The Straits Times, 19 March 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 692 1 Speech Has Mixed Reception WASHINGTON, Thursday. DRE€IDENT Truman's "stop Russia" address to the American Congress yesterday has been received with a mixture of cautious approval and varying degrees of condemnation m the United States. Comments from American statesmen have cut across the party line. Such Republican
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  • 255 1 BRISBANE. Thursday. IN the Queensland Parliament today the Labour Premier (Mr. Hanlon) de fended the use of force by police m dispersing a procession of striking railwuv workers yesterday. Mr. Hanlon was greeted with opposition cheers when he said that his Government trusted the police to see
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  • 42 1 SHANGHAI, Thursday— China Merchants Steam Navigation Company vessel Hmm left for the South erday with 1 000 <>! I 'Jtton-yard.s and and over 1.000 tons of!laneou.s goods aboard The vessel Dlans to call at kok :.nd Singapore via Konp Reuter
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  • 147 1 HELSINKI, Thursday. FINLAND is to seek a r ten-year treaty of military assistance and friendship with Soviet Russia, including a clause that the Finns will be responsible for their own defence. The Finnish delegation, which Jpives for Moscow on 1 Saturday, Is to ask that the
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  • 83 1 CANBERRA Thursday. The Australian Immigration Minister (Mr. Arthur Calwelli announced today that the Federal Cabinet had apprcved legislation giving Australians the status of Australian citizenship in addition to, but not as distinct from, the general status of the British subject they now possess. It would clearly be understood
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  • 79 1 CHICAGO, Thursday. A 16-year-old girl was killed and 100 hurt, ten seriously, when the floor and roof of a dance hall collapsed last night during a St. Patrick's dance attended by about 1,200 revellers. The floor on the third storey caved in and seemed to draw the
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  • 101 1 BERLIN, Thursday.— About 12 people, including Brig-Gen. Telford Taylor, parachuted from an American Army plane over Berlin today when the plane developed engine trouble, an announcement from Tempelhof airfield reported. Public Relations officials said first reports indicated that one member of the crew, the radio operator,
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  • 61 1 BELGRADE, Thursday. Seventy-one people were kill1 ed and ten were missing to- day in a gas explosion in the former Italian Arsia mine3 in Pozzo Littorio Yugoslav Istria. An earlier report reaching Rome from Trieste had plaocd the number of dead at 300 and said that
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  • 206 1 BANGKOK. Thursday ICE authority here expect that Siams monthly rice export record established last De^mber will be exceeded thio mor.thwhen. it toestim2*"L snlPments wUI ream 75W0 tons. The December all-time record was 71,500 tons, which were exported under the •three per cent free trade Inducement" schemr
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  • 102 1 B A T A V I A. Thursday The Foreign Correspondents' Committee protested today that the United Nations' Public Relations policy m Java resulted In "virtual censorship." The correspondents made a formal protest to the Secretary-General (Dr. Trygve Lie) after months of individual and collective protests to
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  • 77 1 U.S. INTERVENES WITH GUATEMALA BELJ/ h. iis.l Honduras, Thursday.— fno United States has intervened \r. the territorial dispute between Guatemala and the United Kingdom over British Honduras, it was reported autho-itatively here yesterday. The United States Ambassador to Guatemala on instructions from Washington, is understood to ha\e soueht and received
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  • 162 1 CINGAPORE fc to receive an official invitation to ~J participate m the Olympic Games m London this year, according to a Reuter message from London last nigtii. The message states that the invitation has already been sent and that Singapore has recently been recognised by the
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  • 194 1 Tentative Agreement On Palestine LAKE SUCCESS, Thura. THE Big Four powers 1 have agreed tentatively to request immediate steps by the United Nations Security Council to end the warfare in Palestine, according to a United Press report. The meeting of representatives of the United States, Russia. France and China also
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  • 555 1 Chinese Protest Raised In The Commons Thursday. PROTESTS by SingaporeS^hmese against criti- cisms by Lt.-Gen. Perciva! m ms'TJßS'Ptfffil.'fl^ the Malayan campaign are under consideration by the Secretary of State for War (Mr. Emua* nuel Shinwell), the Secretary for the Colonies announced m the Commons yesterday. Mr. Creech Jones was commenting
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Cable Flasher
    • 116 2 Asleep For YearWill Never Wake FRAMINGHAM, Massachusetts. Thursday. nOCTORS say that Ralph C. Abbott, 32, a patient at the Cushing Veterans' Hospital here who has been asleep for a year, will never waken again. Abbottte brain was injured when his car struck a tree and he was hurled against a
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    • 42 2 DUBLIN. Thursday Reinforced police were on guard yesterday against accidents as Eire celebrated St. Patrick's Day mostly with ice cream and sodas. Thousands of Dubllners paraded through the city wearing shamrocks and later dispersed for big sports events. U.P.
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    • 59 2 ROME, Thursday. Regular Italian Army troops will be moved into camps now occupied by 18,000 refugees In or near four strategic towns in northern Italy before the April 18 elections, it was officially announced last night. The towns rank as the strongest Communist strongholds and troops will be
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    • 75 2 Visited Mines NOTTINGHAM, Thursday. Glamour went down the East Midlands mines today in the shape of 24 women Journalists mostly from woman's periodicals and fashion magazines. The women are visiting the coal fields at the invitation of Mie National Coal Board to see fur themselves the great Hn- provement recently
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    • 38 2 ATHENS, Thursday— The Greek General Staff announced yesterday that Comotini in Thrace was shelled on Tuesday night by guerilla artillery. One hundred shells were fired on Comotini. Two people were wounded and four killed.— A.P.
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    • 57 2 St. John's. Leeward Islands, Thursday. Burning of sugar cane fields, looting and ston- ing. were reported here today from adjoining St. Christopher Island which is in the grip of industrial trouble. An assistant police superin1 tendent has been shot and wounded and a road overseer dragged from his
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    • 43 2 ACCRA. Thursday. The Gold Coast Trade Union Con- Kress last night called off a reneral strike ordered earlier today in protest asrainst Saturday's arrest ol six Gold Coast leaders —pending discussions with the Government. The talks will start tomorrow. Reuter.
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    • 68 2 No Travel Rush LONDON. Thursday.— When Landon tourist agencies coened their doors yesterday there were no Queues outside *-aiUh«j tr book holiday^ abroad, toUon in* Tuesdav rent's announcement that tourist travel to eight soecifkd countries would h*« t>ermitted from May 1. "Th«Te w«re not many more than Uv usual nu.nb:
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    • 51 2 LONDON. Thursday. Capt. Roy Farran. who recently resigned his Army .mmisslon. said here festerday that he was sailing in June for Bast Africa to take ur* a position with a quan-y-:i\Z firm. Farrun was acQuiued vi ar in Jerusalem of a charge A harlnc murdered a Jewish youth—
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    • 57 2 RANGOON. Thursday. 1 r goon's 31 daily newspapbegan a three -clay sus:.s:on yesterday as a protest against the wrecking of newspaper offices by the AllBurma Peasants and Workers Organisations last week. With four dally papers In the city of Mandalay Joining the protest action, Burma is for the
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    • 68 2 SHANGHAI Thursday. Navigation m the China Sea being endangered by pirate raids for kerosene and food luppMes on lighthouses, from Ningpo to Tstngtao. According to the China press yesterday, the latest raid was carried out on Steep Island Light Station. ISO miles off Shanghai. The pirates beat up
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    • 52 2 MILAN, Thursday. Dr. Anrico Armanino, director of a local obsterical clinic, yesterday denied reports that a baby born m his establishment seven years ago was the child of Mussolini and his nistress, Clara Petacci. The baby, he said, was the son of Clara's brother, Marcello, and his girl
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    • 65 2 LONDON, Thursday.— The free-passages to Australia scheme for ex-servicemen and women which was put into operation m 1947, has been extended to apply to all ex-servicemen and women released from the British armed forces on or before Drcember 31, 1948. The Ministry of Labour and National Service announced
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    • 54 2 PARIS. Thursday— Miss Mathilda Nail. Texas' 19-year-oM cotton queen, will Tlsi. Mahchcster. Britain's cotton capital next Monday. Miss Nail arrived in Paris yesterday On a two-wwlc goodwill fashion tour. The tall, brownhaired Texah travelled in the same plane as Marcel Berdan. European middleweight champion and Edith Piaf. Fr-mch
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    • 53 2 MADRAS, Thursday. Three atomic research institutes two in Calcutta and one in Bombay are functioning already it was disclosed in Madras yesterday by tic Indian Government's Director of Scientific Research Doctor S. Bhatanagan. He stated that an atomic research bill, enabling scientists to conduct secret experiments, would be
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    • 66 2 NEW DELHI, Thursday. The United States Ambassador in India, (Dr. H. Orady) said here yesterday that tbe United States Government was considering the creation of special scholarships for Indian students In American Universities. Dr. Grady added that his Government was also considering the "provision of facilities for making
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    • 78 2 Share Wealth Tax NANKING. Thursday.— A Government spokesman said >esterdav that foreigners would be exempted from the "share the wealth" tax (now widely known as the "soak the rich" taxi He said that the tax was voluntary and that onlv public censure, and not le£t\! penalties, would be used t
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    • 43 2 BUENOS AIRES. Thursdav. A constitutional amendment which would Dermit President Juan Peron to succeed himsej! was introduced In Oonzress for the second time. Two-!rirds of Congress must approve it before the Constituent Assembly c*n come to a decision.— A. P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 771 2 NOTICES OLD ALLEYNIARS~ It is intended to hold a reunion dinner at Seavlew Hotel on Thursday. *sth March, smd all Old Allrmians wishing to fcit nr] should communicate with W M rNKKS KBR, P O. Box 100, Singapore. Telephone 5205. SINGAPORE. MUNICIPALITY, mouinm of assistant U» \l Til OFFICER Thf
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    • 720 2 NOTICES KUALA LUMPUK MNIOPALITY Applications are invited for the post of confidential Stenographer/ Typist (lady) for the Kuala Lomour Municipality. Salary according to qualifications. j 1 i j i j I I I AUCTION SALE OF Household furniture etc.. comprising:— Wardrobes, Tallboys, Dressing tables. Sitting Room set. Dlntng. tables. Bedsteads,
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    • 266 2 NOTICES CHANGE OF NAME It Is Iwrebv notified to all concerned that, a« from Ist January IMS. by virtue of Special Resolution and with Authority of Board ci Trade, Thai Tin Syndicate Limited of London, Penantu, Oambang, Chemor, Kom Bahru, Rerone. Tafefcapa. Huey Moot, hM reverted to its ordinal title
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    • 883 2 rTTfWtrBK" fi\\ OPENING CHAPs. a -7 (a^^A^^l^^f] M y\ l 5 DYNAMIC RKKLSi) lcJ Vs THE MOST WETRI) r A'TION-.1,\-.:MFn Jill wJTT^jr^SirJZ SERIAL PLAY TO DATE! force, flesh, bone and muscle are built, you how -nt.l ,0, 0 health are the TO MORROW AT M'NITE proper digestion and assimilatioa
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  • 850 3 Unrest Blamed On 'Agitators tors who had escaped from Siam after Phibun's coup of last November were now working m concert with other agitators outside Siam. I Nai Khuang was not worried by all the agitation. He would fight it, he said, by "striving to put
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  • 122 3 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs. WHEN the Johore Council meets at the Dewan on Tuesday, the Legal Adviser will move that a Committee of Privileges and a Select Committee be constituted. The function of the proposed Committee of Privileges will be to consider and report
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  • 277 3 By Our Woman Correspondent A FASHION parade which will include period gowns will take place m Singapore within the next six The organiser is Mrs. Doris Geddes, who returned t 0 Singapore recently after a round-the-world fashion tour. All proceeds of the show will be
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  • 33 3 The Chairman of the Singapore Harbour Board (Mr. H. rs. Hasten) is going on leave as from tomorrow. During his absencp, Mr. P. A. T. Chrimes wdll act as Chairman.
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  • 66 3 TOUAI Jumble sale, organised by the Ladies' Work Party of the Presbyterian Church, the Church Hall 3 p.m. Wesley Methodist Youth Fellowship, Miss Ruth Perelra on "Stud c n t Christian Movement In India," Wesley Church, 4, Fort Canning Road, 7.30 p.m. Union Jack Club, North Bridge Road,
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  • 243 3 From Our Staff Correspondent JOHORE BAHRU, Thurs. A37-YEAROLD clerk, V. Sockalingam, faced trial in the Assize Court today on a charge of murdering his 19-year-old wife who died after receiving 44 stab wounds, six of which were fatal. The dead girl's father, Venasatamby, district overseer at
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  • 354 3 NEW YORK, Thursday. rESIDENT TRUMAN announced bluntly that he did not want the political support of "Henry Wallace and his Communists." Mr. Truman made a lastminute change m his speech before the annual New York banquet of the Friendly Sons Patrick to inject an unexpected
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  • 44 3 me nrst meeung 01 me Board of Visitors for St. John's Island Quarantine Station will be held next Wednesday. The agenda Includes the appointment of a chairman from among the members, and the arrangement of a rostei for visits to the island.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 474 3 QUEENS THEATRE 11 V lA\S^ r_t l\ ALL-MALAYAN PREMIERE IWl 1 a k/VY ri VJ Today: 3.M. «.S« 9.15 p.m. th r British N jdHji," :S^ m*• nonninAY U U U iXLHA -Tomorrow at Mid-nifht--Tvronr Power In"THE "THE MARK OF ZORRO" DE UCIOUS (iiuioi me Rheumatism •■Mil!; and Backache GoneiniWeek
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    • 219 3 ftvm/ra CMc/re/? /feed ay/a// I JSBrBI $jU* P "y sELS|E theBORD[NCOW p* I*l'"' il&^fS* FIRST IN PREFERENCE Agento: GETZ BROS. A CO., LTD Singapore. Teeth look good Mouth feels g00d... r3H 4^»T Lz/ BMP i penetrating CWJWI Quantities of fresh, cleansing foam spring from a half-inch of Kotynot on a
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  • 60 4 MRS TAN TIONO. Tan 3wee, id i Clung Tin and their fami.i'j h ntn t nder th^lr thanks \o all t* S' who .■•en; Telegrams I frs f Condil nee. wr?o hs, banners r o a'so to hose wh-> attended a/id I HMe, m the o~casi of de;i h
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  • 1058 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri., Mar. 19, 1948. SWORDS INTO PLOWSHARES "And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into prunmghooks: nation shall not rxse against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." Thoi«
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  • 52 4 AS a result ol several apt\ peals published m your paper, radio sets have been installed m several T.B. wards. They are very much appreciated by the patients. We wish to thank you tor publishing the appeals and those who mad" c**h contributions. PAVMBfITB. Tan Tim k Seng
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    • 577 4 J REFER to your leader headed "GUTHRIES AND DUNLOP'S." There is no real divergence of opinion between Sir John Hay and Mr. Ascoli, as I will shew. Sir John: 'An efficient natural rubber producer has nothing to fear from the competition of
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    • 196 4 NEW COUNCIL OF WORLD AFFAIRS r\N reading Monday's \J Straits Times, I came across your editorial. ASIA IN NORTH BRIDGE ROAD." May I know what reason you can attribute for your heading, please? If European nations can strive for a United States of Europ:-, and if Parliament j Street and
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  • 1321 4 COMMUNIST EXPANSION INTO EUROPE Russia And The Western Powe II THE article yesterday 1 analysed the general reasons why the philosophy of Socialism m a single country continues to determine the Soviet attitude. Even so, it is undeniable that recent Soviet policies have constituted something of a departure from Socialism
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  • 265 4 rhas been asserted by some of the candidates that if the election is boycotted, the Governor will nominate six members to fill the six elective seats. It that true? There is no authority for such a monstrous proposition. It is an assertion which is not merely fatuous but
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 725 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. I AY LOR To Florence wife of II W. Taylor, at K K Hospital on it< a a daughter Carole Frances. >ULX)EMOND. born to Gerry f H L. Guldcmcnd a r P-tn rn the 18th. <m *MM mm w\NiRD desser- typist for n latex pant. Single man red
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    • 107 4 TERRY'S IIGLEPOISE LAMP. Re«tfl. write, work or knit fa) th« gentle concentrated beam of the Anglepoise and you will realise how this wonderful "Any-Angle" lamp aids your eye-sight. The light is on the object, not in. your eyes. Takes any position and holds it never sags or wobbles. Supplies still
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    • 149 4 t m B s liIwMIIIbiIiMi i HJsUUUdi I Fellow Institute Ophtnalmic Opticans (Engi Fellow Worshipful Co ot Spectacle Makers '(-ng) Freeman ot the City ot London By Appointment to H. M- Forces. S E.Asia 6 BAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE PHONE c%42 HARVEY'S SPECIAL EASTER DISPLAY! Children's Straw Bonnets, Prices from 55.50
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  • 301 5 Employees 9 Pay Details Sought FULL particulars regarding salaries and allow- ances will have to be given by Singapore employers m answer to a letter which they will receive from the Income Tax Department this morning. The salaries of part-time employees will have to be
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 5 RO%D SMASH: Mr. Llewellyn Thomas, of Telecommunications, P. and T. Singapore, and his wife were injured yesterday when this ear m which they were travelling was involved m a collision with an omnibus m front of the Victoria Memorial Hall. They were admitted to the General Hospital. Their condition is
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  • 366 5 rE RoyaJ Singapore Flying Club lost $15 an hour on flying last year. The high rent charged for the parking of the Club's aircraft m the hangar at the airport was one of the main causes for the loss. The rent averaged over $6
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  • 200 5 AN eminent gynaecologist anc^ obstetrician who begun tackling the maternity mortality problem of Singapore in a i in* •e-roomed house 26 yean a^ro is leaving the Colony to retire. Mr is Dr J<>s-ph English BA M.D "Univ. Dub.». L.M. 'Rotunda*. F.R.C.O.G Professor of Midwifery at the
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  • 33 5 ARMS SEIZED Singapore C I D men seized a 32 automatic revolver, and 14 rounds of ammunition m the lavatory of a rubber factory m Geylang yesterday morning. A Chinese has been arrested
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  • 220 5 A SINGAPORE Indian lawyer, Mr. Sandy G. i Pillay, yesterday offered the public "an independent citizen's advice that they vote." Mr P-llay told the Straita Times: 'I do not belong to any political group in this countrv "Government has given us s-x elected representative*. and six
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  • 148 5 The Rural Board yesterday turned down an application from an advertising flrm tr erect hoardings over the Bukit Timah railway embank ment. The Board agreed that it would not depart from a general pokey that "rural areas should remain rural." The Board ruled that it should not
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  • 186 5 THE first Malay girl to go to Australia for medical studies left Singapore yesterday afternoon on the ship Charon. She is 23-year-old inche Rub: binte Abdul Majid of Kuala Lumpur, who decided to go to Australia after studying for nine months at the College
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  • 190 5 "TECHNICALLY and 1 tactically the la»t wai is out of date. At the same time, our knowledge of the effect of forseeable scientific and technical developments on air strategy is as yet incomplete.' 1 The Commander-in-Chlef. Air Command. Far East (Sir Hugh P. LJoyd),
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  • 59 5 Air Vice-Marshal Malcolm Henderson, the DirectorGeneral of the Overseas League, is expected to arrive in Singapore next Thursday. There will be a reception in his honour at the Raffles Hotel the next day. Members of the Overseas League who want particulars of the reception should communicate
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  • 196 5 A HITHERTO unnamed village of more than 1,000 Chinese and Indians at the 121 milestone Chua Cliv Kang Road Singapore, is to be called Lam San Village. This was agreed to at a Rural Board meeting held yesterday at the Land Office. The name is
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 5 ac Rubi binte Abdul Majid, of Kuala ..innpur. who left Singapore, yesterday aftern oon m the Charon to study medicine m Australia. She will spend a year at the University of West Australia, m Perth, and will go later either to Melbourne or Adelaide. Straits Times picture.
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  • Malayan Round-up
    • 117 5 AN 18-year-old New Zealand trawler, West Wind, was yesterday sold by public auction in Singapore for $24,200. The 60-ton vessel was bought by a Singapore businessman, Mr. W. C. Gray. Owned by the Cheng Chiang Fishery, Ltd., the vessel was recently used as a shipping
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    • 27 5 SEREMBAN, Thursday.— A Malay woman was struck by lightning and killed while she was working in her paddy field at Tana,h Liat. Jelebu, or. Monday.
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    • 60 5 IPOH, Thursday.—The Kinta Board at its meeting to- day decided to take action to increase rickshaw and trishaw charges which, it was agreed, were much too low. The charges at present ar«" ,20 cents a mile. Board members viewed a .trishaw of the Singapore type which, Mr. Masefleld
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    • 72 5 MALACCA, Thursday.—Kampong Malays were becoming more enlightened on public affairs and more education-conscious, Malacca's Public Relations Officer (Inche Yahaya bin Hashim) told a Rotary meeting today. He said that old habits, such as "munching betel leaves and wearing anklets and long kebayas were fast disappearing and giving place
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  • 196 5 The Rt. Rev. S. C. Neill, Assistant Bishop to the Archbishop of Canterbury, will visl: Singapore from March 22 to March 29 in connection with the World Council ot Churches. The World Council or Churches will have its first Assembly in Amsterdam at the end of
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  • 80 5 A public meeting of Buddhists m Singapore will be held on Sunday at 6 p.m. at the Singapore Buddhist Association. 96, Outram Road, to forward the following resolution to the Prime Minister of India through the Indian Government Representative m Singapore: "Whilst highly appreciating the noble motive
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  • 272 5 Reply To M.D.U.'s Campaign MEMBERS of the Singapore Ci'il Servant* Association met hist n p t at their club hois I Tessensohn Rom.1 and e* pressed a u 1 a' imou* w iJ t« vote. About 70 me nbt.s leard Dr. A. A Sandjshum Mr C. Goh. Mr. Tan Tnoon
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  • 98 5 Detailed instructions on how to record vote in tomorrow's Singapore elections will be broadcast from Radio Malaya tonight hy the Supervisor of Election*. (Mr. Gerald Hawkins The broadcast, which will explain exactly what the voter should do front |ha time he enters the co tins
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 150 5 II II TEL. 2057 SHROFFS CARPETS THE SYMBOL OF GREAT VALUE VISIT OUR LATEST EMBOSSED QUALITY, MOST LV SIZES, BEST MATCHING SHADES, REASONABLE PRICES. JUTE CARPETS 12x9 $48.00 Each 9x9 $36.00 Each 9x6 $24.00 Each 6x3 8.00 Each COIR CARPETS and RUGS Size Plain Designed 12x9 $36.00 $42.00 Bach 9x6
      150 words
    • 78 5 RELIABILITY BEAUTY AND VALUE l] h Made by Smiths, the largest manuiac- tt turers of Clocks, Watches and Pr cisio.i Instruments m the world. Smith Alarms are outstanding m their dependability and appearance. The 'Victory' rr.od^l Illustrated is a popular choice m this value-for-money ranged l| $7.50 Each ALSO AVAILABLE.
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  • 687 6 Malayan Plans Discussed From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Thursday. THE Colonial Primary Products Committee, m 1 its first report, discusses the possibilities of growing new products m Malaya. It dwells particularly on rice production. The committee was appointed "to review, commodity by commodity, the possibility of increasing
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  • 322 6 Carelessness Blamed In Shooting A FIVE-MAN Singapore jury yesterday found that the death of an Indian special constable was due to carelessness on the part of a fellow constable in handling his revolver. The finding was returned at the inquest on C. S Dasoan, who died from a 'gunshot wound
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  • 159 6 THE extent t 0 which Sinhalese are losing sight of their ancient tradition and heedlessly adopting other modes of life has caused concern for the welfare of the Sinhalese of Singapore and led to the opening of a school, free for the education of the Sinhalese children in
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  • 172 6 Informer's Story Of Gang Plot 'THE case against seven 1 Chinese youths, one of whom was alleged to have unknowingly sought the help of a police informer in planning to rob a shop in the Paya LebarTampenis area, was yesterday adjourned to Monday for finding. Mr. A. G. Shears, the
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  • 258 6 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. THE president of the Selangor Indian Chamber of Commerce (Mr. A. A. Mohamed Abdullah) accused the Representative of the Government of India m Malaya (Mr. J. A. Thivy) of having presented a partisan view of the Debtor and
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 6 FOR 8.1. F.: Lee Kam Hon. works supervisor for Mi-ssrs. Fortnums, puts the finishing touches on his firm's exhibit for the British Industries Fair. It is a solid teak writing desk. Straits Times picture.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 248 6 AN IDEAL HUSBAND HAS TO THINK OF HIS FUTURK. A WOMAN HAS TO THINK OF HER PAST! fan <uuC»»^du»y 9 *>■.'.' jfEM jk* i tu(ft UmfXil<t\ //jMH B^^7 6n 9U HiuW V&WM In Tr:i lINK OLOR! 'M I r Co-Starring JH I. >4 MICHAEL WILDING &\Jm NOW SHOWING! 11—2-4.15—630—9.15 rZ.
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    • 372 6 AMERICAN MAIL LINE FAST SERVICE To Los Angeles San Francisco. Portland Seattle Vancouver "INDIA MAIL" loads mid. April "ISLAND MAIL" mid. May For Freight passage please apply to: Hgntr- GUTHRIE ft CO.. LTD. Phone Sl3l EVERETT ORIENT LINE Sail> For Penang. Rangoon. Calcutta m/s Coastal Champion 19th March For Penang
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 135 6 RADIO MALAYA (•'POM) 1 p.m. The 39th RAF. Dane* Orchestra 1.30 News; 1.40 Bran Bands; 3.00 Close. S.15 News Summary- P°od Prices Announcements; 8.30 Friday Prom.: 9 30 News; 9.45 See K.L 10.00 Swing Club: 10.30 "The Thre# Musketeers;" 11.00 News Ck*» RADIO MALAYA K.L.. j 1 p.m See Spot*.
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    • 138 6 8.45 BBC Northern Orchestra 8.15 Mainly For Women; 9.30 Radio Newsreel; 9.45 Lilliburlero: 11.00 Scottish Magazine; 11.30 News. Newt Analysis. World Affairs: 13 midnight; The Street We Live In: 12.30 a.m. Colonial Questions Close RADIO SBAC 8 am. Music; 8.45 Morning Star; 9.00 Over to You; 9.45 BBC Variety; 10.15
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    • 134 6 aAOIO AUSTRALIA Tw* Stations. 10.30 a.m. Australian News; 10.40 Light Ensemble; 10.45 Sports Page from Australia; 11 20 Tunes from the Movies; 1 1 30 Close. 4 p.m. Al Goodman Orch. with Victor Ensemble; 4.30 Australian News: 4 40 Celebrity Violinist— Mischa Elman; 4.40 Services Concert Hall; 5.00 Victor Silvester
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  • 231 7 LONDON, Thursday. THE markets on the London Stock Exchange were idle yesterday as operators were reluctant to deal pending President Truman's speech to the United States Congress, says neuter's financial correspondent. Host sections were firm, however. British Government securities appreciated under the lead of Transport three per cento,
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  • 101 7 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Thursday. THE Singapore Share .Market 1 rontinoed firm today though only a small amount of business passed. Prices on the whole remained steady. Changes m quotations given by the Malayan Sharebrokers' As sociation were: INDUSTRIALS Bayer Seller 8.8. Petrol 41/6 42/6 MINING Ayer
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  • 328 7 Produce Market Prom A Market Correspondent CONTINUED activity m Siak sago floor brought a slight riM m prfc* m Singapore yesterday. Sugar prices eased Hi the face of recent shipments Otherwise the markets were featureless. Yesterday's prices were Bice Unclassified: No. 1 $73: 2 867;
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  • 172 7 3/8-Cent Rise In Rubber THE Singapore rubber mar- ket, after steadying yesterday, closed threeeighths of a cent higher than at Wednesday's close. Steadiness was brought by the news that a strike, threatened at the Firestone factory m America bad bean called off. There was moderate trade inquiry. The market opened
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  • 77 7 NEW YORK, Thursday. Aircraft shares led stocks upward as President Truman called for moves to expand the armed forces yesterday. Steels, Rails and other Industrials that might benefit from a Government programme participated m the advance. Gains ranged from fractions to nearly two noints. About 93.000 shares
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 743 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. rincoroorateh ID Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS FROM I X AND OS A. "Oi^nrut- from C.R Gdn. Si MlnnoiM- One from USA Mar. 28 ••Olrpfurle" Dw (Mm UK Mar. 3« "Maron** Due from I'.K Mar. 30 MHJMBI FOR LIVERPOOL GLASGOW AND rONTINF.NTAI PORTS ••Tinialu.- ■sails for Liverpool
      743 words
    • 321 7 PRESIDENT LINE SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON via INDIA EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Freight Only MARINE LEOPARD Singapore An. Mar. 22 P. Sham Mar. 28 Penang Mar. 29 PURMAN VICTORY Singapore Apt Mar. 23 Peoang Mar. 29 LYKES ORIENT LINE •feet •> HOUSTON MOBILE. NEW ORLEANS Limited Paaaenger Space AvailaMe
      321 words
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    • 616 7 ELLERMAN KLAVENESS BU Sn LL PAC1HC ts ANTWERP ROSEVILLE "CITY OF HWBTOUM" Singapore P. Sham Prnans S'pore P. S'ham Penan; Ou« 10 Apr 20-26 Mar. 27-2»Mar. 30 Mar./ Saih i 2 w. 13 pr u Apr. 1 AtTj McALISTER CO., LTD. (incorDoratea .b Sini?arx>rp' PIIONB 590* BOUSTEAD6cCO LTD LLOYDS AGENTS
      616 words

  • 595 8 Rovers Win By 4 Goals To 1 Rovers 4 Tigers 1 YESTERDAY'S S.A.F.A. division one league game at I Jalan Besar Stadium between the Tiger Sporting Association and the Rovers Sports Club proved one of the most exciting encounters since the league started. The Rovers
    595 words
  • 223 8 LONDON. Thursday. RFPUPdFVTATTVF lpaeup LPRESENTATIVE league t.ams were ,imaged In two major football matches defeatod the Irish League two-one m Dublin Sixty thousand spectators, saw the Newcastle game and thousands more were clamA;th 'h«* ga'os closed So Wind were rather fortura'f to share the honours. but
    Reuter; AP  -  223 words
  • 86 8 The Irish team for tomorrow's international rugby match at .1.1 Ian Besar will be: J. A. OBrirn (SCO: J Oates (SCC). AC. Cocr (RAT Seletar), F Homer (SCC), J. M. Nelson (SCO; Cpl. Bromhead (RAF SrifUri, F O MrGibbon (RAF SHetari: Cpl. Barton (RAF Chaii)rii. K. N. Wilson
    86 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 8 Plan of the course at Aintree where the Grand National Hurdle race will be contested on Saturday.
    17 words
  • 53 8 The following have been selected to represent the 3.C.C. 'A' XI vs. The Cosmos Sports Club at 5.15 p.m. on the Padang. P. Gilmour; C. McCullock. O. Verrall: J. Wakeling, F. Hutchlnson. V. Burton; D. Whittington. W. Batnbridge J. Maswrton. W. P. Hill. S Donaldson. Reserves: G. Taylor
    53 words
  • 401 8  -  EPSOM JEEP Bv KUALA LUMPUR, Tmirsday. pRAND Prix II and Courtenay are doubtful starters VJ for the class 1, 9 furlong race at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, leaving a field of 10. On paper it looks like a keen tussle between Game Law and Fortune's
    401 words
  • 258 8 WEIGHTS for tomorrow tne final day of the Selangor rurf Club's meeting an--: lorses Class 1—1 Mile and a Fur. lirai^d Phar Gay 8.06 Prix II 10 03 Wings 8.02 RoseweU's Kingsford 8.01 Boy 9 07 Electro3ouble Plate 8.00 Five 9.02 Fortune Game Law 8 08 Favourite 7.10
    258 words
  • 282 8 Two-One Margin In Final IN a long drawn three set duel lit up by patches of brilliant and forceful stroke play by both players, N. S. Wise, 1936 Singapore champion, won the Consolation Plate championship when he beat R. R. Macartney m the finals of the tournament at the Singapore
    282 words
  • 219 8 M'C.C. finished 66 runs behind the Jamaica score at the close of the third day's play. Scores were 'Jamaica— 1st. Inns. 344 for 7 decl M.C.C.— 1st. Inns. L. Hut ton Ibw Iffla 19 J Robertson c Johnson b Kentish j W. Place b Kentish 0 J
    219 words
  • 37 8 s()((KK: S.A.F.A. Div. 1. Seaforths vs. Malays at Jalan Besar. Jollilada vs. SRC. padang MansHelds vs. t'.Y.M.V on St. Joseph's Ground. S < "A" vs. Cosmos on Padaitf TENNIS: S.L.TA. rh m pionahips at Happy World
    37 words
  • 444 8 THE Malayan Chinese Organising Committee has 1 issued its official programme for the final selection of candidates to represent Malaya at the China National Meet at Shanghai m May. Trials in the various events will be held as follows: Aquatics: Chinese Swimming Club, Singapore, Apr.
    444 words
  • 89 8 mHE 223 B.O.D. beat Fortress X Coy, Royal Engineers by eight goals to one in an Army league game, played at Alexandria, yesterday evening. Barnes, the B.O.D. centreforward, scored six of the eight goals for his side while Heaney and Bing scored one each. B.O.D.
    89 words
  • 151 8 JNDIAN Aasn. cricket teams for the weekend are: against S.R.C. 1st XI on Sunday at 11 am. on the Padang. R. Sitharam (oaptain), Dr. K. S. Ratnam, S. D. Williams. Kuldip Singh, S. Ratnam, M. U. Patel, Hussain Shah, Achutha Menon, Ibrahim Isa. R. Retnasamy, and Mohamed
    151 words
  • 103 8 The following will represent the Tiger Sporting Association m a friendly game of soccer against th€ Trafalgar Youngsters ou Sunday at the Mental Hospital Ground. Players are requested to assemble at the Club's premises at 3.30 p.m. for transport: Messrs. Bah Chee. Quek Ah Chua. Chua
    103 words
  • 72 8 GLASGOW, Thursday. ENZO Correggioll, featherweight champion of Italy, beat Jim Kenny of Polmont, Scotland, in the sixth round of an eight-round contest at the Kelvin Hall. Glasgow yesterday. Kenny retired with badly damaged hands. It was his first defeat in 20 contests and first in his
    AP  -  72 words
  • 57 8 LONV :j, Thuisday. fRIMSBY TOWN standing last m u hc I K. first divl»i< »i l c <° frx bail table, Vld •.Mestor inited F.A. Cup i ists. to a one- all dia* msby jesterday. In i re division (northern) gamt tlso played yesterday Chester
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 53 8 The team to represent the Asian Rangers at soccer against the RAF. Paya La bar at MacPherson Road ground on Sunday at 5.15 p.m. will be selected from the following: Boji, S. Veloo. A. Rahman. M Jai. Harlss, Hadi, Tahar. (captain > All Mansoor, Ibrahim. Sarif! Omar, Mokri,
    53 words
  • 26 8 HEAVYWEIGHT contender Elmer Violent Ray knocked ou' Sandy McPherson m the fifth round of a scheduled ten-roundei at Miami. Florida, on Tuesday.
    26 words
  • 254 8 LONDON. Thursday. A LTHOUGH starting price J\ offices in London transacted business during the forenoon at 40 to 1 abuut Prince Regent for the Grand National, racecourse bookmakers decided to take no chances about Mr. J. V. Ranks popular steeplechaser. When the betting began :n Tattersallis at
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 715 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Pace 4) ACCOMMODATION VACANT C OSMOS 17 Scotte Road. Douol^ r^m vacant with bath attached. Pttli board. TO LET in the near future attractive furnished flat In Euro|m in residential area. Suitable for couple. Box No. A2231, ST. DOUBLE room in private house available immediately seaside
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 34 8 SINGAPORE TIDFS Tide times In Singapore today are: high 3.06 a.m. (7 ft. 9 ins.) and 5.38 p.m. (5 ft. 9 ins.>. Low 10.19 a.m. (2 ft.) and 9.45 p.m. '5 ft. 3 ins..).
      34 words