The Straits Times, 1 September 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 1 K.l.M.'s WINDMILL: Singapore first windmill has appeared near the runway at Kalians; Airport. An authentic copy of the Dutch original it has heen built to hoase the X.L.M. display on Air Day. The sails will remain stationary m case of accidents. Straits Times picture.
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  • 298 1 Moscow Plan At Meeting Of Governors BERLIN, Tuesday. THE military governors of Britain, France, the United States and Russia met across a conference table m the Allied control building here tonight, with a Moscow-prepared brief to discuss ending of the Berlin blockade. It was the first
    Reuter  -  298 words
  • 102 1 Batavia Police On Guard BATAVIA, Tuesday. »ECIAL police reinforcemetits on all public squares will mark the celebrations m Batavia of Queen Wilhelmina's Golden Jubilee this week. At a time when the Nether-lands-Republican dispute has reached a new critical stage aft?r the expulsion of Republican officials from Datavia and the closing
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  • 27 1 WASHINGTON. Tues: The *°ur en the American Consulate at Vlad be closed at Russian will be transferred to .s in the American Embassy m Moscow.— U.P
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  • 68 1 HONG KONG, Tues: The Chinese Maritime Customs today announced that a speda] 40 per cent surtax will be levied against all dutiable imports entering China after today. The only exception will be imparts, which are entitled to tariff concessions. The announcement termed the levy "a rebellion suppression
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  • 83 1 PARTIES IN NEIJOIN THE REDS JOGJAKARTA, Tues. A FORMER Prime Minister of the Indonesian Republic (Amir SJarifuddin) has secretly been a member of the Communist Party since 1935. His statement came as a i bombshell because he has been considered a moderate. It followed the decision by the Socialist and
    AP  -  83 words
  • 41 1 CANBERRA, Tues The Australian Electoral Act is to be amended to allow aborigines to vote at Senate and House of Representatives elections provided certain conditions are satisfied, Mr. Joseph Chifley, Australian Prime Minister, announced here today.— Reuter, A.A.P.
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  41 words
  • 50 1 NEW DELHI, Tues.-Sardar Baldev Singh (Indian DeI fence Minister) told Parliament today that m view of the "rapidly changing condi- tions m countries beyond Inidia's eastern frontiers" he was planning to protect the borders of Manlpur and j Burma. Assam-Burma and 1 Assam-Eastern Pakistan Reuter.
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  • 242 1 AMSTERDAM, Tuesday. WITH signs of deep emotion, Queen Wilhelmina V of Holland returned today the joyous greetings of hundreds of thousands of holiday-makers celebrating her Golden Jubilee and 68th birthday m flag-bedecked Amsterdam. Sightseers streaming into the capital from early morning heard a 33-gun salute
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  • 62 1 HYDERABAD. Tues: Nawab Moin Nawaz Jung, Hyderabad's Finance Minister, told the Legislative Assembly In his 1948/49 budget speech today that the State faced a i deficit of £2,385,000. The extraordinary econo- mic and financial difficulties which Hyderabad experienced last year, he said, was not due to her own
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 86 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. THE Malay Rulers today informally with the Commissioner-General (Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald) the appointment of a new High Commissioner f<- th > Federation. Mr. MacDonaid, accom- panied by the Officer Administering the Government (Sir Alec Newboult) met the
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  • 262 1 From Our Staff or respondent TWO of the seven Chinese arrested on Sunday at Changkat Chermin, near Tronoh, were later identified as having taken part In the murder of the Australian miner, Mr. Itaden Powell Wills, at Tronoh Mines, Kampar sermon, on Aug. 12
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  • 23 1 CRUISER' S VISIT HONG KONG, Tues The i British cruiser, H.M.S. London T fc j p ere for Sin S a Pore today
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 1 Albert Sandier, 42 the famous British violinist died on Monday at his home m London. He has been ill since February.
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  • 56 1 There is at present nothing m the terms of the Federation Agreement which makes it binding: upon the British Government to ascertain the opinions and views of the Malay Rulers on this particular matter. It is understocd that the name of the Federa 1 inn's new High'oner wa*-'or-warded to
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  • 82 1 LONDON. Tues: Persia has reasserted her view that Britain's special treaty relationship with Bahrein, the important oil bearing island In the Persian Gulf, cannot be recognised as valid. The Persian Government itself claims authority over the island Britain is understood to have replied that she considers Bahrein
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  • 160 1 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE, Tuesday. AUSTRALIA should be A sending troops to Malaya as she sent them to defend herself against the Japanese, says the Sydney Daily Telegraph, jin an editorial headed 'Tir^JMp get tough for our fv*FTradeo In Maii d "Ii
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  • 67 1 CANBERRA, Tuesday.— Mr. Joseph Chifley, Australian Prime Minister, today announced new drastic petrol cuts of 20 per cent for private motorists and ten per cent, for other users as from October. Mr. Chifley said Australian stocks, down to 60 per cent, of pre-war, had to be
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 75 1 SYDNEY. Tues.— The* Executive Committee of the Australian Russian Society announced today that Mr. Clive Evatt, New South Wales Housing Minister, had been relieved of his Presidency of the Society, and Mr. E J Ward, Australian External Territories, of his Vice-Presi-dency. This followed the Australian Labour
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 201 1 HONG KONG, Tuesday. "WE propose to be prepared" said a senior Army officer today announcing that the Volunteer Defence Corps will shortly be put on an active basis. The source said the corps would be on a larger scale than before the war, with an air
    Reuter  -  201 words
  • 145 1 Ffom Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Tuesday. piFTY Siamese Air Force 1 planes today left Don i Muang Airport, Bangkok, to join the air units stationed m South Siam. They will help combat any Communist flare-up along the Siam-Malaya border. Additional Siamese naval units— destroyers and sloops also
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  • 105 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Tuss.— The un- 1 wected devel*-,menis m vvbtf; v,->v e «it ny I aMiormarstrain on :ire Aim>' is one of the reasons for the Cabinet's decision to slow j down demobilisation from October onwards. Commenting on a statement by Admiral Sir
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  • 23 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Dr. Mustapha bin Osman has been appointed to be an Unofficial member of the Federal Legislative Council.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 ELEGANT -WfLLSRY P. H. HENDRY, rEWKLLEB vttlt *n Established Haiava-wide Reputation >8 Worth Bridr. Rond Stneapnr. For oveF half a century g^TE @PR§SS have maintained their reputation as the best cigarettes m the world /ys
      35 words
    • 48 1 fUHR. y IMRISIOPHtIt >tUNI j Lend nit y \Jy»Kv you mutt too* BUSH Bt'focml Ynnr Itudfc SOU AC3NH BRIGHT RADIO Co 101 ORCHARD IQAQ, SINGAfoIU FRIENDSHIP T I M E jj|p for a i|pyp Extra Malt means Extra STRENGTH Extra Hops mean Extra FLAVOUR Extra Goodness means TIGER
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 228 2 TROVER u SMi i ~4^' t Scwatfi>e* f\ «E of Britain's fine cars now made finer. In the new programme the Rover Company concentrate a number of Important mechanical advantages m a simplified range of high quality models, Including completely new design engine and chasis, and independent front wheel suspension.
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    • 299 2 Iftjfl ffllLlY sti" m very s'ior» tupply. The demand far exceeds that o» pt: war and production has not yet reached pre-wai wnVmwm We are unable to increase our present number of distributors until further notice. Please b 2b 2 pitien» with YOUR distributor as his supplies are strictly limited.
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  • 424 2 Parliamen t Meets In Rangoon RANGOON, Tuesday. THE sixth session of the Burma Parliament opened today inside the barbed-wire barricaded building of the Government Secretariat m Rangoon, scene of last year's assassination of Prime Minister Aung San and his cabinet. Little more than half of the 225
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 2 INDIAN DIPLOMAT'S DAUGHTER: Santha Rama Rau. daughter of the new Indian Ambassador to the United States, reads to her niece and nephew m the Embassy grounds at Washington. A.P. picture.
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  • 184 2 NEW ARMY OF E.& W. AFRICANS LONDON, Tues. nEFENCE Ministry and Afriu can Colonial Government representatives have begun talks on the creation of a mechanised army of British East and West African troops. According to an official spokesman last night the talks, if successful, will lead to a nucleuj of
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  • 94 2 MANILA. Tues. AN attempt by the Com- munist leader of the Huks (Congressman Luis Taruc) to blame the Government for failure of the anmesty offer has been repudiated by Huk supporters. President of the Democratic Alliance, which is the political arm of the Huk movement (Judge Jesus
    AP  -  94 words
  • 88 2 CAPETOWN, Tues.— A commission will be set up to consider applying a policy of segregation of Europeans and non-Europeans in South African factories Mr. B. J. Schoeman, Labour Minister, told Parliament here today. The Commission will also consider how to avoid economic repercussions resulting from such a
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 25 2 TOKIO. Tues: About 500 Japanese statues and war memorials have been scrapped as militaristic since the end of the war— A P
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  • 42 2 DELHI, Tues.— When the question of a national salutation arose in Parliament yesterday the Government adopted "Jai Hind" ("Victory to India"). Pandit Nehru said the Government welcomed the general and widespread tendency to use "Jai Hind."— A.P.
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  • 127 2 Army Chief Dismissed ATHENS, Tuee. THE Greek General BtafT ye«1 terday dismissed the commander of the 15th Division Major General Demetrius I Lalos. and replaced him by Major-General C: "arakinis The General Staff save no reason for the removal of Laios, whose division failed to I close a traD m
    AP  -  127 words
  • 22 2 TOKIO, Tues.— Fifteen people were drowned when an overloaded fetry-boat capsized yesterday In a lake m Hokkaido.—Reuter, A.A.P.
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  22 words
  • 135 2 LAKE SUCCESS, Tuesday. VyiTH nine abstentions and only two votes In TT favour, the Security Council last night rejected discussion of the Pakistani-Indian dispute over Kashmir or of the truce m Palestine. The Council chairman (Mr. Jacob Malik. Russia) had convened the meeting in j
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  • 125 2 U.N. SEEKS FACTS ON THE COLONIES GENEVA, Tuesday. ANOTHER effort to compel Britain and Belgium rk to provide the United Nations with annual reports on political developments m their Colonies is expected to be made when the 16-nation Committee on Colonial Information meets here on Thursday. Britain and Belgium are
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 191 2 PARIS, Tuesday. i I^RANCE's nev* Premier 1 Designate, M. Robert Schuman, today sought a majority m the National Assembly, against a background of growing industrial unrest. Token strikes to protest against the wages-price gap were m progress throughout the country. Catholic (MRP) Robert
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 71 2 NEW DELHI, Tues. A N Indian Government "committee of economJsis. called to advise on m nation, has recommended immediate reimposition of conHfe n a necossitles of It has also recommend >d severe cuts m Government expenditure and taxation oi nigher incomes. The newspaper Statesman says that
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  • 114 2 NEW DELHI rues. JJEMBERS of the Indian Parliament, angry ov^r the cost of maintain^ g a Governor-General, wre told yesterday by their Prime Minister <Piv riit Nehru, that the expenses would drop m a few months During question hour members complained about Mr. Chakravarthi Rajagopalachari's
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 734 3 CLASSIFIED 4DS. j COWIE At Batu Gajah on 26th Aug. 1948 to Doreen, wife of N. J. Cowie a son. MITCHFLL-BANNISTER. At Belfast on Aur» 25th 1948, Ronald Austin, second son of Mr. 81 Mrs. A O. Mitchell to Beatrice, only daughter or Mr. Mrs. A. R. Bannister of Belfast.
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    • 68 3 TELEFUNKEN RECORDINGS! AVAILABLE AGAIN SOON! The superb quality of Telefunken Recordings to acknowledged everywhere aa the finest obtainable Here are a few comments from our waiting Customers:— "finest I h»Te heard"— says a Customer, "How I misa them; *Ud they will be available again"— says another, "Nothing like It"— says
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  • 44 3 Mis. Litn Kian Btng (nee Madnm Tan Sun Neo) oassed away peacefully on 30.8.48 a' her reNo 5 Tanglln Road. Age 84 years. Funeral till take place en Friday 3rd September at 3 p. mi Please do noi send any serclavs or scrolls.
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  • 71 3 Mrs Tan S(*ng Bc P and family eliirf-relv thank their 'riends and relatives for wreaths, .-u and attendance at the funera' of the Tan Seng Bee Mr Mrs. J. R. Latimer wish to thank all friends and relatives lor their presents, letteib of congratulations and good wishes on tht
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  • 1128 3 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., Sept. 1, 1948. THE SIAMESE BORDER A stream of conflicting reports about the Siamese frontier has puzzled the public in Malaya lately. We have been told that the Federation Government has asked the Siamese Government to close the border whatever that may mean on a
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  • 38 3 AMSTERDAM, Tues— Tho Ceylon goodwill mission on a visit organised by the Netherlands South Asia Society spent yesterday studying social conditions m Friesland with special reference to educational opportunities afforded to people from Ceylon.— Reuter.
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  • 1148 3  -  RICHARD DENMAN By of The Economist LONDON, Aug. 25. I the most interesting monetary event of the last few days was the decision of the New Zealand Government to increase the value of ite currency to parity with sterling. That meant a jump of 25 per
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    • 373 3 •THE G.O.C. is certainly risking unpopularity when he states that the situation is improving, which a number of planters in Johore, Perak, r Pahang and Selangor will categorically deny. We most certainly have more troops, more sweeps arid more military activities of all
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    • 66 3 WOULD it be possible to suggest to the Generals that deeds and not words are what we dwellers in the Ulu require of them. I think we are very well able to decide for ourselves from the news reports whether the situation Is improving, and whether the
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    • 228 3 IT is not your fault that your columns make most unpleasant reading these days, dealing in sudden death and civil commotion locally, and the threat of universal atomic destruction generally. But will you allow me to strike a softer note? I want to appeal to DeoDle of
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    • 177 3 BACK PAY FOR THE RULERS: NO. 25/1946? THE various State Councils have approved payment of large sums in respect of arrears of emoluments to Rulers, Chiefs and political pensioners during the Japanese occupation. As most of them received payments during the occupation, it will be interesting to know whether thier
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  • 414 3 ''First Chinese Political Dinner 9 In The Straits From the Straits Times of Sept. 1, 1S98. WHAT might be styled the first Chinese political dinner in the Straits Settlements took place on Saturday night, when many of the friends ot Dr. Lim Boon Keng were bidden to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 118 4 ■OXYGEN and DISSOLVED ACETYLENE it PROMPT DELIVERY and GUARANTEED PURITY ft Our Sales Technical Service Is at Your Disposal IA"I I I i L_~sl J•l f II mxn'"Ml lf^"^^sfTTF^ F^»*ißbfill VlU s Uork>: IF T 'J li/ F| l)| "th Mile Bukii TELEGRAMS ;>HTOO UNGAFURK p'^Box^ POPULAR RECORDS ON M-G
      118 words
    • 47 4 GOLFING JACKETS When you get into difficulties in a Bunker, or it pours with rain halfway through your game, you can preserve your comfort and temper in a Morley Golfing Jacket. Weather proof, •?\r r^SL^ mm m _J 1J _^r Gabardine. f^&HfiJUk $24.50 M >^ SINGAPORE -KUALAIUMPUR PENANG
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  • 264 4 Tenant-Lodger Question THE Singapore Rent Assessment Board yesterday reduced the rent of Mr. Arthur van der Schaff from $200 a month to $65 a month. Mr. van der Schaff had brought the lessee of the house (No. 17, Mount Elizabeth) Mr. W. C. H. Knight,
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  • 196 4 Dutch Party At Raffles TU EARLY 500 people at11 tended the Singapore Dutch Club's celebration in honour of the Queen of Holland's 68th birthday— and her last as Queen of Holland— at Raffles Hotel last, nis;ht. Shortly before 9 o'clock, the N.-therlands Consul-General, (Mr. J. B. Harverkorn van Rijsewijk) arrived
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  • 62 4 CALCUTTA, Tues.— B. D Alyer. posing as a former civil surgeon. In the Singapore General Hospital, was on trial here today charged with causing death to a patient. According to the prosecution, he is no doctor. When a cholera patient was brought to him, he rubbed
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  • 53 4 Yu Pan Wah. who pleaded guilty In the Second Police Court yesterday to assisting In the management of a chap Jl kee lottery was fined $2,500, in default three months' rlKorous imprisonment The Magistrate (Mr. L. C Goh) ordered half the fine, if paid to be given
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  • 199 4 Tolstoy Film A Great Production THE British film Anna A Karenina, based on Tolstoy's novel, has all the atmosphere of the greatest Russian drama -ind the acting meets the highest standards of cinematic art. That is due without doubt to the director Julien Duvlvler—after Rene Clare the greatest French director
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  • 164 4 THE Singapore Rent Con- ciliation Board yesterday reserved Judgment in an application made by Mr. Tibor Kunstler, of Singapore, for reduction of the rent of two rooms which he occupies at 37, Cairnhill Road. It was stated that Mr Kunstler had rented the rooms at $250
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  • 86 4 Two Yea r s F or Having Opium Found guilty of possessing ior export 50 lbs 7 ozs of I rh iU i"^ a CWnes named, Chai Thong was sentenced to two years' rigorous imprisonj ment by the Second District Court Judge (Mr. J. L. Mc:Fall) yesterday. Mr Selby, Customs
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  • Article, Illustration
    61 4 GLILLEMARD BRIDGE: A difficult engineering feat has «In^f e 1« C r Pl et^ ln > ckin up" of the sunken Brid^? JJaUya's longest railway bridge Guillemard Aarif -h Kelan .*an- The picture abov e was taken m iZSZtZ »1fl nee 2L were L eady to commence the final operation
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  • 67 4 The staff of the New Zea land Insurance Company hel :i farewell tea-party at Robinson's yesterday in honoui of their 55-year-old cashier l Mr. Koh Ah Seng, who is retir ing after 35 years' service w;the company. On behalf of the staff Mr. N. M. Levien,
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  • 723 4 1 From Our Woman Correspondent N Singapore today on the last hop of her Far Eastern fact-finding tour is Mrs. Brewster, only 1 »Tf Si f tant of the Public Relations Office of > B.O.A.C. in London. From the time she left London in
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  • 154 4 LX)R L he first time m: 1 the Colony's history, i Singapore will have its j name on stamps which will be on sale today. These will be the 20.000 000 new one cent, two-cent, three-cert, four-cent, sixcent and ten-cent stamps which will replace the old
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  • 154 4 They Sailed 500 MilesIn Vain TWO more prahus arrived in Singapore yesterday with 51 Boyanese men, women and children. They were refused entry by Immigration authorities. The would-be Immigrant*, who sailed 500 miles from Boweyan Island in the Straits of Sunda, had no entry permits. Immigration authorities have now given
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  • 117 4 I THE Chief Traffic Man\r ager of the South Indian Railways, and an honorary A.D.C. to the Governor of Madras, Mr Sydney Smith, arrived in Singapore yesterday. M Af t€r n years> continual service in India, Mr. Smith Is on his way to Australia for! leave.
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  • 34 4 Mr. H. J. Payne has been appointed to be a member of the committee to administer the Singapore Mercantile Marine Fund in place of Mr A. Kirk wood -Brown who has resigned.
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  • 194 4 L jj? Ot Chlnese Muslim pilgrims who are now 0 C h r^ Ute for Mecca condemned to u "nvThf n? V j C dise^ Se whlch is threatening ny the Muslim world. They spoke. In their own languages, Arabic, Turkish and Mandarin, which
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  • 55 4 The master of the Steel Chemist reported by radio yesterday that he sighted an object that appeared to be a horned mine at the southern entrance of Barhala Strait off the Rhlo Archipelago. The captain said that if the object was not a mine It
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  • Malayan Round-up
    • 121 4 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tuesday. THE Social Welfare Department is giving half a mnnn of skim mi| k every school day to nearly th StT m re tha 60 schools throughout Each school is also eligible to draw free cocoa and sugar from
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    • 87 4 5 YEARS ROTAN MALACCA. Tues.— Chang frac alias Chang En alias l*y Huan was sentenced to a toial of nve years' gaol with hard labour and 12 strokes of the rotan ysterday on two extorMon charges Chang was charged before Mr Justice Callow with extorting $14 from a woman by
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    • 41 4 £200— BOOK GIFT IJOHORE BAHR-J. Tues. lhe British Council has presented tlie Civil Service Associations library with £200 worth of b'»oks The gift follows a visit by Mr. W. Corry, former Actiug Briton Adviser, to the council's office in i London
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    • 61 4 gEREMBAN. Tues.— Chua Teok Sooi was yesterday fined a Uf&l of $200 by the Magistrate (Inche Abdul Aziz bin Yeop) on charges of selling intoxicating the liquor for his own consumption June 28 ana July 13 without a retail licence. Chua 'x>ld the court he bought the
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    • 38 4 MARC H 12 FINDING gEREMBAN, Tues.— The Coioner (Inehe Abdul Aziz bin Yeop) yesterday returned a verdict of misadventure on a Gurkha soldier named Tulbahadar who was knocked down by a lorry on the night of March 12.
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    • 17 4 TA1PINO, Tues.— The Telecommunications Department nas begun local Improvements by removing all overhead and underground cables.
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    • 226 4 Threats On Estate Alleged r JOHORE BAHRU Tuesday J I ABOURERS on S e n a i Lt Estate are alleged to nave told the acting manager (Mr I H. Thompson) during a dispute on May 10 over payment that he should be given good beating." This wa§ stated in
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    • 29 4 There are now about 1 500 special constables and 250 auxiliary policemen m Krriah All large rubber estates m tne State have groups of "specials."
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 115 5 i LONDON, Tuesday. THE British Government, facing growing industrial agitation against the operation of its "freese wages, prices, profits" policy, has prepared a 6,000- word economic memorandum which will form the crux of a vital debate at the annual conference of the Trades Union Congress
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 32 5 LONDON, Tues.— Earl Mountbatten, former Gover-nor-General of India, arrived at London Airport today accompanied by Countess Mountbatten after a six-day visit to Montreal to open the Canadian National Exhibition. Reuter.
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    • 58 5 SHANGHAI, Tues.— M. Elzear, French banker, I. Magit, a Russian, and John Wei, prominent broker, arrested by the Economic Police for blackmarket dealings last week, will face a special criminal tribunal this week. The police raided Magit's fashionable Picardle Restaurant apartment on Friday night and confiscated more
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    • 71 5 NEW YORK, Tues.— The New York Times is prepared to forego some of its newsprint to relieve the British shortage If other American publishers will do the same and the British Government allocate the dollars. Mr. Arthur Sulzbe/ger. president and publisher of the New York Times, told the New
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    • 76 5 STRIKE A LIGHT T ONDON, Tues.— A strike over a cigarette lighter now threatens the food rations of 1,000.000 oeoule in and around London. It spread yesterdav when 90 workers of wholesale provision merchants .valked out of butter and suet factories. Nearly 250 workers are on strike at one firm.
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    • 78 5 WASHINGTON Tues.— The Army announced yesterday that the Japanese calorie level would be increased from 1,300 a day for a normal consumer to 1.440 a dav about Nov. 1. It said this would permit a decrease in the amount of sugar going into rations and increase the
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    • 53 5 AMSTERDAM. Tues. br. T. C. Chao, Dean of the School of Religion of Yenchlng University. Peking, was yesterday unanimously elected one of the six presidents of the World Council of Churches. The Archbishop of Can'trbury (Dr. Geoffrey Fisher) and four other candidates were also unanimously elected at the
      AP  -  53 words
    • 60 5 8HANGHAI. Tues. Dolly LI. dance hostess, sentenced to two months' zaol for :nlsconduct, offered the court '20 American cents to set her free. The court had to accept. Her sentence carried an alternative fine of CNS600.000 old dollars. The court Is now petitionIng the Ministry of Judicial
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    • 65 5 NORTH CAROLINA, Tues.— Mr. Henry Wallace's campaign managers today asked for increase** police protection to ph»#nt hptM«B| warn bombarding the Progr«i|lve Party candidate with eggs and tomatoes. Hostile demonstrators yesterday pelted him with eggs and tomatoes at Burlington, Greensboro and High Point. They shouted him down at i
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    • 42 5 DETROIT, Tues. The Kaiser Fra^er Corporation announced plans yesterday for the production of a new low-priced car to compete with Ford, Chevrolet and Plymouth. The company did not say when production would bejjin or what the price would be.— !A.P
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    • 41 5 DAR-ES-SALAM, Tues. The Asa Khan, his health improved considerably, attended a biK durbar at which he said goodbye to manv thousands of followers. Some came specially from South Africa, others from East African territories, especially up-country Tanganyika. Reuter.
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    • 101 5 STOCKHOLM, Tues. A cofivention to protect sick and wounded civilians and expectant mothers from the dangers of war was passed unanimously by the International Red Cross at its final plenary session yesteraay. Fifty-four nations without Russia took part in the conference. The convention calls on signatory powers to
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    • 48 5 BELFAST Tues.— Thirteen twin and fonr-engined planes begin a milk run between Northern Ireland and England today. The object hi to deliver 35,000 gallons a week to the Liverpool -Blackpool area so that the British Food Ministry can maintain the ration.— A.P.
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    • 79 5 HANOI, Tues. A Vietnam news agency has been organised under the auspices of Premier Nguyan Van Xuan's Central Provisional Vietnam Government, according to an announcement by the Vietnam Ministry of Information. The news agency, to be known as Vietnam Press, will have correspondents m all the principal cities
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    • 51 5 PRAGUE, Tues.— The official Czechoslovak news agency reported last night that the health of ex-President Edouard Benes, 64, had taken a sudden change for the worse m the last few days. Physicians stated that the main symptoms had already retreated and they hoped the tikis had passed.—
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    • 103 5 DELHI, Tues.— The Mother Superior of the Convent of Jesus and Mary m Murree, Pakistan, has contradicted the Pakistan Government s version of the accidental bombing of that area by Indian aircraft operating against adjoining Kashmir territory on the nieht of Aua. 19. The Mother Superior said yesterday that
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    • 56 5 TOULON, Tues.— A flotilla of seven British minesweepers yesterday reported a harvest of 600 mines from Mediterranean shipping routes last year. The Red Sea has now been completely swept. There are still some mines m and among the Dodecanese Islands where the British work m liaison with Greek,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 797 5 NOTICES McALISTER CO., LTD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Company's Registered Office. Gresham House. Battery Road. Slrfppore on Friday. 10th September* 1948. at noon to transact the following ordinary business: (1) To receive and consider the Dtrectors*
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    • 562 5 NOTICES AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD SINGAPORE PROPERTIES TO be held at The saleroom of Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Sz Co. Ltd.. No. 10 Chulia Street. TO-DAY AT 2.30 P.M. Lot 1. Freehold land and houses Nos. 17 St 19 Highland Road area 29,298 sq. ft. Monthly rent $55/each (Messrs.
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    • 188 5 SELANGOR CLUB The half-yearly general meeting will be held in the card room on Wed.. 29th Sept., 1948, at i7.C0 cm. 1 To receive the accounts lor the half-vear ended on 30-6-1948. 2. To transact any other business of which due notice in accordance with rule 58 shall have been
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    • 111 5 NOTICE THE SINGAPORE CLERICAL A ADMINISTRATIVE WORKERS' UNION Members are hereby informed that Mr. Lee Teck Chye has left 'the employ of this Union and that JMr. Ng Quee Poh has been apI pointed Collector as from 1.9.48. SHIPPING NOTICES NEDERLAND LINE ROYAL DUTCH MAIL NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES M.V. "CELEBES"
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    • 238 5 TENDERS Tenders are Invited ior the purchase of Pulot, Broken, sweepilng, and Damaged Rice totalling [approximately 4.100 bags situated at 350 Havelock Road and Nos. 7 and 9 AlkaS Quay. Pull particulars of the lots for sale are obtainable from Messrs. Boav-ead Si Co. Ltd., Government Rice Agents, Singapore. The
      238 words
    • 488 5 IbARP a^*^V^ «4709j Last 3 Shows— 3 6.15 lIS p.m Stirring, Romantic Adventure! JOHN WAYNfc id "LADY FROM LOUISIANA" with Onn Munsor —OPENING TO-MORROW— "HERE COMES THF WAVES" COMING SOON! 3 hour show for 3 sl.ows only1.30, 5.30 A 9.15 p m "THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES" CiRKAI WOKIII
      488 words

  • 263 6 Little Left In The Banks MORE than $1,500,000 is believed to have been m collected from about 50,000 labourers and artisans belonging to various trade unions m Singapore during the past three years. But very little money exists today as deposits m banks or savings banks. Members
    263 words
  • 212 6 From Our Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, TuejL IN Negri Sembllan last year, 462 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis were notified, 207 of which proved fatal a mortality rate of 45 percent. In the first half of this year. 225 cases were notified. Of these, 108
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  • 153 6 COST of running a tuberculosis hospital for 400 to 500 patients at Malacca Is reviewed by' the Director of Medical Services in the Federation (Dr. R. B. MacGregor) He told the Malayan Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis that it would be not less than
    153 words
  • 95 6 Thomas John Davies. a European accountant of Guthrie and Co. Ltd., was charged m the First District Court, Singapore, yesterday with criminal breach of trust m respect of two cheques to the total value of more than $4,000 which were entrusted to him by Guthrie and Company. Davies
    95 words
  • 60 6 Three marked Chinese armed with revolvers robbed a Chinese farmer in Kampong Santeng, off the 5th mile Thomson Road, at 1.15 am yesterday of $300 in cash and valuables.. This is the first armed robbery reported to the C.I.D since Aug. 22. The robbers woke up
    60 words
  • 195 6 From Our Own Correspondent BLTTERWORTH, Tuesday. A MALAY witness, Zain bin Ramjan, who was giving evidence at the Ramsden inquiry, was today asked to put on two pairs of shoes in court. The shoes were produced by the Chief of the Penang
    195 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 6 TO BTUUX LAW: Abdul Kadir hi n Talib, of the teaching staff of the Batu Pahat English School, who will leave for England next week to steady law at Lincoln's Inn. He won the Sultan Ibrahim Students scholarship. His gather is Pisfr;ct officer at Batu Pahat.
    46 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 6 SINGAPORE WEDDING: Pictured outside the Presbyterian Church after their wedding are Mr. and Mrs. Williams. The bride was formerly Miss Eddy, of Perth, Western Australia. Orient Photo Supplies picture.
    29 words
  • 229 6 MALAYA has been provisionally included in the South-East Asia area of the United Nations World Health Organisation. It will share the benefits of the organisation's work in the area with India, Ceylon, Burma, Siam and Afghanistan. r The South-East Asia area headquarters will probably be
    229 words
  • 144 6 THE Singapore Music A Circle, which was until recently called the Katong Music Circle, is to organise another concert in the Victoria Memorial Hall on Sept. 10. The guest artiste will be Arnold Juda, whose recital with his brother Jo packed the Circle's first concert at the
    144 words
  • 82 6 There has been a lastminute rush in Singapore to change pre-July 1. 1941, currency notes which today cease to be legal tender. These notes will now be accepted for exchange only at the Currency Commissioners' Office and through the banks. The first intimation that the notes
    82 words
  • 39 6 Ng Kah Chwee. aged 27, of Lorong 6, Geylang Road was yesterday m the Singapore Seventh Police Court committed for trial at the next Aasizes on a charge of theft of a bicycle on April 10.
    39 words
  • 200 6 —nil Y.W.C.A., Katong Group meet at 5, Raffles Quay for visit to newspaper offices, 10.*30 a.m Rotary. Mr. P. J. m. Brigga on "Probation m British Guiana Adelphl, 1 p.m. Urban Co-operative Union Ltd. half-yearly general meeting, Municipal Building, 5.15 p.m. Public Relations' film show, St. John's Island,
    200 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 246 6 An Outstanding British Sue cess. OAZKL COLKT —STANLEY HOLLOWAY BASIL SYDNEY— MARGARET RUTHERFORD In jr/ w^St^^- i^^dßK ■v^ v^s I f Ji m/JM W t I jl^^^^ HP f 'W'jKw Film Piotfiietio* m NEXT CHANCE— The Season's Smartest Comedy! a J-| ""BA MIL"LANO -WRIGHT DCNLEVV j «f4 Ts» T he
      246 words
    • 377 6 ANNA KAREN1NA whose one great love was > everything— heartbreak, laughter, violence, destructionl > VIVIEN LEIGH her portrayal breathes new > passion and emotion into the > most magnificent looe story 1 ever pennedl SIR ALEXANDER KORDA j^fff proud'y present* M fj/m B Ralph I Richardson m 111 W fl
      377 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 106 6 tiruuenrn-s b'ili Kivs A 7 t Mr/i 1 p.m. Viva America; 1.30 News; 1.45 Glenn MUler 1.55 to 6.30 Selangor Races; 8.15 News, d.2c Dance Club; 8.45 Requests 9.30 News; 9.45 Voices In Harmony. 10.00 Music Shop; 10.30 Dance Music; 11.00 News Close. RADIO MALAYA K L. ••rrquennr* I tit-
      106 words
    • 133 6 II. C .Men; Coir"- 1 11 n WMi uelm BacKtuuis; oosl4 p.m. Bohemians Lights Orchestra; 4.30 Australian News; 4.40 Music of the Americas; 4.40 Services' Concert; 5.00 Dinah Shore; 5.15 Sport; 5.30 Forces' Favourites; 6.30 Baritones; 6.00 Violin Concerto No. 4 In D Minor by Vleuxtemps; 6.30 World News;
      133 words
    • 127 6 BM«>: 3. If OU»e 9.00 Thirty One; U.3U Woriu i Home Wewi, 6.45 ITMA; 7.15 Pin-Up Voice; 7.30 Report from Britain; 7.45 Yours for the Asking; 8.30 World Home News; 8.45 Radio CrossI word; 9.30 Radio Newsreel; 9.40 Symphony; 10.45 Dancing in the Dark; 11.00 Secrets of Scotland Yard; 11.30
      127 words

  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 809 7 MARKET INTEREST CENTRED ON INDUSTRIALS From Oar Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Tuesday. FE Malayan share market was quietly steady today. The main interest was in Industrials, Robinsons bein* a feature. In the Tin section. London appeared to await a lead from the East. Prices quoted by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association today
      809 words
    • 318 7 LONDON, Tiie*. YESTERDAY was a quiet day 1 on the London Stock Exchange, with prices remaining firm, says Renter's financial correspondent. Robbers were unchanged to higher, Tins irregular to higher. Following were the closing middle prices of selected stocks as supplied to 'he Straits Times by special arrangement
      318 words
    • 175 7 From A Market Correspondent J^ shipment of over 900 bags or Slak sago flour arrived In Singapore yesterday morning. It was bought up by Indian firms at $15.75. Business was recorded also in coconut oil and copra for shipment *o Europe. Neither of these commodities, however, altered In
      175 words
    • 176 7 IN sympathy with New York, rubber prices in Singapore dropped by nearly a cent yesterday. After opening easy the Singapore market steadied on covering orders. Closing prices ye»'erday were: No. 1 sheet fob. buyers 44 cento, sellers 44 '4 cents; spot loose buyers 44 Scents, sellers 45% cents.
      176 words
    • 108 7 SHIPS in port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves today (godowns In brackets) are: Main Wharf: Limburg (31-32), Castleville (33-34), Marella (3536), Glaucus (38-39), Cornelius Maersk (40-41), Luxmi (42-43). West Wharf: Zeeland (1-2), Islander (3), TJlpondok (6-7), Memnon (8-9), Medon (11-12), Rhesus (12-13), Benvenue (15-16), Relau (14),
      108 words
    • 126 7 AUGUST production from the Hong Fatt (Sungel Besi) tin mine is expected to shaw a higher figure than for some months. •The position Is u satisfactory ai can be expected," said Mr. Chew Kam Chuan at the annual meeting in Kuala Lumpur. In 7% months' working
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1315 7 MANSFIELD tic CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., SAILINCS FROM U.K. U.S.A. LTO. '•M.don" from UK Holland C. 11 wtJT COMT M ALAYA "Claucus from UK C3B Ttmbsn f or p. Sham, T. Achilles due from U.K. Wpt. 2 Anson Penane Wpt. 4 "Maron" due
      1,315 words
    • 199 7 PRESIDENT LINES Ceneral Passenger Agent tor Northwest Airlines SAILINCS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON via INDIA. ECYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. U* Meh How. Vpory^. Wpt. 1 Prejjdent Penang Sept. 9 Penang Sept. 2 SAILINCS TO SAN FRANCISCO AND lO> ANCELES THENCE NEW YORK BALTIMORE. BOSTON via PANAMA President Crant Penang Sept.
      199 words
    • 265 7 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK >AIL "lS\^S.u°!!l| I NtNT/ SCANDINAVIA CONTINENT. Loading at Singapore. Port Swettenham m.s "Nordtarer" for Saigon t.s "St Croix"" Cdns 2J/24 Ba^ok Oue abt Oct. i for Colombo. Aden. Port Said. Cenoa. Barcelona. Ant- werp. Rotterdam. Hamburg. H^tfs; fcrjar 11 Cooen K b Due abt
      265 words
    • 1056 7 McALISTER tic CO., LTo. (Incorporated m Singapore) ELLERMAN BUCKNALL KLAVBN£SS LIMB MAVRt LONDON v rIAMBUKO PACIHC I»OR Ti Accepting cargo tor US Notth Atlantic Acceotine. caign toi Centiat O Ports Canada via Colombo Amen- vi t'-'ti CIT> Or KHARIOUM IS Wpt. 11 Wpt 21 Sept CASTLEVILLE CITY OF YOKOHAMA
      1,056 words

  • 159 8 "EPSOM IEEP" •♦TRESPASSER" "POINTER" 1. KNIGHT GALLANT 2. Meath 3 Lady Kalang FLEETING MEMORY Knight GaUant Lady Kalanf RIVIAN Lady Kalanf Duke San Race 1: 1. DARK ROMANCE Skymasrter 3. Air Gee HANDY KID DARK ROMANCE Race 2: 2. Skymaster Grecian Prince Kandy Kid Mayloong Race S:
    159 words
  • 918 8 DELOW are the acceptances for today's Kuala Lumpur races. The Double Totes will be on races three and four, seven and eight. The Big I Sweep will be drawn on race eight. Race 1—2.30 p.m. Class 2, Div. 4— 5J Furs. 200 Renown Bagby 9.00 ''Rangoon Stable''
    918 words
  • 90 8 WANT YOUR HORSE TO WIN JF you want a race track winner, give your horse dried herrings, the Hokkaido Veterinarian Association prescribes, reports A.P from Tokio "Take one pound of dried herrings, reduce to powder, mix with flour to malt consistency. Add malt made from tendrils of sweet potatoes, combine
    90 words
  • 819 8 MoreHorsesMay Be Scratched From EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. DENSO, Snaps and Electroplate are three safe each- way wagers at Kuala Lumpur tomorrow, the second day of the Selangor Turf Club Aug.-Sept. meeting.' Penso, an easy winner over the six on Saturday, looks the
    819 words
  • Article, Illustration
    62 8 SCHOOLBOY JOCKEY: Twelve-year old Lester Piggott, (nearest camera) is th c youngest jockey m the United Kingdom to win a race. He rode a winner m tiis fifth race of the year at Haydock Park recently. His fatter is Keith Piggott, a former steeplechase jockey. Lester is seen rising m
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 43 8 TODAY SOCCER: S.A.F.A. Dlv. 1: Rovers S.C. v. R.A.F. Scletar Jalan Besar Stadium; Div. II: C.A. v. Base Group R.E. Geylang Stadium; Div. Ill: M.F.A. v. Mental Hospital F.T. C.Y.M.A. ground, St. George's Rd. (all games will s'.art at 5.1b p.m.)
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  • 157 8 LONDON. Tuesday. ARSENAL, English Football League first division champions last season, suffered their second defeat m three days when they were beaten yesterday by a solitary .goal by Stoke, whom they had beaten three-nil at Highbury last Wednesday. On Saturday Arsenal had lost by an
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 109 8 The S.H.B. Auxiliary Police beat the Rovers S.C. by 6-0 m an S.A.F.A. second division j game played at the Thomson Road yesterday. A feature of the game was the individual performance of Bird, the Police centre forward who scored three goals. Humphreys scored one goal
    109 words
  • 48 8 The Singapore Cricket Club (hockey section) will hold a meeting on Monday, Sept. 6, to elect officials for the forthcoming •4 ason. It is hoped to re-establish the women's hockey section and those women members who are interested m the game are requested to attend.
    48 words
  • 79 8 LONDON, Tuesday. The European heavyweight champion Bruce Woodcock's come back bout against American Lee Oma on Sept. 21 will only b e over eight rounds, it was revealed today. Jack Solomons, promoter of the Harringay Arena bout said: "Woodcock wanted a stiff fight for his
    79 words
  • 217 8 SOME of Singapore's leading amateur boxers will take part in an amateur tournament at the Happy World ty"ena on Friday, Sept. 3, in aid of the Carmalite Convent build'"* fund. The programme which Is being organised by the Katong Boys' Club, will start at 9 p.m. Boxers
    217 words
  • 248 8 Navy Indians Draw In Thrilling Div. 1 Game Indian Assn 1; Navy 1. PLAYING an inspired game throughout, the Indian Association drew with the Royal Navy one-all m a fast and exciting S.A.F.A. first division league game at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The Indians gave one of their best performances
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  • 106 8 THE Katong Eurasians were defeated by 3-0 by the Malays in an S.A.F.A. second division league game played at Geylang Stadium yesterday. The game was a one-sided affair and the Eurasians might have lost by a bigger margin had it not been for the good goalkeeping by Alphonso.
    106 words
  • 100 8 THE Royal Singapore Golf Club (August) mixed foursomes competition which was played at Bukit Timah over the week-end resulted In Miss Kingsley and Mr. Tabor with a net score of 34|. The following were the best returns Miss Kingsley and Mr. Tabor 43— 8'i 34Vi; Mr. and Mrs.
    100 words
  • 110 8 LONDON. Tuesday. At Lords, Middlesex beat Warwickshire by nine wickets, Middlesex 379 and 21 for one, Warwickshire 110 and 288. At Bournemouth, Surrey beat Hampshire by an innings and 27 runs. Surrey 449 for seven declared, Hampshire 269 and 153 (A. V. Bedser 4 for 40). At Hove,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 469 8 < I .ASSIMKD ADS. (Continued from pape 4) A< I iivIMUD/VHON VACANT LEONIE HOUSE 25-Oranjt? R< vlrs 1 H Pavne r I ***** LARGE double bed sitting room bathroom, full board. European home. Telephone gai-jRe. H.C. MS Box No A3889, S.T. ONE room with la.ire sitting room near Tanglin Club
      469 words
    • 37 8 Wherever you rest W^ '111— -v A your ONwuranee of perfert comfort iv T/ie cncptha£\jtiuk foam cushioning DUNLOP RUBBER CO. (Malaya) LTD. Mattress** obtainable from Whiteaway Laidlaw fir Co., Ltd. M^ M^^^^^"^^""^^^^"*"^^ M M '^""d'LLO3 SOL*. AGENTS:—
      37 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous