The Straits Times, 24 September 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 489 1 We Will Not Barter Freedom' PARIS, Thursday. MR. Marshall, the United States Secretary of State, said today m a thinly veiled warning to the Soviet Union, that American patience should not be mistaken for weakness. He told United Nations Assembly delegates: "The United States
    AP  -  489 words
  • 182 1 "SPECIALS" KILL TWO BANDITS IPOH, Thurs. DOLICE and troops yes- terday killed three terrorists and arrested many more. The initiative of a Malay suecial constable resulted m two of the terrorists being killed at Malim Nawar. 20 miles south of Ipoh, and some arms being recovered. The constable was returning
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  • 244 1 BATAVIA, Thursday. INDONESIAN Republican troops driving forward A m three columns today pushed the Communists back to within 12J miles of their East Java stronghold of Madiun, the Republican news, agency, Antara, reported. Military authorities m Jogjakarta. Republican capital, expressed confidence that Ma- i diun would
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  244 words
  • Article, Illustration
    60 1 THE STORYTELLER: One of the excellent photographs m Straits Times pictures 1948. On sale early m November, it contains nearly 100 photographs. Last year's issue was sold out after running through three editions. Make sure of your copy by ordering now: price $2.75 posted to any address m the world
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  • 62 1 TO TRENGGANU From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— The Commissioner General (Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald) arrived m Trengganu this morning on a two-day visit. Tonight he ls expected to attend a party given by the Sultan at the Istana Badariah. H.M.S. Alert arrived here yesterday
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  • 35 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— A total of 3,356 people arrested under the Emergency Regulations were under detention on Sept. 20. Arrests, since the Regulations were gazetted, have totalled 5,266, but 1,910 have been released.
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  • 25 1 NANKING, Thursday.— The Foreign Office today denied a Bangkok press report that Chinese troops had crossed the Siamese frontier and threatened Siam's independence.—Reuter.
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  • 95 1 Evatt Will Lead Team CANBERRA, Thursday. SENATOR McKenna, acting Attorney General, said today that Australia's Minister for External Affairs, Dr. Evatt, would lead a team of lawyers to present the Australian Government's appeal to the Privy Council against the invalidation of its Banking Act by the High Court. Other members
    Reuter-AAP  -  95 words
  • 175 1 BRITAIN CALL-UP PLAN I LONDON, Thurs. THE House of Lords was 1 told yesterday that I Britain had completed arrangements for calling up 2,000,000 men or more if an emergency arises. Lord Hall, First Lord of j Admiralty, outlined the steps 1 taken to meet a possible criHe said thai
    UP  -  175 words
  • 132 1 Europe-Asia Red Link WASHINGTON, Thurs. UNREST m South-East Asia was directly linked with I the sworn Communist opposition to the European Recovery Plan, a high American official said here today. He said that leading members of the 16 European nations relied to a considerable extent on economic benefits' accruing from
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 124 1 The Angry Wives Of Moscow MOSCOW, Thurs. Four more Soviet wives of Britons and four Soviet wives of Americans have asked for divorces. They sent letters to the Soviet Government newspaper, Izvestia, m which they said: "We protest against the slanderous antiSoviet campaign In the Anglo American Press about the
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 364 1 A PROFIT of $230,000 was expected by the arms ring from the sale of the 40 cases of arms and ammunition seized by the Singapore and Dutch Police from the Catalina off Airabu Island last Tuesday week. Singapore's Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department (Mr. E.
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  • 127 1 SHANGHAI, Thurs. pRO-Government des- patches claimed today that 14,000 Communists' were killed or wounded when the Nationalist Command used power- ful squadrons of the Na- tionalist aircraft around Tsinan today. Nationalist quarters say the attack was the largest of its kind m the 20 years
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 258 1 RACEHORSE DRUGGING SUSPECTED ILLEGAL bookmakers m Singapore are suspected of having drugged some likely winners at the current Singapore Turf Club meeting. The Turf Club yesterday took action to keep strangers away from the stables. An order was issued 10 ali trainers and owners that only trainers and their employees
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  • 148 1 Guerilla Tactics In Burma RANGOON, Thurs. THE Burmese Government's battle against insurgents, including Rtd Flag anc White Flag, breakaway members of the Peoples Volunteer Organisation and plain dacoits. has changed its pattern since the recapture of Prom" Dally Clashes continue to op reported m Government communiques, but sinc^ the Government
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 55 1 i <£\ MATCHLESS JTV^W BEAUTY }^^SfIAFFLtS PLACt SfVBP THE ALLEN MOTOR SCYTHE SELF-PROPELLED BRITISH MANUFACTURE Built to withstand hard work and rough use. Ideal for keeping under control all kinds of rough growth etc. Manufactured by JOHN ALLEN SONS (OXFORD) LTD. COW LEY ENGLAND Joint Agents McALISTER AND CO. LTD.
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    • 13 1 Sped*" If Jl fates i^tt 111 pa/ hC^iL*^ fa**"* f^e6t tyxaUH- Awvb 1883
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 108 2 PALERMO, Thursday. A BOUT 1,000 men in a police drag net swept into the barren hills of Sicily yesterday in the greatest effort yet to capture the island's most notorious bandit, Giulano, often referred to as the "Robin Hood" of Sicily. The police
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    • 22 2 ALGIERS, Thurs. Nineteen persons were killed and 20 seriously injured yesterday when two expJosiveladen French Army truck* collided.— A.P.
      AP  -  22 words
    • 47 2 TEHERAN, Thurs. The first of 8,000 Persian pilgrims left here today for Mecca following the resumption of diplomatic relations between Persia and Saudi Arabia. Relations were broken off m 1943, when a Persian pilgrim was beheaded for having desecrated a holy shrine In Mecca. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  47 words
    • 43 2 LONDON, Thurs. A 37-year-old German, Rudolf Beauthner, was fined £25.000, ordered to pay £1,000 costs, and gaoled for three months at a London police court yesterday for currency offences said to have cost Britain and France more than £70.000 each. Reuter
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 28 2 LONDON, Thurs.— A British mission is to go to Bogota soon to aid the Colombian Government m reorganising Its police force, the Foreign Office announces.— A.P.
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    • 26 2 MIAMI, Thurs.— A tropical hurricane moved into the Atlantic yesterday after raking Cuba and South Florida and leaving at least nine persons dead.— A.P.
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    • 28 2 LONDON, Thurs.— The Admiralty yesterday announced that the destroyers Fame and Hotspur, now being refitted at Devonport. were being sold to the Dominican Government.— U P
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    • 64 2 COPENHAGEN, Thurs. British exhibitors m Copenhagen are "very satisfied" with the flow of orders and inquiries from Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish business firms, Sir Frederick Bain, President of the Federation of British Industries, said yesterday. "The exhibition shows that British goods are still among the best In
      AP  -  64 words
    • 33 2 The Aga Khan, who was taken ill during his recent visit to Africa. In Paris, his secretary said yesterday that "the Prince is m need of peace," Reuter reports.
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  • 49 2 NEW YORK, Thurs. DISEASE, sickness and malnutrition among I children of the Orient "is even more desperate than In Europe," former U.S. Surgeon-General Thomas I'arran told the American Hospital Association at Atlantic City yesterday. Mr. Parran surveyed conditions m the Orient last spring. AJ»
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  • 113 2 LONDON, Thurs. THE Colonial Office has asked the Nigerian Government for a full report on the case of an 18-year-old English girl who died In Calabar, Nigeria, from "acute melancholia" three months after her marriage to a wealthy Syrian merchant. The girl, Mary Veronica Merry Mangan. who worked
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 741 2 NOTICES NOTICE Italian, Hungarian, Roumanian nnd Bulgarian nationals resident m territory which has at no time i tumj territory as defined by ho Trading With The Enemy A 1 930 and possessing property rights and interest* within the j itlon of Malaya should commtmlcatf with the Custodian Of Ere ny
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    • 499 2 NOTICES SEHNH CHUA BURIAL GROUND A meeting of the members of the Senh Chua of the Holden Commusity will be held at Chop Soon Cheong, Ist. Floor. No. 34, Pekin Street, Singapore, on Saturday 2nd. October, 1948. at 2 30 p.m. AGENDA 1. To confirm the minutes of the last
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    • 730 2 NOTICES CLOSURE OF BRIDGE The bridge over Klang River joining Brickfields Road to Lornie Road will be doted to all vehicular traffic from 20th September to 24th October Inclusive. Traffic to and from Klang Road should use Suleiman Bridge. MUNICIPAL ENGINEER, KUALA LUMPUR. AUCTION SALE OF 747 Bags (Approx: 70
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    • 389 2 REMOVAL NOTICE As from the 25th. September. 1848. the new address of CHOP BAN TECK SENG Of No 146. Cross Street. Singapore, will be at No. 196 SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD (Corner of South Bridge Road and Unper Crnss Street). Spore. SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders are invited for the supply of Labour
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    • 299 2 AUCTION SALE OF Wax polished teak household furniture etc comprising: Wardrobes, Dre&ssing tables. Sitting Room sets. Dining tables. Sideboards, Single St Double bedsteads with cotton mattresses, Baby's >"ot, Writing tables, Meatj safes. Crockery, and also 50 cases Cocoa Malt, 13 cases Cosmetics. 8 cases Curry Powder etc To Be Held
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    • 373 2 LIGHT DELIVERY VAN vJK I /A mm. jf^M* /i\ fry v With smart moderl) /V ,Ji i styling and many important portant new features with this new Commer is SYNCHROMATIC the smartest. sturdi,st. finger-tip gear change most economic liaihi allied to a new fully van on tnfk road proved crashproof
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  • 173 3 Stalin In Crimea, Says London LONDON, Thursday. THE Foreign Office said today the Cominform A Communist International Information Bureau may be meeting now m the Russian Crimea. The British spokesman said that while reports of such a meeting could not be regarded as 100 per cent firm,
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 168 3 POLISH LEADERS TOGO WARSAW, Thurs. THE Polish Socialist x Party today announced the resignation of 15 of its leading officials after a four-day conference called to prepare a merger with the Communists. The resignations included Stanislaw Szwalbe. Deputy Speaker of the Polish Parliament, and Kazimierz Ruslnek. Minister of Labour. Szwalbe
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  • 69 3 aihus, inurs. THE Greek Army repulsed another Communist coun-ter-attack m the Itsi triangle and recovered some ground lost m the last two weeks. Yesterday's communique said that 108 more guerrillas were killed, bringing to 400 the total of dead m this week's offensive. The Army also
    AP  -  69 words
  • 91 3 LONDON. Thurs. Since! the plane crash m which Sir Edward Gent, High Commissioner for Malaya, was killed aircraft waiting to land at Northolt airport near here have been ordered to fly 1,000 feet above each other instead of 300 feet. This was stated yesterday when the inquiry
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 41 3 TOKIO, Thurs.— The Mutj Diet Committee, Investigating illegal transactions, has decided to defer inquiry into the Sasebo heavy industry and shipping company case. The Finance Minister Tokutaro Kitamura) had been called for questionirg on the case.— Reuter.
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  • 27 3 ports suggest that the Hukbalahap chief (Luis Taruc) and a band of followers may have reached the fastnesses of Sierra Madre mountains.— U.P
    UP  -  27 words
  • 91 3 FIS was yesterday's news j of the Near East situation: In Cairo, a heavy explosion shook the Jewish quarter, killed nineteen people and wounded 47. Rioting broke out after the explosion but. police soon intervened. In Palestine,- snipers killed four people travelling m a food convoy
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  • 65 3 SYDNEY, Thurs. Accord- ing to a recent Gallup Poll, j Australians find it difficult to choose between a job with a I Government and one with' private enterprise. Of these questioned, 47 per cent, said they would choose the private business, 44 per! cent, said they
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 55 3 OTTAWA, Thurs.— Sir Stafford Cripps has told Canadians that by the end of 1952 Britain should balance her imports and exports. By the end of he Eirope.i i Recovery Plan period, he ex- pected "we can balance our overseas payments pro\ided| we can continue with
    AP  -  55 words
  • 36 3 LONDON, Thurs.—Approximately 8 000 British armj deserters were at large m the United Kingdom on July 31 this year, the Defence Minister (Mr. A. V. Alexander told the House of Common.' yesterday.— A. P.
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  • 128 3 LONDON, Thursday. "THE Lnder-Secretarx for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Christopher Mayhew) told the House of Commons yesterday that the British Government strongly disapproved of participation by British subjects in the Karen uprising in Burma. He said that reports from the British Ambassador in Rangoon suggested
    Reuter; AP  -  128 words
  • 75 3 NEW YORK, Thurs. THE Communist Party has offered U.S. $15,000 reward for apprehension of the men who knifed and beat th e State party chairman (Mr. Robert Thomp son) m a dark alley. Describing the attack as an attempted political assassination, a Communist delegation went to
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  • 297 3 CAPETOWN, Thursday. THE South African Parliament has passed the second reading of a new Asiatic Laws Amendment Bill, described by the Minister of the Interior, Mr. T. E. Donges, as the first step towards repatriation of Indians. The voting was 63 to 54. Earlier yesterday the
    Reuter  -  297 words
  • Article, Illustration
    45 3 BRINGING UP FATHER: Winner at a novel race for fathers at a British children's swimming; gala at the Berlin Olympic Pool. Each entrant was given a motor tyre inner tube, a table tennis bat, a paper parasol and a bottle of beer. A. P. picture.
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  • 146 3 HONG KONG, Thurs. FIREMEN today carried 1 115 charred unrecognisable bodies from the upper floors of the tenement building under which yesterday's disastrous fire started. This brought, the total deathroll to 135 with at least 12 more very ill m hospital. Most of the victims
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 89 3 MADRAS, Thurs. DAZAKARS are giving their arms to Coirmunists as the two groups combine m east Hydfiabad. Members of the United 1 Nations Commission on India I and Pakistan have left for I I Geneva. The Pakistani Premier (Liaquat Ali Khan) assured India: "Pakistan wants peace
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 153 3 f I Vnu'U forever remember i 1 S HOLOCAUST »T7)ir\i:Oi IVIRFR aS£i Booking Plans Now Open p for premiere on 'j TUESDAY at 9.15 pm JiCLCk */iCL&I7I f (jenuiTie 18 P AM dS ESSENCE of CHICKEN "The Essence v of Strength" K<cp them full of energy healthy and W^hsturdy hy
      153 words
    • 359 3 "BOH TEA" HOME DELIVERY SERVICE o The following GIFT PARCELS of TEA can be sent direct from the Estate to the United Kingdom:- 2 Lb. fin $5 50 including 5 Lb. Miniature Chest ;i3.00 10 Lb. Miniature Cheit $24 00 J insurance Rates to other countries on request. IDEAL FOR
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  • 53 4 KINO. Mervyn 18D.M.), 6. pttmber 6th. at "Foui Winds" B inualow Avenue, Pymble N.S.W rttired rubber planter ol Johore Bharu. dearly loved husband ol Marie (Girlie) privately cremated. CONSTABLE. At Klnneddar House, Saline. Fife, very suddenly Cn 11 9.48. Hedley Brtggs ConBtabie. late of Kluang, Johore, <b loved husband
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  • 854 4 Singapore, Fri., Sept. 24, 1948. A SYMBOL OF RESISTANCE The situation m Berlin continues to be very grave m spite of the fact that the crisis there has not received a great deal of publicity lately. This was made clear by the Foreign Secretary (Mr. Bevin) when on Wednesday night
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  • 363 4 i the Straits T'tjics of Sept. 24, 1898. A TTENTION has been newly drawn of late m the Malay States to what is a very old grievance, viz, the system of promotion obtaining m the clerical branch of the Government service. It is pointed out that men
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  • 1078 4  - WESTERN UNION AND THE DANGER OF WAR SIR HAROLD BUTLER, By Former British Minister In Washington THAT statesmen and peoples of Europe are beginning to talk seriously about Western Union is a portent. It means that the old world of 1939 is gone for ever, and that a new order
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    • 203 4 Registration Cards: K.L. Fears Are Realised [F Mr. W. G. C. Blunn 1 receives an identity card similar to one issued to me, his worst fears will have been realised! It* .consists of a common card, of ordinary colour, texture and thickness, and which can be obtained at any stationer's
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    • 125 4 WANT to refute the charges made against the staffs of the Municipal Architect's Department. It would appear that your correspondents do not, or refuse to, realise that all building plans submitted to the Architect's Department must also go to other departments for their approval, and If there
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    • 280 4 WITH reference to your ff leader of Saturday under the heading "Straits-Born", please allow me to state that the Straits Chinese British Association was founded on Aug. 17, 1911, as stated by you, and it was exempted from registration. Some of the objects which this association desired
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    • 150 4 ON Aug. 7, you were good enough to give Radio Malaya some advice, m very mild terms. Since, there have been several letters appearing m the local Press concerning the very indifferent manner m which Radio Malaya caters for its listeners. (I do not Include those listeners
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    • 130 4 r jp WO or three days ago a x letter appeared m one of the Singapore Chinese newspapers, criticising the doctor and the nurses of a particular ward m the General Hospital. I learned from the hospital Itself that the writer of that letter had been a patient
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    • 147 4 THERE is more than a grain of truth m Mr. Mundell's remarks on the War Damage Compensation scheme of "undue preference being given to big business because of the power they have wielded behind the scenes." It must be widely known that large
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    • 74 4 ItfIGHT 1 suggest that ITI any claim by a firm with profitable interests outside Malaya should be debarred from any participation m the War Claims scheme. I can think of several firms who made large profits elsewhere, because of the war, and who have claims here for War
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    • 76 4 IN viev of the fact thn i 1 the British Governmen failed to protect Malay I from hostile or foreig interference, the Britisi I Government should re turn 25 per cent or moi of the income tax i collects from Malay ai f Companies registered m Britain. Otherwise
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 747 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. i OEHLERS.— To Ursula, wife of P. A. C. Oehlert, at K.K. Hoipital, on 23rd September, a son, David Arthur. Both Well. CHAN-HO.—On Sunday. 19th Sept., 1948. Mr. Chan Cheng Swee. eldest son of Mr. Mrs. Chan Mah Teow to M'.ss Ho Boh J'onjc, second daughter ot Mr.
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    • 65 4 New Prices for PEDAL TOYS FOR CHILDREN! Pedaltar, Model 200 9.00 300 10.00 350 13.80 400 18-50 n 450 19.50 Front-whe«l-drive Tricycle 37.80 (Postage Packing $3.-) Juvenile Bicycle Model 16. 16-lnch. frame with 16 x 1|" tyrea $65 00 Juvenile Bicycle Model 18. 18 -Inch, frame with 30 x 1|"
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    • 128 4 Savilc IRo\v has just sent a very smart and exclusive collection of men's wool suitings, "HOME" weight, m plnheads, herringbones, and stripes-navy, oxford, steel, brown, fawn, airforce; overcoatings m herringbone and rib effects; costumings m checks and herringbones m attractive shadlngs and m black; which are all moderately priced and
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  • 415 5 Terrorism Not Main Reason From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. OFFICIAL rubber statistics for the Federation issued today revealed a fall m production during August of 1,563 tons. The month's output was 56,602 tons, large estates producing 33,727 tons and smallholders 22,875 tons. Authoritative sources
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  • 246 5 COURT RESERVES RULING 'THE admissability of two A prosecution statements alleged to have been made by two accused Corporal Ronald Hurst and L. A. C. Michael Emmanuel Perez was challenged, at the preliminary inquiry, into charges concerning R.A.F. property, at the Ninth Police Court, yesterday. Both Mr. S. H. D.
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  • 19 5 From Sunday. Oct. 10, Malayan Airways will run three planes weekly between Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Kuantan and Kota Bahru.
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  • 186 5 WHETHER a landlord TT should be allowed, under the Control of Rent Ordinance, to eject a' tenant when suitable al- j ternative accommodation is not available was argued before Mr. Justice Jobling m the Appeal! Court yesterday. Mr. N. A. Mallal was appearlng for Arathoon Sons; against,
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  • 161 5 THREE children were x among the spectators at Government House yesterday to see their soldier fathers decorated by the Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson. Lieut.-Col. John Lionel Chapman was decorated with the 0.8. E. for his work as Chief Liaison Officer and senior staff officer m
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  • 114 5 LJOW a Malay with a n revolver m each hand threatened another near the Changi Road market was described m the Singapore Seventh Police Court yesterday. Charged with criminal intimidation, with possession of two revolvers on May 5, and on May 6 with the possession of
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  • 115 5 A defence plea that a Ceylonese soldier was the victim of people preying around military camps who had tempted him to commit theft, was made by Mr. P. J. Johnson at the Singapore Assizes Court yesterday. Pioneer B. D. B. de Alewis of the Ceylon Pioneer Corps
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  • 59 5 Haron bin Salem, a civilian employed by the C.R.E. In Ayer Rajah Road, was admitted to the General Hospital yesterday afternoon* with serious leg injuries following an accident at the Gap Haron was watching a crane loading excavated earth into his tipper wagon when he was
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  • 59 5 For cheating a jeweller of gold bangles valued at $1,450. a 30-year-old Chinese woman. Tan Ah Bee of Kitchener Road, was yesterday bound over for one year In the First District Court. Tan got the bangles from Chan Peng Hock on payment of $100 and on a
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  • 644 5 CPECIALLY designed bronze badj-e* will be given to certain Singapore donors to ilie United Nations Appeal for Children, as an acknowledgment of their subscription. A juvenile orchestra about 100 children, will gi its kind m Malaya to rai These are two of the many decisions reached
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  • 118 5 IPOH, Thurs. "THE production of tin-ore I m the Federation of Malaya has not yet reached full capacity and rehabilitation is still being delayed by the shortage of electrical plant and steel," the acting president of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines (Mr. J. T. Chappeli) told the
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  • 36 5 Nearly 53,000 bicycles have been registered m Singapore. Applications average 350 a day. After Sept. 30, those riding unregistered bicycles are liable to prosecution. The pre-war number of cycles was estimated at 85.000.
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  • 380 5 From Our Woman Correspondent TWO Singapore artists, Cmdr. Robin Kilroy, R.N., J- and Italian Count Bernardino del Boca di Villaragia, want to form an International Art Club in the colony. Problems and difficulties, they say, even in the realm of art, are more successfully tackled and
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  • 129 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. A 70-PAGE report on Malayan trade unionism by two leading British unionists is expected to be published soon. I Publication of the report, which has been m Kuala Lumpur since July, has been held up pending Instructions
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  • 357 5 80 HOUSES BURNED BY POLICE Emergency News From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. News m brief of combined police -military operations m two of Selangor's worst terrorist areas— Batu Arang and Kachau— was officially releas- ed today. Security forces operating m the Lee Hock mining area of Batu Arang,
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  • 65 5 SEREMBAN, Thurs. PROPOSED extensions to the Negri Sembilan Children's Home at Temiang were discussed at at N.S. State Welfare committee meeting y n terday. The extensions, to cost $24. i 200, include two new dormiItories to accommodate 40 children, and a new carpentry workshop. Swings, see-saws,
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  • 45 5 The- freighter Rosary left Singapore yesterday with an $118,000 cargo on the month's first normal barter voyage to Pekan Baroe, East Sumatra. The cargo comprised $***** worth of textiles. $20 000 foodstuffs. $5,000 cigarettes, $5,000 medical supplies and $8 000 building materials
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  • 40 5 LONDON, Thursday.—Mr. Stewart Codrington, who retired from the Malayan Civil Service In 1925, died on Sept. 20 at Buntlngford, Hertfordshire. He was 73. The death occurred on Sept. 19 at Westmoors, Dorset, of Mr. Hugh Provis, formerly of Malaya.
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  • 37 5 The Singapore Cricket Club will be holding a "Rugby Dance" at the Club pr mises tomorrow night. The fee is $5 per roupte. Members may brinsi with them non-members as their i guests.
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  • 68 5 Mr John Dalley, loitner director of the Malayan Security Service, has left Singapore for London. Mr. Dallev will rer-orr to the Secretary of State for the Colonies on the terrorism. The Malayan Security Service has been absorbed by t.he police forces. It is now known as
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 162 5 \V^k'W\ "S^J* MODEL 0109 9 TUBES \*J* W BAA/D-SP/ffAD TVMNG I BUY AN l^t AND YOU OWN THE BEST RCa li.<.L;fcL QlO9 presenting a 9 tube radio leceivei which toatoru »r<e well-known RCA Band spread Tuning system Pui.' pj) power output for improved audio performance Tuned rj.d o-frequency amplification for
      162 words
    • 121 5 By Appointment Biscuit Manufacturers To H.ty The King Romarys Biscuits The biscuit v^=^==^£&\ Connoisseur I c IPJ\JS7 V| A biscuit that is I/, X I m a class of its In own something I ll i" > 3 I out of the ordinary V r HONEY BAKE British Oats Honey.
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  • 233 6 DECENT attempts to smuggle large quantities of opium into Singapore from Siam are controlled by a gang m Bangkok, who are believed to hold stocks of between 16 and 20 tons of Persian opium valued at about $16,000,000. This opium is
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  • 269 6 SIAMESE ROYALTY'S MISSION THREE members of the x Siamese Royal family will reach Singapore toiday on a Journey believed to be unprecedented. They are travelling to Bandoeng m Java to collect the remains of the > Prince of Nakon Savarn. who died there at the beginning of the war. They
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  • 69 6 Bail of $15 each was allowed to two Ceylonese who were charged m the Fourth Police Court, Singapore, with fighting with each other and abusing a police officer. The Ceylonese, L. W. Amaratna and J. D. R. De'Sllva. both claimed trial and the i Magistrate, Mr.
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  • 93 6 A police spokesman told the Straits Times yesterday that an average of 12 accidents a month occurred m Collyer Quay. The proposed ban on parking m the middle of the quay would greatly reduce this figure. Approximately 95 cars park m the centre of Collyer Quay
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  • 188 6 TODAY Inter-School Art Exhibition. Great World. Open to the public free. Wesley Methodist Youth Pello*-, ship, Brain Trua' meeting, 4, Fort) Cannirrg Road. 7.30 p.m. Paya Lebar Methodist Youth Fellowship, "Travelogue" by Rev. Chew Hock Hln, 7, Boundary Hoad, p.m. Broadway Musical Party, music practice. 70, Lorong 19,
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  • 59 6 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Thurs. THE District Judge (Mr. Flet- cher Rogers) today sentenced two Marines to one year's rigorous imprisonment eaoh. The men, Cpl. M. A. R. Gray and Pte A. S. Horton, of H.MJ3. London, were convicted of robbing a barkeeper of $50. Another
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  • 60 6 Seriously injured when a military truck overturned after running Into a drain m Ayer Rajah Road, a Malay named Abubakar bin Manap die! m hospital yesterday morning. The accident occurred at 8 o'clock Wednesday nteht. Manap was one of four L.E.P. who were Dassengers
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  • 29 6 Eight Chinese stowaways who were discovered on board the vessel Chaksang which arrived m Singapore from Hong Kong on Wednesday have been handed to the Singapore Immigration authorities.
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  • 180 6 LONDON, Thursday. THE Secretary of State for the Colonies (Mr. Creech Jones) told the House of Commons last night that, during the past year, 150 tons of coconut oil were shipped direct to Russia from the Federation of Malaya and about 1,000 tons from Singapore.
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 6 INVESTITURE: Th c Governor of Singapore (Sir Franklin Gimson) investing Lieut. -Col. J. L. Chapman, Royal Sussex Regiment, with the O BE. at Government House yesterday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 130 6 THE Singapore Second x District Court Judge, (Mr. J. L. McFall) yesterday visited the Customs House to see the 500 lb., of opium found m the coal bunkers of the Bust which arrived from Bangkok on Tuesday. Two Chinese firemen on the vessel. Tong Wan
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  • 467 6 A LETTER from the Red Dragon Party demanding $3,500 and warning what would happen if the money was not delivered was produced m the Singapore Seventh Police Court yesterday. The letter was delivered by hand to the towkay of Ngee Heng Chan (Ng Tiang Hong)
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 258 6 I A Strong, Tense, Drama Based On The Famous DAKOTA Crash, Which Held The Attention Of The World." P^HfifLliQ^ TODAY FOUR SHOWS PHONE 6903 HargoC C«»MW« Jmim DWUIT a* 4 Franclt I. SULLIVAN rthC yfwWl Dl«« KWO CUT DOlFt SO«I> MOtM BStaS OAVIO TOHUNSOM ANCHVW CMWFORO^^B^H a |fp h t
      258 words
    • 119 6 TODAY 11 a.m. 2 p.m. 4.15 6.30 9.15 BOLD, DASHING AND MOST BELOVED HERO LIVES AGAIN! TO IN COLOR BY TECHNICOLOUR Errol FLYNN 'Olivia De HAVILLAND CLAUDE RAINS BASIL RATHBONE AND A CAST OF THOUSANDS it CAPITOL fa rill JJ rOflV** 0 11 a.m., 1.30 p.m., 4.15: 6.45 and 9.30
      119 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 304 6 No. 1 in D minor. (Bach); 9.15 H.uO S-nata; 8.30 News: 8.40 RADIO Malaya iS'PORS) In Britain Now; 9.30 Radio News from United Nations; 8.45 Newsreel; 9.45 Josian Wedgwood. Hits; 9.00 Economic; 9.1o Music; 1 p.m. Roberto Inglez. Harry io.3O Bands Within Band*: 11 9.30 Recent Releases; 10 00 AusParry;
      304 words

  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 487 7 "LET BRITISH GOVT. UNDERWRITE INSURANCE IN MALAYA" The Straits Times on Sept. 17 reported the House of Commons debate on the Address with special reference to remarks made on the Malayan situation. The remarks reported below are printed now for their bearing on a problem over which spokesmen m Malaya
      487 words
    • 54 7 MR. L. D. Gammads (Cons., Hornsey) told the Commons, during the debate on the Address, he had been informed that this month, or certainly next month, a reduction of 10,000 tons a month m the production of rubber could be expected. Ten thousand tons of rubber, he said,
      54 words
    • 55 7 GENEVA, Thurs. DHTTAIN, the United States and 10 other nations have signed an agreement extending "most-favoured-nation" treatment m tariffs to Western Germany, The 13 signatory States will m principle apply the same tariffs to their Imports from Western Germany as they do on import* from any
      55 words
    • 194 7 rE Singapore rubber market was quiet throughout yesterday. Business was done around 43 7 /s cents p«r ft. for f.o.b. October buyers. Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 sheet f.o.b. buyers 43% cents, sellers 44 cents; spot loose buyers 43% cents, sellers 44% cents per lb. The Singapore
      194 words
    • 184 7 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Thursday. LM KOI'EAN political affairs continued to affect the Malayan share market today. Business was on a restricted scale with a slightly downward tendency. the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: IXDCSTRIALS ituyei Seller 8.8. Petrol 38 6 39 6 Consolidated Tin
      184 words
    • 21 7 Sept. 21 Sept. 22 Stocks 66.94 67.25 Industrials 178.61 179.16 Rails 59.20 59.78 TJMlitles 34.50 34.57 —A. P.
      21 words
    • 20 7 Sepf.. 21 Sept. 22 Indus. Ords 115.60 115.70 Govt. Sect. 112.72 112.77 Gold Mines 110,. 35 109.98
      20 words
    • 178 7 TRANSPORT and Motor i «hare« met renewed buy- i ing on the London Stock Ex- change yesterday. Sharp gains were shown with Tilllr.ings at 117s. 3d. and Rails Royace 975. 6d., says Reuter's financial correspondent. Rub- 1 i bers were unchanged, Tins declined. Closing middle prices In
      178 words
    • 61 7 RUBBER COSTS: 8. 66d. PER Lb. From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Thurs. ALTHOUGH the rubber price improved last year and there was a record crop, costs also rose, says Port Dickson-Lukut (F. M. S.) Rubber Estates chairman m his annual statement. Costs rose to average 8.66 d. per lb. The
      61 words
    • 109 7 IPOH Tin Dredging's profit last year was £25,348. Of tbxt, £16,609 went m provision for taxaMon, present and future. The chairman (Mr. R. 2!lertor> Blnni) told the annual meeting to London that 65 per cent, of the I year's profit was being
      109 words
    • 39 7 From A Market Correspondent FS SJigapore pepper market was sgain strengthened yester- day by speculators' bids. Coconut oil quota/ ions eased. Price changes were: Pepper: Murrtok whre $221; Sarawak white $220; Lampong black $215. Corona* otl: t-31
      39 words
    • 110 7 SHIPS In port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves today (godowns In brackets) are: Main Wharf: Katong (32), Olenapp (36-37), Montoro (40-41), Gleneam < 42-43 >, Purnea (38-38). Weat Wharf: Scott E. Land (7-8), Menestheus (15-18), Tranquebar (4-5). Nagara (10-11), Takaang (6), Empire Wlndrush (1-2), MaetBu>cker (1-2). Empire
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1093 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated In Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., SAILINCS FROM U.K. b USA. LTD. •Titan' from U.K C. 44 "Eumaeus" due from U.K. Oct. j WIST COAST MALAYA Clytoneui due from U.K. Oct. 7 "Ser.mban" for P. Sham, T. "Myrmidon" due from U.K. Oct. 12 Anton.
      1,093 words
    • 249 7 PRESIDENT LINES* Cenerai Passengei Agent toi Northwesi a. SAILINCS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON «ia INDIA. ECYPT r> MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Scott E Land Spore Codown 33/34 M.-,-:->c :.--.oper i pora Sept 27 P S ham Sept /5> P. Sham Oct. 4 Penang Sept Penang Oct. 6 SAILINCS TO SAN
      249 words
    • 344 7 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK I SAILINCS TO CONTINENT/ CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA Load* M Singapore. Port Swettenham »nd Penang m.t "Nordtarer 1 tor Saigon ''Tran«yabar" Codowni 4/5 B^ kok d- .b. Oet 6 pCWombo Antwerp Rotterdam Hamburg Oslo Cothenburg i openmj Kamoodia for Manna, hagen Cdynia H Kong, lhanghai Kobe
      344 words
    • 1112 7 McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. (incorporates m Singapore) ELLERMAN BUCKNALL KLAVENVSS LINE M vM AN i ff N HA%u:s Twnip pacific ports Acteoting cargo for US Norm Atlantic Accepting cargo for Centra" 6 South Ports 6 Canada via Colombo American Ports CIT» O» KHARTOUM mancisvill* Spore P. Sham Penang FRANCISVILLI In
      1,112 words

  • 340 8 IN the opening game of the S.A.F.A. knockout Cup competition at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, the Kota Raja Malays disposed of Singapore District Signals with a 2—o2 0 victory. The Malays fully deserved to win, and had it not been for their erratic shooting, they
    340 words
  • 99 8 Teams m the Men v. Worn n cricket match to be played at the Singapore Cricket Club at 4.30 p.m. today are: Women: P. Sewell (capt.), V. Notley, E. Tufnell, M. Whittington, I. Biishbridge, S. Still, D. Still, E. Wolters, P. Bleakley, E. Milton, E. Pearcey.
    99 words
  • 736 8  - TRAINERS FANCY ECLIPTIC FOR GOLD CUP EPSOM JEEP By Four Horses May Not Accept THE stage is set for the biggest race of the 1 season the Singapore Gold Cup (worih about $12,000 m stakes and added money)— to be run at Bukit Timah tomorrow, the last day of the
    736 words
  • 246 8 A TWO-DAY cricket match will be played this week-end between the Combined Indians and the R.A.F. Malaya for the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Cup presented by Mr. Ranchordas Purshotam of Singapore. Two cricket bats have been given by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thivy for the captains of
    246 words
  • 112 8 THE R.A.F. 'Sembawang) deieated the Indian Association by three goals to one Lt an S.A.F.A. Cup competition fixture played at St. j George's Road yesterday. The R.A.F. scored their goals m the first half. Wilkinson opened accounts with a penalty kick. Two goals followed m quick succession
    112 words
  • 461 8 THE Island Club will General's Flag Compel The men's section will be a two ball foursomes contest. It will start from the first tee. The women's section will start off from the tenth tee. The partners and starting times are: 8.20 a.m: F. G. Minns (12)
    461 words
  • 120 8 The S.R.C. teams m the hockey match between the League Champions and the Rest to be played on the Club padang at 9.15 p.m. today are: League Champions: B. Noronha: R. H. Barth, P. Neubronn r; H. Hoeden. O. Clarke. R. S. Barth; D. Ross, R. Barker, A.
    120 words
  • 225 8 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Thurs. THE Negri Sembilan x Football Association, at an emergency meeting held here last night. «•'<»- cided to refuse m tc o have the Malaya final replay at T.P.C.A. ground m I a Lumpur, as decidea oy the Football Association of
    225 words
  • 95 8 M.XXXI.I 1 IMKCOKo; (.11, Leicestershire, Thurs. DROWN Jack. Britain's most famous racehorse, was destroyed last night by a veterinary snrßCon tit Thorpe l.ul.cnham Hall, near here. Foaled m 1J»?4. he won over X. 24.000 m prize money for his owner. Sir Harold Wernher. Brown Jack had liv.
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 45 8 From Our Own t orresuuiui-.-nr London Tnursdav k former Malayar, ehatnA pion. J. Craobwati won the Selansor ChuM Ci i at the Malayan Senior offers' Society meeting at Coodenbr»ach yesterday Twenty-six competed Crabbwatt also won ihe foursome handicap «etth H Smith.
    45 words
  • 64 8 TOIMV SOCCKB: s i < <„, M.F.A. v. C..A Ji.imi 15 ar S'adum: S.A.F.A. Div. Ill; l"nic<irn>,' (liih S'poic l)i>(. W UEMK— G> vlang S adlum. Caldbcrk Cup linal Tanglin Barracks. 5 p.m ROCKET: pi* tha.,,,,,,.,, v. Th«- IJ.-.i—s R c jp Khalsa \s%n v. .lohoie t.'.C. Khalsa
    64 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 627 8 CIASSIHEI) \I)S (Continued trom oage ANTED EUROPEAN overKM contract* exulred desires n-tnc partnership. Free now or a srvintion Box No *4077, S.T A< I tMUMMMTHMI V 4( ANT LARGE double room, verandah with full board 15. Srotts Rd T"i B^Blo TURNISHED FLAT lv Let. 1 m. miles walk from G.PO
      627 words
    • 104 8 A TASTY MEAL FRANKFURT SAUSAGE WITH PICKLED PORK AND SOURCROUT FITZPATRICKS FOOD SUPPLIES TELEPHONE ORDER DEPT, S2Bl YOUNG OPTICAL CO., Ophthalmic Opticians 45, Stamford Koad, Singapore A Revolutionary N£W Development m Safe, Scientific Glare Protection ♦GRADIENT DENSITY* Available Exclusive m BAUSCH&LOMB /I F^ ISUN GLASSES P P V TO-MORROW A
      104 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous