The Straits Times, 10 March 1948

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 614 1 U.K. Report On State Of Nation LONDON, Tuesday. BRITAIN must use Marshall aid— if it comes in sustaining her working strength and efficiency and developing new sources of supply rather than merely providing greater ease and comfort for her people. This is the conclusion
    Reuter; AP  -  614 words
  • Article, Illustration
    47 1 Capt. Richard W. Ruble, D.8.N., commanding officer of the 27.000- ton aircraft carrier Valley Force, flagship of Rear-Admiral Harold Martin. \d:iiiral Harold Martin, of the United States Navy, whoso Task Force 38 is now m Singapore on a <uurtcs\ visit. His flagship is tho aircraft carrier Valley
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  • 58 1 SHANGHAI, Tuesday. I 'IVIL Air Transport V- revealed this morning that one of its planes fired on by two planes bearing the Russian insifcn a while flying from Mukden to Tsingtao. There were, however, no casualties or damage. The plane reached Tsingtao sately Gen. Claire E.
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 48 1 BRUSSELS. Tuesday. A of the International Tin Study Group, which should have taken place in Brussels yesterday, wa« postpored until tomorrow. It was officially announced last night. It was stated that some of the delegates to the conference had not yet arrived In Brussels.— A.P.
    AP  -  48 words
  • 88 1 ROME. Tuesday.— Rome police, acting on the request of the Vatican, today arrested Edoardo Cipplco, a priest who escaped from the Vatican last Wednesday after being unfrocked and detained on charges of "falsifications and swindles." He was arrested in a Rome flat and held at Rome police
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  • 106 1 SHANGHAI. Tuesday. CHINESE ammunition dump exploded at today, levelling a city block and causing 250 casualties. An estimated 100 were killed United States Navy informabtl here said the explosion >tcurred jusi Defore noon within half a mile of docks where U.S. warship are tied There were
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 1 Mrs. Mary Hordern, fashion editress of Australian Women's Weekly (left) and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Packer, wife of the proprietor of the paper, who arrived m Sinrapore yesterday by Constellation from Australia. They are on their way to Paris to buy dresses, shoes and hats for the French fashion parade
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  • 401 1 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. BOTH President Truman and Gen. MacArthur said yesterday that they would stand as candidates in the approaching American Presidential election if they were nominated. President Truman made his declaration through the Democratic national chairman. Senator Howard McGrath. Special edition* of Tokio newspapers came
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  401 words
  • 47 1 LONDON, Tuesday.— lt was announced from Buckingham Palace last night that the Duke of Edinburgh had accepted the freedom of Edlnbureh and that a public ceremony would take place as soon as the Duke s naval duties permitted, possibly m the late autumn. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 158 1 LONDON, Tuesday. Fwas learned at Buckingham Palace today that the outward voyage of the King and Queen to New Zealand and Australia early next year would be via the Panama Canal. The Suez Canfcl would not be used for the Royal voyages, it was stated.
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 95 1 BANGKOK, Tuesday. Siamese officials said today that reports of a clash on the Siamese-Malayan border were "possibly correct". The spokesman said they haa no definite information regarding Singapore radio reports of incidents in the border provinces, but added that they did know that Siamese police had pursued
    AP  -  95 words
  • 30 1 GERMISTON, Transvaal. Tuesday.— One European and nine African miners were missing today after a "bump —pressure burst followed by a land subsidence— in a Witwatersrand gold mine last night.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 133 1 Prom Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE, Tuesday. THE Queensland Government introduced tonight, and 1 hopes to pan through an stages by the morning, a biU giving thTpottc* drastic anti-picketing powers in thVrecent emergency regulations. Sergeants and above will have the power to direct people away from their
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  • 83 1 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE, Tuesday Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Company (Australia) Ltd.. reports record sales and a record net profit for the year ended Dec. 31. A net profit of £300,683 after providing £225,000 for taxation (year before £*****7 and £321,000.) was made. The ordinary dividend
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  • 244 1 Royal Malayan Navy Plans Almost Ready A COMMITTEE is at present working out the details of the Malayan Royal Navy, a Government spokesman told the Straits Times yesterday. This follows the announcement m the House of Commons on Monday of Malaya's decision to create her first permanent naval force. A
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  • 38 1 The speaker addressing the International Women's Day was incorrectly described m Page 1 of yesterday's Straits Times as Mrs. P. Sen Gupta. She was Mrs. S. V. Thamarai Kanl. president of the Indian Women's Democratic Union.
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  • 181 1 Shooting Incident In Vienna VIENNA, Tuesday. T*HE United States Army 1 authorities in Vienna said yesterday that Pte. Jack Grunden, aged 18, was shot in the back on Sunday night after refusing to obey a Russian order to get off a pavement into the gutter in front ol a Russian
    AP; UP  -  181 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 22 1 I iLEGAHI JEWELLERY p. h. hendry; JEWCIXEK I witt mi EBtaMfatod M*Ura-wtt* K**atatton. TO. North Brtdx* Boa*. Biut»pf« fM MtTHTOWCoro iro LUMMN
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    • 26 1 A VTt/ j MIGHT RAIIO COMPHY J 301 Orchard Road. Sincapoic Quality] decides the choice /^**s%&?V of VEGETABLES for your Households... O^^f IHtYKf BITTIK Xl COLD
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 758 2 NOTICES SINGAPORE POLO CLUB. Annual general meeting 1745 hours IS March. PoJo Ground. Thomson Road, all Members are requeued to attend^ NOTICE Notice is hereby given that FREDERICK JACOB ISAAC of 40 Oxley Road. Singapore. Is ar>pl lnp to the Governor for naturalisation, and that any perv ho knows any
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    • 316 2 NOTICES KUALA LUMPUR TOWN BOARD. The closing date of the tenders for the supply and installation of vehicle actuated traffic lights at the junctions of Batu Road and Mountbatten Road and Malacca Street. Mountbatten Road and the embankment has been extended from noon of 11th March, 1948, to noon of
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    • 91 2 ABERDALE CYCLE Co., Ltd. I An Old Favourite Back Again to give A. 7. Service Ladies Model also Available BRITISH MADE THROUGHOUT Two Now Popular Machines Built to Last. i Graham Flyer Juvenile Tricycle Greabani Flyer Juvenile Tricycto D« Lo» Model "B" We can now give prompt shipment of these
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 3 The chief representatives of the Slav States sit at the head table at the opening of the Pan -Slav Congress m Prague en Feb. 26. Left to right: Stela Blagejejova (Bulgaria) Com. A. S. Gnndorov (Russia); Dr. V. Barcikowski (Poland) Gen. Bozidar Maslaric (Yugoslavia) and Zdenek Nejedly (Czechoslovakia).
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  • 593 3 MALAYA NAVY 'FINEEX AMPLE' Criticism Of U.K. Fleet A nswered LONDON, Tuesday. MALAYA had shown a fine example by her decision to create her first permanent naval force, said Mr. John Dugdale, the Financial Secretary to the Admiralty m the House of Commons yesterday. Speaking m a debate on the
    Reuter  -  593 words
  • 229 3 IF you vote the Progres- sive Party candidates j t into the Legislative Coun- cil, you can be assured that before their term of] office expires, the demand' for an elected majority mi] the Legislature will be anj] accomplished fact." This promise was made by i
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  • 57 3 HONG KONG. Tuesday. —'< The police report that two Chinese junks were pirated here over the weekend, one by a lone gunman who held up four crew members and! escaped with the Junk after putting the crew ashore. The other case was similar,; J except that the pirates opened fire
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  • 622 3 By Our Woman Correspondent MRS. Mary Hurdern, fashion editress of tih« Australian Women's Weekly, and Mrs. Frank Packer, wife of the owner of the same paper, passed through Singapore yesterday on their way to Paris to select mannequins, dresses, hate and shoes for the third
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  • 138 3 SYDNEY. Tuesday. mHE ghost of a third X engineer who hanged himself five years ago in the oath room of the 10,000 -ton freighter Hazelbank is claimed by members of the crew to have been seen walking the deck in Melbourne twelve hours before a fire
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 251 3 LEGISLATION purporting to lift the mora-, torium on occupation debts should be deferred until War Risk Insurance and War Damage claims have been settled. This is the opinion of two Singapore Chinese commercial bodies, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and the Chinese Importers' and Exporters' Association
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  • 281 3 r THE President of the 1 Malayan Union (Mr. Sardon bin Haji Zubir) declared yesterday that the Singapore Rural Board was not looking after the interests of the residents! of rural areas. He told the Straits Times that the Board had done nothing to improve
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  • 130 3 From Our Own Correspondent RAUB, Tuesday. MR Tan Tiong, J.P., one of the last of the "towkay pioneers," died yesterday after a short illness. He was 78. He arrived In this country m 1887 and first settled at Kuala Kubu Lama since 1891 he lived at
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  • 36 3 The Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce has submitted a memorandum on the Debtor-Creditor (Occupation) Bill to the Governor of Singapore. The Committee of the Chamber has decided not to make public the contents of the memorandum
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 262 3 OPENING TO-DAY 3 SHOWS— S. 615 A 9.15 p »rlion-p»-kfd Adventurr' "CAPTAIN A with DICK PUKCELL SEE C»pUin A reveab the identity of the "SCORPION"! < haptm 8 U Final— QUEENS THEATRE Daily: 3 M. 6.M. |.M P Double Crown** ot thf World! Edward G Robinson Lvnn Bar* T AMPICO
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    • 65 3 WORLD RENOWNED PERSIAN CARPETS RUGS Just Unpacked CHARMING SHADES AT COMPETITIVE PRICES SPECIAL DISCOUNT allowed U member* of NAVY. ARMY AND AIR FORCE PAY A VISIT Straits Carpet Emporium (Carpet Specialists) 8. De Souza Streel oft .tallies Place. Singapore Phone 83K6C =BLACKMAIL= was her trade, riches her aim. beauty her
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    • 300 3 I hink of all fhe superlafives you know like creamiest... smoothest... richest... most luscious... most delicious ...and then you've just an idea of Magnolia Ices! There're various flavours m the popular bricks and enough portions for 6 to 8 people. $1.50 is the noteworthy price at any of the three
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  • 1139 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., Mar. 10, 1948 THE CHINESE IN THE SIEGE It is a matter of great regret that certain passages m General Percival's dispatch on the Malayan campaign should have caused resent- ment among the Chinese com- j munity m Singapore, where j the civil population was
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  • 1389 4  -  ABDUL RAHIM IBRAHIM By THE stand of the 1 Malay Nationalist Party is so changeable that it is difficult to persuade its officials to set out their party programme in detail. They say the Party stands for Malay Nationalism, but with a broad outlook, and that
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    • 392 4 Local Industries In Malaya's Future Economy •THE absence of any re- presentation from industry m the composition of the Federal Council, announced recently, came as a surprise. This just shows what interest the Government has m local I industries and is surely not a good start towards what is generally
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    • 408 4 THE "SHADY" KING OF SINGAPORE WITH reference to your leader "THE KINGS OF SINGAPORE," perhaps the most interesting problem that arises is the mystery of the missing king. The kings mentioned m the Malay Annals are shadowy characters, but the mi sing one seems to have been not so much
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    • 252 4 IN the issue of the Straits Times of March 1, appears a letter by "M.H.F.'" regarding the list of the 14th Century Singapore Kings given by me m a paper published m a recent issue of the Journal !of the Royal Asiatic Society, Malayan Branch.
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    • 55 4 IN your issue of Feb. 27, you publish what is no doubt a big story by somebody named Percival, but this appears to have prevented the inclusion of the usual bridge notes by Culbertson. As one who is fond of cards I consider this to be a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 758 4 CLASSIFIED ADS. MARRIAGB FAIRHEAD CAVE. On Marc* a. 1948. at St. Andrew's. Kuala Lumpur. John Derek Fairhead. Federation of Malaya Police, to lok Sarah Cave. SITI ATIONS VACANT WANTED by European Company experienced stenographer. Apply Box No. A2157. S.T. WANTED Salesman for European firm. Those with experience ■n the paint
      758 words
    • 59 4 The HERCULES BICYCLES. MODEL T Sports model, complete with Oil Bath Gearcase. In five attractive different colours. MODEL "P' Sports model, with 3 -speed Gear, complete with Oil Bath Gearcase. In five attractive different colours Each cycle Is complete wHh Bell, Pump, etc., reader for the Road. Delivery from stork
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  • 290 5 "Intensify Election Boycott" i MR. BUDH SiNGH (president of the Malayan Indian Congress) issued a circular yesterday requesting members •>f the Singapore Regional Indian Congress to inten sify their boycott campaign against the Singapore elections. Mr. Budh Singh, who has come to Singapore from K.L. sptcially m connection with thli
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  • 384 5 Sub- Com m it tee Sets To Work THE Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce has appointed a. five-man sub-committee which is now collecting material to contradict Lieut-General Percival's criticisms of the Chinese war effort m Malaya. The committee will study especially the statement m Gen. Percival's
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 5 FOR BREAKFAST: The United States aircraft carrier Valley Forge yesterday received a supply of fresh fruit from Singapore. Here are three seamen carrying bunches of bananas which will be one of the items on their breakfast menu today.
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  • 255 5 Americans Spend $100,000 WHEN the United States Task Force 38 leaves for Trincomalee, Ceylon, tomorrow, the officers and men will have spent nearly $100,000 (Singapore currency) on shore excursions and purchases. For the past two days more than 800 members of the aircraft carrier Valley Forge and the destroyers W.C.
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  • 41 5 An 18-year-old Chinese, Tan Wai Guan was remanded In custody lor 48 hours In the Third Police Court yesterday when he pleaded not guilty to a charge of theft of a bell from a bicycle in Middle Road on March 8.
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  • 73 5 A FILIPINO special constable accidentally shot his companion, an Indian special constable, at the Singapore branch of the Hongkong: and Shanghai Bank during the tiffin hour yesterday. The accident occurred when the Filipino constable, a guard at the bank, was "breaking" his loaded .38 revolver for examination.
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  • 286 5 A SINGAPORE physician. i\ Dr. K. Kiramathpathy described at an inquest yesterday how he rushed his injured son back tc his dispensary from the scene of a motor accident and for ten minutes rendered all assistance he could, but failed to save him. The
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  • 160 5 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. A DEPUTATION of clerks and workers from various Government Departments and public services will wait on the Chief Secretary nt 2.30 p.m. tomorrow to request action on the Salaries Commission recommendations. A spokesman for the deputation said today: "We are
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  • 42 5 Mr. Cyril Henry Ilott, of the Kent Mess anger, Canterbury, England has written to the Straits Times to say that he would like to get, in touch with Mr. Paul Lee, whose acquaintance he made in Penang soon after the Japanese surrender.
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  • 106 5 THE Agricultural Adviser to the Secretary o| State for Colonies, Mr. G. F. Clay, will arrive m Singapore on March 21 to make a general review ol agricultural conditions m Malaya and British Borneo. He will spend just over two months m this area, which will include a
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  • 185 5 rS president of the Malayan Union (Mr. Sardon bin Haji Zubir) said yesterday that his campaign to fight the injustice which the 15 deported Malay seamen suffered at the hands of the Australian Government was not over. Four of the 15 Malay seamen who arrived
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  • 253 5 A SHORTAGE of edible coconut o.l in Singapore shops and markets for the past month or so haa inconvenienced some housewives who normally require it for cx>king purposes. The price of coconut oil increased from 40 to 50 cents a bottle (slight jy more than a
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  • 46 5 Three masked Chinese, one armed with a pistol boarded a torgkang off Crawford Street early yesterday morning, and, alter herding the crew into th engine-room, got away with a picul of nice, an engine magneto, an alarm clock and $15 m cash.
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  • Article, Illustration
    80 5 The Karl of Listowel, Minuter of State for Colonial Affairs, photographed on a visit to the KHantan Match Factory m Kota Bharu. Front row: Tengku Sri Maharaja (State Secretary); Mrs. Edge. Mr. J. B. Sidebotham. Lord Listowel, Mr. A. G. Shaik, Trntjku Mahkota. Mr. R. J. F. Curtis (British Adviser.
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  • 97 5 THE main body of the 1 1 Gurkha Regiment will j arrive in Singapore next Wednesday, in the troopship Strathnaver from Bombay. These men will be the first of the 6.500 Gurkhas who have volunteered to serve the British Army to arrive here as a unit of
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  • 23 5 Hie third open-air election boycott meeting will be held today in Empress Place ai 1.30 p.m Mr. John Eber will address the meeting.
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  • Malayan Round- up
    • 96 5 From Our Staff Correspondent IPOH, Tuesday. FO Indian labourers were crushed to death yesterday afternoon at the Gopeng Road stone quarry when a side of the cliff collapsed. The police, who arrived on the scene to recover the bodies, were very nearly crushed
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    • 62 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. A further drop in serious crime has been recorded for February. Official figures released today show that gang robberies totalled 11 during the month throughout the Federation, as against 15 in January. Altogether, 26 robberies were reported In February a* against 31 in January. Illegal
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    • 60 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday— "Treat iti as if you were spending a vacation in China," said an elderly Chinese mother to her 21-year-old son, Won Kean, as he was being led away from the dock at the Selangor Assizes today to serve a ten-year prison sentence for carrying arms. The
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    • 52 5 ITUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday.— Of a total of 531 persons reported missing from their homes In the Malayan Union last year, the police succeeded in tracing 279 says the annual report of the Malayan Police. It is believed that of the 252 still untraced a number have returned to
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    • 76 5 DENANG, Tuesday. Terrified villagers of Kuula Derak, about 25 miles from Sungei Patani, have asked for the assistance of a game warden to track down a, man-eating tiger The tiger carried off its third victim on Saturday last and the villagers say ho m be heard roaring at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 114 5 r fXCELCfNT ?EsgfOXMANC£ r//£ /v£jv MUJIPHYL TYPE 1 28 A 6-Vakr Receiver, usint multi-purpose valves. Equivalent to a Receiver of 11 valve function. A receiver of ont- Mandins performance and quality. Main features are: <1> ;figh Slope RF Stace provides MORE SIGNAL LESS NOISE. (2) Very rich and satisfying in
      114 words
    • 69 5 1 HOSIERY LADIES PURE SILK STOCKINGS FINE QUALITY^^I Large I PRICE CHANGES m HIS MASTER'S VOICE I GRAMOPHONES, RECORD-PLAYERS. ETC PORTABLE GRAMOPHONES J H|\ Model 102 $98.50 m\ Model 97 $77.00 vJI l< Model 88 $67.00 Ift RECORD-PLAYERS— /tf^^SP U Model 5901 $95.00 PICK -UPS— WS^'^ Model 22*0 $20.00 B
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  • 145 6 Singapore goes to the polls for the first time on March 20. In order to assist electors to make fall use of their votes, the Straits Times publishes above examples of four spoilt ballot papers, taken from the pages of The Law Relating to Local Elections, by O.
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  • 539 6 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Tuesday. rOW, Wilson and Stanton, the well-known London rubber brokers estimate world production this year at 1,396,000 tons against 1,233,500 tons produced last year. They estimate the consumption at 1,201,000 against 1,083,000 consumed last year. Commenting on these figures, the Daily
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  • 247 6 TODAY Y.W.C.A., Katong Clubs* meeting. St. Hilda's School, 4 p.m., Tennis club, Coronation courts 5 p.m. V.M.C.A., chess club, 5 p.m., commercial classes, 5.30 p.m., art club, 6 p.m., free lending library, 6.30 p.m. St. Andrews Cathedral, annual parochial meeting, V.M.C.A Orchard Road, 5.30 p.m. Union Jack Club,
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  • 544 6 THE story of how he escaped after being shot with 1 other Chinese by Japanese guards on Siglap beach m February, 1942, was told by a Chinese witness at the trial of Major Keiji Mizuno before a War Crimes Court m tie Supreme Court yesterday.
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  • 61 6 LIVERPOOL, Tuesday. A civic reception will be held at Prince's Landing Stage, i Liverpool, to welcome home the First Battalion of the Somerset Light Infantry. The ast British infantrymen to leave India, they are n homeward bound m the troopship Empress of Aos* tralla. The ship
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 126 6 Future Of Imports Department A DRASTIC re-organisation n of the Imports and Exports Department is planned in Singapore, the Straits Times understands. This is a result of complaints from traders that the present system causes unnecessary inconvenience and delays. An Imports and Exports Advisory Panel, with three representatives from each
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 257 6 Last four Shows PA VIL| ON 30-4-6 30-9.30t>.m PHONE! bqO3 ,_J¥ith C oorte rttu-phy, Aanc Shirley Carol Undu TOMORROW- The Best Show In Town Gec.rae Sanders Sir Cedric Hardwicke TW k#Wf M *MM" wMb htt iMkldl AwK Imm •km L«c4ft* Mvpt Md mm 4o>i Bsav rSMSBI conn mmtmnßf -b-r-o itt
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    • 371 6 AMERICAN MAIL LINE FAST SERVICE To Los Angeles San Francisco. Portland Seattle Vancouver "INDIA MAIL" loads mid. April "ISLAND MAIL" mid. May For Freight passage please apply to:— Agent*- GUTHRIE CO., LTD. Phone 5131 EVERETT ORIENT LINE Sails For Hongkong, Swatow, Amoy s/s Pronto loth March For Saigon, H.K., Manila,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 96 6 2^21 K^SZZ RADIO MALAYA 8POU) 10.56 a.m. to 13 noon. Schools' Broadcast; 1 p.m. Vira America; 1.40 Olen Miller Orcta. 8.15 News, A Ttntmm^tnmntq 9.90 T -*t**t Orchestral; 0.4ft At Tour Retmest: 45 Binf Time; 10.00 Music Shop; 10 30 Dancing to American Dane* Bands: 11.00 Cloat. RADIO NALATA ,KJ..)
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    • 97 6 Spotlight an th* Stan; 10.45 Educational; 11.00 Critique; 11.30 Contrast; 13.00 Week's Composer; 13.15 "Much Binding In the Marsh/* 11.46 Yankee Quarter; 1.03 Tours for the Asking; 3.08 Close. 5.60 British Band Box; 6.00 Thirty to One; 6.46 Orer to America; 7.15 Black White; 7.30 Film At Theatre Music; 6.0S
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    • 109 6 Sym. Orch. with Mark Hambourg. 4.40 Twenty Minutes with Gershwin; 4.40 Serrices' Concert Hall; 6.00 Dinah Share; 5. IS Australian Sporting Diary; 5. 30 Pore**' Favourites; 5.90 Barttones of Renown Lawrence Tibbett; 1. 90 Background to Australia; 6.00 Concerto in D. Major for Cello Orch. by Haydn; 6 45 Accent
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  • 481 7 LONDON, Tuesday. NERVOUS selling:, occasioned by the fact that miners are pressing fresh wage claims, depressed South African Gold shares yesterday. Losses of Is. were fairly widespread, bat Venterspost were particularly dull, being 2s. lower at 31s. 3d., says Renter's financial correspondent. In other sections, the only relief
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  • 840 7 Singapore Share Prices From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Tuesday. TIN shares m the local market remained quiet today, although mor c business was transacted than m the part few days. Among Industrials, demand was renewed for Robinon Ords. and Henry Waugh. Quotations given by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association were: Bayer
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  • 198 7 From A Market Correspondent YESTERDAY'S Government announcement that there was 1 a possibility all private imports of sugar would have to be deducted from imports on Government account brought another improvement m sugar quotations. There was a certain amount j Of hesitancy throughout the day
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  • 120 7 nUBBER again dropped an n eighth of a cent per lb. m Singapore yesterday. No. 1 Sheet f.o.b. closed last night at 39% cents per lb, with sellers at 39 i cents. Spot loose buyers closed at 38%, sellers at 39%. The market was
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  • 95 7 NEW YORK. ruesUay.—Breaking commodities cast their shadow on the New York stock market yesterday. Many leaders dipped fractions to two points or to. Selling was never urgent, Scattered pivotals managed to maintain modest plus signs. Transfers totalled 740,000 shares. Among gainers were Douglas Aricraft, Lockheed, Graumban, Glenu
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  • 41 7 NEW YORK, Tuesday.—Crude rubber futures yesterday closed 20 points lower to 15 higher. Sales totalled 145 contracts. Offers were: March, 19.85 cents (US) bid; May, 19.50-55; July. 18.90-95: September. 18.50-52; December. 18.10. Number One ribbed smoked sheets. 20.18 nominal.—A.P.
    AP  -  41 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 675 7 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. 'iiicoruorateo m Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS FROM U K. AND U.S.A. "Tent i«»l* From U.K Gdn, 48 "Verw then From U.K Gnd. 15 ■nnsiwf On. from U.K Mar. 14 "«irinn»«* One from USA Mar. 21 •'Uenoyle" Doe from U.K Mar. 38 MBUBMM FOR LIVERPOOL GLASGOW AND
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    • 118 7 PRESIDENT LINE SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON via INDIA EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORTS Freight Only MARINE LEOPARD Singapore Arr. Mar. 22 P. Sliaai Mar. 28 FURMAN VICTOBY Singapore Arr. Mar. ti Penang Mar. 28 LYKES ORIENT LINE fired to HOUSTON MOBILE. NEW ORLEANS Limited Passenger Space AvallaMe 35 DAYS STRAITS
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    • 89 7 Shippers and others Interested m Shipping Intelligence are referred to advertisements m Col. 7 and 8 opposite page and to Shipping Notices on Page 2 "TREVAYLOR" loads for GENOA. MARSEILLES, LONDON and CONTINENTAL Ports T*a LONDON, HAMBURG, ANTWERP and ROTTERDAM M svtteienc inducement offers ArrfeM Singapore 17th March. Bimi Singapore
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    • 688 7 ELLERMAN KLAVENESS BUCKNALL PACIFIC PORTS LONDON BOUGAINVILLE a MTU/ rnn B>nor p sl n fmmm All I W LXI ><> Mar. 14 Mar. IS Mar. SaiW II Mar. 14 Mar II Mar. "CITY OF KHARTOUM" ROSEVIUE M ne A P r D«e Singapore Zf Mar. Sa|h 9 Aor ,0, 0
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  • 107 8 3 For China Badminton rpHREE leading Malayan JL badminton players will be invited to play exhibition games in China. This is a decision reached at the meeting of the Malayan Chinese Organising Committee for the China Olympic Games held in Singapore yesterday. Badminton is not included in the China Olympic
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  • 178 8 LONDON, Tuesday. AT a conservative estimate, only one footballer in a thousand ever receives the coveted Cup winners' medal, but R. Carter, Derby County's silver-haired captain and inside-right, must now be thinking seriously r\bout his prospects of gaining his third in reaching the semi-final by beating
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 79 8 LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas, Tuesday.— Tony Zale, former world middleweight champion scored a technical knockout over Bobby Claus, of Buffalo (New York), In the fourth round of their scheduled 10-round contest here las* night. After taking a good deal of punishment from the aggressive Zale, Claus
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  • 38 8 6TOCKTON CALIFORNIA. Tuesday— Speedy Nav&rno of Manila, In his first fight in the United States last night, was knocked out by Bobby Burgess of Vallejo, California. In the nfth round of their scheduled tenrcunder A. P.
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  • 402 8 GRAND PRIX H STILL IN TOP FORM Fast Gallops At K.L. Course From EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. THE champion stayer, Grand Prix II, ran half a mile in 52 4/5 seconds, hard held, on a soft track at Kuala Lumpur this morning, indicating that he is retaining his winning
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  • 40 8 LONDON, Tuesday. The draw for the Scottish Cup aeml-finals was announced yesterday as follows" Morton vs. Celtic («:t Ibrox Park. Glasgow). Hibernian vs Rangers (at Hampden Park, Glasgow). The matches are to be played on Mar. 27 Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 260 8 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday WEIGHTS for Saturday, the first day of the Selangor Turf Club Meeting, are as follows: Horses Class 1, Div. I—s; Farm. Oriental 9.08 Some Class 8.08 Li berty X ing Midas 8. OS Man B.IS GameKashmiri borough 7.12 Song 8.11
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  • 162 8 Weights for four races to be run j on the second day are: Horses Class 3, Div. t—Abt. 7F. El Alameln 9.00 Helen The Flyin? Fifth 8.07 Fortress 8.13 Sunbealn n 8.07 Four Winds 8.13 Briany 8.05 Favourite 8.10 Sheffield Prefect 8.09 Plate 8.00 Bullring 8.09 Tin Pocket
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  • 224 8 Over $70,000 Needed For Contingent THE question of raiding funds to finance the Malayan contingent to the coming China Olympic Games was the subject of major discussion at the meeting of the Malayan Chinese Organising Committee held at the Gob Loo Club yesterday evening. The Committee decided to ask the
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  • 131 8 LONDON. Tuesday. THE 53 nations which have so far accepted the invitation to participate in the Olympic Games in London are: Afghanistan. Argentina, Austria, Australia. Belgium. Bermuda Bra- zil. Bulgaria. Burma. Canada, Ceylon. Chile, China, Cuba. Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Egypt. Eire. Pinland, Prance. Orest Britain, Greece. Hungary.
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  • 42 8 O. Arasaratnaxn and Gopala- krishnan have received a bat each for the best performances tn the Indian Association "A* Combined Changi "A" matrh played on I Sunday. Arasaratnam hit 51 not out. and Gopalakrishnan took nine wickets for 17 runs.
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  • 26 8 LONDON. Tuesday. Vince Hawkins, the British middleweight boxing^champion, has signed to fight the Dutch champion, Luc Mandam. in Brussels on April 3. —A. P.
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  • 24 8 Closing date for entries for the Mayflower B.P. tournament has been extended to March 12. The competition starts on March 16.
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  • 75 8 LONDON, Tuesday R. V. Stanley who took the first British rugby team to South America m 1910, has resigned from the committee of the Rugby Union. In accepting his resignation, the Rugby Union paid tribute to his valuable service, to the Union during the past 40 years,
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 48 8 The 13th Scout Troop iTelok Kurau English School) defeated the 2nd. Scout Troop (Raffles Institution) four-nil m a soccer match on the R.I. ground The annual general meeting of the Maxfli 8.P., Singapore, will be held at 729-A, Upper Serangoon Road, on Saturday at 4 p.m.
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  • 334 8 concluded on Saturday. He rode five winners and four seconds out of 131 mounts. Lt.-Col. T. L. Fox and R. N. Hobbs shared the training honours, each with five winners. "Wlngate Stable" of Ipoh headed the winning owners' list, with $2,700 In stakes and about $4,500
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  • 70 8 MONTREAL. Tuesday. Barban Ann Scott returned to Canada today from her triumphant sweep of women's Olympic. European and world skating titles. She said after the plane had landed that she had not thought much about turning professional The 19-year-old Ottawa blonde added. "I hare had
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  • 69 8 From Our Own torrrspoatttent JOHORK BAHRU. TOHday The League soccer match played yesterday between Pennuda 1 and the Casuals was remarkable for the fact that the referee's whistle was never sounded for a foul of any description. Although played on a waterlogged ground, the game was fasti and
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  • 270 8 YADI, a former Malayan doubles champion, 1 outplayed Lt.-Col; M. W. Biggs m their men's singles tie m the Singa- pore Lawn Tennis Association indoor tournament at the Happy World stadium last night Apart from a few cannonball services by both players In the first two
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  • 362 8 HELPED by a gift goal, the Singapore Recreation Club were lucky to hold the Seaforth Highlanders io a two-all draw m yesterday's Singapore Amateur Football Association's First Division League match at the Jalan Besar stadium. The Seaforths dominated play, especially m the second half,
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  • 34 8 The Sago Lane XI were given a walkover by the Bukit Tlmab XI m yesterday's Singapore Chinese Football Association's lnterdistrkt league fixture which was to have been played at the Gcylang Stadium.
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  • 50 8 TODAY SOCCER: S.A.F.A. League, Div. I— Tiger S.C. v. GHQ Sift-nab, Jafatn Besar Stadium. 5 p.m.; S.C.C. Ist. XI v. LasalUtes (friendly), padang, 5.15 p.m.; No. 1 Sab-Depot, 223 8.0.D. v. Blue Rovers, St. George's Road. 5 p.m. TENNIS: S.L.T.A. Indoor Championship*. Happy World Stadium, 6 15 p.m.
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  • 166 8 From Our Own <.> .rtt-nl BATU PAHAT, Tuesday TTHE Johore Amateur 1 Football Associai.oa. at a meeting held here, decided to run an int^rdistrict competit on iur the cup presented Dy Mr. P. Mohamed Abdullah ot Batu Pahat. Johore Bahru, Batu Pahaf. Muar, Segamat,
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  • 112 8 The Raffles Institutions badminton team beat the Swift B.P. six-one. Results (ft. I players mentioned first): Singles: Lim Kirn Swee beat Lim Jlak Kirn 9—15.9 15. 14—14 (3—o). 13—13 (5—2): Pang Kia Seng beat A. Thambiayah 15—6. 13—3 (5 2); Wee Sian Gian beat S. T.
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  • 39 8 HONG KONG. Tuesday —A Korean football team is due here on March 26 to play three matches. They will bring a cargo of cuttle-fish, which tii^y will sell m order to meet expenses. U.P.
    UP  -  39 words
  • 49 8 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Tuesday.—Ame Ulland. 27. 'lie youngest of the six famous ikilr? I brothers from Norway, easily out- classed a group of 30 top-r.<'rt» skiers from the United Star Canada and Norway to become the new United States nuti .-.:1 Class "A" ski jumping champion. —UP. 1
    UP  -  49 words
  • 39 8 The Sepoy Lines XI defeated the Hospital Youngsters one-m. »t soccer on Monday. Keng "lock -'as the scorer. The postponed soccer mnt>.:h between the R.A.F. Tengah and the Jollilads will be played on March 21.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 390 8 CLASSIFIED ADS. Continued from Page 4) GODOWN VACANT IMMEDIATE Tenancy lame godowns approx. 36,000 sq. feet Factory locality facing Outram Road Most suitable for factory installation? also smoking Rubber long lease considered apply Box No A2139 ST. FOR SALE 2 HYDRAULIC PRESSES with moulds for manufacturing floorlnir tiles. Apolv 200.
      390 words
    • 123 8 VICTORIA THEATRE THE STAGE CLUB PR'-SPNTS "REBECCA" Daphne dv Maurier BaaJarfi March 11th 12th at ft 45 p ni ■jH| Seats $1 to $3 f i Book now at Robinsons. Raffies MARGARET GIMSON Place, Tel. 5894 Ex. 4 or nightly (Mrs. De Winter) at Theatre. Tel. 68*6 B<U?W^ CONCENTRATED sP^£LirV«
      123 words
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