The Straits Times, 28 September 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 1120 1 "Russia To Blame If Black Fury Of Atom Warfare Comes" PARIS, Monday. AILR. Ernest Bevin, the British Foreign Secretary, told the United IVI Nations General Assembly today that Russia alone would be responsible if atom warfare burst upon the world. "With all the solemnity at
    AP  -  1,120 words
  • Article, Illustration
    60 1 BASKET SELLER: One of the excellent photographs In Straits Times Pictures 1948. On sale early in November, it contains nearly 100 photographs. Last year's issue was sold out after running through three editions. Make sure of your copy by ordering now: price 12.75 posted to any address in the world
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  • 209 1 SHANGHAI, Monday. \IK. Aw Haw, son of Mr. Aw Boon Haw, Singapore's Itl '-xiger Balm King." was reported tonight to have left for Hong Kong one and a half hours before his arrest was ordered for alleged unlawful currency and black market dealings His arrest
    Reuter  -  209 words
  • 37 1 RANGOON, Mon.-Burmese Government troops were today mopping up m Syrian?, Bri-tish-owned oil refinery centre across the river from Ran goon, where they have been fighting a battle with insurgents for the last few days.— Reuter.
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  • 17 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.Dyak trackers are now workng wl'h security forces In the Pahang Jungles.
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  • 177 1 BERLIN, Monday. THE Western Powers will stand firm m Berlin against the Soviets. That is the prediction m foreign and German political circles here today, writes an A.P. observer. The United States and Britain are expected to throw a mighty effort into the Western
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  • 112 1 AUSTRALIA HALTS ARMS SALE I From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE. Mon. 4USTRALIA Is ordering her Trade Commissioners m Asia to halt efforts to sell A£ 2,000.000 worth of wartime aircraft spares recently de- clared surplus. Orders already received will I not be filled. No reasons are given by the Government's
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  • 44 1 The British vessel Charles Dickens ran aground off Tebang Bakar m the Rhio Strait i yesterday morning on her way to Singapore from Sydney. She was refloated later m the day and was expected to arrive m Singapore last -.light
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  • 173 1 PARIS, Monday. SIR Mohammad Zafrullah Khan, Foreign Minister of Pakistan, asked the United Nations today to establish their own system of observers m Hyderabad. Replying to the speech of Mrs. Pandit, leader of the Indian delegation last week. Sir Zafrullah recalled her remark that India had
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  • 71 1 HYDERABAD, Monday. ••"THE Hyderabad dispute j settled, said a spokesman for the Nizam yesterday. He described as "ridiculous" the reported Intention of the Hyderabad Foreign Minister (Nawab Mom Nawaz Jung) to place the dispute before the Security Council, The spokesman said that the Nizam had sent letters
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  • 152 1 BATAVIA, Monday. REPUBLICAN troops m Java today claimed to have encircled the Communist rebel stronghold of Madiun, according to the news agency, Aneta, while other reports here indicated that Communist forces were retreating on three of their four fronts. But or. the. fourth front, unconfirmed reports
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  152 words
  • 82 1 BENTONG. Mon. A FERRET Force unit m Pahang yesterday shot dead two bandits and wounded another during a sweep of a jungle area near Mentakab. Ferrets came across a number of bandits who were wearing three -star uniforms and fought them. Some bandits escaped. A rifle
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  • 78 1 WELLINGTON. Mon— New Zealand is to return to Finland the 2,800-ton fourmasted barque Pamir, one of the world's dwindlinz fleet of sailing ships. She was seized as a prize at Wellington m August 1941. and returned to Auckland last month after a round-the-world trip. Mr. Peter Fraser. the
    Reuter-AAP  -  78 words
  • 26 1 BANGKOK, Mon: Hun dred s of houses m a crowded area near the Bangkok rail way treminus were gutted o\ a fire today.— Reuter.
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  • 18 1 RANGOON. Mon: The Bur mese Government imposed ar official censorship today on al outgoing foreign press telegrams.—Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 100 1 TERMITE (White Ant) EXPERTS C P. TAYLOR LTD. D l l Hongkong Bank Chambers, Tele. ***** "For you, the iy^Mß ,V j «J ious Virginia flavour. Ml 1.1 11^' M*M Doubt* it. Norn gusst You k.ntta>, Oirsr arr ttu finmsi LN^VTv J '^/m^tto^ Virginia ctgvrrtto> thtrt art." T^-'|f^Bß^E "1 do.
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    • 2 1 Bet iepHtcUim-
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 101 2 EDINBURGH, Monday. A SUDDEN strike disrupted .the service of the *T Douglas Hotel m Aberdeen on Saturday night alter a porter stepped on the bride's train at a wedding reception. When the porter was sacked. 95 other workers walked out and the general
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    • 67 2 AUGUSTA (Georgia), Mon.— Four women and on§ man campaigning for Mr. Henry Wallace reported yesterday that a mob of 300 men dragged them from their hotel, drove 10 miles and dumped them with the warning to stay out of town. They said they were mauled when they
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    • 52 2 MANILA, Mon.— Expansion Of the American military base at Clark Field by 6,000 acres is being carried out m accordance with an agreement between United States and the Philippines. A total of U.S. $2,691,000 is being spent on expropriation, U.S. $391,000 for 1.122 houses, the remainder on
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    • 71 2 ANTWERP, Mon.—Screenings of the American film "The Iron Curtain," based on the Canadian spy trial, have been suspended here after fights between Communists and police inside and outside the cinema. Five people were injured m clashes on Saturday night and a number of demonstrators arrested. Brussels police
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    • 18 2 SANTA MONICA (California). Mon.— Film actress Jane Withers gave birth to a daughter yesterday.— A.P.
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    • 22 2 MONTGOMERY (Alabama,; Mon.— Air Force commanders throughout the world have been called to a conference here this week. —A.P.
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    • 57 2 MONTREAL, Mon.— A party of 65 British schoolboy explorers, seven Canadian Rhodes Scholars and a nine-year-old Viscount are among i passengers bound for Llver- pool m the Empress of Canada. The boys members of the British School Exploration Society, are on their way home after a six-weeks stay
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    • 34 2 LONDON. Mon.— B.O.A.C announced last night it had purchased the Lockheed aircraft service depot at Shannon Airport. Eire, and would remove parts to England. The equipment, is suitable for servicing Constellations —A.P.
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    • 53 2 SHANGHAI, Mon.— A cup of plain tea was the only refreshment served to guests at the wedding of the son of a navy officer daring the week-end. The Press described the wedding "breakfast" as the first strict observance of the new austerity movement if President
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 64 2 I. A.M. Examinations for tnej following Grades will be held In early December, 1944. 1. Draughtsman Grade 1 (Grade II Draughtsmen only eligible to ■it). 3. Draughtsman Grade n (Grade I Tracers only eligible to sit). 3. Tracer Grade I (Grade n Draughtsmen only eligible
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 750 2 NOTICES STRAITS/CALCUTTA CONFERENCE Shippers are hereby notified that as from 18th September d 20% rebate will be allowed afl tariff rates on shipments made to Calcutta from Port Swettenham by the undernoted Ltaei who comprise the Straits/Calcutta Conference. 8.1 Steam Navigation Co Ltd Indo-China S N. Company TERRITORY OF PAPUANEW
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    • 424 2 NOTICES W A *N I N G ROLEX ETERNA Direct imports of watches from Switzerland are severely restricted and this has caused a shortage of Rolex and Eterna watches, the two most accurate and dependabu timekeepers known m Malaya. Every Rolex and Etema sold by us has been specially made
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    • 640 2 NOTICES IN THE MATTES OF AUSTRAL MALAY TIN DREDGING LIMITED and IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ORDINANCES, 1940 to 1946 NOTICE Is hereby given that a petition presented to the High Court of the Federation of Malaya at Ipoh on the 30th day of August 1948 for confirming the
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    • 151 2 FOR SALE Various lots of residential land ot 1 to 2 acres each or thereabouts subdivided from the total acreage of 29 acres situated at lj mile, Rock Road, Kuchlng, Sarawak, the property of the late Mr. O. P. Rlcketu (deceased). Pot particulars and quotation Dlease apply to the undersigned
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    • 113 2 Speed jjBlL that' s been bred on the race-track ~^^f?^^\ Safety x^/ that's been proved the world over nl I mgm I Fitted with the same type of engine that W^r.^r won s0 many inlernatlona l roa d events, but styled with British exterior that has a high-quality look. Built
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    • 211 2 §ome things you just can't mask, Pi'qeon Cute costume, slave girl. But what good is your nusquerade if underarm odour gives you away Don't take chances. Rely on Mum. Tonight's bath was fine for washing away past perspirn afion. But to guard against future underarm odour, play safe use Mum
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  • 540 3 Air Control Bid A Shock To West PARIS, Monday. WESTERN diplomats meeting with Mr. Stalin m the Kremlin some weeks ago agreed to a currency policy for Berlin with the consequent lifting of the blockade. An agreed directive was sent to the four Commanders-in-Chief m Berlin. Then
    AP; UP  -  540 words
  • 463 3 Continued from Page 1 tlons and our internal Dolitlcal business. "If not we caiinor look with any confidence upon any resolution which may be DUt before us." Mr. Bevin then asked Mr. Vishinsky: "Is it true that notwithstanding everything you say from this platform, Is it the Marxist-Leninist
    Reuter  -  463 words
  • 110 3 BELGRADE Mon. EXECUTION of Albanian Communists who openly expressed disagreement with the Cominform attitude towards Yugoslavia is reported m the Pobeda, organ of the People's Front of Montenegro. Many Albanians have fled the country and sought asylum m Yugoslavia. Refugees said that recently, near the Adriatic port
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  • 71 3 STOCKHOLM, Mon. Count Polke Bernadotte, assassinated United Nations mediator, was cremated today after a funeral service at the J Gustav Vasa Church. Israel and Arab representatives sat side by side. The coffin was borne up] the aisle by members of the Red Cross while the choir sang "Deep
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 3 FAMILY REUNION: Commander of the U.S. Third Air Division (General Leon Johnson) greeted m England by his 14-year and 15-year-old daughters who have arrived to attend school there. Reuter picture.
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  • 868 3 PARIS, Monday. rpHE Western Powers issued a virtual ultimatum to 1 Russia on Sept. 14— to lift the blockade of Berlin or face collapse of the negotiations m Moscow. This was revealed today In i a 3,000-word note issued today by Britain, the United States
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 168 3 A J iWxia Car* Made In Kncland Distributors: ChJnese Trading Co., Singapore Ouan Hoe Co., Ltd., Ipoh Segatrat Store Arency. Penanf nan Hon* Leon X St Co.. Penan*. Factory Representatives T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG **ousi paint *no\ tforuA. K&xtl Vcrir! SWP is a top quality
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    • 496 3 I pine-clad mountains ij jjg S^^gP brought to your room* li^^S^^^^^S^^ s^"^ bring* enmplete dsys »nd sUffllnt sultry nlrhts. Re mm q Inn ioqm m (ONomom CHRISTMAS PARCELS TO UNITED KINGDOM. Order direct and save delay. Immediate despatch on receipt of order. Th e following are a few of the
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  • 287 4 RAPID housing development m Singapore m the immediate future is forecast by the Municipal Arc hitect and Building Surveyor (Mr. D. C. Rae). This trend is indicated by activity m the initial stages of planning late m 1947, says Mr. Rae m his annual
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 4 MISS TOME WITT, who Li appearing m the Stage Club's presentation of "Quiet Wedding" which is being produced by Miss Pamela Titheradge at the Victoria Theatre on Oct. 9, 14, 15 and 17.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 67 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. DURING a visit to H.M.S. Alert off Kuala Trengganu v.n Saturday, the Sultan of Trengganu steered th e sloop for half an hour. With the Mentri Besar, the British Adviser, the State Secretary, the A.D.C.. and his private secretary,
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  • 258 4 'DEVELOP MALAY ECONOMY' Malay News From Our Malay Correspondent MAJLIS, the Kuala Lumpur Malay newspaper, m a leading article yesterday, comments on Mr. Creech Jones' statement m Parliament last week during the debate on Malaya that Britain does not wish to suppress nationalist movements and that neither does she wish
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  • 92 4 LONDON, Mon.— Lieutenanr Lord (David Patrick Coke) Ogilyy, eldest son of the Earl of Airlie. was recently summoney at Mortlake. London for exceeding the speed limit m Lonsdale Road. Barnes A letter was read In which Lord Oyllvy said he was leaving for Malaya, "where I shai]
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  • 53 4 LONDON. Mon. Miss J. A. Bloom, of Claoon-on-Sea Essex has been appointed to the Colonial Education Service as a schoolmistress m Malaya. Miss Bloom who was born m Colchester was educated at Herts and Essex High School, and Homerton College. Cambridge. She has taught m Saffron
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  • 70 4 Tug Tows In Ship With Broken Prop A SINGAPORE trading ves-l sel, MTS 14, was towed Into Singapore with a broken I propellor shaft by the Harbour Board tug Griper last I week. The craft broke her shaft j 12 miles from Singapore last! Friday. She was carrying a cargo
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  • 103 4 The Association of British Malaya m Singapore, the Federation. North Borneo and Sarawak have made an arrangement with all branches of the Chartered. Hongkong and Shanghai. Mercantile ?nn I Eastern Banks. These banks have r i receive subscriptions from members, and to remit them to London on
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  • 18 4 All vehicles going to Holland must now have a valid triptych or "Carnet de Passage."
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  • 147 4 QUOTA OF SMOKES REQUEST T^HE Singapore Overseas •I- Importers' and Exporters' Association has asked the Government to negotiate with the Dutch authorities for an Increased cigarette re-export quota which at present is five per cent, of cargoes destined for Indonesia. "With the present quota of five per cent, for cigarettes,
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  • 70 4 On an educational tour of Singapore are 20 Chinese students of Chong Hwa High School, Kuala Lumpur. Led by their headmaster, Mr. Lai Chew Wah, the students came to Singapore by the scnool's private bus on Sept. 23 and are now visiting the Island's industrial
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  • 41 4 Two hundred rounds of greased .45 ammunition was handed to the Singapore Police by a Chinese c'vilian at 3.20 p.m. on Sunday. It was found by the civilian m a tin m a back lane off Johore Road.
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  • 120 4 THE Singapore Overseas Chinese Importers' and Ex- 1 porters' Association has passed a resolution objecting to i the 20 per cent, "tax" to be I levied by the Indonesia! Office m Singapore m respect of all cargoes arriving! from Republican -held ports m Indonesia
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  • 157 4 TWO trade unions, the Singapore Sago Workers' and the Singapore Sundry Shop Employees', were yesterday struck off the register of trade unions. The Registrar of Trade Unions, Singapore, cancelled their registrations since the two months allowed them to prove their existence had ex- pi
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 140 4 FIRST CHOICE OF LEADING MUNICIPALITIES I COMMER KARRIER The Commer and Karrier range— built by Engineers with wide experience of municipal needs— includes vehicles for each purpose. Unequalled m reliability and economy, and capable of giving long periods of trouble-free service with the minimum of attention, these //IJ Distributors famous
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    • 282 4 Hf^ Comfort HOT and humid elsewhere v but m yuur office, coolness for your comfort and well-being. Yes— a Carrier Room Air Conditioner will make a surprising difference Its introduction of filtered fresh air gently circulated throughout your office gives controlled ventilation No blowing of papers from fans,— no dust
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  • 293 5 End Of Jap Bank Murder Hunt TOKIO, Monday. A 56- YEAR-OLD artist named Sadamichi Hirazawa today confessed that he killed 12 employees of the Teikoku Bank and robbed the bank of 180,000 yen last January. The confession brings to an end police investigations described as the
    Reuter  -  293 words
  • 71 5 From Our Staff Correspondent MALACCA. Mon. Thirteen young snakes Rave the shock of their lives to a jrroup of inquisitive Malay and Chinese children at Kampong Java Lane today. The snakes Jumped out of the stomach of a dead snake which the children had ripped open. Some men
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  • 247 5 A STATEMENT that she saw her husband, Ling Mcc Choon, stabbed with a pair of scissors, stagger a few paces and drop to the ground bleeding profusely, was made m the Singapore Police Court psterday by Chee Kirn fing. She was giving evidence against a man named
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  • 96 5 SEREMBAN, Mon. CJUPERSTITION are hamTO pering Chinese progress, Mr. Chan Nam Seng of the Negri Sembilan Education Department told Rota- rians at their weekly meeting. Mr. Chan hoped that these beliefs would soon lose their significance. "Superstition still plays an important part m the lives of the Chinese
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  • 34 5 SEREMBAN, Mon.— For extorting two bottles of beer from Lee Ah Tee by threatening him with assault, a 15-year-old Tamil boy was given six strokes of the rotan In the District Court.
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 5 TEST TEAM AT BALMORAL: Members of the Australian cricket team walk with members of the Royal Family on the lawn of Balmoral Castle. On the right, the King walks with Don Bradman. while m thr centre the Queen talks with another member of the team. A.P. picture.
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  • 104 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. TRENGGANU Boy Scouts 1 As1 sociatlon has decided to send three Scouts to represent the State m the Malayan Contingent attending the West Pacific Scouts 1 Jamboree m Australia m December The three Scouts are Inche Muda bin Mohamed Amln, i Asst. District Commissioner
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  • 60 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.Parents, friends and past pupUg of the Kuala Lumpur I Convent have been invited to I a fun fair to be held by the Convent on Saturday at Bukit Nanas. The fair will be held m the afternoon m aid of
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  • 149 5 THREE Ceylonese of the Royal Pioneer Corps j broke into a shop at the' 14th mile Woodlands j Road and took cash $200 1 and a fountain pen valued at $12. One of them is stated to have opened the door for about 20 others, who
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  • 401 5 Y.W.C.A. Appeal For Volunteer Workers From Our Woman Correspondent \IISS Beatrice Lynch, Y.W.C.A. Malayan Secretary 11 for Youth Training, is calling all Singapore's Y.W.C.A. members who have the spare time to do voluntary work for the Association. Those interested, she said, will be given a training course m various aspects
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  • 233 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. AN experiment m local t* government on Pulau Lumut, an island Malay reservation with a population of 1,100 six miles j from Port Swettenham, j began on Saturday with the inaugural meeting of (the island council. The Tengku Laksamana, eldest
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  • 42 5 A taxi driven by an unlicensed driver was involved m an accident with an elderly Chinese near the Junction of Wallich Street and Tanjong Pagar Road at 3.50 p.m. yesterday. The Chines* was taken to the General Hospital by ambulance.
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  • 144 5 SUNGEI PATANI, Mon A proposal to form mukim j councils m Kedah is expected to be discussed at a meeting of District Officers to be held here this week-end. The District Officer, Kuala Muda (Inche Mohd Aklb) I has circularised heads of
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  • 40 5 When James Farrow Bate. 21-year-old aircraftsman, picked up a pedestal lamp m a high speed beat at RAF. Seletar on Sept. 20, he was electrocuted. The Singapore coroner (Mr. Chocr Singh) yesterday recorded a misadventure.
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  • 28 5 The engagement is announced between Squadron Leader B. Drake, DJS.O.. D.F.C Of H.Q. Air Command Far East a».d Junior Commander Linda Strong A.TJ3.. of G.H.Q, FARELF.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 215 5 XMAS HOME PARCELS Tor Singaporeans Christmas parties are months away. But the family at home have begun hoarding precious ration points to buy a few luxuries for Christmas dinner. Plan your own Christmas surprise package and let Cold Storage pack and mail it for you. Or ask Cold Storage to
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  • 1030 6 Th e Straits Times Singapore, Tues., Sept. 28, 1948 THE END OF THE ROAD The Berlin crisis has come to a head as it had to sooner or later for at no time since the Soviet established its blockade of the German capital has there been the slightest indication that
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  • 172 6 n the Strait* of Sept. 28, 1898. I think I once remarked that Buklt Timah Bungalow was a nice place when you reached it. That opinion has never been disputed, so it is with confident feelings that I advance a plea m favour of another spot more
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  • 790 6 COMMUNISM VERSUS RU BBER We publish today an extract from an article written by F. Herbette and published m the Revue Generate dv Caoutchouc. This was sent to the Straits Times by a leading figure m the Malayan rubber industry and we reproduce it because we think it throws new
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  • 15 6 Federation Studies 6 —Photograph by C. A. Gibson-Hill FISHING NETS AT TELOK DAWAI, SOUTHERN KEDAH.
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  • 412 6 MAN-EN-THE-STREET Speeding-up The Municipality 'TO appreciate the causes A of building delays, to apportion the blame and to find a remedy one must take into consideration several (e.g. legal) technicalities m the plexus of building bye-laws, multiplicity of departmental action, and the vital role of Municipal C<w'i*nissioners. Before submitting a
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  • 280 6 ALTHOUGH Kallang at present may not be up to the standards requin d for the operation of lar^e modern aircraft, it could be made so, and without the costly business at Changi. As suggested m your excellent Jeader last we<-k Kailang should m the meantime be
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  • 31 6 At Malay schools the pupils learn That "bakar" is m English burn; But most forget that "tutup api" Means "dim that light" and make it nappy. SAVE ELECTRICITY. Singapore.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 800 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. DUCLOS— To Dolly, wife of Ronnie Duclos, at K.K. Hospital on 26th September, a daughter. Hazel. MARRABLEr— TO MOYRA, wife ot F D. Marrable at Bungsar Hospital Kuala Lumpur on Sept. 27tn 1948.— a daughter. SMITH— At Penanj? on 24th Be>>t.. 1948 to Elizabeth (nee Anderson) wife of
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    • 127 6 ONE PAIR OF EYES "One pair of eyes en last a lifetime. You can chew with false teeth, walk with a wooden leg, but never can you see with a blind eyes." This does not mean that we are In danger of going blind but a warning that we should
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  • 808 7 Hands Him Over To Police KUALA LUMPUR, Monday A NEGRI Sembilan bandit leader, Linr Chong, was today shot with his own revolver by one of his own men, who thcr handed him over to the police. The two men fought m a small lean-to hut on
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  • 166 7 THE U.S. Consul-Gene-x ral. Mr. Paul R. Josselyn, sailed for Shanghai yesterday aboard the Sabolga on the first stage of his Journey home to retirement. He was accompanied by Mrs. Josselyn and their daughter, Marjorle. A large number of prominent Singaporeans were at the ship
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  • 44 7 Eight Chinese stowaways were discovered on board the British vessel Chaksang which arrived m Singapore from China por s yesterday. The men have been detained by the Singapore Immiaration Department and will be returned to China by the first available ship.
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  • 51 7 TELUK ANSON, Mon. More than 100 recruits left Teluk Anson yesterday for training at the Police Depot at Kuala Lumpur. The recruits, all Malays, came from all parts of the district m response to the call for expansion of the Police Force m the
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  • 361 7 PROMINENT members of the legal profession, Executive and Legislative Councillors, and Government officials were among the 1,000 people who attended the funeral service of Mr. Chajt Sze Jin, C.M.G., at Bidadari Cemetery yestgrda The Rev. Goh Hood Keng officiated, and the Singapore
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  • 99 7 About 500 guests gathered it the new business premises of Messrs. Ban Teck Seng at I 196 South Bridge Road last I Saturday where Mr. Tan Chwee Boon, the proprietor, gave a cocktail party Among the guests were the Australian Commissioner In Malaya (Mr. Claude
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  • 73 7 The Foochow Methodist Youth Fellowship will hold two variety entertainments at the Chinese V.M.C.A. at 7.30 p.m. on Sept. 29 and 30. The entertainment includes musical items and a film, "Anchors Aweigh" a techrrtcolur musical comedy Dr. Chen Su Lan is the patron lor both events. Twenty
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  • 23 7 The name of Village Committees has been aitered to "Rural District Committees" m accordance with a decision, of the Rural Board.
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  • 120 7 Mr. Justice Jobling, yesterday m the Supreme Court, dismissed the appeal brought by Arathoon and Sons against Ban Lee Seng, for an ejectment order under the Control of Rent Ordinance. Arathoon and Sons' application for possession of a godown at Magazine Road occupied by Ban Lee Seng,
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  • 29 7 Mr. Reginald B. Bevan was admitted to practice as an advocate and solicitor of the Colony Bar yesterday by the acting Chief Justice (Mr. Justice Gordon-Smith).
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  • 14 7 A total of 794 special constables were recruited m Malacca up to Sept. 25.
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  • 109 7 LHJKCED to swallow a pill by two armed Chinese who hustled him into a taxi, an elderly Chinese recovered consciousness to find himself tied to a telegraph pole m Braddell Road. All his assailants gained was $21.50 The 64 years old Chinese reported
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  • 292 7 THE 13th WITNESS TESTIFIES THE thirteenth witness w;ave evidence yesterday at the Ninth Police Court, on the eleventh day of the hearing of the preliminary inquiry into tentative charges concerning RAF property. The Magistrate (Mr. E. V. A. Peers) asked Chief Inspector C. W. Such, the prosecuting officer how many
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  • 38 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Mon.— The Sultan of Johore has donated 25 acres of land at Kluang to the Italian Order of the Cano&sian Institute of Singapore as a site for the erection of a girls' school.
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  • 67 7 T. E. Scot* pleaded guilty m the Fourth Police Court yesterday to being drunk and Incapable and to voluntarily causing hurt to a police inspector. The Magistrate (Mr. A. O. Shears) fined him $6C or three weeks' rigorous imprisonment. Evidence showed he was found lying on
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  • 66 7 tOR selling a bottle of beer without a licence to a revenue officer on Sept. 19, Heng Keng Tong, proprietor of a fruit shop at 215, Albert Street, was yesterday sentenced to $1,000 fine or three months' rigorous imprisonment by the Fourth Police Magistrate (Mr. A.
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  • 99 7 From Our Staft' or respondent IPOH, Mon. TWENT Y-SIX European pupils of the Tanglin School, Cameron Highlands, returned by air today after i summer vacations In Singapore and Penang. Malayan Airways operated two planes for the extra traffic. The Singapore party ii 12 girls and
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 7 In celebration of the Sultan of Johore's ?sth birthday, a tea-party was held m front of the house of the Assistant District Officer, Tangkak, Inche Abdul Rahman bin Mohamed Salleh.
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  • 517 7 A PROVOST Officer m Singapore, Capt. A. R. Cook, yesterday faced a District Courtmartial at Fort Canning, on four charges relating to the sum of $4,236.09 which is missing from an imprest account held m his name. Fifteen Hongkong and Shanghai bank cheques
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  • 85 7 A garden fete sponsored by Lady Gimson n aid of the Handicapped Children's Fund will be held m Government House grounds on Saturday, Oct. 9, from 4 p.m to D.15 p.m. Attractions will be wayangs, bands, novelty stalls, prizes and a dragon dance. Tickets at
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 109 7 SINCE 1875 MOUTRIES have manufactured and sold PIANOS m the East. TVeir reputation and experience £,ained over this long, period is your guarantee of satisfaction. We offer m our showroom Grand and Upright Pianos by CHAPPELL BROADWOOD DANEMANN STROHMENCER I ESTAB. MOUTRIE &CO MALAYAi LTCX 111 1 875 I JOHN
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    • 116 7 «^K*^^l^"**"^^^^^ -^> -^^"^^-^^^Bf M^K^-^l^^ .^^^E* sF9^i&x~^^^^'*'^^ _^<^^^^^ Active men know the relaxing companionship of fine ~_<c2*<tSh pipe. The famed lk>wJX*% dfl Charatan fills the BW»L* Sm bill. Yes, it gives 1 9 you mild, mellow smoking that b«- >^ comes sweeter with time. But more... the Charatan is d«- i
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  • 189 8 Federal Move Under Treaty From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. INFORMATION regarding Chinese detained under the Emergency Regulations will Shortly be made available to Chinese consulai officials m all parts of the Federation. This action, the Straits Times was informed 6y the Chinese Consul General (Mr.
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  • 184 8 Johore Weekly Letter JQHQRE BAHRU. Mon. ORPHANS bereaved by the action of terrorists have Increased the number of Inmates at the State Welfare Home. In many cases, too, women whose husbands have been killed by terrorists have been given shelter pending othsx arrangements being made for then* future. a •TWENTY-FIVE
    184 words
  • 105 8 THE custom of Sarawak Dis- trict Courts In taking judicial notice of by-laws is irregular and Improper according to the Chief Justice (Dr. R. Y. Hedges). In the Sarawak Appeal Court, Kuching, Dr. Hedges upheld the appeal of Awang Rambli and Abang Han against a conviction for
    105 words
  • 76 8 Although Tong Ah Soh, a Singapore gunman, who held up and tried to rob a pedestrian m Smith Street on Feb. 5. succeeded m eluding a policeman who came on the scene, his liberty was only short-lived. The constable knew his man and traced him
    76 words
  • 65 8 TODAY Exhibitions of Paintings, Victoria Memorial Hall. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Y.W.C.A.. Leaders Training Course, 6. Raffles Quay. 5 p.m. "Vital Subjects for Today," oy Mr. Lee and E. Buck and Mr. George Sexton, Bethesda. Bras Basah Road, 8 p.m. TOMORROW Y.W.C.A.. Katocg Groups' meeting, St. Hilda's
    65 words
  • 197 8 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Monday. MEASURES for the protection and preservation of x sites of archaeological and geological value m the State are being considered by a committee appointed by the Sultan of Perak. The members of ihe committee are: Mr. A. Hyde, Secretary
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  • 27 8 Mr. E. H. Bromley, European school master, has been appointed to act as headmaster of Victoria School, Singapore, m place of Mr. R. F. Bomford
    27 words
  • 118 8 AF the 545 traffic accidents m Singapore during August involving 478 civilian vehicles six were fatal. The victims included four adult cyclists, one child pedestrian and a driver. A total of 171 persons were injured, 51 of them seriously. This number included 37 adult pedestrians,
    118 words
  • 20 8 New Justices of Peace appointed for Singapore arc Mr. Thomas FrancU Flynn and Mr. John Le Cain.
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  • Article, Illustration
    66 8 THE FINAL SCENE from the pageant "The Challenge of the Cross", presented by the Methodist Youth Fellowship, Klang, at the Win-my-chum meetings being conducted by the Rev. E. S. Lav of Singapore and the Rev. J. Appadurai of Kuala Lumpur. Left to right: Robert Hoisington, Miss Tan Bee Kong, Lee
    66 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 209 8 is" CAPITOL bt rNOW %t»TTB I Vk THURSDAY m-i SJytft TVME AND HAIR JACKSON Co Ltd aaaV ft Ibunca^ ■fkrtrv taßßßßß^^_^a^ia 8 aT^B "^^Sf SS Mm mm 11/ Mm Mm I M If Iml m Mm I m Mm Mm Xv Mm Mm Imy Mm Mm Mm m Mm Mm
      209 words
    • 295 8 There is no finer milk J,^ iteKLIM! %}f mvi ILSII. the IOROIN COW k &*s# Ilaie: Klim i» mad« only irom It* milk of healthy, te»ied cow*. Il ia ■ulk ia powdf ad (orm prepared According lo (he most modern procata. Il ha* a daJxiout Iraah flavor. Doctor* recommend il
      295 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 689 8 u T* ere re maEy P^ 01 he 5 in that the spade bid was much it is unwise for a declarer to lead more difficult for the opponent* trumps One of these U when he to overcaU. On the score South lacSs the top cards In the trump did
      689 words

  • 889 9  - Preparing For Sea- Travel With Baby NURSE BRIDGET MCTHERCRAFT IN MALAYA By A MOTHER who expects to be {?oing on leave shortly with her five months old baby wants to know whether or not to wean her before she sails. -\t present I have plenty of milk, but I am
    889 words
  • 162 9 INGREDIENTS: one cake yc?ast, X cup lukewarm water, teaspoon salt, one cup scaled milk X cup sugar, six tablespoons short"ening, 3' 2 cups slfed flour, one egg beaten, melted butter, Vi cup finely chopped nuts. Soften yeast In water. Combine I scalded milk, sal", sugar and shortening. When lukewarm,
    162 words
  • 734 9 SAT A CORNER AS soon as Robert Koch discovered the tubercle bacillus, his mind turned to the problem of preparing a vaccine. The 1880's was the period of the discovery of the causative organisms of many diseases, m several of which vaccines had been successfully prepared. Koch
    734 words
  • 745 9 QUR guards, their V wives and families have become so much a part of our lives that we 'shall miss them when the time comes for them to go. Even now, I haven't got all their names sort^ ed out but it is coming gradually and
    745 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 110 9 tt^H jfi m. W T it i __Js3 ALiXANDBA QUAYLt Mrs Quayle writes ts >* *>»•«■* "Alexandra was put on Lactogen almost immediate./ 1 I I She thrived on this and slept all night and was no W ■^-^^^^^^■l trouble at all. Alexandra walked at 10 months, cut her ttto^^tf
      110 words
    • 217 9 trC 'd &iv k qomq to a&Slv laugh or r <y* \>\ CJ&tePt He'll be STURDIER HAPPIER fritb these healthgiving tablets t£* A growing ciiilo need* Calciun. *no Pno>>pnoru> *> ivnuic ,»ura» oones. -sound teeth. satet> Ton icken n *kio «uuht» Hrn r* food of man? living io jouncno *ne<t
      217 words

  • 1534 10 OUR LONDON LETTER IDEAS AND THEORIES IN AN ANXIOUS BRITAIN LONDON, Sept. 15. For anyone who is interested m ideas— and I think you and I are life m Britain has had much to offer these past few days. Most thinking people have been cogitating on a new idea from
    Reuter  -  1,534 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 130 10 Jvtewt II 11 }f 11 I sMeb I ■I ZQI Co h WC TECHNICOLOR II CORN EL WILOE EB|j%s|i Bntn Carlna RICHARD GREENE Almbar y hfflßhf SANDERS -1 Jfc *~r ri>"'" BEST-SELLING Ml^m^Mfr^ NOVEL THAT s^^Br HAVE THRILLED %jp7%jk BOOK NOW WfE&k to FOR PREMIERE mUgjW 9 TONIGHT at 9.1S
      130 words
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 351 10 o ftiI mai ava 111.00 li ...rds; 11.30 News &3. 45 Variety Bandbox 10.45 Kr M lAI Analysis; 11.45 Commonwealth Fiesta; 11.00 Words and Music SINGAPORE Wes'ern Union; 12.00 Palm Court 11.30 See BBC; 11.50 Close (620 kcs. 4.96 or 7.2 mc/s.) Orchestra: 12.30 a.m. Close. RADIO AUSTRALIA 1 p.m.
      351 words

  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 360 11 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Monday. am K. R. F. McNair Scott, m his capacity as "J chairman of two rubber companies, puts the case m his annual statements for including replanting charges m estate production costs. In effect, he says, replanting is an integral part of
      360 words
    • 88 11 WASHINGTON, Mon. JMPORTANT financial representatives of 47 Governments will today open the third annual meeting of the World Bank and World Monetary Fund. Meetings, which will concentrate on financial inflation, will go on through the week. Representatives include China's Finance Minister (Mr. Wang Yun-wu), who is
      88 words
    • 68 11 FRANKKURT, Monday. INDUSTRIAL production m the British-American zones of Germany set a new post-war record m August. It rose to 67 per cent, of the 1936 level. Officials attributed the increase to an Improved labour situation since the currency reform of June, the lifting of
      68 words
    • 198 11 TAI TAX PLANT. TAI TAX Plantations' chairman (Sir Eric MacFadyen) considers that the company's prospects of receiving substantial war damage compensation good. The company has a large claim, he says m his annual statement. "Although it is known that all claims will have to be scaled down,
      198 words
    • 101 11 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Mon. J± SUM of £71,023 had been spent on rehabilitating the company's equipment, said Uie chairman of Pengkalen (Mr. Stanley Wickett) at *Jie annual meeting. Against this. £51,310 had been received as an advance from the Malayan Government to be set off
      101 words
    • 33 11 jELEBU Tin Dredging announces that the tin-ore output for the period June 1 to Aug. 31 was 408 plculs from the company s dredge and 123 piculs from tribute operations.
      33 words
    • 356 11 Company Affairs WATERFALL (Selangor) Rubber Estates' chairman (Mr. E. D. Money) says the company has received an ultimatum from the Government threatening to its loan offer the relevant business is not soon completed. He explains that Debenture 1 holders agreed to the creation of prior
      356 words
    • 84 11 MALAYAN SHARES QUIET STEADY From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Monday. THE Malayan share market today was quiet and steady. There were few price alterations. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: INDUSTRIALS Buyer Seller Oonsol. Tin Smelters (O) 17/9 18/9 Gammon 2.39 2.40 Robinson Co. Ord. 11.70 12.00
      84 words
    • 120 11 Singapore Rubber IN the absence of news from either London or New York the Singapore rubber market opened the week quietly yesterday. Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 sheet f.o.b. buyers 43% cents, sellers 43% cents; spot loose buyers 43% cents, sellers 43% cents per lb. The market was quiet
      120 words
    • 128 11 SHIPS In port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns m brackets) were Main Wharf: Gorgon (31-32), Marine Snapper (33-34), Glenapp (36-37), Ethel Moller (38). Katong (39), Purnea (40-41), Steel King (42-43). West Wharf: Kampar (8-9), Nagara (10-11). Medon (13-14). Empire Dock: Steel Chemist (17-18). Trevethoe (19-20),
      128 words
    • 67 11 From A Market Correspondent QPERATORS kept up the specu- lative run an the Singapore pepper market yesterday. Sago flour and a number of other produce markets sections also had a fairly active day. Yesterday's price changes Included: Pepper: Muntok white $228; Sarawak white $227; Lampang black $222.
      67 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1231 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporate In Singapore BLUE FUNNEL LINE STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., SAILINCS FROM U.K b US. A. LTD. r, 7Z «:k wist coast malaya 'Myrmidon due from UK. Oct. 12 "Sarjmpang for 1. Anson, •furypyluj' due from UK Oct. 2$ P«nang Belawan >«pt 28 "Kamwning" for Malacca Sept. 29
      1,231 words
    • 234 11 PRESIDENT LINES Ceneral Passenger Agent for Northwest Airlines. SAILINCS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON. via INDIA. ECYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Marine Snapper Spore Codown 33/34 Scott E Land P. Sham Sept 28 P. Sham Oct. I 1 Penang Oct. 8 SAILINCS TO SAN FRANCISCO, ANO LOS ANCELES THENCE NEW YORK, BALTIMORE,
      234 words
    • 354 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK./ SAILINCS TO CONTINENT/ CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA Loading at Singapore. Port Swettenham and Penang. mtm '■>!»«,,.■» "Mongolia" due abt. Oet 21 R, n V^! Hu. ,m o,» for Colombo Aden, Port Ban kolc due abt. Oct. s^ Antwerp. Rotterdam, Hamburg Oslo, Gothenburg, Copenhagen Cdynia m.» "Kambodla"
      354 words
    • 1055 11 McALISTER <Sc CO., LTD. (Inoorpoiatao m Singapore) SLLSRMAM BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE HAVRE, LONDON, ANTWERP PACIFIC PORTS AND HAMBURC PACIFIC PORTS Accepting cargo toi Central o u th Accepting cargo tor U.S. North Atlantic American Ports Ports Canada via) Colombo. CITY OF YOKOHAMA FRANCISVILLE S'pora P. Sham Penang Spore P. Sham
      1,055 words

  • 246 12 JUDGING by the standard of play m yesterday's Singapore Cricket Club hockey trial between the Captain's and Vice-Captain's teams on the padang, the Club should have a very formidable side this season. Six Dutchmen who have played class hockey m Holland and the Netherlands
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  • 124 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. THE replay of the A Malaya Cup final between Selangor and Negri Sembilan has been fixed for Oct. 2, on the Victoria Institution ground, Kuala Lumpur. This was announced today by the Football Association of Malaya, who will
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  • 56 12 CHIA Boon Leong, Singapore's Olmpic footballer, and Tan-Chye Hee.the Colony outside-left, will turn out for the 223 Base Ordnance Depot In the S.A.F.A. Cup competition. Boon Leong played insideright for the Rovers m the S.A.F.A. League. Chye Hee was a member of the Tiger
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  • 44 12 TODAY SOCCER: S.A.F.A. Cup— GHQ Signals v. Indiana lr XI, JaUa Betar stadium; Lerncue, Diy III: Indiana t. Ist. Malar Coast Battery. GtyUng. [Club secretaries and sports convenors m* kindly requested to send their rugby and hockey fixtures to the Sports Ed.]
    44 words
  • 152 12 From Our Own Correspondent BATAVIA, Monday. T»HE Singapore Malay lightweight boxer, Jaffar bin x Jabbar who is under contract for a series of fights here, was easily outpointed m his first appearance by Bobby Njoo last Saturday, at the Deca Park. < Nino was a
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 12 MEETS HIS IDOL: Eleven -year-old Don Clark of Surrey shakes hands with Don Bradman at the farewell luncheon m honour of the Australian captain at the Savoy Hotel, London. Young Don (named after "The Don") attended the function with nine other schoolboy cricket fans. Reuter photo.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 443 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. LI O( .'KEY will soon be m full swing m Selangor, 11 with about 20 clubs playing practically every day of the week except Sunday Finance has been the biggest headache for the past few seasons; it may be
    443 words
  • 241 12 SCORING three quick goals m the last ten minutes of play, the Royal Navy beat the Singapore Chinese Engi- 1 neering Association m an S.A.F.A. Cup match i played at the 8.0.DJ ground yesterday. Play m the first half was even, with both sides launching
    241 words
  • 127 12 LONDON, Mon. A NATIONAL testimonial fund tor Joe Davis, for 20 years undefeated world snooker champion, has been launch r d m England. The committee responsible have i already sent 3,000 letters to bookmakers all over the country and 3.000 to billiards halls, as well
    127 words
  • 39 12 THE Singapore Cricket Club "A" fifteen for tomorrow's rugby match on the Padang will be:— Macintosh; Oates, Davies. McQueen, Warne; Evans, Burnett; Taylor, Cocks, Pascoe, Parry, Quest, Oerahty, Griffiths Zubler. Reserves:— Rldprewav. Geeks. Roberts and Mapy.
    39 words
  • 44 12 In a hockey match played on the Oldham Hall ground yesterday, the Anglo-Chinese School Ist XI beat the St. Joseph's Institution Ist XI by I—o.1 0. Later on the same ground, the S.J.I. 2nd XI beat the A.C.S. 2nd XI 3—o.3 0.
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  • 265 12 FIXTURES m the Singapore badr mlnton championship for this week-end are: Saturday, Oct. 2, at 2.15 p.m.— men's open singles seml-flnais: Ong Poh Lim (F N) v Ismail bin Marjan (Useful); Tan Cheng Tee (Marigold) v winner of Wong Peng Soon (Mayflower) -Cheong Hock Leng (Eclipse)
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  • 408 12 Changi A irmen Eliminated THE Singapore Recreation Club got over their first hurdle m the S.A.F.A* knockout Cup Competition at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday when they trounced R.A.F. (Changi) by five goals to one. The Recs certainly showed that they are a force to be
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  • 55 12 Johore Bahru, Mon. The semi-final of the P.W.D. inter-department soccer competition will be played m Johore Bahru on Sept. 30, between the Pontian P.W.D. and the Johore Bahru P.W.D. This is the second time the two teams are meeting, having drawn on the first occasion. The winners will
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  • 160 12 LONDON, Mon. THE appointment of A Cliff Britton as manager of Everton, the First Division League club, is further evidence of the faith which club directorates are placing m men who had brilliant playing reputations. It has been said that good players do not necessarily make
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 140 12 SYDNEY. Mon. NIGHT football has made its debut m Sydney and the promoters are essaying the formidable task of combining m it features of three widelycontrasting codes rugby, soccer, and Australian Rules. The first match, played with a round ball, and at a furious pace, was
    140 words
  • 293 12 By THE SPORTS EDITOR T'HE surprise m the selection of the Thomas Cap 1 A team to represent Malaya is the omission of Ismail bin Marjan, the Singapore singles runner-uD. Ismail had strong claims for inclusion. These may be listed as follows 1. He is
    293 words
  • 109 12 T'HE Khatsa Association beat the Catholic Young Men's Association by one goal to nil m a hockey match played at St. George's Road yesterday. The C.V.M.A. could field only 10 players. Some of the C.V.M.A. players apparently were beginners, and the play consequently was of
    109 words
  • 274 12 England Nearly Defeated COPENHAGEN, Mon. IiIORE than 38,000 speciTl tators yesterday saw Denmark's national amateur eleven draw o—o with Britain's professional team, termed by the Danish Press the strongest soccer side m the i world. The Danes thougn fielding only ten men during the last ten minutes of the game.
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  • 35 12 MARSH—On Sept. 27 I Race Course Road, Lily Christina. beloved wile of Thomas Willum Marsh. Cortege laves her residence at 5 p.m. to-day for the Church of St. Joseph's and thence to Bidadari Cemetery.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 318 12 [bar! t m*#A^Jß»47ofll Last Shows— 3, 6.15 9.1S p.m. Thrilling Lome Story Mystery Unreeled In "LURED" Grnrßr Sanders Lucille Ball with Boris Karl off OrENING TO-MORROW— ■DIAL ALIBI" GREAI WORLD GLOBE 7— c.15 •WISTFUL WIDOW OF WAGON GAP" NEW WORLD LIDO 7— 15 "JOAN OF OZARK ROYAL 3—6.15—8.45 "WE TWO"
      318 words
    • 55 12 jhi y^A^Wiss watches PR/X BERNE Wi Experience \\\\JMf BUILDS THE W ft needs 'extra experience' to v>lv< Uit WORLD'S FINEST rot ems tvc TO lin If Alii! •rwountered !>/*■•• «W*«JrtL*..O»% IKUbR AIIU oumopposw.-iW.-^-w-t^W OIIC TVDCC O«*.topih**tkMnHS.\fc« DU9 I llf CO tfrti tar *n*r than mrf o*. thi ounlop tutu ca
      55 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous