The Straits Times, 16 September 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 515 1 "We Shall Suppress It In Malaya" LONDON, Wednesday. "THE Communists are following a plan aimed at seizing South East Asia" Britain's Foreign Secretary (Mr. Bevin) told the House of Commons today. The pattern of uprising in Malaya was typical of Communist activities, which, 'even
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 1 HfBUN KIOTERS: Communist led mob storms through the gates of the City Hall last week to desrupt the meeting of the City Assembly. Using batteringrams, the rioters forced their way to the council chamber. It was following this that Soviet troops besieged the bu'lding. A.P. picture.
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  • 99 1 U. K. CIVIL DEFENCE PLANS LONDON, Wed. DRITAIN is working on new civil defence plans which will be put into ration if international tension does not ease, it was learned authoritatively today. r plans are described Oy ■s close to the Governmentaa s "only precautionary.' is understood that th*> subject
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 1 Nil 1) WELFARE methods bring studied at New > k hv the ftand-mlece of India* philosopher poet (Kahindranath Tagore). She i> Ml>« Krishna Koy. a stadent at Wellertw College. —A.P. picture.
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  • 41 1 NANKING. Wed. A locomoLive was destroyed and ih> crew killed when a Communis. miii" last night tore up tracks on the Tientsin-Pukow railw«y, ;'bout 100 miles northwest ol Nanking, according t<» a railway administiatini: ment here today. Reulei" AAP.
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  • 41 1 CHICAGO, Wed.— A flve>id boy and his sevenold sister admitted ♦■■> police today that they took a tlvc-month-old baby from Its carriage, painted It green. -i.'iri left it m a weed patch prhere 11 was found by x by. —U.P.
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  • 37 1 /"IOMMUNISM has been outlawed m Indonesia by the Netherlands East Indies Government. A communique says that it has been proved that Conmnnism aims at disrupting the whole area. (Full report m Page Three
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  • 32 1 SYDNEY. Wed. Sydney dockers today voted by a five to one majority to end their three-day-old strike and ■greed to week-end work -the cause of the dispute.- Reuter -AAP.
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  • 29 1 RANGOON. Wed: A Burmese Government communique tonight reported a battle against Communist-led insurgents m the Mandalay district, m which 22 insurgents were killed and 29 captured. Reuter.
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  • 219 1 TTT n PARIS, Wednesday. pIE President of the United Nations Security Council (Sir Alexander Cadogan) night failed a special meeting of the Council for tomorrow aiternoon to consider the Hyderabad crisis Hyderabad yesterday morning sent an appeal to the Se- l rretar.v-General of the
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  • 111 1 GENEVA. Wed. THREE hundred thousand 1 displaced persons will find homes m Canada and Australia during the next fe* years the International Refugee Organisation U.RCO Council was told v?sterdav The Australian delegate (Brigadier Frederick Gallaghan) told the Council that Australia was so ndina >: 1.000.000 on
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  • 533 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KIALA LliMPl K. Wednesday. TERRORISTS today ambushed and killed A 33-year-old Mr. William Walter Archer, Australian mining engineer employed by Kawang Ti? fields, Ltd.. about six miles nor'h of Rawang. The ambush point was In tho lonely Serendah Valley, i half a
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  • 57 1 Rioting IN FRANCE PARIS. Wednesday. A CROWD of 4,500 strikers rushed tli- National Aviation offices m central Paris today and injured 95 policemen m rioting. About 2,500 were workers of the nationalised aviation industry protesting against recent dismissals. They threw paving stones and bars of li on at police who
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  • 39 1 SAN FRANCISCO. Wed. T^HREE thousand CIO stril kerg and sympathisers t fought a two-hour rock and tear-gas battle with police around a strike-picketed oil refinery at Richmond across the San Francisco Bay. Twelve persons were Injured.— A.P.
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  • 78 1 BANGKOK. Wed. Siamese troops and Malayan security forces are assembling on both sides of the border, preparing to mop up a band of 50 Communist terrorists wno are trying to break out of Perak and escape into Siam. This follows information from British authorities sent to
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  • 54 1 KARACHI. Wed.-Khawaja Naziniuddin. former Premier of East Bengal, was sworn In as acting Governor General of Pakistan today to the sound of a 31-gun royal salute. The 10-minute ceremony was attended by the Pakistan Premier, I.iaqat All Khan and representatives of rhe Sind and West Punjab 1
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  • 45 1 FrontjOur Stall Correspondent SUNOEI PATANI. Wed.— An ex-Palestine office. 1 Mr. T. Styles, has assumed duty m Sungel Patani as an assistant superintendent of police. He is one of Ihe flisr batch of Palestine police officers <o be sent to Kedah
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  • 47 1 NANKING, Wed.— President Chiang Kai-shek, broadcasting to the nation tonight, urged the Chinese people "to work hard and live frugally, m order to hasten the victorious suppression of the Communist rebellion and "remove the obstacle to the successful conclusion of the national revolution."— Renter.
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  • 14 1 TVn cases of smallpox have ;h;-:'n reported from Muar DUI Lrict this week.
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  • 361 1 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Wednesday. POLICE and troops yesterday wounded and captured a terrorist leader whose pai\> nt 15 fought a gun-battle with security for eta m the jungle around Buklt Palong Tin<rtfi, north-west of Taiping. He is Chan Tsng Chuan, well-known Taipin° Communist leader
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 1 ONE OF TRIO: Mr. lion Sul Sen, one of the first three local-born men to he appoint* d to the Colonial Administrative Service. The other two men are Mr. C. C.oh and Mr. K. M. Byrne. Straits Times picture.
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  • 109 1 CHIFLEY ON REDS MALAYA CANBERRA, Wed. Tn Australian Premier (Mr. J. B. Chifleyj said today that Australia would not cancel the passports of Communists going to Malaya or SouLh-Eaat. Asia without specific request] by the governments of tho^e areas. He was replying m th<? House of Representatives to a Labour
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  • 12 1 Full report of yesterday's Singapore races is on page 1!.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 42 1 Morley's Qualify Goods. JUST ARRIVED WHiIE POPLIN SHIRTS. ALL SIZES. Fll'-ST VLfc-I'OMfr'OBT. DOULATRAMS 48 Mb High Street. Singapore. TIIONE 7846 0* I I V%^B^s) Stocks m: I H 1 SINGAPORE i JM KUALA LUMPUR 6 To 11.6 BH.P. 4U& <^mkx> aleut it
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 99 2 HALIFAX (Nova Scotia), Wednesday. 4 N Australian mining engineer and his American wife arrived here vester*A day for a second attempt to cross the Atlantic m an amphibious jeep. They are Major and Mrs. Benjamin Carlin who plan to sail m about
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    • 33 2 MADRAS, Wed— The Provincial Cancer Association Is considering a 300-bed hospital at an estimated cost of R. 5.4,000,000. The Government at present provides only X-ray diagnostic facilities m various hospitals.—A.P.
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    • 78 2 CHICAGO. Wed.— The Federal Court yesterday dismissed the $2,000,000 damage suit by a woman who alleged she was the illegitimate daughter of Mr. Myron Taylor. United 3tates Envoy to the Vatican. The suit was brougnr by Mrs. Eunice Waltarnmn. 35. wife of a factory worker. against Mr. Taylor
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    • 37 2 LONDON. Wed. Britain's national debt at March 31 was £25,722,387,153 according to a White Paper issued yesterday. Wartime advances to Allied Governments still outstanding included: Russia £35.710.000; France £99,684.693; Netherlands £45,000,000; Turkey £31.902,284.— A. P.
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    • 36 2 WELLINGTON. Wed. A Territorial Air Force of five squadrons with 2,000 men and an Air Force Reserve *ill be established iv New Zealand immediately. the Defence Minister (Mr. Frederic* Jones j announced yesterday. Reuter-A.A.P.
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    • 46 2 SHANGHAI, Wed. The American-owned China Review has called on the Chinese Government to try collecting honestly and efficiently, if at all possible, a few sensible and general taxes from the public to help look r>fter Chinese troops who are continually preying up city.— A.P.
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    • 60 2 LONDON. Wed.— Enc Clilford WiiSKlesworth. 22-vcar-old Leeds University student, was committed for trial yesterday on a charge of murdering his widowed mother, a bed-ridden asthmatic The prosecution alleged that Wißgieswortb told a doctor he strangled his mother on July 27 because he could not stand the sieht
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    • 49 2 rUO, Wed.- The iwaliow. traditional theme of many Japanese songs and poems, b ■■sperted to be the tn— rent but deadly carrier ml encephalitis reran. Encephalitis, or Inflammation of the brain, has caused 33S deaths and madt 2,4M ill in Japan this year —AT.
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    • 50 2 AMHERTS (Nova Scotia). Wed. Mr. Thomas George Thomas, Labour M P.. for the Central Division of Cardiff. worked his way to Canada on a lumber ship for a holiday. On his arrival yesterday Mr. Thomas said he would return to Britain the same wav next week.— AJ».
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    • 27 2 Mac Arthu r's Guest SYDNEY, Wed. General Sir Thomas Blarney, former Australian Commander-in-chief, left here by air last night for Japan by invitation of General MaeArthnr —A.P.
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    • 76 2 BERLIN. Wed— A German doctor iusr released from a Soviet concentration cimD at Sachsenhausen yesterday alleged that 60.000 Germans died m camns m the Dast three years. He described the oenaJ sections of the Russian cair.os as annihilating. "All inmates know they will be unable to endure
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    • 18 2 LONDON. Wed.— A BpttftCf crashed on a bungalow at Mayford yesterday. killiue th» pilot.— A.P.
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    • 64 2 LONDON, Wed.— Two hundred athletes from five nations assembled yesterday to compete m the Third Annual Britannia Shield Sports Competitions. Besides Great Britain, the competing nations invited because they aided the country during the Battle of Britain are Norway, Belgium, France and the Netherlands. Czechoslavakja and
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    • 38 2 HAMBURG. Wed. Local celebrations today of the Battle of Britain anniversary by the Royal Air Force tvJII be on the ground. This Is because all planes are m use on the airlift to Berlin.— A.P.
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    • 27 2 WASHINGTON, Wed —Air parcel post service will start on Sept. 18 to Australia, China, Fiji, Hong Kong, New Zealand, the Philippines and Siam.— A.P.
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    • 24 2 MANILA. Wed— President Quirino today continued his Cabinet reshuffle with the naming of his Executive Secretary (Ser.or Emilio Abello) Minister Counsellor m Washington.—A.P.
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    • 19 2 NEW YORK. Wed —Excavation for the United Nations UJS. $65 million headquarters began yesterday.— A.P.
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    • 34 2 BOMBAY, Wed.— Miss Vljayaiafcshmi Pandit, sister of Pandit Nehru, left last night by plane for Paris, where she will lead the Indian delegation to the United Nations General Assembly meeting.— ur.
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    • 29 2 MANILA. Wed.— A big evacuation of civilians is going on m central Luzon where a showdown between constabulary troops and armed peasants under Luis Taruc is expected.—A.P.
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  • 213 2 TIIK benny twins of Mr and Mi Philip Borrows of 8, Bourn buck R'-ad Kidbrooke, S E. 3. tame through iheir teething troubles to win the First Prize at a recent Baby Show thanks to Nur*» Harvey's Mixture. "When our first child «ja* 4
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 736 2 NOTICES PDIAN ROOFING TILES FOR SALE FOR particulars co:nBiOBicate with Building Construe- tiao Co. Ltd. of 539 48 North U Tel: 3M3. NOTICE NOTICE Is h*ret> Kivei. that as from the l*t Octocer 1948 new clancr* coupons (colour veilow) will bo issued Patrons are kindly re- qursteri to nse
      736 words
    • 481 2 NOTICES FRASER NEAVE L1M1FKD (Incorporated in Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN hat at (lie Annual General Meeting of '.he Company to be it- Id on Saturday, 9th October. 1948. the Directors wll recomnend payment of the following lividend in respect of the yrar •nded 30lh June, 1948 to Storklolders on
      481 words
    • 272 2 a— aa— aaßßaaaa«saßßßßß» i "Will glasses 111' IW im/)ro;V Eyesight" -NO! Pimples Go (ffiTWrTtl Cause Killed m 3 Day, lV!_/ X Th« yon,* flr«t kaaillrAtiaa ol Ni»od*rrn t.. i «.ti onai )fj VTCPS 100 tfCftf; k .i -rai skill, »re the eaenttaJ ■ifk.i. Nut- nui« to »our "seeiriß abilitjr** nima
      272 words
    • 400 2 ASSOCIATED INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS LIMITED (Affiliated Companies m London, India and Burma) i MALACCA ST^^i l^^^ C INCAPORE PHONE: ***** AIMIL" Every item mentioned m available immediately from stock? For Surveyors Contractors Theodolites Prismatic compasses Quickset 3 -screw Levels Surveying Staves Abney Levels Linen Steel tapes Clinometers Band Land chains, etc
      400 words

  • 495 3 "Communism Is Now Punishable LONDON, Wednesday. THE Netherlands Indies Government today banned all Communist activity m Indonesia. In a communique issued at The Hague, the Government said the Communists aimed at "the overthrow of or at least an assault on the established legal authority." Consequently. It said.
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 3 CUT CHIN: Driver Red McDonald throwing himself clear to escape with a cut chin when his midget car crashed through the fence at th e Cortland County Fair, New York, on Sept. 4. Other drivers were not so fortunate: the programme was curtailed when two went to hospital A.P. picture.
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  • 101 3 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wed.— Lord Killearn, former Special Commissioner m South-East Asia. said when I saw him m London to-day: "I am just starting my new career." Lord Killearn returned from Singapore m the spring, re- tired from the Foreign Office. Now he is
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  • 30 3 TOKIO, Wed Russia's usual delegates were absent at the 63th meeting of the Allied Cju. cil for Japan today. i The meeting lasted less than one minute.— A.P.
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  • 46 3 LONDON Wed.- Britain is pressing for swift dismantlement of the German war industries earmarked for reparations. If. Jacques Raeff. president ot the 19-nation Inter-Allied Reparations Agency, has protested to the United States. France and Britain against the slowness of their reparations deliveries.— A.P.
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  • 53 3 MANILA, Wed. -Over $15.000,000 was paid by the U.S Philippine War Damage Commission m August to more than 73.200 private claims for war damages and aid to Philippine rehabilitation. Thp commission liquidated ovr 3.()00 claims each working day and effected payment of at least $3,500,000
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  • 135 3 PARIS, Wed. FE fate of the Italian colonies was thrown into the lap of the United Nations when the representatives of the Big Four agreed to disagree. Russia suddenly withdrew its previous proposal to return to Italy all her prewar African colonies. The
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  • 184 3 U.S. Troops Killed In Rail Crash SEOUL, Wed. THE death toll m yesx terday night's crash ol a fast passenger train into a stationary train carrying scores of United States troops was fixed today at 37 35 American soldiers and two Korean children. Thirty-flve American soldiers were injured seriously and
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  • 46 3 HAIFA, Wed.— Leaflets calling on Arabs to lay down their j arms and to co-operate with i the Jews m rebuilding Palesj tine have been distributed bei hind the Arab lines by the Communist sponsored Arab League of National Liberation. A.P.
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  • 139 3 LONDON, Wednesday. QUEEN Juliana of the Netherlands arrived m London yesterday by plane on a "short and private" visit. An official source said that Prince Bernhard, her husband, accompanied her. A spokesman at Buckingham Palace said that Queen Juliana was not a guest of the
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  • 103 3 CANBERRA, Wed.— The re1 call of a big contingent of Australian troops from Japan by the end of this year had nothing to do with the Royal i tour of Australia, the Minister for Defence (Mr. Dedmam said yesterday. Commenting on a Toklo report that by December
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  • 150 3 NEW DELHI, Wed. THE prosecution m the Mahatma Gandhi murder trial produced five railway officials to disprove the alibi pica of two of the accused. N. D. Apte and V. R. Karj kare, when arrested m Bom- bay, had Bombay suburban railway tickets dated
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  • 59 3 LONDON, Wed. THE British Minister of Fuel and Power (Mr. Hugh Gaitskell) has hopes that Britain can eventually double the present 20,000,000 tons of coal exported a year, to bring them to the pre-war level. In the first eight months of this year, Britain's coal output was 9,000,000
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 361 3 ■»<* *</* '^sp DYNAMO UCHTIHC EQUIPMENT jMW^''lfl SOIP BY AIL ifJPWG CYCU MAL£RS FACTORY REPRESENTATIVESr vmitmll tea. Ltd. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANQ BALLBEARING LAWN MOWER Millions of "QUALCAST" Mowers hav e been supplied to all parts of the world. The QUALCAST MODEL H. is a robust machine of excellent construction.
      361 words
    • 185 3 ■Mm i The supreme achievement ot all t;me n household food-keeping equipment 1 |ust note the big features GIANT FROZEN FOOD CHEST! COLD-MIST ZONE THAT REFRESHENS FOOD! SENSATIONAL EXCLUSIVE NEW FRUIT FRESHNER! BRINKMANNS LIMITED SINGAPORE IPOH KUALA LU\:PLU ir^ANG lip FOR LASTING STRENGTH '^f pi AUSTIN 2 and 5 TON
      185 words

  • 177 4 DLANES of the Royal Air Force flew over Singapore, Kuala Lum- pur, Klang, Port Swettenhain Port Dickson, Seremban, Segamat and other towns yesterday, to com memorate the Battle of Britain A Battle of Britain pilot, Wing Commander Stamford-Tuck, D.5.0., D.F.C., led a formation of
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  • 114 4 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wed.— Penan* police have offered a reward of $3,000 for the arrest of a Chinese wanted m connection with the shooting of a detective m a coffer shop at Balik Pulau on the night of Sept. 1. The detective, Wong Lian
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  • 397 4 JOHORE "BATTLE:" 2 BLAMED From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. MR. T. R. Hepworth, appointed under the Commissions of Enquiry Enactment, to enquire i into the conflict on Kang Swee Estate, Johore, on June 1 has submitted his report to Major General Sir Ibrahim, Sultan of Johore. Mr. Hepworth
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  • 216 4 ALL over Malaya meetings m memory of Mr. Mahommed Ali Jinnah j have been held. The Muslim community m Johore Bahru held a mass meeting on Tuesday and more than 1,000 people attended. Mr. Abdul Karim. President of the Muslim League of Johore presided. Among the
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  • 79 4 LONDON, Wed.-The Cable Ship Retriever (commander Chief Officer R. W. Reynolds) sailed from London on August 18, for Singapore, wrrre she will be based. Retriever. formerly the Bullfrog, was bought by the company from the Admiralty and is sister ship to Electra now m the
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  • 49 4 SEREMBAN Wee. Neglij pence by an Army truck driver 'Sargeant William Farther Accles) caused the death of Rajagopal on the Port Dickson road on June 27. This was the verdict yesterday by Inche Abdul Aziz bin Yeop into the death of a nine year old Tamil.
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  • 151 4 TODAY r-Srhool Art Exhibi ion. British Council Hall. Stamford Road. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Open 'o the public free. Rural Board, monthly meeting Land Office. 10 a.m. St. Andrew's Civics Club, Messrs Chan Soon Kirn and Chari Kirn Yam of the Malayan Airways on "Aviation Career m
    151 words
  • 143 4 Control Points On Border SUNGEI PATANI, Wed. AFTER Sept. 23. final registration date for Kedah Chinese, the Auxiliary Frontier Force will set up control points at certain border I areas, it was officially stated today. To facilitate entry for traders and Government servants, tlie immigration department m Alor Star will
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  • 170 4 WJ. Steinback, of 4,1 Elliot Road, was! charged m the Second Police Court yesterday with negligently allowing two ferocious dogs to be at large without muzzles on the sea beach off Palm Road at 6 p.m. on Aug. 31. Ir was alleged that the two dogs
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  • 67 4 THE transfer of British Paci- fie Fleet Headquarters from Hone Kong to Singapore was completed yesterday with the arrival of the Com-mander-in-Chief. Far East Station (Admiral Sir Denis Boyd) m H.M.S. Alert at the Singapore Naval Base. The Admiral was mef on his arrival by the Flag
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  • 195 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wed FOUR Chinese were hanged at Pudu Gaol this morning They were: Lvi Chow: Sentenced :o death on Aug. 11. Fought a gun battle with two detectives at the 6th mile Ayer Hitam Road. Kajang. on Jan. 20 th
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 509 4 I COMPELLING! EXALTING! PROFOUNDLY STIRRING! I i An eloquent tribute to a great man who with P Churchill guided the Allies to final Victory! J "You have to see 'The Roosevelt Story' twice. I 1 j^ti|fl li|£l^«I i|£l^«« Mfc .Your orbs are crowded with tears' /^W- 'l^v *r-f*^»-. trie nrst
      509 words
    • 131 4 A TRIBUTE to the CONFECTIONERS ART WILLARDS Canadian "Forkdipt" CHOCOLATES INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED IN COLOURED TINFOIL *>^a Fresh Supplies |ust Arrived The special air-tight inner c /itamei ensures perfect condition and renders them particularly suitable for inclusion m Home Parcels. 50/< Afents Jo£ephsTr AVER? Sonsw CROMPTON y\ iamps it \p MADE
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  • Article, Illustration
    65 5 DANCERS LEARN YOUNG: Twelve pupils of the convent school of the Good Shepherd ready for their concert at the Victoria Hall on Sept. 23 and 24 Two hundred children will take part. From left to right are Mv Lan Lint, Hilary Peralta, Dolores Wee, Sylvia Goh, Cissie Lee. Margaret Etter-Shank,
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  • 459 5 From Our Woman Correspondent A IK. and Mrs. J. A. Shellim he is the managing lfl director of A. J. Shellim and Co. burlap exporters of Calcutta cut their six-month pleasure cruise by a month so that they could rejoin their children In
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  • 32 5 LONDON. Wed.— The English Electric Co. is manufacturing a number of 350 h.p. Diesel electric ant-ing locomotives for Malayan Railways. The order is for 20, two of which have already been delivered.
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  • 227 5 Gurney To Sell His U.K. Home From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wed. THE new High Commissioner for the Federation of Malaya (Sir Henry Gurney) is to dispose of his horne "Reeds," Bude, Cornwall states Mr. L. K. Way m an article m the Western Morning News, Plymouth. "Reeds" has been
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  • 49 5 MALACCA, Wed. More than 150 guests attended a cocktail party on board the cruiser H.M.S. London. It was the ship's 'coming ol age.' She was launched at Portsmouth 21 years ago. The band of the Royal Marines played "Happy Birthday to You" to mark the occasion.
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  • 83 5 LONDON, Wed. -Arrangements have been made for Mr. Kushal Utam Singh, teacher at King Edward VII School. Talplng, and Mr. T. Sivapragasam, of the Malayan Co-operative Department, who are m Britain under the auspices of the British Council, to visit Scotland this month. Mr. Utam Singh,
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  • 112 5 FE Singapore Government Servants' Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society will hold a half-yearly general meeting on Sept. 30. Among by-laws and amendments to be considered will be one which will grant members admitted or re-admitted after Nov. 1, 1941. a final loan
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  • 307 5 MALAYA WARNED U.K. GOVT. From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wed. CABLES sent from Kuala Lumpur to the Prime Minister and the Colonial Office m December 1945, warning them of the dangerous trend of events m Malaya, are quoted by Sir Eric Macfadyen, chairman of Tai Tak Plantations, m his statement
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  • 210 5 fjANDGRENADES re- covered m a rubber estate off Bukit Timah Road on March 30 were so dangerous to handle that the police who made the haul were stated by an arms expert m the Seventh Police Court yesterday as "very lucky" to have escaped an accident. In
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  • 59 5 A Chinese passenger who Jumped off a moving bus at the junction of McPherson Road and Serangoon Road yesterday was run over by the rear wheels of the vehicle and is m a serious condition m the General Hospital Singapore. Three other Chinese were t.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 278 5 [BARF m^ J #'A.'JBJ a47o9j Last S Show»— 3, 6.15 9.15 pm. A Smashing Melodrama of LOVE, GREED and HATRED L A MAN ABOUT THE HOUSE" •-OPENING TO-MORROW— "THE SWORDSMAN" —In Technicolor GREAT WORLD GLOBE 7-^.15 FBEB SHOW FOB ALL! "MELOD? RANCH" Tomorrow: "COPACABANA" NEW WORLD LIDO 7— ».15 "MEN
      278 words
      24 words
    • 247 5 Thirty years enough to test the quality of VV^,! J"^ any paint— that is the time SiJcrusthcn has Keen on the \ffly| market, and its reputation is higher ife^^ _J now than ever, its colours undimmcJ f*9tjC and unsullied at it were. f* Heal and -torm. ulr tea air. have
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  • 1141 6 The Singapore Legislative Council hardly acted like a cat approaching a saucer of rich cream on Tuesday, when the Malayan War Damage Compensation Scheme was put before it. Not a purr was heard, and there were other noises that
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  • 24 6 MR. MRS. Roland Rodrlfoei wish to thank all friends it relatives for their valuable presents kind attendance on the occasion of their marriage.
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  • 1493 6  - Malayan Reflections On Battle Of Britain Day AIR MARSHAL SIR HUGH LLOYD By In a broadcast from Radio Malaya last night. I have come back to a country over which the fury of war has swept. Many of its ancient monuments are damaged, or gone forever but one thing is
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    • 491 6 ON examination of that fusion of States and Settlements known as the Federation of Malaya, we find a territory inhabited by the good natured, unsophisticated, bucolic Malays; exploited by the industrious, ambitious Chinese, and governed and capitalised by scrupulous, just, tolerant Britons, who
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    • 280 6 IWAS interested m the plan of Singapore's proposed new waterfront and your editorial description published m the Straits Times on Monday. It would be interesting to know why the proposed new waterfront road links up with Mountbatten Road instead of with Tanjong Rhu, via a causeway. The
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  • 48 6 from the Hiruits Times of Sept. 16, 1898 It is reported that the detachment of Malay States Guides now stationed at Penang will be withdrawn, and that the duty of protecting the Settlement will be turned over to a Police Officer and 50 Sikh constables.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 770 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. CALDER —At Batu Gajah on Sept. 13th, 1948, to Joy. wife of W. V. Calder —a son. f.OUGH. On 15th September 1918 to Jo, wi c of Peter Gough— a daughter. KYD At Kcndang Kerbau on 15th September to Gwendolyn, vifp of G. D. Kyd. Chartered Bank, the
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    • 129 6 ONE PAIR OF EYES I J °One oau 01 eyes w iast lifetime You can chew with false teeth, walk with a wooden leg. but never can you »e«> with a blind eye This does not mean that we are In danger of going blind but a warning that we
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    • 48 6 LOOK FOR THE I GREEN CROSS IZAL INTERLEAVED TOILET PACK T/te Hallmark Reason N- I V"!^ Hflf why uj. ml is MADE The keenest W» 41 flgl gp|| SUPER CHROMI STICI I 111 1 i\Um hardest and moM fltwltts, giving |j if tfM iMtniit pouibl* «wttin| »*4 Mmlifi^T*
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  • 1596 7 Sole Allegience To The King Five Europeans Charged rPHE preliminary inquiry against Alexander 1 Greenock Forrest, Ronald Hurst, Gordon Edwin Morris, David Wolf Ginsberg and Michael Emmanuel Perez started m the Ninth Police Court, Singapore yesterday. A DEMAND that the Straits Chinese of Singa-
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  • 99 7 THE State Prison Direc1 tor of California, Mr. Julian H. Alco, who arrived in Singapore yesterday by the President Polk, said he was looking forward to visiting Changi Prison. An Expert He will probably hold a conference with Singapore prison officials today. Mr. Alco, who is
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  • 125 7 A EUROPEAN, who claimed to be a Canadian stowaway from Shanghai and, under the name of John Forbes, pleaded guilty m the First District Court on Monday Xo entering the Colony illegally, was yesterday identified as William Beeching, a Royal Naval deserter. Chief Pecty Officer S.
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  • 52 7 THE Singapore Colonial Secretary (Mr. P. A. B. McKerron) announced last night that h e would shortly retire from public life. He was speaking at the Straits Chinese British Association dinner. Mr. McKerron said he hoped to live to see a localborn man occupying the post of
    52 words
  • 152 7 Curfew In Johore Bahru Area JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. THE Chief Police Officer, Johore. announced today that there will be a curfew m the whole of the Johore Bahru Police Circle as from Monday, every night between 7.30 p.m. and 5.30 a.m. until further notice. The Johore Bahru Police Circle includes
    152 words
  • 121 7 THE Sultan of Pahang has presented Defence Medal ribbons to eight representatives of the Passive Defence Services. Before the ceremony on the Padang, he was greeted by the Royal salute of the Police Guard of Honour. He Inspected the Guard and over 100 members of the Special
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  • 47 7 Mr. Andre Santhou, who was for 37 years on the staff of the Singapore Harbour Board, died at his residence m Waterloo Street yesterday. At the time of his retirement m 1941 he was Assistant Warehouseman. He leaves a wife and three sons.
    47 words
  • 40 7 The Air Commander-in-Chief. Air Command Far East, (Air Marshal Sir Hugh Lloyd) is due to leave Singapore by air early this morning for a one-day visit to Ceylon. He 1« expected to return to Singapore on Friday.
    40 words
  • 292 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. THE first attempt to j blow up a train be- tween Singapore and Kuala Lumpur occurred early today between j Layang Layang and Sedenak m Johore. It was unsuccessful. The explosion on the track dislodged the rear wheels
    292 words
  • 499 7 Malayan Round From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Wednesday. VLJ J. GLENNIE, 31, miner of Tanjong Tuallang, was charged today with attempting to murder F. P. Crook at the Swiss Hotel m Anderson Road at 12.15 a.m. today. It was alleged that Olennie Intended to shoot
    499 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 62 7 3 Famous COW&GATE ?O%K Products \S^^ COWtCATE MILK FOOD \Jf£&j^ 3**- FOOD <>? ROYAL BABIES Chocolate Malt Milk *%/±lJs< for that Today NotTcmciici4> L Whole mm po* def W iJxst uout Comtott and Gmvenience V A^enls: JACkSON COMPANY, LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG. i 'HESTONE TIRE St RUBBER «#lnsKlU
      62 words
    • 46 7 AJMfninTS T' BRITAINS FINEST I .I y I nlMfc/ DICESTIVE PEPPERi£s§**£ 1 <*$/a MINT swE E T 0F jfi^^J //J EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY. CLEAR' AS thc/i4i£lni;J.»:i:'l!ll A DIAMOND I lb. Jar $1.00 1 Ib. Jar $2.00 4 lb. Jar $8.50 t ROBINSON CO., LTD. RAFFLES PLACE SPORE
      46 words

  • Straits Times Thursday Magazine
    • 2379 8  - A FORESTER 'S JUNGLE HOLIDAY IN PAHANG P. F. BURGESS, By The author of this article, an Assistant Conservator of Forests, is District Forest Officer at Kuantan, Pahang. He went on the two journeys he describes several ir.onths I ago— before the terrorists made a holiday I in the jungle
      2,379 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
      207 words
    • 83 8 HIGH CLASS I AERATED WATERS jfiS&J SODA WATER fWd ESTABLISHED 1904 RANSOME and MaRLES fa BALL AND ROLLER V BEARINGS Comprehensive Storks he'd by Sole Agents: The New British RENAULT This first post war Renault Eight from Britain is unexaetin* m fuel demands and fitted with short Wave Radio, all
      83 words

    • 1058 9  - Raw China: Fukien And Malaya DR. E. H. G. DOBBY Reviewed by THE GOLDEN WING by Iin Yuehhwa (Kegan Paul $9.M). A CHINESE VILLAGE by Martin C. Yong (Kegan Paul $10.30). PHTNESE society has puzzled both the Chinese and the outsider. For the last fifty years at least China has
      1,058 words
    • 398 9 New Books At The Library THE following new books will be added to Raffles Library Singapore, within the next few days: Travel in England Thomas Burke;. Richard W-Uon. R-A- The Grand cUuic' (.Adrian Bury). Gliding and Advanced Soaring <A. C Douglas), The British Museum Library (Arundell EsdiUei. Your First Enemy:
      398 words
  • 348 9 The grtat fault wit;, b>Jis that they teli the sam° aery twice and with no con'; c k able reason for the repetition. Oboerve the following Illustration S. t!iL« point! North, dealer. Both side; vt't- -s*\'\ NOKTII X l| I :> I I V J X
    348 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 282 9 /f^\ The 60-second %S J cUu/u WORK-OUT. •to &&e/9 Socc£f? <//e<cz£6Ay_ c//ruAy IWe&t f -gsuHyrned, The two foia purpose of Vitalib is a convenience that appeals to all men. As a tonic to stimulate the scalp, it can be applied m only 50 seconds w«th vigorous massage of the fingers.
      282 words
    • 247 9 I THE HALLMARK .OF QUALITY |j MADE IN ENGLAND j I EAD DE COL«(i\E^^^ H tLUt A COLD LABLI A 1 Wmm&l^ym/ S0 rvfnslung if CREAMS AND POWDERSrpi^ijr j] 2 *ll«tt^j«ii«-_ih«-47ll" "*7U" t.u Colon* -^fl f'"~ 1(1 U X V— iiaag Cnim. Talcum P«w4<r l\ C^ IJ. It 1 «UTHR
      247 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 283 9 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD t acmm ji. m want of fl>. fDrfcCCurrkDn xt-v a 'I- Minut this, cm loses either 2a An unknown >• canonicals Um/aoWUIvU INO. Q balance or argument (I. 3. (4). BUIU] |T"~ I TT t 1 1 I I rr I 1. I M.J Ml). 34 A
      283 words

  • 401 10 Monthly Rise This Year [TP to the end of August, there were 13,700 firms m Singapore 13,583 ordinary businesses and 119 limited companies, according to official statistics. However, there may be quite a number of registered firms which have gone out of business but have not notified
    401 words
  • Article, Illustration
    59 10 MAHARAJA'S PROCLAMATION: The Maharaja of Baroda reads from his throne a proclamation of democratic government m his State. The Maharaja made a hasty flight from England to his home when a call was made for his abdication. The demand was abandoned when the Ruler formed a Council to rule m
    AP  -  59 words
  • 186 10 HOUSING, MAJOR T.B. CAUSE From Our Staff Correspondent PENANO. Wed. TP the 1,200 houses recommended by the Penang Housing Committee could be built within three years, the tuberculosis rate In the town could be reduced to nearer the 1933 rate, the lowest on record. The Municipal Health Officer (Dr. W.
    186 words
  • 111 10 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wed. IFTING of export controls Li on oils and oil seeds will bring Penang nearer her pre-war status as a free port, according to leading traders and oil millers. Penang's Chamber of Commerce representative on the Federal Council (Mr. Jules
    111 words
  • 45 10 The Far East representative of the Samuel Goldwyn and Walt Disney film productions, Mr. D. Greenberg, arrived back m Singapore yesterday on the President Polk after an absence of nearly six months. He and his wife spent two months m the U.S.A_
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  • 37 10 The Young Men's Muslim Association will hold lecture meeting today at 8.30 p.m. m the Malay Teachers' Union premises at Palembang Road. The speaker is Mr. Ismail Badahdah. a Muslim Youth Leader from the Philippines.
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  • 126 10 Malay Women 's Leader On Perjury Charge 7AHARA binte Noor Mohn- mcd, presiaent of Malay Women's Welfare Association, j was charged m the Second 1 Police Court yesterday with having made a false statement on oath to the SingaI pore Civil Di.'tr'ct T on |Feb. 17. It Is alleged that
    126 words
  • 86 10 Two Ceylonese who robbed a Chinese taxi driver of $20 m cash and a wrist watch ran Into the arms of a pollcp patrol m Clementl Road just after midnight on Tuesday. The taxi driver was the fifth to have been robbed by small groups of Ceylonese
    86 words
  • 54 10 Lie Ah Kee was sentenced to six years' rigorous imprisonment at Singapore Assizes yesterday for having jewellery which he knew to be the proceeds of a gang robbery. He had tried to pawn it and he told Mr. Justice Taylor that the jewellery had been given him by
    54 words
  • 205 10 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. THE question of providing Penang with a town hall would "not be lost sight of," the Municipal President (Mr. W. C. Taylor) assured the Commissioners yesterday. He was replying to the Eurasian member (Mr. A. C. Reutens). who
    205 words
  • 524 10 SEEKING NEWS OF MALA YS MALAY NEWS Prom Our Malay Correspondent. A COMMITTEE of Malays whose duty It will be to j scrutinise the English and Malay Press for news and comments affecting the poll- tical and economic life of the Malays was formed m Johore Bahru last Saturday. The
    524 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 173 10 ACTION A-PLENTY WHEN LADD MUSCLES IN ON SMUGGLERS! ALAN |T lADD 'H VERONICA AGAIN m I nit Trailer: SPECIAL r 7 oWaY j 5 TIMES AT: 11 —2 4.15 6.30 9.15 CAPITOL Phono 5159 for your reservations 'Mu* MONTEZ^jK^^gSSSI s/cv n ALL 4OTfl 1.45?.:;.., 4.15?.2.,^8 SP'-^X J 4 SHQWSiy Ml!:il^L=UM
      173 words
    • 342 10 1 NEW OLYMPIC 'ATTENDANCE' j RECC. SET UP BY T.IZ 78° Temp. vHw&WW Phone 3100 BOOK 0k NOTE EAHIXi r\^^^\ ReViSPd Tim<>s: TODAY i v^\^{ I OLYMPIC r^CQRDS Attendance (1 da.., Cathay (Sport-) 8 ODU pj!ron> 100 metres H. Dillaid (U.S.A.) 10.3 MM. 400 metres A. S. Wint Ifwin'nl id.
      342 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 479 10 -jjg u re to a Picaresque Comedy .ai aa New; 1U.15 women s I Baxi, Brigg Fair: An Englch Newsletter; 10.30 Great Music; (020 kes, 4.96 or 7 2 mcs.) Rhapsody (Del us); Variations on 10.45 Berlin College of Instru1 p.m. Music; 1.30 News; 1.45 an Original Theme <En gma)
      479 words

  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 56 11 LONDON, Wed. 'VHR Rubber Study Group 1 Secretariat yesterday reported that the worlds natural rubber production urns 130,090 long tons, consumption 119J00Q tons, m July. Stocks at the end of the month totalled 792 J00 long tons— down 57,500 tons from Jan. 1. July synthetic rubber production ions
      AP  -  56 words
    • 383 11 PRANG BESAR ESTATE From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wednesday. DRANG Besar Estate at Kajang, source of high- quality planting material for Malayan rubber estates, has had a satisfactory year. The accounts for the year > to last liar. 31 show a profit before
      383 words
    • 203 11 Foothills Estate POOTHHXS (Malaya) Rubber a Bsiat* report ihows proceeds from sale* lor IM7 515.763 (£3,731 the previous year), plus sundry; esute receipts (nili; lew estate expenditure £11 958 < £5.735). building? depreciation £418 (£363 j; leaving £3,418 loss). Credit interest and fees £46 (£B6>, lr.w*tment profit nU
      203 words
    • 65 11 Fro* On MuM C initial STRONG tanproTeneiH to pepper quotations yesterday ru a feature on the Singapore produce i markets, which were otherwise un- iniereettnc. j New York p?pp*r quotations were reported to be still lagfinf but Singapore speculated on the possibility of a drastic orientag of the
      65 words
    • 151 11 LONDON, Wed WITH the end of the current account yesterday, business la most sections of the London Stock Exchange was conducted on extremely modest iires, says Reuters financial correspondent. Rubbers and Tins were unchanged to lower Closing middle prices m stocks, M supplied to the Straits Times by
      151 words
    • 29 11 1 Prae» Our S<asT C.wTtsfjossrlmt IPOH. W«J. fMK directors of Hongkong Tin have declared axi r.trr\m dividend of 7i per CH;t payable lon Oct 11, I*4*.
      29 words
    • 182 11 LONDON. W«J. IJNLE6S anything ve»y unforeseen occurs the statistical position of tin should improve, s*rs the MtUi Bulletin. "It is. therefore, not surprising that there should be fresh iadieaUons that iMMlinf world producers would like to re-establish noine sort o: output control sciieme."
      182 words
    • 166 11 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Wednesday. MALAYAN shares continued inactive today, with several quotations afain marked down. From today Singapore Cold Storage shares are quoted m their new form. The old shares participate m any final dividend which may be declared. r- Prices changes
      166 words
    • 212 11 rE Singapore rubber market was quiet yesterday, possibly because of the Singapore Turf Club meeting-. Easiness was transacted at 44 cents for spot loose and 43^1 cents for f.o.b. October buyers. Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 sheet f.o.b. buyers 43% cents, sFllers 44 cents; spot loose buyers
      212 words
    • 137 11 SHIPS in port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns in brackets) were Mala Wharf: Glaucut (33-34). Charon '36>. Glenbef (38-39), Hoegh S.lvtrclo sd <40 41>. Bo'..« s*vain (43-43). W(K Wharf: Tjikampek (4-5). President Pollc <<5-7), Bencruactaan City of Khartoum (11-12). Katooft vlS-16). Empire Dock: C*stledor« (19
      137 words
    • 13 11 rf output of Talam Mines for August was 31» plcul«.
      13 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1214 11 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Singapore) BLOB FUNNEL LIN* STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO.. SAILtNCS FROM UK USA LTD. •Titan due trom UK Sept IS v 1 tuni.K«i" due trom U X Oct. I I WM7 COAST MALAYA •Xlvtonee.- due from U.K Oct 7 i for P S'hani I Anson. •turypyhW
      1,214 words
    • 254 11 PRESIDENT LINES Gene-* Pa<ser>Be» Agent for Norttiwest Airlines. SAILINCS TO NfW TORK AND BOSTON. Ma INMA, ECYPT M EOITERRANEAN PORTS. Presieent Polk S pore Ceaa. l Seori Lam l^ 1 V** 5 p uzr usu SAILINCS TO SAN FRANCISCO AND LOS ANCELES TMIWCf NEW TORK BALTIMORE. BOSTON via PANAMA President
      254 words
    • 300 11 EAST ASIATIC UNE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA UK SAILINCS JO COMTIHIMT/ CONTIPMMT SCANeMNAVIA. IUN w 1 Loading a; S.TigaporV Port Swattanham and Panang. „M c «l 'Tranajaelar' *m aa*. So»t. 20 m, ■Nore»arer for Sagon 6 for Madras, Colombo. Adan, Bangkok eaa aM Oct.* Port Suoan. Port Said. Genoa, Anrwarp. Rottardam.
      300 words
    • 992 11 McALISTER CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) ELURNAN <S. BUCKMAIX KLAVENESS LINE HAVRE, LONDON, ANTWERP PACIFIC PORTS AND HAMBURC. PACIFIC POUTS Accepting cargo for U.S North Atlantic Accept ng cargo for Central b ScuftPortt Canada via Colombo American Portv CITY OF KHARTOUM flllMMIIIIl Spore P Sham Penang FRANCISVULE Cdn. 11/12 21
      992 words

  • 2691 12  -  EPSOM JEEP By Best Dividend ByElectroplate DUNTERS fared badly at Bukit Timah yes- terday, the second day of the Singapore Turf Club Gold Cup Meeting. Favourite after favourite failed. Happy Lass, an even money favourite m the first race, was convincingly beaten by Lady
    2,691 words
  • Article, Illustration
    20 12 Mr I-:. E. T. ThuraiMiighatn leads m Heroden. winner of the fourth race at Bukit Tinaah' yesterday. Straits Times picture.
    20 words
  • 211 12 THE Rovers Sports Club A became the champions j of the S.A.F.A. first divi- sion league yesterday j when they defeated the Royal Navy by 3—l3 1 at! Jalan Besar Stadium. A huge crowd turned out to see the game which was a thrilling
    211 words
  • 117 12 THE R.A.F. gained a A convincing s—l victory over the Army at Changi yesterday m the first match of the newlyi formed soccer competition for the Services Cup. Star of the R.A.F. was centre-forward Walter Durden. of Seletar. Durden gave the RAF. a lead after seven
    117 words
  • 357 12 LONDON, Wednesday. THE unrest among British football stars, which has been fomenting for some time, has now reached the alarming stage where international players m the £20,000 class are deciding to take well paid jobs outside and retire from the game. The most notable case
    Reuter  -  357 words
  • 90 12 The Tart;;l:n Cldb boat tho St. ileipti'i Institution .j i at tt-nn s playt'J on th.- Cluh rouitg yesterday Rpsults were: Y. C. TV IK. S. Teo lost to R. S 1 ,lcever and H. )i Blitvi ti 6-1; Tan Puay Kne ntti Alb.v Un ibeat
    90 words
  • 87 12 ro!)\y SOCCER: S m.r.A. DIT. 111. I I. A. v. Mental lln p i C.T.M.A. g.o'inl: raatal A I Telecoms v llak<i>*vu t.— I Geylang Sladinn: C f.M i v. L'nicorns Cltili— MrNair KJ. FRIENDM SOCCER: Ti«tg Raliru Rover*, v. Kiiinp S als Rangers C oU.^o ftround. laH
    87 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 631 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. Uoiitiiiuw truin oairt 6) A( i otlMOl) VIION WAMUI AUSTRALIAN ousine&s gin requires board. Quest Hiom or Private Hume. Replies to Box N i A4019 ST WILL bXCHANUE ifase '<i t miicj well furnci. modern house .J Baiiru tor comparable arromnon Spore P,>x A4023 S.T EURPN buatnea couple
      631 words
    • 83 12 Our tropical watches Cost less than you think 1 17 Jewels lever, centre second, stainless case $34. -~~r-r~ -^m_m 2 17 jewels precision lever _j5? waterproof stainless caoe 70. ■^>S|^^BL 3 17 jewels AUTOMATIC m ffr/\''-<, stainless waterproof case 80. >$' .12 month* guarantee Urn-: ~^"ML£ ~-^,->' Ids* 16, COLLYER
      83 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 32 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: High Water. 10.26 a.m. <8 ft. 2 in.). 9.47 p.m. (8 ft. 9 in.' TOMORROW: High Water. 10.51 a.m. (8 ft. 5 In.), 10.26 p.m. (9 ft. 3 in.)
      32 words