The Straits Times, 5 August 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 288 1 Men Keen To Meet The Insurgents CIX hundred officers and men of the Ist. Batta lion, the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, arrive< m Singapore yesterday by the troopship Lan cashire from Hong Kong, to throw their weigh into the campaign against Malaya's insurgents Referring to the Inniskillings
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  • 168 1 Col. Gray May Lead Police LONDON, Wed. AN informed source said today that the Colonial Office has invited Col. H. N. Gray to become Commissioner of Police m the Malayan Federation. He is understood to have accepted conditionally. The Colonial Secretary (Mr. Arthur Creech Jones) m June ordered Col. Gray
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  • 70 1 MALAYA ORDERS MORE STENS KUALA LUMPUR, Wed.— Malaya has ordered 1,500 Sten guns from England, and the Government is inquiring about the availability of Australian Owen guns. A Government spokesman said today that if Owen guns could be obtained "about 2.000 would be useful." He added that the consignment of
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  • 75 1 PARIS. Wed.— A signal has been picked up from the missing giant French seaplane, the French Press Agency reported from Dakar. The signal had been picked up by the French frigate Leverrier, according to an unconfirmed report m Dakar, the Agency said. News of the message
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  • 56 1 LONDON. Wed. A SALUTE of 62 guns was fired today at the Tower of London m honour of Oueen Elizabeth's 48th birthday. Hundreds of telegrams aid letters of good wishes arrived at Buckingham Pala*. Queen Mary and Jther mi mbers of the Royal Family sent
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  • 144 1 PLANTER KILLED IN HOUSE From Out Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A Chinese m black this afternoon murdered Mr. K. A. W. Burnham, manager of Bukit Sidim Estate m Kulim, Kedah. While Mr. Burnham was lying down and reading his newspaper after lunch, the Chinese entered the house and shot
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  • 70 1 DRIVATE sale of arms In legitimate possession has been forbidden, It was officially announced last night. Owners wishing to sell arms may do so only through licensed dealer^ after consultation with the police. The regulations seek to control the rising price of firearms since the troubles upcountry
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  • 65 1 NANKING. Wed.— American Advisory Group pilots, spraying China's capital with DDT at the request of the Municipal Health Bureau, have received a special briefing on unseen "hazards." Restricted areas are silkworm farms whose owners complained last year that the falling spray killed many of :helr best producers. During the
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  • 29 1 an inaian baby girl has leen notified as a case of in'antile paralysis. This bring the number of ases notified m Singapore ince April up to 120.
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  • 64 1 From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday. FOLLOWING the lecision to speed-up court procedure, 1 the Federation Court of Appeal will sit m Kuala Lumpur to-morrow to hear seven appeals against the death sentence, passed at the Selangor Assizes last week. AD the sentences were for carrying
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  • 195 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wed. THE disclosure by the Commissioner-Gene-ral (Mr. Malcolm MacDonald) m his broadcast yesterday of the Communist plan to proclaim a Soviet Republic on Aug. 3 put Malaya into the main headlines of the London papers at the expense of the Moscow
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  • 63 1 SOUTHAMPTON, Wed.— A two-year-old girl, Beryl Wilson, of Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, fell 30 feet into the sea off Southampton when returning with her parents from Singapore m the steamer Dllwara. Passengers watched her float m calm water as the ship altered her course and had a boat lowered.
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  • 591 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. 'THE strong Gurkha and Malay Regiment force attacking insurgents m South x Kelantan today reached the Chinese settlement of Pulai, an Ar my spokesman told the Straits Times. The troops overcame the block put up yesterday three
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  • 58 1 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Wed. HASKAM bin Haji Khatib, an Asian warder of the Johore Bahru prison was charged before Inche Nasir today with conveying a letter from a prisoner to a person outside the jail. He was allowed ball at $500 pending the
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  • 76 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A POLICE recruiting team flew from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Bhara In an R.A.F. Dakota on Monday the first to go by air. They flew to Alor Star yesterday and conclude the tour with a flight back from Penang to
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  • 213 1 BERLIN HOPES FOR LIFTING OF BLOCKADE BERLIN, Wednesday. rISTERN power negotiations with Generalissimo Stalin are expected here to result m a new Big Four Power Conference and the lifting of the Soviet blockade of Berlin. No official comment was available on the Moscow negotiations m this blockaded city tonight, but
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  • 268 1 From O«r Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. OPECIAL rules under the Emergency Regulations setling out the procedure by which detained persons will be able to appeal against their detention will be published during the next few days. Though advisory committees to hear objections from detained
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  • 136 1 BANGKOK, Wed. T\ESPATCHES reaching here today say an attempt was made about midnight to burn down the market place at Padang Besar, on the Malaya-Siam frontier. The reports say passers-by saw the fire and called the brigade and that one suspect has been arrested. He is
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  • 28 1 VATICAN CITY. Wed.—Enrico Cardinal Slbila. aged 87, oldest member of the College of Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church, died today at Anagnl, his birthplace.— A.P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 38 1 SILVER BRIDAL GIFTS U. S. de SUVA MANUFACTURING JEWELLER lOt ORCHARD ROAD Squab In Aspic A dish that's different New season canned Tasmanian Squab Pigeon -delightfully seasoned m Aspic $1.15 tin Cipilp §Tiufi4i§§ ss ORCHARD P0 A n
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 96 2 WASHINGTON, Wednesday. FAST submarines, faster ships to pursue submarines, carriers to launch bigger planes— 4his is the essence of the American Navy's $500,000,000 building and conversion programme. In between three and six years the Navy plans to build 16 experimental ships, including a
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    • 45 2 BUDAPEST, Wed.—Democratic People's Party and Christian Women's Camp members walked out of the Hungarian Chamber of Deputies yesterday during the election of Mr. Arpad Szakaslts as the new President. They returned only when the Speaker declared Mr. Szakaslts (the only candidate) elected.— A.P.
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    • Article, Illustration
      55 2 PRAGUE. Wed.— The Ciechoslovaklan Foreign Ministry yesterday aald a man accused of trying to kill the Czech Minister of Defence (General Ludvls Svoboda) had ed for his task In the presence of 12 American Gen. S VOBODA officers. The Ministry said so In a note delivered to the American
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    • 39 2 LONDON, Wed. British officials yesterday examined the possible repercussions on Britain's meat position from a reported cut of Argentine shipments. Some newspapers blamed the Government for having over-estimated the reliability and deliveries of supplies from Argentina. UP.
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    • 43 2 MANILA, Wed. Rice rationing for 1,500,000 Manilans starts today to relieve an artificially created shortage. Rice disappeared from market stalls at the week-end In defiance of the National Rice and Corn Administration effort to reduce prices to a Government ceiling. AJ».
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    • 33 2 MANILA, Wed.— The War Crimes Office here says 19 Japanese prisoners, headed by Lieut. Hajime Ainoda, will be arraigned soon on charges of cannibalism. They were captured m the Mindanao mountains.—UP.
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    • 38 2 PARIS, Wed.— Names of the 52 passengers and crew missing aboard an Air France trans-Atlantic flying boat since Sunday were released last night. All whose native countries were known were either South or Central American. AJ\
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      50 2 STOCKHOLM. Wed.— The ccnalrman of Britain's National Coal Board (Lord Hyndley) said yesterday In Sto c k h o 1 m that he expected a substantial Increase In British coal exports during 1949. Britain, he said, was eager to re- Lord Hyndley. fain the lost Scandinavian markets.— AJ.
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    • 47 2 IN HONOUR of the Shah of Persia (above) Marie Antoinette* dock rang the hours m the Palace of Veraaille* on Tuesday. Escorted by his Minister and French high officials, the Shah visited the Gallery of Mirrors, the Coronation Room and the Palace chapel.— A.P.
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    • 39 2 SHANGHAI. Wed.—Economic Co-operation Administration food shipment* to China topped the 58,000-ton mark yesterday. About 9,000 long tons of rle« arrived from Bangkok. Two pther rice shipments totalling 4,100 tons are now en route to Shanghai. Reuter.
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  • 181 2 U.S. PLANS NEW ATLANTIC— PACIFIC LINK WASHINGTON, Wednesday. THE South American state of Colombia today agreed to a U.S. request to survey for a ?iant new canal linking the Atlantic and Pacific. This would run 250 miles south-east of Panama, whose Government recently refused to renew the lease of America's
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  • 41 2 PARIS, Wednesday. ACCLAMATION greeted n Conchita Citron, attractive young matadora from Peru, when she killed two balls from the famous Salamanca Ranch of Don Alipio Perez at Bayonne. She killed one bull from her horse and another unmounted. A.P
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  • 107 2 LONDON, vV.xl THE Daily Mail yesterday quoted the Governor of the Falkland Islands (Mr. Geoffrey Clifford) as saying he was negotiatn? with tbe Colonial Ofacp for a "new deal" foi the islands. The inhabitants want a Royal Commission to go out to investigate their conditions.
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  • 27 2 PEARL HARBOUR, Wed. —The United States Navy said yesterday an epidemic of measles had broken out on Guam; 900 cases had been reported. A.F.
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  • 105 2 WASHINGTON, Wed THE former United States Federal Reserve System chairman Mr. Eccles yesterday complimented Britain. Canada and Australia for their economic control since the end of the war. Testifying before the Rouse Banking Committee, he cited the experience of these countries to prove the United
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    • 640 2 NOTICES KEPPEL GOLF CLUB A special general meeting of the Keppel Golf Club will be held at Raeburn House (Old S.H.B. Club). Raeburn Park, at 6.30 p.m. on Thursday, 6th August 1948, at 6.30 p.m. to authorise the disposal of the club assets. R. E. EARLE, Acting Hon. Secretary. HARI
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    • 626 2 .NOTICES NOTICE The services of Mr. Mobamed Saad bin Shamsudln, alias, 8. Mohamed: Branch Manager, Kuala Lumpur, have been terminated with effect from 16th Jury. 1948, and as from that date he is not authorised to conduct any business on our behalf. REMINGTON RAND INC, Director for Malaya, Singapore. IMPORT
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    • 722 2 NOTICES MAKING OF UNIFORMS Tenders are invited for the making of uniform clothing. Full particulars may be obtained on WRTTCTSN application to The Victualling Store Officer, HJC Dockyard, Seletar. THE DADAO PRESS CO., LTD, All creditors having claims against the above Company are required to give notice thereof In writing
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    • 215 2 SHIPPING NOTICES NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES S.S. LOKSANG is due to arrive In Singapore from Calcutta on the sth Instant, and will discharge cargo m Outer Roads Consignees should apply to Boustead A Co.. Ltd.. Union Building. Singapore, for delivery orders. NEDERLAND LINE ROYAL DUTCH MAIL M.V. "CERAM" due Singapore 12th
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    • 220 2 cZ^t*&by ?zeecc><2w»M fe LMJFCD beauty creams DAKin C ■■"■■■■'MM;!;!'* p ONDii -ulre ftour complexion W^ltj^^^ W famous care To look always lovely, your skin Ji^M sRa needs regular beauty care with two, $f WK different face creams. First —a /^Mk cream of finery blended oils to O cleanse and soften
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  • 208 3 Nizam Blames Mountbatten MADRAS, Wednesday. AN ultimatum to the Nizam of Hyderabad has been "more or less delivered" by the Government of India as a preliminary to military operations, says an official spokesman. Hyderabad's former Minister of Constitutional Affairs (Nawab All Yar Jung Bahadur) has declined the
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  • Article, Illustration
    57 3 SEA FEVER: Dunstable (Bedfordshire) is over 60 miles from the sea, but more than 60 boys and girls there wish to «o to sea. They formed themselves Into Sea Cadets and bought a derelict mill for their "training ?hip> Helded by th« band of the Nauttol ,Trainin| Corps, cadets are
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  • 59 3 HONG KONG, Wed. THE Hong Kong Govern1 ment yesterday cancelled the new ceiling rates for hotels and boarding houses put into effect on Monday. The Government announced that sontrolled charges would be held m abeyance pending a committee investigation. Protests by owners appeared to have swayed the
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  • 147 3 ALEXANDRIA, Wed. THE United Nations mediator, 1 (Count Folke Bernadotte) arrived by plane from Jafusalem yesterday He said he would begin talks today with *he Premier of Egypt (Nokrashi Pasha) and the secretary-general of the Arab League (Assam Pasha.) He would visit Cairo, he said,
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  • 101 3 TOKIO, Wed. THE secretary general of the Japanese Communiot Party (Mr. Kyichi Tokuda) returned here today. He received a controlled but exuberant welcome from about 10,000 of his disciples. Tokuda was wounded m the left arm, neck and left leg recently m an unsuccessful attempt to
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  • 60 3 NEW YORK Wed.-Ameri-can Admiralty laws were invoked yesterday to arrest two men accused of fighting over a bottle of rum during a plane flight from Puerto Rico to New York. The pilot claimed that one of the two men had bitten him on the
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  • 86 3 LONDON, Wed. THE Government is urgently considering how best British officers can be repatriated from the Indian and Pakistan armies now ranged against each other m Kashmir. British officers are not thought to be taking any active part m the fighting, but the clear suggestion Is that
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  • 136 3 ATHENS, Wednesday. THE Greek Army, using British-made 18-ton tanks, stormed and captured the Ammogda heights on the eastern front. The general staff announced this last night. Ammogda, lying between Nestorion and the Albanian frontier, withstood army attacks for six weeks. Fanatic guerilla resistance at Ammogda
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 3 MRS. JOSEFINA GUERRERO, 30-year-old Filipino war heroine, as she arrived hi the U.S. for leprosy treatment. A.P. picture.
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  • 78 3 LONDON, Wednesday. THIEF topic of conversation, even commoner than the t heat wave, is the cigarette famine. Strange brands of cigarettes with a strange taste are appearing m the shops. The only thing usual about them is the price, an average of 3s. 6d. for 20. Import
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  • 128 3 WASHINGTON, Wednesday. TWO U.S. Government officials belonged to the "Red underground" from 1924 to 1937, said the senior editor of Time magazine (Mr. Whittaker Chambers) today. I Mr Chambers, a former Communist, told the House of Representatives Un-American Activities Committee that one of the officials,
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  • 66 3 WASHINGTON, Wed. pEPUBLICAN leaders agreed last night to start a limited anti-infla-tion bill m the U.S. Conj?ress today. The agreement was announced by Republican leaders following a two-hour meeting. The proposed bill will seek to re-establish some control. The Senate Banking Committee will be asked to
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  • 184 3 LONDON, Wed. i AFRICAN distrust and sus- plcion of the European is poisoning life m the Gold Coast, according to the report of the official commission enquiring into disturbances there m February "d March. In the disorders, which broke out In different uarts of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 196 3 fSole Agents: ANGLO-FRENCH TRADING CO, LTD. 3 D« Souza St.. S'por.. Tel: 3923 fr 3924 and at Malacca-K. Lumpur- Ipoh-P«nang rESSLEYn with the famous TRUBENIZED collar that stays MORNING FRESH now available m 3 collar styles. choice of iP? w A siyles h £S3LE,Y'S usual /|OS<F) sup£fMN£ sanfforae^ fabric 1
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    • 242 3 IS IN STORE B WHEN YJU pU^-L OPEN THE DOOR You will want your new refrigerator t<> serve you faithfully for a long time to come. Choosing it, then, invites careful thought. The new KELVINATORS are < built for you. AUTHORISED DEALERS:. Kew EverUfht Flectrlc Co., 76 Orchard Rd.. S'porr.
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  • 107 4 Except for an Increase m extortion cases, July's crime figures, officially released yesterday, show an all round decrease compared with those for June. There were two murders In July, one committed on the high seas, but reported to the Singapore police, 29 armed (robberies, 15 simple
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  • 180 4 AKRON (Ohio), Wed. THERE is still a vital need 'or synthetic rubber. If everyone wanted to use natural rubber for every thing, there would b* an immediate shortage. This was stressed by th« president of the BJ\ Goodnch Co. (Mr. J. L Collyer) m
    AP  -  180 words
  • Article, Illustration
    62 4 E ?u A^? SPIDERS: For 13 years Mr. Denver has been thro win tknive* and hatchets at hi* wife— and ml«in» her. Though he Is blindfolded for the clrcuTact and she Is screened by newspapers, she says she fears BESL*^ Plde l? ne -fihtrSntlMn EssW'SE Denver s aim was not
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  • 96 4 THE Singapore Surveyor-General of Ships (Mr A. 1 Graham) blames a lack of technical education m the Colony for an acute shortage of marine engineers. In his annual report for 1947 Mr Graham said youths who wished to enter the marine engineering profession were under
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 4 fKINCESS MAKUAKET, wearing a sky-blue twopiece outfit with a halo hat, arrives at the GJyndebourne Opera House to hear a Mozart festival. Renter photo.
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  • 100 4 The work being done In Singapore by the World Swastika Society was commended on Tuesday by the Rev. j T n. Handy, the Deputy Secretary of the Social Welfare Department. He was on a visit to the Society's clinics at New Bridge Road and Oeylang. The World
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  • 60 4 Bail of $200 was allowed to John Simmonds, a 19-year-old British soldier who was on Tuesday charged m the Fourth Police Court, Singapore with theft. It was alleged that he stole $8 from Jassa Singh at the R-AJ3.C. Training Bchool, Buklt Timah Road, on July 30. Simmonds
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  • 59 4 Bail was allowed to V. N B Panicker. a 28-year-old Indian who waa charged m the Second Police Court. Singapore with criminal breach of trust m respect of $707 cash while employed by Raja to Co Panicker pleaded not guilty and the magistrate, Mr. L. C
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  • 45 4 SINGAPORE Municipal staff must not m future tell outsiders about their work. The Municipal Commissioners made rules for secrecy at their last meeting. Applicants for posts m which they would b e dealing with secret matters of internal administration will sworn to secrecy.
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  • 165 4 QRADUATES of Baffles College will be given to fIU posts as assistant lecturers and demonstrators. Two Johore Malays, seconded for a year each from Che Johore Government, are the SSt*&? tad at Hamld and Ungku Abdul Aal» Apart from teaching, they wlli be given an
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  • 240 4 DEAD KING -NEW THEORY From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Wed. KING Ananda's expressed intention to abdicate m favour of politics is now said to be the motive for the assassination of t>he 21-year-old Siamese monarch on June 9, 1946. His decision was alleged t have been regarded In certain political
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  • 118 4 FE Singapore Labour Exchange last month recruited 36 men for Federation estate security police. It could not meet the demand for technicians, clubs, amahs cooks and labourers. Amonsr those the exchange placed were 64 amahs. 72 boys 31 drivers, 30 fitters, 16 peons' and a marine engineer.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 173 4 FOR EVERT LOAD AND EVERT ROAD Wheel b«, 9ir 105" .nd UQ- Wheels. 12<r. I4T «d 157Chauif and Cab Tractor Unit Whetlbaw 111" for Semi-Trailer WhetlbiM for Tippers 111" <nd 120" «iw CfcaMh 174' body *ryle« for 26-31 pat*e*gen. BORNEO MOTORS LTD. I Singapore Mala -ca .Ser.mban. Kuala Lumpur Ipoh.™
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    • 828 4 \VOU7to(M£MJOy \fKtMf FROM PAIN Mrs. E. T. write*:— "The terrible pain* of ftnemnstnnt I ciu*cd me ihre« year* of suffering. I »rot» (or simple of DE WITT'* PiUs sfrer taking the contenti of t Urge bottle my pain has gone combealtl" B co rio ood Another satisfied user Uyt "For
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  • 269 5 WASHINGTON, Wednesday P Malaya the infaat deat* rate is 2»/z tnMS the normal; m few places ia Asia it is below 200 per 1,000 five birtte; ia sotve parts ate infant m every three dies. These statistics were given yesterday by
    AP  -  269 words
  • 82 5 MELBOdItNC, Wewaesuay. AANTAS null i Airways are Aseussmg with fee ftusV taaunn CMI Aviattsn Department a |Wmw f i aftr seruub^B 4Wm*^^ A feft ox^^p^b^^b v^a Vuoi^Mah om I^BOuV^hßo. uuut Pw^* 1 aauuTwß_ asutti Africa. viva afuTioHul MMBD Wwl Hj 3uub»J«^u»¥^ w •^■wkutnu mJLT. CataMava M
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 5 FRAULEnf FARMERS dad la two-piece swim sufla, tendiac their I— ili crops outside Berffn.— Planet picture.
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  • 92 5 CJISTER St. Columban, for 30 O yean headmistress of the Singapore Convent, died on Tuesday, aged 74 years. She went to Penang In 1897 to start the Cambridge classes and m 1900 was transferred to Seremban. Two years later she went to Singapore to open the first
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  • 153 5 E^^JSn^J* S j»**P<"* income will be asked to jive half a day's pay for the benefit of suffering children Uu^St tt/gS? The object of the appeal is the United Nations Appeal for Children. Mr. L. Cresson, chairman of the Singapore committee working
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  • 97 5 The famous Chinese artist; Mr. Lo Ming, now In Singa- j pore m the coarse of a South Seas tour, ywUrday attarinwi a recent ruling by the Overseas Affairs Commission m; Nanking. This required all Chinese artists going abroad to apply for permission from the Commission if
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  • 29 5 At the Singapore Astisss yesterday Llew Kee was found guilty of fane robbery and sentenced to six years' rigorous Imprisonment and elf&t strokes of the rotan.
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  • 365 5 By Our Woman Correspondent T»HE acute shortage of accommodation in Singapore is making life difficult for working giris. Investigations have, proved that many of them are living beyond their means while others have virtually nothing left after paying board-ing-house charges ranging from $285 to
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  • 42 5 Their highest rate U $130 per month for a wiTate room with board. ftRDERS for copies of the U IMB edition of the Y.W.C.A. Cookery Book may be obtained by ringing up the Y.W.C.A. Headquarters at' 5. Raffles Quay, Tel. No. ■M.
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  • 172 5 FESTIVAL FOOD PRICES UP rCES, which always tend to rise at local festival time, have already started an upward trend as Malay housewives busy themselves buying up food stocks for the feast, of Hari Raya Puasa. Prices usually rise by IS to per cent at this festival, the Food Control
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  • 83 5 t JOHORE BAHRU, Wed.— The trial fixed for today of Wong Sec Wan and Wong 1 Choon Tat on a charge of consorting with persons who had m their possession Sten and 1 Tommy guns, In contravention of the Emergency Reculattorc 1 has been postponed.
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  • 174 5 JKKYu Kee, 43-year-old Chinese, was charged yesterday In the Seventh Police Court with armed robbery m a house m Upper Weld Road on July 11. Lee was also charged with causing hart to Lim Tua Lye by stabbing him with a knife during the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 182 5 Ylerrnanite QUALITY I BITUMEN ROOFINGS i Sjl a n c£ m uuV Hole Agent* T^r: Permanite Roofing* and Damp Coarse Felts. HARRISONS CROSFELD Mau> LTD. KUALA L,UwIPU« SINGAPORE PENANG A fflsrrA?? ~Fj' Toa»«row aad SUNDAY Bth l^~^\ from 12 noon y\-^y Also Served Usual Cmarry Tiffin Q!ljrsfi^ <THE CHARCOAL GRILL"
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  • 34 6 The funeral of the late Mrs. Ho IP w Tisn will take place on Thursday. sth August, 1948. The rortege will leave 47, Lorong 29, Gcyiang. for Bukit Brown Camelry at 11.00 a.m.
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  • 20 6 MRS MARGARET GOHO thanks nil frionds for their letters of conc'olmce and expressions of goodwill during her recent bereavement.
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  • 1089 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Thurs., Aug. 5, 1948 AUGUST THE THIRD So August 8 was to have been the date on which the Communist republic of Malaya was to have been proclaimed! This was revealed by the Commissioner -General m his broadcast on Tuesday night. His listeners were surprised to
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  • 55 6 BATAVIA, Wed.— The Netherlands East Indies Department of Economic Affairs said today that there "is no truth" m a report published m Singapore that the N.E.I. is negotiating for the purchase of 200,000.000 yards of textiles from China. A department spokesman said that the only new negotiations under
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 6 Photograph by Andrew Roth, GURKHA IN THE MALAYAN JUNGLE.
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  • 1455 6  -  CHELLIAH By~ |N dealing with the subject of the proposed University of Malaya and what it offers to the Indian community I shall try to answer three questions. Firstly, what the University offers to uj in common with the other communities of Malaya, secondly, what
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    • 447 6 Pistols For Planters What Happens In Singapore Ihave recently returned *o Malaya from the |U. K. and am astounded to have seen m your col umns advertisements for the sale of fire-arms at a most exorbitant price. I have seen prices varying from $200 to $300 for revolvers and pistols
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    • 245 6 A MAN WHO PUT HIS NECK IN THE NOOSE I READ recently that sentence of d«?«». fV .is passed on one Tan Song Ann of Kuala Lumpur, the charge being one of possession of a revolver. The prosecution did not deny that the police got the firearm when- S^ng Ann
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    • 118 6 THE driver or rider oi 1 any vehicle who does not, give way to an ambulance or fire engine on its way to a call should be Erosecuted and the driving cences of such offending road hogs should be cancelled. I have actually seen a car
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    • 18 6 Our monthly feature "For B*a?-Gazers m Malaya" by LC. Cooke will appear m page tomorrow.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 818 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. The engagement Is announced between Charles Malcolm Quayle, son of the late Mr. C. M. Quayle and Mrs. Quayle of Liverpool and Moreton, Cheshire p-id Thalia A. Jones, only daughter of Mrs. B. Jones of Hampstead Way, London. rfITItATtONS VACANT WANTED fully experienced pist. Box A3609. ST. FXPERIENCED
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    • 89 6 Do You Have Afternoon Headaches? Many men and women wonder why they quickly tire at work while others enjoy the vigour of early morning all day Jong and do not become fagged out. This annoying brain fag is often due to poor eyes. Faulty eyesight unbalances the entire nervous system.
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    • 12 6 (Ztt&tv if 1 1 urn j^^^ llfQ I GIITHRIE 6 (sb 1
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  • 310 7 Javanese Shot Dead By Police AFINDIXG of justifiable homicide was recorded by the Singapore Coroner (Mr. Choor Singh) yesterday at the inquiry on Java Sarijo, alias Kadir bin AH, a Javanese, who was shot dead by police m a house m Kranji on July 15.
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  • 181 7 ALL AID PLEDGE BY SCBA From Our Stall Correspondent PENANG, Wed. A prominent official oi the Pi. Penang Straits Chinese British Association told the Straits Times co-day: "The SCBA pledges full support to the Government m its fight against terrorism." He said the public was greatly heartened by the Commissioner
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  • 98 7 Lim Kay Khlm, a 42-year-old Chinese, said m the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday that he volunteered to carry opium for a fellow-passenger from China to Malavn m order to meet the cost of his passage. Mr. E. J. Selby who prosecuted said accused had
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  • 72 7 The Malay Settlement Boys' Club at Jalan Eunos will stage a show on Saturday at 8.30 p.m. m aid of the Club Fund. The show will consist of a Malay stage play, Malay dances, kronohongs and comics. It will be held under the patronage of
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  • 17 7 All vessels m the Singapore Harbour were "dressed" yesterday. In honour of Queen Elizabeth's birthday.
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  • 166 7 Attractive Chinese Show At Theatre LAST evening the Kwok Seng Musical Association gave a most unusual show at the Victoria Theatre. Everyone who is interested m cosmopolitan theatre should go to see it even though the producers, while devoting their proceeds to the Anti-Tuber-culosis Association, seem anximis to keep their
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  • 307 7 EFFICIENT methods of rice cultivation could J increase the yield by one quarter m many areas, declared the Commissioner-General (Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald) when he opened the monthly meeting of South-East Asia Liaison officers m Singapore yesterday. Determined efforts had been made by the Governments
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 7 TWO FAIR-HAIRED SISTERS homeward bound to England from Hong Kong photographed m Singapore yesterday after arriving m the Lancashire. They are 17-year-old Jill Gowlland and 16-year-old Wendy, daughters of Commander L. Gowlland R.N.. and Mrs. Gowlland. Commander Gowlland Is retiring from the Royal Navy after 32 years service. Straits Times
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  • 60 7 Paul Thomas Ong. a hospital assistant with 11 years' service with the Government was yesterday fined *250 or three months In the Second Police Court, Singapore, for Riving penicillin injections without the legal qualifications. The magistrate, Mr. L. C. Ooh allowed the defendant to pay $100
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  • 83 7 T»WO Chinese, Wong x Chow Chow, aged 15, of Hokien Street and Seah Ah Hock, aged 22, of Kampong Bugis appeared on Tuesday m th« Seventh Police Court, on a charge of armed robbery- They were committed for trial at the next Assizes. They were alleged
    83 words
  • 62 7 IOHORE BAHRU, Wed. J Johor* will be on holiday from tomorrow for the Hari Raya Puasa. Government offices will close at 1 p.m. and re-open on Monday morning. Because of the emergency celebration will be on a minor scale. Muslims will -it end mosque on Friday morning
    62 words
  • Article, Illustration
    47 7 KATONG WEDDING of Mr. G. Summerell and Miss Priscilla Nicholas on Monday at the church of the Holy Family. From left: Mr. Boy Fairer, Mrs. G. Mac ha do Carol Nicholas, the groom and bride, Jackie Machado, Mtes Minnie Vanderslott and Mr. H. Hedge.— Raffles Studio picture.
    47 words
  • 136 7 Disappointed Lover Fired House From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Wed. A disappointed lover who set fire to the home oi his sweetheart, was today sentenced to two years' Imprisonment by Mr. Justice Lavllle at the Johore Assizes. He was Mohamed bin Latis, a 27-year-old rubber tapper of Pontian. who
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  • 62 7 The Seventh Police Court heard 38 preliminary inquiries m July, a record number for any month since the court has operated m Outram Road. There was an Increase of 15 cases over the monthly averaged committed to the Assizes since January. The outstanding number of
    62 words
  • 110 7 li/|ORE ointments for skin diseases are sold m Singapore than In any other city m the East. This was stated yesterday by Mr. Albert R. Bartlett, vice-president of the Knox Company who sell pharmaceutical products to *>8 countries. Last year alone he said his company sold
    110 words
  • 187 7 THE introduction of popular elections for the Singapore Rural Board may take at least another two years. Interviewed yesterday the Commissioner of Lands (Mr C. W. A. Sennett) said he expected that it would take this time to rouse sufficient civic spirit to make
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  • 38 7 Mrs. Muriel Anne Wylie petitioned before Mr. Justice Jobling yesterday for divorce i'rom her hnisband Kenneth Charles Wylie on the ground of his adultery with an unknown woman. The petition was uncontested and a decree ulai was granted.
    38 words
  • Malayan Round-up
    • 124 7 From Our Staff Correspondent MALACCA, Wednesday. A THEATRICAL society to "form an intelligent means of recreation which should interest all cultured people" was" formed yesterday. Thirty-nine people became founder members. The other objects of the society are to "inculcate love for and to uncourage
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    • 55 7 KLANO, Wed.—The lethodlst Youth Rally at the Anglo-Chinese School featured a service conducted by Miss Ann Harder, principal of the Methodist Girls' School, Kuala Lumpur and five lectures on the fellowship. After several sport tournaments the president (Mr. J. S. Henry) gave a talk. He said: "Our
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    • 35 7 UR. Pascoe Thornton of the 111 Department of Broadcasting will speajc on "Broadcasting at the East- West Society's weekly public forum tonight. The forum starts at 830 P.m. at the V.M.C.A. Orchard Road.
      35 words
    • 74 7 MALACCA, Wed.— Mr. J. H. Brewster, 37 years a missionary m Manchuria, will conduct six special services m Bethesda Gospel Hall. Three services m Mandarin will b e held on Friday and Saturday at 7.30 p.m. and on Sunday at 11 a.m. These services will b
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    • 27 7 HINDU government servants will celebrate Bathurthi Day at the Sree Benpaga Vlnayagar Temple, 19 Ceylon Road, Katong, on Sunday from 4.30 to 8 p.m.
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    • 47 7 DENANG, Weil -A *ong- kan* man was .»ilfiecdly attacked and wounded with a spike at East Jelulon? yesterday. He was helpinc others of the crew reo>- the tonekang. A report to ii- notice sard he had quarrelled <-ith a shipmate thrp«» r*»*ka ;»< r Q.
      47 words
    • 32 7 TAIPING, Wen Ssven-year- old Choi Lai Hens: who fell 15 feet from the window of a shop-house m Mnrk«t Road is recovering 'n hosnital. A signboard bt-okp <he fall.
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    • 30 7 INCHE Ahmad bin brahim 1 has been nominated a member of the Singapore Rural Board m nlace oi Inche Daud bin Mohamed Shah who resigned a mont- aso
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    • 57 7 MALACCA, Wed. The Rotary Club Committee Service Programme, to be financed by dances and concerts this year Is: Books for school children; Picnics, books and other material for the Boys' Home; Public lectures for adults; Pamphlets on how to comfort and help T.B. patients and, If possible, visits;
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 94 7 Improved winding methods, I insulation and impregnation H iJgngA/ dwMloped on war and tro- W pical tcrvice ha»e reduced gB Htm. J( maintenance to negligible «gl >-t VBM JWlBi.^r J£?^iLS£l2s? a ..«.lI!llLIP» IN STOCK 1/6, 1/3, 1/2, 3/4, 2J, 20 AND 30 H.P. DUE SHORTLY 1, IJ, If, 3, 5,
      94 words
    • 33 7 ROBINSON'S SPECIALITIES Exclusive PERFUME sisJf LOTIONS Bunga Raja Perfume per bot $3.00 Bunga Raja Hair Lotion $2.00 Poppy Raja Hair Lotion $2.00 iiunga KemantinHair- Lotion „$2.00 t ROBINSON CO., LTD. RAFFLES PUCE SINGAPORE
      33 words

  • Straits Times Thursday Magazine
    • 1839 8  -  DR. E. H. G. DOBBY By JNDECENT exposure has become very cum mon among the rock! of Singapore. You car Fee it any day at th( Gap, along the Pasii Panjang road, through the Alexandra Brickworks, on two or three sides of
      1,839 words
    • 652 8 Fishes Of The Malayan Padi-Fields AN interesting article on the padi-fleld fishes of Malaya his been contributed to the June issue of the Malayan Nature Journal bj Mr. Soong Mm Kong m which he deals specifically with the "Sepat Siam"— a dark leaf-like fish introduced to the Krian district from
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 49 8 It if f/f/jL I/ frfj r/^ aP ~N,i3 r i A ~^s -j-i The economy car Over M-F€L y/^S NI -ttff Independent front wheel s«apeaaioa n^NDARD Cry>^ Proven reltbility. Immediate Dmlimery FEDERATED MOTORS LTD. Orchard Read, Smftrpore. Rcprwrttri thr <M «h«w the F«ke»,tio n of Malaya WEARNE BROS- LTO.
      49 words
    • 77 8 jgsj£fa drink delicious xVnglands Highest \^y Class Cigarette ia^o.^ I Krrir H« jB Jfcavtfbpftt Midt with unhurried care from the best Virginia leaf by fca«h»NiUlfa blending tobacco totes famous for ••■r a oeanry, these are cigarettes of no ordinary flavour. Far those who appreciate perfection m Virginia tobacco, berc it
      77 words

    • 409 9 PAVILION OF WOMEN, by Pearl Buck (Methuen, $6.30) DEARL Buck finds endless material m that field she has made her own the Hollywoodising of Chinese domestic life. Her touch is sure. She can fix m a chapter or two the subtle personal dramas
      409 words
    • 278 9 rE following new books will be added to Raffles Library, Singapore, within the next few days: NON-FICTION Flowers m Britain (L. J. F. Brlmble), An Introduction to the Theory of Seismology (K. E. Bullen), British Newspapers ard their Controllers (Viscount Camsose). Secret Session Speeche* (Winston Churchill).
      278 words
    • 341 9 NORTH MIDLAND COUNTRY by J. H. Ingran (Batsford, 12 6). THE lowland Scot, when reproached by the 1 Sassenach on the dreary quality of Cowdenbeath, the bleak misery of Falkirk, or the smoke pall that hangß over Bonnie Dundee, nearly always does one of two
      341 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 284 9 S/?va/i fim4 j^Or What is a "good" pent A pen that ■uits your hand, writes instantly at need and goes on writing for years and years. <^awia^ "Suits your hand "is important because I I MB gives character to your handwriting and #"TJBB above all your signature. >«B Swan pens
      284 words
    • 287 9 MM Dynamo Lighting S-ts Supreme for Q tality and Pel a' Hi y Sold by ail leading cycle dj leu Factory Raftmmtethrm X. V. MITCHELL «c CO.. LTD. Singapore Kuala Lumpur Penang JVM -9 Ryvlta ft waterier* f A •rhole-meal bread that Is M easily digested because 1 Xfiff «F
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 539 9 I East, on lead v.ith the club ace and with three tricks home, should have continued with the fourth club, regardless of ttM fact thatthis was a thirteener. What did it matter If South was given the chance for a ruff and a discard? It was Inconceivable that any tricks
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  • 615 10 Social Security Must Wait From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. THE extent to which it will be possible to introduce social security measures m Malaya will depend on the general prosperity of the country. This opinion was expressed today by the Commissioner for Labour (Mr. R.
    615 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 10 MR. PAUL HOFFMAN, European aid administrator, sat at the wheel of a tractor when ha visited French farms recently. Centre Is Mr. Avere 11 Harriman, U.S. Ambassador to Fr and
    30 words
  • 161 10 RESIDENT ON BROOKE LAWSUIT 'THE Brunei Resident m 1 Chambers has declined to make an order for service of writs In the Brooke suit. He says the Brunei Courts have no Jurisdiction over Sir Charles Vyner Brooke, former Rajah of Sarawak, and the other defendants. The plaintiffs are Captain Bertram
    161 words
  • 89 10 The gang of robbers which has been victimising young people at seaside resorts m Singapore struck again last night. They held up a Chinese and a woman irar a car at the 64 mile Pasir Panjang Road at about 10 p.m. ami took cash and valuables
    89 words
  • 154 10 TODAY St. Andrew's Old Boys' Association, committee meeting. Woodsville. 5.15 p.m. Polica Band, Farrer Park, 5.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. Rotary, Inner Wheel Installation Dinner and Dance, Cathay Restaurant. 8 p.m. Theosophical Society. Mrs. von Krusenstlerna on "The Secret of Happiness," 8, OairrrhUl Road. 6.30 p.m. Y.W.C.A.. dressmaking
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  • 64 10 Tan Boon Hee. a 32-year-old Chinese was on Tuesday charged m the Fourtn Police Court Singapore Mth robbery. It was alleged that at 11.30 p.m. on July 30. Tan armed with a knife, robbed Lim Chye Neo, a Chinese woman, of property worth $1,455. The case was
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  • 36 10 MALACCA, Wed.— A special thanksgiving service will be held at 9 p.m. on Friday at 143 Tranquerah Road. This is the house of the Malacca Straits Chinese Methodist Church pastor (Mr. Low Kway Song.)
    36 words
  • 171 10 Bl KIT MERTAJAM, Wednesday. MORE than 2,000 attended the patronal festival of the Church of St. Anne at Bukit Mertajam last Sunday. A record number of pilgrims came from many parts of Malaya. I Three low masses were sung by the rector of the Redemptionlst Monastery,
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  • 181 10 •THE Singapore GovernA merit's policy on imports from Japan is one of treating all such imports "as on a hard currency basis" limiting imports to essentials which are insufficiently available elsewhere. This statement is made by Mr. H. W. Nightingale acting Secretary for Economic Affairs,
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  • 22 10 SEREMBAN, Wed. The Director of Information Services at the Colonial Office (Mr. K. W. Blackburne) will visit Seremban next Tuesday.
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  • 211 10 SINGAPORE rice retailers may m future be given a bigger profit for retailing government rations a* a result of representations which they have made to the Food Control Department. The Deputy Food Controller (Mr. A. D. Butler-Maddon) yesterday said "We are to see
    211 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 189 10 ii rss, r ATII AYA V phone 645 £Sly m vM l IIM I 3400. THE HOUSE FOR COMFORT LAST DAY! ONE OF THE HAPPIEST HITS IN MEMORY 1 I' !aaB^BPPP B^I K3MI j»c« smnetu m^myAmS^A BRUCE MtNNINC 9 I ■mA^I I/on ./imecke *SR^ I Gaumont British News: OPENING OLYMPIC
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 121 10 f iiT_Lrj5Bt^ RADIO MALAYA (••PORK) Frequencies: MO Kc/a. 96 A 1.1 Mc/i. 1 p.m. Radio Orchestra; 1.S0 News; 1.40 Harry James Band; 3 Close. 8. IS News and Food Prices; 8.30 Calling All Hospitals; 9 "Much-Binding-in-the-Marsh"; 9.30 News; 9.45 Joe Loss Orchestra; 10.16 Short Story; 10 SO Richard Thuber Programme;
      121 words
    • 139 10 11 Radio Concert Hall; 11.30 Close. 4 p.m. Music; 4.30 News; 4.40 Acceptances for Saturday's Melbourne and Sydney Races; 4.40 Services' Concert HaJl; 8 I Hit« from the Movies; 5.10 Australian Industrial Scene; 5.30 Forces' Favourites; 5.30 Familiar Music; 5.30 Women's Newsletter; 6 The Swing Show; 6.30 World News; 0.45
      139 words
    • 137 10 Dance Music. 8 Siamese 8.30 English: News (BBC). 8.49 Music. 9 Kuoyu (BBC). 9.80 Burmese (BBO). 9.4S English: Newt Rubber Prices: 10 Book of Verse (BBC); 10.80 Radio Nawsreel (BBC); 10.45 Music; 11.80 See BBC: 13 Close. BBC OVBRSKAS Frequencies 17.81 A 21 47 Mc/i 6.30 p.m. 11m BaJanc* of
      137 words

  • Commercial And Shipping News
    • 369 11 LONDON, Wed. 4LL sections of the London Stock Exchange malntained a quiet, firm tone yesterday, after the holiday*, says Renter's financial correspondent The trading; volume remained low. Business recorded was mainly for the purpose of squaring positions In view of yesterday being the last of the account Rubbers
      369 words
    • 73 11 NEW YORK, Wed. pRICES on the New York stock morket showed a small overall gain yesterday. Only 933 Issues were traded. The volume of shares (720,000) topped Monday's sales by only 10.000. The session was one of the slowest of the year. Losers Included Republic Steel. International
      73 words
    • 105 11 rCTILES continued to play an important role In the June trade between China and Mal&ya. They accounted for more than a third of the value of trade, which rose sharply to $9,000,000 from fT.300,000 In May. A total 3,600,000 yards of Chinese textiles were brought Into
      105 words
    • 60 11 From A Market Correspondent AUOTATXONS on the coffee bean V market took a downward trend yesterday because of recent heavy arrivals. Other sections of the Singapore produce markets were unchanged to quieter. New coffee bean quotations were: Ball old quality No. 1 $120; medium 1113; Sourabaya $82; Palembang
      60 words
    • 173 11 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Wednesday. DUYING Interest was maintained on the Malayan share market today. Business passed hi many counters at higher levels hi both Tins and Industrials. Rubbers, however, were neglected. Price changes announced by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: INDUSTRIALS Buyer Seller
      173 words
    • 326 11 TEXTILES most suitable to 1 the Malayan market will be imported under the proposed quota system for all Import* from hard currency sources. The system will start on Oct. 1, said the Singapore Registrar of Imports and Exports (Mr. A. D. Stutchbury) yesterday. Importers may m future
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    • 139 11 THERE wag a fair amount of selling: on the Singapore rubber market yesterday. Price, eased by three-eighth of a cent per to. from Tuesday's prices. A fair amount of business passed. Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 aheet f.o.b. buyers 48 H oenU per lb., sellers 48H cents;
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    • 15 11 AVER Molek Rubber Company harvested a crop of 46,025 lbs. m July.
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    • 249 11 SHIPS m port alonftide the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns In bracket*) were: Main Wharf: Sirdh&na (31-32), Calchaa (33-34). Orestes (36-37), RoDdo (38-30). Seremban (41). Trevose (43-43) West Wharf: Katong (3), Trevethoe (4-6), Benares (8-7), Atreus (12-13). Lancashire (15-16). Empire Dock: Hoegh Silverlight (19-20), President
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    • 242 11 ''THE P. it O. passenger liner A Carthage left Southampton for Malaya and China, via Ceylon, on July 30. She has Just spent 10 months on the Clyde being reconditioned from war service as an armed merchant cruiser and troopship. She is due In Singapore on
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1148 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Uncor*>orai*A In Sintat>ore\ BLUB FUNNEL LIMB STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO •AIUNCS FROM U.K. US*. tTn Alcmoui due from U.K Aac 6 "Aeneas due from U.K. Ami 6 iAST COAST MALAYA •Nanki-' Victory" due from Vessel for Malacca Aag. 7 Uj A tog t "Serenben" for P. Sham. T.
      1,148 words
    • 420 11 PRESIDENT LINES mmmmwm General Passenger Agent to. Northwest Airlines EAST ASIATIC LINE SAILINGS TO NIW YORK AND BOSTON Via INDIA, ECYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. SAILINCS FROM SCANOINAVIA/U.K./ SAILINCS TO CONTINENT/ President Buchanan arr Spore Aug. i PresH.nt Fillmore arr Spore Aug. 14 LmU CONTININt lA/U RV SCANDINAVIA. Penang Aug. 10 P
      420 words
    • 1009 11 MoALISTER CO.. LTD. (Incorporated m Singapo.e) SLLERMAN tJk BUCKNALL KLAVENKSS LIMB mavbf r. inwnnu PACIFIC PORTS tiAVRC lonpon Ac. jp n cargo for Central jouth Accepting cargo tor U.S. North ;an..c Am«n^»r. p™i, Port? 6 Canada via Colombo. Amer.can Ports CITY OF CLASCOW ROSEVILLE -pore P Sham Penang S"p .c
      1,009 words

  • 444 12 Detailed Wrestling Results LONDON, Wednesday. [RETAILED results In the eliminating rounds of the 'Greco-Roman wrestling are: Flyweight: P. Igmbardi, Italy, beat S. A. A. Thomas, Denmark, on points. K Kangasmaert, Pinland, bye to second round. K. Olcay, Turkey, beat P. Clausen, Norway, on points. M. A. Abdelal, Egypt, beat W.
    444 words
  • 1191 12 Wins Modern Pentathlon oAivr* T xr LONDON, Wednesday. fAPTAIN W. Grut, 34-year-old Swedish artillery officer, today won the five-event Olympic modern pentathlon with a new record total of 16 points— two points below the previous best. He won the riding, fencing, shooting, swimming and
    Reuter; AP  -  1,191 words
  • 252 12 /MVING one of their poorest displays this season, VJ .ihe Singapore Recreation Club were trounced by five goals to one by the Indian Association When they met ln a n S.A.F.A. First Division league game at Jaian Besar Stadium yesterday. M There was no
    252 words
  • 195 12 LONDON, Wednesday. PAKISTAN'S four-man freestyle wrestling team felt tonight for the second time since they arrived m Britain for the Olympic Games, that they had made the 5,000mile Journey m vain. Debarred from the freestyle competition on a technicality they tried to enter for the Oraeco-Roman
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 12 SSff^SP 8 .u l7^ W^ER: Dramatic, ridden by E. ZuSf EPlufy Ste F" p Goodwood by one and a half lengths from Pando ridden by W. Rickaby (m bltakers), with Explorer, (Gordon Richards up) to the rieht of Pando, third.— Renter photo.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 265 12 fFHE following are the startX ing timei for the interClub Social Match between the Royal Johore International. Club and the Island Club tomorrow (Harl Ray a Puasa( over the Island Course. The first named pair to start from the first Tee and the second from the 10th
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  • 143 12 THE R.A-F. Sembawang beat Pulau Bukom Sports Club by 3—l m a second division S.A.F.A. soccer match played at the Geylang Stadium yesterday. The Airmen controlled the P la y throughout the first half .Within a few minutes of the Ck oj the R.A.F. scored •through Forshaw.
    143 words
  • 86 12 TODAY Soccer: g.A.F.A. Dlv. I— G.H.Q. Signals v. A.A.A.— Jaian Bewr Stadium; Dlv. II: Police v. Base Group RE.— Thomson Bd.; 223 BOD v. Kranjl W./T.—Alexandra; S.H.B. Anx. Potto* v. Rovers S.C. Thomson Road.; Katong Eurasians r. Spore DM. Signals GeyJanc Stadium; Dlv. Ill: AMDGW (Changi 8.C.) v.
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  • 809 12 From Our Staff Correspondent OIPOH, Wednesday. NE hundred and eighty-nine horses have been entered for the Perak Turf Club (August) Meeting to be run on Aug. 14, 18 and 21. There will be nine races on each of the three days owing to the
    809 words
  • 65 12 Result* of yesterday* tlea m the Tanglln Club tennla cnampionships were: °?T d *»w» w B Doßbl *<i (qaartet- B. O. Fay and N. Q. Morria beat A. J. ,Tite and D. K. L. Anderson, B—l,8 1, 6 2. Men's Handicap Doubles (semifinal): J. h. Kuiper and
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  • 47 12 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday Playing m a rain storm at Taylor Road today the TPCA maintained their unbeaten senior league record by defeating the Selangor Indian 1 Association by m m4»-' i Bcored the 8 0 1 midway In the second half.
    47 words
  • 30 12 MANILA. Wednesday In their final game here the Shanghai Chinese football team defeated the Manila Stars by s—o It was the tourists eighth victory Id nine games.— A.P.
    AP  -  30 words
  • 223 12 aitstrait* i, a BIKMI NGHAM, Wednesday. AUSTRALIA had scored 90 runs for the loss of two totofff%M D r Pl y tO W arwic kshire's first inning men found it difficult to face the Australian attack and fell cheaply About 15,000 people saw the start
    223 words
  • 132 12 WARWICKSHIRE— Ist i, I Taylor c McCool b Loxton 10 Thompson c McCool b Loxton 17 J. Ord st Saggers b I. Johnson 6 M. Donnelly b B. Johnston.. 28 Dollery Ibw b Lindwall 8 Kardar c Saggers b Lindwall 4 B. Maudsley c Saggers b Lindwall A. Spooner
    132 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 770 12 CLASS I MED ADS. (Continued from page 8) Sill /»1 lONS VACANT WANTED qualified and experienced European ladles hairdresser good salary offered. Auolv Box Nr A3814, B.T. WANTED by European import Firm Junior accounts clerk vith Remral bookkeeping experience. Reply with full particulars and references to Box A3616. ST.
      770 words
    • 31 12 0 r f experience REDUCES TRUCK H~^l fIUNNING COSTS IF i *j/f"* longest tyre manufacturing htttcry. DUNLOP I TRUCK AND BUS TYRES TNIOUNIO* «O|K» CSLUMAiArAI. ITB. SINCAfML '*i^& KUALA LUMPUR PENANG
      31 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous