The Straits Times, 23 October 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 341 1 Singapore People Must Give Prints Or Stay Here >EOPLE from Singapore will not be allowed to cross the Causeway unless they have thumbprints in their national registration cards. An official statement in Kuala Lumpur yesterday said that "the security position in the Federation is such that thumbprints
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  • 28 1 CAMBRIDE, Fri.—When thi Queen went to Cambridgi today to become an honorar Doctor of Law, she was thi first woman to enjoy ful university membership. Reuter.
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 1 SOME OF THE 500 PEOPLE who heard Dr. G. V. Allen (on the dais) speak about the future University of Malaya at yesterday's graduation ceremony at King Edward VII College of Medicine, Singapore. Straits Times picture.
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  • 166 1 REDS IN JAVA BEATEN BATAVIA, Fri. PRESIDENT Soekarno announced today that the Indonesian Republican campaign against Communist insurgents was "all but over," and their last big strongholds had fallen. Only scattered Communist groups remained. At one time it was estimated there were 15.000 Insurgents. Tne President called on the Republican
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 128 1 LONDON. Fii.-The "British Commonwealth" today became simply "the Commonwealth." Political quarters regarded the use of the 'Commonwealth"in place of the term ••British Commonwealth" in a four-page communique Issued j alter the last plenary session of the Dominion Prime Minis- ten;' conference as a signincant change m
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  • 156 1 THE Federation last month exported 66,522 tons of rubber, which is the highest monthly total this year and the third highest since the beginning of last year. Production was 64.202 tons, an increase over the previous month of 7,600 tons. This is only 2,000 tons short of
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 130 1 Sailor Sons (3 At Once) LONDON. Fri. London's Trafalgar Day quads^ Annette. Kevin. Robert and Paul Taylor, were today reported "all quite well and happy." They are being fed on glucose and water. Their mother, Mrs. Bessie Taylor of Sheldon Road, Edmonton, la also m good health. When reminded last
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  • 186 1 From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Friday. A SPECIAL Government commission has been appointed to check the activities of Communist terrorists in South Siam, it was officially announced here today. j This commission has been j given authority to check and suppress anv emeruencv created
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  • 36 1 HONG KONG, Fri. The U.S. Pacific Coast strike has cut American shipping tonnage into Hong Kong from 163,097 tons in September to 60,473 tons in the first half of October.— A P.
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  • 159 1 £15,000 Diamonds In Wreck GLASGOW, Fri. DIAMONDS estimated to be worth £15,000 were recovered from the wreck |of the Dutch airliner which crashed near I Prestwick, Scotland, early yesterday. The hoard was found by a 'LM official In a metal box nt'.-asurlßK. t?n by flvs Inches ami hiuiqed to the
    Reuter; UP  -  159 words
  • 111 1 BANGKOK, Fri. I*HE United States will "consider post-haste" appeals for material aid from any country m SouthEast Asia menaced by Communist activity, the Ambassador to Siam (Mr. Edwin F. Stanton) said here today. The Ambassador added that the U.S. Government action on such an appeal
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  • 23 1 WASHINGTON. Frl. The U.S. Army yesterday called for 100.000 veterans to sign up under the expanded reserve programme.— U. P.
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  • 161 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Fr:. PHE High Commissioner (Sir j Henry Ourney) has appointed a committee to inquire into the working of the administrative machinery set up under the Federation of Malaya Agreement. The committee will inquire into the relationship between the Federation Government and the States and Settle-
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 1 THREE NORWEGIAN girls, Gunn Ursin-Holm, Both Hagen, and Yonne Akenz, who are seeing the world as stewardesses on the Torreus which left Singapore for Europe today. Straits Times picture.
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  • 87 1 PARIS, Friday. i^HK French Foreign Ministry today said that it had no official report on a fight which Siamese officials at Bangkok alleged resulted m the death of three Siamese at the hands of 100 French soldiers. According to Siamese provincial officials
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  • 386 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. POLICE and troops captured more terrorists and burned down more of their camps m the last 24 hours. The terrorists killed three special constables m the Bahau area of Negri Sembilan. Seven constables were m a truck travelling
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  • 190 1 "Little 6" Act On Berlin PARIS, Fri. THE six "neutral" mcmx bers of the Security Council today formally called upon the Big Four to end their Berlin blockade crisis immediately, and suggested a new Council of Foreign Ministers meeting on Germany about Nov. 30. The long-awaited resolution was presented to
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  • 80 1 LONDON Fri.—High ladim officiate on Mr. Nehru's behalf today described "not accurate' an American news agency report published m Bombay stating thit India had-"definitely decided" to proclaim herself a repubj lie but wished to remain with- |a the Commonwealth. The report was ascribed to official quarters m
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 7 1 registration [First cards go out m Colon;
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    • 153 1 I vy\\ KSPtmnoH f /7s^l smsAPon- nmuis. \M* W* mi? $^Mj^ wit X l\ \\i I I I iv. i' -^sfc Best Safeguard/o#ijun> i\\\ l< I Health CONSIDER how freely children use up energy how rapidly their young bodic* are growing and developing. This call* for special attention to their
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 122 2 BERLIN, Friday. rLARENCE, the flying camel, arrived m Berlin today to be greeted by about 5,000 children. Descending daintily f m his private C-54 transport, the mascot of the 86th Fighter Wing found himself almost mobbed by a shouting tussling throng of ragged urchins. He brought
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    • 57 2 PERTH, Frl. Made from skins of the almost extinct Australian platypus, a rug Is on sale in Perth, but nobody knows what It Is worth. It is to be sold by the Perth Museum and Art Gallery to raise funds to buy works of art, One estimate of
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    • 55 2 LONDON. Frl. A diamond said to be worth £1,140, which was being used as an exhibit, was dropped at the Old Bailey and for some minutes was lost. Three witnesses and a police officer got under a table to look for it with a petrol lighter. It was
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 41 2 LONDON, Fri. Britain cannot afford to buy turkeys from Argentina for this Christmas. The 3,903 tons of birds imported last year will be made up by increased home production and purchases from Eire, Australia, Hungary, Poland and Uruguay.— U.P.
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    • 36 2 LONDON, Fri. A baby girl, born with liver and intestines outside her body, has made an uneventful recovery from an operation —carried out two hours after birth—to put these organs m their normal places. —A.P.
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    • 60 2 LONDON, Frl. OMtAFALGAR SQUARE dis1 played its new look yesterday on the 153rd. anniversary of Nelson's historic naval victory. The Duke of Gloucester unveiled busts of Lord Jellicoe and Lord Beatty, two First World War Admirals. From Nelson's Column, naval cadets flew the famous order: "England expects
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    • 56 2 BIRMINGHAM, Fri. This industrial city may get a monument taller than Nelson's in Trafalgar Square. London. A city council committee has recommended that a column be built topped by the statue of a nude man "the spirit of Birmingham." It would rise to 185 feet, 4 ft. 6
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    • 39 2 VIENNA Frl. The two 1 Russian Air Force lieutenants who deserted the Soviet Union in a dramatic llisht from the Ukraine say that they want to go to the United States "and become good American citizens."— U.P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1169 2 NOTICES BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD S PORE ORDER OF THE DIRECTOR OV DISPOSAL^. FAR EASTERN AR.CA 1M.0.5.) The following Tenders have been issued during the past week: SINGAPORE AREA: Tender 538: Closing date 27/ 10/48. M.T. Spares: Cotton Cloth: Hose Pipes: Oil Cookers, complete with Cases: Mattress Cases: Telephone Bell
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    • 710 2 NOTICES THE TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE, 1938 This advertisement appears by direction of the Registrar of Trade Marks under the provisions of Section 49 (7) of the Ordinance. NOTICE is hereby given that the following trade marks registered In the name of Arasl Ramallngam son of Arasi Veeranna Chettl trading as
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    • 803 2 NOTICES NOTICE Pursuant to Section 39 of the Trustees Ordinance (Chapter 59) and In the Matter of the Estate of Vilhelm Sode Westh, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the abovenamed deceased person should give notice thereof In writing to the
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    • 192 2 SHIPPING NOTICES NEDERLAND LINE ROYAL DUTCH MAIL NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES S.S. "ROEBIAH" due Singapore about 29th Oct. ,1948, from U S.A. Atlantic Coast Ports enroute for Batavia Discharging cargo alongside S.H.B. [wharves. Last claim day 8 days after the discharge has been completed Consignees are requested to apply for Delivery
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    • 300 2 (^EIiESSffiS) a., w. a. 3 Shows Daily— 3, 6 15, 915 p.m. D A J*} Irt I A 7OTHEENDS OF THE EARTH' ZloiZl YvZ _with DICK POWELL Vibrator Battery Model Tn-nite at Mid-nitr Van Johnson J, Bl"d»B l" d f SS J 'THE ROMANCE OV ROSY Operates 2 wccki on
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  • 394 3 India, Pakistan, Ceylon Thanked LONDON, Friday. A COMMUNIQUE issued at the end of the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference m London today paid tribute to the valuable contributions made to the talks by the Prime Ministers of India, Pakistan and Ceylon. The statement, the longest of the
    Reuter  -  394 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 3 NEW PLANES: The third of five Trans- Australia A ir ne Convair aircraft reached Singapore from the United Kingdom yesterday. The aircraft which have the unusual feature of a built in step ladder at the stern will be used in Australia for traffic between capital cities.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 341 3 N. CHINA DANGER MOUNTS The Week In China PEKING, Fri. PRESIDENT Chiang Kaishek is trying to avert complete disaster to his armies m North China and Manchuria and salvage what he can. Here is what events of the last week brought him face to face with: Taiyuan, capital of Shensl,
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  • 34 3 LONDON, Fri. Admiral Lord Fraser, First Sea Lord, told the Navy League yesterday not to worry about the new Western Union defence scheme. The British Fleet was still under British command.—A.P
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  • 87 3 BRISBANE, Fri. All but 19 of the aboriginal population of 249 on Bentinck Island, m the Gulf of Carpentaria, are believed to have perished. Unconfirmed reports received here, today said a tidal wave struck the island and destroyed its water supply. Most of the 230 dead
    Reuter-AAP  -  87 words
  • 179 3 SEOUL, Friday. US. Army Headquarters said today that Korean troops this afternoon reached Yosu, the South Korean port seized by Communist-led rebels in a revolt, which now appears to be dying out. Headquarters based its statement on a report from the Korean Army, which said
    AP  -  179 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 3 ASSIGNED TO LOVE: Mrs. Barbara Runyon who as a young American reporter at Hong Kong fell m love at a social engagement she reported. She married Mr. Richard Runyon who passed through Singapore as a passenger on the Torrens.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 174 3 TEL AVIV, Fri. ISRAEL today ordered 1 her troops to cease fighting m the Negev M i Palestine) desert. Both Israel and Egypt an forces, locked m combat In the desert for more than a week, had awaited the ceasefire order. The Jews, flushed vith their
    AP  -  174 words
  • 199 3 PARIS, Friday. FRENCH Cabinet Ministers are urging the Premier (M. Henri Queuille) to declare martial law m the riot-torn coal field where more than 170 police and soldiers were injured m battles with strikers yesterday. f One Republican security guard was killed during a battle, the
    Reuter; UP  -  199 words
  • 24 3 NEW YORK, Fri. The aoociniii. Nt or Mr. Frank A. Starzel as general managei of the Associated Press was announced ves*erday.—A.?.
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  • 150 3 U.N. TRUST COUNCIL: A WARNING PARIS, Fri. BRITAIN yesterday warned the United Nations that the trusteeship system coverling 10 territories with 15,000,000 Inhabitants might collapse If it continued to be "undermined by political propaganda." Mr Grantley Adams of British Barbados, representing Britain, told the trusteeship committee of the General Assembly:
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 196 3 Outstanding for Quality of reproduction LATEST MODEL Desired m the Pye Laboratories at Cambridge it has a quality of reproduction never heard before m a table model. Sole Distributors: ANN PENG TRADERS LTD. 59, STAMFORD ROAD, SINGAPORE. factory Representatives: T.V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANO for Persian, Bokhara
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    • 275 3 FRESH MILK >• supply. Tk« demand far axcaedt that of pre-war and production Kat not ytt reached pra-wat maximum. We arc unable to increase our present number of distributors until further notice. Pleas* be patient with YOUR distributor as his supplies are strictly limited. Milk bottles, too. are precious. Please
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  • 234 4 LIVERPOOL, Friday. IV^INE detectors are being used m a novel fashion at the docks here to help speed up the shipment to the United States of Malayan rubber cargoes. Huge consignments of rubber are being stored m the United Kingdom and re-shipped to
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 4 TEA FOR 150 SPECIAL constables was served at Kuala Kubu on Wednesday by a welfare committee at Liv Selangor. Straits Times picture.
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  • 124 4 THE Governor of Singapore, 1 Sir Franklin Gimson. has already given one day's pay to the United Nations Appeal for Children Lady Gimson has also sent a personal contribution. A total of $35,000 has so far bwn collected m Singapore for the Appeal. The fund
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  • 81 4 Singapore police want a 40year old Chinese who is alleged to have stabbed a Hokkien. Ong Lam Kay, at Clyde Terrace yesterday. The stabbed man ran from Clyde Terrace to Beach Road police station to make a re- 1 port at 7.30 a.m. yesterday His condition
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  • 237 4 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Friday. oI'KPKISE that such a large sum as $30,000— if It did exist was m the safe of a Government officer on the last day of the year with the following day a public holiday was expressed by the acting Director
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  • 60 4 The 20 year-old Royal Interocean Lines ship Nieuw Holland arrived m Singapore yesterday from Hong Kong to resume her pre-war oassen- ger-cargo service between Singapore. Batavia and Aus1 tralian Dorts. The vessel served as a British trooper during the war and has spert the last six months being
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  • 28 4 All crews and passengers ot vessels calling at Japanese ports must have smallpox tad typhoid innoculation certificates not more than' one year old.
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  • 157 4 TODAY V.M.C.A.. Orchard Road. Sin- gapore Chess club, 3 p.m. The Seventh Singapore Company, Boys Brigade, seventh annual display and review, St. Andrew's School, Woodsvllle, 3 p.m. Medical College Alumni Asso-! elation, re-union dinner, Harrawer Hal. Medical College, si p.m. Suit u::d Steadfast Club, i Founders Day dinner,
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  • 29 4 Mr. E. A G. Blades. Assistant Superintendent of Police, has been appointed to act as Superintendent. Special Branch, Singapore Police Force, with effect from Oct. 1.
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  • 305 4 Alleged Generator Theft I 'THE preliminary inquiry j A into a tentative charge lof the theft of a threeton truck and a generating set from the R.A.F. air strip m Paya Lebar, on Jan. 8 was continued m the Seventh Police Court yesterday. Appearing at th; Inquiry were three airmen.
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  • 160 4 APART from renewed Russian interest, the rubber market has ruled quiet during the week, says Lewis Peat's market report. Continental inquiries are still being received, especially from France, but factory interest from other quarters has been small. Malayan September production figures have just
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 160 4 Jeep Staff on tt/aqott BY WILLYS-OVERLAND THE FOUR WHEEL IDEAL The mobile convenience that will solve your many problems of transportation because it is easily converted to suit your commercial as well as your domestic ipPf^jg SEATS FOR SEVEN. 3 HaT" J* ALL EX «PT DRIVER'S fiar SEAT REMOVABLE ISIKIHUTORS
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    • 332 4 GREAT WORLD WRESTLING TO-NIGHT at 9 p.m. TONIGHT H A FIGHT NIGHT TO 1» d I*l Hi I»l O JCi t% ■W| K.VVOI'S RfcMUC.HI ft)K 2 TRKASIKII) rROPHIKS!! fw Jl < h im P' on Of Turkey I The Only Man Who y^>^K Kgt I <lol<*s 2 Derision-. sddA
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  • 401 5 Tin At Its Best Since Liberation From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. I AST month's rubber exports of 66,522 tons constituted the highest monthly total for this year and the third highest since the beginning of last year. In the quarter ended Sept. 30, tin exports of
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 5 MX. J. W. CHILTON, Assistant Superintendent of Police, who will be Singapore's Traffic Police Cbief, m place of Mr. C. J. R. Bembroke who goes shortly on leave to England. Mr. Chllton was formerly Officer m Charge of Marine Police, Singapore. Straits Times Picture.
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  • 416 5 By Our Woman Correspondent FEWER and fewer people are able to come into the Colony with forged entry permits. In July, 40 illegal immigrants were prose- cuted and sentenced for being m possession of i forged permits. In September this figure had dropped to
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  • 66 5 Singapore will be included In the new schedule for 8.0.A.C. Constellations De- tween England and Australia. said local officials of the corporation yesterday morning. They said that a newe agency report from London. i which omitted Singapore from the list of stopping places. was incorrect.
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  • 28 5 TKLUK ANSON. Thurs —For erec tl n g unauthorised huts lln the Town Board limit, three men were fined 10 each In the Magistrate's court here.
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  • 296 5 Emergency Advice To Unions From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. ADVICE to trade union members on their posi- i tion during the emergency is given m a pamphlet published by i the Trade Union Adviser, Federation of Malaya and Singapore. "The present Emergency Regulations are not directed against responsible
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  • 158 5 THE issue of 10,515 x identity cards began at 8 a.m. yesterday at a 64 registration centres throughout Singapore. Most of the centres reported that thumb impressions and signatures were being record- I ed without any trouble. Meanwhile, registration is a going on satisfactorily. A warninsr
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  • 421 5 I'UMoitKO a k M-rvnea m Singapore churc.V;s are as Jo lows: CHURCH Or E.NGLANU: 8t Andrew's Cathedral of Singapore at 7 a.m.- 8 a.m. 10.30 a. ro 11.15 a.m., 5.30 p.m. St. George's Garrison Church, Tanglln (open 'o civilians) 7.15 a.m. 9 a.m., 9 45 a.m. 6.30 p.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 298 5 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! SEND A 'SHROFFS' CARPET Nov. 3rd is the last Posting Day NEW ARRIVALS COIR CARPETS <c RUGS Size Best Grade Med. Grade Plain 6* x 3' $14.00 8.00 6.00 Each. 9' x 6* $42.00 $24.00 $18.00 8' x 10' $63.00 $36.00 9' x 12' $84.00 $48.00 $36.00 0
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  • 117 6 Tlie remains of the late Mrs. Chung Chee <nee Heah Seok Veongi. will be removed to Penang Ik internment. The cortege leaves N 27 Perak Road. Kuala Lum pu. at 2.00 p.m. to-day, the 23rd 1. for the railway statioa and the remains will be conveyed mail to
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  • 45 6 The family of the late Madam X' b Ynn Tee Neo. wishes to express their heartfelt thanks to tho Hi inif roils friends and relatives who pan. r.ieht vi.*it,s and attended her funeral. a!so those who so kindly Jent cars, lorries, sent wreaths etc.
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  • 615 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat., Oct. 23 1948. THE AUDIENCE Very few citizens of Singapore yet realise what an inspiring spectacle a meeting of the Legislative Council has become, now that the Council meets m the Victoria Memorial Hall. The old Council Chamber on the other side of Empress Place
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  • 448 6 A most surprising contrast between the treatment of Volunteers in North Borneo and Malaya was revealed In a letter from a Jesselton resident published in our correspondence columns recently. "For our poor Volunteers," wrote this correspondent, "no back-pay, no allowances, rehabilitation or otherwise, no ribbons, no medals, no
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  • 21 6 LONDON, Fri. Mr. Wilfred Meynell, poet, essayist, and biographer, has died at the age of 96.— A.P.
    AP  -  21 words
  • 1936 6 A Malayan Countryman's Diary (AY, Oct. 17.— We r e had a busy week sundry defence drilling and tarictice. Next week •uld be free to get ith the job for we are paid, egular attendance S.Cs. at the range, re confidence that narkmanship will Lilly equal that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 708 6 ILa.«IHKU ADS. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED European AssLstant fov Import Firm, preferably with tbout 5 years experience Apply ox No A4313. S T WANTED A stenographer for Buropenn Firm, state quallflcaage and saiarv required Box No. A4343. S.T. SHORTHAND TYPIST required for immediate entry. Knowledge of Dutch preferable. Box No A4354.
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    • 126 6 ONE PAIR OF EYES "One pair of eyes to last a lifetime. You can chew with false teeth, walk with a wooden leg, but never can you see with a blind eye."" This does not mean chat we are in danger of going blind but a warning that we should
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    • 8 6 \rjjj. gjMOM'S: tfQIt.S£WQ2O SLlM£Z>yti I PORTABLE ELECTRIC TDDLsI
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  • 783 7 Dr. Allen Says 'l Am Optimistic THE University of Malaya should be fully es- tablfshed by the opening of the next academic year, m October 1949. This was announced yesterday by Dr. G. V. Allen, the acting Principal of the Singapore College of
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  • 224 7 A STRIKE notice signed by 178 Chinese artisans has been presented j to Hume Industries (Far East), whose works are on the Bukit Timah Road, Singapore. The dispute concerns the dismissal of 75 men from Hume Industries. The general manager of the company wrote on Oct.
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  • 42 7 NO PERMIT— 3 MONTHS SEGAMAT Fri. Karditar bin Sawina. 26-year-old Indonesian, was arrested bv a Special constable on Voules Estate Tenang. In the Segamat District Court he was sentenced to three months' hard labour for entering a protected area without a permit.
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  • 381 7 She is Miss .saima binte Ismail who now works among Malay women and children m Alor Star and came down to Singapore yesterday specially to receive her diploma from Sir Franklin Gimson at the graduation ceremony of the King Edward VII College of Medicine. Another
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  • 174 7 Two Courts For Assize Arrears /\WING to the large accumulation of cases awaiting trial at the Sinj gapore Assizes, two courts will be assigned for assize work next month. At the present time, there are well over 100 cases awaiting trial. A large majority of them have been held over
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  • 66 7 CHARGED WITH SELLING BABY i Ng Soy Keng, a woman. was at the Second Police Court yesterday accused of 'having sold a three year-old girl to Hoi Chin Hong, a man, for $270. 11 The Magistrate (Mr. L. C. lOoh) explained the charge ito the accused and postponed l the
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  • 137 7 THE Boys and staff of St. Joseph's Institution, Singapore. last night welcomed the Assistant Superior General to the Brothers of the Christian Schools, the Very Rev. Brother Lawrence O'Toole. Brother OToole was guest of honour at a concert m the institution attended by the Bishop of Malacca,
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  • 476 7 IT IS undoubtedly the duty of this court to relieve those people who have been deceived by the fraud of others," said the chairman of the Singapore Rent Conciliation Board (Mr. A. W. Bellamy) m giving judgment m an appeal yesterday. The case was
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  • 226 7 MEMORIAL TO 11 STUDENTS AT yesterday's gradua- tion ceremony at the i King Edward VII College of Medicine a plaque m memory of 11 undergraduates who were killed the day before Singapore fell to the Japanese was unveiled. Very few outside a circle of medical people know how these 11
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  • 923 7 OACTEKIOLOGICAL warfare and how he th. the medical profession could help to outlaw' it, was the main point of Sir Franklin Gimson's s A eeih at the graduation ceremony of the Singa] College of Medicine yesterday The Governor felt that if thp mpHirnl nrnfrccinn l tninit
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 63 7 Power Transmission U7Mrrr?\ VBelts m N [nil I r Conditioning 3H Billy ST0CK SHELD Optorg Co. (malaya) Ltd. 1 24 ROBINSON RD. 5 OLD MARKET SQ. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR. PHONE 3760 3769 PHONE 2256 M. FLINTER S.GRINBERG Diamonds and Jewellery TELEPHONE 7923 67, STAMFORD RD., (Eu Court Bldg) Spore POPPY
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  • 988 8 "FEMWA" WRITES ON TWENTY one-year- old Tonny Saptuhodojo, whose exhibition of paintings opens at the British Council rooms on Monday, has never studied art m his life, apart from the rudimentary art lessons given at the Dutch school at Bandoeng; yet now he holds his
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  • 157 8 suka to dengar Malays Yang berchakap the language betul; Tetapi I'm quite m a daze When the youngsters pechar every rule. I choba to faham their wails But I sometimes fikir it's kuat When they jalan away off the rails And ta'dapat the thing quite so hot.
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  • 325 8 REPORTS have been received by the Food Control Department that m certain markets, beef stall-holders have been indulging m various nefarious practices to deceive consumers, states Radio Malaya m its weekly review of Singapore food prices. One of their tricks has been to treat frozen beef
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 373 8 1 4 M> j. i m t a 1 This X-ray may be yours Only an X-ray will confirm the extent of any abnormal condition beneath the gums and only your Dentist is qualified »o render professional services m cases of disease or infection Daily Dental Care with Ipttia develops
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    • 219 8 lfl§§pL If From hit first feed of COW GATE Bab/ shows pleasure and contentment —he loves it! And the Mother too watches with delight the regular and natural growth of strong firm bone and sound health/ flesh. Yes, he'll be read/ to take his place just now m what we
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  • Straits Times SATURDAY FORUM
    • 1548 9 $20,000,000 A YEAR —WHY NOT? 1 ADMIRE your efforts to promote the growth of a social conscience m Singapore. On the other hand I feel that a lot was left unsaid m your recent leaders commenting on Mr. Bingham's comparison of wage rates m
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    • 236 9 AM convinced after reading Wednesday's Straits Times that interference from Whitehall is not the only cause of local discontent. It seems clear to me that the local administration is just as much to blame. It is now close on three years since dissatisfaction crept into the medical
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    • 192 9 Transport For The Sergeants YOUR able leader on the Palestine Police brings out the point that the organisation and training !of the Special Constabulary called for the recruitment of these SerI geants and, as is well known, they have been assigned to districts. However, unless these Ser- geants are provided
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 98 9 Be refreshed inside as well as out by takuig a \^ZLZ^^ glass of sparkling Andrews. Gently, Andrews rids your system of trouble-making impurities which t^^4j^ cause so many every-day ailments. Be regular with tiftfl" > W l ?u Andrews for your health's sake. J ..j^ Andrews uversalt COOLS REFRESHES INVIGORATES
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 660 9 The defence had to be flawless i honours, he would have had easy to defeat the contract In today's going, but without knowledge on dea 1 this point he chose to lead the North, dealer heart J ack tor a finesse. West Both sides vulnerable covered, and the king won.
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  • 351 10 LONDON, Fri. VESTERDAY was a quiet I day for the London Stock Exchange, with few major price alterations, says Reuter's financial correspondent. Rubbers were unchanged to lower, Tins Irregular to lower. The subscription list (or the new £100,000.000 Electricity three per cent, loan opened and closed yesterday. The
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  • 185 10 AMERICA has entered the po«*war Singapore coconut oil market. The first shipment to the United States since the liberation is to be made next month It is of 600 tons. Sales of Malayan coconut oil m Indian and European markets m the last two months have
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  • 798 10 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Friday. A FEATURE of the Malayan share market today was the announcement by Malayan Breweries of a bonus issue of three shares free for everv one share held. Malayan Breweries shares were today quoted at buyer $25.35. seller $25.85 cd
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  • 203 10 Singapore Rubber flPENINQ steady yesterday the Singapore rubber market later eased slightly on publication of Malayan September rubber production figures, which showed an increase of 7,600 tons over the previous month. The market closed quiet and easier. Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 sheet f.o.b. buyers 42% cents, sellers 43
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  • 102 10 SHIPS In port alongside the Singapore Harbour Doard wharves yesterday (godowns In brackets) were: Main Wharf: Bldor (31), Bt. Thomas (33-34), Mount Mansfield (38-39). Esang (40-41). West Wharf: Katong (4-5), Marlekerk (8-9), Denbighshire (10-11), Trevaylor (15-16). Empire Dock: Javanese Pnnce (17-18), Maron (25-26). East Wharf: Arnold Maersk
    102 words
  • 103 10 M. BREWERIES jyjALAYAN Breweres is to increase its authorised capital from $1,500,000 to $10,000,000. "Management and Ordinary shareholders will be Issued v~:th three fully paid up shares for every dollar share held. The proposal will be put before an extraordinary general meeting of the company m
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1228 10 4k CO., LTD. I m Singapore) ■TRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. WEST COAST MALAYA "Mentakab" for Malacca Oct 26 "Merlimau for P. Oickson Oct. 25 "Sagamat" for P Sham, T. Anson Penang Oct. 10 "Serampang" for I. Anson, Penang Belawan Oct. 25 ■AST COAST MALAYA "R.sang" for Kuantan Oct. 24 "Rawang"
      1,228 words
    • 213 10 PRESIDENT LINES «>erai Kauenge* Agent for Northwest Airline* ,Nn!i IN S.vI2 IIW1 IW YORK ANO »OSTON via INDIA ECYPT 6 MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Mount Mansfield n fort &:;;;;:::-^ir' etM^ t AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD. UNION BLOC TEL 3821. 9 t'harr Penan« Agent Sim. Darby Co LYKES ORIENT LINE direct to HOUSTON
      213 words
    • 347 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE iAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA 'U X SAILINCS TO CONTINENT/ CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA Loading at Singapore. Port Swettenham i "Nikobar" due abt. Oct. 28 Penang for Fusan. m.s "Nordfar.i due abt. Oct. 28 fn < "Kiw.a" toi M»nn« HKons Shu tot Madras Colombo Aden, m.. Korea to. Manila H Kong.
      347 words
    • 878 10 McALISTEK <Sc CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Singapore) KLLBRMAM cV BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINK HAVRE. LONDON. ROTTEROAM Accepting carg^f^-North Alto*. CANA UN PAC C Ji Ports Canada via Colombo f CITY OF YOKOHAMA Accepting cargo for Central iouthj DU UniF* 2J Oct. American Ports gP'WIS!!? l£. CASTLEVILLI SSS: iTSS: p.^ »*«s •Calls
      878 words

    • 555 11  - Brighter Outlook For Rugger LARRY CARROL By IF any —oof were needed of the 'n^*- ..singly high place Rugby is taking in tb- attentions of Asian sportsmen in Malaya, it will be provided by next week-end's game in Kuala Lumpur between the Selangor Malays and their Perak compatriots. This is
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    • Article, Illustration
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    • Article, Illustration
      5 11 P. K. BASKARAN
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    • 246 11 BY KEN JALLEH T EARNING the finer points ot the game m the land of the world's best hockey players India it was no surprise that when P K. Baskaran came to Singapore m 1925, he soon became one of the finest hockey players
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    • 242 11  - Malaya's Leading Asian KHOK CHEANG KEE BY ONE of Penang's most outstanding sports personalities is Asian rugger star, Maurice Pestana His accomplishments m the field of sport are particularly noteworthy because he has reached top ranks and stayed there for a number of years, m a game m which few
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    • 448 11 By THE SPORTS EDITOR TFHE Singapore Amateur Football Association's x second post-war Cup final will be played at Jalan Besar Stadium today, and the strongly-favoured Kota Raja Football Club will field their full first I team which beat the Amicable Athletic Association by
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  • 248 11  -  LEE SIEYV YEE By WONG Peng Soon and Ong Poh Lim are opposed m the all three finals of the Singapore badminton championships. The first, the singles wil be decided today; the second, the doubles, tomorrow. They will not meet m the mixed doubles for some weeks
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 226 11 TODAY! ONLY I SHOWS -NOT t TIM IS REELS 5.45 25 X^^'MSffl 900 WHOLE i^MßMfc NEW SERIAL STUNTS SLAM f^C^^ WATH BANG /jWltllf* DEFYING ACTION (fJfUP^ THRILLS PHONE mf f* JL 4042 RKX CHILDREN'S MATINEES at 11 a.m. Today: "DALTONS RIDE AGAIN" Tomorrow: Bing Crosby Fred Astalre m "BLUE SKIES"
      226 words
    • 217 11 LAST DAY-TO-DAY Columbia's OPENS TO~MORROW mmm\ "*^W. kW\ *&Qmm*. i jHmUBJIbVImj HmUBJ1bV1m mm m\CJlw* m r^ALHAMBRA^ I! M.G. M.S NEW HIGH IN THE MUSICAL SKY/ "This Time For Keeps" Color By TECHNICOLOR V*JL Esther Williams 9 With Her Eye-Filling m A V LAURITZ MELCHOIR mWi M X JIMMY DURANTE m
      217 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 404 11 RADIO MALAYA Share Mar!:u 8.M Ivor Novello RADIO AUSTRALIA timrtDAnt Music id), .> 1u World Affairs SINGAPORE (BBC): 5.45 Symphonic Concert: <9 30 am to 11.30 *jn.: 21.54 it.20 ko at oi mt/»i a 30 News (BBC): 7.15 News: 178 4. 15.21 15.20 mc/i: 4 pjn to 1 p.m. Radio
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  • 1030 12  - THREE GOOD BETS FOR TODAY No Regrets, Sir Galahad, Suivi From EPSOM JEEP MO Regrets, Sir Galahs good each- way investr final day of the Perak meeting. No Regrets was not beaten by Liberty Man c day, and I am confident hi the straight five and a h Sir Galahad
    1,030 words
  • 160 12 tACE 1: 15 p.m. EPSOM JEEP SMILING THRU Had Rhythm Royal Bounty PIA Kirn Arthur Lucky Ace 818 GALAHAD Ind. Heather Bright Eye* CALt BO* GOLD STREAM Eirplre Rose Royal Bounty PIA Kin* Arthur Oarnnk POINTER GOLD STREAM Royal Bounty Hamhrion KACE t: 45 p.m PIA Kinf Arthur
    160 words
  • 961 12 BELOW are the acceptances for today's Ipoh races. The Double Totes are on races three and four, and six and seven. The Big Sweep will be drawn on race eight. Race 1—2.15: Cl. 2, Div. 2—6 Furs. 000 Hainbt ion Flannery 9.00 Mrs. T. V. Mitchell A.
    961 words
  • 170 12 LIM PENG HAN, ace Malayan motorist, ha; entered four cars In the Singapore Motor Club'i hill climb tomorrow at Pender Road off Pasii Panjang Road. Peng Han will himself drive one car m the racing cars class and another m the sports
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  • 116 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. PLAYING without the service* of some of their regulars, the Selangor Eurasian Association qualified for the jseml-flnai of the Senior aoccer cup-tie competition this evening when they defeated the Malaya District Works Squadron by two goals to one on the V.M.C.A. ground. Ten
    116 words
  • 119 12 QARBAN Singh (HI 1 lbs. stippod Tommy Carrie <148'« lbs > In the second round of a srhoduied 10 -round main event at the lHpp\ World Stadium last night Carne'.s seconds threw In f ne o md the n«ht Mok Kai Khoon (114. lbs >
    119 words
  • 227 12 rOALXEEPERS took the honours In yesterday's hockey match at Hong Lim Green m which Singapore j Chinese Recreation Club beat Nee Soon Hockey Club by an only goal scored three minutes from the final whistle Nee Soon, settling down early, had the better of the first
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  • 136 12 TODAY SOCCES: S.A.F.A. Cap final.. SBC. v. Kola Raja S.C Jalan Besar Stadium, 5 p.m. .SWIMMING: Singapore swimming championships— 8.8.C. pool —2.30 p.m. BADMINTON: Singapore chatnplonshpls —Clerical Union 9.3* a.m.; Chinese V.M.C.A v. Chinese High School. 107, Setefie Rd. 4 p.m. FRIENDLY SOCCER: Tiong Bahrn Ranters 9, Kallang
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  • 126 12 THE Raffles Institution "A" and and "B" hockey teams wore both successful m their matches against St. Joseph's Institution, played on the Raffles Instltutloc ground yesterday. The Rafflesians scored ore-nil victories m each game. The victory of their "B" team was •specially commendable as they
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  • 36 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.— The Tamlllans Physical Culture Association won the final of the Junior knock-out soccer competition today, beating the Selangcr Chinese Recreation Club one-nil at Kampong Attap.
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  • 39 12 THE men's doubles and womea's doubles finals of tha Singapore District lawn tennis championships will be played at O.H.Q. Tanglin Barracks at 4.30 p.m. today. The mixed doubles and rrens singles finals will take plac e tomorrow
    39 words
  • 41 12 CT. Andrew's School beat the Medical College "A* 1 team m a keenly contested rugger match on the M.C.U. ground on Thursday. The score was nine points (three tries) to six points (a penalty goal and a try)
    41 words
  • 98 12 TANGLIN Club beat a Singapore Teachers' tennis team oy three matches to one at the Club yesterday. Scores (Club players mentioned first): R. Macartney and B.C. Fay beat Chin Kee Oun and Low Kee Pow 6—2. 3—6, 7—3; W. A. Kermer and J. W. Brand lost
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  • 25 12 Today: High Water, 1.34 a.m. (Bft. 3in.>, 12.55 p.m Oft 21n.). Tomorrow: High Water, 2.24 'a.m. (7ft. 71n.V I.SO p.m (Bft I 91rO.
    25 words
  • 476 12 VLTIEVE Wolters, 14J-year-old member of the Singapore Swimming Club, recorded the most noteworthy performances m the heats of the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association's championships which were held at the S.S.C. pool ye ?s^r day i (S.S.C). 3~ Leona Ah Kow Without having to extend himself, he
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  • 141 12 HONOURS m shared In a hocl-cy mat.'h >n :h' padarß yesttrday between the SiCricket Club and the Rain— CoHcge, who drew one-all. Thllagaratnam played a grand game for the College and war- thp unlucklest of the forward, He l>cd two excellent chances jjt on both j
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 487 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. ic»iiUnue< rrom oage 6' M. Silver Cross De-Luxe $100 Camera K-aina I. 3t> Innn n rA ft. earn etc *180 Ofler« afiO Orchard Rd —1884. BUaVM Orev Suit (D B.» bt 5'7J" Chest 38. new^ Owner does not require. What Offers? Box No. A4370. 8 T .EHOLD building
      487 words
    • 73 12 The grandest feast for j* t your eyes and treat for^,\' tj> your ears sm f *k BING CROSBY |Tm SING, YODEL and WHISTLE AT M'NITE TONIGHT! PARAMOUNT CROWNING vy ENTERTAINMENT ACHIEVEMENT! mjk UC Km IN REGAL TECHNICOLOR! j( the V" h1 P p" r for" aH *jk qyt«.»L»p>«> Ou»»k>0
      73 words