The Straits Times, 18 September 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 876 1 Police Hid Two Days Waiting For Arms Plane "Enticed Aircraft Crew" THKKE-and-a-half tons of arms and ammunition were seized and seven persons, representing an international gun-running organisation were captured by the Singapore Police m Airabu Island m the Anambas group of Islands (N.E.I, territory), about 200
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  • 82 1 MELBOURNE, Fri. PERTH detectives, members of a gold detection squad found and seized three hundred ounces of gold sewn Into three belts when they raided the Gorgon Just before she sailed from Fremar.tle to Singapore yesterday. They arrested Norman Tl.o mas Helliar. 45. of Mount Lawley,
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  • 213 1 MELBOURNE. Frl. THt Commonwealth Dispo1- posals Commission had sola nine Catalina aircraft to three men. including a member of the Chinese Communist Seamen's Union. Mr Jack Lang (Member for Reid N.S.W.i said m the Federal Parliament today. Mr. Lang asked the Prime Minister (Mr. J. B.
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 1 The Sultan and Saltanah of Johore at the Sultan's 75th I birthday celebrations yesterday. On the right is Dato Onn, the Mentri Besar.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 177 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LIMPUR, Friday. A COMBINED military and police patrol, operating m the Bukit Kepong area near Muar m Johore, yesterday killed a Chinese and arrested four others. The men were found near a sentry post which the patrol camp upon
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  • 80 1 rpilE Commissioner-General (Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald) X proposed a toast to Singapore, "a renowned city", at a dinner last night m honour of Sir Roland and Lady Braddell. The toast to Sir Roland was proposed by Mr. H. D. Mundell who said Knighthood was a fitting reward
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  • 106 1 WELCOMING more than 800 officers and men of the 4th Queen's Own Hussars m Singapore yesterday I the Commander mii Chief. FARELF (Gen. Sir i Neil Ritchie) told them: "I feel certain that your presence here m Malaya will add greater fame to your I famous regiment."
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  • 246 1 IN the midst of the rurrent I gloom. Singapore has found something to laugh about at last. A Gurkha guard a .Government House, and g o m e 1 fierce looking men with long knives and scythes. de manded entry one morning. New to the job.
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  • 104 1 r»OUNT FOLKE BERNADOTTE, United Nations Mediator m Palestine, was assassinated m Jerusalem yesterday, according to Reuter and A.P. messages quoting United Nations Radio received early this morning. The shooting is reported to have taken plare In the Jewish sector by men m Jewish Army uniforms. With Count Bernadoite
    Reuter; AP  -  104 words
  • 180 1 NEW DELHI, Friday. 'J'HE Nizam of Hyderabad ordered a cease-fire today, little more than four days after Indian troops crossed the borders of his princely state, it is announced. The Hyderabad Premier, i Mir Laik AU. announced today that the Nizam had or(tared the cease-fire from
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 113 1 MELBOURNE. Fri. THIRTY-year-old Mrs. Valeric Archer. wile >t William Walter Archer. Australian mining engineer murdered by terrorists near Rawang on Wednesday, last weekend had a premonition that her husband would die She said today: "I had i premonition last week-*mi that Bill would m»et the same fate
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    • 225 1 \fJiJI PH0N***** Results Advanced Medical Science puts tn a Class \*s£te£ ffl by Itself WMM for (he ij/ f eiiei ot tain I v BfeSULTI have arr.ilv tnnf.rmfd thp T^kt'M*tU'tm surcru of Ihe Ovaltmr Research heaDachf. toothl.abmatorlcs m produ< in* i>:e latest ad vane c aoif. c*oi rvstcmi i s
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    • 21 1 \mnttAtrntiin jiwftitKi **tf~} W^^ V I&, LORETH -&k v^»*"i^^^ VOl'iNl. t ■f JtF-M JT -Wf/R.K.O.'i Lovr\ T l^^St^w/ rr < lrn stor >^
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  • 129 2 OBJECTION TOITALIAN COLONIES LONDON Fri. THE two famoua fighting 1 Cunningham brothers have joined several other distinguished Britons in urging that Italy shrould be denied control of her former African possessions. They are Viscount. Cunningham, who as Admiral of the Fleet smashed the Italian Navy at Taranto. and General Sir
    Reuter; AP  -  129 words
  • 40 2 LONDON. Fri.— Fifty Austrian trade union members visiting England were entertained yesterday at the House of Commons where they met the Foreign Secretary (Mr. Bevin). the Deputy Prime Minister (Mr. Morrison) and other M.P.s.— A.P.
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  • 32 2 LONDON. Fri.— Twenty representative doctors from the Commonwealth ended a conference at British Medical Association House yesterday. They recommended that similar conferences on common problems be held annually.— A.P.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 40 2 NEW DELHI, Fri. The Congress Working Committee has directed that Mahatma Gandhi's birthday be celebrated throughout India on Oct. 2. The committee has decided to observe the Gandhi Jayanti \\c^k as usual, commencing a S'Pt. 26.— A.P.
    AP  -  40 words
  • Cable Flashes
    • 94 2 NEW YORK, Friday. DESCUE ships in an 80 m.p.h. hurricane in the North Atlantic yesterday saved most of the crews of a sinking British freighter and a small Portuguese fishing schooner. While the British freighter Leicester (7.266 tons) was wallowing helpless and abandoned
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    • 31 2 OTTAWA. Frl.— The Government announced last night that French citizens In future would be admitted to Canada as immigrants on the same basis as citizens of the British Commonwealth.—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 26 2 MANILA, Fri. Filipino fishermen have captured a Japanese former army officer living since the war on a tiny Island thought to be uninhabited. A.P.
      AP  -  26 words
    • 30 2 BUCHAREST, Fri. Sir Charles Peake, British Minister to Yugoslavia, arrived here yesterday for a short visit. He will be guest of the British Minister (Mr. Adrian Holman).— A.P.
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      27 2 TOKIO, Fri. Tochio Shiratori, Japanese former Ambassador to Italy and a major war criminal suspect, is critically ill m the American hospital with tuberculosis. A.P.
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    • 49 2 ROME, Fri.— Mr. Norris Dodd, general director of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation warned yesterday that famine would again threaten the world if suitable steps werp not taken. Heavily populated and undeveloped areas like China, India and parts of Latin America were danger areas. A.P.
      AP  -  49 words
    • 41 2 BRISBANE. Fri.— Ten men were kiltfd and 16 seriously injured when a Royal Australian Air Force road trailer crashed over a bridge *t Macrossan, North -^Jueensland. yesterday. v Most of the 40 passtngeis were civilians m R.A.A.F. employ.— A.P.
      AP  -  41 words
  • 171 2 LANGUAGE PROBLEM IN MADRAS MADRAS i-'rl MADRAS Presidency's Education Mlnist-r 'Mr T. S. Avinasllingham Chen; ir) has assured his legislature that Hindustani. -.Uthounh stressed in the Province'* newly reorganised scheme of secondary education, is not compulsory as a subject Pupils, he said, werp at liberty to choose anv othsr second
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  • 56 2 f ONDON, Fri. The 1 Rochester Food Control Committee bought a threeounce meat pie that contained less than one sixtyfourth of an ounce of meat. "Isn't that too little?" it asked the Ministry of Food. "No," replied the Ministry. "Meat pie manufacturers are not
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  • 32 2 ;l LONDON. Fri— Woncers at the Royal Woolwich Arsenal who turn?d out millions of bullets during the war are i making 150.000 lipstick I holders on cartridge case machines.—A.P.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 55 2 PITTSBURGH, Fri —Henry Verscharen. grocer noticed two men pushine a car m front of his house. They explained that they were out of refrol and Verscharen offered to help them. He kept pushing till he saw a police cur. hailed it, and had the men arrested.
    AP  -  55 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 870 2 NOTICES L FOORMAN (The Qualified Teacher) No. 94, Wilkinson Road. Brastagl Lodge, Katong, wishes to announce that all my pupils nave passed their Practical Examinations of the ASSOCIATED BOARD OF THE ROYAL SCHOOL OF MUSIC, LONDON. The Motor Vehicles Commercial Use Regulations Notice of Application For A Haulage Permit TAKE
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    • 62 2 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY STENOGRAPHER, capable Of writing shorthand at 100 words per minute and typewriting at 40 words per minute, required by the Assessment and Estates Depart ment. Commencing salary 8160 a month pIUE Municipal Cost ot Living Allowance. Applications, on forms to be obtained from the Assessment and Estates
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    • 638 2 NOTICES NOTICE CUSTODIAN OP PROPERTY PROCLAMATION NO. 14 OF 1945 Notice is hereby given that any person or persons having claim to the property described m the Schedule hereto are requested to forward such claims to the undersigned not later than noon 25th September. 1948. After the date last mentioned
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    • 505 2 NOTICES BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD (SINGAPORE) ORDER OF THE DIRECTOR OF DISPOSALS. PAR EASTERN AREA (M.0.8.) The following Tenders have been Issued during the past week: SINGAPORE AREA:— Tender 518. Closing date 30.9.48. Nails: Hinges: Bolts: Hooka: Latches: Iron Doors: Emery Sheets: Glass Cloth: Pumps: Wire: Cablp Wiring: Welding Rods:
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    • 123 2 FOR REUMMJM^-^^Wt^ the uviMURPHY I BSSS^^S tciGo FOR GOOD 6 EASY RSCEPr/oi, Exceptionally Sensitive and free from noise. I frfi' I No Tuning Drift— fully Bandspread. H XL/I I MODEL 126 gjp >0^ On this Receiver, tuning is Bandspread from W^*^^^ 13-45 metres. This is an ideal set for the
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  • 257 3 Problem Not Yet Solved: Cripps LONDON, Friday. DRITAIN'S rigid economy programme and intensive export drive slashed the nations trade deficit during the first half of this year to less than one-fourth of the 1947 total. Revised estimates of the balance of payments! for the first half
    Reuter; AP  -  257 words
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  • 233 3 U.S. WARNS OF S.E.A. REDS WASHINGTON, Fri. THE State Department said last night that Communists m South-East Asia had started a drive for power by pretending to champion the cause of local nationalists. "There is some evidence that sincere nationalist leaders m South-East Asia, originally deceived by this device, have
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  • 202 3 BRISBANE, Fri. A STATEMENT that Austra- lian Communists would light on the side of Russia m j the event of a war with that cou. try w?.s denied here last night by the president of the I Australian Communist Party I j (Mr E Dixon) He said
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  202 words
  • 22 3 VATICAN CITY, Thurs: The Vatican today announced the death late last night of Raffaello Cardinal Carlo Rossi, aged 71— U.P.
    UP  -  22 words
  • 72 3 WASHINGTON, Frl. The Ethiopian Legation has demanded punishment of the person responsible for the i ejection of the Ethiopian Minister (Princ e Ras Imru),< from his seat with the dlplo- matic corps at a science I meeting. The United States State Department has expressed regret I for
    Reuter; AP  -  72 words
  • 59 3 CAPETOWN. Fri. -Dr. Ma- 1 lar. South Airican Prime Minister, today asked Parliament to repeal the provision j for representation cf Indians m tfte Union Assembly. His new Asiatic Laws Amendment Bill, which got its first reading before the Assembly today, also exempts Turks from the land
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 36 3 hanui, fn. une irencn soldier was killed and several j other French and IndoChinese troops were seriously injured when Vietnam terrorists threw hand grenades at a troop train at Hanoi on Wednesday night.— A.P
    AP  -  36 words
  • 124 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Friday. SOME 50,000 tons of military cargoes destined for U.S. forces m the Far East but held up by the 15-day-old West Coast dockers' strike began slowly moving into ships' holds yesterday. 1 The Army's civilian em- ployees, hired despite picket!
    AP  -  124 words
  • 75 3 ROME, Fri. THE police reported that beautiful Countess Pai Bellentani shot and killed one of Italy's richvst silk industrialists at Lake Como last night during one of the season's most exclusive fashion shows. The victim. Carlo Sacchi, 42. was shot as he applauded 51 parading models of Biki
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  • 64 3 NANKING. Fri.— Legislators at a secret session reviewing the general military situation today made a move to relieve President Chiang Kai-shek of his personal command over the fighting forces, it was learned. The popular demand was made at the session lor an "unequivocal military system" under which the
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 37 3 AMMAN, (Transjordan> Fri. —Firing on all Jerusalem fronts broke out last night and continued today. Brief reports from Jerusalem indicated there were no organised battle lines as yet and Arab casualties were reported insignificant.— U.P.
    UP  -  37 words
  • 126 3 NEW YORK, Ffi. rJTTON goods prices will remain at the current high levels for some time, says the president of the j National Association of Cottoo Manufacturers (Mr. R. T. Fisher* The Government -subsidised price of raw cotton is three i times the prewar
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  • 191 3 BATAVIA Friday. rpHE Indonesian Republican news agency, Antara, said shooting broke out again today m Soerakarta, scene of Communist strife. The agency said martial law has been imposed m the city, 40 miles from the capital of Jogjakarta. Shops, office and schools were closed as a
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  • 148 3 BURMA RED FORCES STRAFFED A GOVERNMENT communi- que yesterday said that the Burma Air Force straffed the rebels three time m Syriam, only 3' 2 miles from Rangoon. The communique also said that Kama, 17 miles north of Prome and 170 miles north- west of Rangoon, had been recaptured At
    AP  -  148 words
  • 103 3 LONDON, Frl. THE Air Minister (Mr. Hen- I derson) said yesterday that the Royal Air Force would seek 64,000 new reser- vists m a recruiting drive opening on Oct. 1. The goal was laid down at I a meeting at which service chiefs discussed the drive
    AP  -  103 words
  • 82 3 TOKIO, Frl.— Between 800 and 2,000 Japanese are killed, injured or are missing m Hooded Ichinosekl City, 60 miles noith of Sendai. Japanese and occupation sources reported today. Kyodo news agency said 500 houses hi Ichinosekl were washed away and 1 600 partially flooded m the downpour
    Kyodo; AP  -  82 words
  • 58 3 rAKUs, m. Kussia nas I disagreed with a report by I the United Nations Com- I mission for Conventional I Armaments on arms reduc- I tion and control. The report, adopted with only the U.S.S.R. and the Ukraine dissenting, agreed that atomic and other weapons of
    AP  -  58 words
  • 30 3 LONDON. Frl.— The Greek I guerilla radio said last night I that guerilla forces captured I "flvo localities In the region of I Voia" on Tuesday.— A.P.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 152 3 CAMEO CHOCOLATES REGAL FRUIT DROPS HAKIM Of F.NER CHOCOtATH AND CON«CTIONI»Y SINCI I.M Sole Distributor*: ANN PENG TRADERS. Bin H>ofa Factory Representatives: T. V. MITCHELL 6c CO., LTD. sln^^ v TVM-22 for Persian, Bokhara Indian CARPETS Visit PSICC TAG SHOPS BOKHARA PALACE 5. Stamford Rd Spore Phone 7563 lind MkS[
      152 words
    • 244 3 I* VV" X QJ J i^^ iKlJII MILK "'> •"<>'' •upply The demand foi exceeds that of pre-war and production hat not yet reached pre-wa> maximum. We are unable to increase our present number of distributors until further notice. Please be patient with YOUR distributor as his supplies are strictly
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  • 385 4 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Friday. SANDERSONS, well-known London rubber brokers, attribute the faU of 2 Jd. m the price of rubber over the last two months to Malayan holders' realisation that the validity of their insurance cover has been doubtful. Holders
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  • 581 4 "THE following received orders and Decorations at the Investiture by Major General Sir Ibrahim, Sultan of Johore on the occasion of his 75th birthday yesterday. The Order of Darjah Krabat, (second class). Syed Ahmad bin Mohd. Alsagofl, well known member of the Singapore Arab community whose
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  • 61 4 TOOK OPIUM "FOR HIS HEALTH A 36-year-old Chinese Llm Scow Hock of Java Road who admitted possession of 40 leaf packets of opium told the Second District Judge (Mr. J. L. McFall) yesterday, that he used the opium because he was a sick man. He was sentenced to two weeks'
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  • 312 4 'No Indian Loan Say Businessmen rpHE management committee of the Singapore 1 Indian Chamber of Commerce has rejected the plan for a $50,000,000 loan from the Indian Govern ment. A statement issued by the chamber yesterday says that it does not share the views of the Malayan Indian Congress that
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  • 151 4 A 52-year-old Chinese woman, See It Sang, who was said to have been made a catspaw by a smuggler, was yesterday sentenced to two months' simple imprisonment by the Second District Judge (Mr. J. L. McFail) when she pleaded guilty to possessing two pounds of opium. The
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  • Article, Illustration
    69 4 2074 B.C. ORGAN: Andrew Yung Whang, Korean musician attending the Chicago University, playing one of the rarest of his collection of instruments, the Sheng— said to be the earliest type of pipe organ and dating to 2074 B.C. Fitted with brass reeds and played by blowing into a tube while
    AP  -  69 words
  • 24 4 SEGAMAT, PrL— Wong Tat w&s charged m court today with illegal possession of a hand grenade. Wong was remanded m custody.
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  • 363 4 TOMORROW s trrvtott in Singapore churc.lis are as to lows: OHURCH Or ENGLAND: St. Andrew's Cathedral of Singapore at 7 a.m.. 8 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 11.15 a.m., 5.30 p.m. St. George's Garrison Church, Tanglln (open *o chrilianB) 7.15 a.m. 9 a.m., 9.45 a.m. 6.30 p.m. Christ
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 222 4 LA PALOMA Under t.u. jpean Management BAR RESTAURANT KATONG (Next to Koxt Cinema) Re-decorated Throughout First Class Bar 9 European Chinese Dishes Oancing Every Night Saturday Music by Hawaiian Swingcopators Greater MJffglenc Lens Effort^^L t Shjke some 'Harpic' into OiebowL a Leave overnight. 3 Then flush. That's all that's needed
      222 words
    • 310 4 LARGEST GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STOCKS IN U.K. Khaki Shirt*. Khaki, Bine RAF. Trousers. Khaki Drill Trousers. Blankets. Khaki Drill Shorts^ Khaki RAF. A Blue Overcoats. White Cotton Suits. Dungaree A Denim J.-ckets And Green Oilskin Coats. Trousers. Blue Cotton ShorU. Underwear. Wellington Boots. Sisal Hammocks. Boots. Curtain Net. Shoes. Palliasses Etc.
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    • 207 4 wrrHMiiTs spuNooßt ERROL FLYNN mmumrn TFPHNIPRinDI OLIVIA De HAVILI.AM) IbVliniuULUlA* Basil Rathbone-Claude Rains AND A TREMENDOUS CAST OF THOUSANDS .—^...TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT! Pr CAPITOL k f\ I "FT' M arkerOl... M. the world's jnij most wanted Ihn pen Mto! Here are the sleek ta- m'lMI pered lines and precision Mim
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  • 638 5 Raffles Dinner To Sir Roland CIR Roland and Lady Braddell were the guests of honour at a dinner held by the Singapore Association at Raffles Hotel last night. The Commissioner-General (Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald) attended, together with all the Service chiefs. "Sir Roland is one of the
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  • 423 5 From Our Woman Correspondent MEMBERS of the Progressive Party and the Singapore Legislative Council attended the reception yesterday to celebrate the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Laycock and the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Denis Murphy. Mr. John Laycock, Singapore Legislative Councillor,
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 5 General Sir NeU Ritchie. C ommander-in-Chief, Far East Land Forces, chatting with a group of officers of the 4th Queen's Own Hussars who arrived In Singapore yesterday. Behind Sir Neil is the Hussars' Commanding Officer, LtCol. G. J. Kidston— Straits Times picture.
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  • 181 5 TEOCHEW BUILDING SCHEME •THE Ngee Ann Kongsl, an- cestral association of Singapore's Teochews, has discussed draft plans for a $5,000,000, five-block scheme of flve-storey flats, association premises and school. Construction proposed will be on the fringe of the Teochew community'* 64-acre. disused cemetery in Orchard Road. The Ngee Ann Kongsl
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  • 66 5 IPOH, Tburs. The first Muslim consul of the Chinese Government In Malaya (Haji Ibrahim T. Y. Ma) told Ipoh Rotarians yesterday that Muslims gave China the Gregorian and lunar calendar, and It was also a Muslim named Ismail who discovered gunpowder. There were 30,000,000 Muslims in China,
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  • 91 5 Dutch Refuse Chinese Entry From Oar Staff Correspondent PENANG. Frl. rE local Dutch Consul (Mr. Minder houd) has asked his Consul-General at Singapore to clarify the new Dutch instruction not to recognise passports issued by Indonesian authorities. As a result of this ruling, several Chinese merchants with Indonesian passports are
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  • 105 5 TODAY Inter-School Art Exhibition. British Council Hall. Stamford Road, 9 a.m. to 6 p in. Open to 'lie public free. Malayan Air Cadet Corps, No. 1 squadron parade, Government Trade School. Balestier Road, S p.m. Geylang stral's Chinese Methodist Youth Fellowship, "Veteran Night." 76, Kampoeg Amber, 6 p.m.
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  • 56 5 TAIPINQ. Frl.— Lun blntl Said was today sentenced to one day's gaol and fined $50 for stealing hospital linen when she was a student midwife. Four Kamunting Chinese were fined $10 each for gambling on the five-foot way. Ng Ah Khoon wa& granted $500 ball when
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  • 234 5 lI7ITH minor fluctuations, TT the rubber market has ruled fairly quiet throughout the week, says Lewis Peat's weekly market report. A aughtly easier tendency has developed but orders covering sales to Russia have bad a steadying effect. The most notable feature of the week has been
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 299 5 Patties For you r next Pahit Party Mushroom Chicken Oyster Turkey Salmon Lobster Also available at our delicatessen counter Oysters m SMI $2.50 per doz. /~a\ ItoiiO ff@lg£@f W ORCHARD ROAD s»^^ Ast/9# These are signs of what doctors call V s "Mineral-Vitamin deficiency" warnings li^^df^Bmml that you are not
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  • 22 6 BENDALL. In London on August 23rd., Captain Philip Manlev Bendall, 2 19th London Rcgt.. and late Manager, Jalan -:ate. Kapar. Selangor.
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  • 19 6 MRS. WILSON and Georgle Waterfall Estate, wish to thank everybody who has sent flowers and messages of sympathy
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  • 8 6 WALTERS. New Maiden, Surrey. Pleas* Ring 80C53.
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  • 761 6 In these days when hatred and violence are running amok in the Federation, and may cross the Straits of Johore at any time, it will be a relief to pass on to our readers some impressions of that happy political party
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  • 136 6 Social history has been made in Singapore this week, with the announcement that the new American Club on the roof-garden of the Cathay Building will be open not only to Asian guests but also to Asian members. This club issue in Malayan social life has often been confused,
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  • 234 6 Not once in a blue moon does a completely new word appear in the columns of the Straits Times, so the editor blinked when his eyes fell upon the following paragraph' In this chaste journal last Wednesday A shipment of 150,000 Jerricans, bought by the French from
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  • 1849 6 A Malayan Countryman's Diary OUNDAY, Sept. 12.— We, the cook and myself, are no longer living In the dusun. This happens owing to my taking up an acting billet for a few months on a rubber estate nearby. It can De said here that we pray
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 680 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. WEE —At DCotta's Clinic, on Sept 16th, to Rosle, wife of Wee Kirn Poh a son. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED Urgently Britisher to teach Frenchman English 2 hours day Kuala Lumpur Apply Box No 4038. S.T. EXPERIENCED female stenotypist preferably Dutch with lm -export company. Apply 0.P.0. Box No.
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    • 126 6 ONE PAIR OF EYES one oan oj eyes «v iast lifetime. You can chew wltb false teeth, walk with wooden leg. but never can tou se* wltb a blind eye mis does not mean that we are m danger of gotng blind but a warning that we should not neglect
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    • 42 6 Fan i-'*^Xk\k /^x^^ \r#j EAMQMi EBWffiltoiD fUMtpy} R'V'ffI*HfiPTICIRHR V 'ffl*HfiPTICIRH Fallow Institute Ophthhalmic Opticians (|ng) Fellow Worshipful Co. of Spcctack- Makers (fnj) Freeman of the City of London By Appointment to EM. Force*, South East Asia. 6 lUfflt Place SlnppoM Pfcow *****
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 80 6 TEO Si LEE. The engagement Is announced todav between Mr. B. L. Teo and Mm Nancy 5T. L Lee. The engagement is announceU yesterday between Mr. Y. C. Young, eon of Mr. Si Mrs. K. 8 Young and Miss Chung Yuh Fung, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chung Sim Hiam.
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  • 456 7 'Help Those Who Fight Terror 9 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Friday. THE Throne Room of the Istana Besar was A once again this afternoon the scene of a colourful ceremony when H.H. Sir Ibrahim, Sultan of Johore, whose 75th birthday it was, held
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  • 199 7 trom the Straits Times of Sept. 18, 1898 For two long days, commencing at an early hour jn Saturday, new Johore has been en fete. Rarely, if ever, has the place itself appeared so gay. and very seldom indeed have its people more fully entered into the
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  • 96 7 OARNEY Ong Ban Ec 28 1J wno was arrested m Pc- y^terday charged m the Second Police Court Singapore, with theft of 19 $209 S f Btocklngs valu ed nr Prsfi« w f*i. also cnar «ed with criminal breach of trust of *l<so. Ong was alleged to
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  • 88 7 Sentence of three months' imprisonment was passed on a 48-year-old Chinese, Siew o^ mm f Sam> °f Tan Quee Lan Street, when he was found guilty m the Second District C ur^v yesterday ot Possessing 605 tubes of opium valued at $1 000 on July
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  • 30 7 The Singapore Association Is holding a public meeting at the Singapore Chaiuber of Commerce next Tuesday, to discuss the memorandum on war damage compensation claims.
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  • 684 7 A CHEQUE for $2,500 was produced m the Ninth Police Court, Singapore, yesterday when the preliminary inquiry was continued into 10 tentative charges, concerning R.A.F. lorries, diesel engines and generators, against five Europeans. The cheque was stated to have been cashed at the Capitol Theatre
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  • 85 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, FrL ROYAL Air Force Beauflghters and Spitfires today carried out a concentrated attack the heaviest yet made on a bandit encampment m an area of thick jungle m North Selangor. An R.A.F. communique issued m Kuala Lumpur tonirht
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  • 106 7 A MAN who gave three loaded revolvers to three gunmen was found guilty of unlawful possession of the weapons and sentenced to three years' rigorous imprisonment m the Singapore Assize Court yesterday by Justice Taylor. He was a young hawker named Ong See. One of the
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  • 31 7 A Chinese who entered the premises of the Shell Company at the 14th mile Woodlands Road, Singapore, a protected area, was shot and wounded on Thursday night by a Special Constable
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  • 218 7 piRE, believed to have been caused by the burning of Joss-sticks to household gods, completely gutted three Temple Street groundfloor shops during the Moon celebrations last night. Two flre appliances from the Central Fire Station were quickly on the scene and "A" Division police sealed
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  • 502 7 Emergency Newt pOLICE news from the Federation includes PERAK: Insurgents on Thursday night shot dead a Chinese In a house Just behind the Tanjong Tualang Police Station, 24 miles south of Ipoh It Is not known how many Insurgents were Involved In this shooting, but a
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  • 81 7 Sydney Ivans, a young soldier stationed at Tanglln Barracks, was acquitted and discharged by Mr. Justice Taylor m the Singapore Assizes yesterday on a charge of robbery. It was alleged that. Evans, together with three other soldiers, held ud and robbed a taxi driver at 11
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  • 56 7 The Singapore College of Medicine has been authorised to spend $150,000 on new equipment and rehabilitation Of this sum. $27,000 for !85 microscopes and six research microscopes is apportionable between the Federation and Singapore Teaching and research equipment for the college department costing $118,000 will alsj
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  • 286 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA L1 7 MPIIR, Friday. BECAUSE there was no evidence that the body "examined was that of the Sikh he was charged with murdering, Fazal Din will serve only one year's rigorous imprisonment instead of being hanged The police constable whom the
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  • 90 7 MEMORIAL services will iTI be held m all Methodist Churches m Malaya tomorrow for Bishop Edwin p. Lee. Bishop Lee, for 20 years Methodist Bishop of Malaya and the Philippines died at Rochester, Minnesota on Tuesday. The Wesley Church at Singapore will hold the memorial service
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  • 68 7 The preliminary inquiry Into a charge of murder against Ong Chee Boon, Tang Ah Moi and Ng Ah Char.g was postponed for a week on instructions from the Crown Counsel yesterday. A boat assistant See Kong Hal, is alleged to have been strangled by the three Chinese
    68 words
  • 49 7 TB PNEUMONIA DEATH TOLL Tuberculosis and pneumonia were the chief causr.« cf death m Singapore durin? the week ended Septemb- r 11. Of the 181 deaths, 29 were from Tuberculosis and 29 from pneumonia. The infantile death rate was 84.69 per I.OCO. During the week 79 of tuberculous report
    49 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 65 7 MARTELL'S WORLD FAMOUS COGNAC BRANDIES Drink wisely M ik Choose wisely |GQg||jjO Choose Martell J *~W” I Sole Agents OPTORG CO (Malaya) LTD. 124 ROBINSON RD. 8 OLD MARKET SQ. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PHONE 3760. 376© PHONE 2256 M. FLINTER S. GRINBERG Diamonds and Jewellery TELEPHONE 7923 67, STAMFORD RD.,
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  • 935 8  -  "FEMINA By If U ALA Lumpur's housewives are slowly finding that their food bills are smaller month by month as food prices, for so long a nights mare, are now gradually on the downward trend. Regular shipments of food from Australia have helped
    935 words
  • 402 8 DORK is cheaper to- day m Singapore than it was two weeks ago, according to Radio Malaya m its weekly broadcast on Singapore food prices. Pork lean which was retailed between $2.50 and $2.60 per kati was sold yesterday at an average price of $2.45 per
    402 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 360 8 "I've just won a Beauty Competition *^f W y° un B er but I'm sure it was "^ttß^^..^^ ll^y m l Tokalon complexion that |bt -,<«r won me tne prize." |||r Tokalon Vanishing Skin Food ■S^r by dd y> and T°k* lon Biocel Skin continuous beauty treatment: KB nourishing the
      360 words
    • 255 8 ONLY when a perfume has won the approval ul Paris can it lie Mid to have made its way m the world. The famous Lucicn Lclong prfftwaca ire now obtainable m Maiaya, including severai new creations In.iiscret lad Passionnement and it is your privilege to discover which is indisputably tight
      255 words

  • 342 9 i It ts tlie height of foolhardincss for a declarer to plan his play so rigidly that, no matter what the opponents do. he sticks to hte original Idea. In today* deal South gave a contract back that had already been presented to him North, dealer. Both
    342 words
  • Straits Times SATURDAY FORUM
    • 464 9 The Municipality In The Machine Age pOR years I had received hand-written bills for my water and electricity consumptions, but lately, I have begun to receive printed ones. The printed bills are a Jig-saw puzzle to me, and I have to take a pen and a ruler to underscore each
      464 words
    • 93 9 Suffer Little Children VLTHEN I learnt that one day it was proposed to restore the railings round the Cathedral, and thus discourage the poor children of the city from playing football in the grounds, I became very sad. The least we could no for the crowded, unhappy Singapore children would
      93 words
    • 117 9 I MUST ask leave to pro- test against the wording of the headline which you placed above your report of my remarks in last Friday's Straits Times. I endeavoured to suggest that the problem of suppre*siiig banditry i n Malaya should have priority over that of meeting the
      117 words
    • 118 9 rE writer of the letter "THE SHAREHOLDER WHJ> WENT AWAY" m your last Saturday Forum should read the Bill. The acts of an agent during the occupation period are only validated so far as they would have been within the scope of his former authority. Assuming that
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    • 92 9 T WAS very interested to read Lady Southern's article on Page Six in your issue of Sept. 14, as it expresses so well my own attitude towards the formation of a Women's International Club. I have been caused very considerable distress recently by the publication, in
      92 words
    • 201 9 /X)NDUCTORS on es- tates are at present treated badly m all aspects of policy, not only m the scale of salary and housing, but also m various other matters. The latest injustice seems to be the scale m Emergency Insurance. I do admit that there
      201 words
    • 127 9 Pistols At $65 For Planters IN view of the exorbitant prices being charged by dealers for pistols etc: during the present emergency, some of your readers may be interested to know that they can obtain a new Colt .45 CAL: automatic pistol for A£7-10. Air freight costs AXI-15-3 and a
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    • 158 9 r LEARN from a recent A issue of your paper that It Is proposed to have Singapore's new civic centre where Raffles Institution now stands. I beg leave, as a Singaporean bom and bred, to voice my opposition to this scheme. As the function of the old
      158 words
    • 332 9 THE gloomy forecast of future events m India made by so many men of various nationalities before the transfer of power, seems to have become more and more true. Even those of us who really believed that the time had come for selfgovernment, and
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    • 129 9 A MONTH or two ago there was a scarcity of the sewing thread known as Dewhurst's "Sylko" and being quite unable to obtain locally the shades which I required, I sent an order to a London department store for 48 reels. Naturally, I paid retail price and I
      129 words
    • 70 9 I AM happy to be left out. 1 of this argument. The name "Dayak" or "Dyak" has been conferred on v* by foreigner* who, with due respect, can spell It as they like. Among ourselves the word "Dyak (or "Dayak") is never used. We refer to ourselves
      70 words
    • 247 9 A WAR CLAIMS LOAN? I CARRY a cympivhen1 sive insurance policy lon my car. A fe«» days ago I was victim to sabotage at a car park. The private insurance company who has been receiving j my premiums, paid my claim within a matter of hours. I was ordered by
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 98 9 Immediate Delivery FORDSON 5 and 10 CWT. VANS FORDSON 5 CWT. jt&M-iL m W^ n^^■'65 Cubic feet. £f f'fik W^. I M^K/^B!l3^ laaaEaWa^aaP^^^^aaaaaaatwlaaaaaaa^cK The Fordson (5 cwt &10 cwt Van looks, as it is. today's most modern light delivery vans Its distinctive styling and clean-swept lines express the up-to-date efficiency
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 274 9 STEAITS TIMES CROSSWORD ra m £TSx MTiSi mW« CROSSWORH No. 7 Proverbially thay have m> (4). LM t U i 1 U't I 1' 1 1 i I *> choice (7). 27. Moral!* weak (J). P I* 10 Sell i>l« of thls shap* «7>. m. Th« turn of the leat
      274 words

  • 105 10 From Oar Own Correspondent LONDON, Friday. VTEGOTIATIONS for a new trade pact are now going on ii between the British Government awt Russian trade delegation, it is understood. Informed observers have little doubt the purchase of rubber will be included m any new
    105 words
  • 179 10 FE Singapore rubber market opened steady yesterday but later eased slightly on lack of Interest. Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 sheet fob. buyers 43% cents, sellers 44 cents; spot loose buyers 43% cents, sellers 44% Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association noon prices y«serday (Sept.
    179 words
  • 331 10 LONDON, Fri. A DECLINE In interest yesterday, the second day of the new account m the London Stock Exchange, was attributed largely to the uncertainty of the political outlook, says Reuter's financial correspondent. Closing middle prices m stocks, as supplied 'x> the Straits Times by special arrangement with
    331 words
  • 110 10 SHIPS m port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns m brackets) were Main Wharf: Donabella (31-32), Glenbeg (38-39), Asphalloc (40-41). West Wharf: Tjlkampfk (4-5), President Polk v (6-7), Bcncruachan (8-9), City of Khartoum (11-12), Aeneas (13-14), Katong U5-16). Empire Dock: Axeldljk U9-20). Resang (21). Sukhona
    110 words
  • 57 10 AUGUST exports of tin and tin-ore from the Federa-'lon and Slnrapore totalled 4.456 long tons. The figure is about half that for the sane period In 1941. Import* Into the country totalled 37* lone tons. The buying eouatriae were: Britain 191 tons. U.S.A. 2.9M Europe 885, British
    57 words
  • 159 10 From A Market Correspondent A NUMBER of produce market sections were quit* active; yesterday. There were several price changes. The Singapore price To? coconut oil eased for the flrit SJBM since free exports of copra and coconut oil were allowed from the Federatin of Malaya two days go
    159 words
  • 745 10 SHARE MARKET UNEASINESS From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Friday. TTNEASINfIK continued m the Malayan share U market today. It remained dull and inactive. Prices quoted py Che Mala yan Sharebrokers' Association today were: Buyer Seller Atlas Ice 14,00 1500 Alex Bricks Ord. 1-70 1.80 Pref. 3.30 3.40 B.B. Petrol 40/-
    745 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1213 10 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. i Incorpoialeo m Singapore) blum. tmmmmk, limb straits steamship co., SAILING* FROM UK I 111* LTD. "Ir-r^Tc^'uK--.-. ScY WE3I COAS, MALATA "Chjloneus due from UK.. Oct "Sender for P. S ham. T. •Euryuytin ,lue 'rom UK Oct It AnsonUr Penang Sept. 22 SAILINC rOK iIVtKKOOL, CLASCOW
      1,213 words
    • 237 10 PRESIDENT LINES Cenerai Passenger Agent tor Northwest Amines SAILINCS TO NEW YORK ANO BOSTON. via INDIA, ECYPT b MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. President Polk S pore Cdns. «/7 f Und V^J. SAILINGS TO SAN FRANCIaCO ANj IOS ANCELES THENCE NEW YORK. BALTIMORE BOSTON via PANAMA Dartmouth Victory Penang Oct. S P Sham
      237 words
    • 308 10 EAST ASIATIC UNE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA U X SAILINCS TO CONTINENT/ CONTINENT. SCANDINAVIA Loading Singapore. Port Swettenham »nd Penang %M Tranquebar- da. abt. Sept. 20 ms Nordtarer tor Saigon 6 for Madras Colombo Aden, Bangkok due abt Oct 6 Port Sudan. Port Said Cenoa, Antwerp. Rotterdam. Hamburg. Oslo. Cothenburg, ms
      308 words
    • 1014 10 McALISTER t& CO., LTD. (inLOtuotateu m SinKduore) CLLERMAft BUCKMALL KLAVBNESS LINE HAVRE, LONDON. ANTWtRP »»rj*ir pnaii ANO MAMBURC I»ACIHC PORTS Accepting ca'go tor U S Nortn Atlantic Accepting cargo toi Cential i> south Ports b ZtnaOa via Colombo Amen- vi Ports CITt Or KHARTOUM Spoie P Sham reriang fRANtIsVILLt Cdn.
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  • 1557 11 By Straits Times Sports Reporters Wong Peng Soon To Play In Exhibition UNLESS the selection committee of the Badminton Association of Malaya has already made up its mind as to the composition of the Malayan team for the Thomas Cup competition, which will be held early next year,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 311 11 78° ror fcxtra condition SEE IT TODAY! IThe OLYMPIAD coim* but once m four years I DON'T WAIT UU 1958 for the aeart one! DAILY 5 TIMES 11 a.m., 1.30 p.m., 4.09, 6.45 9.50 p.m. "BREATHTAKINGLY' PRESENTING TO Y0U!.... WINTER SPORTS IN SWITZERLAND TRACK EVENTS AT WEMBLEY STADIUM AQUATIC SPORTS
      311 words
    • 227 11 Alan LADD Veronica LAKE MEET AGAIN. ..CLASH AGAIN AND LOVE AGAIN s imt IADOAAKt vv bisifca on .^^"n\ W VhtiLH m fe J&~ Luther fldler Dtorris Carnovshy Mikhail Rasumny Preceded by: MALAYAN FILM UNIT'S "RECRUITMENT OF SPECIAL CONSTABLES" TODAY I 11 2 4.15 6.30 9.15 •(kx-coiuluiontd Pkont 5159 YOU'LL CO
      227 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 459 11 haoio malaya irrOBIi Organ; 13.00 Sport; IS. SO a.m. i Pleasure Paraae; 9.00 Tip Top Closo. iTunes; 9.45 Stand Easy; 10.13 (610 kct. 4.96 or 7 2 m M •ABIB ADltlAii. Mattinas*; 10.30 News; 10. IS 1 p.m. Music- 1 30 News- *ust»a« Midland Light Orchestra; 11.80 1.55 to 6.20
      459 words

  • 1250 12 RELOW are the acceptances for today's races. The Double Tote will be on races 6 and 9. The Big Sweep will be drawn on race 9. Race 1—1.45: Cl. 3, Div. 3— Abt. 6 Furs. 040 Linkshh- Harper 9.00 "Mandarin Stable" Yong 000 Ron Marie Spencer 8
    1,250 words
  • 71 12 The following have been U:\.w6 to play cricket tor the Non-Benders Cricket Club pgainst the Singapore Recreation Club tomonow at 11 am on the S.R.C. padang.— T. Leljsslus (capt.). H. B. Noon, f van Wong. J. E. Jeans, A. Baker, A. R. Bromley Davenport, A. W.
    71 words
  • 40 12 f TNE following will represent the Dockyard XI m a football match aga nst the Chinese Athletes at the Naval Base at 5 P m. tomorrow: Pillage; Bowman. Moore; Tope, Rob nson, Thlen; Rlndle. Smith, Mannion, Roberts Sparks.
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  • 22 12 The Malayan Chinese Football Association's Inter-State challenge cup Is expected to arrive m Singapore from London by air on Sept.
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  • 26 12 Hockey practices wilt be held every Tuesday and Thursday for members of the Singapore Chinese Recreation Club at Hong tin. Green at 5.30 p.m.
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  • 303 12 EIGHTEEN records were broken yesterday by boys and girls on the first day of the seventh annual Chinese interschool sports meeting held at Jalan Besar Stadium. A total of 55 schools were represented by 960 competitors, of which 350 were girls. Of the 100 events
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  • 1380 12  -  EPSOM JEEP By Given As Today's Best Bet EXPECT the favourites, Kinder Gold and Gold 1 Medallist, to fight out the finish of the Liberation Cup, richest sprint prize of the season, at Bukit Timah today, the third day of the Singapore Turf
    1,380 words
  • 182 12 "EPSOM JEEP"TRESPASSER' "POINTER" Race I: 1.43 p.m. 1. GARNFAIR 2. Badger 3. Selopian BADGER Garnfair Bright Mengseng SELOPIAN Badger fold Wave 1. TOTLAND LORD FREDERICK Detnaratus Mia* Papillon DKMARATL'S Race 2: 3.15 p m. t. Kaberine 3. Demaratbs Lord Frederick Coronation Day Rae« 3: MS p.m. 1.
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  • 134 12 Outram Rd. School Sports Meet WINNING four events— three flat races and ne long jump -Lian Boon Khiatn of Swettenham House von the individual championah:o at the Outram School sports held on the school ground it Outram Road yesterday. The Outram Afternoon School held it s sports on the same
    134 words
  • 96 12 DR. Chan Ah Kow's lennii nun was leading the l'ati^lln Club m a match at Tanglin yesterday evening when failing stopped play: Chin Ke" Onn and Lirni Kha Liang beat R. R. MacarSioy and B. C. F-*y 6-1, 6-4; Onjc Khti.i? Chuah and Sarathy bt
    96 words
  • 52 12 MADASARI. who finished second to Your Highness In the seventh race, over seven furlongs, on Wednesday, has been promoted from class two to class one. Madasarl had previously scored a double at Penan*. Phar Gay and Eddy Fraser have been sent down from class one to
    52 words
  • 407 12 WEIGHTS for three more races on Wednesday, the fourth day of the Singapore meeting, are: a. 8, DW. t— IK Mile* Distinction 9. C0 Rendova H 04 Spear Blank Mirth 8.12 Spec 8 03 Scarlet Cool Play 8 03 Tiger II 8.11 Jackpot 7.13
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  • 47 12 TODAY SOCCER: S.A.F.A. League, Div. Ill Customs S.C. v. R.A.S.C. Training School, McNalr Road, 5 15 p.m. RUGBY: Ne* Soon garrison R.F.C. v. 2Z> 8.0.D.. St. George's Road, 5 pjn. BADMINTON: Singapore championship*, Clerical Union halL 2.15 pjn. ATHLETICB: Chinese interschool sporto Jalan Besar stadium.
    47 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 732 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from page 8) 8111 ATIONS WANTED QUALIFIED and experienced Accountant sees* unproved uost Able to take complete charge willing to travel Minimum s<i'atv $800 Box A4031. 6 T. EDUCATED refined capable younfT woman *e*>ks position as Nursery Governes* or Companion, m respectable nome. Oalary $200 all found.
      732 words
    • 128 12 For All Conditions A O" th highway For l^ht truckl AVJ mM 1* DUNLOP >■ li^yrjffflr LIGHT TRUCK JF vB L<S^ W^ On surfaced roads, on tracks, jjSat on rough ground. Dunlop rflWJMfft Truck and Bus Tyres will give long and dependable oQ f service, for each one is t^?
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous