The Straits Times, 17 September 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 514 1 "Action To Prevent A Calamity" KARACHI, Thursday. THE Nizam of Hyderabad has appealed to King George and the British Government for "definite and effective action." He cabled to Britain on Monday, the day of the Indian invasion. The text of the cables was released tonight. The
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  • 131 1 RANGOON. Thursday. Burmese Government communique nigiit reported a battle against Communist-led insurgents m the Mandalay district In which 22 Insurgents were killed and 29 capiurea. It also reported attacks by Insurgent* on three towns m the Yamethin district, south of Mandalay. all of which repulsed
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 1 BISHOP Edwin F. lee. for M >car.s Methodist Missionary Bishop of Malaya and the Philippines, whose death at Rochester. Minnesota, was reported yesterday. Bishop retired m February of this year. Obituary and tributes m pace five.
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  • 43 1 STOCKHOLM. Thurs: Swed'n's 16 years of Socialist rul< Is at .stake m Sundays gen »rai elections. Conservative* Liberals and Agrarian* ha*i Joined forces to WTest powei from the Social Democratic Labour Par; v. which I he country since 1932 A P.
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  • 81 1 NEW DELHI. Thurs. PLANES of the Royal Indian Air Force, yesterday dropped paratroops who, with the aid of ground forces, captured Homnabad, important road junction 84 miles west of the capital of Hyderabad, an Indian Army communique said today. In the south-east sector. Indian troops advancing from Suriapet
    Reuter; AP  -  81 words
  • 103 1 TYPHOON SWEEPS JAPAN TOKIO, Thurs. T»HE United States Army x is evacuating American families from danger areas where typhoon winds and rains lash Japan. The heavy downpour stopped many trains. Thousands of Tokio workers are stranded. Army reports just coming In Indicate that waterfront areas throughout Japan are suffering
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  • 82 1 NEW YORK. Thurs— The American Liberty Line's freighter Cecil N. Bean radio that it has saved 12 men and is struggling to pick up M) more. The men abandoned an unidentified ship beaten to pieces by an Atlantic hurricane. Coast Guard officers say the vessel's position
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  • 33 1 NEW YORK. Thurs.— The Coast Guard received unconfirmed word that the Portuguese fishing schooner, Gasper, was still afloat about 300 miles off Newfoundland, instead of presumably sunk as first reported.— A.P.
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  • 54 1 WASHINGTON. Thurs. The American Association for the Advancement of Science has apologised to the Abyssinian Minister who. at an association meeting was told that he must sit m the Negro section. The Minister (Prince Has Imau) is a cousin of the Smperor of Abyssinia. He
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  • 43 1 Norvell Lee, a Negro boxer and a member of the 1948 United States Olympic boxing team, has been arrested un der Virginia's segregation law. He was charged with "unlawfully failing to take the seat assigned to him" on a train.- A.P.
    AP  -  43 words
  • 46 1 MANILA. Thurs.— A postmaster m Andres Abella had an intricate mathematical problem. His office ran out of one cent stamps, but had plenty of two cent stamps. He solved the problem by cutting two cent stamps In two but lost bis Job.— A.P.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 52 1 It i s officially stated that the Colonial Secretary. Mr P. A. B. McKerron. will retire it the end of hi s present term if service, after 30 years" vice. Mr. McKerron said ar a dinner of the Straits Chinese British Association on WVrt nesday that he was
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  • 263 1 Russia 's Questions At Security Council PARIS. Thursday. T»HE Security Council, meeting today to consider Hyderabad's complaint against India, agreed to invite representatives of the two parties to the Council table. Hyderabad's Foreign Minister, -Nawab Moir Xawab Jung, then addressed the Council, while Sir Ramaswami Mudaliar, India's I representative, sat
    Reuter  -  263 words
  • 334 1 From Our Special Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. 'PHREE policemen, including an inspector, were 1 killed, seven constables were wounded, and two others are missing m anti-bandit operations m Sintok, Kedah, five miles from the S^am border. Military forces are now oiAatin* In the area,
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  • 46 1 TWE 4th Hussars will be disembarking from 11.M.T. Dilwara at Singapore, this morning. The Commander m Chief FARELF (General Sir Neil Ritchie) will address the Regiment from the quay at 7.45 a.m. The men will leave the ship shortly before 10 a.m.
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  • 57 1 LONDON, Thurs.— Most of Europe's harvest is m and it. is the biggest since before the j war. In almost every country reporting m an Associated Press survey agricultural experts said there were heavy yields of grains and vegetables—heavy enougn urobably i to permit relaxation of
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  • 39 1 MEMPHIS. Tennessee. Thurs. Dm greatest cotton crop m the Mississippi delta history is threatened by a lack of pickers. Local labour has been short since the war when many Southern Negroes migrated to northern indus- I try.— UP.
    UP  -  39 words
  • 120 1 MOSCOW. Thurs. A NOTHLH meeting among i\ the three Western t-nvoys md Russian leaders will be held at the Kremlin witlvn the next few rinvs. authorUative goureea .sn'd today. At least on«, and p:w>.sibly more conferences are expect- od soon as Western envoys complete their present
    AP; UP  -  120 words
  • 294 1 BATAVIA, Thursday. nR. Mohamed Hatta, the Indonesian Repnblicaa Prime Minister, today announced tho release of Tan Malakka, imprisoned Indonesian Trotskyite leader; 24 hours after the IVitch announced a ban on Communist activities m Indonesia. Observers here said today they expert lan Malakka would lead
    Reuter; UP  -  294 words
  • 111 1 MONTY CANCELS VISITS F LONDON. Thurs. lELD-Marshal Lurd Montgomery, disclosed that he had cancelled all engagements outside London m the light of the Government's programme a?ain>r the deteriorating world tion. He cancelled two scheduled visits to military commands at Liverpool and at Byotip In a letter to the commanded that
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Cable Flashes
    • 519 2 OSLO. Thursday. SIXTEEN whale factory ships with fast cutters and harpoon guns will put to sea shortly from ports of five nations for the Antarctic whaling season. They will fly the Norwegian. British. Dutch. Japanese and probably the Russian flags. Norwegians will form the backbone
      AP; Reuter  -  519 words
    • 100 2 NEW YORK, Thurs. Mr. Clyde Matthews, head of a large local fashion agency, considers British girls better suited than Americans for the new trend m fashion. Mr. Matthews is sending scouts to Britain to search for outstanding English beauties to model m the United States. "English
      AP  -  100 words
  • 167 2 Ilondonersremember 'the few" of 1940 i LONDON, Thursday. lII. IONS of Londoners looked sky-ward yesterday iTI when 208 British and American fighter and i bomber aircraft flew past. They commemorated the Battle of Bri'ain. i.j Thirteen air units, flying a four minutes apart, took 48 minutes to pass overhead. ••I
    AP  -  167 words
  • 86 2 NEW YORK, Thurs. IF the 90 Superfortresses now based m Britain were loaded with atom bombs they would equal the fire-power of a fleet of 79,200 Flying Fortresses of I the last war carrying normal high explosive missiles, said General Spaaiz, former United States Air Force
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 815 2 NOTICES FRASER NEAVE LIMITED (Incorporated m Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the Annual Oeneral Meeting Of the Company to be held on Saturday. 9th October. 1 1948. the Directors will recommend payment of the following dividend m respect of the year ended 30th June. 1948 to Stockholders on
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    • 244 2 NOTICES Applications arc invited from Medical graduates of a recognised University to fill up the following j < po«ts:— 1. Professor of Pathology— Scale of pay Rs. 1000-50-1400. Qualifl- 1 cations— M.R.C.P. or F.R. C.P.I with any other additional Qualifications. a. Lecturer m Pharmacology— < Scale of pay Rs. 300-50-
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    • 694 2 NOTICES TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ORDINANCE No. 22 OF 1939 CUSTODIAN OF PROPERTY PROCLAMATION No. 14 of 1945! Notice is hereby given that any 1 person or persons having a claim to the property described m the Schedule hereto are requested to forward such claims to the Custodian 01 Property,
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    • 417 2 f&fr**you/ Pay special attention to your lipsl they at 9 the most expressive feature of your face, portrait artists say. Dramatise your loveliness with <&%ofM' L 'P*" by Pond*, n frankly beautiful jjvfev...... .■*X*£so shades, long lasting. rM&.. Js^ POND'S "LIPS' STAY ON AND ON AND Q I*' ■^sk^«& You
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  • 674 3 "Sick To Death Of Platitudes" From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Thursday. DLANTERS and miners in Malaya's "front line" would have felt some satisfaction had they been able, in the Commons yesterday, to listen to a seven-hour debate on the Address. A great part was devoted to
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 3 NEW MALACCA CONSULATE: Mrs. J. Falconer, her husband (the Resident Commissioner), Mr. Cheng Chia Hua (first Chinese Consul at Malacca) and Mrs. Cheng enter the new Chinese Consulate after its official opening on Tuesday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 140 3 LONDON, Thurs. THE Colonial Secretary (Mr. Arthur Creech Jones) is expected to make a statement on Malaya next Wednesday. Mr. Anthony Eden, deputy leader of the Opposition, asked in the Commons today for assurance that a full statement on the Malayan situation would be made before the
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 172 3 130 HURT IN PARIS RIOTS PARIS, Thurs. ONE hundred policemen and 30 workers were j injured m four hours of street fighting yesterday when 90,000 aviation, mobile and steel industry workers went on strike. Meanwhile a Communist spokesman for the General Confederation of Labour was telling Renault workers to strike
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  • 114 3 LONDON, Thurs. THE F-jreign Minister vMr. Bevin), referring in the i House of Commons last night to unofficial proposals for a Western Union, said the Government was cautious and wanted a full and frank discussion on the whole question of Western Union with the Commonwealth. Mr.
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 179 3 This is a story that has nothing to do with Communism, or strife, or disaster. It was cabled Jr>>m Tokio last night by Associated Press. DECAUSE he once missed a train on an urgent journey, a hermit sculptor has sounded a gong m
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  • 85 3 CAPETOWN, Thurs. Dr. A J. Stals, Minister of Social Welfare, told the Uliion House of Assembly today that he was prepared to recommend to the Government that payment of family al- < lowances to Indians should be discontinued. It was a delicate matter, he said, and
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 39 3 JERUSALEM, Thurs.— With mortar shells falling nearby, three judges of the Israeli District Court yesterday open- ed the trial, on charges of I spying and conspiracy, against two Britons Frederic Sylvester and John Hawkins —A P
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  • 38 3 SALISBURY, Thurs. The Premier (Mr. Godfrey Huggins), United Party, won Southern Rhodesia's general election today with 24 seats out of 30 m the Legislative Assembly. The United Party has been In control since 1934. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 77 3 HONG KONG, Thurs.-^' Tne Soul of China", one of the few Chinese films for general distribution abroad, has had its world premiere. English dialogue is being added. The story Is that of Wen Tien-hslang, noted scholar and statesman, who m he 13th century fought fruitlesoly
    UP  -  77 words
  • 48 3 NANKING, Thurs. Three nghter planes which crashed into a Formosa peak a week ago, killing their American pilots, were part of a group belonging to the Chinese Air Force being transferred from storage m the Philippines by American pilots. This was revealed today.
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  • 91 3 BELGRADE, Thurs. YUGOSLAV Communists i>ay that relations with Rumania and Hungary are near the breaking uoint Friendship and alliance with these countries could not exist under pressure slander and calls to revolt being conI ducted against Yugoslavia. A Communist newspaper strongly refuted Rumanian and Hungarian replies
    AP  -  91 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 131 3 HdCk ~/iCLCII7I S (jenuine BRAHDS of Strength I c*i H0 FINER Agent.:- JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD I vp.utive Typist €pl^ OFFICE FURNITURE Revolving, adjustable (hairs on Castors /""^J\^ fj^r**± Upholstered m Rexine If L \\J Stacking Chairs, all metal, A. upholstered m Rexine with VjßMby rubber feet. Will stack 15
      131 words
    • 276 3 THANKS TO 'KEPLER* N. There's -mor* goodnrss to the spoonful m \"i •Wv'Pi I 'Kepler* the v orld-fartious Cod Liver "air Oil with Malt Extract. One fluid ounce of JL, Sftia 'Krpler* provides not less than 3,<y00 '^E*ji International Units of Vitamin A— die «k» protective Vitamin ami 500 Incrr-
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  • 1132 4 Of the five unofficial speeches on the War Damage Com- pensation Scheme that were made m the Singapore Legislative Council on Tuesday, i four were hostile, on the whole, and the fifth was critical of j the scheme
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  • 54 4 t rom the biruus Times of Sept. 17, 189S A correspondent tells us that street-cars In Montreal have a notice prominently posted tha,t Straits coins will not be accepted in payment of the fares. Some enterprising individual had lately planted a number of these sliver tokens on
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  • 1723 4  - HOW STAMFORD RAFFLES WAS BETRAYED PROFESSOR T. H. SILCOCK By A HISTORY OF EDUCATIONAL POLICY IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 1800 1925 (circa) by D. D. Chelliah, Ph.D: (Government Printing Office, Kuala Lumpur). TO those who are addicted to complacency about education in Malaya, whether they are Europeans or Asians, Dr.
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    • 192 4 I WAS interested to read the correspondence m the Straits Times on Changi Airport, more especially so, as I live at Tanah Merah Besar which is not far from the proposed air strip and which is one of the most charming places on
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    • 214 4 WITH reference to the news item on Page Five of last Saturday's edition of your paper concerning the export of budwood to West Africa, we should like to point out that the information that this is the first piece of budwood to be exported since the
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    • 106 4 THE present position regarding building plans submitted to the Municipal Building Surveyor's Department is an absolute scandal. In the case of every plan submitted to this Municipal Department by all the private architects In Singapore there is completely unnecessary delay In dealing with same. Prior to the
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    • 160 4 IT has recently been observed that the one and only decent stretch of beach within a reasonable distance of Singapore is m the evenings now entirely taken up by [numerous hawkers with stalls selling food. These hawkers get Into position soon after dusk with unsightly stalls
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 833 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. DOWNIE. To Lillian wife of 1) L. Downle of Ampai Tenang V air B.uiki at XX. on 15.9.48— ann, '.ORGAN— At Kandar.p Kerbau Bl on September 14th. 1948 lo Anne, wife of Newton H Mor- ii ;i son, Jnsipii Carter. HUDSON—TO Marjorie— wite of X (Tim) Hudson at
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    • 82 4 The "MARVEL" OF THE ACE! HIUY-BKLLY Two of these Mysterioua Drinkiriß Ducks are on display In our Show-windows at High Street They started drinking from 10 a.m.. 9th September. 1948. and have been drinking ever sinee non-stop, day and night —and they are still at It. No motor, no spring,
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    • 157 4 NICHT LIFEW Black Palm Beach, lor cool evening suit* 20 yard Dress Shirt*, poplin $17 50; soft Marc«Ua $19 20 Marcella Waistcoats backless 8 B $20: D'B $22 Black-rayon Cummerbunds, oleated $8 50 Stud and Link Sets, black MOP $3 and 6.00 set Black Bow-ties, single, 2.90: double, 330: pointed,
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  • 1066 5 Me th odistPioneer In Malaysia DI«.HOP Edwin F. Lee, D.D., U.D, S.T.D., for 20 years Methodist Missionary Bishop of Malaya and the Philippines, died at Rochester, .Minnesota, on Tuesday. Bishop Lee, who left this country on retirement m February, had been ill since June
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 88 5 Funeral Of Mr.W.W. Archer From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. ARMED police kept watch m the jungle surrounds of Cheras Road Cemetery, Kuala Lumpur, today during the funeral service for Mr. William Walter Archer, the Australian mining engineer who was killed by terrorists near a tin! dredge north of
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  • 134 5 A CAMPAIGN by the Chinese V.M.C.A. m Singapore to recruit 10.000 members and raise $100,000 within a month, is to be launched to-day. This is the second of such drives. The Governor of Singapore, S.;- Franklin Gknson, has been mado honorary Commander-In-Chief. for thp campaign. In
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  • 326 5 ESTATE RAID BEATEN i j Emergency News Police news from the Federation JOHORE.— Bandits who attacked the Johore River (Estate, 20 miles from Johore Bahru, were driven off by a military party stationed at j the estate There were no casualties. Telepho-'.e communication between Simpang Rengam Estate police hut and
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  • 59 5 The last of the pilgrim ships— the Glaucus— left Singapore yesterday for Jeddar with 716 Muslims on board. The group included Chinese, Filipino and Malay men women ar.d children. VI R. O. Maganal. candidate foi 6:ngapore Rural West byi election, will address a publli meeting at
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  • 199 5 From Our Stair Correspondent PENANG, Thursday. DENANG lacks civic consciousness, comments the L chief Sanitary Inspector (Mr. J. E. Miller) m his annual report for 1947. f "This lack is very apparent In anti-mosqulto work.' he states. 'The services which the municipality offers should be
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  • 113 5 BUTTERWORTH. Thurs Embi bin Ismail. 27-year- old "head boy" of the late Mr. John Ramsden. was today j sentenced to three months" imprisonment on a charge of illegal possession of arnmunl- tion. Embi. however, was imi mediately released. His sentence dated from the day of i his
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  • 18 5 I'pAIPING, Thurs.—A woman 1 named Arokiammah was ye»terday stabbed to death. Police arrested a labourer on Norseman Estate.
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  • 283 5 $125 FOR FOOD PARCELS By Our Woman Correspondent MRS. E. M. F. Fergusson has handed $125 to| the Spare Time and; I Talent Food Parcels for Britain Fund (T.N.T.) as the proceeds of the chil- dren's party held at her home, "Woodside", on 'the 10th. This was Mrs. Fergysson's i
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  • 85 5 Hyder bin Akbar, aged 29, i a clerk employed In the Registrar of Vehicles Office, was sentenced yesterday to six months' rigorous Imprisonment by the Second Poj lice Court Magistrate cMr. J. L. McFall). Hyder was found guilty of having accepted two bribes of 50 cents
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  • 135 5 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs. fyONG HENG, 38-year- old Cantonese weeder. was sentenced to death at the Assizes today for having an old Japanese hand grenade. He was the second man In Johore to be sentenced to death under the Emergency Regulations.
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 368 5 A TAN bin Awang told the Singapore Seventh Police Court yesterday how three Chinese strangled See Kong Hai, his boat assistant, while they were in a motor boat half a mile from Pulau Bukom. me inree unmese were Ong Chee Boon, aged 29; Tang
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  • 137 5 ]UR. L. C. GOH, one ol ITI the three local-born men who are the first to be appointed to the Colonial Administrative Service, last night doplored the fact that members ol the Straits Settlements Civil Service had not been absorbed en bloc into the Malayan Civil
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 166 5 FOR MORE DISCERNING Tgl LISTENERS ij/ Arriving during September \3Hp£/ On!y limited numb.T available Now Booking Out of the rut! \~^^sj Rj'lio^ram* itat »re diffcren -'^f^i'QSiMsf' i~ vm t.ji give uiisfaciion >ear m -~-^-^j^^^mg^^^^SmZ^=~J >tji oui. they're— C,'. -r 'sss*^-^^^^^^^^ > J (IflfßflSSflDOß^^^pS fhl» nugniftccnt radiogram m I 7^'f™" 4
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  • 392 6 THE Malacca Chamber of Com/nerce has sent to the Colonial Office in London a telegram asking for clarification of the Insurance position in Malaya. The Chamber urges that that Government should make a ruling whereby "Riots and Civil Commotions" Is taken as the over-all expression
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  • Article, Illustration
    65 6 THE BRITISH ADVISER, Perak (Mr. J. Innes Miller) recently Inspected work m progress at the Coronation Swimming Pool, Taiping. Left to right: Mr. Innes Miller, Mr J. C. Read (Chief Surveyor, Perak), Mrs. Innes Miller, Capt. V. H. G. Knight (Honorary Engineer^ Mr. J. Ilannyngton, (District Officer, Larut, Matang and
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  • 87 6 PENANG. Thurs.— The body of a Chinese professor who died in Penang last week on his way to take up a United Kingdom fellowship is to be sent back to Shanghai by the British Council. The Professor was Mr Hsueh Pen, 43-year-old member of the
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  • 115 6 COUR regular monthly barter trade voyages between Singapore and East Sumatra have now been approved by the Dutch. They affirm that all trade with West and North Sumatra should be put on the approved barter basis from yesterday. After a trial run to Pakan Baroe
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  • 155 6 TODAY Inter-School Art Exhibition British Council Hall, Stamford Road, 9 a.m. to 6p m. Open to "he public free. Y.W.C.A.. Malay classes. 5 Raffles Quay. 9.15 a.m. and 5.30 p.m., Pioneers' meeting. 4 p.m. Lotus Club, fortnightly meeting 1, Short Street. 5 p.m. Chinese V.M.C.A. Membership Campaigr opening
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 6 "SINGAPORE s Piri- "MK9 t V9f#" «*M Mr. Yati Shree ijshandroji Baroda, aJa nriest who, wth his companion Mr. Fulchanji hatr a Bhuji has left Singapore for Inri a after touring Malaya and Siani. They were garlanded by members of the local Gujerati community on board the Oregon Ma'l.— Straits
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  • 43 6 A meetine of Trade Union representatives is being called for 5.15 p.m. next Tuesday at the Municipal Council Chamber *to discuss the United Nations Appeal For Cbildron in Singapore An Trade Unions ar- asked to send a representative.
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  • 891 6 A PROSECUTION witness described m the Ninth Police Court, Singapore, yesterday how he painted out the registration number of a vehicle at the Great World "on instructions" The witness, Mr. Low Tiang Kang, storekeeper at the Great World, was giving evidence at the continued limlnary
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 183 6 I.ADI) SLUGGING HIS WAY TO A MILLION 81/CKS! AND YOU'LL W^'/) Ifc*^ Ooualas Oick UJaflu Casseli p.^-pi".} |,j r .M.iluyan Film Lnifs »i.( KI'ITMENT OF SPECIAL CONSTABLES" TOPAY! 11-2- 4.15 6.30 9.15 CAPITOL 5i59 i^^g^— ffSm^ CS A WAfM«vM i A Universal i ~u»TTCJTt "m©? 1 Picture ft *',*iO p.m
      183 words
    • 201 6 book f%ssr\ AVOID EARLY THE RUSH Greatest Cavalcade of sport ever! Flown To You By Q.E.A fa -XIV :h 8.0.A.C 1 mt^"^ m^ W 1 THE GLORY OFi J mm '>- m 'HOT M Lion vj. [X"" 1 /\[Ls Timp: Distribution. \$X /O' -'hr s ItaUm Color by TECHNICOLOR Preceded
      201 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 382 6 ~...~w. .,u«i» rials; 7.45 Jazz Club; 8.15 Recfal It With Music; 7.00 Mus.c for H.vt»«u Malaya 8 30 News BBC symphony Or- Minions; 7.30 Talk; 7.40 These (6^0 hcs, 4 96 or 7 2 me* 1 chestra Symphony No. 2 In H Were Hits; 8.00 Bach Handel, i in mo«,«-
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  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 169 7 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Thursday. MALAYAN -^"res again experienced a quiet day, with prices still Inclined to ease today. The j increased bonus of Fraser and Neave Ord. was a welcome surprise. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: INDUSTRIALS Bmrwt Mfer Prater
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    • 49 7 Fr«an Oar fltasT CwusfiMJrwt irOit, Tkan. T^E faßaatm laaaaimn kare *ins« Mii laterssa Orttksaja: Fi ajUln Ij4 a«r akarc tatk rliajfi af Aim, payajie aa Oct. 1, IMB. Kes* (F.M.S.) Tta »r*4r<»C —IB per c*nf., inyaUe Ort. 14. 1948. Tekka —3d-, payable on Oct th 194 M.
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    • 262 7 LONDON, Thurs. Y^ESTTRDAY saw the new 1 a< count make a promisinir start, with most sections af London's stock markets showing a firmer tendency. Business, however, was not particularly brisk, says Renter's financial (uj- respondent. 11ns and Rubbers were unchanged to lower. Closing mkkji* prices m stocks,
      AP  -  262 words
    • 198 7 Sarawak Estates gARAWAK Rubber Es'ates suffered a net loss for the year to March 31 of £169 (profit of £1.475 the previous year;. Brought to £1524 <£563). r»covered ttftti nil £2.02*). from general £2.500 (ail). After writing off £2,000 rehabilitation expenditure, forward £1.435. I Crop for the
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    • 59 7 Frew A Market Correspondent ACTIVE conditions rulad on the Singapore sago flour ma; ket \««ierday. Business In i.he Blair, variety was done at sUghUy litI proved prices. Pepper quotations continued to rise. Only a »eller*s market, howiever, was reported. Quotations yesterday changed to: Sage «a«r:*SJak 818. i Pepper:
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    • 81 7 TOHE Singapore Rural 1 Buard will shortly inform holders of rubber estates of under 19$ acres in the Colony that they are to be assessed lor rates under the Rubber Estates Assess i ment Ordinance. Notices tKH be served in- forming the owners of their ltabUity
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    • 119 7 THE Straits Robber Comittuiy is aayinj a dividend of 1 37< per re»t. on the £87*^M capiUl for 1947. 1 This te the frr»t distraratten bT 1 the company since the eifht per cent, paid m respect of 1940. i Profit fcr tfar
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    • 182 7 Ru b ber Holdings U.K. Now Silent From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Thursday. SINCE the recent rubber stock-pile deal between Britain and the United States, the British Government has ceased to publish its rubber holdings. By that deal, over 25,000 tona of the Board of Trade's 88,000ton stock was sold
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    • 186 7 T^HE Singapore rubber mar•i- ket was quiet and slight- ]y easier yesterday. I Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 sheet f.o.b. buyers 43 cents, sellers 43 "n oentc, Spot loot* buyers 43 cen'a, sellers 44 !i cents per tb. Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Aaaociation noon I prices
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    • 120 7 SHIPS In port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns In brackets) were i Main Wtaarf: Charon (36) Oaenbeg 1 3«— S9 i Weat Wharf: Boissevain «1— 2> 'TJlkampek 5). President Polk 1 6 7 Bencruachao (8 •>, City of Khartoum (11—12). Aeneas (1»— 14), KJitang (1*—
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    • 152 7 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANO. Thurs. last month rt{im«i its position as leadng ron- sumer of Penang's exported rubber, j The United Kingdom, which led the previous month, dropped to second place. Russia ■was again third largest customer TotaJ shipmraif. however. d)-op- ped from 20.547
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1162 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) BLUm FUNNEL UMB STRAITS STKAMSHIP CO.. SAILINGS FROM UK USA LTD. 52SJ^JrsJS w m co» n mauta "Clytoneus" due trom UK Oct. 7 "Me" for P. S'ham, T. Anion, "Eurypylus" due from UK Oct IS Penang Sept. 18 SAILING FOR LIVERPOOL, CLASCOW tASl C0AS1
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    • 249 7 PRESIDENT LINES General Passenger Agent for Northwest Ai^inev SAIUNCS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON. «i INDIA. ECYPT b MEMTCRRANCAN POSTS. President S pore Cetes. 6/7 L nd v ji r iTiam >«pt i» Pen r I Penang Se»« 21 SAILINGS TO SAN FRANCISCO AND LOS ANCELES TNCMCE NCW YORK. BALTIMORE,
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    • 311 7 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAIUNCS FROM SCANDINAVIA 0 X SAILINGS TO CONTINENT/ j~ AaJYiaYIaTMT' SC AMeMNAVI A. DN i Loading at Singapore. Port Swettenham and Penang. i.s Trjnqu*bar' dua abt. Sept. 20 m.s "NorcHarer for Sa gon 6 for Madras. Colombo. Aden, Bangkok «v. a»t Oct i Port Sudan. Port Said.
      311 words
    • 1076 7 McALISTER <Sc CO., LTD. (Incorporated n Singapore) KLLBRNIAN <S. BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE HAVRE, LONDON, ANTWERP AND HAMBURG PACIFIC PORTS Accepting cargo for US North Atlantic Accept 're, ;at*o fo» Lentral O South Ports Canada via Cokxnbo American Ports. cm or khartoum Spore itwm r^nang fRANCISVILLE Cdn. 11/12 21 Seat. 2)
      1,076 words

  • 783 8  -  EPSOM JEEP By Three Horses Not Accepting EIGHT of the finest sprinters in training on the Malayan Turf will face the starter for the Liberation Cup race (worth about $8,000 in stakes and added money) over six furlongs at Bukit Timah tomorrow, the third
    783 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 8 A iiii'O.VG HUfE: Sheila Wooding, 19 blonde, is being trained as Britain's future Olympic toeightlifting hope. She has already beaten records set uv by U.S. women. Sheila weighs 7 st. and is 5 ft. tall.— Mirror picture.
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  • 100 8 From Our Own ("<u respondent KUALA LUMPUR. Thur.s. THE Malay Football Association of Malaya has postponed the Sultans' Gold Cup soccer fixture between Perak and Negri Sembilan which was to have been played on Bept 25. The match will be played on Oct. 16 at Ipoh. The
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  • 103 8 THE president of the Singapore Chinese Football Association <Mr. T. W. Ong' gave a dinner yesterday evening at the Banquet Hall. New World, as a send-off to the S.C.F.A. team which are playing Negri Sembilan tomorrow at. Seremban and against Malacca on Sunday In the M.C.F.A. Cup
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  • 85 8 PJIOi. RS beat Whites b> 19 V/ pointt (two $o»A and thtee tries p to 15 points (five tries' m r.d sec?, lligby practice played on the Padakig The next practice will oe pljvd on the Padans ne.\: Tuesday ar.d all members who hay" ttzea s-le
    85 words
  • 80 8 At an extraordinary general meeting of the S ngapore Mo* Or Club held at Raffles Hotel or, Wedne&day evening, a n«?w >'.r.mlttee was elected as iollows: Mr. F. C. Pope icha.rman); Mi L. E. O. Seagroa'-t i treasurer): Mr. P. D. O Udell i secre'ary committee
    80 words
  • 46 8 la a tnendly Rdino >f sor er played on the Medical Colle*" pound yevpid.iv the Tiorg Bahru Rangtis beat the Keo.ig Suit Rangers by thiee goals to nil. Hi: ii Chun H'xit'K icored all the thve ftotl lit 'he 1 V Hrn ere-s
    46 words
  • Article, Illustration
    41 8 V uir Higimess < I atisdown) win-iing the >eventh race, over seven 'urlonss. at Bukit T J mah an W.-diifsday. Madasari (JpfTrrs) was second and Gold Stream (Sp-ncer) third. It was Your Ilighness's first victory on the Malayan Turf.— Straits Times picture.
    41 words
  • 100 8 \IU.\R. Thursday I The annual soccer match for j the Tong Seng Cup between the Malaya and the Chinese will b» played m Johore Bahru In honour lof the Sultan of .)ohor<-\> birthday tomorrow. The Johore Ch'n^e F.A will select Its team from the followI ing:
    100 words
  • 49 8 JOHORE BAHRU. Thursday.— Tlie final of 'he golf competition organised by the Royal Johore International Club for the Sooloh Cup resulted ln a uin for J. W. Pirn (10 1, who defeated L. K. Cheah (18) m the final at the 19h hole.
    49 words
  • 76 8 Joe LouisHonoured PHILADELPHIA. Thurs. THE heavyweight boxing 1 champion of the world, Joe Louis, received the National Boxing Association's trophy for exemplary conduct and sportsmanship last night at a banqu*t m celebration of the N.B.A.'s annual convention. It was hoped that Louis would reveal his future plans m his reception
    AP  -  76 words
  • 403 8 A PROGRAMME of 22 events was completed at the A Victoria School's annual athletic sports held on the school ground yesterday. Ibrahim bin Falli, scoring ten points, was the champion athlete. Su Ju Hock was the runner-up. Five Housta competed: They were Yellow.
    403 words
  • 299 8  -  EPSOM JEEP By SNAPS (J. Donnelly) did an impressive gallop at Bukit Timah yesterday morning when he outpaced High Street (Spencer) and Little Ned (Charles) m a half-mile trial. Running wido out about 25 feet from the fence, Snaps finished an easy length m front of
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  • 32 8 TODAY SOCCER: S.A.F.A. League. Div. Ill— La Salle S.C. v. S.H.B. Boys' Club, G^ylaiig Stadium; 5.15 p.m. FRIENDLY: Cable A Wireless S.C. v. Chartered Bank S.C, farrer Park, 5.15 p.m.
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  • 170 8 AT the annual general meeting of the Singapore Asiatic Kugby Union, the following were elected office-bearers for 1948-1949. Patrons: Rev. R. K. S. Adams,; Mr. Tan Hoon Slang, Mr. S K. Tsai, Mr. Low Kee Cho3. President: Dr. C. J. Paglar. Vice-presidents: Mr. K. T. Ool; Mr.
    170 words
  • 119 8 The United Kingdom team to play Australasia m the Singapore Cricket Club's cricket match on the padang on Sunday at li a.m. .will be: A. Gllmour (eapt.> Rev IJ.W.J. Stetle, J.C. Smith. Major D.8.8. Haig. 8. J. Masters, J.W.B. Annesley. R.A. Murray E.W. Lloyds, R. O.
    119 words
  • 85 8 A cricket match for the Uandht Memorial Cup will be played between the Combined Indians and R.A.F. Malaya (a representative sidei a' Selrtar starting at 2 pm on Sept. 25 and 11 a.m. on Sept 26. Those desirous of witnessing the match are asked to contact
    85 words
  • 67 8 THE inter-school relay (4xloo metres i for the Sir Aithur Young Cup will be Included In the programme of the Chinese Inter- school sports at Jalan Fesar Stadium tomorrow. The following schools have en- 1 tered trams for this popular an- i nual inter-school event: Raffles 1
    67 words
  • 94 8 At a meeting held of the Sngapore Cr.cket Club Hockey section. Mr. J.F. Pearcey was i elected captain. Major David Haig vic-captain, Mr. J. C. Reevrs hon. secretary. Mrs. Pat Sewell women's captain and Mr. D.K. Daniels the Club representative to the Singapore Hockey Association. Practice;, will start
    94 words
  • 265 8 Flam Creates Upset In US. Tennis Tourney FOREST HILLS. Thursday. TYERBIE Flam of Beverly Hills, California, scored the biggest upset m the National Amateur Tennis Championships by eliminating the Davis Cup star, Gardnar Mulloy, of Miami, yesterday. Apparently beaten when he lost the service to open the fifth and deciding
    AP; UP  -  265 words
  • 208 8 Derby Two Points Behind Portsmouth LONDON, Thurs y^ERBY County scored an easy three-one victory yesterday over Blackpool who were withJ out the services of J Stanley^ Matthews and i moved *up to second place m the first division lof the English football league. By their victory, Derby have? now 12
    208 words
  • 46 8 LONDON. Thursday SOUTH of England met tha County champif>ns Glhmorgan at Swansea yesurday. first day of the match Close of play scores were: South of England 301 <W J. Edrlch 58. Hnrsfali 69. Clay 5 for 74 Glamorgan 9 tot t» Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 45 8 In a friendly sower mat-cH 1 played at the Naval Base on W^.*nesday. the Dockyard Ava.i Xi 'defeated the R.A.F. Reyimeii* (Sembawan«i by 3 2. j Scorers for the Dockyard wwa Ahmad and Wall G^e. C;>l. Omir and Cpl. Muitapha K« the Regiment.
    45 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 504 8 1 i ASSII IFD ADS. (Cutil.n'Kd fiom page 4) A« UMMUUATHIN VACANT i I.OYD HOUSE— Double room mall ■.'drill Hvall: Ist Oct m board. Ijouk bath H i i .vet Rd <4—6 a.m.) .\V ABI.K immrdiatf-iv double an th -ii'tlnß room ,v ittached bathroom m modern m district V *****.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 35 8 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: High Water. 10 51 a.m. (8 ft. 5 in.*. 10.26 p.m ■9 ft. 3 in. i TOMORROW: High Water. 11.14 a.m. »8 ft. 7 in.-. 10.59 p.m. <9 ft. 5 in. i.
      35 words