The Straits Times, 23 September 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 311 1 Republic Army Has Day Of Successes BATAVIA, Wednesday. TEN thousand Republican troops massed m East Java today for a triple drive on Communists entrenched around their isolated revolutionary centre of Madiun, according to reports from the Republican capital of Jogjakarta. Republican observers at Batavia, quoted by
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  • Article, Illustration
    63 1 laiiS padi-.iclj scene is one of the studies from Straits Times Pictures 1948. On >ale early m November. It contains nearly 100 photographs. Last year's Issue was sild out after running through three editions. Make sure of your copy y ordering now: pric c 51.75 posted to any address m
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  • 344 1 COMMONS TOLD OF ARMS SEIZURE LONDON. Wed. REFERENCE to the arms seizure by Singapore police and N.E.I. authorities was made by the Colonial Secretary (Mr Creech Jones) In Parliament tonight. In a statement on Malava li ilrt the House: I have received reports rrom the acting Hish Commissioner in Malaya
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  • 42 1 KARACHI. Wed.- Dr. K. M Ashral. prominent member of the Indian Communist Party's Central Executive Committee, has be^n arrested by local police. The doctor arrived here early this year when the •Communist Party was declared illegal ]n irdia.-A.P.
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  • 33 1 A small fire which broke out m a godown m Outram Road Gaol late last night was put out by a unit of the Sin- 1 gapore Fir e Brigade
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  • 28 1 Four Malay L.E.Ps of the' Royal Engineers were admitted to Hospital last night after the lorry m which they were travelling overturned n Buona Vista Road.
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  • 147 1 THREE Chinese have i been detained as a result of a big seizure of opium by Singapore Customs officials yesterday afternoon. i The opium, totalling 4501b5., was found m the coal bunkers i of the vessel Bust which arrived m Singapore from Bangkok on Tuesday. Customs
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  • 71 1 GENEVA, We d.— Steel pro Auction throughout Europe has mci eased by 27 per cent this year ovt-r 1947, the European Economic Commiss'.on announced today. Production was still soaring and by the new yea. the total European output for the year was expected to reach 45.000.000
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  • 38 1 LONDON Wed.— Labour members have tabled a motion m the House of Commons calling on the Government to propose at the Commonwealth Conference a "neutral block" of the Commonwealth as a means of preventing war. -Reuter.
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  • 43 1 WASHINGTON. Wed: The Turkish Fleet soon may b» bolstered by several modern American destroyers, diplomatic officials disclosed today. The destroyers would add considerable striking power to the generally outdated naval forces, with which Turkey guards tlie strategic Dardanel-les.-A.P.
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    28 1 KNCiAUKO: Miss Lorn* M.issev. daughter of the Australian Commissioner m Malaya (Mr. Claude Masseyi whose engagement to Mr. Dudley Gordon J units has just been announced. Raffles Photographers.
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  • 34 1 CANBERRA. Wed. The Minister of Information 'Mr. Arthur A. Calwell). said today that Australia had rejected a proposed agreement with France for the abolition of visas because of security risks— Reuter.
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  • 237 1 BANGKOK, Wed. pOMMUNISTS terrorists from Malaya have infiltrated into the South Siamese provinces of Yala and Pattani on a large scale, according to reports received here". The chief of police of Perlis. say the reports, has crossed the border and held disruwlopi with the Siamese
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  • 113 1 LONDON, Wednesday. A BRITISH Government inquiry commission today recommended that British troops be permanentIly stationed m Aden to prevent recurrence of anti-Jewish riots. Riots caused the deaths of more than 82 Jews and 38 Arabs m Aden last December. The disturbances were touched off by
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  • 31 1 KAB.t We:' -.-day. The Pakistan Government is recalling all Air Force reserves. The Ministry Defence announced today that they wer e to report to Peshawar by Oct. 15 Reuter.
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  • 260 1 Specials Trail Kill Terrorist From Our Staff Correspondent ANE terrorist was shot dead and two others, one of v whom is believed to have killed a police constable with a burst of sten-gun fire, were arrested yesterday in Perak. The killing of the terrorist occurred in Kampong Lenghuas. five miles
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  • 47 1 MANILA. Wed.- Manila officials estimated that 90 per cent of the city's night clubs. will be forced to close or move because they are within 1.000 metres of churches, schools, hospitals ajid other public buildings. Bars within 200 metres are also affected.- -U.P.
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  • 45 1 A NOTHLR Englishman ber\ lieved to be connected with gun-running organisation operating between thp Philippines, Singapore and Indonesia was arrested m Singapore on Tuesday. Police are continuing their investigations and hope to make more arrests shortly. Total arrests are now 11.
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  • 77 1 Burma AntiRed Blows RANGOON. Wed. -Burmese Government forces captured three Communist leaders m a raid on a "Red Flag" Communist camp near Maymyo hill station, a communique announced here today. Fighting was reported '.n thp Sandoway district m the Arakan, where insurgents lost 23 killed and 40 wounded Six insurgents
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  • 399 1 WE ARE NOT COMMITTED TO WAR Bevin Tells Parliament: LONDON, Wednesday. JUR Bevin, the Foreign Secretary speaking m the House of Commons on Germany tonight said that the Western allies had agreed to accept the Soviet mark currency for Berlin, hut had insisted on it being under Four-Power control. Russia,
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  • 165 1 Britain is joining with the United States m supporting the Bernadotte plan for Palestine, Mr. Bevin told Parliament. "The recommendatijnf ol Count Bernadottp hsv? the whole-hearted and unqualified support of this Government." "It Is our hope that the United Nations will los*> no time m throwing the
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  • 63 1 BUDAPEST. Wed Twr> American oil company ifriclals arrested on Saturday on Industrial sabotage charges wf>re accused today ot being: "American Nazis" All afternoon newspapers carried a lengthy identical story charging that Messrs Ruedmann and Bannel'nc, president and vice-president of the Hungarian American Oi. Company. Increased pro
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  • 17 1 STOCKHOLM Wed. The body of Count Bernadotte arrived here yesterday fl >m Jerusalem. -A.P.
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  • 13 1 Full report of yesterday's Bukit Timah races is on page 12.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 33 1 SILVER E.P.N.S. CUTLERY CANTEENS U. S. de SUVA MANUFACTURING JEWELLER 106. Orchard Road, Teh 2466 "FIT FOR A KING PORK "CROWN ROAST" Dressed Stuffed to order at the ClOltiD siT(ol&4©li "o ORCHARD ROAD
      33 words
    • 51 1 Just Unpacked FINE COMBED 3 PLY KNITTING WOOL m beautiful colour range boULATRAMS 48 30 High Strrrt. Singaporr. riioNK :s>6 MADE ONLY BY GENERAL MOTORS ANNOUNCING THE SENSATIONAL NEW 1 w DEHUMIDIFIER Hera at last is a really effective, yet simple way to prevent moisture damage m any small closed
      51 words

  • 190 2 General To Be Tried For Jap Killing Of Quirino Family MANILA, Wednesday. THE murder of President Quirino's wife and three children during the Manila fighting was one of 58 charges drafted today against Lieut.-Gen. Shizuo Yokoyama, Commander m Manila m February 1945. He will be the first Japanese general to
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 2 CAPT. F. R. Parhan, who will command the battleship Vanguard daring the Royal tour to Australia next year. Reuter photo.
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  • 140 2 FORMER DELEGATE 'WANTED' FE Czech Government has asked France to extradite Dr Jan Papanek, Czechoslovakia's former United Nations representative, accused of embezzling $***** from official and Red Cross funds. A warrant has been Issued for his arrest, Ceteka. the Czech news agency, said today. Dr. Papanek arrived m France a
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  • 39 2 BRUSSELS, Wed. a number of people were Injured m disorders In the centre of Brussels last night as Communists staged an unsuccessful demonstration against the American film "The Iron Curtain" being shown In the city. Reuter.
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 25 2 VANCOUVER, Wednesday. SIR FRANK Whittle, inventor of the jet aircraft engine, thinks the next war will certainly be the last.
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    • 85 2 ONDON. Wed. Nigel i Li B&lchin, novelist and industrial psychoV>gist. believes that money is < diminishing: m Importance as an incentive to work. The only solution to I higher production he thinks is to make work a happy activity Addressing psychologists at the annual
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    • 44 2 MADRID, Wed. Eduardo Villanueva, 36-year old Barcelona bank employee, set out yesterday to swim the Straits of Gibraltar. Three hours after his start Villanueva was four i miles off Tarifa. He hoped to reach Africa near Ceuta depending on the tides.— U.P
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    • 31 2 LONDON. Wed. One hundred and sixty-one scientists from 15 countrieß gathered at Bristol University for a four-day conference on cosmic radiation. The 40 lectures will include atomic energy. A.P
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    • 38 2 NEW YORK, Wed. Mrs. Louise Carnegie, widow of Andrew Carnegie, Scottish- born philanthropist and steel j maker, left a net estate of U.S. $19,098,104. The principal personal beneficiary is a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Carnegie Miller. Reuter.
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    • 38 2 LONDON. Wed— Hundreds were evacuated from their homes as men of the Bomb Disposal Unit removed a 500Dound unexplod°d bomb from i Albion Yard docks. The bomb was buried 20 feet durint? thp 1941 Dlitz. Reuter.
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    • 96 2 SHANGHAI. Wed.— Colonel Chang Ya-mln, former chief of the Economic Affairs sec- 1 tion of WooKung Garrison, was executed yesterday by a firing squad for corruption.— j UP. Sir Frank, with Sir Herbert Wllkins. Australian Arctic explorer, was asked yesterday for his views on war fears. He added:
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    • 56 2 ROME, Wed.— The Communist leader Signor Palmiro Togliatti resumed control of his party at an executive council meetirg called to plan a purge of weak members. Signor Togliatti has recovered from four bullet wounds received on July 14 when a young Italian law student tried to kill him
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    • 50 2 SHANGHAI, Wed.— Revised laws for eradicating undesirable customs and practices including; fortune-tell-ing, foot-binding and keeping of slave girls were received by the city Government yesterday from the. Ministry of the Interior. Similar measures will be strictly enforced throughout the country. Those ignoring the regulations will be prosecuted. Reuter.
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    • 59 2 DUBLIN, Wed. Thirtyseven refugees from behind the Iron Curtain received permission yesterday from the Government to remain during the winter. The refugees, who arrived m a 50 ton motor vessel, hope to sail for Canada m the spring. Skipper Villis Auns said: "We are trying to get
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    • 73 2 U£W YORK, Wed. Two i% policemen, strictly m the interests of safety-first, vill jet scientifically drunk m public tomorrow. Their bout will be the highlight of the tenth annual Ohio State Safety Conference. Delegates will stare obi ctively at the two policemen ns they drink measured amounts of
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  • 80 2 Pregnancy "Pampered" In Britain VANCOUVER, Wed. rxPECTANT mothers In Bri- tain are "pampered," according to Dr. Alice Woodhead, who has Just arrived m Canada after 15 years m Britain. "Hospitals should be built on hills. If a woman la not m labour when she comes to hospital, she will be
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  • 67 2 AUCKLAND. Wed. YTNLESS Sir Laurence OliU vier is described as an "employer," he will be a trade unionist while m New Zealand or else unable to accept any professional engagement. This is the result of an Actors Equity agreement between employers and employees m New
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 664 2 NOTICES REMOVAL NOTICE As from the 25th. September 1948, the new address of CHOI BAN TECK SENG of No. 146 Cross Street, Singapore, will be a No 196 SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD (Corner of South Bridge Roac and Upper Cross Street). S'pore S.S. GOVERNMENT 3<"i LOAN 1962/72 Notice Is hereby given
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    • 669 2 NOTICES Notice Is hereby given that Oaw Bien Tek, Dental Surgeon of No 4, Penang Road, Is applying to the Governor for naturalization. r and that any person who knows f any reason why naturalization j should not be granted should send 1 a written and signed statement of the
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    • 468 2 Mighty Glorious Musical that's hilariously different! SATURDAY AT MNITE CAPITOL O Burnol OINTMENT V^J So easy to apply and relieve the pain: v \u£*r Reduces risk of germ Infection. For Abscesses, Blisters. Insect Bites; Upuuuumia Bolls: Burns and Scalds; Si Conjunctivitis: Tropical Cute: Dhoby Itch: Eczema: Sores; Ulcers; Wounds From
      468 words
    • 109 2 8008 NEWS FOR 008 OWNERS. VH|F^3 BENBOWS FAMOUS 'If 0B MIXTHRE HK^jJ^ soon be available <Eft Wl throughout the /v^i^V' Far Fast. Ask your Pet Shop, Chemist *r^ or Storekeeper to obtain it (or you. Expert dog breeders and kennelmer. the world over know Benbow's 'natural" action works wonders with
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  • 223 3 Big Blaze In Hong Kong HONG KONG, Wednesday. AT least 25 are dead and 66 m hospital, many seriously hurt, as the result of a tenement and* warehouse fire which is still raging m Hong Kong's crowded West Point district. An undetermined number are missing but
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 3 FROM HERE TO BEER: Hop pickers from the East End of London are on their annual invasion of Kent and Sussex to rather the harvest for the breweries. Reuter picture.
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  • 65 3 PEKING, Wed. The student bodies of five universities today demanded the abolition of special criminal tribunals. They condemned them as courts martial m disguise and branded them as unconstitutional. The students made known their views m a long written statement. It said that special tribunals last month
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  • 221 3 "D" CREW IN GENT PLANE LONDON. Wed. WHEN the inquiry resumed yesterday into the collision of two aircraft over Northolt Airport, with the" death of 39 people, including Sir Edward i Gent, it was stated that the crew of Sir Edward's plane i were '"Category D" which meant that they
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  • 63 3 LONDON, Wed.— The value of Britain's exports dropped £15,100,000 during August, the United Kingdom's traditional holiday month. Announcing the decline yesterday, the Board of Trade said the drop was about 10 per cent, under July's exports of £145.600,000 but because August had l<'ss working days than
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  • 65 3 NEW DELHI, Wed.— The Indian Congress president i »Dr. Rajendra Prasad) has ap- pealed to every Indian to conI tribute one rupee each for th s Gandhi Memorial Fund. If that amount were con- tnbuted, £25,500,000 would be collected. At present the collection stands
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  • 30 3 HONG KONG, Wed.—The Government of Hong Kong faces a budget deficit of HK $18,500,000 (about Straits $9,250,000) during the current fiscal year, the Legislative Council was warned.—A.P.
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  • 58 3 CRIPPS AFTER $230, 000,000 OTTAWA. Wed. The I Chancellor of the Exchequer (Sir Stafford Cripps) ;net the Canadian Cabinet today m what is reported to be an effort to unfreeze Britain's U. 5.5230,000.000 post war credit. The $230,000,000 is the re- mainder of the $1,250,000,000 loan extended by Canada to
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  • 61 3 i NAIROBI. Wed. Rinderpest one of the cattle diseases that are holding up fuller development of the African Continent— will come under verbal attack next month. Britain. Francp. and Belgium, leading African colonial powers, will talk m Nairobi with representatives from Portugal. Egypt, Ethiopia
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  • 63 3 TOKIO, Wed.— The editor of a Hokkaido labour paper. Kazu Yonekura. was found guilty of libel against the Occupation Forces by a Provost Court at Sapporo yesterday Yonekura thus became the second Japanese newspaperman to be punished for libel against the Occupation For ces. He
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  • 92 3 SHANGHAI. Wed. Local officials of the International Refugee Organisation are i studying a scheme which may enable Shanshai displaced persons to go to other coun- tries. Under the plan envisaged, I.R.O.— with prior approval of the Governments concerned—will send D.P.s to "staging" ports, possibly m Australia
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  • 142 3 "Quit Korea Move Part Of Red Asia Plan WAB* HfCrTON, Wednesday. A MERICAN authorities believe that Russia's efforts to get U.S. troops out of the Far East are part of a drive to make it easier for the Communists to dominate the area. I This is their chief i. ter-
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  • 74 3 MELBOURNE. Wed. CUOTHES make the councillor. That is the belief of the Lord Mayor (Mr. J. G. Disney) who would like to see Melbourne city coun- cillors m knee breeches with I lace at their throats. Melbourne tailors scoffed at this uniform which London County councillors
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  • 138 3 PARIS, Wednesday. ENHANCE was threatened yesterday with a two-hour r general strike, by both Communist and nonCommunist unions. The non-Communist- unions j decided on Monday on a general stoppage from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday. Yesterday, the Communist-led General Federation of Labour announced similar
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  • 146 3 Wanted To Fight Bandits SYDNEY. Wed. COME Australian ex-service- men and others who wrote to the military authorities m Malaya offering their services against terrorists have been complaining that they have not receiv?d replies. There were suggest ions by them that the Australian Government had taken action to prevent their
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  • 156 3 NEW YORK, Wed. 4 NEW Political Consultative Conference excluding Pre- sident Chiang Kai-shek was I mentioned by the late Marshal Feng Yu-hsiang m a farewell letter to the Committee for Democratic Far East Policy. Feng, known as the"Christian general," was reported to have died aboard a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 130 3 Made In Vj England /XCT TERRY'S V^ Anglepoise LAMPS Vv\ Where extreme accuracy VlTa, <s definitely essential, only Jft the ANCLEPOISI Lamp WWQ will do. &*f\^ JBh_ Obtainable at ill leading Stores Factory Representatives" TV MITCHELL CO LTD. SINGAPORE- KUALA LUMPUR PENANG I the SINGER SUPER TEN SALOON Pioneer of
      130 words
    • 105 3 Ip^* 9 A COMPLETELY NEW KIND OF REFRIGERATOR You've never seen anything like it with more refrigerated space and more room for everything BRINKMANNS LIMITED SINGAPORE PENANC KUALA LUMPUR IPOH The Secret that makes Mg^m m a Drink r*^| Once tasted ClNyAi' always m^&** Sole Afteata: CALOBECK MACC.ECOR CO., I
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  • 193 4 Malayan Students' Hostel Plan In London (From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wed. A HOSTEL and centre for Malayan students may soon be set up m fjondon. The annual report of the Association of British Malaya said the Colonial Office had appointed a committee to make recommendations on the project. The
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 4 DR. HJALMAR SCHACHT, 71 -year-old financial rxpert to Hitler, seen with his wife after being released from Internment. He won »n appeal against a It-year sentence. A.P. photo.
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  • 61 4 CAPETOWN. Wed. MOST imported liquors were banned from the Parliament restaurant yesterday on the orders of the Nationalist Party majority on the Catering Committee. Dr. Malan's men imposed the ban to compel M.P.s and visitors to drink South African products. One of the few exception* to
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  • 78 4 NEW YORK. Wed. M. JEAN MARIE, President of the French Lines, revealed today that the company had plans for building two trans- Atlantic liners of between 45,000 and M.OOO tons, with speeds of 30 knots. He said they would take the alace of the Normandie. since
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  • 139 4 LONDON. Wednesday. DR. Hewlett Johnson, the "Rted" Dean of Canterbury, said yesterday that he had accepted a renewed invitation to go to the United States, where he will "warn the people that if war comes there will be 500,000,000 ranged against the
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 4 AUTUMN LOOK: This black broadtail coat trimmed with silver fox is being modelled in London in preparation for autumn. Reuter picture.
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  • 105 4 SECUNDERABAD. Wed The Indian Army announced yesterday that Hyderabad agents-general m London Karachi. New York. Delhi had been ordered to cease activities immediately. The statement said that four Razakar newspapers had been banned and 12 others warned not to publish news calculated to disturb the peace.
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  • 48 4 KARACHI, Wed.— lt was officially announced that the Indo-Australian bilateral air talks were concluded yesterday and that the conclusions would now be conveyed to thr> respective Governments for confirmation. Captain E. C. Johnson (Asst. Director-General of Civil Aviation) led the sevenman delegation from Austra-lia.-A. P.
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  • 91 4 NEW YORK, Wednesday. A 150 MILE-AN-HOl X hurricane which hit Miami and Key West, Florida, tore roofs from buildings and sank 30 ships A U. S. Navy message said that three naval craft were damaged and two small coast guard boat* driven ashore. The message added
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  • 96 4 Rebel Chief Escapes In Swamp Raid MANILA, Wed. I UIS Taruc, Communist leader of the rebel armed peasants, has escaped a Philippine Government trap at his swamp hideout, reports today said. When soldiers reached Taruc's hideout on a little island In the Canamba swamps they found only his jacket. The
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  • 124 4 PARIS. Wed. INDIA has indicated her de- sire to serve on the important and influential Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Proposal and election will follow as a matter of course J In two or three weeks. India has not been a member of the
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  • 79 4 LONDON, Wed. A great welcome awaits Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru of India. Premier Liaquat Ali Khan of Pakistan and Prime Minister Don Stephen Senanayake of Ceylon when they arrive soon for the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' talks. Mr. Nehru, Liaquat Ali and' Mr. Senanayake will be payIng
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  • 41 4 NEW DELHI. Wed.— After two months m India and Pakistan, the United Nations Kashmir Commission left New Delhi yesterday by air for Paris to submit an Interim report of their findings to the Security Council.— A.P.
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  • 154 4 LONDON. Wed. rE result of an inquiry into the deaths from heat stroke, following a route march, of two officer cadets at Aldershot was given Dy Mr. Shlnwell In a House of Commons reply last night He said: "A full inquiry was held and,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 352 4 7 A '^F^ \^^^t m^MjitL m f I fSm I 'A Ijafl I •^IaVV £s|^>». -fJf aiP^y***'"i'i'i'."i'iiVi'.'"'"" '».—■..■>.-■ I ?:-s»sBSS»siWN' \^V i (ajEflj^Hl iK^^H£^ai wW V^C Wk Any car can be given a good performance at the I expense of economy. And any can be made economical at the sacrifice
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    • 401 4 (Ml If tt%ljg) Last S Shows— 3, 6.15, 9.15 p.m. LAUGH! HOWL! ROAR! with RED SKELTON "THE SHOW OFF" with MARILYN MAXWELL Opening To-morrow "HOLIDAY IN MEXICO" In Technicolor GREAT WORLD GLOBE 6.45—9.15 "CRIMSON GHOST" (Whole Serial i NEW WOK ID LIDO 7—9.157 9.15 "BUCK PRIVATES COMfc HOME Tomorrow: "ZOMBIES
      401 words
    • 160 4 0L K*^ da H j* Miss Olivia Dur.zrt, formerly of "Meyer's" Bptniiy Salon. Melb mriip ft *~l;ihm.-, »t R. S. Wrlls Bontltv Snliv.ii. Sydney, specialise! m 'Jold wave and "Janial" style settim; is now operating *i "MERLES" Beauty Salon John Littles' Ruildin; Cold wave and Hair treatment by appo nttnent
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  • 340 5 MALA YA EXPORT FLOW "MUST BE MAINTAINED" From Our Staff Corresponddnt PENANG, Wednesday. "A NY breakdown m Malayan exports may harm the position of natural rubber m America and result m increased use of synthetic/ says the chairman of the Penang Chamber of Commerce (Mr. D. A. Mackay) His statement
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 5 SADIE AND SOLOMON, terrier and owl, live amicably together at Sowerby, Yorkshire.— Reuter picture.
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  • 146 5 A MALAY fisherman who rowed past a drowning boy replied to an appeal for help that he could not swim. This was told In the Singapore Coroner's Court yesterday at an Inquiry into the death i of Abdul Rahim bin Osman, 17-year-old Malay who was
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  • 152 5 TWO scholarships of x $100 each will be awarded by the Singapore Co-operative Stores Society early next year to two students who have passed the standard VIII examination and are studying m standard IX during 1949. Both boys and girls will be eligible for the scholarshiDs providing
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  • 68 5 PENANG. Wed.— The District Judge (Mr. Rogers) today reserved judgment until tomorrow m a case m which three Marines from H.M.S. London were charged with robbery. Cpl. M. A R. Gray, Pte. A. S. Horton, and Cpl. W. F. Hurt pleaded not guilty to rob- bing
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  • 48 5 LONDON, Wed. Persons who are liable to pay both Malayan and United Kingdom I Income tax on the same m- I come are entitled to relief from United Kingdom tax. This is stated by the Financial Secretary to the Treasuary (Mr. Glanvil Hall).— Reuter.
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  • 114 5 A Chinese, who made a loan to stranger and afterwards aomplalned that he had been cheated, was told by the First District Judge (Mr. E. P. Shanks) that he had been "a fool." The Chinese was Ang Klan Seng, aged 27, proprietor of a candle shop
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  • 193 5 ORICES of fresh fruit and vegetables may now 1 be stabilised m Singapore with the help of the advisory panel of eight representatives of importers and wholesalers, the Controller of Supplies and his deputy. Re-exports may be authorised on a regulated basis if the panel
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  • 123 5 Danger To Malaya's Rice Ration LONDON, Wed. THE disturbances m Burma have caused a great reduction m her rice exports and there is difficulty m finding enough rice to meet the requirements of Malaya and other countries m Asia The British Food Minister (Mr. Strachey) said this In Parliament yesterday.
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  • 108 5 Charged with possession of 128 pounds of opium valued at $50,000, Koh Kwee Kee, an I elderly Chinese widow, was acquitted m the Second Dis1 trict Court yesterday. The prosecution alleged that when a party of revenue officers went to 84 Changi Road on July 15 they
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  • 238 5 THE executive council of the Singapore Union of Postal and Telecommunications Workers ha» written to the chairman of the Joint Salaries Commission proposing a new and increased wf.ges scale for its members. The council says that the minimum pay of a probationer should be $90
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 361 5 fr^ SHE KISSED HIM ONCEt HE KISSED HER TWICE! THEY KISSED THHKE TIMES! It* th* funnitu story tince Eve I doublrcroned t Adam out of hit rib I I~J -.r- J. ENGLISH SHOE B j.i Tonfut mien »o'o« front Trtblt wtir itcoijlf »f«ro £«t'» 01" 'v 'v Juirirtetd shoe m&fc
      361 words
    • 171 5 PIANO Tuition m: VIOLIN CELLO Professionals —A moteurt Children Interpretation, Expression, Tone Building Style. SPECIAL APPOINTMENTS: for Evening Gasses for Chamber Music Coaching lesie'cice: FLAT 12A, EU COURT. It's the DEPENDABLE The Ronson is responsive, figSsS reliable and rapid. Quick S^tL/sni results come easy to i Ronson one-finger single If
      171 words
    • 178 5 Xiermanite W QUALITY BITUMEN ROOFINGS ££|IMANJT£ .Bj.ANC£ I Sole Agents for: Permanite Roof ings and Damp Course Felts. HARRISONS CROSFIELD (Malay,) LTD. KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE PENANG Why do his teeth sttof white? He cleans them safely with C/yiuvS Dentifrice J Save your teeth from damage by using (iibbs Dentifrice always.
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  • 88 6 Mr. Liew Kwong Hon thanks the representatives of the Mentrl Beaar, British Adviser, Selangor, .ry for Chinese Affairs Federation of Malaya., the Con yui-General for the R'.p-iblW of China. representatives it ail Schools. Institutions, Clubs, Guilds, Societies, all relatives and friends fo; their kind attendance at the funeral of
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  • 710 6 This task has proved to be too big for governments and it has become an appeal to mankind, without any discrimination of race or creed." This is how Mr. L. Cresson (chairman of the Singapore Committee of the
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  • 411 6 National Registration for the whole of the Federation and Singapore is to be introduced sometime next month. Originally, it was announced that registration would begin m the Federation on October 15. That, we are now informed however, is a purely provisional date whatever that might mean and registration
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  • 2073 6 THE FOUNDER OF PENANG AND HIS TIMES "Here Is The Real Francis Light "-Winstedt MALAYA'S FIRST BRITISH PIONEER. The Life Of Francis Light. By H. P. Clodd. (Luzac and Co., London. 12s. 6d). rVERYBODT In Malaya knows something about Sir Stamford Raffles, but who knows anything about Captain Francis Light,
    2,073 words
    • 249 6 THE Malays consider it x rude and insulting of Mr. P. De B. Mac Donald who, m his letter headed "SELF-RESPECT, SELFHELP," says: There are Malays and other; who Join the Special Constabulary with no thought of protecting their motherland from bandit hordes but purely because
      249 words
    • 46 6 From the Straits Times of Sept. 23, 1898 The mail despatched from Singapore to London, by German Packet, on Aug. 24 was delivered on 8«pt 17. The mall despatched from Singapore to London, via Brindisi on Aug. 26 was delivered on Sept. 19.
      46 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 759 6 CLASSIFIED ADS^ PHILLIP S.— At D"Cotta J Clinic, on September 21. 1948. to Margaret, nee Chamarette. wife of Ji iin Phillips— a son. sill VHONN VACANT WANTED Outside Supervisor with knowledge Scrap Trade. Apply P.O. Box No. 965, Spore. WANTED a clerk-typist Aj,pi> No. A4059. S.T.. statins ;md Drrvious experience
      759 words
    • 125 6 ONE PAIR OF EYES "One pair of eyes to last lifetime. You can chew with false teeth, walk with a wooden leg, but never can you see with a blind eyes.'" This does not mean that we are m danger of going blind but a warning that we should not
      125 words
    • 226 6 FIRST AID )/OIF jßk. J^f^p^^^^^ WmM c Oomcoru is injured. Send lor a doctor! I mil he arrives we must help the patient If we haw loarnt first Aid. •Sometimes proper equipment is not available and the First Aider must then improvise; for example, using baking powder for scalds or
      226 words

  • 289 7 Gaol Congestion To Be Relieved From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. PAMPS for the several thousand people detained by the Federation Government under the Emergency Regulations are being constructed m the Federation to relieve the acute congestion m prisons. To assist m interrogation of detainees,
    289 words
  • Article, Illustration
    62 7 RECRUITING CAMPAIGN: The Secretary of State for War (Mr. Emanuel Shinwell) with organisers of the territorial army recruiting campaign which will open m Britain next month. Service chiefs present include General Sir James Stuart Steele, (right), Field-Marshal Montgomery, Mr. Shinwell, Mr. Arthur Henderson, (president of the War Council), and MaJ-Gen.
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 317 7 "EXPAND MALAY FORCES" Malay Newt From A Malay Correspondent ITTUSAN MELAYU, m a I leading article suggested that the strength of the Malay military forces m this country should be expanded to at least that of a division. The paper said most people were interested to hear tin- Sultan ol
    317 words
  • 234 7 Manchu Degree Took Ten Years TO pass the Master of x Arts degree of Cambridge University was mere ".child's play" after getting the "Han Lin" degree In China, said Mr. Y. H. Tsan giving expert evidence on Chinese handwriting yesterday m the Singapore Supreme Court. Mr. Tsan appeared as a
    234 words
  • 673 7 Emergency News A SPECIAL constable was killed m an ambush m Selangor, according to yesterday's emergency news. The round-up on the terror was SELANGOR: A Malay special constable was killed outright and another wounded when the Jeep In which th«y were travelling with Mr. C. B.
    673 words
  • 64 7 TPOH. Wed.—A 19-year-old, Biitish soldier. Private John Hunter, of the Seaforth Highlanders, appeared yesterday: before the Kampar magis-' trate (Mr. W. F Grieve), on I a charge of murder. The charge against him was that, at 9.45 p.m. at Labu Road Kampar he caused the death
    64 words
  • 38 7 Chan Yeoh, a greaser employed on the Kutsang yesterday pleaded guilty m the j Second District Court, Singapore, to a charge of possession of half-a-pound of opium and was sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment.
    38 words
  • 142 7 From Our Staff Correspondent tvprf^p* UA^ A LUMpur, Wednesday. ptKtASES m Kuala Lumpur's Municipal Budget resulting from new salary scales and cost-of-livine 106 C been compensated by savings and additional revenue the Municipal Commissioners were informed today when they nasspd a supplementary budget for $263 393
    142 words
  • 118 7 FIS evening will be a big day for 200 pupils of the Good Shepherd Convent m Kampong Java Road. They will abandon neat school uniforms for gay costumes to take Dart m a children's fantasy concert at ithe Victoria Memorial Hall for their school's building fund. The concert
    118 words
  • 380 7 From Our Woman Correspondent PAMELA TITHERADGE, actress-producer of Stage r Club's "Quiet Wedding", which opens at the Victoria Theatre on Oct. 9, is looking for a tail coat to fit a medium-sized man. She is worried about finding a suitable one m time. The
    380 words
  • 103 7 A SMALL cocktail party at "Glencaird," the home of the Australian Government Commissioner m Malaya (Mr. Claude Masse jo celebrated the engagement of his daughter Lorna, to Mr. Dudley Gordon Tunks, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Tunks of Rose Bay, Sydney, yesterday evening. Miss Massey plans
    103 words
  • 146 7 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Wed. COBBING m court, 42-year- i old Cheong Choon a Cantonese woman of Batu Anam. told the Segamat Coroner (Inche Bidin bin Login) how (Lee Yik) her fnrrrrr husband I was killed. "Four Chinese came to our house towards dusk
    146 words
  • 336 7 Ring In Airman's Kit -Witness DILLS and a receipt amounting to nearly $500 were discovered by an R.A.F. special investigator, who searched the kits of an R.A.F. corporal and L.A.C. to 6ee if there were any "attractive arti'jles" there, it was stated m the Ninth Police Court, Singapore, yesterday. In
    336 words
  • 39 7 BAN on parfing m Collyer Quay by day or alfht is to be sought from the Singapore Legislative GOTiicil. The regulation is considered necessary to prevent accidents and to allow a freer flow of traffic.
    39 words
  • 122 7 MR. F. B. Oehlcrs, the Third Police Court Magistrate, Singapore, yesterday, found Pritam Singh, a 27-year-old lorry driver guilty of assaulting a police officer and sentenced him to six weeks' rigorous imprisonment. The prosecution said that on May 1, during the May Day celebrations. Inspector Rethnasingam
    122 words
  • 21 7 Dulip Singh, charged m the Fourth Police Court, Singapore, yesterday with hou«"trespass, was sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment.
    21 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 84 7 SINCE 1875 MOUTRIES have manufactured and sold PIANOS m the East. Their reputation and experienced gained over this lon& period is your guarantee of satisfaction. We offer m our showroom Grand and Upright Pianos by CHAPPELL LBROADWOOD DANEMANN STROHMENGER I E9TAB s, MouTßie a co. 'malayai ltd. ***** 187 5
      84 words
    • 93 7 Connoisseur oUf l4^* SHERRIES Per Bol DRY FLY. Pale Amber m colour; possesses the bouquet of a true Fino 9.00 DRY CLUB. An exceedingly pleasant wine, on the dry side, which will be appreciated either as an aperitif or at dinner. 9.00 OLD MORENO BROWN. Full of flavour 9.00 MARCH
      93 words

  • Straits Times Thursday Magazine
    • 1870 8  -  ANDREW ROTH By A LMOST as soon as you enter their area m the Central Celebes you note that the happy-go-lucky Turajas seem more conscious of death than any people m the world, with the possible exception of certain denizens of Hollywood who even
      1,870 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 42 8 -p£v drink delicious jtm nm» van tv cm Bk\ \L^vRJ| br^9 lil XS(>\ 111 IH,I S OLD BOSD STREST. LONDON >>^ Out iti.mii «j /^m/j DUCO o£y DULUX NECOL THE 8&M4520 COMPAN\ MITEO <INC. IN ENGLAND) llKilfdl KKNANG IPOH KFAI A LUMPUR MALACCA
      42 words
    • 93 8 STANDAJRD 1 The particularly pleasing features of the Standard 8 are independent frontwheel suspension synchromesh gears on three of the four forward speeds of the gear box, the comfortable and roomy interior for both front and rear seat passengers giving adequate head and foot room. Standard Cars have won for
      93 words

    • 585 9 CHINAAND MR. PA YNE THE LORD COMES by Robert Payne (Heinemau) $6.30. SONGS by Robert Payne (Heineman) $5.10. I JPON some Bri- Ushers, the Far East makes a terrific impact. It acts on their sensibilities like a cathartic and by identifying themselves with the East, they find a satisfaction denied
      585 words
    • 230 9 THE COMPLETE LAWN TENNIS PLAYER: by Norman H. Patterson (Adam and Charles Black, 155.). •THE author of "Lawn A Tennis Courtcraft" has written a most Interesting and comprehensive book on this popular game. Most books on lawn tennis deal chiefly with stroke production, but Mr. Patterson's latest
      230 words
    • 248 9 An Analysis Of Happiness WHAT LIFE HAS TAUGHT ME, Ed. Sir J. j Marchant (Odhams $6.30). -TWENTY -FIVE men A and women of very different types have i contributed the chap- ters of this new book. Sir James Marchanr put, to each of them, as outstanding i personalities of
      248 words
    • 380 9 New Books At The Library THE following new books will be added to Raffles Lib- rary, Singapore within the next few days The Character of England < Barker. ed>. Practical Mechanics for all (Leroy A. Beaufoy), The Economics of Transport Michael R. Bonavia;, Later Italian Falr.ting (Tancred I English Children's
      380 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 207 9 I B>"r^^T Bl M WITE SATURDAY A picture not to be missed! DRAMA A Slrange, Itaufiful. Powerful! S\ M The impassioned story "AaflJl^A off m evil and violence! J&7^9t Jm J\j ARMENDARIZ MARQUES IM s>j SALON jk TREATMENT iß^* will be by, MRS. HORNER Miss Arden's personal representative If you
      207 words
    • 340 9 The Dua/-Pu/ipo6e J/ai/i DteASiad JfjTTß^ quick, vigorous mj<;s;ii;e W^lt $&s&*^ww daily with Vitdln wjkos up the I fight, lazy *calp and stimul.vos t Y'v a > blood-Circulation through the lL Ifi&w I I icalp-t'^su^s This revir.ili.'ing MMaappappapH|pM "50-sPConds rub" arrp<;t<. tlnnrung hair, checks d..ndi :M; prevent', dry s<".ilp Wt^Lpte-fr daily
      340 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 478 9 flvtl rt*t rm'nr.'lnn to "get ou. p regards east tc-ay s Me game. Nor ,1. c Both ild^s \u!nerable. NORTH Q 10 9 1 <e m j iii n MKI WEST BAST 111 OS A 1(1 7 t. 4 K .'> q A h (i :i I J 10 (Q1I4I
      478 words

  • 159 10 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE 'Government has informed the Kuala Lumpur Municipal Commissioners that it is prepared to consider a $700,000 housing scheme for the town. 'Vhe houses, however, must be different from the attap and wood types
    159 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 10 ESTATE guards pose with the ti?cr they had just shil on heranir Tull Estate. Pasir Puteh. Kelantan.
    17 words
  • 182 10 Annual Sime Road Reunion THE flagstaff on which A was hoisted the first Union Jack to fly m Malaya after the liberation, has a place of honour at the entrance to the drive of Air House, j Sime Road. Air House is the new residence of the Air Commander m
    182 words
  • 129 10 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Wed. r|MIEr |MlE desire of Far Eastern I A stndents for British edu- cation was illustrated oncp more with the arrival last week of 36 new students from i Malaya and Hong Kong. They arrived at Tilbury last I Thursday
    129 words
  • 105 10 MALACCA, Wed. MALACCA branch of the Malayan Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis has been formed with the following officers:— Chairman. Mr. V. E. Disu; \Weehalrman. Mr. A. W. B. Acton; secretary. Mr. A. S. Pinto: tr-asur-er. the Rev. L. R. Wilson; committee, members of the
    105 words
  • 90 10 IN ORDER cancelling :hs n registration of the Singapore Sago Workers' Union was not served yesterday because the Registrar of Trade Unions (Mr. Sn« Choon Yee) was sick. The union is the first of 12 Singapore onions given two months to send In their annual reports
    90 words
  • 68 10 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed.— Yong Ah Yow. a lorry driver, was found guilty of negligent driving, fined $10 and ordered to pay $119.75 for damages to the telephone pole his lorry had hit. Yong told the Court he thought that his towkay should be asked to
    68 words
  • 184 10 TODAY li> er-School Art Exhibition Great World. Open to thf> public free. Young People's meeting. Mr. C. Toskpy on "Two Impending Conflict" Bethesda Hall, Bras Basah Road. 6 p.m. Y.W.C.A., 5, Raffles Quay dressmaking classes. 10 am and 5 p.m., Wayfarers' meeting for ex- j cursion 4p.m. V.M.C.A.,
    184 words
  • 176 10 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. AS a result of differences m black market exchange rates, Americans have an overwhelming advantage over Malayan smelters m the purchase of Siamese tin concentrates, according to the Penang Chamber of Commerce. "By selling to the Americans,"
    176 words
  • 987 10 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. A TOTAL of 199 entries have been received for the Penang Turf Club Autumn Meeting to be held on three days, Oct. 2, 6 and 9. There will be nine races on the first and third days, and eight
    987 words
  • 40 10 CARDIFF. Wednesday The Glamorgan vs. England XI match was drawn. Glamorgan made 320 and 118 for eight declared (Pollard three for 33). and the England XI 248 for seven declared and 182 for lix iLen Hutton 67).— Router.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      133 words
    • 187 10 r I #1 f| f|* 1/4 tjfe 7X Temp. For Sheer Comfort. Telppfione 3400 W^^' 11 TODAY _I at ll am, 1.5%, 6./J A 9.30pm. [IMOND Clll WILLIAM VINCENT I'BRIEM>RAIKK-BENDIX'PRICt "A Strong:. Tense, Drama Based On The Famous DAKOTA Crash. Which Held Th~ Attention Of The World". OPENS TODAY BAMiI
      187 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 400 10 a* >t>m»«< iBloch), Adagio (Samuel Barber;, industrai; 11.30 rf«wttott*r: 1145 »*< 1AI.AV/- ''Oni" .Overture: "Ptolemy" (Handel): close. 1 p m Muiic 1 30 News- 1 45 110 Books to Read; 11.15 Film: (kne Krupa 2 00 Close 8I5' 1130 News AnalysU; 11.45 RADIO SEAC News Food Prices; 8.30 Hos- i
      400 words

  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 240 11 RUBBER TRADERS HOPES OF U.S.A. From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wednesday. TWADE observers consider there is a possibility that the United States may take a greater part of Malaya's rubber shipments than at present under an arrangement connected with Marshall Aid. They compute that In the first eight months of
      240 words
    • 191 11 DIRECT rates fixed by the Control and now m force are announced by the Malayan Exchange Banks As- sociation as follows: Selling, T.T. 0.D.. Ready I New York 46 15/16 Canada 46 15 '16 Switzerland 202U Swedish Kroner 168M» Holland guilder* 2A\ Java gu lders 124% Fr.nch francs
      191 words
    • 197 11 THE Singapore rubber mar- ket was very steady throughout yesterday. Sellers were inclined to be reserved. Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 sheet f.o.b. buyers 44K rents, sellers 4V.4 cents; spot loose buyers 44 vi cents, sellers 44 \*t cents per lb. The market was quiet at the
      197 words
    • 49 11 TAKUAPA Valley Tin Dredging announce that In the first half of September their No. 1 dredge worked 309 hours, covered 45,000 cubic yards and won 319 plcuLs of The No. 2 dredge worked 315 hours, covered 50,000 cubic yarda and won 201 plcuU of ore.
      49 words
    • 39 11 TOKIO. Wed. A US$7OO,OOO barter agreement. Involving the import of Brazilian raw cotton m exchange for Japanese cotton textiles, is m process of negotiation between the Japanese Board of Trade and Bunge Co. of Brazil. Reuter-AAP.
      Reuter-AAP  -  39 words
    • 98 11 MEW CONTRACT ON N. Y. COMMODITY EXCHANGE From Oar Own Correspondent LONDON, Wednesday. LONDON brokers welcome the news that the New York Commodity Exchange is considering Introduction of a new contract for rubber comparable with the pre-war No. 1 R.S.S. contract. I', has been proposed that the contract should come
      98 words
    • 55 11 From A Market Corrtspowkut SAOO flour was again active yesterday on the Singapore produce markets. The Siak variety was done at improved price;. The rising tempo of speculation on the pepper marktt contlnu-d. Prices rose. Quotations were changed to: Pepper: Muntok white »217; Sarawak white »216; Lampong black
      55 words
    • 110 11 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Wednesday. 1/fALAYAN shares were again quiet and dull today Prices m a few stocks eased slightly. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association today were: INDUSTRIALS Buyer SellCT B.B. Po-rol 38/9 39/9 Praser Neave (O) itk. 3.60 3.67M>cdcb Oammori
      110 words
    • 177 11 LONDON, Wed. INTERNATIONAL politics continued to dominate the London Stock Exchange yesterday, says Reuter's financial correspondent. The trading volume was again small, with prices generally moving to slightly lower levels. Rubbers were down. Tins irregular to lower. Closing middle prices m stocks, as supplied to the Straits Times
      177 words
    • 96 11 SHIPS m port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves today (godowns m brackets > are: Main Wharf: Katong (32) Glenapp (36-37). Montoro (40-41), Olecearn (42-43), Marudu (34). Purnea (38-39). Weat Wharf: Scott E. Land (7-8), Menestheua (15-16), Sega mat (3). Tranjuebar (4-5). Salong (14). Nagara (10-11). Taksang (6)
      96 words
    • 176 11 AM investors' guide to Malayan companies. Facts and Figures, has recently been published by Fraser Company. Singapore stock, share and exchange brokers. This guid'-- appeared regularly every veer before the war. I During the war, most of the i data and records were lost. This [edition,
      176 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1218 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated In Singapore) BLUB FUNNEL LINE STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., SAILINCS FROM U.K. b U.S.A LTD. "Tit.)n" from UK C. 44 •Eumacui" due from U.K. Oct. 1 WEST COAST MALAYA "Clytoneus" due from U.K. Oct. 7 "Scrcmbin" for P. S'tam, T. "Eurypylus" due from UK Oct. 25 Anson
      1,218 words
    • 242 11 PRESIDENT LINES Ceneral Passenger Agent tor Northwest Airlines SAILINCS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON via INDIA. ECYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Scott E Land Spore Codown 7/8 President Polk Penang Sept 21 Penanf" ftt' H SAILINCS TO SAN FRANCISCO AND LOS ANCELES THENCE NEW YORK, BALTIMORE, BOSTON via PANAMA. Dartmouth Victory Penang
      242 words
    • 269 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA UK/ CONTINENT ms Nardtarer' toi Saigon Bmgkok due abt Oct 6 ms "Kambodia' tor Manila, HKong. Shanghai Kobe 6 Yokohama due abt Oct 9 m.s "Sclandia" for Saigon Bangkok due abt Oct 15 m.s 'Kerea' for Manila HKong S hai Kobe due abt. Nov.
      269 words
    • 91 11 SAILINCS TO CONTINENT/ SCANDINAVIA Loadmt, at Singapore. Port Swettenham and Penang t.s Trjnquebar Codowns 4/5 tor Madras Colombo Aden Port Sudan port Said Cenoa. Antwerp, Kotterdam Hamburg. Oslo, Cothenbu'R (_openhagen Cdynia m.s "Mongolia" due abt. Oct 1 2 tor Colombo Aden Port Said. Antwerp, Rotterdam Hamburg Oslo. Gothenburg Copenhagen Cdynia
      91 words
    • 1058 11 McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Singapore) XLLERMAM BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LIME HAVRE, LONDON, ANTWERP PACIFIC PORTS AND HAMBURG. TACiMfc rum* Aceeotlr* cargo for U S North Atlantic Accepting cargo for Central SoutK Ports 6 Canada via Colombo American Ports CITY Of KHARTOUM prancisvilli frpore P. Sham Penang FRANCIJVILIi In Pert
      1,058 words

  • 1047 12  -  EPSOM JEEP By Heddle Saddles Three Winners nOUBLE Five (J. Donnelly) beat Move On and Mac Scott m a thrilling finish to win the Singapore Plate over V/ 4 miles at Bukit Timah yesterday, the fourth day of the Singapore Turf Club Autumn
    1,047 words
  • Article, Illustration
    44 12 RACE 3: Knight Gallant (Stirling) wins t close race from the fast-finishing Belita. Fairlyn just beat Trafford for place money. RACE 5: Snaps (J. Donnelly) canters home three lengths ahead of Lynchburg, with Blackpool third and Honey Comb a late fourth.— Straits Times pictures.
    44 words
  • 275 12 LONDON, Wednesday. BRI'CE Woodcock of Britain knocked out the American heavyweight, Lee Onia, last night m the fourth round of his heavyweight "come-Dack" after 17 months m splints and bandages. I Oma fell to a right to. the Jaw after a dull fight that
    275 words
  • 1485 12 Results At A Glance RACE 1: Golden News *45, »1» Sir Keith *U Kerrys Luck $15 RACE I: waif Princes* Vuffield Lady Kalang fM RACE 3: Knight Gallant *17. Belita »14 Falrlyn »«1 R.WE 4: Cool Hay $3« S13 Rrndova Siarltt Tiftr II *11 RACE 5: Snaps $41. $i« l.vnrhburg
    1,485 words
  • 452 12 pLIMAXING the day's competition with a thrilling 2—l2 1 victory m the water-polo final, the Royal Air Force won the Singapore inter-Services 1948 swimming championships held at the Singapore Swimming Club yesterday. The large crowd present included the Governor and Lady Gimson. The Army, which had
    452 words
  • 159 12 THE Singapore Cricket A Club will open their rugby season on Saturday j with an Old v. New game. The kick-off will b e at 1 5 p.m. I A very good game Is anticipated, j as there Is excellent talent among the newcomers, and all
    159 words
  • 127 12 Gerahty, H. L. Parry. J. Read. J. I Tucker, J. Roualle. P. Wildman. Reserve*: D. A. Weatherson, O. Lubler and J. F. Bumef. The Old t«am will play m the Club colours: yellow and black hooped Jerseys, white shorts, yel- low and black stockings.
    127 words
  • 27 12 The Net- Soon Garrison R.F.C. and R.A.F. Seletar drew to a; rugger match at Seletar yester- j day. I Both sides scored a penalty goal.
    27 words
  • 45 12 TOD\Y SOCCER: S.A.T.A. Cup— I. A. 2nd XI v. R.A.F. Sembawanj, 8.0.D. ground. St. George's Road; Kola Raja v. Singapore District Signals. .lalan Besar stadium: S.A.F.A. L«ague. Dlv. Ill— Social A. P. t. Customs S.C Geylanf. tAM games will start at 5.15 p.m.)
    45 words
  • 372 12 JERSEY CITV, Wednesday. IMARCEL CERDAN won the world middleweight iT1 championship from Tony Zale with astounding ease. Outfought and systematically battered for practically the whole fight, Zale went down as the bell sounded the end of the 11th round, and was unable to come
    Reuter  -  372 words
  • 70 12 KOALA LUMPUR, U«-il Till-: Football Assoriuliixt or Malaya decided Ihbi morning that the >lala> i tup Final replay betvvc. n Selangor and Negri SemliiIma will take place m Ru-.tU Lumpur on Oct. 2. The same will be broadrasl by Kadio Malaya ovrr all stations. The
    70 words
  • 65 12 JN tha opening tsam.- ,i •:■> hock>-y KMon featcrda Si Josep] -1 beat th> RaftVs Ilttl XI 2-0 on ihf K.I. HPd. Both B<Mtli mm m I halt, ov .1. D'Almei 11.11 1 .1 I R. Mosbcrgrn. On thp Josephs Jud :;i di.« Urn r.i. 2nd XI. Phil!
    65 words
  • 21 12 The 81ngaporp H lion HMctlnf, wbcta was 'o !ikv« been lu-ld *t the S.R.C day. will b- h.'ld this
    21 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 700 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued trom page 8) .V (OMMODATION WANTED SINGLE ROOM with or with- j <vi: board m neißhbourhood of Sli'vens Road from October Ist. H w No A4087, S.T. H ROPEAN GENT seek-s arrom lull or part board Town or easy distance. Box N> A4091, S.T. \IED an office
      700 words
    • 96 12 Remarkable Values Fully jewelled Swiss le\ er watches fitted with all steel c-rises. No eorrwuon. MM J/m Baft i >w ls !''vt. Bu^^iuA GAMMETER ■HLV n iewels <aaaa! WM&^9IJ au!on ■I mmmwfim aild water;irooi <■■> Pice service aft« tale, n tlimUated .n guarantee 16 Collyer Quay the* 1 m i^rforma^h
      96 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous