The Straits Times, 21 March 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 573 1 63 PER CENT VOTERS GO TO POLL Boycotters defeated Sunday Times Staff Reporter gINGAPORE'S first six elected Legislative Councillors, chosen yesterday in the Colony's first election, are Inche Sardon bin Haji Zubir, Mr. S. C. Goho, Mr. N. A. Mallal, Mr. C. C. Tan, Mr. M. J. Namazie and Mr.
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  • Article, Illustration
    72 1 MISS Blanche E. Chapman, newly -appointed acting Principal of Raffles Girls' School, Singapore, takes over from Miss E. Hadley. who has cone on six months' leave in th. U.K. When Miss Hadley returns Miss Chapman hopes to go bark to St. Georges' School, Penang, where she has been acting Principal
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  • 193 1 LOS ANGELES, Saturday UNITED STATES "determination" in common with nations of Western Europe to achieve revival of a strong democratic independent Europe, was expressed here today by Mr. George Marshall, U.S. Secretary of State, in an address at the University of California. Mr. Marshall said that
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 112 1 RuStiLTS oi yesterday's Koala I umpur races are: RACE I■—KA KM AN $14 and S7; Four Winds $7; Flying Fortress 111. RACE 2:— DEMOCRAT $6 and $6: Sheffield Plate $7; Bullring $7. RACE 3:— HAY DEE $28 and $9; Skittals $11: Firemaster $11. RACE 4:— ROYAL BOUNTY
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  • 36 1 Mr. C. R. Rajagopalachaxl. Governor of West Bengal, at Calcutta University yesterday said that what was wanted to avert war was "someone who will explain America and Russia to each other."— Reuter.
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  • 40 1 Described by the Gloster Aircraft Company as the first plane of its type in the world, the Gloster jet Meteor "VII" a two-seater trainer version of *.he Standard Mark IV fighter. 9ew for the first time yesterday.—Reuter.
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  • 134 1 MUNICIPAL SOUTH WEST (two seats). C. C. TAN (Prog.) 4,125 N. MALLAL (Proc) 4.056 M. A. Majid (Ind.) 1.572 Electorate, 8,800. Spoiled papers, 547. 58.3 ocr cent voted. MUNICIPAL NORTH EAST (two seats). M. J. NAMAZIE (Ind.) 2.672 J. LATCOCK (Prog.) 2,221 M K. Chidambaram (Ind.) I^2i C.
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  • 61 1 EMPEROR Hirohito. holidaying: at his country seaside resort, suffered a democratic setbacl* yesterday. From the Imperial Ho-; -e'.ioW. carrying the Imperial chrysanthemum seal, went a demand to the prefecture authorities for 200 bass of charcoal. "A demand for such a large quantity of charcoal is most urH-TincrVic" replied
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 193 1 NEW US. PROPOSAL LAKE SUCCESS, Saturday. rC United States, after announcing its wlhdrawal of support from the U.N. General Asseml.y Palestine partition plan, is to circulate for consideration by the Security Council draft resolutions on its alternative proposal of a temporary trusteeship regime for the
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  • 109 1 LONDON. Saturday. T>OLICE are continuing their ml intensive search of London today for men who raided a bullion firm at Clerkenwell and escaped with £10,--000 worth of gold bars and wire (not £50.000 worth as at first estimated and reported last night). The wanted men may
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 279 1 CANBERRA, Saturday. r£ Australian External Territories Ministry today sent urgent messages to Mr. Justice Phillips, acting administrator of New Guinea, for information about a reported Chinese revolt on the Australian Pacific base of Manus island. No Government department knew anythii.^ of the reported disturbance, said to
    Reuter  -  279 words
  • 52 1 WASHINGTON. Saturday. THE United States, Britain and France today proposed the return of the territory of Trieste to Italy through a major revision of the Italian peace treaty. The proposal was made on behalf of the American Government to the Russian and Italian Embassies here this
    AP  -  52 words
  • 42 1 CHICAGO, Saturday.—Tornadoes and high winds struck five Midwestern states with heavy property damage and loss of life. At least 36 persons were killed and it was feared the total would mount because many injured were so near to death.— U.P.
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  • 31 1 RANGOON. Saturday. U Saw, former Burmese premier, and eight others sentenced to rieath for the assassination of Gen U Aung San, will be executed on April 9.— AJ\
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  • 65 1 BERLIN. Saturday. THE Russians today request--1 ed a special meeting of Allied Control Council. They are expected to present a renewed at'ick upon the occupation policies of the three Western Powers. The Council meeting, which was to have been cancelled for lack of business, was
    AP  -  65 words
  • 35 1 China's cml war spread to the environs of Shanghai ar.d Nanking yesterday as small detachments of Communist guerillas launched attacks on Government strong points on the north bank of the Yar.gtze. Reuter.
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  • 28 1 The troopship Cheshire has arrived in Liverpool from Singapore with the second battalion of the Royal Welch FusT.ers. home after nine years' service overseas. Reuter.
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  • 390 1 Sunday Times Staff Reporter IN a jungle raid early yesterday morning, Johore Police rescued Lee Kirn Meug, son of a wealthy contractor of Kulai, after he had spent 19 days ■•> the hands of kidnappers. Lee said his guards had threatened to kill him
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  • 120 1 U.K. ADVERSE BALANCE OF TRADE DOWN LONDON. Saturday. BRITAIN'S adverse balance of trade during February this year totalled £31.300.000 which is the lowest since February 1947. according to Board of Trade returns February exports plus tpexports totalled £116\300.000. which was £6,600.000 less than January's figure but the highest for any
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  • 71 1 NEW DELHI. Satuzday. THE Governments of India and France are agreed that the future of the French possessions in India should be decided by the people ol those areas, said the Prima Minister. Pandit Nehru, today. The question how the referendum was to be held, and
    AP  -  71 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 123 1 O.iuioao item Set Jewellery. Exqutsltr Deslgna P. H. HENiiAY. JtWtLLtR *n Established Malayanwide Reputation H North Rridgr Roaa S'porr THINGS FOR CHILDREN. Pedalk^r i\. buuiuaiu model Pedalkat C. slightly larger with Bell. «U M C Rv nost $13 oO> (By post '2100) From wheel :U'.\e ir.rycle "Grrs-i. am 1
      123 words
    • 74 1 TAILORING OF JJ SkvisTiNcnoN jjT; \BBrS% '•oily ttarfd tonf thing Hollywood's screen stars s J^V, regard Pan -Cake as the most miracalous make-up ever created. instantly, il makes you look lovelier, more interesting and exciting than you ever dreamed was possible. Pan Cake v antHher fanutas makeup FIRST by Try
      74 words

  • 2041 2  - PREL UDE TO WAR 'S MAJOR MYSTERY RONALD MONSON by This is the first of four articles by Ronald Monson in which he reviews the Memoirs of Cordell Hull. Mr. Hull was Secretary of the US. Department of State in the Roosevelt Administration. During the war, until his retirement on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 293 2 Created by scientists to protect and beautify ferlect for dry (kins t T^jLawSy^ilirf^^^^^ for normal or greasy skins 'X lor the loveliness jr that lasts a^Tllfe^thneJ fiWNOXA BFAUTY PREPARATIONS BONO STREET LONDON ENGLAND ntiri ho wro The B cnuine Gibbs kAiI/KA UL oil I L Dentifrice is now in new
      293 words
    • 288 2 3 exceptionally good Gammeter watches 17 Jewels Swiss lever, shock protected, lum- fM^^^ inous dial and hands. /clfcSw/ •tainless $45.- ,_jfcS I 17 jewels Swiss lever patented balance giving jf/*t\ "^Jpw I exceptional accuracy, Fr9 jr^ waterproof, stainless a\s f jyjM) gl7 jewels Swiss lever. |W|i^Bß?Tl" large second hand. ][S22*J
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  • 341 3 MOVE TO UNITE MALAYAN CHINESE Cheng Lock's new proposal Sunday Times Staff Reporter MALACCA, Saturday. CFFORTS to unite all Chinese loyal to Malaya J into a single political organisation are being made by Mr. Tan Cheng Lock, President of the All-Malaya Council of Joint Action. The organisation will be called
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 3 CAPT. D. C. SNOWDON, ADC. to the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, casts his vote at the Church of England Zenana Mission School, Sofia Road. Capt. Snowdon is believed the only British army officer entitled to vote in Singapore, as he is paid by the Colonial Office.
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  • 154 3 Sunday Times Stall Correspondent JOHORE BHARU, Saturday. AFTER inspecting a guard of honour of the 1/lOth Gurkha Rifles at Headquarters, Johore SubDistrict, this morning, the acting Governor-General, Edward Gent, invested three civilians and an Army East Asia during the war. Mr. P. O. G. Wakeham. of
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  • 56 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. A RALLY of Malayan teachers will be held in Kuala Lumpur in August this year. It will include educational, social, dramatic and athletic functions. The union of Selangor teachers has been entrusted with the task of organising the gathering, which win
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  • 28 3 PENANG. Saturday. For the first time in several months, the siren wailed in town to day as the prison authorities carried out a gaol break practice.
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  • 79 3 THE Hon. Secretary of the Malacca Indian Congress states that the resolution passed at the annual general meeting of the local congress was as follows: "The members of the Malacca Local Indian Congress hereby resolve that the Malayan Indian Congress should abstain from memberslap
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  • 41 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday THE inaugural meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Municipal Commissioners will be held in the Town Hall on Wednesday. The Sultan of Selangor will inaugurate the meeting, following which there will be the appointment of standing sub-committees.
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  • 255 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter THE president of the Singapore Pawnbrokers Association, Mr. Lam Yoon Chong, said yesterday that the provision of one year's imprisonment in a new Singapore pawnbrokers' law was "an insult to pawnbrokers, who are respectable business men." The Pawn-brokers (Amend- l ment) Ordinance, passed
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 3 VALERIE HOBSON, British film star, as she appears in the new J. Arthur Rank flhn "Blanche Fury" which will be seen in Singapore for Easter.
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  • 127 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter MR. V. S. SWAMINATHAN, who arrived in Singapore last week to become First Secretary to the Rrepresentative of the Government of India in Malaya, has 28 years' experience of the affairs of Indians overseas. Mr. Swaminathan told the Sunday Times that he had
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  • 151 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter THHE Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, yesterday 1 held Hashim bin Musa responsible for the deaths of tw 0 Malays, Ismail bin Ali and Esah binte Awal, in a fcuuse in Lorong 17, Geylang, on the night of Feb. 12. Mr.
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  • 73 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. THE Sandiwari Rayuan 1 Asmara players gave aj performance yesterday in aid' of the Girl Guide Fund. The items included songs, dances and a Malay play. Mrs. H. E. MacKenzie, the f Commissioner for Girl Guides, Johore
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  • 26 3 A social and dance will be hold at the Singapore Re- creation Club on Sunday,! Mar. 28. Members and friends are invited.
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  • 37 3 The Rev. H. Kendall, who is the Warden of St. Edward's School, Oxford, is staying in Singapore for a short time. He will be the preacher at Math.s in St. Andrew's Cathedral this morning.
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  • 231 3 Widen Tax Relief Sunday Times Staff Reporter CINGAPORE'S trading com- munity will shortly represent to Oovemment the need to widen tt e exemption from inoome tax accorded to non-residents of the Colony who derive their incomes from the sale of certain commodities through local consignees. The existing Regulations limit the
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  • 101 3 Sunday Times Staff Repoteri SINGAPORE may soon have a 25-piece accordion band. Mr. Otto Foorman, professor or music, has started an accordion class and already has ten players including his wife and son who are rehearsing specially scored accordion music. "The idea seems to have caught peoples
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 278 3 STAR.'S IN 30 SECONDS STRAIN GASPING rui- UKJ-Aln f CHOKED AIB PASSAGES DREADED f Ooa't ««e« «s night attack;*. Swift release from all K tttack id dvnie*. these familiar miseries of the As'hma Sufferer B. ■•(Mac to int*ct is gives by Ephazone This cominonsense 1 .1 nethint «a> ueatment goes
      278 words
    • 193 3 s^a± f'\rs\ step to regaining t v rrtei nf. |^H|l the-morning crispness at an> our is to reach tor those delightful Coty preparations Four MRIBN^S^^ i Seasons" Eau de Cologne lo refresh Mil r^*" anc revive ot y alc to c iff I■] Ii& c n anc^ ye l a
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 264 3 FULL PROGRAMME FOR HOLY WEEK Sunday Times Staff Reporter of the Passion of Our Lord and 7 a.m. high mass. 7 p.m. AS part of Singapore's Holy 6 P «n- today after which service of the washing of the feet. Week celebrations, the there will be a procession of °P^_
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  • 424 4 rNY VILLIEES is a delightful book to handle. It has a neat blue binding, fine paper, generous margins and a number of attractive illustrations by Miss Elaine Hancock. But there, I fear, praise must end, for the story is in no way the equal of ita setting. It.
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  • 132 4 AMONG THE NEW BOOKS case. **> we are tot surprised tihat when Martin Cheveril settles down after double the correct dose of a sedative Chat not even the doctor knows much about, he Immediately begins to s* 1 ghosts. Thus he sees re-enacted the story of the young Jenny Villiers
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  • 557 4 ALTHOUGH not so «f\ well-known t o Malayan holiday-makers as the Cameron Highlands, Fraser's Hill and Penang Hill, the Maxwell Hills above Taiping are growing in popularity as a holiday resort now that the road up is being improved and the bungalows have been
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  • 919 4  -  Bob Gilmore Australia Week by Week by MELBOURNE, Mar. 14. AUSTRALIAN Liberals' decision to call for banning of the Australian Communist Party as "treasonable, anti-de-mocratic and destructive" coincides with the great Fifth Columny in Prague, with the real Communism-versus-Labour showdown in Brisbane, and with the
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 4 riMiv.RV. is no bustle of spring in the season's new look for 1 beachwear, which is demonstrated in Lon on (indoors until the son grows stronger) by these charming models. But a flower in the hair does much to convince that summer will soon be coming in.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 224 4 TWO GOOD f*f 1 STOVBS Jp|L I BLUE BOY m\ 'V~! il^' v illustrated, Blut v painted oil containei 5 v..i y m m V with aluminium v f A\ y painted Chimney v mm r^tmy Round Wick# TO USE -I $12-50 1 I BLUE ACE Ea A Larger Model-
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  • 252 5 Popular basis for movement Sunday Times Staff Correspondent PENANG, Saturday. SO that the U.M.N.O. movement in Penang will be as representative as possible, the Malay community is planning elections in mukims and kampongs. Haji Ali Rouse, a spokesman of the community, told the Sunday Times that
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  • 184 5 QUESTIONS BY KEDAH SULTAN IRRELEVANT Sunday Times Correspondent ALOR STAR, Saturday. MALAY political circles in Kedah today criticised the reply by the Sultan of Kec'ah to recent protests against the taking of the oath of loyalty. The Sultan has replied to the State' 6 most influential religious association. Persatuan Ulama,
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 5 DISTRIBUTION of monthly food parcels in place of cash payments to destitutes in Malacca was begun this month. Here is Mrs. K. M. Cansdell, the Settlement Welfare Officer, watching; a distribution. Altogether 415 parcels have been distributed this month.
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  • 208 5 Sunday Times Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. AT the half-yearly meeting of the committee of the Presbyterian Church of Malaya held at Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, March 6, considerable discussion took place with regard to means whereby there could be closer linking together of the various
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  • 116 5 Sunday Times staff Reporter MALACCA. Saturday. MALACCA Municipal Commissioners have accepted a proposal from tbe Malacca Welfare Committee to develop more playing grounds for children living in the town. Mr. S. Shunmugam told the Commissioners^hat the equipment for swings and other amenities would be paid for from
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  • 334 5 Sunday Times Staff Reporter SINGAPORE people in increasing numbers are returning to their pre-war habit of spending their week-ends out-of-doors at fishing and picnic resorts round the coast of the Island, bat with a difference. Before the war they used to go to hotels, fishingpools and bathing
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  • 83 5 Sunday Times Staff Reporter MALACCA, Saturday. TVHE latest styles of motor 1 cars, sports goods, and industrial and commercial products, will be on display at a trade fair organised by Shaw Brothers Ltd. in the City Park, from March 25 until the end of the
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  • 71 5 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association prices at noon yesterday were: 7.15 Ota. Cta. per Ib. per ib Mo. 1 R.S.S. Spot loose nominal 39 40 S No. 1 R.S4 fob tn bales April 39 40 No. > R.S.B. fob fa bales AprU 38% M No. I ItBß.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 388 5 as fresh as the dew all through the day Somr women remind you of all the things that arc fresh and sweetly scented. It is dclightfiil to be near them. They look cool when others look hot. Why envy them Any woman can have tfaM early morning freshness all thnugh
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    • 461 5 A SELECTION OF IMPORTANT BOOKS BIOGRAPHY Nelson Carola $25.00 Bolivar— Emil Ludwlf? $10.50 rhe Legend of the Master Henry James Simon Nowell-Smlth $7.50 rhe Life of Charlotte Bronte— Mrs. Oaskell 5 10 PHILOSOPHY History of Western Philosophy Bert rand Russell $12 60 The Art of Living Andre Maurois 4.50 The
      461 words
    • 507 5 Be a Master of English Improve Your Speech and I Writing in a Few Hours} If you are interest :d In acquiring a command of good FnrHsh for business, professional and social purposes you are invited to apply for a copy of "Word Mastery." issued by the Regent Institute. This
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 475 5 nk 181 I lE* W^ B^^^Bs^^^H Bi •w^^T* I 1I J v M/t B^B 2a JL I *13 a\_* >r^F^ J SBEEBaBEaBE*B*wB*BOTBEEEBEEaEEEEEEE^ i Home News From Britain: 8.45 9.45 Paul Fenoulhet Orchestra; RADIO MALAYA iS'IHMUt) %gf*j£££ c^ttnuesrTalk by w.OO Pacific Mailbag; 10.20 1 pm Julian Foonnan Orcn.; Maharaj Kumari Indira
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  • 459 6 THE SUNDAY TIMES SINGAPORE, MAR., 21, 1948. ALL IN THE AIR MALAYA'S first line of defence in any war of the future and from speeches from national leaders of many countries during the past week such a catastrophe is more than a matter of surmise will be the Royal Air
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  • 182 6 SINGAPORE laxi drivers have not been long In finding a way to circumvent the purpose of the "No U turn" signs recently set up in Orchard Road and at the same time obeying the letter of the injunction. All they do when they feel the urge to
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  • 2461 6  -  R.A.F. by a Observer IN one of the files at Headquarters, Air Command, Far East, at the Royal Air Force station of Changi, are copies of a weekly report that is circulated for the information of the principal senior staff officers. These reports
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 334 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. FOB SALE NEW SHIPMENT of beautiful triple compacts Just arrived. A novelty for women of elegance. Holds rouge nowder and lipstick with triple mirrors at $10/- each. Rptail from leading Cosmetic Stores or S. Qureshi it Co. 67, The Arcade. Singapore. Special discounts to traders. FOR SALE First
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    • 11 6 for better tea-times Fined Broken Orange Pekoe Price $2.00 per Ib.
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    • 21 6 Tiger Testimonials Mr. Evan Bouhne the distinguished M.C.S. official, said *The official and unofficial view is that TIGER Beer is best"
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  • 432 7 ORCHARD ROAD BARRELS ROLL AGAIN Traffic experts disagree Sunday Times Staff Reporter A FURTHER reshuffle in the barrel positions at Orchard Road island held up traffic during the early morning and mid-day rush periods yesterday and renewed controversy among three authorities concerned with traffic control in Singapore. The change, the
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  • 116 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter fONTDOJOUS "music while I* you work" In a Singapore rubber shoe factory is helping to increase the rate of production. Five hundred workpeople listen all day long to a stream of recorded Cantonese and Mandarin music relayed through loud-speakers and they enjoy it.
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  • 196 7 Sunday Times Staff Repo. ter THE Chinese Association, Singapore, held a dinner J and dance last night to celebrate its 26th anniversary. The president, Mr. G. H. Kiat, said that the Chinese Consul-General Dr. Wu Paakshlng, and Mrs. Wu had cancelled a trip to Cameron i Highlands
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  • 79 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter MR. E. P. Shanks, the Singapore First District Court Judge, yesterday fined Chiah Seng Chu, a poultry dealer, $100. in default one month's rigorous imprisonment, for cruelty to animals. It was alleged that Chiah while conveying two turkeys to town had
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  • 180 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter QINGAPORE Police have offered a reward of $2,000 .5 for information leading to the recovery alive of a 22-year-old male Henghoa Chinese, Lim Ah Moh, who mysteriously disappeared from a Chinese tyre-dealer's shop in Jalan Besar on December 18 last. The
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  • 45 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter PENANG. Saturday. The funeral took place today of Mr. E. Mohamed Hashim, a former teacher of the Penang Free School, who died yesterday in his residence in Free School Road, leaving nine sons, two daughters, and three grandchildren.
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  • 102 7 Sunday Times Stiff Reporter HAS anybody seen 34-year-old Ahmed bin Saleh Anggawi, described as a highly-educated Javanese? His brother, who lives in Batavia, thinks that Ahmed may be somewhere in Malaya. He disappe a r e d from Batavia on Nov. 17. "S«« figh ting
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  • 63 7 TIAHE Government yacht buoy X at the northern entrance to the inner harbour, which marked the position of the former Governor's yacht. Sea Belle 11, has been removed. The steam yacht, Sea Belle 11, was recently purchased by Mr. Robert Morrison of«Cebu, in the
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  • 86 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter JOHORE BAHRU, Saturday. THE Johore Rover Crew's Den, a gift from the Sultan of Johore. was declared open yesterday by Mr. F. C. Sands. Scout Commissioner. Malaya. Those present included the British Adviser. Johore, Mr. A. Sleep, and the District Commissioner
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  • 170 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter SINGAPORE'S aquarium fancy fish trade with Europe and America has steadily improved during the past year in spite of shipping difficulties and import restrictions at receiving ends. A consignment of 30,000 Malaysian fresh water fish, destined for Holland, left Singapore recently.
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  • 38 7 Sunday Times Correspondent SEREMBAN, Saturday.— ln the Supreme Court yesterday Mr. Justice Grahan Callow dismissed the appeal by Poh Lee against his sentence of six months' simple imprisonment for throwing acid on Ng Siah's face.
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  • 27 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter SEREMBAN, Saturday. Mariman bin Somigan, a Javanese, was yesterday sentenced to twelve months' rigorous imprisonment on charges of housebreaking and causing hurt.
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  • 153 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter MRS. Anthony Brooke, wife of the former Raja Muda of Sarawak, leaves Singapore by air this morning for the United Kingdom, where she will see her three small children for the first time in eight months. After a few
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  • 202 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter A MID-DAY cloud-burst in Singapore yesterday caused the biggest flood and the biggest traffic Jam of the year. Some parties of motorists slipped into ditches obscured by muddy water. Rescuers from other motor vehicles saved a group of women from a
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  • 33 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter The New South Wales Egg Board has appointed the Sin~<*oore Cold Stonurp as its Singapore agents. All Australian egg distributions will be made through the Cold Storage.
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  • 197 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter PENANG, Saturday. ALTHOUGH Penang's import trade rose by more t\ than $7,000,000 last month, there is a marked decline in the people's purchasing power. As an indication of this trend, the head of a leading European importing house told the Sunday Times
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  • 42 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter PARIT BUNTAR, Saturday. Office bearers of the Krian Indian Association for this year are:— President, Johmab Sandanasamy; vice-pre-sident, Karuppan Chettiar; hon. secretary, Mutthiah; sports secretary, Karthigesu; literary secretary, Slnnathamby; committee, Veerasingam, Rasiah, Valoo, Oovindasamy, Karuppiah.
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  • 33 7 Sunday Times Staff K-porier Mr. E. P Shanks, the Singapore First District Court Judge, yesterday ordered Loh Peng Kwee. a 48-year-old returned banishee. to be re-ma-ded in custody lill March 25.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 88 7 WYW" •"••••win ''I'N'WMW i You will be pleasantly surprised at their natural lone and their reliability Distant stations are just as easy to tune in as local stations Band Spread Model 92 as illustrated AC or AC/DC $375.00 FREE HOME TRIAL-EASY TERMS Sole Agenta 12. ORCHARD RO SINGAPORE PHONE 6322
      88 words
    • 85 7 I For jl the LADY of FASHION M' jB A^' '''^al 1 i\ colours. li %^^ioeo Me —^_AFTERTAKING__j| ■ssssssssr^4r#frnQ»^Bs»ssli Suffering victims of distressing Headaches turn unfailingly* to *A "Aspro" for quick relief. "Aspro" ~^rHi]ir banishes even the most severe Z. M) ,j;/LJ headache with lightning-like M^Tr^al r The popularity of
      85 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 391 8 f AIRER skin gives you more feminine charm! NOW YOU CAN MAKE YOUR SKIN 'j^^^Ml aho Mont 1 V even ou are ■*^T naturally dark Whitcx, an amazing new skin bcauttticr. makes your (kin 4-4 shades fairer immediately brings out the real bciutv ot the women ot Malaya. Vim know
      391 words
    • 60 8 M.P. mac or BniriSM MMM YOU'LL ENJOY IT ROYALLY Frt lo« p«i..« b.uqur; Li., H.P Bni.ioi ommi popular uutt V O u- nor family sod .ti ,our |uc*it oill bk> s* HP. -it httndt wit* (MM eh •"•«> I I d»b«* .nd <ppcait v V J^J i v Ther* 1
      60 words
    • 281 8 HENHESSY cognac BRANDY BETTER THAN EVER w^£m£mm^^mm*7 THIS BUSINESS IS STILX, IN ■^r^^'^Bl THE HANDS OP THE HENNES6Y b^B^bRbBIP *'-M,.' SINCE 1740 HAVr WL i&Bk*?3 New Blade w f"^^^ speed and V^B comfort with y^v^* every shave! J$ These Valet features make your shaving quicker and easier r y^~~^^ I
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 313 8 THIS WEEK FOR YOU -What the Stars Foretell- ARIES (Mar. 22— Apr. 20).— You can control th* good to come out of this week by cautious approaches to important matters. Extreme caution in everything is indicated. Think twioe before taking action. Be calm. TAURUS (Apr. 21— May 21). If you
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    • 828 8 CANCER (Jane &3-July 23). --Don't stand back on the sidelines this week. Fight for what you want and insist on getting rt. But in dealing with the opposite sex diplomacy will pay excellent dividends jus. now. lEO (July 24— Aug. 23).— Avoid permitting emotional disturbances to upset wellmade previous plans.
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    • 478 8 m WHEN partner has made a take-out double of an opening suit bid, and we have 1% honour tricks and a nve-card suit, we are considered to have a pretty fair hand. This holding does not quite justify a jump take-out (unless our suit is very strong), but we are
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  • 495 9 Mary Heathcott defends the LONDON, Mar. 4 tJIISS EMILY IVI HAHN, wellknown character of the pre-war Far East, has been living in England for the past two years. An American, she is the wife of Major C. R. Boxer, who holds the Chair of Portuguese Literature at London
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  • 348 9 fiREEN shoes for spring. \J U any -stranded neckless, of multicoloured beads, strung on chains (they look almost like collars). A housecoat, (inspired by the dress of a Moghul prince at the Indian Art Exhibition at Burlington House) full skirted, in bright brocade with tight cummerbund. Necklaces of sequin
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  • 200 9 CRAYFISH LOBSTER 'THE colourful charm of a lobster salad is the obvious way of serving lobster or crayfish, but there are other attractive ways too. Scalloped Lobster FIRST rlase the lobster meat (tinned or fresh) gently in a r then break into lumps. Prepare some hot white sauce and
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  • 189 9 and puts woman M.P. right r£ New Look has figured in House of Commons qu.stion time again. An M.P. wanted customers to hand over extra coupons for the extra material iin^olved but he was told the idea was impracticable. A woman M.P., Mrs. Mabel lOdealgh, told American wo"n in a
    189 words
  • 493 9  -  MANNING r BLACKWOOD n by i WHETHER anybody in Singapore carea what I like or dislike, I wish tr, state that I do not like the New Look. I hate it I liked the old look best. By that I don't mean the styles
    493 words
  • 528 9 have never been mrmTrred from a job. but they all peter out. My work is accurate, but it never calls for praise. I am not a success. My wife and I laugh at my setbacks, but I know she is worried. Nothing works out normally for me. This
    528 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 307 9 <5^ 1 You (.anno) -mma-J a lovely tkin bin yiH) tun iu)u*4lr beatify It nrrdi only a hrtk MM. U r«u rcaiiK thai vxii >kli> cOikku "f itvcnl alvrrv ..1 thai the cauar ot all thr mudt-'y and dull cucnplrxiont i» ihai minuir paruclea o4 thr MfaVaajL dnrd-uu tHjtri culick
      307 words
    • 211 9 "EASTER GIFTS" jT*" dßaalnP^aaaaat M ,^X V^-'tafJaW^n^^aaaCSaakL 1^ V^t^ Sole Agents for Singapore MAYNARD CO., LTD. BATTERY ROAD PHONE €115 PROTBCT \^P^»«^W YOUR TBBTH Wf' [T^^ *aaaaaaaaa^a>aaaaaaaaaaa«ltaaaaaa.^a*t^^^^^ Rullior Octal MacKS* oon> ~Z \C "uMStPC* 3^ •a a mouth *ckJi becamr f aomaua Ml* Mwmo. 1 Remambai Philhca ucnia. Mi<naia «i»of
      211 words

  • 140 10 'THE Amicable Athletic Assoc iation sh-ared honours with the Johore Bahru District hi a game of soccer played on the Istana ground. Johore Bahru, yesterday, each side scoring twice. The Johore side got their goals through penalties. I Although played on a wmerI logged ground,
    140 words
  • 56 10 TAIPING, Saturday. THE R.A.S.C. put up a record score in Taiping League soccer yesterday when they trounced the Ceylon Pioneer Corps 15 -nil. The Sinhalese were five goals down at half-time. Ravenscroft bagged seven goals, Morrison four, Kiwln two, and Holding and Houston one each. The R.A.S.C.
    56 words
  • 358 10 WaiTong blames meet official HONG KONG, Saturday. DR. C. C. Yung, member of the Hong Kong branch of the C.N.A.A.F., departed for Shanghai this morning in an attempt to untangle the misunderstanding which resulted in the Malayan football team failing to take part in
    UP  -  358 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 10 SURGEON Lieutenant T. C. Barras of the Royal Navy gets away with the ball in the Rugby match against the Army at Twickenham. The Navy won by nine points to eight.
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  • 42 10 The Singapore Indian Assn. will meet the Bencoolen Sports Club at table tennis at the Bencoolen Sports Club at 7 pjn. today. At the Union Jack Club at 7 pjn. tomorrow, the Singapore Indians will play the Club team
    42 words
  • 183 10 THE cricket season In Singapore has had a bad start With the weather doing Its worst, yesterday'B fixtures were cancelled and there is little likelihood that today's matches will be played. The weather over the last two week-ends was as bad as It
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  • 54 10 W. McMULLAN and C. A. R. Bateman will meet In the final of the Island Golf Club championship. Yesterday's semi-final results were: W. McMuUan beat K. S. Murray at the 19th hole and C. A. R. Bateman beat J. A. Chippendale one up. The final
    54 words
  • 273 10 SEVENTY Malayan Chinese Athletes (men and *3 women) will leave Singapore on April 25 for Shanghai to take part In the Seventh China National Meet which starts on May 5. Twenty officials will accompany the team. The contingent, which will travel by chartered planes,
    273 words
  • 106 10 SHANGHAI, Saturday. MORE than ten overseas Chinese associations have already signified their intention of competing in the National athletic meet opening in Shanghai on May 5 which will also serve as an Olympic trial, it was learned seml-offlclally today. Further entries are expected before entries
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 135 10 fHE Singapore Polo Club held their annual general meeting at the Club House. Thomson Road Mr. Justice Brown presiding. The following were elected 1 office-bearers for the forthcoming 'year:— President; Major P. L. Harding, Captain of the Club; Colonel N. W. Pinlinson, Secretary; Lt. Colonel
    135 words
  • 274 10 THE three last finals of the Singapore Lawn Tennis 1 Association's Indoor Championships will be played at the Happy World arena tonight starting at 7 p.m. Spectator interest should be about equally divided between the men's doubles final, the men's singles final, and the mixed doubles
    274 words
  • 52 10 <pHE following will represent the Chartered Bank Sports Club in a friendly game of soccer •gainst the Sime Darby Sports Club at Oeylang Stadium tomorrow C. B. Von Hagt (Capt Mum, Ying Yoke Hoh, Jaswant. Notiis, Francis Cheng, Huat Hin. Heng Kee, N. P. Day is. Salleh
    52 words
  • 501 10 Badminton Notes... by FEATHER the- meeting of the Malayan Badminton Association on March 14, certain players were seeded and the draw took place. On the whole, the competitors are well spaced out. In spite I of limitation of state entries, there are 80 entries in all. All
    501 words
  • 93 10 RILLY Thompson, British and European lightweight boxing champion, will sail for New York in the Queen Elizabeth on Apr. 7 to meet the Canadian, Al King, in an Empire title fight. Thompson, rated one of the leading contenders for the world championship, will be
    93 words
  • 61 10 Sunday Times Staff Reporter JOHORE BAHKU, Saturday. IN their first away match in the soccer league competition Kota Tinggl did well to hold the Police Depot to a one-goal margin. The visitors, who have entered the league for the first time, put up a plucky
    61 words
  • 112 10 THE Malay sports Association, Singapore, beat the Malay Sports Club, Kota Tlnggi, six-nil at tennis on Friday. Results (Singapore players mentioned first) Singles: H. Khamls beat \asin bin Hajl Ahmad 6—2, 6—l; Bostam b. Kurshi beat All Mohamed Noor 6—2. 9—7. DouMea: K. Yadi and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 247 10 ■552 *^^^^^^^^J 'Benmre St4titftat*e SAFEGUARD YOUR EVES WITH Gptrex EYE LOTION Obtainable at all Dispensaries and Leading store* OP2 47 mrouAMOHG m OTHERS? Then Try This! After l meal those with good digestion have i feeling of contentment, but there ire thousands of others who endure discomfort and pain: whose
      247 words
    • 612 10 It's not how much you cat Ht's what you cat that matters. jju In these difficult times, when the food \A ~~^> Af\ to which we are accustomed it oftfn /^>*3Fi^W*--^\. bard to obtain extra car* i« needed \v/ 5" I to see that the food we do eat >C/>^
      612 words

  • 29 11 pOINTEK" tipped (our I straight winners at yes- terday's races. They were 1 Kantian ($l4), Democrat I ($6), Hambrion ($l2) and I Game Law (f 9).
    29 words
  • 2181 11 Royal Bounty, Ham brion again From EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. A FTER lying last till the third furlong, Game Law (Lansdown) came through with a brilliant spurt in the home straight to beat Double Five in the big race at Kuala Lumpur today,
    2,181 words
  • 508 11 Sunday Times Staff Correspondent INTO the field of competitors for the Malays n Golf Championship has come R. B. Lauriston of Ipoh and ten o one as well as fifty to one bett are already being offered that he will win the UUe! A golf
    508 words
  • 107 11 EURASIANS BEAT SEIANGOR CLUB KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. AN excellent ftrst-wicket partnership between Jack de Sllva (54) and Mathew Danker (41) was the main feature of the cricket match on the padang today, when the Selangor Eurasians beat the Selangor Club by five wickets. The Eurasians declared their innings at 156
    107 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 159 11 WHAT y^^fe EXCITEMENT! j^W BOGART ON THE f zX+sJ^ RAMPAGE AGAIN '^W^^L, IN WARNERS v 3Pfcf <*$>. B6FART Sub-Titles 4 l*BilP* m Sut. Titles ,i ,i By Latest Path? News STARTS TODAY! 2 p.m.; US; 6.30 9.15 p.m. Air-Cooled U B^M jJL. Phone 4042 Rex Children's Matinee Today 11 a.m.
      159 words
    • 461 11 MmMl> the house of comfort bookin&s Performances 11 a.m., 1.45, 4.15, 6.45 and 9.30 p.m. Daily. NOW SHOWING! Melodrama With A Tremendous Wallop! Swßm tf/Afi/Pn '°f I 1 I lIJ 1 r*J fmi frrl"'7r»JV\ IWBBBIBBBBHBEBSSBg lfv' ANDREA Kllfi IHOMAS GOME 2 FRED CLARK Directed by ROBERT MONTGOMERY Produced by JOAN
      461 words

  • 507 12 CHELSEA BEAT ARSENAL AWAY LONDON, Saturday. ALTHOUGH this is the time of the year when pro- motion and relegation worries fill the minds of several prominent teams, the position in some divisions is such that their problems will not be settled until the closing games of the season. Charlton and
    Reuter  -  507 words
  • 516 12 LONDON, Saturday. MR. J. Proctor's Sheila's Cottage, starting at 50 to 1, won the Grand National Steeplechase, beating Major D. Vaughan's First of the Dandies, starting at 25 to 1, by one length over a stiff four and a half miles course at Aintree.
    Reuter  -  516 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 12 /CROMWELL, who finished third in yesterday's Grand National, is seen following \j Rowland Roy in the Manifesto Stakes at Llngfleld. Cromwell won this race.
    24 words
  • 98 12 THE Italian wrestler, Labriola. beat Son of Kong. Malayan Chinese heavyweight champion. by a knockout in the fifth round at the Happy World Stadium. Singapore, last night. Son of Kong began well and to the second round succeeded In holding Labriola in a Boston
    98 words
  • 37 12 RAri-LES Institution beat Victoria School three-two when their first teams met in a return soccer match on the V. S. ground yesterday. The match between the second teams resulted in a two-all draw.
    37 words
  • 90 12 SYDNEY, Saturday. SYDNEY lightweight, Micky Davis, knocked himself out in a recent fight with Tommy Smith at Newcastle, N.S.W. He missed with a wild richt, overbalanced, and hit the canvas with his head. He was unconscious when dragged to his corner. Smith hadn't landed a blow
    90 words
  • 64 12 Blackneath 11. London Scottish 11; Gay's Hospital 10, Gloucester 3; Harlequins 10, Wasps 11; Old Alleynlans 10, London Welsh 29; Old Paulines 7, Aldershot Serviaes 11; Richmond 19, Rosslyn Park 8; St. Mary's Hospital 11, Waterloo 23; AbertUlery 6, Royal Air Force 4; Barnstaple 6, Lydney 0; Bath
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 90 12 KINO KONO beat Johnnie McPurdin by a technical knockout in the first round of their wrestling bout at the Great World arena, Singapore, last night. The fight ended after King Kong caught McPurdin m a Double Nelson in the second minute of the round. In
    90 words
  • 32 12 SWANSEA, Saturday— ln the Rugby Union international match here this afternoon France beat Wales by 30 points to 12 after leadIng by eight to seven at half time. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 305 12 Sunday Times Muar Sports Correspondent ¥OHORE Amateur Football J Association is going all out to field the strongest State sir'.e for the Malaya Cup competition and trial games have been arranged in Muar, Kluang and Johore Bahru. The Districts mentioned will oppose the Rest of
    305 words
  • 502 12 scon disallowed Homer's kick for handling the ball after the signal had been given. England rallied and a good pass from Brierly saw Baker soon a try. Droogleever failed to convert. A few minutes before the end. England brought play Into Ireland's 25 and
    502 words
  • 120 12 •THE cricket match between the 1 Indian Association 2nd XI O.H.Q. FARELP, arranged for today, has been cancelled because of the bad condition of the pitch. The following have been selected to play for the I. A. against the Johore Cricket Club today at 2 p m
    120 words
  • 35 12 The first and second teams of the Royal Air Force (Tengah) will meet the JollUads' first and second strings at soccer today at Tengah. The first game will start at 4 p.m.
    35 words
  • 144 12 LONDON, Saturday. /CAMBRIDGE University \j rowed their second full course boat race trial on the ebb tide from Mortlake to Putney today in 19 mm. 40 sec. There was a decided improvement in the behaviour ot their boat and there was a freely moving tide and
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 22 12 EDINBURGH, Saturday. Scotland beat England by six points to three in the Rugby Union international match at Murrayfleld today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 22 12 The Yew Chee Sla Association beat the Indian Association five games to two In a table tennis match In Singapore.
    22 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 257 12 HftM KWANG CO. Electrical and Sanitary Merchants (formerly at Ml North Bi idgt Rd.) are now at 330. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD CPjO. »ox 421 Singapore Tel. No. 1315 Vt here your Requirements for everything Electrical Sanitary will lie given our Usual Prompt Attention and care f "CORNS! You can fei
      257 words
    • 151 12 A IR PARCEL POST for any destination witriir Mai^ya Through any post o♦• c c Air surcharge 15c a Ib. Less handling Less breakage Less pilferage MALAYAN AIRWAYS LIMITED fe.,x>,/ r Spy jjT > T35& <•■*" 1/ l**4O«ftsM t*r*«ry*r*-** M4kit)DiMu l il0 T niil tMltfr, *>W 4o<k>(<MMi in <»4 ni
      151 words