The Straits Times, 26 September 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 583 1 FERRET FORCE HUNTS OUT REDS Chindits lead jungle teams Sunday Times Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. "CERRET Force"— teams of specially-trained jungle fighters led by former Chindits and ex-Force 136 officers, and equipped with Dyak scouts is carrying terror to the terrorists in the Malayan jungles. News of the existence
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 1 MU> MALCOLM MACDONALD, wife of the Commis-sioner-General, leads in Billy Carol (Lansdown). winner of the main sprint race at Bukit Timah yesterday.
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  • 155 1 Sunday Times Correspondent MELBOURNE, Saturday. T»HKEE former Qantas stewards put the cash pro- ceeds of smuggled gold more than £A 15,00 the safe of a Singapore hotel, it was said in a Sydney court today. The stewards admitted that they jmußgled the gold from Sydney
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  • 105 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Since the Emergency began, 76 people have been arrested In possession of arms. Of these, 11 have been hanged, and there are five cases awaiting confirmation of sentence. The rest are awaiting trial. These details were given by the Commissioner of Police, (Mr.
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  • 302 1 Sunday Times Staff Reporter OECAUSE public support is lacking, the Govern- ment Is taking no active steps to enlarge Singapore Cenotaph on the Esplanade. It was proposed to instal two urns containing the ashes of i an unknown soldier and an unknown civilian who died in
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  • 103 1 LONDON. Saturday. fPHE British Supply Ministry A yesterday announced that the Combined Tin Committee had made final allocations of 11.98 C long tons of tin for the second half of 1948— raising the total allotment for the six month period to 43.590 long tons. The final
    AP  -  103 words
  • 34 1 Singapore Police Band will perform at the following places at 5.30 p.m. each day: Oct. 5. Farrer Park: Oct. 12. Waterloo Street. Oct. 19. Jalan Besar; Oct. 24. Botanical Garden.
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  • 29 1 RANGOON, Sat.— The body of U. Tin Tut killed by an assassin's bomb last week, will be cremated next Tuesday at the Buddhist cemetery.— A.P.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 73 1 THE Commissioner-General (Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald) has been travelling in Kelantan and Trengganu. Accompanied by the Mentri Besar (Da to Nik Kamal) and the British Adviser (Mr. W. F. M. Churchill, M.C.S.) In Kelantan, he visited various places on the Siam border. In Trengganu he
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  • 38 1 BERLIN. Sat— Russia today served a blunt notice on the United States and Britain that Soviet war planes will fly in formation through Berlin "control zone" in open violation of four power air safety regulation*. U.P.
    UP  -  38 words
  • 68 1 THE 4th (Queen's Own) Hussars are to stage a flat march through Singapore on Tuesday morning. Starting from Seranxoon Road at 9.30, about 600 troops complete with band and drums will be taking part. The route which has been chosen is via Lavender Street. Jalan Besar.
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  • 23 1 BENTONO, Sat.— Five Malays who, armed with parangs, captured two armed terrorists at Merapoh, North Pahang, have been rewarded with $1,000.
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  • 187 1 He called the formation o: a Western union a "direct contradiction of the interests of strengthening peace and security of the peoples." He contrasted this '"Western military-political bloc" with the alliances of the "peace-loving European states which are being concluded to prevent the possibility of a new
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • 91 1 PARIS, Saturday. MRS. VIJAYALAKSHMI I PANDIT. India's Ambas- j Isador to the Soviet Union, at yesterday's United Nations i meeting demanded immediate j independence for Indonesia, French Indochina and British I Malaya. "India has the deepest sympathy with the people of these countries in their
    AP  -  91 words
  • 33 1 SHANGHAI, Sat. The Communist radio today accused the Nationalist psychological warfare commander in Changchun of employing prostitutes "to sing nocturnal obscene songs and to lure cleanbodied Red Army fighters."— UP.
    UP  -  33 words
  • 57 1 PARIS, Saturday. IRAQ has rejected Count Bernadotte's plan for Palestine and will oppose It before the United Nations, quarters close to the Iraqi delegation to the United Nations Genera^ Assembly here said today. She would also oppose any other proposals which did not recognise the
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 54 1 Sunday Times Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. WIIE K. A.F.S new air tactics against the bandits will be put into operation as soon as the Government approves. The offensive is aimed particularly at the associates and sympathisers of terrorists, said the A.O.C. Malaya, Air Vice-Marshal
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  • 265 1 it should continue the present emergency It is proposed to .set up 60 registration centres thi out the island. Th?y will be manned by Govcv officers and temporary itafl A central office, where th? identity cards are actually fllled-in. will be in the Volunteer
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  • 61 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. THERE has been no general exodus of Malays from South Siam into the Feder- atlon, said Mr. C. R. Howitt, acting Chief Secretary, at a press conference today. He added that it was not possible to make any state- ment concerning the general
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  • 73 1 LOS ANGELES. Sat.— A British Army officer yesterday 3ued a former U.S. bomber pilot for $3,820 (U A.) he alleged the pilot borrowed while the two were prisoners of the Japanese In Singapore. The suit was filed on behalf of Capt. C. E. D. Clavell,
    AP  -  73 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 383 1 Mm I j..~~z 5/> M/CH SWMtft CLASSICAL (^H^Tl^>n^-S) RECORDS GsBm 2911 12 Bach Violin Concerto No. 1 in A minor. Vehudi Mennhin with Paris Symphony Orch. 7 80 7581) 88 Bach Violin Co"c«tU In K Major. Yehudi Menuhin with Parlh Sytn phone Orch. $1170 Tftl* 18 Beethoven Piano Concerto No.
      383 words
    • 56 1 TAILORING OF VISTINC7ION TO Jp by .which.ajnanVsocul. standing is judged [J|WA (j'M Thelcurof.his. clothes the" ;v:r.e he offers lOj \\\V his -.friend^ tbe> ctgarenes be smokei. To:smoke!De?Luxe",yirginii cigarette* is to fl/i/ A reveal ltoiall tone's discrimination '11 1 1 B[ and "appraisal, of ."the'real. luxuries 11 I DeLuxe a 3oie
      56 words

  • 494 2 PHOTO NOTES IT is amazing how far a little ingenuity will go towards creating an out-of-the-way picture that will attract a lot of attention and praise for its maker. Take todays illustration, for example. It is a pictuf* that won a big prize in an American snapshot
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  • 627 2 I LEARNED with in- terest and awe the other day the cash value of the empty bottle concession for our little menage. Cook is the concession holder, and it all came out when I asked him something about the disposal of bottles and he misunderstood and thought
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  • 917 2 OLD TIMER recalls WHEN I was a member of St. Andrew's Cathedral choir we had choir boys as well as adults and like all boys they were full of mischief. At one time there was a tree in the Cathedral compound that was infested with the
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  • 124 2 "I am very interested to hear that Old Timer was able to catch Ikan Sepat (Colera vulgaris) with a hook and bait in those days; the intervening years have definitely taught these fish something. "So far as I know, from fishing experience in Malaya extending over a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 169 2 7 mAAI, M H'ltm, txutinp new Ptrjumt l\ 1 Latest Creation b) COI V. M^ U V born in the hean of Paris, |n^ a ft.i^ranre for the woman who has ihc instinct to recognise a nuMerpiice. PERUJMF BY f MUMIIf 9 pcut fM s/HUWI Mia 3C9 f/u/rs ft OiSEICL.E|Ij
      169 words
    • 342 2 Sales and Service (I v I No little ikin troubles or napkin nun to keep baby awake toothing 'Borofax' r"^—*^,^^ Ointment relieves chafing and irritation quickly and safely. Io emollient and pro- r *Mfcg tective action makes it the ideal ointment tot tensitive babies' skins and being a mild antiseptic,
      342 words

  • 363 3 Fines help the lesson Sunday Times Staff Reporter CINGAPOREANS are gradually re-learning the "dust-bin drill" that the Japanese allowed them to forget, and the City is getting cleaner every day, but people who still put rubbish in the drains and streets are paying an average
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  • 163 3 Sunday Times Stan* Reporter MOVING of about 350 Singapore families from very old unsafe buildings in Chinatown into new flats built by the Improvement Trust in Smith Street and Sago Street will take place in the middle of next month. i Any overflow o f
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  • 44 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter. JOHORE BAHRU, Sat.—Arriving from Singapore In a lorry, yesterday Ponnusamy tried to evade paying duty on 54 dozen bottles of rosewater. He was charged In the District Court today and fined $1,950, In default 3 months' simple imprisonment.
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  • 117 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter. THE Singapore Regional Indian Congress has appealed to the Indian mercantile community in Slnaapore to close their shops on Oct. 2, 1 the 80th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi. Hoisting of the Indian National Flag in all Indian homes, prayers
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  • 49 3 SINGAPORE Public Relations Film Unit will give seven shows next week. They are: Monday. Singapore Union of P. T. Workers; Tuesday. Bukit Timah 6 mile Village; Wednesday, Ponggol Village; Thursday. Cantonese Methodist Church; Friday. Government Printing Office; Saturday. C.V.M.A.. Bras Basah Road; Sunday, Tlong Bahru.
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  • 132 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter. THE French cruiser Duguy Trouin. on which the Annamese Emperor Bao Dal and the French High Commissioner for Indo-Chlna M. Emile Bollaert signed agreements earlier this year, arrived at Singapore Naval Base yesterday. The ship Is on a goodwill mission from Saigon and
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  • 52 3 BANDITS HELD AT BAY:GEN.DUNLOP KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Energetic operations of military forces in conjunction with police In Johore during the past fortnight had succeeded to a large degree in preventing the anticipated increase in terrorist activities, said Major-Gen. D. Dunlop, G.0.C., Singapore District, in a message to a press conference
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  • 105 3 Sunday Times SUIT Reporter. KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. PRIVATES J. H. Flnlay and R. Qreenlees, of the Seaforth Highlanders will each have to serve three years' rigorous Imprisonment for armed robbery at Kota Tlnggl, Johore. on July 8 Their appeals against conviction and sentence, passed at
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  • 287 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter HPHE biggest and most spectacular fete in A Singapore since the war ended will be held in Government House gardens on Oct. 9 from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. to launch a fund for the Colony's handicapped children. Funds raised 0y
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  • 61 3 THREE Ceylonese of the Royal Pioneer Corps entered a shop at the 14 mile, Woodlands Road on Feb. 5 and robbed the proprietor of $50, the Singapore Seventh Police Magistrate was told yesterday. In the dock were K Podinattaya and Sumanapaha, charged with armed robbery. The
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  • 28 3 SEREMBAN Sat.— A seven- teen-year-old Tamil, Paramaslvam. was charged today with having 21 rounds of .303 Tifle ammunition. The case was postponed to October 2.
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  • 126 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter THE long arm of the law has not yet fallen x on Singapore's crawling taxicabs as they cruise along, looking for fares. Some time ago. legislation was, planned which would male it a., offence for taxis to move slowly in congested streets,
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  • 250 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter rpHE annual conference of the delegates of the A Singapore Municipal Services Union decided yesterday to urge its members to give unstinted financial support to the United Nations Children's Fund. Resolutions urging a social insurance scheme for Municipal staff and seeking
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  • 150 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter, i AN assurance that Govern- ment fully supports the organising of joint committees, on the Whitley Council principle, In Government Offices was made by the Colonial Secretary, Mr. P. A. B. McKerron, yesterday. < Mr. McKerron wag address- J
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  • 38 3 SEGAMAT, Saturday. Bail tn $1000 with two sureties was offered a middleaged Chinese woman. Tan Slew Heng, of Sesamat when charged in the Magistrate's Court with allowi. g her house to be used for gambling
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 388 3 t TUNIC SHIRTS wmj&^u^U 'M^.-. 15/11 TI F S WATERPROOF f 1%1A21-M\ 2t*-o fifj sows* -ri^'Jry I IkM, Ml W.I. -P'O. I W,.,,J I '.".ir,T:r:T o ':rjsls/ii SaisLw *^r-^ 1 hiti°« .U nto ii 04.70 isnsTjii" c **i t~~rt /2 jd. ml I Gwits ENGLISH TWEED J&tetJifiJ^ Slytfr H>
      388 words
    • 102 3 PLAIN WHITE COTTON SOCKS i "CRAFTANA" ALL WOOL usual stock sizes $1.25 I SOCKS Ribbed, Blue, Yellow, WOOL COTTON MIX. SOCKS j Maroon $2.95 usual sizes $1.95, $2.50 MIXTURE SOCKS BOTANY WOOL AIIX. SOCKS AU Wool, Blue, Brown, in Grey and Blue $1.95 Grey $2.50 BOTANY WOOL MIX. SOCKS W^s£^mL
      102 words

  • 834 4 808 GTLMORE looks at Australia MELBOURNE, Sept. 18 WHILE Britain publicises her awareness of new aggression perils in Europe and Asia, her rearmament programme and her security clamp down on potential traitors in the civil service, Australia publicises her tidapa attitude toward war risks and toward her
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  • 736 4 New superstitions forold FOOLISH, foolish, no foolish fortune" is a common Chinese saying spoken when a person unknowingly defies a superstitious tabu and comes through unscathed The Chinese have such a string of superstitious tabu* that I often wonder how our parents are able to circumvent them all. Our modern
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  • 537 4 2 BEST-SELLERS AMONG THE NEW BOOKS WRITING an account of one of Mr. Erskine Caldwell's books, an American magazine once hazarded the guess that: "Perhaps some of his appeal is to hunters of the salacious; it is possible to read his novels as if they were extended dirty jokes." That
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 256 4 /t*S Eoiy to send even tons ot merchandise to world markets quickly, safely, and economically by Qantas Air Caigo. Every type ot goods reaches its destination in minimum uriie and in perfect condition. You save on packaging «nd insurance costs avoid delays in handling. Qanra* Mr Cargo reaches England, India,
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  • 370 5 But very, very slowly Sunday Times Staff Reporter SINGAPORE is gradually sinking into the sea, Mr. R. V. Morris, a local boring surveyor, who for the past 25 years has been sinking boreholes all over the island, taking bedrock depths, told the Sunday Times yesterday.
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  • 78 5 Sunday Times Staff Reporter MR. Joseph Michael* Con way, 57-year-old ex-passenger agent of the American President Lines, Singapore, has died at Okinawa Island, Japan. He was on his way, in the ship President Tyler, to San I Francisco where he was to take up a
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  • 84 5 Due from Australia in the Gorgon today are Mr. Leonard E. Buck, chairman of the Unevangellsed Fields Mission, and Mr. George Sexton, field leader of the same mission. These men, who represent several Australian missionary organisations, are to survey missionary work and needs In Indonesia,
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  • 67 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat, -A sale of work will be held at St. Andrew's Church Hall next Saturday. The sale is beivg organised by the Church Work Party, and includes a cushion stall, plant section, needlework stall (which ir.cludes Christmas gift) and a cake stall.
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  • 19 5 UNATTENDED $2 PARIT BUNTAR, Sat. For leaving his bicycle unattended, Tan Chang Hottg was fined $2 at Nlbong Tebal.
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  • Letters to the Editor
    • 128 5 Hyderabad India defended SEVERAL readers have written in defence ol India's action against Hyderabad, which was commented upon in a leading article in the Sunday Times last week. Extracts from some of the letters are I*O say India was wrong is easy, but what other action could sne have taken
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    • 63 5 r criticise an action taken by a democratic India to suppress lawlessness worse than Malaya experiences today, by a band of bloodthirsty, power-grabbing human wolves styled Razakars encouraged by a coup of despotic State nawabs is to my conception a display of prejudice against a new-born nation whose democratic way
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    • 87 5 THE Indiana t the helm of Indian affairs are not guided by the spirit of the assassin of the Apostle of j Peace. They could not idle away their time when the country was burning with communal frenzy. Their i timely move has saved many and the action has been
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  • 23 5 SEREMBAN. Sat. Tarn Seng, 29, yesterday pleaded guilty to hawking Ice cream at Murray Street without licence He was fined $18.
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  • 275 5 Sunday Times Financial Correspondent SHARE markets experienced another disappointing week, but there were some encouraging features. Lower price levels attracted buying Interest and the early selling pressure disappeared before the close yesterday. Political developments were responsible for the decline, but apparently London overdid the disappointment over
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  • 67 5 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's noon prices yesterday (Sept. 25) were, in cents per lb: Buyers Sellers NO. 1 R.S.S Spot. loose nominal 43% 43* F.o.b. in bales Oct. No. 1 R.S.S 43H 43% No. 2 R.S.S -US. 41Ti No. 3 R.S.S 40 40 U On reg.
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  • 92 5 Sunday Times Staff Reporter. A DRAFT ordinance is to be Introduced at the next meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council to incorporate the office of the Chief Secretary of the Federation. The Corporation formed will take over the property vested in the High Commissioner
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  • 81 5 SEGAMAT, Saturday. After a lapse of years, the Johore Stat^ Medical Board has been reconstituted. Its members are the P.M.0.. the State Under-secretary the D.O. Johore Bahru, the Lady Medical Officer, Shiekh Abu Bakar bin Yahaya, Dr. Ismail bin Abdul Rahman, Dr. T E Che ah.
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  • 27 5 PARIT BTJNTAR, Sat—Da■us bin Salleh. at Nlbong Tebal. was charged with stealing 190 coconuts at Kampong Sungel Udan. The case was postponed to September 2t.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 448 5 How to treat a GRAZED KNEE 7 I. Cleanse the ana thoroughly and jr /j 2. Select a large Elas.oplast dressing and remove the protective muslin. I li. Without touching the antiseptic J (fffi" < r wcm f slightly stretching dressing along f^ J 4. Finally, firmly press down ad-
      448 words
    • 308 5 CHILDREN'S ANNUALS FOR 1949 Picture Show 6.30 Boys' Cinema 4 50 The Champion Annual Por Boys 4 50 Radio Pun 4.50 Girls' Crystal 4.50 Film Pun— The All-Star Annual 3 90 Playbox 3.90 Rainbow 3 90 Tlßer Tim's 3.90 Knock-out Fun Book 3.90 The Tip Top Book 3.90 Chicks' Own
      308 words
    • 287 5 FOR YOUR LIPS If you want your lips oeautifully radiant and seductive without that painted look use OUTTARB Super-Indelible Lipstick 1948. Of an entirely new conception, it stays on for 8 hours without retouching, without drying the lips. You can eat, drink, smoke. ev«n kiss without leaving tell-tale traces. Created
      287 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 170 5 Pfffi3k^ 135* il3b*S siia*^^K^^iT^»^[s RAOIO MALAYA SDfCAPORE u;.U kes, 4.96 or 7.2 mcs.) 9 a.m. Boston Promenade; 9 30 it-chard Tauber; 1Q..00 Ivor More-! ion, Dave Kay; 10.15 Hit Parade; 11.00 South America, Take It Away; 11.39 Music; 12.00 Close. 1p m Jul.en Foorman; 1.30 News; 1.45 Art Tatum; 2.00
      170 words
    • 329 5 Violin; 6.00 Magazine 6. 30 News; sing- 11.00 Australian Newt; 6.45 Opera- 7.30 Editorials, 7.45 11.15 Talk- 11.30 Bandstand; I'ma: 8.15 I. ft- In Britain; 8.30' u. 45 C!ose. News; 8.45 All-Tlme Hit Parade;' 9.30 Radio Newsreel; 9.45 Ltssfi Piano Concerto No. 1 In E lU'; 11.00 Children's Hour; 11.30
      329 words

  • 626 6 SINGAPORE, SEPT. 26, 1948. COMMON WEAL CIVIC consciousness is slow in growing in Malaya. Too many people have still not realised that to live as part of an integrated community calls for something from them, something concrete. Singapore today affords three striking instances of citizens wno take all they get
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  • 1171 6  - MALAYS AND THE HIGHER EDUCATION C.H.E. DET by RECENTLY a Malay member of the Perak Council of State revealed the startling fact that in Perak, out of approximately 17,000 Malay children attending school, less than a hundred attend English schools. This he attributed to the fact that most English schools
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  • 1264 6  - Police break up chap-ji-kee racket SIT xIN FONG by DACKBONE of 1 v Singapore's $500,000 a day illegal chap-ji-kee racket was broken when a 35--year-old Shanghai woman was banished last month A mysterious figure, rarely seen in publlic, this woman, known as the chap-ji-kee queen of Singapore, with two men
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 355 7 Tin and rice not affected Sunday Times Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. A TTACKS by terrorists during the last fortnight may have been part of their "advertised September offensive;" whatever their successes, however, the situation has not deteriorated and the security forces' position has been strengthened,
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  • 102 7 45 WAS 55 TOO FEW Sunday Times Staff Reporter THE fourth general meeting of tne Singapore Co-Ope-rative Stores Society. Ltd.. had to be abandoned yesterday because only 45 peonle were Dresent. The necessary quorum Is 100. Ths meeting was postponed to Oct. 9 at 3 p.m. The report of the
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  • 213 7 UP UP GOES PEPPER PRICE Sunday Times Staff Reporter PEPPER, one of the world's scarcest commodities, has within nine months become 130 to 250 per cent, more valuable. The price of white pepper (Muntok or Sarawak variety) has risen from $160 in January to about $225 per picul last week-end.
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  • 47 7 THREE Chinese and two In- dlans set upon a pedestrian at Balestler Road yesterday at 9.30 p.m and robbed him of $7.40. The pedestrian, a Johore Bahru resident who came to Singapore on business, told I the police he could identify one of the Indians
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  • 327 7 Sunday Times Staff Correspondent AN R.A.F. Corporal in the Special Investigation rv Branch said in the Singapore Ninth Police Court yesterday that, when told about the theft of a three-ton lorry, a leading aircraftman replied "I will tell you the story." Corporal Benjamin Eymore said
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  • 336 7 Sunday Times Stall' Reporter BY next Sunday, Singapore's electrical engineers at St. James' Power Station hope to have the seven-ton turbine rotor that has been repaired in England spinning at 3,000 revolutions per minute, and doing its bit to relieve the city's power shortage. Mr. C.
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  • 101 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter. TWELVE of the crew of the S. S. Bust, who are to give evidence in the case in- j volvh g $500 000-worth of opium found in the ship on Sept. 22. appeared before the Second District Judge (Mr J. L.
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  • 51 7 BENTONG, Sat.— Four Chinese terrorists with pistols got a shock when they binding a dumb Malay boy to a tree at Kampong Jamburlas, 21 miles from Bentong on the Bentong-Mentakab road. The Malay whipped out his parang and slashed out at them, wounding one
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  • 36 7 A THREE-YEAR-OLD Chinese Hokien girl. Annie Tan. plunged 150 feet to her death when she fell from the fourth floor ofo ne of the Improvement Trust buildings at Chay Van Street, yesterday.
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  • 220 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter KUALA LI'MPUR, Saturday. OTREPTOMVCUI, the "miracle" drug used for certain types of tuberculosis, will shortly be subject to strictest control in the Federation of Malaya, the Federation T-r^-culosis Advisory Board decided this morning. The Board had heard evidence by Dr. A
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  • 24 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter A 13-year-old Indian boy was reported yesterday to be missing from 6. New Cemetery Road since Sept. 22.
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  • 85 7 ADMIRAL Sir Denis and Lady Boyd were among the many people who saw the 50 paintings and drawings on exhibition at the Green Room of the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday morning. The artists Cmdr. R. Kilroy R.N., and Count Bernardino del Boca di Villaregia—
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  • 148 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter. QINGAPORE Film Society, a small band of enthusiasts whose DroKramme Include the showing of films nor normally se?n in the ordinary cinema is trying to increase its membership. The present membershio Is around 60 and another 100 members are wanted Immediately if
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  • 280 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday. T<HE question of giving some status or authority to A planters and miners who have helped to raise, train and run the special constabulary is under official consideration, said the Commissioner for Police, Mr. W. D. Gray, at a
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  • 34 7 BULLETS CHARGE $500 BAIL JOHORE BAHRU, Sat Raju, aged 22, of Fraser Estate, Kulal, was today charged with being found with six rounds of ammunition three of them spent. Raju allowed bail in $500
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  • 22 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter. KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— Yong Kah Heng, notorious Perak gang robber, has been hanged in Taiping prison.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 144 7 DESIGNED FORGOOD^f I EASY ttECEPTIOIMjf C? \3*"*^~ .jrrfillllV] TYPE 126 This Model is fitted with a good receiver for genera] purposes. Special attention has been given to make Short Wave very easy. PRICE $285 CASH DISCOUNT 10% Sole Agents j 12. ORCHARD RO. SINGAPORE PHONE 6322 I if you c
      144 words
    • 192 7 COSSOR RADSOS 1 ■Mrlß^" -C" >* j^B^Bo £1 i f^^Hfl^^B. IB Model 472AC/E $300/--for A.C. Mains Here is a magnificent receiver embodying the most advanced technique «nd designed throughout specifically for overseas use. with Bandspread Tuning on short wavebands In operation this model is delightful to manipulate the flywhe-l tuning
      192 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 798 8 r.-CafO^ PROTECT S*" YOUR CROPS ryrethex From o«i»ruc»ion bM V By Intacta With jtyl- rQ, Odourlan, Nen- .j"2~ jjrf PeitsnoM ¥/%r\ PYRETHEX ■eaoffs^ Molt IHi l#nt Kirn ncng trading Corp., Ltd. 1), Old Market Squara. Kuala Lumpur. XMAS FOOD GIFT PARCELS INCLUDING SUGAR to U K Eire and other Countries,
      798 words
    • 68 8 NEW BOOKS Mougham. Catalina (5.50; Raffles of Singapore by Emily Hahn $8.50; Malay Fisherman $1250; Flivver King. Sinclair $4 00, The Musical Companion by A. L. Bacliararn $6.50; The War of 'i»e Worlds by H. O. Wells $300; B. Shaw Through the Camera $8.50. Dictionary of the Unusual Words. Parts
      68 words
    • 77 8 What's her number? MANY a young man would like to iave the telephone number of adorable Alice Apple. We're going to let them discover It. The number of Alice's telephone Is composed of four figures whose sum Is her age. The first figure is three times the third and the
      77 words
    • 202 8 808 MARTIN'S world-famous preparations FOR DOGS AND CATS •ONDITION POWDERS CAT TOWDERB WORM MEDICINES DISTEMPER POWDERS TN f# lrltio ftf CLE ANBFUR POWDER CANKER LOTION CANKER POWDER BLOOM SHAMPOO Bob Martin's product! INSECT POWDER -rv «*««i"-w« «<>» (Containing DAi.T.)f m+-~ ~*^'^fcA leading Cbemuu and CHALK BLOCK "■^^^ftJkjSftk" 1 Food Sh
      202 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 377 8 HowtHutUdfitfoul&tow? 15. Old King Cole's fiddlers added up to 16. Total of Little Pigs which built houses was 17. The Wise Men who followed tr*e Christmas Star were in number 18. States In the United States Union having names beginning with G total—? 19. You don't have to be sensitive,
      377 words
    • 179 8 Sunday Times Crossword ACROSS N l^Maker (7); 7. Lake. (5); 12. 1. Piants (7>; 2. Recline (4); Slit (4); 1». Suggestive (8); 14. 8. Called for a repetition (7); 4. Guards (7); 16. Desert region (5); Expiate (5); 8. Fragment (3); 6. 1 17. Weigh' (S); 18. Imbue (7); Oppose
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  • 1560 9  - PRINCESS ELIZABETH AND HER BABY GWEN ROBYNS by TOWARDS the end of next month two large black cars will speed towards Buckingham Palace. Police cyclists will es2ort them, clearing the way. In one will be the Home Secretary, Mr. J. C miter Ede, and in the other will be the
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  • 353 9 1 am in the depths of despair because I cannot heap my friends. 1 place the highest value on friendship and everyone would feel as hopeless as 1 do if everyone who matterc ceased caring Keenness for work alone is not enough. It's time to find out where
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  • 548 9 MARY HEATHCOTT calculates LONDON, Sept. 12. OOMEONE was calculating how many hours the average housewife in England spends hanging over the kitchen sink a dreary kind of statistic. I should like to know, too how many hours the average housewife wastes shopping By shopping I do not
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 268 9 PROTECT YOU* EYES WITH Optrex EYE LOTION JB?srTiiirf^ HBMHBJBBB9nSHVHBR«v A ►•r rou |li»M Or »O«. r«» *O«I* !>••• r*u' •■•'-•>•< n r»| U >>- >I 6, O«»l *»d *'%ii >-c tr. (>!' at all iti^i>.ii.sari(N l and I eadlnt s)torm A OP. 3/47. Faf Dissolved 5 Pounds a Week
      268 words
    • 127 9 i I flfo v. ijp Hi TREATMENTS as in the famous Salon* in NEW YORK, LONDON, PA HIS are now beings, given by Miss Arden's Representative Mrs. HORNER Make your appointment mml MAYNARD CO., LTD 11, BATTERY ROAD PHONE 6115 IHt Ooyi-Malaya-AtmoiDt-cr* 6» 3} Gifts.* I Tiny Hindbij Phm 161
      127 words

  • 129 10 Blackbeah 17. Guy's Hospital London Scottish 25. Old Merchant Taylors 16; Rosslyn Park 10. Harlequins 19; Aberavon 3. Cwmavon 3; Abertlllery 6. Maesteg 11; Bath 11. Devonport Service* 11: Bedford 8. Richmond 11; Blrkenhead Park 14. Sale 8. Brldgend 8. Cross Keys 10: Bristol 16. Gloucester Cardiff
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 78 10 Australian tonr:— Wakefltld Trinity IP. Australians 26. Leacme fames: Barrow 13. Swlnton 0; Brainier 24. Leigh 8: Dewsbury 7. 6t Helens 14; Halifax 28. Oldham 0; Bull Kingston Rover* 7. Castleford 14: Hunslet 5. Bradford Northern 10; Liverpool Stanley 18. I Batlev 3: Rochdale Hornets 3. Kelgh lev
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 51 10 'J'HE Nee Soon Garrison R.F O. I beat the Base Workshops' R.E.M.E. by 13 points (two goals and one try) to five (a goal) in a rugger match played at Nee Soon yesterday. This was the Garrison's fifth win In six matches, the previous one having been
    51 words
  • 39 10 THE first round tie In the Com-: a--real Houses badminton! tourney between the Cable and Wireless S.C. Rnd the Mansfield S.C. will be played at the Clerl- ral Union Hall on Wednesday, Sept. 29 at 7 p.m.
    39 words
  • 164 10 Portsmouth win again LONDON, Saturday. UULL CITY, from the humble English Third Division, took top honours in today's programme by equalling a 45-year-old record in beginning the season with eight successive victories. Inspired by the former England international Raich Carter, their greying player-manager, Hull swept
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  • 410 10 Sunday Times Staff Reporter rpHE Singapore Chinese Swimming Club is to have a new half-million dollar swimming pool, which will be the biggest in the Colony. The new pool will be built on approximately one acre ana a half of the Club's own land, directly
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  • 222 10 'NO GIN, NO FUN' FOR OMA LONDON, Saturday. LEE Ohm, the American heavy- j weight boxer who came to London a few weeks ago with a "dollar and a half" and a repertoire of •"wisecracks." flew borne with £4.000 and a badly deflated ego. He confessed that he has been
    Reuter  -  222 words
  • 95 10 Sunday Times Seremban Sports Correspondent ANEW Negri Sembllan record for the pole vault was created at the Negrl Sembilan amateur athletic meeting yesterday. The record holder. Wong Kee Slang, bettered his own height of 9 ft. 10 In., of last year by clearing ten
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  • 94 10 "pHE S.C.F.A. team to meet the Johore Chinese on O- f 1, will be chosen from the dewing: A. A. A.: Chu Chee Ser.s, Vee Yuen Meng, Thong aim San, Chiam Kirn Seang. Swee L m Swang and Hee Chit Lim; Tiger S.A.: Lee Pak Tong, Foong
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  • 374 10  -  FEATHER Badminton Notes By pNTKIES for the Inter-team J events have been pretty encouraging judging from the small number of senior players available in Singapore. ne«nlte the fact that there are over^Js affltate? cl^l In sLi£ onlfe^itf of th^maiofXs hfve senf fn tint It^« taown fact
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  • 108 10 THE Combined Indian, were 6fi 1 runs behind with four vickets in hand in the first innings of their cricket match against the R.A.P. Malaya, which began yesterday at Seletar. The match, which will be resumed at 11 this morning, is for the Mahatma
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  • 47 10 !>cpt. :sih Third Division i Northern i. Accrlngton Stanley v Hull City. Sept. tttb Third Division i Southern i: Bournemouth and B.A v Aldershot: Watford t Mtllwall. Sept. 3ath Third Division (Boutt*rnl: Swanae* Town v Swlndon Town. Third Division (Northrrm D-vcaiter Rovers v Stockport City.—ReuUr
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  • 263 10 IN the opening game of the rugger season on the 1 S.C.C. Padang yesterday, the Newcomers defeated the Old XV (Whites) by 16 points (two goals and two tries) to five (a goal) in an exciting game. The game was more in the nature of a
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  • 89 10 Copenhagen. Saturday. f H E England team to meet Denmark here tomorrow was selected after a final practice tbia morning The team will be: Swift, Scott, Aston, Wright, Pranklto, Oockburc, Matthews. Hagan. Lawton, Shackleton arM Langton. The England selectors decided to play ShaekteUn at -ntide-left because of
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 140 10 Sunday Times Johore Sports Correspondent FE soccer season is now In Its final phases and the programme for the remaining few weeks of play will be confined to the knock out competition for the Capital Cup, played for annually by teams who took part In the
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  • 69 10 IN the main event of the wrestling promotion at the Great World last night Joglnder Slngn was disqualified in the second round of his bout with King Kong. Other results were: Kid Masque knocked out Curly Connors in the third round: All Riza Bey beat Swaran Singh
    69 words
  • 57 10 BOSCA BOA drew with Joglnda: over ten rounds a' the wrestling programme at the Happy World last night. Ho Wah Peng and Greenwood were both counted out while flgh” ing outside the ring. Basropan beat Kunju oy two clear falls, while Smiling Pang beat Majld
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 478 10 Rheumatism and Backache GoneiniWeek luik Ki*)a*n Wirti Crstas Yo.ll f rsl F.n. iCjratci— th» prrkcrlndon of a fsrnou* ,do< tor— *nda all troublr* due to faulty Ik! lno artlon In d«ublr quirk tlmr. *o. Jt^ u^«VsV t 'L«9 t pTIVs Bo 6*llV«»•! l cl»«"*• Anh'n. Burning. jTilfiiflO PSMIQaa, and be
      478 words
    • 247 10 THE WHITE ANT gjgffll^ PREVENTIVE AND A I Jll PRESERVING STAIN Treatment of all I "o*4s &M Timber with Sollgnum I «V 4 JVruM ♦Hiaurai a oermanent hi ;"^!.v.;;;j safeguard against ■•^.""-•■^•"•^if dry-rot and the l\|lji||jijigflj| y expense of costly I"IM f flKgiw \My. renewals caused V^\iJß*P%^ through the Inroad
      247 words

  • 1315 11 MANNIE SEAMON SAYS Why Joe Louis preferred me MANY people think that a trainer's job begins and ends with his fighter going in the ring and coming out again. I know there are boxers who have never had more help from the men
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  • 259 11  -  "SCREW-BALL" By AFTER being Hopelessly beaten down to third place by the Chinese Sports Association and the Chin Woo Athletic Association in the senior interclub league championship, the Tiger Sporting Association reclaimed honours by winning three individual events in the Singapore table tennis finals at the
    259 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 11 THE big crowd at Buklt Tim ah look on with admiration as th e Gold Cup horses parade before the grandstand prior to going to the barrier for the start of the big race.
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  • 245 11 MRS. CHIONH, MISS HENG ENTER FINAL IN a thrilling game Mrs. Chionh H.ok Chor beat Mrs. L. M. Peunefather in the Singapore badminton championships at the Clerical Union hall yesterday. The match was a semi-final v the women's open singles event. Mrs. Chionh made a remarkable recovery in the "rubber"
    245 words
  • 89 11 ASCOT, Englaud. Sat. TWO fillies from the Royal stable gave King George VI his second double of the racing season yesterday Angelola won the Princess Royal stakes for three-year-old fillies to win a purse of C 1.445. She finished the one-and-a-half mile course with Jockey Edgar
    AP  -  89 words
  • 65 11 LONDON, Sat. TT was revealed today that Vu» world flyweight champion Rlnty Monaghan of Belfa«t. has received an offer of $30,000 plus two air transport fares from Slam lehinose manager of Hawalin Dado Marino, for Monaghfui to defend his world title against Marino at Honolulu on Jan.
    UP  -  65 words
  • 63 11 LONDON, Sat. REO Harris, 1947 world amateur sprint cyclists lost an appeal yesterday to have his professional Ucenoe withdrawn. Thus, he Is a professional in the eyes of the National Cyclist Union. Harris was granted his licence two weeks ago, then asked to have it cancelled
    AP  -  63 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 82 11 TODAY J^^ 78 deg. Temp, for Sheer Comfort I GIRLS! HOW TO GET RINGS ON YOUR FINGERS In M 3 Eas y Lessons! 111 l I IHBM^Y UunyJ F 2anu<k ptu%u wlj ill ""LINDA DARNELL *6l a ..imh CORNEL WiLDE -IsaJgS ai Bru(> Carlnm RICHARD GREENE l »Jp «^w*t fifflftfif
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  • 2793 12  -  EPSOM JEEP Cup Race carried 10,000 win tkts. By DR. L. Melville Thompson's Leoda, a five-year-old bay English mare by Fairchance cut of Honorary Member, won the Singapore Gold Cup, richest prize ever on the Malayan Turf, at Bukit Timah yesterday. Trained by Lt.-Col. T. L.
    2,793 words
  • 55 12 THE Johore English College opened lte. hockey season with a match against the 221 Vehicle Company yesterday. The match ended in a victory for the Collegian* by I—o.1—0. Slngara Singh, the College skipper scored. Haibans Singh and Collins, the State player, were outstanding for I the College
    55 words
  • 142 12 Sunday Times Malacca Sports Correspondent JOHORE Malays beat Malacca Malays one -nil In a Sultan's Gold Cup soccer fixture played at Banda Hlllr Park, Malacca, yesterday. Johore had the better of the exchanges. In the first minute of play Hao■on scored what proved to be
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 277 12 Here's Instant m% neiier g In conditions ,7-^y-l/^ < arising from Gastric Jr Acidity, the well balanced formula of DE WITTS ANTACID POWDER is a palatable and speedy antacid. Avoid spicy or overrich foods until tha normal digestion is restored. The first dose of DE WITT'S will be a revelation
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