The Straits Times, 12 March 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 269 1 SI AM WILL APPEASE MALAYS 'Respected Muslims' To Officiate From Our Own Correspondent BANGKOK, Thursday. THE Siamese Government, with a view to appeasement m the four Malay-speaking Provinces of South Siam, will appoint Special Commissioners for each of the Provinces. The Commissioners will be Muslims, "respected" m the Provinces. They
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 1 Lady Killearn. wife of the Special Commissioner, poses for the Straits Times with her daughter, Roiana, and their puppy, Affray. Affray is called after the submarine of that name. Interview m Pare 3.
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  • 106 1 CHICAGO, Thursday. QEVERAL people are believed to have been killed when a Skymaster plane taking off for Miami, with 30 passenaboard. crashed and burnt out on the municipal airport here late last night. The police said the plane in now flur(learea the north-east r («l the
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  • 106 1 CANBERRA, Thursday. MR. J. B. Chifley (Australian Prime Minister) formally announced m the House of Reprsentatives yesterday the proposed Royal visit to Australia early m 1949 and asked for the cooperation of all members to make Australia's welcome "as warm as possible." The Opposition leader (Mr. Robert
    AP  -  106 words
  • 195 1 "Airline Formed By Reds" From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE, Thursday. ALLEGATIONS that several alleged Communists had formed an airline company in Sydney to exploit AustralianIndonesian trade were made by the Deputy Leader of th« Opposition (Mr. E. H. Harrison) in the House of Representatives today. The company, he said, was
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  • 33 1 SANTIAGO. Chile, Thursday.—The small steamer Helvetia sank yesterday m the Carahue River, m Southern Chile, with the loss of more than 50 lives, it was reported officially. A.P.
    AP  -  33 words
  • 290 1 LAKE SUCCESS, Thursday. A DEM AND that the Security Council should investigate conditions m Czechoslovakia was made yesterday m a letter from the chief Czechoslovak delegate (Mr. Jan Papanek). He said he refused tc recognise the legality oJ the present Government. The Secretary-General of tht United Nations
    Reuter  -  290 words
  • 183 1 BAGU1O, Thursday. pONFLJCT between Asian v. and non-Asian blocs on the proposed SouthEast Asia rice committee reached the explosive stage when the Italian delegate (Signor Vittorio Strigari) walked out from the sutv-committee meej-v ing today after a heated verbal clash with the Indian chairman (Mr.
    AP  -  183 words
  • 75 1 BATAVIA, Thursday.— The Indonesian Republican Prime I Minister (Dr. Mohamed Hatta) arrived here today from Jogjakarta, the Republican capital, for talks with the Dutch on thp political settlement of Indonesia. He is to meet the Dutch Lieutenant-Governor-General (Dr. Hubertus van Mook) tomorrow. Dr. Hatta was expected
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  • 208 1 LONDON, Thursday. BRITAIN was unable to accept a note from Guatemala last week disclaiming responsibility for the attack on the British Legation m Guatemala c ty on March 1, the For eign Secretary (Mr Ernest Bevin) told the House of Commons yesterday. The note was delivered to
    Reuter  -  208 words
  • 136 1 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE, Thursday. AMOVE to settle the Queensland railway strike failed this afternoon when the Brisbane Trades Hall Disputes Committee rejected "three-way" terms offered by the Railways Commissioner (Mr. T. Maloney). There were no picketing arrests today and only 12 names were taken
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  • 115 1 OTTAWA. Thursday. The Canadian House of Commons upheld yesterday the refusal of the -Prime Minister (Mr. MacKenzie King) to publish five despatches relating to the fall of Hong Kong which the British Government had asked Canada to keep secret. Mr. MacKenzie King, who told the House
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 314 1 JERUSALEM, Thursday. A HEAVY explosion inside the courtyard of the Jewish Agency Headquarters in Jerusalem today killed 10 Jews and injured 89. The explosion, which shook houses more than a mile away, was followed by a towering pillar of thick smoke hundreds of feet
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  314 words
  • 163 1 Reply On Nee Soon Camp LONDON, Thursday. A PARLIAMENTARY r A ply was given by the War Secretary (Mr. Shniwell) today to a question whether he was aware that conditions at No. 1 British Transit Camp, Singapore (Nee Soon Camp), were far from satisfactory, that some tents were not rainproof
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 29 1 LONDON, Thursday.— Thi> Government announced today a new four-year Anglo-Arm rican film agreement und( r which Britain will revoke her 75 per cent tax on mreign film profits.— U.P.
    UP  -  29 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Cable Flashes
    • 102 2 From Our Own Correspondent NEW YORK, Thursday. •THE Russians have copied a 72-passenger plane from 1 a Super-Fortress interned m the Soviet during the war, says a Boeing Corporation official. The Boeing Corporation manufactures B-29 Super-Fortiesses. The official said that the new Russian TU-70 contained
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    • 103 2 NEW YORK. Thursday. Marshal Stalin has stopped buying drinks for Norman E. Hyams and his friends. Hyams, who destroyed eight Nazi planes on the Murmansk convoy run during the war, was awarded the Russian Order of Glory, and a grant of U5548.21 a year. But the path of Glory
      AP  -  103 words
    • 38 2 NEW YORK, Thursday. The white orchid that topped Princess Elizabeth's wedding cake has been dehydrated and is expected to retain its natural colour and shape for five years, the British Travel Association said here today. A.F.
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    • 35 2 SHANGHAI, Thursday. Daylight saving time will come Into effect m Shanghai from April 1, a decision by the Electricity Supply Commission yesterday is approved The Commission wants to economise on power consumption. Reuter.
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    • 24 2 LONDON. Thursday— Two Southern Electric trains, bound for London Bridge collided outside South Bermonsey station yesterday afternoon. No one was hurt. Reuter.
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    • 32 2 LONDON, Thursday.— The House of Lords yesterday agreed that the co-operation of the United States should be sought m producing a joint Anglo-American history of the Second World War. Reuter.
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    • 68 2 NUREMBERG. Thursday. Imprisonment for life was yesterday imposed by an American war crimes tribuna on Lieutenant General of Police Ulrich Greifelt. for his share m carryine out the Nazi programme of genocide and the kidnapping or foreign children to raise them as Nazis. Sentences of 25 years'
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    • 38 2 NICOSIA, Cyprus, Thursday. A Seafury aircraft, one of four being delivered to the Iraqi Government, crashed on taking off from Nicosia yesterday and burst into flames. The pilot escaped unhurt, but the plane was destroyed. AP.
      AP  -  38 words
    • 51 2 BRUSSELS, Thursday —The Executive Committee of the International Tin Study Group met here yesterday. The delegation representing the United States, Brit-» aln, Prance, Bolivia, Holland and Belgium drafted a schedule for discussing tin production. The delegates also made arrangements to hold another conference m April m Washington.
      AP  -  51 words
    • 31 2 MASSACHUSETTS, Thursday.—A "fairly strong" earthquake, 9,000 miles from Boston m the "vicinity of the East Indies" was recorded on the Boston College seismograph at 19.07 GMT. on Tuesday.— AP.
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    • 29 2 CAIRO, Thursday. Dr. Charles C. Adams, aged 05, Dean of the School of Oriental Studies m the American University m Cairo, died yesterday of cerebral haemorrhage. UP.
      UP  -  29 words
    • 45 2 WASHINGTON, Thursday. The world's biggest bomb, a 21-ton missile, was dropped m a test at Mauge base, Californla on Wednesday. It carried no explosives. The US. Army sought to determine the rate of fall and how deeply it would penetrate the earth. AP.
      AP  -  45 words
    • 59 2 WASHINGTON, Thursday. San Francisco became the third United States port with authority to maintain a cus-toms-free foreign trade zone yesterday. New York and New Orleans are the others. San Francisco port officials plan to open the zone within 90 days. They look forward to an eventual Uj5.555,000,000 world trade
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    • 66 2 BRIGHTON, Thnndty— "No Orchids for Miss Blandish," played at the Dolphin Theatre m Brighton, was a knockout. In the first act an actor named John Pagan had to show anguish fey banging his head on the floor. He knocked him unconscious. In a second act fight scene the
      AP  -  66 words
    • 61 2 MOSCOW. Thursday. It was reported by Tass yesterday -that there has been mass poisoning of Japanese in Tokio from defective American food. The agency claims that the Americans are doing everything to hush up the matter. Tass said Japanese journalistic circles affirm that in Tokio alone there have
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    • 38 2 LAKE SUCESS, Thursday.— Brigadier General Carlos Romulo will head the Philippines delegation at the Geneva conference on Freedom of Information on March 23 Only a minority of newtpaper men are among representatives so far announced. A.P.
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    • 38 2 MANILA. Thursday. The proposed creation of a central bank of the Philippines was unanimously endorsed by Manila bankers. Including foreign bankers, through the Manila Bank Clearing Association at a meeting here .restex day IUu Ur
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 760 2 NOTICES S.S. GOVT. 3% 1940 WAR LOAN (1952-1959) Notice is hereby given that the transfer register of the above loan will be closed from the l«th to 3 1st March. 1948. both days Inclusive, for the preparation of Interest Warrants. HonRkong Shanghai Banking Corporation, Singapore. PERAK TURF CLUB EASTER 1948
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    • 307 2 NOTICES PAN-MALAYAN HONGKONG UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. The Annual Re-union Dinner and Dance will take place on Saturday. 27th March, 194 ft, at 8 p m. at the Lee Wong Kee Garden Cafe. Kuala Lumpur. Alumni m the Federation oi Malaya and Singapore are requested to notify me on or before
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    • 643 2 NOTICES AUCTION SALE m MOTOR VESSEL 'WEST WIND' to be held at Nor 4, 4-1, Collyer Quay. Spore. On THURSDAY 18TH MARCH, IMB at 11 a.m. The "West Wind" is a motor vessel, exceptionally strongly -ullt of Kauri timber, copper sheated to the waterline. with 120 H.P. National Diesel main
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    • 696 2 NOTICES SINGAPORE IMPROVEMENT TRUST Tenders are Invited for supply roonng sheets and flat asbsstos roofing sheets and fiat asbestos sheets for 24 Shops at Kirn Keat Road. Tender Form, etc., may be obtained at the Office of the Trust on payment of a deposit of $100 which will be refunded
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    • 69 2 ROYAL SOCIETY OF ST. GEORGE Singapore Branca) At the General meeting of the above Society held on 6th. March it was decided to celebrate St. Oeonre Day 1948 with a Dinner and Dance at the Raffles Hotel on Thur** 0 Provisional reservations can now be made and applications for membership
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    • 262 2 -—UNSURPASSED— A TURBULENT LOVE-STORY AS TREMENDOUS AS THE SUEZ CANAL! Hi Wtw m TYRONE LORETTA POWER YOUNG ANNABELL/L A 20th Century-Fox Plo.ure NOW SHOWING immm Air-cooled %3 JLi Phone 40 1! HHaR c jy Special Morning Show Tomorrow 11 A.M. THE CORSICAN BROTHERS" Entire Proceeds to the T.AJW.Y.F. Fund TOMORROW
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  • 322 3 Suicide News Was Held Back PRAGUE, Thursday. A STATE funeral with full military honours is to be given to Dr. Jan Masaryk, 61-year-old Czech Foreign Minister and the son of Thomas Masaryk, founder of the Czech Republic, who jumped to his death from a window early
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 3 rrteetH fciizabeth watching men aloft string sails when they visited the New Zealand four-masted barque Pamir lying m Shadwell Basin, London. Cant. H. S. Collier of the Pamir is on the right Rota Picture.
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  • 166 3 QENTENCE of five years' •J rigorous imprisonment and 12 strokes of the rotan was imposed on a young Chinese, Tan Ah Keat, alias Tan Ah Kee by Mr. Justice Jobling at the Singapore Assizes yea terday. Tan was found guilty of committing armed robbery of three
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  • 184 3 MR. S. C. Goho, an Independent candidate for the Rural West, yesterday termed the Malayan Democratic Union's stand on the elections "a dog-in-the-manger policy." He was replying to a statement reported to have been made by Mr. Gerald De Cruz of the M.D.U. that Mr. Goho 1
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  • 583 3 Income Tax "Sore Point" flNE of the main grounds for the opposition to the introduction of income tax in Malaya was "the apparent extravagance" in Government departments, which still remained a sore point with the merchant community. This was stated by the Chief Manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking
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  • 54 3 INDONESIA— THE BRIGHT SPOT' SAN FRANCISCO. Thursday. "Indonesia, if the peace agreement sticks, is one bright spot on earth today." said Mr. Walter A. Foote, American Consul General m Batavia, yesterday. In normal times, he said, exports were four times the amount of imports. Today, tremendous progress had been made
    UP  -  54 words
  • 121 3 TODAY Y.M.C.A.. Malay classes, 8, Port Canning Road, 9 a.m., 10 a.m. and 5.30 p.m.. Pioneers meeting, 11, Leonle Hill Road, 4 p.m. Y.M.C.A., Orchard Road, commercial classes, 5.30 p.m.. Free lending library, 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., recital of recorded music 8 j. m. Birthday celebration of
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  • 533 3 By Our Woman Correspondent THE women of Malaya have played a big part m 1 their country's recovery," Lady Killearn told me m a special interview yesterday. "I am sure they will continue to do so m the interesting years of development that follow." Lord
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  • 107 3 CANBERRA, Thursday. rE Immigration Minister (Mr. Arthur Calwell) stated in the House of Representatives that Australian wives of Malay seamen returned to Singapore would be assisted to join their husbands when shipping was easier and the husbands had indicated that they could provide accommodation. In the meantime,
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  107 words
  • 418 3 fliE acting honours of the Stage Club's production of Daphne dv Maurier's Rebecca" definiteiy go to the three ladies of the cast —Margaret Gimson, Dorothy Morrell and Beryl Mullin. Margaret Gimson's characterisation of the shy, childish second Mrs. de Winter was very convincing, especially f r her
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 370 3 OPENING TO-DAT 3 SHOWS— 3. 6.15 A 9.15 p.m. DANNY KAYE m THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY' In Trfhnirolor To-morrow at Mid-nlte "PIRATES OF MONTEREY" In Technicolor QUEENS THEATRE Daily: 3 00. 6 30. 9.15 p.m. REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR' Saturday at Mid-night All Malayan Prrtnirre "DANIEL BOONE" (.KHI WORLD
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    • 129 3 "I Also Want to Play the Piano-Accordion" Wf Ha Hlf dS'SB* i fiSH Mew Shipment of the Magnificent Flli-Scandalli Piano- Accord ions" Arrived Ml Sizes Available. Very Low I'ricrs. SOLE AGENTS: MUSIC INSTITUTION FOORMAN Head Office: 126, Orchard Road. 2nd Floor. Tel. 473!). Singapore. Cable address: FOORMAN SINGAPORE Branch: No.
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  • 773 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Fri.. Mar. 12, 1948. THE RAILWAY DOLLARS One matter which has caused a good deal of criticism and dissatisfaction among the planting community in Malaya is the Government scheme for using part of the proceeds of the sale of the Death Railway to relieve destitution, hardship
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  • 42 4 Dr. 8 D Luther. Di«J oo "12. Ever lovlr-gly rerd. Mrs. St Miss Luther. In proud and lovlnjr memory of oi'r beiov d father, Dr. J.D. Perin. UDM on 12th March. 1943. in frted bv Sibil, Ruby. Cecil, u-.d Lewis.
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  • 289 4 Village Halls On The Island Those who know how many social activities of English country life are centred m the village hall must have read with special interest a report published m our columns last Tuesday which revealed that a similar movement is beginning on Singapore Island. The village committees
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  • 51 4 m oraer to settle an argu- merit over the use of our editorial scissors, we reproI duce on this page today the leading article from the London Sunday Times of February 22, together with another letter from a reader who suspects dirty work at the cross-road* m Cecil
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  • 1516 4 The Modern Straits Chines 2 Girl In Politics MORE PUNCH AND PULCHRITUDE Those of our readers whose memories go back to the girls of Chap Goh Meh m bygone Singapore will perhaps agree that the literary quality ot this article by a 21 -year-old girl of the Straits-born Chinese community—
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  • 530 4 DEFENCE AND THE NATION IN the financial year 1948-49 the Armed Forces of this country will be cut by 224,000 in numbers and £200 millions in cost. Allowing for higher prices, the Service Estimates imply that the substantial provision for defence will fall by one-quarter between this year and next.
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  • 334 4 AFTER reading: UK's letter m your Saturday issue and your editorial note thereto, I took the trouble to re -read your leading article to which the letter referred. Your excerpt from the London paper, as quoted, certainly led me to believe that that paper approved of the policy which it
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 699 4 CLASS! PIED ADVERTISEMENTS < ItiRsified Smalb N 'per line Mia Charge W I'ublic Notices Sim oei tingle column tnefc. l*<T«nnal Domestic net line Mia Charge fit. ;:t icttrr* m etmmtm n: line tdvrriMrmenU m«> fet MM fc? > r mptnN by r>wltl«MrHi t i tut rotation Xtlephon* 44r«r •nt Miriftr
      699 words
    • 128 4 MORE RECORDS bT th« L«t« RICHARD TAUBER. W0 BectUM Bird Songs at Bventide 116 Serenade (Student Princ*) Romb of Picardy 940 Will you Remember? Bon< of Songs •45 Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life Smllln' Through 546 loves Old Sweet Song One night at Love 416 My Hero Serenade from Prajquita
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    • 66 4 Fellow institute Ophthalmic Opticians (Engi Fellow Worshipful Co of Spectacle Makers (Eng) Freeman of the City of London By Appointment to H. M. Forces. S E.Asia 6 RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE PHONE «-0642 NOTE! HARVEY COS new address after March 13th: NO. 3 ORCHARD ROAD, SINGAPORE. Oi ».l UlEO' .A_N J>
      66 words

  • 250 5 Food Complaints On St. John's XHE Singapore Chinese Consul-Genera]- (Dr. Wu Paak-shing) yesterday visited 900 Chinese immigrants quarantined on St. John's Island, m order to investigate certain complaints alleging bad living conditions. The immigrants complained they were on the "verge of starvation and falling sick because
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 5 'Hie Special Commissioner in South-east Asia, Lord Killearn. sines "Auld Lang Syne" at a farewell party given at the Braddell Rise staff hostel Singapore on Wednesday night On Lord Killearn's right is Mrs. A. Wright, Registry Clerk, and on his left Mrs. D. Forbes. Establishment and Welfare Officer.— Straits Times
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  • 382 5 MR. Yap Pheng Geek and Mr. Rowland Lyne hist night charged the! .-.pie of Singapore with "snobbery, a lack of sin rty, and a wrong sensp of values." s,4r Yap is president of the •s Chinese British Asson. Mr. Lyne. general serjr ot the Young Men's C
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  • 79 5 Two Chinese trishaw riders, Teo Ah Puay and Low Ah Puang. were yesterday sentenced to 16 monihs' and four months' ricorous imprisonment respectively by the Fourth District Judge (Mr H. A. Forrer) for occupying a house used for the administration of morphine injections Detectives on Feb. 4.
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  • 286 5 WELCOMING a vanguard of 1,100 officers and men of the Gurkha Regiment m Singapore yesterday, the Governor of Singapore (Sir Franklin Gimson) said that their "bravery and skill m war was acknowledged all over the world Six Royal Air Force Spitfires flew over the troopship Strathnaver
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  • 97 5 The Office of the Representative of the Indian Government in Malaya will issue today full details of the ceremonies to be observed when Mahatma Gandhi's ashes reach Singapore. Latest news is that the ashes will arrive on Monday by air from New Delhi. The Governor of
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  • 150 5 Singapore's Scout Rally Tomorrow rVO thousand scouts Chinese, Malay, Indian. Eurasian and Europeanwill hold their annual Boy Scouts Association Rally at Jalan Besar at 4.15 p.m tomorrow. A highlight of the programme will be the ceremonial inauguration of the youngest scout troop on the island, the 32nd from the Thomson
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  • 231 5 A FILIPINO Special Constable yesterday wept at the funeral of an Indian Special Constable, whom he had accidentally shot on Tuesday while both were on guard at the Hongkong Bank. The dead constable, 20-year-old C. S. Dasen, was buried at Chua Choo Kang Cemetery with police honours,
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  • 281 5 Actor's Death Mystery THE inquest on Lee Kirn Wah, a Chinese wayang actor, whose body was found m a disused air raid shelter at mile &VtBukit Timah Road, on Feb. 20, was resumed yesterday and was further adjourned till March 19 pending the post-mortem report. Koh Lian. owner of the
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  • 92 5 Singapore police at dawn ve^tvday raided a dimming Street Chinese temple, where they arrested nine Chinese MM seized three loaded pistols hidden m the ceiling. Headed by Inspector A. Ratnasingam, of the Central Police Station, the party of armed detectives and plainclothes men detained five
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  • 80 5 The Bishop of Singapore (tht Rt. Rev. J. L. Wilson) will broadcast from Radio Malaya, on Sunday at 9.45 p.m., an appea] for funds In aid of two causes. The first is to enable the purchase of a wireless set for the children in the
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  • 189 5 From Our Staff Correspondent PENANG, Thursday. A FORMER member of: the original Federal Council, Mr. R. P. Brash, died m the General Hospital here yesterday at the age of 80. The late Mr. Brash was one of the oldest European residents m Malaya. He
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  • 100 5 Ref orms In Prisons XHE Governor has autho riscd the Singapore Prison Inquiry Commis sion to inquire into "the reformative treatment of offenders of all classes and ages." This was announced in the Government Gazette last night. Under the new notification. the Commission is also empowered to inquire into the
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  • 221 5 MR. R. Jumabhoy last night expressed "regret that during the post- war period, the Indian Association has grown subservient to the Malayan Indian Congress, controlled from Kuala Lumpur by Ceylonese." Mr. Jumabhoy was speaking at the first post-war dinner of the Indian Association, of which he is a
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  • 69 5 THE Rational j u.flo-r. Sinj;ap,ire. ha. exten .<-ri the dMbw date lo;- \o..ntary suirenden.i"; ol to.. ration cards fro n Marco 15 to .Vlarch 22. Thf extended B«r*4Nl i. Icing given m ri Ml «>i lite lar^e queues eollei n,, at the rationin o .lire an I
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  • Malayan Round-up
    • 113 5 Neighbours Help Hold-u p Vict im s NEIGHBOURS responded to shouts for help from II the occupants of a house in Rowel I Rocd, whim had been entered by four masked gunmen early yt t.rdav. i one of the neighbours went off m a car to sum mon a police
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    • 78 5 KUALA LUMPUR.—Postal charges for parcels posted m Malaya for' delivery m the Federation.' Singapore, North Borneo, Sa-1 rawak or Brunei will be m- j creased from Monday. For parcels not exceeding three pounds, the new charge will be 50 cents while heavier parcels will be charged as
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    • 89 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs Government is expected to make an announcement during the next few days on the question of "relief asked for by a deputation of clerical and other Government employees who interviewed the Chief Secretary yesterday. The deputation, it is understood, asked for immediate relief pending a
      89 words
    • 83 5 i^ UALA LUMPUR, Thurs1\ day.—An "unprecedented rush on the part of the public to have illegal rice cards cancelled waa reported by the Controller of Supplies (Mr. O. H. R. Beadles) today. Latest figures indicated that cancellations were taking place at the rate of 2,000 cards a
      83 words
    • 49 5 ALOR STAR. Thursd ft Six appoinirr.' ata *i;v be:n mad<> to the Ktoah avid Price Con'rol Ad-. Committee for this rear They are Dr. I S Abraham, Tuan Syed Jan Hall Ay Jaafar. Mr Khoo E.v r Buan. Mrs. K. H. Robinson B«ld Chi Mohamed Khir Johnri
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    • 74 5 An Ipoh Malay. Inche Omar b;n S. Kassim. a first-year student at Raffles Cotege. will leave Singapore next week to study med-cine at the University of Western Australia, Perth. Inche Omar is the son of Dr S. Kassim. Ipoh doctor. He received his early education at
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    • 73 5 The Australian Government is appointing an agent m Singajore to handle the stora; and distribution of Australian eggs m Sin?apoie. fol! an egg contract with I Britain. This was announce J m Sydney during the end An official m the office if the Australian Trade Comrr
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 165 5 Safejresh-tasting MILK! SAYS ELSIE. y^vS^fc^ (JV^^v m borden cow A^lKiiriS^ vf r^\y *<«*«■ GETZ BROS. A CO. LTD Sutfaporc. Int Cop Res Corp 1942 Borden Co PRANG BESAR RUBBER ESTATE LTD. ISOLATION GARDEN SEED Pri€t Ex Estate. ill PB 1 O Seed (lor* V mi V t$ MnU per seed.
      165 words
    • 101 5 Marmot FOLDING BABY CARRIAGE Chromium Reversible Handles with Long Rubber Handle Grips. Quickrelease Wheels with Chromium Hubs and 1 m. Sorbo Tyres, Footbrake, Safety Body Belts and Chromium Adjustable Hood Joints. MARMET FOLDER $125.0" CANOPY FRAMES for above $15.09 MATTRESSES for above $6.00 TRAVEL WARE TRAVELLING 20" LEATHER SUIT CASES
      101 words

  • 1475 6 'Most Serious Reverse In The War Against Japan LONDON, Thursday. FROM the strategic point of view, the loss of Burma was the most serious Allied reverse m the war against Japan, according to Field-Marshal Lord Wavell m official despatches released by the War Office today.
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  • 316 6 Allies Shot Down Five To One LONDON, Thursday. ALLIED planes in the Pi. first Burma campaign of the last war shot down five Japanese aircraft foi each Allied one lost. This fact is brought out in the story of that air campaign, told by Air Vice-Mar-shal D. F. Stevenson, British
    Reuter  -  316 words
  • 276 6 From Our Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Thursday. TWO Indian members of the Federal Council today said that the majority of the Indian community did not approve of the Malayan Indian Congress's policy on the new constitution for Malaya. They are Mr. P P. Narayanan, an M.I.C. member
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  • 83 6 A verdict of death by misadventure was returned by the Singapore Coroner (Mr. K. K. Oon) who yesterday inquired into a fatal accident in front of the Shackle Club in which a motor cyclist, Toh Kim Hong, was thrown off the machine which caught fire According
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 243 6 DAY NIGHT NIGHT DAY EVERYBODY? SINGING SEEING IT AT THE AIR-CONDITIONED NOSES' N.B. Ov. v i.) iß| )< oi i>lm i'»vic will oe onJy 4 vhows daily at these revised times: 11 A.M.— t P.M.— 6.15 P.M.— 9.15 P.M. TOMORROW AT M'NITE (Mil. B DeMILLE'S SWEEPING SPECTACLE THE CRUSADES" with
      243 words
    • 452 6 |g| MAERSK LINE VWllMOjagSr A. t. MoDet Genera) A ents id USA: Copenhagen MolW Steamship Co. mo New York (Incorporated In Denmark) 'Incorporated In O S A» M/S LEISE MAERSK (SINGAPORE MARPH m i»« LOADING IN (P. SWETTCN) 17th 'penang m£z**!! direct past service via suez FOB BOSTON. NEW KORK.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 299 6 RADIO MALAYA S PORE I TTT I the Canyon; 10.50 Forces' Prom HIGHLIGHTS <8ee BBC >; ciose. 1 p.m. Raymond Scott Orchestra; 1.40 City of Coventry Brass RADIO MALATA (STORE) RADIO AUSTRALIA %£S2^ f^vrSSS S^?"?*: Mozart's Concerto for Vio- tralian Ne W6; 10 40 Light Encement* 8.30 Friday Prom 9^b
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  • 437 7 LONDON STOCKS LONDON, Thursday. TEXTILES appreciated sharply in the London stock markets yesterday after publication of the Government surrey of the economic situation. Gains up to 2s. were widespread. Lancashire cotton jumped 2s to 43s. Coasts were is. higher at C2s 3d, says Renter's financial correspondent. Elsewhere there was little
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  • 104 7 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Thursday. rpHE Singapore share market was again quiet today, with a 1 small volume of business transacted in Tins at lower prices. Industrials were mainly steady. Changes in quotations given by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: INDUSTRIALS Buyer Sdler B.B. Petrol 41/0 Gammon
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  • 85 7 The directors of the Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China, at the annual stock-holders' meeting m London on Mar. 24, will recommend a final dividend of seven per cent subject to income tax. This will make a total dividend of 12 per cent for 1947. The
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  • 158 7 TWE price of rubber m 1 Singapore eased by quarter of a cent yesterday. The local market reacted m sympathy with the easier prices prevailing m New York. Moderate business wac reported by brokers. Towards the end of the day the market steadied on moderate trade
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  • 64 7 NEW YORK. Thursday—Stocks rose m the first advance of the week yesterday Aircrafts, Rail? and selected Oils, Utilities and Chemicals were prominent. Gains of fractions to over two predominated. Strength of Grains, improved electric power production, favourable earnings and dividends strengthened sentiment. Dow Jones Average* Mar 8 afar.
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  • 17 7 I Talam Mines Ltd. tin-ore output for the month of February was 350 piculs.
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  • 233 7 From A Market Correspondent THE pepper market yester1 day rose for' the third time during the week on some good inquiries from South American countries. Interest was confined to black pepper. The outlook m sago flour continued good on the Singapore produce markets. Supplies for spot dealings. however,
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  • 49 7 Austral Malay Tin Limited announce the following February returns: Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging Limited 597 hours run; 112.000 cubic yards dug; 450 piculs of ore recovered. Austral Amalgamated Tin Limited (Ulu Yam section) 534 hours run; 135,000 cubic yards dug; 950 piculs of ore recovered.
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  • 19 7 The following February rubber crops are announced, m lbs: Buklt KaUl Estates 31.970 Ayer Molek 19,307
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 706 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. (locorDorated id Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS FROM UK. AND U.S.A. •Trn« 14*4- From IT. X Gdn. 40 -Mene«.thear ...From UK Gnd. IS -r.Mnrui" Dat from Dl. Mar. 14 "\lrinoas" Das from USA Mar. 21 "GlenaglV Da* from U X Mar. 30 SAILINGS FOR LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW AND
      706 words
    • 256 7 PRESIDENT LINE SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON ▼ia INDIA EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Freight Only MARINE LEOPARD Singapore Arr. Mar. 22 P. Slam Mar. 38 Penang Mar. M FURMAN VICTORY Singapore Arr. Mar. 33 Penang Mar. 39 IYKES ORIENT LINE firect to HOUSTON MOBILE. NEW ORLEANS Limited Passenger Space Available
      256 words
    • 220 7 Shippers aad others Interested m Shipping Intelligeaee are lefeired 1* adTertlsemenU m Col 7 aad f opposite page and to Shipping Notices on Page 2 "TREVAYLOR" Loads for GENOA. MARSEILLES. LONDON and CONTINENTAL Ports ria LONDON. HAMBURG. ANTWERP and ROTTERDAM tt safßctent inducement offers Arrives Singapore 19th March. Sails Singapore
      220 words
    • 685 7 ELLERMAN KLAVENESS BUCKNALL PACIFIC PORTS LONDON BOBGAIWIILt ANTWFRp All 1 f? L1\I Dw Gdn. 415 14 Mar. 15 Mar. Sails 13 Mar. 14 Mar. IS Mar. "CITY OF KHARTOUM" roseville «-fi-~ Z .o S: McALISTER CO., LTD. (Incorooratea in SmirmDore) PHONE 590P BOUSTEAD CO LTD. LLOYDS AGENTS Agents for Aialayo
      685 words

  • 741 8 KING MIDAS READY FOR IST WIN Hints From K.L. Training From EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. DEST time at this morning's winding-up gallops u was returned by Lynchburg (J. Donnelly) and King Midas (Spencer), who clocked 37 2/5 seconds for three furlongs. Darnok (Jeffers), who was out on his own,
    741 words
  • Article, Illustration
    50 8 A melee m the G.H.Q. Signals' goalmouth during the Singapore Amateur Football Association First Division League match played at Jalan Besar stadium on Wednesday. (hyp Hee. the Tiger S.A. wing forward, takes a shot as Taylor, the Signals' goalkeeper, rushes out to clear. The Tigers won four-nil. Straits Times photograph.
    50 words
  • 94 8 THE Royal Air Force Changi Yacht Club will hold its second post-war regatta on Sunday. Besidea the Changi club, the R.S.Y.C. and the R.A.F. Seletar, H.M.S. Terror, Far East Land Forces, 19 Air Formation Signals and Naval Base yacht clubs will participate.. It is expected that a
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  • 293 8 PLAYING with several changes in their team, the R.A.F. Seletar gave an Improved display to beat the Malay Football Association surprisingly by two goals to one in an S.A.F.A. First Division League fixture at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The game was marred by rough
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  • 35 8 The Singapore Swimming Club water polo team defeated a side from H M.S. London at Tarjong Rhu yesterday evenin? The Club displayed marked superiority, winning by eight goals to nil
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  • 58 8 The following will represent the Singapore Khalsa Association against the Singapore Cricket Club at cricket on the padang tomorrow at 2 p.m.: Solakhan Singh. Choor Singh Ram Singh. Kuldip Singh. Harfliaran Singh. M. B. Sing!.. Mewa Singh. Patel. Wazir Singh Tharam Singh and Sewa Singh Reserves: G. K.
    58 words
  • 61 8 The McKenzie Road XI defeated the Jellicoe Road team by three goals to one in the Singapore Chinese Football Association League match played at the O«ylang Stadium yesterday. The McKenzie XI were awarded two penalties, both of which Ah Bee converted. The other goal was scored by
    61 words
  • 54 8 S.A.B.A TOURNEY A;, amateur fcoxer* who wish to u;irt:rr?:it« in the Singapore Ami•e ir Boxing Association open I .< nships to be held at the Happy World arena earlv next month are requested to submit their names and weight* to Mr L Dun* ford r o Sorial Welfare Department. Sinqat>orr
    54 words
  • 184 8 "THE Penang griffins which 1 1 raced at the Leap Year Meeting have been! placed m class 4. Latest amendment list issued by the Straits Racing Association is as follows New Classifications —class 1: Clynor. Couplan, High Street; class 2: Maraglass, Longchamps (late Any When), Royal
    184 words
  • 53 8 BOSTON. Mass.. ThursdayFormer world heavyweight champion Jack Dempsey today said he favours legislation stipulating that a boxer who has been knocked out could not fight again for 60 days. Dempsey said he was m "heavy accord' with the BUI filed m the Massachusetts Legislature providing for
    UP  -  53 words
  • 669 8 By ALLEYNIAN THE fields for the forthcoming Selangor races are not so large as we have been accustomed tc during the past few meet ings, and very few horse? are new to local racegoer. 5 In Class 1, all have been seen out and are familiar
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  • 73 8 CHICAGO, Thursday. JERSEY Joe Walcott, el challenger for the world's heavyweight title, won a close decision from Austin Johnson of Atlantic City, New Jersey, m a four-round exhibition match. It was Walcott's first appearance since he lost a split decision to the champion, Joe Louis, last
    UP  -  73 words
  • 139 8 WREXHAM, WALES Thursday. WALES beat Ireland by two goals to nil before a capacity crowd of 32,000 here yesterday, and now stand a chance of winning the international soccer championship. If England loses to Scotland at Hampdeu Park Glasgow, on April 10, Wales will carry off
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 27 8 WOLVERHAMPTON, Thursday. So well-matched were the Army and Royal Air Force soccer teams m the inter-Services match here yesterday that no goals were scored. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 38 8 The Singapore Harbour Board Auxiliary Police won a thrilling soccer match at Pulau Brani yesterday They beat the Pulau Branl Sports Club by a solitary goal scored by Morrissey off a cornerkick taken by McGhie.
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  • 35 8 The soccer match which was to have been played between the St. Joseph's Institution and the Christian Brothers Old Boys yesterday at the St. Joseph's Institution ground was cancelled because of rain.
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  • 326 8 A G. B. Pakir entered the semi-finals of the men's singles championship when he surprisingly scored an easy victory over Yadi in the Singapore Lawn Tennis Association's indoor tournament at the Happy World last night. Pakir scored some good points with neat and fast placings,
    326 words
  • 72 8 TODAY SOCCER: S.A FA. League. W». I—Rovers S.C. v. I A.. Jalan Besar Stadium. p.m Mansfield XI v. Socony \.< Geylang Stadium, 5.15 p.m.: Kota Raia Dub 9. Kr-in'i Wireless Station XI. Vi. lorii School ground. 5.15 pin I.C.C. -A"' v Chun« t heng High School, padang. 5.15
    72 words
  • 554 8 76 Entries For Malayan Badminton Championsh ips From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. A TOTAL of 76 entries have been received for the Malayan badminton championships to be held at the Victoria Institution hall from March 26 to Man h 29. A notable absentee from the women's singles, doubles
    554 words
  • 99 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Thu.\s. THE question of forming a Pan-Malayan Board of Boxing Control WM raised at the annual general meeting of the Selargor Boxing Association held here last night. The Board, as suggested, will comprise the Selangor, Perak and Penang
    99 words
  • 146 8 The Tiger Sporting Association will hold a trial game at the Jalan Besar Stadium* on Sunday at 4 p.m. for the purpose of select in? a team for the S. A. F. A. Second Division League. The following players are requested to be present at
    146 words
  • 22 8 The Singapore Indian Association beat the Union Jack Club at table tennis by seven earnes *o nil on Wednesday.
    22 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 590 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from Pane 4) FOR SALE REAL INDIAN Lamb Coat, threequarter length, brown, $400. Please rcplv to Box A2181. S.T. < >H SALE ADA. Washing r.achme in good condition with on. brand n w spare unit. Apply Box No. A2172, S.T. O R A N D PIANO Rachals*
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous