 words
  • 153 8 from Our Own Correspondent TKLUANG, Sunday. HE finals of the Kluang District open championship badminton tournament were play«d yesterday In the Kluang Govern.T"n; English School hall. Aft^r the tournament Mrs. Koo Ewe Teik. wife of the headmaster of the School gave away the prizes to the district
    153 words
  • 341 8 YjOST hotly debated pom iTI are gathered together the no foul rule m boxing. Although it is weeks now since the American, Lee Savold, was disqualified m his fight with the British champion, Bruce Woodcock, for an alleged low blow, arguments
    Reuter  -  341 words
  • 187 8 I Epsom Jee» Call Boy Printer Race 1 I TECHNIQUE ALPHA COLOUR PATCH 2 00 (Colour Patch Colour Patch Sihrlar I Scholar Scholar Alpha Rare Z BATTI II BATTI II T AMIKSON 2.3» Thirteen Thirteen Batti II Golden Gate Jamieson Golden Gate LADY OF LADY OF Race
    187 words
  • 320 8 By KEN JALLEH A PROPOSAL that a Sino-Malay socccer team of Malaya tour the Far East next year was made at the Malayan Chinese Football Association council meeting held at the Tanjong Rhu Club yesterday. In a letter to the council, Mr. Lim Kee Siong, President
    320 words
  • 151 8 annual general meeting m February next year. The Council will make representations to Dr. C. C Yung, manager of th« China Olympic soccer team, for a Malayan representative to sit on the selection committee of the China Olympic t°am. Mr. Kok Chong Fook. who
    151 words
  • 249 8 'I 'HE South were very luclc^ 1 to beat the North by twfc fctials to one m their Taf Han Teck Shield match a| •lalan Bcsar Stadium y ester* ctay. It was an exciting gams only because it was an important one, but the bes« i
    249 words
  • 85 8 SYDNEY. Sunday. HOURS m a leech-filled swarm may have converted Silent j from a hop"l«ss crock to a po' n- tial winner again. He broke down m a net lav .July and was sent to a countiy property where It *aj noticed that j he had a
    85 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 549 8 NOTICE BUI IQW* IN <» I'Ropkrty I IRIK I,\M\II()N NO II OK IMS. is h Kby 141VIH that nny (>ei on at penwM navtaig clala tj th property d acrlbed m f he lie requested to I such claim to the under-sUn'-d not later than noon on L'Bth ber, 1948.
      549 words
    • 78 8 _^^f£ The Ideal Power Unit for stationary J-^/r~^~^^^^^^ and portable l^r^ cultural Machinery DIESELS Single and i win cylinder models, two speed drive, 3 to 10 B.H.P. Delivery from stock &t/> <j^i:^x> alcui it GREEN MANURE AND COVER CROP SEED Supplies ot fresh seed now available CENTROSEMA PUBESCENS CALOPOGONIUM MUCUNOIDES
      78 words