The Straits Times, 18 August 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 550 1 Tin, Rubber Prices Going Up—Gilmour MALAYA'S participation in the European Recovery Programme would indirectly tend to make the prices of rubber and tin higher, said the acting Colonial Secretary (Mr. A. Gilmour) in the Legislative Council yesterday. It would lead to increased purchases of Malayan rubber
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  • 324 1 FALL IN RUBBER PRICES From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Tues. "THE further fall m the rubber price confirms earlier views that though the muddle over Russian credits may have started the process, there are other weakening factors at work. It is true that credits for repurchases m terms of U.S.
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  • 47 1 Imports of foreign rubber Into Malaya last month totalled 27.477 "tons, practically all of which came into Singapore. Sumatra was the largest supplier of rubber to Malaya, exporting 18,000 tons. The bulk of the rubber imported was m smoked, dry unsmoked and wet sheets.
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  • 41 1 AUSTRALIA RUSSIA TRADE CANBERRA, Tues.—Discussions for a barter agreement between Australia and Russia have been going on for some time, it was announced here today. Australian firms would send wool to Russia In return for paper, timber and tinned fish. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 137 1 A SUGGESTION that a Malayan Remembrance Day Fund be created, similar to the Poppy Day Remembrance Fund m England, through contributions from all m Malaya who had survived the war, was put forward by Mr. Thio Chan Bee at I yesterday's Legislative Council meeting. Such a
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  • 73 1 JERUSALEM, Tues:— Jews axd Arabs fought a big artillery duel for five hours today. The battle began at dawn. Arab fire battered Jewish quarters along the entire corridor which cuts the Holy City from north to south. At Amman, meanwhile oflicial Transjordan soulrces charged that Jewish forces
    AP  -  73 words
  • 22 1 SYDNEY, Tups.- Two British freighters entered harbour here today without pilots, the third day of the pilots' strike.— Reuter-AAP.
    Reuter-AAP  -  22 words
  • 397 1 Terrorist Camp Seized After Air Raid From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Tues. (GROUND forces which 1 moved into the terrorist hideout west of the 37th mile Degong Road m Lower Perak, following yesterday's strafing by Spitfires and Beauflghters, shot dead one insurgent, wounded another and captured five. Special constables who
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 1 Two baby orang outangs from Borneo which arrived m Singapore this week for a Chinese animal dealer. They are seen with the dealer's wife, Mrs. Chan Ylng Kee.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 98 1 LONDON, Tues. THE British Cabinet, convex nea at the leakage of top secret military information, ar e to investigate bow the news got out yesterday that troops of the Brigade of Guards are being prepared for sailing to Malaya, it was learned authoritatively today. The
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 163 1 MR. John Laycock (Municipal North East) gave notice m the Legislative Council yesterday that a Bill will be presented at the next meeting of the Council by the leader of the Progressive Party (Mr. C. C. Tan) based on the Weekly Holidays Act of
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  • 116 1 RANGOON, Tues. AN all-day battle between Government troops and uniformed insurgents 30 miles north of Rangoon, was finally ended when armoured cars routed the enemy. Insurgents numbering 500 had attacked a police station and forced Government troops to withdraw. U Tin Tut, who has resigned the
    Reuter; AP  -  116 words
  • 17 1 VATICAN CITY, Tues.— The Pope will receive the Shah of Iran thia week.— U.P.
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  • 42 1 THE HAGUE, Tues: Negotiations between the Dutch and Indonesians will shortly be resumed, according to a Netherlands Government statement .ssued today. The statement said that the possibility of an agreement between the Dutch and the Republicans was "not excluded."—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 172 1 MANY Indonesians arrived twelve hours early at the celebration of the third annl- versary of the Indonesian Re- i public m Singapore yesterday. Dr. Oetoyo. representative of the Indonesian Government m Singapore, held the party at his home In Elliot Rd. Siglap. He sent out
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  • 251 1 ARMS DUMP EXPLOSION IN SHANGHAI SHANGHAI, Tuesday. TWO Chinese soldiers were killed when iieavy A explosions shook Tazang area m that north western outskirts of Shanghai this morning when a large ammunition dump blew up The blast sent a shower of flying shrapnel over a radius of at least 500
    Reuter  -  251 words
  • 146 1 Envoys May Meet Stalin Soon LONDON, Tues. MR. Molotov is expected to receive the three Western envoys for a seventh conference within the next few days, possibly on Thursday, it was learned m Moscow today, while well-informed London circles said the envoys would probably see Marshal Stalin very soon. A
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 44 1 JOHORE BAHRU, Tues:— Four armed and unifofmed Chinese last night shot dead a Chinese kepala of Lin Cheng Estate, m the Pontian area of Johore. The terrorists dragged the kepala out of his house, tied his hands, and then shot him dead.
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  • 32 1 RAIN stopped play m the fifth Test at the Oval yesterday, with England 178 for seven. A full commentary on yesterday's play by R. C. Robertson-Glasgow appears m page eight.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 40 1 ELEGANT JEWELLERY P. H. HENDRY, KWKI.LKB «iu> «n Established Malava-widf Reputation 18 North Bride? Kn-ri SlneatHm r L -"4 V^^ When the next move v bajfles you seek inspiration with aPLAY(gjpgfc Extra Ik M^PwSr Quality ggP Cigarettes MADE IN ENGLAND
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    • 49 1 I. mil n f *wSLM dl l c v XT; W Dw J n Hi-tncul Innr Hndu SOU AGENft BRIGHT RADSO Co 101 ORCHARD ROAD. HNG*PUI I MARK s. Tl M Ejfm for a /{|oyp Extra Malt means Extra STRENGTH Extra Hops mean Extra FLAVOUR Extra Goodnesi meant TIGER
      49 words

  • Cable Flasher
    • 70 2 BRISTOL, Tuesday. rPHE 125-ton Brabazon airliner, biggest land plane 1 m the world, left her hangar yesterday for fuel and calibration tests. I It took a team of men using tractors one and a half hours to tow the £6,000,000. 100passenger plane 100 yards. The Brabazon
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 37 2 TIENTSIN, Tues. One hundred and forty-three police officers dissatisfied with conditions tendered their resignation en masse and gathered at police headquarters yesterday demanding immediate acceptance. Police Commissioner Li Han-yuan refused to accept their resignations. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 68 2 BIRMINGHAM, Tues Middleweight >oxer Rudolph Turpin accused of beating his wife with broomstick when she said she was going to have a baby, was charged today at Warwick with assault. Turpin denied the charges, said his .vife nagged and kept him awake the nights before his
      UP  -  68 words
    • 58 2 VERONA, Tues.—Thousands of "pilgrims" waited In vain last night for the self-pre-dicted death of Alfonsina Ghlnl at Raldon. Miss Ghini went into a coma at midnight but recovered somewhat by 4 ajn. She explained: "I must suffer much yet. My death has been delayed several hours." Doctors at
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    • 43 2 SHANGHAI, Tues. The commander of the earrison forces has telegraDhed Nanking for military police reinforcements to check the increasing incidents by regular soldiers. The chief complaint asrainst the soldiers is that 'hey refuse to Day fares on trams and buses.—U.P.
      UP  -  43 words
    • 63 2 HAMBURG, Tues. The first prisoner has escaped from the British War Crimes Tribunal. He is Herald Heyns, former SS sergeant major, who was being tried for the alleged murder of members of the British Special Air Service. Heyns disappeared from the courthouse 10 minutes before his case
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 66 2 LAKE SUCCESS, Tues.— The United Nations yesterday reported a continued lack of balance In the world economic situation, with production above pre-war but with trade declining. It said the lack of balance was reflected by such phenomena as 1. Shortage of basic commodities In -most countries, particularly foodstuffs; 2
      AP  -  66 words
    • 31 2 RANGOON, Tues. Six men. including a European from the Port Commissioner's Office, are feared lost In a lifeboat which sailed In a heavy gale on Friday tor Alquada Lighthouse.—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 25 2 WASHINGTON, Tues. presldient Truman sent messages of congratulation to the Governors-General of India and Pakistan on the first Independence anniversaries of their countries. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 22 2 NEW DELHI. Tues. The Prime Minister (Pandit Nehru) today accepted the resignation of Mr. R. K. Shanmukham Chetty. Finance Minister.— Reuter
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    • 46 2 HONG KONG, Tues.— The Government announced today that plane passengers in future must pass a metal detector test for weapons. The decision follows the crash that killed 25 when pirates attempted to seize a plane bound from Macao to Hong Kong. AP.
      AP  -  46 words
    • 49 2 ATHENS, Tues.— The Federation of Unions of Post, Telegraph and Telephone Employees has called a strike for 5 a.m. today. The strike Is expected to disrupt completely postal, telegraphic and telephone communication Inside Greece and between Greece and countries abroad. The federation wants higher wages— A.P.
      AP  -  49 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 772 2 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 4}* DEDENTURE STOCK 1930/70-80 NOTICE Is hereby given that the Transfer Books of the above Stock will be closed from 18th August 1948 to Ist September 1948. both days inclusive, for the preparation of Interest Warrants In respect of Interest due on tne above Stock for the
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    • 603 2 NOTICES "notice Notice is hereby given that VICTORIA EZKKTKJ. of No. 07 Amber Mansions, Penang Road, Singapore, Spinster, Is applying to the Governor for naturalization, and that any person who knows any reason why naturalization should not be granted should send a written and signed statement of the facts to
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    • 480 2 Be a Master of English Improve Your Speech and Writing m a Few Hows If you are Interested m acquiring a command of good English for business, professional and social purposes, you axe Invited to apply far a copy of "Word Mastery." issued by the Regent Institute. This informative booklet
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    • 205 2 HOME DELIVERY SERVICE OF "BOH TEA" (PRODUCE OF THE MALAYAN HIGHLANDS) 2 Lb. Tin sent direct to GREAT BRITAIN and Na PermlUl NORTHERN IRELAND $5.50 quired Australia $5.40, France $6.50, Denmark $6.70, Holland $6.00, Irish Free State $5.90, other countries on Application Parcels to Countries other than G.B. and Northern
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    • 441 2 TROVER usiMfy"artd"Sevexti('jfurtru $iMfy"artd"Sevexti('jfurt r /^VE of Britain's fine cars now made finer. In the new programme the Rover Company concentrate a number of important mechanical advantages m a simplified range of high quality models, including completely new design engine and chasis, and independent front wheel suspension. Two engine sizes are
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  • 181 3 "BRITONS SPIED"— JEWS Two On Trial: 12 Charges JERUSALEM, Tuesday. THE hearing of spy charges brought by the 1 Israeli Government against two Britons opened m public In Jerusalem yesterday morning and continued m secret m the afternoon. The accused were Frederick Sylvester, 31-year-old utility engineer, and William Hawkins, 37-year-old
    AP; UP  -  181 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 3 THREE British soldiers, captured by the Jews when they overran Arab positions, photographed m a prisoner of war camp. They all said they were with the Arabs unwillingly and were not fighting.— A.P. picture. I
    AP  -  35 words
  • 122 3 COLONIAL HEALTH IS BAD LAKE SUCCESS, Tues. THE majority of the world's 1 colonial territories were suffering from sub-standard health conditions, the United Nations told its members yesterday A special report analysed for the General Assembly the health standards of 63 races and island groups inhabited by about 170,000,000 people
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 58 3 LONDON. Tues. The Indian High Commissioner m London (Mr. V. K. Krishna Menon) last night attended Pakistan's Independence Day celebrations at Claridge's Hotel. Among the other distinguished guests were, the Foreign Secretary (Mr. Bevin.) the Deputy Premier (Mr. Morrison,) the Australian Foreign Minister (Dr. Herbert Evatt,) Field-Marshal
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  • 39 3 WASHINGTON, Tues. Authoritative spokesmen said yesterday that the American Chief of Staff (General Omar Bradley) planned to visit Far Eastern areas as soon as he considered such a trip feasible In the light of world conditions.—U.P.
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  • 35 3 From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Tues. The town of Takuapa, m south- i west Siam, has been reported flooded. Large areas of corn land are said to have been damaged.
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  • 153 3 Danube And Trieste: EastWest Tug-Of-War LAKE SUCCESS, Tuesday. yESTERDAI'S East-West European tug-of-war 1 involved virtual Western defeat on the Danube problem and an unexpected "pull" from Britain on the Trieste problem. The Russian dominated Danube Conference at Belgrade, by seven :o three, rejected the Western powers' motion to set up
    Reuter; AP  -  153 words
  • 102 3 LONDON, fucs. TOUR more Czech Olympic j athletes decided ye*ter» day against returning to Communist-ruled Czecho- j Slovakia. Their decision brought to eight the number of Olym- j pic competitors refusing .i> go back to their coun ries which are under Communist domination. Two Czechs and
    AP  -  102 words
  • 88 3 "RESTRAINT IN USE OF POWERS The powers contained m the Emergency Regulations covering authority to requisition motor vehicles will be used with the same restraint and the same consideration as has hitherto been given to members of the public. This was the assurance given by the Attorney-Gener-al (Mr. E. J.
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  • 67 3 Singapore Legislative Council yesterday approved the expenditure of $335,532 for public works extra-ordinary. The largest item was $71,239 for furniture for Government I quarters. Electrical rehabili- 1 tation to Government build- ings, quarters and lifts will I cost $32,425. It was agreed to spend $19,679 on
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  • 39 3 Misadventure verdicts were given by the Singapore Coroner (Mr. Choor Singh) yesterday on Noordin, Zain and Hassan, three Singapore Harbour Board labourers. They were killed when a sling loading rubber into the Marine Leopard on July 30 snapped.
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  • 125 3 CAPETOWN, Tues. /GENERAL Smuts, former >* South African Premier and now Opposition leader, sought from Dr. Malan's Nationalist Government a statement of policy on native segregation. He also asked for assurance I" tt undertakings made by the previous Government concerning immigration would be carried out. Referring
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 709 3 From Our Woman Correspondent MRS. Willy Blok Hanson and her pupils will present the "Art of Movement" m the form of exercises and dances m two recitals at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Sept. 3 and 4. i i Mrs. Hanson is an accomplished dancer
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  • 38 3 LONDON, Tues. THE Lambeth Conference of bishops has rejected South China proposal that unmarried women of 10 or older should be allo vert to advance from th« rank of deaconess to priest. a. P.
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  • 167 3 B-29 SETS UP A NEW RECORD WASHINGTON, Tues. T*HE Strategic Air Command -I- today announced that a B-29 carrying a simulated bombload of over 10,000 pounds set a new record last week-end by flying 5,792 miles non-stop from Florida to the west coast and back. The bomber piloted by Major
    UP  -  167 words
  • 63 3 LONDON, Tues.— Sir William McNair, K.C., will open a I public Inquiry on Sept. 20 into the loss of a Swedish aircraft which was In collision with an R.A.F. Transport Command York near Northolt on July 4. Among the 39 who died In the
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  • 50 3 SEOUL, Tues.— The harmless explosion of a grenade thrown at a police box here appeared today to be the extent of Communist activity as South Korea launched its new Republic. Only a few days ago, South Korean Communists were given orders to destroy the new Government.— AP.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 250 3 Cool comfort And drinks Tip top Harmony j All for You AIR-CONDITIONID CATHAY RESTAURANT TEL. 2776 FOR RESERVATIONS ~Jp) IMPORT ANT! W^^tP LADIES kI IlUB) PLSASE NOTE! lO— Iv n I Br n a Pair o' gloves j£ S\\ I Ij v 1/1 along when you go and see V^^q
      250 words
    • 192 3 B^UIBBh^BK BbV^^^^'^Bßßb'^BV. 4t nrß&B^^^^BMflß. SI BBTf"* vMbbBV sH Ml* 51 ■HrrV fIiTH IAXfI bhCbsbi bMml^ fw>_ l^T^bJ^bMbELj^^JP M| £tt£ I VUjn 1 BBJBJ IT IX. i\s*H Ssh! a really secret recipe super mellow-rich and New York adores it! Now it's right here m Singapore at Cold Storage Depott and Creameries
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  • 996 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., Aug. 18, 1948 JUST ANOTHER REPORT? A document was published yesterday which may change the face of Singapore during the next twenty years. Or it may prove to be just another report one of the many which have been produced for the betterment of Singapore,
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  • 128 4 From the Straits Times of Aug. 18, 1898 DINNER FOR 15 PERSONS AT $2 EACH. AT THE CHALET at 206-209 Orchard Road, on Saturday, at 7 pjn. Menu: Potage Crecy au Oraa. Horsd'oeuvres. Poisson, Sauce Remoulade. Pate Ye: alson Glace. Filts de Boeuf auz petit* pots. Asperagus
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  • Economic Spotlight On The News
    • 1222 4  - The rising tide of inflation in the United States RICHARD DENMAN By of The Economist London, Aug. 11. THE special session of Congress, called by Mr. Truman mainly as a political gesture in his campaign for the presidential elections, finished last week-end with little to its credit But it did
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    • 365 4 f|N June 26, 1948, the Malay Youth Movement of Sibu applied in writing for permission to celebrate Cession Day (July 1) with a procession round the bazaar and kampong areas of the town of Sibu. The Government replied approving the application but stipulating
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    • 78 4 CYCLISTS and trishaw pedallers appear to choose Raffles Square as theii circus show-ground and cycle about m any direction against the traffic rules. Apparently, the one-way sign at D'Almeida Street Is not meant for our cyclists. Cutting m from Battery Road Into Chulia Street against traffic Is
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    • 63 4 fAN the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association tell us how they can reconcile daily rubber prices as given m your paper? How can they declare spot loose rubber at the same price and sometimes higher than f o.b. In bales? The answer, if they can give one
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    • 246 4 "HERE ARE THE RACE RESULTS..." (XN Saturday, the Radio Malaya (Singapore) announcer stated that the news summary at 8.20 p.m. would include the Ipoh race results. Like many thousands of others on the island, I am interested in the race results. When therefore the announcer gave the results for the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 813 4 CLASSIFIED /IDS. Al KANDANO Kerbau on 18 August a son Charles Michael to Elizabeth and Guy Hutlon. Both coing well. I AWLEY. To Dorrie. wife of i. L. Lawlev. Postal Department, at Malacca General Hospital ou Hi 8/48. a daughter, Dinah Mary. (.NGAGEMENTS Tlie engagement i.« aunouncea beiwern Mr Wtlllim
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    • 135 4 presents "ANNIE GET YOUR 6Ul fV 0 Brinswlck Records, made by the original Cast, Chorus and Orchestra as appeared to New York and London, under the direction of Jay Blaekton. Stan: KUiel Merman. Ray Mlddleton. Robert Lenn. Kathleen Games, Garth. Turner Bibb etc. mm Doin' what comes natur'Uy. Moonshine Lullaby.
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    • 67 4 LOOK FOI THE GREEN CROSS of ntjqiene \w^^ Users of IZAL Antiseptic Toilet Paper avoid the daily risk of chance infection. Every sheet of IZAL Antiseptic Toilet Paper is treated with IZAL Germicide, the safe germicide used by hospitals and public health authorities everywhere. UUTsfßlE*(sll? STEEL OFFICE FURNITURE STEEL FILING
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  • 900 5 Housing 400,000 In 20 Years A 20-YEAR scheme, estimated to cost $300,000,000, to create on the outskirts of Singapore eight satellite towns of 50,000 inhabitants each, is envisaged m the report of the Singapore Housing Committee laid before the Legislative Council yesterday. The centre of
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  • 79 5 1'ltK Singapore Mousing Committee wants the (jrjiiist living expert on town and country planning, Sir Patrick Abercromb'e, to visit Hie Colony. Tiie report of the Committee laid before the Legislate Council yesterday said th;it Sir Patrick had been to Hone Kong to advise on pianning and
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  • 147 5 CONTROLS. U.P.A.M. PROTEST From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Tues. THE United Planting Association of Malaya has protested against Government "intervention" m proposing legislation to license rubber packers m Malaya. Local rubber circles told the Straits Times today that the planters, as a body, would "resent strongly" being made a party
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  • 51 5 DENANG, Tuesday A man A told police he was dabbed twice by a stranger while walking along Seek Chuan Lane last night. He said he felt a stab in the back, turned round and got another stab in the shoulder. He said the stranger
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  • 112 5 "Army Should House Civilian Workers gTROI^G criticism of the War Office's policy of not providing accommodation for its civilian emK2S?» onU ftf d to the report of the Singapore Recommending that Government, the Municipal Commissioners, and the other public bodies in Singapore should make provision for housing their permanent staffs,
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 5 THIS BAB I! WENT TO Tilt POLICE: Several months ago "Johnny" walked into the compound of the Kuala Pilah police station m Seremban. Now, eight months old and 35 inchet high, he U being fed by Miss D»ris de boota, daughter of Singapore's roological collector, Mr. Herbert Sora Strait* Time*
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  • 500 5 Says N Judge A LLO WING an appeal of a Eurasian bank clerk against sentence of six months' imprisonment and a fine of $300 for the theft of a £10 traveller's cheque from the Chartered Bank, the acting Chief Justice (Mr. Justice Gordon Smith) m
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  • 61 5 Until a University Is established m Malaya, a member of the senate of Raffles College and of King Edward VII College of Medicine will sit on the Singapore Education Committee. The Education Bill, approved at yesterday's Legislative Council meeting, states that when a University is functioning, two
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  • 247 5 T<HE Singapore Government is not making profit x from the sale of rationed rice, said the acting Colonial Secretary (Mr. Andrew Gilmour) m reply to a question by Mr. Thio Chan Bee, Nominated Unofficial, at yesterday's meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council. I Malaya's
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  • 73 5 TWENTY Indonesians, believed to be Communists, were among the 26 people arrested In Singapore on Monday, the eve of the third anniversary of the Indonesian Republic. It Is understood that the Indonesians will be banished from Singapore. In Batavia. says Reuter, Dutch police used firearms to disperse
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  • 39 5 The Municipal (Temporary Surcharge on Rates) Bill, to have been tabled for the first time at yesterday's meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council, was withdrawn by the mover, the Deputy President of the Municipal Commissioners (Mr. W. J. Blythe.)
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  • 170 5 CTAFFS of firms which have 3 contributed generously to the Singapore Anti-Tubercu-losis Association's funds will have the full services of the new clinic when it is opened In a few weeks' time. The clinic will probably be formally opened by the Governor or Lady
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  • 61 5 The lull moon day, which fails on Wednesday, Auf 18, will be celebrated at the Slahala Buddhl*t Temple. 203, Ootram Road. Singapore. All are invited to take par? la Urn celebration. The programme is: 6.00 a. a. Observing Precept*; I.M a.m. Buddha Puja; 11.00 a.m. Buddha
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  • 203 5 NON-Government firms In Singapore should be com- i pelled by legislation to provide provident funds, pen- slorvs or some form of jclal insurance for their employees, i urged Mr. Lim Yew ">ck all nominated Unofficial, m tht Legislative Council yesu-r- day. The Governor (Sir Franklin Gimson) said
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  • Malayan Round-up
    • 95 5 A BILL providing authority for certain excess expenditure m 1946 other than that sanctioned by law, namely the Final Supply Bill, 1948, had its second reading at yesterday's meeting of Singapore Legislative Cou:: Tne excess expenditure totalled $271,968. The act'ng F^nancia! Secret*.^ (Mr. A. Williams)
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    • 41 5 rH, Tuesday. Ten Safcai chiefs ot tot M'ddiTi cf Bataag Parian*. South Perak were kutaOed m o£tee rrtth titles hereditary to their respective tribes last week-end at a otriourfvl jamboree m Tapah. The ceremony was attended by 400 Bakais.
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    • 33 5 MALACCA, Tuei.—The Malacca Clerical Union has set up an employment bureau where unemployed onion members aid friends may register their names and be informed of vacancies when and if they occor
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    • 79 5 rl housing a;iowanre apprortd for Government servnnts two and a hah! months ago had not been paid, principally because of the shortage of staff \n the Colonial Secretariat &»id Mr. Ltm Yew Hock, a nomina'tf Unofficial In the Legislative Councl yesterday. Mr. Lim also appealed for a quick
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    • 35 5 A LECTURE on Social Studies will be given ty Mr Tan Kay Hal. of the Socla": Suixey Department, Singapore, to the Civics Club of St. Andrew's School, at the BchocJ, at 2.30 today.
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    • 40 5 nARIT BUNTAR. Tuea.—While 1 out tapping 3D Sunday afternoon, a Tamil labourer came aero« the body of a male Chinese There was a thin -ope round the dead man's neck. He is believed to haTe committed rtrtcWe
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    • 41 5 CERKMBAN, Tuec. Negri Bmbiiaa Rotari&na agreed by nine utes to five, after ii>L>....\ Lbat "world concijrd (.•.uid b establish* through me United HaUoH »i:b.\;t resort to the climir.aL.iau oi national groups and the MMMMncut oi uniOod ucrltl go
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    • 26 5 MR. P. BWoppdW ol \ht income Tax i.;e )t Siiil,.!!)" I^. has beenaadmit.t 't. I Membership of "v; Bdclct] i;t Commercial A<-< >, r < England.
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  • 186 5 New UMNO Set-Up Criticise? MALAY KOTES From Our Malaj Correspondent THE recent "streamiiniji tht Executive Con: of the United Malays Natl Organisation is \he subject f comment m Warta N*< the Penany Mala;. D Warta Nepara points u-t that the word is l Ot a i~Md way I the disappearance
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 94 5 WORK STOPSTT^^^p BUT QUICKLY STARTS AGAIN \v ftfl* -THANKS TO OXY-ACETYIENE WELDING /Mlj* -^.A. rti« crjftkcatc illustrated here is an vamp!« of a spaedy repair by oxy-acetylen« welding, and indicates one of the many way* by which I.C M. processes minimise .< **i and t^ovM* maintenance costs. HEAD OFFICE: PHONE
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  • 1077 6 "COLONY SHOULD BE ON GUARD" GIMSON RESPITE the present period of calm the people of Singapore should not be lulled into a feeling of unnatural security, declared the Governor (Sir Franklin Gimson) speaking at yesterday's meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council. It was necessary, he said, for everyone to remember
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 6 NEW "LUNG": A nine-year-old polio victim seen wearing a new type of chest respirator m the University of Michigan Hospital. The new "long." 400 times lighter than the iron long, permits the use of muscles not paralysed by the disease. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  42 words
  • 179 6 DROPOSALS for educating over-age children who could not be admitted to Singapore primary schools would be considered by the new Education Finance Board, said the Governor, (Sir Franklin Gimson) m the Legislative Council yesterday. Sir Franklin was replying to Mr. N. A Mallal (Municipal
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  • 89 6 A decisive stage in the dispute between the Singapore Lighter Workers' Union and the General Lighterage and Transport Co., is likely to be reached within the next few days. Following a meeting yesterday between representatives of the Company and the Deputy Commissioner of Labour, Singapore (Mr.
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  • 153 6 'Increase Colony Godown Guards THE three Chambers of Commerce should increase and intensify their odown guards and other precautions, said the acting Colonial Secretary (Mr. Andrew Gilmour) m the Singapore Legislative Council yesterday. h Mr. Gllmour successfully moved the adoption of the Governor's July 22 Proclamation of Emergency. In his
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  • 54 6 The Singapore Chief Justice (Mr. Justice Gordon Smith; yesterday in the High Court, enhanced from six to 12 months' rigorous imprisonment the sentence passed by a lower court on a Chinese named Tan Tua Tan for theft of $139 belonging to people In a tongkang. Tan
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  • 60 6 A sentence of three weeks' rigorous imprisonment passed by the Singapore Third Police Court Magistrate (Mr. F. B. Oehlers) on a former Municipal employee named Abdullah bin Yunus for criminal breach of trust of a bicycle, was reduced to a bond of v 5O by the Chief Justice
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  • 124 6 RENT control is to continue in Singapore. Moving yesterday that the Singapore Legislative Council shoulo. approve continuation of the 1947 rent control ordinance till September 1949, the Attorney-General (Mr. E. J. Davies) said It had been hoped that the economic problem would be solved within a
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  • 189 6 THE Government might take steps, after careful consideration, to limit the amount of ground at present used for the burial of the dead, said the Governor (Sir Franklin Gimson) In the Singapore Legislative Council yesterday. This was his reply to the suggestion by Mr. N.A. Mallal, a
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  • 213 6 TODAY Rotary, Dr. A. W 8. rhevatbaaan on "Growing Old.' Adelpbi. 1 p.m. 8t. Andrew's School annual athletic sports. School ground, Woodsvllle, 3 p.m. St. John's Ambulance Brigada meeting, Municipal Building. S p.m. Wesley Guild, Mr. C. Jackson on "Religion and Art." 4, Fort Canning Road. 8 p.m.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 269 6 'YOU'VE GOT'THE TIMS WE'VE GOTTHEPLACI& YOU BRING THE GIRL" to Show's Air-Condi tioneil CAPITOL to revel m Warner's Songfull, laughfitll musical V^W 'THE TIME TMI PMCK Jfe ;V ft IDEHHIS MORCAN-JACK CfIRSQN U* v juutrioaiuirFHAViaau M uDUNcmuiiMM«M«wL LAST DA V! n, 2, 4.15, 6.30 9.15 FOREWARNED i» FOREARMED! THE SHOCK
      269 words
    • 196 6 SEASON OPENS TODAY A. J. Arthur Rank Enterprise [Jamlet] Premiere rj^jS Showing Packed. All I lj'' <|JJS^ 11 a.m.. 2.15 Reserved 6& 0.15 p.m. Seats for fe JJk^m t To avoid disLast House appointment booked "till PT| book your CATHAY AIR-CONDITIONED Please note that, due to the length of th
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 304 6 a-j&^^^A^B^^M^ttBMH^MMtt^MMMBMBBSSfiKtMBWBBBBMBB BBB88BBmHBBBBMIMBMMi^M^^MBMMMBBMm8Mttfl^^^MttBttfe RAU1C UitHAUA treouencies: «1.54 11 84 IS 24. 11 74 15 32. 9 6 Moyt Alternative Stations— 10 30 am. News; 10.40 Requests; 11 00 Musical Comedy; 11.15 Egon Petrie; 11.30 Close. 4 i m. Queen's Hall Light Orel -h; 4.30 News; 4,0 Gershwin, 4(1 Services' Concert Hall;
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  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 228 7 BECAUSE of the high cost of labour and materials, private enterprise In Singapore seemed to have refrained from launching any appreciable new buildings, said the chairman of Eastern Realty Company (Mr. Lee Kong Chian) at the annual meeting. Most new buildings were therefore
      228 words
    • 129 7 LONDON, Toes. LACK of news of the Moscow talks caused continued apathy on the London Stock Exchange yesterday, says Renter. Changes m the closlrrg middle prices of selected stocks were: War Loan 3%% 103 —1/10 Com. Un. Insce. (uU.) 10% U Chartered Bank (£5 pd.) lltt —tt INDUSTRIALS
      129 words
    • 846 7 SINGAPORE, Tuesday. rpHE Malayan share market was quiet today. Moderate business passed In accordance X with the London market. Where share quotations changed, they generally declined. van Sharebrokers' Association today were: INDUSTRIAL* Bayer Met Atlas Ice 14.00 15.00 Alex Brick om. i.eo i. jo Pref. 1. 05
      846 words
    • 122 7 AFTER opening steady the Singapore rubber market ruled firm throughout yesterday. Prices rose about three-quarters of a cent, from Monday's close. Sellers were reserved. Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 sheet f.o.b. buyers 44% cents, sellers 44 tt cents per Ib.; spot loose buyers 44
      122 words
    • 55 7 BUKIT Kakil Rubber Estates' crop for July was 33.176 lbs. London Stock Indices Aug. 13. Aug. 16. (a) Indus. Ord. 112.80 112.70 (b) Govt. Beet. 112.46 112.46 (c) Gold Mines 111.69 110.92 Dow Jones Averages Aug. 13. Aug. 16. Stocks 66.93 67.05 Industrials 179.63 180.30 Rails 58.79
      55 words
    • 200 7 From Our Market Correspondent /COCONUT oil and copra Vj prices eased yesterday on the Singapore produce markets, but trading was still limited to tentative activities. The pepper market continued fairly optimistic, with a further rise izz black pepper quotations. Yesterday's quotations Included: Rice Unclassified: No. 1 $60; J
      200 words
    • 224 7 SHIPS in port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns in brackets) were: Main Wharf: Chupra (31-32), Olenroy (33-34). Fionia (38-39), Wairata (40-41), Rakl (42-43). West Wharf: Roc-pat (4-3). Alcinous (6-7), Shirala (8-9), lAnnenkerk (11-12). Relau (14), Steel Designer (15-16). I Empire Dock: Benvrackie (1718). Gorgon
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1292 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (lncor*>orat r it fn Sincai>ort\ BLUB rUNNBL LIMB STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., sailing:. FROM U.K. b USA LTD. "Ale.nou. trom UK S, t EAST COAST MALAYA •Modon dv« trom UK Vassel for Malacca Auf. 18 Holland Aug 25 "Sartmban" for P. Swettenham •Cljucui dv. from U.K. Aug 27
      1,292 words
    • 199 7 PRESIDENT LINES Cenarai Pauerigei Agent tor Northwest Airlines. SAILINCS TO NEW rOKK AND BOSTON via INDIA. ECYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. endent Fillmore Cds. 27/28 President Monroe Vpore Aug 2' arr P Sham Aag. 20 Panang Aug i* SAILINCS TO SAN FRANIIsCO AND U» ANCELES THENCE NEW YORK BALTIMORE. BOSTON via PANAMA.
      199 words
    • 274 7 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS fROM SCANOINAVIA/U X/ .AH.INCS 10 CONTINENT/ /■ftsjTiiiru^ SCANDI NAVIA. CONTINENT Loading at Singapore. Port Swattenham wd Panang s.i 7'.inqurt>ar tot baigon m* "Fionia" Cdns. 38/39 Bangkok Dae abt Aag 18 tor Madras. Colombo. Aden. Port Said. Cenoa. Antwerp, Rotterdam Hamburg. Oslo, m -Mongolia' tor Manila. Gothenburg,
      274 words
    • 999 7 MOALISTER CO.. LTD. (Incorporate* ir Mngaocxel BLLERMAM <S. BUCKNALL KLAVEMESS LIME HAVRE. LONDON ft HAMBURG. CACIrlt OOKIj CITY OF CLASCOW American vznw S'oore J Sham (^nang runtvun 21 Aug. 27 Aug. 30 Aug. CASTLEVILLI CITY OF KHARTOUM Vpoie P ham r»->ang 10 Sept. 6 Sept 18 Sept 1 Sept 9
      999 words

  • 498 8 Second Day Of Ipoh Meeting From EPSOM JEEP IPOH, Tuehday. ifAISERINE, winner of three races m her last four starts, again stands out as the best bet on the card tomorrow, the second day of the Perak Turf Club August Meeting. Another good bet is
    498 words
  • 1248 8 T>ELO W are the acceptances for today's Ipoh races. The Double Totes will be on races four and five, seven and eight. The Big sweep will be drawn on race nine. «ace 1—2.00: 01. 4, Div. 3—6 Furs. Str. 000 United Canosr EUery 9.04 Mr. Pang Kim
    1,248 words
  • 184 8 "EPSOM JEEP" "TRESPASSER" POINTER" RACE 1: 1. BLAZE COMET 2. Beau Geste 3. Batti II BEAU GESTE Batti II Gopeng AIRGALE Plain John Baroness RACE S: 1. FLYING BOOTS 2. New Verse 3. Yamseng YAMSENG Irish Song; New Verse JAUNTY Flying Boots YamsengRACE 8: 1. LAURIE 2.
    184 words
  • 183 8 A.A.A 2 Navy 2. A CLOSELY-CONTESTED match was seen at Jalan Besar yesterday, the Amicable Athletic Association and Navy sharing points m a Div. 1 soccer fixture. The A.A.A. had more of the play in the first half, but It was the Navy who scored first. In
    183 words
  • 130 8 "jtjALAYAN Turfite" in iT1 his letter on racing in Singapore shows a lack of knowledge of the subject he is discussing. The result is that he nas written an article which is absolutely misleading to the public. The figures quoted are more or less correct, but
    130 words
  • 57 8 The men's singles final ui Un Tanglln Club tennis championship between R. Macartney and B. C. Fay yesterday, war abandoned during the second set owine to faiing light. The match will he replayed tomorrow. Fay took the first set a* 10-8. The score was 7-7 .n
    57 words
  • 628 8 England Facing Innings Defeat: 178 For 7 Wickets From R. C. ROBERTSON-GLASGOW By Special Arrangement LONDON, Tuesday. ENGLAND had los t seven wickets for 178 runs when rain stopped play after the luncheon interval m the third day of the fifth Test at the Oval today. England still need 160
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  • 202 8 THE second round of the Island Club'« Colonial Cup golf competition will take place on Saturday, the following being the starting times: 3.00 p.m: C. Lucas (18; and A. H. Pimp (20) v. M. C. V. Mania (14) and V. R. Peters (14); 3.05 S. D.
    202 words
  • 107 8 ENGLANP— Ist. Inn-.— M AUSTRALIA- Ist. Inns.— 3B9 EN(JLAM)— 2nd. Inns. HuMon c Tallon b Miller 64 Dewes b Lindwall 10 Edrich b Lindwal! H Compton r Lindwall b Johnston 19 Crapp b Miller 3 Yardlpy not out Watkins c llassolt b Knit I Evans b Lindwall S Ex'ras
    107 words
  • 53 8 The Singapore Malaya Cup Veterans gave a fine display of soccer yesterday to oeat the Singapore Recreation Club 7-3 m a friendly Both teams fielded tea men. Hai Choo (3), Kee Siang and Dollah (3) scored for the Veterans, and O. Rozario (2) and O. Valberg
    53 words
  • 37 8 LONDON, Tuesday.— ln the county cricket match at Chesterfield, Derby beat Leicester by 15S runs. Derby 213, 171 (Jackson 6 for 24). Leicester 146 (Rhodes 0 fro 69) and 87 (Oladwln 6 for 34).— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 24 8 Warrant Officer A. Smith will referee the Malaya Cup final between Selangor and Negri Sembilan at Kuala Lumpur on Aug. 28.
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  • 40 8 TODAY Soccer: S.A.F.A Div. 1: C.A. v. R.A.F. Scletaf Jalan Besar Stadium; Div. II; Base Group R.E. v. 19th. A.F. Signals— Geylang Stadium; Div. ni: Postal Sc Telecoms B.C.S.A. C.V.M.A. ground, St. Georges Rd. Tennis: Tanglin Club tournament.
    40 words
  • 62 8 A solitary goal scorrd by 1 off a free-kick midway m the second half enabled Ov Malay* to defeat the Kranii wirrl m their second division league soccer fixture at Geylang St.ndtum yesterday. The Kranjl team played with only ten men for the major part of the second
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  • 28 8 Grace Navamony James aged 60 wife of C. C. James died at 284 Joo Chiat Place yesterday. Burial 5 p.m. to-day at Bidadarl. (Up-country papers please copy).
    28 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 637 8 ISSIFTKP VKS (Continued from page 4) A<'< OMIWOD/VriON WANTED EURPN couple (no children* sc: k accommodation furnished, unfurnished oj board residence rarage. Box A3734. S.T. ENGLISH bachelors require ACC Johore Bahru or proximity. Board preferred but not essential. R piles Box No A3748. S.T. WANTED to rent or buy seaside
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous