The Straits Times, 6 August 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 266 1 Secrecy Clamp Down In All Capitals LONDON, Thursday. A SECOND meeting between Marshal Stalin and the three Western envoys m Moscow is likely within the next few days, observers m the Russian capital forecast last night. The Soviet Foreign Office and the British, French and United
    Reuter; AP  -  266 words
  • 178 1 HEADS OF GOVT. IN COLONY rHE Governor of Hong Kong (Sir Alexander irantham) and Lady Jrantham will arrive m Singapore today by BOAC living Boat. The Acting High CommisUoner lor the Federation of vlalaya (Sir Alec Newboult). he Governor of Sarawak (Sir Carles Arden Clarke) and Officer Administering the Juvernment
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  • 102 1 Motion For Contempt From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. T'HE Deputy Public Prox secutor, (Mr. E. N. Griffith-Jones) announced m the Court of Ap peal at Kuala Lumpur today that the High Court "will be moved as soon as may be possible" for the issue of a writ of
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  • 81 1 SYDNEY, Thursday. pOLICE fearing Com- munist sabotage grounded a Constellation at Sydney Airport tonight as it was about to take off with two cases of small arms ammunition to help fight the terrorists m Malaya. Three tons of cargo were unloaded from the plane which was bound
    AP  -  81 words
  • 28 1 WASHINGTON. Thursday. —President Truman has categorically denied a SovietInspired report that Gen. Lucius Clay, American Military Commander m Germany would be relieved of his post' —U.P
    UP  -  28 words
  • 128 1 From Our Staff Correspondent MALACCA, Thursday. "|T is highly undesirable and astounding that, at a time like this, only Europeans will be considered fit to handle revolvers, Sten guns and handgrenades", declared Mr. Tan Siew Sin m a letter to the secretary of the Malacca
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 1 NAVAL OCCASION: The Commander-in-Chief of the East Indies Fleet (Vice-Admiral C. H. L. Woodhouse) inspecting a naval guard of honour at Clifford Pier yesterday. He arrived m the heavy cruiser, Norfolk, which is to refit at Singapore.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 61 1 LONDON, Thurs. The Communist Party m Malaya is "the strongest and best organised m SouthEast Asia", the Times said m an editorial today. "If it Is defeated after an open trial of strength with the British authorities, all the forces of unrest and disintegration now at
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  • 60 1 Singapore can expect frequent blackouts during the next week. Last night a large area of the town, lnoludlng Tanglin, Newton and the town-centre were without electricity for some time. The cause of the blackouts is the loss of one boiler which is under survey. The boiler is
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  • 197 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. ONE bandit was killed, another was shot and believed drowned when he fell into a pond, three others were wounded and three more were taken prisoner, m a fight yesterday between a military police force and bandits near Kerdau,
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  • 50 1 PASSENGERS boarding 1 up-country trains art now greeted by a fourlanguage notice posted m all coaches. Here is the English version: "Warning, Terrorism. In the event of firing on the lineside passengers are advised to lie on the floor and m no circumstances should they leave the train."
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  • 186 1 THERE is m Singapore today a black and white dog with z kennel to his head and a master to whom he owes his life. Yesterday morning he was a stray, competing with other strays for scans among street ■-^use. Yesterday afternoon he fell into
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 1 SINGAPORE POLICE IN ACTION— but it is for exercise purposes only. A graphic incident m yesterday's "Operation Ready" when a sham attack was made on Singapore s dockland. The "attackers," members of Singapore Police suitably disguised, were beaten off by the "defenders." Story m Page 6.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 269 1 ANOTHER MANAGER KILLED KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. FIVE more persons have been murdered by terrorists m the Federation. Today, the body of Mr. Lan Ogilvle, 56-year-old general manager of Muru Tin Ltd.. Jelapang, about 10 miles north-east of Ipoh, was found riddled with bullets under his car. He -was the second
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  • 88 1 Viscountess Davidson, the only woman Conservative M.P. to be returned at the last General Elections, arrived m Singapore yesterday. Accompanied by her daughter, the Hon. Jean Davidson, she left thU morning by Constellation for Australia. They spent the night as guests of the CommissionerGeneral, Mr. Malcolm
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  • 41 1 TEL AVIV, Thurs. The Israeli Government today officially invited the Arab States to meet them for peace talks. The invitation was made through Count Rernadotte and has been passed to I ake Success \m be placed on record.— A.P,
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  • 246 1 THE Singapore Lighter Workers Union decided at a meeting held on Wednesday night that the 200 union members employed by General Lighterage and Transport Co. will stop work on Sunday if the Union does not receive a satisfactory reply from the company before midnight tomorrow. Notices
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  • 32 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. THE Officer Administering the Government of the Federation, (Sir Alec Newboult) will broadcast from Radio Malaya m the Malay programme at 7.45 p.m. next Wednesday.
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  • 54 1 CANBERRA. Thursday. Mr. Joseph Chifley, Australian Prime Minister, said here today the supply of Australian arms to Malaya would be limited only by the stocks available. Mr. Chifley was commenting on an appeal by Mr. C. W. D. Hall, Malayan Federation Police Commissioner, for 2,000
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 125 1 MELBOURNE, Thurs. WHARF labourers at Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne will stop work tomorrow. They are to discuss action following the arrest and imprisonment of three Brisbane Reds. The three men are Michael Healy, secretary of Brisbane Trades and Labour Council, E. C. Englart, secretary Brisbane branch
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 64 1 UHTtCTUIIK JiWMUS PHMMMtmiTJ it 101 0 f%mm9m tT# 9 A—-- —mOnd Flillllllllllllllilllllllll MUtlnA y a BICKFORD'S REFRESHING *-—~>~~*~-\ INVIGORATING -^o***^^ O THE 1 r*ToO" ,rOLO Une O u *H«d tot its cooling A aLUt v* 1 thirst-quenching qualities. 1.v1 .v VtlT* T 2 TIM UL ATES THE LIVER 1"* iif
      64 words
    • 40 1 \34COL Jjf \^J f J jfatory of Singapore No 5 I I j On August 4rh 1845. the fir.t P& 0 J Ma arrived Singapore Harbour. 1 of Qualify. S your guarantee M ESTABLISHED IN TH£ yE THIRST FAVOURITE To^Tyea!^
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 40 2 SHANGHAI. Thursday.— The Shanghai District Court announces that, to cut municipal expenditure, shortterm prisoners may be released soon. Nanking had notified the High Court that funds for prisoners' food would be cut by 50 per cent.— AP.
      AP  -  40 words
    • 38 2 LONDON, Thurs.— The British Air Ministry is training five rare Icelandic Falcons to keep other birds off British airfields. Flocks of birds near and on airfields have harassed pilots when taking off or landing. —A. P.
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    • 88 2 NEW YORK, Thursday. SPECTATORS thought a plane crash here yesterday was part of a snow. It occurred at the exhibition held to open the International Airport. But two airmen went to hospital with concussion, cracked ribs and cuts. The plane was participating m an
      UP  -  88 words
    • 63 2 SHANGHAI, Thurs.— Three trillion Chinese national dollars m banknotes carried by passengers of a C.A.T.C. plane from Shanghai were seized by the Customs at Amoy, thr Sheng Pao reported yesterday. The carrying of banknotes from one part of China to another Is limited by law to C^.C. $200,000,000
      AP  -  63 words
    • 41 2 TONDON, Thursday. Ninety-six medical students who tpeat the week-end living on tablets at Stockbridge, Hampshire ended their tests today. All w«re pronounced "m excellent shape." Those completely starved for three days were "m perfect condition." Renter.
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 55 2 TOKIO. Thurs. A Chinese ship next month will take back to China 17,000,000 pounds weight of Japanese looted copper and nickel coins Some date back to the 14th century. They will be the first instalment of coins Japan Is to restore to China. The total value m metal
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 735 2 NOTICES HARI RAYA The Muslim members of our itaff have all been uranted {ollday for Harl Raya but our |rpml»es in Singapore wUl remain cpen as usual on Friday and Saturday 6th and 7th lnstante. ROBINSON CO., LTD, NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that Madam Kun Nai Llan Bibby of
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    • 328 2 NOTICES MAKING OF UNIFORMS* Tenders are Invited for the making of uniform clothing Pull particulars may be obtained on WRITTEN application to The Victualling Store Officer, H.M Dockyard. Seletar. NOTICE W. HAMMER CO., LTD. Will our Customers olease note that today 6th August being Ilari Raya Puasa, no water win
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    • 590 2 NOTICES LAUNCH FOR SALE TENDERS will be received at the Office of the Colonial Secretary, Singapore, up to noon 31st August. 1948. for the purchase of Ex-fumigation launch "CROW" at present beached near Master Attendant's T>aunch Depot at Pulo Branl. Further particulars from Master Attendant, Ist Ploor. Fuller ton Building,
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    • 323 2 Last 3 Shows 3, 6.15 Ml p.m. "NORTH WEST MOUNTED POLICE" In Technicolor —Opening To-morrow— ■DESERT FURY" In Technicolor —To-morrow at Mld-nlte— "SOMETHING IN THE WIND" GREAT WORLD GLOBE 1-1.1 l p.m. Opening Chape I—71 7 "DAUGHTER OF DON Q" NEW WORLD UDO I-4uVa Final Chaps. B—lB8 18 "DAUGHTER OF
      323 words
    • 180 2 COTy Lipstic!c Joes mAlce~your lips' appear more beautiful, because it is so created as to be non-drying to your lips... creamy enough to spread on easrly soft enough to Iceep your lips smooth. /And above all it comes to you In Seven adorable fashion-right shades.! W Pillar Box Red BALI.
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  • 299 3 To Round Up Reds On Border From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Thursday. ARMOURED units of the Siamese Army, equipped with tanks, are being rushed to South Siam m anticipation of further infiltration from Malaya of Chinese Communists. This was announced today by the Defence Ministry. In Bangkok
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 3 iIKRLIN CRISIS: Principal private secretary to Mr. Ernest Bevln (Mr. Frank Roberts) who is m Moscow where he interviewed Mr. Molotov. He is seen with the British Military Governor m Germany (Sir Brian Robertson) after o'-cjuslons m London.— "Reuter picture.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 124 3 FLIGHT FROMREDS IN BURMA RANGOON, Thursday. BRITISH wives and children have boarded a steamer at Basseln, 90 miles west of Rangoon, after Communist disturbances m the city. The steamer is standing by to evacuate the British from the city, where the disturbances are reported to be crippling trade. Some reports
    Reuter; AP  -  124 words
  • 76 3 LONDON, xhurs. TWO Soviet republics, ByeloRussla and the Ukraine, want the former Italian colonies of Libya, Eritrea and Somaliland to be returned to Italy. This call to the Bin Four has been made from an official Soviet source. This action put the seal on Mr. Molotov's
    AP  -  76 words
  • 36 3 LONDON, Thursday. THE inquest on the 39 victims of the air disaster near Northolt airport, London, when the High Commissioner of Malaya, Sir Edward Gent, was killed, has been adjourned until September I.—Reuter.
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  • 55 3 LONDON, Thursday.— M. Murgu, press counsellor at the Rumanian Legation, has resigned m protest against the| "gestapo habits of the regime j m Rumania and the Legation m London." He said last night that the Legation staff treated him "like an enemy or a British spy." They
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  • 56 3 SHANGHAI, Thurs. No clues to the cause of the crash have been found as the result of an official investigation of the Civil Air Transport C-41 wreckage at Tsingtao airport. Airline pilots blame either sabotage by Communists or a .sudden shift of the 19 passengers,
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  • 38 3 PARIS, Thurs.— M. Lucien Lelong is closing his Fashion Salon because of ill-health. He will continue, however, as president of his perfumery business. Its products will still be exported throughout the world.
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  • 91 3 PROSPECTS for the re-| sumption of normal trade between Singapore and Sumatra Indonesian ports have brightened since the first barter ship the Hong Thong, sailed j early this week on trial run to Pekan Bahru. Chinese traders are o**v busy making preparations for the resumption of
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  • 129 3 BELGRADE, Thursday. THE United States is demanding that Russia release the River Danube for free navigation by all nations with no qualifications. The American Ambassador here is expected to make this demand m a speech at an 11nation conference on Danube control.
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  • 78 3 LAKE SUCCESS, Thurs. DESPITE Cominform attacks on Marshal Tito, Russia and the Ukraine backed Yugoslavia m a debate here with the West over Trieste. This line-up m the United Nations Security Council gave the first clear-cut indication that party differences had not dented the solid Slav
    AP  -  78 words
  • 92 3 EGYPT LONDON, Thurs. CGYPT has objected to Bri- tain's invitation to the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan to send observers to a conference here of African colonial leaders. Delegates will exchange views and information on politics, agriculture and social conditions. Egypt's Ambassador (Amir Pasha) has told the Foreign Office that his country
    AP  -  92 words
  • 74 3 CAIRO, Thurs. THE French Foreign Office has protested against the Egyptian Government's attempt to exercise war-time control over Suez Canal traffic. It says France refuses to concede that Egypt has a belligerent status because o: the Palestine war to give her the right to visit all ships passing through
    AP  -  74 words
  • 110 3 NO WAR SO BAN ON WAR NEWS SAIGON, Thurs. COREIGN news agents must not make any alterations to French General Staff communiques about Indo-China. No other military news may be sent cut of ♦!■>" country. Thu is not intended as censorship, says a General Staff spokesman, but correspondents contend that
    AP  -  110 words
  • 247 3 SOUTH-EAST Asia Liaison Officers reviewed the food position of their territories at the final session of their twenty first meeting m Singapore yesterday. Except for India, where the food position was described as "still un- j satisfactory" the territories m the area were all reported to
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  • 104 3 8 PLANES ANS WER 2nd SOS PARIS, Thursday. A SECOND SOS message received by a French ship sent hopes rising on Wednesday night for the fate of 52 persons aboard a giant Air France seaplane missing since Sunday on a trans-Atlantic flight. A French frigate intercepted a message that was
    AP  -  104 words
  • 80 3 CHANGHAI, Thursday. J The Bulletin Fruncais reports that jcverul thousand people m rlanoi on Tuesday afternoon saw "a disc alternated shining and dull moving slowly ;»«rcss the sky at erear height." The paper a third that after flying ove» the city foi 30 minutes the disc 'imbed higher and
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 627 3 Secret of flfe^ i Smooth, yj* JZ ciem w<*k Skin \V A soft youthful complexion needs to be well guarded (^2^ m this hot and humid land Protect yotr precious skin jfaiaflK with Hazchnc Snow 1 the established cream of beauty. HlBiM So cool, so relrcihing, so thorough m its
      627 words
    • 205 3 f -/Igain S BRAND'S ESSENCE of CHICKEN "Thetssence of Strength i— BKC 1 _(cyt{_"»OME' BATTERY J%5? CHARGERS Keep oar nattenes tresh and tuliy ctiargeo *y i.T.pie and inexpensive AII-NigM Ghargir? i r—^T 3 ;p A Valuable Investment tot every Car S R^TO^ol -a Owner Prolongs Battery Life B^^H 'vK Ensures
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  • 1208 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri., Aug. 6, 1948. TO COMRADE LIEW The Straits Times has received a long and remarkable letter for publication m the "Man-In-The-Street" columns. It is signed: "Comrade Liew Sze Weng, 4th Regiment, M.P. A.J.A., Johore." However, the letter bears the Singapore postmark, and the writer says:
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  • 20 4 BURNIIAM. Kenneth Assheton Wut. beloved husband of Betty. ki;l:-a by bandits at Bukit Sidim Kulim, Kedah, 4th Aug. 1948.
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  • 38 4 Mr. Sih Kiin Vow and family •ly thank friends and r«b who o kindly snt wreaths, ins and loiters of condoloffcred Masses and attended urr.yer meetings and the funeral Mrs. Sih Kirn Vow BCC Tay Hong Keow.
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  • 1056 4  - FOR STAR-GAZERS IN MALA YA C. COOKE By The Night Sky In August PYGNUS, the Swan, is a fairly well known constellation whose principal stars form what is often known as the "Northern Cross." One end of it is marked by Deneb, the Tail of the Swan. The star at
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  • 211 4 rf would seem that we have m our ranks one of those gentlemen who would weigh the pros and cons before fully throwIng his whole energy into the business of "rooting out" the gangsters who are threatening our law and order. It is preposterous to think that
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    • 404 4 The MIC Platform: Questions By An Old Resident I have noticed recently that certain Chinese authorities deprecate the arrest of innocent Chinese under the Emergency Regulations. The President of the M.I.C. does likewise in an interview with your paper on Aujr. 2. Can there be so many innoceni pen pie
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    • 296 4 CH3R many months now, 1 we the general public of Singapore -have neard a great deal aooui me urgent need for olocd donors and nave Dei-n inundated with poaters, circulars, and a wnule barrage of propaganda. It has been constant!! brought to our noiko that the
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    • 68 4 IT has been slated In the the Press that jnore and better arms are n> eded in the fight ajrain i Communists. Why not supply the troops and police with flamethrowers which were used effectively against the Japs in the Pacific? If we were to employ those against
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 623 4 CLASS! r l t O ADVERTISEMENTS Classified Smalls $1.25 per line Mm Charge $5 Public Notices 110 o«t tingle column inciL Personal Domestic $2.50 ocr line Mm Jharce $10 I) tetten ot •paces oomorw* •or line Adverl»emenU m»J teni pos accompanied by renutUnces Foi Information telephone *d»e» thing Mauaget 6471
      623 words
    • 122 4 RjjxaxL Y^f touly v uiu>n A Him Otim. 1229 Under the Willow Tree -QS Symphony -FT 1231 Brazil -Samba Dengozo Samba 1236 The Mission of the Rose The Panda Walk Jay Wilbur ft his Orch. 1121 Russian Lullaby -Walts 111 always remember -FT Oscar Rabin A hta Orch. 1059 Pedigree
      122 words
    • 154 4 ffl*^ OPTICIRN Fellow Institute Opninnalmic Opticians (Eng). Fellow Worshipful Co. of Spectacle-Makers (Eng) Freeman of the City of London By Appointment to H.M. Forces, South East Asia. 6 RafHes Place Singapore Phone ***** NEW! TOOTAL SHIRTS, white, $I.V, colours 16.50. PYRAMID 'KERCHIEFS. Ladies $7.20: GenU 9.60: 12.00 dot. MEN'S COOL
      154 words

  • 847 5 Emergency Case Appea ID ism issed From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. THE appeal of Tan Seng Ann, Kuala Lumpur postal clerk, against conviction and sentence of death passed on him last week at the Selangor Assizes for possession of a revolver was today
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 5 The mock raid m Singapore's dockland yesterday proved a useful test for Singapore's Police. Above: The "Insurgents" lie m wait. They are all police m disguise. Story m Page 6. —Straits Times picture.
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  • 177 5 r pHE former Royal Naval 1 river gunboat, Aphis, 625 tons, now lying m Singapore Harbour was not sold at a public auction m Singapore yesterday. Bidding did not reach the reserved price of the owners, Chop Guan Huat of Singapore. The highest offer of
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  • 45 5 Two Chinese Tang Wah Bwee of Keons Siak Road and Chan Fook Soon of Upper Hokien Street both aged 22, were committee to stand trial at the next Assizes. They were charged with trying to rob a 20-year-old cabaret girl.
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  • 24 5 Mr. T. Van der Gaast. M.C.S., has been appointed Principal Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs, Singapore, m place of Mr. Nightingale, M.C.S.
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  • 89 5 The Second Police Magistrate, Singapore, yesterday, found Lee Lye Seng guilty of giving false information to the police and sentenced him to three months' rigorous im- prisonment. It was stated that last December Lee went to the Beach Road Police Station and made a report
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  • 25 5 Mr. Ec Peng Liang has been appointed to the Rent Conciliation Board In place of Mr. Lim Yew Hock who has resigned.
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  • 361 5 as. ships HERE TODAY SINGAPORE will be visited today by the 16,500-ton United States cruiser, Toledo, and the destroyers, Higbee and Chevalier. The Americans are on a two-day goodwill visit to the Colony. The United States warships will arrive at the Man o1o 1 War anchorage at 9 a.m. today.
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  • 436 5 From Our Woman Correspondent HPHE Hongkong and Shanghai Bank is making wide x use of women workers. It now employs 84 women compared with only seven before the war. Since the war it has employed for the first time five European women, three of
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  • 202 5 'THE memorial to the late Yen. Archdeacon Graham White, who died m Singapore during internment, will take the form of a parish halldiocesan and parochial offices. library and bookshop— to be erected on the Coleman Street side of the Cathedral compound. Collections for the fund will start
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  • 89 5 fTIIREE Chinese, who sold their sons to raise money 1 to buy forged entry permits and a passage to Singapore, were yesterday at the Singapore First District Court, each sentenced to one year's rigorous imprisonment. Immigration authorities picked up these men together with five
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  • 31 5 A general meeting of Singapore Harbour Board mandores has been called by the Singapore Harbour Board Workers Union. The meeting will be held at 18, Pattanl Street at 9.30 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 128 5 ARREST OF EIGHT B.O.Rs From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs. EIGHT British soldiers have been arrested under the Emergency Regulation/ and are held m police custody pending inquiry. They were arrested m Mersing and Kota Tinggi. In the Supreme Court Johore Bahru before Mr. Justice Laville applications were made
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  • 152 5 THE Commander-in-Chief of the East Indies Fleet (Vice-Admiral C. H. L. Woodhouse) arrived at Singapore yesterday In the 10,000-ton heavy cruiser H.M.S. Norfolk from Trincomalee, Ceylon, on a four-day courtesy visit after which the Norfolk will be re-* fitted at the Naval Base. An inspection by school
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  • 55 5 Tiie victim of a hit and run motorist was picked up m Dunearn Road yesterday afternoon and taken to the Street Accident Ambulance Service by a European employee of the Singapore Municipality. The European noticed the victim, a Chinese, lying beside Dur.earn Road as he
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  • Malayan Round-Up
    • 127 5 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Thursday. A WOMAN who said her husband had left betting slips m her htuse was today fined §300 or three months' gaol. The judge ordered a reward of $120 for the Informer. Tan Kirn Liang was charged with allowing her
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    • 42 5 The body of a Sikh was found m a drain near the Arab Street Police Hut yesterday morning. Police believe that he fell into the drain and drowned. A Labour Department identity card bore the name of Chanan Singh.
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    • 39 5 ELEVEN-YEAR-OLD David Hugh Johnson a very good golfer ar.ived In Singapore yesterday morning by C o nstellation to spend a sixweek school vacation with his parents In 47, Rldout Rd.. David Is attending Denstone College Uttoxeber.
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    • 52 5 rPAIPINO, Thurs.— Colleagues Jlast night gave a dinner party to two King Edward VII School teachers who are leaving soon for Britain. The teachers are Dr. Lim Swee Chin, who has a British Council Scholarship for two years at Bristol University, and Dr. Utam Singh, who has
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    • 28 5 UALA LUMPUR, Thurs.— The Malayan Kilm Unit will shortly present a film on events leading to the outbreaks of violence. This week'a Issue of The
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    • 36 5 KUANTAN, Thursday. The water supply has teen cut off from 8.00 a m. to 600 p.m. daily. Those served by standpipes m the market are allowed only two kerosene tins a person.
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    • 40 5 HARI Raya Puasa .vill not be celebrated today The moon was not visible last night and the celebration was postponed until tomorrow. Today Is. as previously notified, a public holiday and Government offices and banks will be closed.
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    • 47 5 WEDNESDAY'S; 27 arrests under the Emergency Regulations In Singapore were the highest for any one day since the introduction of he new powers on June 23. Of the 27 arrests. 25 were Chinese and two Indians. The total under detention on Wednesday morning was 123.
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    • 62 5 rERE was one motor accident approximately every 75 minutes last month during tbe day and night. Of the total of 596 accidents, 15 were ffttal and persons effered varying degrees of hurt m 132 accidents. Services vehicles were responsible for 29 accidents while services and civilians were involved
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 131 5 jJjL Ambassador Radios r £s2 with ron'inuous Bandspread luning and I J exclusive features, chosen for their X^^W*/ reliability as well as unfailing: performance m the Tropics. MODEL 4756 [I PINI EXAMPLE OF TECHNICAL SKILL AND BRITISH CRAFTSMANSHIP. ORDERS FULFILLED IN ROTATION ANY NEW MODEL OBTAINABLE NOW EITHER FOR CASH
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  • 362 6 Dockland Shami Raid Realism AFULL-scale police manoeuvre, with dummy intelligence reports, hand grenades and machine-gun fire and mock fires m the godowns taught the police many lessons m the emergency defence of Singapore's dockland yesterday. Operation "Ready", as it was called, started yesterday morning at 10.05, when a
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 6 FILIPINO NAVAL CADETS Jesus S. Ruiz, left, and Nemesio E Prudente, right, with Purser L. Herrgott, seen on board the U.S. freighter President Buchanan yesterday. See story m this page.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 136 6 Malayans' Five U.S. Scholarships From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Thursday. riOUR of the five Malayans r who have been awarded scholarships by the Methodist Mission of the United States out of the "Crusades for Christ Fund" will sail for America by the Norman Lykes on Aug. 15. They will study
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  • 119 6 TEXTILES most suitable to the Malayan market will be imported under the proposed quota system for all imports from hard currency sources as from October 1. The Registrar for Imports and Exports (Mr. A. D. Stutchburyj made this statement yesterday. Importers m future may use the
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  • 115 6 TODAY Wesley Methodist Youth Fellowship, picnic at Pasir Ris, transport leaves Wesley Church at 7.30 a.m. Art Exhibition. Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Hill Streft, 9am to 5 p.m. Ceylon Tamil Association, Musical and Literary Programme, 11, Handy Road. 6.30 p.m. Paya Lebar Methodist Youth Fellowship. World Friendship meeting,
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  • 145 6 THE Indian Association, and not the Malayan Indian Congress, is the only body qualified to represent local Indians m social and political matters. This view was expressed Mr. R. Jumabhoy, president of the Singapore Indian Chamber of I Commerce. Mr. Jumabhoy suggested that the recent utterances
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  • 80 6 'TWO oi the 50 naval A cadets sent out by the Philippines Government j to undergo a year's training m U.S. merchant ships are now passing through Singapore m the American President Lines' freighter President Buchanan. The cadets, Jesus S. Ruiz, 21, and Nemesio E. Prudente,
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  • 197 6 REASON for delay m unifying the Malayan medical services is sought by Inche Sardon bin Haji Jubir. Unofficial member for Rural East of the Singapore Legislative Council, he has tabled a question for the next meeting of the Council on August 17. Mr. C. C. Tan
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  • 42 6 Lim Tiet Choo yesterday pleaded guilty m the Second District Court to possession of 100 packets of chandu. The Judge (Mr. J. L. McFall) adjourned the case to Aug. 12 for sentence. Ball of $500 was allowed In two sureties.
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  • 200 6 'Best Reply To False Propaganda' THE effective answer to false propaganda was not punishment but unres ricted facilities to publish the truth, said *hi 1 Government, of India Information Officer m Malaya (Mr. S. Kalelkar) i m a talk to the Singapore Rotary Club yesterday. Mr. Kalelkar gave his im-
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  • 259 6 FkAVID Wolf Ginsberg faced two additional charges yesterday when he appeared m the' Seventh Police Court. The charges were In resi pect of assisting m the disposal of two generating sets valued at £716 and £401 respectively which the accused had reason to believe were stolen property. The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 366 6 SEA, f HARI RAYA PUASA. 7 Hi- 6IAHT HOLIDAY ATTR ACTION IS at the v^t r* *r j .hone :>:.. I U-UAI 11 A.A.. .'1 r.M v AM> !U5 P.M. Cbtor 6y \iuCHi\[CGZJOl^ Preceded t>> a BRAND NEW 3 STOOGES COMEDY. British Movietone News oi»!-:nim; of the Olympic games^
      366 words
    • 312 6 THE HOUSE p A TT A \T Tel. or comfort v^ A A IJ. r\ I .1400 DAILY AT II A.M.. 1.45, 4.15, 6.45 9.30 P.M. OPENING TO-DAY A superbly told story of a man who cheated. Gaumont British News showing KING OPENING OLYMPIC GAMES: PROCESSION OF COMPETITORS: FLAMING TORCH
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 133 6 RADIO MALAYA SPORE] Krrquencirs: 620 Kc 196 A 7 t Mc/a. 1 p.m. Will Lorin Orchestra; 1.30 News; 1.40 Fred Hartley Music; 2 Close 8.15 News; 8.18 Films: 8.S0 Friday Prom: "Rhapsody on a Theme of .'afamnl' by Rachmanioff and Symphony No. 3 ("The Scotch") by Mendelssohn; 9 30 News:
      133 words
    • 154 6 1120 Movie runes: 11.30 Class 4 p.m. Walter Goenr Symphony Orch.: 4.30 News; 4.40 Wurlitzer Organ; 4.40 Services' Concert Hall; 4 50 New Zealand Sports setter; 5 Victor Silvester Orchestra; 5.15 Forces' Requests; 5.15 Talk; 5.30 I As You Like It: 5.40 Economic Review; 6 Baritone Charles Pan.eer»: 6.15 Master
      154 words
    • 140 6 (BBC). 9.30 Burmese BBC). 9.45 English: News Rubber Prices; 10 00 London Mirror (BBC); 10 30 Radio Newsreel (BBC); Poetry (BBC); 11.00 John Galsworthy; 11.30 See BBC; 12.00 Close BBC OVERSEAS Frequencies: 17 81 21.4? Mc/t 5.30 p.m. Special Olspatch; 5 45 Sandy Macpherson Theatre organ; 6.00 Books to read;
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  • Commerical And Shipping News
    • 135 7 From Oar Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Thurs. HPHE Malayan share market was steady today. There was a moderate amount of business at slightly higher levels in Tins, to a lesser extent in Industrials. Rubber shares were neglected. Loans were firm. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association
      135 words
    • 345 7 LONDON, Thursday. iffHILE the. international W situation has receded into the background, a note of caution remains in the London Stock Exchange. The trading volume there remained low yesterday, says Renter's financial correspondent. Rubbers were unchanged. Tins were irregular to higher. Following win me dosing middle price* Of
      345 words
    • 125 7 SURPRISINGLY little busiO ness was transacted yesterday on the Singapore rubber market. It was very dull because of the holidays. dosing prices yesterday were: No. 1 sheet fob. buyers 48% cents, sellers 48% cents per 16. spot loose buyers 48% oente sellers 48Vi cents.. The Singapore Chamber of
      125 words
    • 144 7 LEWIS PEAT: THE WEEK IN RUBBER W ITH one working day last week and two this week to W date there is Uttle on which to comment since > M rtLVs Lewis Peat's weekly rubber market report. of tension in Berlin and the Malayan S«mmen?sSrons action against insurants have caused
      144 words
    • 19 7 CINGAPORE sharebrokers v and the Singapore rubber commodity market will b« closed to business today and tomorrow.
      19 words
    • 13 7 RIVERVIEW Hubber Estates harvested a crop of 209,500 lbs. m July.
      13 words
    • 55 7 From A Market Correspondent THE Singapore pepper market improved yesterday after many days' dull trading. Quotations for both black and white pepper made slight gains. Quiet trading ruled the majority of produce market sections. There were no price changes. The new pepper prices were: Mintok white $209; Sarawak
      55 words
    • 198 7 SHIPS in port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns in brackets) were: Main Wharf: Chrlster Salen (31-32). Caichas i33-34). Glenearn (38-39). Trevose (42-43). West Wharf:: Oiam Battista (1-2), Katong (3), Trevethoe (4-5), Glenartney (10-11). Atreus (1213), Relau (14). Lancashire (1516). Empire Dock: Astynax (17-18)
      198 words
    • 203 7 From Our Own Correspondent. LONDON, Thursday. CIRST Interim allocations of tin for the second half-year leave the impression that the Combined Tin Committee expects hold-ups m shipments through the unrest m Malaya, say* The Times m an August review of industry. The gnreat
      The Times  -  203 words
    • 228 7 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Thursday. ONE advantage of the delays m North Borneo Company arbitration proceedings is that the company has some definitely ascertained figures for the period since the Government took over and certain official estimates for the future, says the president (Sir
      228 words
    • 164 7 A STATEMENT explaining I the status of Bata orga- 1 nisation, together with a copy of the 1947 report of Bata Development Limited, London, has been received by the Straits Times from the Bata Shoe Company, Ltd., Singapore. This statement is as follows: The term "Western"
      164 words
    • 14 7 SUNGEI KinU Tin Dredging produced 477 Diculs of tin-ore In July.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1298 7 MANSFIELD 6c CO., LTD. Uneor*orai e a m S*n*at>or*\ BLUB FUNNEL LIMB STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO. SAILINCS FROM U.K. b USA. Tn "Alcinous' due from U.K. Auc. M Aaa*aa- due from U.K. Ayg. 6 EAST COAST MALAYA •,-, Victory" duo from Vessel for Malacca Aug. 7 USA Aug. 9 "Swtmbin" for
      1,298 words
    • 213 7 PRESIDENT LINES General Passenger Agent to. Northwest Airlines SAILINCS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON via INDIA. ECYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. President Buchanan Prcv lent Fillmore arr Spore ug- 14 arr. Spore Cdn. 25-26 P Sham 22 Penang Aug. 9 Penang 24 SAILINCS TO SAN FRANCI »CJ mND LOS ANCELES. THENCE NEW
      213 words
    • 237 7 EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINCS FROM SCANDINAVIA/U-K./ SAILINCS TO CONTINENT/ CONTINENT. SCANDINAVIA. Loading at Singapore. Port Swettenham M. "St. C,ei." for Bangkok Fionia" abt. Aug. 14 Due abt. Aug. 8 fof Madras Colombo. Aden. Port Said. Port Said, m.s. "Mongolia" for Manila, Genoa, Antwerp, RotterHong Kong, Shanghai dam, Hamburg, Oslo, CoKobe
      237 words
    • 983 7 McALISTER 6c CO.. LTD. (Incorporated m Smgapoie) ELLERMAN BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE HAVHF LONDON PACIFIC PORTS AwpHmZto uTRoSh ,an.c Ac^ P &XL" 1 Ports Canada via Colombo. American forts. CITY OF CLASCOW ROSEVILLS j pore P Sham Penang S' P Sham Penang 16 Aug. 22 Aug. 24 Aug. 8 Aug. 1}
      983 words

  • 496 8 Renoir Best For Class 1 Event From EPSOM JEEP PENANG, Thursday. VICTORY, an easy winner on Monday, looks the best bet on the card at Penang to* morrow, the third day of the August Bank Holiday Meeting. The 6-lb. penalty should not trouble him,
    496 words
  • 1071 8 OELOW are the acceptances for today's Penang races. The Big Sweep will be drawn on race eight. There will be no Doable Tote. Race 1—2.30: Class 4, Div. 4—s} Furs. 220 Alrgale Brosnan 9.04 Mrs. S. O. Ong Mnnning 000 True Liberty Gentles 8.11 Mr. Ho Eng
    1,071 words
  • 119 8 T»HE Amicable Athletic A Association scored another easy win over the G.H.Q. Signals m an S.A.F.A. First Division League match played at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The score was 5—2.5 2. In their first round encounter, the Amlcables defeated the Signals s— Early In the first
    119 words
  • 91 8 ARMY champions, Base Group RE., advanced a step nearer the second division S.A.F.A. league championship when they defeated the Police by 13-nil at Thomson Road yesterday. It was a record score for tbe season. The Police succeeded m stemming most of the attacks by the fast-moving
    91 words
  • 57 8 The Singapore Harbour Board Boys' Club defeated the Singapore Civil Sen-Ice Association 3-1 m an B.A.F.A. League Div m match at McNair Road yesterday. The S.A.F.A. League Div. II fixture between the Rover S.C. and the S.HB. Auxiliary Police at Thomson Road wa3 played as a friendly
    57 words
  • 30 8 IODAY SOCCER: S.A.F.A. Div. I: Rovers S.C. v. C.A. Jalan Besar Stadium, 5.15 p.m. Friendly: Mansfield S.C. v. Shne Darby S.C, Geylang, 5.15 p.m. TENNIS: Tanglin Club championships.
    30 words
  • 351 8 VTTEIGHTS for all eight races tomorrow, the last day of the Penang meeting, are: PENANG GOLD CUP HORSES, CL. I—l.l1 1.1 MILES Some Courtonay 8.07 Class 10.01 Colbay 807 King IoaIMBM Midas 9.02 S 05 Double C rispixn 8 04 Five 900 Silver Dark Spear 8.02 Itrocade
    351 words
  • 187 8 A STRONG combined Colleges side has been selected to tour Malaya this month. It includes M. C. Kailasapathy. who played for the South against the North during the August Bank holidays and is m the running for the coveted double. S. D. Williams and C.
    187 words
  • 34 8 tJnT UU u S te. the Tan 8»n Club's tennis championships which were to have been played off yesterday oVmgWiT evenin« The ties originally scheduled for today will be played tomorrow.
    34 words
  • 152 8 "EPSOM JEEP" "TRESPASSER" "POINTER" RACE 1: 1. TRUE LIBERTY 2. Sir James 3. Rapsey Queen RAPSEY QUEEN Sir James Battl II SIR JAMES True Liberty Spur Wing RACE t: 1. BEAU GESTE I. Caravan 3. Carlita YAMSENG Beau Geste CarUU CARAVAN Bean Gest« Vivacious RACE I: 1.
    152 words
  • 701 8 LONDON, Thursday. OEG Harris, world cycling sprint champion, will xv probably ride for Britain m the Olympic Games after all. I He was reinstated today m the list of cyclists from which the British team will be selected for i events to begin on Satur- day. Harris,
    Reuter  -  701 words
  • 99 8 BIRMINGHAM. Thursday. THE Australians were all out for 254 runs against Warwickshire here today. Hollies taking eight wickets tot 107. Warwickshire Ist Inns.—l3B U STRALIA—Ist Inn*. Brown hit wkt b Hollies 3i Morris b Hollies 33 Bradman b Hollies 31 Husett Ibw b Hollies M Harrey
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 34 8 The Katorrg Eurasians diew two-all with the Singapore District Signals yesterday at Geylnng Stadium m an S.A.F.A. Lmru* Div. II game. J. Prout scored foi the fcuiaslans and Carroll for the Signals.
    34 words
  • 70 8 NEW RECORD FOR ATTENDANCE LONDON. Friday.— The «..rld record for attendance and ash receip's for the Olympics have already been broken m the 1918 Games. Wembley Box Office officials claimed today. A spokesman said: ■•«> have already beaten the previous record of cash receipts of $1,400,000. which were J;ik<n during
    UP  -  70 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 651 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from page 4) SITUATIONS WANTED ENGLISH S.R.N. requires part-time nursing. mornings only. Monday to Saturday. Katong district ureferred. Box A3619, S.T. EXPD. A I Nanny, good testimonials, would like look after 1 or 2 children Free end August. Good Deedk woman. Box A3640, ST. EUROPEAN rubber-planter, three
      651 words
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous