The Straits Times, 10 August 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 490 1 Battle On Estate In Johore From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, MondayDOLICE and Malay troops to-day killed three insurgents in a battle on Sungei Kahang Estate in the Kluang area of Johore. There were about 20 men in the gang, who were eating breakfast in a
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 1 The scene at the heart of the explosion at the 1. G. Farfcea chemical works Lndwigshafe*, Germany, where asovt 8M people were killed. Planet picture.
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  • 195 1 Kepala Wife Shot By Insurgents From Oar Staff Correspondent IPOH, Monday. TOREE insurgents killed the Chinese kepala of a robber estate and his wife at the ninth mile Ayer Kuning, near Kampar, last night. The couple's flve- year-old child looked on. The lnsunranU walked into the house, locked In a
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 1 MHS. VICTORIA DRAVES, ?'-vear-r d American champion, who won the finals of th^ Olympic Games Womsn'a Spring Board and Pi Diving. Renter photo.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 149 1 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE, Mon. 'THE Australian Council A of Trade Unions will give careful consideration to any request from Malayan unions for an A.C.T.U. representative to Malaya to investigate the Communist tactics there. This was stated by the secretary of the A.C.T.U. (Mr.
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  • 93 1 LAKE SUCCESS, Mon. RUSSIA Is reported to be ready to answer the United States' demand for continued talks on world arms reductions. M. Malik is scheduled to speak for Russia today before the Working Committee of the United Nations Commission foi Armament Control and
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  • 40 1 Tokio, Mon: Doctors here are anxious about the outbreak of cases of sleeping sickness. So far there nave been 350 cases, 42 fatal. It is feared that the outbreak may become the worst m Japan s history. Reuter.
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  • Article, Illustration
    58 1 ERIK NIELSON, 18-year-old Danish farm labourer, claims that he is the kidnapped son of Col. Charles Lindbergh. He says he can remember being smuggled Into Denmark when he was three. After a two-year hunt following the discovery of a body said to be that of the Lindbergh baby, Bruno Hanptmann
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  • 63 1 LONDON. Monday. UX -QUARTERMASTER Sergeant Philip Bolton has reD turned to London with hit 21-y*ar-old bride, whom he had flown to Ath«ni to marry. He flew to her when Greek Secret Police detained her en suspicion of being a Communist. She has
    AP  -  63 words
  • 114 1 From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, lion. Stricter control of the movement of all aliens m Slain and the tightening up of the country's immigration law Is planned by the Siamese Government. Aliens Identification cards and an Increase In Immigration fees are envisaged. Mor» Overseas Chinese students
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  • 300 1 MOSCOW, Monday. ENVOYS of the United States, Britain and France entered the Kremlin this afternoon for their third conference within a week. They were to see the Foreign Minister, Mr. Molotov, with whom they conferred on Friday evening, presumably about the Berlin blockade, the German problem
    Reuter  -  300 words
  • 60 1 REALISTIC tratetec will be given to a fflhjht Beaunffbter* which will arrive hi Malaya from Ceylon hi the next few days oo operational training. The aircraft, which are from No. 45 S^sadron <Ceyl«a). will remain la Malaya for only a lew 4my but will take
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  • 185 1 "This Inept Admission:" Winstedt From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Mon. rff a letter to the Daily Telegraph, Sir Richard Winstedt say*: "One cannot imagine a more inept admission to Malaya's mixed people than the statement alleged to have been broadcast by Mr. Malcolm MacDonald that, but for the still limited
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  • 60 1 LONDON. Man. Violent storm* over the week-end caused havoc m Britain's harvest fields. Farmers who had been predicting bumper crops watched powerlessly as thousands of acres of corn were inundated. Most of the damage reported was hi Southern and Eastern England. In East Anglia many corn fields
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 166 1 WASHINGTON, Mon. RUSSIA has an air force about the size of that of the United States, states World Aviation annual. But, adds the annual, she has Insufficient airport and airway facilities. The new book, it probably the mott detailed summary of civil and military aviation
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  • 40 1 BYDNEY. Mon— Bitr section* of Australian workers were granted wage increases in the first sixrnontha of 1948. The Baste Wage In Sydney Is now £5/18 sterling a week, although most workers recetrt more. Another rise is forecast— A.P.
    AP  -  40 words
  • 146 1 Talks Remain Secret t^O official statement is to be issued on the Governors' Conference which took place at Bukit Serene daring the weekend, it was announced yesterday. The Conference was attended by the Commissioner General (Mr. Malcolm MacDonald), the Governor of Hong Kong (Sir Alexander Ormntham). the Governor of Sarawak
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  • 65 1 BANGKOK, Mon. More than U. 3.51 ,000.000 worth of gold bars, recovered after the gigantic robbery here last May, left Bangkok today for Macao by air. The caigo represented slightly more than hall the loot seized from the truck taking It to the airport. Local agents
    AP  -  65 words
  • 54 1 INDO-CHINA BAN ON RED BOOKS SAIGON. Mon.--A long list 01 Communist publications has been banned by the French. Included are pamphlet* printed In Russia and China, In the English or Chines* languages, works of Marxist theoreticians, biographies of Communist leaders, recent speeches by the heads of th« Soviet Government, and
    AP  -  54 words
  • 44 1 TOKIO, Mon. A former Japanese Army cook who was found guilty of having broken the arms of two American prisoners of war after the Palawan massacre, was sentenced to five years' Imprisonment by an Eighth Army military commission today —Reuter— AAP.
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  44 words
  • 41 1 NANKING, M on —The body of the first American victim of the heatwave which sent Nanking's mercury above 100 degrees— Master Sgt. Paul W. Laisure, aged 42— will be returned to the United States aboard a military transport. AJ>.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 39 1 i^rs^^sv^y w ,^ss\ «\&JIriSV^SISBBM |^^L Is^- PRODUCT ■k&S^ Made m England PRICE REDUCTION from Ist AUGUST SjDVI OP THE GENERAL £LBCTRIC CO.. LTD. OP ENGLAND s,\. i*PORE KOALA LUMPUR PKNANO Hem* Afffnts: me Kinta Brctrieai Otetributloa 00. Ltd IPOH
      39 words
    • 92 1 I LiNUFM JRMr J>i»PfS>aj«H» VfAtS' MPWAHNI PEIUD7NE Wfm |j) BEST Light output JrlJj IgLj at Low Speaks b| BEST Regulation MO»^tt^MK at High Speeds In that slogan lies me superiority ol the PHILIPS Cycle Dynamo BQulpment It gives you Hght even a> walking pace and controls your light at hUli
      92 words

  • 173 2 LONDON, Monday. DRITAIN'S wet and windy summer reached a new peak of violence In one of the worst storms within memory yesterday. A 70 m.p.h. scale and 60-foot waves crashed shingle over coast roads. Within 14 noura, Londonwettest place m the countryhad nearly an
    Reuter; UP  -  173 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 2 R.A.F. men walk by a line of 16 F-80 "Shootin* Star" Jet fighter pl»nes at Odiham. Hampshire. The planes bad Just landed after completing the first jet-propelled crossing of the Atlantic from the United State*.— A.P. picture.
    AP  -  37 words
  • 108 2 M. MARIE FOILS THE REDS PARIS, Mon. M ANDRE Marie, Pre- mier of France, has foiled a number of Communist attempts to destroy his Cabinet's plan to handle France's financial crisis. The Communists had tried delaying tactics. But following a plea from M. Marie the National Assembly rejected a Communist
    AP  -  108 words
  • 35 2 LONDON. Mon. SwiM clock makers now oome to Britain to study the latest manufacturing methods. Before the war Britain Imported £3.000,000 worth of clocks from Germany and Switzerland. She exports £2.000.000 worth.— AP.
    AP  -  35 words
  • 162 2 WASHINGTON, Monday. A WASHINGTON surgeon has reported "temporary dramatic relief" m four cases of severe asthma through surgery. However, he reports that "surgical intervention should not be considered until conservative measures such as medicines have failed completely." Dr. Brian Blades of George Washington University School
    AP  -  162 words
  • 67 2 LONDON, Monday. THE County Juvenile Court 1 set up recently for a day's session at Southend (Essex) with three magistrates, two probation office™, two welfare officers, two policemen, four court reporters, and the clerk of court on duty. However, the only case was against a boy
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  • 71 2 FRANKFURT, Mon. —An American team is flying to Italy today to inrestigate the wreckage of a plane missing over the Alps eight months ago. The plane had 22 aboard. An Italian police patrol found the wreckage and two bodies at 9,000 feet on Friday.
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 62 2 LONDON, Monday. BRITAIN has invited all European governments to Geneva m October for a conference on the Colorado Beetle. One- million acres of potatoes already threatened along the frontiers of Germany Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg and Prance have been sprayed with DDT. Five hundred Inspectors
      AP  -  62 words
    • 90 2 SAN FRANCISCO, Mon.— A suit for UJ5.5250,000 damages for the death of Mr. George Atcheson. Jr., political adviser to General Mac Arthur was filed on Saturday against the Federal Government. The action was brought by bis. widow, Mrs. Mariauita Atcheson, who alleged neollsrence. Mr. Atcheson with nine others
      AP  -  90 words
    • 76 2 MEW YORK, Mon. Con- Ticts had been used instead of animals to plough, laud, the Alabama Prison Director (Mr. Frank Bos well) admitted to an investigating committee yesterday. Mr. Boswell insisted that the convicts, a group of Negroes, had volunteered He said their prison had three
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    • 58 2 NANKING. Mon. Ten thousand Chinese boys are stranded at Halkow, port city on Hainan Island. The boys were en route to China from Slam following the closure of Chinese schools. The Overseas Affairs Commission is reported to be drawing up a plan in conjunction with the Ministry of
      Reuter-AAP  -  58 words
    • 64 2 SHANGHAI, Mon.— China's two main commercial airlines, CNAC and CATC, now require photographs Irom people booking berths according to the China Dally Tribune. The paper says the photographs are designed to curb biackniarket transactions in ticket* A ticket from Sr.anghal to Lanchow which costs 340,- 1 000,000 Chinese
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    • 50 2 SYDNEY, Mon.— The Greek freighter Pappchrlstidls Vaisllios, S3 days out of Aden, was towed into Fremar tit yesterday by the tuR Kybra. The freighter's ermine broke down 600 miles northwest of Fremantle. She drifted several days. Officers said they had to eat dry peas and barley.— A P.
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    • 60 2 DELHI, Mon.— Under the new educational system Anglo-Indians will learn the language of the region where they reside This was decided In the second annual meeting for Anglo-Indian education held here under the presidency of Mr. Frank Anthony. A resolution recommended that English should continue to be the medium
      AP  -  60 words
    • 57 2 LONDON, Mon. Londoners are asking a machine the time 700,000 times a week. On the 12th birthday of "Tim," the speaking clock, the London telephone service said that since the service began Londoners had made 250,000,000 calls. During the war American, soldiers often rang "Tim" to try
      AP  -  57 words
  • 81 2 ATHENS, Mon. the Greek Army is rtlent- lessly pressing on the retreating guerillas along the entire front of the Orammos operation, a General Staff spokesman says. Operating m the peak of the midsummer heat, the national forces have reached the Albanian border at both
    AP  -  81 words
  • 129 2 Americans May Question 'Kidnapped Red Teacher WASHINGTON, Monday. rpHE House of Representatives Un-American Activities Committee to-day asked the State Department to decide whether Committee investigators could enter the Soviet Consulate m New York to question a Russian school teacher being kept m seclusion by Soviet officials. The acting chairman said
    UP  -  129 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 632 2 NOTICES IVAPORATED MILK AND CANNED FISH The attention of exporter* is invited to the fact that consideration may be given to the export of a limited quantity of Evaporated Milk and Canned Fish during August, 1948. Applications should be forwarded to reach the R.I.I., Singapore, not later ttoan noon, on
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    • 424 2 NOTICES THE SUNGEI BESI MINES, LIMITED (Incorporated m England) Notice Is hereby given that the Board has declared an Interim Dividend of 10 per cent, tees Income Tax ot 9/- In the for the year ending 81st March, 1949, payable m London on 30th August, 1948, to all shareholders on
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    • 284 2 AT GREAT WORLD PARK GRAND OPENING NIGHT 10th AUG. 48 TAI THEANG KEW CIRCUS consisting of 60 Well-known Chinese Artistes Trained Horses, Tigers, monkeys, etc. Aerial Trapeze, Aerial Dental Acts Acrobats and many other thrilling and daring stunts to make you hold your breath. Prices to suit everyone. »Br ing
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  • 165 3 Factory Struck By Lightning SHANGHAI, Monday. SEXT Y-two are dead and 28 seriously burned following a fire m the Yungpei Shirt Factory caused by lightning striking the switchboards and setting fire to the stairway. The fire occurred yesterday. Forty-six employees of the factory died on the
    AP  -  165 words
  • 176 3 BELGRADE, Mon. rwANUBE blues over the seven-to-three line-up of East and West Europe have spread to social affairs at the Danube conference. In the 10 days of the conference delegate* from tht two bloci have never once been Invited to the same gathering. On Friday night,
    AP; UP  -  176 words
  • 90 3 MANILA, Mon. AN appeal has been made to 4,000 Huts to return to their farms and lead peaceful lives. Congressman Luis Taruc, Huk Generalissimo. U reported from Sariaya, Quezon province, to have made the appeal. However, the Huk cammander In southern Luzon, Colonel Pedro VUlegaa, demanded
    UP  -  90 words
  • 95 3 WASHINGTON, Mon Twenty-flve-vear-old Dianna Cyrus of California will take off on a round-the-world solo flight between Aug. 20 and 25 bent on capturing at least three records. Mrs. Cyrus will pilot a British Mosquito fighter-bomber. Her plan, according o the National Aeronautic Association, is to fly
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  • 108 3 LONDON, Monday. A "PLASTER" statut of Shakespeare which stood In the portico of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London, for more than a hundred years, has been found to be made of lead. Few people even noticed the statue as It stood there down the years,
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  • 32 3 Far East Air Command states that aircraft of the Royal Air Force on passenger and troop-carrying flights flew 8,900,000 miles last June without an accident involving death or injury.
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 3 Major General YohsiUka Kawane (left) and Colonel Kurataro Hirano (right) are to he hanged for responsibility for the IM2 Bataan death march m whkh about 10,000 U.S. and Filipino soldiers died. The two men were convicted and sentenced at a U.S. Army tribunal m Yokohama A.P. picture.
    AP  -  47 words
  • 37 3 RANGOON, Mon.—Government forces have retaken Kayan. captured by the White Arm Band Section of the People's Volunteer Organisation last Wednesday, it was reliably learned yesterday. Insurgents were routed after two hours' engagement. AP.
    AP  -  37 words
  • 161 3 MANILA, Monday. PRESIDENT Quirino last night signed an Order setting up an Import Control Board which will strictly regulate trade between the Philippines and Japan, as well as other countries. At the same time, a report was released by the Philip-pine-Japanese Trade Committee with recommendations
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  • 168 3 LAKE SUCCESS, Monday. JAMAL HUSSEINI, nephew of the Mufti ol Jerusalem, said today that Palestine Arabs would soon have their own State. Ha said the government would take In all Palestine as it existed under the British mandate. The Arabs, he added, would plan for
    AP  -  168 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 3 IN HOSPITAL with a broken leg b Denmark's 804-metre Olympic athlete Herlmf Christensea. who was Injured after stumbUnr m a heat at Wembley Stadium. With him to the Denmark team manager, EJler Jensen.— AP. pietore.
    AP  -  35 words
  • 82 3 NEW YORK, Mon. EXPANSION planned for th« braeU ports of Tel Aviv and Haifa will cost 10.000,000, according to the United Palestine Appeal chairman (Dr. Israel Goldstein.) Dr. Goldstein said plans called for organisation of merchant fleet of 15 to 20 vessels with a carrying capacity of
    AP  -  82 words
  • 54 3 SYDNEY, Mon.— Australia had 250,000 jobs which could be filled tomorrow If she had the manpower, the Minister for Immigration (Mr. Calwell) told a meeting m Brisbane. Mr. Calwell said It must be realised that Britain could provide ships for only a fraction of the immigrants registered
    Reuter-AAP  -  54 words
  • 154 3 FIRST JAP TANKERS MA Y CALL HERE TOKIO, Mon. T»WO Japanese tankers left A Japan for Persia last week, and flve more will leave this week, say reliable Japanese sources. They have been granted permission to water at Hong Kong or Singapore In an emergency. This Is the first appearance
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 196 3 wferij HAKE TH€-. \f Mobiloii'^^wMrr^f tjX.MALACCA x you* aim i tINOOOM HERE is where trouble lurks. Oencal trouble m man/ cases is due entirely to personal neglect. The "Gum-line" the lunction of teeth and gums is particularly vulnerable Infection, once established can only be treated by your dentist. Daily Dental
      196 words
    • 145 3 r For use m Hotels, Restaurants, Milk Bars and Cafes. KELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS made to your particular requirements provide unfailing, economical protection for your fresh, cooked, bottled and canned foodstuffs, Its constant temperature control keeps the contents always m first-class condition. AUTHORISED DEALERS: «*W Hl— Ufa O*.. 7* Orchard Rd., Spore.
      145 words

  • 44 4 MX. HENRY WALLACE and his Third Party chiefs m Philadelphia before the opening of the party's convent ion. On his left is Paul Robeson, the singer. On his right is Senator Taylor, Mr. Wallace's choice for Vice-President.— A.P. picture.
    AP  -  44 words
  • 178 4 WASHINGTON, Monday. DRITAIN has reach' 1 agreement in principle with the Economic Co-operation Administration on loan terms and a final draft is now being made, an authoritative Washington source said today. The ECA agreed to eliminate the clause whereby It could
    AP; UP  -  178 words
  • 208 4 CID Loaded Illegal Ammunition A POLICE Inspector posed as a buyer and detectives as labourers to execute a trap which resulted in the recovery of 48,952 rounds of .303 ammunition, in Yio Chu Kang Village, on April 12. This was told In the Seventh Police Court yesterday when Toh Ah
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  • 82 4 Th. District Judgj (Mr. P. P. Shanks) yesterday bound over a Chinese youth In his own recognisance, to be of good behaviour for six months. Lim Ah Poh pleaded guilty to entering the RAF. Base a* Seletar, a protected place, on July 30 without authority. He
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  • 68 4 Penang had a final lead of one and a half points m the recent dance competition with Singapore. The competitors' marks were: Penang No. 1. Timothy Lee and Janet 001, 79«/ 2 No. 2. J. Morris and Lucy Chong 87, Singapore, No. 1. Low Poh San and Jenny
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  • 45 4 NEW DELHI, Monday. THE Indian Premier, Pandit Nehru, told a meeting of the Congress Party yesterday that, time and conditions permitting, he is attending the Commonwealth Premiers' conference in London and the United Nations General Assembly in Paris next month.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 245 4 rpWO Hong Kong professors have in the past week 1 interviewed 70 Malayan students, who want to join the Medical Faculty of the University of Hong Kong. The two— Professor Gordon King, Dean of the University's Medical Facility, and Professor of Obstetrics
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  • 19 4 The next meeting of Johore Council of State a take place at the Dewaa vi. August 19.
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  • 143 4 THE Rev. T. McDougall. Australian secretary of the World Council of Churches, said on his arrival in Singapore that the Australian Immigration Minister (Mr Calwell) was "a stubborn man." The Council in Australia was the first body to protest. Mr. McDougall said, at the deportation
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  • 46 4 Teja Singh, a 29-year-old Bengali, was charged yesterday m the Seventh Police Court with robbing a Chinese cloth dealer, Yong Cheng Tong of $5 and one dozen singlets, valued at $3.60 m Yio Chu Kang Road On Aug. 7. He was remanded until tomorrow.
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  • 11 4 m fPfp l !I|l:||i}f|f| !ff
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 243 4 fie AiJirii forget to kiss you Honzyl Poor foolish wife to trust just a bath, instead of capping it off with dependable Mum. Your bath washes away past perspiration but it can't safeguard you against the risk of future underarm odour. Take just 30 seconds to smooth on Mum then
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    • 214 4 M. menus Hi smurom rMont (322 ARE YOU AMOK THE OTHERS? Then Try This! After mtil those with good digestion have feeling of contentment, but there are thousands of others who endure discomfort and pain: whose enjoyment of food it overshadowed by fear of the after effects. The causes of
      214 words
    • 228 4 would Jdrt io live vnd love A WomS ■iHiwUD'WWmii'ntfiiiuii^ ii 1 1 ii is Watch it daily GROW more Unol\ tea ay Siivikm nmiin^ iai >eauiv growi or you ngh ron n> oois. Day t>\ day voi :ai >e« h. dmerence. No more dandruff n </ou -houidersi no more 'OS'
      228 words

  • 299 5 Sta temen tßyMr. Lee Kong Chiun MR. Lee Kong Chian, leading Singapore robber m merchant, has no fear of a world shortage of natural rubber. In an interview yesterday, he took the opposite view from that of the B.F. Goodrich Company president (Mr. J. L. CoUyer).
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 5 THE WINNER of the Olympic final In the Women's 100 metres. Miss Blankers-Koen of Holland, with Miss D. Manly of Britain on her right (second) and Miss Shirley Strickland of Australia on her left (third) Plx Photo.
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  • 317 5 CALL FOR FREEDOM PLEDGE MALAY NEWS From Our Malay Corespondent TTTUSAN Melayu, m a lead- ing article headed "Freedom During the Emergency," says the widest publicity should be given by the Oovernmet to the fact that restrictions imposed on individual freedom are only temporary and that there is no intention
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  • 80 5 Two Indians, Shanmugam and Rajoo appeared before the Singapore Ninth Police Court Magistrate, (Mr. E. V. A. Peers) yesterday on a charge of having stolen a car valued at at^ut $900. It was alleged that m the early hours of April 2, two constables sighted two
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  • 16 5 "Iff liffiiTiiii titiisi iK *ifi: i iHiii iliiil ;B
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  • 93 5 UR. Paul P. C. Sah, Chief m Purser ot Jtie China Merchants' steam ship, the Hai Hsia, said yesterday that the ship will not accept Singapore Chinese passengers for Hong Kong unless they have proper passports. He said oawpur's :ire required by Hone Koncj immi- gration authoriUes
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  • 111 5 SERE.MBAN Mon. AD£MAND for equal pay In line with other workers employed m the rubber industry In Negri Sembllan, irrespective of race and sex. will be the main Item on the agenda at the third annual delegates' conference of the Negri Sembilan Estate and
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  • 68 5 A 23-year-old Ceylonese Sumanapaha, of the Pioneer Corp Camp at Woodlands, appeared m the Seventh Police Court yesterday on a charge of armed robbery It was alleged that Sumanapaha and two others visited a Chinese, Kok Lao Chong, m his house In Woodlands at 10.30 pjn. on
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  • 60 5 TODAY Stamp Club, social meeting, Capitol Restaurant, S.IS p.m. TOMORROW Radin Mas School, annual ath'etic sports, school ground. Aft. Fater Road. 3 p.m. Y.W.C.A., Kstong Groups' meetIng. St. Hilda's School, 4 p m Medical College Alumni Association, dinner, guest ol honour Mr. Tan Thoon Lip, Adslphl t p.m.
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  • 562 5 From Our Woman Correspondent MRS. Doris Geddes, of Raffles "Little Shoppe", is ITI flying to Sydney pn Friday and will try to arrange with the French mannequins who passed through Singapore last week to stop off here on their journey and give a mannequin
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 173 5 /BY iull^S^ QAMTA^M'l^rajXv, It's Easy to send even tons of merchandise to world markets quickly, safely, and economically by Qantas Air Cargo. Every type of goods reaches its destination m tninimm^ time and m perfect condition. You save on packaging and insurance costs avoid delays m h«nHHng, Qantas Air Cargo
      173 words
    • 257 5 MALARIOL® I MALARIOL H.S. jj G Shell have studied mosquito control the world over and now bring to planters and all others concerned with public health the benefit of its experience In the form of two high A quality, specially prepared products. X Shell Malariol A highly toxic ii persistent
      257 words

  • 32 6 The widow and relatives of the late Mr. John (lan) Edwin Ogilvie wish to thank all friends for the many kind expressions of sympathy and help received In their sudden bereavement.
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  • 660 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues., Aug. 10, 1948 THE BERLIN OUTLOOK The atmosphere of crisis in Berlin has become less urgent in the last week for reasons not altogether clear. Certainly, there is the vague promise of a four-Power conference in the reasonably near future, but that alone is not
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  • 382 6 Since planning for the future is now in fashion, we may be thankful that the Singapore Municipal Commissioners on July 30 at last decided to provide a crematorium, and appointed a committee to make detailed recommendations. In fifty years' time there will be more than four million people
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  • 89 6 T'UAN Djek wrote on A July 24: "It should be stated here that there are no restrictions imposed on buildings erected at least one hundred feet from the centre of the road." I understand the distance is about two hundred feet or, to be exact,
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  • 10 6 Singapore Studies 20 —Photograph by C. A. Gibson-Hill BEDOK BEACH
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  • 1276 6 Communism And The U.S. Way Of Life Soviet-American Relations-II By a Special Correspondent of The Times THE fear which lies behind all other American fears today is the fear of a threat to the American way of life; and the American way of life, for all but a few politically
    The Times  -  1,276 words
  • 27 6 The series of Singapore Studies ends today. The Straits Times will publish a series of Federation .Studies by Dr. C. A. Gibson-Hill, starting next Tuesday.
    27 words
  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 68 6 I HOPE your correspon1 dent Mr. Chiew of Malacca, who Inquired about guards on Asianowned estates will be reassured by my experience. My Special Constables here (all Indians) helped me, on this Chinese-owned estate, to drive off Chinese insurgents/ gangsters only a few days ago. We get
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    • 316 6 MR. Denman, of The Economist, writing m the Straits Times of Aug. 4 does not like the Film Finance Corporation and makes it quite clear. No more does he like Mr. Rank's "near monopoly." He admits that, to save dollars, the British film industry must be
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  • 137 6 from the Straits Times ot Aug. 10, 1898: The decision of the Transvaal High Court m the Indian Traders' question bears upon a main point of variance between the Transvaal and the British Governments. Legislation was passed to restrict Indian immigration, to confine Indians to special locations
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 765 6 CLASSIFIED \DS. BAINBRIDGE.— To Margaret Si William Bainbridge on August Bth.. at Singapore, a son. GREGOIRE.— To Joan St John Grcgoire. on 7th August, at Kuala Tr?ngganu. a son David Hugh. FREEMAN —At Singapore, on August 7th, 1948, to Joan, wife of Major D. H. Freeman. R.A —r son. IMRIE.—
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    • 126 6 ONE PAIR OF EYES "One pair of eyes to last lifetime. You can chew with false teeth, walk with a wooden leg. but never can you see with a blind eye." ThU does not mean that we are In danger of going blind but a warning that we should not
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    • 56 6 iZA SWEETS AND DELICIOUS WHOLESOME U_ {JTIjA EVERT SWEET HYGIENK All V Wx WRAPI ED IN CELLOPHAM: Barley Sugar Drops 1 Ih. bottles Fruit Drops i Ib. Choice Fruits 1 Ib. Hold-All Assortment 1 Ib. Chocolate Dragees J Ib. bottles Sole Distributors: Etc., Etc. ANN PENG TRADERS LTD 99 Stamford
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  • 327 7 Will Be Paid By Proprietors TWENTY shop assistants are to be recruited for the Auxiliary Police Force in Sungei Patani by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Central Kedah. Firearms will be furnished by the Government but salaries for members of the force will be paid
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 7 TO STUDY IN L.K.: Mr. K. Ratnasingam. technical assistant to the Raub Public Department who will leave on a government scholarship for the United Kingdom next week. He graduated from the Kuala Lumpur Technical College last year and will study for his B.Sc. degree at the Manchester College of Technology.
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  • 197 7 REFUGEES REACH SINGAPORE A TOTAL of 262 Chinese refugees arrived in Singapore yesterday on the Hai Lee from China. All the adults formerly lived in Malaya and had been sent, as a result of the war, back to China. Mr. Stewart C. Wu. movements and supplies officer of the International
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  • 249 7 Quicker Inspection Of Ships THE Dutch are now con1 structing extra wharfing and godown facilities at Tandjong Pinang in order to set up a more efficient system of control for ships which are obliged to call there for inspection of their cargoes. They have also lifted the one-week compulsory detention
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  • 30 7 Mr. Lee Lai Seng, of the South East Asia Trading Co. <Siam>, writes that he is not the person of the same name, who was sentenced to three- months' r.i.
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  • 126 7 rpHE 8.0.A.C.-Qantas/Con-X stellation Service between England and Australia will be increased from three planes a fortnight to two a week through Singapore this month. By the end of the year the 8.0.A.C. will have m service five Constellations as seen above recently purchased from Eire and before
    126 words
  • 81 7 rpHERE was a record attendX ance of devotees and the Temple halls were filled to capacity when the Hindu Government Servants conducted their annual turn of celebration of the Sathurthl festival at the Sree Senpaga Vlnayagar Temple, Ceylon Road, on Sunday. The various rites and ceremonies of Abishegam
    81 words
  • 232 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. IV* HEN Peter Podrushnyak, aged 34, of Odessa was assisted ashore from the Russian tanker Sakhalin on Saturday night at Port Swettenham following an accident at sea he had a badly crushed right arm and, so he
    232 words
  • Article, Illustration
    65 7 MUSICIAN L£A7a&t Miss Lily Nc Yook Thong, second daughter of Mr. Nff Sui Cam (Federal Legislative Coun•cillor) who has left Penan* to stud? music at Wellesley College, (Mass., United States). Educated at the St. I George's Girls' School and the Convent, Penang, she is a talented pianist and cello player.
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  • 143 7 FK)UR soldiers— Pte. W. Arrol. i F Pte. E. H. Waring, Pte. Rogerson and Pte. Frew appeared in the Beventh Police Court, yesterday on a charge of robbery of a taxi valued at $3,500 on July 30. They were also charged with causing hurt to the I
    143 words
  • 38 7 Slew Kam Sam, a 48-year-old Chinese, was remanded till Sept. 17 In the Second District Court yesterday on a charge of possession of 605 tubes of chandu. He was allowed ball of $5,000 m two sureties.
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  • 204 7 Cix holders of the Colonial Development and Welfare Fund and the British Council scholarships all Singapore Government employees— will leave Singapore on Aug. 15 for the United Kingdom. The Canton, which leaves Singapore at the end of this week, will take two Colonial I scholars,
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  • 179 7 IMITED supplies of chloromycetin for treatment of scrub typhus may be sent to Malaya later this year. This was announced by Dr Joseph Smadel, head of the scrub typhus research team ie an Interview with Associated Press m Washington. Dr. Smadel recently headed an
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  • 332 7 VICTIM'S WIFE STILL ILL ltfRS. H. Rice, whose husband was killed j by terrorists on Saturday I night, is still far from well and is not allowed to see visitors. Lady Marcella Ibrahim, Sultanah of Johore, called at the Johore Bahru General Hospital yesterday to visit the victims of the
    332 words
  • 218 7 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. CPEAKING at a farewell tea party given m his honour today, Mr. H. B. Langworthy, retiring Commissioner of the Federation of Malaya Police Force said: "You can take it from me that the Federation Police Force
    218 words
  • Malayan Round-up
    • 58 7 YjORE cars were stolen In Singapore last month but iTX the police recovered more than in June. oix oi 10 cars stolen in July were recovered. In June two of six stolen re reci jred. In July two motor cycles, one trlsha, 39 b 1
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    • 21 7 MALACCA, Mon.— Mr. K. W. Blackburne, Director of Information Services, Colonial Office, is expected to arrive from Seremban on Thursday
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    • 33 7 KV-LA LUMPUR, Mon.— Mr M E. Barrett has been appointed a temporary Unofficial Member of the State Executive and State Council < of Kedah during abseuce on leave of Mr. R. Heywcod.
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    • 38 7 IPOH, Mon.— Naratan Singh, alleged to have speared Ourdit Singh after a quarrel on the way from a toddy shop, was charged with murde* In the Supreme Court today. Ourdit Singh died in i e Kampar Hospital.
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    • 54 7 TELOK ANSON, Mon.-The death occurred on Sunday morning of Mrs. J. G. Heriot, wife of the manager of Selaba Estate, following a fall on Saturday night. The funeral service was held at St. Luke's Church, the Rev. John Hayter officiating. A big gathering attended a short
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    • 23 7 THE body of Tan Seng Lip, 37. was found in a w 11 at 873 Bukit -Aiang, Singapore, yesterday morning.
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    • 60 7 rpUBERCULOSIS in SingaI pore took a slightly higher toll for the week en^ed July 31 when there were 11 deaths compared with 36 In the previous week In all. 93 casps were eported. showing an increase of seven cases over the previous week. There were during the week
      60 words
    • 103 7 GUNMAN CAUGHT IN NUNNERY Arrested while running away from the police on a moonlight night in a bac!< lane, off Jalan Kuantan, a young Chinese named Tan Tun Tee was sentenced to four years' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Justice T. A. Brown In the Singapore size Court yesterday, on charge
      103 words
    • 41 7 DENANG, Mon.— Four con1 stables escaped unhurt when their Jeep ran off the road at the 19 y2y 2 mile, Batu Ferringhi Road, yesterday. The jeep, in trying to avoid another jeep, skidded into a gully and hit a tree.
      41 words
    • 42 7 MEMBERS of the IndoMalayan Association, Singapore, are reminded of the lunch and annual meetIng to be held at 18 Chulia Street on Sunday. Those who wish to attend should Inform the honorary secretary, 36 New Bridge Road, no later than today.
      42 words
    • 55 7 ITUALA LUMrUR, Mon.— The export of dogs from Kedah has been r'^'bited as a precaution against rabies. Under an order issued today the importation of cattle sheep, goats and pigs from "lam into Kedah Is also prohibited. The restrictions do not apply to cattle coming by rail
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 149 7 CHRISTOPHER STONE SAYS M i\ To get distant station!;, sunward itself to give flawless retention. radio sets have to sacrifice some of I was at s loss to know what to call the quality of their Local reception. this Bush innovation when my BJIn the new Bush sets, distant focal
      149 words
    • 89 7 Connoisseur dS? 4^ SHERRIES Per Bot: DRY FLY. Pale Amber In colour; possesses the bouquet of a true Fino 9.00 DRY CLUB. An exceedingly pleasant wine, on the dry side, which will be appreciated either as an aperitif or at dinner. 9.00 OLD MORENO BROWN Full of flavour 9.00 MARCH
      89 words

  • 220 8 Colony Trustees Get $140,000 THE Malayan War Distress Fond, which has been idle in the bank since the end of the war, is now available for distribution in the Federation of Malaya and Singapore. The Colony has obtained $140,000 as Its share of the fund which was
    220 words
  • 188 8 CROP HAS A BIG FUTURE MANILA, Monday. BY using modern methods of cultivation, ramie will become the most valuable crop in the East, according to an American technician. Ramie, or China grass, Is already an important crop In South-East Asia but technical difficulties have prevented large scale expansion of cultivation.
    188 words
  • 284 8 Muslim Notes From Our Muslim Correspondent ABOUT two hundred Muslims were present at the Hari Raya reception held by the AllMalaya Muslim Missionary Society at Its premises at Lorong 12, Geylang Road, on Sunday. In the absence of the president (Mr. S. L O. Alsagoflf) In
    284 words
  • Article, Illustration
    73 8 A train load of 45 tons of powdered milk appropriated by the United Nations International Children's Emergency Pond for the relief of refugee children In Nanking has arrived In the capital. The allocation will be distort- bated to 4,500 refafee children. Mbs Evelyn Anderses, acting on behalf of the U.N
    73 words
  • 293 8 Johore Weekly Letter /CARRIERS' licences tor Jo\j hore rubber estates which transport their rubber t y road to Singapore are not to be reduced by the Colony. Estates In South Johorv need two haulage permits, oirt for Singapore and the other for the Federation. Bach licence cost* $10 though before
    293 words
  • 157 8 Singapore Trade Mark Litigation BATA Shot Company, of Singapore wert /esterday Klven an interim order by Mr. Justice Thorogood In the Singapore 3upreme Court restraining the Zllm Shoe Co.. from using the word "Bata" on their products sold in the market in Singapore. Penan* and Malacca. The order Is applicable
    157 words
  • 38 8 Haw Teng Ho, a 35-year-old Teochew who appeared before the Third Police Court Magistrate, Singapore, on charzes of membership of a secret society and evtortion was ordered to be remanded In police custody for 24 hours.
    38 words
  • 29 8 A Chinese was taken to the Singapore General Hospital by ambulance after he was knocked down by a motorcycle at Tanjong Katong Road at 11 a.m. yesterday.
    29 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 179 8 "j ~"^^g| w*^-* jrC<|^^ \\l Owners of Carrier Room Air Conditioners throughout* the world know that they feel better, work with keener interest and accomplish more m cool, comfortable, cjuict surroundings. With ait conditioning, doors and windows may be dosed, shutting out the din of outside noises. No constant interruptions
      179 words
    • 181 8 1 c IPs right for Jill And brother Bill A^ Ifs right for Daddy too: Ik yf\ If Wrights is right j^Cl) for all of us RL 7/ must be right {(__JWJk §5 forEV^ $*M i I I IDIAL FOR TOILET AND NURSERY flfe^ Made m V i^ England S^J
      181 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 579 8 Today's deal comes from a cor- stopper Instead of two. Now, when respondent who wishes discussion be led the heart seven to the ace of a certain point of play. and tried the diamond finesse, it South, dealer. held, but he could not drop the Neither side roinwaMi. diamond king,
      579 words

  • 850 9  - BEAUTY IN A SINGAPORE KITCHEN JULIE PRITCHARD By THE old house amah 1 sighed, as we walked into our second Singapore entrance hall. "Aiah, Mem. This is a very big house. Plenty of work." We had to step carefully, too, because the ageing woman was scrubbing the tiles and although
    850 words
  • 1136 9  -  NURSE BRIDGET MOTHERCRAFT IN MALAYA By Nurse Bridget la qualified m the care of babies and young children. If you have any problems and need I help, write to Norse Bridget c/o Straits Times, Cecil Street, Singapore. I Please rive a pseudonym under
    1,136 words
  • 174 9 THE audited accounts of Spare Time and Talent Enterprises, Kuala Lumpur, just published, show that on June 30, a total of $8,955 stood to the credit of the organisation. This was after remittances for food parcels to a total of $7,514 had been made and running expenses
    174 words
  • 339 9 WHEN we went to licence the pistol last week the clerk m the office asked us if it wer° loaded. We replied no, not at that moment, and right m the middl of the tow-n. I have always wished knew a few more Asian pro verbs
    339 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 89 9 Every day the convalescent is getting h t^' Met MALTi iE f^^ at little stronger. Every day she fe«ls she LTBcVTT^Fi^I is responding. The appetite is improving. EMnTV^TTITfII She looks forward to the regular 3-times-a- A \*o*fz^^£^£Sr\ I Mi '"*o with viTSlgp \W day glass of Nestomalt. No coaxing \\W
      89 words
    • 166 9 Cool, attractive, fragrant f mA B^si The choice of those fA who know the best j|g?>,^ With its unchanging quality and, fine fragrance, Atkinsons Eau do E Cologne adds to the enjoyment of E yourself and others. It charms and ifiu j refreshes wherever it is used. —~d ATKINSONS COLD
      166 words

  • 1591 10 OUR LONDON LETTER WARNS: LONDON, July, 27. A LONDON newspaper cartoon a couple of days ago pictured a British mother comforting her weeping and terrified infant. "Nothing to be frightened of, darling/ says she, it's only the sun." Well, there you have the real
    1,591 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 10 Colonel Robert MsCormick, the millionaire American newspaper owner, steps out from his own converted Hying Fortress, to start a holiday m Britain.— P.A.-ReuW picture.
    24 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 10 franc d s nr Fi^t d in n .in 0 d Mr al £V Urt f" Q»e«e for the* o^ia «i s*ri* 8 francs. First m line. Mr. W O R.,rne. brought alon* his portable radio— Pix photo.
    38 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 247 10 1 OPENING TO-DAY 11 AJL, 1.45. 4.15, 6.45 AND 9.3* PJM. She is Srreaminrlr Funny and Oh, so Young! I Ilk Illlflt llkawfl f*n\ -^^^r* 1 V tUL VIM fIBT MSi fIRBIS W^tV* IMiuiWA iHKSHUK SSMimDMI m You enjojed "DEAK KUTH", so you'll Love and Laugh at this 'teen Aged
      247 words
    • 292 10 CL/fwCI-Lf Of JvCj L3/XY m V.^si Sbs^bf slaw w saw 7 m m m LAST FIVE SHOWINGS at 11 »m., S p.m., 4.15, 6.30 and 9.15 C-A-P-I-T-O-L COLUMBIA'S TECHNICOLOR STORY OF 18th CENTURY SCOTLAND THE SWORDSMAN" with LARRY PARKS DONT MISS THIS TRULY GRAND FILM Rsp mjV Air-Cor.d!tioned— Phone 4042
      292 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 316 10 m^^^gg tgy**--. ■■MSB! him B^BBsBm^L^L '^d JSi f V y V* f I Ji P W W» If (T| T »T. s •AOIO MALAYA SPORE) "JO. »<«:•;« "MfcfKew.; Utder Kclt.1 b, Baa RfiggjHMlBHSB 10 00 Ballet- 10 SO Dance Music Nee l Orchestra; 10.16 Agricultural 11*00 Cloee RADIO AUSTRALIA Bullet
      316 words

  • Commericial And Shipping News
    • 784 11 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Monday. rpHERE was very little interest In the Malayan A share market today, though Industrials were m the main slightly steadier. van 8harebrokeri' Association today w«ro: INDUSTRIAL! B«7« Atlaa Ice 14.00 1B.0O Alex Brlok CM. IW l.if Pref. IN 141
      784 words
    • 300 11 I IS air freight section of the Baltic Shipping Exchange j I has been formed In Lond on. I All interested are recommended by the Colonial Office to contact the secretary of the Air Freight Advisory Committee, Baltic Exchange, St. Mary Axe, London, 8.C. 3, where
      300 words
    • 218 11 SHIPS m port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns In brackets) were: Main Wharf: Sllverbriar (31— 32). Calchas (33—34), Aeneas (36—37), Glenearn (38—30) Vasna (40 il). Pundua (42—43). West Wharf: Tung Song (3), Kutsang (4 6), Alcinous (6—7), St. Crolx (8—0), Olenartney (10 —11). Eastern
      218 words
    • 102 11 ADVANCE Information of the world's rubber position is given by the Bobber Study Group Secretariat. Fall detaib are promised later. Figures published now, m long tons, are: NATURAL RUBBER June Jan/ Jun Pnodoctlo-i 136.M6 72 1 ,500 Consumption US*** 667,500 J Stocks end period: Change since Jan.
      102 words
    • 128 11 rE Singapore rubber market was fairly quiet yesterday m the absence of news from either London or New York. Business passed at prices a fraction above last Thursday's close. I Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 sheet f.o.b. buyers 481 cents sellers 46f cents; spot loose buyers 48|
      128 words
    • 68 11 JM. SABBOON Ac Company, Singapore members of the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association, have started publication of a monthly market report. Named The Kernel, and published for private circulation, the report gives the company's monthly commentary on share. price and market trends with relation 1 to world political and economic
      68 words
    • 40 11 From A Market Correspondent TTYPICALLY Mondaylih condi1 tlona ruled yesterday on most Singapore produce market sections. A little activity was recorded m ■Mo flour but trading was limited m the absence of arrivals. There were no price changes.
      40 words
    • 21 11 PAHANQ Consolidated Company r In July treated 8,860 tons and produced 93 tons of tin con- oentrate^ i
      21 words
    • 144 11 A4.800-TON motorshlp, the Dara, has been handed over to the British India Steam Navigation Company by the builders (Barclay, Curie Company). Bhe is the third of her type to be built since the war for the India Pakistan Persian Gulf service. Her sister thins, the Dumra
      144 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1256 11 MANSFIELD tfc CO., LTD. (7neor*oT_«'(* m Singoi>orty BLOB FUNNEL LINE •TRAITS STEAMSHIP CO. SAILINCS FROM U.K. b U.S.A. LTD. "A« from U.K C. 36 EAST COAST MALAYA lel uf> J. rom V.' X Vessel for Malacca Aug. 1C •Nanking Victory" due from "Seraa»pang" *> r 8>n n M__-_-S. V'V»'-»_,««_ *«g.
      1,256 words
    • 212 11 PRESIDENT LINES Canarai Passangar Agam to. Northwest AirlinM. SAILINGS TO NlW rORK AND BOSTON j IN A Et JVPT b M EDITERRANEAN PORTS. "itiitnt Filtntore arr S'pcra ug 14 i P S'ham 11 f Monroa S'pora AyJ. 24 PananT T 24 1 S0 IAILINCS TO iAN FRANCI JW «r,0 ,.<)»
      212 words
    • 243 11 EAST ASIATIC UNE SAILINC. -||L|iHr $AILIN gAI, 0 D, C N 0 A N V T ,A NIHT/ Loadlnc at Singapore. Port Swettanhun "St. Crolx- tor Bangkok Cdns. 8/9 and Penang. _,_>.. m*. "Ploiila" due abt. Aug. 1 4 M 0 1 of Jt?T i 1 Madra*. Colombo. Aden. rion|
      243 words
    • 975 11 MoALISTER 6c CO.. LTD. (Incorporated In Singapore) BLLERMAN 4. BUCKMALL KLAVENESS LIMB •^tin, M «r V^ vi N N.rth Mtantte A tin I%S ToTtV'' Port* Canada via Colombo American Port*. CITY OF CLASCOW ROSIVILLI Spore P. S"ham Penang Spore P. Sham Penang i 9 Aug. 25 Aug. 28 Aug. <n.
      975 words

  • 593 12 U.S. WEIGHTLIFTER SETS UP RECORD Australian Wins Sculls Title LONDON, Monday. J N. de Pietro of the United States, the smallest man entered in the weightlif ting series, today set up an Olympic record in the bantamweight class. Only 4 ft 8 in., tall, he lifted 231 lb. In an
    593 words
  • Article, Illustration
    51 12 OLYMPIC VICTORY MM 111 are warn by America's Lore* B. Cochran (left) and Hairfcon Dillard who won tfce 4M metres heordlM and the ltt- metre da* respectively. Coehian act ap a new Otrassfe record of 51 1 sees. DBU4 equalled the existing record ef 10 J sees.— Olympic ffcats ftwitlaffcm
    51 words
  • 58 12 TODAY SOCfKR: S.A.F.A. Div. I: Malays v. O.H.Q. Signals, Jalan Besar Stadium; Dtv. II: 223 BOD v. Base Group R E., Alexandra; Malaya v. Kota Raja Oeytang Stadium; Div. Ill: M-lays v. Halkowyu S.C., McNair Rd; Postal A Teloroms v. Naval Store*. C.T.M.A. ground. (All i>an wta start
    58 words
  • 74 12 L LONDON, Monday.— China debated Switzerland at bayfeaball by 42 points to 34 In the third championship group of the Olympic Games today. The better-trained Chinese side outclassed the Swiss, although they did not extend themselves «hd played a slow game. China will meet Britain tomorrow
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 64 12 LONDON. Monday. The Olympic Jury of Appeal postponed action today on the American protest against disqualification tn the 400 mevres relay until official moving pictures of the race are available. Castleton Knight, producer of the Olympic film, m quoted by the British Press Association as
    64 words
  • 61 12 LONDON. Monday Following the deluge of rain over the weekend, the wicket prepared for the final cricket Test match between England and Australia, starting at the Oval, London, on Saturday noxt. was today waterlogged. About a score of groundsmen, matched by one of the Test selectors, wore
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 37 12 LONDON, Monday O D Peiris of Ceylon is among the long jump representatives for the British Empire in their athletics match against the United States at the White City Stadium on Thursday, Aug. 12. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 70 12 LONDON, Monoay. Sir Arthur Elrin, chief of the Wembley sports arenas, has presented £3,760 to the International Amateur Swimming; Federation to aid the training of swimmers for the Olympic Games at Helsinki m 1952. The sum was raised by the intercontinental swimming and diving contests at the
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 12 MRS. FANNY BLANKERB— KOEN of Holland (extreme right) winning the women's 1M metres sprint frosn D. G. Manley of Britain (No (S9l) S. B. Strickland (No. 668) of Australia was third. Mis B lankerfe-Koen's time was 11. t secs^-Otympie Games Pbet« Asm. picture.
    43 words
  • 403 12 MANCHESTER, Mon. T'HE Australians, conx tinuing their first innings from Saturday's total of 272 for seven, were all out today for 321 runs. Lancashire replied with only 130 (lan Johnson three for 5, LlndwaH three for 32). At the eteee of play Australia had scored tl
    403 words
  • 85 12 London, Monday A medical examination of Freddie Mills, English holder of the world lightheavyweight title, this morning showed that his f'Vif* was not j as serious as waa first thought, i He was to be examined again i later today, and this may decide whether he will
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 330 12 MALAYAN TURF TOPICS From EPSOM JEEP IPOH, Monday. rpBE possibility of a* "invasion" of the Malayan A Turf by Australian-owned racehorses In future yean was foreseen by aa Aaotraltan visitor who was m Penang on Gold Cop day. He said: "The Singa- pore Gold Cup,
    330 words
  • 142 12 TANGLIN CLUB TENNIS Result* of yesterday's ties m the Tanfdin Club tennis tournament were: R. Macartney beat, af. F. Tumer-Cooka ft— 7, c— 2B. C. Fay beat J. L. Whitmore 4— c a. a. The tics between Miss L. Masaey and Mrs. H. Levies v. the Misses Still, and A.
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  • 56 12 Tn a fast and thrfliimj game of soccer, teams from the Calchas and the Mentor drew one-all on the Outram School ground yesterday. The Calrhai opened the scoring through the right-half, Blanc. Five minutes after the resumption for the second half the s.s. Mentor equalised through
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  • 117 12 »f»HE Johore English OoDage Chess 1 Club beat the Anglo-Chinese School (Singapore's steonyt school team) by 194 pointa to 6% Results (College players mentioned first) Charne Urn beat Ghee Chin Tfcßf Body Lhn beat Jerry Goh; Stephen Lav drew with Taa Keng Khmn; Tons Tin Foo drew
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  • 289 12 TNVTTATIONS to take part m the 1948 Singapore swimming championships to be held m October at the Singapore Swimming Club will be sent to swimming asso- ciations in the Federation. Tbis was decided at the committee meeting of the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association held at the
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  • 567 12 By The SPOBTS EDITOR ITHE decision of the Singapore Chinese Football Association that all matters pertaining to Chinese football in the Colony of Singapore should and must come under its jurisdiction, control and sponsorship has aroused considerable comment in local soccer circles. The decision was
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  • 223 12 FklSPLAYING superio- rlty in most departments of the game, R JLF. Seletar did well to beat the Indian Association by 3—2 in an S.A.F.A. first division league game played at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. In their first round encounter, RAF. Seletar drew oneall with the Indian Association.
    223 words
  • 33 12 In a friendly soccer match at Tanglin yesterday, O. H. Q. FARBLP defeated tbe Joilnads by M. Scorers for trta winners were Mitchell <S) and Bignsh. Salahudin scored for the JoU!lads.
    33 words
  • 127 12 rpHE Police held the Pulau X Bukom Sports Club to a one-all draw In an S.A.F.A. second division league match played at Qeylang Stadium yesterday. The game was fast and thrilling but it was marred by rough •MSB*. Bukom opened accounts towards the end of the
    127 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 12 Miss Karen Ilarup of Dennark after her victory in the women's 190 metres back-stroke final at the CHympM swimming competition. She set up a new Olympic record. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 23 12 LONDON Monday— The International Amateur Athletic Federation today provisionally accepted into membership Singapore, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, Algeria and British Qulana.— AJP.
    23 words
  • 41 12 The 34th annual athletic sports at the Anglo-Chinese School. Singapore, will be held en Satu-riay August 14. at Jalan Besar Stadium The programme consists of 34 event*. Mr*. Tan Chin Tuan has c3a« •en-ed to give away the prizes.
    41 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 326 12 WANTED TO PURCHASE WANTED two D.C. Generators, preferably marine type, 85 to 100 KW. 120/240 volts, 417 Amps Reply Box No. A3676, B.T. WANTED to purchase 2 houses m good residential district, preferably new. Requires occupation end October, IMS. Replies to Box No. A3C7I. ST. TUITION BE A qualified beauty
      326 words
    • 110 12 l^saw"? SONKT, >jSr .^SSSSfe >, -^sy?» r -*^k •'■■IK CHUM CHONG S3. SOUTH B*lO€t MO, S/*Vst*MF PHO*E 2s6f M DUNLOP I I TRUCK AWP BUS TYRES j Extra Experience Qg j^Mj MAKES THEM EXTRA TOU6H \L B USf W4tch the Dunlop Truck snd Bus Tyres stand up to working conditions.
      110 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous