The Straits Times, 22 September 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 216 1 A SENIOR Singapore police official told the Straits Times last night that 10 people had now been arrrsted m connection with the big arms seizure From a Catalina Hying boat off Airabu Island. He said that investigations were still proceeding ana that a full statement
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  • 462 1 Resistance May Lead To Dutch Pact BATAVIA, Tuesday. THE Indonesian Republic today began to move against the newly-proclaimed Communist government m Madiun province, East Java, according to messages from the Rei.ublican capital of Jogjakarta. According to a Republican radio statement Tapanoeli province, north-west Sumatra, has
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 1 MARSHAL «i Ihe Royal Air Force Lord Tedder stands he1 idy Tedder while thrir son Richard points up at the sky. They were watching the RAF flying-past over I.onion, eonunemorating the eighth anniversary of the Battle of Britain.— A.P. picture.
    AP  -  40 words
  • 36 1 YESTERDAY'S Emer- jjency highlights A terrorist chief shot dead m Perak; j?wo Malay soldiers killed In an ambush m Pahang; Raid by 30 bandits on an estate m Johore. Details.— Page SEVKN.
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  • 83 1 NEW YORK. Tur.s A Miami tug m mountainous s»'as yesterday reached the s'ricKPn British freighter Lochmonar (900 tons>. The Coastguard reported that the lives of the three persons aboard were In no immediate danger although the spas were preventing rescue >P 'rations. The freighter ran aground >n
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  • 24 1 MIAMI (Florida. Tues— A small but vicious hurricane hit Havana (Cubai with 80 mile an hour winds. No ••asualties were reported UP.
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  • 204 1 Muso 'President' of Red Java. Pea portrait m Page Four. Communism m Indonesia Editorial Comment Page Six. ment was watching for the prjssibiiity it might appeal to the Netherlands foe assistance. In Washington today Mr. Udo Stikker. Netherlands Foreign Minister, declared that I the current Communist unrest
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  • 116 1 LONDON, Tuesday. THE Prime Minister of India (Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru will visit England during the first week m October as nuest of the British Uovernmont, it was officially ftnI nounced here today by Mr. V. K. Krishna Menon, High Commissioner for India m London. Mr. Nehru is
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 46 1 BANGKOK. Tues. Th* Siamese Government today rejected the Chinese Government'i protest against the recent arrest of about 300 Chinese secret society leaders. They rejected a Chinese demand for the immediate release of the arrested men and for full details of the charges against them.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 245 1 LONDON, Tuesday. ORITAIN considers the international situation so grave that it suspended commercial work m the Royal Dockyards today, m order to refit about "i 100 warships for service. An official Navy announcement said the ships are to be made ready for duty before April. An
    AP  -  245 words
  • 214 1 BRUSSELS. Tuesday. FORTY Belgian Senators will decide today whether the publi'. have an opDoruirtl v 'to vot« on the ques- i tio.i of the reiurn of Kins: Leopold. King Leopold has b a en m exile m Switzerland since he was freed from German custoday
    AP  -  214 words
  • 206 1 SINGAPORE trade union leaders at a meeting last night agreed that 75 per cent, of the money raised during the forthcoming United Nations Appeal for Children m the Colony should be sent overseas. The President of the Clerical and Administrative Services Union <Mr. Lim
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  • 114 1 WASHINGTON, Tues. yHE United States Com merce Department leported yesterday that world produc- Uon of natural rubber m the j first seven months of 1948 was 855,000 tons, exceeding expectations by 77,500 lons. July production was 130,000 tons, only 5,000 tons below the previous months postwar
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  • 42 1 PARIS. Tuesday.— The U.S. plane carrying the body of Count Bernadotte left here after an hour's ceremony today for Stockholm. Many of the world's leading statesmen paid their final tribute to the Palestine mediator on the wind-swept Orly airfield.— UJ.
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  • Article, Illustration
    79 1 This picture of the type of craft to be seen m Malayan waters is one of the interes ting studies appearing m Straits Times Pictures 1948, on sale early m November. Straits Times Pictures 1948 contains nearly 100 pboto- graphs and is m colour. This glorious production was sold out
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  • 224 1 U.N. ASSEMBLY MAY DEBATE BERLIN CRISIS PAULS Tuesday. THE United Nations General Assembly opened a fateful session today before a world worried over East-West tension m Benin and unrest m Palestine. The Foreign Ministers of Franco, Britain and the United States, here for the General Assembly, are also meeting to
    Reuter  -  224 words
  • 99 1 87 Burmese Insurgents Killed RANGOON. 1 IN heavy fighting at Toungoo, on the railway tnulwuy between Rangoon and Maudalay, 87 insurgents were killed, a Burmese Government communique announced tonight. Eigln more insurgent killed at Pakokku. near Manri;i lay In the Rangoon area, an n:surgeni attack was made on a military
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  • 40 1 BANGKOK. Tuesaaj. A Siamese Army officer la going to Singapore shortly to »el as liaison officer with the British Army In operations against frontier Communist gangs. The British ConsulateGeneral at Siniora will be opened m early Octobei.Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 18 1 ELEGANT JEWELLERY P. H. HENDRY, JKVM 1.1 KB with an Es'ablishrd Malaya-wide Reputation. St, North Bridge Koart. Singapore
      18 words
    • 36 1 cHwrwMM rroNi M BUSH Bi-focal Ton* H»,lu, iOit AGtNTi BRIGHT RADIO Co 301 ORCHARD ROAO. iiNGAPOftt QUICK TIME /ipik FOR A Sfjlgl Extra Malt meant Extra STRENGTH Extra Hops mean Exru FLAVOUR Extra Goodness means TICER
      36 words

  • Cable Flashes
    • 650 2 LONDON, Tuesday. WITNESSES at an inquest at Margate yesterday told how the flip of a coin led to the death of Mrs. Gertrude Andrews and her son Brent, aged three. I Mrs. Andrews on Saturday tossed the coin to decide whether she would
      Reuter  -  650 words
    • 61 2 LOS ANGELES, Tues,— The United States Air Force's first Jet bomber a B-45— exploded in midair yesterday and crashed near Alpaugh with a roar heard 19 miles away. Two bodies were recovered from the wreckage which was strewn over an area of four square miles. Officials said
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 901 2 NOTICES The post of Manager/Manageress of th«t Crag Hotel has now boon filled and all applicants are th.inkPd for their response to the advertisement. Owing to the lartre number of applications, 't is not possible to renlv to each Individually KENNEDY, BURKILL CO. LTD LOST SHARE CERTIFICATES APPLICATIONS have been
      901 words
    • 56 2 NOTICES NOTICE"" NOTICE Is hereby given that (Miss) Dorothy Rosemary Tay Kheng Sian of C/o, Y.W.C.A. Hostel, 8 Fort Canning Road Is applying to 'lie Governor for naturalisation, and that any person who knows any reason why naturalisation should oot be granted should send a written signed statement of the
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    • 642 2 NOTICES REMOVAL NOTICE Aa from the 35th. September. 1948, the new address of CHOP BAN TECK SENO of No. 146, Cross Street, Singapore, will be at No. 196 SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD, (Corner of South Bridge Road and Upper Cross Street), Spore. NOTICE A Draft bearing No. X.848/594 purchased from the
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    • 234 2 ln the estate V EVERARD REGINALD ALLEN, deceased. All persons naving any claims against the estate of tbf abovenamed deceased. iate >i wlessri Boustead Company Limited Singapore, who died m -tiam Is or about October 1943 are required to send particular* of their claims m writing to the Public Trustee
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    • 178 2 S.S. GOVERNMENT 3% LOAN 1962/72 Notice is hereby given that the Transfer Books of the abovementioned Loan will be closed from the Ist October to 15th October, 1948 both days inclusive for the preparation of Interest Warrants. By Order The Chartered Bank of I.A. tt C, Singapore" CLOSURE OF BRIDGE
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    • 246 2 IMPORTED FROM LONDON ENGLAND Made with rich, fine Virginia tobacco <$■' ft ;<•■* CARRIKAS, LONDON IM YEARS' Rf PUTATION fO* QUALITY At the first sign of a .<Jp| COLD, CHILL or AffySORE THROAT Urn V^ ta fce N X p epJ j ntlscpt c (ab cl> |M wor uj.umou» Breathe-
      246 words
    • 204 2 Extract of Malt WITH Cod Liver Oil for Happy, Healthy Children Rich m vitamins A D. Vital to the diet of your children to help the stead/ development ol strong bones and teeth. Invaluable for delicate children and nursing mothers. Allenburyi Extract of Malt with Cod Liver Oil Is also
      204 words

  • 367 3 Stern Gang Warn U.S. Envoy JERUSALEM, Tuesday. THE United States Consulate-General an1 nounced last night that it believed the Stern Gang had the Consul-General (Mr, John J. MacDonald) next on the list for assassination. Six men m military uniform were reported by a Consulate spokesman to
    Reuter; AP  -  367 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 3 SIR STAFFORD CRIPPS. naw visiting Canada, is seen with Lady Cripps talking to a hotel gardener at Margate during the recent trade union conference. Reuter picture.
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  • 138 3 U.S. Troops Will not Leave Korea WASHINGTON, Tues. AMERICAN occupation troops will remain In Korea until the United! Nations General Assembly j takes up the issue of Koreas future In Paris. This was stated by the United States State Depart- ment yesterday. The Department said that j the U.S .had
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  • 133 3 THE world yesterday welcomed the establishment of the Press Tru3r of India. Limited, and its entry into the ownership of Reuters. In Britain and America, it was hailed as an Important move m the expansion of free and independent dissemination of news m a territory of great
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  • 93 3 SYDNEY, Tuesday.— Mrs. Peggy Murray, a 1918 war j bride from Rosewell, near Edinburgh, has written to relafves asking them to send out a Royal Scottish Standard which she can display when the King and Queen drive past remote and small Longwarry North, m Gipps- land,
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  93 words
  • 37 3 MADRID, Tues General Fiasco has had his second meeting m a month with Don Juan. Pretender to the Spanish throne. Ii took place aboard a Spanish destroyer on the high seas off Vlgo.— Reuter.
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  • 29 3 WASHINGTON. Tues. Pakistan's application for membership m the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and of the International Monetary Fund will be voted on next week.— Reuter.
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  • 47 3 LONDON. Tues. IN a London paper today: "Widower, 54. abstainer, needs a very stout partner same as late wife. Please do not write unless 196 pounds or over." The author was bespectacled stout, short balding Philip Edwards, whose late wife weighed 210 pounds. UP.
    UP  -  47 words
  • 42 3 SURINAM. Tues. A re-! vised constitution for Suri- nam, a Dutch colony, raises it to equal status with other memberj of the Netherlands' Empire The new charter was read to an assembly before Gov- I ernm'v.t House yesterday.— A P.
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  • 40 3 NEW YORK, Tues. The Prime Minister of Eire (Mr. Costello) said today that he j hoped for an early end to the j partition of Ireland so that any bitterness between Eire and Britain might be healed. —U.P.
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  • 122 3 STOCKHOLM, Tuesday. SWEDEN'S Social Democrat Government, m power since 1932, will continue to rule the country alone, said the Prime Minister (Mr. Tage Erlander) yesterday. In Sunday's election for the second chamber of the Swedish Parliament, the Riksdan, the Social Democrats lost three seats.
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 3 COUSINS MARRY: Over 500 guests attended the Penan* wedding: of Mr. Tan Kliim Hoe and Miss Saw Joo Ean. Their mothers (Mrs. Tan Honr Jin and Mrs. Saw Cboo Thens are sisters
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  • 154 3 PARIS Tues. TRANCE'S Communist Party 1 yesterday jolted M. Henri Qusullle's new Government bv coming out In favour of local elections This reversal had a bombshell effect in the National Assembly wher? M. Qneuille's Cabinet is already under erowine Dressurp rrom strikes and strike threats
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  • 194 3 LONDON, Tuesday. SENTENCE of five years' rigorous imprisonment m 1 Burma passed on a British subject is not out of proportion to his crime of gun smuggling. This is what the Under- I I Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Christopher Mayhew) j told two Conservative
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  • 258 3 GENT AIR CRASH INQUIRY LONDON. Tuesday. A PUBLIC inquiry into the collision of two planes on July 4 m which Sir Edward Gent was one of 39 killed opened m London yesterday. Sir Edward, then High Commissioner, Federation of Malaya, was the only passenger m one plane, an RAF. York
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  • 84 3 ROME. Tues. The first post-war move In Italy to outlaw prostitution was made today by a left-winß senator and a Secretary of State. A member of the Socialist Party, Signorina Merlin filed a formal project of law. which began: "The operation of a house of prostitution
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  • 23 3 TOKIO Tues.— Damage estimated at 18.000 million yen (£lB.OOO 000) was caused by a typhoon which struck Japan last week.— Reuter.
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  • 18 3 BERLIN. Tues. Western Germany's iron and steel production set another post-war record m August. A.P.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 250 3 for Persian, Bokhara Indian CARPETS VisH PR ICi: TAG SHOPS BOKHARA PALACE 5, Stamford hd Spore Phone 7563 INDIAN CARPETS Visit S. QURESHI CO. > 67. The Arcade:: 3rd Floor:: Phone 6453 X^» Use lift from Raffles Place [fITH H V R E ST OU R NIT RACE NIGHT SPECIAL
      250 words
    • 185 3 Ssh! a really secret re< ip- ,up». mellow-rich and New York adobes if' Now it's right here m Singapore —at Old Storaga Depots and Creamers Mlk B^c*. $2 00 per brick snoußh for 8 p^ Singapore: Phort* 5429 5420 K. Lumpur: Phone ***** TO BE StRVFO COLD. I J^k SPECIALLY
      185 words

  • 600 4 Once Arrested In Johore BATAVIA, Tuesday. FROM incognfto traveller from Moscow to President of Java's self-proclaimed Communist republic m 37 days. That is the meteoric rise to fame of Muso, Indonesia's 50-year-old, stocky Communist leader who was once a school teacher. Under a false name,
    Reuter  -  600 words
  • 179 4 TODAY Inter-Schoo! Art Exhibition Great World. Op*n o the public free. Poppy Day Committee meeting, j 37, Nass.m Road. 10 a.m. Rotary, Rev. M. Dodsworth on "R e c c ntn t Impressions of the U.5.A.," Adtlphi, 1 p.m. Medical College Alumni Association, Mr. A. S. Caldwell will
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  • 114 4 MANILA. Tues. pONSTABULARY reports \j said that five high Huk officers have been slain on various "fronts" In central Luzon since the beginning of the all-out offensive on dissidents earlier this month. Constabulary units, bolstered by regular Philippine Army troops, are at present poised for a final
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  • 53 4 LONDON, Tues.— A minimum wage of £200 a year for the first year for general student nurses has been agreec upon by tho Nurses' Natlona Whitley Council, a joint staffmanagement organisation. This amount includes residential emoluments and applies to student nurses under the National
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  • 116 4 S. AFRICA SA YS INDIA MISLED PARIS, Monday. SOUTH Africa's leader to the United Nations (Mr. Eric Louw) hopes to discuss his i country's quarrel with India over the status of its Indian nationals with the Prime Minister (Pandit Nehru). The dispute over South Africa's discriminatory treatment of nearly 300.000
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  • 103 4 CAPETOWN, Tues. GEN. Smuts, former Prime Minister, charged the South African Government today with "bad faith towards the people of South Africa" m Its policy of racial segregation which, he said, meant a fundamental change m the constitution. The Government Is seeking a change m the
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  • 68 4 COPENHAGEN, Tues. NAZI Germany's plenipotentiary m Denmark from 1942 to 1945, Dr. Werner Best was sentenced to death by a Danish court yesterday. Three other leading Nazis m German occupied Denmark were also sentenced to death. At Rome the former German General Otto Wagener,
    AP  -  68 words
  • 42 4 WASHINGTON, Tuesday.— j General Kenney, pugnacious apostle of longrange bom- j bardment, has been relieved as chief of the Air Forces) Strategic Air Command. He will be replaced by Lieutenant General Curtis Lemay, now directing the Berlin airlift— U.P.
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  • 114 4 LONDON. Tues. ANY inquiry Into the nature of Communism m Britain Is unlikely to resemble the United States Committee on Un-American Activities. Sir Waldron Smithers (Cons., Orpington) m the Commons yesterday suggested 1 Royal Commission into Communism. Mr. Herbert Morrison replied: "The Prime
    UP  -  114 words
  • 181 4 COLOMBO, Tuesday. THE total available amount of rubber seed m Ceylon must always be expected to be very much less per acre than m Malaya. This conclusion is reached by the Rubber Research Board after studying the results of experiments m Ceylon. In Malaya,
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 4 This velvet bonnet with tine lace veil with eye mask was shown m a regent street, London, collection recently. Reuter photo.
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  • 31 4 DAMASCUS Tues.— Syrian and Lebanese representatives met yesterday to take a final decision regarding their common Interests and the agreement between the two states expirine on Sept. 30.- A.P.
    AP  -  31 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 257 4 has taught me" 1 ft k=A -it* Aniora Viola really does ton* up the scalp. It is cooling and refreshing and, most important, keeps the b\ir perfectly In position. Being clean Itself Anzora Viola leaves no tell tale' stains on hats or pillows. Amoro Cream is for greasy uaipi. "MASTERS
      257 words
    • 133 4 »Vl£M& fITCO HOTOR WOWERB 3 he lawn mower whic can {{{ill wonders wi^h any lawn. Wls <c^ ]1 $350/ J Cj sji» ftJaQ^Bih y^Cjsi' count Six months wT^^^m^m- guarantee. Also 17'" and 20" sizes. C I I SOLE AGENTS: 1 ANGLO-FRENCH TRADING CO, LTD. 3 De Souza St Spore. Tel:
      133 words
    • 179 4 CROMPTON C\ I LAM-PS' \^MADE TO BRITISH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Sole Agents: UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED TROUCHET'S BOILER DISINCRUSTANT Can be used without fear of causing caustic embrittlemenl its il contains no sodu or chemicals of mineral origin. After removing scale it maintains protective coating which prevents further scale formation. The cost
      179 words

  • 123 5 GERMAN CRISIS: U.S. ARMY ASKS TROOPS TO STAY ON BERLIN, ruesday. THE United States Army yesterday appealed to its troops m Germany to extend their enlistment because of the grave international situation. The appeal was made through Lieut Gen Clarence R. Huebner, Commander of U.S. ground forces m Europe. Addressing
    AP  -  123 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 5 S< STARS Margaret O'Brien and Lassie pose before performing along with hundreds ftf other Hollywood stars m a charity show to raise money for a new hospital m Santa Monica, California. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  33 words
  • 164 5 LONDON, Tuesday. THE British Government has been considering the cases of United Kingdom and British subjects who suffered losses m occupied British and ex-British territories m the Far East and who have returned to Britain and Intend to remain permanently. This was stated yesterday by the
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  • 105 5 LONDON, Tuesday. REFERENCE to Continental trips by the leader of the Opposition (Mr. Winston Churchill) and Mr. Herbert Morrison were made at the .special session of Parliament. Mr. Morrison hoped that Mr. Churchill, now m South France, had observed the £35 limit imposed on all British tourists.
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  • 82 5 TEHERAN, Tuesday. AN Anglo-Iranian Oil Com- pany invitation to participate m the company's current negotiations has been declined by the Persian Majlis. The Premier reported yesterday that, m accordance with a Persian law passed on Oct 22. 1947. affecting oil exploitation by outside compani- es, negotiations had
    AP  -  82 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 5 Sir William Gilliatt. doctor to Princess Elizabeth, will attend the Princess when she rives birth to her child, expected next month. Sir William is obstetrical and gynaecological surgeon, King's College Hospital A.P. picture.
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  • 30 5 NfcW picture of the Guards' departure for Malaya: Troops give th* War Secretary (Mr. Shin well) a hearty handshake before their transport, Empire Trooper, sailed from Southampton.
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  • 146 5 nwM WASHINGTON, Tuesday. A BLONDE heiress who was said to have used her wealth to finance Communist activities refused to tell Congressional investigators whether she was a red spy on the grounds that she might incriminate herself. A plea of constitutional immunity was
    UP  -  146 words
  • 62 5 LONDON, Tues.-The Colonial Office announced today that an expedition of Britons m Antarctica recently discovered four small unrecorded islands. A party of six saw the islands during a 200-mile journey to Cape Nicholas Alexander Island. The men laid three supply depots m preparation for an expedition
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  • 153 5 Rural Board Will Assess Schooling Needs In The Villages TX) facilitate assessment of the educational needs In Singapore's outlying districts, Village Committees will shortly distribute 14,000 questionaires to rural residents. The questionnaires will be printed m English, Chinese, Tamil and Malay. Sponsored by the Singapore Rural Board, the distribution Is
    153 words
  • 161 5 j A TOTAL of 47.889 persons who registered with the Labour Exchange of the Labour Office. Singapore ctotained fmployme. t. This number was equal to 40 per cent of the 107.897 persons registered up to the end of August. Statistics show that m January this
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  • 96 5 Detective Held Up And Robbed AN Indian held up a plain clothes police constable, who was off duty, at the 14th mile Sembawang Road, Singapore, on Monday night and robbed him of $2.90 cents. The Indian waa arrested shortly after. I The constable was walking along Sembawang Road when the
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  • 70 5 LONDON, Tuesday. DRITAIN may have to ship v back to Asia the 52,600 pounds of rice received from Burma and intended to give Britons their first ration of rice since before the war, the Food Minister (Mr. John Strachey) told Parliament last night. It
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 119 5 1 CHINESE who fought two robbers, one armed with a pistol and the other with a knife, waa stabbed In the chest and robbed of $460 m cash ar.d valuables m Kampong Bugls, off Kallang Road, Singapore, on Monday night. The victim arrived from Penang only
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 160 5 lives is spent m bed no piece of furniture is more worthy of attention. of fh ov rl »r"» tpnnfi ara WJ JL A A Mk JL^ w^J STAPLES S.S. SPRINC INTERIOR OVERLAYS. /^B g\- Z'[ T"T XVIINvJ 111 I i .i^* t rt iv//Mi BP%\\ ano jir ts free
      160 words

  • 1150 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., Sept. 22, 1948 COMMUNISM IN INDONESIA The Communists have at last struck m Indonesia. We use the words "at last" advisedly for this uprising against the Republicans and the Dutch was expected to begin about this time m any case. The reported discovery of documents
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  • 24 6 Mr and Mrs. Francis Thomas ask all their relatives and friends to accept their warm thanks for kind and generous wedding prefct nu«
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  • 1263 6  -  RICHARD DENMAN By of The Economist LONDON, Sept. 15. THE Council of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation succeded m its first big test a few days ago by reaching agreement on the direct allocation of Marshall Aid and the indirect extension of aid within the
    1,263 words
    • 203 6 THE interesting dispatch x from The Times correspondent m Peking I published m your Monday's issue errs, I venture to think, on the pessimis- tic side. China is indeed 1 going through a lengthy period of travail but there are bright spots m
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    • 303 6 WHAT is the earthly use of making traffic rules when there is insufficient force to see that such rules are strictly adhered to? During last Saturday afternoon's rush hour, a taxi came out of Home Road and turned right into Kallang Road towards Victoria Street instead of
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    • 115 6 IN view of several complaints appearing m the passing of plans, especially for large projects, I consider that we should seek for the underlying causes and the remedies desired thereon. Plans are sometimes submitted not conforming to the building bye-laws of the Colony and although the progress
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    • 41 6 I WOULD like to inform your correspondent "Dressmaker" that I have been able to freely purchase Dewhursts "Sylko" m at least one European store m Singapore for the past two years at 20 cents per reel. ANOTHER DRESSMAKER. Singapore.
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    • 113 6 T«HE Cathedral will A observe its Harvest Thanksgiving on Sunday, Sept. 26. I am anxious that this year the occasion should be symbolic, not only of the agriculture, but also of the industry and commerce of Singapore. Might I appeal through the columns of your newspaper for
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    • 262 6 Frcm the Straits Times of Sept. 22, 1898: A gentleman from Hongkong, having spent a few hours m Singapore, has sent back to the China Mail an account of the altogether evil impressions left upon his mind. He is especially severe on the lazy coolies Just as
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 737 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. Mr Mrs. J. van Amerongen (PC, CLARKE —At DCotta's Clinic on Sept. 20th to Aida. wife of Andrew Clarke a daughter, Val'ne Anne. LLOYD —At Kandang Kerbaa Hospital on the 19th September; to P slys. wife of W. Lloyd, of Sunßel penclas Estate, Johore, a ton. Peter. Thn
      737 words
    • 92 6 The Andrew* Sittert 3815 rbe Turntable Sung Lady from 29 Palms. 3841 Jack, Jack, Jack. Too Fat Polka. Carmen Cavallaro ft Orch. 3828 Hungarian Dance Mo. 4. Love will keep us young. 3849 Nostalgias, Malaguena The Ink Spots 3460 Don t get around much anymore, I'm not the same old
      92 words
    • 36 6 b^bV W^^l I Wn H I I -*l/ I i ■Li' Jfc _MB /faf a J m UUTHRIE c (sfo j STEEL FOOLSCAP FILING CABINETS W. McMULLAN CO. Basement Hum Big Entrance Union Lane Til. *****
      36 words

  • 683 7 Only 5 Voted In Favour THE War Damage Compensation Scheme was strongly criticised at a public meeting called by the Singapore Association last night. By a large majority the meeting voted its dissatisfaction with the scheme. Only five people voted m favour of it.
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  • 89 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Tin ore production m the Federation rose again last month, the increase being 141 tons over July's total. The August production was 5.300 tons. Perak again headed the list by producing 3,445 tons (compared with 3.387 tons m July),
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  • 181 7 Sgt. Had Suspicion In RAFCase A SUSPICION that he had j had that there might be < "Important and well-known people" involved In a case concerning R.A.F. property was mentioned by Sergeant Albert C. Wilson, of the R.A.F. Special Investigation Branch In the Ninth Police Court, yesterday. Sergeant Wilson's cross-ex-amination
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  • 95 7 THE Army Civil Service x Union will debate the subject "that Religion has retarded the progress of mankind", at 10 a.m. i on Sunday at 331, North Bridge Road. Dr. J .K. M. Tan will preside over the debate. Speakers for the resolution will be Messrs. Kirpal
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  • 96 7 THE late Mr. J. B. David 1 was wrongly stated m the Straits Times yesterday to have been declared a bankrupt m 1933. Mr. David died m Calcutta! m March, 1946, following a 1 period of illness after internment m Singapore during the Japanese occupation. Mr. David
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  • 58 7 Two Chinese schoolgirls I were involved m an accident with an S.M.C. lorry at 3.20 p.m. yesterday near the lunction of Anguillla Street and Rochore Road. One of the girls. aßed seven, sustained serious Iniuries to both legs and was admitted to the General Hospital. Her
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  • Article, Illustration
    72 7 "DANCING SUNBEAMS": These are 11 of the 200 pupils at the Good Shepherd Convent, Singapore, who will five a Children's Fantasy Concert on Thursday and Friday In the Victoria Memorial Hall to raise funds for a new convent. From left to right: (below), Flower Tan, Jill Downer, Bridget Byrne, Clarene
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  • 177 7 CHIA Boon Beng, rent collector employed by Mr. Loke Wan Tho, of the Cathay Cinema, was yesterday m the First District Court, sentenced to eight months' rigorous imprisonment for criminal breach of trust of $9,974.65. On a charge relating to misappropriation of $446.65, representing rent
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  • 286 7 'Called Me Prince Consort'— Ex-Fiance A YOUNG Singapore Chinese giving evidence m the Supreme Court yesterday admitted that he nad been nicknamed "Prince Consort." I He was Tan Pow Kee who claim* $10,000 genera] damages and $800 special damages from hU former Intended father-in-law, uee Kwee Chik, a Singapore merchant
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  • 411 7 From Our Woman Correspondent JIIRS. Ruth Homer, "Hying ambassador" of Elizabeth Arden's beauty preparations arrived m Singapore yesterday after a tour of Cyprus, Ceylon and the Netherlands East Indies. She tells me she left the Elizabeth Arden London Salon m July for the Eastern tour which
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  • 178 7 "VOBODY has the 11 slightest right to stop a British subject, born m this colony from returning here," said Mr. P. F. de Souza, m the Singa- pore Supreme Court yesterday. He was appealing to Mr Justice Jobling to reduce sentence of 12 months' imprisonment passed an
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  • 31 7 LONDON Tues.— The Re Rev. F. S Hollls, who is resigning the diocese of Labuan and Sarawak on medical advice, has been appointed vicar of Stanford (Northants).
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  • 250 7 A BIGGER proportion of the Singapore rice ration will soon be In the form of whole grain. An official announcement of the Increase will be made this month. The Malayan bonus Issue which began In August Is not expected to last for more than another
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  • 350 7 From Our Staff Correspondent FIPOH, Tuesday. E leader of the ninth unit of the Malayan Peoples Anti-British Army. Chong Piew, was the man shot dead on Sundaj m a battle at Sungei Siput. This was revealed today. Chong Piew is believed to be the man
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  • 91 7 Back After 16 Years To Singapore A White Russian whose husband played m Monia Litter's orchestra at Raffles Hotel 18 years ago arrived at Singapore yesterday on the Scott E. Land m the course of a round-the-world tour. She is Mrs. Stanley Marechek whose husband is a violinist at a
    91 words
  • 134 7 The Singapore Gandhj Memorial Fund Committee has j issued an appeal asking Indian organisations m Singapore to collect money on Oct. 2, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, and se..d it to the Hon. Secretary, at 4. Raffles Quay. The sixth list of contributions issued yesterday brings the
    134 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 166 7 CAR RADIO receiver MODEL 127 This is a Short Wave Car Radio Receiver fitted with 6 Valves and a 6" Speaker. It has a wide range and a quality of performance equal to a deluxe Domestic receiver. $315.00 1 ic e INSTALLATION— Garanteed 6 Months. AVAILABLE TO WHOLE SALE DEALERS
      166 words
      51 words

  • 327 8 Bearing Brunt Of Terrorism From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Tuesday. MALAYA had always been proud of, and satisfied with, the courage and efficiency of its Police force said the Penan? Chamber of Commerce Chairman (Mr. D. A Mackay) at today's half-yearly meeting of the Chamber. "They
    327 words
  • 297 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. RUBBER production of 2,135,000 lb. on Port Dlck-son-Lukut (F.M.S.) Rubber Estates Ltd. for the year ended March 31 was a record for the company. This is announced m the I directors' report to be submitted to the annual general meeting In London on October
    297 words
  • 117 8 A three-week bride and a teacher at St. Patrick.; School, Mrs. Martyn Harcourt, died on Monday night at her home m Goodwin Rd.. Ka after two or three days illness. Mrs. Harcourt was the ior- mer Mrs. Sybil Sorensen whose husband died during World War
    117 words
  • 205 8 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Tuesday. A FORMER chauffeur, Yong Weng Tho, who harboured an escapee from Batu Gajah Gaol for four hours was sentenced to two years' hard labour by the District Judge (Mr. Smith) today. The escapee was Lee Yong, who was
    205 words
  • 51 8 All sums due on unpaid or I insufficiently paid letters j or other postal articles are shown by means of postage due labels affixed to the ar- i tides or, m Singapore only, by the Impression on the articles of a machine stamp indicating the amount
    51 words
  • 115 8 PENANG, Tues. ANEW name has been mentioned among well-inform-ed Chinese as possible successor to the late Dr. Ong Chong Keng on the Federal Legislative Council— that of Mr. Heah Joo Seang. He is a past president of the Penang Straits Chinese Brilsh Association and a
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  • 30 8 Mr. W. Renfrew, Inspector of Machinery, Singapore, has been appointed to be a member of the Board of Examiners of Engineers and Engine Drivers under the Machinery Ordinance.
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  • 684 8 THE following are the Singapore results of the Lon- don Chamber of Commerce I (.spring) 1948 examinations: RAFFLES INSTITUTION EVENING CLASSES Certificate Stage— Typewriting: Chua Bng Tin, Chua Kirn Soo, Chua Ng Hwee, Joseph Ansoian Rajoo, Kang Ah Fook, Lee Ah Kiat, Lee Lye Hock, s. Krisrman,
    684 words
  • Article, Illustration
    43 8 MERMAID CONTEST: Combing her hair is Miss Tesa Stanley, winner of a novel beauty competition at Cliftonvllle, near Margate. The girls are provided with "fish tails" and pose on a rock, mermaid style, the one posing most prettily being the winner. Planet picture.
    43 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 257 8 The New HALEX Q^'KONOAnOIJ l)ii^a-:sj Gentler for gums JSjjJ^l Better for teeth H?AWH^fc Now comes the QALEX Toothbrush ijwfj B with R undated nylon. See bow the Salfc I straight, stiff little nylon tips are tmiHttldy trimmed I They will not prick P' delicatr gums or scratch the polished surface
      257 words
    • 345 8 Whisky Experts A good whisky can readily earn respect' I when given a fair court and no favour, and no fairer judge is needed than a man with a reliable palate and* with no **axe to grind". Australian whisky distilling has a respectable tradition dating back to the 187O's, but
      345 words

  • 115 9 OFFENCE TO BUY GOODS WITH U.S. MONEY ANYONE having United States dollar notes is committing an offence against foreign exchange regulations unless he has permission to hold them. An official of the Foreign Exchange Control told the Straits Times this yesterday "U.S. dollar bills must be changed through legitimate channels
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 9 NEW DUTCH STAMPS: The 10-cent brown (left) and 20cent blue (right) form part of the new permanent Netherlands postage stamp issue. A full-face portrait of Queen Juliana appears on them. The centre stamp above is a special commemorative issue m honour of ex-Queen Wilhelmina's 50 years on the throne.— A.P.
    AP  -  51 words
  • 82 9 Insignia, decoration* and medals lost by enemy action can now be replaced. Applications should be addressed to the Colonial Secretary, Singapore, with a signed declaration. Persons serving m the Milii tary Forces (Including part1 time armed forces) the Regu- lar Police and Special Constabulary, Fire Brigades, and
    82 words
  • 65 9 LONDON. Tues.— Details of Britain's financial position j during 1947-1948 show that j Britain"s national debt on I March 31 this year was £25.722.387,153 sterling. Wartime advances to Allied j governments outstanding at March 31 totalled £299,081,514. This total was made up of' China, £12.790,994; Czecho1 Slovakia,
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 361 9 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, (By Air Mail). IT would be futile to relax when the present murderous fangs in Malaya had been dealt with, said the chairman of Bikam Rubber Estates (Mr. H. Eric Miller) to the company's annual meeting. "They will be
    361 words
  • 188 9 20 AFTER TWO NEW POSTS TWENTY applicants, 10 Chi- nese and 10 Indians, will I appear before a selection board on Monday as candidates for appointment to two j posts m the Singapore Trade Union Registrar's Office The official designation of the two posts that are being created, one for
    188 words
  • 130 9 Charged with the theft and possession of two Sten guns, Private Alexander Milne of 223 8.0.D. was yesterday committed for trial at the next Assizes by the Singapore Seventh Police Court magistrate (Mr R. J. C. Wait). Also committed for trial on similar charges was a
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  • 34 9 A Chinese armed with a pistol held up a compatriot m a house m North Bridge Road at 2.10 p.m. yesterday. The robber got away with two gold rings valued at $158.
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  • 112 9 Two Chinese who held up and robbed a Chinese clerk opposite the Roxy Theatre, m East Coast Road, on April 23, were sentenced to eight years rigorous Imprisonment and ten strokes of the rotan by the Singapore Assize Judge (Mr. Justice Taylor) yesterday. While the two
    112 words
  • 116 9 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. IK. C. K. Howitt, former Malayan Establishment iVI Officer, has been appointed Acting Chief Secretary of the Federation. Mr. Howitt c from leave yesterday. A King's House spokesman said today that Mr. H. P. >Bryson. who has been
    116 words
  • 272 9 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. THREE men who are under sentence of death and who were to have hanged yesterday gave evidence today at the retrial of Teng Keng Hong on a charge of carrvlne arms. Today, the ass?ssor* returned a divided verdict. Mr.
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  • 95 9 The first Ceylonese Government ship with an all-Ceylon-ese crew to be seen m Singapore, the 85-ton MV Halpha, [arrived here from Australia yesterday. She had a troublesome voyage, running into the tail-end of a cyclone, and later developing engine trouble which forced her into Sourabaya where
    95 words
  • 51 9 The Lotus Club, a social organisation of Indian women m Singapore, will hold a "Children's Day" on Oct. 1 at 1, Short Street. There will be team games and refreshments for the children. The Lotus Club holds fortnightly meetings for members. Mrs. M. Lobo is the honorary
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  • 142 9 An essay competition, organised by the Women's Section of the Singapore Regional Indian Congress, will be held m connection with Mahatma Gandhi's birthday celebrations on Oct. 2. The subject is "Non-vio-lence." Essays should not exceed 1,000 words and should reach the Hon. Secretary. Women's Section. 6.
    142 words
  • 89 9 SEVERAL thousand French troops and Foreign Le- gionna!res will pass through I SingaDore this week on three 1 French vessels on their way to i Saigon. The ships are the Andre Lebon. Chantilly and Marechal Joffre. The troops embarked at Marseilles and Algiers. The Andre Lebon
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 296 9 After illness you need d^j£&| a Tonic r^ W; '\*A If' after influenza or other debilitating 1 illness, you feel low and depressed— take 1 PHOSFERINE This grand tonic will help to build you up. It will 1 create new confidence and put you on B»"^ y° ur fee* again.
      296 words
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  • 405 10 LONDON, Tue*. YESTERDAY'S feature on 1 the otherwise dull London steck markets was the brightness m Aircraft and Motor shares. With investment buyins;, sharp rises were recorded. says Reuter's financial correspondent. Tins and Rubbers declined. Other section? of the Industrial] market suffered from occasional small sales, with prices
    405 words
  • 155 10 From A Market Correspondent AN active iago flour market was maintained y.sierday. Buslneis m the Llngga variety was written at improved quotation. Comir.ued speculation on the Sineapor; pepp-r market brought; another increase In quotations. Yesterday* quoutlnns Included: Rice rnrUwifled: No 1 $60: J $52. 3 $47' M 2
    155 words
  • 844 10 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Tuesday. INACTIVITY continued on the Malayan share market today. There was ah easier tendency. Prices quoted by the Mala- i yan Shareholders' Association I today were: INDUSTRIALS Bayer Seller AUm Ic« 14.00 IB. 00 Alex. Brick* Ord. 1.70 1.80 Pref. 1.25 3.35
    844 words
  • 121 10 THE Singapore rubber market was very steady yesterday. Sellers were more reserved than during the past few days. Closing prices yesterday were; No. 1 sheet f.o.b. buyers 44% ceqts. sellers 44% cents; spot loose buyers 44% cents, sellers 44% cents per lb. The market was very steady a
    121 words
  • 123 10 SHIPS m poic alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowiw In bracket*) were: Main Wharf: Katong (32), Olenapp (36-37), Montoro (.40-41) Olenearn r42-43).r 42-43). West Wharf: Steel Seafarer (1-1), Scott E. Land (7-8). City of Khartoum 11-12 1. Aeneas (13-14), Rlmau il4>, Menestheiu (15-16). Empire Dock:
    123 words
  • 103 10 NEW YORK. Tu««. fJNDER heavy selling pressure, pric^ 1m the New York stock market yesterday dropped *o th« i lowest point for five months. Lossp* ranged from one to around US$3 a share, with Steels. Rails and Chemicals leading ''he retreat Transfers totalled 1,*****0 shales. An accumulation of
    AP  -  103 words
  • 65 10 MANILA, Monday. SENOR Maximo M. Kalaw, general manager of the Govern- ment-owned Coconut Corporation, estimates that copra exports from the Philippines this year will not exceed 700.000 long tons. The country last year exported over I 1.000,000 tons 'o the United States and elsewhere. Typhoons
    AP  -  65 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1146 10 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. ilncorpoialao m Singapore) BLUB FUNNEL LINE STRAITS STBAMSHIP CO., SAILINCS FROM UK USA LTD. 'Titan' trom UK C. «4 "turn MM' due from UK.. Oct I WEST COAST MALAYA Clyroneus due from UK Oct 7 "Seremban" for P. Sham, T. Eurypytui -lue rrom UK.. Oct 25
      1,146 words
    • 246 10 PRESIDENT LINES Cene-a Passengei Agent to' Northwest Airlvm SAILINCS TO NEW YORK ANO BOSTON v>a INDIA. ECYPT M EDITERRANEAN PORTS. I Scott E Land Spore Cdn 7 8 Pr.,ide«t Polk Per,aog Sept 21 P^ang"" ul\' 26 SAILINCS TO SAN FRANCISCO ANO LOS ANCELES THENCE NEW YORK. BALTIMORE. BOSTON via PANAMA.
      246 words
    • 342 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA 'UK SAILINCS TO CONTINENT/ CONTINENT SCANDINAVIA Loadis. it Singapore. Porf S<*ettenharr< 2SSSTT for %a^, M o< t 2TGST tZ-L-A 9 9 BiM Jk dueab* Oct 6 p or f Sudan Port Said Genoa. Antwerp Rotterdam Hamburg. Oslo. Gothenburg CoDenm.t "Kambodia" for Man a. hagen
      342 words
    • 1002 10 MeALISTER «c CO-, LTD. J (iTcoipoiatea m Singapore) ELLERMAJf BOCKMALL KLAVENBStf LIME HAVRE, LONOON ANTWERP PACIFIC PORTS AND HAMBURG KAtim. ru«i» Accepting cargo tor U S Norln Atlantic Accepting cargo for Central Soulh Ports b Canad* vis Colombo American Ports. CITT Of KHARTOUM iiiurnwuis Spor. P Sham Henang fRANtISVILLE 11
      1,002 words

  • 449 11 Carpentier Picks Cerdan To Win NEW YORK, Tuesday. WITHIN the space of three nights, boxing fans m the New York region will enjoy better fare than has been presented for years. At Jersey City's Roosevelt Stadium tonight, Tony Zale defends his middleweight title against
    AP  -  449 words
  • 279 11 FIXTURES for Saturday, Sept. 25, m The English Football League are: FIBST DIVISION Arsenal H'olTtrhampUa Birmingham C. v Stoke City Blackpool Liverpool Chelsea t Hurnlrv Derby C. y Bolton W. Everton Preston NE. Huddertfield T. v Sanderland Mancbetter I. v Alton Villa Middle^broujh v Charlton A. Newcastle
    Reuter  -  279 words
  • 120 11 W eight lifters Form Assn. THE Chinese Amateur Weight Lifters Association, Singapore, has been exempted from registration. The object of this Association Is to instruct members m progressive and heavy-weight lifting. The officials and committee members for the current year are: patron, Mr. Lee Slew Kow; president. Mr. Lam Joon
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  • 33 11 CARDIFF, Tuesday. P reply to Glamorgan's score of 320. the England XI compiled 248 for seven before stumps were drawn yesterday. Bill Edrich was unbeaten with 164.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 76 11 MALACCA, Tuesday— Malacca I will meet Johore m the Sultans' Oold Cup soccer competition at the Banda Hilir park ground. Malacca, on Seturdav at 5.15 \v.m. I Admission charges will be seats, $1 standing accommodation, 30 I rents. The Malacca team will be Chosen from the following
    76 words
  • 84 11 i i JOHORE BAHRU. Tuesday— < The President'! Cup golf competi i ton of the Royal Johor* Inter I national Club was won by J. W. Pirn, who returned a score of 38% (Stapleford reckoning). The best score* returned were: J. W. Pirn 30+8?i=38?i: L.
    84 words
  • 77 11 COPENHAGEN, Tues. MORE than 5,000 soccer enthusiasts spent a cold and rainy queueing for tickets for next Sunday's soccer match against England. Queues began forming on Sunday afternoon and when the tickets offices opened yesterday morning two queues, each more than a mile long and five
    AP  -  77 words
  • 82 11 THE remains of the late Jimmy Orchard, a leading trainer on the Malayan Turf .before World War 11. will be reburied at the Bidadari Cemetery on Friday at 4 p.m. Jimmy Orchard was killed during the Battle for SingaI pore and his body was recently I discovered
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  • 111 11 rpHE Island Club's September mixed foursomes competition held over the second cine holes on Sunday afternoon resulted In a win for Mr. and Mrs. K. T. San, who returned a net score of 33. The best cards returned were: Mr. St Mrs. K. T. San 43—*****;1 33;
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  • 123 11 LIVERPOOL, Tuesday. STANLEY Matthews, the England outside-right, captained an English representative side for the first time m his career yesterday. The English Football League defeated the Irish League by five goals to one here. Matthews was a constant menace to the Irish defence Jack Milburn, the
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 28 11 LONDON, Tuesday— Yesterday's D.iglish FCotball League results were: Second Division: Blackburn Rovers 4 I.uton Town 1. Third Division (southern) Bristol I Rovers 2, Millwall o.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 84 11 FOREST HILLS, Tuesday. MISS Louise Brough and Tom 111 Brown won the national mixed doubles m the United States lawn tennis championships here yesterday. They defeated Mrs. Margaret Osborne Dv Pont and Billy Talbert 6—4,6 4, 6 4. Mrs. Dv Pont and Billy Talbert reached the
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 113 11 President 's Prize Competition THE Royal Singapore Golf Club* ttf?i& n B Prtl competition (Jour-ball best ball) was played at But* Timah on Sunday nVornint and resulted m a win for P t,' ih TT bor «"1 D. J. Vane Percy with a net score of 814 The be»t returns
    113 words
  • 63 11 London, Tuesday. Resufs of yesterday's rugby matches are: Rugrby Union: Coventry 22 Nuneaton 6; Devonport Services 6. Aberavon 6; Neath 10, British Police 3; Northern 10, Edinburgh Wanderers 9; Oxford 12, Plymou h Albion 9; Penzance Newlyn 8, Rosslyn Park 6. Rugby League: Australian tour: Belle Vue Rangers
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 238 11 VMTHE GLORY OFW Eagle \J, SPORT" Afr c r Lion J^Tll. ft y*/ By Distribution. *^_^£\_/Z/JZj^ > Technicolor. POSITIVELY LAST 5 SHOWS! 11 a.m., 1.30 p.m., 4.00, 6.45 9.30 p.m. 78" Temp. For Extra Comfort. 1 BOOK uMtfkWA ft WmtiuWeti W> TOMORROW NINO MARTINI \~> v W PATRICIA ROC -fjfifrJjfmS
      238 words
    • 252 11 ia STARTS TODAY B 5 TIMES AT: 11 2 4.15 6.30 9.15 CLASS 1 DIV. 1 ENTERTAINMENT AN ALL-TIME GREAT! it IL^f COLOR W WARNER BROS. MAKE IT LIVE AGAIN TO THRILL YOU AS FEW MOTION PICTURES EVER HAVE! On* of llit btqqtu out* «xr amount for ont pmtucUrm -tlarnrig
      252 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 241 11 fffiS rr&aS AO1 AMI A A as Y .°<° Hi noor K.unsuer, u.uo Close. chestra Qeor Tzlpine llh x^ N«ws; 8.45 Radio Croesword; 9.30 RADIO MALAYA ggj SSSS'ln'tff JffiTS 1 p.m. See S'pore; 8.30 Head- Services Concert; 5.00 Dtaah ti c l ets f^ co nd Yard; 1130Ser lines; 8.35
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  • 1200 12 MOVE ON, CABARET AND WINNIPEG BEST BETS Fourth Day Of S.T.C. Meet By EPSOM JEEP MOVE On, a fast-finishing third to Electroplate IVI and Honey Comb over a mile on the second day, should make a safe each-way wager m the I '4 -mile stayers' handicap for Class 1, Div.
    1,200 words
  • 1106 12 OELOW are the acceptances f#r today's races at 13 Bukit Timah. The Double Tote will be on races 5 and 8. The Big Sweep will be| drawn on race 8. Race 1—2.00: Class 3, Div. 4— Abt. 6 Furs. 000 Silver Star Sp-nc-r 9.00 Mn, P W.
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  • 36 12 SHANGHAI. Ttirs.-In one of the best lawn bowls games of the year, Shanghai beat Hong Kong 22-18 in the third and last of the inter-port series. Hong Kong won the series 2-1. -A P
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  • 40 12 Westbury, New York. Tuesday Peter Perkins, a survivor of tht Batean Death March. scored thr^p goals for the Westbury Hurricanes against Great Nock. The Hurricanes won 7-6 to gain the United States open polo title— A. P.
    40 words
  • 31 12 TOD\Y SOCCER: 8.A.F..V Oir. 111. Sp«re nisi W REME 1. Ist. Malar CoMt Bty.—Geylanf stadium. 9.15 p.m. RL'GBY: N«e Soon Garrison R.r.C. v. RAF. Seietar— SrleUr— s 15 pm.
    31 words
  • 73 12 From Our Own Correspondent TELOK ANSON. Tues— Under the auspices of the lower Perak Sporta Association, a hockey league 1 Is o be run this season opert to all ■clubs and associations. Entries will close on Sept. 28. I No player is permitted '/> play for more than
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  • 76 12 The Golden Hind Badminton Party has been exempted from registration under the SocieVes. Ordinance of Singapore. The following are the office bearers for the year 1948:— PreJsldent Mr. Chan Wan Bwee. Vicepresident Mr. Mohammed t>.n Abdullah, Hon. secretary Mi Harry Ooh, Hon. treasurer Ml Othman bin All.
    76 words
  • 139 12 THE following list shows how favourites fared on the first three days of the present Singapore race 'ii-rting: FIRST DAY rilgriras Way (537—423) 4th. r«fer Week 1609 531 1 3rd. Cold Wave (584— 562) 3rd. Totland (617—521) 4th. Sweet Memory (947—770) won. Free Frenchman {824 665
    139 words
  • 175 12 ."EPSO:« JEEP' 1. STYMIE 2. Fair Week 3. Chita FAIR WEEK Stymie Kerry's Luck "TRESPASSER" LAURIE Stymie Golden Slipper A'TER" Race 1: 2.00 p.n Rare 2: 2.35 p.m 1. SKY MASTER 2. Kandy Kid 3. Waif SKY MASTER SKY MASTER Duke San Kandy Kid MarrheU III Waif
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  • 305 12 DISPLAYING superiority m all departments of the game the Chinese Athletes beat the Tiger Sporting Association by 7—27 2 m an S.A.F.A. First Division league game played at Jalan Besar stadium, yesterday. In spite of their defeat yesterday, the Tigers are still runners up m the
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  • 129 12 ANOTHER cycling competition Is being arranged to take place on Sunday Oct. 3 by the Firestone Cosmopolitan Cycling Club. There will be three events —100 laps of approximately 440 yards grass track race, one mile women's race and two miles novices' race. There will also be a
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  • 137 12 Playing at the s. H.A.I 1 Hall. General Hospital, on Sunday, the Shell Sports Club beat irie Bournemouth Badminton Party In a badminton match by seven games to two. Results (Shell playeis mentioned first). Ng Heng Kwang beat Mansoor Alhinduan: 15—7: 15—4: Artlv.r Lee beat A. Silas:
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  • 66 12 The C.V.M.A. .St. Thervsa> will be hold ng badminton and table tennis tournant-nts which will be run on the .Hague system. The entrance fee will be 50 Cti per game. Entries close on Srpt 30. and should ty sent to the Hon. sports secretary. Those members w ho
    66 words
  • 30 12 JOHORE BAHRU. Tuesday The knockout soccer competii on for the Capitol Cup will begin tomorrow when the Prisons 'earn meet Permuda who are this season's league champions.
    30 words
  • 169 12 THE Royal Navy scored a well-deserved 4- 2 victory over the Royal Air Force at the Naval Base yesterday m an inter-«ei vices cup soccer match. The Airmen never struck true form and it was much against the run of play that they scored their goals irut
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  • 103 12 I HAVE been often<>cl 1 whether any name has been given to the trophy presented by Mr. Yeap Hock Hoe for the M.C.F A. annual inter-State competition organised by our Association. The trophy has been referred to sometimes m the Pr<ss as the Y?ap Hock Hi
    103 words
  • 126 12 p^ weightliftlng eonpstlUuc between the Evergreen lifting Party and Uie Queen Stivet Boys' Club wll be h>ld at MiClueen Sreet Boys' ciub pi> i at 217, Queen Street, on Saturday, at 7 p.m. This competition ha.s been mada possible by thf> presentation of two champonship cups, by Mr.
    126 words
  • 78 12 The following will represent R.A.F. against th° CombbMtd Indians m a crickri match f h ih« Gandhi Memorial Cup tot at Selrtar at 2.15 p.m. on Sa'uiday and 11 am. "n Bundaj ;it Seietar.— F O Senior F 1. 1 P'irham. F I. Keryon, A
    78 words
  • 25 12 Owing to the Ladies v. Th Men annual cricket ftxtun on Friday, the hockey prac tlce will be held tomorrow i 5.15 p.m.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 32 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: High Water. 0.31 a.m <9 ft. 4 ln>, 12.38 p.m. (9 ft. 1 in.). TOMORROW: High Water. 1.05 a.m. (9 ft. 1 In.). 1.00 p.m '9 ft. 1 in.).
      32 words