The Straits Times, 20 August 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 236 1 Many Kush Weddings Before Trip LONDON, Thurs. ('RACK battalions of British Guardsmen shortly bound for Malaya today paraded their latest fashions in tropical headgear Australian style wide-brimmed slouch felt hat and jungle green cloth hat modelled on the American "fatigue" design. It was the first time
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 1 POLICE FOR MALAYA: A batch of young ex-Palestine policemen leaving Lonaon Airport for Malaya. They are some of 300 who have volunteered to fight the terrorists. Two Skymasters and two York* converted to troop carriers are being used to shorten the 8,000-mile trip. Rcuter photo.
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  • 26 1 HYDERABAD, Thurs. The Hyderabad Government announced today it will appeal to the United Nations for help m settling its dispute with India. A.P.
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  • 150 1 RANGOON, Thurs. l THE Burmese GovernA ment today claimed gains along a countrywide front against military insurgents who rebelled last week in an attempt to storm Rangoon and seize power. The action was reported along the entire front which extpnds from a few miles below Mandalay
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  • 63 1 BANGKOK. Thurs. Slam will have a two-house Parliament under the new draft constitution according to a resolution passed by Constituent Assembly today. A lower house will be elected by popular vote while an upper house will comprise members nominated by the King. The new Constitution, which was
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  • 29 1 From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Thurs: The Lord Mayor of Bangkok (Praphat Wathanasan) left here by air today to study municipal work at Penang and Singapore.
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  • 295 1 LONDON, Thurs. EIGHT hundred officers and men of the Fourth Queen's Own Hussars, due to embark for Malaya at South- ampton tomorrow, today re1 ceived a message of good lu^k from their Colonel-in-Chief, former Prime Minster Winston Churchill. Mr. Churchill expressed his regret that he was unable
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  • 16 1 T.OKIO. Thurs: Sleeping svkness cases now total 1.457. of whom 264 have died. -Reu-ter-A.A.P.
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  • 524 1 TERROR CHIEFS HELD •TWO terrorist leaders x have been captured m the last two days. Police captured the leader of the terrorist organisations m the Yong Peng area of Johore on Wednesday. He wa3 one of the six men found m a hut on the Ho Yeng estate. Two men
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  • 266 1 CHINA HAS NEW CURRENCY NANKING, Thurs. pHINA today adopted a new gold standard currency and ordered all banks to close for the next two days to permit an orderly conversion ot' the new currency for old banknotes. Government spokesman, Mr. Hellington Tong said the currency will be called "gold yuan"
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  • 49 1 KARACHI, Thurs. High Pakistan officials talked with United Nations representatives today about a cease flre in Kashmir State. The Pakistan officials asked the Commissioners to explain certain points of the peace Plan which have been blocking Pakistan acceptance. Another meeting is set for Friday.— A.P.
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  • 106 1 From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Thursday. JEWELLERY consigned from London to Singapore was today found missing from a Customs Department strongroom at Don Muang aerodrome. The jewellery was packed In two cases and is worth $20,000. It was due to be transhipped at Don
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  • 163 1 'Explain Border Bombing' From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Thurs. FE Siamese Government yesterday asked the British Embassy for an explanation of the alleged bombing and machine-gun-ning by R.A.F. planes of the Siamese mining town ol Tohmoh, in Narathlwart Province. Official Siamese police reports state that 11 bombs were dropped on
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  • 113 1 SINGAPORE Rural Board was admonished by one of its unofficial members Mr. Chin Chye Fong yesterday for not conducting its affairs with sufficient formality. Mr. Chin, m an open blue sports shirt and smoking a pipe, said he knew they were a friendly little gathering but he objected
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  • 36 1 Reports so far received from the Police authorities state that there have been 47 arrests m the Federation m the last 24 hours. Selangor 24, Johore 6, Trengganu 7 and Perak 10.
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  • 67 1 SHANGHAI, Thursday.— The Director of the Military Supplies Bureau, Mr. Chen Chiang, said yesterday that the Tazang ammunition dump explosion was not the result of sabotage. He said the 17-year-old youth arrested by the garrison forces after he was found loitering near the dump was probably
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 82 1 A reminder is issued that all currency notes issued by and bearing the r.ame of the Government of the Straits Settlements, and all currency notes bearing dates prior to July 1, 1941 issued by the Board of Commissioners of Currency, Malaya, will cease to be
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  • 140 1 A FRONTIER Force formed; recently In Kedah is now i guarding the border between j Malaya and Slam. The members are men familiar with j the local jungle. The Forces consists of Malay youths who have served In such units as Force 136, the, Malay
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  • 188 1 EAST AND WEST "NEARING AGREEMENT" MOSCOW, Thursday. ITESTERN diplomats and the Sov«>t Union appear to be nearing agreement on the calling of a four-power high level conference on the whole problem of Germany. A reliable source said here yesterday that the current talks on East-West differences were drawing to a
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  • 74 1 A COMPLETE report on the Singapore housing problem cannot be produced without a thorough housing survey taking at least a year. This was reported by the Singapore Housing Committee to this week's meeting of the Legislative Council The Singapore Improvement Trust m collaboration with the Municipal Health
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  • 163 1 DAKOTA MISSING IN JUNGLE t^ARLY this morning there was no news of a Royal Air Force Dakota missing on a flight between Kota Bharu and Alor Star at 10.20 yesterday morning. The aircraft was on a reconnaissance flight over a suspected terrorist area in north Kedah and Kelantan. Its number
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  • 44 1 WELLINGTON, Thurs: Mr. Walter Nash, New Zealand Finance Minister, announced here today that the New Zealand Government had decided to appreciate New Zealand's currency to parity with sterling. The preser.t rate ol the New Zealand pound is 125 to 100.— Reuter-AAP.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 77 1 %34C0lEMAN$ f X \J History of Singapore No. 7 In the year 1870, the first "Pennyfarthlng" bicycles made their appearance m the streets of Singapore. J tn 1883; Fraser Neave Ltd.. was |l fcmded*by two pioneer families. Down through the years the Quality of F N Aerated Waters has been
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 73 2 TOKIO, Thursday. AMERICAN soldiers In tanks and armoured ears A joined 700 armed Japanese police who went to eject IJM% strikers and sympathisers from the Kinuta Movie Studio yesterday. The police carried wall scaling equipment The strikers filed oat peacefully singing The Internationale. "We
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    • 34 2 PARIS. Thurs. Fourteen Italian warships which Include two heavy cruisers have been transferred to the French Fleet under .he Italian Peace Treaty. The ships are In Toulon Harbour awaiting rent.— UJ»
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    • 49 2 NEW YORK, Thurs. The president of Bronx Borough (Mr. James Lyons' said yesterday that he would ask the Board of Estimate to change the name of Short Street near Yankee Stadium to Babe Ruth Plaza. Baltimore's new $5,000,000 sports stadium will be named Babe Ruth Btadlum.—UP.
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    • 27 2 FRANKFURT, Thurs. A squadron of American Thunderbolt fighters left for Tripoli yesterday for firing practice. The flight will also be an exercise m long-range navigation.—UP.
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    • 45 2 blHOLAttSrllr* Wj>>e.k: Dr. Yahya Cohen, a graduate of the King Edward VII College of Medicine, Singapore, who has been awarded a Queen's Scholarship. He will study for his Fellowship of the Royal Collefe of Surgeons at London University. Straits Times picture.
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    • 50 2 MOSCOW. Inure A bottle of Incendiary mixture which burst Into flames was thrown into the office of the Soviet Mission In Havana. Cuba, at midnight last nlftfif, according to Tass. Fifteen minutes later, the agency said, shot* were fired at the office from a passing car— Reuter.
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    • 68 2 LONDON, Thurs.—Twenty per cent, of marriages In Britain, 25 per cent, m some other countries, were a failure, Dr. E. F. Griffith, consultant to the Marriage Guidance Council told the International Conference on Mental Hygiene yesterday. Dr. Griffith said failures were increasing because couples made no adequate preparation
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    • 34 2 The plane has mechanical trouble which might keep her grounded until tomorrow. A.P. MARSEILLES, Thurs. Mrs. Richard Tait landed here last night In her round-the-world flight In a small plane.
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    • 22 2 WASHINGTON. Thursday.— The Economic Co-operation Administration yesterday approved $4,050,100 to buy copra from the Netherlands East Indies for Germany.—Reuter.
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    • 48 2 COPENHAGEN Thurs.—Six hundred delegates "rom 32 countries and 1,700 hens and cocks from Denmark will meet here tomorrow for the international congress of thf World Poultry Science Association. The delegates are the world's foremost poultry experts, the hens and cocks the finest fowls m Denmark. UJ>.
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    • 20 2 MELBOURNE, Thurs. Radio Australia reported yesterday that an airline service linking Hong Kong and Australia, was under consideration.—A.P.
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    • 31 2 ROME, Th.irs. —Mohamed Reza PahleYi. Shah of Persia, yesterday receive! the War Cross and wings of a pilot of the Italian Air Force from the President (Signor Lulgl EinaucH.—A.P.
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    • 42 2 SOUTHAMPTON. Thurs. Yvonne de Carlo. 22-year-old Canadian born ftim star, described as the "most technicolor photographed girl m the world." is on her first visit to England. Bhe will spend five days sightseeing m London before visiting France. Italy and GeTnany—Reader
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    • 28 2 NEW YORK Thars. A burglar who stoic US$l,5OO worth of rings, watches compacts and lockets from a Wisconsin Jeweller posted the loot back out of conscience.— A.P.
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    • 38 2 SHANGHAI, Thurs.— The war crimes trial of General Okamura. former Japanese C.-fn C. m China, wfll be broadcast One thousand ticksts are being issued to pressmen and sr-ectators. The trial will begin on Aup. 23.—Reuter.
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    • 50 2 DAWS, Thnrs.— An estranf- ed saitor v«t wday bleri to death In aa attempt to sec his gki. Locien Lejrras tried to climb Into his girl friend's bouse when she would not see him. He severed an artery breaking a window and bled to death^-CP
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  • 165 2 PLAN TO PROMOTE TRADE GENEVA, Thurs. 'THE Economic and SoA cial Council agreed unanimously yesterday on policies for the development of industry, trade and agriculture m Asia and the Far East. The Council approved directives laying down that the Economic Commission should: Promote and co-ordinate the development of industry general
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  • 102 2 LONDON, Thurs. REPORT8 of "rather ugly scenes" are mentioned by the National Union of Retail Tobacconist* La Its protest to the Board of Trade against th« cut by one-sixth In tobacco supply. The consuminc public, the statement complains, are "far less tolerant than during the wai
    Reuter; AP  -  102 words
  • 107 2 PARIS Thursday.— The new French Government of M. Marie yesterday threw caution and most price controls to the winds. It seeks to combat inflation by an allout production drive. The broad outline of the economic programme envisaged by the Premier and his Finance Minister (M. Reynaud) began
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  • 93 2 LONDON, ThUiS. MRS. Marie Provaznlkova, leader of the Czechoslovaklan women's Olympic team, said yesterday: "I am a political refugee and proud of It." She thus joined a group of six other Czech and two Hungarian Olympic performers who have refused to go home. She has accepted
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  • 123 2 CAPETOWN, Thurs. •THE South African Govern- raent announced yesterday that It would cancel assisted Immigration— under which 70,000 Britons have entered the Union in the past two years. Dr. T. E. Dongeas, Minister of the Interior, stated in the South African Assembly that the Government
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  • 331 2 "Keep Truce Or Else Arabs Jews Warned LAKE SUCCESS, Thursday. 'PHE United States yesterday Issued a sharp warnA inf to the Arab and Israel governments that the United Nations could not tolerate any move by either side to end the Palestine truce. The warning hinted of punitive action by the
    Reuter; UP  -  331 words
  • 68 2 THREAT TO ALPINE TUNNEL GENEVA, Thurs. FE nine-mile lon& St. Gothard Tunnel main traffic artery through 'he *'ps, was In danger tonight as fire raged through the underground galleri2s of a m.mitlons dump near the tunnel mouth. Evacuated villagers from Goschenen feareJ the rock loot of the (?aUe?iej mifeht collapse
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  • 73 2 PARIS. Thurs.— A statement on French policy in Indo-China will be made by the Premier »M. Andre Marie) In the National Assembly today. It Is believed the statement will make it clear that the Government intends to ratify the Bay of Along Agreement which was signed by M.
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  • 41 2 SHANGHAI, Thurs. A shipment of 6,000 tons of Sino-British Kallen Mining Administration coal to Japan by the Government-sponscr-ed Central Trust yesterday, was cancelled. The National Fuel Control Commission protested that Shanghai was facing an acutt shortage of coal.— Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 744 2 NOTICES STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. HEAVY LIFT SCALE Shippers are notified that an amended Scale of Heavy Lift charges will come Into effect on Ist October. 1948. Details may be obtained on application. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that, as from 15th October. 1948 to 31st March, 1949. during the
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    • 282 2 NOTICES AUSTRAL MALAY TIN LTD. (Incorporated to the Federation of Malaya) NOTICE la hereby given that a Dividend, the fifty-fifth of Two ahnnngji (2/-) per share has been declared due uad payable to reregistered shareholders at the offices of the Company, Talplng and Sydney, on Wednesday, 15th September 1948. NOTICE
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    • 653 2 NOTICES STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. NOTTCB IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Share Transfer Register of the Company will be eland from 33rd August to 4th September, IMS. both days mehtv. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD J. CRICHTON Singapore, Secretary. 18th August, 1948. Appoint— rat of Storekeeper, Special Grade 'B Public
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    • 119 2 IMPORT CONTROL A quota of margarine Is now available for importation from Australia, and applications supported by a recently dated written firm offer from Australian suppliers may be submitted to the Comptroller of Customs, Import and Export Control. Kuala Lumpur op to 4th September. Applications received on or after sth
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    • 49 2 OFENINO TO-DAY 3 Shows— 3. 6.1S A 9.18 ,J». Greatest Tarian Atveniase! TARZAN ESCAPES' starring Johnny Wels mullrr —To-morrow at Mtf-Nite— "CENTENNIAL SUMMER" IMPORTERS RAW° JUTE and JUTE PRODUCTS Please contact for your requirements Established Indian Exporters: TEXTILE ASSOCIATES c/o Bank of China IS, Old Court House Street, Calcutta.
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    • 84 2 fM |j|gi|*C Charming Paulcttc Goddard knows she can trust her satin-smooth complexion to gentle ~-*«V' Lux Toilet Soap. And here's a simple way -^fiStf V film stars use to keep their skin soft and P^| youthful Just wash with Lux Toilet Soap and S^ hot water then rinse m cold
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  • 674 3 Russian Buying Key Factor From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Thursday IN view of American business conditions and A their stockpile policy, fears of a serious recession m the demand for rubber appear unjustified, says the Financial Times discussfng the outlook for the industry m the light of
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  • 195 3 WASHINGTON. Thurs. THE United States borx rowed one of Russia's favourite charges, "Imperialism," and threw it back in the Kremlin's teeth today. The occasion was the State Department's official comment on the new Sovietdictated Danube River agreement. That document was signed at Belgrade yesterday by Russia and
    AP  -  195 words
  • 71 3 PARIS, Thurs. PANCE has decided to invite the Governments of four Western 8tates to Join it in talks on setting up a Parliament of Europe. This decision, made at a Cabinet meeting with President Vincent Auriol in the chair, is the first Governmental move towards this goal.
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  • 98 3 WASHINGTON. Thuxs. THE State' Department has awarded scholarships and grants in aid to 25 Americans to study and teach in China and Burma under the Fulbright Act. The Act requests that scholarships be paid for by foreign Governments irom the proceeds of United States overseas
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  • 391 3 COLOMBO, Thursday. A CEYLON Government spokesman today described the Russian veto on the country's admission to the United Nations as "most distressing." He said Ceylon would persist in her effor:s to Rain admission to the United Nations. The siwkesman added that the Premier. Mr. D.
    Reuter; AP  -  391 words
  • 32 3 MANILA, Thurs: Dr. Bernabe Africa, acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs, said today that the Philippine Government had no immediate plans to open a consular office m Singapore. A.P.
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  • 89 3 YOKOHAMA, Thurs. SENTENCE of life Imprisonment was passed by a General Court Martial here today on Private William C. Manls, found guilty of the murder of Chaplain Captain John A. Ryan Nlven. Manis, in evidence, denied the shooting which occurred on the night of April 5 near
    AP  -  89 words
  • 226 3 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Thur. THE desire of commercial interests m Malaya for a definition of the present situation so that the insurance position can be made clear Is shared by British insurance companies. Companies would welcome an official pronouncement on whether Malayan conditions amount to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 283 3 0n,,, DUNLOPIIIO latex loam mattresses have these remarkabie qualities JKMMHBSMI PERFECT COMFORT. Lik-e a million springs, Dunlopillo gives indepen^ 2fc^TjP dent and correct support' for every part of the bodiy Wm fla HYGIENIC— SELF- VENTILATING t 5 Because they are complete*, H^^B ly porous, air can circulate through the mattress.
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    • 113 3 XMAS PARCELS FOR U.K. yyE have prepared a list of Special Fo I Parcels which include many items needed to make the Festive Season— well A FESTIVE SEASON LISTS OF PARCELS A3E AVAILABLE ON APPLICATION POST EARLY FOR XMAS Fitzpatricks Food Suppiies 60-66, ORCHARD ROAD TEL. ORDER DEPARTMENT 5281 f
      113 words

  • 87 4 MADAM Keolt Neo passed awnv |)'fC"lullv at th« age of 78 •t her residence No. 11 Uartia K >iid on the 19th Instant at 10.30 a m Ira vine behind her *on Choo 1 Hunt. 3 daughters, 3 dauRh:i law. 3 so ;s-in law, 7 cranr^ons. 1« (frand-dauRhten,
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  • 1070 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri., Aug. 20, 1948. THE GUARDS IN MALAYA Malayan morale has been given the boost that it badly needed, and given it in a manner exceeding our highest expectations. It was announced by the War Office on Tuesday after the usual leak in Whitehall which now
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  • 97 4 From The Straits Times of Aug. 20, 1898. The Annual Medical Report on the Civil Hospitals of the Colony for 1897 has Just been issued. The general health ol the Straits Settlements during 1897 shqws a decided improvement upon 1896. The death rate of the whole Colony
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  • 1980 4  - OUTWARD BOUND TO THE SEA AND SKY LIEUT. A Message For Malayan Youth~-II By COL. SPENCER CHAPMAN, D.S.O. and Bar TttHEN I returned from the war I had determined to devote my energies to this task of teaching youth to live. 1 thought that through some existing organisation, perhaps the
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    • 283 4 T^HE article by "Femina" m Saturday's Straits Times, about the lack of entertainment accorded to 8.0.R.s by the Europeans m Kuala Lumpur, seems to be a distinct slight on a hard-working band of ladies, the W.V.S. "Femina," who seems to get around quite a bit,
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    • 239 4 I READ with complete astonishment that the Federation's Chief Welfare Officer, Dr. C. P. Rawson, m a recent interview with the press announced that his department had assumed responsibility for several thousand people who had been rendered homeless since the terrorist campaign began. Surely, the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 677 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. NUTATIONS VACANT QUAUFIFD Teacher for School Cv'iflrate Hlology. Apply in wri'inn Prinripil. Piidu Ensrllsh F-hool K L WANTED Efficlen Asiatic Junior Ac-Founts Clerk. Apply aally Qnntas Empl e Airways L'd., Ocean Building. 8 rvicrs. Freelance. Local Commircial Traveller required. Liberal Commission. Good prospects on prnvine satisfactory. Engineering r\:i^rienre
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    • 85 4 YOUR FLOORS CAN BE LOVELIER if you use a Vactric floor Polisher the effortless "leaner. THi jU VaOuc/n FLOOR fl I POUSHfR I "Vactrit. polishes large surfaces with ease Parquet Floors, Linos. Stained Boards, Surrounds and Marble Tiling. It is almost noiseless m action and consumes little current. It is
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    • 177 4 |fI*^OPTICIfIN Fellow Institute Ophttihalmic Opticians Itng). Fellow Worshipful Co of Spectacle-Maker* (Eng) Freeman of the City of London By Appointment to H M Forces South East Asia. 6 Raffles Place Singapore Phone ***** I FOR DINNER WEAR White Sharkskin, for jackets, 8.50 yard Black Palm Beach, cool and smart, 20.00
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  • 427 5 La hour Board 9 s Proposal A PROPOSAL that wage changes, conditions of employment and retrenchment of staff (as distinct from dismissals of individuals on reasonable grounds) be frozen for th* period of the present Emergency has been unanimously recommended to the Government by the Singapore Labour
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 5 NOW IN MALAYA: Some of the 300 ex-Palestine policemen who volunteered for operations against Malaya's Communist terrorists. The men shown here were equipped for their air journey on Aug. 11. The first contingent arrived m Singapore with Col. W. N. Gray (seen m bowler hat) last Sunday. Evening News, London,
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 5 TC, |>0 RESEARCH: Awarded a Queen's Fellowship, Mr. KianK Al Kirn, a Lecturer in Chemistry at Kaffles College, hope* to do research work on prote:ns at Cambridge for a Doctoral in Philosophy.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 173 5 TWO Chinese, Tay Ah Bah and Tay Ching Huat, and a Malay. Nafie bin Alang, were charged with unlawful possession of four Sten guns, a Japanese automatic pistol, 1,405 rounds of .38 unmunition and 3.781 rounds of .303 ammunition in the Singapore Assize Court yesterday. The Deputy
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  • 342 5 pOVERNMENT is con- sidering what steps! should be taken further to tighten up on security j measures in Singapore. The possibility of raising "self protection corps"! for the rural areas is! being closely studied. This was announced by the chairman of the Rural Board (Mr C.
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  • 61 5 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs. I Pte. MacKenzle Gallon and! Pte. Walker appeared again In court here today on a charge of armed robbery at Pulo Babl, Mersing. Mr. McCall, Federal Counsel, applied for the transfer of the case to the High Court on
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  • 418 5 From Our Woman Correspondent MR. Philip F. Kinsey, nominated Chairman of the Singapore Stage Club last week, plans bigger and better production. The Club committee has done away with the policy of producing an average of a play a month. It will now produce
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  • 133 5 SECOND-HAND books and magazines will be welcomed by the Secretary of the Graham-White Memorial Sale committee (Mrs. H. Macdonell) for the bookstall that Is to form part of the Bring-and-Buy sale at the Victoria Memorial Hall on the 25th. The sale which will be opened by Mrg. Malcolm
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  • 187 5 A claim for possession of a room in the Oranje Hotel, S-amford Road, was brought before the Chief Justice (Mr. Justice Gordon Smith) yesterday by Mrs. Klara T. Van Hien, Joint owner of the Oranje Hotel agains*. Miss M. E. Caster a school taacher. Mrs. Van Hien
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  • 77 5 Members of the Education Department gave a farewell dinner party last night to Mr. J. B. Nellson. retiring Director of Education, Singapore, who Is leaving m a few days for Australia. The Colonial Secretary (Mr. P. A. B. McKerron) was present at the dinner, which was
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  • 247 5 Bedok Point Hawkers Can Carry On THE 25 licensed hawkers occupying stalls at Bedok Point will be allowed to carry on doing business for the moment, members of the Singapore Rural Board decided at their meeting yesterday One member said that Bedok Point was "one of the brightest spots on
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  • 125 5 1- nun Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Thurs. THE State of Johore has recruited over 2,000 Special 'onstables up to date and the imber Is being Inor^sed day v day. The Majority have jlned up are Malays. i Five per cent are Indians. The Chinese do
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  • 57 5 A misadventure verdict was recorded yesterday by Uie Singapore Coroner (Mr. Choor Bingh) on Tay Ah Chye, a 19 year-old cyclist, who was run over by a lorry on Aug. 12 at Upper ScranRoon Road. Evidence was given that Tay was riding his bicycle and holding
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  • 33 5 An English geophysical prospector, Mr. D. H O. Lamb, arrived m Singapore last night by flying boat from U.K. on his way to British New Guinea m search of oil.
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  • 286 5 THE people of Malaya did not realise how anxious the people of England were regarding Malayan affairs, said the Conservative Peer, Lord Mancroft, m an interview with the Straits Times yesterday. Lord Mancrolt arrived in Singapore from the United Kingdom on Tae>day, to
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  • Malayan Round-up
    • 125 5 THE Governor (Sir Franklin Gimson) and the Commissioner of Police, Singapore (Mr. K. E. Foulger) witnessed a security raid on Hong Kah Village, m Jurong Road, Sin^a/ore, at daybreak yesterday. Five Chinese, Including a woman, and two Indonesians who could not give satisfactory reasons for being
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    • 31 5 gATU PAHAT, Thurs— Major Syed Esa bin Alwee, Deputy Oamp Chief (Malaya) and District Commissioner (Johore) will go to Australia m December with five Johore Scou's for the Jamboree.
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    • 62 5 A LOR STAR, Thurs. The Sultan of Kedah on the occasion of his 58th birthday, today called or all communities to assist "he Government in maintaining peace lir the S'ate "I hope that all who cherish and love peace In this State will Join the Auxiliary Police or
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    • 70 5 SINGAPORE. Thurs. Mr. Jehangir B. Mehta has passed the M.D. examination of the University of Londoi? and U 'aklng his M.R.CP. (London) examination soon. Mr. Jehangir went to Victoria Bridge School (Penang), and Raffles Instt ution, passing his Senior Cambridge and LAndon Matricula'lon at the Penarg i*r<'e
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    • 51 5 A PARTY of 200 members of the Singapore Police Force will leave C.I.D. Headquarters in Robinson Road, at 6.45 a.m. for a route march to Gate No. 2, Singapore Harbour Bbard. via the S.H.B. Police Station on Saturday. The march will be led by the Police
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    • 82 5 1OHORE BAHRU. Wed— A new J three-year training course for Malay men and women Uachers who have not been to the Sultan Idris Trailing Collge, Tanjong Malim, or Malay Women's Training College. Malacca, will begin shortly in Johore. There will be 17 centres at which over 500 teachers
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    • 42 5 INDIAN and Chir.ese merchants will give Mr. A. M. Handy and family a dinner on Sept. 4 before they leave for Ceylon. Mr. Ng Seng Choy, J.P., will preside while Rev. Canon R K.S. Adams and Mr. J.M. Namaz.e will speak.
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    • 53 5 rE first recital of recorded music under the auspices of the Singapore Teachers' Union yesterday at '.he Gan Eng Seng School was well attended. Printed progranme notes lor each record played were suppl cd. The netf; recital will te held on the "second week a ter tVe re-openlng
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 82 5 IMPORTED FROM LONDON ENGLAND Made with rich, Cine Virginia tobacco CARMRAI LONDON ISO YEARS' REPUTATION FOR QUALITY (h*.3( doctors recommend r^WIKLIM mil* for Babies.M fiMhLlJl W 1 GET* BBOS^ V T -y \f) /rW>7?'*-^/ r W>7?'*-^ BINOAPORE r J *Zs JPY^^* i-ff I f it Cop. Borden Co. JZ '^JL
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    • 77 5 A number of 36 piece Dinner Sets are now on sale m our Hardware Department. In a simple but pleasing design, they have a blue or green band border and two inner lines to match. 1 52.50 per set Consisting: 12 PLATES 10* 2 COVERED SCALLOPS 6 PLATES 9" MEAT
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  • 662 6 Plans For 1,000 Cases First Year AUTLINING tuberculosis policy m a statemeat to the Singapore Legislative Council this week the Director of Medical Services (Dr. W. J. Vickers) said that the scheme is being developed and must be considered as experimental. Dr. Vickers said he had
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  • 247 6 -TTOE annual Chinese festival of the Seventh Moon has caused Singapore fish prices to rise. Lavish celebrations, which included decoration of some municipal markets, on Wednesday brought m creased buying. To meet this extra demand there was a reduced catch because of the full moon.
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  • 165 6 From Our Staff Corrvspcndont KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. fX)UR Indian estate labourr era and a lorry driver, were each sentenced at Selangor Assizes today to six years' rigorous imprisonment for the attempted murder of Mr. D. L. Downle, the manager of Ampar Tenang Tea and Rubber Estate,
    165 words
  • 87 6 TODAY Safety First Committee mcctliig Government Offices, 3.30 p.m. Friends of Singapore, annual general meeting, Adelphi. 5.15 p.m. Wesley Methodist Youth Fellowship, Mr. R. A. Goodchlld on 'Life at Cambridge," 4. Fort Canning Road, 7.30 p.m. Y.W.C.A., 8, Fort Canning Road, Malay classes, 9.15 a.m. and 5.30 p.m..
    87 words
  • 89 6 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA TRENGGANU, Thurs THE Kuala Ibui bridge, on the Kuala Trengganu Kuantan trunk road, collapsed when a hree-and-a-half ton lorry laden with dried fish was crossing It on Sunday. The driver, Haji All bin Haji Din, who is m
    89 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 6 MALAYA-BOUND: Armoured cars await loading at a London wharf. They will reach Malaya for Services use. Towing artillery and transporting gun crews and equipment are their main purposes. Planet picture.
    30 words
  • 208 6 Prefabs May Solve Crowding PRE FABRICATED houses may be a large factor In solving the overcrowding problem in Singapore, says the report of the Singapore Housing Committee published this week. In properly laid out trading estates, with their own shopping centres, schools, churches, clinics, playgrounds and places of amusement, they
    208 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 168 6 Senors Senoritas I Why procrastinate? Take that holiday to gay Mexico now! ?|O HexicoN iwi-V^S^Mi"" THERE'S SO GRANDO! OTffef* AIT t 4 SHOWS* NOTE TIMES: Jl UWA M m 11—2—6.15—9.15 Air-conditioned Phone 5159 "W* CapitoL THE SHOCK OF YOUR LIFETIME AWAITS YOU at Shaw's Air-conditioned I? f X Today! JP
      168 words
    • 315 6 Tel. TO3400 DAY B^JV 11 a.m. TiP^ 2.1mm*. A film JH^ttfeMf9 KiMS up EVERYONE ■iS Now for must IPy V()lir o"C HCKcIS, M A magnificent treatment of the world's GREATEST PLAY; spectacular, exciting and highly original m many of its effects." The London "Star" Please book for Matinee peYformam-es to
      315 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 111 6 ftAUlU MALAYA VFOHt krtqutnatm: 620 So/* M A 7 Mc/a 1 p.m. Glenn Miller Teddy Wilson; 1.30 News; 1.45 Fred Hartley; 2.00 Close. 8.15 News; 8.18 Films; 8.30 Friday From— Violin Concerto by Brahms. 9 30 News: 0.45 Talk: 10.00 Taku Your Choice; 11.00 News Cloar RADIO MALAYA ft.L.) Freauenctra
      111 words
    • 142 6 New.-; 10.40 Light Ensemble; 10.45 Sport; 11.00 Movie Tunes; 11.20 BBC Scottish Orch 11.30 Close. 4 p.m. Harry Horlick; 4.30 News; 4.40 Wurlitser Recital; 4.40 Services' Concert Hall: 4.50 New Zealand Sport; 5.00 i Victor Silvester; 3.15 Forces' Requests; 9.15 Talk: 530 As You Like It; 5.40 Talk: 6.00 Soprano'
      142 words
    • 131 6 Prom The Editorials; 7.40 London Calling; 7.49 Jazz Interlude; 8.15 Stanley Clarloson (Australian bass); 8.30 News; 8.49 BBC Northern Orchestra; 9 19 In Britain Now; 9.30 Radio NewsreeJj 9.45 Good Companions; 11.00 I Scottish Magazine .11.30 New*} 111.40 News Analysis; 11.45 World Affairs; 12.00 The Street W» Live In 12.30
      131 words

  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 365 7 From Oar Own Correspondent LONDON, Thursday PRELIMINARY results of the treatment of robber seeds have shown that an ofl very much superior to that hitherto obtained from rubber seeds can be produced. The annual report of the Colonial Products Research Council, describing the treat ment. says
      365 words
    • 61 7 Fwm A Market Ctrref ■■«wt AOPRA and coconut oil prices V dropped on the Singapore produce markers yesterday. There was practically no activity. Ovtrseai oCars took a parallel line below the Singapore levels. I The price of black pepper raac again. Price change* were: Cayra:
      61 words
    • 109 7 BANGKOK, Thurs. SIAMESE export* of rubber to the United State* may totil 100,800 tons thte year, according to unofficial estimates In the first tour maoUu al 1*8. Slam shipped »,000 toes of rubber to the United States. Latg?r shipi merits were reported to have left
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 118 7 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Thursday. IN both the Industrial and Tin sections of the Malayan share market there were a few more Inquiries today. Business, difficult to connect, was on a small scale. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: IWPUBTKIAI* Oammoc
      118 words
    • 354 7 LONDON, ThuM. THE *t«rt «f the new trtdinf perUd braaght only a few minor changes to prices on the London Stock Exchange yesterday, says Renter 1! finajodal correspondent. Has and Rubbers were lower. Oltt-edg«d lames mat v4fa a small demand and farproved. Some anoouracemeet to holders was offered
      354 words
    • 21 7 Aug. 17 AU6- 18 Stocks 67.88 67.81 Industrials 182.15 1C3.12 Rails M.M 59.31 Utilities J4.75 54.60 —A P.
      21 words
    • 255 7 LANADRON RUBBER Fron. Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wed. T ANADRON Rubber Estate** chairman (Sir Eric Macfa dy en) "suspects they have seen the cream of f he business" of crepe and sole crepe manufacture. He bases bis suspicion on the fact that
      255 words
    • 52 7 From Our Otni Correspondent LONDON. Thurs. r. G. P. Bioomneld, of ttie British Robber Producers' Research Association, vat due to start for Malaya yesterday far a spell of work In the Rubber Research Institute labortarfes at Kuala Lumpur. He expects to remain there for
      52 words
    • 130 7 ON further liquidation from up-country, Singapore rubber prices declined by nearly a cent per U>. during the afternoon yesterday. F.o.b, dosed 15/8 of a cent below Wednesday's closing price. Buyers came In at lower levels. The market, however, was steady. Closing prloes yesterday WJ* No. 1 sheet f.o.b.
      130 words
    • 224 7 CHIPS In port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godovrag In bracket*) were: Main Wharf: Chupra (31-92), Glenroy (33-34), Ve»ero«y (SSM), TetnaU (40-41), Empire Pacific (43). West Wharf: DenxMbJr« (1-2), Meniakab (3), Blepat (4 6). Alemous (e-7), Annenterk (10-11). Rbexenor (1J-14). Empire Dtek: Benvracltie (17. It),
      224 words
    • 15 7 CUNGEI Tukang Bobber Company harvested a crop of 77,000 lbs. In July.
      15 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1259 7 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. Uncor*ora**J 4m ti>n*t*r** BLOB FUNNEL LHVB STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., SAILINGS FROM ML fr UJ.A LTD. "Medon" dua Ham UK b (AST COAST MALAY* Holland Attg If Vessel for Malacca Aug. XI "Claycu*" due from U.K. Aajg 27 "Seramban" for P. Swettenhea*. "Achillas." due from UK. Aug.
      1,259 words
    • 195 7 PRESIDENT LINES General Passenger Agent tor Northwest Airlines SAILINCS TO NEW TOCK ANO BOSTON •la INDIA. ECYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Prettoeat fSlim Caa. 27/28 PreaMeat Monroe Spae Aug arr. P Sham Aag. 22 Pmiarm A«g UUUNOS TO SAN FRAMCOCO ANO LOS ANCELES THENCE HCVt YORK BALTI MORI BOSTON via PANAMA Pres
      195 words
    • 275 7 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCi FROM SCANDINAVIA/U SAM.INCS TO CONTINENT/ MMtntmjT SCANDINAVIA. w"w wt l Loading at Sngapora. Port Swettenharo and Penang. %s "Tranquabar" for Bangkok < "St Croix ttae abt. Aug 26 Saigon Cdns. 15/ IC for Aden Port Said Genoa. Barcelona. Antwerp. Rotterdam. Hamburg. OsJo, Corn* Mooaaaa' tor ManSa.
      275 words
    • 973 7 MoAUSTER CO.. LTD. (Incorporate in Singapore) BLURMAN BUCKNALL KLAVKNKSS LOTS MAVRt. LONOOM NAIMUR& PACIFIC PORTS **•»£<£ *T&!£i. U i. ftffL*"*** Accepting cargo f (Zusi b South •CmSeAoSlS^ 0 Amer.c^n Ports. JHBL »^T ST-V. cAftumu On O# KHARTOUM S'pore P S'ham Penang 10 fas*. < Sapt u ft** i sea*. sept.
      973 words

  • Article, Illustration
    28 8 Jose Beyaert of France after winning the Olympic cycling marathon over 121 miles at Windsor Great Park. His time was 5 hra. 18 mlns. 12.6 sees. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  28 words
  • 140 8 Plan For Asia Wrestling Tournament LONDON, Thurs. PLANS to hold an Asian free-style wrestling championship during February or March of next year were revealed to Reuter last night by Mr. Mohammed Sultan, manager of the Indian Olympic wrestling team. Mr. Sultan, who is vicepresident of the wrestling Federation of India,
    Reuter  -  140 words
  • 108 8 At a meeting of the Rugby Section of the Singapore Cricket Club last night, the following office-bearers were elected Captain: Mr. Gordon Taylor, j vice-captain, Mr. Keith Wllsoa, I secretary. Mr. A.F. de Franck Mr. W.M. Quayle continues mi office as the convenor of tt.e Rugby Section.
    108 words
  • 26 8 S. C. C. BEATEN The Fraser Neave B.C. defeated the Singapore Cricket Club by I—o m a friendly game of soccer on the padang on Wednesday
    26 words
  • 222 8 ASTIVEL LIKELY TO SCORE A DOUBLE Fast Gallops On Training Track From EPSOM JEEP IPOH, Thursday. A STIVE L, who did the best gallop this morn- ing, clocking 37 seconds for three furlongs, should complete a double on Saturday Astivel won over the straight course last week on tight reins
    222 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 8 Denise Newman, of the .Mermaid Swimming Club, contests the women's springboard diving championship at the national meet at Hastings. She finished third. She was also third m the hlghboard diving championship. Mirror Features picture.
    34 words
  • 143 8 T«HE Kota Raja Malays x defeated the Singapore Police s—o5 0 m a second division S.A.F.A. league encounter at Thomson Road yesterday. Although they were outclassed m practically all departments, the Police put up a gallant display. Special mention must be made of *he grand display by
    143 words
  • 106 8 THE Customs Sports Club beat the Malay Football Association by three goate to one m the third division S.A.F.A. League match played at St. George's Road esterday. The Customs dominated play m the first half. Aziz opened accounts for the Customs off a pass from Selby.
    106 words
  • 144 8 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Thursday. PERAK beat the Combined Colleges cricket team here today by 31 runs. Perak scored 86 for four wickets, then col- lapsed, being all out for 122. Ang Earn Hock, who ope;.ed the innings with E Ycing, batted over two
    144 words
  • 424 8 Complete Weights For Tomorrow From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Thurs. WEIGHTS for all nine TT races on Saturday Ct i t. CLASS 4—81 FURLONGS Lobau Lady Of Lady 9.07 K«nt 8.03 Chastity 9.06 Artist'i Eastern Flier 8.03 Olrl 8.13 Merriante 8.03 Desert Gopemg 7.09 King 8.11 Batti II 7.02 Any
    424 words
  • 287 8 Lindwall, Morris Top Averages LONDON, Thurg. ARTHUR Morris, Australia's 26-year-old left-hand opening bat, topped the batting averages for this season's Test series with 87.00. Denis Compton Md the best batsman's analysis on the England side, with 62.44. Ray Llndwall, Australia's pace bowler, easily topped the bowling figures, taking 27 Test
    Reuter  -  287 words
  • 22 8 TODAY SOCCER: S.A.F.V Dlv. 1: Tiger S.A. v. A. A. A. Jalan Besar Stadium. 5.15 p.m. TENNIS: Tanglln Club championships.
    22 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 8 OLYMPIC SOCCER: A melee m the Yugoslav goalmouth In the closing stages of the semi-final m which Yugoslavia beat Britain 3—l.3 1. Yugoslavia lost to Sweden I—Sin1 S in the final. Renter photo.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 327 8 LONDON, Thursday. AS another Davis Cup competition draws to a close with only the inter-zone final and then the challenge round to be played, it is interesting to note that comment is already being made regarding future contests, and there seems to be growing
    Reuter  -  327 words
  • 121 8 THE Catholic Young Men's A>1 soclation beat *he Ist. Malay Coast Battery 4—34 3 m an S.AJ.A. third division soccer match played at Oeylang Stadium yesterday. The wet ball and slippery ground slowed down play. The Ba/tery opened accounts through their centre-forward, Payne. Shortly afterwards,
    121 words
  • 40 8 The Indian Association received a walkover from the Malay Football Association m an B.A.F.A. first division league fixture which was to have been played at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The Malays were unable to field a team.
    40 words
  • 36 8 A meeting of the Rugby Section of the Singapore Chinese Recreation Club will be held on Tuesday at S p.m. at the Club premises. All members Interested In rugger are invited to be present.
    36 words
  • 486 8 LONDON, Thursday. ty)N BRADMAN made his exit from international cricket at the Kenning ton Oval yesterday with an innings victory his fourth success m the 1948 Test series. The left-arm bowler, Bill Johnston, polished off the England innings m 20 minutes by
    AP  -  486 words
  • 105 8 THE three-mile team race which was held at R.A.F. SeleUr on Wednesday as the first event m the Singapore representative team athletic championships resulted m an easy win for the Royal Air Force Individual winner was F.'O J.L. Meek. ft" of R.A.F. Station, Changl, who
    105 words
  • 93 8 LONDON, Thurs. 'J'HE following are Scottish League Football results yesterday: "A" DIVISION Aberdeen 1 Celtic 0 Albion R. 1 St Mirr»n 2 Clyde 3 Dundee 3 East Fife 0 Motherwpil 1 Hearts 3 Tftjrd Lanark 2 Morton 2 Partick T. 1 Queen's South 1 Hibernian 1 Rangers
    93 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 430 8 CLASMFIED ADS. (Continued from oaae 4) VKHK'I.KS FOH SALE MORRIS 10. 1946. Good condition. ***** or offer. Comprehensively ia^ured. Ring Blunt. 6851. br' re 930 a.m. or after 4.30 p.m: CHOICE of two cars for sale 1947 Nash 1947 Citroen both m excellent condition taxed and insured. Owner leaving Box
      430 words
    • 383 8 SHIPS FOR SALE STEEL MOTOR VESSEL DOUBLE RIVETED M.V. "LATANI" Construction plate ship auilt 1936 All new equipment, engines etc., at present being installed completion approx. 4 weeks, with permit to proceed to foreign Dort for registration. DIMENSIONS Length 104 feet Beam 21 feet Depth Moulded 8 feet 6 ins.
      383 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 32 8 SINGAPORE TIDES Today: High Water. 11.55 a.m (8 ft. 7 In.), 11.14 p.m. (9 ft. 8 in.). Tomorrow: High Water, 12.17 p.m. (8 ft. 8 in.), 11.48 p.m. (9 ft. 9 in.).
      32 words