The Straits Times, 30 March 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 222 1  - SOON— THE CHURCHILL MEMOIRS Exclusive To The Straits Times The enthralling story of the history -making years we have lived through is told by the man who has helped make much of that history. Soon— on April 16— The Straits Times will begin publication of this important, long-await-ed document. In
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  • 78 1 RANGOON, Monday. A special court today sentenced Major C. H. H. Young (Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) to two years' imprisonment. He was charged with selling arms to U Saw, the Burmese ex-Premier, who is now under sentence of death. Major Young called U Saw, who is
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 242 1 JERUSALEM, Monday. UNOFFICIAL reports said that at least 100 i Jews and Arabs were kilied in Easter weekend violences which extended from southern Palestine j to the far north. The latest official reports iaid that 42 Jews were killed at Kabiri in Northern Pales-. tine,
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  • 242 1 NANKING, Monday. THE missing Independent candidates on a hunger strike for the rights to 1 seats in China's National Assembly were found today. The men, who vanished from the Assembly Hall where they were staging their strike, were located at a secluded hostel un*er police detention. A
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 77 1 SINGAPOREAN 'You'll agree they're IgM J^st try jJ dv Maurier 1 Ha#^P^ and prove it The flavour true Virginia at iv best X U ■■mr- t u The iv Maurier filter W B tip immi the full enjoyment of that Vjj flavour 11 it hint a trace ml bite or
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    • 42 1 ILiANUfAauRtw; QeawdzttwiH 7b years PtPVTATIOM "JUTEX' The Building Paper also Protective and Export Wrappings WATER PROOF PAPER PAPER LINED HESSIAN BALE COVERING BUILDING PAPER The Complete Answer to AJI PACKING Problem. Oar Technical Department will be pleased to advise you* 6d4<£MOH&>a6o€lt it
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 124 2 MANILA, Monday. /TWENTY ONE MEN were killed when Japanese booby traps exploded inside the socalled Navy Tunnel on Corregidor, the Philippine Army said today. The dead were 15 Philippine Army other ranks and six civilian- labourers. The Navy Tunnel is adjacent to the famous
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    • 70 2 PARIS. Monday. The bodies of the 19 passengers and crew of the Viking aircraft which crashed on Saturday on Mount Cardo. in central Corsica, were recovered by volunteer mountain climbers yesterday. Rescue operations on the snow-covered mountain top were extremely hazardous owing to the slippery nature of the
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    • 82 2 LONDON, Monday. On Easter Sunday hi England, everybody was talking about the weather. The weather was wonderful. It was a "little summer" in blustery March. By the thousands, Easter holiday makers had their first swim of the year at the seaside resorts. With the weather to
      AP  -  82 words
    • 88 2 PEKING. Monday.— More than 20 persons were detained and questioned by police yes terday concerning t 1 ■> murdtr of Kune Chao-Fu. his wife, daughter and three servants. All were strangled in Ms house here last Thursday night The arrested group included the entire family of Liv
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    • 26 2 LONDON. Monday. The British Foreign Office announced today that Britain and Afghanistan have agreed to false their legations in London and Kabul to embassies—A.P.
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    • 65 2 MANILA, Monday. The U.S. Army moved 8,000 tons of ammunition from its Rosario, Launion province, ammunition depot to the Clark Field and Fort Stotsenburg area just before it was turned over to the Philippine Government, the Army paper Daily Paciflcan. revealed today. The remainder of the ammunition, estimated
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    • 55 2 NEW YORK, Monday. Continental hotel keepers have found a new way to make money. Egrbert White, publisher of the magazine United Nations World, reported upon his return from Europe today that several hotels in France and Germany had one room for which they charged extra. The reason:
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    • 57 2 SAN FRANCISCO, Monday —The United States Naw yesterday called off a search for an unidentified submarine 60 miles south-west of San Francisco at dawn yesterday There was no official comment as to its possible ldenti- ty but naval authorities had previously indicated that no American submarines were
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    • 59 2 I LA PA*.. Bolivia. Monday.— The newspaper Razon said yesterday that three persons were killed and 16 injured on Saturday night when an earthquake shook the Andean mountain city of Sucre. Aa earthquake shook Taipei islai.-i yesterday, a Sin Wan Pao dJ atch from Taipei said Thp
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    • 44 2 LONDON Monday.—Large Easter c/owds sa«7 Mr. Winston Churcliill attend Christening cererronies today for his youngest grandchild at Westerham parish church. The baby was named Arthur Nicholas Winston Soames. He is the son of Captain and Mrs. Christopher Soames (former Mary Churchill).— UP.
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    • 27 2 BOGOTA, Colombia, Monday.—Eleven persons died yesterday in a burning motor bus at Durania in the Department of Santander Del Norte, dispatches from there said.— A.P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 723 2 NOTICES DUNLO4 RtBBER THE SOUTH BRITISH PURCHASING cO., LTD. WSURAMCECO.. LTD. dm rp.i.Hi in Singapore) Notice is hereby given that the Offx S.H.B Transfer Books of the above Comoodav- Kn X ppel R ad. panv eio,^ from 9th April to »nd April. 1948, both days ln- reasons. We c i
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    • 1330 2 NOTICES NOTICES SOUTHERN^ TRONOH TIN fETER CAMPBELL DA COSTA, DREDGING, LTD. DECEASED. (Incorporated in England) See*. 69 C^p— le^ U1 fI^tLSZfc&XL Act vb\i. the aO ovenamed deceased please Z~.^.m *i communicate with The Chartered Prom 12th March 948 DbUnc- Bank of tadla AlMtralla o^, t»ve Nnmben of the issued shares
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    • 199 2 Round the Clock Round the Globe KLM is in the Sky max mm i mWM\ ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES NJ? "Book now for Mats on plane leaving July 30th. Horn IK Malaya for U.K. Annual Srhcol holidays. Guaranteed, limited number in both directions. Icxinr date for booking; .Inn.. 15th. TOWN OFFICE:
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  • 588 3 RUSSIA ACCUSES TWO COUNTRIES Charges Involve U.S. Services MOSCOW, Monday. DUSSIA has accused the Persian Government of lying about the activities of American military advisers in Persia, the Swedish C-in-C. of planning air bases in Sweden for American planes and paratroopers, and the Western Powers generally of intent to destroy
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  • 46 3 Molotov Throws Cocktail Party MOSCOW, Monday.—.The Soviet Foreign Minister cMr. Molotov) has invited diplomats, high Soviet officials, selected artists, writers and musicians to a cocktail reception tomorrow evening. The reception is in honour of the Finnish delegation ■ow in Moscow discussing the proposed Rasso-Finnish pact —IP.
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  • 144 3 SALONIKA, Monday. THE United Nations" 1 Special Balkans Cornon has decided at an open ses s: on to begin drafting a peneral reporlj for the United Nations :nbly on May 1. The Commission was ordered to Gretce by the United -watchciofj" j group 10 investigate reports
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  • 49 3 SAIGON. Monday—Mr. R r.amurti. Economic! All airs Omcer of the Ur.;ted d hew yester- I rcm Bangkok attar aa aj tour o: Burma and I He will study industrial tnlar.d and trad* cond: ions m lndn-c Mr Krifhnamurti was sen: I iskn' for A^ia and the Far Last.— Pt-u'.r.
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  • 78 3 DENVER, Monday. The existence of a mighty air base near the top of the world in Alatka built to accommodate the B-36 bomber, was reveal*l yesterday in an exclusive story published by the Denver Post. The hitherto highly secret base, once known as "Mile 26." has
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  • 85 3 GENEVA. Russian bloc delegates to the United Nations conference on freedom of information are expected to continue their attack on the American press today. Although this action is deplored by other delegates, it is generally felt that the Russians and their allies must be permitted to
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 3 FOR MALAYAN TRADE The Raja Brooke undergoing trials off Dundee. Built at the Caledon Shipyard, Dundee, for the Straits Steamship Co., the Raja Brooke has a displacement of 2,296 tons and a speed of 13 knots. She will be leaving I/ondon for Malaya soon.
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  • 232 3 LAKE SUCCESS, Monday j>i*a, which had been under eliminate tlv danger of l j, i discttssioti since H was made atomic war. \I\R- Rich&rd Miles on last June Mr. Miles reviewed all M behalf of Britain Rulsto pun included in- °'i he lie n ot
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  • 350 3 TOKIO, Monday. GEN Mac Arthur's Headquarters today announced officially that it had ordered the Japanese Govern meiit to prevent a general strike of nearly 1,500,000 communications workers and other Government employees planned to begin on Wednesday. The Government was told that Gen. Mac Arthur reiterated
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  • 103 3 LONDON, Monday. REPORTS from London, Washington and Istanbul yesterday repeated widely circulating reports that President Tniman would shortly visit Europe. The London Sunday Graphic saiJ that President Truman, Mr. Attlee and Marshal Stalin would probably meet in Berlin In June to "draw up a plan to outlaw
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  • 98 3 Two of Turkey's most important papers Vatan and Lon Post a. said that reports were circulating in Ankara that President Truman would visit Europe next month. AcDrding to the reports, he will visit both Greece and Turkey and an American cruiser and Turkey and an American cruiser and
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  • 103 3 NEW YORK, Monday Legislation before the Philip- pine Congress, if approved, may force American insurance companies to withdraw from the islands, the National Foreign Trade Council says. Of particular concern are measures which would require foreign insurance com-j panics to increase their qualifying deposits and invest more of
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  • 30 3 SYDNEY. Monday. George Lockwood, Adelaide's "walking postman", will walk from Whyalla to Adelaide early next montti In preparation for a proposed Edinburgh to London marathon. lust under 400 miles— Reuter.
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  • 165 3 WASHINGTON, Monday. SENATOR Claude Pepper (Democrat, Florida), regarded in the past as an apologist for Russia, last night in a broadcast bluntly accused her of aggression against her neighbours. Saying the United States was on the very brink of war, Senator Pepper appealed to President Truman
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  • 38 3 BUCHAREST, Monday. The Communist-dominated Government bloc won a sweeping majority of slightly more than 90 per cent of the votes cast in the first general election under the new republic, figures showed today. UP.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 112 3 Effortless ironing with the n«w O.E.C. Srrwnluwd Automatic In>n Thermostatic Control by •iir dial for woollen, silk, cotton or linen fabrics maintains correct temperature for each In Primrose enamel, as illustrated Cat. No. D. 5822 6-lb. Streamlined Automatic Iron with 3-core Domestic Flexible. Loading: 750 watts, for A.C. mains only.«
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    • 258 3 .Of COUfiSf More Osuable Space Kelvinator's scientin>a!lydeslgned cabinet gives you 40% more storage space than others of similar size READY STOCKS AVAILABLE Authorised Dealer: New Everlight Electric Co. 76, Orchard Road, Singapore. V'j\itVwti V i t t t V P V r^^V v 11 1 J lIfI n A These
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  • 220 4 UMNO Meeting In Penang PENANG, Monday. THE Malayan-wide UMNO campaign to unite Malays into one central political body will be discussed at the three-tfay UMNO general assembly to begin in Penang on April 23. The Raja of Perlis has been invited to officiate at the opening
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  • 198 4 Muslims Hold Big Feast Muslim Notes Mom uur musiim Correspondent ABOU 1 300 Muslims attended the annual Moulud feast organised by the Starlight Club or Sunday in commemora tion of ihe Prophet Mohammad's birthday. "h" function was held at the Onan Road nome of the club's honorary secretary. Inrhe N.
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  • 47 4 SOFIA. Monday. Bulgarians will eat better bread next month "thanks to la." it was announced yesterday. The r.wvspaper Fatherland Fr nt said the improvement was made possible "thanks to the brotherly aid of the Soviet Union, which granted us 75,000 tons of wheat." UP.
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  • 47 4 I NEW YORK, Monday— John Gielgud's British theatrical company was Judged the most outstanding foreign company in the annual presentation of awards here last night. The winners were given awards of inscribed gold bracelets for women and inscribed gold noteclips for men. Renter.
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 4 FOOTPADS BEWARE! Women trainees of the Los Angeles Police Department get used to firing the .38 calibre revolvers with which they will be armed when they don their uniforms. Gun handling, law enforcement, judo, swimming and public relations are a few of the many subjects studied in training. A.P. picture.
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  • 179 4 LONDON, Monday. QTANDING high on the •J ruined wall of a London bombed site, Major Vivion De Valera yesterday addressed the overflow of a 5,0<!0-strong demonstration against the partition of Ireland. Major De Valera is the barrister son of Eire's ex-premier and a member of the Dail
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  • 293 4 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Monday. 4 'DOCTOR, two health sisters and five nursing sisters are proceeding to Malaya for the understaffed hospitals. The doctor is Dr. A. Glasgow Royal Infirmary, and the McQueen Robertson, the Maternity Section of Ayrshire h o
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  • 71 4 Charged with possession of a knuckle duster described as a dangerous weapon, an Indian naftied Banta said in court yesterday that he had picked it up at Jalan Kayu Village on March 27 and kept it as a curio. The magistrate, Mr. L. C. Goh, remanded Banta in
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  • 80 4 Mr. K. Balasubrahmanyam, managing director of the Bombay Life Assurance Ltd., has arrived in Singapore en route to Bangkok and Hong Kong. Mr. Balasubrahmanyam Is touring the Far East with a view to expanding the business of his company. An Indian named Mai Singh was charged In
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  • 97 4 Mac Arthur "Can Stop Russia" MILWAUKEE, Monday. pEN. MacARTHUR was the "only leader strong enough to stop Russia in her tricks," the national conference of the "MacArthur for President Club" was told on Saturday. The Wisconsin Secretary of State (Mr. Zimmerman) said this In an address to 100 delegates from
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  • 264 4 AFTER an absence of nearly 30 years, a Singaporean has returned to the Colony a retired lieutenant-general of the Chinese Army. He left Singapore in his early twenties, and the in tervening years have seen him graduate from China's military academies and fight the Japanese
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  • 286 4 pENERAL traffic will be deviated from Empress vJ Place from 9.30 a.m. on Thursday as a Guard of Honour and two bands move into position to await the Governor (Sir Franklin Gimson) and cars stream into the square bearing 400 guests to witness the historic inauguration
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  • 121 4 Hundreds of Chinese youths in Singapore celebrated China's Fifth National Youth Day yesterday, with a ceremony at the Chinese V.M.C.A. premises in Selegie Road. The Chinese Vice-Consul (Mr. Chen Sim Yih) and the Chinese V.M.C.A. president (Dr. Chen Su Lan) spoke on the important, role which
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 133 4 HUME PIPE (Far East) LIMITED Announce the Change of the Company's name to Hi'&E Industries (Far East) Ltd. MANUFACTURERS, GENERAL ENGINEERS FOUNDERS. Concrete Pipes, Channels dc Slabs. Concrete Linings Bituminous Wrappings for Pipes. Steel Pipes for Water, Sewerage Mining. Steel Tanks. Structural Engineers. Asbestos/Cement Flat 0C Corrugated Sheets. Asbestos/Cement Rain
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    • 377 4 tf00/> for BOW SB® >— s< ro-n .V t kf SHOWS— 3 6.IS A 9.r. p.m. QttU all U0C& A S'arM.nt Mfod am-: My Mother's fri.nd «nd mine "DOUBLE INDEMNITY" Mrs. N. speaks to you is one woman to another. She knows full well the un- Fred MnoMl URAY BnrtMl
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  • 351 5 World Output Is Major Question WASHINGTON, Monday. DELEGATES from at least a dozen countries will attend a five-day conference of the InI ternational Rubber Study Group in Washington on April 26 to study world rubber supplies and needs. Their major task will be to arrive at an
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  • 87 5 < IJVELAND, Monday. Tltr, I.S. armed lories are likely to begin heavy purchases of sterl by midsummer under a new armament programme, the ma;asine steel reported yester- hough there has been lilile new military buying to date, the magazine said, snnif "feeler" inquiries for armour plate
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  • 72 5 Soviet Won't Admit Reds IfASHLNGION, Hondas. RUSSIA and her satellites I have blocked the dcin fiom the United of 2.376 unde.>iril aliens, including xnit 80 ixvoltitionrirj >mmunists, by roflia r.£ .•idmit them to tlu oriel Union. AKhoi. alKns are ::als of countries bond the '"iron rurt.iin," reran] lean .s. Ith
    UP  -  72 words
  • 56 5 Fines totalling $465 were Imposed on 16 Chinese yesterday in the Second Police Court for gambling offences during the Easter week-end. I They were arrested follow- ing police raids on houses ln Sapo Street, Maxwell Road, Canal Road and Smith Street, i The gambling exhibits in-
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  • 371 5 By Our Woman Correspondent THERE were three weddings in Singapore i yesterday. At 2 p.m. yesterday. Miss Jean Buckley (A. T.S.) married Mr. John McGhie, Police Officer (5.H.8.) at the Roman Catholic Church, Tanglin Barracks. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Coplen of
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  • 180 5 1 ROME, Monday. I CiIVE thousand I r troops and reinforcements have moved ink Yugoslavia-occupied zon< of Trieste and 300 camou- flaged Russian mad< tanks are concentrated a I a point near the borde] nine miles north-east oi 1 Trieste. i Reporting this yesterday the usually
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  • 128 5 ISTANBUL, Monday Maxima© the Fifth. Patriarch |of the Greek Orthodox Chu- jh, informed the Holy Synod on Sunday he Ls re- tirin X shortly from on* of the world's hiefaest religious thrones. The resignation is expected to come shortly and informed souroes predicted tfrat Archbishop Athinagords of
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  • 207 5 Singapore Beaches Crowded r SPITE the showery weather which "wash-ed-out" a number of en« cket and golf matches, Singapore people made the most of their Kaster holidays. From early Sunday morning, picnickers were on the move. Most of them headed for the bathing spots along the east and west coasts,
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  • 102 5 WASHINGTON, Monday.— An attempt to remove military aid for China, Turkey and Greece from the $6,205,000.000 House Foreign Aid bill was predicted yesterday by Representative Mike Mansfield (Montana Democrat). All signs, however, pointed coward failure of such an attempt as well as most other amendments to
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  • 85 5 Allegations that they had been assaulted while In the police lock-up were made by two Malays, Mohamed Sharif bin Hassan a^d Mohamed Aljumi bin Raja, in the Second Police Court yesterday. The Malays faoed two charges of breaking into a garage in Hooper Road on Saturday night
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  • 97 5 TODAY Singapore Boxing Association, annual general meeting, Happy World Boxing Stadium, 5.30 pjn. V's Men's Club dinner meeting 8 p.m. at V.M.C.A. Mr. T.P.P. McNeice will speak on "Imprea»lons of England Today." TOMORROW Y. M. C. A., Katong Oroup»' meeting, St. Hilda's School 4 p.m. Farewell tea party,
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  • 287 5 SINGAPORE Police received two reports of robberies vestf rdav and £2 Sunday. The Police arrested a Chinese early yesterday, shortly after a Chinese had made a report that he was robbed by, fcui men of a wrist-watch. an.r $2: 50 ln caBh at tne 10th i mile.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 76 5 JB^^^^^^^ Investigate NOW the profit wh?cYi Jl INTERNATIONAL DIESEL ELECTRIC W MM he INTER- r r '"W|te-^^i LUNTI A ra liable uluM i^T^re! ex. stock oka^e Power U^! ri Singapore 1% "TTK' HP JB T A. V>- lvl v- tinu ti It pays for itself quickly in Theatres, Rest;iur;.u>, Factories
      76 words
    • 247 5 PA kA PUBLIC ADDRESS AKnrv outfit A product of Pamphonic Reproducers L.d., England. rhim is a 7 rmJves 25 watU amplifier, suitable .or C»fcaret. Cafe, Restaorant and Home Entertainment. teoufate «f separate microphone and It is built with imss and treble controls and also with •eparate Tolnme control for microphone
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  • 1096 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues. Mar. 30, 1948. TUG-OF-WAR IN SINGAPORE Last Friday evening, in a trade- union hall in Seah Street, Singapore, Mr. Dusan Puhalo iddressed a meeting of the New Democratic Youth League of Malaya. On Saturday afternoon in the Victoria Theatre Canon R. K. S. Adams gave
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  • 65 6 CAIRO, Monday.— The VS. aircran-carrier Valley Forge continued Its round-the-world cruise yesterday after a mimic display of aerial fighting power in the Persian Gulf in which Crown Prince Saud, of Saudi Arabia, gave the signals for attacks. The 27 000-ton carrier and two destroyers, the Lawes
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  • 1307 6 PSYCHOLOGY OF COLONIAL NATIONALISM Echoes Of The M.D.U. In Trinidad TT is becoming a truism to say that the political future of the colonies rests with their educated classes, who must in the long run be relied on not only to link colonial Governments and peoples together, but also to
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    • 649 6 YOUR front-page headI line of March 22, "COLONY ELECTION BOYCOTT FAILS" is very misleading and very far from the truth. I am distrusted to note that a paper of your standing should stoop to the extent of misrepresenting facts. Consider for example the Chinese populace
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    • 155 6 AS I have children attending all the three English schools in Johore Bahru, I am greatly surprised to learn that two ol these schools have tuck shops which are exclusively run by Chinese. I wish to point out that before the war food for tre
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    • 283 6 MALAYA AND THE COMINTERN ANOTHER wise step taken by the Attlee Government is its recent decision to remove Communist elements from key Government jobs. This action was a precautionary measure; probably it is a reflection of the growing concern among those in authority in England that an armed clash between
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    • 46 6 PEDESTRIAN cross walks have been paint Jed on Stamford Road 8 during the weekend. c Is this a .sign that the r Singapore Traffic Police are at long last going to see that pedestrians can cross a road without being killed? FOOT SLOGGER. Singapore.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 651 6 CLASSI PIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified Smalls SI 25 per line Mm. Charge $5 Public Notices $10 per single column Inch. Personal Domestic 52.50 per line Mm. Charge fit. U letter* m «p»ees eomprtae •n. line 4dT« ttarmenta m»y be tent bj po- arrnmpanlrd by rtmltUacea. Fot InfiTtnatUm telephone Adrer ttoni Manager.
      651 words
    • 36 6 WHY YOV CAR SEE CLEARLY BUT EVES FEEL UR COMFORTABLE I LET US ANALYSE YOUR CASE ft ELIMINATE YOUR TROUBLE! C. S. CHONG. OPT D. F»u, ejpippe* with emnrm» m» *m eye ewwtwttti an* trainee Uwtrwmenta.
      36 words
    • 66 6 to tke komj£ for your Comfort and Convenience Rich wholesome milk from the meadows, purified, standardised, concentrated, with only the water removed. You can add the water yourself and drink delicious health-giving milk at all times and under any conditions with the knowledge that it is absolutely safe. FULL CREAM
      66 words

  • 166 7 Ceylonese Troops In Incident AFTER an incident on Sunday night at the Ceylon Pioneer Corp^ camp at Woodlands, 13 Va mile. Bukit Timah Road a Ceylonese soldier was treated for head wounds. Two Chinese were later charged with having voluntarily caused grievous hurt to a Ceylonese. The incident, which took
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  • 95 7 Two exceptionally good films showing in Singapore are "Night Song" (Pavilion) and "Blanche Fury" (Cathay). "Night Song" develops an original theme about a temporarily blind composer (Dana Andrews* who needs an heiress (Merle Oberon) pretending to be blind to make him happy. This musical film marks
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  • 51 7 Tan Hock Chee and Hock Chew were charged in the Second Police Court yesterday with having voluntarily caused hurt to an Indian with a three-foot piece of iron on Mar 28. Both pleaded not guilty to the charge. The case was postponed to April 8 for
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  • 32 7 Teo Ah Kow was charged In the Second Singapore Police Court yesterday having unlawful possession of a dagger at 12 30 a.m. the same day The case was adjourned to April 6.
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  • 1070 7 Life Of Service Recalled CULT AN Sir Abdul Aziz al-Mu'tassim Bil'lah Shah, who died unexpectedly yesterday morning at Lumut, in the Dindings, will be remembered above all for his championship of the Malays' cause in his own State, Perak, and throughout Malaya. He was
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  • 108 7 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA KANGSAR, Monday. THREE-INDIANS died on Thursday as a result of rubber coagulating acid poisoning. They were Sahid, 18; his sister Miriam, 12; and a married woman, Nagammah, 22. They lived together in the same house in Low Road, and were found
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  • 31 7 CEREMBAN, Monday.—Revenue from the licensing of Seremban vehicles amounted to $7,230 in 1947. Details are: Trishaws. $3,716; jinrickshaws, $848; bullock carts t including hand earti), $2,080; trade tricycles. $5345.
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  • 81 7 IPOH, Monday —The Easter week-end was spent very quietly here. Not one major sporting event was held during the four-day holiday. Instead, large numbers of Ipoh sportsmen and women travelled to other centres. Perak State cricketers and a big contingent of Perak Chinese athletes travelled to Penang. Badminton
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  • 105 7 IPOH, Monday. A distinguish ed gathering, which included the Raja Muda of Perak and the Chief Justice of Singapore (Mr. Justice Murray-Aynsley), attended the wedding here yesterday of Mr. Foo Keat Lim, of the Perak Rdver Hydro Electro Company, to Miss Wong Poh Yoong. The bride is the
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  • 99 7 CEREMBAN. Monday. A Negri Sembilan Gandhi memorial committee of 33, including a chairman, three I vice-chairmen. a secretary. an assistant secretary and a treasurer, was formed here last night at a meeting of Negri's Indians held at the Indian Association. The meeting was presided over by Dr. S.
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  • 323 7 Falls To Death From Flats AN eye-witness told the Straits Times last night how a young Chinese fell to his death from the fourth storey of Meyer Plats in Coleman Street yesterday. He said the Chinese had twice jumped onto a narrow parapet and that an old woman pulled him
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  • 299 7 Trusted recommendations regarding the method of transfer of serving officers from the old to new scales, and are still in communication with the Secretary of State on the matter. "I* is proposed that the exact method of transfer be reserved for further consideration as soon
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  • 72 7 IPOH, Monday.— A unanimous decision to form a Perak branch of the Ceylon Federation of Malaya was made here last night at a largely attended meeting of Ceylonese held at the Ceylon Association premises. The meeting was preceded by a tea party at which Mr. M. 8. Mahendran
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  • 273 7 FIFTEEN Malay seamen who were recently deported 1 from Australia yesterday attacked the manner in which they were treated by Australian police authorities prior to their departure from Sydney. The men arrived in Singapore on Sunday after an absence of nearly six years. They told
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  • 106 7 Shortage Of Copra Hits Mills pOCONUT oil millers in Singapore are now faced with a serious copra shortage, as a result of which two-thirds of mills have either completely suspended production or have cut down their operations. One miller said that the ruling high cost of copra had had made
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 65 7 This remarkable 1948 Model Radio is gaining in popularity every dayIt incorporates all the latest features and it housed in a beautiful walnut cabinetHire Purchase Terms arranged with SOLE DISTRIBUTORS Professional Packing fr— Estimates The SINGAPORE PACKING Co. Goods packed by experts for removal to any destination. Packing and Forwarding
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    • 99 7 §3 00(D (Do§ wMpO Iffiiw 'V 1 1 -I vj^M>jisjft j* i.«^ J^~'*" Draw a circle with London as its centre and within a radius of ioo jJ, a miles lives Dearly one half of the f lrf( population of Great Britain. Mere f,^ for many commodities is the %Jl
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  • 148 8 AUSTRALIA has a bright future in her •ade with China," said distinguished Austraan economist. Professor i. B. Copland, in Singaore yesterday. Prof. Copland was wel>med on his arrival at Kalmg airport by the Austraa* Commissioner (Mr. laude Massey). Prof. Copland, who is rejrning to Australia from
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  • 290 8 Effective Party In Politics THE president of the Malay Union, Singapore (Indie Sardon bin Haji Jubfr) spoke yesterday of "the heavy responsibility" falling on the Malays as a community "now that the political situation in Singapore has changed.** Inche Sardon was speaking at the annual
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  • 96 8 SHANGHAI, Monday.— ~ocal citizens will not be allowed to hoard any quantity of daily-used commodities for more than three months, accordine to new regulations formulated by the Ministry of Lconomics No ship will bs permitted to k-ep Roods which total more than one-fifth of one year's supply, the
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 52 8 MANILA. Monday.— Three units of the British Pacific I Fleet are due in Manila tomorrow .'or a ecodwill visit i Th?r are the cruiser London. 1 the destroyer Consort and the sloop Alert. Football teams of the three warships will play a round of Tames with local el°vens cjur- their
    AP  -  52 words
  • 503 8 Jphore Weekly Letter MEMBERS of the Kauiii Ibu (women's section of the Pergerakan Melayu Semenanjong) Johore Bahrru, entertained the Sultanah of Johore to a tea party at the Royal Johore international Club, when the opportunity was taken to introduce her to the members. There was a large gathering, which included
    503 words
  • 412 8 (Copyright 1947, by Ely Culbertson.) East made a valiant effort to aaapa a th.ow-in play In today's Ideal but, alas, in vain! South, dealer North Bouth TvlneniDle NORTH ♦J 7 S 9al Q A 10 5 S t WEST EAST •S4 S 985 JJ V 10 ni
    412 words
  • 224 8 •pHE Director-General of the Overseas League (Air 1 Vice-Marshal Malcolm Henderson) said yesterday that he had come to Singapore to found a branch of the League here for British subjects of all nationalities. He will hold meetings today with the Municipa Secretary (Mr. W. W. Duncan)
    224 words
  • 203 8 Govt. Servants Meet Malay Mews From Our Malay Correspondent MORE than forty Malay Government official in Kuala Lumpur and the surrounding administrative districts held the'i second "get together*' party at the I>tana Sultan Perak here recently. Among those present were th? Mentri Besar, Selangor (Dato Hamzah bin Abdullah). These monthly
    203 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 218 8 SIAMESE AIRWAYS wraav sttvia. sincapore banckok THRICE WEEKLY. PENANC BANCKOK Intermediate stops SINGORA PHUKET For details freight and passage apply SIME DARBY C 0. LTD. SINGAPORE AND PENANG. NOW. .and always ...the name to remember AT% F the Modern H t L Motorcycle Distributors: The Eastern Auto Co., Ltd., Singapore.
      218 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 122 8 7%e /foesf/7?//6 (4&§> a a I/lIM > '35 uri ELSIE. th« BOIOEN COW >^^ Cltio: Yomi monry cam buy no bolter rrnlk for him lh*M Kfam. It dw ftnasr cow'i milk in powdered lorm. mnd it never varies i« qiielity. Il ia lealod many limn lot pttnty, Mfety mod tamim
      122 words
    • 99 8 STRAITS TIMES CROSSWORD j^-TV I fc J£*J MO CROSSWORD So.\ 2A4 i, 1.. 33 Improve (4). JHK.^ JaSL^— JEam— M 9*9" >s I I I I I I I I XI Dtcii lor a bmk(aMl-4»Wat 7 t tb« tiWs Ifl." ft- v' 1 *n •<COBaV I jßL_^_Maß Sa^L^^Ja^Lß--«^^PHBVa^aV^L^BL^i^-Ca^H ar»»aj»*i m<
      99 words

  • 1268 9  - The problem of toys for the nursery "NURSE ELIZABETH" MOTHERCRAFT IN MALAYA By N important queswhich mothers wrayi uk is ''What II I give Baby to bin ii mused baoy's manipulative tkill and power to contend on the toys that arc <riven him lay. This and other ques t ont
    1,268 words
  • 529 9 T"HE cheerful Chinese 1 mattress maker was measuring off pieces of material in lengths for me to dye before they were made up into upholstery. He asked if I would like to watch him measuring it. Personally I have more faith in his measurements than my
    529 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 9 A fast game of tennis calls for comfortable shorts. Ava Gardner, M.G.M. actress, chooses this two-pieced outfit in hazy red, black and white checks. The full sleeves, roomy back and wide legs all alhw for maximum freedom.
    37 words
  • 453 9 By A Woman A RE you one of those people whose social life is a nightmare because you are too selfconscious to behave naturally when coping with small behaviour problems? Do you feel timid when meeting a roomful of new people, or when you go
    453 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 105 9 Foi* Evei*y OccQdioti -my~ 7 ~^S^^^^^^L I m -—r Marninc *n4 kifht tkrm^lMttt Ik* *.y. la lem. m caffc*. mm* «.'lk drink— mhrnrrrr thrre's ac« 4 fat milk. Ihrrc'i a nerd far ■MM MM frr»h >k*W milk in ■*••>< ttm. convenient «M lj£ mmb4t la Btrparr N»nPR\Y pU)t a full
      105 words
    • 195 9 PHILCO... the greatest Refrigerator of all Tim? ■■j It's new it's Modem J^^=s=HB^^J| *™^H bririßin^ you e x<- ius 1 v I■■ if^ .xj J^y^i features for ur ifwoKtMSrw 2 fl l service, convea.ence air-. Hc^^Ljg II economy. in: Incline a "1^ Riant-size built-in ft mJl^Pm an^ frozen «stcr-«"r Bjj^'HJ
      195 words

  • Article, Illustration
    28 10 FFLLOW TRAVELLER! An Associated Press Photograph "snapped noncliaun. Jersey calf stitched no in a sack waiting last week on P ulbonmgh Station for a train to Sooth Wales.
    28 words
  • 1348 10  - Our London Letter Airmail By March. 17. i THE Reds are still in the big headlines and, the peace-and-war situation being what it is, many are pleased that a Left Wing Government is purging Communists from State security jobs. But though the reimposition of a political test for employment after
    1,348 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 216 10 mmALL Box Office Recordbi^ *SPL ASHED* pi| M GMs 7ecA*uc&£&l MUSICAL W\ LAUBITZ JIMMY JOHNNIt m, MELCHIQR DURANTE JOHNSTON m XAVIER CUGAT cXZ^ m I I TODAY! CAPITOL 11 AM.. 2 PJH.. 4.15; 6.30 AND 9.15 P.M. I 1 Our apologies to the thousands who wrre turned away. To avoid
      216 words
    • 415 10 AMERICAN MAIL L9MS FAS'l SKRVitfcTo Los Angeles San Francisco Portland 9rat«t» "sneoaver -INDIA MAIL" loads Penan* V>s April Swettenhan 2;*rd \|v I Singapore 24th April •qSIANH MAIL"* loads mJ for reigbt pawitf please applv toUm<«'. eOTHRIE ft CO., LTD. Phone -1S1 E\ ERCTT ORIENT LINE aaH> For Penang Rangoon Calcutta
      415 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 404 10 I taxy by Vtrnon Bartlett; 12 mid- 9.00 Radio SEAC Show; 9.30 RADIO MALAYA 8'PORS I lW 7 Vnrllm p,^ I BBC Radio Newsreel; 9.45 Show night Ixrndon Porum. 12.30 Close. d 10 „<, Swing s^on; 10.55 a.m. to 12 noon-Schools 10 30 Chorale; 10.50 BBC ForceBroadcast; 1 p.m. Radio
      404 words

  • 253 11 From A Market m Correspondent CLIGHT activity in rice was recorded on the Singapore markets yesterday, although most sections of the produce markets remained closed. It was reported that Tg. Balai merchant* were in Singapore making some parchases of low-grade rice. Quotations of Grades 3 and 4 made
    253 words
  • 39 11 Chulsa (Selangor) Rubber revenue balance for 1947 was £4,233. as against the previous year's £3,319. Other income was £288 (previous year £13.653.) To rehabilitation. £2.165 (£16,584); replantirg. etc.. reserve, £1.500 mil); tax. £300 (nil); forward. £776 (£120.)
    39 words
  • 302 11 HONO Fatt (Sungei Besi) Limited, in a circular to share-holders, give a favourable report on progress in their mine despite a power shortage. The work of rehabilitation, it states, has proceeded according to schedule, Dut unless more power is made available "we shall not be able
    302 words
  • 278 11 TIN shares have recently lost mach of the enthusiastic support which was evident earlier in the year, says the Financial Times. Although the British-regis-tered Malayan producers would obviously come into a specially favoured category in any dividend limitation scheme, it was noticeable that the recent
    278 words
  • 37 11 According to the E St MJ Metal and Mineral Markets, the mine output of tin In the Netherlands East Indies reached 1,912 tens In Pebruary. The figure for February last year was 1.035 tons.
    37 words
  • 208 11 rtIVIDEND limitation has MJ brought a moderate revival hi Robber shares, which constitute an exception in the F. 8.1, scheme. sayi the Financial Times. The best of the recent quiet buying seems to have been concentrated on the lesser-known companies priced at a fair discount but capable
    208 words
  • 144 11 rS rice situation in the Netherlands Indies, the key to production, has lately improved to such an extent that the Netherlands Indies are now able again to cover their needs, according to the Financial Times Amsterdam correspondent An Important consequence Is that foreign exchange is released
    144 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 774 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. i.. uruuiaieo id Mu«4pore> BLUF FUNNEL LINE MMJM4M rROM V X AND OS A -Mfron" D-e from U.K. 3 J "r.|»r..^|e" Do* frosn IK Am -r-iurni 11 Doe from U.K Apr 1 ••\enras' Do ffom U.K Apr- *T -Earrpftas" One from U.K. \ll INi.» Mil I.IVfeRPOOL GLASGOW
      774 words
    • 308 11 PRESIDENT LINE SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON via INDIA EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS PRES. BUCHANAN Srngaparo Arr. Mar. 31 Penan* Apr. S PRES FTLLMORS Singapore Arr. Apr. t Pt Swett Apr. 17 Penang Apr. M LYKES ORIENT LINE direct to HOUSTON, MOBILE, NEW ORLEANS Limited Passenger Space Available 35 DAYS
      308 words
    • 246 11 •^^"^U aTal af*M bW# W7 Jtfy ry)s/ P&O U. K. LINE TREVAYLOB IN PORT GENOA. MARSEILLES, HAVRE, LONDON tiuve^am if^2 SSSaVlondon xclnto ll n yan gg.u*ifSg&s* INWARDS B V *l'* All «S' .!5S ...HONG KONG SHANGHAI xCANTON MAY 4TH TREVOSB MAR. 2STH 8.1. APCAR LINE xSIRDIi \N A APR. 2ND
      246 words
    • 655 11 ELLERMAN KIAVt'NCtS BUCKNALL LONDON ANTWERP ROSEVIIAS "CITY OF KHARTOUM" mmtm rs P. Sham Penang Due 10 \ni In Port 2 Apr. SaiK 12 \ot II \oi M lat McALISTER CO., LTD. llßaafooratee .r sinpaonre PHON'P V'Of BOUSTEAD&CG.,LTa LLOYDS AGENTS Agent* for Malaya Railways GLEN !i». mnw ■sKtmiiw liki Saillags to
      655 words

  • 1215 12 Some Class Wins Cracks' Race From EPSOM JEEP IPOH, Monday. HARK Romance, owned by "Goodwood Stable,** created a big upset at the second day's races of the Perak Turf Club Easter Meeting here today to pay a win dividend of $175. The State flap; was flown
    1,215 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 12 Med hurst, the Chelsea goalkeeper, clears from Rooke of Arsenal, in the match at Highbury on March 20. Chelsea scored a surprise two-nil victory.
    24 words
  • 338 12 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Monday. yHE three-day interA State cricket match between Penang and Perak ended this evening, with the visitors being dismissed for 33 runs in their second innings. Penang thus won by 192 runs. The feature of the day's play was the fine bowling of
    338 words
  • 172 12 THi. Malayan onine^e Amateur Weight Lifting Federation, with headquarters in Singapore, has been formed after a meeting of weightlifting repre«entathres of Singapore and all States of the Federation. The first president of the Federation is Mr. Wee Joo Hock of Singapore, who was mainly responsible for arranging
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  • 25 12 LONDON. Monday— The Netherlands beat England by five goals to two in the amateur soccer triangular tournament on Dulwich ground here today Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 21 12 Today: High water. 2.25 p.m. (7.9 ft.). Tomorrow: High water, 1.55 a.m. (8.5 ft.) and 3.13 p.m. (7.1 ft.).
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  • 191 12 request of the president of the Penang Cricket Association (Mr. Lim Khye Seng), players and spectators in the pavilion observed one minute's silence as a mark of respect to the late Sultan of Perak. PENANG 2ND INNINGS: Wiliams c Rees d Martdnz 21; Boh Eye lbw b
    191 words
  • 257 12 Selangor Malays Defeated From Our Own Correspondnt JOHORE BAHRU Mon. JOHORE Malays defeated Selangor Malays in their tennis match here by 18 games to 14. The Sultan and Sultanah of Johore were among the spectators. Results (Johore Ma lavs mentioned first) Doubles: Othman and Mohd. Haji Ali beat Tungku Jaffar
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  • 193 12 FXCEPT for the third H men's player, the Malayan Chinese table tennis team for the China national games were chosen after the conclusion oi the four-day trials at the Great World, Singapore. The five players chosen are: men— Yau Yee Hung (Perak) and Lai Ying Hon
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  • 88 12 From Our Own Correspondent SEREMBAN, Monday. rO centuries marked the annual Leonard Memorial Trophy cricket match, which was again won by the Outstation Districts. The match, played during the week-end, was decided on the first innings, the Outstation Districts winning by three wickets. Ourdial Singh, who
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  • 23 12 TrtIVIGLJO Northern Italy. Monday. Prance beat Italy by 39 points to six m a Ru«rby Union international match here yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 273 12 TeikHock, Helen Heng Annex Malayan Titles By Our Special Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. 001 Teik Hock of Penang and Miss Helen Heng of Singapore each won two Malayan badminton titles when the championship finals were played today. Teik Hock became the new men's singles champion by beating Lim Kee Fong
    273 words
  • 25 12 PARIS. Monday France beat England by IS points to zero in the last Rugby Union international of the season h»»re to-day. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 58 12 Johore Bahru, Monday. The first and second soccer elevens of the English College scored fine victories over the St. Josph's Institution teams from Singapore The English College Ist XI won five-one. Tan Yong (three), Aris Ahmad and Low Teng Kiang scored for the home team and Eric
    58 words
  • 621 12 4 WORLD record was unotlicially broken at the two-day All-Malaya Chinese weightlifting trials concluded at the New World on Sunday night. Three British records' and seven Malayan records were also smashed, and one Malayan record equalled. The Kuala Lumpur schoolboy, Loong Wei Teik, improved
    621 words
  • 96 12 RANDWICK, Sydney, Mon. IN a short-head photofinish, Mr. T. C. Cooke's Dark Marne von the Sydney Cup race, worth £8.000. over two miles today. Starting 10 to 1. Dark Marne, carrying 8 st.. 13 lb., just managed to nose out Columnist (9.7), an 8 to 1 shot,
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 491 12 THE Council of the Malayan Chinese Football Association, at a meeting held in Singapore yesterday, confirmed their decision to send a team to take part in the seven** rhlna nafinn!ll m<l|lt in Shanghai. Three officials were selected to accompany the team. They are Mr. Lim Kee
    491 words
  • 232 12 Lauriston Becomes Champion From Our St..rt Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Men. ANEW Malayan guif champion emergrrj oday after one of the must exciting final* when R. B. Lauriston, of the Perak Golf Club, beat N. L Clarke, of the Selangor Golf Club, two and one First-class golf was provided, as was
    232 words
  • 67 12 TOOAi' SOCCER: S.A.F.A. League. Div. I— Malays v. A.A.A.. Jalau Besar stadium, 5.15 p.m.; Div. II Malays v. R.A.F. Boatawang, padang, 5.15 p.m.; Kranji W/T v. Dockyard XI, Kranji. 5.15 p.m.; Div. Ill— P. A T. XI v. Singapore District IV. REME, McNair Road. 5.15 p.m. BASKETBALL: Malayan Chinese trials
    67 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 33 12 ELE CTI O N GRAND PRIX BERNE 1914 Available at. all leading wa>.ch dealers throuyii^ut vj. Sole AgenU: CHUN CHONO 53, South Bridge Rd. Singapore DUNLOP build the best tyre for every purpose
      33 words