The Straits Times, 16 March 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • Article, Illustration
    81 1 GANDHI'S ASHES FOR MALAYA: These two Straits Times pictures show the basket containing an urn ©I ashes from the cremation pyre of Mahatma Gandhi arriving m Singapore last night. The Government ol InTa I^pres/ntative (Mr. John Thivy) is seen, above, carrying the basket through the large crowd waiting at Kalian*
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  • 536 1 AID PLAN MAY INCLUDE SPAIN 16-Nation Talks Open In Paris PARIS, Monday. AS the 16-power conference on European reA i overy opened here this afternoon, it became known that a move would be made to bring Spain into the scope of the Marshall P anA Foreign Office spokesman told a
    AP  -  536 words
  • 308 1 Eurasian Settlers Still Wait SEVENTY-FOUR Malayan Eurasians who expected to leave Singapore on March 8 to colonise Hollandia, m Dutch New] Guinea, are still m Singapore. I They understood they would travel m the specially chartered X.P.M. ship Plancius. A X.P.M. Singapore executive said yesterday that he had no knowledge
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  • 317 1 NEW YORK, Monday. A RUSSIAN Consul-General, an American Presidential candidate and »n Australian atomic scientist agreed yesterday that talk of a coming war was baseless and hysterical. They were the Soviet Consul-General m New York (Mr. Lomakin) m New York; Senator Robert Taft at Augusta,
    AP; UP  -  317 words
  • 228 1 LONDON, Monday. •TWO directors of the Tin; 1 Research Institute who recently toured the United States report that tin consumption is likely to rise rather than fall. Tin scarcity and efforts to reduce consumption are continuing m the U.S.. they state but the permanent loss ot
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  • 174 1 LONDON, Monday. TIME magazine reports! 1 that Princess Elizabeth is expecting a baby. Similar reports have recently been discounted by persons close to the Royal household, m these words: "It should be obvious that the Princess would not be undertaking a strenuous spring and early summer schedule.
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  • 143 1 LONDON, Monday. The Prime Minister (Mr. Attlee) announced today that the Government would purge known Communists from state jobs vital to Britain's security. Mr. Attlee told the House of Commons: "The same rule will govern employment of those who are known to be actively associated with Fascist
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  • 292 1 India Opposes Australia's Entry Into F.A. O. BAGUIO, Monday. INDIA today attacked a British proposal to admit Australia and New Zealand into membership of the Far East Regional branch of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation. The controversy arose as delegates ot nine nations discussed the geographical scope of
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  • 147 1 From The Times Correspondent TOKIO, Monday. INTEREST m Tokio con1 tinues to mount >n view of the possibility of General Douglas MacArthur becoming a candidate for the United States Presidency. It is generally felt by Aljlfr and Japanese observers alik that, particularly m view his
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  • 97 1 Lim Ah Meng, aged 21, of Bukit Timah Road, and two Punjabis. Akbar Ali bin Mohd. Din, aged 35. and Noor Dad bin Daswandi, aged 27, both of the R.A.S.C. Jurong Camp, were yesterday in the Fourth Police Court ordered to be remanded in police custody. They
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  • 72 1 SYDNEY. Monday.- Declaring that "what had happened m Czechoslovakia could happen m \astralia." the Deputy Leader of the Austral'an Opposition «Mr E. J. Harrison. last night urged a Royal Commission to inquire into Communist activities. There was evidence «>f international spying activities throughout Australia. Mr. Harrison asserted.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 76 1 SINGAPOREf^§| 'You'll agree they're L 3 ]™t try jj dv Maurier l^fjgPL and prove it >sV '^m. The flavour true Virginia at tU beat W A U unmiatakaUe. The do Maurier fikcr W Jk tip t—Tin the full enjoyment «f that A ftavow iiilhiit a trace «f bhe or bitterness.
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  • Cable Flashes
    • 99 2 ROME, Monday. pHANTING "Down with the atom bomy "Give us peace" 30,000 women Vx paraded through the streets of Borne yesterday In a maw demonstration against war. Speeches calling for total disarmament were made before the parade. Included among those whc spoke was
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 67 2 BLOOMFONTEIN, Monday. —The southern area of th«? Orange Free State and th# northern part of Cape Pro- rince experienced the heav- test rains for years, thl* weekend. Rivera have overflowed, motorists are stranded, farm houses have been cut off and farm lands waterlogged South Africa's greatest river,
      AP  -  67 words
    • Article, Illustration
      38 2 As energetic as ever despite her 80 years. Queen Mary still finds time to attend public functions. She is here seen arriving at the St. Martin's Theatre, London a week ago for a matinee performance of "fathering Storm.
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    • 58 2 Healthy In fa nts SYDNEY. Monday. Dr. Helen Mayo Chief Medical Officer of the South AustraI lian Mothers' and Babies' Health Association said m Adelaide that latest infant mortality figures for South Australia are believed to be the lowest m the world. Last year, she said. th« infantile mortality rate
      Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  58 words
    • 60 2 REYKJAVIK, Monday.— Fourteen of the crew of 19 of the 358-ton trawler Opine from Hull, England, perished yesterday when the ship was stranded on a rock off the west coast of Iceland, battered by a gale and swept by heavy seas. One man was washed ashore alive and
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 57 2 CLERMONT. France, Monday—Police intervened twice here yesterday to halt rioting between Communists and Ide Gaullists at a meeting m the public square of Gen. do Gaulle's Union of the French People An attempt by a former Communist Deputy to drown out a de Gaullist speaker led to
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    • 44 2 PEARL HARBOUR. Monday.—The 169 homeless natives of Bikini island are moving to Kwajalein today says the US. Navy. Displaced during the atom bomb tests of 1946, the Biklnians have lived since on Rongerik, but the island proved unable to support them—AP.
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    • 62 2 SAN FRANCISCO. Monday. —Three crew members of the Dutch motorshlp Japara were attached by a berserk Samiran with a butcher knife when the vessel was 25 miles outbound for Manila on Saturday. The vessel returned here yesterday. Those attacked. Capt. R. Van Evendinjen and Third Mate F. F. P.
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    • 33 2 NANKING' Monday.—Major General Claire Chennault's Civil Air Transport has been given a year's contract to operate airlines throughout China, especially routes to border provinces, it: is reported from here today. —UP.
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    • 55 2 MANILA, Monday— Hllario Camino Moncado, leader of the Filipino Federation of America left for Honolulu and the United States by air today. He was acqulted last month of treason charges and said he would work for the wel- fare of the unrecognized Filipino guerillas while m the
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    • 80 2 PARIS. Monday.—The An- nam Administrative Council I yesterday adopted a motion 1 demanding the return of ix- Emperor Bao Dai to the t'.-.rone, it was reported here. The Council claimed, ac- cording to an Ag^nze France i Presse despatch from Saigon, I that Bao Dai should
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    • 52 2 PANTYFFNONN, WALES Monday.—William King, the Welsh miner who set up a record weekly output of 71 tons of coal m January, has smashed his own record. Mr. King last week handcut and hand-loaded 99 ttmt of anthracite at the Tumble Colliery, near here. it was anounced last nieht
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    • 31 2 VIZAGAPATAM, Monday.— The first modern ocean going cargo vessel built m India, the 8,000-ton Jala Usha. was launched here yesterday by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India—A P.
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    • 60 2 NEW YORK, Monday Ex-King Michael of Rumania, accompanied by his mother. Queen Helen, attended a service m St. Dunitru Church—the only Rumanian Orthodox church m New York City—yesterday. Several members of the congregation sobbed during the sermon as they heard the pastor, assure Michael that he would "again
      AP  -  60 words
    • 55 2 111 SHANGHAI, Mon d a y.—y Forty one alleged Japanese war criminals, 14 of them convicted, have arrived here from Hankow and are now being interned m a prisoner of war camp at Kiangwan The 14 convicted Japanese were found guilty of murder and the use of poison gas
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    • 52 2 CARTHAGE, Missouri, Monday.—Mrs. Bella Slater. Lower Clapton, London, and her grand-daughter, Irene Sandra Grewnig, aged nine months, were burned to death when two bottles nt. liquid gas exploded m a car being driven by Mrs. Slater's son-in-law. Ermer J. Grewnig. Mr. Grewnig and his British war bride. Edith,
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    • 99 2 CAPETOWN. Monday. "Pequena sickness" has come to Tristan de Cunha. a tiny Island m the South Atlantic with a population of 250, reputed to be one of the most healthy m the world "Pequena sickness" is the islanders' name for influenza, and has been so called because it
      AP  -  99 words
    • 73 2 LIVERPOOL, England. Monday. Field Marshal Lord Wavell, former Viceroy of India, attended a service, at the Cathedral here yes-1" terday held as part of a reunion of Chindits—veterans of the Burma campaign At the service the Chindit i flag was dedicated. It was! then entrusted to the care
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    • 48 2 "WONG KONG, By Air Mail —Lamas trained m Mongolia by the Russians have recently been found m Tisetan lamaseries trying to influence other priests with pro-Com-munist propaganda, accordIng to Prof. Li Yu-I, who has Just returned here after three and a half years m Tibet.—Reuter.
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    • 57 2 SYDNEY, Monday. The Riverview observatory m Sydney recorded an earthquake m the vicinity of Guam 3,300 miles northwest of Sydney yesterday. The director of the observatory, the Rev. D. O'Connell, said the earthquake which lasted two hours was believed to have occurred about 400 miles below the surface
      AP  -  57 words
  • 138 2 MOSCOW, Monday. r) Soviet newspaper Pravda yesterday attacked the Filipino President (Dr. Roxas) who, it said, "not so long ago was a member of the Japanese puppet Government which signed the declaration of war against the United States. "After the war the Ame ricans
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 168 2 MEDAN, Monday. THE Lieutenant GovI ernor-General of the N.E.I. (Dr. van Mook) ar rived at Medan yesterday to attend ceremonies celebrating the formation of the Negara Sumatra Timor the autonomous State of East Sumatra m the future United States of Indonesia. This week's festival is a
    AP  -  168 words
  • 48 2 HONG KONG, Monday. The official French Information Service announced from Saigon that a commercial treaty is being planned between China and Indo-china amounting to U.S. $28,000,000. Unaer it. Indo-china would export rice, rubber and coal m exchange for tea, silk, tin and soya bean. UP.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 685 2 NOTICES NOTICE FOR SALE. Vacant SWe Uts. ii. Sh p Lota in good busings c .ar or of Ipoh for sale. PartinMafl appi* P O Box 42 lpoh; iplrn- Ipoh 82. TOWN BOARD NOTICE Anfi-atioiis are invited for the follcwine appointments in the Kua'a Lumpur Town Board: 1. Architectural Subordinate:—
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    • 502 2 NQTICES The Singapore Aactitneen SALE BY AUCTION Of modern made-to-order polished TEAK ft CANE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ETC. Comprising complete SITTING. DINING BEDROOM SUITES. Child's folding cot, kitchen table handsome new plastic coffee tea tables, plastic trays, bowls plated cock-tall-shaker, cutlery, crystal-ware. Bali-Heads. ETC. ETC. To be held at No 64.
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    • 95 2 SHIPPING NOTICE NEDERLAND LINE ROYAL DUTCH MAIL M. "MADOERA" due Singapore about 37th March loading cargo alongside S H B Whanres lor Amsterdam /Rotterdam For canro and particulars please apply to: NEDERLAND LINE ROYAL DUTCH MAIL 41 BtHttt Re*4 TEL: IYU HOLLAND EAST ASIA LINE i "MEERURK" due Singapore 17th
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    • 204 2 Jhgtxfl^ U 47 HOUStHOLO g^P§-— 3*^^r W. &o °l!AN:£s 0 4S3^^^-^w_ sV ARRIVING SOON S^^^4rT| A JJ I TCHED SET: Beaut y a na utility a rare comDin.inon which our unique research and manufacturing facilities have achieved m the design of this new range of Domes' ic vis to set
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  • 483 3 Jews 'Retained For Action LAKE SUCCESS* Monday. THE Big Four are expected to report failure m their attempt to work out a plan for enforcing Palestine partition. They report to the United Nations Security Council today. Warlike preparations m Palestine itself include a Jewish Agency confirmation that Jews
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  483 words
  • 99 3 U.S.S. BOXER, Monday. TTHE United States Navy 1 yesterday landed its newest, fastest jet plane FJ-1 aboard the aircraft carrier Boxer, at sea of! California. Navy officials said the operation marked "the turn In naval aviation." Hundreds of bluejackets cheered as Commander E. P. Aurand brought
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  • 83 3 WASHINGTON, Monday.--A Chinese aviation mission in Washington has let contracts to two Californian aviation companies to rehabilitate 150 former American Army transport planes at an estimat?d cost of VS. $4,000,000. Slick Airways at Burbank hrs contracted to repair 50 transports. The Grand Central Airport at Glen
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  • 76 3 TOKIO, Monday SCAP officials have described the American Japanese expedition to witness the eclipse of Uve sun or. April 8 as "a most important single activity." The statement was made at the conclusion of preparations for the expedition's departure on March 15. The scientists are to set
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  • 104 3 MANILA. Monday. The screening of suspected members of the outlawed Huki balakap Peasant Army and National Peasant Union (PKM) is due to open today throughout Pampanga province in Central Luzon. Governor Jose B. LJngad. a former guerillas officer, said he was ready to file charges against
    AP  -  104 words
  • 83 3 PARIS. Monday.— Mr. Scan Macßride, Eve' s Foreign, i Minister, said yesterday that the new Eire Cabiret; planned to develop economic < relations with Northern Ire- i land m the way the "Bene- kix" countries of Belgium, the Netherlands ar.d Luxembourg were united. No approach to
    AP  -  83 words
  • 62 3 BAGHDAD, Monday— The /raqi Army yesterday received its first batch of warplanes from Britain. War equipment and other essential materials to equip the army on a modern scale will be arriving continuously from Britain from now on, it is understood reliably. The Iraqi Government last summer
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  • 67 3 MANILA, Monday. Reports from Bon toe, a mountain province, state that 20 persons have died of starvation m eight villages In Tinglayan area and many more may die shortly. Ttnglayan, with an estimated population of over 7,000, is suffering from an acute food shortage because
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  • 206 3 ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Monday. THE bodies of 30 persons m the wreckage of! the airliner which crashed i into the face of a rock cliff and then tumbled 2,500 ft ft down the steep slope? of Mount Sanford may! rvver be recovered. The authorities said today
    AP  -  206 words
  • 318 3 MOSCOW, Monday. TASS, the official Soviet News Agency, last night 1 circulated letters exchanged between Mr. Juho Paasikivi (President of Finland), and Marshal Stalin on the proposed Soviet-Finnish pact of frienship, cooperation, and mutual assistance. Mr. Paasikivi's letter ot March 9 stated that conclusion of the
    Reuter  -  318 words
  • 121 3 COLOMBO, Monday. pEYLON exported 80,860 Vx tons of rubber in 1947 against 101,772 tons in the previous year. This is considered to be the eighth lowest total to be recorded, the hlgnest total being 111,929 tons l n 1942. Rubber accounted for only 16 per cent
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  • 88 3 WASHINGTON, Monday.— The problem or international control of the Danube Is due to be reopened today, but the three major Western powers and Russia are apparently not ready to come to grips with it. The Big Powers agreed in 1946 to hold an international conference to
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  • 87 3 JOHANNESBURG. Monday. Susanna Periera. aged 21. a typist, who was committed for trial here in January, charged with being an accessory in the murder of Douglas Barry Bruce, aged 38, formerly of Croydon, Surrey, has been advised by the Attorney-General that he is not proceeding with
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 67 3 TOKIO, Monday.— The new Japanese Conservative party, the "Democratic Liberals," is to be officially launched today. The new group will draw a majority of its members from the ultra-Conservative "Liberals," headed by ex-Prime Minister Sheigeru Yoshida. "The Democratic Liberals" hope to draw their members from ihe
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 200 3 ||?k TWOWAY QI^A TALKIE From MANAGER to ASSISTANT, from STORE to FACTORY, from ROOM to ROOM, even as far apart as 500 ft. if necessary. At the flip of a switch, calls can be made from either instrument and back comes the reply from the other person, clear as a
      200 words
    • 202 3 For use m Hotels. Restaurants, Milk Bar* and Cafes. KELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS made to your particular requirements provide unfailing, economical protection for your fresh, cooked, bottled and canned foodstuffs. Its constant temperature control keeps the ccntents always m first-class condition. Authorised Dealer: NEW EVEKLIGHT ELECTRIC CO.. 76 Orchard Boad. Singapore THtiOl
      202 words

  • 234 4 Police Move To Reduce Thefts OINGAPORE Police have begun a campaign to •^r reduce bicycle thefts in the Colony. Special Police squads will seize unlocked and unattended bicycles left on pavements and outside offices. It is felt that carelessness of owners is the main cause of cycle
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  • 226 4 Ceremony At Chinese Chamber THE new president of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce (Mr. Yong Yit Lin), the vice-president (Mr. Tan Chin Tuan) and 30 committee members elected this year were sworn in yesterday. The ceremony, which took place at the Chamber's premises in Hill Street, was attended by
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  • 141 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Monday —Pipers of the 2/6 th Gurkha Regiment will play Irish airs to pipe in the High CommisI sioner (Sir Edward Gent) who i will be of honour at the St. Patrick's Day Ball in the Selangor Club on
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  • 183 4 Status Is Not Noticed From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday HTHE only evidence so far lof the change in status of the Kuala Lumpui local authority from that of a Town Board to a Municipality is a notice appearing in each of the local newspapers to that effect. No
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  • 61 4 Eight Chinese, their ages ranging from 18 to 42, who were charged with robbery m Uie Eighth Police Court yesterday, were ordered to be turned over to the State of Johore under the escort of Jcfriore police. The alleged offence was stated to have been
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  • 187 4 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Monday. A THREE-MAN delegation representing the j Siamese police arrived here by plane today for a conference with the Police Commissioner of the Federation of Malaya i and other top-ranking i officers I The WtlJt wUi open to- morrow and will
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 116 4 (arUberq I SATISFIES i i SOLE IMPORTERS THE EAST ASIATIC C 0. LTD. I F P^ J-or all your Tourneys abroad, fly X.L.M thirtynine thousand miles of efficient tlmesaving airroutes to:— NLI PAKISTAN USA SI AM IRAQ SOUTH AMERICA INDIA EUROPE SOUTH AFRICA Fares and particulars on application: TOWN OFFICE:
      116 words
    • 262 4 ir iU I You cannot •ammund m lovtiy jluii bui yuu can culuva^tr beauty It nreda only lirk care, if you rcmiur ihM yixji >tun coiunu ot ■cvcraJ kiycn and thai ihc caunt of all tht muddy and dull nanplrxionf v Uui ounuir particlca of the wont-oul, dned-up oum cuticle
      262 words
    • 529 4 1 QUEENS THEATftC WKDOM FROM PAIN "smokyMr». E. T. writes:— Technicolor— "The terrible pains of Rheumatism Tn"' eiused me three yt«rs of suffering. I ar rl n onf wrote (or i sample of DE WITT"» Pill*. .tfter taking the contents of a Urge bottle my pain has gone com- %^V
      529 words

  • 152 5 A RRANGEMENTS for /V the welfare of local-ly-enlisted personnel have now been completed between the military authorities and the Department of Social Welfare of Malaya m conjunction i with the Department of Social Welfare Singapore. With headquarters at Kuala Lumpur, there are welfare officers m
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  • 44 5 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. No further applications for the Malayan Union 2V 2 per cent 1954-56 Registered Loan stock will be received after March 31, 1948, on which date 1 the issue will be closed.
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  • 208 5 Effort Pledged By Candidate MR. Richard C. H. Lim, Independent election candidate for Municipal North-East, said yesterday that the fight for full, responsible government should be carried on both inside and outside the Council Chamber. If the six seats offered by Government were not accepted now, Mr.
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  • 87 5 The Muslim Trust Fund Association will hold its annual general meeting on Friday at 4.30 p.m. at 8-1 Palembang Road. The ar.nual report shows that the Association operates mosques and runs an ori phanage and the Alsagoff Outdoor Dispensary. Of the 12.407 patients treated at the dispensary
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  • 74 5 Amending a charge of armed robbery to one of voluntarily causing hurt, the Singapore Seventh Police Court Magistrate (Mr. A. O. Shears) yesterday sentenced Anthony Samy, to three months' simple imprisonment. Sekharan Nair said Anthony Samy hit him with a long iron pipe on Aue. 17
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  • 185 5 IODAY Opening ceremony of the presentation of the commemoration i plague to the nurses who served I Uie Internees in Malaya, by Sir Franklin Gimson, General Hospital. 4.30 p.m. Police Band. Parrer Park, 6. 50 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. Y.W.C.A.. Malay Class, 8, Port Canning Road, 5.30 p.m.
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  • 490 5 By Our Woman Correspondent •THE president of the Malay Women's Welfare Associa1 tkm (Che Zahara binte Mohamad Noor) said yesterday she would like to see Malay women "take their rightful place" beside their men. Che Zahara spoke at the Fortnightly Club. She is the first Malay
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  • 118 5 The following are the results of the Trinity College I Music Theory Examination held m Singapore In Decem- •ber. 1947: Senior: Tan Kirn Neo (Hon-1 ours*. Advanced Intermediate: Florence Tham (Pass). Advanced Junior: Ricardo Anciano (Honours): Kwlk Poh LJan (Honours) I Lim Leong Geok (Pass), Ng
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  • 64 5 Tea Kce Chuan, aged 18 and Teo Chew, aged 20, both |of Braddell Road, were re- I manded in custody for 48 horns in the Third Police i Court, yesterday when the> i pleaded not guilty to a charg j jof theft of wire and metal i 1 bands, valued
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  • Article, Illustration
    83 5 Mr. Tan Kay Hal, D.F-C proadly shows a Certificate of Merit from Lord Louis Mou ntbatten, to his wife. Mr. Tan who Is taking a course at the London School of Economics is attached to the Social Welfare Department, Singapore. During the war he was a Flight-lieutenant m the R.A.F.
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  • 178 5 CAIRO, Monday. THE capital of the Yemen, Sanaa, ha* fallen to the troops of Prince Ahmed, son of the recently assassinated Imam Yehia, according to pre«s reports here yes terday quoting Radio Sanaa. Th radio announced that Ahmed had be«n proclaimed the new Imam Anr
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 797 5 far. -„,1, PROVIDES INSTANTANEOUS >O^ 's CONTACT TO 30 r^V*^ DEPARTMENTS jfr^ ot the touch m-oss^^al ><^ ot a switch CALLBOY INTER -COMMUNICATOR THE EFFICIENT LINK IN tfOUR ADMINISTRATIVE CHAIN N^ DELAY -NO ENGAGED LINES Saves your time and money and induces increased efficieny m your establishment Write or phont
      797 words
    • 401 5 Jt,4 SWEETS AND Wffiffk DELICIOUS WHOLESOME Wkr.jiJm EVERY SWEET HYGFKNK M I.V VVRAPPED IN CELLOPHANE. I Bajjey Sugar Drops i Ib. lM»ltles Fruit Drops Ib. Choice Fruits 1 Ib. Hold-All Assortment Ib. Chocolate Oraeees 4 Ib. tins Sole Distributors: Etc., Etc ANN PENG TRADERS 59 Stamford Rd., S'por c Branches
      401 words

  • 1009 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Tues., Mar. 16, 1948. MUNICIPALITIES IN MALAYA The first Municipal Ordinance of the Straits Settlements was passed in 1887, seven years after the first British Resident of Selangor moved his headquarters from Klang to Kuala Lumpur. Yesterday the first Municipal Ordinance of the Malay States came
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  • 101 6 IE NJO V E D reading j Nancy Scow's article in the Straits Times of March 12, under the heading "THE MODERN STRAITS CHINESE GIRL IN POLITICS." It was sn&ppy ard to the point but I disagree with her where the Bible is concerned. It
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  • 34 6 I ADMIRE Mr. Yap PHeng Geek for his prayer but I f ar the demands are high I wonder, how many, nay, if any can quah 1 \N LI AM* KIA. Singapore.
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  • 1406 6  -  Foreigners In Malaya? By S. U. SHARMA In this article Mr. Sharma, who has lived in Malaya for many years, argues that if the Dominion of India becomes a sovereign republic, Indians in Malaya will have to choose whether to retain their British or Indian citizenship, and
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    • 715 6 I WAS greatly perturbed to read the letter of "Seladang" in your issue of March 3, in reply to my article on "STRAITS CHINESE MISGIVINGS IN THE FEDERATION." His vituperatious and Illogical charges are very much to be deplored: his accusations are as
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    • 418 6 ALTHOUGH Mr. Heah Joo Seang, blows the Straits Chinese trumpet extremely well in" his article "STRAITS CHINESE MISGIVINGS IN THE FEDERATION," there are several false notes which don't ring true. It will be well few Mr. Heah and his followers to know that a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 856 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. j MORGAN— To Uly. wife Of Floyd, at Batu Oajah. on March 12th a son. David Jon DICK. At Kandang Kerbau 1 on March 12th. to Eliwbcth. wife of J. DICK of IVderal Dispensary a daughter. Dr. Allan Wvnn and Miss SaUy Gllmour The engagement is announced between
      856 words
    • 35 6 WRY YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY ROT EYES FEEL BR COMFORTABLE? LET US ANALYSE YOUR CASE ft ELIMINATE YOUR TROUBLE! C. S. CHONG. OPT D. Full? equipped with complete no dern tjt examination and training instruments.
      35 words
    • 26 6 B BST^^^4/C FOR YOUR TABLE JIV ORANGE LABLE Vz LB. $1.45 yT' RED LABLE LB. $1.25 Ifi VfKES Available at all first class Provision Dealers Agents:
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  • 587 7 Solemn Airport Ceremony AN urn of ashes from the cremation pyre of A Mahatma Gandhi arrived m Singapore by plane from New Delhi last night. A solemn gathering of Indians, Chinese. Malays and Europeans watched a flower and flag-draped basket containing the urn handed down from
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  • 221 7 THE war cemeteries at lKranji and Tapping will be among the first to oe re-planned by the India and South-East Asia District of the Imperial War Graves Commissiun. The Commission took ov«-r responsibility for war s from the Army Graves lee on Jan. 1. War dead
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  • 74 7 From Our Own Correspondent PENANO, Monday. Penang CID. detectives today arrested a municipal labourer on a charge of attempting to murder a Tamil woman. The woman was stabbed yesterday with a penknife and was rushed to the General Hospital where she now in a serious condition. Yesterday
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  • 113 7 Bail of $250 was granted to a Punjabi, Mohamed Saaffi, of Raffles Place, in the Third Police Court yesterday, when he pleaded guilty to two charges, one ol behaving in a disorderly manner in public and the other of assaulting a police sergeant in Kandang Kerbau Police
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  • 403 7 "IF THE WORLD only had more dollars, business would be wonderful." This is the view of one of the high pressure American business team which landed yesterday at Kallang m the j Sky Merchant a Douglas Df 4 which is making a 50.000-mile flight round the world,
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 7 Satan Shahrir yesterday wa tching the work of a Malay compositor setting Jawi type at the office of the Singapore Malay vernacular newspaper Utasan Melayu. Straits Times picture.
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  • 170 7 ShahrirOn Malay Language SUTAN SHAHRIR said yesterday that he believed the Indonesian language might gradually supplant the Malay language. He based his belief, he said. On the continuous Influence of Indonesian literature in Malaya. He was paying his first press visit in Singapore to the Malay daily newspaper. Utusan Me
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  • 228 7 THERE are 500 to 600 cases a month of Singapore 1 people being charged with offences under the Municipal Health regulations, the Superintendent of the Town Cleansing Department of the Municipality (Mr. J. Ephraim) told the Straits Times yesterday. Last year, he said, the
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  • 177 7 Tributes To Church Workers WARM tributes were paid yesterday to the work of Mr. E. Tipson, secretary of the Malayan Agency of tlie British and Foreign BiWe Society, at a farewell tea-party at the V.M.C.A., Orchard Road. Mr. Tipson Is leaving Malaya for Australia shortly after 40 years in this
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  • 307 7 Australian Red Leader In Colony A USTRALIA'S leading r\ Communist, Mr. Laurence Lewis Sharkey, is at present spending an enforced stay in Singapore waiting for a plane berth to Sydney. He has spent the past week since his arrival here mainly visiting representatives of the Malayan Communist Party in Singapore,
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  • 52 7 Low Ah Hin, was fined $2,250 In default 13 months' rigorous imprisonment. In the Singapore Eigh&h Police Court yesterday, for offences under the Liquors Revenue Ordinance. He pleaded guilty to charges of possession of dutiable liquor, fermenting intoxicating liquor and possessing two ftUlls without a
    52 words
  • Malayan Round-up
    • 142 7 From Our Own Correspondent SUNGEI PATANI, Monday. /GIVING evidence here at an inquiry into a charge of gang robbery with murder against two Hakkas, a witness told how after being shot in the back he was bayonetted twice by Klian Intan bandits. The two
      142 words
    • 44 7 KUALA KANGSAR, Monday. News has been received by Haji Hashim, Chief Kathi, Perak, that his son, Inche Mohamed Sufflan is now at Colombo on his way home. Inche Mohamed is barrister-at-law and his first appointment will be In Malacca as Police Magistrate.
      44 words
    • 86 7 SEREMBAN, Monday.— Mr. Yam Kee Leong, the wellknown Malayan artist and cartoonist, held a successful exhibition at the Negri Sembilan Miners' Association yesterday. Over sixty paintings were on view. The studies were in oils, water colours, Chinese black and white and Chinese water colours. Sponsored by the
      86 words
    • 78 7 STABLE news has been rely celved by Mr. S. V. Nada Rajah, of Sungei Gapi Estate, Serendah, of the death of his uncle, Mr. N. Kandiah, at Vaddukoddai, Ceylon, on March 10 Mr. Kandiah was the youngest brother of the late Mr. N. Oanapathy Filial, the well
      78 words
    • 110 7 A Radio Malaya commentator, Mr. David Kennard, will make broadcasting history in Malaya today when he goes on the air in the air at 1.40 p.m. He will be broadcasting from the Atlas Sky Merchant, the giant fourmotored Atlas Supply Company's plane on which
      110 words
    • 78 7 TAIPING, Monday.—Twenty-year-old Mr. J. B. Da'.y, son of Mr. H. Daly, the former F.M.S. hockey player, flew to Australia last week to study electrical engineering ut Perth University. Like his father, Mr. Daly is also a good hockey player, and played for St. George's Institution, Taiping.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 107 7 The DAN'EMANN PIANO is a work of art that appeals to both eye and ear. It is a blend of skilled crafts, an artistic achievement that meriu the modest recognition of an autograph. On the one side of this famous signature •ids the mellowed experience of nearly sixty v«'ar> On
      107 words
    • 39 7 PURE IRISH LINEN DAMASK CLOTHS AND SERVIETTES match Sizes available 66 x 84 519.50 Each 66x102 $22.50 Each 20 x2O 1.75 Each Use cf SELECTED Prcducts confirms the/t?jm^^^^ 3Tam»us MINERALS FRUIT CORDIALS PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO 3709 OR 3700
      39 words

  • 466 8 'Perciva I Pleased At The Time 9 THE Singapore Chinese and their leaders performed a large number of tasks for the Services and the Government daring: the 1941 fighting, Mr. Lien Ying Chow said yesterday m a comment on Lieut-Gen. A. E. Percival's report. Mr.
    466 words
  • 170 8 Accused Of Armed Robbery A YOUNG Chinese, Lee Kirn Seng, charged with armed robbery, had entered a women's hairdressing shop m Geylang Rd. on August 6, 1947, and demanded "transport money," it was stated m the Singapore Assize Court yesterday. L c is all?ged to have robbed the shop of
    170 words
  • 155 8 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Monday. WHILE an aged Haji and his wife lay asleep last night with their precious savings of 35C sovereigns bundled and placed between them a burglar entered the house and stole the gold and a box of jewellery. The burglary occurred
    155 words
  • 92 8 Wmm Omr Staff C«rrespo»4ent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. —Kuala Lumpur is to have a swimming pool for children in the near future. It will be constructed below the outlet from Sydney Lake in the Lake Gardens and is expected to be completed before the end of the
    92 words
  • Article, Illustration
    64 8 PRE- VICTORY SMILE: Cigar m hand, Mr. Winston Churchill shakes hands with the Conservative candidate, Mr. Fred Harris, during the North Croydon by-election campaign. The seat was won by Mr. Harris with a majority of 11.664 and a total vote of 32,600. The Labour candidate, Mr. Harold Nicholson, received 24,536
    AP  -  64 words
  • 364 8 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Monday. IHE Minister of State for the Colonies (the Earl of Listowel) yesterday said that Malaya possessed today "probably the most completely organised broadcasting system in the dependencies of the British Commonwealth This statement was I contained m a recorded message
    364 words
  • 42 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. —Tenders for Federation of Malaya Government Treasury bills of three months' tenor, amounting to $4,500,000 at a rate of discount equivalent to ncr cent, per annum have been accepted by the Financial I Secretary. I I i i I
    42 words
  • 134 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUCffiNG, Monday. DURING his recent visit here, the Minister of State for the Colonies (Lord Listowel) expressed astonishment that those who regarded the cession of Sarawak to the British Commonwealth as illegal had not made any move to appeal to the Privy Council. He
    134 words
  • 24 8 BHAGALPUR, Bihar, Monday.—Only 25 people escaped when a boat containing 100 pilgrims —men, women and children —suddenly capsized In the Ganges near here.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 158 8 #|> KLIM! —SB i r yB lUi« Klun i* powder «d whoU milk It checked mmay ttmo* m Iba laboratory If »a pure. »«Je- fine a milk at moncr caa buy. Dectora lb« world o*c< rrcommwMlXluD highly lor batuesl jn *w L v It, i/ r— M«tkwr •la Mua ju»i
      158 words
    • 111 8 I Y/^K&ADY STOCKS Pragi Model 320A IM Weidiig Capacity I up to 340AWPS. Enqiiries f nvited F^ jgj yB^^y 8^^ Sole M| ents' t t E I HfQ WL CORK-TiPPEC J) Hl via C m i/i T I «pJ^W«p» BaW CIG ARFTTFS sP 5 I -dp l^^| B^ V j^H
      111 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 473 8 As has been pointed out 1> lore in this column, psychic bids do not enjoy nearly as much farinas they did when contract bridge was still in the experimental phase. However, once in a while a master player, win employ a psychic that is based on logical analysis of the
      473 words

  • 1113 9  - When a toddler goes voyaging NURSE ELIZABETH MOTHER IN MA LAY A By Norse Elizabeth Is qualified m the care of babies and young children. If you have any problems and need her I help, write to: Nurse Elisabeth, c/o Straits Time*, Cecil Street, SinI gapore. Please give a pseudonym
    1,113 words
  • 486 9 •THERE are so many 1 herbs both cultivated and growing wild that are of definite medicinal value and how hopeless it is for an ordinary person to attempt to classify them all! I am always finding sprigs cf unknown plants on the kitchen table and I
    486 words
  • 344 9 REAL hair beauty begins in infancy, and there is no doubt that, with constant care and regular attention in early years, various difficulties will be avoided later. Even when a future crowning glory is in the p^ach-fuzz stage, fluffing it upwards with a downy-soft brush will
    344 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 9 In her Easter Bonnet! Lovely Sally Gray wtars a romantic poke-bonnet adaption m pearl-grey trimmed with black velvet, designed by Hugh Beresford.
    22 words
  • 474 9 AUSTRALIAN RECIPES FOR MALAYA MALAYA'S meat comes from Australia Much of. it is lamb and mutton. Figures show that we consume an average of three to four thousand sheep monthly, as well as 40 tons of frozen mutton and 90 tens of lamb Most of this meat goes Into mutton
    474 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 97 9 Drink Afore Mtilc iijluijl had lor Hi. mlinl. Jfj^ fllTm 4f* llui »h,n li ..Urn. <T V^^! f m 9 i- .11 1. Ins Unit brrn vl is.dr. gf >' V^T*^ MW I mi. ik sill remain »ill nr j> IT i. x •••h~laiil dritijiid m r\rty _J j|
      97 words
    • 267 9 9outoflO|f^§|j| need Calcium Protect your Health this new, pleasant way Expert medical opinion estimate* that aine people out ot (en are deficient m Calcium one out of two m Phosphorus Bone deformity, onder-deveiopment, loss of teeth, general debility— these are the penalties many an paying, often without knowing the cause.
      267 words

  • 1108 10 say the possibility of another war is the main topic of discussion m Britain today and tells of pessimism about the prospects of peace: the Rightwing suggests an atom bomb ultimatum to Russia, the Leftwing an immediate conference between Russia and the Western Powers. it By Airmail
    1,108 words
  • 210 10 THE Singapore Teachers' Union describes as a "dis1 tortion of the troth" a statement m a letter by "Progressive," of Johore, m last Tuesday's Straits Times that Asians with similar qualifications to Europeans are paid similar salaries, less 20 per cent expatriation allowance.
    210 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 10 ONE FOR THE ROAD! This British Alvis car exhibited at the Brussels Motor Show has a cocktail bar built into the left-hand door. A mirror covered flap provides a bar for roadside alcoholics. A.P. picture.
    AP  -  35 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 156 10 OSCAR WILDE'S LUSCIOUS BEST-SELLER NOW A SCREEN'S SPECTACLE DE LUXE 0 BROUGHT TO YOU IN RAVISHING TECHNICOLOR! 1 wfenntnlU^Lm l^^nnnnn^* iPI Sold LnnV LnnnY i *L 1I I 9G Xv J *^*k llm I I |fi production o» I MICHAEL WILDING I Air ComliUont-d Phone 5159 OAltr FIVE I J^
      156 words
    • 321 10 AMERICAN MAIL LIMI FAST SERVICE T« Los Angeles San Francisco. Portland °ratt! r Vancoover "INDIA MAIL" loads mid \pril "ISLAND MAIL" mid May For Freight passage please apply tot »g»t.:- 6UTHRIE CO.. LTD. Phone CUI EVERETT ORIENT LINE Sails For Saigon. H.K.. Manila. Shanghai m/s Hawser Bend 15th Marofc For
      321 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 99 10 RADIO MALAYA SFORI) 10.55 to 12 noon Schools' Broadcast; 1.00 Radio Orchestra; 1.40 Artl Shaw. 8.30 Show Business; 9.00 London Playhouse: 9.45 "The Pu ure of Drama in Malaya; 10.00 Listeners' Post; 1100 Clost. RADIO MALAYA ,«.L.) 1 p.m. See Spore 8.35 South Amrrican Way; 9.00 Music for the Connoisseur;
      99 words
    • 115 10 Solly; 10.45 Its Fun Finding Out; 11.00 Band of the Week; 11.30 I n I iphter Vein; 12.00 Pies'*; 13.15 Collector's Oomer; 12.45 Yankee Quarter; 102 Heard Melodies Are Sweet; 2.05 Close. 5.30 London Radio Orchestra; 6.30 Thirty to I One; 6.46 Sporting Special; 7 00 Accent oil Rhylhm; 7.15
      115 words
    • 114 10 ly Steiner Salon Orcb; 4.40 Music from the Films; 4.40 Services' Concert Hall; 5.00 Topical Talk; 5.00 Band of the Guarde R-publicaine of Franc; 5.15 Australia Day by Day; 5.25 Everyman's Music; 5.30 Forces' Favourites; Music for Millions; 5.50 Canberra Report; 6.00 Tuesday at 830; 6.45 Benny Goodman Orch.; 7.00
      114 words

  • 233 11 From A Market Correspondent CAGO flour opened the week 1 v In Singapore rather act- ive. Fair business m Siak was recorded yesterday at imoroved q notations. The price of pepper continued to rise although no transactions 1 took place. There was a slight drop In the price
    233 words
  • 106 11 From Our Market Correspondent rE Singapore share market opened the week firmer'ami remained steady. A small amount of busSess 9 ia- Changes In quotations given by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: INDUSTRIALS Bayer Seller Gammon 5.66 5.75 Goodwood Park 1.50 1.57% M. Breweries 23.25 24.00 xd Malayan ColU.
    106 words
  • 40 11 Turquand, Youngs, McAuliffe announce the following February mbb«r crops, in lbs. Alor Oajab Estate 26.000 Ayer Panas Estate 82.000 Olenealy Plantations 60,000 Kluang 63,800 Pajam 157.000 Tambalak Estates 30.139 Teluk Anson Estate 61.162 Ulu Benut Con. 39,500
    40 words
  • 71 11 HECHT, LEVIS KAHN'S CLAIM UJNDON. Monday.— Mr. Walter ««cher told the annual meeting <tf Hecht, Levto and Kahn tt was not unreasonable to think the major questions connected with their Singapore company'i claim against the Government would be settled In the current year. "If we could get it settled, 1
    71 words
  • 75 11 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Monday.— The Financial Times reports from Amsteriam that a Netherlands Indies rin Council has been established. It will give directions regarding teneral policy of tin mtning, melting and sales or Indies tin >re and metal. For the first 10 months last ear
    75 words
  • 161 11 THE price of robber in Sin1 gapore closed last night at 39 cents per I*, for No, 1 sheet f.o.b. buyers. This was a rise of five eighth* of a cent on Friday's closing price. The market opened very steady yesterday at Saturdays closing level. It remained steady
    161 words
  • 49 11 Sir Francis Minchln Voules, chairman of Ethelburga Agency, Ltd., Gordon (Malaya) Rubber Estates. Kepong (Malay) Rubber Estates, Kuala Muda Rubber Estates. Mini Mini (Nyasaland) Tea Syndicate and Para Telephone Company, who died on Sept. 12 last year, left £81,748 gross, with net personalty £81.128. (Duty paid £21.652).
    49 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 662 11 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. liworooriier id Sinranare) BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILIMiS KKOM 0 R AND 0.8 A r-""»'"r Un. from I R Qdn SI •MniMurt- oar from USA Mar 21 «.lf>n»rfe" Dvlrw tI.K Mar M 4%IUNCW M>K lIVIBPOOL GLASGOW AND fONTINENTAJ PORTS P'»mrthr«s* Sails t9f Liverpool Glaarov Mar. 17 •T.nUlti.' Salts
      662 words
      332 words
    • 310 11 Shippers and others interested In Shipping IntHHgenee are referred U advprtscnvents hi Col 7 and 8 opposite page and to Shipping Notices on Page 8 f "TREVAYLOR" Loads for GENOA, MARSEILLES, LONDON and CONTINENTAL Porto via LONDON, HAMBURG, ANTWERP and ROTTERDAM if sufficient inducement offers Arrives Singapore 2»U> March. Singapore
      310 words
    • 548 11 ELLERMAN KLAV^S BUCK N ALL da* c.f DA LONDON PAtw ?0 ANTWFRP 'CITY OF KHARTOUM* Spore P.S'him Penan* Dm l 0 nr 2.-26 Mar. 87-19 Mar 30 M«./ Sa ls Apr p ,4, 4 McALISTER CO., LTD. ilncorDoratt'G ,n 3in?aDor<> PHONP Maw BOUSTEAD&CD.CfS LLOYDS AGENTS Agent* for Malavo tfor/onv* GLEN
      548 words

  • 595 12 Air Force Beat Navy 4-2 R.A.F. (Changi) 4 Navy 2 A FINE performance by the R.A.F. centre-for-ward, Thompson, who scored three goals within the first eight minutes lent colour to an otherwise dull first division S.A.F.A. league game between R.A.F. (ChangO and the Navy at
    595 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 12 Trying out the newly laid temporary track outside Wembley Stadium is Derek Pugh, British Olympic 440 yard sprinter; David Ross, possible British Olympic miler; A. T. Liffen and Peter Mellish, British* Olympic junior quartcrmiler.
    34 words
  • 31 12 LONDON. Monday. Great Britain will play India on April 22 and 24 at Harrogate. Yorkshire, m the first round of the European zone Davis Cup Tournament. A.P.
    AP  -  31 words
  • 53 12 > LEEDS, Monday. 1 The draw for the semi-final of i the Rugby Leauge made here to- day resulted as follows: Wigan vs. Rochdale Hornets (at Swinton); Hunslet vs. Bradford Northern (at Headingley, Leeds) Reuter. Commercial High School Union beat the Joyful Juniors "A" team by three goals
    53 words
  • 32 12 BELGRADE, Monday.—C. K. Blum. Switzerland, has set a new national ski jumping record with a leap of 111 meters on the opening day of them I ternational "skiing flights." U.P.
    UP  -  32 words
  • 30 12 SOCCER: S.A.F.A. League— Div. I—C.A.1—C.A. m. KA.F. SeI letar at Jalan Besar. S.C.F.A League "C" Upper Pickering Street vs Sea Avenue Geylang. TENNIS: S.L.T.A. championships at Happy World.
    30 words
  • 975 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. WONG Peng Soon, the Malayan badminton 4 singles champion, and Ooi Teck Hock, the Penang singles and Malayan doubles champion, are included in the top section of the men's open singles events according to the draw for the seventh
    975 words
  • 408 12 rHE S.C.C. suffered their second soccer defeat this season when they were beaten by three goals to nil Xv +h* Amir a hip Athletic Association on trw» Padane i yesterday. j The A.A.A. were the better balanced team and dominated the exchanges for the
    408 words
  • 179 12 I MOTORISTS competing In the first post-war motor club event In Singapore next will lose points if I they fall to obey strictly the 1 traffic code Two roving officials of the newly-formed Singapore Motor Club will move along the route of the
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  • 99 12 SEREMBAN, Monday. S. WALKER, the Negri and South cricketer, and Sheikh Mustapha scored centuries in a cricket match between the Sun«ei Ujong Club and the Tampin Cricket Club played here at tine Rahang ground yesterday. The match ended in a win for Tampin by seven wickets and
    99 words
  • 49 12 LOS ANGELES, Monday.— Australia's Wallabies defeated Southern California Rugby Union team 37—0 in a benefit game on a rain 9oaked field. C. T. Burke of the Wallaby scrum half made the longest run with a 65 yards. A T Walker Jed the scorirg with three tries.— UP.
    UP  -  49 words
  • 69 12 The following will represent the Malay Sports Association at tennis against the Malay Tennis Club. Kota Tinggi at the Association's premises Lorong X, Teluk Kurau on Friday at 3 p.m. Singles: K. Yadi and Bostam b Kurshi. Double*: Khamis and Haji JamU. Mahmood Haji Yusof and Bostam. Ahmad
    69 words
  • 222 12 From EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. MINSTREL Boy has earned a 11 lb. penalty for his 2 and a half length win on Saturday and it remains to be seen whether he will run on Wednesday over the six with 9.7 on his back. Oriental
    222 words
  • 294 12 /COMPLETE weight for Wed- i Kj nesday are: I 1 i 1 1 Horses Class 1, Div. 1— ran. Oriental 9.10 Kashmiri Minstrel Song 9.12 Boy 9.07 Some Class 8.09 Liberty King Midas 8 05 Man 9.01 Gameborough 7 10 Ramu 7.09 Horses CUas 1, Div. 2—6 Fun.
    294 words
  • 53 12 rpHE Australian Davis Cup L team was announced last night as follows: A. Qulst (captain and manager), W. Sidwell, Colin Lang. Geoff. Brown. As previously announced Johr Bromwich wag not available as he declined to travel by air, a condition laid down by the ALT. A
    53 words
  • 160 12 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. •THE Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrew's and Fyfe have asked the Selangor Golf Club to accept the rift of an original Tom Morris Baffle with the best wL«hes of the committee of the Royal and Ancient.
    160 words
  • 63 12 HALF BLUE TO PENANG CHINESE From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG. Monday. IN old boy of the Penang Free School. Lee Saik Kee, has been awarded his half-blue for badminton at Cambridge. Lim played for his University recently against Oxford. The elder son of the Federal Councillor, Dr. Lee Tiang Keng,
    63 words
  • 178 12 Kramer To Play In Malaya JACK Kramer, world' 3 number one tennis player, will visit Malaya In the course of a tour of the Far East which will follow the present American tour. Promoter Jack Harris says Kramer will net more than US$lOO,OOO by the time he has shown hie
    AP  -  178 words
  • 103 12 SPECIAL practices for Singapore's representatives in the coming Malayan badminton championships to be played in Kuala Lumpur during th e Easter holidays are being arranged by the Singapore Badminton Association. The first of these practices will begin tomorrow at the Clerical Union at 7 p.m. and the following
    103 words
  • 439 12 Chinese Tennis Trials A team of Malayan Chinese tennis players to compete m the Chinese National Olympic Games m Shanghai m May will be selected at an All-Malayan Chinese tennis trials to be held at the Happy World covered stadium from Mar. 22 to Mar. 28. The Malayan Chinese Sports
    439 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 369 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. 'Continued from page 6) v > If ICLES fOB ttll M G sport* T C series 28 on standard jets, racing and •nical jets also. Perfect connew motor bronze head hood ripper cover tools spare motor .ed) in crate. Insured $3000 for 10 months owner driven. S«c at
      369 words
    • 58 12 ELECTION GRAND PRIX BERME 1914 wallaoie at all leading watch dealers througncut Malaya Sole Agents: CHUN CHONG 53, South Bridge Rd Slnga^if CatM fai/oWuU £v^jj^£ j OUNLOP BALLS nave oeen I #s-'""'^ Jj f chosen for exclusive use m J^L— the 1948 Singapore Indoor fxr^. Tennis Champioi-ships now m progress
      58 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 32 12 SINGAPORE TIDES Tide times today in Singapore are: High water 1.26 a.m. (Bft Tim and 2 M p m.: (Bft lln) low 7 40 am. (lft 2in) and 7.45 am (2ft 7I»)
      32 words