The Straits Times, 14 August 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 1 Old Jabu, one of the Dyaks who have arrived m Malaya. "I am more than 50 years of ase". he says, "I like my parang." He makes sure that the blade is still sharp. —Straits Times picture.
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  • 279 1 Ending The Stalemate Over Berlin LONDON, Friday. CTALIN will be asked to intervene m the ~*> Berlin stalemate if present talks between the Western envoys and Mr. Molotov break down. This opinion was expressed by a diplomatic informant here today. The Western envoys are expected to
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    16 1 A party of Dyak s on their arrival at a camp In Malaya.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 148 1 350 Burma Deserters Take Arms RANGOON, Fri. WITH a large quantity of arms, 350 men of the Burma Rifles disappeared from their station near Rangoon last Tuesday, it is officially announced. Burma Air Force planes strafed the deserters rj; they headed northwards, and they were also attacked and dispersed by
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  • 157 1 SPAATZON RED WAR STRENGTH NEW YORK, Fri. BF C A U S E of her industrial limitations, Russia would have to fight an orthodox war if conflict broke out in the near future, according to General Carl Spaatz, retired U.S. Chief of Staff. But, he adds, if war did not
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  • 133 1 FRANKFURT, Friday. \TEARLY 300,000 German workers demonstrated m 1 < the U.S. zone yesterday against high prices and the U.S. Military Government. Mass meetings m all major cities of the State of Hesse clus D. Clay approve a sodemanded that General Lv- clallstic law
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  • 18 1 Mr. K. Abraham has been appointed chief sanitary Inspector, Singapore, m place of Mr. H. Lander.
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  • 60 1 BERLIN, Friday. AN American Skymaster cargo plane engaged In the Berlin airlift, crashed on landing at Templehof airfield here this morning. The plan* burst into flames but it is not yet known whether thert were' any casualties. The plane was making ground control radar landing through heavy
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  • 71 1 CANBERRA, FrJ •THE Prime Minister (Mr. A Joseph Chifley) announced today that the Australian Government would appeal to the Privy Council against the Australian High Court's decision that vital sections of the Government bill nationalising Australian banks were invalid. The case the longest and most expensive
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  • 52 1 GIRL'S DEATH AT SEA SHANGHAI, Friday. An unnamed English girl committed suicide while travelling on the Dutch vessel Ruys en route to Shanghai from Manila. The girl, who boarded th» ship in South Africa, is believed to have Jumped off the ship near Manila. A suicide note waa left by
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  • 29 1 LISBON, Friday.— An earthquake at midnight shook most of North Portugal for three seconds and caused near panic In many places. No casualties were reported. U.P.
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  • 39 1 TOKIO, Friday.— Two American soldlera have been arrested m connection with the murder last week of the official Japanese driver for Mr. Patrick Drew, the British Commonwealth member of the Allied Council, and a Japanese cyclist. ReuterAAP.
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  • 67 1 A SINGAPORE Policeman carried out an execution late last night A panic stricken householder m Ann Slang Hill rushed into Kreta Ayer Police Station to report a twelve-foot python m his house. In the meantime, P.C. 00l bin Abdullah, on his beat, heard about the python,
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  • 123 1 nPHE Chinese Consulx General irr Singapore, Dr. Wu Paak-shing, told the Straits Times yesterday that the Nanking Government was "very concerned about the present situation m Malaya." Dr. Wu returned to Singapore by the Canton after spending one and a half months In China. The main
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  • 222 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. DOLICE arrested 50 people during raids and sweeps m the Federation, it was reported today. Five of those seized were Chinese suspected of being concerned In the killing of Mr. B. P. Wills and the wounding of Mr. J. Ritchie at Tronoh
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  • 133 1 RUBBER prices declined by one and three-quar-ter cents a pound yesterday at Singapore. Closing prices yesterday for No. 1 sheet f.o.b. were: buyers 44 7/8 cents, sellers 45} cents per lb. On Thursday prices dropped by one and one-eighth of a cent per lb. from Wednesday's
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  • 45 1 NANKING, Friday. China has been allocated U. 5.57,000-,-000, by the International Children's Emergency Fund for the second half of 1948. This is m addition to the U. 5.57,000,000. 57,000,000 granted by the fund for emergency relief projects m the country.— ReuterA.A.P.
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  • 277 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. piLOTS of RAF aircraft which attacked an insurgent camp m South Pahang today reported that they saw terrorists standing round their huts as rockets struck home. This was disclosed m an RAF communique, Issued tonight, which
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  • 219 1 LONDON, Friday. 0AM AGE running into thousands of p.ntnds was done to crops, livestock, ran horses and factory equipment last night and enrly ioday by floods which spread across parts of Scotland following torrential rainstorms. Dozens of Edinburgh families were flocd3d out. Horses, sheep and other
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  • 43 1 The Commissioner-General (Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald) the Mentri Besar, Johore (Dato Onn bin Jaafar) and the British Adviser, Johore (Mr. A. Sleep) toured areas m south Johore yesterday. In several places they met planters and others and had discussions with them.
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  • 29 1 TOKIO. Fri: General MacArthur will attend the inauguration ceremonies of the Korean Republic at Seoul on Sunday at the invitation of President Syhgman Rhee. Reuter.
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  • 122 1 Gaekwar Books For India PARIS, Friday. THE Gaekwar of Bamda has booked a seat for India in a plane leaving Orly airport, Paris, shortly after midnight tonight. The 42-year-old Ruler, ore of the world's richest u dismissed as "absurd" lart night in London charges ihr.t he had misappropriated amost £2.500,000
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  • 55 1 From Our Own Correspon nt KUALA LUMPUR, Fri Mr. R. C. R. Humphry, newly-appointed officer commanding the C.I.D. Selangor, was taken to Bungsar Hospital today with a serious bullet wound through his jaw. The incident took place m the operations room ot the Selangor
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 21 1 \js\ i L phoni 339< l O 1 1 Tiny Hjndbaj phial S 1 I"" 161 NEW BONO STREET LONDON Wl
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    • 127 1 \MAHtfACTttttot JlWUlltti wtfA ■pp. 7 I I '^m I Peaceful Nights IN deep,- peaceful *lecp. Nature work* her wonder* of restoration, bringing new Mrength and energy to your cired body and a new cente of well-being to meet the coming day. You can do much to ensure thU revitalising deep
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    • 59 2 BOSTON, Friday. S)NE of six men who crossed the Atlantic m a v 40-foot lifeboat with a boy and a dog wants to sell an opera on Broadway. The venturers put into Edgartown yesterday for fuel and supplies on their way to New York from
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    • 88 2 SYDNEY, Fri.— For the first time since her engagement m February, 17-year-old Golda Murray was able to smile at her fiance when the Orion reached Fremantle from London. Instead, she cried with Joy. Oolda went to London suffering from a rare disease which caused paralysis of the
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    • Article, Illustration
      20 2 HOAGY CARMICHAEL, composer-actor arriving m London from America with his wife last week m the Queen Mary. Reuter photo.
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    • 47 2 GUAM. Fri.— A four-enKin-ed Navy Privateer with a crew of nine and two technicians aboard was reported missing yesterday on a weather reconnaissance flight 450 miles north of here. The big plane Is the Navy'« version of the Liberator bomber. Planes are searching. A.P.
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    • 28 2 f ONDON, Friday.—Manu1 facturers will cut shop tobacco supplies by four per cent. The cat is equivalent to 2,000,000 cigarettes a day.— Reuter.
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    • 59 2 MEXICO CITY, Friday.— Scnorita MarguerUa Romero Garcia, 22, told police yesterday she attempted suicide because her lover, a grave digger, did not appreciate her sacrifices In living with him In a graveyard. She said she took SO aspirin tablets and drank three quarts of intoxicating pulque
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    • 17 2 DELHI. Fri.— The Government announced yesterday that India and Portugal had decided to exhan*e Ministers. —A.P.
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    • 42 2 LONDON, Fri.— The National Union of Seamen yesterday demanded a 48-hour week. The union also decided to seek amendment of the Merchant Shipping Act to jrlve seamen an eight-hour day with a day's leave for every Sunday spent at sea— AP.
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    • 43 2 DELHI, Friday.— The railways during the first half of 1948 lost over 300,000 mandays through illegal strikes and hartals according to statistics released yesterday. This is equivalent to a complete close-down for four months of a locomotive workshop employing 3,000 men. A.P.
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    • 44 2 BRISBANE, Fri.—Australian aborlRines from Thursday Island are expected to replace foreign divers on the pearling grounds within four years. The aborigines are being trained under a Government grant. Before the war Japanese and Malays did most of the deep sea diving.— A.P.
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    • 68 2 VIENNA. Fri.— An entire company of Hungarian frontier police fled to the British zone of Austria on Wednesday, according to the Britishsponsored Weltpresse. The paper said the 120 police, accompanied by their families, asked the British authorities to send them to a displaced persons' camp. They said non-Communists
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    • 77 2 NEW YORK, Frl.— The Protestant Church In Japan was gaining more than 15,000 adherents a year, the Moderator of the Church of Christ in Japan (the Rev. Mlnchlo Kosalci) told newspapermen k yesterday. He said most converts to Christianity in any one year before the war were 15,000.
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    • 32 2 MANCHESTER, Fri.— A 12-year-old boy was arraigned briefly yesterday on a charge of murdering four-year-old Joe Creamer. Joe's body was found hangIng In a blitzed factory building on Sunday. A.P.
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    • 48 2 SAIGON, Fri.— A cannonshot snapped the mast of a freighter sailing up the river to Saigon yesterday 12 miles from Cap St. Jaques. The ship is reported to be the 9,000-ton Swedish Seima Salon. It is believed Vietminh guerillas fired on the freighter. Reuter.
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    • 49 2 LIVERPOOL, Friday.— Sir James Wallace Paton, 85, who was born on board the Great Eastern, Britain's first giant liner of which his father was the first captain, died at Birkdale yesterday. Sir James went round the world several times in windjammers before he was 21.— Reuter.
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    • 33 2 TOPEKA (Kansas), Friday. —A four-enKined air force plane crashed here yesterday shortly after taking off from Its base. Five of seven men aboard were killed. The other two were injured. A.P.
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    • 48 2 SHANGHAI. Fri. Mayor Wu. Mr. Pan KunK-chan, chairman of the City Council, and other civic leaders attend a reception tonight at the Youth Club to commemorate the 11th anniversary of "Black Friday"— Aur. 13. 1937. "Black Friday" was the day the Japanese struck In Shanghai.— Reuter.
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  • 117 2 LONDON, Fri. A Scotland Yard flying squad who allowed themselves to be attacked, bound and gagged may have foiled a robbery of £1,400,000 worth of gold bullion, diamonds and other air freight. Nine men were remanded yesterday on a charge of stealing the keys of the precious
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 984 2 NOTICES BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD (SPORE) OKDKiI OF THR DIRECTOR OF DISPOSALS. FAR EASTERN ARI.A (M.0.5.) The following T nders have been issued during the past week MNOAPORF AREA: Trmlrr 184 Sc 485. Closing date lfi/8/48. Vehicles:— A/ED.; Ma'edor 4x4 Tractors: Chevrolet Dodg- 3 ton 4 x 2 OS Lorri
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    • 589 2 NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL K\°fo DEBENTURE STOCK 1930/7080 NOTICE is hereby given that the Transfer Books of th* above Stock will be closed fr m 18th August 1948 to Ist September 1948, both days inclusive, for the preparation of Interest Warrants m respect of Interest due on the above Stock for
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    • 226 2 KNOWN THE WORLD OVER CITROEN the Car with Independent Front Suspension, Torsion Bar Springing Integral Chassis and Body Detachable Cylinder Barrels and FRONT WHEEL DRIVE Suitable for all conditions, rough or smooth Sole Agents: EASTERN AUTO CO., LTD. Phone Nos: 7553 and 6058 69 79 Orchard Road.. Singapore. Represented throughout
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    • 181 2 littfriAi mm i.i. GLOBE 3—7—9 15 Kasma Booty m "Cllr MP \K Tomorrow: "NOB HILL" (Technicolor) NEW ttllM l> LIDO 3. 7 IIJ "THIS TIMF. ton KKEPV (Terhniroloi CENTRAL KXO.- Lit (Jalan Eunosi "THE LADY OB.lfcl TS" (Technicolor) ROYAL I I "PRITIIVI VAI.I.ABi:' (Hindustani) QUEENS T**EATR3 Dally: 3.00, f> :T0
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  • 346 3 Red Teacher In N. Y. Sensation NEW YORK, Friday. A RUSSIAN woman teacher, centre of a struggle between Soviet and anti-Con»munist forces m New York, jumped from a third floor window of the Russian Consulate last night and was taken to hospital critically hurt. A few minutes
    AP; UP  -  346 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 3 THE HEPBURN SMILE: Greeting photographers with a wide smile, the famous Hollywood star, Miss Katharine Hepburn, poses m smart slacks and jacket aboard the Dutch liner New Amsterdam m which she returned last week from England to the United States.— Reuter photo.
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  • 572 3 The Week In China A CITY STARVES TO DEATH SHANGHAI, Friday. TOMMUNISTS have threatv ened for months to launch an all-out attack against Changchun. Instead, they are slowly and ruthlessly starving the Manchurian city to death. How long will Nationalists hold out and watch civilian* around them die of starvation?
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  • 87 3 LONDON. Fit ALONG with a shortage of housing for ordinary citizens. Britain is faced with a shortage of cells for criminals. In some prisons, three men are sharing one-man cells. The crime wave since the war has been the worst in nearly half a century. In
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  • 152 3 WASHINGTON, Friday. Another Russian teacher. Mikhail Samarin, yesterday testiI fled behind locked doors before the House of Representatives Un-American Activities Committee. When he left the secret hearing, he was faced with a battery of newsreel cameras and answered questions put to him by a Committee member,
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  • 21 3 Indians won eleven seats m the first general elections In Mauritius, sugar-growing island of the West Indies.— Reuter.
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  • 35 3 An Indian cyclist who was involved m an accident with a lorry at about 2 p.m. m Holland Road yesterday, near the Tanglin Barracks, died a short while later m the General Hospital.
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 3 ACTRESS IN COLONY: Mrs. Beppy Onderwyxer, who arrived m Singapore recently, Is an actress whose professional career started at 14 when she toured the Dutch East Indies m a stock company. Mrs. Onderwyxer is now an American citizen. See Page Fve.
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  • 158 3 WASHINGTON, Friday. r'O different Soviet views of how the Allies won the war against Japan were given is Russian radio broadcasts inside and outside the Soviet Union. The broadcasts commemorated Russia's declaration of war on Japan on August 8, 1945. AT HOME: One commentary,
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  • 187 3 HAIFA, Friday. A KAB demolition of the Latrun water pumping: station yesterday has been reported by United Nations truce observers as a violation of the Palestine truce. I A United Nations spokesman In Haifa last night said a truce observer visited the pumping station one hour
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  • 167 3 BELGRADE, Fri. BRITAIN demanded yesterday that Russia prove its claim to be a Danubian country with direct territorial interests in thp control of Europe's most important inland waterway. The British Ambassador to Yugoslavia (Sir Charles Peake) raised the issue suddenly as the outnumbered Western Powers
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  • 84 3 LONDON, Pri.— The Deputy Prime Minister (Mr. Herbert Morrison) opening the International Youth Conference yesterday, pleaded for a respect for minorities and freedom of thought. "I should like to see more people In every country who can and are allowed to think for themselves," he told
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  • 76 3 JOHORE BAHRU, Friday.— Pte. Stanley Jones, aged 21, pleaded guilty in the District Court yesterday to a charge of committing housebreaking and theft at the Naafl at Tampoi. Court Inspector Osman said the money, amounting to $100, had been recovered. He asked for judgment to be postponed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 175 3 for Persian, Bokhara Indian CAR PETS ii Visif i!s PRICE TAG SHOPS BOKHARA PALACE 5. Stamford Rd Spore Phono 7563 i li"*iPVfl (or and I?&#£~1 HUM ft* ZsSa/ S3 I \i -e^SjL^ -MS INDIAN CARPETS Visit S. QURESHI CO. 67, The Arcade 3rd Floor Phone 6453 £7* Use lift from
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    • 207 3 rKtjn MILK •tiH In '«rv thort •apply. The demand far asceeds that of pre-war ami production hat not yet reached pre-war maximum. We are unable to increase out preaent number of dbtriburora until further notice. Please be patient with YOUR distributor at his supplies are strictly limited. Milk bottles, too,
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  • 220 4 From Our Stall Correspondent PENANG, Friday. DEFORE any legislation was passed lo stantJ dardisc rubber packing m Malaya, there should be direct talks between American buyers and Malayan exporters. Mr. Heah Joo Seang, council member of the Penang Rubber Traders' Association and
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 4 This evening gown m white satin and cut on the new "waterjet line" was showt at an autumn fashion show m Paris. A.P. picture.
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  • 179 4 MUSLIM NOTES UARI RAYA PUASA was celebrated more Joyously this year than for some years, Women are still observing it, receiving and paying visits, and will continue doing so for some days yet. Muslim clubs and organisations have held receptions to allow an opportunity to meet and
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  • 67 4 The Army Civil Service Union, Singapore, will celebrate its second anniversary en Sept. 8. A committee headed by Mr. Lee Choon Eng, with Mr. M. P. D. Nair as hon. secretary, has been formed to make the necessary arrangements. The union now has a membership of about
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  • 120 4 RUSSIA TO GET HER RUBBER LOADING of Russia's 16.000 tons of Malayan rubber valued at $12,000.000, purchased under August contract, began in Penang yesterday morning and in Singapore later in the day. The loading of this rubber had been suspended because no credits had been placed by the Russians to
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  • 289 4 "PHE rubber market has shown an easier tendency during the week. Values have declined to the lowest level since early July, says Lewis Peat's weekly market report. The Ber'.in and Malayan situations still dominate the market. Hopes of a satisfactory outcome to the Moscow talks may
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  • 138 4 THE Japanese Government 1 has agreed, under a contract with the Singapore Government, to buy 12,000 tons of sago flour from the Colony. A large portion of the sago has been shipped to Japan over the past two to three months. A further shipment,
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  • 381 4 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Fri. RECORD shipments to Malaya of motor cars and cycles were the outstanding feature of Malaya-United Kingdom trade during the first half of this year. However. Malaya sold nearly £1,750,000 worth less of rubber to Britain than a year ago
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  • 19 4 Mr. Justice W. J. Thorogood is leaving Singapore by the Canton on Sunday on long leave.
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  • 161 4 HEAVY 1948 P. O. BOOKINGS pASSSAGES to the United' Kingdom m P. and O. line j ships next year are fully book- ed up until May, a spokesman for* the company said yesterday. Some passages are still available this year, however most of th^m m September "There is always a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 214 4 Cathay TELEPHONE 3400. OPENING TO-MORROW MONKgHiH comwr fm pictw n Air-l onditioned^"^™ LA PALOMA BAR RESTAURANT KATONG (Next to Roxy Cinema) 9 Re-decorated Throughout 9 First Class Bar 9 European Chinese Dishes 9 Dancing Every Night 9 Saturday Music by Hawaiian Swingcorators WE MAKE FURNISHING YOUR HOME AN EASY BUSINESS
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    • 366 4 $5,000 FOR ONE VERSE OF SCRIPTURE j4& I^^ Brine your Bibles and see M jfl you can find it. I M -M This lecture by Evangelist H. W. Peterson (t -,f Will lead you into new and challenging: fields of thought. SUNDAY, Aug 15, 7.30 p.m. ■L %*M V.M.C.A.— Auditorium
      366 words
    • 334 4 fUSr-CHOH* I***1 This year, as m every year since 1915, it is true that: More people, the world over, rid* on Goodyear tyres than on my other make. Such a record is possible because the Goodyear tyre is the world's best tyre! (Jrafl 3 l/\j Pafi£ Ii( fl Two vertiom
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  • 220 5 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE, Fridar. "THE brutal murder of Mr. Baden Powell Wills, an Australian miner, by Mahyan terrorists will bring home to the Australian people the full horror of the utterly ruthless methods of Communists under orders to overiltiow constitutional government." Stating this today, the
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  • 223 5 3,500,000 MEALS IN 2 YEARS 'THE Singapore People's A Restaurants achieved their purpose in bridging the gap while the price of meals elsewhere was four times what it was todav. said the organiser of the service (Mr. C. Dant) yesterday. They had brought prices down said Mr. Dant, serving 3,500.000
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  • 65 5 THE name "India House" is to be given to 31, Grange Road where the Office of the Representative of the Government of India, Mr. J. A. Thivy will shortly be located, now that the Indian Government have purchased the premises. From the beginning of next month, the Government
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  • 205 5 TODAY Pakistan Day celebration, feeding of the poor. 1.30 p.m. to 2. SO p.m.. prayer meeting, 4 p.m. Sultart Mosque, mass meeti Ing. Arab School, 111. Jalan Sultan, 4 30 p.m. i Exhibition of Paintings, by Miss K. Nixon. Robinson's, Raffles Place. Anglo Chinese School Annual Athletic Sports,
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  • 150 5 (CONSTRUCTION will probably begin before the end of the year on Singapore's highest post-war building the 241-foot, 18-storey bank and offices for the Asia Insurance Company. It win stand at the corner of Finlayson Green and Raffles Quay and will cost about
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  • 505 5 By Our Woman Correspondent rpHE exotic flora and fauna of India form the main 1 theme of Kathleen Nixon's exhibition of 70 paintings at Robinson's, m Raffles Place. Kathleen Nixon (Mrs. V. R. Blundell) is not only a well-known story-book Illustrator but has won fame
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  • 33 5 Pre-war officers of the St. John Ambulance Brigade m Singapore will meet m the committee room. Municipal Buildings at 5 p.m. next Wednesday to discuss re-eitab-lishing the brigade.
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 5 BOLD OLD MAN: Mr. Ivy Baldwin* Idea for eelebratInf his 82nd birthday was to walk a cable stretched 304 ft. above the South Boulder Canyon, Colorado. Famous U.S. wire walker and trapeze artist, he had crossed the canyon 86 times before retiring professionally m 1928.— AT. picture.
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  • 401 5 Tomcrrow'i services m Singapore churches are as follows: CHURCH OF ENGLAND: St. Andrew's Cathedral 7 a.m.. 8 a.m.. 10.30 a.m. 11.15 a.m.. 5.30 p.m. St. Georges Garrison Church, Tanglln. (open to civilians) 7.15 a.m., 9 a.m.. 9.49 a.m. 6.30 p.m.: Christ Church (Dorset Road) 7 a.m..
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 153 5 iCTjI FRESH AROMATIC AND Wi^^fcvi OELICIOUS FLAVOUR Fn^WrvM TACKED BY SPECIAL PROCESS JOHN LITTLE U* I* SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANO I *d«l/"inw\ The New Model 38 H Price $310.00 This model is a 6 valve AC mains Table Receiver employing a pretuned R.F. Stage with FULL BANDSPREAD TUNING. An entirely
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    • 203 5 NEW WORLD CABARET TONIGHT SATURDAY THE COURVOISIER NIGHT (BALLOON BARRAGE NIGHT) SsFREE GIFTS OF:^S "COURVOISIER" COGNAC The BRANDY OF NAPOLEON "MILL" BEER and HELLER'S SWEETS will be generously awarded Cabaret extend to 1 A. M. for engine: overhauls Valves Faced Valve Seats Recut. Cylinders Bored Honed. Crankshaft Jourrals Ground. Bearings
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  • 26 6 Mrs. Peck Phye Chuan, beloved mother of Peck Pia Teng Peck Pa Jim. Funeral takes place Sunday at 26. Cheng Cheok Street, at 10 a.m.
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  • 31 6 The Broth r and Sisters of the late Janet R. Russell thank all friend! for the many kind expr ssions of sympathy and help received m their sudden bereav ment.
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  • 579 6 Singapore, Sat., Aug. 14, 1948 CATHAY TEST Will Shakespeare ever be really appreciated m Asia Will a voice of the sixteenth century m England make itself fully understood m a popular theatre of the twentieth century m Singapore? Is it reasoni able to expect that an Elizaj bethan tragedy should
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  • 409 6 Those who know something of the history of Pulai, that remarkable Chinese settlement in Ulu Kelantan, have been saddened to read this week that this settlement has come to a sudden and catastrophic end because it has been acting as a supply base for Chinese Communist rebels.
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  • 123 6 Radio Malaya has been advertising this week for a Wireless Inspecting Officer. The duties of this officer will be "to find unlicensed operators of wireless sets and take necessary action." The qualifications required are "good physique and ability to ride a motorcycle." The public is left wondering whether
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  • 2046 6 A Malayan Countryman s Diary SUNDAY, Aug. 8th.— One morning, working in the most distant part of the estate, I heard a lot of gunfire which no doubt came from a training depot for special constables, some five miles away. The, cook declares that ht heard
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 777 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. The engagement U announced brtwfcn R. 8. C. Bendle and M. B. Bruce of Kuantan, Pahang The engagement Is announced b'-lwc n Mr. Won* Mun Yun, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wong Yew and Miss Ho Oi l"hor, fifth daughter of Madam Kong Sam Koo and the
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    • 128 6 ONE PAIR OF EYIS\ I i "One pair of eyes to last lifetime. You can chew with false teeth, walk with 8 wooden leg, but never can you »cc with a blind eye This does not mean that we are In danger of going blind but a warning that we
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    • 12 6 I \rH£ FAMgUS MOttS.i.HOID R£M£DyJ Ll ECALE M I fS Lufaucatinq Equipment
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  • 306 7 Recruiting Plan Approved From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Friday. MORE than a hundred Chinese, mostly representatives of Chinese commercial concerns, attended a public meeting of Perak Chinese held today to discuss methods of co-operation with Government to combat the present wave of lawlessness. The meeting,
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 7 KNVO* RETURNS: The Ch'nese Consul-General in Singapore (Dr. JVu Paaksiin?) who has returned after discussions with the Nanking Government on thp emergency in Malaya. Straits Times picture.
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  • 141 7 AN application for re- mission of forfeiture of a $5,000 bail bond was refused by the Second District Judge (Mr. J. L. McFall) yesterday. The application was made by Mr. C J. Koh on behalf of Lian Thai Chuan and Ang Kiew Joo, sureties for Chan
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  • 43 7 Deaths m Singapore m the week ended Aug. 7 were 165 against 217 the previous week. The infantile death rate was 103.73 per 1,000 births against 96.52. Chief causes of deaths were tuberculosis 16. pneumonia 19 and enteritis 23.
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  • 273 7 THE jury being unable to agree upon a verdict, Mr. x Justice Brown yesterday, m the Singapore Assize Court, released on bail of $5,000 a Shanghainese named Koh Kirn Tong. who had been tried on a charge of the attempted murder of his neighbour's
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  • Article, Illustration
    84 7 A FAREWELL DINNER was Riven to Mr. J. E. Taylor, managing director of the Goodyear Orient Sales Co., Ltd, at the Tai Ton* Restaurant, Happy World. Mr. Taylor is going home on leave m the Canton tomorrow. Those In the group are, left to right: Mr. Yeo Kirn Som, Mrs.
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  • 413 7 PLANTERS DEMAND RELIEF THF following observa- tions on terrorism m Malaya appear m the July Issue of The Planter, the official organ of the Incorporated Society of Planters, Just received: No-one can seriously offer the opinion that there ar« sufficient troops available m the Federation and reasons for this lamentable
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  • 90 7 f\l FICERS and ratings from i the submarine H.MS. Aeneas and the frigate H.M.S. Loch Glendu are manning a flotilla of four Har- j bour Defence motor launches for anti-insurgent coastal patrols. Each launch is manned by! an officer and eleven ratings. 1 says an official
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  • 180 7 JHE Chinese Government is greatly interested in increasing the trade with Malaya and is considering the re-in-statement of a trade eoTnWoner in Singapore, the Chinese ConsulGeneral (Dr. Wu Paakshing) said this yesterj Dr. Wu said the very favourable trade balance of China over Mi.laya was
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  • 277 7 A PROFESSOR whose father was Singapore's first Chinese Consul-General and whose brother is a former Penang Chinese Consul, arrived m Singapore yesterday aboard the Canton. He is Professor Huang Yenyu, Professor of History and Dean of one of China's principal universities, the Lingnan University m
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  • 51 7 Chiam Cheng Tee, aged 25, was sentenced at the First District Court yesterday to two years' imprisonment and eight strokes for attempted extortion. He is also held on a banishment warrant. Ng Ah Cheng, aged 17, was given 20 months' rigorous imprisonment and six strokes for a similar
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  • 251 7 TOMORROW'S first anniversary celebrations of Indian independence will commence at Grange Road at 8.30 a.m. when T r. Thivy will unfurl the Inuian flag. In the afternoon, a mass meeting at the New World will be addressed by Mr. A. N. Mitra (chairman of the Singapore Regional Indian
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  • 45 7 PAKISTANIS in Singapore I will today celebrate the setting up of the state of Pakistan a year ago. The celebrations will start with the feeding of the poor at the Sultan Mosque between 1.30 and 2.30 p.m. today. A prayer meeting in the
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  • 69 7 Bail of $200 was allowed to Charles John Holwill, a young European who was charged in the Fourth Police Courl, Singapore, with house-breaking. It was alleged that Holwill, on July 11 at about 10 p.m.. broke lixto a Chinese woman's house to commit theft. Holwill claimed
    69 words
  • Malaya Round-up
    • 95 7 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Friday. pADI planters celebrating a ri"h harvest co.v ised 1 most of the pilgrims w*»o saM^d for Mecca on the Atreus yesterday. The Atreus was the sixth and probably the last pilgrim ship from Malaya for 1948. She carried
      95 words
    • 55 7 pENANO. Pri.—An 18-year-old I schoolboy pleaded guilty today to criminal breach of trust of two gold chains va.ued at $280 Defence counsel Plllai tnld District Judge Rogers that thp boy was the son of a railway guard, now on his way back to Malays, from Ceylon. Sentence
      55 words
    • 27 7 MALACCA, Friday.—The annual meeting of the C ylontse Association wil, be held at 39 Mill Road tomorrow at 4 p.m. Dr. T. A. Vanar will preside.
      27 words
    • 21 7 OEGAMAT, Friday.—Police oppos0 ed bail when 44-year-old Ong Ah Lan was charged yesterday with having etiandu and smoking apparatus.
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    • 31 7 BATU PAHAT, Frl.—A telephone will be Installed at the Rest House next week following a request by the Automobile Association of Malaya. The number will be Batu Pahat 181.
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    • 44 7 TAIPINO, Friday.—Dr. Robertson and his wife, who Is also a dootor, are arriving on transfer from Kuala Kangsar. Dr Robertson will take the place Of Dr. L. H. Turner who te going i on study leave. Mrs. Robertson will bec6me Lady Medical Officer.
      44 words
    • 61 7 CONGRESS OFF KOTA BHARU, Friday.—The fourth congress of the Malay i Nationalist Party, which was to have been held here at the end of the month, liaa beon (.c>.<.'D"ii<d indefinitely. The police have t.ifrrmid ihe Kelantan branch of the oarty that because of 'hi- amergrney permission cannot be granted. The
      61 words
    • 112 7 THE Devils' Festival will be observed at the World Amusement Park m xt Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (the 14th. 15th an-1 16th days of the Chinese Seventh Moon). In China the festival is usually conducted by Buddhist monks and nuns who offer prayers for dead souls
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    • 63 7 FOUR masked Chinese, two with revolvers and u ne with a knife, robbed the 30 occupants of a tailoring establishment in Cross Street of $1,220 early yesterday. The robbers entered the premises as soon as the doors were opened by the proprku r. Two remained below,
      63 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 59 7 All the Happy Events of your Life must be celebrated with MUMM CORDON ROUGE THE FINEST "CHAMPAGNE BRUT 9 Sole Agent 8 OPTORG CO. (Malaya) LTD. Penang Singapore (Phone 3769) K*Lumpur M. FLINTER S. GRINBERG Diamonds and Jewellery TELEPHONE 7923 67, STAMFORD RD. Eu Court Bldg )S pore EVENING AND
      59 words
    • 94 7 f^ m f* j^ ml WJESi i&£?&£kA R A D I O G R A t.l BrSP»*xSS THE PRACTICAL infill ach|evement f SPECIAL FEATURES AMPLIFIER Valve equipment Six 6J5 or L 63 Triodes. Two Px 25 Triodes. One SU4G rectifier. RADIO: A special seven-valve, 8 wave band, bandspread set. NO.
      94 words

  • 932 8 Home life for young men from Home IN THE FEDERAL CAPITAL THERE U a strong feeling among the troops the ordinary soldiers —m Kuala Lumpur that they are being neglected by the European community. There is a certain amount of envy of their officers who never lack for entertainment. They
    932 words
  • 165 8 WHAT you wear is certainly Important but bow you look is the operative point Let us get ready. First, comb your hair out completely, brush for as long as you can. pin up. and bind your head up in an old scarf. covering the hair completely. A
    165 words
  • 413 8 FROM A MARKET NOTEBOOK f)N Hari Raya last Saturday, prices of flsl* and other commodities maintained a surprisingly low level, states Radio Malaya in its weekly broadcast on Singapore food prices. Fish, in particular, was •found in abundance in all the markets and contrary to expectations was
    413 words
  • 129 8 IN YOUR GARDEN 'PHE main functions of the gross roots of a plant are to support the plant, and produce the leaves. The fibrous roots should be encouraged. This may be done by surface digging or by trenching round the plant and root pruning In the latter
    129 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 234 8 fir J^^k *ljl delicate malted flavour appeals to his U «i eager and questing little palate, and V) i /v 5 z ji J r^m Vt ii s£&a&iaiE£2gil Agents: r< '^>lil»iiimLii I' JBP-^\ > 1 4IM World's Outstanding Refrigerator Value 4 1 Bp!ss!s^s^3EßSS»yißy yßf HEbBJpMS Sv ill- HB /^l I
      234 words
      40 words
    • 448 8 .ill [IF ivM) Perfumes by Lucien Lelong arc esteemed all over the W'nrM, bat nowhere more than m Paris, the home of the World's great perfumes. Now, after an absence due to the war, all the famous names are available (ot you and several new creations EUe-Elle Indiscret Passionnemcnt Jabot
      448 words

  • Straits Times SATURDAY FORUM
    • 314 9 Guarding Our Rubber Life Line The Example Of Sungei Tua T MUST again ask for space m jour paper to emphasise what I and many other planters and miners, their staffs and labour forces ire caying and thinking. We and the dollars which we produce are the backbone of Malaya
      314 words
    • 244 9 I AM not a travelling 1 man. I am essentially a family man you know the type, and I need not elaborate upon it. But last Saturday I came out of my snug shell and embarked on an adventure to Johore with some friends.
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    • 135 9 BULLETS FOR PULLETS AS a self-respecting biddy I was shocked to read the advice of the Malayan Railways' poster: "Warning. Terrorism. In the event of firing on the lineside passengers are advised to lay on the floor At such a time I um sure I could not Rive mv mind
      135 words
    • 449 9 Graduate Teachers Wanted I T disma' and dis1 gusted to note that two of your correspondents— "M.E." and "An Interested P a r e n t" should feel appalled at what should normally have been accepted as a very frank and reasonable statement by Professor E. G. H. Dobby, head
      449 words
    • 142 9 (With apologies to Radio Malay*). Over and Over and Over again We're hearing the same folk sing Ever and ever some well known refrain: And ever the same old Bing. Sundays may come, yea, and Sundays may go And always we have our fling. Languages foreign we
      142 words
    • 367 9 TTHE democratic nations 1 of the world are today desperately trying to establish a stable and Just peace. Their efforts ar° marked by every means at their disposal conciliations and threat*, diplomacy and bluntness, demoblisation and frantic rearmament. Yet we seem to be getting nowhere near
      367 words
    • 77 9 AS the writer of one of two letter- signed as below, I would reply yes to "Truth's" query whether I am a family man. But much as I am sorry for his mishap durinsr \he war, nothing that he says alters my condemnation of the "tuan"
      77 words
    • 309 9 In almost every duplicate gaire there Is orre hand that dominates the Inevitable "postmortem." Often. It is a "freak" of such outlandish design that a wide variety of scores was bound to result from It. but at other times there is rrothing particularly strange about the deal
      309 words
    • 328 9 I REACHED Australia m February, 1942. In 1 April, 1942 I asked at the Chiei Tax Office m one of the big cities whether I *as liable to pay income tax. The official referred to his superior and then said no. In April, 1943 I
      328 words
    • 176 9 LX)R several monihs past, it has been the practice to turn otf the water supply at the 6th milestone, Upper Serangoon, early every morning. This has can sen a sreat deal of inconvenience to hous.holders and shops alike. The supply is not restored at times till as late
      176 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 90 9 The Lowest -Priced 'EIGHT' and 'TEN' H^a? on the Market raß^sYjß^B^B^s^^^B^E&\^BH B^B^B^B^B^^^^SHklaA I •m&®®Z^toS£smmmmmum\mmm mi \J>c~tl\ I sw AND BANK THE BALANCE ANGLIA 8 H. P. PREFECT- 10 H. P. Today's ANCLIA it Britain's most Traditional features of Ford cars famous car of its class— outstanding lasting reliability, high standards
      90 words
    • 156 9 A/A I I When you're feeling hot, tired, listless, there's nothing like glass of sparkling Andrews to cool you down and buck you up But, the good Andrews does goes deeper than that it gives you Inner Cleanliness, too I This Inner Cleanliness is essential if you want to feel
      156 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 361 9 STB AITS TIMES CROSSWORD MM M. Offered tv Richard for CROSSWORD No. 302 t. Hang frcm the line Of a 15 s start (7). good angler (6). 26. Hcndgear into heading (7). j j Mm 3 S a 3. I'm ill. son (anag.) (8). 17. Six m broken rank m
      361 words

  • 851 10 MALAYAN SHARES: STEADY UNDERTONE From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Friday. •THE Malayan share market was dull today, 1 with only small business passing. The undertone, however, remained steady. Prices quoted by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association today were: INDDSTB1ALS Bnyw Sailer Atlas lee 14.00 16.00 Alex Brick Ord. l.N i.tb Pref.
    851 words
  • 329 10 LONDON, Fri. 1 FEATURE of the London Stock Exchange yesterday was the strength of Cable and Wireless issues after an announcement that an action by Eastern Telegraph Company shareholders to restrain payment of a special dividend by that company had been dropped, says Reuter's financial correspondent. Following were
    329 words
  • 212 10 From A Market Correspondent CLJOHTLY better interest In O pepper grew on the Singapore produce markets yesterday. Black pepper rose slightly In price. Most market sections were quiet but not dull. Yesterday's quotations Included: Bice Unclassified: No. 1 $60; 1 $52; 3 $47: 4 $42; 6 $26: unpolished
    212 words
  • 144 10 HEAVY liquidation of stale mil positions weakened tue Singapore rubber market yesterday. Buyers held off. No buying orders from other markets were apparent. Russian credits have gone through. Loading m Malayan ports has started again. F.o.b. closed 1% cento below Thursday's closing price. Closing prices yesterday were: No.
    144 words
  • 205 10 SHIPS in port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board' wharves yesterday (godowns in brackets) were: Main Wharf: 8tlverbriar (3132), Oeram (33-34), Oharon (3886), Norman Lykw (38-39). WalraU (40-41), Pundua (4243). West Wh»rf: Oanton (1-2), Blr Hakelm (4-5), Alclnoua (87), Annenkerk (11-13). Calchas (13-14), Steel Designer (19—16). Empire Dock:
    205 words
  • 95 10 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE, Fri. fONOKAH Compound No. 2 on I Aug. 31 will pay its first dividend since 1941. It will pay Als. par share and a bonus of Als. per share. The announcement was made by the chairman (Mr. L. C. Meagher)
    95 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1182 10 MANSFIELD 6s CO., LTD. (/iteorAoraf'cf m 9in-abnrt\ BLOB FUNNEL LINE «TBAITS STEAMSHIP CO., SAILINGS FROM U.K. ft U.S A. LTD. "Mea". 1 dilTfrii-* liV i. C EAST COAST MALAYA H?Tand A.. V M lacc i A l 4 .1 i Lr" 00 "Sedill" for lumpat Auf 16 nIZ "veroool I
      1,182 words
    • 196 10 PRESIDENT LINES General Passenger -\geni to Northwest Airlmee. SAILINCS TO NEW rORK AND BOSTON via INDIA ECYPT b lEOITERRANEAN PORTS. Pretldent Fillmor. arr Spore Aeg. 14 > rMld#Bt Mollro# 5.^. Am^ u FWT Pe >0 SAILINCS TO SAN FRANCISCO AND LOS ANCELES THINCt NEW YORK BALTIMORE. BOSTON *ta PANAMA Pres
      196 words
    • 241 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UJU/ SAILINCS TO CONTINENT/ rAUTiuruT SCANDINAVIA CONTINENT. Loading at Singapor*. Port Sw#tt«nham Co then bur B, Copenhagen, »j "Tranquebar" for Saigon Cdynia Helsingfors. b Bangkok Oue abt. Aag. II m.s "Malacca" due abt. Aug. 26 for Colombo. Aden. Port >NimiiiMf' far (ixionr. •> ajo Alexandria.
      241 words
    • 988 10 MeALISTL* tit CO.. Liu. (Incorporated m Slngaootel SXfcIWMAiT BOCKMAIX KLAVENS** LIME HAVRE. LONDON MAMBURC. PACIrIC POM I a Aee^s TTJ2L?** l ?S!l£i i-n le =»-to *f*^> •*otts 9 (.enact, vie i^wrreo i m<l| o,<<% CITY Of CLASCOW r Spore f> Sham Penang castlevilli 11 Aug 25 Aug. 28 Aug. CASTLIVIILI
      988 words

  • 1218 11 St. Andrew's School Lives Up To Motto BESIDES being one of the leading educational Institutions ln Singapore, St. Andrew's School holds the reputation of having produced some of the Colony's best sportsmen m practically all branches of sport. St. Andrew's has made a name for Itself ln boxing. The noble
    1,218 words
  • 317 11 OINGAPOIvE Chinese Recreu ation Club cricitet teams for the week-end axe: Today v. S.C.C. at 3 p.m. at the Padang: Evan Wong (capt.), Low Kee Pjw Seah Kcng Slew, Khoo Ong Lee On? Ohew Bee, Ong Beng Be«. Cheong Thiam Siew, Chua Boon Unn, Alex Tan, Ng Wend
    317 words
  • 60 11 KINO Kong has a new opponent In nli contest at the Great World wrestling arena tonight. Lambong recently completed a tour in India. The main supporting bout brings together All Rlza Bey and Tony Ramano. Curly Connors faces Tiger Amat in another feature contest. A fight
    60 words
  • 121 11 •THE Singapore Ohinesa Football Association will hold a trial game tomorrow at Jalan Bosar stadium for the seltotlao of the Singapore team to jlay la the Malayan Chinese inter- State toot ball competition. The following have been inrtted to play: Possible*: Pak Thong Anthony Yong, Soon San.
    121 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 316 11 CTei. S4oo. "\T "98* In the Shade" but ATHA Onl y 78 ln th€ Clnema 11 A.M., 1.45, 4.15, 8.45 AND 9.30 P.M. LAST DAY IfßjlßQ STOP APOLOGIZING EW for sex lly.'a GEORGE APLEY, dL IJJULiB ff*Oll you didn't BL^U t Ul^9^T* > WbtTTHW' 2.0-) invent it!! Bdl Bil ■R
      316 words
    • 255 11 LJ\$T 11 A.M., 2, 4.15, 6.30 15 P.M. fongir. tvtpensc,.ofi M*? 4 o perlMuiwi |p urn ey W WE W**M »rom Porls to Berlin I In 5i sa IB&. at l^^ < 1 s»S^b^b^b^b^b^bW f^ Air-Conditioned— Phone 5159. T CAPITOL SENSATIONAL j jj&fe/ DRAMA 8F A WOMAN. WHO Jff# AD
      255 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 126 11 RADIO MALAYA (S'POHE 1 1'i-quenciM: 620 Ec/a 4.96 M Mc/a. 1 p.m. Radio Orchestra; 1.30 Newt ii share Report; 1.4S Lecuona Rhythm Boys. 2.00 Music; 2.30 Voices ir. Hannony, 3.00 Gipsy Caravan: 3.30 Andre Kostalanetr Orch.; 4.00 Arthur Rubenstein Ja*?ha HelfetE; 4.15 Tea Dance; 8.10 Sporta Hour; 6.20 Close. 8.15
      126 words
    • 147 11 England t. Australia Flfeii Test Match; 0.30 New»; fl.iS Kngland T. AustralU, 48 England T. Australia; 8.00 "The Odd Story of Simon Ode;" 8.10 Nows; 8.45 Radio Niwsrt-el; 9.00 Saturday Sport incl. commentaries on the Fifth Test Match and the Olympic Damns; 11 SO News; 11.40 News Analysis; 11. 4o
      147 words
    • 137 11 Musical©; 6.30 World New*; 6.45 Tommy Dorwy Oreimtra; 7.00 Data with the Star*; 7.30 Radio Reel; 7.45 Tonight W« Dance: 8.18 World's Great Music; 8 DO News; 8.40 Nows from Or. :ted Nations; 8.4S Spacial BBC Show; 9.10 Australian Topics; 0.20 Waits Time; 0.30 Screen Presents: 9.4B Radio Reel; 10.00
      137 words

  • 578 12 Best Bets For Ipoh Meeting From EPSOM JEEP IPOH, Friday. AISERINE stands out as the best bet for the first day's races of the Perak Turf Club August Meeting here tomorrow. This three-year-old mare by Kh:g of Trumps has shown further improvement since winning at
    578 words
  • 52 12 LONDON, Friday.— The India Olympic football XI have arranged a match against a Wales amateur XI at Swansea on Thursday. Aug 26. They also have games against the Isthml-n League at ll ford on Saturday. Aug. 21, and the Athenian League at Finchley on Thursday, Sept.
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 94 12 LONDON. Friday— So much rain has fallen at the Ova. m the past week that unless there Is a big Improvement In rhe overcast and windless conditions of this morning, the start of the fifth Test tomorrow seems a most certain to be delayed. In
    94 words
  • 1273 12 I>ELOW are the acceptances for today's Ipoh races. The Double Totes will be on races four and five, seven and eight. The Big Sweep will be drawn on race nine. Race 1—2.00: Class 3, Div. 4— 5 Furs. Str. 131 Kalaerln* Laasdown 9.00 "Beckh&mpton StabU" Spancer 200
    1,273 words
  • 209 12 LT.-COL. and Mrs. M. W. Biggs beat Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Purrier 6—4, 6—B,6 8, 6—46 4 m the married couples final of the Tanglin Club tennis tournament yesterday. In the mixed handicap doubles semi-final B. C. Fay and Miss L. Walker- Taylor beat J. H.
    209 words
  • 180 12 LONDON, Friday. INDIA retained the Olympic hockey title, 'beating Britain 4 0 in the final last night. G. Singh (2) T. Singh and P. A. Jansen were the goalscorers. India's decisive win over Britain was unanimously applauded by today's British newspapers. The general opinion was that
    Reuter  -  180 words
  • 143 12 LONDON, Friday. REMAINING detailed results in the athletic meet in which the United States beat the British Empire by liy 2 to 3% events yesterday were Pole Vault: United States beat British Empire with an aggregate of 41 to 33 feet 6 Inches. High jump; United States
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 57 12 'iODAl SOCCER: S.A.F.A. l>i\ 1: G.II.Q. Slffnals v. RAF. Chanjl— Chanfi (round Dlv Ill: La Sill, S.C. v. Mental Hospital F.C.— Yio Chn Kant: SUB Boys 1 (lob t. Swan goon Assn. McNair Rd. FRIENDLY SOCCER: S.8. (alchis t. Bnona Vista S.C. Paslr Tan Jane. Jollilada V. Sea-.
    57 words
  • 175 12 EPSOM JEEP" ♦TRESPASSER" "POINTER" RACE 1: 1. KAISERINE 2. Badger 3. Port Star KAISERINE Badger Miss Jewel BADGER Sky Raider II Kaiserlne 1. ASTIVEL LORD FREDERICK Sunny Valley Four Winds GARNFAIR RACE tt S. Garnfair 3. Lena Dear The Countess King's Mace RACK Si 1. FAIR WEEK
    175 words
  • 525 12 LONDON, Friday. BEYAERT of France won the Olympic cycling road race over 195 kilometres (122 miles) today. The race was over 17 laps of Windsor Great Park. Ninety-six cyclists representing 26 nations were In the massed start, to a pistol shot fired by the Duke of
    525 words
  • 63 12 The Public Services XI t. the United Services Officers tomorrow at 11 a.m. oir the B. CO. padang will be: R. 8. Tufnell, A. Gllmour, R. N. Sneddon. F. T. Homer. Q. Needham, J. F. Day, O. P. Duke, A. W. Nicholson, A. Baker, J. W. Ewart and
    63 words
  • 242 12 9 GOALS IN DIV. 1 MATCH SCRAPPY play was seen m yesterday's S.A.F.A. League Div. 1 match at Jalan Besar Stadium, m which the Navy beat the Singapore Recreation Club 5—4. It was their second-round encounter, the first fixture having ended m a three-all draw. The Rccs should have won
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 589 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from page 6) ACCOMMODATION VACANT VACANT unfurnished room, lmmMiatelv entry In good locality suitable quiet couple, sober habits. Apply fitter 6 p.m. to Miss Helen Nio. 31GB River Valley Road ACCOMMODATION— X ua 1 a Lumpur— Montrose Guest House, N i 4. Kia Pens: Road. Phone 3073.
      589 words
    • 278 12 LAURENCE OLIVIER m HAMLET A J. Arthur Rank Enterprise SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEES (Arranged through the Educational Dept.) Will be held from MONDAY, 23RD AUGUST Please write, or Telephone 3404 or 3402 to THE THEATRE MANAGER CATHAY CINEMA For Particulars and Reservations. TO-NIGHT IS "BIG-FIGHT" NIGHT 9pm -GREAT WORLD -9pm WRESTLING
      278 words