The Straits Times, 14 March 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 357 1 40 BANDITS HOLD UP MAIL TRAIN Thought it had pay bags Sunday Times Staff Reporter PENANG, Saturday. CORTY masked and armed bandits who held up < the Penang-Kota Bharu mail train yesterday morning had mistaken it for a Siamese pay train. They robbed the 200 passengers of $7,000 in cash
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  • Article, Illustration
    100 1 T>OLICE controlling the 1 large crowd gathered outside the Singapore Police Courts yesterday, hoping to hear the resumed proceedings in the first District (ou .or the case against 88 men charged with attending an unlawful triad society meeting in Reformatory Road on Mar. 5. The case was adjourned to Mar.
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 1 THE CHIEF SCOUT OF SINGAPORE, Sir Franklin Gimson. watching the investiture ceremony of three boys or the newly-firmed Salvation Army Boys Home Scout Troop at the Scout Rally at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. See story in Page 3.
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  • 163 1 Sunday Times Staff Reporter TOHORE BAHRU, Saturday. A MESSAGE flashed from Singapore giving the description of four Malays wanted in conneciion wiih an aimed robbery attempt in Kampong Bahru. Singapore, last night resulted in four arrests uy the Johore Police this morning. The robbers were
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  • 62 1 WASHINGTON, Saturday. rE U.S. Senate last night voted down a move led by Senator Robert Taft to slash $1,300 million from the European recovery programme. The action was taken at a special session as the Senate pushed towards a final vote on the Foreign Aid
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  • 63 1 MUNICH. Saturday. RUDOLF Hess. Walther Funk and Baldur will be retried hy German de-nazifl- ciit.on courts. Bavarian denazification officials said the German trials were necessary to make ttio Nuremberg findings "b.nding under German law." Hess. Funk and Von Schirach I will be charged with
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  • 13 1 The Security Council will resume consideration of Palestine on Monday. Reuter.
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  • 130 1 BANGKOK, Saturday. OIAM'S February rice shipments amounted to 64,101 tons, according to Government sources here. This shows a steady rise, which began since last October, when the lowest shipment thus far, 3,000 tons, was recorded. The December total was 52,000; January 54,000. The February
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  • 85 1 GUATEMALA STUDIES BREAK WITH U.K. GUATEMALA, Saturday. TH E Guatemala Congress yesterday approved a resolution urging the Government to study "the convenience of breaking diplomatic relations with Britain." The word "convenience" was substituted for "p oss i b 11 1 1 y" which had been recommended in the draft resolution
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  • 62 1 SIAMESE police have arrested Tiang Sirikhan. a former minister in the Thararong Government, in the north-east province of Sakon Nakhon, on charges of organising resistance against the November coup, the Sunday Times Bangkok correspondent reports. Tiang, for whom a reward of 5,000 bant was offered. had been hiding
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  • 198 1 BATAVIA, Saturday. DR. HUBERTUS VAN MOOK, Lieut.-Gov.-General of the Dutch East Indies, and Dr. Mohamed Hat ui. Premier of the Indonesian Republic today ended their two days' talk about a political settlement to pave tiV way for cooperation in forming a United States of Indonesia. No official
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  • 80 1 WASHINGTON, Saturday. ©RESIDENT Truman yester- day stood firm on his Civil Rights programme in lace of the Southern demands that he back down or lose the South. He has thus left the next step to the angry Southern governors who meet here tomorrow to discuss the
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  • 97 1 CAIRO, Saturday- Appeals for aid have been cabled from Sanar. capital of the Yemen, by Imam El Wazir, the present ruler, after attacks by "savage tribesmen" taking advantage of the present dispute over the kingship, according to the Egyptian weekly newspap Akhbar El Yom, today. The
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  • 41 1 Two of Britain's newest destroyers, the Crossbow and the B-utleaxe are to go to the West Indies and the United States this summer for joint exercises with units of the U.S. fleet, the Admiralty announced Friday night.— A. P.
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  • 28 1 TOKIO. Sat.— General MacArthur has ordered the lowering of censorship bars to perrr'i the Japanese press to pul lish "American political attacks" against him.- AJ*.
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  • 106 1 RESULTS of yesterday's Kuala Lumpur races are: Race 1: AVAIL $64 and $10; Skittals S7: Firem aster $8. Race 2: TROUSERS $17 and SK: Prlnc e Colin $10: Dagobert si 1. Race 3: FORTUNE'S FAVOURITE $54 and $17: Ramu $13. Race 4: RENOIR $17 and $9; Lynch
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  • 46 1 HYDERABAD. Saturday. THE first serious clash between Muslims and Sikhs in months resulted today in three deaths at Amirpet. six miles from Hyderabad. Police and troops rushing to the scene prevented a riot from developing into a major communal war. U.P.
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  • 261 1 r Sunday Times Staff Reporter Singapore's York Hill Home is a man who claims that he was brought from Australia under arrest by an R.A.F. escort who thought he was somebody else. He is 26-year-old Joe Hilton of Bexley, Sydney. "On Feb. 4, I was
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  • 66 1 LONDON. Saturday. T>RINCESS Helena Victoria, I cousin of King George VI and prand-daughter of Queen Victoria, died in London today aged 77. She had been in failing health for some months. With her 75-year-old sister Princess Marie Louise. Helena Victoria lived quietly in a flat in
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  • 46 1 LONDON. Sat. Britain's wartime Foreign Secretary, Mr. Anthony Eden, who is now Deputy Leader of the Conservative opposition In the House of Commons. was operated on for appendicitis at a London nursing home today. His condition was stated to be "very good." Reuter.
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  • 60 1 MANILA. Sat.— The Philippines, Slam, Burma, China, Indo-china and Singapore are all candidates for the site of the regional office of the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations, according to the SecretaryGeneral Mr. Harold A. Yogel. The United Kingdom, he said, is expected to
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  • 34 1 RANGOON Saturday.— Lord Mountbatten GovernorGeneral of India, and Lady Mour.tbatten left here tod iv after their 42-hour visit to restore to Burma the Throne of Thibaw. last of the Burmese Kings.— Reuter.
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  • 251 1 Dead child sat up in her coffin Sunday Times Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. rpHE five-year-old daughter of a Chinese fishmonger x at Sitiawan, pronounced dead by both her father and a police constable, sat up as she was being placed in her coffin prior to burial. A doctor sent
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  • 110 1 NEW DELHI, Saturday. INDIA Is to form a National cadet corns of three divisions Including one for girls Sardar Baldev Singh, Defence Minister, announced in the Dominion Parliament today. Enrolment would be voluntary and without liability for service but if response from colleges were not forthcoming,
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  • 26 1 TOKIO, Saturday. The Japanese Government has returned to the Netherlands Government a 52-carat diamond, worth $15,000. removed from a Java bank.— A. P.
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  • 26 1 PRAGUE. Saturday.— lt was announced today that western newsmen will no* be permitted to attend the state funeral service for Jan Masaryk.— U.P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 138 1 b..i..i'j,jd Bern Set Jewelliry. Exquisite Oe>min« P. H. HENDRY. ii Nil, i i- 1: VtU) v Established Malayanwide Reputation IS North Bridge Koari S'porc. If it's Electric. TEN to ONE it's SECTRIC. SMITHSVSEfTRIC Famous for its Correct Time. D urban Autolarm B.ikc.ue case. Primrose Sounds the alarm every colour. Two-tone
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  • 2736 2 by... THE DUKE OF WINDSOR I visit the slums and my conscience is stirred: I become an 'ambassador' for Britain I WAS nearly 25 when I returned to London, and the time had come for me set to up my own establishment. Giving up my
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 247 2 lon%- famous g^~ w. for pT I loveliness I i (^^_^ByN Protecting -onoorh, white dun n no > work for ixrwcomcn; guard your il r^^B^Bjßf complexion and hands with long km li^M^MT fjrnous 'Hazelinc Snow'— the WF if^^Rf established cream of beamy Cool M [s^3t3f n J refreshing, n protects
      247 words
    • 186 2 Should we service all watches? rnai vrould be impossible A under present circumstances, but those purchased from >-fmMi us will receive expert (f^Of attention promptly c=£-IAIS^ "WATSON'S" MICROSCOPES f* ACCESSORIES "WATTS" SURVEY LEVELS "ABNEY" do. •RECONSTRUCTION- OUTFITS PLANIMkiTERS. PARALLEL RULES "ROTOTHERM" INDUSTRIAL THERMOMETERS "PARTINGTON" ILLUMINATED MAGNIFIERS "ROSS" PRISM BINOCULARS "TAWS"
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  • 323 3 Biggest ever in Colony Sunday Times Staff Reporter r VUV. Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, who is Chief 1 Scout for Singapore, told 2,000 Scouts yesterday that in difficult times ahead "the lessons which you have learnt round the camp fires will remain with you always
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  • 302 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter Tf AKINERS round Singapore will have to continue to do without the two time-ball towers that used to be on lort Canning and Mount F ber. because they are not going to be put back. Before the war, the time-ball on the
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  • 63 3 Sunday limes Staff Reporter JOHORE BAHRU, Saturday. A MEETING of the Johore Council of State will be held on March 23 at the Dewan in Johore Bharu at 10 a.m. A meeting of the Federal Legislative Council will be held at Kuala Lumpur on March 30. when one
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  • 155 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter ONE of the first tasks the Malaya Council of World Affairs would set itself would be to hold a SouthEast Asia Regional Conference of the Asian Relations Organisation in Malaya within three months, Mr. J. A. Thivy, the pro tern chairman
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  • 148 3 YEAR OF THE LANDLORD THE TENANI Sunday Times Staff Reporter rE Singapore District Court Report for 1947, says that as a result of the i housing shortage, nearly half i the actions which were conI tested, and all the appeals ex- cept two, were landlord-tenant cases. There were a few
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  • 25 3 SEREMBAN. Sat.— Alleged to have 60 katties of rice in his possession when arrested. Seah Eng Llew was fined $30 at Seremban yesterday.
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  • 68 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter SINGAPORE'S new coat-of-arms has still not been decided upon by the College of Heralds, in London. In the meantime, Singapore continues to use the old coat ,oi arms, but the new Legislative Council Chamber furniture will not have any coat of arms
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  • 71 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter IPOH. Saturday. THE High Commissioner, Sir Edward Gent, yesterday visited the Perak State Secretariat in Ipoh and later went to Kuala Kangsar. This morning Sir Edward toured Parit. Pading Pendiat and Padang Tenggala. Tomorrow he will visit the Museum anc the
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  • 233 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter SINGAPORE'S sponge industry, one of the least known marine industries of Malaya, has recently been revived after a lapse of nearly 5 years beginning from the Japanese occupation. Britain and some continental countries have once again shown keen interest for Malayan
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  • 266 3 NEW LOOK FOR POST BOXES I Sunday Times Staff Reporter NOT to be outdone by all the shiny red fire hydrants that have recently brightened Singapore's road-sides, the Post Office is soon going o gi"e its pillar boxes a "new look" with lashings of good old pillar box red. Stung
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  • 209 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter j TGUANA flesh on sale in the several wild animal shops in Singapore has a ready market among those who believe in its virtues, and today fetches about a dollar a katti. These lizards abound in the wilds of Johore and are
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  • 44 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter A large gathering of mem- bers ar.d friends of the Singapore Gregg Shorthand Writers' Association attended a dinner and dance held at Cecil's Restaurauit last night on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of the Association.
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  • 33 3 Sunday Tr'.nes Staff Reporter Singapore police yesterday arrested nine Chinese in connection with the recent th; j it of 42 cases of abalone from a Chinese godown in Boat Quay.
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  • 39 3 The Yen. Narada Thera, Buddhist Chaplain to the Ceylonese troops in Malaya, will deliver an address in English at 7 p.m. today, at the Sinhala Buddhist Temple, 96 Outram Road. The talk will be repeated in Sinhala:
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  • 39 3 Chew Kong Hong, a 17 year-old Chinese, was yesterday committed by Mr. A. G. Shears, the Singapore Seventh Police Court Magistrate, for trial at the next Assizes on charges of carrying arms and unlawful possession of ammunition
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  • 146 3 Sunday Times Staff Reporter AS from March 15, 1948 the revised rates of postage on parcels posted In the Federation of Malaya for delivery in the Federation of Malnya, Singapore, North Borneo. Sarawak or Brunei and on pi! cols posted in Singapore COC delivery In
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 351 3 1., _>•■ i. I .v 11l lIMIU.I.M NOW... you, too, cas^ have a "FAMMtEK BEAUTIFY 1 Even if you are naturally dark THIS WONDERFUL /Veil? SKIN BEAUTIFIER hakes your skin 4-6 SHADES FAIRER At last, women can bring out the real not only lightens your skin, but beauty of their
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  • 682 4  -  Bob Gilmore Australian Newsletter by. MELBOURNE, Mar. 4. DED HEADED Arthur Augustus Calwell was eight years ago just another seemingly "no-hoper" ("drongo" in the local tongue) civil service clerk in the Federal Treasury^ But today. Federal Immigration and Information Minister Calwell is on the way to getting more
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  • 532 4 PHOTO NOTES I>ICTURE-MAKING 1a I simple if only you remember a few elementary rules which are Just as important for the man who wants a few mementoes of his everyday doings as for the expert who relies on his camera for his income^ and the rules are
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  • 517 4 ATOMS ASYLUMS AMONG THE NEW BOOKS TN THE BOON OF 1 1 THE ATOM Dr George Bankoff sets out to explain to the layman the different conceptions of matter and of energy that have been held at various times, and tc show the way in which our present ideas have
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 216 4 IA» /Mi 1 —^K. I I I 1/ v i K^TOS KESTOS BRAS HIGH LINE Another small quantity received. In Fine Lnwn Colours: White Pink PRICE 53., 5 ujHiTEnwnvs (WHITE AWAY. LAIDLAW CO.. LTD.) SINGAPORE NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Steei duuk* \rCL V Mt A77HCTIVI TWO C tOHKfP I^^^ U4
      216 words
    • 138 4 JUST RECEIVED SMALL SHIPMENT ONLY "MILLOT" CREPE DE CHINE LOTION 1/8 litre SOLD EVERYWHERE MONTOR LTD.. 35 40. THE ARCADE. SIN^4»ORE Telephone 5891 tfc 5892 A SMILE YOU CAN'T FORGEI 1 JciJi Irl w WHITER' m You can see she uses Pepsodenr I Pepsodcnt is the only dentifrice to contain
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  • 73 5 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association's prices at noon yesterday were: Buyers Sellers Cts. Cts K^l No. 1 R.S.S. Spot loose nominal 38 s H No. 1 R.S.S. fob in bales Mar. 38 No. 2 R.S.S. fob in bales Mar. 37% No. 3 R.SS. fob in bales Mar.
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  • 179 5 Only 5 among 300 workers Sunday Times Woman Reporter THE poor response by Singapore women to 1 invitations to apply for posts as presiding officers and clerks in the forthcoming elections is very disappointing," Mrs. G. Hawkins, wife of the Supervisor of Elections, told the
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  • 167 5 N.S. POLICE COMMENDED BY JUDGE Sunday Times Staff Reporter SEREMBAN. Saturday. rr\HE patience of the police, 1 which "prevented an outbreak of violence", was commended by the District Judge, Mr. B. B. Rhodes, yesterday when he cautioned and discharged 26 Chinese— l 6 men and 10 women charged with disobeying
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  • 188 5 Sunday Times Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. SOLDIERS of the Malay Regiment have at last received their new walking out dress. Some of them have been seen proudly wearing in the streets of Kuala Lumpur. The uniform, which is very smart, consists of the ordinary white
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  • 134 5 Sunday Times Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR. S«t. MISS Margaret Harriet Whalley, personal assistant to the 0.0.C., Malaya District, was married at St. Mary's Church this morning to Capt. Rex Walker, aide de camp to the High Commissioner. Sir Edward Gent. The bride, who is the daughter
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  • 260 5 Sunday Times Staff Reporter OVER 1,000 stall- holders and hawkers are still carrying on business in the five markets which Singapore Municipality has been trying to dose down for over a year. The markets are Erna Market in Ctyna Street, Raman Street Market, Waterloo Street Market,
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  • 78 5 Sunday Times Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. WRITTEN examinations of the Associate Board of the Royal Schools of Music, London, will be held on Oct. 2. and entries must reach local education offices »>y June 15. The practical mlnatinns are to be held in August and September when
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  • 40 5 THE Prime Minister of Ceylon, Mr. D. S. Senanayake, has written a letter to Stan* Sergeant Major M. A. Pillai, of GHQ FARELF thanking him for a letter of congratulation sent to him on Ceylon's Independence Day.
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  • 25 5 The Chinese Association will hold its annual general meeting and reunion dinner at the Association's premises at 1230 Serangoon Road, Singapore, .ipxt Saturday.
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  • 94 5 Sunday Times Staff Reporter SEREMBAN. Saturday. FX>DCROPS and vegetables exported frorr Negri Sembilan to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore last month 6howed slight increases over of January's figures, says the State Agricultural Officer in his February report. February's exports included six hundred piculs of pumpkin and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 276 5 be sure j uou buu J J WILLS' 5 CIGARETTES^, 2 ACES BY MORLEYM (1) MORLEY'S ALL-WOOL SWEATERS. In Summer's gorgeous hues exquisite shades. Sizes: 36 to 42. $10.50 to $13.50 H MORLEY'S SEA ISLAND COTTON VESTS. Ve.^ts, Underpants, Jockey shorts in Sea Island Cotton! $2.80 to $3.50! TEL: 4649
      276 words
    • 435 5 A BRIEF SELECTION. Pive Arches George Blake $6.30 Chimney Cottage— M. E. Atkinson 6.10 Magnet of Doom Georges Slmenon $5.70 Novels Stories Anthony Trollop* $9.60 Gone With The Wind— Margaret Mitchell $7.00 The Scottish Clans it Their Tartans $3.60 The Art of Living Andre Maurois $4.50 POSTAGE EXTRA. WINCHESTER HOUSE,
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    • 591 5 Writing for Profit If you are interested in writing as an extra source of income you should take advantage of the valuable offer now made by the Resent Institute the offer to supply a specimen lesson of one of its highly successful courses, jcether with a copy of "How to
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 321 5 Journey to Romance— Adventure 10.00 Pacific Mailbag; 10.20 RADIO MALAYA (S'POH*) in Words A Music; 10.30 Musical F&irey Aviation Works Band: Comedy; 11.00 Close 10.40 Requests; 11.00 Vienna dish- sV ria«rir»ironirt- 400 Theatre Orchestra; ».45 BBC Sammy Kaye Freddy Martin LLsteners^P^S f 00 u£*S id? Shipmates Ashore: 10.15 BBC Orchs.;
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  • 488 6 THE SUNDAY TIMES SINGAPORE. MARCH 14, 1948 6x? •ttnwiCE nothing is nothing: 1 three time 6 nothing is nothing: surely four times nothing is something." So said the schoolboy rather baffled by the cipher in mathemetics. He was wrong, but the Malayan Democratic Union with their constant reiteration that six
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  • 147 6 THE YEN. S. M. COLLIER the Archdeacon of Penang. has issued a challenge to the churchmen of the Settlement, but it is a challenge that ought to be met not only in Penang but all over Malaya, and not Just by Christians but by men of all
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  • 1334 6 KEN JALLEH tells, in an interview with a Malay diver, the story of present-day pearl diving AUSTRALIAN pearlers have their eyes on Malaya for Malays, as divers, are greatly in demand to revive the pearling industry in the West Australian ports Malays today have
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  • 495 6  -  T. J. Lim By FOWLOON Wall- ed City whicn attracted worldwide interest recently resembled a tourist camp when I visited the site last month. The walls have been pulled down leaving two obsolete guns to bear mute testimony that the city was once +he southern stronghold of
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  • 532 6 Isotopes surgery 's new weapon A YOUNG boy with a crushed leg lay in the emergency accident ward of a London hospital. The surgeon stood over him expertly probing the wound in an effort to ascertain whether the blood vessels were badly damaged, thus preventing the blood circulating. But time
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 546 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mr. Abdullah bin Abdul Ghani (Abiul) RAF. Base. Seletar. ■tneerrif thanks all friends for their message of c'dolences. wreaths ie visits on tho death of his father. Miss A. Periira of Malacca, t i k.A all relatives A friends who sent wreaths, messages of condolence attended the
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    • 12 6 For Better Tea Times Finest Broken Orange Pekoe Price $2.00 P* lb
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    • 33 6 decides the choice of SHOES for all occasions Hc^^BBBBBB^BBBMKfIBBB^^H HK^^^V You are sure ESS'""^^ of the BEST l&fi I i I 'jfcT u&lttij when you order *JmsP\ s&s <^^%JSbW^— i~ THtYKt ttrrc* icicolo
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  • 343 7 MOUNTBATTEN ROAD AS RACE TRACK' Police warn motorists Sunday Times Staff Reporter MOTORISTS using Mountbatten Road may be charged with "inconsiderate driving" if their road manners do not improve, said the Singapore Traffic Police Superintendent, Mr. C. J. R. Bembroke, yesterday. The road resembles a racecourse when the runway barriers
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  • 196 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter PENANG, Saturday. '"TREMENDOUS possibilities" existed in Penang for religious development within the next decade, the Archdeacon of Penang, the Yen. S. M. Collier, told the Sunday Times yesterday when he made an appeal to all communities, particularly the younger net, to assist
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  • 70 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter rE Singapore Second Police Court Magistrate, Mr. L. C. Goh, yesterday bound over Tian Tau Tee. a 23 -year-old Chinese, for attempting to commit suicide by drinking caustic soda at Somme Road, on Aug. 21 last. Tian said he was "in a dream" when
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  • 42 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter MR. DE CRUZ, of the M.D.U.. has informed the Sunday Times that there will be an anti-election meeting to-night at 5 p.m. at Kullm Place, Haig Road, Government Quarters. Mr. Philip Hoalim will be the speaker.
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  • 102 7 COUNCIL TO CONSIDER INDIA PROTEST Sunday Times Staff Reporter i THE representations of the j Indian Government to the Malayan Governments on the i Debtor and Creditor (Occupation Period) Bill have been referred to a Select Committee of the Advisory Council In Singapore, the Sunday Times w?.s officially informed yesterday
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  • 114 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter PENANG. Saturday. rpHE funeral took place tliis A morning of the Penang racehorse owner Mrs. Yeap Hock Hoe (Madam Hooi Kam Chee). Mrs. Yeap, who was only 22, died in the General Hospital yesterday morning after a sudden one-night illness. She attended
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  • 49 7 TRUCKS FOR CO -OP Sunday Times Staff Reporter Two P.W.D. trucks have been put at the disposal of members of the Singapore Government Servants' Cooperative Thrift and Loan Society to take members home after the annual general meeting tomorrow. One truck will serve the GeylangKatong area, the other 3orangoon.
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  • 201 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter MALAYA'S sago flour business has been so hardly hit by India's restrictions on imports of the commodity, imposed on June 30 last year that exports are down 75 per cent of a year ago. Formerly India was easily Malaya's best customer
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  • 164 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter THE mass education pro- 1 gramme of the People's i Education Association Is gainIng in popularity among all communities In Singapore. Enrolment for the Association's class in elementary English at the Peoples Restaurant. Handy Road, has reached the limit of
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  • 103 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter r'O Chinese orphans i whose father. Hong Tuck Seng, was lulled in road accident in Jurong Road on Mar. 6, are to be cared for by the Social Wei- fare Department, on the re- i commendation of the Singa- pore Coroner.
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  • 80 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter To emphasise the seriousness of tuberculosis, the Public Relations film unit will be showing a Walt Disney cartoon to Singapore school children next week. The film will be shown at the following places: Salvation Army Boys' Home on Monday, Outram Rd.
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  • 136 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter rE urn containing the' ashes of Mahatma Gandhi will be on display at the Victoria Memorial Hall for three *ays after Its arrival in Sin•jaoore on March 16. On March 19, the urn will be flown to Kuala Lumpur by the
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  • 289 7 Sunday Times Reporter rpHE Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce, in a 1 memorandum to Government on the proposed Debtor and Creditor (Occupation Period) Ordinance, 1948, disagrees with the establishment of a joint Debtor and Creditor Surplus Fund and Board for Singapore and the Federation of
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  • 118 7 POLICE TAKE UNLOCKED BICYCLES Sunday Times Staff Reporter SINGAPORE police seized 18 unlocked and unattended bicycles yesterday in their campaign to reduce bicycle thefts. Special squads in lorries operating in the Police "Central Division" areas collected 'the bicycles on pavements and outside offices in Collyer Quay, Raffles Place, Chulia Street
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  • 92 7 Sunday Times SUIT Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. r. J. N. HUGHES is retiring from his appointment as general secretary ar.d treasurer of the Incorporated Society ot Planters at the end of this month. He is Joining the head office of Kepo.g (Malay) Rubber Co.
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  • 211 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter \f ALAYA last year imported 4,002 refrigerators, IVI valued at over $2,000,090. This was double the number for 1940, when 1,980 were imported. Restaurants, cafes and coffee-shops are mainly responsible for the big increase, while housewives who find it cheaper in the
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  • 227 7 Sunday Times Staff Reporter QINGAPORE shipyards,, which experienced a boom in orders for motor craft from Government and private firms last year, are not too happy about the number of orders they have received this year. A Singapore shipbuilder told the Sunday Timos yesterday that more than
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  • 26 7 l At the Sri Senpaga Vinayagar Temple. Ceylon Road, Singapore the Saturthl festival will be conducted today at 6 p.m. by Sri Sithamparam Senathy.
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  • 54 7 IPOH, Saturday. The Perak Flying Club, who hope to be pioneers of gliding in Malaya, are showing a film demonstrating the training of glider pilots and gilding at St. Michael's Institution Hall on Tuesday at 7 p.m. The film demonstrates briefly all stages in the training of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 118 7 the new $iis!l£pty TYPE 1 28 A 6-Valve Receiver, using multi-purpose valves. Equivalent to a Receiver of 11 valve function. A receiver of outstanding performance and quality. Main features a??: (1) An RF staze for exceptional •nativity and freedom from noise. (2) Short wave circuits fully compensated asainst tuning drift.
      118 words
    • 184 7 H IW% J. P. Super II 1 precision n II I plus power* If Will cut an POWER 1W ■j area of ap- i MOWER B B^— Specification r SIZE 16 INCHES CUT. I] ENGINE: The Machine is powered [I by a 98 cc. Villiers air-cooled 2— I] Stroke engine.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 288 8 .IS NOT MADE OF JADE If you do not take cars of it time will quickly male* it fade. Protect it- with rational and active treatment using regularly Creme Simon the different skinfood used a different way. CREME SIMON And Its natural complement the perfect powder base CREME SIMON M.A.T
      288 words
    • 115 8 This rs only one NS^IBTiSS] or mtn» symptom! l^£~^«l>Sp] 1: indigestion, which, |C^2!".j£j il noi heeJrJ n I r l 5^I «m JSi likely to lead to mort i distressing bodily fc^^* 1 Wj£r and nervous disorders. These ill effects are the fcrmen. .tion of the food in the stomach.
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    • 329 8 AMM m The »ir i«nitit w.rh iht germi ot coughi coldt jnd m^^ thro«t infection! If you hj»c to 90 jmong people your mouth jnd brejthmo, pjmqn need protection all through winter and tpring. ia^ •"'*>■ Tour lure and taf* protection it 'Eumenthol'. jnd j -y^pW Hudton't are the only
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 326 8 THIS V/EEK FOR YOU ,-What the Stars Foretell- PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 21).— Believe that only the best can happen this week and that is exactly what may happen. Impulsiveness, however, will not pay dividends just now, though potentials axe good. ARIES (Mar. 12 -Apr. 20).— Keep your own counsci in
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    • 308 8 GEMINI (May 22-June 22).— This week will show a profit, material and spiritual, if you are conservative in your thoughts and actions and avoid jumping at things. Complete any important business early. CANCER (June 23-July 23). Don't permit a minor success this week to inflate your ego to the point
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    • 409 8 VIRGO (Aug. 24-Sept. 22).— L00k a proffered bargain full in the face. If It is a sound one, take advantage of it and make a profit, but be discreet if there are any snags in the offer. A disturbed week all round. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.. 23).— 1 f yon stop
      409 words
    • 440 8 ■yyTHILJE some bands containing as little as 2 H -plus honour tricks are suitable for a takeout double, others containing as much as four honour tricks are unsuitable. Distribution is often the determining factor. For example your right-hand opponent opens with one diamond. You hold 1. S. Q 10 9
      440 words

  • 443 9 PR that very special party it is good to have a very special dish. White wine, brandy and sherry help to make these three dishes unusually good and add fine flavour. Sole in Wine BUTTER a fireproof dish, chop four small spring onions and prepare
    443 words
  • Article, Illustration
    52 9 OF black taffetas imprinted with colourful garlands growing out of rreen stems. Irene Dunne's drrss has a wide swirline skirt. The lone off-shoulder bodice drapes into ft wide collar and Miss W" b J* appeal with ft pearl necklace. She will shortly be seen her- in RK O Radio's -1
    52 words
  • 211 9 Can you tell me uhy women say: "We won't be dictated to by fashion we'll stick to the 'old look,'" and yet are already adopting the "new look" Does it mean that women haven't a mind of their own? The various attempts to make men wear clothes they
    211 words
  • Article, Illustration
    833 9  -  MARY HEATHCOTT by 1 HAVE just been reading a new book called "On Human Finery" by Quentin Bell (Hogarth Press). It is a lovely book which you must read far yourselves if you are interested in the psychology and history of clothes, but I cannot resist quoting from
    833 words
  • 574 9 'THE hour-glass figure the wasp-waist is one of the oldest known fashions. You can set the New Look in the ladies of the court of King Minos nearly four thousand years ago in ancient Crete blouses cut low over high bosoms, waists infinitely more slender than
    574 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 371 9 y Lasting protection against perspiration and its odour You may d.m<.e with cont. '.erne v.iicn you rely on I OJoroncs protection. Odorono will not let per spiration your charm. Liquid Odorono is a harmless tneJical formula which puts positive results It stops ur.dtrarm perspiration, upto 5 days. It does
      371 words
    • 281 9 Discriminating women who preter thzaoetn Arder« preparations will find all these lovely products in our Perfumery Department, from every essential for the care of the skin to the latest shades in powder and lipstick. These are the rherkherj creations for greater loveliness that we die iusuy proud to offer. Sole
      281 words

  • 172 10 County Championship final: Eastern Counties 0, Lancashire 5. Club matches: Harlequins 0, Bedford 15: London Scottish 22, United Services, Portsmouth 6; London Welsh 19. Blackheath "A" 6; Old Cran:eighans 6, Aldershot Services 29; Old Merchant Tayi lors 8. St. Mary's Hospital 14: Old Paulines 0, Guy's 10; Wasps
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 67 10 Cup Third round: Bradford Northern 30. Oldham 0: Hunslet 5. Huil 0: Keighlcy 4. Rochdale Hornets 6: Warrington 10, Wigan 13. League caxnos: Batley 20. Liverpool Stanley 5: Hull Kingston R. 16. Dcwsburv 7: Leeds 46, York 2; Salford 7, Bellevue R. 2; St. Helens 13, Bramley 7:
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 36 10 The semi-finals ol the Island Club golf championship and the semi-finals of the Duffers' Cup competition were postponed until next Saturday on account of bad weather They were to have been played yesterday afternoon.
    36 words
  • 33 10 Jollilads 2nd XI defeated the Nuttallia team by two goals to nil in a friendly game of soccer played at McPherson Road. Singapore, yesterday. The scorers were Oman and Narayan.
    33 words
  • 454 10 LONDON, Saturday. DERBY County, favourites for the F.A. Cup, failed in the semi-final hurdle against Manchester United at Villa Park today by t/hree goals to one. The other semi-finalists, Blackpool and Tottenham Hi '.>|>ur. will fight again as they were still one-all after extra time.
    Reuter  -  454 words
  • Article, Illustration
    65 10 rE Singapore Colts Cricket XI and the Ceylon Sports Club, who figured in an exciting match at Balestier plain yesterday. Standing left to right: G. Fernando, Anthony Lim, Noel Hay. J. Derbyshire, Mayo Pereira. C. Seneviratne, W. Ponniah, J. N. Fernando, S. Rajasooriya. Ponnamhalam. S. Kulasingham, S. Nagiah and P.
    65 words
  • 147 10 PERTH. Western Australia, Saturday. W. LANGDON. a left-hander hit a century for Western Australia, Sheffield Shield winners, I who scored 289 for eight against the Australian touring team, led i by Don Bradman. when the tourists began the last of their matches 1 before
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 89 10 LEON LABRIOLA secured a] knockout decision ov Jagin- I dar Singh in the fourth t nd of their wrestling bout at the app? World stadium. Singapore, last night. Bosca Boa and Napolltano, who continued to fight outside the ring after the fifth round, were both counted
    89 words
  • 268 10 LONDON, Saturday. pOMMISSAR, an outsider which started at 33 to one, v won the Lincolnshire Handicap, first big racing event of tlic flat season, by two lengths from Clarion, which was favourite at 100 to 9. Flexton (100-7) was third the same distance away. Fifty-eight
    Reuter  -  268 words
  • 82 10 ALI RIZA BEY beat George Zbisko by two falls to one over six rounds in a gruelling fight at the Great World arena i Singapore last night. Curly Connors beat Harry Revel by two falls over five rounds I Bert Egerton and Leow Kong
    82 words
  • 502 10 Badminton Notes by FEATHER AT a recent meeting, the Perak Badminton Association de- I elded that something must be done to improve the standard of bad- i minton in that state Perak is not satisfied with being a second class State and is determined in the
    502 words
  • 25 10 BELFAST. Sat —Ireland, alchamplons, won the triple crown ■vady liUßby Union international v defeating Wales by six points lo three today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 507 10 Sunday Times Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. FOR the first time since the liberation and for the i first time in eight years, a Malayan golf championship will be played Uus year at Easter Kuala Lumpur, with its delectable championship course at the Selangor Golf
    507 words
  • 145 10 THE Singapore Rifle Association will be holding their st i prize meeting of this year at tIM Seletar Range on Saturday. Mmrjfc 27, and Sunday, March 28. An excellent programme, which Includes team, Pool Bull and other competitions, has been arranged for these two day-.
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  • 69 10 The following have been selected to represent the Singapore Cricket Club Ist XI against the S.C.F.A. (A.A.A.) In an S.A.F.A. League fixture on the Padang tomorrow at 5.15 p.m.: J. Aitken; W. Richardson, G. Verrall; W. Bainbridge. C. McCullock, V. Hutchinson: R. Fletcher, F. B.
    69 words
  • 83 10 Office-bearers of the Swift Badminton Party, R'ngapore, for this year are: President, Mr. Ro .Id Lim (reelected); vice-presidents: Messrs. Cheah Thye Hin (re-elected): M. V. Thamby and K. H. Shah; hon. secretary, Mr. A. Thamblayah; hon. treasurer. Mr. Cheah Thye Eng: hon. auditor, Mr. Khoo Soon
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  • 43 10 Pulau Brani Sports Club defeated Kota Raja Sports Club by four goals to one in a game of soccer played at Pulau Brani yesterday. Scorers for Pulau Brani were Samad and Gabos (three). Sharif! Madon netted Kota Raja's only goal.
    43 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 356 10 TCHINC N FLAM ED iE^LE D clenilev. itching caused by germs ndcr the >kin, irx-cdily develops into irtaung pimples and open sores unless icckcd 1 housands of skin sufferers jvc proved that there is nothing more ire in results than D.D.D. PrescripM This lamous liquid heslcr does cnetratc the tortured
      356 words
    • 516 10 Energy comes from the food you eat. Tt*rf doctor will toll you that wh«n th« /m*^>v r S.^-^» IS BP iood we eat fails to provide the full nour m; '--T'r^_ ithment our bodies need our energy (lags V <f and we become tired and listless Now f that basic
      516 words

  • 1977 11 DoubleFivewins thrilling race From EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. I MICKY" Donnelly rode one of his finest races on Double Five to beat Game Law Lansdown) and Rosewell's Boy (Flannery) in a tight finish in the stayers' race for top-class horses at Kuala Lumpur today, the
    1,977 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 11 REG ALLEN, ««aeen s Park Rangers goalkeeper, saves a high ball in the FA. Cup quarter-Anal against Derby County, who won five nil.
    23 words
  • 241 11 SnmUy Time* Staff Reporter PENANO. Saturday. rRTEEN Penang griffins, representing the la.- lot of Trainer It-Col. Pox's batch were drawn for at the Penang Turf Club yesterday evening. Ther* were originally 14 (rrlfflns, but one died during the voyage. Penang owners drew four griffins and
    241 words
  • 114 11 ITALIAN MAY WIN MEDAL AT OLYMPICS ROME, Saturday. ITALY'S prospect for winning an Olympic gold medal at the Games In London in July and August is the discus thrower, Adolf o Consolinl, a former world champion. Consolini, whose best throw is 54.23 metres, is expected to beat all opposition, including
    114 words
  • 146 11 NEW YORK. Saturday. AFTER Marcel Cerdan French and European middleweight, had knocked out L. Roach of Plainview. Tennessee, in the eighth round of their ten-round contest at Madison Square Garden last night, world welterweight champion Ray Robinson said he would be willing to give up his welter
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 122 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday. BRILLIANT batting performances by C. W. A. Murray and I. Ingleton were features of the cricket match played on the V.I. Victoria Institution padang today. The Selangor Club drew with the V.I. Batting first, the Club declared at 175 runs for two.
    122 words
  • 107 11 IPOH, Saturday. RAIN Interrupted play for one hour at tea-time in the Perak State Cricket trial, which started today. R. N. Whitaker's XI. batting first, was soon in trouble and but for a well. -compiled 48 by Ramasamy would have fared badly. The score was 86
    107 words
  • 52 11 NEW YORK. Saturday. IFETERAN Jean Borotra, France's f one-time "Bounding Basque" at the tennis court, failed in bis "come-back' 1 attempt today, in the U.S. indoor championships. Nahan Goldstein a virtual unknown, defeated him 7 5. 6 l tn the second round. Asel Kaufmann defated T. T Bhen.
    52 words
  • 53 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. PLAYING their first Interclub cricket match of the season today, the Selangor Eurasian Association forced a draw against the Selangor Indian Association. Scores: Eurasians 99 for eight (R. La Faber 36); Indians 111 (F. A. L. Gonzaga 28, K. S. Judge 20, La Faber
    53 words
  • 32 11 MELBOURNE, Saturday.—Arthur Morris, maiHng his first England tour, has been chosen with Don Bradman and Lindsay Hassett as Australia's Test team selectors on this summer's tour In ■mtend.— BMtor— AAP.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 256 11 LAST 2 DAYS! SO BETTER MAKE A RUSH FOR IT, FOB YOU'LL MISS A GOOD THING IF YOU MISS THIS!! \\O«T «mO pAV/?oo»Tf »f net m /m» mtAWt »*io«6* 1» S«SW» Wfr*ALro SMITHS 1 itmMimMMmt^Mmm N.B. Owing io v itures length, there will be uuU 1 ikm daily at these
      256 words
    • 344 11 Today Four Shows p> Ay L I Q Kf 1. 30-4-6. 30. 9. 30pm I PHONE! bqO3 me to- tWtOH4u>e*iU Uht accoraing to letter, i Urn .ear red »^**T up mm\\\\\\\^^^k\^^^^^^^^^^^^J^^^VS!t mwm\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\mmr km^ 9 £r Jm ?i3r Special Morning Show Today 11 A.M. Sidney Toler In "SHANGHAI COBRA" TUESDA V-
      344 words
    • 31 11 Last 3 Shows 3, 6.15, 9.15 p m. DANNY KAYE with A LOAD OF LAI(.II in "THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MiTTY 1 In Technicolor Opening To-morrow 1 "TUE MTTI.E roUl"
      31 words

  • 459 12 Strong claims by Sundram Sunday Tiroes Staff Reporter PH ANTES of the Singapore quarter-miler, M. K. Sundram, going to England together with Lloyd Valberg to represent Malaya in the World Olympic Games in July continue to be very strong. Sundram's application to compete in the
    459 words
  • 269 12 T>OWLERS triumphed over batsmen when Singapore D c«>lts and Ceylon Sports Club met in an exciting cricket match at Balestier Plain yesterday. Mayo Pereira of the Colts put up the best bowling performance taking five wickets for 15 runs. The Colts, playing with one short, were
    269 words
  • 136 12 Sunday Times Pahang Sports Correspondent. /CONFINED to Malay peasants in the seven mukims of Raub, the inter-kampong league for the Raja Zainal Azman Shah Cop is unique in Malayan soccer. Twelve teams ha\ entered Gali, Casing, intu Padang, Sega, Sempalit, Kuala Dong, llu Gali, Dong, Batu Talam, Lechar,
    136 words
  • 87 12 rO matches in Singapore Chinese Football Association's Inter-district League were n'ayed off yesterday at Geylang stadium Both resulted in convincing victories. Clemenceau Avenue XI beat Finlayson Green XI by three goals to nil in the first game. Scorers were John Hon (two) and John Low.
    87 words
  • 68 12 NEW YORK, Saturday. THE injury-ridden New York Rangers hockey team today called up Larry "King" Kwong. Chinese wingman, and Ronnie Rowe from the New York Rovers for their important game U>morrow against the Montreal Canadians at Montreal. Kwong's appearance in Rangers' miform will mark
    68 words
  • 76 12 r\ team to represent the Colonials Cricket Club against the Combined Chang! XI at Changi today at 10.45 a.m. will be selected from the following: A. E. Delilkan (capt.), W. Ratnayake, A. F. Fernando, S. Nagiah, B. Doole, F. de Kretser, Frank, Kent, L. Nugara. A. Thiyagarajah,
    76 words
  • 37 12 THE cricket match at Sembawang yesterday, between V.M.C.A. ond R.A.P. Semtwwang, was abandoned because of heavy rain. The R.A.F.. who batted first, had scored 40 runs for one wicket when the game was called off.
    37 words
  • 203 12 "THE Companion Badminton 1 Party of Johore Bahru are running a Junior championship competition Results to date are as follows: Boy Tee beat Keok Kirn 18 16, 15 8; 00l Beng Chwee beat Lim Yew Shin 15—5, 11—15, 15— Roland Ng beat Lim Thian Boon 6—15. 15—12,
    203 words
  • 57 12 NEW YORK. Saturday. HERB McKenley. of Jamaica, won his first 600-yard indoor race I this season when he took the featured event in the Pioneer Club i games last night. His tune was 1 mm. 12 1/10 sec. Tommy Qulnn won the mile in I
    57 words
  • 191 12 Sunday Times Johore Sports Correspondent vtOST important step in the revival of hwn tennis in Johore is the decision of the J(d> c Malays Tennis Association to revive the Iskandar Cup competition, which has not been staged since 1941, when Johore won the trophy for the
    191 words
  • 194 12 Sunday Times Woman Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday. IT" UAL A Lumpur sportswomen hope this year to form the Selangor Women's Sports Federation, embracing all women's sports and all nationalities. First news of this aim was given by the secretary of the Selangor Women's Hockey Association, Miss Winnie
    194 words
  • 698 12 S.A.F.A. 2nd AND 3rd DIV FIXTURES THE second and third divisions of the Singapore Amateur Football Association League will start next week. Following is the first list of Div. II fixtures Monday, March 22: Singapore Chinese Engineering Association v Rovers S.C.. SRC: Kranjl W/T v Singapore District Signals. Fort Canning,
    FT  -  698 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 12 jVii..Mtil'.KS of the Useful Badminton Pairiy photographed on the occasion of the sixteenth anniversary last Sunday.
    16 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 417 12 CUESNS THZATRE IV i v: IM, 6.30. 9.15 p.m. 1" mi 'ph Sott Joan Bennett "r*:E texans" I: s l»vered Wagon Days! X-"<il-t'h;in ;c ••-ii ky' In T chni-olor muMATic joms LOOK AFTER YOUR KIDNEYS. Thosr rheumatic pains, in the ihoulticrs, knee joints, hands and feel, MMfl) tell of tome
      417 words
    • 308 12 A IR PARCEL '"SKfffi^ POST •or any destination witnin Malaya Through any post oH< c c Air surcharge 15c a Ib. Less handling Less breakage Less pilferage MALAYAN AIRWAYS LIMITED (curUlrerg SATISFIES SOLE IMPORTERS THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD. AUSTRALIAN FOOD PARCELS DIRECT FROM AUSTRALIA TO ENGLAND Any number of
      308 words