The Straits Times, 3 September 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 343 1 Appeal For Extra Aid From U.K. r j From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. MEGOTIATIONS are to be reopened with the British Government over Malaya's $475,000,000 War Damage Compensation scheme, with a view to obtaining additional financial assistance "commensurate with Britain's obligations as a protecting
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  • 60 1 From Our Own Corresponden LONDON, Thursday. T FADING Malayan tin Lj interests here ar e combining to make the strongest representations to the government and members of both Houses of Parliament concerning what they describe as "the inadequacy of the proposed Malayan war damage compensation and, particularly,
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  • 123 1 MOSCOW CITY OF MOURNING MOSCOW, Thursday. IN a city stilled in mourning, the body of Col. General Andrei Zhdanov, who might have become successor to Marshal Stalin, will be buried this evening at the base of the Kremlin's walls. The body of Gen. Zhdanov. 52-year-old Secretary of ttia Central Committee
    Reuter; AP  -  123 words
  • 74 1 RANGOON. Thurs.— Burma Government troops have encircled Communist-held Prome, a major objective north-west of Rangoon, and their offensive is "progressing satisfactorily," it is officially stated. A rebel leader, Bo Aung Tin. and three others were killed in a four-hour fight at a Central Burma village near Meiktlla.
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  • 27 1 BRUSSELS. Thurs: Sabena Airlines announced today a Belgian DC-3 with ten passengers and three crew has been missing m the Belgian Congo since Tuesday.— UP
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  • 363 1 BRITAIN'S "GIFT" CRITICISED From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Turs. SCATHING criticism of Britain's £10,000,000 "gift" to Malaya's War Damage Compensation scheme came from Mr. J. D. Mead, Mr. D. T. WarIng and Dato Onn bin Jaaf ar, a t today's meeting of the Federal Legislative Council. Mr. D. T.
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  • 155 1 A Night Of Hard Bargaining BERLIN, Thursday. THE four military governors of Germany met for the third day m the j Allied Control Council building tonight m what American sources said {earlier would be a 'hard j bargaining" session on the problem of Berlin. The meeting lasted an hour and
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 55 1 LONDON, Thurs. Britain has put its newest jet fighter plane— claimed to be capable of flying faster and further than any comparable jet aircraft—through its first public exhibition. The plane, the Hawker N7/46, built for the Navy by the Hawker Aircraft Company was flown at over 600
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  • 39 1 OKAYAMA, Japan: The manager of a textile works here has speeded up work by putting girl* on roller skates. Before it took one girl to each loom. Now one girl can handle seven machines.— A.P.
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  • 725 1 A EXTENSIVE five-day military operation In th« A Pontian district of South Johore concluded at 5 p.m. yesterday. Eight Chinese were taken into custody as suspects, an I ammunition dump located, and a concentration of enemy i provisions discovered and destroyed "At last we are
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  • 145 1 irom Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Thursday. THIEF commercial interests v in London with lnvest- ments in Malaya are making an immediate approach to the Government to rind out whej ther their property la Insured under ''riots and civil commotion clause against risks arising from th? Drssent lawless1
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 1 The scene of the shooting m the West Jelutong area of Dr. Qng Chong Keng of Penang.— straits Time* picture.
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  • 38 1 Australian Stays CANBERRA, Thursday. Mr. Chifley, the Prime Minister told the House of Representatives today that the Australian Government will not change the value of the Australian pound m relation to sterling.— T. P. Malayan Debate: Page Three
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  • 183 1 BATAVIA, Thurs. THE position of the Indonesian Republic abroad was being "undermined by the internal chaos caused by increasing political controversies," D r. Mohamad Hatta, Indonesian Republican Premier said today. He was addressing the working committee of the Republican provisional Parliament. According to Antara Dr. Hatta
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 58 1 LONDON, Thurs.— A Russian shepherd m Kazahistan has developed a new breed of aheep whose wool is claimed tp b e superior to merino, the Tass Agency report today. He crossed a wild mountain ram, with a merino ewe. The shepherd, Korgaabayev, was awarded the title Hero
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  • 244 1 Sir H. Gurney New High Commissioner KUALA LUiYIPLR, Thursday. CIR Henry Lovell Goldsworthy Gurney, has been appointed High Commissioner for the Federation of Malaya. This was announced here to-riav la answer to a question from a newspaper reporter Mr Malcolm MacDonald (the Commissioner General) stated that Sir Henry Ourney would
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 65 1 ENCHANTING ELLAHDA PEARLS FOR ALL OCCASIONS NECKLETS, CHOKERS Barrings 8. C. de SUVA BROS. Jewellers 8, Raffle* PIM-e— Singapore. Phone *****. MSMLsters REPRESENT LANGLEY ENGLAND SPECIALISTS IN ALL TYPES OF FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT PORTABLE EXTINGUISHERS 34 Gallon D. M. "Foamite" Engine 10 Gallon "Foamite" Engine 2 Gallon "Foamite" Dual-Seal Extinguisher
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    • 70 1 SjKJjfe I History of Singapore No. 9 k On May 22nd. 1886, Raffles Institution held its first Athletic. Spprts_Meeting. In 1883. three years earlier, Fraser Neave Ltd., ,.,was founded > by two pioneer families. For 65 years Quality* has been our watchword. Best for your parents 'and grandparents F N
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  • 137 2 S. AFRICAN NATIVE TERRITORY CAPETOWN, Thurs. THE South African Government is awaiting the right time to tackle the problem of incorporating native protectorates In the Union, the Prime Minister (Dr. D. Malan) told the Union Parliament yesterday. There hcd never been any question of the incorporation of native protectorates being
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 64 2 NANKING. Thure. The Ohungping correspondent of the Peoples' Dally newspaper reported that a girl was murdered by her parents while paid mourners and pallbearers looked on. The parents were angry with the 19-year-old girl for eloping. The story said the girl was tortured for six hours as
    AP  -  64 words
  • 234 2 INTERLAKEM, Thursday. PERM ANY was elected a fully qualified member of the European Parliamentary Union at yesterday's opening session of the second congress of the union. In the general applause which confirmed her admission, proposed by Britain, the small French delegation was the only group
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 2 SPANISH BTXLfc: Yvonne de Carlo, young Hollywood star, is pictured wearing a hat of black and white braided straw, trimmed with black lace m Spanish style. Reuter photo.
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 69 2 WASHINGTON, Thurs.— All men drafted into the United States army under the new conscription law, as well as regular soldiers, will be "screened" to discover whether they are Communists or "fellow travellers." Investigations have already begun into the loyalty of 28,000 army
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    • 45 2 PRAGUE, Thursday.— Mr. Willie Gallacher. Communist Member of the British Parliament, left yesterday for Budapest after a visit here. He was accompanied by Mrs. Gallacher and by Arpad Szakasite. the Hungarian President, who has been visiting Czechoslovakia during the last month. A.P
      AP  -  45 words
    • 68 2 NEW YORK, Thurs.— Whan his small coastal ship sank under him, Captain Christy's crew of three escaped in a lifeboat but he himself was forced to Jump into heavy sea with only a lifebelt for support. Darkness hampered a Navy search for Captain Christy but on a
      UP  -  68 words
    • 29 2 NEW YORK, Thursday.— Dr. Charles A. Beard, 73, noted historian and author, died of anaemia today. Dr. Beard wrote over thirty books on American history.— UP.
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    • 69 2 BRISTOL, Thurs. More than 300 dockers unloading bananas at Avonmouth stopped work for two hours today when a girl clerk was taken into custody because she was believed to have received two bananas from a man unloading cargo. The dockers demonstrated outside the police station, and only went
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 70 2 SYDNEY, Thurs.—Watchers at Botany Bay, Sydney. New South Wales, had a cioTe view of a battle to the death between a 70-ft. whale and a school of sharks recently. At Intervals m a fourhour battle, the whale leaped clear of the water, with sharks
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    • 62 2 LONDON. Thurs.— Air ViceMarshal Donald Beni e u until last February chief Secutive of British South American Airways today obtained official permission to ny the Tudor n which he plans to use m the Berlin airUf Alr Vice-Marshal Bennett is 8 v^rs'^m c i Company and
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 53 2 SHANGHAI. Thurs. Two people were killed and four wounded this afternoon when 67 trench mortar shells exploded at the Chinese Navy ammunition depot here. The shells exploded m the furnace m w.hich they were being heated to remove the chemical substance from the gunpowder which Is used m
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 34 2 OTOCKHOLM, Thurs-—The 0 Aftonbladet said" today that Russian "tourists" on the Swedish island of Gotland In the Baltic were carrying out espionage by taking forbidden photographs of military installations.—UP.
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    • 70 2 MANILA, Thursday. FLOOD waters receded m Manila late today but left more than 1,500,000 people anxious about their food supply. The torrential rains flooded about four-fifths of the city s metropolitan area. Reports of serious damage from flood and typhoon are coming m from the
      UP  -  70 words
  • 59 2 PARIS, Thurs.— The 67-year-old former Bey of Tunis (Sldi Mohamed el Monsof), who had lived m "restricted liberty" m the Pyrenees since his deposition m 1943, has -died. He was deposed by the French because he had been too much under Vichy and German influence. As Bey
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  • 69 2 TOKIO. Thurs.— The Japanese Education Ministry Is trying to find out how much the Japanese themselves know about their complex language. Written and oral tests will be given in 280 citlss. towns and villages on four Islands. Some 21,000 men, women and youngsters will b« tested..
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  • 148 2 PARIS, Thurs— Dr. Julian Huxley, Director-General of UNESCO, yesterday described the final resolution of the World Congress of Intellectuals at Wroclaw, Poland, as tendentious and unfortunate. He said he had refused to sign. The resolution, drawn up last Saturday, charged a handful of self-interested men
    AP  -  148 words
  • 221 2 "Neutralise Or Else," U.N. Warns HAIFA, Thurs. Fthe neutralisation of the Red Cross area of Jerusalem is not effected by today, "the case will be reported to the Security Council as a serious truce violation.' Gentral A. Lundstroem (United Nations Chief of Staff in Palestine) said yesterday. Gen. Lundstroem made
    AP  -  221 words
  • 50 2 WASHINGTON. TaUTi The U.S. Army needs what it rails "hobby tvchr icians" in Japan, tb? Philippines. Alaska, and US Men are prererred, but women between the atjes of 25 a> d 50 will be considered. Hobby experts will f ach photography woodwork, plastics, applied arts and crafts— UP.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 670 2 NOTICES NOTICE N.V. Handel MaatschapplJ GUNTZEL BCHUMACHER regret to announce the death of the Firm's Managing Director. Mr. B. F van Elten, who passed away m Amsterdam on the 30th of Aueusf 1948. As a token of respect the Company's office m Singapore will be closed on Friday, 3rd September
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    • 551 2 NOTICES ROAD NOTICE The road from Kuban* Semang to Padang Menora. will be closed to all traffic for a period of one week commencing on 2nd September, 1948. executive Engineer Province Wellegley JOHN BEVILLE ARCHER (DECEASED) All persons having any claims against the estate of the abovenamed are requested to
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    • 621 2 NOTICES MALAYAN RAILWAY Vacancies An entrance examination will be held shortly for applicants for the posts of Clerk*— Railway Oeneral Clerical 8erv!o« on the salart scale: $75*5-85/Bar/100x5-12O/Bar/ 130xl0-170/Bar 180x10-^50 (Special Class I270-A10-320) In addition, Cost of Living and Rent Allowances will oe paid In accordance with Government Instructions. Applicants must
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    • 164 2 TENDERS SINGAPORE IMPROVEMENT TRUST Tenders are tovited for supply and delivery of corrugated asbestos roofing sheets for 80 Artisans' Quarters at Kirn Keat Road. Tender Form, etc. may be obtained at th e Office of the Trust on paymen of a deposit of $100 which will be refunded V a
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    • 100 2 NOTICES Messrs HOCK HIN THYE COACH BUILDERS Inform the Public and our various customers that our new office and factory will be at 1123, Serangoon Road, as from the 3rd Sept.. 1948. Telephone Nos. 4415 4420. SHIPPING NOTICES NEDERLAND LINE ROYAL DUTCH MAIL NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES M.V. "BALI" due Singapore
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    • 153 2 Dritish craftsmen ai J^f^^oi !y their best make JSS it 'J' SLUMBERLAND .:i|IJJIJL- J|p /ilS^lbi'iiwi BKsSInW THEY'RE VENTILATED TOO .■■^"^wfl^ J These border vents allow air to W^3^^^^^^2^ He on one. Th« reason it good, care- S^jo__ t^-*** '*55$^2sJ«3prhans r ,ip you expect from 'British *^U^ /y """cushioning, flow to
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  • 254 3 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE, Thursday. TN political circles here it is expected that the 1 Government will come under heavy criticism from the Opposition for their attitude over the Malayan crisis when the Address in Reply is debated next week. The
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  • 23 3 WARSAW. Thurs.— Poland a^d Bulgaria signed a £5.000,000 trade pact effective yesterday and continue* until December 31. 1949.- -A P
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  • 73 3 A* A ctt HtK APPEARANCE at tl j loltysrnjj Bow, receiv.y when she sang wncj thai years ago made her a world film favourite, Jeannette Mac Donald was given a parts by the Governor of California (Mr Earl Warren). Here, Miss Mac Donald points a
    AP  -  73 words
  • 252 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. 'THE Colonial Developmen 1 Corporation and th< Overseas Food Corporatior must obtain the approval o; the Federal Legislative Council before undertaking economic projects which may aft eel the Federation. This is the result of a motion approved by the Counci] today. It
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  • 166 3 VANCOUVER, Thurs. THE Japanese Board of Trade has placed an order for 250,000 tons of Iron ore from Texada Island, a little 31-by-six-mlle strip between Vancouver Island and the British Columbia mainland. Japan, cut off from its Manchurian supply, needs iron ore for its steel mills.
    AP  -  166 words
  • 37 3 BRUSSELS, Thurs A Dakota aircraft with 10 passengers and a crew of three aboard is missing on a flight between Costermanville and Elizabethvllle in the Belgian Congo, officiate here reported tonight.— Reuter.
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  • 218 3 I SAN FRANCISCO, Thursday. i fHINESE Communists have proclaimed a North China People's Government hi opposition to President Chiang Kai-shek. A Chinese Communist broadcast said it aimed at "striking down American imperialistic and Kuomlntang rule hi China." The radio announced that the people's government was
    Reuter; AP  -  218 words
  • 149 3 nELEGATES to the World Council of Churches freely expressed their shame yesterday at disagreements among churches and the domination of some church divisions by "ecclesiastical officialdom." A plenary session of the Council was discussing the report of the study group on a universal church the first detailed statement
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  • 152 3 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. THE Federal Council today appointed a select committee to report on the Government's proposals for a war dimag e compensation scheme. It was empowered to confer with a similar committee at Singapore. Membership of the com- mittee was agreed to
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  • 79 3 CHINA AIR BAN DENIED NANKING. Thursday THE Ministry of Commuiii- cations which controls China's airlines— today denied it had issued an order forbid- ding foreign planes except Russian, to land In the far western provinces. It explained that the Ministry of National Defence requires notification to clear such flights. The
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  • 24 3 new Mauritius Legislative Council, formed under the revised constitution Rivinp wider franchise including votes for wornen, was sworn in today.— Reuter.
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  • 118 3 o.frioitc u L PARIS, Thursday. sssx Baafar ~rr*:r I Ing all over the country as 62-year-old Premier Robert Schuman struggles to form a new cabinet. M. Schuman Is spending most of the day trying to persuade the reluctant Socialist Party to come Into his Government. "Laube,"
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 3 oiih Hromadka, of rague University who at the World Council of Churches meeting at Amsterdam said that the world was witnessing the end of western supremacy in International affairs. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  31 words
  • 222 3 Rice Demand Less Than Pre- War WASHINGTON, Tours. INCREASED rite |»r«1 duetion in .Yiaia.,.1, lava, India ami t hina ani changes in rating habits indicated that the 'demand for rice Imports was likely to be less iti the next few vears ♦ban before the war. The Agrlcultue 0 r.t said
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  • 220 3 From Our StalT Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. THE need for co-opera-x tion between managers, the Special Constabulary and the new police officers who had no knowledge of the language or the people, was stressed at the Federal Legislative Council yesterday. The speaker wag Mr. 8. E.
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  • 70 3 MANILA, Thursday. rE 5,620-foot Camiguin volcano, on the island of the same name erupted on Tuesday. Anxiety is felt for the islanders. The last direct word from Camiguin came fom a Government radio operator, who said panic was spreading Then the radio went silent. The Manila Times
    AP  -  70 words
  • 22 3 SHANGHAI, Thurs.—Corporal Y. Matsutani, a Japanese gendarmerie officer, was executed by a i\rlng squad here yesterday for war crimes. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 317 3 glOVE AT FIRST SIGHT 11 ff 1^ Famous lore stories a fl(t (t-1 often cre ted v jMja>^ H 2^^ijMjL oo-lncldence But ttoe C Jf* t\ 7^5?^ mccesa of such love I lu one famous Chinese love story SI Slang Chee tells how Chang Sben, the romantic Mk scholar fell
      317 words
    • 101 3 Yes, you'll have stars in your eyes LATEST DRESS FABRICS < Ah *w EVERYONE r^4^^x A SELECTION WORTH INSPECTION (wj^^k |j^ PERKIE PRINTS. or P ret^y dresses /tmzLSnT f mWwi^K CRI$P 6»H6HAHS Mk k^A iv? an<^ Plaids Mi* /y^St 7 >l\ V4^» FINE LIGHT RAYON &P*$k, lj$f\ 1 Looks like
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  • 313 4 Federa lApprova I For $3m. More From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. THE Federal Legislative Council today approved 1 a $3,239,767 increase m the Budget to meet additional police expenses consequent upon the Emergency. Of the total, $628,262 will be for personal emoluments for members
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  • 438 4 U.K. HELP WANTED FOR FILMS KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. FE future of the Malayan Film Unit, should the Government decide that the Unit will continue to work m 35 m.m. film, depends on whether its application for $667,000 from the Colonial Development and Welfare Furd is approved. This is disclosed m
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  • 128 4 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— The War Damage Section of the Claims Commission is to be expanded at a cost of $279,898. Of this sum $177,344 w il be cost of salaries for the following staff: Chairman ($2,253;, second commissioner ($1,200), chief superintendent ($3,571). tin
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  • 72 4 PRAY FOR UNITED NATIONS POPE ROME, Thurs.— Pope Pius said yesterday that the United Nations would meet in Paris at a critical cross-road in history and that if ever a»i assembly of men needed the help of prayer this was it. The Pope expressed hope to more than 500 American
    AP  -  72 words
  • 326 4 Vf oi NTBATTEN Road will be closed to traffic between 1.30 p.m. and 6.30 p.m. on Saturday afternoon, to give free passage to aircraft participating in Singapore's Air Day at Kallang. Yesterday afte:ncx>n the first showpiece, an American Grumman amphibious twinengined plane belonging
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 4 "RED DEAN" GOES EAST: Dr. Hewlett Johnson, known as the "Red Dean" of Canterbury, who was recently refused permission to enter the United States because of his pro-Communist sympathies, chats with a friend before leaving by air for Poland to attend the Congress of Intellectuals.— A.P. picture.
    AP  -  47 words
  • 170 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. THE Government had reduced the price of padi from S2O to Sl5 a picul on June 30 because it could not afford the heavy subsidy, the Legislative Council was told this morning. On an estimated purch?s I 75,000 tons
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  • 276 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A TOTAL of $4,111,828 is to be made available to the Malayan Railway for special expenditure on reconstruction and rehabilitation work. The sum approved by the Legislative Council today will be additional to the $18,058,500 provided for in
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  • 312 4 !AN Wednesday evening m the Victoria Theatre, Mrs. Willy Blok Hanson gave a preview of the show which she is puttiirg on to the public tonight and tomorrow. By describing her production as "The Art of Movement," Mrs. I Hanson understates. She realises the word "dancing'
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  • 138 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. THE increase m the Pedera- toon's prison population as a result of the Emergency will add $478,000 to the Budget. This was approved by the Federal Legislative Council today. The largest single item m the Increased expenditure is "rations" for which prisons wftl need
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  • 34 4 One hundred and fhtyseven coils of black (slow burning) dynamite fuses were seized by the Singapore Bolice m Rifle Range Road off 7th mile Bukit Timah Road yesterday. A Chinese was arrested.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 562 4 /W KILL INSECTS WITH I/V OOUBLE ACTION /r> Lut Shows 3, 6.15 A a. 15 p.m PE1 B MM A? RING CROSBV SONNY TUFT In f 1^1 y /I "HERE COMES THE WAVES" r B^ I 7m with 2 Betty Buttons W INSTANTOEATH —OPENING TO-MORROW— »tbitm«om [ff(s« A 3 Hour
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    • 105 4 Wkmm I* m This cheery little optimist at any rate will face the future with courage and energy. He Is a COW GATE baby— one of the belter men we shall need. If natural feeding Is impossible or impracticable, give your baby, too, this famous Milk Food and equip him
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  • 364 5 PLANTERS, MINERS TO GET TAX RELIEF From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. THE Joint Committee on Income Tax has agreed to the inclusion in its previous report of a measure of relief for the mining and planting industries based on the proposals submitted by the Federal Government. This is
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  • 225 5 T»HREE Boyanese, one of whom was murdered, were victims of assault in Singapore on Wednesday night. They were all drivers by profession. The body of th e murdered man was found riddled with bullets and with his head crushed, in a side lane near Institution Hill, off
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 5 KOREAN REPUBLIC INAUGURATED: Syngman Rhee (standing right), first President of Korea, speaks In Seoul at tht ceremony inaugurating the Republic of Korea. On the left In the front row behind him are Lfcut -Gen. John Hod»e (former US. military commander m South Korea) and General Douglas MacArthnr.— A.P. picture.
    AP  -  49 words
  • 34 5 IPOH, Wed.— One more case of poliomyelitis was reported in Batang Padang District, South Perak last rronth. This is the second case in that district. The first was reported early in August at Sungkal.
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  • 160 5 Took 750 In Tea Money A man, who took $750 A tea money in Dec. 1945 for a house in Race Course Lane, was yesterday fined in the Second District Court $600 and ordered to pay $150 costs. He was K. M. Mohamed Ismail, a partner of Messrs O. A.
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 5 'P'tTivoooSTARWEDS: Ida Lupino. Hollywood Him star, and Collier Young, a studio executive, were recently married at La JoUa, California. Here, the Rev. G. Culbertson congratulates the groom after the ceremony. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 21 5 Dr. H. T Wee. JP.. has been appointed a Municipal Commissioner during the absence on leave of Mr. Tan Hooii Slang.
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  • 86 5 Robert Charles Barker, chiei I officer of the Empire Palace, was sentenced to three days' rigorous imprisonment and ordered to pay $200 compensation, by the Fourth Police Magistrate (Mr. A. O. Shears) yesterday for assaulting Loh Ah Wah with a broken glass at the Liberty Cabaret
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  • 290 5 By Our Woman Correspondent AMERICAN luxury articles, such as costume jewellery and dress accessories attract large numbers of Singapore women to the small gift shops aboard American tourist ships that call at Singapore. The discovery wai made and reported by round-the-world tourists of the President
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  • 139 5 PASSENGERS who have booked from Singapore for Australia on the November-December trip of the Burns Philp ship, Marella, have been notified that their bookings have been cancelled. The Straits Times understands that Marella is at present on offer for sale. No official confirmation of this was
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  • 62 5 From Our Own Correspondent BUTTERWORTH, Thuri. AN increase m house assessment for Province WeUesley's three most important towns, Butterworth, Buklt Mertajam and Nibong Tebal, has been aiuiouaced by the Rural Board chairman (Mr. G. E. C. Wisdom). The new rate of 15 per cent of the annual
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  • 133 5 TH E United States heavy cruiser Toledo and the destroyers, Chevalier and Higbee, will pay a return visit to Singapore on Sunday from goodwill trips to Ceylon, India and Pakistan. The warships will go to Pulau Bukom on Sunday night for refuelling and will anchor In
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  • 92 5 TOD.t* lxtus CiUb. fortnightly DietUng, 1. Short Street 5 p.m. Rotary T.B. Clinic, turning over the soil ceremony to lay *toe foundation, to be performed by Mr. P. A. B. McKerron, Tan Tock Berg Hospital ground, 5.30 p.m. Art of Movement Show, Victoria Theatre. 6.30 p.m. TOMORROW Air
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  • 141 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. i STATE and Settlement Oov-1 ernments were satisfied that an increase m rubber dealers' licences was justified, the Federal Government told Lt.-Col. G. Fletcher m the Legislative Council today. Mr Fletcher had asked < whether representations were) made to the Governments to;
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 170 5 just right! 9 Just right m style because so enormous an out-put can employ X^lW. the best shoe designers. jy \m^ factories. .mi ■•unifriif Regular scheduled p flights to five continents and 42 BEZ3I countries, with stops at 57 well-remembered +A ports of call, are a M.uiui« routine performance for
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    • 235 5 TAKE the smal' topmost leaves of the finest Yenldje (Turkish) tobacco plants. Allow them to mature In the Mediterranean sun for three years and to mellow Tor another four. Now let a cigarette maker whose skill Is hereditary control the blending of a perfect i cigarette, and you have a
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  • 20 6 GIRDLER— at Kluang Johore on Sunday 29th. August, Michael, beloved son of Eirene apd Hllsdon Girdler, aged 6i years.
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  • 18 6 In memory of F. Neelanlcavil (Principal Royal English School) v.ho passed away on Sept. 3 1947.
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  • 21 6 Mrs. M. Gould sincerely thanks all who sent wreaths, letters of sympathy and attended the funeral of her iate husband.
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  • 1094 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri., Sept. 3, 1948. CUT-AND-DRIED AT LAST Yesterday, almost three years to a day after the liberation, the Malayan War Damage Compensation Scheme was published at last. This waa set out in a White Paper which was tabled at the meeting of the Federal Legislative Council.
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  • 77 6 From the Straits Times of Sept. 3, 1898. IT is notified in the Govern- ment Gazette that excessive gambling of any description whatever by Government servants excessive, that is to say. in proportion to their means— will certainly be regarded as detracting from their merits as Government
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  • 1306 6 PAKISTAN: A PLANNER 'S PARADISE By The Times Pakistan Correspondent DAKISTAN is a paradise for planners. Every morning brings its fresh batch of embryonic projects. Five and 10-year plans for vast hydro-electric schemes, coal mines, oilfields, shipbuilding yards, even model chicken farms which will guarantee every Pakistani his morning egg
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    • 695 6 Oh To Be In England— But Not On Leave! (This letter is a reply to last Saturday's article "In The Federal Capital", m which our Kuala Lumpur woman correspondent discussed the problem of long leave which faces Europeans m Malaya today). NO, Femina, I heartily advise neither you nor people
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    • 145 6 THE long awaited circuA lar regarding the terms of transfer from the old salary scales to the revised scales recommended by the Public Services Salaries Commission has at last been issued by the Colonial Secretary's Office. With all my education In English (Malayan School Certificate) and my
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    • 308 6 TN your leader of Aug. 30, 1 you said: Among the older residents ol the Federation those who remember what Government was and what It stood for in the P.M.S. and U.M.S. before the War there Is uneasiness over one aspect of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 747 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. TO MOLLY, wife of Charles B. Mathews, a daughter, Carolyn, on the 31st August. CHELLIAH— To Grace, wife of Dr J. A. Chelliah of Institute for Medical Research, Ipoh, at Batu Gajah on 31st August, 1948— a son. SIIIATIONS VACANT WANTED immediately Filing CUrk state salary required. Apply
      747 words
    • 34 6 ftMdo* TURNS WTO whin you use The New CLIFTON Iron THE "NO-TROUBLE" IRON $18.00 Each (By post $19.00) Complete with plug, ready to use. Sole Agents: T. M. A. LTD., 61/63 High Street, Singapore
      34 words
    • 133 6 ffl*^i OPTICIHM Fellow Institute Ophthhalmic Optician* Ikng) Fellow Worshipful Co of Spectacle-Maker- (Eng) Freaman of the Cltv of London By Appointment to H.M Forces, South East Asia. 6 Rsffles Place Singapore Phone ***** LATEST GOODS! Continental Gloves. Ladiw, of fine kid, m champ, red, grey, black, with fancy stitching, or
      133 words

  • 1095 7 Rigby 's Reply To Unofficials From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. THE Federation will have to make every effort to meet the costs of the present emergency said the acting Financial Secretary (Mr. W. E. Rigby) in reply to demands by Unofficials at today's
    1,095 words
  • 36 7 COCONUTS KILL GIRL MIBONG TEBAL, Thurs.— When 10-year-old Govindamal of Wellesley Estate went to collect some clothes left to dry a bunch of three coconuts fell on her head. She died shortly after admission to hospital.
    36 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 7 PENANG REGISTERS: Mr. M. B. Parsons, an engineer of th e Municipal Electrical Dept.. affixes his thumb prints before his departmental head and authenticating officer, Mr. S. Mortimer, municipal electrical engineer.
    31 words
  • 308 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. "WE lack sufficient troops," said Mr. Jules Martin (Penang) when he referred at today's meeting of the Federal Legislative Council to' the "foul murder" of Dr. Ong Chong Keng. He called for fuller use of banishment orders. The
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  • 263 7 From Our Staff Corresponden/ PENANG, Thurs. THE chairman of the x Chinese Chamber of Commerce (Mr. Ong Keng Seng) commented today on the "inadequacy" of the $5,000 reward which the police have offered for the arrest of Dr. Ong Chong Keng's murderer o r murderers. Mr.
    263 words
  • 86 7 Bonfires, candles and joss paper burned from thousands of Singapore Chinatown homes last night, when the Chinese observed a ceremony marking the end of the Seventh Moon's Devil Festival. According to Chinese belief, the Gates of Hades closed yesterday (the 29th day of the Seventh moon) after
    86 words
  • 75 7 Tao Kwl Tong, aged 32 of Kampong Heap Guan San was yesterday charged with the murder of his three-year-old son, Veo Kirn Ho on Sept l. The charge was read to Yeo m the presence of the Seventh Police Court Magistrate (Mr. R. J. C. Walt)
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  • 57 7 At a meeting of the management committee of the Indo Malayan Association held m Singapore this week, the following appointments were made: Mr. A. K. Pillay, hon. secretary literary section, Mr S. R. P. Naldu, hon. secretary sports section, Mr. K. Krishi.amoorthy, hon. secretary welfare section, Mr. M.
    57 words
  • 565 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. WE must never let this occur again," declared the Officer Administering the Government, (Sir Alec Newboult), winding up a debate in the Federal Legislative Council today on the emergency. "The Government," he said, "has one policy and one policy only—
    565 words
  • 91 7 ¥T was announced yesterday 1 Dy GHQ, FARELF. that the Army la now operating a scheme whereby British civilians, unmarried and not more than 19H on Jan. 1 of the year they are taken in can now be accepted for training at the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst.
    91 words
  • 85 7 THE first self-defenrr unit to protect business areas In Singapore may be ready by September 1* An area comprising 100 1 shops and their adjacent stores m Ar-.ib Street will be put under thp;, supervision. Formed by Arab Street merchants <f: insider the present system of
    85 words
  • Malayan Round-up
    • 112 7 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Thursday. pENANG'S first registration day ended yesterday 1 with the issue of 7,300 identity cards in the Town Area, the Municipal President (Mr. W. C« Taylor) told the Straits Times today. Mr. Taylor said the cards had been supplied to authenticating
      112 words
    • 39 7 gUTTERWORTH, Thurs. A Middle-aged Indian, Mr. uavid Graham, who was rescued from Pral River on Sunday night after he accidentally fell from a rs>away ferry gangway, died In hospital on Monday night. The funeral took place yesterday.
      39 words
    • 57 7 pARIT BUNTArt, Thurs. -raib bin Hajl Osman wes produced before the Dtotret Judge 'Mr. A. M. Webb) and charged with robbing Goh Chu Song of a watch and JlOO The robbery was ail.'U' c to have occurred on Aug. 15 at Parit All Kalang Taib, who Maimed trial
      57 words
    • 43 7 THE Katong Boys' Club will hold Its 2nd Annual Dance tomorrow at the S.V.C. Hall, Beach Road, from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. The Union Jack Club Band will provide the music. The dance Is m aid of club funds.
      43 words
    • 21 7 LE AVES BOARD ]\|ISS Penelope Morrison MBK., secretary of rfc* Labour Advisory Board, Singapore, has oten transferred to UovornnMnt House, Sir.papore.
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    • 62 7 pARIT BUNTAR. Thurs.—Whe* the the case m v.'hich Tan Ah Chiap was charged with possession of chandu wa« mentloned before the District .Judge (Mr. Webb) Senior Inspector Arjan Singh iaid he h.\d received an analyst's report which stated that the substance found on Tan was not chandu He
      62 words
    • 60 7 i Into private oractice as a intowife. gEREMBAN, Thurs —A hundred members of the staff of the General Hospital entertained Mrs. Grace Timothy, senior staff nurse, to a tea party at the Nurses' Hostel prior to her retirement after 27 yean' service. Dr. J. Samuel. Health Officer, paid a
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    • 94 7 pENANQ, Thurs.— Tan Swee Tin. merchant, and bis brother, Tan Shu En, succeeded in an appeal today against theii conviction and sentences by the District Court for possession of chandu. The appeal was allowed by the Federation Court of Appeal consisting of the Chief JusMce (Sir H. C.
      94 words
    • 58 7 J£UALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— An Indian Estate bwners' Association as been formed *x> protect and promote the Interests of rubber agriculture and planting. Headquarters will be at Kuala Lumpur aed membership opea to all Indian owners of estates. A"; a preliminary meeting Mr. P. C. L. Annamalai Chettiar
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 104 7 THE MILK/b^/27^^/ /-v /g=* Ir leys EISII, THE lOROEN COW Ajents: GETZ BROS. A CO. Singapore «o" FOR THE RACES g»g: gjfcsj r~->^ rr ET A FAIR NOW alld avoid disappointment. JUJHm H VsoV s0 available re-condi-tioned second-hand hino- attars from 535/- upwards WrP WP BINOCULARS NEW CHINA OPTICAL CO.
      104 words
    • 70 7 E. P. N. S.A.I. QUALITY FORKS and SPOONS Stainless Steel Knives with Xylonite Handles Sets for 6 persons from 26 to 63 pieces m attractive oak cases from $75.00 to $240.00 Sets for 12 persons from 93 to 104 pieces m attractive oak cases from $285.00 to $380.00 They are
      70 words

  • 6006 8 How It Affects You And Your Business BELOW is a detailed report of the Malayan War Damage Compensation Scheme, tabled in the Federal Legislative Council: The scheme provides for the proposed allocation of $100,000,000 for the settlement of claims under the War Risk (Goods)
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 82 8 AND STAYS CLEAR To see the table laid with PHOENIX-its crystal clearness enchancinK the appetising appearance of perfectly cooked food, eive genuine delight. And not delight alone, for by cooking and servin? m PHOENIX without re-dishing, the full nourishment and flavour of the food is retained. Agents JACKSON CO., LTD.
      82 words
    • 132 8 'Good Mornings* begin with Gillette because GILLETTE STEEL Is made to the most exacting specification. fl9 ill nn t £SS L '//m EVERY BLADE Is subjected Jfttfrnf Jf to the most ruthless Inspection m &s mi Im at every stage of manufacture. P^^^ll ii GILLETTE BLADES have ff^^^jj! jl long
      132 words

  • Article, Illustration
    37 9 DITCH CELEBRATION: Mr. and Mrs. van Kooperen and Mr. and Mrs. de Bood seen at Raffles Hotel during the celebration given by the Singapore Dutch Club in honour of Queen Wilhelmin a's Golden Jubilee.— Straits Times picture.
    37 words
  • 671 9 *Rom Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. |t|OST pre-occupation debts discharged m Malayan IT *or Japanese occupation currency during the occupation are to be valid to the extent of the face value of payment. Scan be revalued when ice of payment In occurrency was obtained by
    671 words
  • 158 9 How Banana Slumped The .schedule below gives I the value of the Japanese "banana" dollar In trms of $100 Malayan as laid down in the schedule to the new Debtor and Creditor (Occupation Period) Bill published yesterday. I Until June, 1943. the Malayan dollar and the "banana dollar are 'regarded
    158 words
  • 98 9 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. IT was Government's opinion that the Moratorium cannot be lifted until the Debtor-Creditor legislation is on the Statute Book, •aid the acting AttorneyGeneral (Mr. Peter Bell) at this morning's meeting of the Legislative Council. Tablinf the report of the
    98 words
  • 173 9 I KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. /GREETINGS from the gene\J ral council of the Bar of England have been brought to the Bar Council of the Federation by Lord Mancroft. The English message declares that the council "has in mind the terrible calamities of the occupation which all those
    173 words
  • 50 9 It Is officially stated that by August 31, 1948, a total of 342 Orders of Banishment had been approved since the beginning of the year. Of these. 275 were against of persons with convictions in courts. During the past month 31 banlshees were deported to China.
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  • 47 9 LORD GANESHA' S GREAT DAY The Hindu employees oi the Singapore Municipality will celebrate Lord Ganesha's Great Day of the year "Avani Sathurthl" Festival— at the Sree Senpaga Vinayagar Temple, Ceylon Road. Katong, on Monday from 5 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. All Hindus are requested to attend.
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  • 180 9 "Hill People's Agent" Gets Four Years IPOH, Thurs.— A man said to have called himself a representative of the people of the hills and demanded a special contribution on threat of death went to gaol today for four years' hard labour. He was Har Tuck Hool, 29, charged before Mr
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 277 9 INTRODUCING AN exquisite liqueur that the ladies will sure to like and so will the gentlemen! With the compliments of the Cathay Restaurant and the Borneo Sumatra Trading Co. Ltd., invitations are cordially extended to all to sample a glass of this delicious liqueur, free of charge, at the Restaurant
      277 words
    • 399 9 Why Wisdom is made this shape (and only this shape) VWISDOM'S cranked dandle 0 W like every other detail of irs shap« U idcntifically designed to mate example, the oorrea way to cleaa llPWi*^fl MM aulslde appct back teelh shoWD IUcb P° sition Wisdom'* bandit Sli crankcd w brm 8
      399 words

  • 311 10 Aid Is A Success, Says The United States WASKNUTON, Thurs. RATIONS receiving A American aid in the quarter to Mar. 31, 1948, have used their supplies j "effectively and expedi- tiously." Improvement everywhere has been evident immediately. This is the gist of the United Spates State Department's third report to
    UP  -  311 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 10 EX-PREMIER LISTENS: Mr. Robert Menzles, Australia's war-time Prime Minister, talks with the Press during a visit to Britain. He combined a holiday with a oneman "Think Empire" crusade. Mirror Features picture.
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 10 UNCONDITIONED, AUSTRALIA-BOUND: The P. O. liner Mooltan, her trials completed after reconditioning at Belfast. She is now a Tourist one-class ship, able to carry 1,030 passengers and 8,000 tons of cargo on the BritainAustralia run. P. O. picture.
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  • 141 10 MUSLIM NEWS Anew Malay daily newspaper, Economic Melayu, is being published at Penang. "We support the Federal Constitution." states the editor (Inche Mohamed bin Hanif) m the flrst number." "We want that to be worked for the betterment of the Malays. By constitutional efforts we should
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  • 90 10 REGIME NT TO BE EXPANDED From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs.— The three battalions of the Malay Regiment are to be brought up to full strength at a cost of $696,400 Arms and equipment will cost $184,000. ammunition $25,609 personal emoluments $142,541, motor vehicles and provision for maintenance $143
    90 words
  • 84 10 Chandraleka, a Tamil picture which is now showing at the Marlborough Theatre, had a special screening at the Cathay Cinema on Wednesday. Lavish sceries of forests," lakes and palaces, repeated display of circus feats and individual ar.d mass dancing by beautiful girls make the picture an
    84 words
  • 36 10 The following have been appointed clerks to the Registering Officers for the Singapore Electoral Districts: Mr. Heng Seng Teck (Municipality North-East), Mr. Mohamed Din bin Daud (Municipality Sou'h-West), Mr. N. Nilakandan (Rural Board East).
    36 words
  • 147 10 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Thursday. T>l ILDING costs have held back several promising housing schemes m Penang, the Municipal Engineer (Mr. J. W. Clark) stated m his annual report for 1947. "To avoid the payment, of tea money elsewhere speculators are prepared In
    147 words
  • 107 10 From Our Own Correspondent PENANO, Wed. THE Nibong Tebal Coroner Tay Hooi Soo) yesterday afternoon found that Mr. John Ramsden, managing director of the Penang Estates group, had been "shot by an unknown person with a double barrel gun." "There is no evidence against any particular person,"
    107 words
  • 185 10 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. NO welfare funds or publicly-subscribed money has been used for relief following police action against terrorists, and no labourers or contractors injured by terrorists hav« sough —Wf""^,, Council was told today that information Is being sought from
    185 words
  • 101 10 EIGHTEEN-year-old schoolgirl Alice Wee told the Singapore Assizes yesterday a gunman hit her on the face with his revolver when she stared at him hard. "Did it hurt vpry much?" asked Mr. Justice Brown. "At first it did," Alice replied. The judge sentenced the gunman,
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  • 52 10 Revised Singapore airmail closing times are as follow: AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND: 6 p.m. Tuesday, Friday and Saturday and alternate Mondays from Sept 13. U.K., CANADA. EUROPE, UJS.A., CENTRAL and SOUTH AMERICA. INDIA PAKISTAN, IRAQ, IRAN AND ADEN: 6 p.m. Sunday. Wednesday and Fridav and alternate Mondays from
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  • 52 10 A weekly K.L.M. Constellation service to and from Shanghai and Singapore via Bangkok will start en September 30. A Constellation will leave Singapore every Thursday and will arrive in Shanghai on Friday. The plane will leave Shanghai on the return flight every Sunday, arriving in Singapore the
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  • 137 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. BECAUSE of "adequate flnanancial resources privately available to employers," the Government has decided to end its industrial rehabilitation loans scheme. This information was given in an official reply to questions by Lt. Col. O. D. A. Fletcher tabled at today's meeting of the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 232 10 Sir Alexander Korda presents jf i Jfinna Earenina Starring VIVIEN LHOH U "A.ina' xuu.i Ralph g S Richardson as "iUirrnin" and Kieron Moore as 'Vxonskv p d BX r -PBS SEnl i 0 Directed bv JULIEN DVVi. .ER DAILY ONLY 4 SHOWS i AT- 2p.m. -4.15-630- 9.15 I ■flit-conditioned Pkont
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 126 10 RADIO MALAYA h'fOhL frequencies: 620 Ke/» i 96 A 7 < Me/a 1 p.m. Music; 1.30 News; 1.45 < Music; 3.00 Close. 8.15 News* 8.20 Films; 8.30 Friday Prom: 1 "Emperor" Concerto by lioelho- I Ten; 9.30 News; 9.43 Talk; 10.00 < Take Your Choice; 11.00 News < Close. l
      126 words
    • 129 10 Strings; 11.30 Close 4 o.m. Debroy Sotners; 4.30 Australian News; 4.40 Famous Theatre Organists; 4.40 Services' Concert; 4.50 New Zealand Spot; 0.00 Victor Silvester; 5.15 Forces' Requests; 5.30 As You Like It; 6.00 Soprano Kirs ten Flagstad; 6.15 Pianist Mischa I.evitski: 6.30 World News; 0.45 Say !t with Music; 7.00
      129 words
    • 139 10 News; 1.40 Muich ol trie Movies; 2.15 Close. 6.00 Thirty to One: 1 8.30 News; 6.45 Bing Sings; 7 00 Radio Journal; 7.45 Yours /or the Asking; 8.30 News; 8.45 Black White; 9.00 Rhythm Club; 9.30 Radio Newsreel; 45 Gilbert Sc Sullivan; 10.45 Men {Books; 11.00 Chamber Music; 1 11.30
      139 words

  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 213 11 THE Rubber Study Group Secretariat announces the following natural and synthetic 1 rubber consumption, m 1,004 long tons, m the flivt half of 1948. Estimates for the whole year are also liven. Figures m brackets are the correspond!!* data for X
      213 words
    • 383 11 LONDON. Thurs. YESTERDAY, the start ol X the new account in th< London Stock Exchange, was marked by an all-round advance in prices, says Renter's financial correspondent, The advance, however, was mainly the result of markinf op rather than of any actual Increase in business. Rubbers advanced. Tins
      383 words
    • 260 11 From Our Own Correspondent Plantation, (coconuts ai^KtafhSfScided to resume expansion of their Suneei gamak oil palm estate. Interrupted by the war, expansion will now go on for the next few years. Mainly to that end, the directors have decided to Issue the £90,473 balance of
      260 words
    • 159 11 MALA YAN SHARES Prem Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE. Thura. TRANSACTIONS m the Maf- layan share market today wer« mostly confined to T.ndustrial*. They showed a slightly firmer tendency with exception of Singapore 2Sge?SS lEer!Bhto-TIMTO fi,?^, ohange» *nnouo<ied by we Falayan Snaretebkers' Association were:— INDTTSTRIALS B-B Petrol fiT fif (O) itk
      159 words
    • 83 11 KINT A KELLAS DIV.: 12½% J£INTA Kellas Tin Dredging has announced a final dividend of 12tt per cent., making with the Interim a total of 20 per cent., less tax for the year to Mar. 31. There has been no dividend for any of the five preceding years. Post-war operations
      83 words
    • 76 11 glTTANG Valley Rubber Estate announces that Its agents in Burma have reported the unlikelihood of the Burmese Government regaining control of the Toungoo district, where the! company's plantations are situated, In time to resume production at the beginning of next season. The directors have therefore decided
      76 words
    • 168 11 Singapore Rubber THE Singapore rubber mar1 ket opened fairly steady yesterday morning bat sub- sequently eased about half a cent. Buyers were inclined to hold off. Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 sheet i.o.b. buyers 44H cents, sellers 44% cents; spot loose buyers 44^ cen^a, sellers 44% cents. The Singapore
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    • 55 11 From Our Blarket Correaponclent BUYERS covered the Singapore sago flour market yesterday but business was restrky«d because of the absence of fresh arrivals of the Commodity. Little change was evident where m *.he produce market, although some business was done nutmegs and jelutong. Yesterdays quotations Included: Nutmeg*: 110S
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    • 167 11 CHIPS in port alongside the a Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns in brackets) were: Main Wharf: Limburg (31-32), CaaTJevUle (33-34) Marella (35-36). Qlauous (38-39), Cornelius Maersk (40-41), Luxml (42-48). Weat Wharf: Serdang (1), Merlimau (2), Islander (3), General Verspyck (4-5), Memnon (6-7). Trewellard (8-9). Louis McHenry
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    • 82 11 NEW YORK. Thurs. J£EY stocks advanced by from one to over five points In yesterdays New York market Th« majority of gains were around two points or less. Steel, Railway and car shares spearheaded the advance, one of the largest ixt the past three or four weeks. The
      AP  -  82 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1195 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore) BLUB FUNNEL LIMB STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO.. SAILINGS FROM UK 6 USA TD "Achilles du« from U.K. Sept 2 CT rn**T' u*i ivi "Karon" due from U.S.A. Sept. 7 ..j.,.-,,^" tn f O p A$ lhiJ^ T •'■ due from U K. Sapt 9 U
      1,195 words
    • 156 11 PRESIDENT LINES P. Sham Sopt. 6 pr ident Polk S'Por* Sept. II Pansng S«pt 9 Penang Sept 21 r SAILINCS TO SAN fRANCIiCO AND lO:> ANCfLES JHINCl NEW YORK BALTIMORE. BOSTON ria PANAMA p shim /..v. v.'.v.y. j2» 1 S'por# Mttl iw AMERICAN PRESIDENT LINES, LTD. «.u UNI0N BLOC TIL
      156 words
    • 173 11 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA/U K./ »AIUNCJ IU CONTINCNT/ CONTIMCMT SCANDINAVIA continent. Loading at Singapore. Port SwetUnham -%-»~:.-.-"k. s m .o«., -ggSSbr'* 1 S bid. Alexandria. Canoa, m -KimbodJa' for Manila. Iffl"' oSffS' anc Hooa Kona Shanahal B warp. Rotterdam, Ham<SK ™..?T?riL*.bt.O«.8 &r?gen C th nbUr8 mj. "Mandia" for
      173 words
    • 1031 11 McALISTER CO., LTD. (Incorporatea m Singapore) ELLKRMAM eJi BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINK HAVRf. LONDON b HAMBURG. PACIFIC PORTS Accepting cargo for US. North Atlantic Acce?tin£ cargo tor Central t> South Port* Canada via Colombo American Ports CITY OF KHARTOUM IS M»t. 11 Sept 21 sept cast t£ vim CITY OF YOKOHAMA
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  • 553 12 KINDER GOLD RATED ABOVE SOME CLASS 11 Horses May Not Run On Sat From EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. |£INDER Gold has been fully penalised for his splendid win first time out on the Malayan turf on Wednesday. The handicapper has rated him a stone better horse than Some Class
    553 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 12 A WINNER EVERY TIME: D*lphine Macey. 17-year old clerk who has had no athletic training, won all tne first prizes in the women s events at a week-end sports meeting near Egham, Surrey "My on c wish is to be trained as a runner, she said. Mirror Features picture.
    49 words
  • 93 12 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Thursday. THE Malayan Badminton Champion and Penang title holder, 00l Teik Hock, will meet the local Junior champion, Cheah Thlan Kiu, m the second round oi tne Penang open badminton championships to be played this Sunday. Teik Hock and his
    93 words
  • 290 12 The full list of weights for the last day of the Selangor Turf Club's Aug.-Sept. Meeting to be held on Saturday, Sept. 4 are: CLASS 2. DIV. I— ABT. 1 FTJktS. Allwcrth 9.00 Haydee 7.13 Oregon 8.13 Oold Radiant Stream 7.13 Rhythm 8.06 Booklaw n 7.11 Streatneld 8.00 Hunter's
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  • Article, Illustration
    65 12 GEORGE SWINDIN. Arsenal's joalkeeper, leaps to punch clear from a raid on his goal at Highbury Stadium, London, m their league match against Manchester United. His intervention, well out of goal, settled a dispute for possession between Arsenal left-back Lionel Smith (No. 3) and a United forward. Arsenal centre-half, Leslie
    AP  -  65 words
  • 74 12 Champion sh ips Coverd Court I LONDON, Thurs. The British National covered court tennis I Championships, las', hald In 1938, will be resumed on Oct. 11-16, at Queen's Club, London. An Informal tournament was held last yeai but no championships were awarded. Ivo Rlnkel of Holland won the men's singles
    AP  -  74 words
  • 29 12 TODAY SOCCER: S.A.F.A. Dh. 1: S.R.C. v. S.C.C Jalan lie,ar Stadium; Dlv. II: C.A v. MI. A. GeyUng Stadium. BOXING: Chmri'.y tournament at Happy World 9 p.m.
    29 words
  • 92 12 LONDON, Thursday EFFORTS will be made tola get Joe Louis to defend i I his world heavyweight title 1 against Bruce Woodcock, British Champion, m London I next June if the latter makes a success of the "come back" I campaign which he begins on Sept. 21
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • Article, Illustration
    48 12 THE DUTCH VETERANS (colours) and the Dutch Juniors football teams photographed with the Acting Dutch Consul-General Singapore, Mr. J. B. Haverkon (centre) hefore their match on the Singapore Cricket Club padang on Wednesday, m celebration of Queen Wilhelmina's golden jubilee. The Juniors won by 3-I*— Straits Times picture.
    48 words
  • 32 12 LONDON. lhui\>. V'.sifidu\\ rugby U»(u»- t suits vac*: Uuns'ct 10, I.i eds 10: Salford 8. Bair.iw 0: Wakcflrtd Trinity 6, Bradford Northern 8; Wlffan 17. Working**) i Town 3 -Renter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 302 12 HASTINGS, Thursday. THE Australians declared their first innings closed at 522 for seven wickets at lunch in their match against South of England here today. Neil Harvey who scored 110, hit 14 fours in a sparkling display and Hassett whose 151 brought his
    302 words
  • 147 12 AUSTRALIA— 1st Inna. Brown c Edrlch b Mallett 13 Birnei c Griffith b Bailey 0 Bradnan c Mann b Bailey 143 Hassett c Mallett b Perks 151 Harrey c Griffith b Perks 11* Hamence lbw Mallett 7 Loaton not oat 67 McCool b Perks 5 Llndwall not oat 17
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  • 62 12 The following havo been se- 1 lected to represent the S.C.C. Ist XI against the S.R.C. m a Ist division 3 A.F.A. league fixture at Jalan Besar Stadium today. J. Aitken, D. Hamilton. V. Burton, W. Bainbridge, C. McCullocb, A. Mitchell. E. Ten Duls, B. Clifton, F. B.
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  • 38 12 All clubs and affiliates of the Singapore Hockey Association are reminded of the Extraordinary and annual general meetleg of the A»sociation which will take place at the Singapore Recreation Club this evening at 5.19 p.m.
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  • 39 12 LONDON, Thurs. Geoff Palsh will lead the British tennis team to play In Copenhagen during the British Exhibition there on Sept. 8 and 9. Other members of the team are Hediey Baxter, Mre. Molly Blair and Mrs. Peggy DawsonScott.
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  • 119 12 The Singapore Chinese Football Association end the Royal Air Force will meet in a friendly game I of football at the Jalan Besai 1 Stadium, at 5.15 p.m. tomorrow. The S.C.F.A. team will be selected from the following players. I A. A. A.: Chu Chee
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  • 437 12 Kha mis 3 Goals Were Not Enough A.A.A 4; Malays 3 FOR the second time in the S.A.F.A. first division league competition, the Amicable Athletic Association defeated the Malays. In a second round encounter at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, the A.A.A. scored a 4 3 victory. The Malays lost* by
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  • 417 12 NEW YORK, Thursday. WITH the heavier weights temporarily out of the picture big boxing in September, at least so far as this part of the world is concerned, rests with middle, welter and lightweights with a chance of the world middleweight and lightweight titles changing
    Reuter  -  417 words
  • 85 12 INDIANAPOLIS, Thurs. JOE LOUIS, still is not saying when he will file his retirement statement with the New York Boxing Commission. Louis, here for the Negro National Amateur Golf Tournament, told reporters he is "relaxing" now and that "there is plenty of time yet" to make
    85 words
  • 202 12 LONDON, Thursday. THE following aro yesterday's L'JC. Football Leagae results: FIRST DIVISION Chelsea i Newcastle V. S Everton Portsmouth 5 II udder stieW Derby Co. ..1 Manchester U. 3 Blackpool 4 Middlesbrough 1 Birmingham C. 1 Preston 1 Manchester C. S Sundcrland 3 Wolves S SECOND DIVISION
    Reuter  -  202 words
  • 225 12 SYDNEY, Thurs. IN 20 years the cricket wheel has turned; no doubt it will turn again, if youth is allowed its chance in England comments Ray Robinson, in a critical survey of English cricket in the Sydney "Sun." Looking back over the Test matches
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • 49 12 HPHE Rovers Sports Club 1 beat the Police by 1-0 nil m a second division S.A.F.A. match played at Oeylang StadJum yesterday. End-to-end exchanges characterised the major part of the game. Towards the end of the gamp Son" Chee scored the deciding goat 1
    49 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 420 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from ohge 6) ACCOMMODATION WANTED R.A.F. OFFICER, wife, and daughter (4) require accommodation. House, flat, rooms, or share house. Write stating price. Box No. A3920, S.T. ACCOMMODATION required for European family (2 children) furnished or unfurnished, with or without board, Rood rent paid. Answers to Box No.
      420 words
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 32 12 SINGAPORE TIDES TODAY: High Water, 11.12 a.m. (8 ft. 8 In.), 10.32 p.m. (10 ft. 2 in). TOMORROW: High Water, 11.42 a.m. (9 ft. 1 in.), 11.19 p.m, (10 ft. 7 In.)
      32 words