The Straits Times, 10 December 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 671 1 "Vehemently Denies" Bribe Charges LONDON, Thursday. UR. John Belcher, Parliamentary Secretary to iV the Board of Trade, is to resign after giving evidence before the tribunal hearing allegations of corruption m Government circles. His counsel, Mr. Aiken Watson, announced this shortly before Mr. Belcher went into
    Reuter  -  671 words
  • Article, Illustration
    67 1 WIWIE Po»f (akrs the nroiment oath before the Assistant CommisMoner for Guides, Miss N Mitchell, at a Brownie ceremony at the Yorkhill Homecraft Centre, yesteriaj The oath is taken over the figure of a brown owl restiing on a "toadstool* Some of the children at the centre are orphans and
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  • 215 1 pilF I.S.S.K. will take another 5,000 tons of Malayan rubber this year, it was announced last night. The Russian ship Mechamik Afamakiev is due m Singapore from Bombay on Dec. 16. A rumour of fresh Russian rontracta went the 'rounds of the Singapore
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  • 175 1 FROM behind Europe s "iron curtain" the following news emerged yesterday In Reuter and A.P. messages. Czechoslovakia Three soldiers accused of planning an attempt on the life of Communist President Gottwald were sentenced to death m Bratislava. In Prague. Colonel Karol Vosalka was sentenced to nine
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  • 25 1 BATAVIA. Thurs.— Malayan Chinese and Indian Scouts today toured Batavia while their ship stopped over here on Its way to Western Australia
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  • 182 1 LONDON. Thurs. MR. Belcher. Member «'f Parliament for Sowerby, Yorkshire, became Parliament tary Secretary to the Board of Trade m February 1946. Before entering the House of Commons In the 1945 General Election, he was a railway clerk and branch official of his trade union. He
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 97 1 SHANGHAI, Thurs. I 'WO brides turned up at me 1 altar today to marry 20-year-old Fong Miao Keng. He <\ U now held by the police !o 1 whom he has told he Is wlll- ing to marry both the girls. Fong hired an elaborate Chinese-style
    AP  -  97 words
  • 44 1 SHANGHAI, Thurs. The number of passengers regstered as missing since '.he sinking of the 111-fated Kiangya on Friday rose to 3.520 today. But belated reports from roastal areas indicated some n these might have been picked up by passing ships. A.P.
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  • 191 1 THE 2/6 Gurkha Rifles are 1 leaving Malaya for Hong Kong at the end of the month to bring the garrison there up to its full strength again, m v ew of the dftterlontttng slumiio'i m China. This was stated In an announcement from. G.H.Q
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  • 81 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. THE first batch of armoured cars for the Malayan police has arrived. The car are to be used for patrols m dangerous areas where ambushes have been frequent, and for other special work. States which require them most will receive
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  • 228 1 "Smugglers Sail To Singapore" MACASSAR, Thurs. EIGHTY million guilders worth of goods has been smuggled out of Eastern Indonesia in the past two years, most of it to Singapore, Minister of Justice Soumokil told Parliament here yesterday He said one Macassar firm alone made a net profit of a million
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  • 69 1 LONDON, Thurs.— Britain, i the United States and France have asked Iraq to reopen the Haifa plge line, a Foreign Office spokesman said heie today. So far no reply ha: been received from Bagdad. The Government of Iraq cut off supplies of oil through the pipe
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  • 34 1 LOB ANGELES, Thurs. Ann Wells, a 25-year-old model, has filed a suit for divorce against Prince Padmanagna Krishna Gatyapal, charging him with committing "numerous acts of violence" upon her.— Reuter.
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  • 23 1 CAIRO. Thurs. -Police raid- a the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters throughout Egypt early today and closed them under official red seals. U.P.
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  • 187 1 LONDON, Thursday. TME Foreign Secretary (Mr. Ernest Bevin) told A Parliament today: "Great Britain has advised China that our financial and economic position precludes u$ from doing anything material for China." "Inevitably as the result ol war-time strategy of the \1l'es and post-war circumstances, the United
    UP  -  187 words
  • 71 1 TIENTSIN. Tmirs. THE Communist or. on Peking was toe: pected to begin any momen as Gen. Liv Piao's Red farc< s pressed relentlessly southward along the Peking-Kup' lknw railway. Gen. Fu Tso-yi's troops last night evacuated Shunyi. and fell back well within the 60 kilometres defence radius
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 69 1 NEW ARRIVALS OF E.F.N.S. ICE PAILS COCKTAIL SETS u Crown four (ookUU Parties To A Sooccm G.C.deSilva&Broi., I, Raffle* Pl«c«, l'|K>rc PhoM ***** mMister's REPRESENT LANGLEY ENGLAND SPECIALISTS IN ALL TYPES OF FIRE PROTECTION EQU IPMENT PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 34 Gallon D. M. "Foamite'' Engine 10 Gallon "Foamite Engine 2
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    • 17 1 0% 7lt W 48/6 Y\\\ I At Kuala Lumpur f/i«y say: CAPITAL II m t (@fe\ TIGER
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 143 2 GENEVA, Thursday. THE lost border between France and Switzerland has been found and marked and everybody is happy again after more than 100 years. Some farmers who thought they were Swiss are paying French taxes now and some who thought they were French
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    • 40 2 MOSCOW, Thurs.— A Russian experimental station has started growing a type of rice which requires one-quarter as much water as regular rice. The new rice fan be cultivated m fields which need only to be watered frequently. —A.P.
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    • 48 2 OTTAWA, Thurs— Britain has agreed to buy m 1949 160,000,000 lbs. of Canadian bacon, 50.000,000 lbs. of cheese and 1,533.000 cases of eggs. Contracts are subject to approval oi the United States Economic Co-operation Administration Bacon represents a drop of 35,000,000 lbs. from 1948.— Reuter.
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    • 42 2 NEW DELHI. Thurs.—Thirty members of the Rashtriya Swayaam Sevak 8 a n X h (RSSSt, militant Hindu organisation to which belonged Nathuram Vinaya:c Godse accused of murdering Gandhi, were arrested at New Delhi The Government has banned the organisation. A.P
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    • 34 2 LONDON, Thurs. Lady Iris ©"Malley, great -granddaughter of Queen Victoria and a cousin to Lord Mountbatten arrived from New \ork and said she way thinking about becoming an American citizen.— UP.
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    • 16 2 LONDON. Thurs. The Swiss Parliament has aßreed to a friendship treaty with India.— Reuer.
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    • Article, Illustration
      18 2 FIRST ITALIAN star to appear m a British film since the war is Valentin* Cortese. Reuter picture.
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    • 57 2 DARWIN. Thurs— Arnhem Land has yielded up yet another surprise. A new iribe of 50 aborigines, with distinct and unusual characteristics, has been found These natives had several unusual habits, lncludlnj the storing of excess food m holrs due beneath ant-hills. They live In huts built on stilts
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    • 49 2 ST LOUIS (U.S.), Thong.— A surgical patient should begin walking the same day he undergoes an operation immediately afted he recovers from the anaesthetic*. This advice was given to the United States chapter of the International College of Surgeons by Dr. D. J. Leithauser of Detroit. AP.
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    • 32 2 COLOMBO, Thurs. Ceylon should send young monks as missionaries to Western countries to preach the message of the Buddha, said L'pasika Ananda Jennings, the well-known American Buddhist worker. UP.
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    • 22 2 MOSCOW. Thurs. -The Literary Gazet -c has reviewed General Eisenhower's "Crusade m Europe" under the headline "A General's Nightmare." AP
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    • 25 2 PARIS. Thuis.— On y he first stage of their 8,000-mile train and ship journey. 185 Jewish displaced persons have left Paris for Australia. -A.P.
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    • 18 2 WASHINGTON, Thurs.— The United States population la 147,028,000 compared with 131,669,275 on April 1, 1940.— U.P
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  • 81 2 HENLEY-on-Thames veterinary surgeons, ordered to kill a bull which had gored his owner, found It hiding m the middle of a herd of cows. They dared not go m on foot, so they chased the herd round the field In their car and finally shot
    AP; Reuter  -  81 words
  • 58 2 A HERD of about 3,000 reindeer was recently scattered by wolves m Lapland. The Lapps could assemble only 400 of the frightened animals. Many had been killed or wounded, and the others had run away m alarm. It will be a hard task for tlie Lapps on
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  • 57 2 VIENNA, Thurs.— Dr. Margarate Ottillnger (Under-Sec-retary of State at the Austrian Ministry of Economic Planning) has been sentenced Dy Soviet court martial to 20 years' imprisoment for spying. No counsel for the defence was allowed. Frau Ottlinger, 30-year-old blonde, is alleged by the Soviet news agency to >.aye
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 61 2 LONDON, rimrs. /CHARLES De'ATH. 68, \j came near to death when he fell backwards while cleaning a window 30 feet from the ground. Police, found him hanging upside down by his ankles from a second floor room. The window had fallen across his ankles
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 738 2 NOTICE Information is requested re the present location of th e following valuable pictures removed from mv house "Berkley". East Sussex Lane. Slnaapore durinu the Japanese occupation. Water Colour Picture*. "Strasbourc" by Clark/on Stanfleld. "Venice" by Clarkson Stanfleld. •St. Hellers. Jersey" bv David C<>T 1 Street Scene" by Thomas Boys.
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    • 544 2 NOTICES TENDERS Tenders will be received by the Head of th e Public Works Department. RHIO. up to Monday. 20th Dec. 1948. at Tandjong PlnanK. for the building of 16 houses m Tandiong PlnanK, Rhio Archipelago. Enquiries to be made at the Netherlands Consulate General. Singapore, Economic Section. CONNAUGHT BRIDGE
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    • 152 2 GREAT WORLD Glob* 7— 15 "NORTHWEST MOUNTED POLICE" (m Technicolor) NEW WORLD LWo 7—9.15 Yvonne De Carlo In "CASBAH" roial i?m t.» "DEMON LAND" In Tamil) UNIVERSITY TUTORIAL CLASSES Foi the Senior London I Matriculation inter Arts. Law, Economics. Commercial subjects and Languages. Business Training or Profession is the Weapon
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    • 61 2 tl i.) j».\Y ONLi 3 Shows 3. 6.15 A 9.15 p.m. "FIDDLERS THREE** with TOMMY TRINDEB Opening To-morrow "ROMANCE ON THE HIGH SEAS" A Warner Bros' Technicolor hit! To-morrow at Mid-nil*. "I WONDER WHOSE KISSING HER NOW A «oth Century-Fox Musical In Technicolor! KILL INSECTS WITH OOUILt ACTION if INSTANT
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    • 300 2 f» v '■■i[ J 1H I li\ 1 fit 14 arm. exciting neu Perfuw I IJ&M ft I ILatest Creation r»> CO'I V //cl_"~^^*^ U born m the heart of Paris, In/ a fragrance for the. woman who has the instinct io recognise a ma*trrpie< t. PERFUME BY t*Lumiti*:, eta
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  • 331 3 Soviet Charges "Fantastic" SYDNEY, Thursday. DUSSIA, Britain and United States delegates argued today over 1947 economic survey by the secretariat of the U.N. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East. The Soviet delegate, Mr. Kiriil Novikov, said the survey was neither intelligent nor progressive. He
    AP  -  331 words
  • 153 3 NEW YORK, Thurs. MARCUS Wulkan, brother of Sidney Stanley, said In New York last night that he, was cabling Sir Hartley Shaw- cross (British Attorney General) to deny allegations made against^hlm before the London tribunal investigating alleged corruption m Government circles. Wulkan read the text of his
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 49 3 SEATTLE, Thurs. An American-born Japanese, Hichlro Uyenc, has filed a suit to regain his American citizenship. Uyeno, who returned to Japan In 1930, lost his citizenship because he voted In the 1947 Japanese general election He said he was forced to vote.— A. P.
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  • 189 3 JOHANNESBURG, Thursday. T>HE political correspondent of the Rand Daily Mail I today forecast a Government crisis on Jan. 12 I when the South African Cabinet meets m Capetown. I Tjjg correspondent said that I a showdown over the entrenched clauses safeguarding European language rights and
    Reuter  -  189 words
  • 84 3 PK.UiIE Thurs. THE NAME of Jan Bata, who founded Czechoslovakia's giant shoe, leather and rubber industry after the first world war. is to disappear m Czechoslovakia, said a newspaper report yesterday. The new name was not made known. The newspaper said the name had lost
    AP  -  84 words
  • 63 3 NEW YORK, Thurs. EEROL Flyan, swashbuckling film star, was yesterday fined $50 for kicking a policeman. Flynn assaulted thf policeman when his taxi was stoop- ed during a check-up. He pleaded guilty to a charg« of disorderly conduct. After oayine the fine he
    AP  -  63 words
  • Article, Illustration
    51 3 CLOTHES FROM HEAVEN: A Berlin shop window displays clothing brought in by Allied air lift planes for sale on ration to the Germans. The ration is the first for Germany since the war. The shopwlndow above contains model aeroplanes over a sign: "Clothes dropped from heaven! Airlift proves true." A.P.
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  • 262 3 THE HAGUE, Thursday. THE Dutch Cabinet met yesterday to consider the x new deadlock m the peace talks on Indonesia. < The meeting was called f after the Government peace delegation's return jn Tuesday night from Batavia. Despite the failure of the latest talks,
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  • 37 3 HONOLULU, Thurs. The body of Ernie Pyle, famous I war correspondent killed at Ie Jlma, near Okinawa, in 1945, will be buried in the National Memorial Cemetery i of the Pacific at Honolulu.— A. P.
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  • 80 3 "At Least 10 Spy Rings In America" WASHINGTON. Thurs. /CONGRESSIONAL spy in\j vestigators were told last night that there were at least 10 Soviet rings operating In the United States. The investigators wer« hearing evidence from a magazine editor. Isaac Don Lavine, who claimed to be a con|fldant of former
    AP  -  80 words
  • 28 3 PAftlS. Thurs.— The United Nations Political Committee last night, shelved the problem of the Italian colonies. The Committee spent 11 weeks debating the issue Reuter.
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  • 26 3 WASHINGTON. Thurs. The condition of Mr. George Marshall, Secretar- of State, >as yesterday describe as 1 satisfactory. Mr. Marshall underwent a kidney operation yesterday.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 171 3 Maht Your Horn* MERRIER this X MAS BUY A NEW EKCO RADIO i < ml 111 111 I r^l&i. —^■pw^^— y»— »fr Vorious Models available. Easy Payments tan be arranged Obtainabl? from our Appointed Dealers: Slntanoiiu Kas« Henc Co., 103 105. Selerie Road Eagle Piano Co., 328, Serangoon Road
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  • 343 4 BUENOS AIRES, Thursday. THE Western Hemisphere may one day be 1 more independent of Malayan rubber than now. Discovery of new strains of rubber tree is one reason. A plan to transplant Amazon Valley plants to South American coastal regions is another.
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  • 69 4 DETROIT. Thurs ANEW chemical which preserves rubber but does not stain light-colour-ed objects was reported yesterday by Mr. D. E. Winkler and Mr. F. M. McMillan, of the Shell Development Co. The chemical is an antioxidant. Such compounds have long been used to extend the elastic
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  • 67 4 REVIVAL of Islamiic religious teaching m Malay schools is being requested by the Musliim Missionary Society. The president of the Society (Mr. M. I. O. Alsagorl) said that before the war religious instruction was Riven twice a week m Malay schools by the Miiolim Missionary
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  • 185 4 OVER- AGE CHILDREN A LTHOUGH many children i\ m Singapore had missed three-and-a-half years' education because of the Japanese occupation, it was no good prolonging the results of the war at the expense of the rising generation, said the Deputy Diirector oi Education (Mr. R. M. Young). He was commenting
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  • 65 4 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs The Montri Besar, accompanied by Datin Onn. will I leave tomorrow for Kuala Lumpur to attend a farewell party to the retiring Director of Education, (Mr H. B Cheeseman Dato Onn will also attend a conference of the
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  • 45 4 Mr. Wong Tong Seng (Lawrence Vincent Wong) of Packing Hill, Pasdr Panjang and of Outram Road School, states that he is not the Wong Tong Seng who was bound over m the First District Court, Singapore, as reported m yesterday's Straits Times.
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 4 SILT AN OF SELANGOR taking the salute when he ceremoniously opened the budget meeting of the State Councfl on Wednesday Publ ic Relatrons picture.
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  • 611 4 By Our Woman Correspondent PRINCESS MARGARET personally congratulated a young Singaporean, Denis Sobrielo, on his pianoplaying at a concert m London of the Young Contingent of the Victoria League m October. Denis Sobrielo, who is In his early twenties, used to delight hundreds of Singapore children
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  • 28 4 The customs office at the Causeway, Johore Bahru, will be closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day, and also on Dec. 29 and Jan. 1.
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  • 134 4 PORMERLY Area Welfare Officer for Negri Sembilan, Malacca, and Johore, Miss Joan Vickers passed through Singapore on Wednesday, on her way back to London after ar extensive six months' tour of Australia and New Zealand. She hopes to stand for Parliament as
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 391 4 Your hair needs too JM^^^^^* -x^v-' II B |VCS your "uir-ioots ihc w£ I nourishment they need. y/& y. supplies and as the roots «^**|r y^^(^ +Jo^ go shorl the hair withers Tjk '^'"^^t^t^'^k- and finall\ tails out. I hen Vl u >ou must take a hand Wt 'y\ with
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  • 321 5 Members As "One Happy Family A PAN-Malayan trade union of broadcasting employees m Singapore and the Federation is envisaged m the near future, the president of the newly formed Singapore Broadcasting Employees Union (Mr. Kingsley Morrando) told the Straits Times yesterday. "We intend to send out
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  • 120 5 ri^HE chairman of the SinI- gapore Prison Enquiry Commission tCdr. G.EW.W. Bayly i announced last night that the public sittings of the Commission had ended. He said that the Commissioners would continue to meet m private to compile their report. During the year, the Commissioners met 29
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  • 107 5 For possessing 31 poui.ds of opium, two Chinese, Sim Song Hong, aged 27, and Tan Beng Teo. aged 23, were each sentenced to one year's rigorous Imprisonment by the Second District Judse (Mr. J. L. McFall) yesterday. Sim and Tan were travelling m a taxi m Java
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  • 34 5 MADRAS. Thurs. ATAMiLNAD Congress Committee spokesman announced last night that the committee's president (Mr. Kamaraj Nad:ir) planned to visit Malaya m February to study the South Indians' position there.— AJP.
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  • 92 5 BETWEEN 500,000 and 1,000,000 gallons of water a day were saved m Singapore last monxn when experiments were carried out m the town area to ascertain If. by reducing the pressure at. which water was pumped to consumers, the consumption of water would also be reduced.
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  • 62 5 A Chinese, Ong Yew Hock, I was committed for trial by; the Singapore Seventh Police Court Magistrate (Mr. R. J. C. Walt), yesterday on a charge of having possessed a printIng machine, a printing plate, paper and Ink for forging 50 j cent Malayan currency notes.
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  • 50 5 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs.— The central council of management of the Johore Civil Service Association will decide at Muar on Dec. 17 on the association's representative on th« Johore Council of State for 1949. The present nominee Is Inche Abdul Rahman bin Musa of Pontian.
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 5 THE SULTAN of Selanjor, Initiating a new tradition, addresses members of the Selangor State Council before the Council meeting to consider the State's budget for the coming year. Community leaders, Government departmental heads and their wives were also present
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  • 208 5 LAST night the Stage Club beat its best so far with Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Earnest." The play sets a difficult problem to make a picture of rigid Victorian etiquet'e. to show how its traces were kicked over and to repolish a humour original
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  • 76 5 I "ORIG. C. G. Robins. Brigadier dier m Charge of Administration at H.Q. Singapore District, on Tuesday presented Illuminated addresses to 223 8.0.D., the winners, and R.E.M.E. Base Workshops, the runners-up, m the first Local Forces Information Room Competition. He said that these competitions would be
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  • 115 5 •THE newly-formed Singapore 1 Cantonese Jewellers' Association has applied for registration under the Colony Trade Unions Ordinance. Officials yesterday said the association will be a body of about 50 employers set up to negotiate disputes In the Jewellery industry with employees' unions m the colony. The founders
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  • 33 5 The Chief Health OJllcer's progress report for November shows that the three travelling dispensaries attended 1.104 new cases. They also made 1.786 revisits. Cases treated m schools were 360.
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  • 92 5 YfORE than 15,000 tons of saw -logs from Sumatra, supplier of most timber to Singapore sawmills, were Imported into the Colony during the six months ended last I October. Singapore sawmills, however, curtailed operations. They said shipments from Sumatra were very Irregular. Timber from the East
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  • 209 5 POLICE TO GET MORE ARMOURED CARS SOON LONDON, Thursday. THHE Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies (Mr. A David Rees Williams) told the House of Commons yesterday that a number of armoured cars had been sent out for use by the Malayan Police and that others would be reaching there
    Reuter  -  209 words
  • 69 5 Held up by two men, a Chinese pounced on one of them and detained him until he was taken Into police custody. Charged with committing robbery of cash and property valued at $162 on Nov. 26. were Tan Geok Seng and Ong Bin Chye. The Magistrate
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  • 146 5 BARTER FUNDS "FROZEN" SINGAPORE merchants, engaged In the barter trade with Sumatra cotnuum large sums of their capital have been tied up In Indonesia as a result of the Dutch over-assessing values o: exports to, and under-assessing Imports from Singapore. Many Chinese traders say this 'Invisible freezing" of funds
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  • 72 5 Bohlim Estate, off Jurong was letting out land for burial at 40 to 50 dollars a block, it was alleged at the Rural Board meeting yesterday Mr. Cheong Hock Chye. a member, wanted to know what steps had been taken to derive revenues for tho Rural Board
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 52 6 Mrs. Oag Eng Teck, alias »*Telok Ayer" aged 65, passed away peacefully at No. 533. Berangoon Road, Singapore, on i. 12. 48. leaving behind her bejored husband. 1 son, 2 daughters, daughter-in-law, and 3 grandchildren, to mourn her loss. Funeral on 11.12.48 at 11 a.m. to feuklt Brown Cemetery.
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  • 513 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri., Dec. 10, 1948. THE VIEW FROM INSIDE It is not surprising that persons detained under the Emergency Regulations should claim their arrest to be unjust. The principal complaint of Indian detainees, according to the Representative of the Government of India, is that "there is nothing
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  • 486 6 Twenty-one years ago, when the revolutionary Kuomintang armies swept up to the gates of Shanghai or to where the gates would have been, had Shanghai had a wall around it they found the city guarded by foreign troops. There was a British expeditionary force of nearly 30,000
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  • 83 6 From the Straits Times of Dec. 10, 1898 In this month's issue of the Straits Church Magazine appears an artlcie headed "The Extension of the Colonial Episcopate." With a view to awaking new life among the churches and no one can doubt says the writer, .hat some
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  • 1098 6 A Teacher And Educator For 41 Years By A Special Correspondent A GREAT educator and a great administrator. Mr. H. R. Cheeseman, Director of Education, Federation of Malaya, leaves Malaya on retirement next week. Mr. Cheeseman came to Malaya in 1907 as an assistant master in the Penang Free School.
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    • 424 6 /CONGRATULATIONS on your splendid editorial "SELF-HELP AT A DISCOUNT" which appeared m your edition of Dec. 8. There is no doubt that your editorial is essentially true m both generalities and details. In particular you have hit the nail on the head when you
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    • 181 6 I FEEL that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to find a Radio Station anywhere m the world that is capable of (Presenting a programme m a manner more completely inept than that achieved by Radio Malaya at 8.30 p.m. -on Friday, Dec. 3. "Friday
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  • 378 6  -  ARTHUR KENT By fEYLON'S application for membership of the United Nations came up again yesterday in the General Assembly in Paris. Ceylon is not a member because Russia objects. The admission of Ceylon would "convey a message of nope and encouragement to the peoples of Asia,' said
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 803 6 CLASSIFIED ADS OLASSBOROW: To Elisabeth, I wife of Anthony, at Bungsar Hospital. 9.12.48— A son. SITUATIONS VACANT IXPEFUENCED CLERK with knowledge ©f accounts required, as departmental chief clerk by prominent English language newspaper. Preferably with Senior Cambridge or equivalent qualification Salary $275 D.m. Inclusive, for sjx months probationary period Also
      803 words
    • 29 6 CHRISTMAS AUTOMATIC RECORD PLAYERS. Pitted with Garrard "Mixed" Automatic Changers. Portable Model, Table de luxe, Console de luxe, Available From Sfock. T. M. A. LTD., 61/63 High Street, Singapore
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    • 165 6 |JJ*^ OPTICIAN Fellow Institute Ophthalmic Opticians (tng) Fellow Worshipful Co of Spectacle -Makers (Eng) Freeman of the City of London By Appointment to H M Forces South Bast Asa. 6 Raffles Place Singapore Phone ***** IN. Genuine HARRIS TWEEDS, checks, herringbones, plain. 29 Inches wid« $10 yard Gift Elastic Braces,
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  • 336 7 'Memorandum To The King 9 Hint From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Thursday. THREE public bodies representing the Chinese, 1 Indian and Eurasian people of Penang are holding meetings tomorrow evening to discuss the question of secession of the Settlement from the Federation. The meetings are being
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  • 155 7 JJEPKESENTATIVES of the Army Civil Service I*• Inion and the Admiralty Local Staff Union meeting m Singapore last night expressed dissati-Zaction with the procedure adopted by the local rervice authorities and the Ministries m Britain m dealing with a memorandum compiled by the Singapore Federation
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  • 35 7 A reserve road off Poh was yesterday named bj the Rural Board as Rob jy Crescent to perpetuate the memory of Mr. Gordon Robey who developed the land around the area.
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  • 126 7 "I'HE Utusan Melayu says that prayers and lectures are being ht Id m every mosque m Singapore "as a counter measure against the activities of Seventh Day Adventlsts." Commenting on this last night. Pastor H. N. Peterson of the Seventh Day Adven- tists m Singapore said that
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  • 105 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. ONLY 30 of the Dyaks who were brought to Malaya to assist m operations against the bandits now remain here, it was officially stated today. The 30 are remaining for service with the Civil Liaison Corps. The
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  • 205 7 NEHRU TO SEE M.I.C. LEADER CARDAR Budh Singh <pre- sident of the Malayan Indian Congress) who will lead a delegation of the M.I.C. to the annual session of the Indian National Congress will talk to :he Prime Minister (Pandit Nehru > and other members of the Indian Government. The M.I.C.
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  • 95 7 The Union Jack which used to fly from the high mast on Fort Canning Hill before the war will be reholsted on a new mast at a brief ceremony at 8.30 a.m. tomorrow Members of the Legislative and Executive Councils and Service representatives will be present. The
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  • 72 7 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs.— Illicit tapping of rubber has increased m Johcre sine the emergency. This was staed la the police court her? yesterday, when two boys both under 15. were charged witn tapping rubber In Mount Austin Estate withou- authority The magistrate ordered
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  • 97 7 AT the Singapore Rural Board meeting yesterday Mr. E. (in'.islan complained that member? had to strain to see the face of the chairman and that they could not near him because of noise of typewriters and traffic. The chairman uMr. C. W. A. Sennett) sai 1
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  • 145 7 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Thursday. AVER a thousand Malay pilgrims have disembarked at Penang on their way home after completing the pilgrimage to Mecca. The gates outside Swettenham Pier were yesterday crowded with the new arrivals. Relatives and friends turned up in hundreds to welcome
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 7 MR. D. K. BROADHI'RST, D.5.0., Assistant Superintendent of Police who has been appointed to act as Assistant Commissioner, C.1.D., Singapore, In place of Mr. E. V. Fowler, who was recently promoted Deputy Commissioner of Police. Mr. Fowler still remains m charge of the C.I.D. and Mr. Broadhurst will be In
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  • 524 7 AFTER one and half days spent m hearing legal arguments, Mr. Justice Brown m the Singapore Assize Court ruled yesterday that certain statements alleged to have been made by Cpl. Ronald Hurst, L. A. C. Michael Emmanuel Perez and Cpl. E. I. Tuck, accused of
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  • 81 7 The Singapore Rural Board yesterday decided to grant an eating house licence to a wooden -floored house at East Coast Road, waiving the stipulation that all eating houses should have cement floors. The chairman (Mr. C. W. A. Sennett) said he had found the house suitable
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  • 46 7 The 8.0.A.C. Constellation service on the United Kingdom-Australia route has been increased to three services a week. Aircraft will leave Singapore for Australia on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays, and for the United Kingdom and intermediate ports on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
    46 words
  • 441 7 RAF Beaufighters Beat-Up Jungle Area For Hour From Our Stall' Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. n A.F. Beaufighters early today flushed jungle In Eastern Pahang, 20 miles west of Kuantan, m an attack lasting one hour. Rocket and cannon fire was directed on areas where bandits were known to be hiding.
    441 words
  • 63 7 The Singapore Rural Board decided yesterday to recammend to the Government m amendment to the notification creating the Rural Board empowering the Governor 11 appoint a deputy chairman when the legally-constituted chairman, Mr. C. W. A. Bennett, the Commissioner f Lands, cannot fulfil his
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  • 46 7 The Governor (Sir Franklin Gimson) will unveil a bronze memorial plaque m the Chinese Secretariat Building, Havelock Road, on Monday. Dec 20. The plaque Is m memory of 13 officers of the Chinese Protectorate who lost their lives In the war.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 148 7 ON TIME ALL THE TIME CYMA LOSES ONLY II SECONDS IN A MONTH! Cyma Chronometer No. 1905 obtained the record of timing with a mean daily rate of plus or minus 0 second 05 at the last International Timing Test at Neuchatel, Switzerland, when Cyma also obtained the serial prize
      148 words
    • 112 7 One COAT of "Dulux" Q gives a smooth, hard, lusH-ou* surface. It dries quickly and furniture can be used the next day. Made m a full range of attractive colours, "Dulux" Q is Ideal for painting chairs, tables, doors and all internal woodwork. "Dulux" Q is durable. It does not
      112 words

  • 114 8 From Our SUIT Correspondent IPOH, Thurs. A GUARD scheme for lonely Perak kampongs has been devised by the State Security! Committee, the Perak Legal Adviser (Mr. N. G. Neal) told the Perak Council of State to-day. He was replying to Inche Mohd. Esah who said that kampong
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  • 60 8 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs.A Christmas sale of work by patients of the General Hospital. Johore Bahru. will be held at 4.30 p.m. on Dec. 15 m the Lecture Hall of the hospital. Many well-made toys and knitted garments will be on sale.
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  • 197 8 CIGNS of tuberculosis were shown in 55 per cent, of the chest cases X-rayed at the newly-opened Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Clinic in Tanjong Pagar Road. "This is a much higher proportion than we expected", the Clinic radiologist and administrator (Dr. G. H.
    197 words
  • 92 8 The Chief Health Officer's progress report submitted at the monthly meeting of the Rural Board yesterday showed that 1,536 children and 2,523 mothers were given free milk m November. The total quantity of milk used was 2,491 lb. and the total number of feeds 62,730.
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  • 51 8 Singapore Rural Board rates and taxes for 1949 will be the same as those m 1948. Announcing this at yesterday's meeting, the chairman of the Rural Board (Mr. C. W. A. Sennett) said the maximum rate would be 15 per cent, for water and one per cent, for
    51 words
  • 201 8 TODAY Housuig and Town Planning Exhibition, British Council Cerrtre. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Admission free. Peter Pan. by J. M. Barrie, presented by the Dean's School Little Theatre. Ani;i..iar Street 6 p.m. "The Importance uf being Earnest." Stage Club production, V ctorla Theatre, 3.45 p.m. Strata Chinese
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 8 HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Mrs. Bagby, wife of Mr. W. S. Bagby, greets her three sons Billy (11), John (16) and Bob (14) on board the Blue Funnel ship Charon in Singapore yesterday. Like many other school children, the boys have come from Perth to spend the Christmas holidays with
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  • 241 8 PERAK STATE COUNCIL From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Thursday. MEMBERS of the Perak SJate Council are 1T1 to have the same medical privileges as Government servants m the State, but a motion that members should have free telephones at home was defeated today. i Moving
    241 words
  • 150 8 From Oar SUIT Correspondent IPOH, Thurs. THE Perak Council of State 1 approved the setting up of a committee of inquiry which will ascertain and recommend steps to be taken to help the kamponn Malays m the attainment of a more satisfactory economic and social status.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 421 8 Jf~ ~*Vl It*i a Phillips of course! yTV\ VI The cycle that's perfect v^^^UJ 1\ v\ m design and perfonnj/~i<Xxh Jfly^^**v. ance A good lookin 8 [if I mi\ JSm^^^ cycle t00... strong and 1/ I *ma?* reliable, and equipped m\lSj lllW fl^f A\ to withstand the roughn^^v^a j/i I\\
      421 words
    • 259 8 The Complete Change You Have Waited FOR FRESH CRAYFISH FITZPATRICK'S FOOD SUPPLIES TELEPHONE ORDER DEPT. 5281 RAFFLES HOTEL X MAS FESTIVITIES XMAS EVE SPECIAL XMAS DINNER BALL Crackers, Novelties Noisemakers Balloons etc. Diners SB.OO. Non-diners 53.00. XMAS NIGHT SPECIAL XMAS DINNER BALL Crackers, Novelties, Noisemakers Balloons etc. Diners $8.00. Non-diners
      259 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 664 8 When a defender la so fav ured there was no reason to try for a that he not only holds a great ruft. Oblivious of this, howevtr. many trumps, but even holds west opened his singleton spade them in sequence, he should not He never could recover from that hesitate
      664 words

  • 1091 9 "FEMINA" WRITES ON.... The Problem Of Christmas Buying KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday.—However many private headaches there may be over income tax, it is apparently no deterrent to the rush o^ Christmas shopping in Kuala Lumpur, which began, not as one might expect, with the beginning of the Christmas month itself, but
    1,091 words
  • 291 9 *PHE availability of A more Australian sheep m the Colony, has enabled Singapore dealers to slaughter an average of 140 head of Australian sheep and goats daily during the week, according to Radio Malaya, m its weekly review of Singapore food prices. The price of locally
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 337 9 HK-y '•"■••'l ii|l!lU*tS JW ■Hlv%**!'X''v- Xv-'- y^S^' twj^l Wm* IP^*t *j' v *'-''l**t THE SECRET OF BEAUTIFUL SKIN Make-up helps your skin to look beautiful, hut underneath is your skin smooth and unblemished In this sticky climate, ordinary make-up tends to clog, causing skin impurities. Yet you can keep your
      337 words
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  • 727 10 THE Japanese trade agreement, concluded last month between countries of the Sterling Area and SCAP is not restrictive, says a joint Press release issued m Tokyo by all parties to the agreement. The agreement was signed between SCAP (on behalf of occupied Japan) on
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  • 134 10 2 Cents Tax On Each Rubber Tree RUBBER estates in Singapore under 100 acres will have to pay a tax of two cents per tappable tree to the Rural Board In 1949. This was decided yesterday at the monthly meeting of the Board. According to Robber Estates Assessment Ordinance, the
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  • 326 10 Malay News RELIGIOUS LAWS TO BE TIGHTENED From Our Malay Correspondent TOHORE is to tighten its J Muslim laws. Legislation to give rrore powers to Muslim law courts in the State have been drafted by a committee of religious leaders and will go before the Council of State for 'approval
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 10 HOME FROM SCHOOL at Fremantle is 11-year-old David Sewell, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sewell of Singapore. Straits Times picture.
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  • 230 10 rpHE first of the "children's ships" from Australia, the Blue Funnel vessel Charon, arrived in Singapore yesterday with 102 schoolchildren who will spend their Christmas with their parents in the Colony and the Federation. The Harbour Board wharves were crowded with parents and guardians. As
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  • 125 10 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs.— Choo Kwee Foh was yesterday fined $60 for driving a threeaxle motor lorry with an excess axle weight of one ton 16 cwt on one axle. The lorry, carrying logs, was stopped by the Police and when the rear
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  • 91 10 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. r5 High Commissioner paid his first official visit to Perils this morning accompanied by Lady Ourney. They called on the Raja of Perils and the Tengku Permalsuri. Sir Henry inspecteo. the headquarters of the Frontier Force at Jejawl
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  • 84 10 From Our Own Correspondent BATU PAHAT, Thurs.— Penggaram School, Batu Pahat, won the drill competition and came second m the games competition when six schools representing various groups met at Batu Pahat. The following was the order of the squads: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. e. Pengg&ram
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  • 65 10 From Our Own Co-respondent TELUK ANSON, Thurs When Cheong Sin appeared in the District Court on Tuesday he pleaded guilty to a charge of entering Hamiltonia Estate, Bidor. but said he had a permit to attend a festival on the estate. The Judge (Mr. B.
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  • 136 10 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. PLAYING near a fire on which a bottle of paint was being heated, two Chinese children were burned and died in the General Hospital last night. 1 They were the children of a coffee shop proprietor
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 203 10 ROMANCE.. I FLAMING IN THE SHADOW OF DEATH! EXCITEMENT BJBMMMM BL.i^i. FORTH f5 FROM THE HEART 20th Century-Fox's »'7jLY' JMk^ 1 ENCORE ffr. ,HH 4m Wjft tmimphi ■tin i la uiVi Ir^TT^^ jf'flz iwr^k Preceded By 1^^ Th" itonai wood; nrK-o\n FIGHT! STARfS rODAY 1.45 P.M.: 4.15 P.M.; A e'foj
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 286 10 RADIO MALAY A e-Bt Strm 1040 At BBC OVERSEAS Piano: A new series In which Edwin 5 30 Special Dispatch; 6.(X SINGAPORE Fbher plays the Bach "48": 11.00 Music while you work; 6.30 Th< 1, News; 6.45 Queen's Hall Llgh 1.00 Radio Orchestra; 1.30 News; News, Close. Orchestra; 7.30 Prom
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  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 217 11 U.S. TRADERS AWAIT ORDER TO WEIGH ANCHOR FOR INDONESIA From Our Own Correspondent TBATAVIA, Thursday. HE Indonesian Republican Minister of Finance (Mr. A. Maramis) has stated in Paris that American vessels, loaded with textiles and medicines for the Republic, are awaiting orders to sail from the United States. I He
      217 words
    • 204 11 fHE Singapore rubber market was very firm yesterday. The firmness was apparently caused by renewed Russian buying. This, with short covering, Improved the price by about 1% cents per lb. on Wednesday night's close. The market was quiet at the close. Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 sheet
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    • 190 11 PRAK River Valley Rubber Company made a profit of S72.800 in the year to Sept. 30, 1948, after writing off expenses and depreciation. The directors recommend a dividend of 7} per cent less tax. With the balance from the previous year
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    • 53 11 MALAYAN PRODUCTS, trading m palm oil, rubber, gums, resin, tobacco, etc., has Increased its capital by £10,000 m £1 Ordinary shares beyond the registered capital of £5,000. The 6.250 fully paid shares of £1 each have been converted Into £6.250 registered Ordinary itock and subdivided into 62.500 units
      53 words
    • 246 11 LONDON, Thurs. DRICES were generally 1 slightly lower on the London St~ck Exchange yesterday, say., Reuter's financial correspondent. Trading was again very small. Even speculative Interest was at a low ebb. Rubbers were unchanged to lower Tins declined. The Oilt-edged section showed no decided trend but was fractionally
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    • 112 11 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Thurs. MALAYAN shares were again featureless to-day. Very little Interest was taken. Malayan Breweries were quoted In their new form. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association today were: Buyer S«MI« Alex Bricks Pref. 2. 77«± 2. 85 E. Utd. Assur. 41.35
      112 words
    • 90 11 NEW YORK, Thur». RADIO and Television stocks made a good showing In the face of a generally lower New York stock market yesterday. Generally, losses ranged to around a point or more. Transfers amounted to 1.140,000 shares. Gainers Included Magna Vox, Admiral Corporation, Motorola. Pamsworth, Woolworth, Douglas
      AP  -  90 words
    • 57 11 From A Market Correspondent •THE Singapore coconut oil market 1 eased yes erday In very dull conditions. This was despite the lrrcrp&sed price of copra. A small volume of business m 81a Ie sago flour was done at a slightly lower price. Yesterday's changes were: Coconut
      57 words
    • 216 11 PERAK HYDRO'S INDUSTRIAL FINANCIAL COMMITMENTS From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Thursday pERAK River Hydro-Electric Power Company's directors, m their annual repdrt, say that they are constantly considering the necessity of augmenting the company's output to meet the increasing demand Revenue in the year to July 31 was £454,223. The previous
      216 words
    • 81 11 SHIPS m port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowna In brackets) were: Main Wharf: Foochow (31-32) Bulan (33-34). Taksang (35-36)' Kambodia (36-31). DJirak (38-39> Melampus (40-41), Kutaang (4243). Heat Wharf: Tjipondok U-2), Islander (3), Benares (15-16) Empire Dock: Charon (17-18), Serdang (20), Trevaylor (24-25),
      81 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1012 11 MANSFIELD «c CO.. LTD. incorporate] m Stnaaport) BLUfe. ruNNEI LIKE Coffi.n option to proc-d via tk«r ~2s£%Si anur 2£** on" dv. ,Rom OK to 4AHINCS to LIVIRPOOL. CLASCOW tnd CONTINENTAL POUTS •A-M.-.'toM.n.,., 01 Urn Cwablanc*. I 'pool Clasgow Dm. 12 Dm. 20 TolomachM" for Canoa. MarM<liw, M^«6 L'OOOJ Dm. II
      1,012 words
    • 232 11 STRAITS STEAMSHIP CC LTD. WIST COAST MALAYA Mcntakab" tor Muir Dec 10 "M«rNm«H- for P. D.ckson Dec. 12 Miimi for Penang l»t class passenger accommodation) ifom Dec 10 KUat" for Malacca O.c 10 "Mantakab" for Malacca Dec 14 "Jn»"»«" for P. Sham, T. Anson, Penang On. II lAJT COAST MALAYA
      232 words
    • 218 11 PRESIDENT LINER SAILINGS TO NIW YORK AND BOSTON VIA CEYLON, INDIA. ICYPI MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. Pje. |.H.non |an. 0/U |an 17/18 f« 9/21 Dartmouth Victory Lan 20/23 To 04.A Pacific. Atlantic Port. AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD. UNION BLOC TEL. 3821. Ccneral Passenger Agents to Northwest Airlines Port Swettenham Penan* Agents: Sim*
      218 words
    • 291 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAIUNCS FROM SCANDINAVIAN J CONTINENT loi n <i >in g aoore Port Swettennam r3r 3 Pen«ne m.s Kambodia Codown* 36/17 -M.UCC- dv b o^. J=Sr c£T- M p a 0 for Bangkok Saigon Manila rangier. Casablanca Antwerp' HKon. Shanghai 0 KoO. .^^-(SSSSSS/TSS?: hagen Gdynia 'FiOBla" dueabt. Dec
      291 words
    • 807 11 McALISTER CO., LTD. ILLIRMak BUCK-*»U KLAVBMKSS LIMB CITY Of wtICKNOW S doi« P ham <^* n a OO'« j-. jjoH *>'«>.. VTA SSiSwM^.i^JKCSg Sail 29 om. i aa IM SOUCAINVIUI 2nd Mlf March Telephone No S9O« BOUSTEAD <5c CO., LTD. Lloyd Agents. I ICliel Agents for Malayan Kai ways CLEN
      807 words

  • 472 12 FOX HAS STRONG HAND AGAIN TOMORROW Final Trials At Ipoh By EPSOM JEEP IPOH, Thursday. THE race over a mile and 110 yards for class two A maidens at Ipoh on Saturday, final day of the Pcrak meeting, is virtually a match race between Blue Print and Dakota. Only four
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  • 562 12  -  KEN JALLEH I By ONE week after the Malayan Thomas Cup badminton players have left these shores, the true facts behind the much-discussed omission of the Chee cousins, Choon Wah and Choon Keng, the Malayan doubles runners-up have come to light. Letters written to
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  • 154 12 I JIMMY WELCH. Singapore's bost lightweight boxer who t.k.o. 'd Saraban Singh m five rounds recently and tho« convincingly beat Golden Boy. meets Jabbar bin Jaffar m the main event over 10 rounds, at th P Hapov World to-night. Jabbar created a sensation m Batavia recently.
    154 words
  • 66 12 THE Singapore \mateur Weight Mfthu Federation has accepted the Kuala Lumpur organization's challenge to a tournament at the New World. Singapore, m the lirst week of next month. Winners of the Singapore weightlifting championships at the Great World on Dec. 18 and 19 will participate m this competition.
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  • 166 12 BOMBAY. Thurs. ON a pitch which has the reputation of being a batsman's paradise. West Indies made 255 for two on the first day of their second Test match against India at Brabourne stadium here. The batsmen were on top of the attack,
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 124 12 SINGAPORE'S hockey se- lectors, satisfied with the form shown by the Singapore State team m yesterday's tnial, have made no changes In the team which beat Selangor three-nil a fortnight ago. The team to meet Malacca and Negri Sembilan on Dec. 18 and Dec. 19
    124 words
  • 315 12 rIGHTS for all eight races at Ipoh tomorrow, final day of the Perak T.C. meeting, are: CUm t, Maiden*— s Furs. Mr. .'(•ic's E\fibright 7.11 9.10 Saidan 7.08 Btotar C U 8.11 Shining .^chanips Willow 7.04 II 8.09 Wingfleld ii'ucky 8.02 Olrl 7.04 Eddy O\'atiom 7.
    315 words
  • 115 12 COPENHAGEN, Thurs. DENMARK beat Sweden by nine matches to nil m the European zone semi-flnal of the Thomas Cup badminton competition here yesterday. Denmark, who began the day with a four-nil lead, won all the five remaining matches. In the zone final they meet the winners
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 76 12 A team to represent the Joyful Juniors Sport 6 culb XI m a| friendly game of soccer against 223 8.0.D. (Military XI) tomorrow at 515 p.m. on the 8.0.D. ground at Alexandra Road will be I closen from: Tony Adalia, Cheonfi| Beow, O. Angullia, Henry Chua, Kirn Kee,
    76 words
  • 191 12 BOXING claimed the spotlight at Changi last night where the elimination bouts for the RAF. Malaya Novices' comp. tit ion were staged. The only knockout came m on° of the .eml-flnal welterweight contests when AC Wilson (S:lctar) s:ent A/C Hourihan- (Kuala Lumpur for the full count
    191 words
  • 20 12 TODAY HOCKEY: S.B.C. t. C V MA. SRC; G.H.Q. Signal Regt. v. R.N.M.T.— Tanglin; S.C.R.C v. Y.M.C.A.— S.C.R.C.
    20 words
  • 45 12 Haines, Kniiu is insult- 1. n, who s-oro! the li:st goal, almost thiows nunsflf into the net as lie scores from a coi-ner-kuk to make England's tlvrd fml m the International match a<<n;nst Switzerland at lh?hl><:rv last week. Englani von six-nil.
    45 words
  • 215 12 TWELVE club houses are available to Singapore sports clubs at Farrer Park on a monthly rental and applications are invited by the Municipal Secretary. The Municipal Architect (Mr. D. C. Rae) told the Straits Times that the rehabilitation of the old Singapore Turf Club
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  • 75 12 THE 8.0.D. Civilian Association htld the Singapore Harbour Board Police to a scoreless draw m a game of hockey at the Police D.pot ground, Thomoon Road, yesterday. Play on the whole was evenly contested, with both defences playing up stolidly to the end. McCully and Prlsby,
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  • 238 12 THE first game in the Southern section of the All Blues' Rugby competition will be played on the Singapore Cricket Club padang tomorrow. The opponents are Singapore and Negri Sembilan. Kick-off will be at 5.15 p.m. The Singapore team was selected last night as follows:
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  • 49 12 rE Ta-Kung Pao basketball team, one of the strongest sides In China and Including several Olympic players, la expected In Singapore by air today from Batavla. The Singapore Chinese Amateur Athletic Federation Is arranging to give the team five games during their stay m Singapore.
    49 words
  • 237 12 Shell S.C. Rally To Win 3-2 Shell S. C\3. C.S.C QCORINO two goals In .h« i 5 second harf. the Shell Sports Club turned wha^ seemed certain defeat into victory by the odd goal In five over the Ceylon Sports Club m a hockey match at Farref Park yesterday. Scrappy
    237 words
  • 113 12 Prom Our Staff Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Thursday QNE change has been made m the Combined Civilians 1 Rug. by team to meet the Combined Serv.cos at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. P.E. Waugh o' Selangor has come into the side m place of Walsworth-Bell of Penang.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 830 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from pag« 6) ACCOMMODATION WANTED FNOUSH BACHELOR requires turnlshed flat or unfurnished flat, or furnished houae or unfurnished fc-use. Box No. A4796. S.T. F.UROPEAN FIRM require* to t lease on long term, modern ow or double unit house, p No. A4814. S.T. KRICAN COUPLE no chlld••on employed
      830 words
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous