The Straits Times, 4 August 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 1921 1 Supply Of Men And Arms 'Immensely Improved '-MacDonald MORE than four fully manned battalions-worth of reinforcements will soon be helping the existing fighting troops to crush the terrorists in Malaya, said the Commissioner General (Mr. Malcolm Mac- Donald) in a broadcast talk last nig ht. The
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  • 234 1 OLYMPIC GAMES MUDDLE LONDON, Tues. DELICATE moves were taking place behind the Olympian scene today to preserve diplomatic peace. A British Cabinet Minister intervened unofficially after a stream of complaints about transport arrangements. Pakistan wrestlers were disqualified from the free-style contest because they were late for the weigh-in through a
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 64 1 I'roiftOur Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. NIGHT mail trains travelling between Penang and Singapore will be fitted with radio sets soon. This is one of the most Important precautionary steps being taken by the Malayan Railway to ensure the safety of travelling along the line by
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 1 M.R.N.V.R. HEADQUARTERS: Th e former Japanese minelayer Wakatake which is to be the headquarters of the Malayan R.N.V.R. It is m the Singapore Harbour Board's Albert Dock for refitting.— Straits Times picture.
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  • 303 1 Bombs Rockets On Bandit Camp From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Tuesday. THE R.A.F. dropped bombs on the terrorists for tin first time today. The target, said a communique wz.-y an important insurgent camp m South Perak. A direct hit destroyed a large concentration of huts adjoining a big headquarters building.
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 1 MALAYAN R.N.V.R. OFFICERS: Commander F. E. W. Lammert, D.S.C., commanding officer of the Malayan RJ*.V.R. (centre) with Lt. Cmdr. E. A. Hooper, D.S.C., M.R.N.V.R. (left), and Lt Cmdr. H. G. Riches, M.R.N.V.R., on board their new headquarters ship. Straits Times picture.
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  • 88 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. A COFFEE shop keeper, Mat Chong, told Selangor Assizes to-day that after seeing a man stab a woman, he seized the man, tied him to a tree, and then told the police. Huan Yoke, a labourer, of Simpang Ijok,
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  • 201 1 from Our Stall Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. COMBINED military and v police forces, combing tbe Senai area yesterday, found m an empty hut 20 rounds of Japanese automatic ammunition, three empty Sten gun magazines and Japanese medical supplies. They detained 28 men for screening. During
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  • 223 1 STALIN TALKS WITH ENVOYS FOR 135 MINS. MOSCOW, Tuesday. MARSHAL Stalin received the three Western IVI Power diplomats at the Kremlin last night and talked with them for two and a quaiter hours mainly on prospects of settling disputes m Europe, particularly m Berlin. The men from Britain, the U.S.
    Reuter; AP  -  223 words
  • 37 1 The Naval C.-in-C. of the East Indies Fleet, Vice-Ad-miral Woodhouse, will land at Clifford Pier at 10 a.m. tomorrow. He will be received by the Flag officer, Malaya, Rear-Admiral Caslon. A na-val-guard-of-honour will attend.
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  • 160 1 Will Not Jump To Red Whip' BELGRADE, Tues. rpHE chief of Britain's A delegation to the 11nation Danube River Conference flred an angry verbal barrage today at the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister (M. Andrei Vishinsky). Accusing M. Vishinskv of trying to dominate the conference through control of the seven Eastern
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 ELEGANT itWELZRY P. H. HENDRY. IBWMLM <vttr> an established Malava-widt Reputation !h North Hnriei Road Stneanorr c% tORCH»f4/v fOR CM«» Ct THE bouquet of old brandy. H .^BF^I the bite of ripe stilton. Jt t the fragrance of a Church- flH^I <^f man ternu synonymous with 9^^ k the good
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    • 48 1 M^ Kk, CHftISTOTHi* STONt if*'' I 1 you* ear$ m iron mwi Am* 'WJy nyrii Bt-/oco/ Ton* Had*. SOU AGENTS BRIGHT RADIO Co 301 ORCHARD ROAD. SiNGAPORt HALF Tl M E^S| for a I^ffib Extra Malt means Extra STRENCTH Extra Hops mean Extra FLAVOUR Extra Goodness means TIGER
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  • 123 2 NEW DELHI, Tuesday. DEFENCE counsel m the Gandhi assassination trial yesterday submitted that the evidence of the chiei prosecution witness was inadmissible. Counsel for Madan Lai. one of the accused, said that a grant of pardon to Digambar Ramchandra Badq;e. who turned State's
    AP  -  123 words
  • 43 2 AKRON, (Ohio). Toes. A FORMER army WAC who married m New Gninea has given birth to her third set of twins m 27 months. Mrs. Margaret Summers, aged 29 years, says she ia "flabbergasted bat happy." —U.P.
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  • 57 2 NEW YORK, Tues—Kenneth Shields, 28-year-old switchman at Moline, Illinois, overslept. Hurrying to work he decided to catch a goods train passing his home. He slipped as he ran and was carried to hospital, where both legs were amputated. His foreman was meanwhile trying to tell him. by
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  • 111 2 Govt. Hands Over Last Jap C.-inC. NANKING. Tuea. f lEUTENANT GENER- AL Yasutsugu Okamura, last Japanese Commander -m Chief m China, has at last been handed over to the Chinese War Crimes Tribunal on charges of condoning atrocities. The Government announced yesterday that 64-year-old Okamura, who had been In hospital
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 89 2 NEW YORK, Tuesday. 4KM I I), helmeted guards yesterday patrolled the steel-fenced grave of Kuffalo Kill (Colonel Cody) at Lookout Mountain, Colorado They watched for would-be resurrectionists who mißht try to snatch the body of the old frontier scout. The American
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    • 50 2 MELBOURNE. Tues.—General Tojo. after his trial as a war criminal, has become almost a national hero, according to Mr. MacMahon Ball, former British Commonwealth representative on the Allied Control m Japan. "Speeding up the trials would have helped to Drevnt him becoming a hero." he said yesterday. A.P.
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    • 45 2 Go ering's Widow BMMT GOF.RING. widow of the Nazi leader, seen defending herself m the denazification court at Garmisoh, Bavaria. She was sentenced to a year's imprisonment. This m r ant her immediate release because she had already been detained for 14 months A.P. picture.
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    • 35 2 NKW YORK. Tues. UKS. Evelyn Lehman ob- taincri a divorce at Reno yesterday from Mr. Allan Lehman, a New York banker. She will receive, it is stated, a settlement of r.5.53.500.000.— A.P.
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    • 56 2 PARIS, Tues. One Dr. Smith has been sent to gaol m Le Havre for a year for X-raying patients with a machine that was not working. Patients became suspicious when they received bills for radiography, but no X-ray photograph* Dr. Smith will pay 225,000 francs (about Straits $1,500)
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    • 37 2 BAGHDAD, Tues. Young King Foisal of Iraq arrived m Baghdad yesterday from London to spend his school summer holiday. He drove m state to an official reception, cheered by thousands who lined the streets. A.P.
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    • 39 2 BERNE, Switzerland, Tues. —The Swiss Political Department stated yesterday that all Swiss consulates m Rumania had been closed by the Rumanian Government. This, it was suggested, was a reprisal for the arrest of a Rumanian couple m Switzerland.—A.P.
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    • 34 2 KARACHI. Tues— Three of trie four airmen killed on Sunday m a Lancastrian air crash near Karachi were English. The other was Irish. The Lancastrian was flying on air charter.— A.P.
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  • 126 2 LandReform Likely In South Korea SEOUL. Tues. A FORMER Communist, who split with the post-war Red leadership, will be Minister of Agriculture of the Korean Republic. He lg Cho Dong Am of Inchonic. one of the first four Cabinet Ministers for the new Government In Amerlcanoccupied South Korea. A separate
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  • 35 2 TOKIO. Tues Two worldcircltnK Superfortresses landed at Yokota Airfield near Toklo today. They enme from Manila after a non-stop flight from Ceylon. Trii- filers plan to leiive for Anchorage, Alaska, on Thursday. A.P.
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  • 58 2 SAN FRANCISCO, Tuesday. riIINKSK Communists broadcast that they had expelled four European Catholic missionaries for spying for the United States. Four other French priests and a Chinese, the broadcast said, were being sought for trial on similar charges. The Communists said that the defendants all confessed
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  • 100 2 70.000-T ON RICE PROJECT NEW DELHI. Tues. THE Mor Irrigation Project of the Government of India will bring under cultivation 600.000 acres of land and yield about 70.000 tons of rice. The project comprises a dam and a reservoir m the Santal Pargan&s district of Bihar and a canal system
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 670 2 NOTICES FRASnTaV NEAVE MMlTfcfl v i UMaWV orvKN ritlrd Iri». rlrn DlvMtDd ft n,rT nenta [><r fjrdlnary Htork Unit toaa WZ. Iri">rnr Tax. ha» l, rf|l -1 -larr-rt t, v thr l)\T<-r*/nK '»n -.f tiir nnari'lal yr-ar rr.M r<\ 30th rum I(»4R. payal)l«: on th* IUgOM t/( B'/irlrholdrr* rjn that
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    • 537 2 NOTICES NOTICE V»l>inf*rr HpecUl fVuxUhulary Will all Volunteer*, who ha,ve Alrrady rrKUt«rrd and who handM HOn Ounn during this la*t War and have not yet pawd the Police Klrlriß and Handling Te»tt, at.u-rifl at tfi*- Raner at, thr Police Training Hrhool Trom S 30 to 6 30 I> m 7'<dnv
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    • 170 2 SHIPPING NOTICES HOLLAND EAST ASIA LINE S. S. "MOLENKERK'* dur Singapore 5Lh August. 1948 loading cargo alongside S.H.B wharves for: Colombo Aden Port S«ld Alexandria Genoa Marseilles Antwerp Rotterdam Amsterdam Hamburg, and further continental port* If sufficient inducement offers. For cargo nnd pHrtirulnrn nl- asc apply to: NrnKKIAND LINE ROYAL
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    • 201 2 GREAI WORLD GLOBE I— t IS p. as -SANTA FE TRAIL" NEW WORLD. LIDO 7— 15 p m Opening Chaps. I—71 7 "DAI GHTEE OF DON Q" CENTRAL 6.30— 9 15 p.m. Today: One day ONLY! "DARK COMMAND" Tomorrow: Mandarin Picture! -PAX SEONO FAH AOI" ROTAL 9 "SAKUNTHALA" (Hlndmtaal) No
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  • 219 3 But Would Foot Pensions Bill From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Tuesday. A SELECT Committee suggestion that the British Government should provide expatriation pay for Colonial Service officers has been turned down by the Colonial Office. The Colonial Office suggests Instead that the British Government should
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  • 413 3 NEW DELHI, Tues. MR. J. A. Thivy, Indian Government Representative m Malaya, focussed India's attention on Malayan news during his stay here. His plane is expected to arrive back In Singapore tomorrow. In a series of news conferences and one nation-wide broadcast, Mr. Thivy told
    AP  -  413 words
  • 115 3 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE, Tuesday. A USTRALIANS seeking passx\ ports to enter Malaya are being warned here that it almost impossible to secure employment, that cost of living is high and that they may be turned back on arrival. The Australian Commissioner m Malaya (Mr.
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  • 89 3 NEW DELHI, Tues. PROMINENT world figures such as Dr. Albert Einstein and Dr. Albert Schweitzer are expected to attend a conference of religious pacifists m India next January. To discuss means of establishing lasting world peace, the gathering was proposed by the British Society of
    AP  -  89 words
  • 53 3 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. CKOM January 1 to July 31 r this year 313 banish. ment orders were approved m the Federation. Last month's figure of 95 banishments is the highest s'nee the return of civil Government. Of the 313 orders, 252 were
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  • 179 3 T^HE Singapore Government expects to expedite the 1 release of fishermen arrested by the Dutch if no charges are preferred against them. A government spokesman told the Straits Times this yesterday. He said the Government had asked the authorities m Batavia to cable
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 3 M. ASDiIE MARIE, the new French Premier. If, as reported, the Big Four meet to diM-uss the Berlin crisis, he will meet Mr. Attlee, President Truman and Marshal Stalin for the first time. A.P. photo.
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  • 379 3 By Our Woman Correspondent need no longer be hampered by restless i children when they do *faeir Saturday morning's shopping. Mrs. Claire Con idon, physical culture expert and dance instructress, will do the looking after for them. But she will not run a creche Instead,
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 3 P.0.W.! HOMEWARD BOUND: The last batch of German prisoners of war, 450 m number, left Harwich, Essex, for Germany last month. Otto Jager, last of the 450 aboard, waved as he mounted the gangway. A.P. picture.
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  • 77 3 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU. Tues. L/Cpl Kairi bin Mohd Yassim, of the R.A.S.C., stationed at the Locally Enlisted Personnel Training Centre. Tampoi, near Johore Bahru was yesterday committed by the magistrate to the Assizes for trial on a charge of being in possession of
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  • 47 3 Fiftysix-year-old Ong Tien Wan of Dunlop Street was m the Seventh Police Court yesterday committed for trial at the next Assizes on a charge of theft of a bicycle m North Bridge Road on March 17. Bail was fi.xed at $200 m two sureties.
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  • 135 3 DAKAR, Tues. THERE was little hope today of finding any of the 52 people aboard the six-motor-ed flying boat Latecoere 631, which disappeared on Sunday morning m the South Atlantic. Planes and ships from three continents searched the area, 800 to 900 miles north-west C
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 316 3 i w Pijst taF£ f^-\ Friday 6th, and Sunday Bth, \fnj INCLUDING ICED YOUNG cocoanut Ujj^tf^^ WATER SATAY AT $4.75 And From Henceforth Every lit Friday and Sunday ALSO SERVED OUR USUAL CURRY TIFFIN at $2.50 Always Burning y'THE CHARCOAL GRILL" FOR GOOD STEAK CHICKEN BOOKINGS 2125 2644 PERSIAN BOKHARA
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    • 212 3 Ihink of all the superlatives you know like creamiest... smoothest... richest most luscious most delicious ...and then you've just an idea of Magnolia Ices! There're various flavours in the popular bricks and enough portions for 6 to 8 people. $1.50 is the noteworthy price at any of the three Creameries
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  • 73 4 1 he funeral of the late Mrs. Ho Biew Tian will tak.' place on Thursday. sth August, 1948. The cortege will leave 47, Lorong 29, Dg, for Bukit Brown Cornell 00 a.m. Dr. GEORGE S. MATHER— Cr.ble }ias been rec ived of the n death of Dr. George S.
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  • 36 4 Mm Kim Gek. only da'-rhter of the late Mr. Lim Tecit Bwee. thanks all friends and relatives who a^visted and attended rml and for expressions 01 s> mnathy In h r rad bereavement on 748.
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  • 736 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., Aug. 4, 1948. AID FOR THE FEDERATION Yesterday we reminded our readers of a recent act of the Governments of the Federation and Singapore that has passed almost unnoticed by the Malayan public namely the formal adherence by these two Governments to the bilateral agreement
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  • 360 4 We m Cecil Street have been gaping enviously and incredulously at a copy of the Hong Kong Sunday Herald. Those of our colleagues who have recently come from Fleet Street or from provincial newspapers at Home have done more than gape they have positively goggled. The Hong
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  • Economic Spotlight On The News
    • 1139 4  -  RICHARD DENMAN By of The Economist £5,000,000 for films LONDON, July 30. A GREAT deal of interest has been aroused by the British Government annoucement that it is setting up a Film Finance Corporation which will lend money to film producers. The Corporation is to
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    • 924 4 •T-HE article by Mr. R K. 1 Hardwick, under the heading, "COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS IN SINGAPORE," on July 27. is a striking example of vhat can be done by a witer who is determined to present only one side of a question. Reading
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    • 171 4 IT is encouraging to read m your issue of July 29, that a firm m Singapore is sending an Asiatic member of its staff to London "to get further experience and facilities for more advanced study." There is no better way of showing appreciation to an
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    • 111 4 ALL European estates being now guarded by Special Constables, the terrorists have been giving their attention lately to Asian estates, as evidenced by the recent killing Ot two Chinese managers and the burning of one contractor. In both cases no mention was made of Special Constables
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    • 92 4 T»HE letter from "Volunx teer P.C." m your issue of August 1, should not be allowed to pass without protest from at least one other. Surely if your correspondent accepts the rank and responsibUities of a P.C. he does not expect postumous remuneration on the scale of an
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 701 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. Th Enpnuement Is announced and thr marriage will shortly take place b tween Sundar Sankaran thr Idest son of the late Mr. A. K Nair Mrs. Nalr. and Saro1 1 n i the second daughter of Mr. b W. Dovarnia and the late Mrs. Dovarnia sill VIIOVS VACAN1
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    • 96 4 f. M. A. TOYLAND presenta PEDAL RACING CARS for Children. NEW. 1948 TRI ANG RACERS! Body enamelled In Cream Colour with Red upholstery. Chromium plated steering wheel. Hub-caps, Radiator Cap, and Exhaust Pipe. Unbreakable transparent windscreen. Suitable for children, ages 4 to 8. Length: 49 ins., Width: 20 ins., Height
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  • 319 5 ltuliansGuarded On Return Visit THREE young Italians, who stowed away on an American freighter in Sardinia and reached Japan before being officially detected, have returned to Singapore in custody. y took pride in telling the Straits Times yesterd how they had evaded wharf and immigration officials
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 5 PKIZE NEEDLEWORK: Embroidery on silk by a girl at the Hwa Chinese school. Seremban, which won first prize for handiwork, higher class, at the Negri Sembilan intrr-Chin se schools art exhibition.— X. S. Kong picture.
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  • 157 5 RMNVR SHIPS NEW PAINT THE 1,890-ton former 1 Japanese minelayer, Wakatake, which will replace H.M.S. Laburnum as the Royal Malayan Naval Volunteer Reserve Headquarters ship, is now in the Singapore Harbour Board's Albert Dock. She is being cleaned and painted. She will be towed out of deck tomorrow morning by
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  • 79 5 Tan Lay Soo. who yesterday pleaded «*uiity in the Fourth Police Court. Singai pore, to a charge of possess- ing dutiable tobacco, was fined $250 or in default four weeks' rigorous imprisonment. It was alleged that on July 26 a sampan whicn he was using was
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  • 76 5 IPOH, Tuos. •TERRORISTS kidnapped I 1 two Chinese, one known to be a KuomintaJig member, from the Cnong Lok Chong mine in Semoliang yesterday. Sten-gun fire raked the side of a European planters' car as it was being driven along the Tanjong Rambutan Road, about
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  • 160 5 I ITTLE 11 -year-old Lim Choon Hiang, over wh**se L custody a legal battle was fought in the Singapore High Court last week, will continue to remain wi'-h her foster-mother, Lim Keng. Mr. Justice T A Brown, f giving judgment to this effect
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  • 342 5 OIX weeks' simple imprisonment and a $600 fine were imposed on Miss Inez Arisa Quitzow by the District Judge (Mr. E. P. Shanks) yesterday after she had been found guilty on three charges of cheating the Naafi Corporation. It was alleged that Miss Quitzow
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 5 MELBOURNE BRIDE: Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Kelaher after their wedding at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, yesterday. The bride was formerly Miss Jean Paterson of Melbourne, and the groom is on the staff of Sarawak Oilfields, Brunei. Straits Times picture.
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  • 95 5 Mr. Justice T. A. Brown delivered judgment yesterday m the Singapore High Court m the Braga divorce action. The judge dismissed Mrs. Mona Patricia Braga's .petition and. holding that no interest would be served by maintaining the union, c-ed his discretion m favour of Mr. Armand
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  • 25 5 Stowaways Four Chinese stowaways were discovered among the 841 deck passengers from China ports who arrived m Singapore on Monday by the Anhui.
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  • 130 5 Sensitive Singing MISS Ellen Wang gave a vocal recital in the Victoria Memorial Hall last night. Possessing a charming, light soprano voice she was very successful in a group of Chinese lyrics by Liu Hsueh Eu which were simply and sensitively sung. This Chinese lyric style is one which Miss
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  • 237 5 A resolution to form a Singapore Government Servants' Co-opera-tive Housing Society, was passed unanimously at a general meeting of employees held at the Council Chamber, Government Secretariat Building, Singapore, yesterday. A draft of the 52 bye-laws is to be presented to the Registrar of Co-operative
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  • Malayan Round-up
    • 52 5 From Our Own Correspondent KEMAMAN, Tuesday. A BIG caged tiger on a boat in the Kemaman River is waiting for the first steamer to Singapore. He was caught at Tanjong Batu, five miles from Chukai Town. An agent bought him for a European
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    • 26 5 rE All-Malayan Muslim Missionary Society will observe Hari Raya Puasa at Lorong 12, Geylang, at 4.30 p.m. on Sunday. All Muslims are Invited.
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    • 42 5 SEREMBAN, Tues.—The following officers were elected at the genera) meeting oi the recently revived Saint Paul's Old Boys Association yesterday: President: Inche Bahaman bin Samsudin; vice-pre-sident: Chong Teck Quee; hon. secretary: Thong Ah Chong; hon. treasurer: Lai Kok Chong.
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    • 50 5 CINGAPORE received a ship- ment of 1,556 sheep—the second sheep cargo to arrive from Australia this week—by the Dutch ship Maetsuycker yesterday. The vessel also brought 120 tons of potatoes, 110 tons of onions, 4,000 cases of apples. 340 crates of vegetables a-»d cases of poultry and meat.
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    • 63 5 THE Victoria Memorial Hall will not receive the same grey and green re-decoration as the other Government buildings m Empress Place until some time m 1948. The Straits Times understands that a scheme has been placed before the Muni- cipal Commissioners for the rehabilitation of the theatre on
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    • 81 5 AMA TEURS BEAT PROFESSIONALS PENANG, Tues. Penang amateurs beat Singapore professionals m the three night Inter State Ballroom Dancing Competition which ended at the City Lights dance hall last night. Penang was represented by Messrs. Timothy Lee and J. Morris partnered by Misses Janet Ooi and Lucy Chong, Singapore by
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    • 43 5 PENANG, Tues. Dresses sewn by Service League volunteers have been distributed to 200 destitute women and children at Balik Pulau. Mrs. A. V. Aston, president of the league, supervised the distribution The destitutes also received transport expenses and light refreshments
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    • 38 5 MALACCA, Tues. -St. Peter s Brigade will hold th<?ir annual meeting at 3.30 on Saturday. The brigades ]t*i;or single badminton champiunship final will follow the meeting. Junior members will play football, senior members volley ball.
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    • 34 5 MALACCA, Tuesday.— A pic- ture show by courtesy of the Capitol Theatre and Warner Brothers will be held on Friday at 9 a.m. in aid of St. Francis' Institution Science Fund.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 103 5 topical* example ~>t BKONZBMfl^l WELDING on Cast Iron carried out by the Oxy-Acetylene Process. J'l 1 I-L J. 1 f 1 HEAD OFFICE spti j■a i~ %!L^^^*Ji de ss uza street ■%J^^JL- "fci^^jfc^tl^; SALES WORKS fa if 1 VT J 11 I J,l "lh Mile yi'fii V n I M
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  • 110 6 Russia Charters Two Ships For Malayan Rubber THE Russian Government has chartered two ships to lift 18.000 tons of high-grade Malayan rubber from Singapore. The Italian Giam Enttlsta is already m port and *h# Kaston. now m Penang. Is expected In a week. The two ships will load R.S.S. 1.
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 6 MEMBERS of the Korean basket-ball team practice m London for the Olympic Games. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  15 words
  • 157 6 UNION TALKS ON ARMS MELBOURNE, Tues. p"HE Australian trade union movement's attitude to the Government's decision to send arms and ammunition to Malaya will be discussed at a meeting of the Australian Council of Trade Unions m Melbourne tomorrow. So far, the A.C.T.U. has ~iot declared support either for Mr.
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  • 69 6 Towards the end of mis month, the Singapore Government Public Relations Department hopes to put on short film shows at the Victoria Hall. It was recently fitted out with sound equipment. The programmes would consist of news reels, topical shorts and films made by various
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  • 89 6 TODAY Rotary. Mr. S. D. Kalelkar or "UNO Freedom of Information.' 1 1 p.m. Medical College Alumni Association, Clinico-pathological meeting. Department of Pathology. General Hospital, 8 p.m. V.M.C.A., Kato-f; Groups' meeting, St. Hilda's School, 4 p.m. Indian Association, management committee meeting. 6. Race Course Lane, 6 p.m. Wesley
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  • 250 6 r>EER prices are dropping m Singapore, and will continue to fall as long as production increases. Investigation yesterday showed that prices of local and imported beers were m many places 20 to 30 cents lower a reputed quart bottle than they were six months ago.
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  • 145 6 Muslim Notes From Our Muslim Correspondent DR. S. I. M. IBRAHIM has been appointed to the Muslim Advisory Board, Singapore, m succession to Inche Daud bin Mohamed Shah who has resigned because of illhealth. Dr. Ibrahim is president of the Muslim Association and the Bengal Muslim Association,
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  • 93 6 AN early morning roof top chase of a housebreaker by Inspector S. K. Sundram who jumped after him through an air well and a window was described before the Second District Judge (Mr. J. L. McFall) yesterday. The incident occurred m Middle Road on March 24.
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  • 63 6 CINGAPORE Government v departments wil] be issued free with a nook called "Plain Words." to help them learn how to write brief, lucid letters. Businessmen and service officers can buy the book, a Government publication of 90 pages for 90 cents It is written by
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  • 79 6 A Chinese passenger who 1 fell Dff a moving bus m Upper Serangoon Road yesterday afternoon was taken to the General Hospital. He is believed to have fractured skull. In Beach Road a Chinese motor-cyclist and a Chinese pedestrian who were involved m a collision.
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  • 246 6 NO RED BIAS SAY TEACHERS A LEADING article m the Singapore Teachers' Union magazine Monthly Bulletin emphatically denies a charge that English school-teachers m Malaya are veering towards Communism. "The time has come." says the article, "to dispel fears and doubts. "We state categorically that the S.T.U. has never been.
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  • 43 6 Vacation leave due durine the Japanese occupation but not taken will not be given as a matter oL right to Singapore Municipal employees on resignation. However, Municipal Commissioners have decided that each case will be considered on its merits.
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  • 238 6 rpHE Singapore Federation of Unions of Public x Employees and Civil Servants, planned about a year ago, has not been formed yet. This is mainly because of misconceptions on the validity of forming the federation and fear of infringement of independent action by individual
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 247 6 OPENS TO-DAY T.'Vf SHOWS 11 a.m., 2, 4.15, 6.30 9.15 p.m. "HONE 5159 ¥OUR RESERVATIONS i COLUMBIA /*4ate*i&.. TSE fc'l'ST OUTSTAkumG PRODUCTION L T-nr 0 3 ANY OTHER YEAH iuARRY PARKS (He was word-perfect m JOLSON Now li" has acquired the Scottish Accent) with ELI RN DR^ c;FO»^;f MACREADY Color
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    • 251 6 iiE£s£s» fATIIAV Phone "VaS."° ininHT 3400. 18" MEANS COMFORT. TODAY ONE OF THE HAPPIEST HITS IN MEMORY! mud MiNmit Hy i Jff^M Iflijma lot) *^jt r vlCg. von /Imeche :2^BSs?&!j NEXT CHANGE! All your o\ys you will remember M m A UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL HCTURE STIRRING EMOTIONAL DRAMA SUPERBLY TOLD A
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 119 6 RADIO MALAYA SPORE Frequences: 620 Kc/a. I 96 7 2 Mc/8. 1 p.m. Viva America: 1.30 News: 1.40 Skyrockets Dance Orchestra; 2.00 Close. 8.15 News; 8.20 Dance Club; 8.45 At Your Request: 9.30 News: 9.45 Voices in .larnony: 1000 Music Shop; 10.30 Time for Dancing. 11.00 News Close RADIO MALAYA
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    • 130 6 5.45 Listeners' Choice. 6.00 Country Questions: 6.30 News; 6.45 BBC Welsh Orchestra 7 45 Rendezvous Players; 8.00 Merry-go-round Melodies; 8.30 News; 8.45 The Waxwork Mystery. 9.15 Piano. Playtime; 9.30 Radio Newsreel 9.45 Band Parade; 11.00 Milestones i of Melody; 11.30 News 11.40 News Analysis; 11.45 The Balance of Europe 12.00
      130 words
    • 130 6 Hour Bach; 6.30 World News: 6.45 Special BBC Feature: 7 15 Peter Dawson Sings; 7.30 Musica) Comedy Gems: 7.40 Wrestling Description by Eric Welch: 8.15 Background to Australia; 8.30 News: 8.40 News from United I Nations; 8.45 BBC Symphony conducted by Sir Adrian Boult; 9.15 Sporting Diary: 9.45 Australian Scene:
      130 words

  • Commercial And shipping News
    • 243 7 WORK at the Rambutan tin mine was described m the general manager's report at the company's general meeting m England. Since the Japanese occupation much barren sand and stone bad to be removed to return to systematic exploitation. Japanese indiscriminate* removal of higher grade ground, which would normally
      243 words
    • 144 7 MANILA, Tues. OFFICIALS of the Atok Big Wedge Mining Company said today the first electrolytic gold refinery m the East was being built at Manila. The plant will produce so-called trade bars, which are commonly uesd m Eastern gold dealings, as well as rolled sheets of dental
      AP  -  144 words
    • 55 7 KELANTAN Rubber* Estates 1933) suffered a net loss for the year to June 30. 1947, of £1,790 (loss of £3.706 the previous year). The crop for the year was 297,844 lb,. valued at £12.010 (1t>3,414). At the Lepan Kabu Estate. 693 acres were brought under tapping 3nd at
      55 words
    • 797 7 MALAYAN SHARE MARKET ENCOURAGEMENT From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Tuesday. YEWS of the Berlin situation has encouraged the i Malayan share market. Buyers have declared themselves. Sellers are reserved. races quoted Dy we Malayan Sharebrokers' Association today were: INDUSTRIALS Buyer Atlas Ice 14.00 15.00 Alex Brick Ord. 180 1.T0 Pref.
      797 words
    • 227 7 From A Market Correspondent A FALLING trend on the Singapore copra market was stopped yesterday when sellers held out 'or better prices. Trading was quiet m most market sections. A little spei culation m black pepper continued. Yesterday's quotations included: Rice Unclassified: No. 1 $6ft- 2
      227 words
    • 116 7 rE Singapore rubber market was very quiet yesterday after the holidays. More active conditions will probably be experienced today. Closing prices yesterday were: No. 1 sheet f.o.b. buyers 48% cento, sellers 49% cents per lb.; spot loose buyers 48% cents, sellers 49 cents. The Singapore Chamber ot Commerce
      116 words
    • 189 7 SHIPS In port alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves yesterday (godowns in brackets) were: Main Wharf: Sirdhaira (31-32), Oalchas (33-34). Ronde (38-39), Charon (41), Trevose (42-43). West Wharf: Maetsuycker (1-2), Trevethee (4-5), Benares (6-7), Axeldijk (8-9), Katong (11-12). Atxeus (13-14). Empire Dock: Giam Battista (17-18). Hoegh SUverlight
      189 words
    • 112 7 £>ATU TIGA (Selangon Rubbers i 1947 rubber sales and stock amounted to £116 938 (£31.630 in 1946). With other income £1.230, this made £118.168 (£32,823 in 1946). To estate expenditure £94.521 (£24.619). building depreciation £1,806, selling expenses £6,372 (£472). London expenses £2498 (£1.548), temporary overdraft interest £56
      112 words
    • 22 7 Stocks Industrials Rails Utilities July 29 68.64 183.57 60.89 34.30 i Aug. 2 67.72 181.13 59.83 34.64 —A. P.
      22 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1267 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Uncor*>orat'd m Sinfaf>ore^ BLUB FUNNEL LIMB STRAITS STEAMSHIP GO. SAILINCS FROM U.K. b U.S.A. LTD. A. neat dv from UK Aug. 5 EAST COAST MALAYA "Alcmous' due from UK. Aug. S Vessel for Malacca Aug. 4 "Nanking Victory" due from "Seremban" for P. Sham. T. U j.A
      1,267 words
    • 181 7 PRESIDENT LINES General Passenger Agent to Northwest Airlines. SAILINCS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON via INDIA, ECYPT b MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. President Buchanan arr Spore Aug. i i President Fillmorc arr. Spore Aug. 14 Penang Aug. 10 P. Sham 22 Penang n 24 SAILINCS TO SAN FRANCI SCO AND LOS ANCELES.
      181 words
    • 228 7 EAST ASIATIC LINE SA,L,N« FROM SCANO.NAV.A/UJL/ SA.L.NW JO CONTINENT, Loading at Singapore. Port Swettenham and Penane M FlonU due abt Aug. 13 i* "St. CroU" for Bangkok for Madras. Colombo. Aden, Dim abt. Aug. 7 Por Sudan. Port Said. Oenoa. Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Oslo. Co- "MongoHa" for Man..*, n^Tk^s 8
      228 words
    • 967 7 McALISTER 6c CO.. LTD. (Incorporated m *mgaooie> ELLKRMAN <Sc BUCKNALL KLAVENESS LINE Accepting"*?'"^ uT^th t.ant.c A eDtl Xr.S'S'tV" 1""'" Ports Canada via Colombo American Ports CITY Of CLASCOW ROSEV.LLE S'pora P Sham Penang Spore P Sham i enang 16 Aur. 22 Aug. 24 Aug. 8 Aug. 13 Aug. 14 Aug.
      967 words

  • 104 8 Captains A bandon Match SWANSEA, Tuesday. iT»HE St. Helen's pitch, A although no longer under water, was too wet for play today m the Australians v. Glamorgan cricket mat3h. Just before mid-day the j captains abandoned the match. So once again the Glamorgan fixture with the Australians has suffered through
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 72 8 Sydney. Tuesday The New South Wales Lawn Tennis A.ssociation will oppose a move to reduce the expense allowances of players m the Australian championships when the quc.Ttion is raised at the Lawn Tennis Association of Australia meeting on Aur. 16. Tlic finance committee of the L.T.A.A. has suggested
    Reuter-AAP  -  72 words
  • 50 8 Tho Singapore District Works T.E.M.E. beat the Customs Sports Club 4-2 m a Division 111 pmc at McNair Road yesterday. The game was contested at a f,, pai c ci-spite the muddy pitch. \t half-time the score was twonil, but the R.E.M.E. forged nhoad m the second session.
    50 words
  • 110 8 LONDON, Tues. 'THE much-favoured x Philippines basketball team fought hard and well, but were unable to hold Chile m the eliminating round of the Olympic basketball contest today, Chile winning by 68 points to 39. The Philippines' team-work j and speed could not master; Chile's sturdy defence and
    UP  -  110 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 8 Emma Reed (kneeling;), woman high-jumper m the United States Olympic team, measures the height she has cleared m training. Assisting her is her friend, Alice Coachman.
    26 words
  • 132 8 LONDON, Tuesday— Erik Von Frenckell, president of the Olym1 pic Organising Committee for I the 1952 games, said today that I the Bank of Finland had reI fused facilities for 150 tourists to come to Britain for the Olympic i Games "We had already bought tic- kets
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 63 8 DURBAN, Tuesday.— Mr. R. C. Haidman's six-year-old broww horse, Lochiel (8.7), by Cameron Lad out of Roebuck, won the £5 000 Durban Gold Cup, over two miles here yesterday, beating six-year-old Concentration (8.13) by 2 'A lengths. King's Guard (8.8) was IVi lengths away third. There were 16
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 18 8 The Naval Stores XI beat the 'C.Y.M.A. 2-1 In a Third Division League soccer match yesterday.
    18 words
  • 310 8 Rovers 2; S.C.C 1. tyHE Rover Sports Club were held to a 2 1 margin x by the Singapore Cricket Club in their S.A.F.A. I League Div. I fixture at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. z The S.C.C. gave an excellent display, but as usual,
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  • 1315 8 Patton Wins 200 Metres Final LONDON, Tuesday. ANOTHER impressive list of Olympic records was broken today, the old times being shattered by representatives of Britain, Australia, Sweden, the United States, Holland, Denmark, France and Italy. India's strong hope m the hop, step and jump event, H.
    1,315 words
  • Article, Illustration
    54 8 OPENING OF OLYMPICS: The Cambridge University athlete, John Mark, holds the Olympic Flame aloft m salute as he pauses before making: his circuit of the Olympic track at the opening of the Games last Thursday. Above him is a quotation from Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern
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  • 257 8 From EPSOM JEEP PENANG, Tuesday. SOME Class has been allotted lOst. 41b. m the Penang Gold Cup race (over a mile and a quarter), giving 3st. to the bottomweight, Mac Scott. Fourteen horses have I been handicapped in the "classic," which will be run on
    257 words
  • 139 8 TODAY'S ties m the Taitglin Club's tennis tournament Eire: Go-down Doubles (quarter final): B. C. Fay and N. O. Morris v. A. J. Tite and D. F. L Anderson Men's Handicap Doubles (semifinal): J. H. Kuiper and J. Clarke v. W. H. Williams and S. L. McNee.
    139 words
  • 45 8 LONDON, Tuesday.— A protest by the United States after their Olympic match against Sweden today was overruled by the International Wat>rpok> Appeal Board. Sweden won the match by seven goals to nil. The U.nited States are cow eliminated from the contest. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 36 8 TODAY SOCCER: S.A.F.A. League, Div. I SRC. v. 'ndiaiu, Jalan Besar stadinm; Div. ll— RAF. Sembawang y. Pulati Bukom S.C., Geylang; i>iv 111 Haikowyu S.C. T. S-'ran/foon Association, C.V.M.A. ground. TENNIS: Tan^lin Club tournanwßt.
    36 words
  • 365 8 rIGHTS for the third day (Friday) ol the Penang Turf Club's August Bank Holiday Meeting are: CLASS 1 7 FURLONGS Liberty Win The Man 9.07 Peace 8.04 Renoir 9.00 Electroplate Princess 8.00 Guinevere 8. 11 Dear 7.13 High Port" 8.09 Wings 7.11 Coup] an 8.06 Kingsford 7.08
    365 words
  • 85 8 PROVISIONAL dates for the Malaya Cup soccer final and the replay between Kedah and Selangor m the North division were announced last night. The Cup final will most probably take place on Aug. 28 at Kuafo Lumpur The replay between Kedah and Selangor is being arranged
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  • 232 8 Federation vs. Colony Tennis Next Whitsun From Our Special Tennis Correspondent PENANG, Tuesday A FEDERATION v. Singapore tennis tournament will probably be held during the Whit sun holidays next year. The Lawn Tennis Association of Malaya, at a meeting held In Penang during the August bank holiday championships, decided that
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  • 104 8 From EPSOM JEEP. PENANG, Tuesday. RACING circles here are pleasantly surprised at the "generous" stakes offered by the Singapore Turf Club for the Gold Cup race next month. Owners are expressing the hope that other turf clubs win follow Singapore's lead. The Singapore Gold Cup will
    104 words
  • 209 8 A LAST-MINUTE goal scored by Salaudin enabled the Indians to share points with tne Dockyard XI in their S.A.F.A. Second Division league match at Geylang Stadium yesterday. Both sidps scored twice. The Indians dominated play throughout, but their forwards showed poor marksmanship Osman and Salaudin
    209 words
  • 25 8 The R.A.F. Tengah boat the p 19th. Air Formation Signals 2-1 m an S.A.F.A. League Div. j II fixture at Tengah yesterday.
    25 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 219 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from page 4) FOR SALE CHILD LETDOWN COT. hair mattress, high chair and folding pram. Ring *****. \ILER Caravan m perfect condition partitioned m two compartments fully furnishi d. Letters to Dox A3007. S.T. 16 mm sound projector for HOLEX 1948 model, complete v.::h loudspeaker. transformer, microphone.
      219 words
    • 20 8 I mn °E in" IriGLflnD FOR FLAVOUR and A SOLE AGENT^i ffir.^{iw?' i!|!| l!| !N rffflßiPMH N rs\ andallX ■srClsi
      20 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 25 8 SINGAPORE TIDES Today: High water, 10.56 a.m. (8ft. 3in.); 9.40 p.m. Oft I 5in) Tomorrow High water, 11.36 a.m. (8ft. 7in.); 10.31 .p.m. (10ft. linj.
      25 words