The Straits Times, 24 March 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 556 1 Pledge To Prove Red Plot LAKE SUCCESS, Tuesday. THE United Nations Security Council agreed by nine votes to two yesterday to admit to its discussions Dr. Jan Papanek, former Czechoslovak delegate to the United Nations, who recently denounced Communist action in his country. Taking his seat
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  556 words
  • 206 1 Australian Tax Experts Engaged SEVEN Australian taxation experts will arrive in Singapore shortly. The Comptroller of Income Tax, Singapore (Mr. D. H. Tudor), told the Straits Times yesterday that during his recent visit to Australia he had recommended the engagement of the Australian experts for the tax departments of Singapore
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  • 58 1 CAiHO, Tuesday. Ahmad el Khazinder Bey, president of the Cairo Criminal Court, was shot dad outside his home in suburban Cairo yesday as he was walking to a station on the way to his court. The Ministry of the Interior ordered a>n immediate ban on all
    UP  -  58 words
  • 89 1 NIW IOKK. Tuesday.— A siren whistle that burns to death flies and mosquitoes m 10 seconds, and cockroaches and caterpillars m three minutes, is described m the American Acoustical Society's journal. The siren's sound is too high-pitched for humans to hear. But if a hand is put
    AP  -  89 words
  • 304 1 1 IEUT.-GEN. A. E. PERCIVAL, on being shown airmailed copies of the Straits Times containing editorials on his despatches and criticisms by the Chinese community, wrote to our London correspondent as follows "Firstly, I would like to say how much I have appreciated the leading articles,
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  • 252 1 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. BOTH rubber production and rubber exports m the Federation fell last month, the former by 11,000 lons and the latter by 5961 tons. The big estates' output of 28,529 tons was, however, 977 tons higher than for the same
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  • 188 1 From Our Own Correspondent BRISBANE, Tuesday. STRIKING miners tliroughout Queensland decided today by M overwhelming majority to return to work. The mmers had Ron* on strike m sympathy with I ttrikinß railwavmen This decision followed a visit to Queensland by the Australian chief of the Miners'
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 1 FRENCH (HHJ)KLN practise road safety. They are crossing a street m Paris by means of a rone hel-' by their two teachers while visiting places of interest m the capital. A.P. photo.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 171 1 JERUSALEM, Tuesday. BRITISH tanks and 25 pounder guns today moved into position m the Judean hills between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, around the Jewish settlement of Hartuv and the neighbouring Arab village of Ishwa. The British force waa sent to maintain peace m this strife-torn area,
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  • 24 1 The Straits Times and Free Press will not be published on Good Friday (March 26). Normal publication will be resumed on Saturday.
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  • 189 1 "Explain" Demand To Russia BERLIN, Tuesday. T>RrTISH, French and D United States military governments today demanded immediate elucidation" of Russia's indefinite adjournment of the Big Four German Control Council as Berlin entered its third day without a functioning supreme control authority. Allied military government circles made It quite plain that
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  • 92 1 LONDON, Tuesday. The British Colonial Office is examining proposals for intensification of experimental work in the mechanisation of rice production in Far Eastern territories. A statement issued today said that from 6mall beginnings already made, particularly In British Guiana, "mechanisation may well come to play
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  • 24 1 LONDON. Tuesday.— FieldMarshal Lord Milne, former Chief of the Imperial General StatT. died last night at his London home, aged 81.—Reuter.
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  • 137 1 Movement Of Rice Will Ease FREE movement of rica between Singapore i and the Federation ol Malaya and within the j Federat'on will be permitted by about the middle of the year, the 81 Times learned yesterd The Singapore Government, lifted control of rice movement! on the Is'arri lai tober.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Cable Flashes
    • 121 2 - WINCHESTER, Hampshire, Tuesday. TAMES CAMB, deck steward of the liner Durban Castle was yesterday J sentenced to death for murder of 21-year-old Eileen Gay Gibson, an actress who disappeared from the ship off West Africa. Camb had testified that Miss Gibson died m
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    • 54 2 SHANGHAI. Tuesday— Large Quantities of smuggled Roods, Including pencillin and butter, were seized by the police and several arrests were made on the arrival of three Chinese steamers from Hankow. At the same time, the Customs uncovered four thousand million dollars worth of smuggled commodities aboard a Chinese
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 45 2 NOTTINGHAM, Tuesday.— A civil aircraft belonging to the Nottingham Flving Club crashed In a field near Tollerton, Nottinghamshire, and the two occupant^ killed. The plane was approaching the runway before landing when the engine stalled and the aircraft nose-dived to the ground, Renter.
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 104 2 RANGOON, Tuesday.— Col. J. L. Kotewala, who is heading; a special mission from Ceylon, arrived at Mingalad(.n airport. Rangoon, yesterday and handed over a gold casket containing the relics of Sariputa and Mohamohallamo to the President of Burma (Sao Shwe Thaike) in a traditional Buddhist ceremony. The Prime
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    • 76 2 MANILA, Tuesday. A physician said today that a Filipino veteran went mad and later died as a result of disappointment over receiving a cheque for 97 centavos (48 U.S. cents) from the Philippine Army as balance due him for wartime services on Bataan. Dr. Lorenzo G. Almeda
      AP  -  76 words
    • 79 2 BUENOS AIRES, Tuesday.— Juan Atillo Bramuglia. (Foreign Minister and head of the Argentine delegation to tan Inter -American Conference of Bogota) left today by Air for the Colombian capital. In the 60-member delegation is Senora Ivanissevlch wilt of the Minister of Education. She Is going with the rank
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    • 85 2 MIDHURST. Sussex. Tuesday.—A verdict of accidental death was returned at the inquest on Mrs. Valerie Lea. 33-year-old baronet's daughter who fell from a Portsmouth- Waterloo train last week. There were more than a doze n witnesses, who includeo Lord Holtenden and Sjr William Jaffray with whom *he
      Reuter  -  85 words
    • 55 2 LONDON. Tuesday.— Formal investigation into the lo.«a of the P'&r Tiger airliner Is U> be <K."<ied at a public court in London on Apr. 12. The S a Tiger, a BrUifh South American Airways Tudor IV. disappeared wiVi SI people on board on flight from Azores to
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    • Article, Illustration
      67 2 ONTARIO, California, Tuesday. Captain Bill Odom took off for Honolulu today in the scientific plane Explorer, on the first leg of a second attempt to survey north-west China for a mountain higher than Everest. After a stop at Honolulu the plane will head for Shanghai to pick
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    • 63 2 RIO DE JANEIRO, Tuesday. All four of the crew of a Brazilian Air Force Mitchell bomber were killed when their plane crashed near the town of Guru pi, in the state of Maranhao, northern Brazil, it was announced yesterday. The bomber was one of 56 ifltchaM aircraft acquired
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    • 64 2 BRUSSELS, Tuesday. Price reductions on essential foodstuffs, including meat. bread and butter were announced by the Belgian Food Ministry today. The Ministry announced that the five-year agreement recently "with Canada, the United States and Australia would provide Belgium with 675.000 tons of cereals a year— 1 we-
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    • Article, Illustration
      61 2 LONDON. Tuesday. Dr. Kurt Schumacher is suffering from pneumonia and was yesterday afternoon taken ro a L< i:uon hosDltal. Dr. Schumacher came to London to attended the International Socialist meeting o n the Marshall plan. The meeting closed yesterday afternoon. Dr. Schumacher, who is leader of the German
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    • 72 2 BATAVIA, Tuesday.— A typhoon, which swept the sub -districts Kalimantan and Tjiwaringin of the Cheribon area yesterday, wrecked 240 dwelling*, depriving tome 1,600 persons of shelter. One person was killed in the gale which lasted for an hour, injuring one critically and two slightly. The Government has distributed
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    • 33 2 LONDON. Tuesday.—lt has been decided that the Sovereign's Escort taking part m the procession on the day of the silver wedding of the King and Queen will wear full dress. —Reuter.
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    • 68 2 LONDON, Tuesday. An all-countjry search 13 going on for five men who made a daring escape from Lincoln Gaol during the night. All the men. with another who refused to take part In the escaoe bid. were in the same cell. ey got out by removing the whole of
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 53 2 BUDAPEST, Tuesday. Budapest political police are investigating the cause of a fire that broke out *n the Shell Oil refinery on Csepel Island, In the Danube, near Budapest yesterday momIng. All fire brigades m the city were called to the blaze, which was brought under control with little
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    • 73 2 BUDAPEST. Tues.— Eight persons were arrested in connection with the escape of the former Smallholder M.P., Ferenc Vidovics. who was sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment last summer, it was learned In Budapest yesterday. According to reports, "an organised gang of Fascists" helped Vidovics to flee when brought before
      AP  -  73 words
    • 76 2 NEW YORK, Tnesday^Amerlcan vegetarians approve of Sir Stafford Cripps. Britain's vegetarian Chancellor of the Exchequer is described in an open letter written to him by Sytnon Gould, associate editor of the New York Magazine "American Vegetarian," as a "British Moses who may lead the peoples •f the world
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    • 69 2 LONDON. Tuesday—Scotland Yard is seeking to trace Lt. col. Frederick G«orge White Axworthy, aged 46, who has been missing from home since Thursday. Col. Axworthy left his flat et Bayswater to visit the War Office and his bank but inquiries have shown he did not call at either.
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    • 56 2 CANBERRA, Tuesday. The date of issue of special stamps to commemorate the visit of King George. Queen Elizabeth and Princess Margaret to Australia, will coincide with the arrival of the Royal party next March, and continue for the duration of the tour. Special stamps will be Issued for
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    • 114 2 LONDON Tuesday. Buckingham Palace sources dismissed a fresh crop of rumours yesterday that Princess Elizabeth is pregnant. Officially, they stuck to the usual "no comment because iwe never dignify such I reports." Members of the Royal household emphasised that a great deal obviously has been made of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 657 2 NOTICES S S. GOVENMENT 3% LOAN 1962/72 Notice U hereby given that the Transfer Books of the abovementioned Loan will be closed from thr Ist April to 15th April both days inclusive for the preparation of Interest Warrant* PETER CAMPBELL DA COSTA, DECEASED. Will any person having know':r financial affairs
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    • 530 2 NOTICES CEYLON TAMIL YOUTHS Emy and Letter-writlnc Competition (closing 31-3-4*) correction: Maximum wards— Junior Section 2*0; Senior m. NOTICE The Private Road leading to 32, 32A, 32B and 32C. Nassim Road, will be closed to the public for one day. on Friday, 26th Marcc, 1948. BY ORDER. THE BOUSTEAD REAL.
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    • 368 2 TENDERS. ASPHALT KEQUTBSMKNTB. COLONY OF NORTH BO&NGO. Tenders arc invited by the Director of Public Worts, Oblony of North Borneo, for the supply of 300 tons of asphalt (penetration 60 or 80) to Jesselton and 300 tons to Sandakan. Tenders should state the quality or brand of the proposed supply
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    • 280 2 ssß^k^ A ia_ a,— n /n n *9T Hollywood' 9 screen sJare^^|Rp^ regard Pan -Cake as the most mirac- V ulous make-up ever created. Instantly, it makes you look lovelier, more interesting and exciting than you ever dreamed was possible. Pan- Cake v another famous make up FIRST by TrjTlt
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  • 542 3 Yugoslav A rmy 's Gunfire Attack TRIESTE, Tuesday. VUGOSLAV Army patrols yesterday invaded 1 the Anglo-American zone of Trieste free territory and fought a machine-gun battle with -civil police there, according to an Allied Military Government announcement. The fight broke out at Draga St. Elia across
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  542 words
  • 44 3 The Singapore Coroner (Mr. W. G. Porter) yesterday returned a finding of death by misadventure at an inquest or. a 29-year-old Chinese woman Tan Slew Huay who died as a result of falling off a moving bus in Tiong Bahru Road on March 14.
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  • 434 3 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. rS unusual award of the "King's Medal for courage in the cause of freedom" was one of 18 decorations presented, at a formal King's House investiture today, by the High Commissioner (Sir Edward Gent.) The medal was presented to
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  • 73 3 K.L. BUS STRIKE KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday A partial settlement ha~ been reached today between employees and management m the 34 days strike of General Transport Company workers j here. Pending a decision on a number of points still unsettled by the arbitration board, It is anticipated that service
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  • 323 3 Waafs Get The 'New Look Too By Our Woman Correspondent WOMEN'S Auxiliary Ai r Force personnel m Singapore and Malaya has discarded their khaki uniform for smart new ones m pale blue poplin. The new uniform was introduced a few weeks ago. it is simply cut and features the trever
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  • 139 3 PUR Chinese, alleged tc have committed robjbery on June 11 last year, I were discharged yesterday by Mr. A. G. Shears, the Seventh Police Court Magistrate, because, he said, there was not sufficient evidence to convict them. Yeo Yeok Hiong, proprietor of a rice retail shop, said
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  • 84 3 TODAY Y.W.C.A Katong groups meeting, St. Hildas School, 4 p.m. Y.W.C.A., Orchard Road, public meeting, address by Bishop Stephen Neil, 5.30 p.m. Medical College Alumni Assocla- tion. Dr. Ng See Yook will read a paper on "The Recent Singapore Outbreak of Smallpox 1946-47," Department of Pathology. General Hospital,
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  • 144 3 THE Refrigerated Sea Transport Company has Purchased the West Wind, 60-ton refrigerated ▼e&sol, -whxh came to Singapore last year for oingapore last year ior a trawler. A director of the firm told the Straiu TimM M*t Ua* West Wind would be converted into a floatine erocerystore and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 513 3 Last Show*— S, 615 9.15 p.m. #TVr V 9 JK rVTP C lark OABI F-l UudrlU COLBERT g Sprnrrr TRA< FY Hrdy LAMARR iflCmJii SSSSS -BOOM TOWN" X Oprninc To-morrow T**«ttioLH K.rrol Flynn m T9IT9WWOW |^T^ mSf\ -SANTA Fl TRAII In conditions wiii^-^Wvdl GREAT WORLD .rising from G.stric GI.OBK 1—9.141
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  • 45 4 Mrs M. V. Albert and family wi. h io U nder thrir thanks to all those who sent telegrams, letters of condolence, wrcanlis and also se who attended snd gave MMMM on the occasion of th«- death of the late Mr. M V. Alb
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  • 1088 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., Mar. 24. 1948 A LITTLE ON ACCOUNT The Trusted Commission's Report on the salaries and allowances of Government servants *-as debated m the Singapore Advisory Council on Friday, when the Council agreed to an immediate advance of fourfifths of a months salary to Government servants
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  • 86 4 LONDON Tuesday. The Prime Minister (Mr. Clement Mtlee) today told a cotton Industry delegation that better >isc of labour and new machinery were needed to let the industry play its part as »re nations number one exoort producer. The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Sir Stafford
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 2124 4  - OLD SELANGOR: ECHOES OF 5,000 YEARS DR. W. LINEHAN By In an address to the Selangor Historical Society OUR knowledge of the history of Selangor is very incomplete. From the 18th century onwards we have a reasonably complete skeleton of political events, names of Sultans and dates of reign and
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    • 181 4 YOUR correspondent r "Anak Malaya," who I presume to be a member of the M.D.U., seems to j know no more about horticulture than he does about politics. The emblem of the Progres- I sive Party is not the rose but the Vanda Joaquim,
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    • 123 4 A WOMAN ON TH E COUNCIL f AGREE with the sug- gestion in your edii tonal of March 22 that jwhen the remaining unofficial members of the Legislative Council are nominated, a woman councillor and a trade unionist should be included. If a trade unionist Is to be appointed, I
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    • 128 4 "100 PER CENT MERDEKA" IS THE SNAG YOUR correspondent Inche Abdul Rahim Ibrahim, has appropriately described the Malay Left Wing. A lot more can be added to what has already been written and explained so simply by Inche Ibrahim. It Is not my purpose, however, to add anything, but I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 661 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. O6BORNE-MCCLAY. The engaeement is announced between second son of Lt.-Col. and Mrs. S. Osborne of Redruth, England, and Margaret (Peggy). youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T McClay of Sungei Letnbintr. Tahantt. The engagement is announced br-twe.n Harry Kindersley. of Bengal Estate. Ipoh. eldest son of the late
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    • 44 4 NEW SHIPMENT IST ARRIVED! UNBREAKABLE WASHABLE. The Moat Popular DoU b> Malay* t«-day. Socket-Joint Arms, L«rs and Neck. Flesh-like Texture. Floats m Bath. Marie Jo«e 9-Inch. $I*.M Marie Urn 16-inch. 122. M (PostHße Packing $1/-.) T. M. A. LTD. SI S3 Hich Street, Singapore.
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  • 276 5 To Be Led By Mr. A. Majid A NEW political party, the Singapore Labour Party, has been formed as a remit of last week's Legislative Council elections. The leader of the party is Mr. A. Majid the defeated Independent candidate for Municipal South-West. Declaring thai the
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  • 227 5 THE Singapore Chincst Chamber of Commerce held a meeting yesteiday to discuss income t;>\ exemptions. The chamber discussed the question of representations betnf> made to the Governnu nt for the need to widen tiii 1 exemption from income corded to non-residents of ihe Colony who derive
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  • 16 5 The Pilot Board has grantpllot's licence to Capt. J J G McLeod for Singapore p:i.»ta«?e district.
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  • 89 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE vice-president of the Malayan Kennel Association (Mrs. Beryl Darge), returned from Hong Kong where she had been chief judge at the first post-war dog show of the Hong Kong Kennel Club. She remarked that the Chinese appeared to
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  • 123 5 Protest Sent To Indian Government THE Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce, has sent a protest to the Indian Government. The protest declares that the Indian Government's representation for "non-recog-nition of occupation dealings" to the Singapore Government and Whitehall will injure the great majority of the Indian mercantile community of the
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  • 189 5 PETALING TIN SHOW PROFIT OF $1,110,089 DETALING Tin Limited, T in the financial year 1 to Oct. 31, 1947, made a! profit of $1,110,089. The mining profit of $1,158,405 shown in the accounts re- 1 presented 50 per cent of, the company's issued capi- taL The directors will recommend to
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  • 56 5 A Chinese girl, whom a j young Malay boatman rescued frcm the sea off Clifford Pier r>n Monday afternoon is lying in the General Hospital. She was unconscious when n-icued. but her condition is reported to have improved. The boatman saw the girl fall into the
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  • 384 5 Salaries Scale Proviso JOHORE BAHRU, Tues. AN a certificate of yJ urgency a motion to be moved by the Chief Secretary at the Federal Legislative Council meeting in Kuala Lumpur next week was yesterday brought before the State Council here for its support. On the motion of the State Financial
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  • 119 5 The report, reviewing the I work of the Singapore Teach- I j ers' Union during the last year, says that the Government is still giving considera- i tion to the Union's application j for represent ation or. the i Singapore- Education Board. The report states that a sub-committee
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 5 NEW UNIFORM: Set J. Pile and Cpl. Hughes, of the W.A.A.F., Changl, wearing the smart blue poolin tropical uniforms which were introduced a few weeks aero to replace the former thick khaki. Straits Times picture.
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  • 525 5 BISHOP Stephen Neill, Assistant Bishop to the Archbishop of Canterbury, said in Singapore yesterday tthat "the prospects are definitely better than they were" for Japanese Bishops of the Anglican Church in Japan to attend the next Lambeth Conference to be held in England in July.
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  • 172 5 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Tuesday. |PVIDENCE was given m Li the Second Magistrate's Court yesterday that a retired Eurasian Postal Inspector, A. W. Wells, who is charged with having murdered his wife with a hammer on Jan. 22, had quarrelled with her over another man at
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  • 108 5 In a talk over Radio Malaya last night, Miss Mary Trevelyan, official delegate of the United Nations' Educational Organisation, spoke of her tour of the schools of Singapore. Malaya, Sarawak and North Borneo. By far the greatest need in the schools everywhere, she said, was for more trained
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  • 101 5 The trial of a middle-aged Malay, Ahmad bin Hajl Mo- hamed Said, charged with carrying a revolver and being in unlawful possession of six I rounds of ammunition, opened j before Mr. Justice Jobling at the Singapore Assizes yesterday. The Deputy Public Prosecutor (Mr. L. Rayner) said two
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  • 38 5 The shipping and port clearance office and the office of the Registrar of Imports and Exports will be closed on Good Friday and will be open on Saturday and on Easter Monday from 10 a.m to 11 a-m.
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  • Malayan Round-up
    • 107 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. CIVE Chinese were arrested at Muar on Sunday m 1 connection with a piracy m the Straits of Malacca last Friday. The Piracy took place three miles off the Malayan coast near Batu Pahat. Four Chinese, all of
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    • 36 5 THE death occurred on Sunday, at the General Hospital, Kluar.g. of Che Asm ah. wife of Haji Ismail bin Hassan, Sanitary Inspector of the Kluang Town Board. The funeral took place on Monday at Kluang.
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    • 57 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. Held for five days by kidnappers to whom his relatives paid a ransom of $15,000, Khor Leng Kho said that upon his release he was handed $10 for his fare into town. Khor, a Chinese rubber dealer, was giving evidence in a case in which
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    • 55 5 KOTA BHARU, Tuesday. Sentence of 18 months' rigorous imprisonment was passed by the District Judge of Kota Bharu (Inche Mahmud Hashim) on Lee Scow Geow, chief cashier of the Oversea Chinese Banking Corporation, Limited, Kota Bharu. Scow Geow had pleaded guilty to a charge of misappropriation of the
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    • 65 5 CUNGEI PATAM, Tues.— Ah Loke, a Chinese woodcutter, was gored by his bull m the jungle area. off Sungkop Jenian?. yesterday. The bull was imliin? some timber cut from the jun?ie and when the owner urired it to greater efforts, the animal protested and turned on him.
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    • 63 5 AERONAUTICAL engineers, flying clubs, air cadets and others interested in aviation are to be shown the instructional film "How an aeroplane flies" by the Shell Co The film was produced In England with the co-oner-ation of the R.A.F. When all interested parties 'n Singapore have seen it the
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    • 62 5 SEREMBAN, Tuesday. -The wedding took place here yesterday of Mr. V. Aiyadura!. son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Vallipuram. of Ceylon, and Miss C. Thlrunilai Nayahi. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Chelliah, of Seremban. The bridegroom is attached to the Kuala Lumpur Municipality. The marriage wi
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 96 5 IW Model lOZ^SPligjrPP 1 AC/DC $180 Less 10% for cash easy to put a Short- Wave Switch on a Radio set and a list of Short-Wave Stations on the dial But 15 it easy to get those stations and to hear, them cctisfactory? Yes definitely if your sei a Murphy.
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  • 283 6 14 Storeys Will Cost $3 i Million CINGAPORE Municipal Commissioners' apT* proval will be sought early next month for the erection of a 14-storey block of flats in the Tanglin district. If they approve the plans construction will take about 14 months and cost $3,750,000. Flat
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  • 295 6 Landlord On Two Charges MR. C. K. Cheng, ap- peared m the First r District Court yesterday on two summons charges alleging breach of the Premium on Leases Ordinance. 1 Mr. Cheng was described as the managing proprietor of j the Cheng Trading Company and landlord of Winchester i House.
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  • 76 6 A 19-year-old aircraftmen. I attached to the R.A.F Base' Radio Repair Depot in Me- Pherson Road, Singapore, was i fatally injured yesterday morning when he was sand- wiched between two trucks while working on the airstrip at Aljunled Road. The aircraftman was inflating a tyre
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  • 49 6 A Chinese youth, Heng Ah Chee, was yesterday sentenced to two and a half years' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Justice Jobling at the Singapore Assizes for the theft of a motor lorry distribution cap at the R.E.ME. Base Workshop. Prince Edward, on Sept. 9 last year.
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  • 135 6 A COFFEE shop assistant, Lim Tiong Yap, described m the Singapore Coroner's Court yesterday how a 21-year-old Chinese, Lai Tuck Kong, was assaulted to death by Chinese armed with logs of wood. The alleged assault took place m a coffee shop m Anson Road on Mar.
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  • 109 6 •TOE Singapore Rural 1 Board area has been extended to include the whole of Singapore island outside the Municipal limits, and the islands of Pulau Tekong and Pulau Ubin. By the inclusion of those areas, which had hitherto remained outside of Rural Board jurisdiction, the Board
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  • 62 6 The seventh annual interschool art exhibition organised by the St. Andrew's School Sketching Club will be held in June this year. The chairman of the organising committee (Mr. F. Thomas) told the Straits Times yesterday that arrangements were being made to secure a suitable place for the
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  • 240 6 Campaign Against Gambling AN intensive anti-gambl-ing campaign is to be launched by the Women's Section of the Malayan Methodist Conference in April. This was stated by Mrs. H. B. Amstutz. the president of the Women's Section, in an interview with the Straits Times yesterday. Mrs. Amstutz said she had talks
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  • 27 6 A new children's club was opened at the Prmsep Street Children's Feeding Centre on Monday, by the Secretary for Social Welfare (Mr. T. P. F. McNeice. M.C.S.)
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  • 225 6 Seeks Surplus Food For Britain A MINISTRY of Food representative is now m Singapore investigating the possibility of increasing supplies to Britain of commodities surplus to the requirements of South East Asia. The representative, (Mr j A. R. Pratt) is here on the invitation of Lord Killearn. He told the
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  • 258 6 SELF-conlained, self-supporting, R.A.F. bomber squadron carrying its ground staff and spares will be visiting Malaya m tlie course of "Operation Red Lion." A Lincoln squadron has been chosen, and m some respects the operation resembles the successful training flight to the United States carried
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 223 6 IN ,i KOi.E THAT FITS *IIM LIKE A GLOVE! NEVER TOLD ON ANY SCREEN BEFORE! E RARE. LUSTY ROBIN HOOP s SECRETS! *»P 'INPE 1 k^\ fir T^^^t. .at It m f^T^ AW*\ W* TO-DAY > 11 .u.i. p.m.. 1.15. 630 v- i-i (7\ PHOME 6909/71 SMBl^*^^ iKilllllhliiMl 63 J
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    • 349 6 AMERICAN MAIL LINE FAST SKRVK t To Los Aneeles San Krancisco. Portland Seattle Vancouver "INDIA MAIL' loads mid April "ISLAND MAIL" mid May For freight passage please apply toMM*- GUTHRIF CO.. LTD. Pnone '31 EVERETT ORIENT LINE Sail" For Penan* Rangoon Calcutta m/s Studding Sail 7 \nril For Penang j/j
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 396 6 RADIO MALAYA iS'POM) grams; 9.30 Radio Newsreel; 9 45 RADIO AUSTRALIA 'Winter Rose"— A romance with Two Station* 10.30 a.m. Aui10.55 a.m. to 12 noon Schools' music: 11. 00 International Quiz; trallan News; 10 40 Requests: Broadcast; 1 p.m. "Viva n.30 News: 11.40 News Analysis; n.oo Musical Comedy G*ma; 11.15
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  • 423 7 LONDON, Tuesday. A SHARP rise m Tobacco shares was one of the several firm features of yesterday's London stock markets. Leading Industrial is■oes encountered fair demand, resulting m pains by Textiles, Breweries and Store shares. Imperial Tobacco were seven thirty-seconds higher at 5 15/16, says Renter's financial correspondent.
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  • 673 7 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Tuesday. THE Singapore share market opened firm with little 1 business passing today. It closed quietly steady. Quotations given by toe Malayan Sharebroken' Association were: Atlas IM 1I.M 14 00 Alex. Brick Onto. 180 1.90 Pret. 3.60 I.eo B.B. Petrol 43/- 43/6
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  • 282 7 Produce Market (From A Market Correspondent) nFPPFR orices rose on the Singapore produce maJ*U y€»terLrScSr to s«bstantial inquiry. F.o.b^ coconut oil X improvedwith continued Mdding on the copra market. The copra price, however. <ua not Increase. The rice market continued dulL Yesterday's price* were:
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  • 168 7 RUBBER rose as huh as 411 cents a lb. for No. 1 sheet buyers f.o.b., on the Sineapore market yesterday. Later, however, it slipped back to close at 40i cents, as on Monday. The market opened very firm. The price row sharply on publication of February production
    168 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 662 7 MANSFIELD C0 v LTD. (XncoTDorateci to Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS ntOM OK. AND U.S.A. -r.Vn^rle" Doe from L.X *>«• -M.ron- Due fr««n U.K. M»* •■Kiimaeu*" Due frwrn VX. A P»- •Kurypyhw" Dm (rs«n U.K. Apr. IT SAILINGS »OE LIVtRPOOL GLASGOW AND CONTINFNTAI PORTS "Elpenor" Sails for M'seilles, Havre. L'pool
      662 words
    • 154 7 PRESIDENT LINE SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON Tia INDIA EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Prssgnt Only MARINE LBOPARD Singapore Gdn. 33/34 P. STx*m Arr. Mar. M Penang Mar. t» PURMAN VICTORY Singapore Arr. Mar. U Penang Mar. *9 LYKES ORIENT LINE •Wet to HOUSTON MOBILE, NEW ORLEANS Limited Passenger Space Avanable
      154 words
    • 127 7 APCAR LINE m. s. SIRDHANA FOR HONG KONG, AMOY SHANGHAI WITH CARGO tfc PASSENGERS SAILS ABOUT 6th APRIL ISLAY KERR CO., LTD. SINGAPORE. PENANG. ~~DODWELL CASTLE LINE lo Mo i. Ural ilalUax, Boston, New York; Philadelphia and Baltimore M.M. ROSALIE MOLLER Loading from Singapore G. 19 M Port Swettenham 27—21
      127 words
    • 669 7 ELLERMAN KLAVENESS BU lon£>n LL pacific m ANTWERP ROSEVILLE "Crn OF KHARTOUM" sw tmm Spore P. Sham Penang p O6 io Apr. O. 15/16 S7-29 Mar. 30 Mar./ Sails 12 Apr. 13 Apr 14 Apr. 1 Apr. McALISTER CO., LTD. (Incorporatea m Sineaoor*' i PHONE 590« BOUSTEAD&CO LTLV LLOYDS AGENTS
      669 words

  • 353 8 Difficulty Of Finance HONG KONG, Tuesday. WELL-INFORMED sources here doubt if a China soccer representative team will be going to the Olympics this year owing to lack of sufficient finances, writes Wayne Richardson, A. P. Correspondent. They said the Government is finding difficulty to
    353 words
  • 122 8 BELFAST, Tuesday. IT the weigrh-in for the world fly weight championship fight taking place here tonight, Jackie Paterson, the holder, scaled 7 st. 13* lb. and Rinty Monaghan 7st. 12 3 4 lb. Paterson was thus just inside the 8st. limit to allay the fears of
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 302 8 Jamaicans Play Bright Cricket KINGSTON. Tuesday JAMAICA provided the oest cricket of the day on the second day of their return match with the M.C.C. at Kingston, yesterday when, after dismissing the tourists for 313, th«y scored 131 for the loss of three first innings wickets. Jamaica's batting was most
    Reuter  -  302 words
  • 27 8 SYDNEY. I ;.y. Tommy Burns, Ajsiralian welterweight champicn. lost a 'en-round decision last night to Benny Evans, an American b-ixcr from ov A P.
    27 words
  • 62 8 l.Ml m.u».K: S A r A. Lrarur, Div. I— S X C. v. Rovrrs S.C.. J»Un Btsm- Stadium. 515 m Div. ll— Kola Raja Katunc Euraaian* S f G*jrlanc Stadium. 5 15 p m S( I .n.n»|h Yount>trrs <fn< ndly paxUoc. 5 15pm TENNIS: .\JI-MaUyan h «i—c trials.
    62 words
  • 256 8 IN a fast and exciting game in the Second Division yesterday, the Devonshire Regiment defeated the Tiger Sporting Association. The solitary goal of the match was notched by Mills, the Devons centre-forward early In the second half The soldiers dominated exchanges, but were weak in finishing.
    256 words
  • 40 8 The Singapore Amateur Weight Lifters' Association, who have been appointed by the Malayan Chinese OrganCommittee to organise and stage. the Malayan Chin-.if-se amateur weiihtiifting selection trials, has decided t hold them in Singapore on March 27 and 28.
    40 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 8 A heading duel between Michael Loh and the Navy left full-back m Monday's First Division S.A.F.A. League match The Navy beat the Amicable At h ten 6c Association three-nil.— Straito Times picture.
    32 words
  • 196 8 THERE was a glut of goals m yesterday's First Divi1 sion match m the S.A.F.A. League between the R.A.F. Seletar and the GHQ Signals, which the Airmen won by nine-nil. The Airmen, who led three-nil at half-time, dominated play and, in the second half especially,
    196 words
  • 74 8 SYDNEY, Tuesday. The New South Wales Government today announced that It had earmarked a grant of £1,000 for the Australian Olympic Fund. Trie chairman of the Australian Olympic Federation, Mr. H. G. Alderson, said that the grant would enable two more athletes to go to England
    Reuter-AAP  -  74 words
  • 372 8 No Regrets Impresses From EPSOM JEEP IPOH, Tuesday. "pHB promising three-year-oid, No Regrets, has trained on splendidly and it will be interesting to see how he will fare in j class two. I He has won three races out of four starts and be appears to have lost none of
    AP  -  372 words
  • 332 8 Singapore Athletes Selected PLLOWING the Singapore Chinese athletic tryouts held at the Jalan Besar stadium on Sunday, thjose named below have been selected to represent Singapore in the AllMalayan Chinese athletic trials to be held in Penang. At the Penang trials, the final Malayan Chinese representatives to compete in the
    332 words
  • 194 8 HPHE Singapore Chinese 1 Amateur Athletic Federation, which is in charge of the basketball Olympic selections for the South (Singapore, Johore and Malacca), has fixed the selection schedule as fol- lows: Malacca to meet Johore on March 28, in Muar: winners to meet Singapore on March 30 at
    194 words
  • 601 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. rE stage is now set for the seventh Malayan badminton championship tournament to be held over' the Easter holidays at the, Victoria Institution hall. Kuala Lumpur. The tournament will start each day at 9 a.m. Play m j the afternoon
    601 words
  • 486 8 From EPSOM JEEP WEIGHTS for Saturday, the first day of the Perak Turf Club's Easter meeting were issued vesU-r-day. Renoir, who scored a! splendid double at Kuala! Lumpur last week, has 1 been allotted top weight of 9.10 m the race for cracks over 8
    486 words
  • 80 8 INTER-STATE FIXTURE From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. JIN inter-State tennis match has been arranged between the Selangor Malays and the Johore Malays to be held during the Easter Holidays at Johore Bahru. The following have been selected to represent the Selangor Malays: T. Jaflar, Dato Razall. Dato Yahya,
    80 words
  • 57 8 NOTTINGHAM. TuesdayRay Famechon, France, won the European featherweight boxing championship, gaining a points drcision from the defending title-holder. Ronnie Clayton of Blackpool, m a 15round bout last night. At Newcastle his brother. Andre. outpointed Billy Thompson, British and European lightweight champion, over ten rounds. The title wes
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  57 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 644 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Page 4) WANTED TO PURCHASE BPOKTS CAR or Tourer m .ndition. Box A2310. S.T. B S A AIR RIFI.ES pr -war m r~nd hand Oood rfl*r apply n<>x Mo. A2233. S.T. WANTED American cat good ronditi>n 1941-42. Rrplv Box No A2318 S T WANTED a Saloon
      644 words
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 25 8 SINGAPORE TIDES Today: High water. 10.06 am < 9.1 ft 11.10 p.m. (8.5 ft.». Tomorrow: High wutt-r. 10 55 am. <9.« ft.t. 11.39 p.m <8.7 n
      25 words