The Straits Times, 21 December 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 615 1 U.N. Meets As Troops Push On In Java PARIS, Monday. WHILE Dutch forces continue to roll un- checked through Indonesia in what, so far, has been an almost bloodless occupation the Security Council met in an emergency session here at the call of (he Inited States
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 1 This is how the Batavia newspaper Nieuwsgier yesterdaj annovnced the fall of .liiyj.ik.trta. The headline says: "Dutch Mrmchntlstl captured Jogja on Sunday; Soekarno itilt-rned in his pilaie."
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  • 151 1 Pools Man 'Cold And Crafty' H\Mi\ Sh man, chief of Britain's third bi co-operation m. w.i.> described crafty and malevol< i the tribunal probing <U- ons ol corruption !n rnment circles rrachPd .v cl s today. Counsel foi John I ;y SecreB tided tiiaf tbunal could not b ird of
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 58 1 "Strachey For Colonies" It. i ii Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Mon mmentators unanlmously assume thatOovernment are immllysthe Dally Telegraph. paper says that Mr. Johl Widely thought to be a candidate [1 adds thai if Mr. Strachey is not moved to a Service department it i.s possible he will replace Mr.
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  • 288 1 DITCH authorities foiled an attempt by an Indian industrialist and pilot, Mr. B. Patanaik, to fly President Soekarno out of Java before the Dutch "Police action' started. k Mr. Patanaik waited m Singapore for two days be- was granted Dutch permission to go to Batavia.
    AP  -  288 words
  • 36 1 TOKYO. Mon— An Anie?Ican Army Private Albert. Morales, of Los Angeles, has been sentenced to hang by a general court martial "at Camp Crawford m Hokkaido for the murder of a Japanese. -Reuter-AAP.
    Reuter-AAP  -  36 words
  • 419 1 DELEGATE ACCUSES DUTCH MR Merle H. Cochran, the United States delegate on the Good Offices Commission m B ata t a v 1 a accuses the Dutch Government of violation of the Renville Agreement In a cable dated Dec. 19 to the President of the Security Council m Paris, it
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  • 28 1 Mr. J. R Hill has been an pointed to be Deputy President of the Municipal Commissioners during the absence on leave of Mr. W. L. Blythe.
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  • 217 1 BAT AVI A, Monday. "THE first 36 hours of the Dutch offensive against the Indonesian Republic cost the Netherlands forces six killed and eight wounded, according to a Dutch Army communique issued here today. The poorly-equipped Republican Army appeared to be putting up little resistance After seizing Jogjakarta
    AP; UP  -  217 words
  • Article, Illustration
    36 1 NEW KI.ANSMEN: Part of the crowd of 2.500 masked and robed men of the Ku Klux Klan who attended the City Auditorium, Macon, Georgia, this month for public initiation of 300 new members. A. P. picture.
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  • 183 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KEMAMAN, Monday. 4 MEMBER of the Trengganu State Council, tHaji Wan Ngah bin Hajl Wan Mamat, was shot dead during an attack by bandits on Saturday morning on the Kajang Tin Mine in Kemaman. Before he was shot dead, HaJI Wan Ngah
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  • 90 1 BATAVIA, Mon. THE Dutch Army issued new orders today tightening military censorship over Press cables from here. Under the new rules nothing will be allowed to be transmitted bat official communiques. Only one short communique with few details of military action has been released in the past
    AP  -  90 words
  • 193 1 BANGKOK, Monday. INDONESIAN Republicans will fight a guerrilla war 1 '"to the death" against the Dutch, Mr. John Coast, who is an adviser to the Republican Government, said today. Mr. Coast left Jogjakarta on the last plane to leave the Republican capital before the Dutch invaded
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  • 154 1 SUPPLY OF RICE WILL BE SHORT WASHINGTON, Mon. THE world supply of lice available for exporl during the first half of 1949 will fall far short of demand by Asian countries and other major consumers. The United Nations Food and Agiiculture Organisation said today shipments would be only slightly larger
    AP  -  154 words
  • 296 1 Sun Fo 's 'Peace With Honour' NANKING, Mon. pREMIER Sun Fo form- eda cabinet late today pledged "to fight on until we can secure an honourable peace." He did rule out the possibili a compromi the Communi Dr. sun said the c It ctlona would President Chiang Kaitonight and probabiy
    AP  -  296 words
  • 28 1 SEREMBAN. Mon: rival of Lord Rowallan. the Chief Scout, m Malaya has teen delayed by one day sci cording to a cable r. from Cairo this morning.
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  • 27 1 WASHINGTON. Men. The United States Supreme Court refused today to interfere with the death sentences imposed on, I and six other Japanese warlords. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 98 1 TERMITE I While Ant) EXPERTS C. P. TAYLOR LTD. Oil, Hongkong Bank Chamber*. Tele. ***** "I shall always r nMp.. T^Bj^Sj I 1 a i«. 1 1 never forget S«flWf» V *k/g/. 1 I's1 s moonlight, the |«pPsifcfc«n mii-i»\ the cigarettes." P^ 9^ You know what makes HH& dv Maurier
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    • 63 1 f*4HU'->crvri/i<i nwHLltf wi4A I CHATWOOD The CHATWOOD Security is m constantly Increasing Demand by those who are responsible for the safeguarding of records and valuables. SAFES STRONG ROOMS SAFE DEPOSITS FIREPROOF OFFICE EQUIPMENT Technical Staff is maintained for the specific purpose of consulting with clients and their advisers to give
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 58 2 SIMLA, Monday. THIEVES on the East Punjab Railway were operating a new technique before they were found out and 14 of then arrested. Dressed in military uniform, they offered poisoned food to military officers travelling alone in the higher class railway carriages. When the victims
      AP  -  58 words
    • 34 2 NEW YORK, Mon. The United Nations has accepted a combined bid by four firms for erection of a 39storey secretariat building and foundations for the entire United Nations permanent headquarters. UP.
      UP  -  34 words
    • 41 2 LONDON. Mon.— New Zea- I land is gradually replacing Argentina as Britain's prin- 1 cipal source of meat. During the first nine months of this year, New Zealand sent Britain 5.640,000 cwt. while Argentina shipped 5.312.000 cwt.— A.P
      AP  -  41 words
    • 46 2 LONDON, Mon. Grantham hospital nurses were pretty, but 13-year-old John Coe decided he did not want an operation. He ran home through busy streets m his pyjamas. Pursuing attendants got there almost as quickly m a taxi and persuaded him to return. A.P.
      AP  -  46 words
    • 33 2 HONG KONG. Mon. The "Tiger Balm King." Mr. Aw Boon Raw, will open a new English-language paper here early next year. It will be known as the Tiger Standard. _T1 V>
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    • 30 2 LONDON, Mon. Ten Norwegian girls from trained choirs will sing carols around London's huee Christmas tree again giv-'n by Norway to be erected m Trafalgar Square.— A.P
      AP  -  30 words
    • 46 2 TRAGIC TRIO Bride For An Hour LESS than an hour after her marriage a 19-year-old bride was killed instantly while riding with her husband on a motor cycle to their weddirt* breakfast at Warwick, Queensland. The minister who married them will officiate at the funeral. Renter.
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 33 2 A MOTHER and all her three daughters were killed when their car collided with a train near Adelaide, South Australia. The father was injured, and a male relative was killed.-«-Keuter.
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 33 2 THIRTY-SIX peowle were killed when a truck with 57 Dassengers rolled clown a hill into the side of a Buenos Aires electric train. Two railway carriages were burned by petrol. A.P.
      AP  -  33 words
    • 48 2 PARIS, Mon.— France is 'in the full course of material and spiritual recovery." M. Robert Schuman (Frenco Foreign Minister) declares Frenchmen should follow the example of the British "who Rive us a fine lesson of courage and civic virture." he told an audience in Lorraine.— F't-uter.
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    • 36 2 CALCUTTA, Mon.—Faciiitlea for isolating India's 1.000,000 lep rs are hopelessly inadequate, reports the British Empire Leprosy Relief Association. West Bengal Province has 50,000 lepers needing segregation, but there is provision for only 700.— A P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 502 2 NOTICES NOTICE OF TELEPHONE CHANGE OB Ist Jan. 1949, the Mi "ayan American Plantations, lid Ponang Ofßoc Telephone Ko P.nang 1136 will be substituted by Trlrphone Nos. 1404 PROTECTED PLACE '1 .ii' public arc informed that the Military Transmittin X Station liiuated at the Old M.V.I. HQ.. Main Road. Taiplng.
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    • 371 2 NOTICES NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that 1 thr undersigned. Lee Stone Klat. of No. 32 Boon Tat Street, Singapore will not be responsible for any debts Incurred by my son. Lee Soon Guan of No. 36 Boon Tat Street, Singapore. Dated this 15th day of December 1948 LEE SIONO
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    • 107 2 GRAND X'MAS C/F lOR EACH ".IYER SALE TOYS GAMES fjfo SPORTS GOODS «f STATIONERY Ft BLACK CAT BOOK CO. i) 363,5. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD P* CB C J SINGAPORE fc, ailv TCI ICO for your onie ItL JDS/ M ar bartain9 THROUGH l)l>tlStil'l£U£D SERVICE Som* ttudf o( Kremnntz Quality roiled
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    • 73 2 HH Sh SOIE agents GUTHME^€IIP (Carrier) r 3^^ 0^" 111! ilfl^B 8 L[ Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association ill By the circulation of conditioned outside air m the clinical rooms of the Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association, Carrier t||p insures both medical staff and patients against contamination and re-infection. The installation of this Carrier
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  • 308 3 Coalition Govt. Rift Widens JOHANNESBURG, Monday. DOLITICAL circles here are forecasting the possible defeat of the South African Government as a result of the threatened split m the Nationalfst-Afrikaaner coalition. Present indications, they say, are that Mr. N. C. Havenga, the Minister of Finance and leader of
    Reuter  -  308 words
  • Article, Illustration
    41 3 MADAME CHIANG AT BAZA \R: Madame Chiang Kaishek, now m \merlca, seen with Mrs. Wellington Koo, wife of the Chinese Aihb.issador to the U.S., at a Chinese Bazaar m Washington recently. Madame Chiang is on a "Save China" mission. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  41 words
  • 198 3 CAPETOWN, Monday. TTREASLRE-hunters are at work again this time m a bid to recover between £7,000,000 and £10,000,000 worth of precious stones and gold bullion which went down with the Indiaman Grosvenor m August, 1782, off Port St. Johns, m I South Africa The
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 147 3 RUBBER MEN LOOK AHEAD From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Monday. 4 LTHOUGH the recent recovery m rubber i prices seems to have oeen caused by the unexpected and sudden renewal of Russian buying, traders m Mincing Lane have begun to look further ahead, says the Manchester Guardian. The feeling is
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  • 92 3 From Our Own Correspondent BANOKOK. Mon. SIAMESE police are now very much on the offensive m v concerted drive with British forces In Malaya against Communist Insurgents along the Siam-Malaya border r<>Sions. In the la icounter with the terrorists, In the neighbourhood of Gunong
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  • 27 3 ROME, lion. The Premier (Signor de Gasperl* will appeal by radio to Italians *o break the scheduled strike A 1,500,000 State employees.— U.P
    UP  -  27 words
  • 60 3 Ban In Greek Waters ATHENS. Mon. |jr T ITH major operations im- j V? pending m the Peloponpesus. the Greek Navy yesterday banned sea traffic within five miles of the area. Unauthorised vessels appearing within the zone will be taken into custody. There have been constant reports that about 3,000
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  • 216 3 $1,000 Million Short In EC A Programme LONDON, Monday. HIGH diplomatic sources said yesterday that the first draft of the report to Washington from the office of the European Recovery Co-operation Commission showed a dt-;;.«t of l.S.Sl.000,000,000 in the programme for the 19 participating nations. This means that, at present
    UP; Reuter  -  216 words
  • 165 3 CINGAPORE Government is prepared to offer the Old c Government Trade School In c s Road, near Newton c Circus, as accommodation for a the Economic Commission :r Asia and the Far East if it decides to move to Slnga- jpore This was revealed to the
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  • 112 3 "Palestine War Is Over" NEW YORK, Mon. DR. Bunche. the acting United Nations Palestine mediator, declared today that the war In Palestine was over. Dr. Bunche who arrived from Europe, said: "I would say that the war m Palestine at present is over. Any fighting going on there is only
    UP  -  112 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 143 3 GROCERY STORES VVould fit m with the desigir of yoc r store and keep your goods deliciously fresh as only this refrigeration unit can BRINKMANNS LIMITED SINCAPORE KUALA LUMPUR IPO'I PENANC 21i3 w 1 1^1 cleans everything smoothly and speedily! Jt£y /2fc J se Dor c camn 8 stone-topped \^ri^-^
      143 words

  • 173 4 Let All Qualify Labour Party "THE Labour Party of Singapore opposes the present property qualification for voters for the municipal elections." This statement was approved at a meeting of the Party's political committee last night, under the chairmanship of Mr. Francis Thomas. "The Labour Party considers it
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  • 89 4 INDIANS SUPPORT ELECTION MRS. Thivy, Wife of the Representative of the Government of India in Malaya (Mr. J. A. Thivy), has been co-opted to the Singapore Regional Indian Congress Election Board. The board was set up last Wednesday to watch the interests of the Congress at the municipal elections. The
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  • 117 4 Five of the six Indians who wen charged m the Singapore Seventh Police Court a week ago with the alleged murder of two employees of the Singapore Dairy Farm on Dec 12 were discharged by the Magistrate (Mr. R. J C. Wait >, yesterday. They were Sangaram.
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  • 370 4 l-rom Our Stall I'nr |.<>nd< lit KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. THE "Blake Fund" for the; children of the Serendah Boys Home today reached a total of $2,138.40. Donations may be sent to Dr. C. P Rawson Chief Soi cial Welfare Officer, Govern- j ment Offices, Batu Road. Kuala
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  • 57 4 Singapore Muslims will hold a mass rally at Jalan Besar Stadium on Jan. 11 to celebrate their Prophet's birthday anniversary. Instead of the usual nasi bryani, the crowd will have light refreshments. The committee organising j the celebrations has deci'Jed to conserve the funds collected,
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  • 167 4 /COMMANDER G. E. W. W. < \u Bayly. Singapore Commissioner of Prisons, blames habitual relapse into crime by boys sent to the Salvation Army Boys' Home on the short duration of the boys' detention. They are detained, he says m his annual report, for
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 4 SWEDISH CUSTOM: Lighting candles m the crown of a St. Lucia Bride at Swedish celebrations m London. Similarly adorned girls received burns »vhcn they fell during: the honouriii- of Nobel Prize winner* last week. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  36 words
  • 555 4 •THREE students passed m the Dental Final 1 Professional Examination of the King Edward VII College of Medicine, Singapore. There were no graduates in Medicine, but four passed in the Pharmacists' Qualifying Examinations. The examinations were held in December. The full results are: MEDICAL SECOND PROFESSIONAL
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  • 124 4 METHODIST Bishop Ralph S. Cushman will arrive ;n Singapore towards the end of February. He has been appointed by the Council of Bishops of the Methodist Church to conduct the Methodist Conferences m Malaya and Sumatra. A cable to this effect was received by the Malaya Methodist,
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  • 63 4 U.S. Sailors In Riot 1'EN sailors from the United States aircraft-carrier Tarawa and two Chinese were injured in a riot at the New World Park on Sunday night. The fight started between the sailors and employees in a restaurant over the booking of tables. It developed into a free-for-all until
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  • 121 4 iOUAY Legislative Council meeting. Victoria Memorial Hall, 10 a.m. Variety Concert by the Torchbearers for the Salvation Army Children's Home Christmas treat. Brhish Council Hall 7.45 p.m. Chinese V.M.C.A. 107. Selegie I Road. Badminton basket ball. 5 p.m. Rover crew meeti.ig 8 p.m. V.M.C.A.. Orchard Road, lint nid
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 182 4 Two Gifts you can give with confidence 16 Colly er Quay \/yJyf the ingredients used 111 1 XVX«[^ tIWM well known H 2v.\* prodmts is bfinu maintained. w?* 'mofi JACKSON &Go Lt JTION j fCJA Setting the pace m performance x| >M "^"l| l "mi,,,,, frm THE NEW HUMBKR SUPER
      182 words
    • 232 4 Spirits 1 ff 'istmds M r~£ VuKWM\MM V, )/js/iij/j/v/j/.' LONDON JTAITTINGER w i\ Re IMS i^^^^D v^^fl 1 jL I JR B.Mujol.ils Re« V rg^Pjnf?3 ChatciuncuKdu-Popo j i£ s 3.*mmWJV> Volnav 1933 R< d W J Vosnc-Rom.inco 103/ Red j C!os S.iinr Denii 1943 Red Pouilly-Ful^r 1941 White IVinc 6\
      232 words

  • 277 5 STRICTER control over immigration has resulted in fewer Chinese entering Singapore this year, and there have been more departures of Malayan Chinese than arrivals, particularly in recent months. This position, which appeared more striking since the Emergency Regulations were enforced, was due primarily to
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  • 514 5 By Our Woman Correspondent GOING to England for an honours degree m social science next year will be doubly exciting for Miss Kismet Fung, of the Social Welfare Department. She will not only fulfil an ambition to further her studies m an English University but she
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  • 234 5 THK question of three scholarships given by the A Singapore Eurasian Association for children of needy members, was discussed at the 25th annual meeting of the Association last night. Opinion was that these scholarships should be open not only to children of members but
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  • 468 5 V>lli-H Vf AJOR Samuel James Morley Gregory, officer-in-charge of the 223 Base Ordnance Depot. Keat Hong, appeared in the Singapore First District Court yesterday on a corruption charge. The charge was that he accepted a motor car valued at K.200 from a Chinese. Tan Peng Yew. on
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  • 105 5 A surplus of unskilled and semi-skilled workers m Singapore continued last month when an average of five In every nine who registered for employment were found jobs. About 3.000 women who registered a few months ago following a rumour of possible employment m a newly opened factory
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  • 37 5 Dr. S. H. Aljunied and Mrs. 1 i L. C Goh, have been elected by the Unofficial Members of I the Legislative Council to be I members of the Hospitals I Board for 1949. i
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  • 83 5 THE Debtor and Creditor (Occupation Period) Bill which was passed m the Federation last week, will come up for final consideration by the Singapore Legislative Council today. As the Bill ha* been drawn up on a Pan-Malayan basis, It Is likely that the council
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    • 258 5 >-_« (OXTIMO1S >»*»- -Jpg^ DEPF.NDABLR Cl'~ POWER MINIMUM •CLEAN -XyftB^ IMC! MAKE THE PROTECTION CHART S*4%F~ AGAINST KO(//? --5"*!^ CORROSION G EASY > -£&B? STARTINO j 4gC-f v V JMobiloilj. v <**^ P v:- 1^-* A: -^f -^f jf\v\ J\\\\\ S~ L. E. TELS Cos TRADING SOC. X'MAS SHOPPING Our
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  • 25 6 Mr. and Mrs. G. Nallayya, thank all those who sent them good wisho:; and valuable ■its on \h<- occasion "f their ItV.IT I
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  • 680 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues., Dec. 21, 1948 THE CAPTURE OF JOGJA The most surprising detail of Dutch military action in Indonesia has been the ease with which the paratroops occupied Jogjakarta. The Republican capital was completely in Dutch hands in a few minutes under nine hours from the time
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  • 351 6 In passing its Working Committee's resolution on foreign policy, the Indian National Congress Party has given the Indian Government full freedom to carry out its plan for keeping India within the framework of the British Commonwealth. The debate was short, however, and it shed no light either on
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  • 27 6 V A.XUINGTON. Moll. T!, new U.S. Vice Prrsident (Mi. JAlbcn Burkleyi is planning t Europran trip soon. hi* dauphter said last night.— I UP. I
    UP  -  27 words
  • 1747 6 China And Japan: A Contrast In U.S. Policy By The Times Washington Correspondent A MERICAN policy in the Far East has the same ends as American policy everywhere else to contain, and eventually to roll back Communism. That no decision has yet been reached as to means is partly because
    The Times  -  1,747 words
    • 259 6 IT must, indeed, be an exception for any planter or miner to fail to appreciate the Special Constabulary, the exPalestine police, the regular police and the military. They are an absolute godsend, and heaven help the planter or miner who thinks he
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    • 219 6 pOVERNMENT Depart-, ments are now busy finalising their accounts for their annual closing and one may ask if some departments might not i also take stock themselves m regard to the service they have rendered to the public. There arc heads of depart- ments who keep mum
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    • 109 6 yOUR Johore Bahru correspondent who complains of not drawing a cost of living allowance on his pension of over $320 per mensem has no cause for complaint. If he was in my position, a European, married with a family, unemployed, and drawing a pension of $120
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    • 91 6 MAY I say that I am in iV1 entire agreement with Mr. T. W. T. Bangs's sentiments? I have just had occasion to stay on an estate in a very bad area, not far from Port Dickson. There were a large number of MaUv S.Cs. r.n tins
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 645 6 I ANSIKIKI) ADS lAMPRELL: To Carline nee wife of Dr. B. A. LampreU. on 19th Dec. at Bungsar Hospital, Kuala Lumpur a daughter. PERSONAL The wadding of Mr. Maurice h to Mta Mnrv M;liar, which lo have taken place on Dec. 20: h baa been postponed owing ro
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    • 67 6 HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT THAT YOUR HEADACHE IS DUE TO EYES? ..-■i Un orrected or improperly corrected defective vision causes headaches, eye-strain, nervous tension, wasted energy and other harmful effects. Keep your Eyes from Fatiguing Strain. Have them examined. Our Technique St Procedure m Visual Analysis with tho most complete
      67 words
    • 44 6 X Wm& H»t English sealed unit Hf!^ I refrigerator with a five |J| sss3 ■J Y ear guarantee. iJ J Now available from all dealers. ■jEEj^- j CU t- mocJe availa^'e shortly. Model 5.471 I 4.4 CU. ft. i lti ha;(l I'huiio 72M. I
      44 words

  • 567 7 Bandits Compel Wife To Witness Farmer 's Murder IPOH, Monday. A COMPANY of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry operating west of Fusing, in the Batu Gajah district, destroyed 11 huts believed to have been used as the area headquarters of the M. P. ABA.—
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  • 231 7 Generators: More Gaol Sentences CiORDON Edwin Ross 1 Morris, former sergeant In the Royal Air Force, pleaded m the Singapore Assize Court yesterday that the high cost of living m Singe pore, coupled with his having to maintain his wife and child m England last year, were responsible for his
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  • 75 7 The Singapore Seventh Po- bee Court Magistrate (Mr. R. C Wait) yesterday com- mended a witness afte. tie i had given evidence against a Sikh and a Javanese who were alleged to have v'olen motor car. The Magistrate said that Singapore should have more r üblic spirited
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  • 53 7 The Commissioner of I\j lice (Mr. G. Ft. Livett i yesterday appealed to the public to have identity cards open and ready for inspection at road blocks, instead of waiting until ask«>d to produce them. J Much delay has been caused by this m the past
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 7 CHILDREN TUCK IN to the dainties at the Christmas party at the mess of the Warrant Officers and N.C.O.S of the Singapore Engineer Regiment on Saturday. Over 50 children were present. Straits Times picture.
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  • 485 7 rHE Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson yesterday unveiled a plaque m memory of four Chinese and nine European officers of the Chinese Protectorate who died during the Japanese occupa- tion. The ceremony took place at the Singapore Secretariat for Chinese Affairs, in Havelock
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  • 140 7 UP to last Saturday, 2,434' people had registered as voters for the Singapore Municipal elections. Cumulative weekly registration totals were as follows: First week 325 voters, second week 755, third week 1.220 fourth week 2,434. An official note yesterday said registration had been j progressing "steadily
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  • 45 7 Thr second shipload of more than 100 Malayan schoolchildren from Australia will arrive m Singapore by the Blue Funnel vessel Gorgon this morning. She is expected to berth alongside Godowns 15 and 16 of the Harbour Board wharves at 7 a.m.
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  • 40 7 Another appeal is being made for books and magazines for troops who will spend Christmas and New Year m 'he jungle. Any type of reading matter may be handed m to the V.M.C.A. m Stamford Road.
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  • 130 7 SCHOOL AT NIGHT FOR 70 SYCES I QCORES of Muslim syces :n fc^ Singapore have persuaded their European employers to allow them an hour off m -he evenings to attend classes. i But not all can find suitable schools. The Muslim Association '.>f Singapore runs two night 1 schools for
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  • 232 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. IIM Ah Ang and Chong a Kah were today sentenced by Mr. Justice Laville at the Assizes to four years' rigorous imprisonment for having assembled with arms for the purpose of committing gang robbery. Mr. T. B. Sime. estate manager, said he was being
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  • 117 7 LMGHT- YEAR-OLD Michael James Alvis yesterday presented Lady Gimson with a year's savings for the Singapore Handicapped Children's Fund. The money had been put by monthly from his pocket money into a money-box. Michael heard Lady Gimson's broadcast appeal for the fund and
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  • 47 7 THE Commissioner-Gen-eral, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, the Mentri Besar, Johore, Dato Onn bin Jaafar, and the British Adviser, Mr. A. Sleep, yesterday toured the Muar and Tangkak districts of Joliore. They visited rubber estates and discussed the current situation with Government Officers, planters and others.
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  • 138 7 THE Singapore Department of Economic AUairs yesterday issued a statement uivising merchant! to get m touch with the department bifore sendint.. ships to trade with certain Bumatmn ports. Ports >eciflcally named wore those such as Sibolga. Paknnbaroe o.iambi and Rengat, which had been In Republican-held areas.
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  • 26 7 ILLICIT SAMSU $40 FINE JOHORE BAHRU. Mon. Urn, a firewood cutter, char«;d with being m possession of our bottles of illicitly-mami-actured samsu was today lned $40.
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  • 737 7 Hire Says Airabu Arms Were Worth $340,000 From A Special Staff Correspondent TANJONG FINANG, Monday. pARLTON A. Hire, of Thomson Road, Singapore, who gave evidence today m the trial of three Americans charged with importing guns into Indonesia without authority, said that the quantity seized wa s valued at Straits
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 105 7 The Family Gift that keeps on giving Give them an J_^ M H* MASTERS VOCf Radio that they may RECEIVE all th c year round. Sole Malayan Distributors I ESTAB s moutrie aco malaya ltd ***** 187 5 JOHN LITTLE'S BUILDING SINGAPORE Uli TQ3O I 1 <foMNG VOt AU TH'
      105 words
    • 45 7 TMfloftisger *MAS|I brewed m i*&m AND BOTTLED ||^^^j| IN HOLLAND EOhJ I PRICE I PER DOZEN $8.00 (PINTS) $14.00 (quarts) Special prices to Clubs, Hotels and Celebrations WE ARE OPEN UNTIL 6 P.M EVERY DAY THIS WEEK UP TO 24TH ROBINSON S RAFFLES PLACE SPORE
      45 words

  • 159 8 Bandit Said "Guilty"— Sentenced To Hang In Ipoh From Our StaR Correspondent IPOH, Mon. vtR. Justice Thomson today accepted 20-year-old Cheng Yun's admission of guilt to a charge of being in unlawful possession of a hand-grenade and sentenced him to death under the Emergency Regulations. At first the Judge hesitated
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 8 A CHINESE lo»k dame performed by girls of i'oong Chai School, Katon?, at an outdoor concert 011 Saturday. More than 1,000 people were present. Picture by David Son.
    David Son  -  28 words
  • 388 8 Continued from page 7) Is this customary? I think not. Do you persist in saying that it was not a naval vessel?— it wu not. Are you aware that a navai ssel has to be decommissioned before It looses is rank?-I can give no opinion. R.N.V.R.
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  • 67 8 The Broadcasting Employ- cs 1 Union of Singapore will be holding a buffet supper and dance at the Sea View Hotel on Thursday. Dec. 23, from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. There will be floor shows given by several popular local artistes. Admission charges will
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  • 177 8 Malay Newt ONN SEEKS SUPPORT FOR UMNO From Our Malay Correspondent lOHORES Mentri Besar 'J -(Dato Onn bin Jaffan, 1 who Is concurrently President of the United Malays National Organisation, «^n Sunday appealed i r greater Malay support for l. t O. Dato Onn was speaking at a tea-party given
    177 words
  • 171 8 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Monday. SEVERAL Malayans m England on leave attended a sherry party which the Association of British Malaya organised at the Royal Empire Society's headquarters m London. The party also brought together many men and women who had left the
    171 words
  • 53 8 Dean's School is giving an additional performance of Peter Pan m aid of the Singapore Antl-T.B. Association m the Victoria Hall at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, cc. 28. Bookings can be made at Robinsons up to Chris.m as Eve and thereafter from Miss Riches at Dean's School 1
    53 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 104 8 SPECIfILITIES BLACKCURRENTS GuLUEN PLUMS BLACKBERRIES PURPLE PLUMS VICTORIA PLUMS AND LOGANBERRIES ENGLISH GARDEN PEAS WHOLESALE PRICES ON APPLICATION. Sole Agents:Singapore kuala lumpur penang The ym British «f RENAULT eight To Carry you and yours through a lifetime of trouble free motoring at exceedingly low cost. British Renault Eight offers these
      104 words
    • 203 8 CHRISTMAS a BANG'/C^ v J 7 y with ll J r^J.J COLD STORAGE /Cf The last won I Yes, baby is the final judge when it comes to the choice of the right milk. No words passed, but happiness <-pcal^ volumes so do normal development, big energy and quiet sleep.
      203 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 566 8 ru'-^ores are usually valuable a trick ;o the spa ou^.-n and properties-but not always! In claimed the balancT d today's deal North-South proba- K b!y would have reached the slam Nnw let how -his contract that was .«u«>h a good in- hand would have bw>n bld ln !n vestment on
      566 words

  • 452 9  -  PLANTER'S WIFE By VIA. the estate guards both here and on surrounding estates are very keen on the competitions which our exPalestine police arrange for them. The shooting competition brought forth amazing results. The standard is now pretty high generally. lhe last m was neighbour's place
    452 words
  • 147 9 ONE home has done awiy With the wrangling so often incident to the appearance at meal times of children improperly groomed. If Bobby comes to "he taole with dirty hajids or Harry in without brushing his hair no one takes verbal Lzance of the matter. The meal begins
    147 words
  • 168 9 Malayan Homes And Beauty Mrs. Loke Yew is sitting on the loggia of her newly remodelled house in Gallup Road. The iron-scroll work, a feature of her own design, appears in the glass-topped table and chairs and the awning supports seen in the photograph, and in other decorative wayt inside
    168 words
  • 796 9  -  NURSE BRIDGET By Nurse Brigdet is Qualified in the care of babies and help 1 write Ur"' y baVe problems and need Nurse Bridget c o Straits Times. Cecil Street Singapore. Please give a pseudonym under which i our letter may be published and answered,
    796 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 58 9 9 i s.iiiwuivtiit&w Jjjmpi I F' £ccA at me uour/ I IC^ ou see liim ast week Now he has B^jff what he wanted and it is only a matter Pt'fflfrtl of deciding how to tackle it. Worth a little thought! Next week you will see how he PJ3j|raflj TOj^l
      58 words
    • 281 9 a /Sj& Is he A 4J"*I J ft going I o Bj^^-rlf laugh or He'll lw '^s^[ STURDIER HAPPII R with rhese health- -^iX giving tablets A ki owing cti.ld needs CWctum and Phosph^)lll^ (o tmun sturdy Dones. -sound teeth, safety from rickets o: skin troubles But the food of
      281 words

  • 1749 10  - COMMENT AND VIEWS ON THE BRIBES PROBE Airmail Our London Letter Brings You... By OSBEHT LANCASTER m Itae Daily Express comments on the tribunal. From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Dec. 8. COR only the second time since I began writing these London Letters to you nearly 20 years ago, I
    AP  -  1,749 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 174 10 i THRILL TO IT TODAY! II a.m.; 1.4:>: 4i:>: MS !>.:50 p.m. Thr House 8 W^fl t\\ M phone of Comfort 1 L_/ j ■f I 340 PREMIERE 9.30 P.M. TOMORROW/ J. ARTHUR RANK presents CHARLES DICKENS MOST MAGNIFICENT MASTERPIECE.' O'llVd Ea K lr-Llon Mn m PbttifcaU— T471T 471 ,m
      174 words
    • 200 10 PM 7,^. ENGLAND'S HIGHEST CLASS Fif^ tIUAKt 1 1 L Over a hundred years ago, wealth and fanhion frequented Mr. Marco vitch's shop m Piccadilly. Then, his cigarettes were famous only m London. Today, the use of the airtight tin has spread the fame of Black and White cigarettes all
      200 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 293 10 RADIO MALAYA OMJjg^ gggj; .gg, radw AUSTRALIA SINGAPORE Alr CaDrlccio Italien (Tchaikov- 1 5 30 Forces Favourites- 6 30 sky): 10.30 Waltzing and March- i world New»; 6.45 Spotlight Banus. 100 Dance music by Caimn lnR; n 00 close 7 00 Orchestras of the World; 7 3? ,o and Jimmy
      293 words

  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 844 11 CACTS disclosed m a recent House of Lords debate on War Damage Compensation m Malaya constitute a damning indictment of the Colonial Office and the British Cabinet, according to the chairman of Malayan Tin Dredging (Mr. H. Ashworth Hope). He told the annual
      844 words
    • 140 11 Singapore Rubber SOME local buying and the political news from Indonesia steadied the Singapore rubber market a little yesterday. The volume of business on the whole was on the small side. The market generally was rather uncertain about how to take the Indonesian news. Closing prices yesterday vnere: No. 1
      140 words
    • 77 11 gHIPS in port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns In brackets) were: Main Wharf: Telemachus (3132), Agapenor (33-34), Benlcmond i36-37). Empire Halladale (38 39), Kampar (40), Sarclang (41), Surat (42-43 West Wharf: Ethel Moller < l-2>. Mantin (3). Agamemnon (4-5), Trevean (6-7), Ch nese Prince
      77 words
    • 109 11 WEARNE Brothers' directors re-, commend payment of a flve-i-i-r-cc-ut. final dividend and a 10-per-cent. bonus dividend, to make a total of 20 per cent, for the year to Sept. 30. 1948. Profit for the year was $1 538,747. A balrnce of $137,568, brought forward Is added.
      109 words
    • 91 11 Malays Re place Chinese On Dredges From Our Own '.omspondent LONDON. M' n. UP to 1341 dredge crews were predominantly Chinese but now they are 50 per cent. Malay, says the acting ma: Southern Malayan Tin Dredging (Mr. P. C. Calvert) m a report to the directors m London. The
      91 words
    • 66 11 From A Market Correspondent SAGO flour came In for demand on the Singapore produce mar-kot-s yesterday. There was little change lit price, however. Other produce sections were quiet. Several prices fell. Yesterday's changes Included: Sago flour: LJngga $18; Sarawak $15; Slak $15.60. Pepper: Muntok white 5205; Sarawak white
      66 words
    • 226 11 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Mon. THE Malayan share market opened the week with the Industrial section rather steadier. Undertone In the Tin section was slightly better, while Rubbers were entirely neglected except ;«t sacrificial prices. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association today were: Buyer Seller
      226 words
    • 206 11 Tin Supply Grows LONDON, Monday. CIGNS are increasing (American stock-piling excluded) that the supply of tins is overtaking demand, says the Metal Bulletin. It Is currently reported that there are between 10,000 and 12,000 tons of tin. In metal or ore, in Holland at the moment If one includes ore
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1129 11 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. (incorporated m Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., Carrier's option to proceed vi.- other LTD ports to load and Jischarn arao SA.L.NCS tROM UK U.S.a" COAST MALAYA •Agapenor Irom UK C 33 J4 LW >r **!*!l Maiacc* Oee 20 "Aeneas" due from U.K. Dec. 23
      1,129 words
    • 260 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO rvy YORK ANO BOSTON VI A CEYLON, INDIA ECYPT ANO MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Sngapcre P Sham Penang Will.imctt V.ctory Cdn. 44/45 Dec. 31/3 |an Dec 27/30 Pres. lefrcrsen tan 3/16 |an 17/18 |an. 19/21 Marine Snapper -eb 9/15 Feb 16/17 f*b 18/20 Pres. Polk Feb. 16/21 Feb
      260 words
    • 289 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/U X SAILIN S C rA N r S. NN C A AwO www N .A NINT/ coNiiNtNT Loading al Singapore Port Swettenham b Penang m.s Fionia tm •<<> Dec 29 "Lalandia" due abt. |an. 3 m. for Colombo Aden, Port Sudan, lor Bangkok Port
      289 words
    • 1002 11 McALISTER CO., LTD. llncorpoiale-j n }iirk, k i,i BLLERMAH a. BUCKNUI KLAVENESS LINB !!^yA!:o> o^ ooN T "KOAM. IS C CANADIAN PACIFIC fORTf. HAMBURC b MIODLESBROUCH. Acceptmß cargo tor US North Atlantic Acccofmß ea>eo for Centra h South Ports b Canada via Colombo American Ports CITY OF .UCKNOW Due Singapore:
      1,002 words

  • Article, Illustration
    46 12 MKs Patricia H<> (Miss Singapore 1948) with the runnerup. Lee Hung Lan after they were elected by a panel of five judges at the Singapore Amateur Weuhtliftiiig Federation's annual body beautiful and weighthfting championships held at the New World arena on Sunday. —Straits Times picture.
    46 words
  • 365 12  -  EPSOM JEEP \U PENANG, Monday. SI BJ ECT to approval by the Straits Racing Association, the Penantf Turf Club >vill hoid a one-day amateur meeting on January 15. This is the first attempt by .a Turf Club to revive amateur racing since it was abolished
    365 words
  • 106 12 I>EAMS for today's hockey match on the S.R.C. padang between the S.C.C. women's "B" and the Girls' Sports Club "B" are: S. <'. C "B 1 A. N Other: J. i E. Kirn;: G. Cantrrll. U. X Moernuui; E. W C. Baxter. J. Landoot, I) Rf.u!. B.
    106 words
  • 79 12 r ynt. oUowtng have been Mtecudil PNM ill the S.C.C. and' O. n: tbi.-. hockey match on the S.C.C. -ndang at 5.15 pin. S.C.C: Matliot; Huig. Daniels: i Rule. Decks, idijrper; Thomas. h, Poarcy. Tabor. Read s.c. |£.C: LN Ah Chio: Lav Hock Chye, Chrotiß Thiam
    79 words
  • 25 12 TODAY: Hißh Water. 2.19 a.m. cf:t 1.23 p.m. <9tt 8ln): TOMORROW: High Water. J. 07 v. <Bft. 31n> 2.19 pm (9ft 4!,n
    25 words
  • 131 12 SEREMBAN, Mon. MEETING of hockey i\ delegates from Singapore. Johore. Malacca and Negri Sembilan held here at the N. S. Club last night, after the Singapore versus Negri Sembilan inter-State hockey match, decided to hold two trials on February 5 and 6 at Malacca prior
    131 words
  • 55 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Mou. THE Young Men's Sikh Association will be touring Singapore to play a series of hockey games during the Christmas holiday^. On Dec. 25. they will meet the Singapore KhaLsa Association, the following day the Naval Base Police and on Dec. 27 they will
    55 words
  • Article, Illustration
    51 12 MAIIiniM ANN SCOTT of Canada. 1948 Olympic fijjure-skatine champion and holder of many other titles. laces up her .skating hoots as she prepares for a practice at the Roxy Theatre Rink, New York, where she makes hi-r Professional skating debut on Wednesday, beginning a five- week Christmas engagement. A. P.
    51 words
  • 331 12 Wickets Tumble In Fading Light DURBAN, Monday. ENGLAND snatched victory by two wickets off the last ball of the first Test against South Africa here today. Dismissing South Africa for 219 m their second innings, England then scored 128 for 8 wickets at
    331 words
  • 40 12 CINGAPORE'S representatives against Selangor m the interstate weightltfting contest at the New World on Jan. 8. vill be the winners of the flyweight, bantam, feather, light and middleweight championships at the New World over the week-end.
    40 words
  • 37 12 BANGKOK. Mon. Kl'l Kong Young. Hawaiiborn Chinese bantamweight champion, drew with Phol Phrapradaeng. Siamese champion, m a a ten-round boxing bout here last night. The proceeds are m aid of UNAC funds.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 212 12 SOt TH AFRICA— Ist. Inns— 219 ENGLAND— Ist. Inns.— 2s3. SOUTH AFRICA— ?nd Inns. E. Rowan c C'ompton b Jenkins 16 Wynne c Watkins b Wright 1 >litihcll b Wright 19 Nwana c b IJeiKer 32 Wade b Jrnkins 6:'. BagMa Mann b Bedser JK Dawaaa r C'ompton b
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 64 12 The Singapore Motor Club held a 52-mile "treasure hunt" on Sunday and cars ranging from Pontiacs to Midget M.O.'s as well as motor-cycles took part. The prizes were won by Messrs Jansen, E. Longden and W. Crouchen. Prizes in the appearance contest went to Messrs P.
    64 words
  • Article, Illustration
    45 12 |OK BAKSI licit) tl after t:ikin« a rinlit t» the head liom bzzard Charles m their fulit ;ii Madison Square Garden, New York. Charles won tin- hout on a technical knockout m the eleventh round, after Kaksi retired with a badly gashed eye.— A.P. picture.
    AP  -  45 words
  • 248 12 SINGAPORE soccer fans can expect to see some good soccer during the Christmas holidays when the Penang Chinese Football Association, M.C.F.A. Cup winners and Penang A.F.A. League and Cup champions, play two games here and the M.C.F.A. stage their first annual North v. South game. On
    248 words
  • 54 12 The Edi.ose BiKlii will be celebrating a ..i.< i ncr at the Taj Thou; restaurant at the Happy World on Sunday at 7.30 pm. Members desiring to attend are requested to get la 'ouch with the Hon. Secretary, c > Cheong Koor. Bens Co.. Ltd.,
    54 words
  • 299 12 NAGPUR,Monday. THE West Indies touring team lost their last eight wickets for only 83 runs on the second day of the match here against the Governor's Eleven, but they gained a first innings lead of 39 runs. The Governors side were dismissed
    299 words
  • 41 12 TODAY HOCKEY: S.C.C. v. S.C.R.C, G.s.c. -B" v. s.c.c. women S.H.C.; I.A. v. Cable Wireless v. I.A. Fairer Park. 8.0.D. v. C.S.C. Alexandra. RI'GBY: Kota Raja v. Customs Farrer Park SOCCER: Sime Darby v. SpitI fires GeyUng stadium.
    41 words
  • 431 12 By KI'SOM JEEP PENANG, Mon. GAME Law, Clynor, Elegant Art, Bright Eyes, Dakota, Jack's Darling, Rlma. First Fancy, Good Luck, The Magic Lamp, Mamuse and Prattlln are twelve horses to follow at the Penang Turf Club's XmasNew Year meeting, which starts on Saturday. Spotting
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 341 12 I I ASSII IKI) ADS. i Continued trom pane 6) II 1 1 lON MADAM MARIE Is liacK irom .la\a. Inn m I i> res t c d In dicss-makiiiK may <-nrol now. 114, Orchard Road. tpore. FREE! u.mciiiß LaaaooJ l'>r "Carll'oo Membera." Particulan ring C. H. Tan, iAN.A.T.D.. I^>ndon—
      341 words
    • 91 12 I Lf^/^Jy$mSS WATCHES PRIX 8ERHE /9/t i If the tHen^th put «h» Universjl m a WM-jA /M. q®&/jmm «lai» by it>clt The ifcret ts fß^^V X jvA V/^lSt'^W b^ildl^c ryrn «or* longer than |^|^^r p*ncr<*t Jtnubt >f\ a motor cycl* fyrf with cKfia p^rformanct DUNLOP i Motor CycUTy res W
      91 words