The Straits Times, 26 August 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 478 1 British To Cross In Hunt For Bandits BANGKOK, Wednesday. DLANS for closer cooperation between the Siamese Government and Malayan authorities m operations against Communist terrorists infesting the frontier regions were announced m Bangkok today. Under the new arrangement, British military and police patrols may cross the
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  • 119 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. 'THE State Department A has approved emergency shipments of approximately $50,000 worth of small arms and ammunition to Malaya for use against Com-munist-led guerilla forces, it was learned today. Officials disclosed that licenses to ship armaments were approved by the Department's Munitions Control Board during
    UP  -  119 words
  • 198 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Thurs. FIGURES issued by the Rubber Study Group for consumption and production in the first half of the year provide little justification for the recent weakness in commodity prices. Yesterday c decline to below Is. Id., for the first time since May
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 1 SHIPPING EXECUTIVE: Mr. S. P. Healey, an American President Lines executive, who has been transferred from Calcutta to Singapore. Mr. Healey and his wife anticipate being m the Colony for about a year. Straits Times picture.
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  • 54 1 TOKIO. Wed.— The Japanese Coast Guard has arrested 65 Koreans who tried to smuggle their way into Hiroshima Prefecture, the local Japanese press reports. The first arrests took place this morning when 11 Koreans were picked up m the vicinity of Onomichl. A few hours later
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  • 29 1 LAHORE, Wednesday. Casualties at a Muslim refugee camp, 140 miles from here where police yesterday opened fire, were today reported at 15 killed, 20 seriously injured.— Reuter.
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  • 192 1 From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Wed. A DRAGNET has been spread by the Siamese authorities m an effort to capture a band of 30 bandits which fled into Siamese territory on Monday. Military forces m Malaya iad been hunting the bandits before they escaped into
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  • 438 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE Commissioner of Police (Mr. W. N. Gray) announced today that he was rescinding his order that the police should 10 longer give information to the press. "It was never my intention to impose any restrictions apart
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    44 1 LOOK MUMMY! Young Suzanne, one-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Tart, was fascinated by the antics of this pappy at yesterday's bring-and-bny sale at the Victoria Memorial Hall m aid of the Graham -White Memorial Fund. Story m page five. Straits Times picture.
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  • 116 1 From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A SENIOR Government spokesman in Kuala Lumpur yesterday said it was hoped to make an announcement within a few days on whether any successor to Sir Edward Gent, High Commissioner for the Federation, has been appointed. It is understood
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  • 122 1 SYDNEY, Wed. SIR Laurence and Lady Olivier, during their visit to Sydney, were members of the audience at a performance by an Australian company. The Mercury Mobile Players, of Moliere's v. imedy. "The Imaginary Invalid." This company takos the theatre to the people and this performance
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 163 1 HONOLULU, Thursday. CIXTEEN of the crew were killed and the remaining four cr:ti"al!y injured when a United States Superfortress crashed m flames while trying to make an emergency landing on an Honolulu airfield today. One of the engines failed and the aircraft crashed into a
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  • 199 1 Troops Will Know Weapons LONDON, Wed. "THE British War Office, 1 replying to a suggestion that troops being sent to Malaya are insufficiently trained, gave an assurance today that every one of them will be "entirely familiar with his weapons." The War Office was commenting on a letter published today
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  • 178 1 STALIN PLAN ON BERLIN LONDON, Wed. AN informed diplomatic source said today that Marshal Stalin has proposed a Berlin conference of Big Four financial experts to work out agreement on the control of the city's currency. The United States, Britain and France, the source said, were considering the suggestion in
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  • 42 1 BRUSSELS, Wed.— The Belgian member of the United Nations Goodwill Commission m Indonesia (M. Paul Van Zeeland) has been replaced by his former assistant <M. Raymond Herremans) because of the pressing nature Of other ri,iH—._ a.P
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  • 29 1 MEDAN, Wednesday. Pa-nic-stricken inhabitants of Medan today rushed into the streets when a heavy earth tremor rocked the city for several seconds. No damage was reported. U.P.
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  • 22 1 MANILA, Wed.— An impending strike of 7.000 Maniia Railroad Company workers was reported to President Quirino today.- A. P.
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  • 292 2 MALA YA CRISIS MAY DELAY UK ARMY RELEASE LONDON, Wednesday. DEVELOPMENTS m Malaya, difficulties m U recruiting a new territorial army and the tense European situation will retard demobilisation m the United Kingdom. It is reliably learned that this was a Cabinet decision yesterday. The Foreign Secretary (Mr. Ernest Bevin)
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  • 153 2 Views Clash At World Church Talks AMSTERDAM, Wed. PLASHING Bast-West viewy points on Soviet policies and Communism were laid before the World Counoil of Churches here yesterday by a Czech theologian and the U.B Republican Party's foreign adviser. The speakers were Mr. Jonn Foster Dulles, who it is thought will
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  • 65 2 CANBERRA, Wed. The Prime Minister (Mr. J. B. Chlfley) has rejected requests by the State Premiers to continue Commonwealth Drice stabilisation subsidies on wool, cotton yarn. Imported textiles and potatoes. The Commonwealth Government announce-! that it would discontinue the subsidles next month following the defeat of it 3
    AP  -  65 words
  • 73 2 TEHERAN, Wed. The Yugoslav Minister to Iran (Mr. Azim Alihodzic) who left Iran two days, ago said yesterday that because of the amosphere of savage terror m Yugoslavia" he and othtr members of his legation could not return to Yugoslavia. "Being patriots and honest Communists we are requesting
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  • 192 2 New Call For Stern Action LONDON, Wed. AT last the authorities, both m Britain and In Malaya, "have come to realise that stern measures and large scale military operations are necessary if the activities of Malayan terrorists are to be successfully countered", the Conservative Daily Telegraph said m a leading
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  • 62 2 KARACHI, Wed.— Brita'n with 37,000 tons has been given the largest raw Jute quota to be exported from Pakistan during the period ending Dec. 31. The total to be exported is 90.000 tons. France will get 20,000 tons, Russia 6,000 tons. The Government announced yesterday that m future
    AP  -  62 words
  • 139 2 Guerillas Strike In Greece —Kidnap New "Recruits ATHENS, Wednesday. THE worst guerilla fighting this year flared up today throughout Greece and, m one incident, an American flag was torn to shreds. Striking back strongly m answer to their defeat m the Grammos Mountain campaign, guerillas shelled provincial towns and made
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 2 FILM-STAR DAVID NIVKN and his wife on their arrival at Liverpool from the United States. David, in Britain recently to star in "Bonnie Prince Charlie," Is back to make his next fl'na "The Elusive Pimpernel"— Mirror picture.
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 55 2 MANILA, Wednesday. OUDDEN blackouts have twice occurred while the Customs were searching luggage of plane passengers from Bangkok On one occasion the Customs had 1? passengers on tlw suspect list for smuggling Jewellery. Whei the lights came on they fcund no Jewels m the luggage An
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    • Article, Illustration
      61 2 VENICE. Wed. —An Austrian attack on anti-Semitism m "Der Prozess ("The Trial") yesterday received the loudest acclaim of mv film yet shown m the Vtnice Festival.— A.P MISS AUSTitU.IA: Se'»c*» ed as the most beautim. i talented Australian wonan. Miss Judy Gainford leaves London for New York on
      AP  -  61 words
    • 35 2 WASHINGTON, Wed. Shipments to seven European countries valued at $21,445,989 were approved yesterday by the Economic Co-operation Administration. The shipment authorised for Austria included copra from the Philippines valued at $1,424,100.— A.P.
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    • 18 2 FLORENCE, Wed.— A bomb last night shattered the premises of the pro-Fascist Italian Social Movement. A.P.
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    • 31 2 LONDON, Wed. Britain shipped 2,700 cars worth $3,500,000 to the United States In July. Total car exports to all countries were 20.300, valued at $22 000 000.— A.P
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    • 30 2 OTTAWA, Wed.— Dr. Hewlett Johnson, the Red Dean of Canterbury, is expected to arrive m Canada m November. He will speak m Ottawa on Nov. B.— A.P
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    • 40 2 EDINBURGH, Weil. The Soviet flag disappeared curly yesterday from alongside the flags of 22 nations at the Festival of Music and Drama. It is not known if it was stolen or blew away. Officials later replaced it A.P.
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    • 36 2 BERLIN, Wed.— The British yesterday forbade the import of publications by Sir Oswald Mosley, former British Fascist leader, into the Province of North Rhine Westphalia. The announcement described the literature as undesirable. A.P.
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    • 73 2 DELHI, Wed. Mini t> r Syama Prasad Mookorjce told Parliament yesterday tnat possible production of syntnetic petroleum from India s big reserves of low sradp coal was being studied Seven American technicians had visited India. A Pittsburgh company would make a report. He said the Government was
      AP  -  73 words
    • 58 2 BIRMINGHAM. Wed. --The Austin Motor Company lost three and a half days jroduction—l,soo cars- m :*n argument over how many holes a man should drill wUh a new machlre. An unofrir.ial walkout began when an operator complained that he could not make the new machine drill as many
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  • 48 2 ROME, Wed. Panicstricken peasants were still fleeing last night from Italy's earthquake belt around Foggia, rocked by a series of shocks m the past five days. Crowds were fighting desperately to get on trains. Red Cross supplies were being rushed to several hundred homeless.— Reuter.
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    • 895 2 NOTICES FAB EASTERN FREIGHT CONFERENCE FREIGHT TARIFF FROM MALAYA DATED JANUARY 1947 Shippers are hereby Informed that the effective date of the reIntroduction of the transhipment additional to Istanbul has been postponed from 19/8/48 as already notified to Ist September 1948. NOTICE la the Estate of Sarah Joseph deceased Pursuant
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    • 351 2 NOTICES AUCTION SALE OF 25 cases cellophane caper. 1,500 pieces coated aluminium roofing sheets. 200 pieces asbestos cement sheets, 257 tins ready mixed paints of various colours, 3 rolls woollen »ultlng, 330 cases oocoa, 38 cases Eau de Cologne, 12 cases lipsticks and holders 17 oases "Samson's" gin (duty paid).
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    • 707 2 NOTICES AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD SINGAPORE PROPERTIES To be held at The saleroom of Messrs. Cheong Koon Beng St Co., Ltd., No. 10 Chulla Street. On Wednesday, Ist September 1948, at 2.30 p.m. Lot 1. Freehold land and house* Nos. 17 St 19 Highland Road, area 29,296 sq. ft
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    • 125 2 SHIPPING NOTICES NEDERLAND LINE ROYAL DUTCH MAIL M.V. "POELAU LAUT" due Singapore about 37th August, 1948. Loading cargo for Amsterdam/Rotterdam For cargo and particulars please apply to: NEDERLAND LINE ROYAI DUTCH MAIL, 41, Robinson Road Tel: 7128/3443 ROYAL DAM 'OYD "ZEELAND" from U.S.A. Atlantic coast due Singapore Aug. 29th. For
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    • 59 2 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY NOTICE is hereby given that part of Market Street from Cbulia Street to Boat Quay will be olosed in sections to through traffic commencing 30th August 1948, for a period of about 7 weeks. BY ORDER. CATHAY NEXT CHANGE Going on Leave? KISP IN TOUCH WITH THE STRAITS
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    • 118 2 S PB£OS m^f OHVAL ISCBHCB <3L ?QR COUGHS COlft ANP LUHG TROUBLES jmH^j^t.'w Nothing breaks up stubborn cold or soothes Tv mJ^n^mt away a hard cough more completely lhan X JL/u'WEk SCOTTS Emulsfon Z M&wp\ KJOI I» finest selected Cod Uver Oil rebuilds wasted /^"^^vVl #riiQ^a i/MFTU tissues and maintains
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  • 307 3 German Police Kill Agent BERLIN, Wednesday. 'pWO more shooting incidents are reported from the boundary dividing the Western xones of Berlin -from the Soviet occupation zone. Details are incomplete. Bavarian border authorities reported, however, that German police from the Russian zone shot and killed a German
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  • 163 3 Local Trade Awaits A Stable Yuan MANY Malayan and Singa- h pore firms have tempo- f. rarlly suspended business in Chinese goods because of un- certainty caused by the Chi- i; nese currency chanse-over. i! "Thev await particularly the fixing of prices," a Sin- A gapore banker told the Straits
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  • 97 3 U.S. LOOKS FOR RAW MATERIAL, LONDON, Wed. T ONG-TERM access to such raw materials as rubber, tin, manganese, and fibres is the purpose of the United States policy of building reserves of strategic materials. British contributions to the stock-pile will come almost entirely from the colonist, said a spokesman of
    AP  -  97 words
  • 189 3 8s3d-A- WEEK GIRL NOW U.K. LABOUR CHIEF L 4 WOMAN of 55 who, as 8s. 3d. a week as a cafe labour chief of Britain. She is Miss Florence Hancock, who takes over the ore- 1 sidency of the Trades Union Congress, whi:h open3 soon at Margate. Representina 8,000,000 Bri-
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  • 128 3 GENEVA, Wed.— The Economic and Social Council yesterday rejected 14 votes to three i Russian move "temporarily to suspend the validity of the igreement between U.N and Jhe International Civil Avia;lon Organisation until the ;xpulsion of Spain m ratified." The council approved a Canadian resolution com- i
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  • 102 3 LONDON, Wednesday. pREE market supplies of sugar for the crop year 1 ending next week will show a surplus of nearly 250,000 metric tons. I This is the estimate of the International Sugar Council. Supplies are expected to total 4,913,000 tons against estimated needs of
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 3 SIGNOR DE GASPERI, Prime Minister of Italy, on holiday at the house where he was born, near Trento, m Northern Italy. With him are his daughters Maria Romana (seated) and LJa and hi» sister-in-law. A.P. picture.
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  • 27 3 Trade Bar Alleged By Pa kist an GENEVA, Wtd. DAKISTAN hu formaUy 1 accused the Govern- ment of India of imposing < economic sanctions against Pakistan.— A J».
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  • 137 3 I WASHINGTON, Wed. THE highest U.S. defence I I officers today announced agreement on the respective duties of the three Services, ending differences between the Navy and Air Force existing since the air arm was made a separate department. The office of the Secretary of Defence
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  • 42 3 NO JAP THREAT TO KILL P.o.W. s WASHINGTON, Wed.— The United States State Department declared that it had lever heard of any wartime threat by the Japanese Government to kill Allied prisoners of war If an attempt vere made to invade Japan,
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  • 35 3 T HE GOOD WORD ia;inuon Wed. An OrJington tobacconist who vent on holiday yesterday eft a password with his relief and regular customers £f ma e u« sure outsiders did lot get his regulars' cigarette
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  • 210 3 RANGOON, Wednesday. A GOVERNMENT communique announced last A night that two Central Burma townlets had been recaptured from the rebels and that large numbers of Burma Army deserters had surrendered. Near Rnnornnn Insiir- I gents attacked an Army transport depot at Insein and took
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    18 3 MARILYN MAXWELL who I* touring the American zone of Germany with the Jack Benny concert party. Planet picture.
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  • 162 3 Nizam Appeals To U. N. LAKE SUCCESS, Wed. HYDERABAD, In a letter published at Lake Success today, asked the United Nations Security Council to intervene in its year-old dispute with India over demands that it accede to the Dominion. The letter read: "Hyderabad has been exposed in recent months to
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  • 153 3 Full Scale War Against French In Indo-China FIGHTING between French r troops and Viet Minn, the Indo-Chinese autonomy movement, has increased to the pitch of a full scale war In certain districts during the past few days and Viet Minh forces are reported to control all except the large towns
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    • 93 3 From the moment you first take the wheel, the Hill man Minx seems right.' Every control is exactly where you wast it the new Synchromaric gearchangc at your fingertips driving seat instantly adjustable three ways, for height, slope and legroom the grouped Instruments in full view through the 3-spoke sprung
      93 words
    • 265 3 1 1^ For the storage of fresh meat, vegetables an 3" foodstuffs, KELVINATOR leads the way with Its more efficient freezing and greater food protection at the lowest possible price The generous spac e provided, wide-range temperature control and ease of cleaning make It Ideal for use m markets, provision
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  • 268 4 U.S. Spy Hunters To Hear Ex-Chief Of Red Underground WASHINGTON, Wednesday. CONGRESSIONAL spy-hunters expect to subpoenara long-sought witness next Monday— J. Peters, said to have been chief of the pre-war Communist "underground" in the United States. Told that Peters was due on Monday at deportation proceedings In New York, the
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 4 ACtIiSED BY RUSSIANS: Lieut. Robert Dreher, young American naval officer accused by Soviet police of having been caught spying red-handed. The U.S. State Department said the evidence was planted. Lieut. Dreber has left Russia.— A.P. radio picture.
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  • 174 4 HIROHITO SILENT ONFUTURE TOKIO, Wed EMPEROR Hirohito would not discuss the subject of abdication with the editor of the Melbourne Sun (Mr. Waters) who has Interviewed him. He called it a delicate subject, but talked freely on other matters. He said that if any Japanese wanted to migrate to New
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  • 115 4 'ONE CHIEF FOR ARAB ARMIES' CAIRO, Wed. THE creation of a unified 1 command for all Arab armies m Palestine is new being discussed by the Egyptian and Iraqi Premiers and the Secretary-General of the Arab League, reliable sources said yesterday. Although the officials declined to reveal the nature of
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  • 124 4 MELBOURNE Wed. THE Australian Government was today considering what action it could take following a threat by the South Australian Building Trades Federation to withdraw all members from the Woomera rocket experiment range unless permits were granted to nine Union leaders banned from th» area. Announcing
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  124 words
  • 136 4 STOCKHOLM. Wed. A U.S. proposal to give Army doctors and sanitary personnel prisoner-of-war status was defeated by 31 to eight at the International Red Cross conference m Sweden. One of the arguments of the opposition was that the term prisoner-oj-war was a stigma.
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  • Article, Illustration
    70 4 DREAM CAME TRUE: Last week. 11-year-old Derek Reed's dream of driving a train came true when he spotted an obstruction of the Underground line near his home m Golders Green. London, warned the stationmaster and, to reward, was invited to tour the U nd W ou d v, H Hr«l
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  • 525 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. VINE terrorists were killed during police and 11 military actions m the Federation m the last two days. In a police ambush on a Sakai village m the Batu GajOh area of Perak yesterday two Chinese terrorists were
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 273 4 111 1 NAI EX RUBBER LINERS FOR SAND CHUTES PIPES PACKING STRIP FOR LADDtK ROLLERS BOTTOM TUMBLERS •no other Mining and industrial Applications: THE WILKINSON PROCESS RUBBER CO.. LTD. BA I U CAVES, SELANtiW Ttlrphnne: Batu Cmve'i 14 I Irtr.ims: Wilproco' Batu Caves Advance -design HEAVY DUTY TRUCKS 161" and
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    • 679 4 IbAWP >^ y^-*-^-a^*****| jut 3 Shows— 3. 6.15 A9 15 p.m. WuTf MffTfiiS 0 "^^"'""l i TO-MORROW IS FOREVER" /^|V^/ A€B! Rk=*^ )r»en Welle*, CUodett* Colbert P^H VWV W Opening To-morrow *9ltfto&* I S^lb *he Copacolo«al "COPACABANA* .Ss^> L GRRAI WOK II) 3LOBE 7 »1S "STORM OVER LISBON" |0^
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  • 173 5 Heavy Losses In Penang From Our Staff Comtsp indent PENANG, "Vednesday. DKCAUSE of the recent release of copra and coconut oil from Ceylon, Penang traders m both commodities have lost at least $1,000,000 m the past few weeks, a leading oil miller told the Straits Times
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  • 179 5 $5,000 For Penang Orphanage From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. 'THE Central Welfare A Council has allocated $5,000 towards the cost of building an orphanage for Muslim children m Penang. The decision was made at the Council's meeting this morning after two Penang residents, Mrs. J. H. Evans and
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  • 70 5 At the recent normal class examinations for English school teachers m »ralnlnsr held at Muai Batu Pahat. Johore Bahru Kluang and Segamat 30 teachers took the first-year examinations 32 the second-year examinations, and seven the thirdyear examinations. Teachers who pass the third-year examinations qualify as fully trained
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  • 36 5 Mr. Victor M. Segal, an Australian wholesale leweller. has arrived m Singapore after spending six months abroad buying watches jewellery, gems and diamonds He leaves on Friday by plane for Sydney.
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  • 106 5 DENIAL OF OPIUM CHARGES FE Indones' olic'a Representative In Singapore (Dr. said yesterday morning that hl« office knew only from news published at about the time of the third anniversary of tne Republic. Aug. 17, of the sale of opium alleged by the N.E.I. Government to have been conducted by
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  • 60 5 Tan Kok Seng, of 625, North Bridge Road, was yesterday sentenced to four months' rigorous imprisonment by the Second Police Magistrate (Mr. L. C. Goh) for assisting m the management of chap Ji kee. Tan was allowed bail of $500 pending appeal. Inspector Noordln bin Talib
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  • 660 5 From Our Woman Correspondent SINGAPORE clergy and other friends of the late Archdeacon and Mrs. Graham White paid tribute to the couple before the formal opening of a bring-and-buy sale at the Victoria Memorial Hall yesterday to raise funds for a Graham White Memorial.
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  • 254 5 'ApaMacham 'He Said To Gang Witness JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. A PA macham" was how an estate manager greeted a gang of armed Chinese who held him up on the trunk road near Kulai last December, according to a witness here yesterday. In the magistrate's court a preliminary inquiry was held
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  • Article, Illustration
    61 5 Members of the land-owning Muslim family Ampaso of Lanao m the Philippines are m Singapore en route for Mecca. Leader of the party is Dato Manalo Mindalano (m white suit). In dark glasses is his brother Makisiput, injured when fighting as a Filipino guerilla. Others (from left to right): Jerangkal,
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  • 91 5 A Chinese yesterday told the Second Police Magistrate (Mr. L. C. Goh) that his wife and mother-in-law assaulted him because he did not go to work for two days. See Toh Fong, the mother-in-law, was charged with voluntarily causing hurt to Tham Meng Tat with a
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  • 44 5 SEGAMAT, Wed. After being m police custody for some time, a middle-aged Indian, Murugan, has been released by Inche Hamid bin Dato Mustapha m the Segamat District Court. The charge of burning down rubber on Sungei Senarut Estate, Batu Anam, was withdrawn.
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  • 274 5 Acontession allegedly made by a Chinese seaman. Teoh Ting Kong, after a British ship's Chinese coxswain was found slain m his cabin was produced before Mr. E. V. A. Peers m the Singapore Ninth Police Court yesterday. Mr. Peers was hearing a preliminary inquiry Into a
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  • 33 5 Mrs. Malcolm Mac Donald, wife of the Commissioner General, is much better, it was stated at Bukit Serene yesterday. She is leaving Johore Bahru Hospital and will soon go on holiday.
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  • 194 5 DRIVATE Harry Thomas Joseph Gordon, aged 21, of the First Devons was committed for trial at the next Assizes m the Seventh Police Court yesterday on a charge of theft of a Japanese automatic and one round of ammunition from the guard room at Selarang
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 136 5 The new j Now v° u can work > jj^^m |P^ play and sleep m cool m^ WfZ ffff I^7 comfort free from dust and sticky heat. A new Carrier Room Air a Conditioner will make I} f\f\^yi/i A\ I'M* a°y indoor climate you I\UUfff jCJLi'f want— at the twist
      136 words
    • 166 5 "SOP AC" INSULATION CORKBOARD Suitable for Cold Storage etc. BIZEB OF SHEETS 3 f X 1 THICKNESS: 1 2" S" 4r34 r 3 STOCKS CARRIID Harrisons Crosfield mm) Ltd. TELE: IMPORT DEPT: 5866/7/8 SINGAPORE X M\ .I— i O XX thanks to the w3bftW *W i> Such littlt Kolyno* on
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  • 1027 6 Singapore, Thur. Aug. 26, 1948 A SINGAPORE SANATORIUM Perhaps the Singapore public has not yet grasped the fact that one of the things it has been clamouring for during the last two or three years has suddenly become a possibility during the last few days. That is a modern tuberculosis
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  • 114 6 From the Straits Times of Aug. 26, 1898 MANILA, Aug. 14.— Manila has fallen. The Spanish flag came down and the American went up at exactly 5.40 p.m. yestefday. The Olympla fired the first shot at 9.35 a.m. and ceased firing at eleven, when the white flag
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  • 2004 6  -  ROY MORRELL, By Lecturer In English Literature At Raffles College Hamlet And Macbeth IT is indeed an appro1 priate moment to consider what the Asians of Malaya can really get out of Shakespeare, or— to put it ano trier wayhow Shakespeare can best be presented here. It
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    • 234 6 IJNDER the heading "Municipal Buses m. Colony Plan," your report I on the findings of the' Singapore Housing Committee states A Municipal or other public owned transport system loi iiUi 6U pore Is forecast.... in moy. It has been found that this type of living
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    • 301 6 CONSIDER that the 1 letter from "Torquemada" on the subject of Provident Fund and Income Tax Amendments and the attack on Government is unjustified. The Income Tax Amendment Bill was tabled In the Legislative Council on July 13 and set out fully m the "Objects and Reasons"
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 752 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. Toogood. To Eileen (Nee Baber) wife of J. T. Toogood at Batu Gajah on 20th August 1948 —4 son. The engagement is announced between Thomas A. Roper, only son of Mr. Mrs. W. H. Roper of Folkestone. England, and Dorothy Margaret Still, youngest daughter of Mr. Mrs. F.
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    • 124 6 ONE PAIR OF EYES 'One pair ot eyes Co last lifetime. You can chew with false teeth, walk wltb wooden leg, but nevei oan you r* witb a blind eye Thla does not mean that we are In danger of going blind but a warning that we should not neglect
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    • 187 6 DENTAL SURGERY I^Br bbbbT^^V^^^P^TT^** U VI \K/ jd* JLJentul surgery has made great strides, but advances m professional skill and technique have been enormously assisted by ihe work of the British chemist and the chemical industry. Whera would the dentist bo without anaesthetics? Gas laughing gas nitrous oxide wat^rst prepared
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  • 262 7 Party Promises Council Action THE Progressive Party will oppose any attempt by the Colony Government to impose or increase taxation on cigarettes, tobacco, matches, bicycles, motor cycles, tyres, tea and such other indirect taxation as imposed recently m the Federation. The Party announced this m a
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  • 132 7 THE Municipal Commisx sioners refuse to give m to hawkers using five Singapore temporary markets which have been cc-"^Tnned. The markets Are Erna Market m China Street, Ramah Street Market, Waterloo Street Market, Ailwal Street Market and Hindoo Road Market. The Municipal Secretary (Mr. W. W.
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  • 90 7 fAN DI THOK, a Netherlands Indies Chinese, aged 40, was charged yesterday with the murder of Mr. J N. Becker of Watts and Co.. who was shot dead In his office m Robin.«fm Road on Tuesday afternoon. The charge was, read to Tan m the presence
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  • 24 7 The half yearly general meeting of the Singapore Urban Co-operative Union Ltd. will be held m the Municipal Buildinsj on September 1
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  • 142 7 1/-ULA TUNGE, a Cey- lonese soldier, told the District Judge (Mr. E. P. Shanks) yesterday he was innocent of a charge of housebreaking and theft but was prepared to plead guilty because he was m a hurry to go home. Mr. Shanks said he would
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  • 61 7 TOLSTOY FILM COMING TOLSTOY'S tragic Anna Karenina" has been interpreted for the screen by a Frencn director, Julien Duvivier, and will shortly be shown m Singapore. The film isstrangely! movh.g and the slightly sur- i realist production makes it a masterly interpretation of Tolstoy's mood. Vivien Leigh's part is a_personal
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  • 302 7 rHE nrst Chinese Consul to Ipoh, Mr. Ibrahim T. Y. Ma, a Muslim, arrived m Singapore yesterday from Hong Kong aboard the Hai Hsla. W:th him was his wife and three-year-old son. They were welcomed by the Chinese Consul General in Singapore, Dr. Wu
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  • 58 7 SEGAMAT, Wed.— A man who was stated to have acted as messenger for a gang and to have delivered a threatening letter to Chew Chan appeared m the Segamat District Court yesterday charged with consorting with armed men. He was Cheong Kam, a 58-year-old Chinese, of
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  • 36 7 THE Director of Medical 1 Services, Singapore (Dr. W. J. Vickers) will give a talk tonight on the Blue Network, Radio Malaya. He will speak on the Government's policy on tuberculosis.
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  • 32 7 rruni uur uwn correspondent TELOK ANSON, Wed. A SLIGHT and short earth tremor was felt at Teluk Anson yesterday at 3.45 p.m. No damage was done to buildings.
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  • 200 7 SIX- YEAR-OLD bo l£X described a fight between his parents and! ft Chinese woman named' Tan Ah Jee, during which his father was injured by an axe, to the Third j Police Magistrate (Mr. F. B. Oehlers) yesterday. Describing events leading up to the incident, which
    200 words
  • 275 7 ■PHE Director of Information, Colonial Office, (Mr. A K. W. Blackburne) told Singapore Rotarians yesterday that he had not realised how critical people were about the Colonial Office. "People up-country were very frank with me," he said at the weekly luncheon meeting of the Rotary Club.
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  • 122 7 Death For Gunman Who Cried KUALA LUMPUR, Wed ARRESTED during an antiterrorist operation at Taikong m Semenyih, 21 miles from Kuala Lumpur on July 25 this year, a young Chinese, Khoon Koi Sang, was today sentenced to death at the Selangor Assizes for carrying a rifle. The sentence, passed en
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  • 134 7 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Wed. A52-year-oid Chinese shopkeeper, Chan Thorur Foon, who told an extra uolice constable "The Communists are not after you but they want the Europeans" -vas charged today in the Ipoh District Court under the Emergency Regulations for "DUblic alarm". It was stated
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  • 59 7 Found guilty fo assisting in the management of a public lottery, Lim Oo Sooi was fined $2,000 by the Second Police Magistrate (Mr. L. C. Ooh) yesterday. He was alleged to have beea detected writing up Chap Ji Kee staking slips in a room at 8,
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  • 91 7 THE funeral of Mr. J. N. Becker took place yesterday at Bidadari cemetery. Among the 80 mourners at the service conducted by the Rev. Kinross Nicholson were Messrs. A. Mathieson, 8 E. Newberry, E. C. Edwards, Richard Morris, Q. L. Peet, Dlckson Brown, M. L«wU, and
    91 words
  • 161 7 From our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed MR. Claude Mas&ey, the representative of the Government of Australia, discussed with ths Federation Government today the question of invitin? an Australian trade union delegation to visit the Federation Speaking to the Straits Times after the meeting Mr. Massev
    161 words
  • 170 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. »pHE recently formed Malayan Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis was today given approximately $90,000 as a starting fund by the Central Welfare Council. The council also resolved that any other contributions received for tu^^culosls work should be
    170 words
  • 34 7 The Singapore Colonial Secretary (Mr. P. A. B. MacKerron) will turn the lirst soil for the foundations of the Rotary Club T.B. Clinic at Tan Tock Sens lospital, 5.30 p.m. on Friday, September J.
    34 words
  • Malayan Round-up
    • 35 7 DOAD blocks were erected on all main roads leading into Singapore city yesterday morning. Passengers m public service vehicles and all other forms of transport, including private cars, were searched.
      35 words
    • 52 7 SEVENTY-FIVE officers and men from the Army Education School at Nee Soon barracks yesterday morning attended a performance of Olivler's Hamlet at the Cathay cinema. Brought m Army transport from Nee Soon to the Cathay and back, the army personnel paid one dollar for the normal two
      52 words
    • 35 7 J£UALA LUMPUR, Wed.— Mr. Ismail bin Ngah Marzukl of Perak and Mr. Lav Foo Sun of Kuala Lumpur have both passed the Intermediate B.Sc. Examination (Engineering l of *he University of London.
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    • 26 7 pARIT BUNTAR, Wed. —Labourer Valaidan was rimd $30 or three veeics' hard labour by Inche Abdul Wahab for having two gallons of *oddy.
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    • 50 7 Wed.— Officers of the Inter Nation Round Tables of Asia, Malacca Branch are: president: Mr. Tay Hong Seng; vice president: Mr. Tan Hbi Jin; secretary: Mr. Tan Eng Wan; treasurer: Mr. Tan Hock Lian. The committee are Messrs. Chin Soon Boon, Jog i rider Singh and Alias bin Matsil.
      50 words
    • 46 7 pARIT BUNTAR, Wed— Man bin 1 Mat was fined $75 for using a private motor car as a taxi. The prosecution said that motorists were taking advantage of police preoccupation with th« Emergency and were using private cars as public service vehicles.
      46 words
    • 56 7 gEOAMAT. Wed.— Saying that rubber was being stolen on large scale. Coup; Inspector Salleh bin Haji Omar pressed for a gaol sentence when Yam Seng, 49, of Eldred Estate, Bekok, admitted stealing four pounds of scrap He was given three mon l.s' hard labour The value
      56 words
    • 64 7 DARIT BUNTAR, Wed. Sinna1 thambj, a P.W.D. ove:> er was sentenced to three months rigorous imprisonment and h:vd •500 or another three months 1 gaol on a charge of having commit t d criminal breach of trust m respect of three cubic yard* of ston s valued
      64 words
    • 34 7 rE Principal of St. Andrew.! School (the Rev. Canon R. K. S. Adams) ha.s left Singapore far Kuchirig where he will visit >'d boys of the School and local Boy Scout Troops.
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    • 22 7 MALACCA, Wed. The annual general meeting of the Strains Chinese British Association will bz held oo Saturday at 2.30 p.m.
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    • 26 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Wt d Breaking away from the usual type of fortnightly dance, the Royal Johore International Club is holding a dinner-dance on Aug. 28.
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    • 53 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. Mohd b. Ahmed, a special constable on Sungei Plentong Estate, was charged m the District Court yesterday with attempting to outrage the modesty of a woman m the estate lines. He claimed trial an the charge and was allowed bail m $400 pending the hearing
      53 words
    • 58 7 A MOTOR cyclist. C. C. de Souza, who was involved m a double collision at Collyer Quay at about 2.30 p.m. yesterday was admitt il to the General Hospital with a badly injured right arm. The machine grazed the r a: offside mudguard of the first <\«r skidded
      58 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 120 7 H-M-V- H Mode! Price 1 5303 ■fS^jjH $650. This modern radiogiam incorporates the new H.M.V. automatic record changer handling 10 records m one loading and a Bandspread radio receiver. The acoustically designed walnut cabinet ensure traditionally Tine H.M.V tone quality. HIRE PURCHASE TERMS: Deposit $170 00 Balance m 12 monthly
      120 words
    • 101 7 PIPEMAKERS Active men know the relaxing companionship of a fine pipe. The famed Charatan fills the bill Yes. it gives you mild, mellow smoking that becomes sweeter with time. But more the Charatan is designed to the highest standard of pipe-crafts-manship Natural Cross Grain Bruyere m rich and beautiful grains
      101 words

  • Straits Times Thursday Magazine
    • 2260 8 SELANGOR IN THE DAYS OF THE CIVIL WAR We publish today a paper which was read to the Kuala Lumpur Rotary Club m 1933 by the late Sultan Suleiman Shah of Selangor. Much of the historical information given m this paper, was gathered from old records of the Kuala Langat
      2,260 words
    • 637 8  -  M.N. FOENANDER By THE Istana x Besar, venue of so many historical events and brilliant social gatherIngs m Johore Bahru, will for all time be associated with the late Sultan Abu Bakar, father of the present Ruler f Johore. This Istan which is situated
      637 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 105 8 HIGH CLASS fmT AERATED WATERS MMf Zemonade /#jp ESTABLISHED I*o4 I GLACIER chiU a*** BEARING METALS Precision finish Lead Eronze and Phosphor Bronze available ln irious sizes. White 6 different specifications The "Biro Minor" £^2 ft m 4 different colours Blue-Black, Creen, Red and Royal-Blue No Refilling i jj j
      105 words
    • 123 8 PAINT SUPPLIES DULUX DUCO DECORATIVE AND DURABLE PAINTS LACQUERS VARNISHES THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED (Inc. ln England) SINGAPORE-PENANG-IPOH-KU \L A LUMPUR-MALACCA O Burnol $S\\ OINTMENT j wOJ So easy to apply and relieve the p.ii.i: \^j^j/ Reduces risk of germ Infection. V^Al^ For Abscesses; Blisters. Insect Bites; Opntnainna Bolls; Burns
      123 words

    • 1078 9  - PARLIAMENT FOR THE EMPIRE Dr. E.H.G. DOBBY Reviewed by THE word "empire" has been with us too long. That political entity, the British Empire, has undergone so many changes so rapidly that to £0 on using the same word to describe it is to confound confusion. We have today no
      1,078 words
    • 590 9 An Australian Spotlight On S. E. Asia NEAR NORTH, Edited by Robert J. Gilmore and Denis Warner (Angus and Robertson, Sydney). THIS is a book written by Australians for Australians about their neighbours, the people of Australia's Near North." The book is made up of chapters written by thirteen journalists
      590 words
    • 407 9 New Books At The Library THE following new books 1 will be added to Raffles Library, Singapore, within the next few days: The Art of Go-xJ Speech <Doroihy Birch). Mu.M; m the Baroque Era (M. P. Bulcofzer), Body and Soul (John Brophy), The Testament of Ligiit <Gera d Bullett. cd.).
      407 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 78 9 A%^**"""'\ yH A^_^_ /i\ I l/y/I/f a\ BBS^^^^^ i :^fc \^eSS»HBHi^Bs I -fl^^^-, HL/ AiiT lllll 1,,. i,i 1 1 ff^^ ihK. fi _______flfl_v" M ______i^ a f^B ■<'%__#'* BBm____l _______ri L i wW^w^ /Km i^ppi^v I I J I'rif economy car Over 40 M-P.G. V j-' V. f j£)
      78 words
    • 289 9 jßj 9 A. WANDER LTT>. V^' V, _S. mtf Incorporated MT m England) Singapore v jidd these Vitamins to W tij Improve Babys Feed W B SIMPLE, but very effective way to increase lhe |0\ \W nutritive valueof oabyafeedlßtomlx Vlmaltol' fj V with a little of the milk, then add
      289 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 571 9 A corrcvcnd-'E* Mln (V* Hfcally'' wa* not oriv a >c y .ort is not true tha niuaj v. me but a sound one. squeeze plays executed by masters West opened the heart jack, could have been broken up by South won wt'.h the king diew shrewder defence. two rounds of
      571 words

  • 367 10 Penang Sets Up Organisation From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. DEGISTRATION of civilians will Hart m Penang and Province Wellesley on September 1, it was officially announced today. The announcement said that the Resident Commissioner had directed that all people of 12 and over would have to
    367 words
  • 86 10 "It is quite clear that you are set upon a life of crime and Li the interests of the public you must be removed for a long time," said Mr. Justice Brown, In the Singapore Assize Court yesterday when he sentenced Ng Llan Chang to six years*
    86 words
  • 71 10 The Colonial Secretary, (Mr. P.A.B. McKerron), will visit the village committees m Singapore next month. The programme of his visl's is as follows:— Sept. 1 Seracgoon Village Committee, 5.30 p.m.; Sept. 8 Bedok Village Committee, 5.00 p.m.; sept. 8 changl Village Commitee, 6.00 p.m.; Sept.
    71 words
  • 307 10 English For K.L. Streets Opposed MALAY NEWS RENAMING of streets at Kuala Lumpur is the subject of comment by two Malay newspapers, both of which suggest that Malay names should be substituted for those streets bearing non Malay ones. Majlis, the Kuala Lumpur newspaper, says: "The renaming of streets with
    307 words
  • 112 10 Singapore Diary TODAY Chinese Football Association Council meeting, Garden Club. 5.15 p.m. Royal Singapore Flying Clubcommittee meeting, 5.30 p.m. V's Men's Club. Board of Directors' meeting. V.M.C.A., Orchard Road. 3.30 p.m. Theosophlcal Society, discussion on "Brotherhood it Peaoe," 8, Cairnhill Road. 6.30 p.m. Y.W.C.A., dressmaking classes. 8. For. Canning Road,
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  • 325 10 CARE OF BANDITS' RELATIVES From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. NO public donations for social welfare or any Social Welfare Department funds were being used for the care of relatives of bandits said Dr. C. P. Rawson, Chief Social Welfare Officer today. Dr. Rawson,
    325 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 10 THREE college girls who are helping the farmers to gather m Britain's harvest. The one m the centre comes from the West Indies— Planet picture.
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  • 53 10 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— Major K. F. Cole. RE., who was sentenced to dismissal by a court martial which found him guilty of drunkenness, has had his sentence commuted by the C-ln-C Farelf. The sentence waa reduced to severe reprimand and a '••-rtain
    53 words
  • 102 10 Plans For Teachers' Day PREPARATIONS are being made by the Singapore Chinese Schools' Association to observe the Teachers' Day tomorrow, the birthday of Confucius who is regarded In China as the greatest teacher of all time. A memorial meeting will be held at the Majestic Theatre in Eu Tong Sen
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  • 94 10 AN extension of science teaching to two more English schools m Johore has been planned for 1949. These will be the Government English School m Muar and Batu Pahat which, with the English College, Johore Bahru, will then make three schools In all teaching this subject. Equipment
    94 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 238 10 HELD ■N^sMH THE CLASSIC OF THE YEAR! I pjjH^| ONLY 2 MORE DAYS W^§ I 11 a.m.. 2.15. 6 and %-fl ssf^>-3 9.15 p.m. ;p Air-Conditioned af* A TLJ A \sf Tele Jss\ IBIAV T Mo MmWt W PLUSRocky GRAZIANO Tony ZALB World Title Fight for the MIDDLE-WEIGHT CROWN! JTELE
      238 words
      236 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 369 10 u..L»io malaya ■«'POm.i llllM Chicago Symphony Orchis Club; 8.00 Oeraldo 8 30 tra with Elizabeth Schumann News; 8.64 BBC Welsh frequencies: 820 »c/« »t A Charles Kullman it Joseph Sze- Orchestra; 9.15 Mainly For I t Mc/t 11-30 Close. 4 p.m. New Women; 9.30 Radio Newsreel- i i nm Music-
      369 words

  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 130 11 SLIGHT INCREASE IN SHARE MARKET TRADING From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Wednesday. rrHERE was a slight increase m the volume of busiA ness on the Malayan share market today. Prices were irregular. Price changes announced by the Malayan SharebrokerS' Association were INDUSTRIALS Barer B»Ua McAlister Co. 51.00 92.50 Oversea Chinese
      130 words
    • 327 11 LONDON, Wed. HOPES of favourable torn m the International situation continued to be the main Influence In the London Stock Exchange yesterday. Some optimists were quietly buying Industrial shares, says Reuter's financial correspondent. Rubbers were unchanged to lower. "Tins again declined. Following were the closing middle prices of
      327 words
    • 90 11 gTAPF changes are announced by the P. O. Company aa follows: Captain R. P. J. Paice is now Staff Commander of the Stratheden m place of Captaio R. X CoweU, R.D., R.N.R., who took over command of the Karmala on Aug. 23. after leave: Captain E.
      90 words
    • 46 11 NANKING, Wed. MEW bonds based on the n gold yuan are to be issued by the Chinese Government. A beginning will be made in September, the Finance Ministry decided yesterday. Details will be considered at today's meeting of the Executive Yuan.— Renter.
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 233 11 CHIPS m port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns In brackets) were Main Wharf: Bteal Advocate (31—32). Olenroy (33 34), Marella (35—36). Steel Director (38 39), City of Glasgow (40 41). New Ohwang (43—43). We*t Wharf: Wosang (3—4), Benvorlich (6—7), Tung Song (10). Medon (13—14),
      233 words
    • 116 11 Co-operative Credit Investment IN excess of Income over expenditure of $10,380 i« shown In the Senior Offlcera' Co-op«rative Credit and Investment report for the year to May 31, 1948. The balance available tot distribution (including the balance brought forward from last year) U $13,738. The committee recommend* that thU sum
      116 words
    • 110 11 Singapore Rubber OPENING steady yesterday morning, the Singapore rubber market eased slightly later on. Little business was transacted. Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 sheet f.o.b. buyers 43% cents, sellers 43% cents; spot loos* buyers 43% cents, sellers 44% cents per Ib. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's noon
      110 words
    • 73 11 WORLD'S RUBBER OUTPUT LONDON, Wed. THE Rubber Study Oroup yesterday reported an Increase of 120,000 long tons In world natural rubber output during the first six months of 1048 as compared with the same period last year. Production to the first halfyear of 1948 totalled 737,000 long tens. On the
      73 words
    • 12 11 TALAM Mine*' output In July amounted to 447 picula.
      12 words
    • 40 11 From A Market Correspondent gfNGAPORE Pepper quotations Improved yesterday on sentiment, t>ut no business was reported. Practically all other produce market section* were quiet. Yesterdays quotations for pepper were: Muntok white $192; Sarawak white $19*1; Lampong black $186.
      40 words
    • 161 11 I AGREEMENT has been reached between the British Government and the Government of Ceylon for the purchase of copra and coconut oil from Ceylon at increased prices. i Announcing the agreement, the Ministry of Food says that it supersedes the existing agreement in respect of the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1334 11 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Singapore) BLUB FUNNEL LIMB STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., SAILINCS FROM U.K. b USA LTD. J'Medon" from UK. Holland C. II WEST COAST MA LAYA 55 U u U f. v*u ue from £li I "Mentak.b" for Malacca Aug. 26 Achillei due from U.K. Sept. 1
      1,334 words
    • 384 11 ACREAGES UNDER RUBBER IN MALAYA IN 1940 AND 1946 under rubber m Malaya m 1940 and 1946 are tabulated m flrnm lu*t issued by the Rubber Study Group Secretariat. Th« flguret, m acree, are: 1940 Small- 1946 Small- Estates holdings Total EsUtes holding Total Malayan Federation t,082.293 1,329,791 3,4ia,M4 1.895,814
      384 words
    • 191 11 EAST ASIATIC LIME tAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK./ SAILINCS IO CONTINENT/ comtimimt SCANDINAVIA. CONTINENT. Loading at Singapore. Port Swettenham m.i. "Nord»»rer" for Saigon C p«J«^ d »ht Au. 2fl Bangkok abt Ort for Aden. Hort Said. Csnoa. Barcelona, Antwero, Rottermm. ••Kambodia" for Manila. r, Hong Kong. Shanghai rvE,ta Coo<riha r 6 Kob
      191 words
    • 1063 11 Me ALISTER CO., LTD. (Incorporateo m Singapore) ELLERMAN tfc BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE HAVRI, LONDON HAMBURC. PACIFIC PORTS Accepting cargo for US North Atlantic PO T Port* Canada via Colombo Accepting cargo tot Central b South CITY O* CLASCOW American Ports fllXjl 28 S A?, m jH 0 8 CASTLIV.LLE i
      1,063 words

  • 1253 12 AUSTRALIANS WERE BETTER, BUT NOT MUCH A Defence Of English Cricket From R. C. ROBERTSON -GLASGOW By Special Arrangement LONDON, Wednesday. |\URING and just after the Test matches be"tween England and Australia m this so-called summer of 1948, there has been much idle and ill-informed talk. We, nearly all of
    1,253 words
  • 160 12 Centuries By Bradman, Brown LONDON, Wed. BILL Brown and Don Bradraan scored their eighth and ninth centuries of the tour in the cricket match between Australia and the Gentlemen of England at Lords today. Australia won the toss and twMed first. After making 120 out oi 221 in two hours
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 180 12 Gandhi Memorial Cup Match TWO-DAY cricket match between the Combined Indians and the Singapore Cricket Club will be played on the Club padang over the week-end for the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Cup which has been presented by Messrs. Gian Singh and Co., Singapore. A cricket bat for the best batting
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  • 96 12 Cheng Wah Make More Headway From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Wed. THE Cheng Wah who x are the Ipoh and district league and knockout competition champions moved a step nearer to triple honours when they last evening beat the Malays by 4—l4 1 m the semi-nnal of the Perak Football
    96 words
  • 23 12 There will be a meeting of the S.C.F.A. council at the Garden Club. China Building. Chulia St. at 5.15 p.m. 'oday.
    23 words
  • 54 12 TODAY SOCCER: S.A.F.A. Div. 1: M.F.A. v. Tiger S.C.— Jalan Besar Stadium. Div. Ill: A.M.D.G.W. (Chaofi) v. S.C.B.A. C.V.M.A. groand. St. G*»»rse'i Kd SUB. Boys* Club t. B.A.S.C. Trailing School— Geylang Stadium; Unicorns Club v. Ist Malay Coast Bty. 8.0.D. ground St. George's Rd.; Customs B.C. v Serangoon
    54 words
  • Article, Illustration
    55 12 UJA BOOM .KONG, rig hi, who played for the Chin a Olpmpic soccer team at Urn **orld Olympics. «s seen scoring his second s^oal for the Rover* Sport* Club against K.AJ"". Chaugl m a Singapore Amateur Football Association Ant dirfakm league game at Jalau Be»ar Stadium on Tuesday. The Hover*
    55 words
  • 41 12 hia Boon Leong, Yeap Chen; Eng and Chu Chee Sens, the three Malayan Chinese footballers who represented the China Olympic soccer team at the World Olympics, are seen at Bayan Lepas airport, Penang, on their return from London.
    41 words
  • 317 12 From EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. TRAINER van Breukelen's recent English importa1 tions are coming on splendidly and I expect to see several of them winning soon. Baron (late Consistory) easily the most expensive horse to be imported to this country, is in fine racing
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  • 191 12 SCC To Play 2 Matches In Java A SINGAPORE Cricket Club team will be visiting Java next week-end. The party will leave by plane on Saturday, Aug. 28, arriving at Batavia In time for lunch, and playing the Box Club In a two-day cricket match commencing on the same day
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  • 345 12 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. ENTRIES for three out of the six races for this Saturday's Gymkhana meeting at Alor Star have been handicapped while the other events will be run at catchweights. Six entries have been received for the women's race. Following is the
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  • 125 12 A GOOD display by Yong Chin, the Mental Hospital football team's goalkeeper enabled hLs side to defeat the Halkowyu Sports Club by 1-0 in an S.A.F.A. third division game at Oeylang Stadium yesterday. There wa« no score In the first half. Ten minutes alter the
    125 words
  • 287 12 'THE Singapore Cricket Club created another 1 surprise yesterday when they beat the Chinese Athletes by I—o m an S.A.F.A. First Division league soccer game at Jalan Besar Stadium. The Athletes beat the the Club by three-nil m the first round. This Is the third
    287 words
  • 42 12 Members of the Singapore Cricket Club are reminded that a meeting of all members interested m hockey will be held m the Club on September 6, at 5.1S p.m. The meeting was previously to have been held on August SO.
    42 words
  • 227 12 Let's Not Change The Venue SPORTS LETTER I miTH reference to the controversy about the Malaya Cup final venue, may I cor 7*7 a report that there is no rule which lays down that the final should be m Kuala Lumpur. In the early 1920s %h<m the Malaya Cup matches
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 276 12 CLASSIFIED ADS 'Continued from paite 6) FOR SALE FURNISHED Office and Store for sale. Apply Box A3829, 8.T. NEW SHIPMENT 4J cu It. Refrigerators Just arrived. $495 cash. Lee Fletcher, 102-106, Orchard Rd. Phone 3338. FOR SALE one Hot Table New and one Laminator for making Sole Crepe. Apply Manager
      276 words
    • 32 12 from $133-^ W* *U and service, not simply sell and nothing else II 16, Collyer Quay I DUNLOP i 1888-1948 \-^i»^^^^^^^^^lssssssssssssssss^^ \H T '^B I*lM^W 60 ymuts ol continuous leadership 1 IH/IM
      32 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 24 12 SINGAPORE TIDES Today: High Water. 2.02 ,a.m. (8ft. 8in.). 2.17 p.m. (8ft. 81n.). Tomorrow: High Water, 2.47 a.m. (8ft. 2in.), 2.48 p.m. (8ft 6in.).
      24 words