The Straits Times, 14 September 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 564 1 Air Support For Invading Indian Troops NEW DELHI, Monday. INDIAN troops have advanced more than 40 miles into Hyderabad from the east m the first eight hours of the invasion which started early today. A communiqne speaks of severe fighting and of air support. The announcement
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 1 i trnrris st:;r lI. W. ("Bunny") Austin i A m Britain recently af'ti- ninp years m the Tnitfd States. See London Letter. Paije 13.— PA. Renter picture
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  • 109 1 KARACHI, Mon. RELIABLE sources said tonight that Khawaja Nazimuddin, Prime Ministeroori r East Bengal, has been chosen as the new Governor General of Pakistan to succeed Mr. Mohammed Ali Jinnah. The name of the new Govern or -General a closelyguarded secret, was communicated to the King
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  • 54 1 LONDON, Mon. Repairz were completed yesterday to engines of the troopship Dunera. bound for Singapore with 1.400 ancillary troop* of the 2nd Guards Brigade. The Dunera's departure for Malaya from her Cowes anchoragp was delayed by heavy seas, but when the weather subs'- ihlp will begin
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  • 204 1 LONDON PRESS COMMENT LONDON, Mon. f ONDON evening newspapers devoted their leading articles to Hyderabad today. The Star, expressing fear the invasion may lead to a new flareup of communal strife elsewhere, said: "The, Indian proclamation promises that the invading troops will I stay no longer than is abso- j
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    27 1 A nerican and Russian mtticers discuss an incident m the Berlin frontier 'war.' The gravy are standing on the border line »f the two sectors. Planet picture.
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    33 1 SINGAPORE WEDDING: Mr. and Mrs. Sidney A. Hanin after their marriage at the Chescl Ed. Synagogue on Sunday. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Manasseh. Straits Time.s picture.
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  • 333 1 From Our Staff Coi respondent KUALA Lt'MPUll, Monday. DOLICE and troops killed two terrorists yesterday, one m Perak the other m Johore, and arrested many suspects. They raided bandit camps, burned down huts, and recovered arms and ammunition. A combined police and military party, operating
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  • 75 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. rE casualties m Malaya's campaign against terrorism including today's figures are as follows: BANDITS: Killed, 150; wounded, 86. REGULAR POLICE: Killed, 19; wounded, 31. SPECIAL CONSTABLES AND AUXILIARIES: Killed, 12; wounded, 15. CIVILIANS: Killed, 149; wounded, 87. ARMY: Killed, 13;
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  • 100 1 BATAVIA. Mon— An Indonesian raiding force of 350 crossed the ceaae-fire line 00 miles south of Cherlbon and clashed with Dutch troops according to a report yesterday. Unofficial reports said the casualties were 15 Indonesians killed, 50 taken prisoner, one Dutch soldier killed and one Dutch soldier
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  • 38 1 TOKIO, Mon.— All Japan will be faced with a ftveminute electric power blackout tomorrow night following failure of Labour Minister Kanzu Kato's arbitration efforts to negotiate a settlement between 96,000 electric workers and their management. Reuter-AAP.
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  • 37 1 LONDON. Mon.— Over half Britain's cinema exhibitors have been granted exemption from the nations new "Show British quota law which comes Into effect on Oct. 1. There are too few British films.— AP
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  • 115 1 MOSCOW. Mon. THE three Western envoys who have been discussing the German problem with Soviet leaders since July 31, met m the American Embassy |m Moscow today to coordinate their line of approach Tor their next visit to the Kremlin. They were believed discussing instrur: I
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  • 144 1 HONG KONG, Mon. GOVERNMENT troops attack- ed a ptrate village near Hong Kong and rescued two hostages who were kidnapped nine months ago during the high seas piracy of the Doteh ship Van Heutsz. Chinese press reports said the rescued men are Parkson Chang, a member
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  • 270 1 THE KWC SPEAKS ON MALAYA LONDON, Monday. 'JLflY Ministers are determined to restore i&w 1T1 and order in Malaya and to suppress the outbreaks of violence which have so unhappily disturbed the peace of the Federation." The King said this today in his speech proroguing the third
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  • 49 1 LONDON. Monday. King George received Sir Henry Gurney m audience at Buckingham Palace to- day. on his appointment as I High Commissioner for the i Federation of Malaya, and conferred upon him the Knight Commandership of the Order of St. Michael and I St. George. Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 84 1 TERMITE (VVhik- Ant) EXPERTS C P. TAYLOR LTD. D l l MMfkoit* Boak Chambers, Tele. ***** "For you, the You these art the fintst n^\Vt£, J mßf* I***1 Virj^jftui cigarettes there are." s^v^||A&^i "I <U. AM the fiker tip lets me pSgMfH «n es)»viag them. Tk* Ust tastes Sr~^""i^B XT
      84 words
    • 101 1 Mite Jf£§ KPtmrum i^K\ fmu—m*m ,m mm* UlV\ fIF Undoubtedly the finest BATTERY RADIO RECEIVER m Malaya PHILIPS Radioplayer An 8-valve de-luxe- receiver with 12 valve functions especially designed to work under the most severe tropical conditions and which operates of a 6-volt motor car battery only TWENTY -FOUR FEATURES
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 71 2 VIENNA, Monday. T<HE composer Franz Lehar said last night he had 1 spent the day answering condolence telegrams over his reported death. He said press reports that he had died on Saturday prompted hundreds of people from all over the world to express their condolences.
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    • 65 2 NEW YORK. Mon. Mr Maynard Hull, wealthy Oolumbuj rector who worked with the Rockefeller Foundation In China, and hk wife Irene were found shot dead In their horn« m Upper Arlington yesterday. The coroner returned a verdict, or murd«r ana suicide saying that Hull apparently shot his wife
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    • 43 2 tONDOIJ. Mon,— The Prime Minuter (Mr. Attlee) nag fcft t;h e London Hospital where h« had been lor three weeks. Mr. Attlee has been advised hy his doctors to rest as much U Possible during the next few weeks.— Reuter
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    • 65 2 MANILA, Mon. Fifteen Formosan fishermen shipwrecked on Aug. 28 off the east coast of Hainan were brought to Manila yesterday by the motor vessel Mabuhay Caught, m a typhoon, their craft was swept south of Hong Kong and crashed on a rocky island east of Hainan. Ail survived.
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    • 23 2 BAGDAD, Mon. Shafia Adas, described a« a Basrah millionaire, Is facing a court martial for alleKedly supplying arms to Zionists. Reuter
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    • 61 2 LIVERPOOL, Mon. Robert Service. 74-year-old Yukon poet and creator of Dangerous Dan McOrew, has arrived here after travelling to Vancouver for the Convention of the Sourdoughs, old timers of the Gold Rush of 1896. "Only 700 of the 50,000 who took D»rt m the Gold Rush were
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    • 38 2 WILLBYSTAD, (Curacao), Mon. The Norwegian ship Carlbe arrived here yesterday with 12 survivors of the clrcut ship Buakera, sunk m a storm off Columbia on Sept. 1. Forty-four victims were left m the wreck.— A.P.
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    • 29 2 TOKIO, Mon.— Fifty-three were killed. SO injured and 117 are missing In floods In Nagasaki and Saga Prefectures m the heaviest rainstorm for 50 years. Reuter.
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    • 35 2 LONDON, Mon. Robert Doyly Carte, 71, long associated with the direction of London Hotels, died yesterday m his suite at the Savoy. He was also promoter of the Doyly Carte Opera Company.
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    • 27 2 WARSAW, Mon. Russia has delivered up 58 alleged German war criminals to Poland for trial, including a group from the Auschwitz extermination camp.— A.P.
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    • 26 2 MOSCOW. Mon. Izvestia reported yesterday that 15 Social Democrats had been arrested m the Soviet zone of Germany for espionaae for the Americans. A.P.
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    • 28 2 43 "Spies" Executed LONDON. Mon.— The executions were announced yesterday of 43 persons convicted recently at Zagreb of entering Yugoslavia as spies for an unnamed foreign powar.— A.P.
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    • 52 2 NEW YORK, Mon.— A man who gassed himself and left jets open is believed responsible for an explosion which wrecked two floors of a 16-storey Manhattan boarding house early yesterday morning. At least three were killed and several injured. Two victims were blown from their
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    • 85 2 DARIS, Mon. Garry Davis 1 waited on the doorstep of the United Nations y««. terday morning to make hit bid to become the first "cltiien of the world." The 86-year-old exbomber pilot renounced his American citizenship on May 25. The Frenoh Government ordered him to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 737 2 NOTICES NOTICE Messrs EVATT CO., Chartered Accounts who for many years have acted as Agents for Messrs Price, Waterhouse Co., Chartered Accountants, announce that they are now associated with Messrs Price, Waterhouse Co. m membership of their international partnership. The practice m Malaya will m future be carried on m
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    • 439 2 NOTICES NOTICE Anglo-Italian Financial Agreement No. t. Arrangements have now been concluded with the Italian Government for the purpose of giving effect to the Anglo-Italian Financial Agreement No. 3 of 17th April, 1947. Notice is now given that all persons resident m the Colony of Singapore who have any claims
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    • 565 2 NOTICES The Singapore Auctioheert (Established 1934) A Name you can trust-when you have something to sell for Immediate Cash— By Auction or Private Treaty. (Patronized by Hi* Britannic Majesty's Government, (military and civil) Tthe Consular Bodies, S.H.B. Authorities Etc., Etc.). 64, Chulia St. (First Floor), Tel. 8529. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 3%
      565 words
    • 112 2 i'j *j tT j t yl'g :s ONE CAR WITH THE VIRTUES OF 3 sports car performance, saloon comfort, with the lines of a specialist-built body. Pte and luxurious mocoriogfcMMed hat «ir-£low line* and the dignity of m the Ntw RUey whh its isagflt*^^^^^^ cuMom buili bodywork. Five ficcnt, high-powered
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    • 202 2 \pli^S'^ii^^l^M PRIVArE j OWNERS of Carrier Room Air Conditioners throughout the world know that they feel better, work with keener interest and accomplish more m cool, comfortable, cjuiet surroundings. With air conditioning, doors and windows may be closed, shutting out the din of outside noises. No constant interruptions from outside
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    • 119 2 AMBITIOUS? Then send for a copy of "The Direct Way to Success" The FREE 170 page book which will show you how to IMPROVE YOUR POSITION by qualifying through postal tuition for a BETTER APPOINTMENT The School of Accountancy ft the leading institution m the British Empire for the building
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  • 374 3 SHANGHAI, Monday. MAJ.-Gen. Chiang Ching-kuo, son of the Chinese President, said yesterday that China was going Left "We are In the midst of a social revolution," he toM 5,000 wildly cheering members of the Youth Army. "Our new economic policy is a
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 3 SIXTEEN YEAR OLD Beryl Withington went to a North Wales holiday camp for a week and came back with three titles Holiday Venus, Holiday Princess and Golden Voice Girl. She won her first title— loveliest baby m Manchester at the a*e of nine months. Mirror picture.
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  • 61 3 RANGOON, Mon. Arakan Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League members refuted statements that the Arakanese people were demanding h separate state. The statemen.ts were said to be contrary to the real wishes of the Arakanese representatives In Parliament. Arakan, on the west coast, has been the scene of
    AP  -  61 words
  • 131 3 BRITONS HELD IN SHANGHAI SHANGHAI. Mon. OTWO Britons Mr. H. M. x Cummins, a long-esta-blished real estate agent, and Mr. A. R. Forsyth of Lowe, Bingham and Thompson have been arrested for alleged violation of China's economic regulations. The Palestinian manager of J. D. Godkln Company has also been arrested.
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  • 99 3 WASHINGTON, Mon. rTED Stat«s trade with Eastern European countries Is only slightly belorv pre-war figures, the Department of Commerce reported today. Exports to the Soviet-do-minated area averaged 3.5 percent of total U.S. exports m 1936-40, and 2.9 percent of the total In 1947. "For strategic reasons,
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  • 49 3 PARIS. Mon.— A Big Four conference on the fate of the Italian pre-war colonies opened m Paris today m an atmosphere of pessimism. France was the only country to send a Foreien Minister. The Deputy Foreign Minister (Mr. Andrei Y. Vishinsky) represented Russia.— AP.
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  • 42 3 LIVERPOOL, Mon. Two thousand flv e hundred United States Air Force men arrived m Liverpool yesterday In two American Army transports They will servic? Superfortresses based m Britain and Army transports on the Berlin airlift.— A.P.
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  • 174 3 BANGKOK, Monday. jDIVAL bus systems have come near to open war1V fare m their light to serve Bangkok's busiest street, New Road. The dispute also finds Bangkok's Municipal Government opposing Siam's national Administration. i Recently, a police patrol arrived on the scene just
    AP  -  174 words
  • 83 3 WASHINGTON, Mon. A CONGRESSIONAL spy investigator says there are "well founded suspicions" that the Russians have enough atom bomb secret* to push their own atomic lesearch substantially ahead of schedule. Representative Richard Vail said the suspicions arose from testimony the House of Representatives I'n- American
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  • 103 3 TEHERAN. Mon. A PERSIAN politician has A offered U553,000,000 to any person or persons who "can Join the Bahrein Islands to Iran, and solve the problems of Iran and the AngloIranian Oil Co." The Bahrein Islands, with a total area of some 213 square
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  • 81 3 LONDON. Mon. THE Greek guerilla radio said 1 m a broadcast yesterday that the Greek Army was making plans for poison gas attacks on rebels m the northern mountains. The rebels claimed to have learned about Greek Army orders, instructing field commanders to report, when weather
    AP  -  81 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 231 3 It's right for Jill And brother Bill It's right for Daddy too: If Wright* s is right for all of us It must be right for you! OEAL FOR TOILCT g^ Ig ANO NURSERY "S^lu^" < attention [chemical importers {Formic Acid 90% In 65 Ib. Net Carboys $0.2925 Per Pound
      231 words
    • 115 3 BRITISH MADE n Dm World's Greatest Toy Factory by LINES BROS. LTD., LONDON Obtainable at all Leading Stores Factory Representatives: T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. Singapore Kuala Lumpur c Penang "BOH TEA" HOME DELIVERY SERVICE Thm following GIFT PARCELS of TEA can be sent direct from the Estate to the
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  • 237 4 DE GA ULLE: "I'LL BE IN POWER SOON' PARIS, Mon. GENERAL de Gaulle said yesterday that he was on his way back to power in France, to head the country as he headed it after the liberation. He told a huge crowd In Nice, in the South of Prance, that
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  • Article, Illustration
    69 4 KlN..\> COMMISSIONS FOR GURKHAS: Honorary Lieutenants Rakan Singh Rai and Purne Rai, both veterans of 30 years' Army service and winners of the Military Cross, who have been granted King's Commissions. They recently finished a course at GHQ, FARELF, Singapore, and m their new capacity will rank m all respects
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  • 72 4 COLOMBO, Mon.— Two hundred recordings of folk songs from all over Ceylon together with music have been made by Mr. D. P. Jayasekera Su perintending Engineer telecommunication (Radio) and his staff. The traditional vannanu. and other folk songs, the music of the udekki, drums, rabana perahera
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  • 64 4 The inquest on Major X Denning, a R.A.S.C. Officer who died m the Singapore British Military Hospital on August 19, was adjourned by the Coroner (Mr. Choor Singh) yesterday. The inquest will be le-open-ed on a date to be fixed later so that the evidence of Mrs.
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  • 65 4 India's new High Commissioner to Australia, (Lt. Col D. S. Bedi) arrived m Singapore yesterday evening on hLs way to Australia. Lt. Col. Bedi, who was accompanied by his wife and two daughters, is due to leave Singapore by air this morning. Last night he was
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  • 113 4 VATICAN CITY, Monday. QUARTER of a million young men of the politically militant Catholic Action were directed by Pope Pius XII to fight against atheism, materialism and social misery. The universe, he said, har' been changed by such scientific developments as atomic energy, while
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  • 148 4 ATHENS, Mon. A STORY of how eight young Communists seized a Greek airliner and forced the pilot to take them to Yugoslavia was told m Salonika today at an inquiry by the Greek Air Minister and the m^mrer of the air Iln». Twenty passengers boarded the
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  • 195 4 PRAGUE, Monday. T*HE Czech Communist Minister of Justice (Alexes 1 Cepricka), son-in-law of President Gottwald, said yesterday that "foreign agents" were under orders to kill Gottwald as revenge for the death of the former President (Eduard Benes). The Minister said that plots against the Government
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  • 224 4 "Arm Us"N.S. Estate Men's Plea From Our Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Mon. AN extraordinary gen- eral meeting of the Negri Sembilan Estate Asian Workers' Union passed a resolution calling for the issue of arms to Asian estate workers "for self protection whenever and wherever necessary during the present emergency." The meeting
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  • 97 4 The Recruiting Officer. Fort Cunning, Singapore, announced that there are further vacancies for Locally Enlisted Personnel of good education. He is now prepared to take non-English speaking oersonnel. provided that they can speak Malay, and have not les>than Standard IV education. It is announced that the
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  • 155 4 JOHN Forbes, a 20 yearold Canadian, pleaded guilty m the First District Court yesterday to entering the Colony on or before Sept. 10 without a valid passport or other travel documents. ASP. Mr. A. H. Frew, prosecuting, said the R.AP. police detained Forbes on Sept. 10
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 361 4 6/en Venus couldn't act away with that! To stay on her pedestal, a goddess should stay nice to be near Your beauty will get a lift from that fragrant bath But what's to keep your freshness from fading after the bath is over It's as simple as this: Mum's the
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    • 136 4 Effortless Ironing with the new G.E.C. Streamlined Automatic Iron Thermostatic Control by setting dial for woollen, silk, cotton or linen fabrics maintains correct temperature for each In Primrose enamel, as illustrated Cat. No. D. 5822 6-lb. Streamlined Automatic Iron with 3-core Domestic Flexible. Loading; 750 watts, for A.C. mains only.
      136 words
    • 169 4 It E<lSy to send even tons of merchandise to world markets quickly, safely, and economically by Qantas Air Caigo. Every type of goods reaches its destination m minimum time and m perfect condition. You save on packaging and insurance costs avoid delay's m handling. Qantas Air Cargo reaches England, India,
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  • 539 5 Mass Gathering In Singapore AT a mass meeting at Jalan Besar Stadium last night, nearly 4,000 Singapore Muslims paid homage to Mr. Mohamed Ali Jinnah, Governor-General of Pakistan, who died of heart failure on Saturday night The gathering was organised by Muslim societies and leagues m the
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  • 150 5 Immigration Racket THE Chinese Chamber of. 1 Commerce has asked the 1 Chinese Consul-General (Dr. Wu Paak-shing) to urge the authorities and the Chambers of Commerce hi Hoikow, Canton, Swatow. Amoy and Hong Kong to take immediate steps to rl-""nr 1 n out the selling of forged landing nermits would-be
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  • 125 5 GAOL FOR THREE SOLDIERS JOHORE BAHRU, Mon. DRIVATES Flndlay, Fleetwood and Greenlees, of the Seaforth Highlanders, were each sentenced to three years' gaol by Mr. Justice Lavllle at the Johore Assizes. The solders were charged with armed robbery at Kota Tinggi on July 8. They were alleged to have used
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  • 136 5 A 23-year-old clerk, Roomai Nor will star m the fifth Malay film to be rrade m Singapore. Speaking good English and looking the handsome hero. Roomal told the Straits Time* yesterday he was acting tor the first time In his life The fllru. entitled Chlnta,
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  • 67 5 LUXURY coaches are now running an express service between Singapore and Johore Bahru with 21 passengers each. New leatures of these coaches include fully upholstered seats, special head rests winding glass side-screens and special seats for women. The Singapore- Johore Express ComDany which runs the new
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  • 94 5 A thesis by Dr. D. D. ChelHah, of St. Andrew's School Singapore, on "A History of the Educational Policy of *he Straits Settlements from '800 to 1925." which was accepted by the University of London hi 1940 for his degree of Doctor of Philosoohy lias been published In
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  • 69 5 Mr. Richard Basil Ivor Pates has been appointed a police magistrate for Singapore and i has taken over the Singapore I Fifth Police Court, m place of Mr. A. P. Jack, who is on long leave Mr. Pates, who was formerly a District Commissioner In Borneo,
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  • 199 5 IV/IR. Justice Taylor LTJ expressed sympathy for a "stupid" man In the Singapore Assize Court yesterday but sent him to prison for 20 months. "He has a good record but I cannot take an Indulgent view of a case of this sort because of the
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  • 292 5 From Our Woman Correspondent KEEPING house m a secluded part of suburban Singapore is infinitely more pleasant than learning to handle firearms on a rubber estate, agreed two planter wives who were evacuated here two weeks ago. The women, accompanied by their four children,
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  • 245 5 CAMPAIGN TO STOP BLACKOUT THE Chinese Chamber Aof Commerce have taken the lead In launching a "save electricity" campaign In order to eliminate blackouts. The chamber yesterday distributed 10,000 pamphlet* calling lor economy between the hours cf 6 pjn. and 9 p.m. The pamphlet, which is printed in Chinese, asked
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  • 218 5 JOHORE BAUKL, Monday. A MEETING of the Johore Executive Council was r& held at the Dewan this morning when the sentence of death passed on Tan Ah Seng, Yon* Peng schoolmaster, was confirmed. Full Moon Service The Full Moon Day which falls on
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 296 5 Features fi Yuleticte Fare For Singaporeans Christmas parties are months away. But the family at home have begun hoarding precious ration points to buy a few luxuries for Christmas dinner. C .ii-' s pudding and nuts. Chocolates and candied peel Plan your own Christmas surprise package and let Cold Storage
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    • 98 5 5 VALVE A.C BANDSPREAD SUPERHET MODEL 38 G RECEIVER INCORPORATING SPECIAL RADIO FREQUENCY NOISE REDUCING STAGE Price: $240 FULL BANDSPREADING with redesigned serial circuit giving greater Sensitivity and Selectivity. EXCELLENT REPRODUCTION due to special Fidelity audio circuit used with a sensitive moving coil loudspeaker and an acoustically designed wooden cabinet.
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  • 28 6 HUTTENBACH on Ist September, 1948 at Fiveacres, Witley, Surrey, Clara Trevylyan m her 82nd year, wife of the late August Hutt^nbach and daughter of the Nicholas Hill.
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  • 26 6 THE FAMILY of the late Mrs. Chuni? Thye Khean Ihank all \a and relatives for their :..s etc and attndanc« at her n on Saturd
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  • 1043 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues., Sept. 14, 1948 GENERALS AND PRESSMEN The position of those who have to give Press conferences on the emergency m Malaya is not an enviable one. On such occasions the generals and civil heads are apt to be asked if they think things are improving.
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  • 112 6 trom me straits Times of Sept. 14, 1898: The recent trouble at the Selensing Mines has been unduly magnified into a serious matter. It was quite a small affair, which had undue importance lent to it by the despatch of some police to Kuala Medang There was
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  • 13 6 Federation Studies 4 -Photograph, by C. A. Gibson-Hill. THE RAILWAY STATION, KUALA LUMPUR.
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  • 788 6 Eastern Suburbia By An Englishwoman THE bad manners and 1 feeling displayed by some coloured persons at a recent Fa- bian Society meeting addressed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies caused sorrow to men and women of goodwill. It shocked those who have tried to fight colour prejudice
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    • 572 6 J AM going to ask for support m your columns for an idea which I believe ought to become a Malaya-wide campaign. Compensation for War Damage is a subject which is receiving wide publicity nowadays, and most unofficial comment on the proposed
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  • 414 6 SATA AND B.C.G. yOUR leader of SuturA day dealing with the difference of opinion between Dr. Vickers and oATA regarding the best ways and means to combat tuberculosis reminds a short and niendly discussion I had a few months ago with the then secretary of SATA. Although at that time
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 746 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. YOUNG. On September 11th, to Peggie, wife of Dr. W. B. District Hospital, Ipoh— 8 son. A i the Maternity Hospital. Peon the sth September to Ailcen Audrey, wife of R. M. r. Scmpah Estate, Province v, a son, Rus.sell Mor- SEE-TANG. On Tuesday 14th Sept.. 1948. Mr.
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    • 126 6 ONE PAIR OF EYES •One oali oi eyes hj iast a atetlme. You can 3hew with raise teeth, walk with a wooden leg, but nevei can you &c with a blind eye rhls iocs not mean that we are In dangei ot going blind but a yarning that we should
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    • 36 6 ||kl/ finest if PP GUTHMEMEg RHEUMATISM f^ll 41r UNtMENT y^Tf/ P»la of sciatica, •eurltis, lumbago ft&OJ k///$M and all for mi of rbeumitisra <T^Sa|g>^ quickly yield to a touch ol Sloan's Liniment. Just dab h on.
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  • 920 7 Colony Art Show Opened A REMARKABLE demonstration of the artistic talent present in Singapore was how the Commissioner-General (Mr. Malcolm MacDonald) described the Seventh Inter-School Art Exhibition which he opened in Singapore yesterday evening. The exhibition revealed not only the skilful hands of the artists themselves,
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  • 325 7 GUNNERS ARREST SUSPECTS STATE -by-State reports of the Emergency: NEGRI SKMBI LAN.— Nine suspects were arrested yesterday by a patrol from the 26th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, In Pantal about six miles north-east of Beremban. An Army officer arrested a man alleged to be a Communist m a Beremban cafe
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  • 170 7 A f ALAYA may prove "a tougher job" than Palestine, A said one of three Guards officers who arrived from Britain by ah* yesterday. They will train In jungle warfare at the army school at Tampoi, Johore, and will then Instruct the main body of the
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  • 136 7 A MALAY cook and a Chinese seaman have disappeared from a Dutch ship and a British tanker on their way to Singapore. The cook, Bakri bin Osman, was on board the K.P.M. vessel Kalianget. He was missing in the Straits of Malacca on Sundday
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  • 71 7 Yeo Chow Heng, a storekeeper employed by the British Far Eastern Broadcasting Service, was yesterday sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment by the District Judge (Mr. J. L. McFall). Yeo had pleaded guilty to theft of 75 quires of stencil paper, valued $525, from the
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  • 42 7 PARIT BUNTAR. Mon. Maniam appeared before the Nebong Tebal magistrate and had two charges of culpable homicide, not amounting to murder, explained to him. The case was postponed until Wednesday, bail of $1000 m two sureties being allowed.
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  • 96 7 A 16-year-old Chinese, Lim Poh Seng of Lim Chu Kang village, was yesterday charg- j i ed m the Seventh Police Court I with possession of a Japanese I type revolver, a signal gun and 82 rounds of .38 ammuni- tlon. A.S.P. Mr. L. R. Prynn,
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  • 100 7 Singapoi-e detectives are seeking two well dressed "confidence tricksters"— a Chinese I and an Indian who have been i victimising the city's business community for some time The method adopted by the Chinese Is to enter an office and ask for a fictitious person. i He
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 7 TO INSTRUCT: Three (guards officers arriving m Singapore by plane from London yesterday to train as Jungle warfare instructors. From left: Majors P. F. Fane-Glad-win, E. H. B. Imbert-Terry, M.C., O. W. Fraser and R. D. Hill of local G.H.Q.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 198 7 VONIE WEE, yesterday appeared before the Second Police Court Magistrate (Mr. Goh) charged with giving a $50 bribe to a public servant. Wee. who claimed trial, was alleged to have given the money to Mr. E. Roxburgh, an officer of the Singapore Fire Brigad*. to
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  • 348 7 PRELIMINARY inquiry into five charges of dishonestly retaining or disposing of stolen R.A.F. property against David Wolf Ginsberg, one against Gordon Edwin Morris and three charges of theft of R.A.F. property against Alexander Greenock Forrest and Ronald Hurst will be heard Jointly at the Ninth Police Court tomorrow.
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  • 72 7 Tham Ah Koon, carpenter of the ship Pandua, who yesterday appeared before the the Ninth Police Court Magistrate, Singapore, on two charges of contravening the Foreign Exchange Regulations, was committed to stand trial at the next Assizes. The prosecution said a revenue officer found 10,000
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  • 76 7 Alleged tc have taken part In an armed gang robbery which occurred more than two years ago, a 40-year-old Chinese, Tan Guan of Amoy Street, was yesterday m the Seventh Police Court committed for trial at the next Assizes. Tail was charged with having robbed
    76 words
  • Malayan Round-up
    • 116 7 T»HE Rector of the Theologiral Seminary of x Indonesia is in Singapore on his way to Holland and the United States to raise funds to enlarge his seminary in Macassar. He is Dr. Henri Bereema who has been in Indonesia 20 years and whose work
      116 words
    • 82 7 J£UALA LUMPUR. Mon. The school section of the AntiTuberculosis Association will hold ita first meeting at the Methodist School Hall on Sept. is at 3 p.m. 1 All schools In Seiangor have been invited to send representatives and members of the ■•dtcal department have also been invited. Rev.
      82 words
    • 46 7 gENTONQ. Mon. A proposal to extend the Town Board boundaries has been approved by the board and passed to the Pahang Executive Council for consideration. The new area woul 1 embrace the- Tras Road and Chaman? sectors and link Bentcnj to its Ketari outskirts.
      46 words
    • 47 7 pAKIT BUNTAR. Mon.— Awang! bin Haji Mohamed. 30, met Ilk death through the negligent riding of a motor cycle by Chelliah who had no licence. Thia was the verdio' returned by the Nibong Tebal Coroner (Mr. Tay Hooi Soo)at the ir.quesl o;i Awang today.
      47 words
    • 35 7 MALACCA, Mon— A Settkme-.t Club opsn to all communities is be:ng formed with proposed j rooms at the former headquart°rs of the Volunteer Corps. Entrance fee will be $25 *ni monthly subscription $5.
      35 words
    • 35 7 LEAVE RELIEF J£UANTAN, Morr. —In c h e Sa'atdan Khadri bin Abdul Tahrim, Assistant District Officer, is on three months leave. Inche Ariffirr bin Sulaim:<n. Second Magistrate. Kuala Lumpur, has akf: m over his duties.
      35 words
    • 43 7 TAIPING, Mon. Mr L. Fitzpatrick old local re ident, died m Penang last week. Her eldest son, a teacher, was killed m Singapore during the Malayan Campaign wh:le serving as a volunteer She is survived by three married sons
      43 words
    • 54 7 J^JALACCA, Mon.— A large crowd attended he inaugural dinner and last night of the Broadcasting Recreation Club whose function also celebrated Überm'tod Day. One speaker said the club had put Malacca on the map. The Station Supervisor (Mr. Ng Keng Hock) said the club would increase
      54 words
    • 51 7 The office of the Representative of the Government of r.dia m Malaya, Singapore and the ofiice the AgerH of the Government of Indi:*. m Kuala Lumpur w:ll now accept orders for Mahatma G: 1 dhi Memorial stamps issued by the Indian Government on the ftrst anniversary of i-
      51 words
    • 62 7 A Hokkien Chinese named Tan Chin Siew who held up and robbed a Shanghain ss named Chan Meng Choo of a wrist watch and $5 m cash, at the junction of Kitchener Road and King George Avenue on Feb. 28. was ssntenced to three years' rigorous imprisonment
      62 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 93 7 "His Master's Voice" d c Luxe i The last word m I Sound Reproduction OFTkI-nn ComoU Reproducing Cabinet "*H»^^j^ Hear it at I E STAB. J s moutrie a co. malayai lth I■B7 5 JOHN LITTLE'S BUILDING SINGAPORE IDJ 7030 Professional Packing Free Estimates The SINGAPORE PACKING Co. Goods packed
      93 words
    • 63 7 r^ggm^ %\m\> pi -r. <^ Talking i>t chic. fsjjjjjiS Ove^Acayd at tAc i&edduuf Liberty's Rayon Embossed VELVET Just the thing for that Cccktail or Evening Gown you had m mind. In nine exquisite colours of Emerald Green. Plum, Shell Pink. Powder Blue. White, Turquoise, Cherry Red, Royal Bltte and Black.
      63 words

  • 417 8 INDIAN BUSINESS NEEDS NO HELP, SAYS MR. JUMABHOY INDIAN business m Singapore is definitely on its own feet. It needs no help from anyone, according to the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce president (Mr. R. Jumabhoy). "It Is surprising," he told the Straits Times, "that people who neither understand nor
    417 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 8 THE GL'AKUS leave for Malaya: Scene at Southampton as 1,600 officers and men of the 2nd Guards Brigade o-Hed m the transport Empire Trooper. Renter's photo.
    26 words
  • 315 8 Johore Weekly Letter THE Religious Affairs Department has been granted $8,530 to buy a motor hearse. Provision of $11,000 was made m the 1947 estimates for two hearses but their cost was higher than expected— sB,sT7 waa spent to buy one. A second hearse Is required m Muar where the
    315 words
  • 36 8 The following further Commissions m the Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve have been approved by the Governor: P. Magnus. D.5.0.. R. E. Low. W. N. Kennedy, W. H. Walker, (IJeutennarrts) and M. Tyre (Sub-Ueuten-ent).
    36 words
  • 17 8 ALOR BTAR, Mon— The Perils State Council will meet next Thursday at 10 a.m.
    17 words
  • 89 8 The Postmaster-General announces the opening of airmail services to certain parts of Palestine. Unregistered letters of not more than two ounces m weight may be ssnt to various parts of Palestine, the following being the most importantJerusalem, Tel Aviv. Haifa Jaffa. Tiberias. Naharlva. Nethanya. Roshpina. Rishonlezion,
    89 words
  • 126 8 TODAY Legislative Council Meeting Victoria Memorial Hall, 10 a.m. Inter-School' Art Kxhibitlon British Council Hall. Stamford Road, 9 a.m. 8 p.m. Open to the public free. Y's Men's Club. Mr. P. J. M. Brlggs. the Probation Officer, on "A Probation Officer in the Wast Indies," Y.M.C.A., Orchard Read,
    126 words
  • 332 8 Qu iet L ibera tion Day Observed A LTHOUGH military parades were held at several centres In the Federation yesterday to mark the third anniversary of Liberation Day, the occasion passed more quietly than m previous years. Many towns had dispensed with the customary processions and victory arches and were
    332 words
  • 145 8 INDIAN SENT FOR TRIAL AN Indian, Sultan Abdul A Kadir of Coleman Street was yesterday m the Seventh Police Court committed for trial at the next Assizes for alleged contravention of finance regulations. Sultan, aliened to have been found m possession of $21 United States and £4.10. sterling currency notes,
    145 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 175 8 V\ I M f mk nsii. ioioim cow Youi money can buy no batter milk for him than Klim. It !)>• fineat cow's nulk m powdered form, end it never vanea m quality. It ie leafed many time* lot purity, eafety end made ea»y to dia)eal through the Klim proceaa.
      175 words
    • 256 8 Sound British engineering f*. nHigggg^^^^gggg! 9fggg^kUggggg!ggg9iiggggiJ iggV w xx\ thats why MORE 1 and MORE operators are changing over to- MORRIS COMMERCIAL 1^^"J~"7™"1 For every carrying job, commercial or municipal, V |ftw!wT| there'» the right vehicle m the MORRISt COMMERCIAL range. AU have the same absolute dependability with amazingly economical
      256 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 589 8 The simple matter of covering or cagily led 'lie spade jack through not covering honors deserve! West. greater attention than la given Before going into West's play, to it by the average player. Ob- let us consider South's selection serve this unspectacular case: of the Jack. If the outstanding West,
      589 words

  • 705 9 SATA CORNER By A Singapore Doctor IN previous articles we have considered the signs and symptoms yfc tuberculosis, and the use of X-Rays m diagnosis. These two. Us-ed m conjunction »vith each other, are usually enough to establish the diagno- sis. There still remain two
    705 words
  • 916 9  -  NURSE BRIDGET MOTHERCRAFT IN MALAYA By Nurse Brigdet Is qualified m the care of babies and young children. If you have any problems and need help, write to Nurse Bridget c/o Straits Times Cecil Street, Singapore. Please give a pseudonym under which your letter may be
    916 words
  • 515 9 IF you see a bus drawn up and no passengers alighting you naturally wonder if there is or has been a hold-up. The bus stood by the roadside so we slowed down rather cautiously to make an inspection, All passengers seemed quite undisturbed. The labourers returning
    515 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 115 9 sHb\ sK M ejk: ■> «S H3f B? «B XT* y Bfiav^ ™ajK'' SBBt sSCrapF BJ Bfl •vlp pJ|| ILJj fr %ltfftY KENNtTV PAMELA /COM Is% SO LIP AND STRONG" ''"»«id in *ujtb«li* ii«" |T Mrs. Koh writes:- f^f^^m^l, "Kenneth Pamela have been fed on Lactogen I mm ever since
      115 words
    • 352 9 Kpfe v ,.r \3f laugh or He'U t* fet^lb^^| STURDIER HAPPI ER with these health ***>^s giving tablets A growing ctald aeeda Calcium tnd Phosphoru* to assure «turdj Dones,rsound teeth, safety from rickets 01 tkln trouble* Bui tha food of many living to countries when (be dimaca I* difficult it
      352 words

  • 1791 10  - Our London Letter Airmail By Tells of the near-miracle of a harvest safely gathered m of anxieties about international crises and wage problems at home but gives some cheerful news about the new health service. LONDON, Sept. 1. yyHAT has mattered most in this country during the past few days
    Daily Mirror; AP  -  1,791 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 223 10 i "Here's the man to Cheer you up!'* PHONE 6903 p'tUCHTFUL' OPENS TODAY 4 SHOWS KVASTATINQ! 2-4.15-6.30-9.30 p.m Q**&*]f/ *U You Ar« Worried About Black-outs. Income Tax. and tl» Hlrt Oort of LJrlna |p^\ zronrthiDff win b. aii \!Zs*?sm MM ROBERT MONTGOMERY^S*V%I^JHI RAINS REYES GLEASON •?s*** f!%j] HORTON -JOHNSON EMEPY
      223 words
    • 206 10 Wmmm9r^k*tk PART 0F lOflllCTi^^l m IMI SHOWS T*mi.^*SM 4.15 6.45 p.m. Telephone 3400 78' Temp. For Extra Comfort. 17/£ WNOtf WORLD BR 1UGHT BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES TONIGHT Lencthi jp J^T Running of Film:— /^"XT" V -T^^ T i m e 12.000ft. Xflflr m\ J \v h". 19 rains. i4jLL-iWi4Li4KA7V
      206 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 379 10 «AO.O MALA** POR.) SySfffi. feSt'SS, i (6 P 29 m kc^f r r 3j L^-i.45 ss i ji£. i ndon Forum: "ci^r^ sa^ss Rhvthm Parade- i nn r"i«;p it IS Rhythm in the Sun; 12.45 Heard 8 M M^ic 9 00 Town RADIO AUSTRALIA Melodies Are Sweet; 1.30 News: Tniic'
      379 words

  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 377 11 Copra Coconut Oil Price Break A RATHER sharp break In the world sterling market -t* for copra and coconut oil is noted by a correspondent of The Financial Tunes. This, he writes, tends to be quite distinct from the dollar market for the Philippines product. European buyers, unable to find
      377 words
    • 91 11 QBAFIKLD Rubber Company's w0 venue In 11)47 was £120,151 (£39,717 th« previous year). To estate expenditure, Including rehabilitation. #72,411 (£44,825), insurance £3,273 (£624), London office expenditure £1,316 (x 835), and directors' fees £850 (£675); leaving £40,401 (loss £7,252). Brought io £12,174 (£19,415). recovered asset* nil (£11). and transfers
      91 words
    • 58 11 From A Market Correspondent BETTER in.'jerest m copra yesterday forced prices up on the Singapore market. Some business was reported at Improved quotations. Several other improvements on 'he produce market* brought the followng price changes: Copra: Sun-dried $35; mixed $34. Pepper: Muntok white $195; Sarawak white $194; Lampong
      58 words
    • 26 11 rZ following rubber companies announce their outputs m lbs. for July: Kempas 467,700; Radella Estate 18,800; Bukit K.B- 11,500; For August: Sungei Tukang 80,500.
      26 words
    • 234 11 KLANG River Tin Dredging's profit for the seven months to Mar. 81, 1948, was $140,541 after provision for depreciation and depletion After adjustments In the profit and loss account the unappropriated balance was 9293,097. The director*' report say* the balance of the appropriation account brought
      234 words
    • 61 11 AUSTRALIAN production of tinores and concentrates las* year increased to 2,445 tons from the previous year's 2,137. Refined tin, says the acnual report of th« Australian Mines and Metals Association, also showed a small comparative Increase. Tin is dredged m the States of New South Wales,
      61 words
    • 58 11 AUSTTRAL Malay Tin directors announoe the following August returns: Kampong Kamunting Dredging —649 hours run, 127.000 cubic yards dug, 619 piculs of ore recovered. Thabawleik Dredging 555 hours, 104,000 cubic yards, 873 piculs. Austral Amalgamated Asam Jtumbang section: 579 hours. 12,000 cubic yards, 45 piculs; TJhi Yam
      58 words
    • 145 11 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Monday. PTODAY was a holiday up-country. With no cable x advices from London, business in the Malayan share market was negligible Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: INDUSTRIALS Buyer Seller Alex. Bricks Pref. 3.25 3.35 Consol. Tin (0) 19/-
      145 words
    • 92 11 Singapore Rubber rE Singapore rubber market was quiet yesterday with moderate business passing. The market closed at 1 p.m. Closing prices were the same as noon prices. Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Associations noon prices yesterday (Sept. 13) were, In cents per 1b: Buyeri SellerNo. 1 R.S.S. Spot. loose nominal
      92 words
    • 119 11 SHIPS In port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns in brackets) were Main Wharf: Olaucus (33-34), Charon (36), Glenbeg (38-30), Gujarat (40-41). Bendoran (42-43). We* Wharf: Wlllem Ruys (1-2-3). Breconahire (4-8), Salong (6-7), Bencruachan (8-9). Agapenor (11-13), Dr. Lykes (13-16). Empire Dock: Caatledore (19-20). Sukhona
      119 words
    • 40 11 According to Chinese reports from Nanking, the Governmdnt has given Chinese banks throughout the country until Sept. 30 to register their foreign exchange holdings !n China and abroad. Banks m Shanghai have already completed such registration.—U.P.
      UP  -  40 words
    • 145 11 LONDON. Mon. P^ CIRCULAR issued by Telogoredjo United Plantations indicates the extent of the damage done to some rubbergrowing properties m the N.E.I. It refers to Telogoredjo, Gledagan and Soember Pake] estates, m South Malang, Jaya about 7,480 planted acres m all. centage, the plantations nave
      145 words
    • 112 11 WINDSOR ESTATE PROFIT BUT NO DIV. WINDSOR (F.MJS.) Rubber Estate reports a profit of £4 ,758 compared with a loss for the previous year of £949. The directors, however, say they cannot recommend a dividend In view of the heavy calls likely to be made on the company's cash resources
      112 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1280 11 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Singapore) BLUB FUNNEL LINE STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., SAILINCS FROM U.K. b USA. LTD. "Braconshire" from U.K. C.4 WEST COAST MALAYA "Titan" due from UK Sept. 18 "Srla" for P. Sham. Anson. "Eumaeus" due from U.K. Oct. 1 Penang Sept. 18 lAILINC FOR LIVERPOOL, CLASCOW
      1,280 words
    • 233 11 PRESIDENT LINES Ceneral Passenger Agent tor Northwest Airhnes. SAILINCS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON, via INDIA, ECYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. President Polk Spore Sept IS Stott E Lsnd i'^f J ept i? Penan WS" UVtll SAILINCS TO SAN FRANCISCO AND LOS ANCELES THENCE NEW YORK. BALTIMORE, BOSTON via PANAMA. President Crant
      233 words
    • 284 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK./ "■"^ANomA'viA"™^ CONTINENT. Loading at Singapore. Port Swettenham and Penang m.s. "Nordtarer" for Saigon t "Tranquebar" due abt. Sept. 20 Bangkok due abt. Oct.* for Madras Colombo. Aden. Port Sudan. Port Said, m.i. "Kambodia for Manila. S*" oB^ A C tWtrD ru, R tt rJ[:
      284 words
    • 1042 11 McALISTER «c CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Singapore) ELLERMAN BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE HAVRE, LONDON HAMBURC PACIFIC PORTS Accepting cargo .for US North Atlantic cargo for Central South Ports Canada via Colombo. American Ports. CITY OF KHARTOUM Spore P. Sham Penang FRANCISVILLE 15 S«pt. In Port. 21 '.pt. p CITY OF
      1,042 words

  • 864 12  - CHANGE IN GOING SETS NEW PROBLEM EPSOM JEEP By Form Horses To Win Tomorrow A RACE meeting at Bukit Timah, as far back as I can remember, invariably heralds a spell of wet weather m Singapore. We have had several showers during the past three days and the going for
    864 words
  • 80 12 PAM GREEN and Skittals, who dead -heated for first Place m the class 3, div. 1 race over six furlongs on Satnrday, have been promoted to class Z. Skystreak, who finished fourth m the same race, is also np a class. Singing Bird 11. Jack
    80 words
  • 334 12 for the remaining races on Saturday, third day of the Singapore Autumn (Gold Cup) Meeting, are: ClaM 3. Dlv. 1—6 Furs. Klrra 9.00 Free FrenchPolish man 8 00 Bride 8.13 Heart of Brooking 8.13 Oak 7.13 Unicorn 8.12 The Raven 7.12; Whispering Pathfinder 7.11 Kooe 8.06 Princedale
    334 words
  • 185 12 LONDON, Monday. PLANS are now being* discussed for the holding of an international athletics contest between Europe and the United States every two years, the flrst to be staged m either New York or Amsterdam next year. The proposal was first discussed m London last month and
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 150 12 London, Madaj 1* H E story is going around that an Arsenal player. o:i receiving his championship medal for last season's performance of the team, was curious regarding its actual value so he took it to a JeweUer frfcsid and win 'Md the value was 10s.
    150 words
  • 130 12 From Our Staff Correspondent. KUALA LOfPUB, Monday. rHF Tamilians' Physical Culture Association today l won the Thambiah Shield, scoring an innings Tictory OTer the Ceylonese Association of Perak hi their annual cricket fixture played at Princes Road. The Tamilians, who scored 109 runs for six
    130 words
  • 47 12 In a soccer match played an the Alexandra Hospital ground yesterday afternoon, the British Military Hoepial team beat the Buona Vista Sport* Club 3—l.3 1. B. Wright. P. Davis and C. Forbes scored for the BM.H. and Y*o Tonif Seng for the Buona Vl?ta Club.
    47 words
  • 64 12 The Army team to meet the B-.A.F. m a soccer match at Jalan Besar Stadium to-morrow win be: CQM3 Cleasby (223 BOD); L/cpl. Barnes (R.E.) Craftsman A Ham 'REME»; Cpl. Sharp '223 BOD). S Sft. Lodge (R.E. Capt.) QMS StaeLton (REMB): L/cpl. Austin '233 BOD), S&t.
    64 words
  • 23 12 HONG KONG BE AT SHANGHAI SHANGHAI. Monday. Hon.? Kong beat Shanghai 21-13 m the flrst of three inter- port lawn bowls matches. A.P.
    AP  -  23 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 12 Strret Memory (Woods) winning the fifth race at liukit Timah on Saturday. Badger (J. Donnelly) wag second and Selopian (Brosnan) third. Straits Times picture.
    24 words
  • 123 12 CHTA Kan Hearn (Tiger Sporting Association) repeated hfa victory orer Chan Poh Ylng (Chl- new SporU Association) when they I met for the second time m th* Chinet«L Sports Association (1318 inter-club table tennis champions) i v. The Rest match at the Great I World on Sunday night
    123 words
  • 70 12 ■THE Singapore Malays' Badmicton 1 Association celebr»*«d their flrst anniversary at the residence Of thetr patron. Che M. Hassan Awang. on Sunday night with a dinner and ronggeng party. Priies wef m "he association's 19i3 championships were distrl- butcd by Che Fatimah binte H. Ha run. Among the
    70 words
  • 44 12 Th? Tiger Club flrst team defeated tne R.A.P. Seletar flrst team by eight goals to one In a water polo match played at th ■> Clab over the week-end. In a game between the second teams the AirmPn beat the Tigers 5—4.
    44 words
  • 35 12 The meeting of the Singapore Hockey Association which was to have been held today, has been postponed. The meeting will be held on 3epr. 20 at the SRC. at 5 TO p.m.
    35 words
  • 30 12 The Eclipse Badminton Party. Singapore, are celebrating their, 12th. anniversary on Sunday with > a picnic at the Teo Onan Choon swimming pool at the 10i mile. Road.
    30 words
  • 52 12 TODAY SOCCER: 9JLT.A. Mr. I: I. A. v. Tijer S.A Jalan Brsar fttaAou; Dtr. m: La SalW 9.C. t. Spare DM. ffina- XcNatr X*: C— tarn > S.C. S.M.Bv Boys Chrt— Geriang Sta- C A. t. Uatewns' Ck*— C.V.M.A. gromad. St. Gwri^s IM. i %ll pm KIU start
    52 words
  • 474 12 THE Royal Singapore i 1 Golf Club will hold its President's Prize (1948) competition at Bukit Timah on Sunday morniing, Sept. 19. The following is tht draw and starting times. 8. 15 G.H. Jolley (8) J.H. Pur- rier (12* v. R. Craik (scrj C. W. Watson (5); 8.15
    474 words
  • 239 12 From Oar Own Correspondent SEREMBAN. Monday. T\ISPLAYING excellent combination, the Selangor -i^ Malays easily defeated the Negri Scmbilan Malays by three goals to nil m a Sultan's Gold Cup inter-State soccer match played here yesterday. The Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan was introduced to both
    239 words
  • 240 12 FOREST HILLS, Mon. FELICIBIMO Ampon of the Philippines beat a seeded player, Geoff Brown of the Australian i Davis Cup team, m the second round of the national tennis champion- ships yesterday. The score was 6-1. 6-4. 3 <3, I 7-5. the match be!. completed m
    240 words
  • 52 12 VIENNA. Mon H nna BMima (Austria), the Olympic c'lampion, established a new world record lor the wom-n's jay In throw t- day. Competing m an lni rxwtional ro between Austrian and 1 dsechoslov'-'an women la Vienna, ..he kecks all pr rous |CLO|'U> wim a throw of 48.3
    AP  -  52 words
  • 18 12 Yesterday's S.A. P. A. Drr. i fixture between t^<* Chinese Athletes and tl"^ I «a» postponed.
    18 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 602 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from cage 8) SITUATION WANTED AN EXFD. INDIAN conductor aged 39. of lonß standing with excellent credentials able to take charge small estates or divisions or factory Leaving tor better prospects Box No. A3997, S.T. ACCOMMODATION VACANT SILVER BANK, available double rooms with bath attached Full board
      602 words
    • 104 12 Ifl MJ^SWiSS WATCHES £J, 6*M#D PRIX BE ME Ittt Whatever rh» surface, whatever the load, ong o* these Dunlop Truck and Bus Tyres will give you )u»t mrftat you need m p.v xJiM?»«»lrJ^ formance wi dependability the long life and toughness tha* s ewclusive to Dunlop DUNLOP TUCK AND lUS
      104 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 31 12 SINGAPORE TIDES Today: High Water, 9.16 am. (7 ft. 5 ins.) 7.52 Dm. (8 ft. Oln.). Tomorrow: High Water, 3.56 a.m. (7 ft 9 inj, 8.58 p.m <3 ft. 5 in.).
      31 words