The Straits Times, 11 September 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 152 1 Service Chiefs On New Moves: Big Air Plans From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. IMPORTANT news about the terrorist situation was disclosed today at a high-level Press .conference. Maj.-Gen. Boucher and Maj.-Gen. Dunlop were among those who told of successes and plans. Main points
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 1 LADIES FIRST: Jane Rowley, daughter of Mrs. Malcolm Mac Donald, about to take her turn on the kiddies' chute at the T.N.T. children's fair held m Singapore yesterday. Brother BUI patiently awaits his turn. Straits Times plotor*. Other pletares page four. Story page five.
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  • 103 1 RANGOON, Fri. BURMESE Government forces have captured the important communications centre of Prome which has been in rebel hands since Aug. 10. Prome which Is on the Irrawaddy River and al»o a rail link between Rangoon and the western hinterland, was captured by mutineers from
    AP  -  103 words
  • 261 1 WASHINGTON, Friday. PRESIDENT Truman today proclaimed America's determination to "stand up for our rights" m Berlin. He began a Press conference statement oh the Berlin crisis by giving his unqualified backing to Mr. Oeorge Marshall (Secretary of State) who said yesterday that the current
    Reuter; AP  -  261 words
  • 40 1 LONDON. Fri.— The Prime Minister (Mr. Clement Attlee) left his hospital bed temporarily today to attend an Important meeting of the British Cabinet. He is suffering from a duodenal ulcer and eczema of the feet.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 169 1 pOURTEEN hundred 1 British officers and men, members of ancillary detachments to the Becond Guards Brigade, left Southampton for Singapore yesterday on the troopship Dunera, says Reuter. The Commanding Officer if the Fourth Hussars (Lieut.Col. O. U. Kldston. D.8.0.. M.C.) accompanied by an offl- cer and
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  • 322 1 MAJ.-GEN. C. H. Boucher, G.O.C. Malaya District, said the discovery of the new MPAJA force was the most important event m the past fortnight. The numbers of the new unit were still being worked* out by the Intelligence corps. he said. More troops had been moved to Kedah
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  • 138 1 From Our Staff Correspondent. KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A FORCE of 35,220 police officers and men is now m the fight against ihe terrorists, Mr. C. D. W. Hall, representing the Commissioner of Police, said at a high-level press conference today. The force is made up of 118 officers,
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  • 337 1 jtfAJOR-General D. Dunlop, G.O.C, Singapore ATA District, said the energetic steps taken by the Police and Army m Johore m the past fortnight had kept down terrorist activity. He said he expected I that this month would see increased banditry m the State, where efforts were being made
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  • 125 1 Aid For Stricken Island MANILA, Friday. EVACUATION of the Pacific Island of Camiguin, where a volcano has been erupting for ten days, was speeded up last night after an urgent appeal for aid had been flashed to all ships m the vicinity. The message, from the Philippine Government Volcanologist Senor
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • Article, Illustration
    77 1 STRAITS TIMES PICTURES 1948: This photograph of the main road through the Dindings, between Bruas and Sitiawan, is one of those appearing m this year's Straits Times photographic annual, which will be published at the beginning of November. It is one of nearly 100 studies appearing In this magnificent publication.
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  • 48 1 SHANGHAI. Fri.— Mr. Ling Chang-chun, assistant manager of Kwang Hua Hong, whose head office is m Singapore, was arrested by the economic police yesterday during a raid on the firm's premises. Police seized books of the firm and a small quantity of gold bullion. Reuter.
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  • 41 1 TOKIO, Fri. Lieut.-fcten. Walton H. Walker assigned to succeed Ueut.-Gen. Robert Elchelberger .as Commander of the United States Eighth Army m Japan is scheduled to arrive at Yokohama by ship next Wednesday, it was announced today.—Reuter.
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  • 30 1 BATAVIA, Fri.—The flyinc boat which sank off Sourabaya last Sunday sank again today while being towed to the coast after salvage from shallow water where it originally sank.—Reuter.
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  • 30 1 BOMBAY, Fri.— Seven Mus-lim-owned arms and ammunition shops m Bombay were sealed today by the police and armed guards were posted over them "for security reasons." Reuter.
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  • 107 1 LONDON. Friday. THE British Admiralty announced today that the shore headquarters of the British Pacific Fleet will move from Hong Kong to Singapore on Sept. 15. M h %Hat a TH°m?4 e i^r said that Admiral Sir Denis W. Boyd, C.-in-C. Of the
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 26 1 \7^&J I »/01tt3396 CDLEHAH ST. O I NAOI IN INOIAND ti k- Gift S« Tiny Htndb* *W 141 M S W lONO STRfcgT LONDON W I
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    • 108 1 \M/UltfAtTlttl*4 JlWtUlti wUA Starved Nerves AN Attack of Neryes" is usually due to an insufficiency of those special food elements m tKe diet on which the nervous system depends for nourishment. This is one important reason for making delicious Ovaltine your regular daily beyerage. Ovaltine is a scientific concentration of
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 171 2 DOMINION aviation progress was foreshadowed yesterday by Australia's decision to cover two million square miles of the Commonwealth and nearby islands with a new radar safety aid and a Canadian decision to inaugurate two transpacific services. An Associated Press message from Melbourne said the
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    • 77 2 STOCKHOLM, Fri.— Thirty railway wagons of uranium or* were leaving Czechoslovakia for Russia every day, Mr. Mirko Sedlak, former member of the Czech Parliament, said yesterday. He siaid Czechoslovakia^ large uranium mine district* were now under the direct surveillence of the Red Army. Output of the Jachymov
      AP  -  77 words
    • 55 2 BANGKOK, Fri. Food prices have dropped 30 tier cent, and other necessities including clothing 18 per during the past 12 months, says the Ministry of Commerce. It attributes the fall to elimination of illicit transsport fees, enforcement of an anti-profiteering act. Increased imports and better co-operation by
      AP  -  55 words
    • 44 2 LONDON Fri. Princes* Margaret returned from Amsterdam yesterday after an unscheduled air tour of Arnhem and other Low Countries battlefields. The Princess persuaded her pilot to make a swing over regions where Allied armies fought some of their most desperate engagementn A.P.
      AP  -  44 words
    • 85 2 LONDON, Fri.— The Ministry of Supply said yesterday that a de Havilland jet plane known as the 108 apparently exceeded the speed of sound m recent trials. The experimental craft recorded an apparent mach number m excess of one. A mach number of one is the speed
      Reuter; AP  -  85 words
    • 83 2 WASHINGTON, Fri. The UU. Government announced yesterday a temporary embargo on petrol, including aviation fuel, and other oils from West Coast ports from Sept. 11. Officials said the embargo was necessary because of the stoppage at Pacific Coast oil refineries, threatening coast transportation, Industry, and agricultural activities,
      AP  -  83 words
    • 97 2 LONDON, Fri Water Board workmen digging a trench for a housing site at Darfleld, South Yorkshire, found an earthenware urn containing 500 Roman coins only a few hundred yards from where a similar find was made In January last year. The urn which held the coins was broken
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 50 2 LONDON, Fri. Edson Charles Worcester of Wilton, New Hampshire, left for Boston at the order of the British Home Secretary. Worcester, who was found guilty under an ancient act of being a blemisher of the peace, was escorted on to the plane by two Scotland Yard officers.— UJ*.
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    • 66 2 SHANGHAI. Fri.— S. lUwl. Tokio-born Japanese and commander of two ouppet battalions m Shantung during the war, was shot by a firing squad m Ward Road Gaol yesterday A Chinese military tribunal convicted him of robbery rape ana murder of innocent Chinese. Itagl had only two requests before
      AP  -  66 words
    • 50 2 WASHINGTON, Fri. The Far Eastern Commission Is back m session after a summer recess A spokesman said the Commission failed to reach agreement on any matters. Members expert the Soviet delegate to ask for a review of General MacArthurs's order forbidding Japanese Government employees from striking.— A.P.
      AP  -  50 words
    • 32 2 NEW YORK, Fri.— Japan will soon export a new range of cotton textiles. They Include bedsheets. denims, seersuckers, striped poplins and shirtings, chambrays, combed lawns, haircords, and voiles. AP.
      AP  -  32 words
    • 75 2 DONCASTER, Fri. The Maharaja of Baroda, biggest spender on thoroughbreds m Britain since the war. paid 1 30,500 guineas yesterday for two yearling colts. With trainer Fred Armstrong acting as his agent, the Maharaja purchased one Colt by Nearco out of Eleanor Cross for 17 000 guineas. 1
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    • Article, Illustration
      58 2 PARIS, Fri.— Mr. trie Johnston, president of the Motion Picture Association of America left m a Swedish plane for Moscow yesterday. He said that he would confer with Russian officials on the possibilities of distributing American pictures m the Soviet Union. He said that he would stay with Mr.
      UP  -  58 words
    • 86 2 LONDON, Fri. As a trucK loaded with waste paper sped down a Catford street the wind caught a typewriter ribbon and streamed it out behind. The ribbon curled around the neck of five-year-old Sylvia Acott, who was being pushed m a wheel chair, pulled her out of
      AP  -  86 words
    • 24 2 WARSAW, Fri.— A military tribunal sentenced a woman journalist Heleny Wieldgomasowa to six years' eaol yesterday for collaboration with the Nazis.— A.P
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    • 30 2 MANILA, Fri A gold tooth is now considered a luxury. It is subject to a 30 per cent. tax. The tax has brought protests from dentists. U.P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 373 2 NOTICES BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD (SINGAPORE) ORDER OF THE DIRECTOR OF DISPOSALS. FAR EASTERN AREA (M.0.5.) The following Tenders have been issued during the put week: SINGAPORE AREA:— Trader 514. Closing date 13.9.48 M. I. Spares. Tender 516. Closing date 15.9.48 Bolts: Screws: Hand Tools: Tool Chests: Spanners: Dry Batteries:
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    • 553 2 NOTICES "notice" Notice is hereby given that Dr. Joseph Illovsky of 132 Middle Road, is applying to the Governor for naturalization, and that any person who knows any reason why naturalization should not be granted should send a written and signed statement of the facts to the Colonial Secretary, Singapore.
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    • 119 2 SALE BY TENDER NAAPI Headquarters, Kuala Lumpur, advise that a quantity of foodstuffs, Toilet goods, etc will be disposed of by tender. Th« above are held a' the NAAFi warehouse at 28A Pudu Road Kuala Lumpur, from where lists may be obtained and inspection of (roods made. Tenders must be
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    • 112 2 FOR SALE Granite metal all sizes available immediately at our quarry, 'Kubang Semang (Penanti), Province Wellesley. Enquiries: PAH.IM CONSTRUCTION CO 2, Tavoy Road, Penang NOTICE The Annual General Meeting oi The Singapore Government Pensioners' Association will be held at the Chinese Mandarin School, Prinsep Street, Singapore, on 12th September, 1948
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    • 212 2 White Label SCOTCH WHISKY Agents t SIME DARBY CO., LTD. we fUtsr-cHoicen** This year, as m every year since 1915, it is true that: More people, the world aver, rid* on Goodyear tyres than on any other make. Such a record is possible because the Goodyear tyre is the world's
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    • 280 2 111 »ll ||1 It MB 847 09] OPENING TO-DAY 3 Shows— 3, 6.15 9.15 p.m. LOVE! ADVENTURE! THRILLS? "GOLDEN EARRINGS" Starring Ray Mil Und Marlene Dietrich To-tilt* at Mld-nite "THE SWORDSMAN" In Technicolor GREAT WORLD GLOBE i 1 9.15 "BLACK BART" (In Technicolor) Tomorrow: "ZOMBIES ON BROADWAY" Plus! LOUIS-WALCOTT FIGHT
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  • 185 3 "Peoples Would Resent Control" GENEVA, Friday. DRITAIN will not accept any international D control over her Colonies. The people of the Colonies themselves would bitterly resent it Saying this, the British representative (Mr. Fletcher-Cooke) yesterday opposed an Indian plan for increasing United Nations supervision of colonial administration.
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 321 3 SHANGHAI, Frl. NATIONALIST commanders Jockeyed lor position over scattered warfronta In China last week. Dispatches reported mostly skirmishes, local actions and regrouping In what may be preparations for new and bigger operations. Some military observers talked of a lull before the storm. A
    AP  -  321 words
  • 65 3 ATHENS. Frt BODIES of nine Yugoslav soldiers were abandoned In Greece by a retreating force on Wednesday. The Greek War Minister (Mr. George Statos) has appealed to the United Nations to intervene before Greek soldiers lose their temper over repeated provocations by Albania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria.
    AP  -  65 words
  • 126 3 Girl's Father Whipped Him, Says Lover London, Fri. Horace Caro, 50, wealthy importer and Westminster City Councillor, was yesterday accused in court, at Ashford, Kent, of having house-whipped 24-year-old Kenneth Coates, father of Miss Jaqueline Caro's unborn child. Miss Caro, 20, is a film actress under the name Jackie Henderson.
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  • 43 3 MANILA, Fri. Twentytwo Philippine Constabulary cqpnpanles were today reported engaged m a series of sharp actions with Commun-ist-led Hukbalahap armed peasants m Central Luzon. There were 45 known dead, including nine civilians, according to an unofficial count. AP.
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  • 78 3 PARIS, Fri.— Mr. Eric Johnston, president of the U.S. Motion Picture Producers Association, sent a cable yesterday to the New York Board of Rabbis m reply to their protest against the British film Oliver Twist. On Sept. 6 the rabbis asked Mr. Johnston by cable to
    AP  -  78 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 3 THE KOREAN Prim e Minister (left) talk, with the first President (Dr. Syngman Rhee) m the Capitol building m Seoul.— A.P. picture.
    AP  -  22 words
  • 196 3 MADRAS, Friday. THE first batch of 17 British evacuees nine women, five children and three men from Hyderabad reached Madras airport today hi a special York of the British Overseas Airways Corporation. They were the first of about 600 British, Canadian, Australian and American nationals
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • 92 3 NEW DELHI, Fri. THE Maharaja of Kashmir yesterday handed over control of all State Forces to the Indian Army, but will still continue to be Commander-in -Chief. He appealed to his troops "to rive the Indian Army your utmost loyalty and support." In Karachi yesterday, the
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  • 40 3 PARIS, Fri.— Mr. Winston Churchill will be the week-end guest of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor m the Riviera. Mr. Churchill is expected at Cap d' Antlbes today. He has been writing and painting at Aix-en-Provence. AP.
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  • 196 3 NEW YORK, Friday. "J»HE United States is beset by a wave of strikes whose effects are gradually spreading to more and more industries, and making life difficult for many Americans. No deliveries of any kind of goods are beine made In the New York city
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • 141 3 LONDON, Friday. /COMMUNISTS failed yesterday m their most ambitious attempt so far to get strong representation on their General Council of the Trades Union Congress, meeting at Margate. The new General Council includes only one Communist —Mr. A. Papworth, a nominee of the giant
    Reuter; AP  -  141 words
  • 177 3 Mosquito Is Spirited Out Of U.K. LONDON, Fri. THE Ministry or Civil Avla- tion said yesterday that a Mosquito fighter bomber was "missing" from Britain, thus bringing to five the total number of former British war planes believed to have been spirited out of the country wlthoutt official permission. The
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  • 81 3 WASHINGTON, Fri.— The United States told Russia yesterday that today was too soon to reopen talks on the fate of Italy's former colonies, and suggested Monday Instead. The Russians suggested the talks start in Paris today. The U.S. Secretary of State (Mr. George Marshall) said the American
    AP  -  81 words
  • 69 3 WARSAW, Fri. Polish peasants are reported to be rushing hoarded foodstuffs to the open markets In a scramble to get cash before the Communists socialise their farms. Many are also selling their horses and cattle for a third of their value. Blackmarket speculators are offering
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  • 56 3 TAIYUAN, Friday. The Governor of Shansi (Yen Hsishan) described the Moscow report of General Feng Yuhslang's desth aboard a Soviet ship as "very fishy." "There's quite a possibility the Russians killed Feng," he said. From the United States Feng had written that he might be
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  • 26 3 DETROIT, Fri.— General Motor plants In the Untied States and Canada built *****9 cars and trucks last month compared with 183,778 m July.— AJ.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 108 3 Outstanding for quality <of reproduction LATEST MODEL: 38 G $240/11 Designed m the Pye Laboratories at Cambridge it has a quality of reproduction never before m a table model. Sole Distributors: ANN PENO TRADERS 59, STAMFORD ROAD, SINGAPORE. Factory Representatives: T. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANQ For Persian,
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  • 736 4 Shot Making Escape Bid From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Friday. CECURITY forces operating: m Perak bagged yet another terrorist of importance m the last 48 hours. He is the president of the Sungei Siput Labour Union, a former member of the Malayan Peoples' Anti-Japanese Army and a
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 4 ROLL OUT THE BARREL: Anthca lucOouffall and Audrey Gorden stay firmly inside the barrel at the T.N.T. children's party, while Helen McDougall does some rocking.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 49 4 The Colonial Secretary (Mr. P. A. B. McKerron) has postponed hi* visit to the SembawaTig Village Committee from next Wednesday to Friday. His visits to the Bukit Timah— Jurong Village Committee and Bukit Panjang Village Committee, origlnallf fixed for 22nd, have been postponed to Sept 4.
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  • 198 4 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Friday. YIK. Eric Miller, well-known rubber authority and company director, says the recent AngloAmerican rubber deal means the transfer of most of the British Government's stocks to the American strategic stock-pile. f The transfer lifts a cloud which has
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  • 205 4 McAlister Co. DIRECTORS ADVOCATE PRUDENCE PRESIDING m the absence of the chairman (Mr. T H. Holyoak). Mr. W. McG. i Watt yesterday told the annual meeting of McAlister and Co., that, while the company's reserve accounts reflected its strong position, the directors followed a policy of prudence They felt it
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 4 BONNY BABY: Roy Greer, the two-year-old son of the Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Greer found see-sawing a serious business at the T.N.T. children's party m Singapore yesterday. Straits Times picture.
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  • 373 4 TOMORROW S services m Singapore churches are as folows: CHURCH OF ENGLAND: St. Andrew's Cathedral Services to observe Day of Thanksgiving for the Liberation of Singapore at 7 a.m.. 8 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 11.15 a.m., 5.30 p.m. St. George's Garrison Church, Tanglin (open *o civilians) 7.15
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 173 4 "Good Mornings* begin with Gillette because GILLETTE glv« their blades the /f ht.u l l J//^ sharpest edges known to science. //SkAOJLS///lL GILLETTE EDGES have sturdy /M^iMl II supporting shoulders for extra /nj&£fll strength and longer life. ji^gi II EVERY BLADE Is protected S^^^^y against corrosion. T^^^jg^ Blue Gillette Blades
      173 words
    • 402 4 LARGEST GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STOCKS IN U.K. Khaki Shirts. Khaki, Blu e B.A.F. Trousers. Khaki Drill Trousers. Blankets Khaki Drill Shorts. Khaki RAF. A Blue Overcoats White Cotton Salts. Dungaree Denim Jackets And Green Oilskin Coats. Trousers. Blue Cotton Short*. Underwear. Wellington Boots. Sisal Hammocks. Boots. Curtain Net. Shoes. Palliasses Etc.
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  • 246 5 Malaya— N.E.L Trade Formula DRITISH and Dutch officials are now working out 1J a practical formula for the payment by Britain of U.S. dollars to the Netherlands Government derived through the sale of Netherlands East Indies produce by Singapore and the Federation, informed Singapore Dutch sources stated
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 5 SHIMMERING WHITE BROCADED faille flowered m shadowy grey and cat with a deceptive casnalness by Wallace of London into a superb housecoat— Harper's Basaar picture.
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  • 460 5 From Our Woman Correspondent MISS Lillian Stevens, pioneer Municipal Infant Welfare sister, with 25 years' service m Singapore, leaves on retirement early next month. She will winter In South Africa, as she thinks an English winter will be too severe after ten years out East, and
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  • 193 5 TIHE rubber market this week i- ruled quiet for the first time m many months, says Lewis Peat's weekly market report. Towards the end, however, prices eased slightly owing to the sale of approximately 25,000 tons by the Board of Trade to the United States Government.
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  • 175 5 TODAY Stamford Club, discussion on "Chinese Studies In the Future University." led by Mr. Lee Ste* Meng, 331, North Bridge Road 3.30 p.m. Wesley Methodist Youth Fellowship, cabinet meeting, 4, Fort Canning Road, 3 p.m. Faculty of Dental Surgery, tea party In honour of Professor E. K. Tratman,
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  • 93 5 THE first pier? of rubber budwood to be exported to Britain from Malaya sinfce the liberation will leave Tengah, Singapore, this morning on a Qantas Empire Airways Lancastrian. West Africa is the oudwood's final destination. The budwood will be transhipped m London. It is
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  • 662 5 RAFFLES COLLEGE ENTRANTS THE following have been accepted for admission to Raffles College: ARTS: Abdullah bin Ayub, Abdul Hamid bin Pawanchee, Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Jalal. Awthar Singh, Azlzul Rahman bin Abdul Aziz, Miss Chan Kam Yuen, Miss Rosalind Chan Kirn Loong, Chan Kok Kean, Chan Kwok Thye, Chang Tuck
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  • 56 5 Four acres of land adjoining the seafront at Telok Mata Ikan, Changi, will be developed into a camp site by the Sixth (Arrow) Group Boy Scouts when sufficient funds have been collected. The scouts were given this land for their free use by a philanthropic Chinese
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 206 5 phqnl CAPITOL sis 9 ALAN LAOD LAKE Jf&k\ CLASH' AGAIN FOR mw EXCITEMENT! *Wfy blotting orv^^ i**" 9ti Douglas Dick UJally Casseii > Luther fldler fflurns Carnovsky IMliail Rasymof »^|wi^ss&~ -f- t*g* m JZZ* UA fatal FOR PARAMOUNT THRILLS IZIM'NITE TONIGHT:~ FOR PARAMOUNT LAUGHS I "^lpi /la^H H£ TitKl 4
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  • 23 6 Mrs. Bogle and family sincerely thank all kind friends and relatives who sent wreaths and mr.ssagres of condolence m their sad bereavement.
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  • 386 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat., Sept. 11, 1948. AT SELETAR Since Bikini, we have wondered whether Seletar mattered any longer. In the atomic age there certainly is reason for wondering what the role of the Royal Navy is or will be in South-East Asia and the Pacific. The spotlight of
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  • 355 6 There is one mystery of the first six months after the liberation m Singapore that is still a burning question with some people, and that is what happened to the very large quantities of furniture and other effects that was requisitioned under doubtful authority or otherwise removed by the
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  • 383 6 In our Forum today a British airman m Singapore replies to our editorial comments ot-last Saturday under the heading The Troops." It was not intended to suggest that m the regiments of the old Regular Army stationed m Singapore between the world wars there were not many men
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  • 49 6 Hot from the press, there came to the Straits Times last Wednesday the latest publication of the Government Printing Office, Singapore. A thick booklet m a cover of bilious mauve, its subject was of fresh and burning interest. It was entitled "Financial Statements For The Year 1946."
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  • 1960 6 A Malayan Countryman's Diary OUNDAY, Sept. 5.— When I built my estate factory in July, 1941, there was a seedling tree of the Malay Apple, the Jambu Bol of the Malays. This tree has grown up, and it was a lovely sight when it flowered last
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 720 6 CLASSIFIED ADS BLLIS. On Bth September, at Kandang Kerbau. to Ray, wife of Divid Ellis, a daughter. KOBERTS:— On 2nd September at Batu Gaiah Hospital, to Marie, wife of P. Roberta— a daughter. ILLOVSKY.— To Amy. wife >f Dr. -J. Illovsky, at Kandang Kerbau, on Bth September, a baby girl.
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    • 124 6 ONE PAIR Of EYES 'One oau oi eyes tv iast Lifetime. You can chew with false teeth, walk with wooden leR. but nevei can ?ou *c* with a blind eye mis does not mean that we are Id danger of going blind but a warning that we should not neglect
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    • 15 6 HmKwL i\H/ -SHUT 4fi!/el^mg: r 4 1% ■BE gnffPH fJ'!* fr^f VFV^ft [PORTABLE ELECTRIC TOOtsI
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  • 675 7 Situation Under Close Watch From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. THE threat on the Siamese border had not de- veloped to any great degree during the past two weeks, said the Secretary for Internal Security (Mr. D. C. Watherston) at a .press conference
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  • 215 7 SEVEN persons involved m looting lead ingots from a military depot at Alexandra Road on May 9 were yesterday sent to gaol by the Second District Judge (Mr. J. L. McFall). L, Cpl. Duffey said E. D. Gayaratna Offered him $500 If he would
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  • 54 7 Seven young women found In a house m Sago Street during a raid by the anti-vice section of the Singapore Social Welfare Department are believed to have been brought from the Federation for immoral purposes. The department reports that Investigations suggest that the traffic has been going
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  • 133 7 THE pilot of the Royal x Singapore Flying Club Tiger Moth, which crashed at Kallang on Thursday evening, hit a concrete pill box on the edge of the airfield perimeter just after he had taken off An official of the Department of Civil Aviation said that the
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  • 22 7 From tomorrow morning broadcasts to Malay and Chinese Schools will be transmitted on a wave-length of 400 metres, instead of 225 metres.
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  • 25 7 Mr. E. H. C Lillicrup, Deputy Director of Audit. Singapore, has been appointed to audit the accounts of the trustees of the Silver Jubilee Fvtr.d.
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  • 23 7 The Singapore Secretary for Defence, (Mr. Gerald Hawkins) spoke on the need for volunteer forces at last night's meeting of the East-West Society.
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  • 257 7 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHOKE BAHRU, Friday. IT was a grave lack of duty by the Police that certain witnesses were not served, said Mr. Justice Laville m the Supreme Court yesterday when the case against Privates J. H. Finlay, F. Fleetwood and R. Greenlee
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  • 193 7 T*HOSE who thought they 1 could use the Dyaks and Malays of Sarawak for subversive purposes would get "very short shrift," the exRajah Mudji of Sarawak (Mr. Anthony Brooke) said In Singapore yesterday. Mr Brooke was associating himself with the remarks made previously by the vice-president
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  • 17 7 Mr. Sardar Singh, and Mr. Cheah Teng Cheoh have been appointed Justices of the Peace for Singapore.
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  • 74 7 TO ease the work of the Singapore Probation Service people in outlying districts may soon be appointed as "P. bation associates." Younf people on probation will then be able to report to the associate appointed in their locality. Daring- August the Service interviewed 71 probationers in the
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  • Article, Illustration
    61 7 SISTERS FLEE TERROR: These two Armenian sisters, Miss Maisie Martin, aged 25, and Miss Katherine Martin, 21, who have lived all their life m Burma have Just left the country together with other foreign evacuees. Before they left Singapore by the American Mail yesterday "to become U.S. citizens" they spoke
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  • 178 7 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Friday. A EUROPEAN, a Ceylonese and a Malay— all Ipoh railway officials were hit by terrorist bullets in an attack on a rail jeep this evening. The European, Mr. J. L. Greer, a Way and Works Engineer, who was driving
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  • 153 7 WEEKEND CLOSING BILL I A DAY and a half off every week for workers in Singapore shops, restaurants and theatres is provided in a Bill which will be laid before the Legislative Council by Mr. C. C. Tan on Tuesday. Mr. Tan's Bill is modelled on India's Weekly Holidays Act
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  • 73 7 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Fri.— The British trade unionists Messrs Awberry and Dalley have completed their report on trade unionism In Malaya and sent it to the Malayan Governments. It is understood the report will be published In Malaya in October. The report is believed to
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  • 328 7 AN Army ammunition expert was called upon to give evidence yesterday at the Ninth Police Court, Singapore, In a case m which a Malay named Kadmori bin Kosnan was charged with the attempted murder of a number of persons by means of a hand-grenade. The incident
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  • Malayan Round-up
    • 93 7 fAPT. Grigory Roschenko, the 43-year-old master of the 322-ton three-masted Russian sailing ship Sekstan, will leave Singapore today for Hong The Singapore agents for the vessel told the Straits Times yesterday that Capt. Roschenko had not ordered any stores or water here. The ship has
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    • 39 7 J^ETTHERLANDS Vice-Consul (Mr. R.C. Pekelharing) will leave Singapore for Batavia on Monday for work with the Far Eastern Bureau o.' the Dutch Foreign Office. It Is understood that the change will probably be for six weeks.
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    • 61 7 ALL the extra $10 tickets for flights over Singapore Island on Sunday morning have ben sold out. The "joy rides" which will be m Malayan Airways and KIM Dakotas were arranged by the Department of Civil Aviation Tor those who missed their rides at the Air Display last
      61 words
    • 54 7 pRIEDLR Film. Malaya Incor■nnrntprf would have 50 Republic films or Malaya this year, the manager i Mr. A 1 b e 1 Odell) said yeslerday. Mr. Odell, whose company s the sole distributor of Republic films in the Par East, has just opened an office
      54 words
    • 44 7 J£UANTAN. Fri.— The Sultan of Pahang will visit here on Sept. 12. He will inspect the Special Constabulary at 4.30 p.m. on il:e Main Padang and present Defence Medal ribbons to men of the Passive Defence Services for their work m 1941.
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    • 36 7 cases of notifiable diseases m the Municipal area and 16 m the Rural are* were reported m Singapore m the week ended Sept. 4. The total number of deatha was 200 against 635 births.
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    • 35 7 THE new Supreme Court. Singapore, Is to be repaired and distempered Tenders have been invited for 'he work which is part of the Government's plan to renovate all Government buildings m the Colony.
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  • 275 7 Last night Arnold Juda it turned to the Victoria Memorial Hall and gave a piano recital to a good audienc?. He merit d a bigg r advance boosting by his spansars, the Singapore Music Circle. Arnold JuGa. is a pianist in'i;t at home m the iomantic mood.
    275 words
  • 23 7 Captain G. A. Rendel and Captain J. R. Smith, have been appointed to be deouties to the Harbour Master, Christmas Island.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 78 7 HIS MASTERS VOICE RADIO-GRAMOPHONE RADIO RECEIVER RECORD-PLAYER ELECTRIC IRONS GRAMOPHONE RECORDS ETC -ETC KELLER PIANO CO. No. 2 Orchard Road Singapore KELLY and LEWIS LIMITED MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS PUMPS ENGINES Centrifugal Diesel Gravel Diesel Marine Pulp Petrol Sand —Kerosene Sewage Crude Oil Turbine Rotary Screw Boiler Feed Vacuum 1 Steel Poles
      78 words

  • 46 8 Mohammed bin Haji Rahman, a Malay silversmith, who has had 35 years experience m working m silver, seen engraving. Also above are specimens of Malayan arts and crafts. At right, Mrs. Ja'afar weaves what is knowv as "takatan songkat."
    46 words
  • 1189 8 AT a recent meeting of the Central Weifare Council Mrs. F. L. Sanderson of Pahang made a very strong plea to the Council for a loan of nearly $5,000 to revive the cottage industry of sarong weaving. She told the Council that in Pekan alone there were
    1,189 words
  • 305 8 A SIGNIFICANT feature of this waek's prices was the heartening improvement in the wholesale and retail prices of potatoes and cauliflowers, states Radio Malaya in its weekly review on Singapore food prices. Last Saturday, adequate supplies of potatoes from Holland were unloaded and had an immediate favourable
    305 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 313 8 §2f Thi L s x ra y may be yours Only an X-ray will confirm the extent of an/ abnormal condition beneath the gums arfd only your Der.tisi is qualified to render professional services m cases of disease or infection. Daily Dental Care with Ipana develops healthy Teeth and Gums
      313 words
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  • Straits Times SATURDAY FORUM
    • 230 9 Midwives Without Payment AT present there are 60 midwifery students doing yeomen service at Singapore's major maternity hospital. Due to the inadequacy of salaries no girls will Join the nursing profession. The ultimate result is that Government is making full use of the services of these experienced students. Without these
      230 words
    • 926 9 The Shareholder Who Went Away -AND CAME BACK TN its present form the Debtor-Creditor Bill is 1 startling m its imperfections. I understand the Government invites criticisms that have reference to this Bill. I feel strongly that I should air my views based upon an actual case "of Debtor-Creditor and
      926 words
    • 116 9 ryour paper recently, under the heading "Thirty small boys sin? 'RED FLAG, It was stated, among other things, that Chinese bands played "For He's A Jolly Good Fellow" and another hilarious piece, at funerals. Well, this Is not so incongruous as what I saw and heard some
      116 words
    • 190 9 PASSING THE HAT ROUND 1 AGREE with your leader OLIVER TWIST IN K.L." that a further, and forthright request, for another £10 million from Britain is "a bit thick." But I would like to suggest another method of raising this sum (perhaps a bit more) without any risk of hurting
      190 words
    • 813 9 WHILE you are on the subject of 3ntertain- ment for the troops stationed m Singapore and m the vicirtity of Kuala Lumpur, I would very much like to air my view on the matter as a person who has had experience of "canned" hospitality. I would
      813 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 69 9 d&^^^r Jar /^■RBbhSi^^^l i,/j^K; jpfiEoßHr^^^K^^^^ /iiß^lw I Hfll BEDFORD FOR EVERT LOAD AND EVERY ROAD WheslbaM* 97i". 105 and 120* Whe.Untcs 110 1*1" and 157 Chami and Cab Tractor Unit Wheelbat* 111' for Serni-Trailor |*HBMjHBMaBB)n|f lit, Iff I I M~"~~if' Tl I ml Wheclbate ror I ipperj 111" fir 120*
      69 words
    • 147 9 I yhere's a I nice CLEAN Mother knows instinctively the im- i THEN Andrews tones up th* portance of keeping him outwardly I liver and checks biliousness, clean. Also, like many wise, FINALLY To complete modern mothers, she |[B|w^ your Inner Cleanlintii. realises the necessity of Andrews gently clears keeping
      147 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 632 9 I it ii«o baen pointed out nian> wnen West put on the tnree. t.mi.s in this column that the South went Into a much longer must magnificent plays at the huddle, but finally played dumbridge table are apt to be so my s king. simple that only a brilliant player
      632 words

  • 352 10 LONDON Fri. rrH the exception of Thomas Tilling stock, which rose sharply en active dealing, the reneral trend on the London Stock Exchange yesterday was dull to easier, with little business passing, says Reuter's financial correspondent. Rubbers were lower. Tins unchanged. After overnight publication of an agreement
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  • 2 10
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  • 846 10 From Oar Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Friday. APATHY continued to share market today, to ease. Prices quoted by die Malayan Sharebrokera' Association today were: INDUSTRIALS Bayer Sailer Atlas Ice 14.00 IS 00 Alex Brlcki Ord. 1.70 1.80 Pref. 3.30 3.90 B.B. Petrol 40/6 41/. B. M. Tnrtees
    846 words
  • 173 10 rpHE Singapore rubber marJ. ket wai quiet tnrou»hout yesterday, closing: slightly steadier. Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 ah««t f.o.b. buyers 44 cents, sellers 44 cenU; spot loon buyers 44% cecU, seUers 44% cento per lb. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's noon prices yesterday (Sept. 10)
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  • 168 10 Utd. Malacca Rubber GIVEN peace on the labour front and no prolonged relapse m the rubber market. United Malacca Rubber Estates will be on the dividend list again this year says the chairman (Mr. Tan Cheng Lock) In his statement accompanying the accounts. It to Idle
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  • 103 10 SHIPS m port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowna In brackets) were: Main Wharf: Glaucus (33-34), Segamat (35), Gujarat (40-41). West Wharf: Breconshlre (4-5), Bali (6-7), Aspnaiion (10-11), Doctor Lykes (15-16). Empire Dock: Charles McLeod (21), Hemland (25-26). Coal Plant: Dolabella. Sheers Wharf: Empire Hamble (repairs)
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1353 10 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. (Incorporated at Singapore) BLOB FUNNEL LINE STRAITS STEAMSEOP CO., SAILINCS FROM U.K. fr USA. LTD. "Achilles" from UK C IS WIST COAST MALATA ■Maron" from USA C. 27 "Selanger" for T Anaon. ■BrecencMre" from U.K. C.4 Penang. Belawan Sept. 14 "Titan" dua from UK Sept. 18
      1,353 words
    • 233 10 PRESIDENT LINES General Passenger Agent for Northwest Airlines. SAILINCS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON, via INDIA, ECYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. President Polk Spore Sept 15 Scott E. LaM S'porj Sept. 20 Penang Sapt 11 s Sept. 2g Penang Sept. 28 SAILINCS TO SAN FRANCISCO ANO LOS ANCELES THENCE NEW YORK, BALTIMORE,
      233 words
    • 279 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANOINAVIA/UK./ SAILINCS FO CONTINENT/ /■rMjnuguT SCANDINAVIACONTININT. Loading at Singapore. Port Swettenham and Penang m.s. "Nerdferer" for Saigon SJ. "Tranquebar" dew abt. Sept. 20 Bangkok due abt. Oct.* tor Madras Colombo. Aden. Tort Sudan. Port Said, Genoa Antwerp. Rotterm.s. "Kambedta" for Manila. dam. Hamburg. Oslo. CoH'Kong,
      279 words
    • 1033 10 MoALISTER CO., LTD. (incorporateo m kmgepoiej fff.MWlftli BUCJLMAU. KLAVBaVSM UMS HAVRi. LONOON MAMgURC PACIMC POflft CITY O* KHARTOUM i ypOft l^hsm t^nang ftANCllvitll J. IP 81 *i Henetwj em o* reKOHAMA so s«»t 9 oct n Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Oct. 10 Pet 8 Oet 10 Oct 12 Oct. Telephone
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    • 1431 11  -  Straits Times Sports Reporters By T*HE Negri Sembilan A Malaya Cup team will take the field at Seremban this evening fully confident of winning the final against Selangor. The Negri side have trained hard for the big match. This la the first time m the history
      William  -  1,431 words
    • 304 11 THE following have been invited to i Dlay cricket for the Non-Benders Cricket Club against th« Johore Civil Service Club at 11 ajn. tomorrow on the Johore Civil Service Club ground: A. OUmour (capt); T Leiisslus, Evan Wong, Claude Massey A. Baker, A. W. Nicholson, G Westerhout, R.
      304 words
    • 45 11 LONDON. Friday YESTERDAY'S U.K. Football League results are: Second Division: Queen's Pan Rangers 0, Cardiff City 0. Third Division (Southern): Notts County 9, Ipswich Town 2: Swansea Town 3, Ley»on tJrient 1. Third Division (Northern) Hull City 3, According Stanley 1: Reuter.
      Reuter  -  45 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 129 11 KaDIO MALAYA l«'POHS> 1 p.m. Music; 1.30 News Share Market; 1.56 to 6.20 Singapore Races; 8.15 News; 8 20 Short; 8.30 Off the Record; 9 30 News; 9.45 Dance Music; 10.16 Cabaret with Judy Garland; 10.30 Rhythm on Records; 11.30 News Close. RADIO MALAYA (K.L.) 1 p.m. See S'pore; 4.40
      129 words
    • 134 11 RADIO AUSTRALIA Alternative Stations —9 30 am Hits; 9.45 Music; 10.00 Variety Bandbox; 10.10 Requests; 10.30 Australian News; 10.40 Orchestral; 10.40 Singers; 11.00 Vienna Philharmonic; 11.30 Close. 4 p.m. Sport; 4.30 Australian News; 4.40 Music Lover's Hour; 4.40 Service!' Concert; B.15 Topics; 6.20 Strings; 5.30 Radio Reel: 5.4S Prom the
      134 words
    • 135 11 Pleasure Parade; 9.00 Tip Top Tunes; 9.45 Stand Easy; 10.15 Mattiirasa; 10.30 News; 10.15 Midland Light Orchestra; 11.30 Sweet Serenade; 13.13 ITMA12.45 Yours for the Asking; 1.30 News; 1.40 Musio; 3.15 Close. 6.00 Thirty to One; 8. SO News; 6.45 Swlngtlme; 7.00 Double Bedlam; 7.30 World Affairs; JZ.45 Yours for
      135 words

  • 830 12 Fair Week And Sweet Memory Also Fancied By EPSOM JEEP ONDA Lad, Fair Week and Sweet Memory L are the best bets for today, the opening: day of the Singapore Turf Club five-day Gold Cup meeting. Londa Lad, a vastly improved three-year-old by Taj-Ud-Din,
    830 words
  • 130 12 ALTHOUGH dominafug play, the RJV.F. Ohangi managed to beat the Indian Association only by the odd goal In nine In their S.A.F.A. League Dir. I fixture at Jalan Beaar eradlum yesterday. The Airmen gained a 3 0 lead •coring through Awang (i) and Thomson before the
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  • 41 12 AT the Happy World Arena tonight, Bill Verna the British heavyweight wrestler, will fight Tiger Joginder over 10 rounds under the American "no fool" rule. In the semi-final, Leon Labriola of Italy meets Dlr Dar m another 10-round bout.
    41 words
  • 79 12 I LONDON, Friday.— On the last day at first -ftaai cricket to Bifland this iwKin, Jim Sana, the 44-year-old Middlesex all-rounder, took all 10 wickets In an Innings for Bast against West at Kingston today. Ttae last player to dismiss an 10 lMtiimi In an innings
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 89 12 INTER-CLUB TENNIS In an Inter Club tennis match played at Tanglin yesterday, the Tanglin Club defeated the Singapore Chinese Recreation Club by *hree games to one. Results were: B. C. Fay beat Low Kee Pow S— 2, g— g; M. W. B%gs and R. Macartney beat Oag Keng Chua and
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  • 27 12 Playing at Farrer Park yesterday, the Cable Wireless Sports Club scored a 4—3 win over the East Coast United XI ht a friendly football encounter.
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  • 1280 12 DELOW are the acceptances for today's races at D Bukit Timah. The Double Tote will be on races six and nine. The Big Sweep will be drawn on race nine. Race I—l.4s:— Class 3, Div. 5—6 Furs. 033 Sir Keith Farad 9.00 "Mrs. Dixie" Mtnztes 404 Weniiton
    1,280 words
  • 259 12 *THE Singapore Recrea- tion Club yesterday won the Clarke Bhleld, presented by the late Mr. Conrad Clarke, when they beat the Singapore Cricket Club m their annual football encounter by two goals to nil. The S.C.C. won the Shield by the same score last year.
    259 words
  • 178 12 -EPSOM JEEP"TRESFAMEB" ■m* It 1. SOU KEITH t. TVrrim', W»y SIR KEITH WmMm Qmm FMgriM'a Way PILOBUrs WAT I«m It 1. FAIR WEEK r GtanifaJr FAIR WEEK Wmm Winds Broking FAIR WEEK BfWfcfaag WUv Baa* I: 1. WONDER BIRD t. Bright Manfamg S. Advantage BRIGHT MEJfGSENO Adrantage
    178 words
  • 240 12 King Queen To See St. Leger DONCASTER, Friday. A TUMULTUOUS welcome from the warm-hearted A Yorkshire people awaits the King and Queen when they arrive from their Scottish castle m the Highlands at this busy industrial town tomorrow to watch the oldest of Britain's classics, the St. Leger. Doncaster has
    Reuter  -  240 words
  • 66 12 TODAY SOCCER:. S.A.F.A. Dn. Ill: I. A. v. Ist Malay Oatfi Battery— MeNalr ftd 5.15 FRIENDLY SOCCER: TtoiJg Babru Rover* T. Banks 80/ i' dsb Oldhatn HaH grwna, 1.15 p.a.; Borne* Mators v. Geylaog Youngsters Gey&ne SUdtam— p.m. RUGBY: Nee B*w GaniMO R.F.C. v. S'r** Engineering
    66 words
  • 123 12 FOLLOWING encourag- Ing support from owners and trainers, the Perak Turf Club will run a H-mile race for Class 1 horses for the first time since 1936 for the Autumn Cup at the three-day October MeetIng, scheduled for Oct. 16, 20 and 23. There will be
    123 words
  • 204 12 SCARBOROUGH, Fri. DON Bradman wound up his last tour of England with a century In the flnai first-class match of the tour. At the same time he iad the satisfaction of knowing that hl« team, safe from .lefeat. was the first Australian touring side to remain
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 43 12 A move is being made to get 'l>s tennis professional* Kramer. Rigg, Dinny Palls and Segura to play m Singapore after their tour of Australia. The four players recently completed a successful tour cf tlie United States.
    43 words
  • 69 12 The Service Officers XI amu::s^ the Merchants and Insurance XI m the S.C.C. cricket tcurnament game to be played on 'he padang tomorrow at 11 bjoo. will be- R»v. fCol.) Steele, FIX. Syrt-tt. Major D. B. Haig. Cap. R. Hunter. Major P. O. G. R&psey Major T.
    69 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 432 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continuec from oage S) WANTED TO PURCHASE 194a or 1947 model Citroen car Good condition. Ring 5937 extension 9. After 5 p.m. 717 J. K)K SALE LIMITED QUANTITY. Ceylon Ist quality High grown BO. P. A tea dust avail Enquiries P O Box No. 60S. Singapore AIR CONDITIONING
      432 words
    • 241 12 rSOMOTKR R. D. SINGS PRESENTS A SCPCR ACE CARD WHICH IS UNRIVALLED LNCHAJ.LFACF.D BY AMI OTHER PROMOTER IN MALAYA tonight «t 9p.7~9 p.7~ S% HAPPY WORLD BEE The iJarnipiiraMc "Lion Of Italy' Meet* "British Saaflow" xr •>** "New Indian Star" Tackle Tb« "Pwnjab J^ TSjftJß""^ n(n w% A n "American
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous