The Straits Times, 6 March 1948

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
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  • 615 1 Premier On Fhree Main Causes BANGKOK, Friday. THE Siamese Prime Minister (Khuangr Aphaiwong) admitted during a Parliamentary debate yesterday that unrest did exist among the Malay minority m the southern provinces. He said that, m view of the possibility of major repercussions, the matter required
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  • 290 1 JERU SALEM, Friday. QEVERAL hundred Arabs yesterday ambushed and annihilated a Jewish convoy trying to reach the Jewish settlement near Kalandia airport, eight miles north of Jerusalem. They trapped the vehicles and raked them with fire for two hours. By evening, 17 Jewish
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  290 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 1 A STIDY IN EXPRESSIONS: The Minister of State for olonial Affairs (the Earl of Listowel) and the Governor of Singapore (Sir Franklin Gimson) watchinc the preparation of soya bean cake m I'pper Chin Chew Street yesterday during a tour of the poorer quarters of the c ily._Straits Times picture.
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  • 364 1 come ta- PRAGUE, Friday. C SCAPE attempt's by Czech Opposition politicians, t- including a former minister, were reported here yesterday. Mr. Adolf Phohazka, formei Health Minister and one of the 12 ministers whose resignation brought the political crisis to a head, tried with his wife
    Reuter; AP  -  364 words
  • 67 1 The urn containing Mahatma Gandhi's ashes will leave New Delhi by air for Singapore next Friday. Mr. K. P. K. Menon, one of the organisers of the ceremonies for the honouring of the Mahatma's remains, gave this information to the Straits Times yesterday. It was announced a few
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  • 138 1 Life Terms For Rice Smuggling BAGUIO, Friday. PENALTIES up to life im- prisonment are being imposed by Siam m an effort to prevent rice smuggling to other countries of Eastern Asia, the Siamese delegation told the FAO rice conference here today. At least 40.000 tons of rice are smuggled out
    AP  -  138 words
  • 85 1 WHEN a Chinese, Lee Kirn Swee, appeared m the Second Police Court yesterday the magistrate (Mr. L. C. Goh) refused to pass sentence, saying that Lee had called at h's house that morning. "Whatever you have to tell me should be said m open court," said Mr.
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  • 215 1 Emigration Scheme For Millions MELBOURNE, Friday. THE British Government A, is now studying Austrflfan piariY for the "migration of millions of Britons to Australia. The immigrants will include middle-aged and elderly people. The Australian plan envisages the taking over of a proportionate share of Britain's national debt. It also calls
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 44 1 AKRON. Friday.— Goodyear Tyre Rubber Company has announced a 30 per cent, reduction In its tyre output. Firestone Tyre Rubber Company officials said no reduction m operations was contemplated by their Company while officials of Goodrich Company declined to comment.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 184 1 TOKIO, Friday. SEVEN ships are scheduled to call at Japanese ports m March to load reparations shipments for China, British dominions and colonies as well as Singapore and the Netherlands East Indies, SCAP announced today. All shipments consist of machine tools and secondary metal working equipment from
    Reuter; AP  -  184 words
  • 86 1 WIGAN, Friday. Labour held its seat m the Wigan by-election, the result of which was declared early this morning. Mr. R. W. Williams (Labour) with 28,941 votes gained a majority of 11.475 over the Conservative nominee, Mr. Harold Dowling, who received 17,466 votes. Deposits were forfeited by
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 221 1 From Our Own Correspondent MELBOURNE Friday. Sou Ji V/ales railI waymen from midnight tonight will impose a ban on freights and parcels destined for Qm land. This marks tae first real extension beyond the Queensland border oi tittt StateV 33 Cay rail sinke and five-day waterside strike.
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  • 44 1 LONDON. Friday rhs Ministry of Supply announces additional interim allocations of tin metal by the Combined Tin Committee for the Brs! half of 1948. totalling 449 long tons, of which South A will rec.ive 289. Rumania M and Mexico 80.— Reutfr.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 74 1 m 4 I \ry%-il M0Nt 3390 j SEACON LTD. Civil Engineers a Contractors PERMANENT HOUSES 2 Botl-rooms. Modern Sanitation. Built on your own land. Approx. 1 000 so. ft. Floor Area From $12,500 Factories, Godowns, Smoke Houses, Kstate Lines and Quarters, etc. Enquiries invited. Head Office: 4 5 MKYfctf 'H
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    • 12 1 1 vimjfHUwmQetod&uwnu 76 years' I y^^ KtPVIATtOM N9707 r rV Aa P%.
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  • Cable fashes
    • 174 2 LONDON, Friday. 'THE 1,067 tons Antwerp vessel Topaze arrived m 1 the River Thames at Tilbury yesterday after the first English Channel crossing ever made entirely by radar navigation. The ship left Ostend m a thick fog, which normally would have kept her m hfcrbour.
      AP  -  174 words
    • 41 2 WASHINGTON, Friday. United States exports during 1947 reached a new peacetime record, totalling $1,960,000,000, compared with $1,520,000 000 m 1946, the Department of Commerce announced yesterday. Big price increases were an important contributory cause of the higher figures. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 47 2 WASHINGTON, Friday.— A team of Milwaukee scientists took off for the Pacific yesterday to observe the eclipse of the sun on May 8 and 9. The six -man team sponsored by the National Geographic Society will set up an observation station m lower Burma.— U.P.
      UP  -  47 words
    • 59 2 WASHINGTON. Friday— An agreement was reached at yesterday's meeting of the International Wheat Conference fixing the maximum and minimum prices of wheat for the next five years. Officials said that a final plenary open session of the conference will be held on Saturday and that the terms of
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 59 2 SAN FRANCISCO, Fnday. A young Chinese, described as the first descendant of Confucius ever to visit the United States. Is due here by plane from Shanghai. He is Kung Teh Cheng, 28, and is the 77th lineal descendant of the great Chinese philosopher. He will remain m the
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    • 38 2 BERLIN, Friday American Military Governmr~* officials reported that German police m the Soviet sector of Berlin have confiscated the newly licensed trade union newspaper "Freiheit," which appeared m opposition to the Soviet controlled trade union newspaper. UP.
      UP  -  38 words
    • 54 2 VERSAILLES, Friday. A delegation of British Members of Parliament, headed by Mr. Anthony Eden, attended a session of the Council of the Republic m Versailles yesterday. The visitors toured the historic building which houses the Parliamentary advisory body and were puests of honour at a reception m the
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    • 44 2 GENEVA. Friday.— The International Maritime Conference decided yesterday to establish a new specialised agency of the United Nations to deal with world shipping. The new body is to be known as the "Inter-Govern-mental Maritime Consul ta'ive Organisation." with headquarters m London —A.P.
      AP  -  44 words
    • 73 2 SHANGHAI, Friday.— Hopes of closer friendly relations between Britain and China were expressed when the Mayor of Shanghai and Sir Frank Newsome Smith, president of the London Chamber of Commerce and former Lord Mayor of London, formally inaugurated the Sino-British radio-telephone service yesterday. "The opening of this direct
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 45 2 JOHANNESBURG, Friday— A new uniform for South African military forces was announced yesterday. Amrican-type summer uniforms, gaberdine shirt and trousers, tucked-in tie and brown shoes are to be adopted. The traditional Sam Brown belt is being scrapped except for formal dress occasions. A.P.
      AP  -  45 words
    • 55 2 BUCK HILLS FALLS. Pennsylvania, Friday.— Travel and study m Western countries was recommended for Japanese as a means of bringing democracy to Japan. The recommendation was made to 327 delegates of the Foreien Mission's Conference by Dr. Luman J. Shafer, chairman of the Japan Committee. Delegates represent
      AP  -  55 words
    • 48 2 AHMADABAD, Bombay Province. Friday. More than 1,500 Hindu refugees from Pakistan m s Government camp here went on a hunger strike yesterday m protest against the arrest of 74 refugees daring a disturbance m the camp last month. Nine policemen were injured m the disturbance— Reuter.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 709 2 NOTICES BRITISH STORES DISPOSAL BOARD BY OBDEB OP THE DIRECTOR OP DISPOSALS. FAB EASTERN AREA <M. O.S.I The following Tenders have been circulated to Registered Contractors during the past week:— I \PORE AREA TMdfr 289 Closing date 13th. March. 1948. for Vehicles, Motor Cveles. T«Brt< Z9« Closing date 13th. March.
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    • 502 2 NOTICES BATU SELANGOR TIN DREDGING CO., LTD. (Incorporated m the Malayan Union.) NOTICE OF MEETING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Thirteenth Ordinary General Meeting of the Members of the Company will be held at the Registered Office, 33 Beach Street, Penang, on Friday, the 19th day of March 1948,
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    • 537 2 NOTICES AUCTION SALE OF 3,000 pieces asbestos cement flat sheets, 500 tins assorted ready mixed paints. 11 drums wood preservative, 5 bales manifold bank and drawing cartridge paper, 618 "rhennost&r" vacuum flasks, 20 1 cases "Tropex" torchlight bat- 1 teries, 25 cases washing blue, 137 lbs. dental rubber, 52 Uns
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    • 617 2 NOTICES NOTICE THE TANGLIN CLUB NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IO ALL MEMBERS OF THE rANGLIN CLUB that the Annual General Meeting of the Tanglin Club, will be held at the ClubBouse on Friday the 12th March 1948, at 7.15 p.m. The Agenda and Accounts have been posted to all Members
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    • 171 2 For all your Journeys abroad, fly X..L.M thirtynine thousand miles of efficient timesavinn airroutes to: NEI PAKISTAN USA SIAM IRAQ SOUTH AMERICA INDIA EUROPE SOUTH AFRICA Fares and particulars on application TOWN OFFICE: 1 Finlayson Green Phone Mil- 5-1 K.ALLANG AIRPORT: Phone *****. Pass i•• w 8476 L FreiKiH. C^ROYAUOUTCHjAIR
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  • 462 3 Wedemeyer And Chennault Speak WASHINGTON, Friday. I lEUT.-GEN. A. C. Wedemeyer, war-time Chief of Staff to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, and Maj.-Gen. Chennault, war-time leader of the "Flying Tigers" m China, yesterday strongly urged full American military aid, m arms and advisers, to the Chinese Government. Gen.
    Reuter; AP  -  462 words
  • 267 3 Pakistan Accused In White Paper NEW DELHI, Friday. A 140-PAGE White Paper on Kashmir, tabled before the Indian Parlia-i ment today, declared that there was "abundant circumstantial evidence to show that Pakistan aided and abetted tribal invas.. n." The paper said that of 86.000 to 08.000 Pathans engaged m the
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • Article, Illustration
    43 3 Mr. Victor Ridley, Bradford veterinary surgeon, listens to the beating of the heart of a dog by means of an electronic stethoscope, invented by Mr. R. G. Poole. of Shipley. This special stethoscope broadcasts the beats by means of a loudspeaker. Mirror Picture.
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  • 144 3 Manipulation AllegedOfUK Currency WASHINGTON, Friday. DENOUNCING the Marshall Plan, Senator George W. Malone (Republican, Nevada) today charged Britain and other European countries with manipulating their currencies for commercial advantage. He said England's official value for the pound sterling was four dollars and three cents, but m New York City "you
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 70 3 STOCKHOLM, Friday. Two out of four Swedish airmen, missing since Wednesday afternoon with two training planes, were rescued last night. They reported that they made a forced landing m a blizzard, a press report from the Air Force said. They were unhurt, but knew nothing of the
    AP  -  70 words
  • 208 3 PLNGAPORE'S last Japa O nese war crimes suspect comes up for trial m the Supreme Court at nine o'clock on Monday morning. H e is Major Keichi Mazuno. and he is charged with complicity m the Chinese massacra m 1942, m the Arab Street
    AP  -  208 words
  • 144 3 HONG KONG, Friday. THE six Chinese passengers who were kidnapped during the piracy of the Dutch ship Van Heutsz are now being kept secretly on one of the pirateinfested islands m the Chillang Point area. Members of the crew of I the steamer Kian
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  • 106 3 LONDON, Friday. King Michael of Rumania, safe In the political haven of England, disclosed yesterday that Rumania's Communist leaders had forced him to sign away his throne while the palace was "surrounded by armed detachments." "In these conditions," he told a group of 100 newspaper men, "I
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  • 58 3 AUCKLAND. New Zealand, Friday— Twelve New Zealand policemen left today by air to reinforce the police at Rarotonga. largest of the Cook Islands group. In anticipation of labour troubles when a 5,158ton vessel arrives there with food. Men of an unrecognised workers' body have been picketing the
    Reuter; Reuter-AAP  -  58 words
  • 250 3 LONDON, Friday. RUSSIA has made a second protest against the activities of American aircraft m Oriental waters, Moscow radio announced last night. The new protest, it was stated, had been made over "combined violations of the freedom of merchant shipping" by United States planes off Japan.
    AP  -  250 words
  • 91 3 BAGDAD, Friday.— The announcement of a minor reshuffle of the new Iraqi Cabinet, which took office or. Jan. 29 after the resignation of the Cabinet of Salih Jabur following demonsjtrations against the r.ew Anglo-Iraq treaty, is expected shortly. It w»as understood that Nasrat Al-Faris, at present one
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  • 190 3 Avenge Imam's Death" CAIRO, Friday. KING ABDULLAH of Transjordan m a declaration today called upon the Islamic world to avenge the murder ol Imam Yehia of Yemen. It was the first indication that last month's mysterious and bloody coup m the tiny R-d Sea kingdom might split Arab League into
    UP  -  190 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 152 3 UJOLSELEY NOW AVAILABLE FOR HOME DELIVERY ENGLAND OR AUSTRALIA MALAYAN MOTORS LTD. 14 20 Ore hard Road. Singapore. Represented m the Malayan Union by Wearne Bros. Ltd. P* DECOLA LIVING MISIC-REPRODUCER. The very presence of concert opera m your borne note perfect, the bile of strings, the clamour of bri»M,
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    • 326 3 J• L 9 take your pick at any of the spick-and-socn Creameries Milk Bars where evervthing'4 ,is fresh as the proverbial daisy. There's an appetising variety of fillings, too— all served m double-quick time. And ask for Magnolia Ices extra sm-00-th and rich. Take home a brick (a dessert for
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  • 312 4 Informer Tells Of Police Trap A MAN unknowingly asked a police informer, whom he had known for two years, to find him a shop at Paya Lebar-Tampenis area to rob, it was stated m the Seventh Police Court yesterday. Pek Cheng Ling, the police informer, said this
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  • 378 4 Gun Fight: Detective Commended AFIVE-men jury yesterday returned a unanimous finding of justifiable homicide at a Singapore inquest on Ong Quee Fun, a 27-year-old Chinese, who died of gunshot wounds as the result of a clash with B detective m Guillemard i ad on Feb. 24. The Coroner (Mr. W.
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  • 75 4 Singapore's C.I.D. chief. Mr. J. C. Barry, yesterday announced a campaign to reduce bicycle thefts. He said most bicycle thefts were due to owners leaving their machines unlocked. Therefore as a warning, policemen m the course of their ordinary duties have been instructed to take all unlocked
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  • 56 4 From Our Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. Armed detectives under the charge of European officers yesterday arrested a young Chinese who is stated to be a member of a newly-formed gang known as the "Flying Tigers." The arrest was made In a coffe2-shop opposite the
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  • 184 4 LIM Oh Kee, alleged to be the head of the "Sai Hoe" gang operating outside the Singapore Naval Base, was yesterday committed by the Seventh Police Court Magistrate. (Mr. A. G. Shears), tc stand trial at the next Assizes on three charges of attempted extortion. Lim is
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  • 164 4 Singapore Man Helps Sarawak A MUNICIPALITY based on the lines of the Singapore Municipality will be set up m Kuching.. capital of Sarawak, if the recommendations oi Mr. J. R. Hill, Singapore Municipal Treasurer, are adopted by the Sarawak Government. Mr. Hill went to Sarawak last month, at the request
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  • 44 4 A 53-year-old Chinese woman, Chan Swee Lye, was remanded m custody for 24 hours m the Third Police Court yesterday on a charge of theft of cash and jewellery amounting to $2,825 from Wee Slew Neo In a house m Blair Road.
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  • 286 4 ONLY four pieces of th€ ten gold ornament* which, with the "Singapore Stone," are the oldest remains known tc have been found m Singapore, have survived the Japanese occupation. Before the war the collection consisted of ten pure gold ornaments, which were found at Fort Canning
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 385 4 Together for the first time two great star* I Today Four Shows PA VI LI QM 1.30.4-6.30-9.30p.m PHONE! bqO3 out or an roncoTTEH rn%r.. into UK* KAFF T UT Z. THE SHADOW OF M CJUMI I THAT HAUNTED TBXXS tOVT. X His first I dramatic relt I >m years f
      385 words
    • 74 4 MAISON VALLY (Ladies' Hair Stylist) Singapore s NEW... MODERN Salon m GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL TELEPHONE 7869 MV-4 LOUIS CO., General Building Contractors, 20, ROBINSON ROAD, Tel; No. *****. Consult us for constructing economic and suitable rural houses m rural areas, •MAPRO'S" CHICKEN CURRY OBTAINABLE: JWYAR COMPANY LIMITED 196, LAVENDER STREET,
      74 words
    • 230 4 A REAL LABOUR SAVER r^^fl^m HEAT-CONTROLLED j I ELECTMC Jurr at Sole Importers: Singapore, Malaya Borneo. BOLTER SIMON 59, Winchester House Collyer Qnay Phone 6522 SINGAPORE STATIONERY MART 28 Chulia Street. Phone 7969 Letts Desk Diaries And Calendars for 1948 FLINTS for cigarette Lighters AMERICAN, HIGHEST QUALITY U.S. $20.50/ kilo
      230 words
    • 79 4 Coming! THE 6REAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO.. 275 South Bridie Kd., Sinx^porc QUALIFIED OPTICIAN C Y. FAN Opt O. (Phila) 1/ Testing a speciality) 2/ Longer experience srivoF Oetter service i 3/ Material? imported direct oy us Hence Prices choaoer than else-where 4/ Crookes' Lenses always osed. Don't V) to the
      79 words

  • 355 5 'NEW LOOK' FOR MALA YA From Our Woman's Correspondent WHEN women accepted the fact that fashion decreed them to accent their femininity with ac near like hour glass figures as modern ideas would permit, a new styled foundation garment was found necessary. A "Waspie" was therefore designed. 'Waspie was the
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  • 1065 5  - The Lake Club goes back to civilians "FEMINA By I^UALA Lumpur's Lake Club —to many old Malayans, the "Tanglin of K.L." is coming back into its own again. In other words, NAAFI-EFI have moved out after their long sojourn since B.M.A. days, and the original civilian owners have moved And
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 231 5 From a Market Notebook VEGETABLES are much cheaper today than they were a fortnight ago. Prices of most varieties of locally-grown vegetables, which reached their peak during the rainy season last January and the Chinese new year, have declined day by day. Fish prices have also
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 57 5 rliour search for cigarette perfection is ended... rfrf V ff j Pu re picasu re c n J A W^^^ and sweet yet with the i A f^^ so^ 1 and honest tan g °f m real to^acco nothing J A i else Bets8 ets through *^^A fcp^^y/V *sJ jFi
      57 words
    • 368 5 "SOP AC" INSULATION CORKBOARD Suitable for Cold Storage etc* SIZES OF SHEETS 3' X 1THICKNESS: 1" 2" 3" 4') STOCKS CARRIED Harrisons Crosfield (»»h Ltd. TELE: IMPORT DEPT: 5866/7/8 SINGAPORE. K^^yij^laugh or He'U be STURDIER HAPPIER with these health- giving tablets A growing child needs Calcium and Phosphorus to assure
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  • 1090 6 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat., Mar. 6, 1948. FORTY HOURS A WEEK As from the beginning of the year the Australian workman had his weekly hours of work reduced from 44 to 40. This was brought about as the result of a decision of the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and
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  • 37 6 SALT LAKE CITY. Friday. Brigadier General Marlowe M M rrick. soldier of fortune and Ametican Air Force officer died yesterday. He served m nul'rvv forces a dozen nation*, including China A.P.
    AP  -  37 words
  • 1948 6 A Malayan Countryman's Diary PERIPATUS IN THE DUSUN SOME days ago the Director of the Botanic Gardens, Mr. R. E. Holttum, paid us a short visit m the dusun. Usually visitors from Singapore arrive at 10.30 a.m. at the earliest, but the botanist turned up at 8 a.m.! As we
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 789 6 CLASSIFIED ADS. RYVBS—On March 4th. at Batu Oajah to Eileen, (nee Oocbrtt). wife ot H. T. B. Ryves. Malayan Police, a son, Peter. BLOW—to Diana (nee Wlaeman), wife of Rex Blow, at the Civil Hospital. Jewelton on December ai. 1947, a son. John Nicholas. nI'M ATIONS VACANT EUROPEAN Import firm
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    • 36 6 WHY YOU CAN SEE CLEARLY BIT EYES FEEL UCOMFORTABLE LET US ANALYSE YOUR CASE ft ELIMINATE YOUR TROUBLE! C. S. CHONG. OPT. D. Fully eqaipprd with c— ipicto mo dfrn eye rxami nation and training instrumrato.
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    • 34 6 V Tjß Urn Ofl I M. FLINTER S. GRINBERG WHOLESALE RETAIL BKAIBKS DIAMONDS «nd JEWELLERY Now Available 14 18 CARAT GOLD CIGARETTE CASEfc 167.1 67. Stamford Rd. Eu Court BuHdlnn I Telephone 7923 Singapore
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  • 669 7 'Slur Cast On Community' I lEUT.-GEN. A. E. Perdval "cast a slur" on the Chinese m Singapore by saying m his published report that there was a lack of unity among the Chinese during the war m Malaya, said Sir Han Hoe lim to the Straits
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  • 282 7 MEDICAL College students voted for the Singapore elections m a debate last night between Mr. S. C. Goho and Mr. Philip Hoalim. Mr. Hoalim, who spoke for the motion "that the Singapore elections should be boycotted," is chairman of the M.D.U. The motion was defeated by 75 to
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  • 79 7 MORE than 900 Chinese displaced persons from Foochow, Hong Kong and Hoihow have arrived m Singapore by the Nor wegian ship Hai Lee. The Chinese have been quarantined at St. Johns Island. They were accompanied by Mr J. F. Randolf of the International Refugee "Organisation. Dr.
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  • Article, Illustration
    63 7 Three-year old baby Jaafar as a Javanese dancer at a concert and tea party given by the Ladies Section of the Malay Union. Singapore branch, at the house of the president of the section, Che Fatimah bint* Haji llaron. The event was given m honour of the Ladies' Section of
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 7 RENOVATION: A latticework of scaffolding; surrounds the Mercantile Bank m Singapore. The buiidine is being cleaned. Straits Times picture.
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  • Malayan Bound-up
    • 227 7 From Our Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Friday. /CUSTOMS preventive officers, patrolling near the v~- mouth of the Linggi River between Malacca and Port Dickson, yesterday, captured a tongkang on which they found $75,000 worth of contraband brandy. Three Chinese hav c been detained and the
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    • 112 7 THE Philippines Under1 Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Dr. Bernabe Africa) said m Singapore yesterday that he had recei v c d representations from the local Filipino community for the establishment of a Philippine consulate here. Dr. Africa said that Filipino interests m Malaya were not
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  • 240 7 THE Director of Civii 1 Aviation, Palestine (Ail Vico-Marshal J. E. Storrar) has been appointed PanMalayan Director of Civil Aviat ion to succeed Mr Herbert Walter Chatta j way, who retires this' month. Air Vice-Marshal Siorrar. who held a star? appointment at the Air Ministry during
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  • 160 7 Chinese To Hold Own Election •THE Singapore Chinese 1 Chamber of Commerce will hold an election today for the purpose of putting up candidates for nomination to the Legislative Council. The Chamber is allowed one nominated representative on the Legislative Council who must be a British subject. Government has allowed
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  • 325 7 MR. V. P. Abdullah, Independent election candidate for Municipal North East, yesterday accused Mr. John Laycock, a Progressive Party candidate m the same division, of having "a soft spot for vested interests" m the Colony. He was replying to Mr. Laycock's comments on his
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  • 378 7 MALAYA'S representatives at the forthcoming m Rubber and Tin Study Groups' conferences m Washington are to be announced shortly, the Straits Times understands. It is believed that United Kingdom consent has been obtained for delegations to be sent from Malaya which will be larger
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  • 215 7 88 Arests in Police Ambush TMr,AT>rkDir v» r CINGAPORE ftT»J rested 88 Chinese a] I the junction of Bukit i Timah Road and Rof- i 1 matory Road early yesterday morning, as the me d were coming away from an alleged trad initiation ceremony. Police lying m ambush at 6.40
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  • 31 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Friday.— Twenty Indian organisations m Selangor are to ir.eet at the Selangor Indian Association on Sunday to consider proposals for a Gandhi Memorial m Kuala Lumpur.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 70 7 II MARTELL /%j BRANDY Af*nts for Malaya: OPTORG CO. LTD. 124. MtWMN ROAH i SINGAPORE mU d AUTOMATIC IROR nr?rv^? ■■natMca ;h thumostati *^m I control. malnt an* I *moer«tur«. =*>*~--\ ****~s^Z^^^^ -rr ihr nuKcrlal A U specially < around buttons or over pleats Model nal laap ouir into the
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    • 134 7 iBOOSEY&HAWKES BRITISH MADE —TRUMPETS TROMBONESIead the field m which fine performance and dependable service, at a reasonable price. are so vitally important. They are designed to professional standards. Trumpet, Bb low pitch, with case §290-00. Trombone $315-00. CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS KELLER PIANO CO., No. 2, Orchard Road, Singapore. FASHIONS
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  • 189 8 i; LECTION of Malayan L Chinese delegates to the Chinese National Assembly and Legislative Yuan has been deferred, a Singapore Chinese consular official told the Straits Times yesterday. This was because of "technical difficulties" m connection with balloting m Malaya, he said. The Assembly and the Legislative
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  • 325 8 Found By Colony Malay Fishermen CINGAPORE Malay fishermen at sea yesterday picked up four more French Foreign Legionnaires. Three were Italians, one German. Like the two Legionnaires who were picked up m similar circumstances on Thursday, the four men had jumped overboard from the French
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  • 50 8 The Eighth Police Court Magistrate (Mr. R. W. P. Rule) yesterday found Son Ban Tza guilty of assisting m the management of a Chap Ji Kee lottery and fined him $600, m default six months' rigorous imprisonment. The informer m the case received $100.
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  • 324 8 The :oilov.. t .g n«:w books will be added to RaSles Library within the next few days FICTION Baily (Leslie)ed. Travellers' Tale. Illus; Beais (Charlton) Rio Grande to Cap Horn; Churchill (Winston 8.) Maxims and Reflections (2 copies) Oolam (Lance) Death over my Shoulder. Cocfcson (Mrs.
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  • 588 8 pOLLING Day m Singapore on March 20-— a Saturday I will not be made a public holiday, it was officially stated yesterday. Employers are asked to make their own arrangements to enable their voting employees to go to the polls. Police guards will be provided
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  • 149 8 nTHE Singapore Traffic 1 Advisory Committee has endorsed a proposal for the establishment of a permanent Safety First Committee for the Colony. The functions of the Safety First Committee would be to organise "safety first" weeks, to issue posters and booklets on this subject, and to organise
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  • 37 8 A finding of death from natural causes was returned at a Singapore inquest yesterday on a Japanese war crimes prisoner, Suzuki Shozu. aged 54, who died m the lock-up ward of the General Hospital on Feb. 28.
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  • 344 8 yO-MORROWS aervlces m Sin- 1 gapore churches are as follows: Church of England: St. Andrews Cathedral 7 a.m. 8 a.m.. 10 30 a.m.. 11.15 a.m. and 5.30 pjn.: St. Oeorges Garrison Church (Tanglin) (open to civilians) 7 15 a m 9 a.m.. 45 a.m.. 6 30 p.m.;
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 8 Britain is preparing to receive the world's athletes for the 14th modern Olympiad this year. This picture shows the widening of the main road bridge from Wembley Park Station to Wrmbley Stadium. Planet News.
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  • 196 8 Rubber Fell AtU.S.News THE rubber market m the early part of th« week showed definite signs of improving, says Lewis Peat's weekly market report. It was thought that th» deteriorating political situation m Europe might lead to some heavy buying. In view of this sellers were reserved and prices advanced
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  • 99 8 The Singapore Chinese business community yesterday expressed the hope that Hong Kong manufacturers would send a trade mission here. Although it was learned last month that a trade mission organised by leading Chinese merchants was planning to tour Malaya and N.E.1., no further advice had been
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  • 145 8 TODAY Exhibition of Chinese and English paintings organised by Mi« Lo Kit-ling and Mr. Harold W. Oflord, V.M.C.A., Orchard Road, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Gregg Shorthand Writers' Association, meeting m memory of Dr. John Robert Gregg, founder of the Gregg Shorthand system. Mercantile Institution. 209. Queen Street,
    145 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 111 8 Just right! Just right m style because so /p*\. enormous an out-put can employ 1^ the best shoe designers. /k^ Just right m quality, thanks //>\&/I^BL to the work of expert crafts- fl XuvjSfl Eft men with the most up-to-date rf^ lm machinery and the vast^^^^ resources of eight mo<lCTn
      111 words
    • 204 8 »t S.4S p.m. H£jMil» ]£-> »i 6.15 p. m H Margaret Gimeon Dorothy Morie.l REBECCA by DAPHNE DU MAURIER A STAGE CLUB PRODUCTION BOOK NOW ROBINSONS, RAFFLES PLACE. Tel. 5894, Ex. 4 or at the Theatre nightly from March 10th. Tel. 6826 %^P X tAaiC doet tfmi> aootC/" S^> PREVENT
      204 words

  • Straits Times SATURDAY FORUM
    • 277 9 BUTTER: WASTE OF TIME? A CCORDING to instructions published m the Press, the Food Control authorities have now made arrangements for butter to be obtained on their cards through the main dealers m Singapore. It is requested that private butter ration cards should be handed m by March 6. May
      277 words
    • 203 9 yV S an appendix to Dr I.ivehan's remarks on the Japanese and their flag at F^rt Canning, I send you following quotation from a book entitled "When Singapore Was Syonan" which was published by Mr. Chew Hock Leung, soon after the libermtkm. Mr. Chew writes The
      203 words
    • 85 9 /COCONUT oil was selling v- some three months ago at 30 cents a bottle. It h now 80 cents a bottle In the past, the Straits Tim. .s has stated that the mills would close unless the ban on export was lifted. Yet they did ..ot close. Government
      85 words
    • 254 9 TN your leading article m Thursday's Straits Fimes, under the heading "WAR TALK IN LONDON," you quote the London Sunday Times as follows: This to manifestly not due to any Improvement m the International outlook. Nor is It genuinely due to ttie reduction of our Eastern
      254 words
    • Letter, Illustration
      57 9 This inconspicuous vtone m the lallang at one end of the Japanese-built wooden bridge over the Jo-hore River was mentioned m "The Malayan countryman's Diary" by Tuan Djek recently. It commemorates one of the most horrible atrocities of the Japanese invasion, when the Japanese, after using a Chinese labour gang
      57 words
    • 293 9 KJOW that all celebrations m connection with the granting of Dominion Status to Ceylon are over may I suggest to the Ceylonese m Malaya that we dedicate 1948 as Dominion Year and that the following be attempted during the year so as to com- memorate
      293 words
    • 980 9 I HAVE read with deep interest Mr. T. Handa Tolk's explanations of the Chinese characters on the monuments of murder mentioned in A Malayan Countryman's Diary* by Tuan Djek, which he has done with great erudition and skill. I shall be grateful if I you will therefore
      980 words
    • 210 9 Talk Means Money— To Co-ops THE twelfth annual AllMalayan Urban CoOperative Conference if to be held .shortly. It is right that on th e eve of such a conference we should take stock of our achievements and fail n;s at past annual conferenc a. Scores of pious resolutions were passed
      210 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 106 9 IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT OUR CARPET MUSEUM FOR PERSIAN, BOKHARA INDIAN CARPETS RUGS S. QURESHI CO. Tel. 6453 67, THE ARCADE 3rd Floor (Raffles Place) use lift $m*_ Mm '^B l^ Ideal Tonic Wine. VIBRONA has been Justly described as the Supreme Tonic, and the world-wide reputation which
      106 words
    • 265 9 B IIIS MASTER'S" VOICE" -CreatestfArtists Finest Recording FOR YOUR RECORD LI BRAKY «£f!i 5RL IlA NTE INEFLAT MAJ., OP 18 (Chopin) VALSE CAPRICE (Rubinstein) Ignace Paderewskl (Piano) DB 1273 PRELUDE CHORALE AND FUGUE (Cesar Franck) Alfred Cortot (Piano) DB 1299 1300 LEGENDE OP. 17 (Wleniawski) THAIS— MEDITATION (Massenet) Mischa Elman
      265 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 282 9 It is not always a calamity when the declarer finds all the trumps "stacked" against him. Sometime*, indeed, he should welcome that very break. Observe thia deal: North, dealer. Bolq sides vulnrrabU. NORTH 2 A Q 9 A K Q 8 S A 10 4 WEST EAST «Kqin fK 10
      282 words
    • 218 9 have the other three trumps as well, or East have at least one trump? On close analysis declarer dei cided that West, a conservative player, would not have doubled. In the light of North's powerful bidding, without extraordinary length in spades. On that basis declarer now led a fourth diamond
      218 words

  • 423 10 LONDON, Friday. RUMOURS of currency devaluations, particularly concerning Holland and Belgium, brought firmness and a short burst of activity to the Mining section of the London stock markets yesterday. Dividendpaying companies were In demand, with Randfontein at 225. 6d Daggafontein gained Is. 6d. at 80s., says Renter's financal
    423 words
  • 844 10 From Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Friday. TINS remained quiet on the local share market today, with a small volume oi 1 business passing at the lower levels. Robinson's and United Engineers wen again the chief features m the Industrials section. Quotations given by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association
    844 words
  • 161 10 Rubber Falls 1/8-Ct. To 38 7/8 TOE local rubber market eased by one eighth of a cent yesterday. It held up reasonably well considering the falling-off m other markets. The news that Malayan shipments for February were down by 10,086 tons, at 76,774 tons, also had a steadying effect on
    161 words
  • 234 10 From A Market Correspondent SAGO flour came into demand again yesterday on the Singapore produce markets. The good stock position did not, however, warrant an increase m quotations. The outlook on the corpra market was slightly better with the enforcement of restrictions on re-exports
    234 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 702 10 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. t incorporated m Singapore) BLUB FUNNEL LINE SAILINGS FROM O X AND U.S. A. Tene Mtf from UJL Gdn. 4» "Mrnr.thrt' tie from U X Mar. 6 "'inroj" Dnt from U.K Mar. 14 "Air i nous* Dne from USA Mar. 21 SAILINGS FOR LIVERPOOL GLASGOW AND CONTINENTAI
      702 words
    • 162 10 PRESIDENT LINE SAILINGS TO NEW YORK AND BOSTON via INDIA EGYPT MEDITERRANEAN PORT* Fretcht Only MOUNT ROGERS Singapore GJ>. 3S/M P. Sham Arr. Mar. 1 Penang Mar. IS MARINE LEOPARD Singapore Arr. Mar. 22 Pt. Swett. Mar. 2* FURMAN VICTORY Singapore Mar. 23 Penang Mar. 29 LYKES ORIENT LINE fired
      162 words
    • 130 10 P. 0. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY "TREVAYLOR" Loads for GENOA. LONDON ai.d CONTINENTAL Porte tU LONDON and MARSEILLES and/or HAVRE, HAMBURG, ANTWERP and ROTTERDAM if sufficient inducement offers. Arrives Singapore 17th March. Sails Singapore 27th March. Arrives P. Swettenham 28th March. Sails P. Swettenham 31st March. Arrives Penang Ist April. ISLAY
      130 words
    • 695 10 ELLERMAN KLAVENESS BUCKNALL PACIFIC /ORTS LONDON BOUGAINVILLE A MTII7CDD S>O r P Shi Sails II Mar. 14 Mar IS Mar. "CITY OF KHARTOUM" ROSEVIIIe Due J Apr II U« Doe Singapore 1» Mar. I Sa|u 9 pr ,0, 0 i? Agent* McALISTER CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Sin^aoore' PHONE- 530P BOUSTEAD
      695 words

  • 381 11 England Behind By 187 Runs GEORGE 1H VN, British Guiana, Friday. IN reply to the West Indies score of 297 for 1 eight declared, England were able to total only 110 for nine wickets at the close of the second day's play m the third
    Reuter  -  381 words
  • 91 11 fTVHE Singapore Police are 1 starting their cricket season on March 27. They will play every Saturday and Sunday, starting at 2 p.m. on Saturdays and 11 a.m. on Sundays. The pitch has been re-laid, and the ground is m excellent condition. The Police have the services of
    91 words
  • 347 11 WEST INDIES Ist INNS. G. Carew b Cranston 17 J. Goddard b Allen 1 C. L. Walcott lbw b Cranston 11 R Christian] c Hardstaff b Tremlett 51 F. Worrell not out 131 G. Gomez c Evans b Cranston 36 E. Weckes b Cranston 36 E. A V. Williams
    347 words
  • 39 11 LONDON. Friday.— Guy's Hospital beat Middlesex Hospital by seven points to nil m the second round of the hospital's rugby cup yesterday and qualified to meet St. Mary's, the holders, m the final on March 24.— A.P.
    AP  -  39 words
  • 331 11 THE Straits Times racing correspondent, "Epsom Jeep," receives queries new and again from racegoers. Here are his replies to the latest batch: Two Racegoers, Seremban: The Straits Racing Association, like the Jockey Club m England, is the controlling body on the Malayan Turf and Is not open
    331 words
  • 172 11 R.I. 1st XI Defeated •THE Victoria School Ist. I XI did well to defeat the Raffles Institution's first team two-one at soccer on the R.I. ground yesterday. In the match between the second teams, however, Raffles Institution won convincingly by four goals to two. In the first game, between the
    172 words
  • 87 11 Entries are now invited from Singapore amateur weightlifters who aim to represent the Singapore Chinese m the coming allMalayan Chinese amateur weightlifting competition, the date and venue of which will be announced later. If there are more than two tatries m any one class, an eleminatkm contest will
    87 words
  • 34 11 TOLEDO, Ohio. Friday.— The welterweight champion, Ray ("Sugar") Robinson, won 9 unanimous ten-round decision over Ossie Harris m a non-title bout last night. Robinson weighed 152 ID. and Harris 157 lb.— A.P.
    AP  -  34 words
  • 31 11 The Malayan Chinese Organising Committee for the China Olympic Games will hold a meeting at the Ooh Loo Clut (70-1. Club Street), Singapore, on Tuesday at 5 p.m.
    31 words
  • 392 11 riE Singapore cricket season will be m full swing this week-end. Besides the clash of the padang clubs (S.C.C. and S.R.C.) several other interclub games have been arranged. The following will represent the Singapore Clarke Rangers at cricket against the C.V.M.A. (0.L.L.) at St. Georges Road today at
    392 words
  • Article, Illustration
    21 11 Mr. N. Shaw, tying the Blue Riband of the coursing world on his dog, Noted Sunlight, after winning the Waterloo Cup.
    21 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 304 11 AMERICAN MAIL LINE FAST SERVICE To Los Angeles San Francisco. Portland Seattle Vancouver INDIA MAIL" loads mid. April ISLAND MAIL w mid. May For Freight ft passage please apply to:— ftgMts:- GUTHRIE CO., LTD. Pbone 5131 EVERETT ORIENT LINE For Hongkong Shanghai m/s Costal Buccaneer Bth March For Hongkong, Swatow,
      304 words
    • 261 11 p— ACCLAIMED THE MOST UPROARIOUS *f» comedy! lllglwSlkkfatl iiZJr A WIGHT Ml MXmos tmtm Ticklishly Released Thru* U. Artists 5 TIMES TODAY 11 a.m.. 2 p.m.. 4.15 p.m.. 6.30 and 9.15 p.m [^LAVISH MIDNIGHT TONIGHT 1 IN 2O YEARS NO SUCH TREAT FOR YOUR EYES AND EARS! liylOUMlSIHUfii JIB MBpfc.THE
      261 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 108 11 RADIO MALAYA (S'POHE) 1 p.m. Radio Orchestra; 1.45 Dane* Music; 2.00 Light Orchestra; 2.30 Cowboy Songs; 3.00 Merry-Oo- Round; 3. SO Music of the Peoples, 4.00 My Song For You; 4.15 Tea Dance; 5.00 Sports Hour; 6.00 Close 8.16 News. Announcements; 8.30 Sports RoundUp; 8.30 Remember These? 9.00 Bert Sellers;
      108 words
    • 123 11 "It goes to Show;" 7.45 Accordeon Music; 8.00 Detective Serial; 8. 45 Paul Adam Music: 9-15 Short Story; 9.30 Radio Newsreel; 9.45 BBC Widland Tight Orchestra 10.45 Sport Commentaries RADIO 8BAC 8 a m Music 8 45 Morning Star; 9.00 BBC Symphony Concert; 9.45 BBC Variety; 10.15 Nothing Bjt Music;
      123 words
    • 147 11 RADIO A 'JSTIC .1 -A Two Su 30 a.M. Hits from the k >« >.4> Music for Millions; 10 00 V r:ety Bandbox; 10.10 Requests. 1C 4C Andre Kostelanetz Orch.; 10 45 (bongs ficm the Shows; 11 Concerto in D. Minor for Violin te Oroh. by Schumann; 11.30 Cloae. 4
      147 words

  • 1196 12 BELOW is the card for today's Penang races. The Big Sweep will be drawn on race nine. There will be no Double Tote. Race 1—2.15: Second Griffin H'cap— sj/,F. VaL $1,800 i CATHERINE 10.01 "Fremantle Stable" Lewis -20 OUR HOPE 9.01 Capt. R. Mcßae Pattie Pattie 0
    1,196 words
  • 674 12  - 3 HORSES TIPPED FOR DOUBLES Gentles To Ride Firentaster EPSOM JEEP By PENANG, Friday. CIREMASTER, belonging to Levee Kongsi," is likely to complete a hat-trick tomorrow, the last day of the Penang Turf Club Leap Year Meeting. The Rabbi gelding has shown immense improvement since his maiden victory over the
    674 words
  • 270 12 Today RIOBY: Soot land t. Ireland and The Rest, Jalan Be*ar Stadium. 5 p.m. SOCCER: S.C.F.A Interdistrict League. "B" Naval Base v. Bras Basah Road, Geylang Stadium, 4 p.m..; "A," Lor. 17, Geylang. v. Jalan Sultan. Geylang Stadium, 5 p.m. Shell B.C. v. Johore English College, in Johore
    270 words
  • 43 12 FINAL hints for today's races by the Straits Times racing correspondent, "Epsom Jeep", will appear m today's Singaoore Free Press. "Epsom Jeep" will indicate the latest state of the going and the horses most fancied on the coarse this morning.
    43 words
  • 281 12 PROBABLE jockeys for today's Penang races are: Race 1: Catherine (Flannery); Our Hope (Harper); Sir James (Tankard); Baroness (Lawler); Effingham (Tait): Batti II (Spencer); First Watch (not fixed). Race 2: Cowley (Manickam); Golden Gate (Ellery); Te Taki Dawson); First In (Tankard); Jinx (Mat) Ling Soo (Tait) Locus Standi
    281 words
  • 194 12 LONDON, Friday. RECENT developments m Czechoslovakia may have upset the itinerary for England's short soccer tour of the Continent to be made at the end of the present season. England were due to open their tour with an international against Czechoslovakia m Prague on May
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 170 12 "EPSOM JEEP" -TRESPASSER" "POINTER" 1. CATHERINE CATHERINE CATHERINE RACE 1 2. Baronet* Baroness Baronets LTE TAJU GOLDEN GATE RAPSEY QUEEN RACE t 2. Jaunty Warrior's Call First In S. Golden Gate Rapsey Queen Golden Gate 1. FAIR WEEK FAIR WEEK FAIR WEEK RACE I 2. Desert King
    170 words
  • 291 12 A MORE seasoned player, Robert Chia outclassed Dr. Chan Ah Kow to win 6—l,6 1, 6—o6 0 m their singles tie m the Singapore Lawn Tennis Association's indoor championships played at the Happy World Stadium last night. Chia's forehand drives time and again left Chan
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  • 179 12 Today s Cup Replay LONDON, Friday. IF the unexpected does happen and Queen's Park Rangers, last of the "giant killers," beat Derby County m their cup replay tomorrow, their right half, Ivor Powell, will play m a 60-minute cup-tie, a semifinal and an internationai match all within eight days. He
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 138 12 THE Useful Badminton Party, Singapore, will celebrate its 16th. anniversary with a dinner at 11. St. Michael's Road, tomorrow at 8 p.m. The party's annuqj general meeting will precede the dinner. Prizes for the winners of the Party's 1&47 badminton championships will be distributed by Mrs. Poh,
    138 words
  • 338 12 DJV. I LEAGUE SOCCER SHOWING marked improvement since last season, the Singapore Cricket Club's soccer team gave plucky display against the Rovers in yesterday's First Division League match nn the nadanpv The Rovers won fourtwo, but were fully extended by the Club, who played fast,
    338 words
  • 162 12 •TiHE Singapore Cricket Club's X teams for their cricket matches this week-end an Versus Indian Association "A" on the Padang today at 2 p.m.: H. B. Noon (capt.) J. H. Wheeler, N. Bradbury, P. M. Evans. Major D. B. Haig, H. V. Thome, P. W. Dockrill, J. H.
    162 words
  • 30 12 LONDON. Friday. The Davis Cup first round match between Great Britain and India will be played on hard courts at Harrogate. Yorkshire, on April 22. 23 and 34.
    30 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 374 12 CLASSIFIED ADS. (Continued from oa«e 6) WANTFR TO PURCHASE N'TED to purchase a few acres of vacant land in Holland Rd or Tantrlin area. Box No. A2118. ST WANTKD to compound house in Tanglin District with vacant possession at least 4 bedroom* with bathroom attached. !Wdern sanitation Within $100,000
      374 words
    • 256 12 HA PP V J^k TO-NIGHT \A# QR I H >Wb* Introducing the latrct ww X^i 1 World Class Italian y"*^^^ Champion Spy leon Super Wrestling! labriola; Mist arrived Us. jjk by the Show At 9 P-^ ImM X Goigon" He fought J\ lim Londos H Twire! V M\ Q He
      256 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous