The Straits Times, 25 August 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 338 1 LONDON, Tues. rkETAILS of the forth- coming Royal Tour issued today show that for five months the King, Queen and Princess Margaret will proceed by 'plane, car, train and ship on a tour arduous enough to test the most hardened traveller. In Australia alone they will
    Reuter  -  338 words
  • 23 1 ISTANBUL, Tues. The Sfcnplon-Orient Express will resume its direct service between London and Istanbul on Sept. 1, it was reported today.
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  • 827 1 AMOK IN COLONY OFFICE Murder Of Merchant By Maniac VjR. J. N. Becker, an assistant at Watts and Co., Singapore merchants, was shot and killed yesterday by a Chinese who went amok, on the third floor of No. 144, Robinson Road, at 12.30 p.m. The chief of the C.I.D. (Mr.
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  • 160 1 TOKIO, Tues. MORE than 150 missing persons are believed to have drowned in the collapse of a railing of a concrete bridge in Niigata harbour, crowded with Japanese watching a fireworks display last night. A rescue force of 200 people with 19 ships Is searching the
    AP  -  160 words
  • 56 1 SEOUL, Korea, Tuesday. The U.S. Army announced today that Lt.-Gen. John R. Hodge, Commander of American occupation forces In South Korea since the Japanese surrender, is being sent to another post. Major General John B. Coulter, who has been Hodge's Deputy since May 25, will
    AP  -  56 words
  • 174 1 MOSCOW, Tuesday. 4 RELIABLE source here said tonight that the Western envoys and Russia had reached a general area of agreement during a second conference with Marshal Stalin yesterday. The U.S. Ambassador i (Mr. Walter Bedell Smith) emerged from the Kremlin m a buoyant mood
    AP  -  174 words
  • 173 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. l young alleged gunman cried when he was arrested during an anti-bandit operation by colic? and troops on July 25. it was said at the Selangor Assizes today. The raid was nn Taikone:. a village near Semenyih, 21 miles from
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  • 350 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. PHE Federation estates' production of rubber for A July of 35,193 tons was the highest figure since November, which was a post-war record of 36,050 tons. Production showed an increase of 1,947 ton*, from 33.246 m June to 35,193
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  • 85 1 LONDON, Tues. BRITAIN'S imports and exports reached alltime record levels last month when £185,600,000 worth of goods were brought in and £145,600,000 worth sent abroad. With re-exports at over £6,000,000, the nation's adverse balance of trade the main threat to the country's economic health stood at
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  • 22 1 BANGKOK, Tuas. Siam and the Republic of Burma established diplomatic relations at embassy level m a brief ceremony here today. Reuter.
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  • 53 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. DESPITE terrorist activity tin ore production m the Federation increased by nearly 400 tons m July. The dkily production was 5,159 long tons of which Perak produced 3,387: Selangor 1.364: Negri Sembllan, 139: Pahang 122; Johore. 47: Malacca. 13; Trengganu. 24: Kedah. 45
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  • 336 1 Siam Permits Found On Shot Bandits TWO terrorists, shot dead by Gurkhas in the 1 Pauh district of Kedah yesterday, were carrying Siamese travel permits and subscription lists. This was revealed by the police as Siamese authorities in Bangkok emphatically denied Singapore and London reports that armed Chinese bands were
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  • 94 1 ATHENS, Tuesday. fUERILLA battles blazed up U throughout Greece today, apparently as manifestations that the rebels did not consider themselves crushed by the Government's victory in the Mount Grammos campaign. Four hundred guerillas swept down from the hills during the night and occupied the suburbs of
    UP  -  94 words
  • 19 1 PARIS, Tues.— Ex-Emperor Bao Dal of Annam arrived m Paris this morning by air. Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 49 1 CLEGAKT tfV/FLURY P. H. HENDRY, lEWKI.MCR vMb to established Uateys-wMe Reputation. 78 North Brtdffr Road StnrsiMtr* W het hi ra ba Chippendale. l /TF^sll r**L' a Corot or a Churchman. fyGSpf? -^Tj^^ the pleasure is the same *wjf r i^S pleasure that comes from fl^^^s^fc^ the instinctive recognition ffltl^^^^^^^^^—.^^^
      49 words
    • 47 1 JT s CHRisTO*Mi» trout I Land rn+ '*<m tour mart WkJ rott mmmi !>«■» fyF bush Bi-fooal Inn* Ra<iu SOU AGENT* BRIGHT RADIO Co 101 ORCHARD ROAD. SINGAPORE RIGHT TIME Ik FOR A w&k Extra Malt means Extra STRCNCTH Extra Hops mean Extra FLAVOUR. Extra Goodness means TIGER
      47 words

  • Cable Flashes
    • 85 2 MANILA, Tuesday. T«WENTY-EIGHT Hukbalahaps were killed and 24 wounded in a two-hour 1 clash with police in Pampag nra Province on Sunday. Two thousand civilians eva- cuated 12 Tillages following i the clash. Site of the clash was Floridablanca, former U.8. Air
      AP  -  85 words
    • 25 2 NEW YORK, Tues. A number of men are trapped m a goldmine which collapsed 26 miles north west of Helen Montana. —A .P.
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    • 30 2 SYDNEY, Tuea. A cheque for £809, proceeds of a charity screening of Hamlet, has been presented to Sydney Legacy. The show was Sir Laurence Olivier's idea.— Reuter-A.AP
      Reuter-AAP  -  30 words
    • 57 2 TEHERAN, Tues. Defend ing Government policy on the Bahrein Islands question the Foreign Minister (Mr. Noori Isffendiari) said yesterday that the Persian Government considered null and void any agreement between two or more foreign Governments regarding Bahrein's territory or its oil resources He added that Persia reserved her
      AP  -  57 words
    • 32 2 NEW YORK, Tues— The Coastguard said last night it had despatched two planes after receiving reports that a plane had exploded m the air four miles south of the capital.—AP.
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    • 49 2 WASHINGTON, Tues.— Mi Paul Hoffman, Economic Cooperation Administrator, announces the appointment of Mr. Westmore Wilcox, 53-year-old New York Investment banker, as head of a special E.C.A. mission to Austria. Mr. Wilcox was previously assistant to Mr. Thomas Finletter, head of the E.C.A. activities m Britain. A.P.
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    • 59 2 LOS ANGELES, Tues.— Eighteen Indian and Pakistani members of the crew of the Silver Walnut walked off the ship after complaining that one of them had been "shoved" while passing an assistant engineer. They squatted for several hours outside the office of the Deputy City Attorney. He
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 46 2 HONG KONG, Tuea.— Eight went to hospital today fur ■evere burns following a flre which destroyed the godown of the Hong Kong-Kowloon Wharf Godown Company. The flre was one of the worst since the liberation. Damage was estimated at HK$500.000 to HK$700.000.— A. P.
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    • Article, Illustration
      82 2 Last night he entered a London hospital for treatment of ecxema of the feet. Asked whether the Prime Minister was receiving free treatment, under. Britain's new National Health Insurance Act which came into force last month, a hospital official said: "Mr. Attlee is being treated under the act
      Reuter  -  82 words
    • 51 2 BANGKOK. Tues.— A formal exchange of notes to establish diplomatic relations between Slam and Burma will take rjlace here today when a Burmese Roorfwlll mission arrives The mission, led by the Burmese Minister for the Shan States (Sao Khun Khlo) will be the sueste of th« Siamese Government.
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 79 2 LONDON, Tues. Indian Trader, the first Indian merchant vessel to open a service between India and Britain, has arr I ed here Her owners, the Indian Steamship Company of Calcutta, are entirely Indian. The ship's arrival marks the end of the century-old monopoly of British shipping concerns on
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 42 2 HOBART Tues. The Labour Party is expected to take office again following last week's tttneral election. The election followed rejection by the Legislative Council's Udpt House, which has only one Labour member, of the Labour Government's supply bill.— Reuter. AA.P.
      Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  42 words
    • 20 2 EDINBURGH, Tues. A Royal Air Force Lancaster crashed on landing at Kinross station yesterday killing eight. —A.P.
      AP  -  20 words
    • 38 2 TOKIO, Tues. One hundred and fifty are feared to have died last night when a bridge collapsed, dropping a crowd of spectators into the churning Shlnano River. The crowd was watching a fireworks display.— Reuter.— A.A.P.
      Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  38 words
    • 40 2 MONTREAL, Turn. A series of explosions tore through the Canadian National Railways freight yards yesterday setting fire to sheds and destroyinz 130 wagons. Officials estimated the damage at over $1,000,000. Five firemen were admitted to hospital.— UP.
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  • 63 2 MANILA, Tues.— A shipboard serenade which led to seven being killed Is reported from the small island of Burias. 150 miles south-east of here. The Customs Patrol Service reports that after islanders serenaded local (iris aboard the motorship Burias a gun fight broke ont in which six
    AP  -  63 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 673 2 NOTICES THE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. CHANGE OF ADDRESS As from J3rd August. 1948, our Address is: Nos. 17 19. Battery Road (Top Floor). Singapore. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association will be held on Thursday. 9th September. 1948,
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    • 676 2 NOTICES SOUTHERN DISPENSARY Mr. Loke Kwok Sang, has, on the 30th July, 1948, retired from the above Dispensary, and is no more a partner of the above Dispensary as from that date. (Signed) SOUTHERN DISPENSARY. IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE COLONY OF SINGAPORE ISLAND OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding Up
      676 words
    • 705 2 NOTICES AUCTION SALE Of Well-made Household Teak Furniture comprising: Bedroom, Sitting Room 6c Dining Tloom SeU; Grand piano by Moutrle; 7cublc feet "Frlgidaire" Refrigerator as new; Morris Eight 1957 Model Tourer In good condition; Chrysler 1940 Model Saloon newly painted and m excellent condition etc. To be held at No.
      705 words
    • 286 2 WHITE SUGAR i It Is published for the infor-1 mation of the public, distributors J and dealers In rationed commodi- ties, that with effect from ration i' week 36—40, I.E. 30th August, i 1948 to 3rd. October, 1948, white j t sugar will be issued on the ration to all
      286 words
    • 228 2 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY I Tender* arc Invited for the purjchase of: 130,0001 30,000 lbs. (approx.) of copper 40,000 lbs. (approx.) of lead. Tender forms, passes, etc. may Ibe obtained from the Municipal Electrical Engineer's Office (Room 1107)1 107) on payment of deposit of !$25/- (refundable). Closing date m the Municipal j
      228 words
    • 355 2 Why do their teeth itsm white? They clean them Sr\ safely with »fj| (fISSs Dentifrice Yes! Gibbs Dentifrice makes teeth last, for there's fysj£«tf Wf'^'"^ no risk of damage when you use it It cleans safely and '^fcts^^ '^f>r as there's no waste with Gibbs Dentifrice, it saves your f\jQW
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  • 222 3 Only War Can Dissolve It STOCKHOLM, Tuesday. A NY solution of the Palestine problem reached 21 by the United Nations General Assembly must recognise that a Jewish state is already in existence, said an informed United Nations source last night Count Folke Bernadotte, the United Nations Mediator,
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 3 An Indian instrumentalist playing the solo part m an orchestral performance at the Indian Independence Day meeting m London's Albert Hall.— A.P. picture.
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  • 143 3 AMERICA BANS 'REDDEAN' LONDON, Tues. DR. Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury, said yesterday that he had been refused a visa to enter the United States on lecture engagements. Dr. Johnson, for years a defender of the Soviet way of life and known as the "Red Dean," issued his statement through
    AP  -  143 words
  • 82 3 WARSAW, Tues. A BOUT 500 artists, scientist* and intellectuals will meet in Warsaw tomorrow to outline a programme for maintaining world peace. The four-day discussions are Jointly sponsored by a Polish-French committee, with Prof. Julian Huxley and Madame Irene Joliot Curie presiding alternately. The U.S.
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  • 80 3 DAMASCUS, Tues. Jamil Mardam Bey has formed a i new Cabinet in which he retains the National Defence Ministry. Nationalists portfolios are: Minister of Stato and Deputy Premier, Lutfl el HarTar, Interior, Sabri el Aaali: National Economy. Michael Elian. Independent posts are: Justice, Said el Ghaszi; Foreign
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  • 92 3 BUENOS AIRES. Tues.— Argentine meat shipments to Britain will drop to the lowest of the year m September. Only 100,000 carcases are booked for export that month. Packers attribute the drop to normal slackness m September because of the shortage of ships and to
    AP  -  92 words
  • 143 3 ISTANBUL, Tues. THE new Indian Ambassador 1 to Turkey (Mr. Dewan Chaman Lall), today called for closer ties between India and Turkey and referred to the possibility of Pandit Nehru paying a state visit to Ankara this autumn. "There are two bastions of civilisation in Asia:
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  • 97 3 LONDON, Tuesday. PRINCE Philip's sister, Princess Theodora of Baden, who was not invited to her brother's wedding to Princess Elizabeth, arrived by plane from Athens last night. It was her first visit to Brita;n since before the war. The Princess, wife of the German
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  • 69 3 U .N. HELP FOR CHINESE LAKE SUCCESS, Tuesday. —The United Nations will send a textile expert to China this week to help Chinese Government officials and manufacturers to convert raw cotton into bedding, clothing and hospital supplies for Chinese children. As part of the International Children's Emergency Fund's $6,500,000 allocation
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  • 37 3 SHANGHAI, Tues. Only four witnesses all convleted Japanese Generals— were called to testify at the one-day trial of Lieutenant-General Ya-sutsugu Okamura. The Chinese Military Tribunal will give its verdict on Aug. 30.— A.P.
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  • 132 3 Gaek war Of Baroda "Not Abdicating" NEW DELHI, Tuesday. T»HE Gaekwar of Baroda has almost reached a x settlement with his Government and "the question of his abdication need not arise/ said an informed Government source m New Delhi today. The Gaekwar and the Prime Minister of Baroda are conferring
    Reuter; AP  -  132 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 3 RESCUE: Pet rai/b.t rescued by a young German from a flooded cellar. Torrential rain has added to the miseries of Berlin's thousands of cellar-dwellers. Planet News picture.
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  • 130 3 NEW DELHI, Tuesday. A BILL to legalise the special court trying the Gandhi murder case was introduced m Parliament yesterday. The court was constituted under an executive ordinance pending legislative sanction. The Bombay Provincial Home Minister (Mr. Moraji Desai) testified m court that he
    AP  -  130 words
  • 60 3 SAN FRANCISCO, Tues. Two thousand Japanese Americans were assured yesterday that their lost American citizenship will be restored. Judge Louis E. Goodman ruled that the names of the 2,000, who had renounced their American citizenship under duress during the war, may be added to
    AP  -  60 words
  • 32 3 NEW YORK, Tu«s— A Federal judge has fixed Oct. 15 for the trial of 12 American Communist leaders charged with conspiracy to overthrow the Government by force.— Reuter
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  • 124 3 PATH AN S APPEAL TO KING NEW DELHI, Tues. DATHAN tribal chiefs have l appealed to the King to intervene m the dispute between India and Hyderabad. The telegram, sent after a combined tribal meeting of elders on the Northwest frontier of Pakistan, said: "We cannot believe that you will
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 323 3 for Persian, Bokhara Indian CARP E T S Vjsif PRICE TAG SHOPS BOKHARA PALACE 5, Stanford Rd Spore Phone 7563 anri t» t&t lOi SB v I?? t?; y I R g^' s wife- "fa I INDIAN CARPETS visit S. QURESHI CO. 67, r?e Arcade 3rd Floor Phone 6453 Use
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  • 205 4 French Cabinet Will Support Unitec Europe Talks PARIS, Toes. yHE French Cabinet has 1 decided to support a plan for the convocation of an international assembly to draft a charter for uniting Western Europe under a federal constitution. The announcement, which was made by the French Secretary of State (M.
    AP  -  205 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 4 RITA THOMAS, aged 10, is the first patient of a Plymouth hospital to win a scholarship to a high school. She has been In a plaster east for a year.— Minor rictore.
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  • 100 4 GENEVA, Tues. THE Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, by 14 votes to 3, today resolved that "it deplored all legislative and administrative measures which deny a woman the right to leave her country of origin to reside with her husband m any other."
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  • 267 4 BANDOENG, Tuesday. THE provisions of a 32-article Bill, drafted by the Dutch Government to administer Indonesia until the United States of Indonesia and the Netherlands Indonesia Union come into being were disclosed at Bandoeng: yesterday. The Bill provides for: A federal cabinet with at •least
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  • 328 4 Tribute To Late Syed Abdulrahman MUSLIM NOTES From Oar Muslim Correspondent rE late Syad Abdulrahman bin Shaik Alkaff. who died in Terim, in the Hadramout. Arabia, on Aug. lfc, will be mourned by the i many who knew him when he was in Singapore. Tbe head erf the Alkaff family
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  • 139 4 T^HE Master Attendant, A Singapore (Cdr. L. P. Lane) told the Straits Times yesterday that he had not proposed licensing seamen's lodging houses m the Colony. He was replying to Mr. George Reed, roving special commissioner of the International Transport Workers' Federation, who had told
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  • 58 4 LONDON. Tnes. MR. STALIN last week dismissed two Ministers and abolished their Ministries, official Soviet Embassy sources said here today. The dismissed men were the Ministers for Non-Fer-roos Metallurgy) Mr. P. F. Lomako) and Chemical Industries (Mr. T. B. Mitrokhin). The abolished Ministries will be absorbed
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  • 103 4 LONDON, Tues. A PETITION by Falk- land Islanders for the removal of the Governor (Sir Miles Clifford) has been rejected by the Colonial Secretary (Mr. Arthur Creech-Jones). Sir Miles left London for Montevideo yesterday on the first stage of his trio to Britain's outpost in the Antarctic.
    AP  -  103 words
  • 724 4 25,000 AS TEA MONEY ALLEGED DAYMENT of $25,000 as tea money was mentioned at a meeting of the Rent Conciliation Board yesterday. Malayan Theatres Limited applied for the fixing of rent of the Theatre Royal In North Bridge Road. Singapore. as from July 1 this year. In a return of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 358 4 I FOR I I FURNITURE OF DISTINCTION I TO GRACE YOUR HOME I THE SUN WAH CO., 83 VICTORIA STREET TEL. 2425 K>^> If you an LOSING WEIGHT \ZK\ FEEUNG NERVOUS. •vv^U RUN-DOWN. A WORM- OUT, IRRITABLE^ "1&e waning*" or worse may a*"" 1 £>. These are tigns of what
      358 words
    • 598 4 Wat€h FOR... I Special Announcement SING LIAN EXPRESS LTD. Reduction on Bus Pares SINGAPORE MALACCA only $81Travel m safety and comfort by our express bus service 3 trips daily at:— 7.90 a.m., 10.30 a.m., 1.30 p.m For Bookings and Enquiries: Please ring Singapore 2178 ***** M No other hair cream
      598 words
    • 121 4 A. W. A. RADIOLA BANOSPREAO 6 Volt V braror B.itrer* Model 1004. 7 Wave Bands. R F. Stoge. Operates 2 weeks on on* char** ol Battery. STOCKS NOW AVAILABLE THU FINEST TROPIC RADIO PRODUCED. H.P TERMS AVAILABLE Write for Illustrated Leaflet and DetafU Phone; 7295 M, Orchard Ed.. Singapore Rusks
      121 words

  • 177 5 1949 Plan For Colony, Johore THE Oriental Telephone and Electric Company will, it is expected, have installed 6,000 new telephone lines m Singapore and Johore by the end of next year, the company's general manager (Mr. R. W. Stainforth) told the Straits Times yesterday. These new lines
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 5 REDS LEAVE MEMENTO: German Janitor takes down a portrait of Marshal Stalin from behind the desk of General Kotikov, Soviet Commandant, m the Allied Kommandatura m Berlin. The Russians palled down their Red Flag and left with most of their guards several weeks ago.— Planet picture^
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  • 227 5 Big Drop In Births Under Japs REFLECTING the increasingly pressing conditions of life in the last few months of the Japanese occupation are the 1945 figures of births and deaths in Singapore. Births dropped to 24,441 from 34,421 in 1941, but rose at the liberation to 38,654 (In 1946). according
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  • 98 5 AN Englishman, Mr. John Yates, a former soldier stationed m Malaya, and his Eurasian wife, a nurse at Johore Bahru Hospital, were granted permission to land at Singapore yesterday. They had arrived on the Carthage on Sunday but were J temporarily refused permis- si on to disembark
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  • 91 5 SYDNEY. Tues. The Sydney Morning Herald said m a leading article today that Malaya was the testing ground for Communist plans for South-East Asia, whose future may well be settled m the Malayan jungles. The Herald said: "The cloud of hesitancy and indecision, all too familiar
    Reuter-AAP  -  91 words
  • 142 5 TODAY Rotary, Mr. K. W. Blackburn on "The Oolorrtal OfBce and How It Works," Adelphl, 1 pjn. Bring and Bay Bazaar. In aid of Graham White Memorial Fund, to be opened by Mrs. Malcolm MacDonald. Victoria Memorial Hall 3 p.m. Y.W.C.A., Katong Groups meet--ing. St. Hilda's School, 4
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  • 109 5 rVO Englishmen from Caleutta who want to be farmers In Australia passed through Singapore yesterday in the Woosang. They will settle down In Freemantle with their families to start fruit and dairy farming. Mr. C. Baker recently retired from the Calcutta Police Force after 18 years
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  • 135 5 A Chinese told the Singapore Eighth Police magistrate yesterday that he thrice attempted suicide because three men threatened to wipe out his family if he gave evidence m a case against them. The man, Ang Chuan Peng, had pleaded guilty to a charge of attempted suicide, by
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  • 77 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA TRENGGANU. Tuesday. A British naval rating, John George Green, was drowned when he fell overboard on Thursday night from a sampan hi which he was returning to the sloop Alcatris, which has been assigned to east coast defence. When Green fell overboard,
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  • 119 5 Drastic Clean- Up Scheme For Coffee Shops A COMMITTEE of Municipal Commissioners, dealing: with health matters, has recommended that "drastic action" be taken to ensure that Singapore coffee shops and eating houses are run under sani- tary conditions. At present, cleanliness is lacking m many of these shops. Action may
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  • 398 5 From Our Woman Correspondent rpBE Governor of Singapore and Lady Gimson received over 200 guests at a cocktail party m Government House grounds yesterday evening The party began at 6.45 p.m.' and many of the women chose evening gowns for the occasion Ballerina length gowns
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  • 94 5 rEE places for deserving pupils will be extended to all registered schools m Singapore up to five per cent of the approved enrolment. will also The Government pay the fees of 1,352 children at 49 aided Chinese schools, or $2.50 a month for each of them, whichever is
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 302 5 >^?S^ IITCO "^W^^ 4 MOTOR MOWERS \jff\ The lawn mower which can do \[>Q^B<fS wonders wi*-h any lawn. jk^^i^^^s^^^^ less cas 1 c sxllcvf'?! count Six months R guarantee. Also fl 7" and 20" sizes. SOLB AGENTS: ANGLO-FRENCH TRADING CO, LTD. 3 De Souza St.. Spore. Tel: 3923 3924 and
      302 words
    • 282 5 take all our wool l\ I tor their' really /^7^^f(7 beautiful carpets **>^y^ %r i j m Their workmanynLj I ship is perfectf 115^ being of the J^J^^^^ highest quality. You should just IJBjj 4 Showroom!! IhQ|™^^' r^jj They also arrange J l|Jp§O -r 1 or deliver y n the
      282 words

  • 21 6 TAYLOR.— On August 22, IMB at Bungsar Hospital, Eileen, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs T. C. Taylor. Batu Arang.
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  • 161 6 Mr. Sz Mrs. M. M. Stevens thank all friends relatives for their attendance and valuable presents, on the occasion of their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Taylor thanks the doctors, matron, sisters and nurses of Bungsar Hospital, also all friends who rendered assistance or sent messages of condolence
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  • 995 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., Aug. 25, 1948. THE QUID FOR THE QUO The position of Malaya m relation to Great Britain's obligations under the Marshall Plan is still obscure, but developments are already under way which may be of great importance to this country, as a producer of two
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  • 1210 6  -  UCHARD DENMAN By of The Economist The paradox of Palestine: Israel's link with sterling LONDON, Aug. 18. THE new State of Israel is taking on the responsibilities of sovereignty. One of the basic symbols of political and economic autonomy is the possession of a separate
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  • 102 6 From the Straits Times of Aug. 25, 1898 In connection with the conversion of the military quarters in Penang for the Governor's occupation, which was discussed at the meeting of the Legislative Council yesterday afternoon, the estimate for $18,886, to which the Secretary of State has given
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    • 767 6 \f AY I encroach on a little of your valuable space to reply to the criticism -expressed m your paper of Aug. 19 by C. F. Young on the subject of electricity m Singapore. To explain the complex layout of a generating station
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    • 323 6 I SUPPORT your plea for A a bigger and better Katong Park but if we ever get it I hope it won't be ruined like Bedok Point. I speak subject to correction when I say that the public m general has no right to walk along the beach
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    • 128 6 I MAKE bold to rush to your assistance when attacked by the big bad wolf (banker) who pours out such scornful denunciation of your pocket leader on Katong Park. I suggest that Mr. Edwards remains where the bankers have most influence, i.e.— behind the scenes, and
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    • 25 6 Letters signed with a nom-de plume we not published unless the writer's name and address are communicated to the.Edrter m a guarantee ot good Mm.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 637 6 CLASSIFIED ADS Mr. Tay Cheng Chua eldest son of Mr. Mrs. Tay Oen Seng, of 189. Sims Avenue, off Geylang Road, to Miss Foo Kirn Yoke eldest daughter of Mr. Mrs. Foo Bee Chone. of 35, Seng Poi) Road. Singapore, on 23.8.48. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED a clerk with expert knowledge
      637 words
    • 75 6 DECCA DERBY! THRILLING W*W RACES AT HOME! Have all the thrills and sound effects of BIOTIME Racing In your Home. Great Fun for every occasion! Start the Records on your Gramophone or Radiogram and NO ONE CAN TELL THE WINNING HORSE— not even owner until the end of the Race.
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  • 2429 7 $250 Costs, But No Penalty From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. MR. Justice Spencer Wilkinson m a judgment today held that the Straits Times Press had committed contempt of court by publishing a letter which tended to prejudice the fair disposal of criminal proceedings before
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  • 215 7 Local Born Says Banishee QUEK Lian Chai, who claims to be a British subject, will be banished from the Colony as soon as he has completed a term of six months' rigorous imprisonment which he is now undergoing. His plea to the acting Chief Justice (Mr. Justice Gordon-Smith) that he
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  • 45 7 Half of a $3,000 fine imposed on a chap ji kee lottery manager was ordered to be given to the informer by the Second Police Magistrate (Mr. L. C. Goh) yesterday. The accused was Quek Yam Leng, of 164, Rochore Road.
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  • 46 7 The Singapore Coroner (Mr. Choor Singh) yesterday recorded a misadventure verdict at an Inquest on Raiamany, an assistant shunter employed by the Malayan Railway at the Singapore Marshalling: yards. Rajamany was run over by an engine on the railway line on Aug. 18.
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  • 41 7 The Australian wives of two Malay seamen who arrived m Singapore yesterday. Left to right: Mr. and Mrs. Ramlee bin Tojee, Mr. and Mrs. Ah mat bin Osman with their children Hasslm and Alemah. Straits Times picture.
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  • 209 7 rpHE first two Australian wives of Malay seamen A to be permitted to land m Singapore, arrived by the Burns, Philp Line ship Marella from Sydney yesterday. They are Mrs. Ahmat bin Osman and two children, and Mrs. Ram lee bin Tojee. The women were
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  • 87 7 From Our Staff Correspondent 8EREMBAN, Tues. A meeting of Negri Sembilan P.W.D. workers yesterday dei cided that a union—the Negri Sembilan P.WJD. Workers' Union— should be formed. A committee was formed to draft the rules ana regulations of the proposed union, the inaugural meeting of i
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  • 75 7 Bail of $20,000, m two sureties, was allowed to Yap Kay Thye who pleaded not guilty Ing. seven lbs. of. chandu, yesterday to possession of apparatus for chandu smoking, seven lbs. ofo chandu, and smaller quantities of opium. It was alleged that the haul was made
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  • 591 7 I\K. John D. Dennehy was bound over m his own V recognisance of $750 to be of good behaviour for 12 months by the Singapore District Judge (Mr. E. P. Shanks) yesterday. Dr. Dennehy had pleaded guilty to assaulting Mr. George Verrall, a public
    591 words
  • 152 7 ii/HITE sugar is ex- pected to replace brown sugar in the Government sugar ration shortly. Substantial stocks are coming forward against the Colony's sugar allocations. The larger portion of the allocation for Malaya for the rest of the year, it is understood, will be from white
    152 words
  • 186 7 SINGAPORE rubber shipments to Japan on the government trading basis will total more than 2.000 tons this month. j This is the peak of Japanese rubber purchases, and there is no reason why they should not increase, according to the Government Trade with Japan Department. There
    186 words
  • Malayan Round-up
    • 84 7 From Our Staff Correspondent MALACCA, Tuesday. rpHE Municipality has introduced a free ambulance A service to accident cases within the Municipal limits and to third class patients outside the limits. First class patients brought to hospital from outside the limits will pay 50 cents a mile,
      84 words
    • 44 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— The Army appealed today for books. Magazines and periodicals for troops. Those with any to spare are requested to give them to the nearest army unit or *o send them to A 4 Headquarters, Malaya District. Kuala Lumpur.
      44 words
    • 48 7 gENTONG. Tues.— Tara S ngh and Manggar Singh were each fined $15 or seven days- taol, Mohamed Din. who was m police custody for eight days, two jo Ibis, and Murugasu $25 or it days hard labour m the District Court today for violating the curfew
      48 words
    • 182 7 LAST night was law nigut a the Singapore Music Clrck Mr. R. L. Eber. a senior member of the Bar and a well-known amijteur soloist before the wax. came out of retirement to show us .hat he has not lost that skill with the fiddle which
      182 words
    • 79 7 The Singapore District Judge (Mr. E. P. Shanks) yesterday decided that 11 roughly made big rings of gold posted by insured parcel oy Mr. Kan Wing Lin. manager of Yee Shing and Co. Ltd on June 28. were bullion md fined him $220 for posting 'he
      79 words
    • 23 7 gBGAMAT, Tues. Eleven men were fined $10 each or a week's hard labour yesterday for gambling on Labis Bahru Estate
      23 words
    • 54 7 J»AIPING, Tues. The Co-opera-tive Store reports net profit of $1,923 for Its first year. In the annual report the direci tors say that many members reI garded the store as a temporary anti-blackmarket, expedient and stayed away when outside prices became competitive The annual meeting will be
      54 words
    • 72 7 M ALACCA, Tubs. The first meeting of the Negrl brax.r-h of the Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis will be held at King George V School on Thursday at 6 p.m. The Dato Mentri Besar (Inche Abdul Malek bin Vusuf) will preside Speakers will uiciude Mentri Besar. the
      72 words
    • 70 7 JfUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— The inaugural meeting of (be Musical Society will be held tomorrow at 6 p.m. AC 21 Bellamy Road. Members and anyone else interested are mvi ed to attend. The meeting will discuss policy and activities, elect a permanent committee, and adopt a constitution. Since
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 263 8 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Tuesday. THE building of a new $600,000 Chinese school 1 on the 31-acre site donated by the Penang and Kedah millionaire, Mr. L»m Lean Teng, is expected to start next year as soon as
    263 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 8 AUTUMN fashions m Englan d: Left A natural platina fox, stole and muff bag; fUgfa t A "Mac frost" mink coat with shawl collar Renter photo.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 36 8 SHANGHAI, Tues.—Shanghai's Special Criminal Court will begin a purge this week of students susroected of being? Communists. Similar action is being taken m Nanking, Pelping. Tientsin and other China cities.— AJ».
    36 words
  • 155 8 No Food For 14 Days At Sea PIVE Annamites who r spent a fortnight at sea m a 40-foot sailing boat without food have been landed m Singapore from a Japanese tanker. The men were running a ferry service between Cape St. Jacques and another point on the Saigon River
    155 words
  • 481 8 These Chinese characters meaning "A month with which to teach, bat no mouth to teach oneself" hare been used in the Chinese translation of the film Hamlet to convey the meaning of a speech made by Ophelia to her brother Laertes which begins "But. my good
    481 words
  • 82 8 Sentence cf three mouths' rigorous imprisonment recently passed by the Singapore Second Police Court Magistrate (Mr. L. C. Goh) on R. Dannelly. of Mount Sopi ia Road, for causing hurt to the former Singapore boxer. Al Rivers, was reduced to a fine of $300 by the
    82 words
  • 77 8 Two Chinese. Ong Kirn Yong and Wan Pol, were committed for trial at the next Assizes by the Singapore Ninth Police Court Magistrate (Mr. K. V. A. Peers), yesterday on a charge of possessing forged pertoi coupons Ball of $3,000 In two sureties each was
    77 words
  • 29 8 TATPUfQ. Tues.— The District Judgre (Mr. Webb) today gay« Uatnayan a year's hard labour for breaking Into the P.W.D. labourers' quarters and stealing clothing valued at lilt.
    29 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 190 8 Unsolicited Testimonial FITZPATRICKS is the store for me, Inside it's clean and good to see. There's plenty there to stock a home, Zero hour is never known. Put all your household cares aside, And let Fitzpatrick be your guide. Try them once and have no fears, Result is shopping without
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  • 206 9 Trade Favour For Ex- Jap Isles Sought GENEVA, Tuw. AMERICA yesterday asked A signatories to the Geneva Agreement on Tariffs and Trade for permission to give trade preferences to the former Japanese-mandated Islands In the Pacific now administered by the United States. She proposed also that the Western Zones of
    Reuter; AP  -  206 words
  • 60 9 LONDON. Tues.— The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Sir Stafford Cripps) will probably stop m Ottawa for financial and trade talks when he goes to the United States for a meeting of the International Monetary Fund directors late In September. The British Government Is known to
    AP  -  60 words
  • 365 9 Serious Loss Of Sterling LONDON, Tuesday. CMUGGLED Malayan rubber forms "quite a serious part of the sterling leakage which British officials are now attempting to plug. A Treasury spokesman in London yesterday described the ways in which goods and money still found their way out through
    AP  -  365 words
  • Article, Illustration
    45 9 YOUTH AT THE WHEEL: Five-year-old John Holmes, son of a Derbyshire fanner, has been able to drive a tractor since he was 3tt. He works all day on the farm during his holidays. He Is seen here mowing a field of hay.— Mirror Features picture.
    45 words
  • 247 9 Chinese Currency Reform NANKING, Tuesday. /CHINA'S new currency reform measures are believed to have averted a crisis for Mr. Wong Wenhao's Cabinet. I Some legislators at the Tuan's last session had threatened the* Premier with a no-confidence vote failing anti-tnflatlonary measures within two month*. Many legislators
    Reuter; AP  -  247 words
  • 50 9 WASHINGTON. Tues.— The Economic Co-operation Administration today allotted an additional U. 5.543,000,000 to the bizone of Germany for the third quarter of 194&. This brings the total '.o U.S. $85,000,000 for food and other commodities, more than double the original tentative allocation of U. 5.542.000.000-
    50 words
  • 161 9 LONDON, Tuesday. fUBAN proposals to revise the 1937 World Sugar Agreement occupied the opening session of the International Sugar Council m London yesterday. Cuba is now safe from any selling problem after contracting the shipment of practically all her current production to the United
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 9 BICYCLE BOOM: Workers m this Birmingham bicycle factory completely filled their store after their Bank Holiday rest. The machines will swell Britain's exports. In the first half of 1948. 855,156 British bicycles were exported (including 113,723 to Malaya) against 288,230 m the same period pre-war.— Mlrrer Features picture.
    48 words
  • 173 9 India Urged Toßeimpose Controls DEVELOPMENTS affecting the finances of other parts of the world yesterday Included: INDIA: A COMMITTEE of econo- mists, summoned to New Delhi to advise the Government of India on specific measure to combat inflation, submitted a 3,000-word report. It is understood to have recommended immediate reimposition
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 189 9 1 SUGGESTION tuat insurance policies on the lives of estate managers lapse if they become honorary A.S.P.S is contrary to the views of committee members of the Association of Life Assurance Offices in Malaya. The association chairman sends the following extract from the minutes of a recent committee
    189 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 264 9 g«fs> PREVENT Smokers Throat and Hoarseness AVOID irritation, inflammation or S~~~? infection of the throat. Regularly. C/f*s take Hudson's "Eu menthol" j//r »4k 4 jujubes th« ONLY jujubes 9& 4f > which contain "Eu menthol',' the \ff ]L J/ powerful, safe, pleasant- tasting Ife/ W ff .j germicide and anti
      264 words
    • 235 9 LUNCHES TO PLEASE EVERY TASTE COOL ATMOSPHERE TASTEFUL DECOR m One of the many advantages of lunching at the Cathay Restaurant is to purchase a book of 12 lunch tickets for $25/-AIR-CONDITIONED CATHAY RESTAURANT TEL. 2776 FOR RESERVATIONS "HAUCK" FLAME THROWERS T L n PRICE Sioo.oo These Gliders threw a
      235 words

  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 344 10 LONDON, Tues. LAST night's anticipated meeting at the Kremlin reintroduced a note of caution to the London Stock Exchange yesterday, says Renter's financial correspondent. The disposition pot prices lower bat losses wer« very small. Rubbers declined. Tins were irregular to lower. Following were the closing middle prices
      344 words
    • 805 10 CONTINUED QUIETNESS IN MALAYAN SHARES From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THHE Malayan share market continued quiet today. A There was an absence of either buying or selling pressure. Prices quoted by ths Malayan Sharebrokers 1 Association today were: DTOUBTBIAM Atlaa Ice 14.00 IB. 00 Alex Brick Ord- 1.66 l.ff
      805 words
    • 170 10 From Market Correspondent AUOTATIONS of copra acd coconut oil on Singapore market* dropped to a new low level yesterday. Only limited business wac reDorted. There was fair activity Jo sago flour. Other markets sections were quiet and unchanged. Yesterday* quotations included: Rice Unclaaajfied: No 1 $60; 2 $62;
      170 words
    • 117 10 Singapore Rubber rTiHE Singapore rubber marX ket eased considerably yesterday, probably because of the Malayan production figures. There was a tendency to steady up at the close. Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 sheet f.o.b. buyers 43 cents, sellers 43% cects per Ib.; spot loose buyers 43% cen's, sellers 43%
      117 words
    • 221 10 SHIPS In port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns m brackets) were: Main Wharf: Steel Advocate (31-32), Olenroy (33-34), Marella (35-36), Steel Director (38-89). City of Glasgow (40-41), New Chwang (42-43), Sedlll (41). West Wharf: Wosang (3-4), Benvorllch (6-7), Mongolia (8-9), Tung Song (10), Kampar (11-13),
      221 words
    • 101 10 NEW YORK. Tues. A week-long winning streak wm broken 1 m the New York stock market yesterday. Losses of fractions to around four points were recorded on slim turn-over. Transfers amounted to 630,000 shares. Trading was largely professional. A mood of extreme caution continued. Losers included
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1127 10 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Singapore) Bids; ftUNNBL LINE STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., SAILINGS FROM U.K. b USA LTD. M«don" dv.' from U.K. WEST COAST MALAYA Holvjnd Aug 25 "Mentakab" for Malacca Aug. 26 "Ctaucus due from UK. Aug. 27 Ugam ,f for p. sham T Acn.lles due »rom UK
      1,127 words
    • 199 10 PRESIDENT LINES general fassengei Agent tor Northwest An lines SAILINCS TO NEW TORK AND BOSTON via INDIA ICVPI ft MEDITERRANEAN PORTS President Monree Spore Aug. 26 I Louls Meh How Sept. I Penang.... Aug. 31 P.^hjm Sept. ij SAILINCS TO SAN FRANCISCO AND LOi ANCELES THINCI NEW YORK. BALTIMORE, BOSTON
      199 words
    • 241 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA/U.K./ iA L "SSkNOINAVIA N HT/ CONTINENT. Loading at Singapore. Port Swettenham and Penang c r *.s. "St. Crolx" due abt. Aug. 26 Bangkok D«e abt. Oct. > Barcelona, Antwero. Rot Mr. dam. Hamburg Oslo u_ rhenbure Cooenhaeer 6 m.s. "Kambedla" tor Manila, Gdynia Hong
      241 words
    • 1084 10 McALISTER 6c CO., LTD. (lnco»oorateo m imgauoiei ILURMAN tk BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE HAVRI. LONDON b HAMBURG. PACIFIC PORIJ Accepting cargo for U S North Atlantic Ports Canada via Colombo Accepting mi go tor i.ontrai o iouth CITY OF CLASCOW American Ports. Spore P Sham Kenans Cds. 40/41 28 Aug. 30
      1,084 words

  • 507 11 Weights For First Day OfKL Races From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuei. OELOW are the weights for Saturday, the first day of the Selangor Turf Club August September! Meeting. The card comprises eight races. CLASS 9 FUR*. Mardi Gnu 9 04 BeUta 008 Lcngchwnpo Herodtn 808 TI ».01 Menial
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 11 OLYMPIC YACHTING: Star Class race m progress at Torbay. Crewmen flatten themselves against the decks of their craft to lessen the wind resistance. At the left extreme, two South American entrants strain for the lead. The yachts belong to Argentina and Brazil. Olympic Photo Association picture.
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  • 273 11 Cycling Carnival Next Month yHE Cosmopolitan Cycling Club, organisers of the recent cycling meet m Singapore, have set out another programme for early next month As a prelude to the Singapore open 100 miles road and grass track championships, which are scheduled to be held on Nov. 12 and 13,
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 11 DICK MANN, trainer of the Bristol Borers, puts some of the members of the team through their paces at EastTille, Bristol. His training device will be just the thing to "bring matters to a head."— Renter photo.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 116 11 G. O. Cruickshank beat RJ5. Cruickshank 5 and 3 in the final of the Royal Singapore Golf Club's Captain's Priee competition played on Saturday. The results of thj flrrt rojnd of the Duffers' Cup competition played during the week-end were: D. J. Vane Percy beat F D.
    116 words
  • 54 11 THE following will represent the B. CO. Ist XI 7s the Chnew Athletic m a first division league soccer fixture &t Jalan Besar Stadium today: J. Aitken; D Hamilton. V. Burton; W. Bainbridge. C. McCultech, A. Mltchf'.l: W. Ten Duis, B. Clifton, F. B. McCnlloch, T. Mathot. H.
    54 words
  • 44 11 PARIT BUNTAR, Tuesday.— The Krian Chinese soccer learn made a successful debut at Nibong Tebal yesterday when they beet Mie Caledonia Young Stars by 3—o In a friendly match. Seek Chin scored both goals for the Chinese. ora m each half.
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  • 541 11 LETTER TO SPORTS EDITOR I HAVE read with interest the letters of "Malayan Turfite" and "Another Malayan Turfite" In the Straits Times and I must say that the "arithmetic" Is not as simple as It looks. The facts must be correct before we can get
    541 words
  • 45 11 IPOH. Tueg The Perak Turf Clut> will run a special unlimited sweep In conjunction with the St. Leger to raise funds for the Malayan An U -Tuberculosis Association. The sweep will be drawn on Sept. 10 at the racecourse.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
      281 words
    • 256 11 pNOWn IN ITS 9th Wonderful Day i 1 THE r— CEM^t ■esseJ OF PEERLESS I ENTERTAINMENT! I==OLIVIER=IN HAMLET a" A J. Arthur Rank Enterprise. r=CATHAY— Tele Air-Condltloned— 3400 TODAY 11 am.. 2.15, 6 9.15 p.m. OFFICIAL MIDDLE-WEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT OF THE WORLD Rocky B^* hr3ZI3HO I TONY B^BT^ Kißi v?
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 347 11 RADIO MALAYA vpoRK n Musical Oomedy; 11.15 Horn- chest ra; 7.30 Prom the Editorial: wltt; 11.90 Close. 4 p.m. Phillip 7. Southern Serenade; |.0C Mrqueacfea: n* K.c/% M A Oreen: 4.30 Australian News; i Songtime; 830 News; 8.4S I l Mc/s 1 4.40 Music of Americas; 4.40 Stonehenge; 9.15 Theatre
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  • 594 12 ROVERS WIN KEY MATCH IN DIV. 1 Ch ia Boon Leong Scores 2 Goals Rovers 3; R.A.F. Changi 2. J»HE Rovers Sports Club made almost certain of the championship in the first division of the Singapore Amateur Football Association League when they defeated the Royal Air Force, Changi, in the
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  • Article, Illustration
    62 12 CITY'S CONGRATULATIONS: Standing m her horsedrawn carriage, Mrs. Fanny Blankers-Koen waves to the excited crowds who cheered her on her drive to the Town Hall for the civic welcome given by the Municipality of Amsterdam m recognition of her Olympic achievements. Mrs. Blankers-Koen won four gold medals a feat equalled
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  • 156 12 Five Horses Promoted PUR winners at the Ipoh race meeting concluded last Saturday have been promoted from class 3 to class 2. They are Astivel, Empire Rose. Sunbeam II and Royal Bounty. Another class 3 horse promoted is Rochdale. Latest amendments to classification of horses announced by the Straits Rncing
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  • 139 12 P. T. Weak In Attack •THE Postal and TeleA corns XI beat the La Salle S.C. 4—2 m a Div. 11l match at Geylang stadium yesterday. The La Salle S.C. played with only nine men, but defended stoutly. Their goalkeepr, Bee Chow, was outstanding. The Postals we*e weak In finishing.
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  • 148 12 The following will represent the Singapore Cricket Club against the Combined Indo-Ceylonese team on Saturday and Sunday on the Padang: R. s. Tufnell, Rev. J W J Steele, B. A. Barnett, A. C. Growder, S. J. Masters, W. W. Gore, J. W. Ewart, Sq.-Ldr. R. Leggett. R.
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  • 108 12 PenangC.S.C. May Send Aquatic Team From Our Staff Correspondent PBNANG, Tuesday. rVHE Penang Chinese A Swimming Club has been invited to compete in the second post-war aquatic meet to be held by the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association on Oct. 23. The sporta sub-committee of the C.S.C. will meet on Sept.
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  • 116 12 AN extraordinary meeting of tht Singapore Hockey Association for the purpose of passing the amendments to the Association's rules will be held on Sept. 3 at 5.15 pjn. at the SRC. pavilion. This will be followed by the annual general meeting. All affiliated clubs and those interested
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  • 27 12 S .C.F.A. MEETING A Council meeting of the Singapore Chinese Foo ball Association will be held at the Garden Club premises China Building, tomorrow at 5.15 p.m.
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  • 435 12 rPHE opinion that there should be a levy on all L sport m Singapore for the Singapore Olympics and Sports Council to make possible a better representation of the Colony at the 1952 Olympics was voiced by Mr. Josselyn de Souza, Singapore's official delegate to the 14th.
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  • 37 12 SOCCER: S A.F.A. "e^M, DJv. I C.A. v. S. C.Ci Jalan Besar stadium; Div. Ill— C.V.M.A. v. C.A., CV.M.A. (round; Halkowyn S.C. v. Mental Hospital P.T. Gcylanr stadium. (All games will start at S.IS p.m.).
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  • 214 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. rVHE final decision on the venue of the Malaya Cup 1 final between Selangor and Negri Sembilan will be announced on Saturday evening, an official of the Football Association of Selangor told the Straits Times today. On
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  • 67 12 ISTANBUL, Tuesday. The third irternational tennis championship of Istanbul opened here yesterday, with Britain, Austria. I.aly, Lebanon and Greece taking: part. Yesterday's results were: Men's singles: Frederick Weiss (Autsria) beat Rafael Perahya (Turkey) 6—0, 8—0; I. Stallos (Greece) V.. V. Cemal (Turkey) 6—4, 6—3; J. P. Baccarini (Italy)
    AP  -  67 words
  • 38 12 KILMARNOCK. Tuesday.— Rajkumar Pitamber, 17-year-old Prince of Nepal and student at Westminster School, won his first-round match when the boys' amateur golf championship began here today. He beat E. R. Rowan of Clydebank one up.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 56 12 The Customs Sports Club Xi to play the Serangoon Association m their B.A.F.A. League Div. 11l match tomorrow at 5.15 p.m. on the McNan* Road ground will be chosen from the following: Cheng Kee, Ramley, Masri, Daud, Kong Yip, Salim, Rodrigues, Kirn Hee, Selby, Cressall, sidik. Hassan, Asiz,
    56 words
  • 70 12 WREXHAM, Tues. THE Indian Olympic x soccer team beat a Welsh amateur team here by four goals to one yesterday, winnnig more easily than the score suggests. The Indians were given a tremendous ovation when they left the field, having won the first of their two
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 105 12 LONDON, Tue>. MANCHESTER United, who beat Blackpool four-two in last year's English FA. Cup Final, yesterday beat Blackpool three-nil in a first divison game. Scores in all games played yesterday are: FIRST DIVISION Blackpool Manchester D. 3 SECOND DIVISION Blackburn 2 Bradford 3 Cardiff C 3
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 28 12 The Navy defeated O.H.Q. Signals by 0 m an S.A.F.A. first division game at Seletar yesterday. Watson scored all the goals for the Navy.
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  • 22 12 The Chinese Swimming dub. Singapore, drew with the Shell Sports Club m the draughts and chess matches played last Sunday.
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  • 207 12 SDDNEY, Tues. YfIDSTREAM topped iTI the list of Australian sires for the season recently ended. Midstream finished £3,164 ahead of Dhoti, who was second last year to The Buzzard In each case Dhoti was beaten for top place by the sire of the winner of the
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  207 words
  • 407 12 From EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. l/'ING VALE, a useful stayer imported from 1V Australia, showed marked improvement when he paced with his stable companions, Some Class and Renoir over half a mile on the training track this morning. r Running wide
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  • 21 12 RUGB Y LEAGUE London. Tuesday Yesterday's Rugby League results are: Hull I. Batley 12; Workington Town 15, St. Helen's 11. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 245 12 SYDNEY, Tues. THE best Australian x horses of the 1947-48 season, chosen by the Sydney Sun Turf writer, A. W. Dexter, for Sporting Life are: Two-year-old: Riptide. Three-year-old: Beau Gem. Sprinter: Royal Gem. Miler: Money Moon. All-rounder: Murray Stream. Stayer: Columnist. Dexter says Russia could rival
    245 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 747 12 I I.ASSIMED ADS. f Continued from page 6) SITUATION VACANT WANTED oefore October Europ ;in Eurasian or Asiatic first clas* Tvoist or Better stenotyplst wi'fi nerfect command English ar. fair knowledge French, p: *h Write enclosing warnculum with copies of school n-i-i'-a'es ano testimonials, also sta-ir.j? salary required attention A"-"'i'-'ir.i
      747 words
    • 42 12 Kuala Lumpur race weights and other sports news are m page 11. B Brttw*Ba PDPAT Wtml^^W W^B H? DnIIAIN Agents; ftu^^^^ kmnDE irf IncTflno *$m[FOR FLAVOUR and A wmmfflWMMm- -*>*___ COOLNESS A SULt, AGENTS: «NGfIPORt-KUfILnLUMPUB-g.l.lJJ|4-B.J|.fJ^<^Trf!l/ IPOH PENRNG- llllliiiTßiliMT \C ROC l fcj j
      42 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous