The Straits Times, 7 August 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 378 1 "Talks May Lay Peace Foundation WASHINGTON, Friday. DRESIDENT Truman today expressed th« hope 1 that talks m Moscow between Marshal Stalin and the envoys of the United States, Britain and France would lay the foundation for peace. His statement, made at a press conference here, was the
    Reuter; AP  -  378 words
  • 55 1 BERLIN, Friday. AN American plane flying to Berlin has involuntarily bombarded a city m the Russian zone of Germany with flour. The plane, tarrying flour to the blockaded capital, developed engine trouble over the Soviet zone and to lighten its cargo the crew Jettisoned several bags
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  • 258 1 THE Governor of Hong Kong (Sir Alexander Grantham), accompanied by Lady Grantham, arrived in Singapore yesterday afternoon by air. He is to attend the Governors' conference which is o take place at Buklt Serene, the residence of the Commis-sioner-General (Mr. Malcolmn MacDonald) during the next few days.
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  • 149 1 Soviet Zone Police Warn Berliners BERLIN, Friday. THHE Soviet-sponsored x Police Chief. Paul Markgraf, this afternoon issued a proclamation warning Berliners who co-operated with the Western-sponsored police, headed by Dr. Johannes Stumm, that they would still be m Berlin after the Western powers had gone. "The instigators of the Plan
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  • 52 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. "I ET us endeavour to exerelse our strength and power for our self defence, the defence of our kampongs and homes, and the safe defence of our homeland," said the Sultan of Selangor this evening In a broadcast on the eve of Harl
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  • 39 1 Mr. J. Angus. Chlsf Engineer of the Singapore Fire Brigade. Is shortly leaving for the U.K. on leave. Next month, Mr. A. Platt, who has been horn 3 on leave, will return to Singapore.
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  • 27 1 WASHINGTON, Friday. Congress yesterday approved a U5565,000,000 lnterest-fxee loan to the United Nations to build a headquarters m New York City.— AJ>.
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  • 191 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. BIG planting groups m j the Federation have 1 begun to employ Europeans to take charge of the protection of estates In the more dangerous and isolated areas. Two Australians, tormer members of the Singapore Harbour Board Police, left Kuala
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  • 58 1 SHANGHAI, Fri. F)URTEEN persons were indicted by a special criminal tribunal yesterday on charges ol illegally remitting considerable sums of money to Hong Kong. Only five have been arrested and placed under detention; the remainder are reported to have fled to Hong Kong. The accused are described
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  • 78 1 LOS ANGELES, Friday. KATHLEEN WINDSOR. author of "Forever Amber," suinff for divorce from bandleader Artie Shaw, today said he bragged about the wayi«» treated his first five wives. She said he boasted of throwing Lana Turner down a flight of stairs and said it improved their marriage
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  • 76 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. An announcement on the successor to the post of Commissioner of Police, Federation of Malaya, will be made m the next few days, it was officially stated today. The statement denies a report In a newspaper here today that Mr. J. D. Dalley, head
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  • 133 1 GENEVA, Friday. THE United Nations Economic and Social Council yesterday condemned all legal measures against mixed marriages. The Council.- Committee un Human Rights approved a Canadian compromise between conflicting Chilean and j Soviet proposals. Since the committee has the same membership as the council, later approval of
    AP  -  133 words
  • 228 1 OTTAWA, Friday. jl/TR. MacKenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada for over 21 years a record for an Empire country announced today his retirement as Liberal Party leader. He added that he would resign the Premiership "before the next session of Parliament." The Canadian Parliament will normally
    Reuter; UP  -  228 words
  • 31 1 ADELAIDE, Fri. pi'ILDINGS swayed here today when a heavy earth tremor, described ai the worst felt In Adelaide sine* 1902, shook the city for two minutes. KeuterA.A.P,
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 132 1 "SPEEDY VICTORY IS VITAL" rrom our sian correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. A SPEEDY clean-up of the present state of lawless- < ness by obtaining and making full use of adequate military i forces Is vital If production m Malaya Is not to suffer a considerable set-back. Mr. D. T. Waring,
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  • 135 1 A T the request of the British Liaison Officer m Tokio, the Americans have arrested a Japanese major general and a sergeant-major who were recently the subject of discussion m the House of Commons They are Major-General Eiichl Olnoshita, and Sgt.Major Bunzo Yoshida, who are charged with
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  • 376 1 BOUCHER SAYS 'FIRST PHASE MAY END SOON From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. IV/fAJ. Gen. C. H. Boucher, General Officer Commanding, Malaya District, said yesterday that he hoped to end the first phase of the anti-terrorist campaign by October. He disclosed that the Army was dividing the campaign into
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  • 68 1 HONO KONG. Friday It was reported here today that over 100 Reds were killed or wounded m a day-long running battle with Nationalists In South Kwangtung. only 20 miles north of the Sino-Bri-tish border. Two regiments, consisting ot one regular and one peace preservation corps,
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  • 57 1 BECAUSE of heavy showers m Penang during the past two days, it is doubtful whether there will be any racing again today. More rain fell m Penang yesterday afternoon. The Stewards will decide this morning whether to hold today's race Programme. Racing was abandoned yesterday owing
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 49 1 tf/ JrH *°*tf£l fM \jS%-i\ _PHONt33O* COLEMAN ST. SEACON LTD. Civil Engineers Contractors HOUSES Well-built, Medium sized. Permanent House with Modern Sanitation, Garage, from $20,000 ESTATES Factories, R. C Bridges, Quarters, Godowns, Smoke Houses, etc. fi-id Office: 4 5 MEYER CHAMBERS. Raffles Placr P.O. Box sbti Singapore Telephone 290".
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    • 7 1 Hari Raya Puasa today— see page seven.
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    • 92 1 7 6 J/xi KPimnott Jr~\^y m f There is an an m giving. An an I \ih,l XIJ m knowing just what your friends will Irfhkl appreciate most. R|!^\\ !Jb When you carry a tin of De Luxe f T Tfro Virginia you arc Id that happy position of I
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 140 2 /GOVERNOR Alfred Driscoll of New Jersey yesterday refused to return Negro John Colier to what his attorney said would be a "living death." Colier escaped from a South Carolina chain gang 11 years ago. He had served nine months of a 19-month sentence for
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    • 43 2 NEW YORK, Fri. The Coast Guard reports picking up two seats believed to belong to the French seaplane missing with 52 aboard. It says a cutter has been ordered to investigate a report that a plane sighted wreckage nearby. A.P.
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    • 34 2 NEW YORK, Fri. Merle Nichols, Kalamazoo butcher, decided to do something about headaches caused by the price of meat. With «ach purchase he now gives tne customer one aspirin tablet free.— UP.
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    • 28 2 THE HAGUE, Frl.— The King of Slam has arrived m Holland on a seven day Incognito tour. The King wants to study Dutch waterworks. Reuter.
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    • 26 2 WASHINGTON, Frl.— Thirty more Superfortresses will leave today for England. The Air Force sayg the planes are on routine trainIng.— A .P
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    • 43 2 NEW DELHI, Fri.— ViceAdmiral W. E. Parry has been appointed Commander-tn-Chlef of the Royal Indian Navy. The new C.-in-C, has been Director of Naval Intelligence at the Admiralty since 1946. He Is due to arrive In Bom- > bay tomorrow. A.P.
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    • 61 2 HOLLYWOOD, Fri.—Pamela Kellino, wife of James Mason, last night said she and her husband were appalled by the conduct of New York film fans and autograph hunters. "They're terrible", she •aid; "they have no appreciation of good films. "They laughed at The Treasure of the
      AP  -  61 words
    • 39 2 NEW YORK, Fri.— Six were killed at Miami, Florida, last night when a navy Dakota collided with a small private training plane. The two men In the trainer baled out and saved themselves.— Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 700 2 NOTICES IN THE MATTER OF PICKARD COMPANY LIMITED. (In Voluntary Liquidation) At an Extraordinary General Meting of the above-named Company duly convened and held at 61 Robinson Road, Singapore, on 30th July. 1948, the following Special Resolution was dulv passed: "That PICKARD COMPANY LIMITED be wound up voluntarily and that
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    • 223 2 NOTICES MAKING OF UNIFORMS Tenders are Invited for the making of uniform clothing. Pull particulars may bt obtained on WRITTEN application to The Victualling Store Officer, H.M Dockyard, Setetar. ""estates' of Yeo Yong '"'new also »Pel' M Yeo Yong Chlew alias Yeo Klat Tlow, Yeo Soo Choon, Pang Shau Wing,
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    • 666 2 NOTICES BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD (SPORE) ORDER OF THE DIRECTOR OF DISPOSALS. FAR EASTERN AREA (M.0.5.) The following tenders have been circulated to Registered Contractors during the past week: SINGAPORE AREA: Tender 478. C 1 o a i n g date 9/8/48. Motor Cycle St Vehicle Spares: Thermometers Fahrenheit: Photographic
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    • 409 2 AUCTION SALE OF 3,219 pieces coated aluminium roofing sheets, 520 pieces cast iron pans of various sizes, 500 pieces asbestos cement sheets, 14 pieces masonlte tempered hardboard, a quantity of iron spikes, wire nails and ropes, aluminium kettles, 10 cases "Dulcet" giacose clear 'mints. 740 tins assorted "Peek, Frean" biscuits,
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    • 349 2 TENDERS Tenders will be received at the office of the Principal. College of Medicine, Singapore, Sepoy Lines up to noon of 15th August, 1948. for the supply of foodstuffs and fuel for Students m (1) Tan Toe* Seng Hostel, (2) Women Students' Hostel (No. 2 Woodstock Drive), (3) Federated Malay
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    • 123 2 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 8 10 H.P. CARS 8 H.P. jfMi l£ i mm Bf m JB K^BHl PREFECT c*Q HRft io h.p. ANOUA 8 H.P. PREFECT 10 H. P. Today's ANC L I A It Traditional features of Britain's most famous Ford cars lasting reliacar of its class out- bility, high
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  • 214 3 Indians Attack Stronghold NEW DELHI, Friday. INDIAN Army units went into action to-day m 1 an attack on the Razakar (militant Muslim) stronghold at the village of Yelsangi, m Hyderabad State territory. They relieved the Indian enclave of Hadalgi, south-east of Sholapur, besieged for four days by
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 3 CANDIDATES WRESTLE: Mr. Henry Wallace (right), American Third Party Presidential candidate, had a boat of "Indian wrestling" with Mr. Sidney Stolberff, New Jersey Independent ProtTeeeiTe candidate for the House of Representative*, at a New Jer»«y picnic rally.— AT. picture.
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  • 152 3 RANGOON, Fri. BURMESE Communists were reported to have looted and destroyed 50,000 tons of rice at Basseln, one ol the country'* biggest ports. British women and children are being evacuated to Rangoon, 90 miles away. It is feared that Burma may be unable to fulfil
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 83 3 WASHINGTON. Fri. THE Economic Co-operation Administration said yesterday that it anticipated no differences with Great Britain over trade with Russia. Referring to the European Recovery Programme agreement providing that Britain should not export important war goods to Eastern Europe, a spokesman said: "I do not think
    AP  -  83 words
  • 49 3 HONG KONG, Frl.— Fifty 100-ton locomotives, part of Australia's contribution to UNRRA, are due to begin arriving m China this month. They have been assigned by the Ministry of Communications to the Canton-Hankow railway, and will be unloaded at either Hong Kong or Shanghai.— U.P,
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  • 75 3 Uranium To Russia WASHINGTON, Fri. THE United States shipped 1,300 lbs. of uranium compounds to Russia "at the very height of atomic research In 1943," a Congressman said yesterday. Uranium is a basic material for atom bombs. The allegation was made by Representative John McDowell to his colleagues on the
    AP  -  75 words
  • 55 3 LONDON, FrL THE Royal Family left last night for Balmoral Castle in Scotland where they will be on holiday until Sept. 11. The King and Queen and Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret travelled in the 12-coach Boyal train. They had three dot with them two CorgU
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  • 184 3 HIROSHIMA, Friday. FFTY thousand citizens of Hiroshima, attending a peace meeting on the third anniversary of the dropping ot the atom bomb, heard greetings from Gen. Mac Arthur and an impromptu lecture from the British Commonwealth Occupation Commander (LI Gen. H. C.
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  • 181 3 LAKE SUCCESS, Friday. THE Government of Israel has refused to take back any of the 300,000 Arab refugees and the Palestine mediator (Count Folke Bernadotte) has appealed to the Security Council for action. Count Bexnadotte declared "I am of the firm view that
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  • 109 3 NANKING, Fri. WATER conservancy spokesman here yesterday warned that the Yellow River had smashed through its dykes at Kaotsun m West Shantung and that flood- waters may be racing over part of west Shantung, east Honan and north Kiangsu. Because of military operations m the
    AP  -  109 words
  • 183 3 THE HAGUE, Friday. A FIVE-MAN delegation representing the heads of all Indonesian states, except the Indonesian Republic, talked yesterday with the Dutch Premier (Dr. Louis Beel) and three other members of the Cabinet. An authoritative source said they discussed a plan for an early interim
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  • 234 3 GENERALS MEET IN WAR LULL The Week in China SHANGHAI, Fri. CHINA'S civil war fighting almost ceased this week. At no time since the abortive Slno-American peace mission collapsed more than a year ago has there been less fighting. The Communists show no signs of preparing an offensive, but even
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  • 61 3 LONDON. Frl. British manufacturers shipped 20.200 motor vehicles overseas m June, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders announced yesterday. Almost 6,600 were commercial units. In the first half of the year motor vehicles, including agricultural tractors, worth £68,000,000 were delivered to overseas buyers. About
    AP  -  61 words
  • 43 3 BUENOS AIRES, Frl.—Argentina is likely to suggest a conference on Antarctic problems to the United Nations General Assembly at Paris. This counters the British proposal to take the matter before the International Court of Justice at The Hague.— U.P,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 306 3 GENERAL MOTORS DIESEL through its vast manufacturing facilities and consequent ability to supply dlesel engine units In a very short time has contributed greatly towards the rehabilitation of Malayan Industry and transport. MALAYA'S contribution to the Empire's hard currency resources is of tremendous Importance to th« economy of the entire
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    • 154 3 A brick of Magnolia lets is ready to serve m "tvw-ups" luscious creamy -smooth and so very good for you! Ask for a brick at any of the three Creameries Milk Bars $1.50 is the cost enough for 6 to 8 ptopl«! Slng*por«i Niom 5429 fr 5420 K.L. Phone *****
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  • 120 4 A ngry U.N. Delegates Deny Russian Charges LAKE SUCCESS. Fri. rtNE of the stormiest *J sessions of the United Nations Trusteeship Council has rejected a Soviet charge that the council Is an instrument of United States policy. Delegates voted to strike this and other "offensive" statements out of a minority
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  • 126 4 Trengganu Chinese For States THE first Trengganu A Chinese to go abroad for higher studies is Mr. Tham Keng Hong. Mr. Tham will leave Singapore today by the Clyde L. Seavoy for lowa, United States, where he will attend Cornell College for a course In medicine. Tham, aged 22, is
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  • 30 4 LONDON. FrL Under a food parcels scheme begun by the United Kingdom Pensions Office staff m Canada, most gifts will go to the Ministry's war orphans.— Reuter
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  • 115 4 WASHINGTON, Friday, i APPEAL by the Philippines j for 21,000 tons more rice this year received a sympathetic hearing from the International Emergency Food Council Rice Committee but no rice. Committee sources say that the Council is helpless "unless additional amounts from supplying nations become available,
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  • 267 4 T EADING Singapore Chinese and European busily ness men will become directors of the new Singapore affiliate of Asian Airlines Pty. of Sydney, which is expected to be formed in Singapore next week. Mr. C. H. Campbell, managing director of the Company, told the Straits
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  • 73 4 40, 7 70 LEFT SERVICES ..ONDON Fri. SERVICE releases during June this year numbered 40,770. and the total men and wemen released and discharged from the Forces and auxiliary and nursing services from June 18, 1945 to the end of June 1948 was 5,309.590. It was announced last nieht. The
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  • 339 4 Two Art Shows In Colony OVERS of English as well as Chinese art saw some really fine paintings m two art exhibitions which opened yesterday one at Robinson and Co., by the Italian graduated artist Mr. Chen Shou Soo, and the other by the wellknown Chinese artist Mr. C. Fu
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 4 THREE U.S. WARSHIPS Tole do, Hlgbee, and Chevalier arrived at Sinf apor e yesterda y. The commander, RearAdmiral Roscoe F. Good, (left) is seen with Captain W. B. Ammon of the Toledo, and Lieut. -Commander Lee Smith, U.S. liaison officer. Story m facing page. Straits Times picture.
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  • 390 4 Tomorrow's services m Singapore churches are as follows: CHURCH OF ENGLAND: at. Andrew's Cathedral 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 10.30 a.m. 11.15 a.m., 6.30 p.m. St. Georges Garrison Church, Tanglln, (open to civilians) 7.18 a.m., 9 a.m., 9.45 a.m. 6.30 p.m.; Christ Church (Dorset Road) 7 a.m..
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 188 4 A. W. A. RADIOLA ISANOSPREAD b Volt V.hnto. Battery Model 1004 V Wave Band* R. F. Stage. Operates 2 weeks on on* r i lrgi of Bitter* SOCKS NOW AVAILABLI U rlt fIHESI TRONIC XADIO PRODUCED tiP TERMS AVAILABLE Wnt. to 7 llluslratea .^cuilci, ma Detail* y Ap 1 1
      188 words
    • 178 4 Extra Experience MEANS EXTRA MILEAGE 11^ Bu* Tyns to reduce running eosf* ?H I 1 |"^B Kfl^M construction of tvery Dunlop tyrt VVV lj^l world's longest lyre" fwinufstturinj g^ history. '^ifi kJS9^ DUNLOP i TRUCK AND BUS WRES|g^ TMI BUNIOP CU*K« caiM»L*Y«L-ITD_ SINSAKJtI: NST^ KUALA LUMPUR PENAN4 EZ 6 Good
      178 words
    • 281 4 Just right/ Just right m style because so enormous an out-put can employ S*^' factories* /^3Sr jS ofli THREE STEPS TO THE CITY OF HAPW3ISS Bl^^ Shown m coloured film j£ How can a person t:*ke these three steps? nm The Bible alone holds the key. Hear Evangelist H. W.
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  • 440 5 To Make Stage Her Career From Our Woman Correspondent VfISS Margaret Gimson, 24-year-old actress m daughter of the Governor of Singapore, will leave m the Canton for England this month to try her luck on the London stage. After completing her course at the Royal Academy of
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  • 132 5 TODAY Art Exhibition. Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Hfll Street, 9am to 5 p.m. Singapore Harbour Board Workers' Union, general meeting of mandores. 18, Pattani Street, 9.30 a.m. V.M.C.A., Orchard Road, chess club, Johore English College vs Singapore Chess Club, > pjn. Sure and Stedfast Club, social and dance,
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  • 287 5 New UMNO Executive Streamlined Malay Newt From Oar Malay Correspondent THE Executive Committee of the United Malays National Organisation has been shorn of much of its elaborate set-up by a decision which came Into effect on Aug. 1. From that date five of the 12 departments of the organisation ceased
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  • 255 5 CEVEN hundred and fifty Americans from the three U.S. warships Toledo, Higbee and Chevalier, now anchored m the Singapore Roads, came ashore yesterday feeling thirsty. They had their last beer at Tsingtao six days ago. The first parties of officers and men to be given
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  • 325 5 ANTI-M.I.C. CRUSADE —MENON COLLOWINCr Mr. R. Juma- bhoy's recent criticism of the Malayan Indian Congress, a statement has been issued by Mr. K. R. Menon, the general secretary of the Singapore Regional Indian Congress. It states: "Mr. R. Jumabhoy, president Ol the Indian Chamber of Commerce, seems to be engaged
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  • 60 5 SUNGEI PATANI, Frl. During the absence on leave of the Kedah 3ur>erintendent of Education (Mr E. S. TiddemanT. the principal of the Sultan Abdul Hamld College (Mr. D. H. Christie) will act as Superintendent of Education m Kedah and Perils. Mr. Tiddemar was entertained by
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  • 204 5 U/HEN Chang Ho Loh, a re- sident of Pulau Tekong Besar. went fishing In one of the kampong pondt last week, he was attacked by an eight-foot crocodile. After biting Chang's thigh and struggling with the hardy Chinese fisherman, the crocodile suddenly released him and swam
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  • 139 5 THE extension of Dunearn Road, construction of a service road parallel to this extension, the establishment of an ambulance service and the erection of labourers' lines are among the major plans of the Singapore Rural Board for next year. In the estimates of revenue and
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  • 64 5 JESSELTON. Fri.— A new Papar River railway bridge, built by an officer and two NCOS of the Royal Engineers with the aid of tribesmen, has been opened. The old bridge, vital link m Borneo's only railway, was destroyed by Allied bombers. It was first replaced by
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  • 75 5 STEPS are being taken In Singapore to give the Chinese community the biggest and most modern swimming pool that the Chinese have had m Malaya. The Singapore Chinese Swimming Club has launched a drive for funds for a $250,000 50- metre pool to be sited on
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 255 5 GM. SERIES 71' flSfll! DIESELS 1 power I l'he Power Units that give MORE power m LESS space for LESS weight ftnd at LESS cost. Industrial Diesel Engines— 3s-138 B.HP. single units Delivery, 2-3 months. o Marine Diesel Engines with Finger Tip nydraulic control reverse and reduction gear— ss-200 B.H.P.
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    • 198 5 More people than ever are saying MADE IN ENGIAN Q^^^^ SOON HIN6 CO. 339, KALLANG ROAD SINGAPORE PHONE 2509 Mechanical Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders, Black Smiths, Boiler Makers, Manufacturers of Rubber Processing Machinery, Shipwrights and Ships' Engineers. LET US QUOTE YOU. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. M *siiif£| to RefrigeratOFS
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  • 348 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat., Aug. 7, 1948. RADIO NEWS One big improvement which could be made m Radio Malaya programmes would be to give us the world news straight from London. There is a full 1 news bulletin of the 8.8.C. at 8.30 p.m. local time which could be
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  • 293 6 Following publication of our leading article addressed to .Comrade Liew yesterday, further information on the question of back pay for members of the M.P.A.J.A. has been given to the Straits Times. Among M.P.A.J.A. documents seized during the past six weeks have been forms and correspondence concerning applications
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  • 243 6 A striking comment on the Legislative Council of the Federation, which has an unofficial membership of more than sixty, was made by the Commissioner-General m his broadcast on Tuesday. Referring to the last meeting of the Council, at which Mr. Mac Donald was present, and at which he
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  • 202 6 On the lighter side, the high-light of the week's news has been the news-agency report from London that Lord Killearn's head boy has resigned and is coming back to Singapore because he finds Chllham Castle too big and there is too much work. The head boy should have
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  • 1930 6 A Malayan Countryman's Diary OUNDAY morning. •J August 1. A wood famine m the dusun kitchen ha» been narrowly diverted. The cook set to and cut up some knobbly hardwood logs. On the estate was found the kepala's old father, armed with an axe and a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 831 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. j j i i j j i j j The engagement is announced between Capt. Edward (BUI) Johnson, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Johnson of Chipstead, Surrey; and Diana Pamela Morriss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. O. Morriss of Kuala Lumpur and London.
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    • 90 6 Do You Have Afternoon Headaches? Many men and women wonder why they quickly tire at work while others enjoy the vigour of early morning all day long and do not become fagged out. This annoying brain fag is often due to poor eyes Faulty eyesight unbalances the entire nervous system.
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    • 38 6 }TJfi ,'AMQUS HOUSSHOiD R£M£Dy* ffl*^ DPTICIRN FalloW Institute Ophthhalmic Opticians (Eng). Fellow Worshipful Co. of Spectacle- Makers (Eng) Freeman of the City of London By Appointment to H.M Forces. South East Asia. 6 Raffles Place Singapore Phone *****
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  • 542 7 HARI RAYA PUASA— DAY, OF JOY Millions Are Celebrating MILLIONS of Muslims m Malaya will to-day celebrate one of their greatest festivals Hari Raya Puasa, which ends the 30 days fast of the month of Ramadan. It is the most Joyous day m the Muslim calendar and its celebration will
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  • 114 7 IHE Singapore Motor Fishing Vessels Owners' Union are to ask the Secretary for Economic Affairs to make arrangements with the Siamese authorities for the early report to Singapore of any arrests of fishermen m Siamese waters. This would enable ships to be released early if there
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  • 74 7 LONDON, Fri. ACCORDING to advance in- formation given by the Secretariat of the Rubber Study Group, the world's rubber position m June is as follows: (all m long tons). NATURAL RUBBER Production. 135.000. Consumption, 115,U00. Total stocks at the end of June 850.000 comprising 215.000 m producing
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  • 46 7 "Is Christlandom Christian?" vlll be the subject of an addiess by Mr. D. W. Farmer at a public lecture meeting arranged by the Watchtower Bible Tract Society at the Toong Chal School 8, Fowlie Road Katong, at 5 p.m. on Sunday August 8. Admission Is free.
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 7 PEERESS M.P. Viscountess Davidson, only woman Conservative M.P. returned at the last general election m Britain, with her daughter, the Hon. Jean Davidson. They left Singapore for Australia yesterday after being the guests of Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, the CommissionerGeneral. Straits Times picture.
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  • 507 7 COLONIES PLAN DETAILS T'HE Colonial DevelopA ment Corporation announces that the instrument through which it will supervise its activities m the various groups of Colonial territories will be regional boards of directors, including persons with special local knowledge and experience. The Corporation is now arranging to establish five such regional
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  • 127 7 An Indian author and Journalist, who has travelled eight times round the world and written as many books, is now passing through Singapore as the only passenger on board the American President Lines' freighter, the President Buchanan. He is Mr Chaman Lai, on his way back
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  • 181 7 Dato Onn Sends His Greeting DESPITE the troubled times, the Malays In the Federation Rave managed to uphold law and authority, maintaining friendly relations with all people of peace and goodwill, said the Mentri Besar of Johore. Dato Onn bin Ja'afar. m a special Harl Raya message last night. "To
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  • 17 7 Seventy-two Muslim pilgrims left Singapore yesterday by the Blue Funnel ship Atreus for Jeddah
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  • 991 7 From Our Staff Correspondent Xl •IT is one of the primar to safeguard its digni Public Prosecutor, (Mr. E. when pleading before Mr Wilkinson for a writ of Straits Times Press Ltd. f< His Lordship ordered the respondents to appear on Aug. 16 for alleged contempt
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 7 U.S. NAVAL VISIT: American ratings put up an awning on the heavy cruder U.S.S. Toledo on arrival at Singapore yesterday from Tsinjtao.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 130 7 "TRADE unionism does not end m the attainment of an increment m salary," says a leading article m the latest issue of A.C.S.U. Gong, official organ of the Army Civil Service Union of Singapore. It continues that the ultimate object of trade unionism is the moulding
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  • Malayan Round-up
    • 55 7 From Our Staff Correspondent TT n SEREMBAN, Friday HE Town Board has put three weighing machines m the Central Market for the public to check on purchases. i Notices m four languages direct customers to the machines. They are sealed against interference. An Inspector
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    • 52 7 SJUNGEI PATANI, Fri.— As a go-between for Chinese business men and the Kedah Government, a third Kedah Chinese Chamber of Commerce Is being formed m south Kedah. The inaugural meeting has been convened m the Rubber Exchange, Kullm. for Sunday afternoon. State Councillor Mr. Soon Cheng Sun
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    • 47 7 IfAJANG, Fri.— Mr. E. H. n Bromley headmaster of Kajanj? High School has been appointed actin? Science Supervisor for Singapore schools and headmaster of Victoria School. Mr. G. W. L Clark of Sultan Abdul Hamid College Alor Star, will be Kajang High School's new principal.
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    • 42 7 T A I P IN G, Fri. Police found the body of a 40-year-old man m Tupai Lane. The dead man was identified as a labourer of Windsor Estate. He was last seen coming out of a toddy shop.
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    • 30 7 V UANTAN, Fri.— The first rain for three WMka helped the Fire Brigade put out a hie blukar fire at the back of the Methodist Girls' School.
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    • 77 7 A schoolboy and two other youths were involved m three accidents yesterday and were all admitted to hospital. The first accident Involved a jeep, driven by a Gurkha, and a young Chinese cyclist fa Bukit Timah Koad yesteraay morning. The other two accidents, occurred in Seng Poh Road,
      77 words
  • 96 7 THE seventh '.mer-ochool art exhibition will be held from September 13 to 18 at the British Council Hah <u!d St. Andrews school) Singapore. It will probaolv be shown afterwu'ds at one of the amusement Darks Students may enter pictures m any medium n either Eastern or Western
    96 words
  • 83 7 The Army has asked for tenders for the supply and operation of 12 taxis to act cv» staff cars attached to Singapore District. Fort Canning. The Yellow Top cabs tne General Transport Company already maintain a ,taff car service for GHQ. FAREU"The additional 12 laxis asked
    83 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 58 7 a long life. ONLY A FIRM WITH A LONG UFE' OF ;biST|NCTIVE EXPERIENCE I N THE MANUFACTURE OF QUALITY FURNITURE CAN GUAR ANTEE A tONO UF€ Of SATISFACTION *****948 FOR FURNITURE i QUALITY STRING INSTRUMENTS. Contra-bass, from $800 Electric guitars $225 Spanish Guitars 65. Violin Outfits 85. Mandolines, from 40.
      58 words

  • 1089 8  - Theatre Club and some hard cash? "FEMINA IN THE FEDERAL CAPITAL By TN a town where people are always bewailing and (lamenting the fact that "culture" is at a low ebb the onus for any form of entertainment, other than the occasional recital by a passing celebrity falls naturally not
    1,089 words
  • 291 8 FROM A MARKET NOTEBOOK HPHE extra half -katl of A Egyptian "bonus" rice issue has had a very reassuring effect on the rice market, states Radio Malaya m its weekly broadcast on Singapore food prices. With the official announcement of this temporary increase, prices of free
    291 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 8 S'xtren-year-old ManMW Harris, student at a secretarial college of SnodUnd, Kent, has caught the Olympic Games spirit. Mirror picture.
    19 words
  • 175 8 IN YOUR GARDEN IN dry areas many subjects may be grown m pots which will not flourish m the open ground. In areas of heavy rainfall pot culture is not recommended owing to the Impossibility of regulating the amount of moisture. Ordinary garden soil Is rarely suitable
    175 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 282 8 Why Wisdom is made this Shape (and only this shape) rvriSDOM'S cnnkea Handle like every other detail of it* shspt is scientifically designed to make oorreci teeth deaninj e»sy Fo» WjSf^^FW example, the correct way to deaa I|Rflf outside uppet back teeth ii »howo 0 the left To give comforubk
      282 words
    • 227 8 m Hi From his first feed of COW GATE Baby shows pleasure and contentment he loves it! And the Mother too watches with delight the regular and natural growth of strong firm bone and sound healthy flesh. Yes. he'll be ready to take his place just now m what we
      227 words

  • Straits Times SATURDAY FORUM
    • 688 9 The MNP Ideology: Merdeka At A High Price WOULD like to refer the Secretary-General of the Malay Nationalist Party to your statement m the Straits Tares of July 19, regarding the variety of elements obtaining m the party. Apart from the existence of an element of extreme nationalism, you said,
      688 words
    • 228 9 An Old-Timer Looks Back I FIND so much that is provocative of thought and memory m the Straits Times that on this occasion, anyway, I am compelled to write my reactions to one part of your issue of Aug. 4. Mr. J. A. Thivy on "the New
      228 words
    • 241 9 •THE Straits Times re- ported recently that Professor E. H. O. Dobby made the following state ment at a dinner m Penang: We at the College are uneasy about the value of the School Certificate. I, myself, am appalled by the thought that the bulk of
      241 words
    • 25 9 Letters signed with a oom-dt plume are not published unless the writer's name and address are communicated to the Editor as guarantee Of good faith.
      25 words
    • 178 9 •THERE appeared m your 1 paper recently a rei por* of Dr. E. H. Oi Dooby'g speech mate at the annual reunion dinner 1 of Raffles College graduates m Penang. While I agree with Professor Dobby that a university will do much to stabilise Malayan,
      178 words
    • 12 9 The Manaaseh Meyer Science School at Raffles College, Singapore.
      12 words
    • 344 9 THE official report on the recent disturbances m the Gold Coast appear to hu>e weired considerably less publicity m the local press than m London, where headlines appeared m most newspapers and editorial comment m some. Who will deny that the findings m this report
      344 words
    • 128 9 ONE gels the impii ~<:on from reading Ihe official announcement »>n the ban on the sale <»f firearms by pi i vale ne^y. that mcliv dual owneis are to blame f«r the excessively high cost of weapons these days. NJ dOUbt i W '.Mi:, TUpIOUS owners are
      128 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      153 words
    • 142 9 mil 111 1 fyf i w' mm A -m^- mm*- §~< *~t ~t jST A HlL^^Qfim Wwt^^wlFT^ m.JLO^m^m A jjg\ fm V^J^^^l P^k^^hE^^h The new STANDARD (2 Litre) VANGUARD it designed to provide at a moderate price, the best m modern car performance and appearance. Its 2 Litre engine assures
      142 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 564 9 W«st saved riis side a tidy number or poinU in today's deal by mailing the declarer believa what was not true North, dealer Both sides vu 'ifrabl*. NORTH K 8 4 Jin A K Q J f t 9 WEST EAST 10 8 8 5 ?S* 8 S V Q
      564 words

    • 724 10 yHE Government of the Federation of Malaya will have to raise a loan A before the end of 1948 and the rate of interest will have to be 3$ per cent, to attract any considerable support, m the opinion
      724 words
    • 347 10 LONDON, Friday. AS dealers yesterday awaited the outcome of the Berlin talks, once again there was very little trade on the London Stock Exchange, says Heater's financial correspondent. Prices m all sections, however, held quietly steady and with occasional firmness. Rubbers were unchanged to lower. Tins declined. following
      347 words
    • 34 10 From A Market Correspondent pOCONUT oil prices eased yesterv day to $71.50 m the absence of interest. Copra, however, remained firm. Other Singapore produce market sections were quiet and unchanged.
      34 words
    • 170 10 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Frl. rZ Oriental Telephone and Electric Company Is doubling the final dividend on ite £570,199 Ordinary capital. It will pay 12 per cent. ThU, with the Interim dividend, makes a total of 16 per cent for 1947 against II for the previous
      170 words
    • 235 10 From Oar Own Correspondent LONDON, Friday. nt'BBER output and consumption figure* for the first 1X half-year, prepared by the Rubber Study Group, show that to the end of June production and use or natural rubber have outstripped the Group's tentative estimates compiled at Washington m April.
      235 words
    • 189 10 SHIPS in part alongside the Singapore Harbojur Board wharves yesterday (godowna In bracket*) were: Main Wharf: ChrUter 8al«n (31-33), Catenas (33-34). Aeneus (38-87), Olenearn (38-39), Trevose (42-43). Wm( Wharf: Giam Battlsta 1-3), Katong (3). Trevethoe (4-8), Olenartnay (10-11). Relau (14), iACcaahlrt (15-16). Empire Dock: Astynaz (17-18), Molenkerk
      189 words
    • 58 10 TAKUAPA Valley Tin Dredging announce the following July results: No. 1 dredge 462 hours worked 65,000 cubic yards covered, 260 piculs of ore won. No. 2 dredge 637 hours, 160,000 cubic yards, 386 piculs. The estimated value of the total output of both dredges wai $95,500.
      58 words
    • 133 10 From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. PVE tin companies of the Anglo-Oriental group bold their annual meetings yesterday in Kuala Lumpur. The chairman (Mr. D. T. Waring) male these comments, among others. Rawang Tin Fields: Expenditure on restoration, to d a t £133,808. Raw am Concessions:
      133 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1305 10 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. Uncor*>orat*d m Sinfafiorty BLUB FUNNEL LINE STRAITS STEAMSHIP GO. SAILINCS FROM U.K. VSJk "" due from U.K. C 36 SVaTW. "Alcinous" due from U.K. Aug. 7 iAST COAST MALAYA "Nanking Victory" due from Vessel for Malacca Aug. 9 U S.A Aug. "Serampang" for P. Sham, 'Mciion
      1,305 words
    • 208 10 PRESIDENT LINES Ceneral Passenger *gent to. Northwest Airlines SAILINCS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON »ia INDIA. ECYPT M EDITERRANEAN PORTS. Pres.dent Buchanan i Preslient Fillmore arr Spore Aug. 14 arr. Spore Cdn. 25-26 P. Sham 22 Penang Aug. I Penang 24 SAILINCS TO SAN FRANCI SCO AND LOS ANCELES. THENCE
      208 words
    • 202 10 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/UK./ SAILINCS TO CONTINENT/ CONTINENT. SCANDINAVIA. Loading at Singapore. Port Swettenham 'ft. Cri," for Bangkok -A abt. A^. 14 Due ant. Aug. s fof Mddras Colombo. Aden, Port Said. Port Said, m.s. "Mongolia" for Manila, Cenoa, Antwerp, RotterHong Kong. Shanghai dam. Hamburg, Oslo, CoKobe
      202 words
    • 886 10 MOAUSTER <k CO.. LTD. (Incorporated m Singapore) CLLSRMAM BOCSMAIA KLAVENCBS LIMS MAVftf t, London PACIFIC PORTS f&HSsr 1 tea sr > CIIT Of CUUCOW .MIVILII S'pora P. Sham Penang Spore P Sham °c 'lne. 19 Aag. 25 Aug. 28 Aug. 9 Aug. 13 Aug. 14 Aug. 24 Aug. 27 Aug.
      886 words

    • 463 11 WEATHER permitting, a number of cricket matches will be played in Singapore this week-end. Teams selected are given below. The SCO. XI aga:nst the R.A.F., Seletar, tomorrow at 11 a.m. on the Padang, will be: R. 8. Tufnell, H. V. Thome, W. K. Jagger, B. A. Barnett, R.
      463 words
    • 88 11 AT a special general meet- ing of the members of the old KPppel Golf Club held at Raeburn House, Raeburn Park, on Thursday, it was unanimously decided to make available to the Singapore Harbour Board the proceeds of the Club's War Damage claim, if any as
      88 words
    • 42 11 RAUB, Friday.— The inability of the Europeans to raise a team has caused the cancellation of the annual Europeans v The Rest cricket fixture for the Gross Shield, scheduled to be played at Kuala Lipls during the Hari Raya holidays.
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    • 47 11 From Our Own Correspondent JOHORB BAHRU, Friday. -The Johore Medical Sports Club will hold a "Selamat Harl Raya" dance under the patronage of the president of the J.M.8.0 the Hon. Dr. C. H. Williams tomorrow at the Johore Civil Services Club starting at 6.30 p.m.
      47 words
    • 34 11 A chess match over ten boards will be played between the Johoro English College Chess Club and a team from the Singapore Chess Club »t the V.M.C.A., Singapore, today at 3 p.m.
      34 words
    • 894 11 Ismail bin Mar jan Hero Of South Team /CONTRARY to expectations, the South put up a grand fight against the North m their second badminton encounter during the August bank holidays. They shared honours with the North m the men's and women's singles and went down only m the doubles,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 372 11 THE HOUSE ATTH A V T L OF COMFORT V-l Jt\ X L± J. 3400 ~~DAILY AT 11 A.M., 1.45, 4.15, 6.45 9.30 P.M. TO-DAY s.iperoiy told story of a man who cheated. Gaumont British News showing KING OPENING OLYMPIC GAMES- PROCESSION OF COMPETITORS: FLAMING TORCH ARRIVES FROM GREECE. Conscience
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 145 11 rp tj 2 RADIO MALAYA (SPOKE) Frequencies: 620 Kc/s, 96 A 7 2 Mc/«. 1 p.m. Radio Orchestra; 1.30 News Share Market; 1.45 Dance Music Duke Ellington; 2.00 Music: 2.30 Voices in Harmocy; 8.00 Gipsy Caravan; 3.30 Andre Kestalanetz Orch.; 4.00 Eileen Joyce Fritz Krelsler; 4.15 Tea; Dance; 5.10 Sports
      145 words
    • 131 11 for Millions; 10.00 Variety Bandbox; 10.10 Request Records; 1..80 News; 10.40 Orchestral; 10.45 Singers of Renown; 11.00 Cotfcerto Half Hour; 11.30 Close. 4 p.m. Sport; 4.30 News; 4.40 Music Lovers Hour; 4.40 Services Concert Hall; 5.30 Radio Reel; 6.15 Topics; 5.20 Boyd Neel Orchestra; 5.30 Radio Reel; 5.54 Master Pianist;
      131 words
    • 127 11 (BBC); 7.45 Dance Music; 8.00 Siamese; 8.30 English: News (BBC); 8.45 Radio Newsifel (BBC); 9.00 Kuoyu (BBC); 9.30 Burmese (BBC); 9.45 English: News Rubber Prices; 10.00 Film Adaptation; 10.30 Eyewitness Account of Olympic Games (BBC) 10.45 Women's Magazine (BBC); 11.00 Bee Radio Malaya; 11.30 See BBC; 11.45 Dance Music; 12.00
      127 words

  • 619 12 Everest Likely To Score Again From EPSOM JEEP PENANG, Friday. THE Penang Gold Cup race to be run tomorrow 1 is a very open affair, no fewer than six horses having strong chances. My choice is Dark Brocade, a small-built dark bay by Camelhair.
    619 words
  • 155 12 LONDON, Friday. CHINA has an excellent chance of entering the final of the basketball tournament of which the draw for the final contests was announced today. Several games have yet to be played m the preceding round, which was run on a group basis, before all four teams
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 154 12 ■EPSOM JEEP" "TRESPASSER" "POINTER" RACE It 1. AIRMAIL t. Precious Stream VIRMAI1. PRECIOUS STREAM Airmail Precious Stream RACE J: 1. EVEREST 2. Chatster EVEREST Fatrwood FAIRWOOD High Street RACE S: 1. DARK BROCADE 2- Dmible Arle» 3. Predominance D.RB DOUBLE ARIES Doable Aries Friar's Last Predominance Dark
    154 words
  • 176 12 BIRMINGHAM, Friday. Warwickshire by nine i I rHK Australians beat wickets today. Warwickshire were all out for 155 in their second innings, their batsmen falling cheaply to Bill Johnston who took four for 32 and McCool who captured four wickets for 58. Llndwall took one wicket
    176 words
  • 59 12 LONDON. Friday.— Result* of county crlck«t matches completed today are At Weston-Super-Mare Sussex beat Somerset by six wickets. Somerset 249 and 145, Sussex 235 and 160 for four (John Langridge 67. C. Oakes 51). At Ebbevale, Glamorgan v». Gloucestershire match abandoned, no play owing to rain. Gloucestershire 148,
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 943 12 DELOW are the acceptances for today's Penang races. The Big Sweep for the third day will be drawn on race five, and that for today on race eight. There will be no Double Tote. Race 1—2.30: Class 1, Div. 2—6 Fun. 11 2 Airmail Oentles 9.00 Mr.
    943 words
  • 215 12 T'HE Rovers Sports Club lost two valuable points when they were defeated by the Chinese Athletic by one-nil m an S.A.F.A. Div. 1 game at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Both teams went all-out from the kick-off. Hee Jong for the C.A. and Yin Kee, the 1
    215 words
  • 1053 12 LONDON, Friday. VI RS. Fanny Blankers-Koen of Holland, became ITI the first triple champion of the 14th. Olympic Games when she won the 200 metres sprint m 24.4 seconds. She won the event five yards ahead of Audrey Williamson of Britain, who clocked 25.1
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  1,053 words
  • 128 12 RESULTS ol yesterday's ties in the Tanglln Club UOBli nhampionships were: Women's handicap (quarterflnaU): Miss L. Massov and Mis. N. Lev i en beat Mrs. C. D. Yarrow and Miss M. Elder, 8 6. 6 2. Men's Go-down doublet: iquar-ter-flnaii I M. W. Biggs and J. L.
    128 words
  • 24 12 Two teams from the U SS. Toledo will give an exhibition baseball match on the vR C. padang at 4.30 p.m. today
    24 words
  • 33 12 TODAY SOCCER: S.A.F.A. Leagur. DiT. I—SBC. t. Tiger S.A.. Jalan Besar, 5.15 p.m.; Div lll—Mi?ntal H*spi*.al FT v B.A.S.C. Training School, Yio Chu Kang Road, 5.15 p.m. TENNIS: Tanglin Club tournament.
    33 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 585 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Coiitinir.'d from page 6) SITUATIONS WANTED ENGLISH S.R.N. requires pa:' -time nursing, mornings only. Monday to Saturday, Katone dtstrirt ureferred. Box A3619, S.T. AKUMMOUATION VACANT ONE SMALL ROOM Wltb full board $200 a month Tel ***** 15. Srotts Rd AVAIL 2 ROOMS with board. KatoiiK district, modern bungalow,
      585 words
    • 172 12 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Laurence Olivier m HAMLET TO-DAY AT 10A.M. Special Press Show (By Invitation ONLY at the A lliam bra Theatre) TUESDAY 17th AUG. at 9.15 P.M SPECIAL GALA PREMIERE AT THE CATHAY CINEMA From WEDNESDAY 18th AUGUST. FOUR SHOWS DAILY at th« CATHAY CINEMA. ADVANCE BOOKINGS from TUES. 10th
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous