The Straits Times, 23 August 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 695 1 Armed Men Seen Near Border From Our Special Correspondent KOTA BHARU, Sunday. J7ELANTAN is open to a serious threat from armed Chinese forces concentrated within five to 10 miles on the Siamese side of the frontier with Malaya. There is talk in the frontier villages
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  • 157 1 Chiang's Call 'Have Faith' NANKING, Sun. ON the eve of the issuance of the new gold yuan, President Chiang Kai-shek today asked the Chinese to have faith in the Government and its currency reforms. But he warned: "I am firmly resolved that the lour sets of financial and economic regulations
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  • 91 1 EW YORK, Sunday.— Dr. Jose Arce of Argentina, who will preside at the opening of thf United Nations General Assembly in Paris, will ask the Assembly to admit seven countries whose membership has been blocked by Soviet veto. The countries are Italy, Austria, Finland, Transjordan,
    AP  -  91 words
  • 43 1 NEW YORK, Sun. Mrs. Oksana Kosenkina was removed from the critical list yesterday nine days after her leap from the third floor of the Soviet Consulate. The 52-year-ola Russian school teacher was imnrovine. a hospital bulletin said.— AP.
    AP  -  43 words
  • 46 1 From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Sun. About 2,000 appeals have urged the Siamese Premier (Phibun Songkhram) to adopt absolute administrative power to combat corruption and unrest. Phibun, who resorted to dictatorship during the Japanese occupation, wishes to adhere to the present democratic system.
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  • 149 1 SIAMESE HOLD ON TO GUNS SIAMESE authorities are still holding up 550 revolvers and pistols in Bangkok, which have been consigned to an importer in Singapore. The importer told the: Straits Times yesterday that the Commissioner-General's office had given sanction for the import of the arms. It is one* of
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 160 1 LONDON, Sun. WEARING pink carnaTT tions in their battle dress, Coldstream Guardsmen under orders for Malaya marched smartly up the steps of Caxton Hall register office, yesterday to get married. Within 10 minutes three Guardsmen and their brides had left the office. Two more Guardsmen were married
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  • 144 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. A POLICE patrol sweeping a squatter area at Sungei Samak, 21 miles north of Kuala Lumpur, today shot dead two of three Chinese who failed to stop when challenged. The other man escaped. From me bodies, a
    AP  -  144 words
  • 118 1 Princess Margaret 18 LONDON. Sun. i PRINCESS MARGARET < came of age yesterday. It was her 18th birthday. > Twenty -one is normally considered the legal coming of s age. But in the Royal Family, 18 is a far more important birthday. At this age, those in direct line of
    AP  -  118 words
  • 113 1 No Import Duty On Bullets Now From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. DUTIES on cartridges for small arms imported durI ing the present emergency are i to be waived, states an official announcement. Exemption will be given only on production of a certificate of the chief police officer of
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  • 74 1 NEW YORK. Sun.—Representative Karl Mundt, a leading member of the House UnAmerican Activities Committee, has disclosed that the Committee will ask the U.S. Congress to make it a criminal offence for a Government employee to be a member of the Communist Party. Congress will also be
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  • 289 1 BERLIN, Sunday. TH1&EE armed Russian soldiers today seized Thomas Headen, deputy Director of the American Information Control Office, ten yards inside the British sector at Potsdatner Platz. They put him into a jeep and drove off into the Russian sector. Witnesses said that Mr. Headen was
    AP; UP  -  289 words
  • 98 1 WASHINGTON, Sun. PROPOSALS for joint Canadian American action in any future emergency were expected to be presented by Mr. James Forrestal, U.S. Defence Secretary, at a secret conference of American war chief! this week-end. The war chiefs joint chiefs of staff met Mr. Forrestal at Newport, Rhode
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 51 1 BANDITS SHOOT UP JAVA TRAIN BATAVIA, Sun.— After tearIng up 50 yards of track, bandits derailed a goods train between Bandoeng and Poerwakarta in WA t Java last night and shot dead three of the train's all-Indonesian crew of 18. Seven were wounded and the other eight are believed kidnapped.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 154 1 For All Defects of Vision M iZEKISL SONS. csut)iun«a line QUALIFIED OPTII Al PRACTITIONERS IS Batter* Rn«d— Sl»r«por« FOB APPOINTMENT— —PHONE 7631 IP History of Singapore No. 8 |9 "In the year 1883 two pioneers, Mr. John Fraser and Mr. David Neave, m joined forces and founded the business \.m
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  • i fti'irwifTiißi i
    • 271 2 BARI, Sunday. A CIGARETTE thrown down by a workman in the excitement of an earthquake shock is believed to have caused a big explosion at a dump of %ar material on the outskirts of Bari yesterday. One person was killed and four others Injured. The earthquake
      AP  -  271 words
    • 48 2 KARACHI. Sun. One hundred and twenty-six Tillages in the Sukkur district of the Sind, north-east of the Pakistan capital, have disappeared beneath flood-waters since the river Indus burst its banks on Aug. 8. Some 80,000 villa.? -is have been evacuated from the flood-stricken are 13 Renter.
      Reuter  -  48 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 862 2 NOTICES R. NORMAN HERBERT SANDS, Deceased. AQ persons having any claims Reainst the estate of the abovenamed deceased, late of Muar, Johore, who died at Thailand, on the 16th day of December. 1942. are required to send particulars of their claims in writing to the Public Trustee, who is the
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    • 475 2 NOTICES FEDERATION OF MALAYA (DEPARTMENT OP EDUCATION) TECHNICAL COLLEGE KUALA LUMPUR APPOINTMENT OF LECTURER IN ENGINEERING SUBJECTS Applications are invited for the above appointment. Candidates must be suitably qualified and be able to teach Mathematics and Mechanics, together with tome other engineering subjects. Salary in accordance with scale. Full particulars
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    • 687 2 NOTICES THE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. CHANGE OF ADDRESS c As from 23rd August, 1948, our > Address is: Nos. 17 19, Battery Road (Top Floor). Singapore. b KUALA LUMPUR FLYING i CLUB NOTICE Is hereby given that l Messrs. Gibson, Anderson and Butler have ceased to act as
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    • 375 2 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders are invited for the pur chase of: 30.000 lbs. (approx.) of copper 40,000 lbs. (approx.) of lead. Tender forms, passes, etc. ma; be obtained from the Municipa Electrical Engineer's Office (Rood 107) on payment of deposit o $25/- (refundable). Closing date. In the Municipa Secretariat (Room
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    • 130 2 Ope nine To-day 3 Shows— 3, 6.15 9.15 P The Biggest thing to hit the screen! "STAGE DOOR CANTEEN" with 48 stars and 6 name bands! (JURAT WORM) GLOBE 1 -THIS TIME FOR KEEPS" (Technicolor) Tomorrow. "BtCK PRIVATES COME HOME" NEW IV OK LI) udo i "NOB HILL" (Tcetmlcoior) Tomorrow:
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    • 216 2 Pains in Back Gone in 3 Hours yon «uiTcr terrible, nharp p.iins or •lull »,r.g down aches »n tack or Bide*, you «fct rl.l of «he*r with «.ri inary mcdicinti because you must Kill the eernfe In your kidneys Other P.vmptom* of Kidney nnd Bladder lh*nrd.-is nre Scanty, Frequent
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    • 200 2 jflS^^H People who know always advise you Hv to use Asepso Soap for the immediR ALL guards you against the germs which SKJN COMPLAINTS cause skin diseases, and helps to keep your skin healthy. P-tW PWAJtD COOK > CO LTD., LONDON, 1NGLAND THANKS TO 'KEPLER* X. There's man goodness to
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  • 368 3 NewDevelopmen t Projects CIX major projects in Singapore and the Federation are at present being investigated by the Far East department of the £110,000,000 Colonial Development Corporation. This was disclosed to the Straits Times yesterday by Mr. Frank S. MacFadzean, head of the Corporation's activities in
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  • 156 3 RANGOON, Sun. A BURMESE Government communique yesterday said that insurgents were converting Buddhist temples and monasteries into "armed fortresses" in their sweep by river and road toward Rangoon. The Government alleged that the rebels were using the temples to ambush loyal troops. Yesterday's communique said
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  156 words
  • 165 3 LONDON, Sun. TALES and heavy rain swept the south coasts of England and Ireland last night and a series of shipping accidents was reported. Three women and two J children were hurt when a| gust blew a steam launch I against Kew Bridge, on the j Thames,
    Reuter; AP  -  165 words
  • 51 3 NEW YORK, Sun.— The Federal Government has obtained a temporary Injunction against the International Longshoremen's Association, banning a strike by 45,000 of its members in ports along the whole United States Atlantic coast. The strike, mainly over i overtime rates, was set for j today.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 25 3 London Bus Crash LONDON. Sun. Fourteen people were slightly Injured when a Crystal Palace bus crashed into the wall of a Park Lane bank.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 133 3 NEW DELHI, Sun. npHE Indian Government said A last night that an Indian plane accidentally dropped two bombs inside Pakistan on Thursday. Yesterday Pakistan said In- dian planes dropped the bombs in the Murrie Hill district of the West Punjab, adjoining Kashmir, and added that the
    AP  -  133 words
  • 35 3 ATHENS, Sun.— The Greek General Staff said that the Greek Army had reduced guerilla leader Markos Vaflades' "free Greece" to an area of eight- square miles along the Albanian border. A. P.
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  • 617 3 Flowers Sprout On Sun Glasses Now From Our Worn; pLASTIC flowers in pas up on the rims of the now on sale in Singapore The flowers are designed to add a touch of glamour and individuality to eyes that have to be protected from the glare. And Singapore women are
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  • 46 3 Singapore Diary TODAY Y.W.C.A International Fortnightly Club. Prof. T. H. Silcock on "Making Ends Meet." 10 a.m.. Business and Professional Women's Club's welcome par'y to new members, 5.30 p.m.. S. Raffles Quay. TOMORROW Young People's Group, Mr. K. Abraham on "CreatWe Living." Bethesda, Katong, 0 p.m.
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  • 302 3 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. SWEEPING changes in military and police relations with the press were announced yesterday by the Federation of Malaya Public Relations Department. The Army Is putting. Its press relations on a wartime basis accredited correspondents covering Army operations will have to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 333 3 our make-up /^^Jjl sttNMls a plan j\ *!sj| m iliis climate H T&jf I'lan against the Sun »»ilh /"~Mt COTY superb make up v y j) keepi «ake.«p tretk hoift S*^%^. r J Coloured make-up bavr i1..l help* C J»^>/ keep powder immaculate on the houest D J es no
      333 words
    • 208 3 Dnnlop track bus jfc Wktyfes lor EXTRA jM WJ performance Ajj/?*"//^ The Dunlop R.H.S. q,, sur f ace( j fO ads. on tracks. A general purpose bus jnd truck tyre on rough grouP)d Dunlop O« reinforced construction. Truck BuJ Tyres wi) give long and dependable The Dunlop Light Truck Tyre
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  • 53 4 MRS. TAN THIAN CHYE, nee Madam Chua Kim Lan, midnight Sau rday deeply mourned by her husband, sons Wee Hong, Wee Chwer. Wee Eng. Wee Hock, daughters Chwee Neo, Leng Neo Chwee Geok, son-in-law Cheong Hock Hal, grandsons and granddaughters. Funeral today 3 p.m. "Go to Your God, Good
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  • 44 4 Mr. and Mrs. Ung Teow Uan of Lam Tong Co., Ltd., Penang, •wusii to thank all friends and relatives who sent wrea'hs, messages of condolence and attended the funeral of the.r son the la".e Mr Ung Chew Hoe on Sunday, 22nd Aueust. 1948.
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  • Singapore, Mon., Aug. 23, 1948.
    • 1094 4 The terrorist attack on Sembrong Estate in Johore last Friday morning was not just another attack on a rubber estate: it was an operation which requires to be considered and analysed in itself, as the most serious demonstration that has yet been given of the terrorist threat
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    • 69 4 Fifty Years Ago. From the Straits Times of Aug. 23, 1898. The re-nomination of Dr. Lim Boon Keng to the Chinese seat in the Legislative Council was formally notified to him for his acceptance this morning. The frier ds and supporters of the right honourable gentleman have signified their intention
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  • 1149 4 Australia Fears Britain's Ties With Europe ITNEASINESS and anxiety continue to be shown in Australia for the future of the Commonwealth. Australians are increasingly disturbed by what they regard as the lack of a more unifying force within the Commonwealth by the fragmentary character o£ its methods )f co-operation, and
    The Times  -  1,149 words
    • 856 4 Provident Funds And Income Tax Amendments DESIRE to draw atten1 tion to the recent amendment of the Income Tax Ordinance section 14 (1) f. relating 1 to the deduction in respect of donations and contributions to provident funds. Under the Ordinance of 1947 deductions were allowed In respect of any
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    • 378 4 T*HE Municipal architect A attributes the cause of building delays to a dearth of architects, and estimates the period from inception to materialisation of a building project as two vears at a maximum. Here is an instance (and there may be others) that will
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    • 218 4 KATONGPARK: RUBBISH, SAYS A BANKER IN the leader of the A Straits Times of Aug. 21, on the subject of Katong Park every single statement made is muddled, garbled and untrue. The reference to the owners of the land at Katong as wielding the "grasping hand of private property" is
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 743 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. LAWSON In Singapore, Aug. 19th. 1948, to "Doreen" (nee Linney) wife of Lieut. M. 8. Lawson. 1st Bn. The Sea forth Hlehlanders, a son. SITIHTIONS VACANT ASST Clerk on 15th September Apply by letter to: Manager. Fni'Ci F«tnte. Kulai. WANTED by large ifiuropean firm, two Junior clerks with
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    • 21 4 Office Clocks Aluminium cases, walnut colour, jewelled Swiss 8 day lever movement. 9" Dial 54.11" 76.14" M 102.16 Colly er Quay
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    • 74 4 H. B. WINTER MERCHANT TAILOR SHIRTMAKER •Van Heusen SPORTS shirts m check .and plain shades. STRIPED shirts with Van Heusen double cuffs, and 2 collars to match. 18-E. BATTERY ROM MRS) FLOOR PHONE 3660 ffl*^ OPTICIfIN Fellow maiiiute Ophtnndinnc. Optician* (tng) Fellow Worshipful Co oi Spectacle-Makers (Eng) Freeman of the
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  • 1019 5 Full Court Rule In Bribery Case JIOLDING that the p applied to the Singapore, the Full G Colony, by a majority, appeal of Yeo Ban sentenced to three moi ment on a charge of bri Yeo Ban Soon < District Judge, Singapc police constable within
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  • 186 5 COUPLE COULD NOT LAND A BRITISH couple, passengers on board the P. and O. liner Carthage for Singapore, were not allowed to land by the Immigration authorities when the ship berthed alongside the Harbour Board wharves yesterday ev^-ting. They are Mr. John H. Yates formerly of the R A.M.C. and
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  • 101 5 Donations received by the Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association during July were: Shell Co. S.S. Ltd. (being piocreds of sale held at their office) $721.05; Proceeds of Eclectic Competition a: R.S.G.C. $260.00; Wing Si Co. $150.00; Proceeds of sale of programmes of Chinese National Language School performances $180.55; Municipal
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  • 153 5 HIS 1,000 HOURS OF MUSIC On the Carthage, yesterday, arrived a man who is going to spend a thousand hours listening to music in Malaya. He is Mr. J. Sterling, and he has come from London as an examiner for the Joint Board of the Royal Academy of of Music,
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  • 94 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. I The body of a Chinese man— police reports say he had been j stabbed to death— was found at the 96th mile Kuala Lipis- Kuantan Road today. Police say it is not yc. known whether it was a
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  • 336 5 LfR. George Reed, royTl ing special commislioner of the Internationil Transport Workers' p ederation objects to a >roposal of the Singapore faster Attendant to icense seamen's lodging louses in the Colony. Mr. Reed, who returned to Singapore yesterday after a hree-week trip to Hong £ong told the
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  • 63 5 MORE persons have been reported as "missing" to the Singapore Police this month than in any other month this year. There have been days when as many as three persons have been reported as missing from the homes. Debts, fear of the law, nagging wives and
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  • 209 5 HIVE Special Constables on the Timor Estate, Johore, had a gun battle on Saturday night and early yesterday morning with thirty bandits. 1 On Saturday evening two special oonsiaoies on auiy m the Manager's bungalow which was unoccupiud at the i time, heard shots nearby. Five
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  • 218 5 DEPRESENTATIVES Of Guthrie and Co., Ltd., planters and friends attended the funeral of Mr. John Boden, assistant manager of Chemara Es- tate, Johore, at Bidadari cemetery, on Saturday evening. Mr Boden met his death while attempting to silence (wo Bren guns firing on a rescue
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  • 389 5 Malayan Round-up Chinese, 76, Joins Auxiliaries From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Sunday. 4 76- YEAR-OLD Chinese was among those who joined the Negri Sembilan Chinese Auxiliary Police during a meeting at Seremban last night. Other elderly Chinese promised to send their grown- up children to join the force. The meeting,
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  • 259 5 From A Staff Correspondent KOTA BHARU, Sun. A POLICE constable described to the Straits Times yesterday his attempt to beat out the flames from the R.A.F. Dakota which crashed in a jungle valley near Batu Melintang on Thursday. The plane, he said, had made two runs
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  • 37 5 SEREMBAN. San *ound with oiie gallon ot toddy. Renggasar.iy. a ranvl toddy tapper at Mantin was yesterday fined $40, in default two weeks' rigorous iinorisonment; by the Seremban Magistrate (Inche Abdul Azi2 bin Yeo
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  • 77 5 FIRST B.O.R. VICTIM Kuala Lumpur, Sun: Armed troops and police were on guard at the Chedras Road Cemetery today at the funeral of the first 8.0. R. to be killed by terrorists. The name of the soldier has not been disclosed by the Army authorities. He was killed when a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 130 5 OF GRAPBS, GROWN fN s- sum y so urn Africa, WLJ Hnf MMIND US OF WE *B KEY BRANDY ■^%ygP? 3 STAB SOU iOIHTS THE MOST POPULAR DOLLS IN MALAYA TODAY! Made of soft plastic, the latest invention; with socket-joint arms, log and neck. They are completely j^V rw*\ .ifelike.
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    • 60 5 /|V\ Ultra Smart l\ White Court \^</\j^jli\ Shoes with vJJSn^ r» Front Ornament $27.50 to $35.00 American Sizes: 31 tp 10 English Sizes: \aVv^ \_JK 2to 8 »^\2^ FCORMAN S MUSIC STUDIO Directea tnt Prof. Otto Ik Reyinu Foorman (Conservatnrium of Music v-prma Prague) SPECIAL PIANO TUITION FOB BEGINNERS AND
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  • 906 6 MODERATE TURNOVER ON STEADY MARKETS From A Market V| A LAY AN markets were a moderate turnover q the week. Operators woulc inured to the vagaries reports on Berlin and to be view in assessing Malayan The raising of the New with sterling attracted because of the implicatioi follow later,
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  • 293 6 Kepong Rubber's £84,000 1 KE P O N G (Malay) Rubber Estates' 1947 crop of 10,354,- a 3001tJ.j. Is described by the r chairman as not u-.satisfac- tory, although the estimate was slightly higher. The pro- j nt for the year totalled 84,37b after allowing £24,- 468 for depreciation, etc.
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  • 48 6 TREATINGRUBBER FROM THE AIR LONDON, Sun OFFICERS of the Colonial Insecticides Committee have been consulted by the London Advisory Committee for Rubber Research (Ceylon and Malaya) regarding the possibility of using aircraft lr Ceylon for treating rubber «i trees with sulphur for the I prevention of oldlum disease
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  • 28 6 United Malacca United Malacca Ruhbrr Estates i I harvested a July rubber crop of 1 98.340 pounds. The total for May. June and July Is 284.839 pounds. i
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  • 416 6 SI IN AN effort to stop illegal yuan which will be issued President Chiang Kai-shek cities today issued threats < violators of currency regul; Over the week-end, major businesses remained at a complete standstill as Shang- j hai spent a confusing time following the surprise
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  416 words
  • 293 6 NEW YORK, Sunday. DLSINESS on the stock market last week dropped ■"to the lowest total in nearly a year. However nearly US$2,000,000,000 was added to the market value ol all listed stocks. The advances were scored ifter midweek when buyers :oncentrated on domestic
    AP  -  293 words
  • 126 6 China-Japan Trade Bad SHANGHAI. Sun. SINO-JAPANESE trade has to all practical purposes ceased, mainly because of Chlnes« Inability to make payment In kind to Japan, according to a Central News Agency report from Taipei, capital of Taiwan The Central Trust which Is the purchasing agent for the Chinese Government is
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 244 6 I TODAY! s ."^flSfe ONLY 4 SHOWS djw^ 3fcwJ NOTE TIMES wf Jj*^** 11— 2— 6.15— 9.15 m f M Ai XV* I GAILY PRESENTED (f RHflVlPn By M-G-M! WsTm WW WALTER piDGEON Xwie^uMfi/TECHNICOIjOR! ilona massei ••vj m^< 00 '^\ji JANE POWELL .J\^*«* *""?> 1 ~J S JOSE ITURBI <
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 324 6 Radio Programmes RADIO MALAYA SPORE, SK^^^ffiUSSj WET m H 25 sSStBW Tw S£ 1 pjL PeUr Tar* 1 .30 New; 2S Wsu^ fi£ J:S 1 S2i w 1 'S!Sr-t i :S. ll SSgkJ?. nso TaUc: u Temple The Sullivan Mystery; 9.30 News; 9.45 World Affairs; "BC OVERSEAS 10.00 Ballet; 10.30
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  • Untitled
    • 294 7 USStock-PileMission In London From Oar Own Correspondent LONDON, Sunday. AN AMERICAN mission has arrived in London to discuss with the British Government the question of the supplying by Britain of strategic raw materials for stock-piles in the United States. The mission is headed by the director of the Strategic Materials
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    • 382 7 LONDON STOCK MARKET LONDON, Sat. WITH London Stock Ex- change dealers yesterday considering what the weekend would produce in the way of political news, prices remained fairly firm in all sections, says Reuter's financial correspondent. However, there was some evidence of closing of open positions and the earlier tone of
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    • 23 7 In the first half of August, Dredge Takuapa No. 1 wore 235 piculs of ore. Dredge No. 2 wore 193 piculs.
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    • 321 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday. TAERELICT motor vehicles, "ducks", landing craft and other heavy metal, abandoned by British invasion troops after they landed at Morib in September, 1945, will shortly help to swell Malaya's dollar contributions to United Kingdom funds The
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    • 62 7 The Singapore Chanibei of Commerce Rubber Association's noon prices or? Saturday (Aug. 31) were, In cents per lb. Buyers Sellers N. 1 R.S.S. Spot. loose nominal 44'4 44H No. 1 R.S.S. fob. In bales Sept. 44 44 W No. 2 R.S.S. fo.b. in bales Sepr. 42% 41M> No.
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    • 401 7 Comment On Straits Plantations Report From Our Owi HPHE preliminary statem A for the year which er puzzling, writes "Diarist 1 The net profit for the yea which £23,032 is transfei reserve. For the previo profit of £16,854 after a i t^orresponaem LONDON, Sunday. ent of Straits Plantations ded last
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    • 45 7 J|ONG Kong's Depa-tment Of Imports and Exports baa warned tin dealers they must obtain a licence to bring tin into the Colony The warning was given after n merchant had been convicted of importing tin ingots from Singapore. TJ.P.
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    • 51 7 Copra, Oil Decline From A Market Correspondent pOCONUT oil and copra quov> tations continued to decline in Singapore last Saturday. Quotations at the close were the lowest for several months. Elsewhere, the produce markets were quiet and unchanged. Saturday's changes were Coconut Oil, $77, and Copra, Sundried $37.50 and Mixed
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    • 54 7 Gadong Coconut Plantations' report shows a net profit for 1947 Of £8.416 (£5.965 the previous year), plus Eastern assets recovered £26 (£973). To tax £4.002 (£1,006), divi- I dend of 15 per cent. (12} per cenf.) £3,019 (£2.516), estate expenditure nil (£128), general! i reserve 1 .000 1
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    • 36 7 NEW N.Z. RATE In view of the appreciation of i New Zealand currency, the new rates are: Selling T.T. and O.D.: direct, I 2s. 4 1 32d; throufh brokers, 2s. 4d. Baying O.D.: 2s. 4 ll/32d.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1274 7 MANSFIELD <c CO., LTD. <lneor*>ora* r it m Sin ■aborty BLUB FUNNEL LAMB STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., SAILINCS FROM U.K. ft U.S.A. LTD "Mcdon" due from U.K. rioilano Aug. 25 WEST COAST MALAYA SAILINC FOR LIVERPOOL. CLASCOW T. Anson Penang Aug. 28 b CONTINENTAL PORTS. hit rnirr vii >vi "Rhe.enor" sails
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    • 199 7 PRESIDENT LINES General Passenger Agent toi Northwest Airline* SAILINCS TO NEW rORK AND BOSTON via INDIA ECYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Pr««d*nt Monroe Spore tag 24 «-ouU Meh. Hew* S pore Sept. 5 Penang A., JO I k^ SAILINCS TO SAN FRANCISCO AND LOS ANGELES THENCE NEW TORK. BALTI MORE. BOSTON via
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    • 253 7 EAST ASIATIC LINE iAIUNCi FROM »CANOINAVIA/U ft I I SAILINCS TO CONTINENT,' COMTiMCkrt SCANDINAVIA w (Loading at Singapore. Port Swettenham and Penang. I' "St Croi. due tot Ami 26 for Aden foil Said Genoa. Barcelona Antwerp, rtotterKobe ,0/1, j ftZ^rrJLk^ Cdynia m.i "Malacca auc aot. iepf 2 Wordterer' to» iaigor,
      253 words
    • 1044 7 McALISTEm co. LiU. (Incorporated m bingauorei EUERMAH 6. BUCKNAUL tiXAVBNKftft LIMB HAVRE. LONDON HAMBURC. PACIFIC PORT* Accepting cargo for US North Atlantic rw»» Ports Canada via Colombo Accepting carra tor Central South CITY OF CLASCOW American Ports. Ctl^/41 P 27 S aT STCV CA,T. t V,LL I CITY Of KHARTOUM
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  • 681 8 F.A. Cup Holders Beaten At Home LONDON. Sunday. TNSTEAD of the brilliant sunshine and bone-hard grounds which are usually associated with the start of the football season, the English League programme began yesterday under vastly different conditions. Heavy rain interfered with the standard of
    Reuter  -  681 words
  • 173 8 THE draw for the women's events and the mixed doubles tournament m the Singapore badminton championships was held at the Clerical Union yesterday and resulted as follows: Women's open singles: Mrs. L. M. Pennefather v. Miss Lav Hui Keow; Miss Mary Voon bye; Mrs. Chionh Hiok
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  • 79 8 LONDON. Sunday. Results of yesterday' 3 Rugby League matches are: Bellevue Rangers 2, Workington T. 12; Bradford N. 9, Castleford 2: Dewsbury 8, Swinton 0; Featherstone R. 5. Huddersfleld 23; Halifax 2, Warrington 18; Hulkingston R 7. Barrow 3; Keighley 13. Oldham 2; Leeds 7, Bramley 7;
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 77 8 rE Chinese Sports Association beat the Chin Woo Seniors m the Singapore senior inter-club table tennis league at the Great World on Saturday. Results (C.S.A. players mentioned first): Lai Ylcg Hen bt. Chan Kwok Meng w.0.; Chan Poh Ying bt. Kum Pook Yuen 3—l;3 1; Lam
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  • 71 8 THE cric^e* match btlween Rara Piara's XI and Dharmaraj's XI at St. George's Road yesterday ended m a draw. Scores. Ram Piara's XI 141 Tor nine declared Ram Plara 39, M. Shah 37, Mahinder Singh 17. Balssingam 15, Dr. Abraham two for 16, R.V. Sngam iwo for 18.
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  • 38 8 Victors And Vanquished! WOMEN'S HOCKEY: The first Selangor Indian women's hockey XI and the Selangor Recreation Club women's team which met in a game on Indian Independence Day. The Indian women's XI won by one goal to nil.
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  • 110 8 BOSTON, Sun. rkPPONENTS lor the v United States in the challenge round of the i Davis Cup were not known when the final singles of the inter-zone final between Australia and Czechoslovakia bei gan yesterday. Jarnslav Drobny (Czechosloj vakia) beat Adrian Quist i (Australia) 6-8,
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 57 8 Indian XI Defeat Isthmian League London, Sun. India's Olympic soccer team scored a well-deserved j victory over the representative I Isthmian League side by three goals to one at Hford yesterday. Dhanra). who led *he India forwards, played a sparkling game apart from scoring aU the thre« goals for his
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 33 8 In a friendly game of soccei j played at Tanglin yesterday GHQ PARELF beat the Buoiw Vis'a S.C. by four goals to nil. McDine, Canwell. Robertson and Tyldboley were the scorers.
    33 words
  • 21 8 Today: High water, 1 p.m I (9ft. Oln.). Tomorrow: High water, 0.52 ajn. Oft. 6in.); 1.23 pjn. (9ft Oln.).
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  • 274 8 LONDON, Sun. WITH the game having an important bearing on the destination of the championship, Glamorgan, the leaders, gained the advantage of a first innings on a soft pitch at Bournemouth against Hampshire, but had made only seven runs in 10 minutes when rain washed out
    Reuter  -  274 words
  • 412 8 i KUALi NINE records were brol Indo-Oylonese athlet j at the Princes.' Road stad i Records were set up in 100 yds., hop, step and jump, 880 yds., high jump, three miles, 880 yds. inter-State relay, javelin throw, one mile, and half-mile inter-club relay.
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  • 291 8 WONG Chong Teck too sets before conceding the Singapore badminton After losing the first set, Poh Lim brought into use his terrific smash stroke and took the next two sets. The All-India singles champion. S. A. Durai. conceded a walkover to Tan Chong
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  • 210 8 rpHE Straits Times racing J. correspondent "Epsom Jeep," tipped five straight winners at Saturday's races. They were Dancing Fury ($65, highest dividend), New Verse ($12). Chastity ($21), Royal Bonnty ($20) and Astivel ($7), which he gave as the day's best bet "Epsom Jeep" also tipped ten places.
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  • 332 8 IN a Singapore Recreation Club match played at Woodsville yesterday, "St. Joseph's" proved too strong for "St. Andrew's", winning by 208 runs. St. Andrew's were all out for G4 runs. R. Milne and G. Woodford took the bowling honours, each with four wickets, for 16 and
    Reuter  -  332 words
  • 380 8 PENANG, Sunday. T*HE Penang Cricket Association team suffered A a severe defeat at the hands of the touring Singapore Combined Colleges side in a two-day match concluded on Victoria Green today. The visitors won by an i innings and 63 runs. Highlights of the game
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  • 164 8 From Our Staff Correspondent CUALA LUMPUR, Sun. PHE Selangor Club and 1 Selangor Chinese Rereation Club put up the lighest total ever rejorded in a one-inninps natch in Selangor when hey scored 533 runs on ;he Padang today. Two batsmen hit centuries. [Tie match ended
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  • 16 8 Sports Diary TODAY SOCCER: S.A.F.A. League, Div. II Kota Raja W. Dockyard XI. GgyUng. 5.15 p.m.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 570 8 CLASSIFIED 4DS jontinued from page 4) ACCOMMODATION WANTED WANTED to rent house /flat m Singapore. Will meet repair expenses Replies to Box A3768. 8.1. WANTED TO PURCHASE WANTED vacant freehold land prr'orablv with sea frontage, suitable 'or building bungalows. Telephone particulars and .owest price to 7666. DIESEL GENERATING SETS, old
      570 words
    • 53 8 "The Servis Recorder C^Hml always Keeps me j£r^=i!^vT out of trouble!" >Will#£??Of It records, my exact hours of work, delays due to traffic and delivery hold-ups m short, shows that I have not been idling or making unofficial stops. SERYIS RECORDERS Reveal lost man vehicle hours BORNEO MOTORS LTD. SINGAPORE
      53 words